Honor Roll of Giving - 2010 - 2011
Honor Roll of Giving - 2010 - 2011
Honor Roll of Giving 2010-2011 The Honor Roll of Giving is an annual publication paying tribute to the many generous alumni, friends and organizations that support the mission of the University of Pikeville. The following lists reflect gifts made from July 1, 2010, to June 30, 2011. Gifts made since that time will be credited to the 2011-2012 fiscal year. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this report is accurate. We apologize for any errors or omissions. Please report any corrections to the Office of Development by calling 606-218-5276 or emailing development@upike.edu. The University of Pikeville offers an outstanding liberal arts education with 24 majors, six preprofessional programs and two graduate programs, including a Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) and a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree (D.O.) from the College of Osteopathic Medicine. Founded in 1889 by Presbyterians who wanted to provide a quality education for the “youth of the mountains,” Pikeville is the only four-year accredited liberal arts college in a 10-county region. Located in Kentucky’s easternmost county, the university is uniquely positioned to serve students from Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio, Virginia and West Virginia. More than 70 percent of Pikeville’s student body is from the Appalachian region and 48 percent of the undergraduate students are the first in their families to pursue a higher education. University of Pikeville makes it possible for students from our region to pursue the dream of a higher education while staying close to their families, homes, and communities. Pikeville currently serves an undergraduate enrollment of more than 1,200 with an additional 300 students in the Kentucky College of Osteopathic Medicine. As the university continues to grow and expand, evolving to meet the needs of the region, Pikeville remains dedicated to its original mission of providing opportunities for the “youth of the mountains” to obtain a quality education in a supportive environment. Many students are not able to afford the full cost of higher education, so Pikeville – through the generosity of its donors – does all it can to assist them with achieving their educational goals. This academic year, the university awarded more than $6.5 million in scholarships, financial assistance, and work study, which made it possible for many students who may not have otherwise been financially able to pursue the dream of higher education. University of Pikeville is helping people help themselves and gain independence through the power of education. We would like to say “Thank You!” to the thousands of alumni and friends who make it possible year after year for the University of Pikeville to serve the youth of the mountains. Honor Roll of Giving Lifetime Giving Societies Lifetime Giving 1,000,000+ Society: Lifetime Giving 100,000+ Society: James F. Record Society: Dr. David Blythe Legacy Society: $1,000,000+ $100,000+ $10,000+ Estate/Wills Lifetime Donations Lifetime Giving 1,000,000+ Society (as of June 2011) Anonymous Association of Independent Kentucky Colleges & Universities William B. (‘38J) & Ann Bevins Alex E. & Permele* Booth, Jr. Grace W. Call Estate Norman A. Chrisman, Jr. (‘41A, ‘42J) Burlin & Jean (‘50J, ‘62) Coleman John B. Dupuy (‘38J)* Elizabeth A. Elliott Trust James H. Harless James Graham Brown Foundation Ralph E. Mills Fdn. Mountain Enterprises, Inc. Musselman Hotels II, LLC Gov. Paul E. & Judi J. (‘60) Patton G. Chad* & Julianne Perry, III Pikeville Medical Center Colonel Harland Sanders Trust Lifetime Giving 100,000+ Society (as of June 2011) The Frank Allara Family Association of Independent Kentucky Colleges & Universities American Electric Power Anonymous Appalachian Regional Commission Arch Coal AT&T Robert W. Auxier Trust George (‘52J) & Lena (‘52J)* Bailey Charles J. & Kitty (‘64) Baird John Hammond (‘68) & Jayne E. (‘87) Baird William J.* & Florane (‘36A, ‘37J)* Baird, II William J. (‘66) & Katheryn R. (‘66) Baird, III Bank One-Pikeville BB&T Berwind Corporation William B. (‘38J) & Ann Bevins Alex E. & Permele* Booth, Jr. James H. & Linda Booth James R. & Elise Boyd Bruce Walters Ford Sales, Inc. Grace W. Call Estate CAM Mining LLC Carnahan-Jackson Foundation Central Kentucky Asphalt Chatlos Foundation, Inc. Charles B. (‘39A, ‘41J)* & Ruth P. Chrisman Norman A. Chrisman, Jr. (‘41A, ‘42J) Christian Appalachian Project Clayton M. & Eleanor Cline Bruce C. & Ruth Clinesmith Burlin & Jean (‘50J, ‘62) Coleman Cotiga Development Co. Joseph W. Craft, III Foundation CSX Transportation Inc. Terry L. (‘72) & Judith Dotson Dunspaugh-Dalton Foundation John B. Dupuy (‘38J)* East Kentucky Beverage Co. Elizabeth A. Elliott Trust Emily-Virginia Memorial Fdn. E.O. Robinson Mountain Fund Exxon Mobil Foundation First Presbyterian Church of Pikeville, KY Charles A. Frueauff Foundation Charles M. Fullgraf Charles & Charlotte Fullgraf Trust Paul R. (‘96) & Elaine Gearheart The Gheens Foundation James H. Harless Drs. Greg & Kay Hazelett William Randolph Hearst Fdn. Highlands Regional Hospital Investors Independent Trust Co. James Graham Brown Foundation James M. Johnston Trust Jones Family Fund Frank & Mattie (‘66) Justice Frank & Mattie Justice Fdn. Kinhag Development Company J.W. & Lucy Kinzer Kinzer Drilling Massey Foundation May & Stanley Smith Trust Charles R. & Charlene McNamee Ralph E. Mills Fdn. Mountain Enterprises, Inc. Theodora C. Mrusek Trust Musselman Hotels II, LLC Natural Resource Partners L.P. Charlotte W. Newcombe Fdn. Norfolk Southern Foundation Gov. Paul E. & Judi (‘60) Patton G. Chad* & Julianne Perry, III Pikeville Medical Center Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Procter & Gamble Fund Thomas B. (‘44A, ‘48J) & Myrtle Ratliff Lon Brown* & Mary Evelyn* Rogers Rogers Educational Trust Mary Evelyn Rogers Estate Colonel Harland Sanders Trust Charles E. Schell Foundation Second Presbyterian Church of Lexington, KY Harold (‘51J) & Jean K. (‘49A, ‘51J) Shockey Leonard D.* & Elizabeth Martin Slutz Southern Club of Pittsburgh Gary A. (‘71) & Kathy C. (‘87) Spears Speedway & Ashland Inc. Lois Jean Stratton Louise M. Stratton Unitrust William B. & Eloise* Sturgill Synod of Living Waters Teagle Foundation US Bank Wachovia Bank, N.A. George F. Walker* Helen Elizabeth Walker (‘10)* Judith Walters (‘18A)* Robert* & Betty Hatcher (‘36A, ‘37J, ‘59)* Weddle Wells Fargo Foundation Worldwide Equipment, Inc. James F. Record Heritage Society Lifetime Giving of $10,000+ (as of June 2011) Abbott Laboratories Fund Acordia of Kentucky Adams Construction Corporation Margaret B. Adams Estate AEI Pike County Division The Frank Allara Family Association of Independent Kentucky Colleges & Universities George I. Alden Trust David & Susan J. Aldrich Alert Oil and Gas Alpha Natural Resources American Electric Power Andrews Foundation Anonymous Anthem-Blue Cross/Blue Shield Appalachian Regional Commission Appalachian Regional Healthcare Appalachian Wireless Aramark Corporation Arch Coal ArvinMeritor Inc. Associates First Capital Corp. Asthma Allergy Center AT&T Robert W. (‘23A)* & Juanita* Auxier Robert W. Auxier Trust Robert C. & Judith Ayotte Rev. Victor L. & Mary Baer, D.D. Frank A. (‘60) & Gail R. (‘60) Bailey George (‘52J) & Lena (‘52J)* Bailey Georgia Muncy Bailey Estate Benny Ray (‘66) & Nikki Bailey Andrew & Amy Baird Charles J. & Kitty (‘64) Baird Florane Justice Baird Estate John Hammond (‘68) & Jayne E. (‘87) Baird William J.* & Florane (‘36A, ‘37J)* Baird, II William J. (‘66) & Katheryn R. (‘66) Baird, III Eugene M. Bane, Sr. Estate Bank One of Pikeville Central Kentucky Asphalt Lillie D. Chaffin Estate Dr. Herbert (‘47A, ‘49J) & Virginia Chaney Dr. James D. (‘01M) & Marada (‘98) Chaney Chatlos Foundation, Inc. Chevron Texaco Don (‘52J) & Peggy Childers Childers & Venters Charles B. (‘39A, ‘41J)* & Ruth P. Chrisman Charles B. & Sharon Chrisman, Jr. Norman A. Chrisman, Jr. (‘41A, ‘42J) Christian Appalachian Project Citizens National Bank Clark Elkhorn Coal Company Clayton Family Foundation Rhoda Jane Claytor (‘34A) Clayton M. & Eleanor Cline Food City CEO Steve Smith, center, presents University of Pikeville President Paul Patton with a check for $75,000. The gift supports the Kentucky College of Osteopathic Medicine’s new education facility and expanded clinical skills center. Pictured, from left, Jamie Vaughn, district manager, Johnny Cecil, executive vice president of store operations, Smith, Patton and James Hurley, vice president at the University of Pikeville. Carl B. (‘66) & Marsha K. (‘70) Banks Bruce D. & Gail Barrington Don R. (‘47J) & Donna Batten Dr. David R. & Ruth Bayless Bayonet Mining Company BB&T Beech Fork Processing, Inc. Father Ralph W. Beiting BellSouth Foundation Vernon G. & Nancy Berkey Berwind Corporation Gertrude M. Bestebreurtje* Dr. William T. & Cheryl Betz South C. Bevins (‘48A, ‘50J) William B. (‘38J) & Ann Bevins Big Sandy Company, L.P. Bizzack, Inc. Walter (‘42J) & Grace Blankenship Nancy Blazer Gordon & Ardella Bonfield Alex E. & Permele* Booth, Jr. James H. & Linda Booth James R. & Elise Boyd Raymond & Clara Bradbury Gary A. (‘76) & Sharon Branham Branham & Baker Coal Co., Inc. Louise Brashear Estate James A. & Martha Brown James Graham Brown Foundation Peggy Jeree Brown (‘64)* Brown & Williamson Tobacco Dr. Ben Browning (‘02M ) Dr. Boyd R. & Pam Buser Drs. John & Nancy Cade Grace W. Call Estate CAM Mining LLC Dr. Wallace & Jane Campbell Campbell Oil & Mine Supply Inc Carbon Industries, Inc. Carnahan-Jackson Foundation Carrington Laboratories, Inc. Ballard W. & Marcia (‘80) Cassady, Jr. Dr. Ballard W. (‘40A)* & Ann Cassady (Class year is listed after each individual / A: Academy, J: Junior College, M: Medical School) (* = Individual is Deceased) 2010-2011 | University of Pikeville Honor Roll of Giving | 1 Bruce C.* & Ruth Clinesmith Bruce Clinesmith Trust Jewell Smokeless Coal Corp. Coal Operators & Associates Coalburg Enterprises, Inc. Coalfields Telephone Company Coal-Mac, Inc. Coca-Cola Bottling Company Autheilia Coleman (‘32J)* Burlin & Jean (‘50J, ‘62) Coleman Coleman Oil Company Autheilia P. Coleman Estate T.T. Colley Teddy Colley (‘71) Don & Leslie A. Combs Elizabeth Combs* Robert P. Comb Commonwealth Building & Construction Commonwealth Life Insurance Terry F. (‘88) & Lucretia Conley Consolidation Coal Company Caleb B. Cooley Nick A. Cooley John C. Cornett Fred M. Corum* Cotiga Development Co. Ruth Cox Joseph W. Craft, III Foundation Cralle Foundation, Inc. Crosset Family Fund CSX Transportation Inc. Cummins Engine Foundation Czar Coal Corporation Dakota Enterprises Ron D. (‘68) & Shella L. (‘72) Damron Elizabeth Anne Davenport* Dawahares, Inc. Franklin Day Trust Drs. Arthur* & Linda Scott (‘62) DeRosier William M. (‘49J) & Rose Deskins Ernest & Joan M. Dewald Herman G. & Ruth Dotson Terry L. (‘72) & Judith Dotson Kentucky College of Osteopathic Medicine faculty and students hosted a day of fun activities to teach Pikeville Elementary School students about osteopathic medicine and help ease fears about doctor visists. The day included a teddy bear suture clinic, demontrations on how the human body works and information on good nutrition, first-aid and safety. Dunspaugh-Dalton Foundation John B. Dupuy (‘38J)* Dynabody Fitness Equipment East Kentucky Beverage Co. East KY Power Cooperative Eastern Telephone Co. Economy Drug Company Janet S. Elder The Elite Agency, Inc. Elizabeth A. Elliott Trust Elliott Companies Della Elliott Estate Elsie and Harry Baumker Fdn. Emily A. Faure Estate Emily-Virginia Memorial Fdn. James D. (‘70) & Michelle H. (‘71) England E.O. Robinson Mountain Fund EQT Foundation EQT Production Company Equitable Life Assur. Society Dr. Lois Parsons Esham (‘63) Jane C. Evans Exxon Mobil Foundation First Presbyterian Church of Birmingham, MI First Presbyterian Church of Charlottesville, VA First Presbyterian Church of Flint, MI First Presbyterian Church of Ft. Lauderdale, FL First Presbyterian Church of Lake Forest, IL First Presbyterian Church of Middletown, OH First Presbyterian Church of Pikeville, KY First Presbyterian Church of Waterloo, IA First Presbyterian Woman’s Association of Pikeville, KY Ford Motor Company Fund Fox Chapel Presbyterian Church Charles A. Frueauff Foundation Charles M.* & Charlotte* Fullgraf Charles & Charlotte Fullgraf Trust H.E. & Anne Gardner, Jr. Elizabeth R. Gaupp Revocable Trust James Gaupp Family Trust GE Capital Paul R. (‘96) & Elaine Gearheart The Gheens Foundation Marylon Rogers Glass Ronald K. (‘48A, ‘57) & Susan H. Gooslin William Goudy* Graham Memorial Presbyterian The Greater Cincinnati Fdn. George W. (‘74) & Jeanette Greene Edward* & Edith Grigg Dorothy Haden-Guest* Gene B. Hale* Jean Hale (‘68) Dr. Ronald D. & Jessica Hall Halliburton Foundation James J. Hamilton (‘47J)* James H. Harless Walter S. (‘41J)* & Nora E. Harmon Ross Harris* Annette Scott Hatcher (‘34A)* Bethel V. Hatfield (‘38J)* Hawkins Coal Company Drs. Greg & Kay Hazelett William Randolph Hearst Fdn. Hefner’s Jewelry James E. Hellier Trust Highlands Regional Hospital Doug (‘53J) & Judith W. (‘52A, ‘62) Hinkle Hughes H. Hobbs Estate Louise Hodges Estate Honorable Order of Ky Colonels Nell Howell Estate Dr. Embrey B.* & Janet Howson Eloise Hughes (‘47J) James L. (‘99) & Tina L. (‘99) Hurley Everette Hurt Estate Huston Foundation Independent Presbyterian Church Fdn. Intel Corporation Interstate Natural Gas Company Investors Independent Trust Company Frank J. & Mabel Irvine Jefferson Coal Company Jet Coal Company Jno. C.C. Mayo Co., Inc. Gary C. & Anita (‘72) Johnson Charles Robert Johnson (‘37A)* Earl Gene (‘54J) & Carol Johnson Hobart Clay Johnson (‘65) James M. Johnston Trust Jones Family Fund Frank & Mattie (‘66) Justice Frank & Mattie Justice Fdn Dr. W. Hubert (‘67) & Sally (‘69) Keen Kellogg Company/Mountaintop Baking Kentucky Berwind Land Company Kentucky Mountain Club Inc. Kentucky Social Welfare Fdn. Kenneth Hobart (‘68) & Gerri T. (‘68) Kinder Kinhag Development Company J.W. & Lucy Kinzer Kinzer Drilling Kirk in the Hills Vaughn R. & Joyce Knapp John S. & James L. Knight Fdn. Dr. Gordon J. Korby Drs. Muniramiah* & Ambika J. (‘04M) Krishnamurthy K-VA-T Food Stores, Inc (Food City) KY River Properties LLC Fred R. Langley Dr. David Henry & Elva Leech Marian Lesher Estate Gene Porter (‘58) & Loretta Leslie Ruth Linton* Long Fork Development, Inc. Irvin Lowe (‘14A)* Dr. Roger & Celia Lubbers Joseph H. Lyons (‘67) Robert Scott & Linda Madden Madeira Silverwood Presbyterian Church Gaynelle Malesky* Lawrence& Opal N Maletta Trust William P. Malone Marco Mine Supply, Inc. Mars Foundation Daniel Martin Bequest Julius C. (‘61) & Mary Rose Martin Martin County Coal Corporation Massey Foundation Maxwell Street Presbyterian Church May & Stanley Smith Trust Durward W. Maynard Estate Elizabeth Mays Estate Carol L. McCoy McCoy Elkhorn Coal Corp. The McGlothlin Foundation Richardson McKinney Charles R. & Charlene McNamee Mary Anne McNamee (‘69) Ralph E. Mills Fdn. Marjorie S. Moore* Dr. John (‘50J, ‘78) & Georgene (‘54J) Morris Mountain Enterprises, Inc. Mount Washington Presbyterian Women Theodora C. Mrusek Trust Stella M. Mullins W.K.* & Laura Mullins Dr. Theodore W. Munns* Dr. Tamara L. Musgrave Florence B. Music (‘36J)* Musselman Hotels II, LLC George W. Nagel Nassau Presbyterian Church National Science Council Natural Resource Partners L.P. Lydia Nepper Charlotte W. Newcombe Fdn. Dr. Charles G. Nichols Norfolk Southern Foundation Northminster Pres. Church Robert* & Estelle Olson Orchard Park Presbyterian Church William H. & Jackie Owens Roger (‘53J) & Mary Nell (‘48J) Padron Jack Page (‘43A, ‘45J)* Roy M. & Kathleen S. Palk Lynn & Jessica Parrish Gov. Paul E. & Judi (‘60) Patton Paul B Hall Regional Medical Center G. Chad* & Julianne Perry, III Pike Co. Area Coal Exposition Pike Co. Historical Society Pikeville Medical Center The Pittsburgh Foundation Dr. Harold E. & Martha R. Plaster, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. William Plaster Hobert E. (‘54J)* & Joan (‘54J) Potter Reed* & Lorene Potter, Sr. Presbyterian Church of Bowling Green, KY Presbyterian Church of Sewickley, PA Presbyterian Church of Wyoming Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) The Presbyterian Church of Danville, KY Presbyterian Church U.S.A. Fdn John & Aliese Price Foundation Prime Assets, Inc. Procter & Gamble Fund Fae W. Ramsey* G. Frank Ramsey (‘73) William N. & Sandra H. (‘74) Ramsey, Jr. William N.* & Joyce Ramsey, Sr. Ramsey Enterprises Clifton J. & Nella A. (‘47J) Ratliff Thomas B. (‘44A, ‘48J) & Myrtle Ratliff Rax Restaurant Phyllis Reed Marshall & Shirley Reynolds Martha Y. Ridenour (‘48A) Richard D. & Virginia Rivers Howard V. Roberts (‘78) Violet Roberts* Fon (‘70) & Rosella Rogers, II Lon Brown* & Mary Evelyn* Rogers Rogers Educational Trust Rogers Petroleum Services, Inc Mary Evelyn Rogers Estate The Rotary Club of Pikeville Snowden & Marianne Rowe Ruth T. Caldwell Estate (Class year is listed after each individual / A: Academy, J: Junior College, M: Medical School) (* = Individual is Deceased) 2010-2011 | University of Pikeville Honor Roll of Giving | 2 Colonel Harland Sanders Trust Charles E. Schell Foundation Schering Sales Corporation Frances W. Scott* Second Presbyterian Church of Lexington, KY Second Presbyterian Church of Louisville, KY Seventh Presbyterian Church of Cincinnati, OH Deleon & Jean B. (‘44J) Shepherd Sherwin-Williams Foundation Harold (‘51J) & Jean K. (‘49A, ‘51J) Shockey Shriner’s Hillbilly Clan No. 1 Sidney Coal Company, Inc. Leonard D.* & Elizabeth Martin Slutz Elizabeth D. Smith (‘42A)* Harold H. & Karen Smith Regald Smith Willie James Smith (‘43J)* Smith Fastener Co., Inc. Smith, Atkins, & Thompson, PLLC Thomas Benton Smith Estate Djien (‘92) & Dr. Leonor P. (‘95) So Dr. Katherine K. Sohn Dr. Mark Sohn Southern Club of Pittsburgh Dr. Robert B. (‘62) & Carol Sparks Charles E. Spears (‘37J)* Gary Allen (‘71) & Kathy C. (‘87) Spears Speedway & Ashland Inc. Daniel P. & Muriel A. (‘00) Stratton David C. (‘73) & Donna Stratton Lois Jean Stratton Louise M. Stratton (‘32A)* Louise M. Stratton Unitrust Teresa Louise Stratton P. B. Stratton Partnership Dr. John A.* & Jo Ann Strosnider Richard A. & Tracie Sturgill William B. & Eloise* Sturgill Suddenlink William A. Sullivan (‘37A, ‘39J) Summit Engineering, Inc. Donald K. (‘56J) & Carol Swiney Synod of Living Waters Talent Alliance Institute Teagle Foundation TECO Coal Texas Gas Transmission Larry Thacker (‘71) TLD Properties Toyota Motor Manufacturing, KY Phyllis C. Tufts Dr. Carlton E. & Mary Ann (‘70) Turner UPS Foundation US Bank Stuart & Jeanne Vance Edith Mae VanHoose (‘36J)* Charles G. Varney (‘40J) Vencor Incorporated Betsy K. Venters* Veolia Water Verizon Foundation Wachovia Bank, N.A. Jerry P. Waddell (‘76)* George F. Walker* Helen Elizabeth Walker (‘10)* Thelma Thomas Wall (‘34J) Don & Terri Lee (‘74) Wallen Harlan Walls* Bruce Walters Ford Sales, Inc. Judith Walters (‘18A)* Walters Toyota Dorothy J. Ward (‘49A, ‘74) Wayne Presbyterian Church Harry J. Weaks* Dr. Bill A. (‘02M) & Karen Webb Robert* & Betty Hatcher (‘36A, ‘37J, ‘59)* Weddle Betty H. Weddle Estate Alonzo H. Wellman, Jr. (‘35J)* Wells Fargo Foundation Bennett West (‘73) Whayne Supply Co. Gary G. & Jo Ann White Janette Whitman South (‘41A) & Jill (‘45A)* Whitt Harvie & Nellie Wilkinson John Brooks Williams Michael Williamson (‘54A, ‘58) Winn-Dixie Louisville, Inc. Mary L. Wood* Worldwide Equipment, Inc. Dr. J. W. & Anne J. (‘49A, ‘51J) Worthington Genevieve Wright Estate David A. & Louise Zegeer Dr. David Blythe Legacy Society Individuals who have placed us in their estates/wills (as of June 2011) James W. Adams Margaret B. Adams* George I. Alden Anonymous Everett & Elea Armington Mildred Auxier* Robert W. Auxier* George Bailey Georgia Muncy Bailey* Florane Justice Baird* Evelyn* & Elizabeth* Baker Eugene M. Bank, Sr.* Jerry and Sandra Bedacht Mary E. Bensey* Joyce E. Blake Phillip Michael Blake Roy David Bogar Louise Bonsett Alex E. Booth Louise Brashear* Mary Catherine Brown* Ruth T. Caldwell* Ample S. Calhoun* Grace W. Call* Lillie D. Chaffin* John B. Childers* Norman A. Chrisman, Jr. Bruce Clinesmith* Autheilia P. Coleman* Mary C. Coleman Terry F. & Lucretia Conley Troy Cook* Jane Cummings Sarah Ernst Darnall Elizabeth Davenport* Franklin Day* Elizabeth B. Dulin* Della Elliott Elizabeth A. Elliott* Emily A. Faure* Charles* & Charlotte* Fullgraf Elizabeth R. Gaupp* James L. Gaupp* Ruby W. Glunt Ina W. Goldman* Jane R. Griffie* Dorothy Haden-Guest James Harless Helen Hartman* James E. Hellier* Lois I. Henkle* Hughes H. Hobbs* Louise Hodges* Nell Howell* Virgil Hunt* Everette Hurt* Frank L. Irvine Claude & Frances James Thelma Johnson Walter L. Lamb Sr.* Dr. Brigitte LaPresto Craig LaPresto Marian Lesher* James and Florence Lockhart Lawrence* & Opal Nell Stephens* Maletta Harvey G. and Eleanore R. Marcy Daniel Martin* Martha Martin Durward W. Maynard* Elizabeth Mays* Richard McKinney Heston Milligan* Theodora C. Mrusek* William and Laura Mullins Mary Abigail O’Daniels* Patton Family Rita Patton Mrs. J. Williard Matz Bristol Pavilion* Ernest G. Peterson Carmen L. Ratliff* Boyd F. Reed* Phyllis Reed Violet M. Roberts* Lon Brown Rogers* Mary Evelyn Rogers* Mildred Rose Colonel Harland Sanders* Geraldine Shaffer Barbara Smallwood Thomas Benton Smith* Louise M. Stratton* Leah D. Tackett* Henry M. Tenny George T. Trent* Betty H. Weddle* Lillian H. White* Dr. E. P. Wright* Genevieve Wright* Dr. John M. Zieler Annual Giving Clubs & Societies The “99” Club: Up to $99 Century Club: $100-$249 Friends Club: $250-$499 UPIKE Club: $500-$999 President’s Club: $1,000-$4,999 Trustee Club: $5,000-$9,999 New James F. Record Society: $10,000+ New $100,000+ Society: $100.000+ Annual Donations Given July 2010 to June 2011 New $100,000+ Society A gift of $100,000 or greater (July 2010 to June 2011) American Electric Power Anonymous Appalachian Regional Commission James H. & Linda Booth Clayton M. & Eleanor Cline Burlin & Jean (‘50J, ‘62) Coleman Elizabeth A. Elliott Trust Charles & Charlotte Fullgraf Trust James Graham Brown Foundation Joseph W. Craft, III Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation Worldwide Equipment New James F. Record Heritage Society A gift of $10,000 or greater (July 2010 to June 2011) American Electric Power Anonymous Appalachian Regional Commission Arch Coal Georgia Muncy Bailey Estate Florane Justice Baird Estate William J. (‘66) & Katheryn R. (‘66) Baird, III James H. & Linda Booth James R. & Elise Boyd Drs. John & Nancy Cade Norman A. Chrisman, Jr. (‘41A, ‘42J) Clayton M. & Eleanor Cline Bruce Clinesmith Trust Burlin & Jean (‘50J, ‘62) Coleman Elizabeth A. Elliott Trust EO Robinson Mountain Fund EQT Foundation Charles & Charlotte Fullgraf Trust GE Capital The Gheens Foundation Marylon Rogers Glass Dr. Ronald D. & Jessica Hall Drs. Greg & Kay Hazelett James Graham Brown Foundation Jones Family Fund Joseph W. Craft, III Foundation K-VA-T Food Stores, Inc (Food City) KY River Properties LLC Massey Foundation Natural Resource Partners L.P. Lynn & Jessica Parrish Gov. Paul E. & Judi (‘60) Patton William N & Sandra H. (‘74) Ramsey, Jr. Dr. Robert B. (‘62) & Carol Sparks Lois Jean Stratton P. B. Stratton Partnership Richard A. & Tracie Sturgill William B. & Eloise* Sturgill TLD Properties US Bank Betty Hatcher Weddle (‘36A, ‘37J, ‘59) Betty H. Weddle Estate Wells Fargo Foundation Gary G. & Jo Ann White Worldwide Equipment Trustee Club A gift of $5,000 to $9,999 (July 2010 to June 2011) Association of Independent Kentucky Colleges & Universities Appalachian Wireless Robert C. & Judith Ayotte Eugene M. Bane, Sr. Estate Big Sandy Company - L.P. Scott Blevins Chatlos Foundation Don (‘52J) & Peggy Childers Citizens National Bank Coalfields Telephone Company Dr. Linda Scott DeRosier (‘62) East Kentucky Independent Oil & Gas George W. (‘74) & Jeanette Greene Jean Hale (‘68) Halliburton Foundation Mars Foundation Matrix Energy, LLC Gaynelle Morris Dr. Tamara L. Musgrave Dr. Harold E. & Martha R. Plaster, Jr. Reed & Misty R. (‘91) Potter, Jr. Quinco, Inc. Harold (‘51J) & Jean K. (‘49A, ‘51J) Shockey Smith Fastener Co., Inc. Daniel P. & Muriel A. (‘00) Stratton Jed W. (‘97) & Tracey Weinberg The Wellness Center of Pikeville Dr. J. W. & Anne J. (‘49A, ‘51J) Worthington President’s Club A gift of $1,000 to $4,999 (July 2010 to June 2011) AAOA Abbott Laboratories Fund Dimple Allara Alpha Natural Resources Anderson’s Landscaping Anonymous Aramark Corporation AT&T The Atlanta Christian Foundation George Bailey (‘52J) Andrew & Amy Baird Tiffany J. Baker (‘98) Carl B. (‘66) & Marsha K. (‘70) Banks Jeanne A. Barcelo Mitchell C. Barnes Don R. (‘47J) & Donna Batten Vernon G. & Nancy Berkey Dr. William T. & Cheryl Betz Dr. Ben Browning (‘02M) Dr. Boyd R. & Pam Buser Ballard W. & Marcia (‘80) Cassady, Jr. Chemical Sales & Consulting Childers & Venters Charles B. & Sharon Chrisman, Jr. Carrie Cinnamond Rhoda Jane Claytor (‘34A) Allen D. (‘51A)* & Patricia Cline, Jr. Jewell Smokeless Coal Corporation Coal Mining Our Future Coal Operators & Associates Codell Construction Company Gary & Sharon Collins Robert P. Combs (Class year is listed after each individual / A: Academy, J: Junior College, M: Medical School) (* = Individual is Deceased) 2010-2011 | University of Pikeville Honor Roll of Giving | 3 Combs Brothers Investments Creg Damron Furniture Ronald D. (‘68) & Shella L. (‘72) Damron Dawahares, Inc. DLM Construction Company Denny & Jean M. Dorton Eastern Telephone Company Dr. Norma J. (‘51J) & Bryan Edwards Janet S. Elder Elliott Companies Elliott Contracting, Inc. James D. (‘70) & Michelle H. (‘71) England Dr. Lois Parsons Esham (‘63) Fannin Enterprises, Inc. Dr. Michael R. Fisher Dr. James (‘98, ‘02M) & Lindsay (‘00) Hager W. Keith Hall (‘82) David (‘84) & Billie L. (‘89) Hefner James L. (‘99) & Tina L. (‘99) Hurley Tom Hutchison Hobart Clay Johnson (‘65) Donnie I. (‘89) & Michelle Jones Frank & Mattie (‘66) Justice Kent D. Thacker Insurance Raymond S. Kramer Dr. Ambika J. Krishnamurthy (‘04M) KYBC Land Corporation Joseph H. Lyons (‘67) M & M Gibson Farm Robert Scott & Linda Madden William P. Malone Julius C. (‘61) & Mary Rose Martin Marwood Land Company Dr. John A. & Becky Moore Mt. Washington Presbyterian Women Stella M. Mullins The National Christian Foundation Tinker Page (‘74) Roy M. & Kathleen S. Palk Paul B. Hall Regional Medical Center Pikeville Medical Center Premium Contracting The Preston Group Providence Church Daryl E. (‘60) & Alice F. (‘71) Ratliff Fon (‘70) & Rosella Rogers, II Rose Builders S & K Properties Sag Hollow Golf Course Second Presbyterian Church of Lexington, KY Deleon & Jean B. (‘44J) Shepherd Harold H. & Karen Smith Estate of Thomas Benton Smith Southern Club of Pittsburgh David C. (‘73) & Donna Stratton Terry L. Stratton William A. Sullivan (‘37A, ‘39J) Drs. Joel & Sandra Thornbury Drs. James & Diane VanCleave, Jr. Dr. R. Christopher & Sarah Watson Dr. Bill A. (‘02M) & Karen Webb Bennett West (‘73) Whayne Supply Michael Williamson (‘54A, ‘58) Wright Concrete & Construction UPIKE Club A gift of $500 to $999 (July 2010 to June 2011) Adams Construction John D. & Josephine Altstetter American Electric Power Anonymous William J. (‘92) & Natasha H. (‘07) Baird, IV Bank of Hindman Rick L. (‘77) & Valerie Bartley Big Sandy Company, L.P. Mark D. Botto Madge Walters Bush (‘69) Dr. Orville(‘43A, ‘46J) & Betty (‘46A) Clark, Jr. Jim Codell Dr. Wayne C. Cole Judge Steven D. & Teresa L. (‘80) Combs Creative Lighting & Bath Irvin Dotson Terry L. (‘72) & Judith Dotson East Kentucky Broadcasting First Baptist Church of Providence, KY First Presbyterian Woman’s Association of Pikeville, KY Fossil Coal Company Dr. Mary P. Fox Larry R. (‘67) & Karen Godwin Ronald K. (‘48A, ‘57) & Susan H. Gooslin Graham Memorial Presbyterian Highlands Foundation, Inc. Doug (‘53J) & Judith W.(‘52A, ‘62) Hinkle Eloise Hughes (‘47J) Billy (‘67) & Shirley (‘64) Justice Gary K. (‘97) & Katina Justice Dr. Randy & Marie Litman Jim Magazine Timothy B. & Therese A. Matthews Dr. Lela Maynard (‘84) Khristina A. Meissner William H. & Jackie Owens Mike & Cynthia L. Peffers Peking Restaurant Physicians for Children Procter Gamble Fund Diana W. Reid Jesse L. (‘00) & Rebekah Rudd, II Ryan & Ryan, Attorneys at Law Bob & Anna Lou Shurtleff Glen & Dr. Mary R. (‘84) Simpson Carmel (‘53J) & Joyce Spears William & Judith D. (‘63) Stone Summit Engineering, Inc. Kevin W. Tackett (‘98) Randall & Kim Taylor Texas Gas Transmission Velocity Market Dr. Stephen L. (‘94, ‘01M) & Tamie Walters Dorothy J. Ward (‘49A, ‘74) Vernon E. & Verna Weis Frank (‘57, ‘55J) & Geraldine (‘60) Welch Wells Fargo South (‘41A) Whitt Friends Club A gift of $250 to $499 (July 2010 to June 2011) William J. (‘68) & Jean Armstrong, III Dr. George (‘79) & Letha (‘79, ‘01) Bailey, II Frederick W. (‘55J) Carol H. (‘81) Baker Father Ralph W. Beiting Dr. Joseph W. (‘53J) & Kaye Black Phillip M. (‘92) & Joyce E. (‘91) Blake Walter (‘42J) & Grace Blankenship Danny & Harriet J. (‘93) Blanton Doris W. Braunworth (‘50A, ‘52J) Jack R. (‘50J) & Patricia (‘52J) Burchett Janet M. Campbell (‘68) Dr. Herbert (‘47A, ‘49J) & Virginia Chaney Basil Clark Ray (‘65) & Judy Collier, Jr. Randy (‘86) & Vickii Conley Terry F. (‘88) & Lucretia Conley Joanna Copley Gretchen Corum Durwood Lee (‘66) & Helen Counts Charles D. & Mary Curtiss Roger & Debbie Jones (‘81) Daugherty Dr. S. Michael Deatley Linda J. Dunatov Hobert (‘59) & Nadine (‘68) Dye East Kentucky Auto World Carolyn S. Edwards (‘57A, ‘70) Jim & Karen Evans Thomas (‘65) & Betty M. (‘65) Francisco Dr. Laura E. Griffin Dr. Charles M. & Phyllis S. Hanna, Jr. Jim & Charlotte Harris Dr. Tom E. (‘78) & Angela B. (‘81) Hartsock Dr. Thomas R. Hess Noah S. (‘66) & Bonnie (‘67) Hinton, Jr. Dr. Michael Holcomb Jigsaw Enterprises, LLC Joe’s Car Wash, Stanville J.W. Call & Son, Inc. James & Helen (‘88) Kirk Dr. Rachel Lynn Limmer (‘85) Kathy McCartney Dr. Rick A. (‘83) & Kathy A. McClellan Merrill Lynch Sue Milligan Denny (‘66) & Sharon Moore Rev. J. Michael (‘65) & Elaine Mullin Edward Nairn Dr. Jay & Kaushika Narola Drs. John & Shirley Nelson Lonnie Osborne Dr. Marie Parsons (‘64) Dr. Jordan M. Prendergast (‘06M) Drs. Brahmaji S. & Vijayalakshmi Puram John Paul (‘48J) & Joyce Runyon S & E Enterprise Dwayne & Lisa Scalf Ann E. Shoffner (‘49A) James M. & Janice M. Smiley Alvin & Faye Stinnett Paul & Anna C. (‘49J) Stratton Dr. Oscar & Pluma (‘47A, ‘49J) Thompson, Jr. Judge Michael (‘77) & Dreama (‘93) Thornsbury Estate of George T. Trent Dr. Ronald Varcak Weddington Dermatology Clinic Kelly & Shawne Wells Harvie & Nellie Wilkinson Oliver B. & Virginia K. (‘91) Williamson Lyn Riley Combs Teresa Louise Conaway (‘77) Lowell S. (‘54J) & Pauline (‘55J) Conley Emma Jo Conner Contract Highwall Mining, LLC Don Paul & Karla R. Corbin Gary & Rossalene M. (‘75) Cox Del Stiltner Dameron (‘74) Donley & Donna Damron Larry D. & Karen C. Damron Daughters of the American Revolution Eugene Welch (‘51J, ‘57) & Billie (‘65) Davis Gene D. (‘63) & Norma Davis Roger W. & Marcia Davis Harding & Gayle Dawahare Marilyn Dee Herbie & Kathy H. (‘82) Deskins Mr. Terry Deskins Lila H. Dole Phillip L. (‘59A) & Mary J. Hatcher General Walter T. Hatcher, III (‘59A) Betty H. Haynes H.C. & Sharon (‘55A) Haynes Dr. J. Shane (‘96) & Kelli J. (‘02) Hensley Thomas (‘66) & Mary Hereford, III Glema Faye Hickman (‘65) William Hickman Jonathan W. (‘60) & Loretta Hiers William J. (‘49J) & Shelby J. (‘62) Hill James E. Hobbs (‘91) Richard E. (‘40A) & Cleo (‘41A) Hodges, Jr. Maynard & Evaleen (‘44J) Hogg Jane D. Howard Dr. Richard D. Howard (‘51J) Susan G. Howson Dr. Charles H. & Edith J. Huber Jerry & Judith Huff John A. & Sheryl Huff Century Club A gift of $100 to $249 (July 2010 to June 2011) AAA Real Estate Services Danny C. Adams (‘71) Justine Adams (‘61) Gary C. Adkins Tim R. Alderman The University of Pikeville Biology Club recently raised money for the Appalachian Robert Keith (‘67) & Helen L. (‘69) Allara Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA). Biology Club members and Dr. Harry & Helen L. (‘57A, ‘60) Altman advisors held a raffle, raising $961.86. Additional club funds were added to make a total Elisabeth Anderson donation of $1,000. The proceeds will be used to fund veterinary costs and transportation Jeanette T. Anderson (‘43J) Thomas Anderson for animals to foster homes until they are adopted. Anonymous Beverly K. Donan Charles & Ernestine (‘61) Huffman, Jr. Appalachian Technical Services ECSI, LLC Alicia Jeanine Hughes (‘65) Dr. Robert W. & Shannon L. (‘03) Arts Garce Edwards Georgia Hyden Kevin D. & Elizabeth Auton Jeanette R. Elder (‘60) Interstate Natural Gas Company Dr. Frank & Shannon A. (‘94) Avason Don (‘64) & Susan Elliott Gary & Jennifer R. (‘85) Isaac Florane Baird (‘36A, ‘37J)* Gwendolyn Elmer Karen S. Jackson James W. Barnett (‘67) EnviroPro Clyde C. Johns Bennie P. (‘64) & Lorraine Bartley Environmental Design Consultants Reo (‘58) & Billie J. (‘56J) Johns David Z. Beckler Dr. William T. Fannin (‘79) Everet F. (‘68) & Judy (‘67) Johnson, Jr. Greg & Melanie (‘87) Belcher Shawn Finney Gary C. & Anita (‘72) Johnson Dr. Franklen & Loretta P. (‘58) Belhasen Dr. Mary Jo & Chris Fleniken Michael (‘78) & Lisa M. (‘89) Johnson Bennett & Bays Insurance Services Walter (‘57) & Colleen (‘59) Fletcher Dr. William M. & Jodi Johnson Benny Enterprise Robert (‘59) & Alice Flynn Donald L. Jones Berkeley Energy Corporation Bobby L. Ford (‘69) Earl Jones, Jr. Anton J. & Donna Bestebreurtje Leroy A. (‘71) & Kathy Ford Dr. John Irvin Jones (‘09M) Blaine’s Guns & Bows Larry B. Forester (‘05) Gordon & Reva A. (‘60) Judy George M. (‘67) & Mona Blankenship Nancy Forsyth (‘49J) Betty West Justice (‘69) Robert & Patricia J. (‘60) Blevins James M. & Dianne J. Forsythe Christine T. Justice (‘48J) Thomas A. (‘53A, ‘57) & Patricia Blevins Robert R. Fraley Gary & Karen R. (‘74) Justice Blue Flame Energy Corporation Mary L. Frazier (‘73) Dr. James D. (‘92) & La Geni Justice Bob Evans Debra K. Freshour Jason & Kim Justice Joseph B. & Linda H. Bogardus Paul R. Funk (‘82) Stanley & Lynn B. (‘70) Justice Dr. Mark W. & Corrine A. Bolt John & Mary L. (‘51A) Gabor Robyn S. & Courtney Justice Wayne & Ruth M. Booth James F. Gattuso Teresa Justice (‘72) Margaret Borders Ezekiel (‘48J) & Darlene M. (‘48J) Gibson Dr. William H. (‘65) & Wanda Justice Raymond & Clara Bradbury Dr. Randel C. Gibson Dr. Samuel J. King (‘75) Charles & Della M. (‘52A) Bradley Haskins Glass Nathan Kirk (‘73) Tivis (‘51J) & Delphia J. (‘61) Branham Honorable Bill & Mary Ann Graves Aretta Langel Mitchell C. Brashear Irene B. Gray (‘63) Patricia Langel Drs. James & Carol G. Browning Wayne & Tammy Hacker Daniel & Brenda S. (‘94) Languedoc Steve & Sherry Bundy Brad N. (‘96) & Laura R. (‘01) Hall Craig L. Lapresto (‘89) John Burke Christine J. Hall Lois Larson Donnis (‘67) & Delorise Butcher Doris A. Hall (‘96) Dr. Gerald A. Laurich CAM Mining LLC Gloria N. Hall Johnnie & Debbie Lemaster Dr. Wallace & Jane Campbell Amos & Deborah Hamblin Dr. Seth D. Levine (‘09M) Cardinal Glass Thomas C. (‘50J) & Lenore (‘49J, ‘69) Barbara G. Lewis Keith Casebolt Hamlin Fred & Ulene Lewis Nancy K. Caudill (‘57A, ‘60) Margaret Handmaker Drs. Donald & Judith M. (‘65) Little Tommy Chandler Edgar & Reba J. (‘85) Hannah Dr. Victor W. & Virginia Lomax J. Morgan (‘73) & Brenda Chapman James A. (‘51J) & Veronica L. Harmon Billy H. (‘63) & Mary Looney Howard G. Childress Mary A. Harmon Virginia Love Jack & Jean B. Choat Betty L. Harris Charles E. (‘66) & Linda (‘66) Lowe, Jr. Kenneth & Jeanne (‘69) Clark Christian R. Harris Charles E. (‘47J) & Virginia (‘42J)* Lowe, Sr. Dr. Lara Raquel Clary-Lantis (‘01M) Jim C. Harris (‘67) Michael & Jennifer Lusk Judge Eddy (‘77) & Frances K. (‘89) Coleman Dr. Steve & Barbara L. Harris John Lee (‘60) & Ruth MacDougall Leah J. Combs (Class year is listed after each individual / A: Academy, J: Junior College, M: Medical School) (* = Individual is Deceased) 2010-2011 | University of Pikeville Honor Roll of Giving | 4 Tim & Lisa K. Malone M. Kathryn Manis Mark III Bingo Janie Marlowe Terry & Sherrie A. Marrs Charles & Emma Martin Frank & Carla Martin Robert F. (‘74) & Carol Mascari Chandra K. Massner Bruce (‘48A) & Sharon (‘47A, ‘49J) Mater Eric Todd May (‘88) Darrell L. & Brenda K. (‘89) Maynard Jay & Carol McGhee, II James & Renee C. (‘69) McKellogg Richardson McKinney Middleton Reutlinger James S. (‘65) & Linda (‘65) Miller Rev. Howard (‘56A, ‘60) & Loretta (‘63) Moffett William P. Montross Monumental Life Foundation Robert Moody Mr. and Mrs. Mullen Roger G. Mullins (‘64) Johnny E. & Norma Murray, Jr. Dr. Wayne W. & Jo Ann Myers Nanack, Inc. Doug & Donna L. (‘68) Rorer Dr. Stephen G. & Katherine S. Rostand Rush & Retha Runyon Fred (‘70) & Kathy Ruoff Rodney & Juanita J. (‘94) Ruth Honorable Wayne T. Rutherford A. J. Ryan Richard W. (‘68) & Modena G. (‘70) Sallee Patricia Litz Salyers Schwab Charitable Fund Frankie & Bonnie A. (‘93) Scott Dr. Brett Dorse Scott (‘59) Dr. P. D. (‘65) & Pamela Y. (‘67) Scott Betty Jane Sellards (‘51J) Paul R. (‘61) & Patricia C. Setser Mrs. Urania C. Sevastos James & Lou A. (‘68) Sinclair Jack & Marilyn Singerman Paul D. & Valerie Slater Billy J. Slone Delores B. Slone Elizabeth Martin Slutz Claude P. (‘48J) & Margarette Smith Smith & Smith DMD PSC Dr. Katherine K. Sohn Dr. Mark Sohn Wendolyn Sparkman The family of Pikeville College alumna Georgia Muncy Bailey recently established an endowed scholarship to benefit Pike County students. The scholarship honors Bailey’s dedication as an educator and her love for the university. Her late husband, Maurice Bailey, was a professor of chemistry, chairman of the science division and director of mining programs at the institution for 18 years. Presenting the scholarship to President Paul Patton is Bailey’s brother, Layton Maynard. Robert L. (‘82) & Brenda L. (‘83) Newsome Bob & Brenda E. Norman Dixon Nunnery James W. Osborne (‘51J) Virgil Osborne (‘55J) Dr. Kuldeep R. Pandit Nancy Parker Peoples Bank & Trust Company Michael & Margery L. (‘67) Perkins Christine H. Peters (‘44J) Katherine S. Petot (‘75) Pikeville Woman’s Club, Inc. Sue Moore Pitts Pocket Coin Amusement Dr. Frank & Maenell (‘50J) Pollock Betty H. Porter (‘62) Dr. E. Benjamin & Elizabeth R. Powell Nell Mona Preston (‘40J) James B. Ratliff Kathleen A. Ratliff (‘83) Kevin N. (‘94) & Dana S. (‘92) Ratliff Dr. William (‘43A, ‘49J) & Lurlene (‘82) Ratliff Roy T. (‘75) & Fran Reasor John A. & Diana Reed Carla Reichelderfer Reno’s Roadhouse Jim & Beverly J. Reynolds Thurmas G. (‘62) & Madge Reynolds Bill & Pat Riddle Dr. Leon (‘58) & Ginger Riggs Dr. James A. & Tammy D. (‘92) Riley Roadtested Tire & Auto Service Center Howard V. Roberts (‘78) Dr. Lon (‘48J) & Frances (‘47A, ‘49J) Roberts Kaminski & Jo Nell Robinson Robert E. (‘92) & Nanette H. (‘96) Staggs Don & Jo Stanfill Starters Jo Anne Steely Dr. S. Brian (‘81) & Carol Stratton Stratton Hogg & Maddox Dr. Chad Clifton (‘92) & Rose Street Ms. Barbara A. Strickler Philip I. Stumbo (‘66) Zetta Ratliff Stumbo (‘53J) Roy Everett (‘69) & Monnette (‘70) Sturgill Earl & Patsy Sullivan Thomas C. Summers, Jr. Mildred Elswick Sword (‘40J) Georgia P. Syck Betty Lee Tanner (‘41J, ‘59) W. Nowlin Taylor Randall C. Thomas (‘74) Garland L. Thompson (‘90) Jody L. (‘96) & Kari M. (‘98) Thompson Arnold & Cathy G. Thornsbury Saundra Toussaint Geoffrey & Sharon Turk Danny T. & Wendi VanHoose Mary Lou Varney (‘74) Mechella A. Varney Keith Varney (‘90) Roger Wagner (‘70) Howard Wendell (‘53J) & Jewell Wallen Elgin M. & Carole Ward Chester W. (‘50J) & Anita Wegner George “Skip” & Robin C. Wells, Jr. Mickey & Doris Wells Dr. Larry K. & Diane West Walker (‘63) & Sally S. (‘64) Williamson Dr. Mary L. Wiss Richard A. (‘73) & Paulette Worcester Wayne A. (‘70) & Nancy J. (‘70) Yost The “99” Club A gift up to $99 (July 2010 to June 2011) Bobby O’Brien Abshire (‘61) Della Rae Abshire Timothy E. (‘94) & Patty Adams Wid C. (‘68) & Gloria J. (‘53J) Adams Brice (‘35A) & Peggy Adkins Charlene Adkins Danny M. (‘93) & Gerry G. (‘70) Adkins James & Leisha Michelle (‘83) Adkins Martha L. Adkins Scottie & Elizabeth (‘06) Adkins William E. (’84) & Geraldine S. (‘64) Akers Betty Allen (‘63) Bobby L. Allen (‘64) Ida M. Allen (‘58) Jimmie Dale (‘56J) & Amy P. (‘56J) Allen Robert & Kathy Allen, II Melinda Allen (‘91) William & Barbara G. (‘50A) Alt Altman, McGuire, McClellan & Crum Don Amburgey (‘56J) Sherry Amis Lois Evelyn Amlin (‘55J) Thomas O. (‘70) & Suzanne Ammann Jane Anderson Robert E. (‘00) & Shanna B. (‘98) Angel Anonymous Gary A. Arts David L. & Joyce L. Auld Rev. Victor L. & Mary Baer, D.D. Cleo Bailey (‘39J, ‘58) G. Tipton & Patricia (‘52A, ‘54J, ‘86) Baker Greg & Erin E. (‘06) Baldwin William C. (‘86) Banks Maria C. Barker (‘70) Ervin & Peggy Bartley Johnnie Beavers (‘78) Brian C. (‘82) & Patsy Belcher Jonah Belcher (‘51J) David Bell & Linda Bell Chipley B. & Anne G. Bennett Marquetta Bentley (‘88) Randy K. (‘76) & Pat L. Bentley Johnny & Emma Grace (‘63) Billips Jamie & Sandra C. (‘94) Billiter Phillip E. (‘94) & Heather D. (‘96) Birchfield Lavonne R. Blackburn (‘43J, ‘69) Buford & Lillie (‘51J) Blackburn Mary Jo Blackburn Oliver & Marcheta Blackburn Stacie M. Blackburn (‘95) Lisa A. Blahnik Ricky & Deborah Boehm Harold F. & Ina Bogar Maryanna Bolden Evelyn M. Borders (‘75) Elouise Bordwine Mike & Madonna Bowman John Brewer Dr. June A. Brose James & Helen Brown Leo Burke (‘69) Walter Arlin (‘53A) & Gloria Burke Corbett B. (‘61) & Barbara Burnette Leonard & Eliza D. (‘63) Byers Dr. Alfredo A. (‘51J) & Isabel Caballero Danielle Nicole Campanella (‘98) Terry & Josephine Cantrell Dorothy Carter (‘52A) Helen E. Carter (‘77) Libby Carter Robert C. Cartwright Paul D. Case (‘57) Anne O. Castner (‘41J) Dr. Kendall & Paula Cecil John & Lou Emma (‘63) Chaffin Ransey & Jackawayne Chaney Bill Chapman Aileen Childers (‘63) Josh (‘04) & Keri A. (‘06) Childers Wesley G. & Trina Childers (Class year is listed after each individual / A: Academy, J: Junior College, M: Medical School) (* = Individual is Deceased) 2010-2011 | University of Pikeville Honor Roll of Giving | 5 Edith F. Clark (‘90) Marguerite Clark (‘42J) Emma Lee Cobb Gary & Bernadine Cochran Arlene J. Cole (‘60) Daisy Coleman Roy & Fairy (‘90) Coleman Gary E. (‘67) & Holly Coleman Lillie Mae Coleman Loretta B. Coleman (‘68) Lucille S. Combs (‘62) Ronnie M. Compton Patsy Ruth Conn (‘56J) David Lee (‘91) & Lesia Cook Byrd (‘83) & Connie M. (‘83) Copley David Lee (‘67) & Maureen (‘58) Copley Douglas J. Cottle Kenny J. (’82) & Sharon L. (‘83) Cox Dr. Commodore Craft, Jr. (‘65) Glenna Craft (‘53J, ‘66) Edgar & Phyllis L. (‘62) Craft Dale E. & Beverly S. (‘95) Crisman Delbert & Linda C. (‘75) Crum Bobby R. (‘70) & Lesley E. (‘73) Cunningham Duane (‘88) & Teri L. (‘89) Curry John Dardi, Jr. Glenn & Joyce Daugherty Dr. Richard D. Davis Frank G. & Theresa Dawahare Dr. Cathy Lynn Day (‘10M) James (‘59) & Jowanda Day William D. (‘71) & Barbara Deskins D. Charles (‘63) & Lanna Dixon Clarence & Donna G. (‘60) Dreher Leonard D. (‘50J) & Anita (‘51J, ‘64) Duncil Richard & Deanna L. (‘98) Eads Gregory D. (‘77) & Frances G. Edmonds Ruby Edmonds Michael S. (‘71) & Gwen Edwards Art & Eileen Elliott, III Drema D. Elswick James G. (‘61) & Anna Estep Nicci Evans Garry & Vanessa Fannin Ruby J. Farley Tammy L. Fields (‘83) Harry N. (‘75) & May Ann Finkbone Willard (‘48J) & Frances Fraley Betty Jewell Francis (‘47J) Goldenia W. Frazier (‘75) James H. Frazier, III Stephanie R. Frazier (‘92) Nelson French Ella M. Freshour Novella Froman Archie (‘80) & Sharon Fugate, Jr. Bonnie J. Furr G E Foundation Clyde Gabbard Mark (‘95) & Teresa Gannon Walter W. Gearheart Roger & Teressa Gibbs Robert & Dora Gilliam Steven T. (‘69, ‘95) & Pamela L. (‘83) Gilliam Irene T. Goble (‘46J) Roy & Sally J. (‘54A) Goff Pearl Goode (‘68) James & Nancy Goss Calvin & Susie R. (‘66) Gray Virgil & Ivy D. (‘70) Greene Jeffery & Diane C. (‘90) Greer Mechele A. Grimmett (‘03) Robert & Sally (‘77) Gustin Bobby Jean Hale (‘48J, ‘70) Denzil & Donna S. Hall Leonard & Glenda (‘58) Hall Harold L. Hall Lorena L. Hall Tim & Maryl Hall Hugh B. & Pat (‘76) Hall, Jr. Ronnie & Sandra (‘89) Hall Goldie E. Hamilton Larry B. Hammond James T. (‘54J) & Jane Hardin Christopher M. Harris (‘99) Samuel & Linda S. (‘71) Hatcher Shane Hatfield & Carrie L. (‘99) Hatfield Mike Haydon Irene Henry Ronald & Judith B. (‘74) Hensley Donald & Delphia J. (‘62) Hicks Dr. Helen M. Hill (‘40A, ‘42J) Ruby Jean Hill (‘59) David E. Hocker Joni S. Hogancamp Greg & Teresa Hogg Patricia S. Hogston (‘67) Ed Holmes Phil Holubek Rose D. Honaker (‘51J) L. J. (‘56J) & Nora M. (‘56J, ‘82) Horne, Jr. Robert R. Houchin (‘52) Ruby Howard (‘63) Dr. John & Emma S. Howie Bill & Betty (‘64) Huffman Jerald D. (‘46A) & Barbara Huffman Mark & Jan L. (‘87) Hunt Information Technology Services Keith A. & Karen A. Isaacs Minnie Isaacs Robert & Leigh Ann Jenkins David S. (‘97) & Bryna G. (‘02) Jewell Ish & Claudette Johnson Honorable Keen W. (‘64) & Donna Johnson Sandra Carol Johnson (‘63) Stanley Johnson Jeffery Brian Jones (‘97) Joyce Jones Laura Jones Patrick Jones Ray (‘63) & Sue (‘68) Jones Steven Neil Jones (‘91) Jones Oil Company, Inc. Anna Justice Frank D. (‘80) & Allyson Justice, II Morris W. (‘53A, ‘60) & Gail Justice Sandra Justice David A. Kahl Phillip (‘50A) & Christine Keathley Albert C. (‘68) & Linda Keesee Charles E. & Edie Keesee Rev. Robie L. & Gaynelle Kendrick Darlene Kenworthy Jackie Kidd Jake (‘61) & Linda King, Jr. Burt D. (‘81) & Shari Kinney Diana L. Kinslow Kermel (‘68) & Loretta (‘73) Kiser Dr. Keith Knapp Mr. James Scott Kreutzer Ms. Joanne Kula Metry & Lorraine (‘62) Kuracka John & Shalimar J. (‘62) Labreche Dr. Michael A. & Melanie LaFontaine William & Lori M. Lane Gary & Jeana R. (‘89) Layne Brent M. & Kristi L. Lee Frances A. Lenox Rob & Annette Leonard Fay Ray Leslie (‘05) Gary R. (‘50J) & Julia Leslie Tony & Nora Lester Christopher & Sharon M. (‘97) Lester Foster Levy (‘84) Peyton A. Lewis (‘58) Christopher & Conda G. (‘95) Little Bethany Dianne Lockard (‘03) Bobby & June Locke Shirley A. Locker Jesse P. (‘74) & Teresa L. (‘86) Lockhart Audrey T. Lowery Deanne Lynch John D. Magazine Patricia Magazine Allen & Stella K. (‘66) Marcum Jack & Patricia (‘49A) Markley Betty Sue Martin (‘68) Guy E. Martin Jeffery D. (‘80) & Sherry A. (‘84) May Mona H. May (‘85) Robert (‘77) & Teresa Mayfield Barbara Maynard Michael & Jennifer A. (‘00) Maynard Ronald & Joetta J. (‘63) Maynard Ken (‘60) & Wanda Maynard Emil & Donna S. (‘61) Mayor Thelmer (‘50J) & Roma (‘51J) McClannahan George C. & Carolyn S. McConnaughey Gary & Deborah I. (‘75) McCoy Lora Lynn McCoy (‘97) Dr. Ronald G. & Mary E. McCoy Ruby O. McCoy (‘61) Patricia C. McDaniel Kevin & Cathlene McInerney Madeline S. McIntosh Angela S. McKinney (‘03) Patricia R. McNamee (‘71) Carla McQueen Hetty Meade Clarence & Billie (‘61) Meek Faith M. Miller Eugene & Orethia M. (‘54J, ‘72) Miller Carl P. Mims (‘35A) Dr. Marion & Mary L. (‘56A) Miniard Bill & Mary Montgomery Scarlette Ann Moore (‘01) Sharon Moore Fred & Gail D. (‘66) Morgan Drs. Arthur W. (‘67) & Maxine J. Mullins Jack F. Mullins Madge Mullins (‘45J) L.D. & Polly Mullins Rhonda W. Mullins (‘94) Randy & Teresa C. (‘79) Mullins John & Patricia A. (‘62) Muncy Marietta Music (‘80) Mary Margaret Nagle (‘64) Frank K. & Susan Nall, P.S.C. Rodney W. Nelson (‘89) Judy Elizabeth Newman (‘64) Randa E. Newman (‘10) Rick (‘76) & Janie C. (‘78) Newsome Tivis (‘83) & Susan Newsom, Jr. Beatrice C. Newsome (‘75) Peggy L. Newsome (‘88) John & Bridgett (‘94) Nicholson Carolyn E. Oldham A. O. & Brittany Onkst Roy & Nora Owens David & Coletta A. (‘88) Parsley Pearlee R. Parun (‘52J) Glenn & Susan L. (‘89) Patton Bruce Payne (‘45J) Dr. Shawn Dale Peavie (‘09M) William L. (‘78) & Judy Pfister Roger (‘77) & Diane L. (‘83) Pigg Pike County Retired Teachers Martha M. Poland Janice W. Porter (‘51J) Dr. Krishnarao S. Potnis Michael & Melinda S. (‘95) Potter Geneva B. Prater Bob & Janie R. (‘71) Presley Gary E. (‘72) & Deborah Puckett Elizabeth A. Ramey (‘94) Bobbie Lou Rasnick (‘47J) Bobbie Ratliff (‘62) James & Clydette (‘98) Ratliff David J. Ratliff (‘66) Dale & Lavern (‘63) Ratliff Phillip C. (‘09, ‘90) & Ruth Ratliff Kaye Ray Timothy J. (‘06) & Ashley N. Reed, II Bobby & Juanita J. (‘71) Reeter Rev. Eugene & Barbara Reynolds Trent & Paula Lynn (‘95) Reynolds Wilma L. Rice Tom Richards Shirley A. Risner (‘58) Hagan Ritchie (‘51J) Clell (‘69) & Chantal H. (‘70) Robbins, Jr. Bernadine Roberts (‘03) Wesley & Rachel A. (‘92) Robinson Verlin (‘76) & Jeanne Robinson Willa D. Robinson (‘59) Doyle (‘61) & Donna Roe, Jr. James E. & Janice W. Rogers Monte Rowe (‘51J) Pat (‘62) & Betty L. (‘65) Ryan William & Mary R. (‘69) Salyer Dean (‘75) & Susie Sanders Randall & Barbara F. Scarberry Betty D. Scott Connie M. Scott (‘86) Dr. John & Pam Scott Phill Gentry (‘51J) & Sally Scott Lisha E. Scriber-Gabriel Richard & Dianne Seeley Bill & Dottie Seibert George A. Sharp, Sr. (‘52A) Jennifer S. Shepherd (‘04) William O. (‘75) & Peggy Shumate Yvonne S. Sickles Carol Simmons Crystal D. Slone (‘93) Mack (‘49A) & Ruby Smith Bob & Karolyn L. Smith John G. (‘83) & Sheila Sparks Larry & Melissa Sparks Thomas & Thelma (‘65) Spears Robert & Rhoda M. (‘50J) Springstead Georgia Stapleton (‘42J) Richard & Marilyn Steiner Charles & Kate Stinnett Ellen J. Stone Arvin R. & Carol J. Striker James R. (‘70) & Justine Sullivan James Sullivan Donald & Louise Surber Ellene J. Sword (‘66) Esta L. Tackett (‘43J) Forest Dale (‘52J) & Ilene (‘62) Tackett Thomas & Kerry A. (‘99) Tackett Dr. Larry R. (‘55J) & Carol Tackett Paul Bennett (‘63) & Carol S. (‘62) Tackett Edgar Franklin (‘70) & Mary Talbott, Jr. Harry & Sarah J. (‘57A) Tatum Tom (‘71) & Donna Tavis Douglas (‘73) & Rosalee Taylor Samuel R. & Christy L. (‘91) Terry, Jr. Clifton Thacker John S. Thacker (‘52J) Chad (‘96) & Christy L. (‘96) Thompson Kathy Thompson Max (‘88) & Charla Thompson Shyla T. Thornsbury (‘04) Rita B. Tibbs (‘04) Dr. H. Edwin Titus Stephen J. (‘69) & Susie Trimble Jamie Dwayne Tucker (‘00) Billy R. (‘62) & Nancy L. (‘63) Tussey Carl (‘64) & Peggy S. (‘65) Tussey Ralph & Janive L. (‘59) Underwood Michael & Rose M. Vacca, Sr. Wendell & Felicia L. (‘86) Varney Larry C. (‘70) & Loretta T. (‘67) Varney Rodney L. & Janet Varney Chris & Sharon K. (‘94) & Varney VFW Post No 2398 Tim & Teresa Vincent Ted Vlahos Gloria VonMyhr Howard W. & Debbie (‘75) Wallen, Jr. Brenda Gaye Ward (‘70) Janice L. Warner (‘93) Dr. Alicia Warnock (‘08M) Ruth A. Watkins Kevin & Richelle Weaver Bill & Lena Webb Matthew & Katie H. (‘93) Webb Larry & Willa B. Webb John Herbert (‘53J) & Barbara Welch Evalyn Fern West (‘63) Paul & Emogene A. (‘54J) Whitt Tom Scott (‘81) & Jennifer M. (‘80) Whitt Rodney M. (‘73) & Sharon Wicker Ray & Bonnie Widmyer Barbara J. Wilburn Bart A. (‘93) & Taryn S. (‘98) Williams Leon I. & Betty Williams, Jr. Bessie J. Williamson Dale & Patricia Williamson Rev. Richard Worden (‘53A, ‘54) James M. & Leslie Workman Everett N. (‘73) & Susan L. (‘74) Young In Honor of (in bold): Dr. David Aldrich William N. & Sandra H. (‘74) Ramsey, Jr. (Class year is listed after each individual / A: Academy, J: Junior College, M: Medical School) (* = Individual is Deceased) 2010-2011 | University of Pikeville Honor Roll of Giving | 6 Linda Aldrich William N. & Sandra H. (‘74) Ramsey, Jr. Margaret Arnett Alvin & Faye Stinnett Carol Baker Barbara A. Strickler Linda Boulden Mary Margaret Nagle (‘64) Rhoda Claytor Harold H. & Karen Smith Lyn Combs Marguerite Clark (‘42J) James Dotson Irvin Dotson Marylon Rogers Glass Haskins Glass Jerry & Judith Huff Justus & Johnna Goble John & Patricia A. (‘62) Muncy Joseph Lyons Mike & Cynthia L. Peffers Linda Markham William J. (‘68) & Jean Armstrong, III Alice McCallum Dr. Judith M. Little (‘65) G. Frank Ramsey William N. & Sandra H. (‘74) Ramsey, Jr. Joe Ramsey William N. & Sandra H. (‘74) Ramsey, Jr. Joyce Ramsey William N. & Sandra H. (‘74) Ramsey, Jr. Rosemary Ramsey William N. & Sandra H. (‘74) Ramsey, Jr. Dr. William Ratliff Dr. Mary Jo & Chris Fleniken Ginger Riggs Dr. Robert B. (‘62) & Carol Sparks Dr. Leon Riggs Dr. Robert B. (‘62) & Carol Sparks Dr. Robert Sparks Dr. Leon (‘58) & Ginger Riggs Dr. Oscar Thompson William N. & Sandra H. (‘74) Ramsey, Jr. Pluma Thompson William N. & Sandra H. (‘74) Ramsey, Jr. Carole Ward Emma Lee Cobb Elgin Ward Emma Lee Cobb Kelly Wells Jeanette T. Anderson (‘43J) In Memory of (in bold): Gary Abshire Della Rae Abshire Kelly Adams Wesley & Rachel A. (‘92) Robinson Rebecca Adams Danny C. Adams (‘71) Blaine Adkins Martha L. Adkins Lelia Akers Ricky & Deborah Boehm Maye Akers Jackie Kidd Ted Akers Jackie Kidd Forrest Albert Rev. Richard Worden (‘53A, ‘54) Richard Allara Robert Keith (‘67) & Helen L. (‘69) Allara Florane Baird Betty Allen (‘63) Alpha Natural Resources Jane Anderson Appalachian Technical Services Robert C. & Judith Ayotte Rev. Victor L. & Mary M. Baer William J. (‘92) & Natasha H. (‘07) Baird, IV James W. Barnett (‘67) Don R. (‘47J) & Donna Batten Berkeley Energy Corporation Big Sandy Company, L.P. Walter (‘42J) & Grace Blankenship Blue Flame Energy Corp Madge Walters Bush (‘69) CAM Mining LLC Dr. Wallace & Jane Campbell Dorothy Carter (‘52A) Kenneth & Jeanne (‘69) Clark Rhoda Jane Claytor (‘34A) Codell Construction Company Burlin & Jean (‘50J, ‘62) Coleman Alcie Combs Don & Leslie Combs Robert Combs Judge Steven & Teresa (‘80) Combs Emma Jo Conner Don Paul & Karla R. Corbin Donley & Donna Damron Roger & Debbie J. (‘81) Daugherty Daughters American Revolution Roger W. & Marcia Davis Terry L. (‘72) & Judith Dotson ECSI, LLC Walter (‘57) & Colleen (‘59) Fletcher Harold L. Hall Dr. Tom E. (‘78) & Bena (‘81) Hartsock Phillip L. (‘59A) & Mary Jo Hatcher General Walter T. Hatcher, III (‘59A) Doug (‘53J) & Judith W. (‘52A, ‘62) Hinkle Harold H. & Karen Smith Jo Anne Steely Daniel P. & Muriel A. (‘00) Stratton David C. (‘73) & Donna Stratton Lois Jean Stratton Terry L. Stratton James Sullivan Dr. Oscar & Pluma (‘47A, ‘49J) Thompson, Jr. Howard W. & Debbie (‘75) Wallen, Jr. Dorothy J. Ward (‘50A, ‘74) Frank (‘57, ‘55J) & Geraldine (‘60) Welch Worldwide Equipment, Inc. Dr. J. W. & Anne J. (‘49A, ‘51J) Worthington William Baird William J. (‘92) & Natasha H. (‘07) Baird, IV George Bartley Bennie P. (‘64) & Lorraine Bartley Dr. Homer Bartley Johnny E. & Norma Murray, Jr. Helen Belcher Jonah Belcher (‘51J) Priscilla Boyd Robert P. Combs Dr. Katherine K. Sohn Bill Branham Alcie Combs Don & Leslie Combs Robert Combs Judge Steven & Teresa (‘80) Combs The family of Pikeville College alumna Betty Weddle established an endowed scholarship in memory and in honor of her dedication as an educator. Weddle taught in the Pikeville Independent School System. Generous in both spirit and in deeds, she was involved in numerous community and church organizations, including Judi’s Place for Kids and Buckhorn Children and Family Services. Pictured, from left, Carly Weddle, daughterin-law, University of Pikeville President Paul Patton, Bruce Weddle, son, and Elisa Hranicky, granddaughter. David E. Hocker Dr. Charles H. & Edith J. Huber Eloise Hughes (‘47J) Interstate Natural Gas Company Earl Jones, Jr. Frank & Mattie (‘66) Justice Jason & Kim Justice Frances A. Lenox Joseph H. Lyons (‘67) Tim & Lisa K. & Malone M. Kathryn Manis Dr. Rick A. (‘83) & Kathy A. McClellan Dr. Ronald G. & Mary E. McCoy Rev. Howard W. (‘56A, ‘60) & Loretta F. (‘63) Moffett Natural Resource Partners L.P. Dixon Nunnery Dr. Harold E. & Martha R. Plaster, Jr. Dr. E. Benjamin & Elizabeth R. Powell The Preston Group James B. Ratliff Bill & Pat Riddle Howard V. Roberts (‘78) Kaminski & Jo Nell Robinson Fon (‘70) & Rosella Rogers, II Patricia Litz Salyers Frankie & Bonnie A. (‘93) Scott Bob & Anna Lou Shurtleff Dorothy Shurtleff Frank & Mattie (‘66) Justice Glenn Brown Diana L. Kinslow Dr. Tamara L. Musgrave James Carter Helen E. Carter (‘77) Libby Carter Saundra Toussaint Sam Carter Saundra Toussaint James Clevinger Roger A. & Debbie J. (‘81) Daugherty Janice Ford Bobby L. Ford (‘69) Jeff Ford Roger & Debbie J. (‘81) Daugherty George Forsythe James M. & Dianne J. Forsythe Archie Fugate Archie (‘80) & Sharon Fugate, Jr. Marilyn Funk Paul R. Funk (‘82) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harman Wayne & Ruth M. Booth C. E. Hellier Lila H. Dole Charles Hellier Sr. Lila H. Dole Claudia Harrison Hellier Lila H. Dole Hellier Family Lila H. Dole Ellen Henry Dorothy J. Ward (‘50A, ‘74) Dr. Embrey Howson Jeanette T. Anderson (‘43J) Anonymous David L. & Joyce L. Auld Rick L. (‘77) & Valerie Bartley Chipley B. & Anne G. Bennett James & Helen Brown Robert C. Cartwright Glenn & Joyce Daugherty Dr. Richard D. Davis Nelson French Bonnie J. Furr James & Nancy Goss Betty L. Harris Betty H. Haynes Susan G. Howson Bill & Betty (‘64) Huffman Ish & Claudette Johnson David A. Kahl Patricia Langel Thelmer (‘50J) & Roma (‘51J) McClanahan George C. & Carolyn S. McConnaughey Martha M. Poland Bill & Dottie Seibert Yvonne S. Sickles Bob & Karolyn L. Smith Dr. Katherine K. Sohn Ellen J. Stone Arvin R. & Carol J. Striker VFW Post No 2398 Ruth A. Watkins Ray & Bonnie Widmyer Barbara J. Wilburn Rexel Jackson Scarlette Ann Moore (‘01) Danny Jones Donnie (‘89) & Michelle Jones Cornelius Justice Anna Justice Marie Justice Frank & Mattie (‘66) Justice Bayliss Kinzer Virginia Love Dr. Muniramiah Krishnamurthy Dr. Ambika J. Krishnamurthy (‘04M) Joan Coleman Carmel (‘53J) & Joyce Spears Maj. General Doyle Larson Lois Larson Lawrence Coleman Daisy Coleman Ruth Linton Don & Leslie Combs Robert Combs Judge Steven & Teresa (‘80) Combs Doug (‘53J) & Judith W. (‘52A, ‘62) Hinkle Mary Combs Dr. Oscar & Pluma (‘47A, ‘49J) Thompson, Jr. Sidney Copley Joanna Copley Fred Corum Gretchen Corum Dr. Rediford Damron Jack F. Mullins Richard W. (‘68) & Modena G. (‘70) Sallee Dr. Michael Looney Dr. Katherine K. Sohn Ed Love Virginia Love Laverne Malany Mt. Washington Presbyterian Women Sally Marrs Rhoda Jane Claytor (‘34A) (Class year is listed after each individual / A: Academy, J: Junior College, M: Medical School) (* = Individual is Deceased) 2010-2011 | University of Pikeville Honor Roll of Giving | 7 Marrs May Rick L. (‘77) & Valerie Bartley Jack & Jean B. Choat Judge Eddy (‘77) & Frances K. (‘89) Coleman Alcie Combs Don & Leslie Combs Robert Combs Judge Steven & Teresa (‘80) Combs Contract Highwall Mining, LLC Hugh B. & Pat (‘76) Hall, Jr. Doug (‘53J) & Judith W. (‘52A, ‘62) Hinkle Gary C. & Anita (‘72) Johnson Donald L. Jones Frank & Mattie (‘66) Justice Frank D. (‘80) & Allyson Justice, II Middleton Reutlinger Howard V. Roberts (‘78) Harold H. & Karen Smith Stratton Hogg & Maddox Georgia P. Syck William McCoy Don & Leslie Combs Robert Combs Judge Steven & Teresa (‘80) Combs Doug (‘53J) & Judith W. (‘52A, ‘62) Hinkle Princess McKinney Richardson McKinney Dr. Heston Milligan Sue Milligan Kossuth Mitchell, II Dr. Katherine K. Sohn Vicky Mullins Mr. Roger G. Mullins (‘64) Victoria Mullins Alicia Jeanine Hughes (‘65) George Parsons Dr. Marie Parsons (‘64) Rebecca Parsons Dr. Marie Parsons (‘64) Hazel Payne Bruce Payne (‘45J) G. Chad Perry, III Dr. Linda Scott DeRosier (‘62) Eva Ponton Marilyn Dee Mel Ponton Marilyn Dee Mary Prater Robert P. Combs Frank & Mattie (‘66) Justice William Ramsey, Sr. David Z. Beckler William N. & Sandra H. (‘74) Ramsey, Jr. Bennett Reynolds Jean Hale (‘68) Causby Reynolds Thurmas G. (‘62) & Madge Reynolds Olga Reynolds Jean Hale (‘68) Suzanne Ridenour Allen D.* (‘51A) & Patricia Cline, Jr. Anne Rubinson William N. & Sandra H. (‘74) Ramsey, Jr. Ethel Scarberry Information & Technology Services Larry Scott Dr. Brett Dorse Scott (‘59) Dr. John Sevastos Rae Sevastos Coaster Short Della Rae Abshire Bobby Spears Alcie Combs Don & Leslie Combs Robert Combs Judge Steven & Teresa (‘80) Combs Donley & Donna Damron Betty Stone Carolyn S. Edwards (‘57A, ‘70) William Stone Carolyn S. Edwards (‘57A, ‘70) Gaynelle Tatum Anne O. Castner (‘41J) Dr. Stephen G. & Katherine S. Rostand Larry Thacker Don & Leslie Combs Robert Combs Judge Steven & Teresa (‘80) Combs Frank & Mattie (‘66) Justice Marian Titus Dr. H. Edwin Titus Michael Vacca, Jr. Michael & Rose Marie Vacca, Sr. Edith Vipperman Mary Lou Varney (‘74) Jerry Waddell Dr. Lois Parsons Esham (‘63) Doug (‘53J) & Judith W. (‘52A, ‘62) Hinkle Donna Walters Dr. Katherine K. Sohn Dr. Oscar & Pluma (‘47A, ‘49J) Thompson, Jr. E. Bruce Walters William J. (‘92) & Natasha H. (‘07) Baird, IV Madge Walters Bush (‘69) Madge Walters William J. (‘92) & Natasha H. (‘07) Baird, IV Madge Walters Bush (‘69) Maguerite Weber Tinker Page (‘74) Betty Weddle Florane Baird (‘36A, ‘37J) William J. (‘92) & Natasha H. (‘07) Baird, IV Madge Walters Bush (‘69) Rhoda Jane Claytor (‘34A) Don & Leslie Combs Robert Combs Judge Steven & Teresa (‘80) Combs Don Paul & Karla R. Corbin Roger & Debbie J. (‘81) Daugherty Roger W. & Marcia Davis Carolyn S. Edwards (‘57A, ‘70) Walter (‘57) & Colleen (‘59) Fletcher Dr. Tom E. (‘78) & Bena (‘81) Hartsock Phillip L. (‘59A) & Mary Jo Hatcher Doug (‘53J) & Judith W. (‘52A, ‘62) Hinkle Eloise Hughes (‘47J) Frank & Mattie (‘66) Justice James Scott Kreutzer Emil & Donna S. (‘61) Mayor Jim & Beverly J. Reynolds Howard V. Roberts (‘78) Frankie & Bonnie A. (‘93) Scott Delores B. Slone Harold H. & Karen Smith Jo Anne Steely Jamie Dwayne Tucker (‘00) Leon Williams Leon I. & Betty Williams, Jr. Dr. Paul Williamson Diana W. Reid Will York Eugene Welch (‘51J, ‘57) & Billie (‘65) Davis Gift-In-Kind The following individuals and companies made non-cash gifts (July 2010 to June 2011) Anderson’s Landscaping William J. (‘66) & Katheryn R. (‘66) Baird, III Creg Damron Furniture Bill Chapman Jim Codell Gary & Sharon Collins DLM Construction Company Eastern Telephone Co. James H. Frazier, III Dr. Ronald D. & Jessica Hall Mike Haydon Ed Holmes Phil Holubek James L. (‘99) & Tina L. (‘99) Hurley Gary K. (‘97) & Katina Justice Dr. Keith Knapp Gov. Paul & Judi (‘60) Patton Reed & Misty R. (‘91) Potter, Jr. Premium Contracting TLD Properties Worldwide Equipment, Inc. Businesses/Corporations (July 2010 to June 2011) AAA Real Estate Services AAOA Abbott Laboratories Fund Adams Construction Corporation Alpha Natural Resources Altman, McGuire, McClellan & C American Electric Power Anderson’s Landscaping Appalachian Regional Commission Appalachian Technical Services Appalachian Wireless Aramark Corporation Arch Coal AT&T Eugene M. Bane, Sr. Estate Bank of Hindman Bennett & Bays Insurance Services Benny Enterprise Berkeley Energy Corporation Big Sandy Company - L.P. Blaine’s Guns & Bows Blue Flame Energy Corporation Bob Evans CAM Mining LLC Cardinal Glass Chemical Sales & Consulting Childers & Venters Citizens National Bank Coal Mining Our Future Coal Operators & Associates Coalfields Telephone Company Codell Construction Company Combs Brothers Investments Community Trust Bank Contract Highwall Mining, LLC Creative Lighting & Bath Creg Damron Furniture Jewell Smokeless Coal Corporation Daughters of the American Revolution Dawahares, Inc. DLM Construction Company East Kentucky Auto World East Kentucky Broadcasting Eastern Telephone Co. ECSI, LLC Elliott Companies Elliott Contracting, Inc. Enviro Pro Envtl Design Consultants Fannin Enterprises, Inc. Fossil Coal Company GE Capital The Gheens Foundation Hefner’s Jewelry Highlands Foundation, Inc. Interstate Natural Gas Company Jigsaw Enterprises, LLC Joe’s Car Wash of Stanville Jones Oil Company, Inc. J.W. Call & Son, Inc. K-VA-T Food Stores, Inc (Food City) Kent D. Thacker Insurance Kentucky River Properties LLC KYBC Land Corporation M & M Gibson Farm Mark III Bingo Marwood Land Company Matrix Energy, LLC Merrill Lynch Middleton Reutlinger Nanack Inc. Natural Resource Partners L.P. Paul B Hall Regional Medical Center Peking Restaurant Peoples Bank & Trust Company Physicians for Children Pikeville Medical Center Pikeville Woman’s Club, Inc. Premium Contracting The Preston Group Quinco, Inc. Reno’s Roadhouse Roadtested Tire & Auto Service Rose Builders Ryan & Ryan, Attorneys at Law S & E Enterprise S & K Properties Sag Hollow Golf Course The Schwab Charitable Fund Smith Fastener Co., Inc. Smith & Smith DMD PSC Southern Club of Pittsburgh Starters Stratton Hogg & Maddox P. B. Stratton Partnership Summit Engineering, Inc. Texas Gas Transmission TLD Properties US Bank Velocity Market VFW Post No 2398 Weddington Dermatology Clinic The Wellness Center of Pikeville Wells Fargo Whayne Supply Co. Worldwide Equipment, Inc. Wright Concrete & Construction Churches (July 2010 to June 2011) First Baptist Church Providence, KY First Presbyterian Woman’s Association Pikeville, KY Graham Memorial Presbyterian Whitesburg, KY Mt. Washington Presbyterian Women Cincinnati, OH Providence Church Hazelwood, NC Second Presbyterian Church Lexington, KY Faculty and Staff (July 2010 to June 2011) Della R. Abshire Scottie Adkins Tim R. Alderman Anonymous Robert W. Arts, Ph.D Kevin D. Auton Carol H. Baker Tiffany J. Baker William T. Betz, D.O. Harriet J. Blanton Corrine A. Bolt Mark W. Bolt, Ph.D Boyd R. Buser, D.O. John J. Cade, Ph.D Nancy Cade, Ph.D Joann Cantrell Basil B. Clark Bernadine Cochran Fairy Coleman Doug J. Cottle Karen C. Damron Ron D. Damron Steven M. Deatley, Ph.D Linda J. Dunatov Walter W. Gearheart. Ph.D. Pam L. Gilliam Laura E. Griffin, D.O. Mary A. Harmon Steven Harris, Ph.D Thomas R. Hess, Ph.D Michael E. Holcomb, Ph.D John Howie, Ph.D James L. Hurley Tina L. Hurley Gary K. Justice Robyn S. Justice Ambika J. Krishnamurthy, D.O. (Class year is listed after each individual / A: Academy, J: Junior College, M: Medical School) (* = Individual is Deceased) 2010-2011 | University of Pikeville Honor Roll of Giving | 8 Michael A. LaFontaine, Ph.D Aretta Langel Gerald A. Laurich, Ph.D Randy Litman, D.O. Conda G. Little Teresa L. Lockhart Sherrie A. Marrs Chandra K. Massner Brenda K. Maynard Rhonda W. Mullins John P. Nelson, Ed.D. Shirley L. Nelson, Ed.D. Peggy L. Newsome Judi Patton Paul E. Patton Katherine S. Petot James A. Riley, Ph.D Howard V. Roberts Randy Scarberry Pam S. Scott Mary Rado Simpson, Ph.D Robert E. Staggs Cathy G. Thornsbury Sharon Turk Diane S. VanCleave, Ph.D. Mechella A. Varney Elgin M. Ward Willa B. Webb Kelly Wells James M. Workman Foundations (July 2010 to June 2011) Association of Independent Kentucky Colleges & Universities Anonymous The Atlanta Christian Foundation James Graham Brown Foundation Chatlos Foundation, Inc. Joseph W. Craft, III Foundation Elizabeth A. Elliott Trust E.O. Robinson Mountain Fund EQT Foundation GE Foundation Halliburton Foundation Jones Family Fund Mars Foundation Massey Foundation Monumental Life Foundation The National Christian Foundation Pike County Retired Teachers Presbyterian Foundation Procter & Gamble Fund Wells Fargo Foundation Matching Gifts (July 2010 to June 2011) Abbott Laboratories Fund American Electric Power Arch Coal GE Foundation Halliburton Foundation Monumental Life Foundation Procter & Gamble Fund Texas Gas Transmission
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