Plaintiff (Complainant) - The Lupton family of eastern North Carolina
Plaintiff (Complainant) - The Lupton family of eastern North Carolina
Lenior County Divorces 1880-1914, 1922-1969 (Aaron – Zubia) 93 Fibredex Boxes C.059.604.2C.059.604.94 Plaintiff (Complainant) Aaron, Betty Ann Brown Abbott, Ann Lavinia Abbott, Darcenia Abbott, George C. Abercrombie, Jo Ann Abraham, Carrie Adams, Bill W. Adams, Fay Holmes Adams, Mamie K. Adams, Marguerite Lucile Adams, O. H. Adams, Theora D. Adent, Mary Madeline Adler, M. Adler, Morris Adsit, Hilda Aikens, Mildred B. Albert, Reba Albritton, Billy C. Albritton, John F., Jr. Albritton, John F., Sr. Albritton, Sarah Albritton, Wiley Alcock, Cornelia Mae Aldridge, A. A Defendant Aaron, James David Abbott, Robert Allen Abbott, Kathleen Sutton Abbott, Jean F. Abercrombie, James L., Jr. Abraham, Joseph Lynn Adams, Wanda Mary L. Adams, William Dalton Adams, Harris A. Adams, Thurston Ray Adams, Fannie F. Adams, Leon R. Adent, Kenneth Henry Adler, Bala Ash Adler, Delores Adsit, Douglas E. Aikens, Allen W. Albert, Hyman Albritton, Lillian Moore Hardy Albritton, Clara J. Albritton, Sarah Louise Albritton, Henry Albritton, Essie Alcock, Ernest Earl Aldridge, Isariah Judgment # D-2774 D-2840 D-3482 D-2772 D-2781 D-2087 D-1705 D-3436 D-2861 D-471 D-2844 D-3474 D-289 D-1235 D-3338 D-368 D-711 D-3367 D-2409 D-1941 D-256 D-1445 D-3685 D-95 Filed 6-27-1961 3-19-1962 8-7-1967 6-26-1961 8-21-1961 8-24-1953 6-13-1949 4-17-1967 5-28-1962 9-1936 1906 3-26-1962 8-7-1967 8-1933 9-1945 6-22-1966 11-1934 12-1940 9-23-1966 12-10-1956 3-17-1952 11-1932 1-1947 11-11-1968 2-1927 Comments 1 Plaintiff (Complainant) Aldridge, Annie Aldridge, B. A. Aldridge, Mary White Aldridge, Pearl Moody Aldridge, Rosa Lee Aldridge, William Alexander, Ora Bell Allen, Alfred W. Allen, C. M. Allen, Lula Mary Allen, P. P. Allison, Carolyn E. Branks (a minor), by her next friend, Katherine T. Stewart Allman, Doris Humphrey, Minor by her Next Friend, Sudie Humphrey Alphin, Ann Carter, by her next friend, Elsie Koonce Alphin, David Ray Alphin, Estelle Alphin, Ina Alphin, Jeff Alphin, Kenneth W. Alphin, Pocahuntaas Ambrose, Clifton Amos, Della Amos, Joseph W. Amyette, John E., infant, by his next friend, Alma Amyette Amyette, Raymond Lee Anderson, Chlora Clifton Anderson, Elizabeth Hill Defendant Aldridge Roy Lee Aldridge, Hazel Aldridge, Henry Aldridge, Allie B., Jr. Aldridge, John William Aldridge, Midred Alexander, Joseph R. Allen, Phyllis Ann Terrill Allen, Jane R. Allen, James Allen, Mattie Tyler Allison, Joseph Harold Judgment # D-1317 D-500 D-1440 D-2309 D-1736 D-487 D-1667 D-2122 D-512 D-1210 D-963 D-2724 Filed 4-8-1946 2-1937 12-30-1946 11-21-1955 6-17-1949 12-1936 4-25-1949 1-18-1954 6-1937 8-20-1945 10-1943 12-12-1960 Allman, H. P. D-2018 11-10-1952 Alphin, William Thomas D-3330 5-23-1966 Alphin, Virginia Dale Alphin, Charles Lloyd Alphin, J. D. Alphin, Delie Herring Alphin, Nellie A. Alphin, Roscoe J. Ambrose, Janice Kilpatrick Amos, W. P. Amos, Myrtle Gertrude Amyette, Hilda Grace Hill, by her Guardian Ad Litem, Alvin Outlaw Amyette, Audrey Louise G. Anderson, Haywood Anderson, Norwood Morris D-3134 D-2513 D-2819 D-532 D-2458 D-1279 D-3491 D-397 D-339 D-1592 2-8-1965 5-20-1958 12-11-1961 10-1937 9-9-1957 12-1945 8-14-1967 6-1935 4-1934 6-22-1948 D-877 D-1625 D-1807 1-1943 11-1-1948 10-30-1950 Comments Alabama custody 2 Plaintiff (Complainant) Anderson, Fred Anderson, Gracie Violet Hill, by her next friend, Lamar Jones Anderson, Ida Anderson, Irene Hewitt Anderson, James P. Anderson, Joseph, Jr. Anderson, William Anderson, Willie Mae Andrews, Ernest Vance Andrews, Ira Andrews, James Andrews, Jeanette Andrews, Kenneth F. Andrews, Thomas L. Antwine, Bernice Antwine, Emma Judith Arch, Fannie Koonce Armstrong, Elma Armstrong, Marie W. Armstrong, Olivette Wilkerson Armwood, Hilda Mae Armwood, Rufus Arndt, Robert Eugene Arnette, Raymond Junior Arnold, Beatrice Arnold, James C. Arnold, Mary Bryant, by and through Mary Bryant, her next friend Arnold, Terry Washington Arquelles, Lucille Defendant Anderson, Grace Anderson, Gerald D., by he Guardian and Litem, John D. Anderson Anderson, Louis Junior Anderson, Sam Anderson, Mildred Tripp Anderson, Annie Mae Anderson, Alberta Grainger Anderson, Carl Kelly Andrews, Bernice King Andrews, Adell Salter Andrews, Polly Andrews, Joe Andrews, Amelia Bergant Andrews, Susan Antwine, Frank Antwine, Lynwood Earl Arch, Farnell Armstrong, James R. Armstrong, Frank M. Armstrong, Herman C. Armwood, Hilery Armwood, Georgia Mae Herring Arndt, Patricia Ann Wilbanks Arnette, Myrtle Christine Banks Arnold, Lloyd L. Arnold, Virginia A. Arnold, Jesse James Judgment # Filed D-1523 10-27-1947 D-3269 1-17-1966 D-2468 D-1345 D-458 D-1738 D-1678 D-2527 D-2165 D-1010 D-131 D-1594 D-2012 D-1929 D-1554 D-2752 D-2279 D-599 D-2584 D-1752 D-1362 D-3079 D-3337 D-3166 D-1322 D-2821 D-2393 10-14-1957 5-13-1946 6-1936 11-28-1949 4-25-1949 8-18-1958 6-7-1954 2-21-1944 1-1928 8-1931 11-5-1952 1-21-1952 2-16-1948 3-27-1961 6-27-1955 11-1938 5-1959 2-20-1950 6-1946 8-10-1964 6-17-1966 5-17-1965 4-8-1946 12-11-1961 10-29-1956 Arnold, Jasper Arquelles, Peblo D-1775 D-3333 4-26-1950 6-13-1966 Comments 3 Plaintiff (Complainant) Arthur, Gladys Arthur, James William Arthur, Mary Daw Arthur, Thelma Arthur, Winifred Alphin Artis, Cora B. Artis, Lena Edwards Ashford, Laurine Ashford, Libbie Askew, Ben Askew, Lossie Atkins, Annie Jones Atkins, Leona Atkinson, Samuel H. Austin, Jean Lancaster Warrick Austin, Mamie Austin, Sybil Hyatt Avery, Doris Avery, Mary Aycock, Joyce Wilkins Aytche, Willie B. Bagby, Charlie, Jr. Bagby, Charlie, Jr. Bagby, Sybil Lee Bailey, Clyde Bailey, Frances Price Bailey, Ruth Bain, Harry F., Jr. Bain, James H. Baker, Alice Marie Baker, Charles R. Defendant Arthur, Willard Arthur, Colleen Helen Hawk, Infant by and through her Guardian ad Litem, Rosaline Smithwick Arthur, William Everette, Jr. Arthur, David Arthur, Blount Artis, Arthur D. Artis, James Ashford, Chester Ashford, Lucille Gardner Askew, Emma N. Askew, Melvin Atkins, Vernon Augustus Atkins, Lawson Atkinson, Etta Mae Parker Austin, Jimmy Hiram Austin, A. W. Austin, Robert E. Avery, Frank Avery, William F. Aycock, Linwood Gorden Aytche, Katie Mae Bagby, Irene Turner Bagby, Sybil Lee Bagby, Charlie, Jr. Bailey, Viola Bailey, Curtis A. Bailey, Avery B. Bain, Margaret Jean M. Bain, Eleanor C. Baker, Claude F. Baker, Mary Thomas Judgment # Filed D-1051 5-1944 D-3659 8-22-1968 D-3141 D-503 D-407 D-643 D-3128 D-2066 D-2653 D-251 D-1757 D-3031 D-132 D-1236 D-3492 D-1371 D-1596 D-753 D-2360 D-3661 D-3039 D-1093 D-637 D-388 D-39 D-1579 D-106 D-2698 D-3023 D-1094 D-277 Comments 3-15-1965 9-21-1959 9-1935 9-1939 2-8-1965 6-8-1953 2-15-1960 6-1932 2-1950 2-10-1964 2-1928 10-15-1945 8-14-1967 6-24-1946 8-23-1948 8-1941 5-28-1956 9-13-1968 3-16-1964 10-1944 8-21-1939 1-16-1935 5-1925 5-10-1948 6-1927 9-12-1960 1-31-1964 10-1944 5-1933 4 Plaintiff (Complainant) Baker, Effie H. Baker, Ethel Weatherington Baker, Frances Manning Baker, Henry Baker, James Arthur Baker, James, E., Jr. Baker, Jasper Baker, M. B. Baker, Mildred Cox Baker, Nelle Hufton Baker, Olivia Mae Baker, Oscar Baker, Pauline G. Baker, Roger D. Baker, Willie Clay Baldree, Edwin M. Ball, Beatrice Smith Ball, Mamie Tolar Ballard, Flora Elizabeth Balukevich, Kathleen Summerlin Bams, Ernest Banks, Anita C. Banks, C. T. Banks, Juana Ann B. Banks, Lillie Croom Banks, Mollie Banks, Sallie Banty, Mary Barber, Buster Percie Barber, Eliza Mills Defendant Baker, Horace Baker, Horace Baker, Weldon Baker, Pauline Baker, Lela Belle Baker, Pauline Sutton Baker, Frances Baker, Bessie Belle Baker, Elijah Alexander Baker, James Norwood Baker, Harvery Baker, Rowena Sutton, a minor by her guardian ad litem Pauline Sutton. Baker, Anderson L. Baker, Marie P. Baker, Robena Greene Baldree, Mattie Louise Malpass Ball, Gordon H. Ball, Gordon Ballard, J. F. Balukevich, James J. Judgment # D-1025 D-2349 D-2070 D-615 D-865 D-1047 D-2130 D-922 D-3353 D-822 D-948 D-1558 Filed 4-1944 4-23-1956 6-15-1953 4-11-1939 11-1942 5-1944 6-18-1954 6-1943 8-8-1966 6-1942 8-1943 2-16-1948 D-1673 D-1881 D-918 D-1643 D-1665 D-2158 D-399 D-1041 4-25-1949 8-20-1951 5-11-1943 1-24-1949 2-21-1949 5-10-1954 6-1935 4-1944 Bams, Thelma Banks, Miltn A. Banks, Leona Frances Banks, Cleveland Banks, William James Banks, Joe Banks, Roland Banty, Robert L. Barber, Delma Wansley Barber, James Earl D-2952 D-1530 D-440 D-3192 D-3117 D-56 D-1156 D-1394 D-1177 D-1021 5-21-1963 11-10-1947 2-1936 8-9-1965 12-14-1964 11-1925 1-1945 9-23-1946 4-9-1945 4-1944 Comments Marriage Certificate 5 Plaintiff (Complainant) Barber, Naomi Jean Barbre, Ray S. Barfield, Carrie Barfield, Frances Burns Barfield, Freddie Lee Barfield, Jesse Barker, Willie Barnes, Lillie Mae Barnes, Lizzie Barnes, Raymond Lee Barnes, Robert Barnes, Roland A. Barnette, Addie Barnette, Mary Ruth Barrett, Dorothy Adams Barrow, Carol Martin Barrow, H. A. Barrow, Lela Fay Barrow, Ora Mabel Scott Barrow, Willard P. Barrow, Zana Cheryl Bartholomew, Ethel Riggs Barwick, Edna Slater Barwick, Edward Milton Barwick, Eliza Barwick, Raymond G. Barwick, Rodney E. Bass, Melba Davenport Bassette, Dorothy I. Batchelor, Cecil Waldo Bateman, Nellie R. Battle, Ada Washington Defendant Barber, Carl Austin, Sr. Barbre, Julia Grace Venters Barfield, Johnnie Barfield, Herman William Barfield, Willie Mae Barfield, Lizzie Barker, Bertha J. Barnes, Alton Barnes, Ernest Barnes, Peggy Dawson Barnes, Lydia Kornegay Barnes, Lillian Edmunson Barnette, Charlie Barnette, Donnie Barrett, Jack W. Barrow, Earl Barrow, Gladys Barrow, Marion Foster Barrow, Julius L. Barrow, Joyce G. Barrow, Joseph B. Bartholomew, George C. Barwick, Junius, Jr. Barwick, Madeline Dunn Barwick, Randolph Barwick, Louella H. Barwick, Beulah P. Bass, Kenneth Ray Bassette, E. M. Batchelor, Ruth Scott Bateman, Herbert W. Battle, Walter (alias James Hardy) Judgment # D-2875 D-2990 D-2567 D-1698 D-1793 D-909 D-1301 D-526 D-47 D-2905 D-2749 D-1677 D-121 D-1490 D-2052 D-3535 D-253 D-951 D-3064 D-3007 D-3673 D-2939 D-1570 D-1671 D-1908 D-1871 D-773 D-2723 D-845 D-3275 D-122 D-2660 Filed 6-25-1962 9-16-1963 2-9-1959 5-16-1949 8-21-1950 5-1943 2-1946 9-1937 8-1925 11-9-1962 3-20-1961 4-25-1949 11-1927 6-9-1947 4-20-1953 11-13-1967 9-1932 9-1943 5-25-1964 8-6-1963 10-14-1968 3-18-1963 4-19-1948 6-16-1950 11-5-1951 5-21-1951 11-1941 12-12-1960 9-1942 1-17-1966 11-1927 3-21-1960 Comments Alaska divorce 6 Plaintiff (Complainant) Battle, Alex Battle, Bloss, Jr. Battle, Jefferson L. Battle, Mamie Miller Battle, William F. Batts, L. O. Batts, Ruth Baysden, Richard Caswell Beach, Albert S. Beach, Imogene Beacham, Delia Beaman, Julian G. Bear, Mary Ann Mumford Beard, J. W. Beard, Jane Waller Beaseley, Alice Beasley, John Beatty, Booker T. Beavers, Elbert Ray Becker, Allan A. Becton, Allene Dudley Becton, Bessie Becton, Ella Brown Becton, Freddie Ray Becton, Goerge W. Becton, Isaac Becton, J. W. Beddens, Evelyn Harris Belgard, Christine Spear, by her next friend, Ella V. Spear Bell, Charlie Bert Defendant Battle, Beatha Battle, Naomi Battle, Pearlie May Loftin, a minor, and Arlena Loftin, guardian ad litem of said minor. Battle, Wilbur (Willoughby) Battle, Susie Mae Alston Batts, Ada F. Batts, G. W. Baysden, Retha Mae Taylor Beach, Annie Mae Davis Beach, Woodrow Beacham Simon Beaman, Goldie G. Bear, Steven Monroe Beard, Rosa Lee Beard, Harold Beaseley, John Beasley, Nora Beatty, Gladys Beavers, Mattie M. Becker, Helen Clark Becton, Kenneth Albert Becton, Willie Becton, Roger Becton, Mildred Kornegay Becton, Almira Frank Becton, Naomi W. Becton, Charlie Beddens, Andrew Lee Belgard, Clarence Bell, Leona Dail Judgment # D-382 D-1622 D-967 Filed 1-1935 9-27-1948 10-1943 D-324 D-1356 D-3441 D-569 D-3371 D-1626 D-1364 D-782 D-2155 D-3230 D-364 D-1541 D-880 D-134 D-3493 D-591 D-1148 D-2763 D-2946 D-3603 D-3237 D-874 D-688 D-2032 D-620 1-25-1934 6-10-1946 5-15-1967 1-1938 10-18-1966 11-1-1948 6-1946 12-1941 4-1954 10-18-1965 9-1934 1-19-1948 1-1943 4-1928 8-21-1967 10-22-1938 12-1944 5-29-1961 4-16-1963 5-13-1968 10-25-1965 12-1942 5-1940 1933 1-19-1953 4-13-1939 D-1353 6-10-1946 Comments 7 Plaintiff (Complainant) Bell, Joe Bell, Joseph Samuel Bell, Samuel Johnnie Bell, Thelma Davis Bell, William Bellinger, Rachel Mae Belmont, Marie Louise Patterson Belton, Eugene G. Bembry, Johnnie Mae Bendall, Cassie I. Bender, Lillie Belle Koonce Benedict, Clyde H. Bennett, Carlos Hughes Bennett, Cecil Earl Benton, D. F. Benton, John J. Berry, Eva Berry, Gloria Lea Wood Berry, M. C. Best, Clifton Earl Best, Doris Petifer Best, Guilford Best, James Best, Jesse Best, Mable Rhodes Best, Margaret F. Best, Mary Magdalene Wortham Best, Matthew Best, Matthew Best, Mollie Ruth Lassiter Best, Patrick McKinley Best, Richard, Jr. Defendant Bell, Alvester Bell, Barbara Frances Whitley Bell, Jessie B. Bell, Willie Bell, Annie Bellinger, Joseph Belmont, Rudolph Belton, Emma Bembry, Elbert Bendall, Samuel Ford Bender, Monroe Benedict, Margaret C. Bennett, Lela Vearle Bennett, Julia Belle Benton, Lydia Simmons Benton, Mary Dorothy Berry, Lewis Berry, Francis E. Berry, Minie Best, Edna Earle Harper Best, Edward Best, Minnie Best, Ethel Coward Best, Lylie Best, Seth, Jr. Best, Arthur Lee Best, George Carson Best, Minnie Best, Lissie Best, James Edward Best, Edna Parks Best, Bernice Lee Judgment # D-110 D-3705 D-2835 D-2143 D-11 D-2392 D-2897 D-1397 D-2171 D-1150 D-2788 D-564 D-827 D-836 D-2215 D-1680 D-781 D-1005 D-224 D-3332 D-1587 D-59 D-263 D-1591 D-2079 D-3238 D-1118 D-1237 D-1976 D-3034 D-3517 Filed 10-1927 2-3-1969 2-14-1962 3-15-1954 11-1924 10-22-1956 10-22-1962 9-23-1946 6-7-1954 12-1944 8-21-1961 4-1938 8-1942 9-1942 11-3-1954 4-25-1949 12-1941 2-21-1944 6-1931 5-23-1966 6-10-1948 1-1926 1-1933 1886 6-21-1948 8-24-1953 11-1-1965 11-1944 10-1945 6-23-1952 2-19-1964 10-16-1967 Comments 8 Plaintiff (Complainant) Best, Walter Ray Best, William Bright Bevins, Grace Bicker, Jack Albert Bishop, Dorthy Leora, Mrs. Bishop, Effie Pool Bishop, Vida Bizzell, Mary Dawson Bizzell, Sallie K. (alias Sallie K Bizzie) Bizzell, Spencer Blackman, Benj. Andrew Blackman, James Blackman, Katie Clyde Blair, Gladys Blalock, Charles C. Blalock, Olive Savage, by her next friend, Nettie Savage Bland, Eddie Bland, Jennie Gay Bland, Margaret Ann Hardy Bland, R. F. Bland, Robert Colvin, by his duly appointed next friend Graham C. Smith Blanton, Eleanor Hood Blaylock, Clara Barbara Bloodsworth, Robert Dale Blount, Annie Brock Blount, Columbus Blount, Josephine Southerland Blount, Lyn Blount, Martha Defendant Best, Johnny Mae Muller Best, Mary Emma Richardson Bevins, Robert H. Bicker, Alease Hall Bishop, Ellis Bishop, Fred Walker Bishop, Gaston Bizzell, Clifton Bizzell, David Judgment # D-3385 D-1096 D-2191 D-3215 D-369 D-3205 D-204 D-2081 D-2564 Filed 11-14-1966 10-16-1944 8-23-1954 8-24-1965 11-1934 8-23-1965 2-1930 8-24-1953 10-21-1958 Bizzell, Elizabeth Blackman Mamie Lee Blackman, Cora Blackman, Harvey M. Blair, Frank Blalock, Lucy Blalock, Charles C. D-456 D-2109 D-1006 D-1264 D-84 D-427 D-97 5-1936 11-16-1953 2-21-1944 12-1945 10-1926 11-1935 5-1927 Bland, Lula Bland, Clarence M. Bland, Livie Charles Bland, Lena Bland, Algia Lynn Jones, sometimes called Cora Sudie Johnson Bland D-903 D-3519 D-3282 D-77 D-3316 4-1943 10-16-1967 1-17-1966 5-1926 4-18-1966 Blanton, Albert Blaylock, Robert Bloodsworth, Peggy Mae Blount, Wade Blount, Aradia Rouse Blount, Simon Blount, Zodie Blount Leon D-795 D-582 D-2771 D-1411 D-1910 D-3057 D-265 D-1972 2-1942 9-26-1938 6-20-1961 10-17-1946 11-5-1951 5-18-1964 2-1933 6-9-1952 Comments 9 Plaintiff (Complainant) Blow, John Roland Blue, Edna Butler Boatwright, Marie Bochan, Margaret Bogan, Blanche Ward Bohanan, Hilda Grace Pollock Boney, Clara Estell Boney, James Boney, Willie Booker, Nina Kay Hoffman, a minor, by and through her next friend, Cora Ann Hoffman Boon, Julia Boone, Doris Boone, Mamie Booth, Irene Bryan Borden, Patricia Crawford Bosse, David G. Bostic, Gertrude Miller Boswell, Alice Boswell, Betty Lou Moore, by her next friend, Mrs. J. W. Moore Boteler, Goldie M., Mrs. Boulier, Lottie Jean Boulware, Edison Thomas Bourdas, Anita Harrison Bourdas, Stefania Bovinet, Martha H. D. Bowden, Mattie Bowens, Helen Sydes Bowens, Mary Bowers, Blanchie Byrd Defendant Blow, Jessie Earl Ives Blue, Leon R. Boatwright, Charles G. Bochan, Peter Bogan, Charles Leroy Bohanan, Benjamin Franklin Boney, O. T. Boney, Vera Faison Boney, Alice Booker, Donald Roger Judgment # D-1662 D-2762 D-401 D-1092 D-101 D-2623 D-236 D-2715 D-230 D-3288 Filed 2-21-1949 5-29-1961 6-1935 10-1944 5-1927 11-23-1959 12-1931 10-31-1960 9-1931 2-7-1966 Boone, Daniel (alias Bob Vincen) Boone, John Boone, Willie Booth, Edward Thomas Borden, Richard W. Bosse, Elizabeth K. Bostic, James Norman Boswell, James Boswell, William Ray D-1641 D-1162 D-1701 D-3235 D-2949 D-3206 D-1172 D-1475 1900 1-24-1949 1-1945 6-1949 10-18-1965 4-24-1963 8-23-1965 2-1945 5-1947 Bolteler, John T. Boulier, Ralph Severn Boulware, Marie C. Bourdas, Thomas Anthony Bourdas, Perikles N. Bovinet Robert L. Bowden, Walter Bowens, Thomas Bowens, Robert Bowers, Charles L. D-243 D-1762 D-1358 D-3699 D-579 D-2690 D-386 D-2357 D-3 D-1407 4-1932 3-20-1950 6-10-1946 12-17-1968 8-1938 9-13-1960 2-1935 5-28-1956 10-1924 10-14-1946 Comments 10 Plaintiff (Complainant) Bowers, Pauline H., Mrs. Bowles, Guy A., Jr. Boyd, Ada Boyd, Lillian B. Boyette, Angie M. Boyette, Carl Boyette, Edith Cauley Boyette, Julian E. Boyette, Mary Ellen Braddy, Elsie Blalock Bradshaw, Louis E. Bradshaw, Robert S., Jr. Brady, Rose Brake, Brenda B. Branch, Annie Thelma Brandstetter, Ruth Davis, a minor, by her next friend W. F. Harper Brannon, Mabel H. Brantley, Carrie L. Braswell, Samuel Dawson, Jr. Braxton, Betsy Carole Braxton, Doris Brewer, Sophia K. Briggs, Hilda Grace Stanford Bright, Alma Heath Bright, Clarence Bright, Claude Bright, David Odell Bright, Dorthy J. Bright, James R. Bright, James R. Bright, Maxine Moore Defendant Bowers, W. Jesse Bowles, Nancy H. Boyd, Ivey Berry Boyd, Leonard J. Boyette, Jasper George Boyette, Lucy Boyette, Joseph Lemon Boyette, Sadie Lou Boyette, Joseph Lemon Braddy, Gilbert Bonner Bradshaw, Bertie Bradwshaw, Ann Holt Brady, Frank Brake, Henry Branch, Mitt Brandstetter, Frederick James Judgment # D-249 D-2880 D-995 D-1384 D-3248 D-1030 D-2097 D-491 D-2992 D-296 D-1484 D-3242 D-356 D-3496 D-1613 D-1405 Filed 5-1932 8-20-1962 1-1944 8-19-1946 11-15-1965 4-1944 11-2-1953 1-1937 10-14-1963 11-1933 5-19-1947 11-3-1965 6-18-1934 9-5-1967 9-13-1948 9-23-1946 Brannon, Frank Brantley, Ralph Braswell, Elwanor Bradshaw Braxton, William Robert Braxton, Leon Brewer, W. Earl Briggs, Been Meeks Bright, Claude Bright, Maybell Seymour Bright, Lillie Mae Bright, Bessie Louise Edwards Bright, James Bright, Gerorganna Bright, Mary Bright, Frank Edward, Jr. D-748 D-453 D-1921 D-2958 D-636 D-73 D-2051 D-1165 D-374 D-2224 D-3377 D-2605 D-5 6-1941 5-15-1936 4-23-1951 6-17-1963 8-22-1939 5-1926 4-20-1953 2-1945 12-12-1934 11-29-1954 10-17-1966 9-14-1959 11-1924 1899 11-11-1968 D-3686 Comments Georgia divorce 11 Plaintiff (Complainant) Bright, Pocahontas N. Bright, Simon Brigman, Dora Brigman, W. E. Briley, Liddie Brimage, Tom Brimage, Tom, Sr. Brinkley, Barbara M. Lynch Brinkley, Novella Brinson, Edna Earl Brinson, Georgia S. Brinson, J. B. Brinson, Joann Williams Brinson, Johnie B. Brinson, Johnnie Edward Brinson, Mary Elouise Talton Brinson, Mildred B. Britt, Ada Elizabeth Britt, Leona Herring Britt, Mardicia Britt, Ned Cleveland Britt, Roland M. Britt, Titus Earl Britt, William Henry Broadhurst, Hertha B. Brock, Callie Mae Brock, Laura Miller Brock, Lillie Bell Gooding Brock, William Brock, William Bronstein, Ida Brooks, Leon Defendant Bight, Cleo Bright, Ruth Potter Brigman, Lucian Brigman, Alice Briley, Arthur Brimage, Ava Rhem Brimage, Cora W. Brinkley, Kenneth Marshall Brinkley, Clarence J. B. Brinson Brinson, Eugene W. Brinson, Clara Bell Brinson, James Arthur Brinson, Janie Belle Brinson, Emma Smith Stocks Brinson, Earl Wesley Brinson, Lester R. Britt, Herman Britt, David Paul Britt, Dick Britt, Ann Britt, Lucille T. Britt, Maggie Eason Britt, Georgia Alice Broadhurst, Fred Brock, Augustus Brock, Allen Brock, Dalton Dewey Brock, Addie Mae Brock, Margaret Bronstein, Isador Brooks, Eva Grace Jones Judgment # D-2394 D-2282 D-1543 D-314 D-728 D-2932 D-2253 D-2531 D-1287 D-1779 D-707 D-176 D-3483 D-766 D-3540 D-3433 D-2902 D-1733 D-3299 D-2597 D-3476 D-2276 D-2478 D-1081 D-212 D-1045 D-2102 D-2135 D-1147 D-42 D-280 D-1195 Filed 10-29-1956 6-27-1955 1-19-1948 12-1933 2-1941 2-11-1968 3-21-1955 9-8-1958 1-21-1946 5-22-1950 10-1940 8-1929 8-4-1967 10-1941 11-27-1967 4-10-1967 11-19-1962 11-1-1949 3-14-1966 9-9-1959 8-7-1967 6-27-1955 12-1957 8-1944 6-1930 4-1944 11-2-1953 2-15-1954 12-1944 6-1925 6-1933 6-1945 Comments Appeal included 12 Plaintiff (Complainant) Broughton, Nolye Brown, Adolphe Brown, Agnes Brown, Alda Jane Brown, Annie C. Brown, Berry Brown, Broddrick Brown, Carrie Tyndall Brown, Charlotte F. Brown, Clarence Brown, Claude L. Brown, Claude L. Brown, Clorie Koonce Brown, Commedore Brown, Daisy Mae Brown, Delores Brown, Delores Sewell Brown, Doris Blalock Brown, Edward Brown, Ellsworth Brown, Elmer Jones Brown, Elmer Lee Brown, Elsie, Brown, Ernest Brown, Estelle Thompson Brown, Ethel Brown, Georgia Brown, Hosea Brown, J. B. Brown, Jean Graves Brown, Jewell W. Brown, John Calvin Defendant Broughton, Charles L. Brown,Hannah Brown, Albert Brown, Kenneth Brown, A. N. Brown, Tessie B. Brown, Katie Lee Brown, Braddock Brown, Johnnie Brown, Susan Brown, Rosa Hooker Brown, Rosa H. Brown, Johnnie Brown, Katie Brown, T. N. Brown, Berry L. Brown, Luby Joe Brown, Albert Clifton, Jr. Brown, Bonnie Jo Outlaw Brown, Jessie Mae Brown, Doris Gordon Brown, Lottie Mae Basden Brown, Francis Brown Lucille Jenkins Brown, Clayton Brown, Albert Brown, Paul Brown, Esther May Brown, Pearl Brown, Albert Clifton, Jr. Brown, Walter D. Brown, Victoria Judgment # D-237 D-1387 D-58 D-2445 D-1272 D-1991 D-570 D-1079 D-315 D-538 D-772 D-1064 D-1688 D-3092 D-910 D-403 D-1545 D-2190 D-3622 D-3210 D-140 D-3050 D-2322 D-776 D-235 D-2369 D-100 D-863 D-3515 Filed 12-1931 8-19-1946 1-1926 6-17-1957 1909 12-10-1945 9-22-1952 5-16-1938 8-1944 1-1934 12-15-1937 2-1938 6-1944 1901 4-25-1949 10-14-1964 5-1943 6-1935 1-19-1948 8-23-1954 6-24-1968 8-23-1965 6-1928 4-30-1964 12-12-1955 11-1941 12-1931 6-1956 6-1927 11-1942 10-16-1967 1884 Comments 13 Plaintiff (Complainant) Brown, John Henry Brown, John Wesley Brown, Lena S. Brown, Mabel Marie Eubanks Brown, Mildred L. Brown, Millie L. Brown, Nancy Sutton Brown, Pearl Cahoon Brown, Rue H., Mrs. Brown, S. A. Brown, Sargett Brown, Williard E. Bruce, Nellie Ferebee White Bruton, Alma Hawkins Bryan, Ann B. Bryan, Marie Gray Bryant, Archie Bryant, Carl T. Bryant, Elizabeth Williams Bryant, Herbert Bryant, Mary Phillips Bryant, Minnie Bryant, Paul Bryant, Ruby Kennedy Bryant, Willie, Jr. Bubacz, Carrie Bagby Buccieri, Annie Doris Turner, a minor, Acting by and through her General Guardian, Felix M. Taylor Buck, John Buck, Joyce Buck, Sadie Defendant Brown, Katie Brown, Lela Brown, James F. Brown, James Floyd Brown, Berry Brown, Stacey Albert Brown, George William Brown, Berry Brown, W. H. Brown, Clara F. Brown, Eula D. Brown, Peggy L. Bruce, James Westly Bruton, Roger Allen Bryan, Benj. L. Bryan, William Bryant, Ruth Bell Bryant, Delilah Bryant, General Bryant, Virginia Bryant, Willie Lee Bryant, Owen Bryant, Laura Bryant, Herbert Bryant, Henrietta Bubacz, Edward E. Buccieri, John Ray Judgment # D-630 D-442 D-2656 D-2477 D-1296 D-560 D-2563 D-420 D-359 D-770 D-856 D-1095 D-1080 D-2529 D-2676 D-2855 D-2977 D-321 D-2043 D-3410 D-246 D-3227 D-3024 D-222 D-3358 D-1443 Filed 6-1939 2-1936 3-21-1960 12-1957 1-1946 2-1938 2-1959 10-1935 9-1934 10-1941 10-1942 10-1944 8-1944 9-8-1958 1892 5-30-1960 5-21-1962 9-1963 1-25-1934 2-24-1953 2-6-1967 4-1932 10-18-1965 1-20-1964 6-1931 8-15-1966 12-1946 Buck, Carrie Buck, Leslie Ervin Buck, Elbert D-684 D-2418 D-778 4-1940 2-11-1957 12-1941 Comments 14 Plaintiff (Complainant) Buck, Thadeus A. Buck, W. B. Budz, Daisy Virginia Bullock, Frank Burch, Tempie Burden, Hazel Louise Burden, Robert E. Burdge, Margaret M. Burgess, Lency Green Burke, Coreene Burke, Selma Rouse Burkett, Clarence Burkett, James E. Burkett, Ruth Burney, Bulah Burney, Elisa Lee Burns, William T. Burroughs, Wilbur Bursell, Charlie Bursell, Lillie May Burwell, Gloria Hines Busbee, Walter Lewis Butler, Dorothy Wooten Butler, Ella V. Phillips Butler, James K. Butler, Johnnie Mae Butler, Lillie Andrews Butler, Mildred Brown Butner, George Calvin Butts, Lonnie Bynum, Geneva Bell Defendant Buck, Nancy Ellen Buck, Octavia Lynch Budz, Joseph Walter, Jr. Bullock, Alberta Smith Burch, Henry Burden, Albert, Jr. Burden, Helen Lassiter Burdge Floyd W. Burgess, Raymond Burke, Herbert Lee Burke, Cecil R. Burkett, Lillie Bell Burkett, Violet Cade Burkett, R. L. Burney, Boston Burney, Fred Burns, Hazel Stevens Burroughs, Amy May Smith Bursell, Odessa Bursell, Charles B. Burwell, John Busbee Savanah Butler, James Edward Butler, Herbert Butler, Lovie O’Connor Butler, Bruce Butler, George Winfield Butler, Herbert Butner, Bonnie Howard, a minor, and Nora Howard, Guardian ad Litem for said minor Butts, Maybelle Bynum, Theodore Judgment # D-522 D-125 D-2803 D-3513 D-363 D-2517 D-1442 D-1439 D-2341 D-2457 D-1922 D-357 D-2553 D-287 D-1684 D-215 D-1402 D-2509 D-479 D-150 D-3194 D-2374 D-2799 D-2480 D-1682 D-3711 D-556 D-1507 D-2169 Filed 8-1937 12-1927 10-10-1961 10-16-1967 9-1934 6-16-1958 1-1-1947 12-1946 3-19-1956 9-9-1957 1-21-1952 8-1934 12-8-1958 12-1930 4-25-1949 10-1930 9-23-1946 5-19-1958 10-1936 10-1928 8-9-1965 8-20-1956 10-9-1961 12-9-1957 4-25-1949 5-6-1969 2-23-1938 8-18-1947 6-7-1954 D-1175 D-1987 2-1945 6-18-1952 Comments 15 Plaintiff (Complainant) Bynum, Genevieve Sasso Byrd, Arthur Byrd, Blanchie Byrd, Bruce T. Byrd, Dollie H. Byrd, Henry Earl Byrd, Iris Mitchell Byrd, James Byrd, Mary N. Byrd, Rodolph D. Byrd, T. K. Byrd, Thelma Marlene Sanderson Byrd, Vendetta L. Byrd, Virginia Holland Byrd, William H. Cade, Albert Cade, Gaynelle Williams Cahoon, Louise Coleman, Cisero Callahan, Edward D. Callihan, Louise Campbell, Addison B. Campbell, John Edward Campbell, Ruby Warren Canady, James Cannady, Chris Cannon, Alex Cannon, Alexander Cannon, Carlene M. Cannon, Clara W. Cannon, Connie Ray Defendant Bynum, Charley Byrd, Hattie Byrd, Nathan Byrd, Rosalie Taylor Byrd, Sam Byrd, Clara Belle Herring Byrd, Woodrow Byrd, Kathleen B. Byrd, Tobie Byrd, Ellen H. Byrd, Bessie B. Byrd, Billy McCoy, a minor, by his Guardian ad Litem, William Henry Byrd Byrd, James Edward Byrd, Horace Byrd, Amelia t. Cade, Vivian Hawkins Cade, Bobby Ray Cade Cahoon, Keith Coleman, Emma Callahan, Cornelia Callihan, Quence Campbell, Helen F. Campbell, Brigitte Lettermann Campbell, Joseph Nathan Canady, Matilda H. Cannady, Emma Cannon, Lillie Cannon, Mabel White Cannon, Charles Joe Cannon, Johnny M. Cannon, Doris Gwendolyn Vance, a Judgment # D-2056 D-601 D-775 D-3574 D-1942 D-2463 D-2520 D-3298 D-63 D-2758 D-1191 D-3481 Filed 5-18-1953 11-1938 11-1941 3-11-1968 3-17-1952 10-7-1957 6-23-1958 3-14-1966 2-1926 5-29-1961 5-14-1945 8-7-1967 D-698 D-1339 D-1609 D-665 D-3234 D-1188 9-1940 5-13-1946 8-23-1948 1-22-1940 10-18-1965 4-1945 1901 2-11-1963 12-13-1945 2-21-1955 1-16-1963 9-18-1958 8-1944 12-12-1955 1914 6-1947 2-21-1949 9-18-1961 9-9-1963 D-2928 D-1280 D-2245 D-2926 D-2523 D-1078 D-2320 D-1495 D-1659 D-2792 D-2979 Comments Marriage License 16 Plaintiff (Complainant) Cannon, Doris L. Manning Cannon, Elizabeth Dawson Cannon, Eurven Cannon, G. C. Cannon, John Cannon, Laura Canty, Almeta Mathews Canty, William Carlyle Bessie Carlyle, Sallie Lou Smith Carlyle, Shelby Ann Thompson, a minor, by her Next Friend, Troy Thompson Carman, Major Carmon, Anthony Carney, Wiley Daniel Caroon, Nancy B. Caroon, Oscar McLendon Carr, Phillip Carraway, Cecil Carraway, Ernest B. Carraway, G. B. Carraway, Herman C, Carroll, Mildred Kelley Carrow, Benjamin Ray Carrow, Ely Carson, Edna F. Carter, Alma Carter, Charlie Defendant minor, appearing by and through her Guardian ad Litem, Fred W. Harrison Cannon, Robert Lee Cannon, Jesse Cannon, Lula Beatrice Cannon, Belie E. Cannon, Percie Bell Cannon, George B. Canty, Abram B. Canty, Lonella Carlyle, Simon Carlyle, Francis Craig Carlyle, Leamon Edward Carman, Sarah Carmon, Rosetta Carney, Winnie Caroon, Oscar Caroon, Ruth Hill Carr, Verna Carraway, Katheleen Gertrude Thornton Carraway, Mary H. Carraway, Helen B. Carraway, Leona Whitaker Carroll, Ransome Carrow, Theta Fertick Carow, Addie Carson, Irving Hilliard Carter, Luther Carter, Sylvia Pearce Judgment # Filed D-2981 D-2665 D-989 D-945 D-2336 D-1552 D-1344 D-1556 D-81 D-3370 D-3660 9-9-1963 4-19-1960 12-1943 8-1943 3-19-1956 1-21-1948 5-13-1946 2-16-1948 8-1926 10-17-1966 8-22-1968 D-492 D-872 D-1267 D-3139 D-924 D-805 D-2536 1-1937 12-1942 12-10-1945 3-15-1965 6-1943 4-1942 10-13-1958 D-789 D-513 D-3715 D-1903 D-2820 D-962 D-1978 D-307 D-3249 1-1942 6-1937 10-6-1969 10-29-1951 12-11-1961 10-1943 6-24-1952 12-1933 11-15-1965 Comments 17 Plaintiff (Complainant) Carter, Ellen Joyce Goff, a minor, by her Next Fried, Lena J. Goff Carter, Fannie Carter, Geraldine C. Carter, Helen H. Carter, Ina Whitley, by her Next Friend, E. L. Whitley Carter, Jesse Moore Carter, Laura Mae Carter, Lenwood Lee Carter, Leonard Carter, Lettie Carter, Louise Carter, Minnie Carter, Robert R. Carter, Verna Bell Carter, W. M. Carthan, Gladys Stanley Case, Daphnia Gladys, by her next friend, Nannie Antwine Case, Dorothy Claire Barrett Case, Fredrick Jack Casey, Bertha A. Casey, Elijah Casey, Jacqueline R. Casey, Maggie Casey, Marie Rogers Casey, Mary Elizabeth Casey, Myrtle E. Casey, R. W. Casey, Robert Lynwood Casey, Robert Ray Defendant Carter, James Lee Judgment # Filed D-3682 10-30-1968 Carter, Ray Carter, Ronald W. Carter, Jesse Moore Carter, Lenwood L. D-1181 D-1743 D-1954 D-2106 4-10-1945 1-1950 4-21-1952 11-2-1953 Carter, Lucile Carter, James A. Carter, Marion Marie Matthews Carter, Guyeula H. Carter, Burl A. Carter, R. E. Carter, Archie D. Carter, Ann Carter, Johnnie Carter, Dollie Hardison Carthan, James Case, Frederick S. D-1008 D-1787 D-3074 D-754 D-1184 D-181 D-2740 D-2305 D-2120 D-554 D-1159 D-1354 2-1944 6-13-1950 8-10-1964 8-1941 4-9-1945 8-1929 2-1961 10-24-1955 12-1-1953 2-21-1938 1-1945 6-10-1946 Case, Frederick Stanley Case, Ruth Evelyn Bowen Casey, G. P. Casey, Ada Casey, John C. Casey, Elijah Casey, Lewis A. Casey, Norman F. Casey, Herman Casey, Nettie Casey, Fannie Maxine Casey, Mary Hill D-3635 D-2104 D-2185 D-65 D-2441 D-1061 D-2350 D-2630 D-1525 D-381 D-3339 D-1619 8-6-1968 11-2-1953 8-23-1954 2-1926 6-17-1957 6-1944 5-28-1956 11-23-1959 10-27-1947 1-1935 6-20-1966 9-27-1948 Comments 18 Plaintiff (Complainant) Casey, Velma Elizabeth Jenkins Casper, Leah, Mrs. Catania, Michael J. Cathcart, Bertie Patrick Catlette, M. C. Caulder, Colleen Meadows Cauley, Dorothy Hoffman Cauley, James B. Cauley, Lillie Chamberlain, Beatrice Ree Chamberlain, Lola Maye Chambers, Mary C. Champagne, Philip E. Champion, L. B. Chandler, Bertha Chandler, Lottie Quinn Chapman, Beatrice Chapman, Clyde Chapman, Clyde Chapman, Dawn S. Chapman, James L. Chapman, Nannie Mae Charleston, Vonnie Lee Chase, F. Ronald Chase, Virginia Taylor Chastain, Bettie Sutton Jones Chauncey, Gertrude Marie Chavors, W. M. Cheatham, Weeda R. Cherry, Nettie Byrd Chestnut, Henry Eugene Chestnut, William Defendant Casey, William Harold Casper, Canney Catania, Marie L. Cathcart, Wilbur Catlette, Mamie Outlaw Caulder, Hubert Lee Cauley, William D. Cauley, Mary L. Cauley, Edward Chamberlain, Carston Chamberlain, John Arthur Chambers, David W. Champagne, Violet M. McNeal Champion, Lula T. Chandler, Roscoe Z. Chandler, Welton Elwood Chapman, Samuel Chapman, Perlie B. Chapman, Ernestine Payton Chapman, John S, Jr. Chapman, Ethelene Chapman, Alaska B. Charleston, Nathaniel Chase, Bertie C. Chase, Jesse B. Chastain, Claude I. Chauncey, Carroll F. Chavors, Luella W. Cheatham, Rushall H. Cherry, Samuel Chestnut, Iris H. Chestnut, Fannie Judgment # D-3318 D-262 D-1600 D-758 D-891 D-2076 D-2667 D-1510 D-3026 D-3119 D-2984 D-2650 D-2910 D-703 D-102 D-978 D-2069 D-2722 D-3461 D-3399 D-2789 D-489 D-2511 D-2614 D-1642 D-1863 D-1222 D-76 D-1967 D-803 D-1575 D-196 Filed 5-16-1966 11-1932 8-23-1948 8-1941 2-1943 8-24-1953 5-23-1960 8-18-1947 1-20-1964 12-14-1964 9-9-1963 2-15-1960 11-26-1962 9-1940 5-1927 11-1943 6-15-1953 12-12-1960 6-12-1967 12-12-1966 8-17-1961 12-16-1936 5-19-1958 10-19-1959 1-24-1949 4-24-1951 8-21-1945 5-1926 5-20-1952 4-1942 5-10-1948 12-1929 Comments 19 Plaintiff (Complainant) Christiansen, Emily Grace Rider Christison, Carrie Chandler Chugg, Anna C. Churchill, R. F. Ciphers, Zuliene Creel Clark, Bertha Clark, Betty Clark, Charles Clark, George C., Jr. Clark, Henry C. Clark, Henry C. Clark, James H. Clark, Nancy Hazel Clark, Oleen A. Clark, Otis Clark, Rosa Clark, Sallie Louise Clayton, Helen S. Clements, Helen Rouse Clemons, Hernry B. Clifton, Millard F. Cline, Shirley Taylor Clinton, Mary Edna Cobb, Charles W. Cobb, Charles W. Cobb, Jesse Cobb, Lois Lynch Cobb, Marcellus Cobb, Sarah Cobb, Theodore Cobb, Theodore Cobb, Theodore R. Defendant Christiansen, Herbert William Christison, Ben Chugg, Raymond G. Churchill S. Maggie Ciphers, Donald Owen, Jr. Clark, John Clark, Raymond Bruce Clark, Hattie Belle Clark, Madeline Carol Mewborn Clark, Lorena S. Clark, Devora D. Clark, Lillian B. Clark, Archie Thomas Clark, Cecil W. Clark, Gloria Jean Morris Clark, John G. Clark, Quincy Clayton, J. A. Clements, George Elbert Clemons, Dollie M. Clifton, Naomi R. Cline, Charles Hawley Clinton, Melvin J. Cobb, Georgia Bruton Cobb, Esthrer W. Cobb, Nettie Cobb, I. W. Cobb, Eva Cobb, Robert Lee Cobb, Sarah W. Cobb, Martha Dixon Cobb, Mattie P. Judgment # D-1056 D-1071 D-2200 D-139 D-2572 D-145 D-3174 D-1399 D-3584 D-1243 D-1912 D-1726 D-3293 D-2565 D-2950 D-606 D-1776 D-2624 D-2562 D-2823 D-1946 D-2619 D-1144 D-1905 D-743 D-161 D-1560 D-61 D-1628 D-595 D-964 D-2092 Filed 5-1944 6-1944 9-13-1954 6-15-1928 3-16-1959 10-1928 6-14-1965 9-23-1946 3-18-1968 10-15-1945 11-13-1951 9-26-1949 3-14-1966 2-9-1959 5-20-1963 1-1939 4-27-1950 11-23-1959 2-9-1959 12-11-1961 3-17-1952 11-2-1959 12-12-1944 10-30-1951 5-1941 1-1929 2-16-1948 2-1926 11-1-1948 11-1938 10-1943 9-14-1953 Comments 20 Plaintiff (Complainant) Cobble, Pearl Pauline Coble, Vernon F. Cochrane, Peggy Jeanette Cockman, Joyce McGlohon Coefield, Inez Sutton Coefield, Lula Cogburn, Myrtle Cogdell, Andrew McKinley Cogdell, Helen Cogdell, James V. Jr. Cogdell, Thomas C. Cohen, Robert I. Coile, T. N. Cole, Geraldine Muise Cole, Hazel Mae Byrd Cole, J. H. Cole, James William Cole, Katie Morton Cole, Minnie Meadows Cole, Thelma Dail Coleman, Henry Coleman, Mamie Autrey Coleman, Mary Jane Coles, Robert H. Colie, Daniel W. Colie, Hazel Colie, Jessie Taylor Collier, Nancy Sutton Collier, Paul Collier, Roland Collins, Agnes Collins, Dennis Robert Defendant Cobble, James Raymond Coble, Mattie Tilghman Cochrane, William Hutchins Cockman, James Edward Coefield, Samuel O. Coefield, Dennis Cogburn, James Cogdell, Maggie Mae Dixon Cogdell, Leo Cogdell, Theon Lattamore Cogdell, Gertrude Cohen, Marjorie S. Coile, Della Cole, Ben Wilson Cole, Henry Earl Cole, Mary Brown Cole, Nettie Marie C. Cole, Cecil Cole, Robert Henry Cole, M. Clifton Coleman, Maggie Green Coleman, Thomas Walter Coleman, Sam Coles, Frances Brown Colie, Dorothy L. Colie, Isaac F. Colie, Daniel S. Collier, James W. Collier, Sallie Collier, Neil Colins, John W. Collins, Virginia Judgment # D-1106 D-1753 D-2901 D-1654 D-3459 D-3596 D-2729 D-3352 D-465 D-1763 D-1818 D-3531 D-267 D-2808 D-3378 D-272 D-1845 D-576 D-2516 D-882 D-1100 D-3265 D-1395 D-1931 D-2956 D-1176 D-1462 D-2400 D-85 D-646 D-486 D-533 Filed 10-20-1944 2-20-1950 10-28-1962 10-21-1948 6-12-1967 5-13-1968 1-16-1961 8-8-1966 8-1936 3-20-1950 11-13-1950 11-13-1967 2-1933 11-27-1961 10-17-1966 4-1933 2-1951 8-1938 6-16-1958 1-1943 10-1944 1-10-1966 9-23-1946 1-21-1952 6-17-1963 2-1945 2-18-1947 11-19-1956 11-1926 12-1938 12-1936 11-1937 Comments Marriage Certificate 21 Plaintiff (Complainant) Collins, Ella Mae Smith Collins, R. B. Collins, Steve Collins, Virginia Louise Tyndall Coltrain, Patricia Rouse Conant, Ida M. Conner, Willie Robert Connor, Bessie Davis Connor, Claud Connor, Edward, Jr., by his Next Friend, Margaret Rogers Connor, Jean W. Connor, Theodore R. Conway, Donald Conway, Gaye Howard Conway, Jesse Pearl, Jr. Coombe, Edna Reen Hill Coombs, Alleen Jackson Coombs, Japhet Faulkner Coombs, Olive Raye Coombs, Ollie Coombs, William Robert Cooper, Charlotte Cooper, Frances Street Copeland, Ruth Coples, David Lee Corbett, Sanford Nelson Corbitt, John Wilbur Cordell, Doris Correria, Ruby Garner Corria, Lillian Ann Costen, Elizabeth Kennedy Defendant Collins, James Edwards Collins, Bessie Pate Collins, Helen Collins, G. B. Coltrain, William Edward, Jr. Conant, Robert Theron Conner, Stella May Connor, Claude R. Connor, Leola Connor, Helen Coston, by her Guardian Ad Litem, Martha Moody Connor, Bryan W. Connor, Mary J. Jones Conway, Sandra Dunn Conway, Mark Ishmel Conway, Mamie Ruth Holloman Coombe, Edmund Jay Coombs, Maurice Aubrey Coombs, Beathryn Jackson Combs, Japhet Faulkner Coombs, Bradford S. Coombs, Lessie I. Cooper, Herman Cooper, Ira Love Copeland, J. H. Coples, Thelma Olivia Corbett, Mary Elizabeth G. Corbitt, Elizabeth Agnes Malone Cordell, William H. Correria, George Corria, Joseph R. Costen, Albert Judgment # D-3359 D-787 D-1878 D-571 D-3667 D-1048 D-525 D-1687 D-20 D-1947 Filed 9-13-1966 1-1942 5-15-1951 5-19-1938 9-10-1968 5-1944 8-1937 4-25-1949 2-1925 3-17-1952 D-2969 D-1764 D-3683 D-1166 D-3066 D-3471 D-1869 D-523 D-2125 D-1599 D-632 D-2089 D-2327 D-190 D-3329 D-3597 D-2892 D-2404 D-1334 D-3277 D-2256 8-6-1963 3-1950 10-30-1968 2-1944 6-15-1964 6-26-1967 5-21-1951 8-1937 1-18-1954 8-23-1948 6-1939 8-24-1953 1-16-1956 10-1929 5-16-1966 5-13-1968 10-8-1962 12-1956 5-13-1946 1-17-1966 4-25-1955 Comments Florida divorce 22 Plaintiff (Complainant) Costin, Wallace Coston, Martha Coston, Reba Coombs Cotten, Gamel Cottle, Della Pearl Cottle, J. S. Cottle, James S. Cottle, Mary Elizabeth Tew Cotton, Barney J., Jr. Cousins, Bobby R. Cousins, Lillian Smith Coveal, Elisher Covington, Elsie Coward, Charlie Coward, John, Jr. Coward, Nancy Uzzell Cox, Adell Dail Cox, Alice Merritt Cox, Bessie E., a minor, by her Next Friend, Garland Ezzell Cox, Charlie Cox, Charlie Cox, Charlie Cox, Daisy Bell Adams Cox, Doris Kennedy Cox, Geraldine Best Cox, Helen Ervin Cox, Inex Byrd Cox, Lillian Elneita Eubanks Cox, Peggy Earlene Sloan Cox, Roland Cox, Sarah Defendant Costin, Sylvia, King Coston, Isaac Coston, William James Cotten, Ann Elizabeth Horak Cottle, Jack Cottle, Myrtle Cottle, Billie Lorene Cottle, James Sloan Cotton, Erma Rae Cousins, Grace Lokey Cousins, Albert Ray Coveal, Lucy Mae Moore Covington, Columbus Coward, Bettie Coward, Beulah Mae Coward, Hezekiah Cox, James Edward Cox, Gaston Cox, Robert Cutis Judgment # D-2137 D-1024 D-2592 D-854 D-448 D-118 D-1431 D-3098 D-3201 D-3167 D-3389 D-2007 D-1822 D-1393 D-2466 D-3580 D-1413 D-2098 Filed 2-15-1954 4-1944 8-24-1959 9-1942 4-1936 11-1927 12-1946 10-19-1964 8-16-1965 5-17-1965 11-28-1966 10-27-1952 11-13-1950 1900 8-1946 10-7-1957 3-11-1968 11-6-1946 11-2-1953 Cox, Blannia A. Cox, Margaret Cox, Minnie Cox, John Bell Cox, James Edward Cox, Orange Cox, Herbert T., Jr. Cox, Felix L. Cox, Archie Hilton Cox, Daniel Lee Cox, Helen D. Cox, Emanuel D-1841 D-537 D-937 D-1614 D-2741 D-2078 D-1825 D-3009 D-3529 D-3706 D-2345 D-2006 1-22-1951 10-14-1937 8-1943 9-13-1948 2-14-1961 8-24-1953 11-27-1950 11-12-1963 11-13-1967 2-3-1969 3-26-1956 10-27-1952 Comments 23 Plaintiff (Complainant) Cox, Viola Elizabeth Cox, Virginia Waters Craft, Herman L. Craft, James Beamon Craft, Marjorie Crain, Leah Crain, Lillie Bell Cranford, Jeanne Aldridge Crawford, Annie Cobb Crawford, George Crawford, Ruth Kennedy Creech, H. Ruth Sutton Creech, James Osborne Creech, Lewis Creech, Mae Bizzelle Creech, Ralph T. Creech, Shelton Creel, Alice Woodard Creel, Betty Joyce Maudlin Creel, George Creel, Henry E. Creel, Lucy Carter Creel, Mamie Smith Creel, Norwood Crenshaw, William P., Sr. Crews, Jack S. Crews, Timothy Crisp, Carolyn Faye Smith, a minor, by her Next Friend, Alice M. Smith Criss, Maggie Crocker, Emma Elizabeth Croom, A. B. Defendant Cox, Ray B. Cox, Marshall Craft, Estelle Craft, Nell C. Craft, Joseph Leon, Jr. Crain, Noah Crain, Luke M. Cranford, Joel Wade, Jr. Crawford, George Crawford, Harriet Crawford, W. H. Creech, Robert Lynwood Creech, Nancy Johnson Creech, Judith Creech, Ransom H. Creech, Glennie Britt Creech, Margie Creel, James E. Creel, Carl Edward Creel, Ethel Creel, Barbara Creel, Norwood Creel, Earl Creel, Katie Taylor Crenshaw, Marjorie H. Crews, Hazel F. Crews, Helen Russell Crisp, Bobby Gene Judgment # D-739 D-2203 D-1278 D-3144 D-2826 D-13 D-1401 D-3524 D-1639 D-860 D-1252 D-3388 D-2929 D-2738 D-1101 D-278 D-2348 D-3669 D-3148 D-650 D-488 D-2848 D-1376 D-2286 D-3065 D-1934 D-2938 D-3029 Filed 5-1941 9-13-1954 12-1945 3-16-1965 1-15-1962 1-1925 9-23-1946 10-23-1967 11-18-1948 11-1942 11-1945 11-28-1966 2-11-1963 2-14-1961 10-1944 6-1933 4-1956 9-16-1968 3-22-1965 11-1939 12-15-1936 4-16-1962 8-19-1946 8-22-1955 3-9-1962 6-21-1952 3-18-1963 2-10-1964 Criss, Worthy Crocker, Walter Owen Croom, Martha Whitley D-906 D-1884 D-127 4-1943 8-1951 1-12-1928 Comments Marriage License Georgia divorce 24 Plaintiff (Complainant) Croom, Alonza Croom, Charles W. Croom, David Croom, David, Jr. Croom, Emma Dixon Croom, Irene Croom, John David Croom, John F. Croom, Jonas Croom, M. Ernestine Watkins, a minor, by her next friend, E. R. Wooten Croom, Sarah Gorham Croom, Willie Croom., Minnie Crumpler, Florence Corbett, a Minor, appearing herein by her next friend, Emma W. Corbett Crumpler, Nonine Edwards Cuddington, Norma Grace Jarman Cummings, Annie Harper Cummings, Elizabeth Quinerly Cummings, Henry B. Cummings, Lloyd Cummings, Mary Carolyn Cunningham, Ervin Cunningham, Peggy G. Stroud Cunningham, W. S., Jr. Cupp, C. W. Curran, Geraldine Curry, Frank Dail, Adell Defendant Croom, Bertha Lee Daughety Croom, Parline W. Croom, Lola B. Croom, Annie Mildred Sherrod Croom, Richard Croom, Bright Croom, Edna Ruth Hargett Croom, Hazel V. Croom, Sarah Croom, James G. Judgment # D-2020 D-2913 D-165 D-2868 D-240 D-729 Filed 11-24-1952 11-26-1962 4-1929 6-11-1962 1-1932 1892 9-14-1959 9-10-1951 1894 2-1941 Croom, James Marion Croom, Phoebe Ray Croom, Herbert Crumpler, William D-3716 D-2121 D-1265 D-3145 12-15-1969 11-20-1953 12-10-1945 3-16-1965 Crumpler, Donald Ray Cuddington, L. B. D-2739 D-875 2-13-1961 12-1942 Cummings, Leo Cummings Henry B. Cummings, Jane Fore Cummings, Maude Wells Cummings, Randolph Owen Cunningham, Lula Cunningham, James Edward Cunningham, Marguariete Cupp, Phyllis S. Curran, John A. Curry, Helen Sweet Dail, Robert E. D-2609 D-511 D-1862 D-2274 D-1472 D-2671 D-2615 D-3565 D-2407 D-1242 D-2583 D-1932 10-12-1959 6-1937 4-1951 6-13-1955 5-13-1947 5-23-1960 10-19-1959 2-5-1968 12-10-1956 10-1945 5-1959 1-1952 D-2603 D-1889 Comments 25 Plaintiff (Complainant) Dail, Benjamin Franklin, Jr. Dail, Blonnie Murray, infant, by her Next Friend, Julia C. Webber Dail, Edna Mae Dail, Edna Pearl Dail, Enos B. Dail, Florence O. Dail, Grover C. Dail, Herman E. Dail, Ina Mae Dail, Joyce Taylor Dail, L, Edward Dail, Leafie Dail, Lena Mae Byrd Dail, Lillie Dail, Lou Dail, Margaret Caton, a minor, by her next friend, Edward Thomas Caton Dail, Margaret M. Dail, Mary Ellen Aldridge Dail, Mary Henrietta S. Dail, Thurman Lee Daly, Jean Wetherington Daniels, Addie Daniels, Annie R. Daniels, Autrey Daniels, Betty Ramona Amerson Daniels, Clementine Simmons Daniels, Ethel Daniels, Sonja K. Darden, Isaac Darden, Lenoria E. Defendant Dail, Patricia Ann Fielder Dail, Grover Cleveland Judgment # Filed D-3247 11-15-1965 D-1760 3-20-1950 Dail, James H. Dail, Jesse Allen Dail, Ola Lee Summrell Dail, Donnie Roy Dail, Dorothy Dail, Effie Mae Sparrow Dail, Nathan Harold Dail, Frederick M. Dail Dorothy Whaley Dail, Thomas Dail, Samuel Evans Dail, Lloyd Dail, Samuel Dail, Willis Earl D-1645 D-1916 D-841 D-1370 D-3466 D-2209 D-1218 D-3258 D-2608 D-946 D-3173 D-455 D-1589 D-2385 1-24-1949 11-26-1951 9-1942 6-24-1946 6-26-1967 9-27-1954 8-1945 12-13-1965 10-12-1959 8-1943 6-14-1965 5-1936 6-16-1948 10-8-1956 Dail, Harold L. Dail, Ernest Edward Dail, Herman E. Dail, Margaret Louise Daly, George Daniels, J. D. Daniels, Harvey Daniels, Allen Daniels, Larry Rudolph Daniels, Rossie Lee Daniels, J. D. Daniels, Bobby Ray Darden, Katherine Darden, Junious, Sr. D-1846 D-2500 D-3464 D-1898 D-2460 D-717 D-2359 D-517 D-3212 D-2916 D-473 D-3046 D-422 D-3297 2-19-1951 4-1958 6-26-1967 9-25-1951 9-16-1957 12-1940 5-28-1956 8-6-1937 8-23-1965 12-10-1962 9-1936 4-13-1964 10-1935 3-14-1966 Comments 26 Plaintiff (Complainant) Dashiell, Eugenia Rice Daugherty, Dorthy Griffin Daugherty, Joseph Daughety, A. B., III Daughety, A. B., III Daughety, A. B., Jr. Daughety, Barbara Ellen Holt Daughety, Claro Daughety, Elisha Daughety, Elmer Earl, Jr. Daughety, I. H. Daughety, J. Woodard Daughety, Leamon, Jr. Daughety, Mamie Lee Daughety, Martha Starnes Daughety, Mary Rouse Daughety, Shirley Jane Roberts Davenport, Barbara Taylor Davenport, Katie Davenport, L. A. Davenport, Lucy Jean Smith Davenport, Robert Gerald Davenport, W. A. David, Leon Davidson, Bertha Davis, Albert C. Davis, Alma Davis, Annie Davis, Blanche Davis, Cleo Major Davis, Earl Defendant Dashiell, J. Rufus Daugherty, James T. Daugherty, Shelby Jean Daughety, Diane Horne Daughety,Frances Ellen Kennedy Daughety, Virginia E., Appearing by and through her Guardian ad Litem Guy Elliott. Daughety, Paul Daughety, Mabel Jean Stroud Daughety, Miley Winfield Daughety, Nancy Jean White Daughety, Carrie Daughety, Hilda Stokes Daughety, Annie Lee Daughety, Ishmael Daughety, Warrie L. Daughety, Ruse D. Daughety, James L. Davenport, William Arbie, Jr. Davenport, Charlie Davenport, Margaret Harper, Earl Odell Davenport, Delores Annette Pierce Davenport, Emeline David, Christine Davidson, Walter P. Davis, Dona Davis, Zackie R. Davis, Scott Davis, Pinkney Davis, Mary Lois Gregory Davis, Henrietta Stocks Judgment # D-506 D-902 D-3084 D-3133 D-3548 D-793 Filed 4-1937 4-1943 8-17-1964 2-8-1965 12-11-1967 2-1942 Comments D-2867 D-3062 D-2872 D-2945 D-1647 D-1135 D-3382 D-1885 D-3577 D-3451 D-3155 D-2175 D-2471 D-1305 D-3123 D-3228 D-24 D-853 D-1518 D-312 D-2001 D-1727 D-187 D-3606 D-1429 4-19-1962 5-25-1964 6-25-1962 4-16-1963 6-24-1949 12-1944 10-24-1966 8-21-1951 3-11-1968 5-19-1967 4-13-1965 6-14-1954 10-21-1957 2-18-1946 1-11-1965 10-18-1965 2-1925 9-1942 9-1947 1-1933 9-27-1952 9-29-1949 10-1929 5-13-1968 12-30-1946 Duplin County divorce 27 Plaintiff (Complainant) Davis, Edna Earle Whitfield Davis, Ella Dawson Davis, Eva B. Davis, Hubert Ray Davis, James Davis, James Junior Davis, Jasper Ray Davis, John Davis, John H. Davis, Joyce Mewborn Davis, Lewis B. Davis, Lucy, Mrs. Davis, Malachi Davis, Mary Frances Davis, Mary Huggins Davis, Melve Cogdell Davis, Myrtle Davis, Norman Sr. Davis, Paul Davis, Retha G. Davis, Rev. Lawyer Davis, Robert Davis, Ruby Lee Howard Davis, Thelma Davis, Thomas Davis, Thomas F. Davis, Viola Davis, Viola Harper Davis, Wheeler Davis, Wilbur Davis, William Newsome Davis, Willis S. Defendant Davis, James Ervin Davis, Jimmie E. Davis, Alton Vander Davis, Lubelle Howard Davis, Gloria Harper Davis, Doris Summers Davis, Penny Lou Durham Davis, Effie Davis, Hattie May Davis, L. V. Davis, Lizzie C. Davis, Henry C. Davis, Frances Sanders Davis, Clarence Ray Davis, Nelson Davis, Cloe M. Davis, Jesse Daniel Davis, Hazel Harper Daivs, Ruth Helen Davis, Samuel Adams Davis, Mamie Miller Davis, Letha Herring Davis, Finnie Davis, Finnie Davis, Almia Davis, Ada S. Davis, J. C. Davis, Horace Davis, Celeste Williams Davis, Rosa R. Davis, Iola Lewis Davis, Beatrice Jones Judgment # D-3629 D-2941 D-2805 D-3386 D-3109 D-3542 D-2059 D-128 D-998 D-1966 D-631 D-358 D-1468 D-2600 D-410 D-2462 D-15 D-2236 D-1455 D-1137 D-3408 D-3296 D-855 D-1529 D-1652 D-816 D-317 D-1777 D-2329 D-2306 D-3224 D-3594 Filed 8-5-1968 4-15-1963 10-23-1961 11-15-1966 11-30-1964 11-27-1967 5-18-1953 12-1927 1-1944 5-19-1952 6-1939 8-1934 2-24-1947 9-14-1959 9-1935 10-1957 1-1925 1-24-1955 2-17-1947 12-1944 1-16-1967 3-14-1966 9-1942 11-10-1947 1-24-1949 6-1942 1-1934 5-16-1950 1-16-1956 10-24-1955 10-18-1965 3-18-1968 Comments Special Term Idaho divorce 28 Plaintiff (Complainant) Daw, Zacheus Harvey, Jr. Dawson, Alice Dawson, Carrie Watson Dawson, Dollie Dawson, Doris, by her next friend, R. H. Hayes Dawson, Elbert Dawson, Floried Jones Dawson, George Thomas Dawson, H. F. Dawson, Ida Dawson, J. L. Dawson, Jake Dawson, Jesse Dawson, Joe Dawson, Marcella Ward Dawson, Mavis Adams Dawson, Nellie Fay Crawford Dawson, Sallie Stroud Dawson, Stephen W. Dawson, Violet Virginia Dawson, William A. De’Arlington, Callie Mae Sutton Deal, Robert A. Dean, Nobie Chandler Dean, Verna Deans, Ruby T. Deaver, A. C. Deaver, Hazel Deaver, Herman Defendant Daw, Ina Lucille Tew Dawson, J. M. Dawson, Hugh A. Dawson, Thaddious Dawson, John K. Judgment # D-3456 D-852 D-971 D-736 D-871 Filed 6-12-1967 9-1942 11-8-1943 5-1941 12-1942 Dawson, Callie Dawson, Clayton Oscar Dawson, Romaine Eve Labshouski Dawson, Lillie W. Dawson, William E. Dawson, Louise Dawson, Alice Mae Adams, a minor by and through her Guardian ad Litem, Newbert S. Adams Dawson, Ethel Dawson, Catherine Dawson, Phillip Dawson, John K. Dawson, Paul H. Dawson, James Hardy Dawson, Louise Phillips Dawson, Thomas Dawson, Vina Arnold De’Arlington, Jean Deal, Mary Carter Dean, Clarence A. Dean, Louis Louis Deans, by his Guardian ad Litem, Lamar Jones Deaver, Lishie May Deaver, Herman Deaver, Della D-10 D-1217 D-2943 D-137 D-535 D-644 D-3060 11-15-1924 8-1945 4-16-1963 4-1928 11-1937 9-1939 5-18-1964 D-1565 D-598 D-1483 D-2765 D-1408 D-3478 D-1389 D-925 D-2227 D-3014 D-3115 D-699 D-429 D-2354 4-19-1948 11-9-1938 5-19-1947 5-22-1961 10-14-1946 8-7-1967 8-19-1946 6-1943 11-24-1954 11-18-1963 12-14-1964 9-1940 2-1936 5-1956 D-45 D-1263 D-791 5-1925 12-10-1945 1-1942 Comments Missing File 29 Plaintiff (Complainant) Deaver, Julia Deaver, Pearlena Quinn DeBruhl, Polly Martha Mae DeBurhl, James T. DeCastro, Thomas A. Decatur, Elizabeth H. Deese, Sallie M. Sutton DeFilippi, Dominic DeGraffenreid, Earon DeGraffenried, Allen, Jr. DeHaven, James L. Dekillian, Katy McCoy Deloatch, Vivian Jenkins DeMasi, Joseph R. C. Denegal, Mary Jones Denmark, Charles Sherwood Denning, William S. Dennis, Evelyn Mills Dennis, Geraldine Chase Denson, Mary Lou, a minor, by her next friend, Odell Osborne Detwiler, Melva DeWitt, Ralph N. Dickens, Thomas Weber Dickerson, Nancy S. B. Dilllahunt, Edward DiMordica, Georgia Arlene Dingess, Barbara Dixon, Argirtha Dixon, Charlie Dixon, Charlie Dixon, D. V. Defendant Deaver, Dalton D. Deaver, Alton Louie DeBruhl, James E. DeBurhl, Beatrice Jones DeCastro, Dorothy L. Decatur Stephen Deese, Curtis Harvey DeFilippi, Patricia DeGaffenreid, Bessie Ambrose DeGraffenried, Sadie Mae DeHaven, Sybil L. DeKillian, William Deloatch, Lonnie DeMasi, Lila Mae Denegal, Mitchell Denmark, Nell Pates Denning, Joyce A. Dennis, George Nichols Dennis, Lynwood Earl Denson, Henry M. Judgment # D-3357 D-3558 D-3285 D-2002 D-2093 D-612 D-1826 D-2157 D-1202 D-3522 D-3414 D-597 D-3666 D-784 D-2524 D-1515 D-3671 D-1423 D-2558 D-888 Filed 8-15-1966 1-15-1968 2-7-1966 10-27-1952 9-28-1953 12-12-1938 11-27-1950 4-22-1954 6-1945 10-23-1967 2-13-1967 11-9-1938 9-9-1968 12-1941 8-18-1958 9-8-1947 9-16-1968 11-6-1946 1-12-1959 2-1943 Detwiler, Clarence DeWitt, Virginia Dickens, Kathryn Jean C. Dickerson, Leslie Edwards Dillahunt, Mary Johnson DiMordica, Theodore Dingess, Billy Ray Dixon, Clayton Dixon, Novella Gooding Dixon, Irene Dixon, Frances Gilbert D-494 D-1949 D-3630 D-2827 D-1919 D-1883 D-2760 D-1693 D-2177 D-987 D-1077 1-1937 3-17-1952 8-5-1968 1-15-1962 11-26-1951 8-20-1951 5-29-1961 5-16-1949 6-14-1954 12-1943 8-21-1944 Comments 30 Plaintiff (Complainant) Dixon, Doris Stanley Dixon, Grace Sutton, Mrs. Dixon, James W. Dixon, Jesse James Dixon, Jessie Ray Dixon, Joe Nathan Dixon, John Henry Dixon, Lauela Parks Dixon, Leslie T. Dixon, Lugenia Gooding Dixon, Mary E. Dixon, Otis Dixon, Rosa Lee Dixon, Ruby Williams Dixon, William Dixon, Willie Dobson, Thelma Sutton Dodd, C. S. Dorman, Mary L. Dorman, Reynold C. Dove, Alvin D. Dove, Bertha Mae Battle Dove, Ida W. Dove, Mary Dove, Robert Dove, Ruby Mae Gooding Drake, Theresa B. Draughin, Mark B. Driggers, Mary Driver, Leona Rhodes, infant, by her Next Friend, Ernest Rhodes Drum, Margaret Wade Defendant Dixon, Leonard Neston Dixon, O. E. Dixon, Barbara P. Dixon, Sadie Lee Dixon, Russell Dixon, Verna Croom Dixon, Fannie Moore Dixon, Paul Dixon, Maude Smith Dixon, James Dixon, James Rudolph Dixon, Lizzie G. Dixon, Willie Dixon, Elijah Dixon, Annie Dixon, Emma Golden Dobson, Herman Lee Dodd, Rebekah Young Dorman, Willis Weldon Dorman, Ollie Elizabeth Casey Dove, Margaret Dove, King David Dove, Herbert L. Dove, Louis Dove, Rosa Lee Dove, Johnnie, Jr. Drake, Willis Draughin, Minnie Belle Driggers, Woodrow Wilson Driver, Preston, Jr. Judgment # D-842 D-238 D-1930 D-1997 D-765 D-2726 D-1173 D-2189 D-2386 D-2720 D-1578 D-839 D-947 D-2822 D-219 D-1724 D-3351 D-2090 D-3569 D-955 D-3326 D-2649 D-2429 D-1474 D-2324 D-2151 D-2420 D-3251 D-1581 D-1739 Filed 9-1942 1-1932 1-21-1952 9-22-1952 10-1941 12-12-1960 2-1945 8-23-1954 10-9-1956 12-12-1960 5-10-1948 9-1942 8-23-1943 12-11-1961 12-1930 9-26-1949 8-8-1966 9-14-1953 2-12-1968 9-1943 5-16-1966 2-15-1960 5-20-1957 5-14-1947 1-16-1956 4-19-1954 3-18-1957 11-29-1965 5-1948 11-28-1949 Drum, Boyce D-634 6-1939 Comments 31 Plaintiff (Complainant) Dubay, Elizabeth Greene Dudley, Henrietta Hines Dudley, Jessie D. Dudley, Melzora Dudley, W. M. Duell, Ruby Mae Duff, Waitus J. Duff, William T. Dunbar, Angeline Messick Duncan, Robert Allen Dunk, James Willie Dunlevy, Ethel M. Dunn, Betty Mae Clark Dunn, Blanchie Dunn, Elizabeth Green Dunn, Fannie Dunn, Fred D. Dunn, Hazel D. Dunn, J. B. Dunn, John E. Dunn, Lillian Dunn, Margaret A. Dunn, Peggy H. Dunn, Pharon Heath Dunn, Thomas Earl Dunn, William Henry Durant, Ella Lee Easterling, William Lawrence Eastham, Vivan Sutton Ebanks, Gladys Marie Eddie, Oscar Smith Edmondson, Connie Mae Defendant Dubay, Robert T. Dudley, Jesse J. Dudley, Nicey Dudley, Jake Dudley, Mary Duell, George David Duff, Sally Gibbs Duff, Elizabeth Lucille Rouse Dunbar, Wheeler Duncan, Gene Tibbets Dunk, Delzora Stanley Dunlevy, Francis Paul Dunn, Thomas Faison Dunn, Romulus Dunn, Samuel, Jr. Dunn, Ray Dunn, Mildred Dunn, Preston Dunn, Mamie Dunn, Susa A. Dunn, Thomas Dunn, Carl R. Dunn, Charles E. Dunn, J. R. Dunn, Martha J. Dunn, Lucy Mae Weldon Durant, Ralph A. Easterling, Margarita Garcia Eastham, Lonnie H. Ebanks, Lloyd George Eddie, Elizabeth Jones Edmondson, Lem, Jr. Judgment # D-1438 D-2847 D-1311 D-2027 D-1623 D-825 D-2745 D-3232 D-712 D-3411 D-1312 D-2228 D-3170 D-605 D-3110 D-1838 D-4 D-3663 D-1465 D-323 D-2716 D-1617 D-2708 D-694 D-2060 D-1067 D-2972 D-2339 D-1690 D-1716 D-829 D-1894 Filed 12-1946 4-16-1962 2-18-1946 1-19-1953 11-1-1948 8-24-1942 2-20-1961 10-1-1966 12-1940 2-6-1967 2-1946 1-24-1955 5-24-1965 12-13-1939 11-30-1964 6-22-1951 5-12-1941 9-9-1968 2-18-1947 1-1934 11-21-1960 9-27-1948 10-24-1960 8-1940 5-18-1953 6-1944 8-5-1963 3-19-1956 4-25-1949 8-22-1949 8-1942 9-24-1951 Comments 32 Plaintiff (Complainant) Edmundson, John Edmundson, L. D. Edmundson, Lavonia Jencks Edwards, A. Z. Edwards, Anner Belle Caple Edwards, Beverly Gay Sandlin, by her next friend, Julia Jones Sandlin Edwards, Blanche Moye Defendant Edmundon, Dina Edmundson, Maggie Edmundson, Marvin W., Jr. Edwards, Elvira Hudson Edwards, Herman Edwards, Joseph Robert Judgment # Filed 1887 D-1073 6-1944 D-832 9-1942 D-1084 8-1944 D-2110 11-16-1953 D-3692 11-25-1968 Comments Edwards, L. G. D-1420 11-6-1946 Marriage Application, Marriage Certificate Edwards, Carl Lee Edwards, Della Jeffress Edwards, Eleanor Cannon Edwards, Elizabeth Edwards, Henry Edwards, Herman Edwards, Herman Edwards, Irene L. Edwards, J. C. Edwards, James L. Edwards, Lillian Stocks Edwards, Louise L. Edwards, Mamie Lee Edwards, Margaret M. Edwards, Ronold Edwards, Roxana Edwards, William Thomas Edwards, William Thomas Elliott, Goldie Ellis, Catherine Viola Ellis, Violet Ellis, Winnie Mae Emory, Mary Lou Edwards, Elizabeth Edwards, Eugene E. Edwards, J. C. Edwards, Senous Edwards, Eliza Edwards, Blanche D. Edwards, Annie Belle Caper Edwards, Arthur T. Edwards, Lillie Mae Smith Edwards, Vernice H. Edwards, Garland Battle Edwards, John William Edwards, Joe Edwards, John William Edwards, Henrietta Edwards, Brantly Edwards, Eva S. Edwards, Bessie Elliott, Fred Lee Ellis, Jacob Jackson Ellis, Jake Ellis, Leroy Emory, Crispin M. D-1140 D-1063 D-757 D-476 D-25 D-2489 D-2755 D-3649 D-2539 D-3198 D-742 D-1859 D-1977 D-1031 D-273 12-1944 6-1944 8-1941 9-1936 2-1925 2-10-1958 4-10-1961 8-12-1968 10-20-1958 8-16-1965 5-1941 3-21-1951 6-23-1952 4-1944 5-18-1933 1892 8-21-1950 10-1936 10-24-1955 8-18-1947 11-1944 5-13-1946 6-26-1956 D-1794 D-480 D-2307 D-1498 D-1115 D-1333 D-2371 33 Plaintiff (Complainant) Emory, W. A., Jr. English, Lucile Ennis, Ernest E. Enright, Madelina Lee Entrekin, Bertha Mae Register, by her next friend, Mrs. Bertha H. Turnage Epps, S. C. Ervin, Doretha Ervin, Jessie Stroud Etheridge, Lennie E. Eubank, Alma Hinson Eubanks, Blanche Eubanks, Earl Eubanks, Roger Lewis Eubanks, William Henry Evans, Edward R. Evans, James Everett, John W. Everette, Annie Allen Everette, Viola Bonner Ewell, Mary Wiley Exum, Connie Exum, Leymon Ezzell, Hazel Carter Ezzell, Lila Marie Fant, Ruby Farmer, Ellen Mallard Farmer, Helen Marie Farmer, Irma Farrior, Lottie Ruth Defendant Emory, Irma Dail, a minor, by J. Frank Wooten, her Guardian ad Litem English, W. M. Ennis, Waxxie Baker Enright, John Bishop Andrews, Harold Belton Judgment # Filed D-293 10-1933 D-233 D-327 D-1953 D-1355 4-1931 12-1933 4-21-1952 6-10-1946 Epps, Rachel J. Ervin, Otis Ervin, J. W. Jr. Etheridge, Benjamin Franklin Eubank, Fountain Lee Eubanks, C. E. Eubanks, Dorothy Rouse Eubanks, Zilphie Lee Eubanks Eubanks, Lena Rice Evans, Marcia A. Evans, Daisy J. Everett, Lida Hicks Everette, Tommie Everette, James Ewell, Harrison G. Exum, Carrie Mae Dudley Exum, Rubie Lee Ezzell, Albert L. Ezzell, David Milton Fant, Lawrence D. Farmer, Louis T. Farmer, William Earle Farmer, Herman Farrior, Dewey D-3713 D-1457 D-2396 D-2247 D-3424 D-33 D-3419 D-3374 D-1244 D-2598 D-3490 D-1604 D-584 D-2340 D-1709 D-2581 D-1982 D-2717 D-2337 D-426 D-1186 D-1478 D-471 D-1538 6-16-1969 2-17-1947 11-19-1956 2-21-1955 3-20-1967 4-1925 3-13-1967 10-17-1966 10-15-1945 9-14-1959 8-7-1967 8-23-1948 9-26-1938 3-19-1956 8-22-1949 4-20-1959 8-18-1952 11-28-1960 3-19-1956 11-1935 4-1945 5-14-1947 9-1936 6-19-1948 Comments 34 Plaintiff (Complainant) Faulkner, Launa M. Faulkner, Layune K. Faulkner, Willie Ann Deaver Faust, William E. Faville, Louise Ballard Feldon, Helen Thomas Toler Felton, Willie B. Fenninger, Verla Lee Capps Fentress, Frances Fergason, James T., Jr. Ferguson, Winston Armistead Ferrebee, Linda Ferrell, Harriet Herring Ferrell, Hazel Herring Ferrell, Joseph Few, James P. Field, William L, Jr. Fields, Charlie Fields, D. W. Fields, Frances C. Fields, Hilda Fields, Lessie Koonce Fields, Mildred Joyner Fields, Robert E. Fields, Sallie Firlotte, Harriett Pate Fisher, Collie Fisher, Colonel Harrison Fisher, Fannie Davis Fisher, Henry Lee Fisher, Oliver Fisher, Oree Defendant Faulker, William W. Faulkner, Richard W. Faulkner, Charles M. Faust, Carolyn Faye Stocks Faville, George C. Feldon, Richard Carl Felton, Ella Smith Fenninger, Edmund Blount Fentress, Loyd Fergason, Margia Gaskill Ferguson, Robert Hayes Ferrebee, Leroy Ferrell, Joseph Stevens Ferrell, Douglass Leroy Ferrell, Mattie Lee Few, Clyde Elizabeth Field, Lois D. Fields, Rosalee Fields, Hazel Olivia Fields, J. R. Fields, Harry K. Fields, Arthur Fields, Mercer Parrott Fields, Isabel P. Fields, Arnold Firlotte, James Gordon Fisher, Ada Fisher, Martha Annie Hardison Fisher, Joseph D. Fisher, Tempie Mae Yates Fisher, Harriet Fisher, Gertrude Gore Judgment # D-395 D-2226 D-3395 D-3008 D-284 D-3286 D-3151 D-2995 D-1834 D-3437 D-2936 D-434 D-3369 D-1951 D-555 D-2206 D-3695 D-30 D-1901 D-763 D-117 D-2221 D-3605 D-3136 D-919 D-3406 D-259 D-1772 D-2811 D-2436 D-3335 Filed 5-1935 11-24-1954 11-28-1966 11-11-1963 8-1933 2-7-1966 4-12-1965 10-14-1963 1-22-1951 4-17-1967 2-18-1963 2-1936 10-17-1966 3-17-1952 2-21-1938 5-6-1954 11-25-1968 4-1925 10-29-1951 9-1941 11-1927 11-15-1954 5-13-1968 2-17-1965 5-1943 1-16-1967 12-1932 4-24-1950 11-27-1961 5-20-1957 1897 6-13-1966 Comments South Carolina divorce 35 Plaintiff (Complainant) Fleming, Laura Floyd Ethel Floyd, Minnie L. Fly, Etta Mae Fonville, Carrie Mar Fonville, Shubert Forbes, Geneva Moye Forbes, Norman Ford, Hilda Jean Ward Ford, Wilton Fordham, Annie Lee Fordham, C. E. Fordham, Hilda Petteway, by her next friend, Hilda Petteway Fordham, J. R. Fordham, Johnie Fordham, Nannie Mae Fordham, Sarah Ann Fornes, Ellis M. Fornes, Helen Daniels Forrest, Richard Bennett Forrester, Annie Bell King Fort, Almeta Fort, Louise Green Foss, Sally Holland Foster, Edna Thigpen, by her next friend, Alvin Outlaw Foster, Fannie Mitchell Foust, Mildred Holmes Foy, Helen Johnson Foye, Amanda Foye, Ethel Mae Perry Foye, Hannah Anderson Defendant Fleming, W. B. Floyd, Dock Floyd, Charles R. Fly, John Fonville, Albert Fonville, Katie McCoy Forbes, Ernest Eugene Forbes, Linda O. Ford, Robert Tilden Ford, Fannie Matthews Fordham, Gaston Fordham, Margaret Herring Fordham, James, Marion Judgment # D-387 D-645 D-2933 D-505 D-2561 D-2250 D-2813 D-3588 D-2976 D-2641 D-138 D-894 D-581 Filed 1-1935 10-1939 2-11-1963 4-1937 2-9-1959 3-2-1955 11-27-1961 4-8-1968 9-9-1963 12-14-1959 6-1928 2-1943 8-23-1938 Fordham, Hazel S. Fordham, Roberta Fordham, L. B. Fordham, William Fornes, Symrna Edith Bell Fornes, L. A. Forrest, Evelyn Grace H. Forrester, Adolphus C. Fort, A. H. Fort, James Foss, John Dulan Foster, H. W. D-640 D-1357 D-656 D-949 D-667 D-2405 D-3563 D-1383 D-55 D-400 D-1897 D-813 8-1939 6-10-1946 12-1939 8-1943 12-1933 12-10-1956 1-15-1968 8-19-1946 10-1925 2-1935 9-25-1951 5-1942 Foster, Ralph Hoskins Foust, George W. Foy, Jessie Gregg Neil Foye, William Henry Foye, Morris Foye, Willie O. D-2166 D-1196 D-2530 D-1827 D-3641 D-2450 6-7-1954 6-11-1945 9-8-1958 11-27-1950 8-12-1968 8-19-1957 Comments 36 Plaintiff (Complainant) Foye, Wilma Barnes Foyles, James B. Francis, Estelle M. Francis, Rudloph V. Frank, Ida Louise Howell Franklin, B. M. Franklin, Enoch Frantz, Alice Q. Frazer, Mary Susan Freeman, Ada Mae Freeman, Edna B. Freeman, Elbert R. Freeman, Jack W. Freeman, Leamon Freeman, Lewis E. Freeman, Lillie M. H. Freeman, Mamie Freeman, T. M. Freeman, William French, Buelah Hill French, Louie French, Sudie Grace Frizzell, Joye Murphy Frizzelle, Bertha Covington Frizzelle, Gladis Frizzelle, Grace Brown Frizzelle, Henry, Jr. Frizzelle, Kathrena Fulcher, G. B. Fuller, Margaret C. Fuller, Miriam E. Defendant Foye, Willie Odell Foyles, Merle C. Francis, H. W. Francis, Mamie H. Frank, Alfred R. Franklin, Annie Ruth Franklin, Lucinda Dawson Frantz, Lewis, Jr. Frazer, William Oliver Freemen, Dennis Freeman, James Freeman, Mary K. Freeman, Westaline Freeman, Ruby C. Freeman, Sadie Dail Freeman, Travis Freeman, Ben Freeman, Laura H. Freeman, Letetha Crander French, Virgil, Jr. French, F. F. French, Clyde Eby Frizzell, Marshall Frizzelle, John D. Frizzelle, Claude Frizzelle, Jesse Paul, Jr. Frizzelle, Lillie Mae Frizzelle, Ed Fulcher, Zeloise Reynolds, and Coy Hill, her Guardian Ad Litem Fuller, Bob Glen Fuller, Lazarus Judgment # D-3191 D-2179 D-177 D-1960 D-2437 D-614 D-2140 D-2842 D-292 D-2323 D-232 D-1019 D-1310 D-1246 D-431 D-2287 D-1539 D-1516 D-1780 D-2544 D-23 D-893 D-2549 D-1899 D-82 D-2841 D-2225 D-460 D-1281 Filed 8-9-1965 6-21-1954 8-1929 5-13-1952 5-20-1957 3-16-1939 2-22-1954 3-26-1962 10-18-1933 1-16-1956 10-2-1931 2-26-1944 2-18-1946 10-1945 2-18-1936 8-22-1955 1-19-1948 9-22-1947 5-20-1950 10-23-1958 2-1925 2-1943 11-17-1958 9-25-1951 8-1926 3-19-1962 11-29-1954 6-1936 12-1945 D-2133 D-1630 2-15-1954 11-1-1948 Comments Alabama divorce 37 Plaintiff (Complainant) Furr, J. S. Furr, Robert Braswell Gainey, Eliza Gardner, Laura Ann Gardner, Lawrence Gardner, Lillie S. Gardner, Mary Gardner, Sudie Mae Gardner, Willie Gardner, Willie Garner, Dorothy Jones Garner, Nathan Iva Garner, Ruby D. Garner, William Garrell, Myrtle Garris, Beatrice Aldridge Garris, Prentice Garris, Shirley Gray, by her next friend, Clara H. Gore Garris, Thelma Garvey, Joseph Thomas Garvey, Violet Jean Brown Garvey, William F. Gaskins, Ray Gaskins, Sally Elizabeth Buck Gaskins, Walter Gates, Christebell Gates, Geraldine T. Gatewood, Exie J. Gatewood, Joyce A. Gatlin, Louis Gatlin, Louis Defendant Furr, Nelle Grace Furr, Ruby Burleson Gainey, Felton Gardner, Alton Gardner, Rosetta Gardner, Jim Bert Gardner, T. P. Gardner, Clarence T. Gardner, Suddie Belle White Gardner, Sudie White Garner, Clarence Garner, Helen Daughety Garner, Floyd Garner, Julia Lee Garrell, V. D. Garris, Robert Earl Garris, Lillian White Garris, Earl Judgment # D-7 D-1900 D-1463 D-3365 D-155 D-1925 D-428 D-1658 D-1788 D-504 D-1624 D-3502 D-2129 D-972 D-461 D-2574 D-617 D-2134 Filed 11-1924 9-26-1951 2-18-1947 9-15-1966 12-12-1928 1-21-1952 11-1935 2-21-1949 6-21-1950 4-1937 11-1-1948 9-11-1967 1-18-1954 11-1943 7-16-1936 7-20-1964 4-11-1939 2-15-1954 Garris, Thurman Garvey, Margaret Stroud Garvey, Frederick Eugene Garvey, Carlene Gaskins, Helen Gaskins, Willie Woodrow Gaskins, Mary F. Gates, Horace Gates, Fenton Joseph, Sr. Gatewood, Elmer H Gatewood, Dennis W. Gatlin, Ella Gatlin, Sudie Rouse Taylor D-1388 D-3125 D-2281 D-1068 D-361 D-2954 D-2770 D-1249 D-2272 D-2852 D-3442 D-1502 D-3447 12-30-1946 1-11-1965 6-27-1955 6-1944 9-1934 6-17-1963 6-19-1961 11-1945 6-13-1955 5-21-1962 5-15-1967 8-18-1947 5-15-1967 Comments 38 Plaintiff (Complainant) Gatlin, William Dallas Gause, Alice Murphy Gehret, Oliver B. Geordono, Carmelo Gerrard, Harold, E., also known as Harold E. Garrard, a minor, by Ruth Garrard, his next friend Gibbs, William C. Gibson, Mary Gideon, Blanche Dail Gilbert, Mildred Harden Giles, Pauline Commor Gillikin, Liddie, by her next friend, Maudie M. Thomas Gillikin, Lucy Mae Gillikin, Marie Paramore Gillikin, Sterling W. Gilmore, Matilda Smith Ginn, B. Frank Ginn, Floyd Ginn, Hilda Ginn, Norman Ray Glascock, Myldred Sutton Glenn, Jeanette Dianne Austin Godeau, Catherine C. Banton Godwin, Cynthia A. Goers, Mildred Elizabeth Goines, James Earl Goins, Bertha Rouse Goins, Lillie Mae Gooding, Agnes B. Gooding, Audrey Blizzard Gooding, Betsy Ross Harper, by Defendant Gatlin, Reba Belle Gause, Earl W. Gehret, Stella K. Geordono, Minnie Gerrard, Edna E., also known as Edna E. Garrard, a minor Judgment # D-255 D-2983 D-862 D-120 D-1699 Filed 10-1932 9-9-1963 11-1942 11-1927 3-23-1948 Gibbs, Martha Gibson, Thomas Clifford Gideon, James Carson Gilbert, Milton Edward Giles, David Lee Gillikin, Jacob D-1549 D-744 D-2988 D-1990 D-1550 D-96 1-19-1948 5-1941 9-16-1963 9-22-1952 1-19-1948 2-1927 Gillikin, Sterling Gillikin, William Ward Gillikin, Yulee O. Gilmore, Lonnie Edward Ginn, Virginia Dare Ginn, Mary C. Ginn, Norman Ginn, Bobbie Lee Glascock, Bernard E. Glenn, Herman Eugene Godeau, Charles Nathaniel Godwin, Charles R. Goers, Claude J. Goines, Antonia Garcia Goins, Benjamin Franklin Goins, Albert Lee Gooding, Charles Gooding, Preston Gooding, Norman Lawrence D-1855 D-2637 D-857 D-3633 D-828 D-146 D-1958 D-2316 D-2077 D-3488 D-1547 D-2356 D-572 D-3446 D-1864 D-1192 D-1714 D-1233 D-3579 3-19-1951 12-14-1959 11-1942 8-5-1968 8-1942 10- 1928 4-21-1952 11-28-1955 8-24-1953 8-7-1967 1-19-1948 5-28-1956 6-1938 5-15-1967 5-14-1951 5-1945 8-22-1949 9-1945 3-11-1968 Comments Illinois divorce 39 Plaintiff (Complainant) her next friend, Henry C. Harper Gooding, J. Frank Gooding, Lillie Mae Gooding, Mary Nobles Gooding, Octavis Gooding, Robert Webster Gooding, William F. Goodman, J. L. Gore, Helen Gore, Samuel J. Goss, Edward Gower, Maudell Taylor Gower, W. H. Grady, Albert Grady, Allen Grady, Bertie, Mrs. Grady, Eithel Grady, Francis P. Grady, George W. Grady, James Clifton Grady, James E. Grady, James Oberry Grady, James W. Grady, Jean A. Grady, Levi Grady, Lonnie Grady, Louella Grady, Marjorie Horne Grady, Mary Elizabeth Grady, Nancy H. Grady, Nellie Defendant Judgment # Filed Gooding, Bettie Gooding, Chester Gooding, Amos Gooding, Lorena Goding, Christobell Gooding, Leanna Goodman, Lucile Gore, James H. Gore, Edna Freeman Goss, Lorraine Gower, Hollon E. Gower, Elleanor Grady, Leila Grady, Mable Grady, L. J. Grady, Arlene, by her Guardian ad litem, Dorsy Howard Grady, Henry A., Jr. Grady, Lavinia Grady, Barbara Ann N. Grady, Joanne Yeager Grady, Martha Elizabeth Grady, Mae Rouse Grady, Bruce D. Grady, Devolla Grady, Gladys Grady, Jack Charles Grady, Edward Louis Grady, Leamon Grady, William Henry Grady, Roy D-413 D-1828 D-1098 D-1125 D-2117 D-1610 D-207 D-3346 D-2764 D-223 D-1214 D-371 D-2015 D-1161 D-250 D-990 9-1935 11-27-1950 10-1944 12-1944 11-16-1953 8-23-1948 4-11-1930 11-7-1963 5-29-1961 6-1931 8-1945 8-1933 11-10-1952 1-1945 6-1932 12-1943 D-697 8-1940 1890 10-21-1968 2-16-1959 3-19-1951 2-13-1956 6-24-1968 9-18-1961 2-1950 2-26-1951 1-22-1951 8-19-1957 12-11-1967 1-23-1930 D-3678 D-2571 D-1856 D-2331 D-3625 D-2793 D-1755 D-1851 D-1836 D-2451 D-3546 D-199 Comments Georgia divorce 40 Plaintiff (Complainant) Grady, Ophelia Grady, R. L. Grady, Sadie Hardy Grady, Thelma Coleman Grady, William Arthur Grady, Zebedee Graham, Betty A. Graham, Bonnie Ruth Chapman Graham, Christine K. Graham, Frederick Graham, Henry Graham, Leroy Graham, Mattie Lee Graham, Walter, Jr. Graham, William Earl Grant, Beryl Beattie Grant, Elizabeth H. Grant, Elizabeth M. Grant, Geraldine Locust Grant, Joseph Alsem Grant, Milton Mercer Grant, Mollie G. Grant, Thomas Earl Grant, Zeb Grantham, William Graves, William Frederick Gray, D. C. Gray, Essie Stanley Gray, Fitzhugh Gray, Katie Lou Gray, Laurena Defendant Grady, Wilson Grady, Hazel Grady, James Grady, Ressie, Jr. Grady, Rose Taylor Grady, Mattie Graham, Link C. Graham, Marvin Graham, Oessie (Alias Henry Graham) Graham, Montrose W. Graham, Floy Etta Graham, Ada Mae Graham, George Washington Graham, Beverly J. Graham, Ella Marie Grant, John Duval Grant, Kenneth Earl Grant, Frederick Uriah Grant, Leslie Grant, Adell Elizabeth Grant, Zada Conner Grant, J. W. Grant, Jeannette Howell Grant, Esther C. Grantham, Rosa Lee Graves, Mary Louise Gray, Kathleen Parker Gray, Oliver Horace Gray, Minnie Gray, Emmitt Gray, Leslie Judgment # D-2411 D-1291 D-2268 D-2996 D-3089 D-529 D-2034 D-3336 D-3523 Filed 12-1956 1-21-1946 5-23-1955 10-14-1963 8-24-1964 9-1937 1-19-1953 6-13-1966 10-23-1967 D-2594 D-544 D-1248 D-2882 D-2149 D-2627 D-3063 D-3102 D-1076 D-1744 D-3000 D-3075 D-2193 D-3049 D-741 D-528 D-1470 D-788 D-2168 D-1668 D-1854 D-2031 8-24-1959 1-1938 10-19-1945 8-20-1962 4-19-1954 11-23-1959 5-25-1964 11-16-1964 8-1944 1-27-1950 10-14-1963 8-10-1964 8-23-1954 4-20-1964 5-1941 9-1937 2-18-1947 1-1942 6-7-1954 4-25-1949 3-19-1951 1-19-1953 Comments 41 Plaintiff (Complainant) Gray, Mary A. Gray, Sudie Catherine Rouse Gray, Sylvester Gray, Thelma O. Green, Benjamin Green, Charity Green, Ella Mae Green, Ellen White Green, Frances W. Green, Ida Green, James Douglas Green, James F. Green, Jerry Downing Green, Joan Reynolds Defendant Gray, Kassie Gray, Wallace Eugene Gray, Coreen Gray, H. T. Green, Luna Strayhorn Green, John Green, John Henry, Jr. Green, Thomas Earl Green, William L. Green, Licoln Green, Ackrey Jones Green, Gertrude N. Green, Betty Scurry Green, James Douglas Judgment # D-2382 D-2389 D-411 D-719 D-1980 D-70 D-2084 D-1275 D-2918 D-308 D-3438 D-2663 D-1615 D-1501 Filed 9-1956 10-22-1956 9-1935 12-1940 8-18-1952 4-1926 8-24-1953 12-1945 12-11-1962 12-1933 4-10-1967 3-28-1960 9-13-1948 8-18-1947 Green, Julia Irene L. Green, Leslie, infant, by his next friend, Lula Green Green, Luna Coker Green, Minnie Hill Green, Patricia D. Green, Paul Green, Rosa Lee Greene, Eddie Greene, Essie Greene, Essie King Greene, Margaret Greene, Tommie Greer, Marjorie Greggory, Paul Gregory, Eugenia Wood Gregory, John E. Griffin, Catharine Green, Darrell H. Green, Elsie Spears D-2422 D-1569 3-18-1957 4-1948 Green, Frank Green, Winfred O. Green, William Charles Green, George P. Green, James Greene, Nanie Vinson, Horace Greene, Douglas Richard Greene, Fred Greene, Lenora Greer, Jefferson D., Jr. Greggory, Bessie Cox Gregory, Charles W. Gregory, Beatrice Springle Griffin, William Ottis D-1837 D-1993 D-3544 D-2606 D-1058 D-360 D-969 D-2210 D-1669 D-2494 D-1288 D-1122 D-3612 D-485 D-938 1-22-1951 9-22-1952 12-11-1967 9-22-1959 5-1944 9-22-1934 11-8-1943 9-27-1954 4-25-1949 3-17-1958 1-21-1946 12-1944 6-10-1968 12-1936 8-26-1943 Comments Power of Attorney, Great Britain Marriage License 42 Plaintiff (Complainant) Griffin, Lonnie B. Griffin, Lonnie Felix Griffin, Nannie Griffin, Robert Jackson Griffin, Vernell C. Grigg, Jethro A. Grimes, Bertie Rae Duff Grimes, Eleanor Jarman Grimes, Helen Andrews Grizzard, Carrie Groce, Willie Bryan Corzine Groves, Rachel Lee Russell Guarino, Ruby W. Guerra, Vira Louise Woodard Guevarra, Henry S. Gulbenkian, Carol Weil Gullickson, Lennard O. Gunn, J. R. Gurganus, Lida Gurganus, Pocahontas D. Gurley, Virginia Quinn Guy, Anderson Guy, Eva E. Haddock, John Haddock, Louise Daniel Hagan, Maud Hale, Catherine B. Hall, E. W. Hall, Ed Hall, James Hall, James Defendant Griffin, Pauline Brown Griffin, Mattie Pearl M. Griffin, Benjamin Franklin Griffin, Martha Ivey Griffin, Lewis Henry Grigg, Florilla G. Grimes, Robert Lee Grimes, Allen Ray Grimes, Warden Lee Grizzard, A. W. Groce, Conway Anderson Groves, Thomas Edison Guarino, Frank Guerra, Rito Guevarra, Margarett Jenkins Gulbenkian, David Charles Gullickson, Edna C. Gunn, Tula Wilson Gurganus B. F. Gurganus, Churchill Frank Gurley, Thomas C. Guy, Hilda Williams Guy, James A. Haddock, Emma Haddock, Wilton Hagan, Ben F. Hale, Watson N., and Alvin Outlaw guardian ad litem for said Watson N. Hale, a mental incompetent Hall, Grace Hall, Cora Hall, Mary Lillie Hall, Arletha Harrison Judgment # D-929 D-3617 D-1201 D-3559 D-3106 D-2124 D-2790 D-2502 D-2456 D-800 D-105 D-2229 D-2182 D-3233 D-1998 D-3305 D-1505 D-107 D-482 D-786 D-2812 D-664 D-2496 D-297 D-2222 D-507 D-2115 Filed 6-1943 6-10-1968 6-25-1945 1-15-1968 11-30-1964 1-18-1954 9-11-1961 4-23-1958 9-9-1957 4-1942 6-22-1927 1-24-1955 6-23-1954 10-18-1965 9-22-1952 3-23-1966 8-18-1947 6-1927 12-1936 1-19-1942 11-27-1961 1-22-1940 3-24-1958 11-1933 11-16-1954 5-1937 11-17-1953 D-2142 D-186 D-1791 D-3209 3-15-1954 10-1929 8-21-1950 8-23-1965 Comments 43 Plaintiff (Complainant) Hall, Ruby McKiver Hall, William Richard Ham, Janie, Mrs. Ham, Richard Ham, Samuel T. Hamilton, Etta Mae Sutton Hand, Eva D. Hand, Nannie Elizabeth Hardison Haney, Annie Jean Beane Happer, C. H. Hardee, Margaret Hardin, Robert L. Hardison, Elsie L. Hardison, Iola Grace Jones Hardison, James P. Hardison, Jasper R. Hardison, Martha Hardison, Mary Hardison, Peninnah Hughes Hardison, Sallie Barfield, by her next friend, Jessie Barfield Hardison, Walter Hardison, Wiley Dash, by his next Friend, R. J. Hardison, and R. J. Hardison, Individually Hardman, Floreid Woodard Hardman, Margaret H. Hardy, Alexander Hardy, Annie Gray Hardy, Ella Mae Hardy, Flossie Weeks Hardy, Frances Defendant Hall, James Odell Hall, Patrica Lawrence Ham, N. H. Ham, Eliza Ham, Magdalene McKay Hamilton, Jasper James Hand, Howard L. Hand, Wayne Neil Judgment # D-2596 D-2967 D-247 D-1644 D-3675 D-1796 D-3162 Filed 8-31-1959 8-5-1963 4-1932 1886 1-24-1949 10-14-1968 8-21-1950 5-17-1965 Haney, Ardenal Happer, Gladys F. Hardee, Leon Isreal Hardin, Margaret L. Hardison, Roscoe Hardison, John Charles Hardison, Judith Ann Edwards Hardison, Patience Hardison, Paul Hardison, Amos Hardison, Jesse W. Hardison, James D-861 D-578 D-2368 D-1422 D-756 D-2735 D-3190 D-2898 D-2732 D-2412 D-149 11-1942 8-1938 6-18-1956 11-6-1946 8-1941 2-14-1961 8-9-1965 10-22-1962 1-16-1961 1899 1-14-1957 10-1928 Hardison Maggie Hardison, Elnora Nie Wright, by her Guardian ad Litem, C. E. Gerrans D-484 D-2413 12-1936 11-17-1956 Hardman, R. D. Hardman, R. D. Hardy, Helen G. Hardy, Joe Louis Hardy, Gene Edward Hardy, Lehman Hardy, C. L. D-823 D-2262 D-2433 D-3557 D-2694 D-927 D-1544 8-1942 4-25-1955 5-20-1957 1-15-1968 9-13-1960 6-1943 1-19-1948 Comments 44 Plaintiff (Complainant) Hardy, Harold K. Hardy, James H. Hardy, Louis J. Hardy, Lucy Kornegay Hardy, Myrtle Manning Hardy, Nellie Mae Simmons Hardy, Percy Hardy, Troy Hardy, Ulysees Hardy, William A. Hardy, William Arthur Hare, Kenneth Edward Hargadon, Constance Paula Hargett, George S. Hargett, Jethro Hargrove, Mary Harper, Addie Harper, Adelle Davenport Harper, Allen Jackson Harper, Bernice Potter Harper, Betty Lou Harper, Christine Harper, Ella Hamm Harper, Hattie Harper, J Rudolph Harper, James Harper, Junie B. Harper, Lewis Harper, Louvenia Davenport Harper, Mary T. Harper, Matilda Wayne Defendant Hardy, Leatrice G., a minor, and George B. Greene, her guardian ad litem Hardy, Loretta Borum Hardy, Ellen Jewel O. Augustus Hardy Hardy, William Elvin Hardy, Effrom Hardy, Mable Hardy, Ina M. B. Hardy, Shirley P. Hardy, Mallie R. Hardy, Martha Ann Hare, Iris Ann Dale Hargadon, John Joseph Hargett, Cora Lee Newman Hargett, Eva Belle Hargrove, Matthew Harper, Ross Harper, Oscar Harper, Mary Rebecca Harper, Abner Jackson Harper, Raymond Webb Harper, Roland Harper, David Lee Harper, Joe Harper, Erma Harper, Rosa Lee Harper, Dan W. Harper, Bettie Harper, R. O. Harper, Ronnie Lee Harper, Charles Stanton Judgment # Filed D-1167 2-1945 D-3186 D-3526 D-1722 D-3716 D-2559 D-898 D-3178 D-2836 D-3177 D-2365 D-3570 D-2942 D-1146 D-2100 D-445 D-83 D-2777 D-1266 D-3070 D-1676 D-1060 D-3306 D-1208 D-652 D-2547 D-2114 D-991 D-2096 D-2700 D-71 8-9-1965 10-30-1967 9-26-1949 8-22-1969 1-12-1959 2-1943 6-25-1965 2-19-1962 6-22-1965 6-18-1956 3-11-1968 4-15-1963 12-1944 11-2-1953 2-1936 10-1926 10-18-1954 12-10-1945 6-22-1964 4-25-1949 6-1944 3-23-1966 8-1945 12-1939 11-24-1958 11-16-1953 12-1942 9-8-1953 10-16-1960 4-1926 Comments Pitt County divorce Duplin county divorce Marriage Certificate Craven County divorce 45 Plaintiff (Complainant) Harper, May C. Harper, Nannie Harper, Oscar Harper, Richard O. Harper, Ronald C. Harper, Sadie Stevenson Harper, Velma Harper, Victoria Fletcher Harrell, Alton Lee, a minor. By his next friend, Arnold G. Anderson Harrell, Lucille Harrell, Mary, by her next friend, Frances Gillikin Harris, Alma Lee Harris, Arwilda Harris, Dorothy Rouse Harris, Edward Earl Harris, Ella Ross Crandall Harris, Ernest C. Harris, Evelyn Clyde Harris, Marie Harris, Mary Elizabeth Harris, Mary Emma Harris, Mary Louise Harris, Minnie Eakes Harris, Nannie Mae Gay Harris, Shirley Harris, Tommy Ray Harris, Willie A. Harrison, Carolyn Smith, by her next friend, Harvey W. Marcus Harrison, Carolyn T. Defendant Harper, Carl F. Harper, Dan W. Harper, Peggy Waller Harper, Bettie T. Harper, Fonnie Mae Harper, James H. Harper, Benjamin Franklin Harper, Benjamin Franklin Harrell, Emily P., a minor, by her Guardian Ad Litem, Vernon H. Rochelle Harrell, Johnnie Harrell, Warren Judgment # D-559 D-1034 D-3435 D-1116 D-1944 D-3241 D-2372 D-2997 D-3500 Filed 2-1938 4-12-1944 4-10-1967 11-8-1944 3-17-1952 11-2-1965 8-20-1956 10-14-1963 9-4-1967 D-439 D-113 2-1936 10-1927 Harris, Robert Lee Harris, Chesley D. Harris Aubrey E. Harris, Mervin Spires Harris, Smallwood Harris, Lucille Jones Harris, O.L., Jr. Harris, Sam Harris, William C. Harris, William Albert Harris, Earnest Cornelius Harris, William Albert Harris, Edward C. Harris, Dempsey B. Harris, Glenda Kay Harris, Sudie Mae Harrison, Kenneth Gage D-3172 D-577 D-2162 D-1865 D-2522 D-2632 D-3261 D-152 D-1009 D-2021 D-3372 D-3184 D-2857 D-1491 D-3636 D-1971 D-3226 7-30-1963 8-1938 6-7-1954 5-14-1951 8-18-1958 12-1-1959 12-13-1965 11-1928 2-1944 11-24-1952 10-17-1966 8-9-1965 5-21-1962 6-1947 8-5-1968 6-10-1952 10-18-1965 Harrison, Hilton M. D-3058 5-18-1964 Comments 46 Plaintiff (Complainant) Harrison, Charlie Harrison, Enoch Harrison, Gladys P. Defendant Harrison, Martha Harrison, Cora Harrison, Hilton M. Judgment # D-1111 D-60 D-2699 Filed 11-1944 2-1926 10-1954 Harrison, James F. Harrison, Jesse R. Harrison, John R. Harrison, Letha, by her next friend, J. H. Stallings Harrison, Marjie Harrison, Rachel Pritchett Sutton Hart, Alice Faye Killette Hart, Arlester Hart, Bertha Harrell Hart, Diane Ruth Serotta Hart, Dorris Wiggins Hart, Etta J. Hart, Geraldine Leneave Hart, Livingstone Hart, Mabel, by her next friend, R. C. Nash Hart, Rosetta Washington Hart, Thomas Roland Hart, Zade Hart, Zade William Hartke, Catherine L. Hartley, Helen Hartley, Opal V. Davis Hartley, William H. Hartsell, Julia Hartsell, Marie S. Harvin, Simon Haskins, Susan Grantham Harrison, Winnifred Patricia Harrison, Fannie W. Harrison, Grace Pate Harrison, Lonnie D-1375 D-1979 D-2260 D-43 8-1946 8-18-1952 4-25-1955 10-1924 Harrison, Frank, Jr. Harrison, Fred Hart, Alton Bruce Hart, Mary Hart, Alex Junior Hart, John Edgar Hart, William G. Hart, Elmer H. Hart, Robert S., Sr. Hart, Louise R. Hart, Bertram, and J. A. Hart, Guardian ad litem for Bertram Hart Hart, Eddie Hart, Lillie Belle Hart, Remona White Hart, Nancy J. Hartke, Quentin K. Hartley, Clem Hartley, William Oscar Hartley, Rebie Lee Hartsell, Herman Hartsell, Raymond E. Harvin, Ruby L. Green Haskins, William McDaniel D-1447 D-3562 D-3236 D-373 D-1360 D-3256 D-2461 D-616 D-3072 D-2828 D-32 1-20-1947 1-15-1968 10-25-1965 12-1934 6-10-1946 11-30-1965 10-1957 4-1939 6-22-1964 1-15-1962 4-1925 D-1893 D-1902 D-2733 D-3657 D-2211 D-1833 D-2164 D-1956 D-2525 D-1329 D-613 D-3223 9-24-1951 10-29-1951 1-16-1961 8-21-1968 9-27-1954 1-1951 6-7-1954 4-21-1952 8-18-1958 4-9-1946 2-23-1939 10-18-1965 Comments Cumberland County divorce Georgia divorce 47 Plaintiff (Complainant) Hatch, Woodrow W. Hathaway, Sandra Wilcox, by her Next Friend, Syble L. Wilcox Hatley, Aulida Long Hawkins, Alonza Hawkins, Caroline Davis Hawkins, Elva Maylene Hawkins, Heber Hawkins, Marjorie Bennett Hayes, James Parrott, Jr. Hayes, Margaret Inez Hayes, T. E. Hayes, Viola Parrish Haygood, Robert C. Hearn, Charity Drucilla Heath, Annie Liza Jones Heath, Ashley, Jr. Heath, Bodell Heath, Catherine Tyndall Pate Heath, Daisy M. Heath, Della Grady Heath, Dorothy H. Heath, Earl Heath, Effie Cannon Heath, Elwood Rodolph Heath, Evelyn Whitfield Heath, Horace Ray, Jr. Heath, Hubert Heath, Jewel Marie Fann Heath, John Kinsey Heath, Junie B. Heath, Lathan H. Defendant Hatch, Catherine Irene Hathaway, Craven Judgment # Filed D-3455 5-22-1967 D-2501 4-14-1958 Hatley, James Neighbor Hawkins, Pinnia White Hawkins, Levi Hawkins, Johnnie Richard Hawkins, Hattie May Hawkins, Harold Hayes, Jo Ann Moore Hayes, Elton Earl Hayes, Elizabeth Toler Hayes, Hugh E. Haygood, Joana R. Hearn, John R. Heath, Floyd Heath, Josephine Outlaw Heath, Sally Civils Heath, Joseph Carlos Heath, Harvey M. Heath, Ralph Heath, William Arthur Heath, Margie Faye Lee Heath, Earl Heath, Julia Gray Heath, Don Heath, Vernona Faye Heath, Dorothy L. Heath, Rodney Thomas Heath, Jo Faye Beddard Heath, Lem Heath, Nancy Carol D-1028 D-3127 D-802 D-3140 D-310 D-1824 D-3078 D-2035 D-2037 D-843 D-992 D-1948 D-2817 D-3677 D-2899 D-3586 D-2879 D-2285 D-2332 D-3454 D-1670 D-2960 D-3094 D-3467 D-2312 D-3146 D-3527 D-2548 D-3688 Comments 4-10-1944 2-8-1965 4-1942 3-15-1965 12-1933 11-13-1950 8-10-1964 1-19-1953 2-16-1953 9-1942 12-1943 3-17-1952 12-11-1961 10-14-1968 10-22-1962 3-11-1968 8-20-1962 8-22-1955 2-1956 5-25-1967 4-25-1949 6-24-1963 10-5-1964 6-26-1967 11-21-1955 3-22-1965 10-30-1967 11-17-1958 11-11-1968 48 Plaintiff (Complainant) Heath, Laura Harrell Heath, Lillian Johnson Heath, Malcolm Earl Heath, Pauline Murphy Heath, Pearl Heath, Pearl, Mrs. Heath, Robert Lee Heath, Rodney Thomas, Sr. Heath, Ruby Hawkins Heath, Sallie Irene Herring Heath, Sallie Jones Heath, Stella McCoy Heath, Sue H. Heath, Walter Hedgpeth, Emma F. Henderson, Beulah Maire Henderson, Charles Henderson, Henry Henderson, Lennie W. Henderson, Marie Poole Henry, Marjorie Beulah Sutton Hepler, Carolyn Anderson, an infant, by her next friend, Richard Allen Anderson Herbert, Ethel L. Herman, Ruby E. Herring, D. L. Herring, D. L. Herring, Dexell Herring, Dorothy Byrd Herring, Essie Creel Herring, Glennie H. Herring, Henry Defendant Heath, Harvey Heath, Harvey Heath, Sylvia Adell Heath, Lloyd Sylvester Heath, Clyde Heath, Zebulon Heath, Mollie Ruth Lassiter Heath, Anne McCoy Heath, Horace Ray Heath, Herman Heath, Percy B. Heath, George Vass Heath, Edmond B. Heath, Lillie Belle Hedgpeth, Marvin E. Henderson, James Thomas Henderson, Laura Henderson, Carrie Henderson, Earl Henderson, L. H. Henry, George Richard Hepler, William Jesse, Jr. Judgment # D-435 D-1449 D-1432 D-2123 D-2246 D-242 D-3311 D-2569 D-1918 D-3302 D-3093 D-2659 D-3494 D-1230 D-1636 D-944 D-2277 D-8 D-257 D-2235 D-3549 D-3653 Filed 2-1936 2-17-1947 12-1946 1-18-1954 2-21-1955 2-1932 4-12-1966 2-9-1959 11-28-1951 3-21-1966 9-23-1964 3-21-1960 8-21-1967 9-1945 11-9-1948 8-1943 6-27-1955 11-1924 11-1932 1-24-1955 12-11-1967 8-19-1968 Herbert, William Herman, Wade F. Herring, Flossie Herring, Myrtle Herring, Dorothy Jean Grady Herring, Forrest Isler Herring, Robert Herring, Daniel Eugene Herring, Margaret D-1731 D-1203 D-1269 D-934 D-3449 D-3076 D-268 D-3624 D-642 10-31-1949 8-20-1945 12-1945 8-1943 5-15-1967 8-10-1964 4-1933 6-24-1968 9-1939 Comments 49 Plaintiff (Complainant) Herring, James E. Herring, Lena Boney Herring, Linston Edward Herring, Nannie Herring, Roberta Herring, Sadie Lee A. Herring, William B. Herring, Zeb Hertell, Freda Hewes, Diana Hicks, Alice Hicks, Hattie Hardy Hicks, John A. Higgins, Darla Beth Riggs Stricklan Hildreth, William Luke, III Hill, Alma Hill, B. J. Hill, Bessie Louise Hill, Beulah E. Hill, Burrell West Hill, Capres B. Hill, Carrie Lee Thompson Hill, Charles Edward Hill, Chlora Dawson Hill, Claude J. Hill, Clyde Hill, Connie Mozingo, a minor, by and through her next friend, Lavee Lynch Mozingo Hill, Diane, by and through her next friend, Gladys Penual Taylor Defendant Herring, Georgia Allen Herring, Willie James Herring, Louise Simmons Herring, Major Herring, J. D. Herring, John Roger Herring, Roland Martin Herring, Minnie Mason Hertell, Albert William Hewes, George Paul Hicks, Simpson P. Hicks, Cortez Hicks, Neta Higgins, Kenneth Sherwood Judgment # D-1016 D-3350 D-2613 D-879 D-27 D-2672 D-776 D-1853 D-658 D-2719 D-52 D-2183 D-2714 D-3420 Filed 2-1944 8-8-1966 10-12-1959 1-1943 2-28-1925 5-23-1960 11-1941 3-19-1951 12-1939 12-12-1960 8-1925 8-23-1954 10-24-1960 3-13-1967 Hildreth, Agnes Lois Cooke Hill, Carl M. Hill, Roxanna Hill, Bruce Edward Hill, Darrell B. Hill, Harriet Pate Hill, Loretta R. Hill, Delmer Hill, Ester Ree Brown Hill, Guy E. Hill, Clara Mae Hill, Ralph Hill, Douglas D-3130 D-1121 D-57 D-701 D-1381 D-2989 D-3043 D-2783 D-3342 D-1458 D-1496 D-213 D-3582 2-8-1965 11-1938 1-1926 9-1940 8-19-1946 9-16-1963 4-13-1964 8-21-1961 6-20-1966 2-17-1947 6-18-1947 9-1930 3-11-1968 Hill, Gene D-3363 9-15-1966 Comments 50 Plaintiff (Complainant) Hill, Edward N. Hill, Elizabeth Dawson Hill, Ellena Hill, Eugenia Cox Hill, Florence A. Hill, George Atlas Hill, Harry Preston Hill, Hattie Copeland Hill, Hazel Gardner Hill, I. D. Hill, J. Linwood Hill, Kathleen Jones Hill, Kirbie Hill, Leon Hill, Lethel Maye Hill, Lillie Mae Hill, Lonnie Hill, Louise Adams Hill, Lucy Hill, Lucy Taylor Grimsley Hill, Martha Hill, Mary Magdalene Hill, Minnie Hill, Nancy Dawson Hill, Nathan Hill, Neba Jean Moody Hill, Olivia Hill, Oscel Smith Hill, Pantha Elizabeth Hill, Pearl Lee Hill, Peggy Hardison Hill, Raymond E. Defendant Hill, Christinia A. Hill, Leroy Hill, Rachie J. Hill, Henry V. Hill, W. H. Hill, Loretta Anne Thomas Hill, Edna Grace Melton Hill, Nat M. Hill, William James Hill, Lottie B. Hill, Ida P. Hill, Wilbert Leo Hill, Lena A. Hill, Mary Jane Hill, Samuel Earl Hill, Matthew Hill, Susan Dixon Hill, Murray C. Hill, Woodley Hill, Grimsley Hill, Walter Hill, Ceborn Hill, William Steve Hill, Leonard Hill, Lilly Hill, William Corbett Hill, Robert Hill, Paul Hill, Thomas Frank Hill, Clifton Hill, Bobby Gene Hill, Katie W. Judgment # D-2578 D-732 D-301 D-1830 D-419 D-3475 D-2172 D-423 D-3107 D-593 D-2674 D-2784 D-2557 D-362 D-2773 D-1072 D-2573 D-1321 D-142 D-372 D-2195 D-3085 D-520 D-771 D-157 D-3672 D-2240 D-745 D-1038 D-1886 D-3322 D-3199 Filed 4-15-1959 4-1941 11-1933 1-22-1951 10-1935 8-7-1967 6-7-1954 10-1935 11-30-1964 10-1938 5-23-1960 8-21-1961 1-12-1959 9-1934 6-27-1961 6-1944 3-1959 4-8-1946 8-1928 12-12-1934 8-23-1954 8-24-1964 8-1937 10-16-1941 12-21-1928 9-18-1968 1-24-1955 6-1941 4-10-1944 9-10-1951 5-16-1966 8-16-1965 Comments 51 Plaintiff (Complainant) Hill, Robert Earl Hill, Robert Linwood Hill, Robert S. Hill, Rosa Moody Hill, William J. Hill, Zuela O. Hilliard, Amanda Sutton Hilliard, Jeanette Nelson Hines, Annie Waller Hines, Clarence Hines, Clarence Hines, H. T., Mrs. Hines, John Hines, Louise Rackley Hines, Nancy King Hines, Robert S. Hinnant, Walter Rockwell Hinson, Ada Vastie Hinson, C. L. Hinson, Hallie Hinson, Leslie Hardy Hinton, Sylvia Hobbs, Annie Hobgood, Marcia A. Hobson, Marie Hodges, Allen R. Hodges, Earnest Lee Hoffman, Alice Wade Hoffman, Leona Elizabeth Hoffman, Marvin M. Hoffman, Mary Lee Staley Defendant Hill, Barbara Annette Waller Hill, Ruth Gay Hill, Ruby S. Hill, Walter Thomas Hill, Essie Wiley Hill, David Hilliard, John O. Hilliard, Mose Hines, Henry Tull Hines, Georgia Stanley Hines, Minnie V. Hines, W. R. Hines, Fannie Parker Hines, Thomas Allen Hines, Harvey Carrow, Jr. Hines, Frances H. Hinnant, Blois Faye Myatt Hinson, Vollie Lee Hinson, Julia Hinson, G. Frank Hinson, Beatrice Ruffin Hinton, Omer, Jr. Hobbs, Benjamin Hobgood, Robert L. Hobson, John Albert Hodges, Helen Jeanette Hodges, Katie Hoffman, Leon C. Hoffman, William Gaston, Jr. Hoffman, Rossie P. Hoffman, Ezra Orvis, Jr. Judgment # D-3698 D-3158 D-536 D-635 D-2302 D-2556 D-2351 D-2654 D-1227 D-1070 D-2415 D-208 D-2643 D-2201 D-3036 D-2251 D-3480 D-911 D-206 D-815 D-2769 D-2192 D-1637 D-1251 D-1418 D-1138 D-1860 D-1711 D-1514 D-2465 Filed 12-19-1968 4-21-1965 11-1937 6-1939 10-10-1955 12-8-1958 5-28-1956 2-15-1960 9-1945 6-1944 1-14-1957 4-1930 12-14-1959 9-13-1954 3-16-1964 2-28-1955 8-7-1967 5-1943 4-1930 4-23-1942 6-19-1961 8-23-1954 1898 10-2-1948 11-6-1945 11-1946 12-1944 4-23-1951 8-22-1949 9-8-1947 10-7-1957 Comments Marriage License, Bigamy 52 Plaintiff (Complainant) Hoffman, Pauline Waters Holcomb, Lelia Rebecca Holden, Emma Frances Harris Holden, Ida Cameron Holladay, Will M. Holland, Bonnie Mae Holland, Martha Hardison Holland, Mary Ruth Holland, Pattie Stocks Hollenhead, Helen Grace Hollingsworth, Mamie King Holloman, Irene Wells Holloman, Marjorie Ann Wiggs Holloway, Clifton Holloway, Jamie Davis Holloway, Mary Helen Holloway, Moses Holloway, Norman James Holloway, Peter Holloway, Poshie S. Holloway, Selma Roberta Holmes, Edna Mae Holmes, Lillie May Holmes, Shirley Carr Holt, Lottie Harper Holton, H. H. Homenick, Betty Rouse, by her next friend, Mrs. Rosa R. Forrest Hood, Connie Carraway Hood, Florence Roberta Hood, Philip H. Hooker, Emma E. Wetherington Defendant Hoffman, John William Holcomb, Howard B. Holden, Raymond David, Jr. Holden, Paul B. Holladay, Learie Holland, Johnnie Lawrence Holland, Charlie Frank Holland, Edward Bruce Holland, Allen Vann Hollenhead, Samuel Glasco Hollingsworth, James M. Holloman, Harvey E. Holloman, Bruce Allen Holloway, Christine Holloway, Letha Thompson Smith Holloway, Ashley Owen Holloway, Mary Ellen Holloway, Peggy Maria Warren Holloway, Susan Holloway, James Davis Holloway, Jamie Davis Holmes, Marshall Oliver Holmes, Tom Holmes, William Henry Holt, Carl M. Holton, Nellie Ruth Homenick, Johny Judgment # D-3165 D-653 D-2736 D-913 D-1740 D-2816 D-3053 D-2296 D-1961 D-2881 D-1675 D-3213 D-3709 D-3086 D-3301 D-2474 D-1557 D-2862 D-3516 D-2794 D-2270 D-443 D-3572 D-2935 D-566 D-1304 Filed 5-17-1965 12-1939 2-14-1961 5-1943 11-28-1949 11-29-1961 4-23-1964 9-12-1955 5-13-1952 8-20-1962 4-25-1949 8-23-1965 2-27-1969 8-24-1964 3-14-1966 11-25-1957 2-16-1948 5-28-1962 1880 10-16-1967 9-18-1961 5-15-1955 2-1936 3-11-1968 2-18-1963 4-1938 2-18-1946 Hood, J. W. Hood, Columbus Hood, Linda L. Stepp Hooker, William Robert D-1728 D-1664 D-3202 D-921 10-31-1949 2-21-1949 8-16-1965 6-8-1943 Comments 53 Plaintiff (Complainant) Hooker, Lenord Lee Hooks, Jadie Ray Hooks, Mamie Davis Hopkins, Florence Horne, Mary Magdalene J. Horner, Thelma E. Horton, Blanche Combs Horton, Corinth P. Horton, John W. Houston, Anna Houston, Elnora Anderson Huggins Houston, Ruth Ellen Heath, by her next friend, Ashley Heath Howard, Asa J. Howard, Clifton R. Howard, Dorothy M. Howard, E. G. Howard, Edna Dunn Howard, Eleanor Faye Wade Howard, Essie Mae Howard, Florence Howard, Freddie Mae Kinsey Howard, George W. Howard, Goerge E. Howard, Heber L., a minor, by his next friend, Amos Howard Howard, J. C. Howard, Kenneth L. Howard, Mamie Howard, Margaret R. Howard, Milton, Jr. Defendant Hooker, Doretha Barns Hooks, Eleanor Dixon Hooks, Bennett Hopkins, Joseph Horne, W Vernell Horner, J. Frank Horton, Edward Woodrow Horton, Charles Mack Horton, Margaret G. Houston, Ernest Houston, Wilbert Roy Judgment # D-3118 D-3271 D-686 D-282 D-3665 D-376 D-2455 D-3500-A D-1284 D-1456 D-3566 Filed 12-14-1964 1-17-1966 5-1940 1-1933 9-9-1968 12-12-1934 9-9-1957 9-11-1967 1-21-1946 2-17-1947 2-5-1968 Houston, Earnie D-1050 5-1944 Howard, Nancy Stroud Howard, Josephine Daugherty Howard, Bobby Brantley Howard, Eunice M. Howard, Walter G. Howard, Robert Vernon Howard, Cecil F. Howard, V. H. Howard, Lloyd Howard, Nancy B. Williams Howard, Ruby Sadler Howard, Annie Mae Whaley, a minor, and George B. Greene, her guardian ad litem. Howard, Eloise Grady Howard, Sue J. Howard, L. L. Howard, William C. Howard, Christine R. D-1548 D-1328 D-3452 D-1598 D-1663 D-3418 D-2533 D-398 D-2417 D-2448 D-553 D-1164 1-19-1948 4-1946 5-22-1967 8-23-1948 2-21-1949 3-13-1967 10-6-1958 6-1935 12-5-1953 8-20-1957 1-1938 2-1945 D-2057 D-3010 D-467 D-1487 D-2344 5-18-1953 11-11-1963 8-1936 5-23-1947 3-26-1956 Comments 54 Plaintiff (Complainant) Howard, P. T. Howard, Peggy Tucker Howard, Robert Howard, Sadie Marie Howard, Shirley Tilghman Howard, Virginia Jones Howard, Willie Dale Howe, Carolyn Howell, Dorothy Rose Tilghman Howell, Georgia Howell, Margaret Rae Howard Howerton, Dorothy M. Hoy, Joseph E. Hudson, Addie Mae Hudson, Arthur V. Hudson, Betty Jane Hudson, William H. Huffman, Annie Lee Hudson Huffman, Brenda Faye Holley, a minor by her next friend, H. H. Holley Huffman, J. B. Huffman, J. B. Huffman, Lilie Huffman, Mamie Huffman, Margaret Ann, by her next friend, G. R. Marshburn Huffman, W. H. Huggins, Ernest Huggins, J. F. Huggins, Leone Huggins, Mamie Baysden Huggins, Vannie L. Defendant Howard, Sudie Mae Howard, Douglas Barnette Howard, Lucretia Phillips Howard, Frank Howard, James Elbert Howard, James Parker Howard, Ethel Mae Smith Howe, Kleon Howell, Neil Bernard, Jr. Howell, Roger Howell, Carl Howerton, Frances Ray Hoy, Marion G. Hudson, A. V. Hudson, Lillian Hudson, Clifford Wilson Hudson, Mary Rhodes Huffman, Issac Hill Huffman, Clement, Jr., a minor, by and through his Guardian ad Litem, Clement Huffman, Sr. Huffman, Sarah Huffman, Lizzie Huffman, Leman B. Huffman, Amos W. Huffman, J. Wilson Judgment # D-392 D-2785 D-1207 D-2178 D-2869 D-1917 D-1097 D-2244 D-3425 D-3220 D-3681 D-2704 D-109 D-603 D-291 D-1685 D-1868 D-2444 D-2974 Filed 4-1935 8-21-1961 8-1945 6-21-1954 6-11-1962 11-26-1951 10-1944 2-21-1955 3-20-1967 9-13-1965 10-28-1968 10-10-1960 10-19-1927 12-14-1938 10-19-1933 4-25-1949 5-14-1951 6-17-1957 8-19-1963 D-300 D-94 D-153 D-915 D-2670 11-1933 2-25-1927 11-1928 5-1943 5-23-1960 Huffman, Thelma Huggins, Daisy Huggins, Lou Davenport Huggins, Ernest Huggins, Joe F. Huggins, Mildred Wade D-864 D-647 D-708 D-470 D-2187 D-1952 11-1942 11-1939 12-1940 9-1936 8-23-1954 3-20-1952 Comments 55 Plaintiff (Complainant) Hughes, Ada E. Hughes, Rosa Belle Humphrey, C. W. Humphrey, Clarence Humphrey, Florence Humphrey, Gloria Fay Hyman Humphrey, James Humphrey, James Edgar Humphrey, Julia E. Humphrey, Lula Letchworth, a minor, by her next friend, Gertie Humphrey Humphrey, Richard Louis Hunnings, Carl Thomas Hunter, Herman M. Hussey, Dorthy Newkirk Hussey, Geneva W. Hussey, Gradon Hussey, James E. Hussey, Wanda Jan Hathaway, a minor, by her next friend, Charles C. Hathaway Hutchin, Walter Wallace Hutchins, Herbert Hutchins, Richard Allen Hyman, Robert Ingram, Annie Ingram, Fred M. Ingram, Henry Thomas Ingram, Nannie Ipock, Eva Mumford Defendant Hughes, B. F., Jr. Hughes, George William Humphrey, Sue Eason Humphrey, Azalea Inman Humphrey, Clarence Humphrey, Franklin Earl Humphrey, Laura Williams Humphrey, Virginia Davis Humphrey, Edgar F. Humphrey, Clarence Ray, a minor, and Judge Guy Elliott, guardian ad litem of said minor. Humphrey, Annaneil Conner Hunnings, Eleanor Taylor Hunter, Eleanor Beard Hussey, Edgar D. Hussey, Adrian L. Hussey, Pearl Hall Hussey, Mattie L. Hussey, Thomas Earl Judgment # D-86 D-2442 D-2532 D-3044 D-618 D-2912 D-859 D-3472 D-191 D-1253 Filed 11-1926 6-17-1957 9-8-1958 4-13-1964 4-12-1939 11-26-1962 11-1942 6-26-1967 11-1929 11-1945 D-3423 D-3553 D-1872 D-1298 D-2347 D-1406 D-1707 D-3648 3-13-1967 1-8-1968 5-21-1951 1-1946 4-16-1956 10-14-1946 6-23-1949 8-5-1968 Hutchin, Rosa Lee Hutchins, Charity Hutchins, Patricia Parker Hyman, Jennie Ingram, Alonza Ingram, Gaynelle Kennedy Ingram, Eleanor G. Smith Ingram, Charlie Ipock Norman N. D-2024 D-1013 D-2686 11-24-1952 2-1944 8-22-1960 1896 6-9-1947 2-13-1967 11-5-1951 4-1938 2-19-1951 D-1492 D-3415 D-1909 D-565 D-1844 Comments Pamphlet: The Bar and The Crusade For Freedom (1950) 56 Plaintiff (Complainant) Ipock, Horace Edmond Isler, Charlie Isler, Daniel Isler, Emmett Isler, Jobe Isler, Ora Lee Gooding Isler, Preston Lee Isler, Squire Isler, Swannie Lee Isler, Wilbur Lee Ives, Margie Mae Jackson, Albert G., a minor, by his next friend, Doris Jackson Broadway Jackson, Clarence Jackson, Claude Jackson, Constance B. Jackson, E. B. Jackson, Effie Jackson, Gertrude Jackson, Hosea Jackson, Ida Mae Jackson, J. W. Jackson, J. W. Jackson, James B. Jackson, James B. Jackson, Jennette Hamilton Jackson, John, Jr. Defendant Ipock, Mattie Lou Broadway Isler, Emma Brown Isler, Ellen Isler, Louise Gooding Isler, Eliza Isler, Carl Lee Isler, Lizzell Isler, Betsy (alias Betsy Williams) Isler, Leo Isler, Mary Lee Fraizer Ives, Robert Hugh Jackson, Margaret Pike Jackson, a minor, by her guardian ad litem J. Frank Wooten. Jackson, Ida Mae Jackson, Hoppie Jackson, Clarence Jackson, Nora Myrtle Jackson, Clyde William Jackson, Walter Jackson, Edna Jackson, Booker T. Jackson, Gladys Jackson, Elizabeth Jackson, Polly Jackson, Ella Bell Sugg Jackson, Ira Jackson, Estella Judgment # Filed D-2470 10-21-1957 D-850 9-1942 1892 D-1414 11-6-1946 D-1336 5-13-1946 D-3576 3-11-1968 D-2073 6-22-1953 1899 D-1999 9-22-1952 D-2859 5-28-1962 D-966 10-1943 D-1421 11-1946 D-2033 D-720 D-2802 D-734 D-1087 D-1046 D-1633 D-1152 D-610 D-626 D-1374 D-587 D-2907 D-2782 1-19-1953 1-1941 10-9-1961 4-1941 10-1944 5-1944 11-8-1948 12-1944 2-1939 8-24-1935 8-1946 9-26-1938 11-19-1962 8-21-1961 Jackson, Julian Bernice Jackson, Julius D. Jackson, Kathaleen Dudley Jackson, Kenneth Latell Jackson, Jesse Arthur Jackson, Justine White Jackson, James Earl Jackson, Nada Davidson D-730 D-1907 D-3598 D-1783 2-1941 11-1-1951 5-23-1968 6-13-1950 Comments 57 Plaintiff (Complainant) Jackson, Margaret Hodges Jackson, Robert Jackson, Sam Jackson, Sam Jackson, Sarah M. Quinn Jackson, Thurman D. Jackson, Walter R. Jackson, Wesley Jacobs, Jean Stroud James, Eddie Lee James, John, Jr. Janes, Harold C. Jarman, Abi Metts Jarman, Al J. Jarman, Charles Jarman, Clarence H. Jarman, D. R. Jarman, David F. Jarman, Frances Seydel Jarman, Frances Sutton Jarman, George Henry Jarman, Leslie D. Jarman, Lou Nicy Jarman, Marvin Earl Jarman, Nathaniel Jarman, Peggy Hart Jarman, Rosa Jefferson, Ethel M. Jefferys, Edna E. Roberts Defendant Jackson, William Jackson, Clara Bell Jackson, Laura Jane Matthews Jackson, Ida Louise Jackson, William Edward, Jr. Jackson, Lillie D. Jackson, Laura Gaylor Jackson, Suvillia Jacobs, J. M., Jr. James, Frances James, Marie Patterson Janes, Rena Fleeman Jarman, George A. Jarman, Thelma H. Jarman, Lila Jarman, Geneva Jarman, Hilda Jarman, Leona M. Jarman, Alton Lynn Jarman, Lyman (incompetent) appearing by and through his Guardian Ad Litem, Fred W. Harrison Jarman, Rachel Jarman, Patricia Ann King Jarman, Johnnie Jarman, Mary Avery Jarman, Gladys Wiggs, a minor, by her guardian ad litem, Addie Wiggs Jarman, William Freeman Jarman, Lonnie Jefferson, Homer L. Jefferys, Onnie Judgment # D-1258 D-425 D-2434 D-3362 D-2214 D-3462 D-1377 D-2678 D-2352 D-2242 D-2238 D-2421 D-1806 D-2635 D-409 D-313 D-2427 D-953 D-2476 D-3142 Filed 11-13-1945 11-1935 5-20-1957 9-12-1966 11-3-1954 6-12-1967 7-1946 6-20-1960 5-28-1956 1-25-1955 1-24-1955 3-18-1957 10-1950 12-14-1959 9-1935 12-21-1933 4-15-1957 9-1943 11-1957 3-15-1965 D-549 D-3056 D-3132 D-3021 D-849 2-1-1938 5-18-1964 2-8-1965 12-9-1963 9-1942 D-3690 D-1410 D-2767 D-725 11-11-1968 10-14-1946 6-19-1961 1-1941 Comments 58 Plaintiff (Complainant) Jeffress, Daisy K. Jenkins, Catherine Hook Espy Jenkins, Della Mae Vernon, by her next friend Robert Earl Creel Jenkins, Henry Jenkins, Katheryn Wells Jenkins, Laurie Fulcher Jenkins, Lemuel H. Jenkins, Mary B. Jenkins, Mary Louise Jenkins, Neva Manning Jenkins, Robert Jenkins, Stanley Jenkins, W. M. Jennings, Verna Mae Sheppard Jernigan, Helen Louise Jeter, Lila Mae Bordeaux Johnson, Annie Johnson, Annie Laura Johnson, Annie Lee Carter Johnson, Betty Jo Odom Johnson, Caroline Smith Johnson, Doris S. Johnson, Dorothy Sauls Johnson, Dorothy Worthington Johnson, Earl V. Johnson, Ethel, by her next friend, J. O. Gray Johnson, Floyd L. Johnson, Floyd Leslie Johnson, Fred Carson Defendant Jeffress, John L. Jenkins, Wilbert Lee Jenkins, Lynwood Earl Judgment # D-2141 D-1459 D-3279 Filed 2-22-1954 2-1947 1-17-1966 Jenkins, Oneda Braxton Jenkins, Roland W. Jenkins, R. J. Jenkins, Doris B. Jenkins, W. Gordon Jenkins, Raymond Jenkins, Earl K. Jenkins, Lucy Adams Jenkins, Beatrice Brock Jenkins, Matilda Jennings, Marvin L. Jernigan, Clarence Franklin Jeter, James Norman Johnson, Thomas Lee Johnson, Isiah Johnson, Robert Glenn Johnson, Marvin B. Johnson, Norwood Johnson, Robert Johnson, James Charles Johnson, Samuel Levi Johnson, Nina Jewel Johnson, Alex D-1943 D-1890 D-1132 D-3534 D-1255 D-2319 D-2993 D-1819 D-2944 D-135 D-2139 D-833 D-2380 D-1178 D-468 D-2384 D-1861 D-1847 D-2161 D-2890 D-2915 D-2843 D-156 3-17-1952 9-10-1951 12-1-1944 11-13-1967 11-1945 12-12-1955 10-14-1963 11-13-1950 4-16-1963 4-1928 2-15-1954 9-1942 8-20-1956 4-1945 9-1936 10-8-1956 4-23-1951 2-19-1951 5-10-1954 9-10-1962 12-10-1962 3-26-1962 12-1928 Johnson, Edna Earl White Brinson Johnson, Letha Helen Johnson, Martha Ann Alphin, by her Guardian Ad Litem F. E. Wallace, Jr. D-3460 D-1920 D-2873 6-12-1967 12-12-1951 6-25-1962 Comments Duplin County divorce 59 Plaintiff (Complainant) Johnson, Hazel Johnson, Iona H. Johnson, Isaiah Johnson, Ivy L., Mrs. Johnson, Laura Grady Johnson, Lucille Harvey Johnson, Mary S. Johnson, Minnie Johnson, N. B. Johnson, Nellie J. Johnson, Robert Lelon Johnson, Rosie Mae Johnson, Ruby Smith Johnson, Walter J. Johnson, William Johnson, Willie Johnson, Willie Mae Johnston, Raymond T. Jolley, Fredelia Mae Jolly, Carrie Johnson Jones, Ada Jones, Addie Elizabeth Jones, Adell Grady Jones, Allen Earl Jones, Annie Lucille Eubanks Jones, Annie Marie Jones, Arden M. Jones, Bertha Hardy Jones, Bettie Jones, Bettie Outlaw Jones, Blanche Lee Defendant Johnson, A. J. Johnson, Monroe Johnson, Ida Mae Matthews Johnson, Ivy Lindel Johnson, John Thomas Johnson, Russell Anthony Johnson, Braxton Johnson, Hemon Johnson, Clara Alda Michael Johnson, Jesse C. Johnson, Ruby Pearl Johnson, Robert Lee Howell, Frank Weldon, alias Frank Woodson Howell Johnson, Dorothy Jean Johnson, Kizzie Johnson, Annie Hill Johnson, Phillip Johnston, Beadie L. Jolley, John Richard Jolly, Roger Raymond Jones, Robert Lee Jones, Lloyd Oswell Jones, James Fulton Jones, Armee Lee Jones, David M., Jr. Jones, H. W. Jones, Nathaniel Leon Jones, Clarence, II. Jones, Oliver Jones, Gerald C. Jones, Johnnie G. Judgment # D-1285 D-2505 D-1745 D-1471 D-416 D-3290 D-2265 D-346 D-619 D-939 D-285 D-2298 D-2541 Filed 1-21-1946 4-23-1958 1-27-1950 4-2-1947 9-1935 2-7-1966 5-19-1955 5-1934 4-1939 8-1943 8-1933 9-12-1955 10-27-1958 D-2055 D-14 D-2375 D-1209 D-1895 D-1229 D-1703 D-2116 D-1522 D-3111 D-405 D-3543 D-2280 D-3025 D-2481 D-1396 D-2335 D-3626 4-20-1953 10-1923 8-20-1956 8-20-1945 9-24-1951 9-24-1945 6-13-1949 11-19-1953 9-22-1947 11-30-1964 6-1935 11-27-1967 6-27-1955 1-20-1964 12-1957 9-23-1946 3-19-1956 6-24-1968 Comments Louisiana divorce Marriage license 60 Plaintiff (Complainant) Jones, Camille Sutton Jones, Charles R. Jones, Charlie, Jr. Jones, Clayton Earl Jones, Daisy Jones, Dinah Jones, Doris Dixon Jones, Dorothy Jones, Dudley Odell Jones, Edna Pearl McLamb Jones, Edward Jones, Esther Mae Dixon Jones, Ethel Bryant Jones, Eva Grace Jones, Fannie T. Jones, Hazel Jones, Helen Jones, Helen M. Jones, Helena Wallace Jones, Herbert Alton Jones, Hettie Leary Jones, Horace R. Jones, Irene Rebecca Jones, Jean Williams, by her next friend, Mary E. Williams Jones, Jessie Frizzelle Jones, John B. Jones, Joseph Jones, Josephine Murphy Jones, Juanita Lee, by her next friend, Harvey W. Marcus Jones, Judie Mae Jones, Kathryn (alias, Catherine) Defendant Jones, Hubert Bazel Jones, Mathe Griffith Jones, Florence C. Jones, Verna Mae Lee Jones, Joe Jones, Frank Jones, Thomas Curtis Jones, Dameon R. Jones, Betty Jean Everhart Jones, Moreland Jones, Mary Gooding Jones, Preston Jones, Leo Jones, Thaddeus Jones, Nobe S. Jones, Oliver Jones, Grivel Jones, Woodrow W. Jones, Rufus Jones, Betty Jean M. Jones, Sam E. Jones, Geraldine Aman Jones, Maryland Brooks Jones, Remus E. Judgment # D-1427 D-2310 D-3360 D-2987 D-552 D-1242 D-3081 D-2593 D-2317 D-2830 D-1433 D-2249 D-2787 D-1366 D-1563 D-2085 D-2150 D-2047 D-2028 D-3655 D-812 D-2026 D-2963 D-2232 Filed 12-30-1946 11-21-1955 9-13-1966 11-9-1963 1-1938 10-1945 8-10-1964 8-24-1959 12-12-1955 2-12-1962 12-1946 2-28-1955 8-21-1961 6-17-1946 2-19-1948 8-24-1953 4-19-1954 1-12-1953 1-19-1953 8-20-1968 5-18-1942 1-19-1952 6-24-1963 1-24-1955 Jones, William Russell Jones, Neva Jones, Gertrude Jones, Ervin Lewis Jones, Robert Earl D-3644 D-322 D-848 D-3443 D-3400 8-12-1968 1-1934 9-1942 5-15-1967 12-15-1966 Jones, James J. F. Jones, Abram D-2679 D-2829 6-20-1960 1-15-1962 Comments Duplin County divorce 61 Plaintiff (Complainant) B. Jones, Laforest B. Jones, Larry H. Jones, Leona R. Jones, Lillie M. Jones, Lois Dale H. Jones, Louise Jones, Luther James Jones, Maggie M. Jones, Mamie Lee Jones, Marie Weyher Jones, Mildred Colie Jones, Mirry Jones, Mollie Jones, Montez S. Jones, Nancy Jones Jones, Nina G. Jones, Peggy Heath Jones, Queen Ester Jones, Rachel Radford Jones, Raymond Jones, Robert Jones, Robert Clifford Jones, Robert Lee Defendant Judgment # Filed Jones, William F. Jones, Catherine Faye Heath Jones, William Norman Jones, Jarvis Jones, Cyrus Lloyd Jones, Clifton Jones, Opal Joyner Morris Jones, Richard N. Jones, Alfonso Jones, Barry Wayne Jones, John W. Jones, William A. Jones, Cyrus Jones William T. Jones, Eugene J., Jr. Jones, Clarence Earl Jones, Charles Harold Jones, Roscoe Jones, William P. Jones, Anna Jones, Tempie Hones, Delores Smith Jones, Anne Cobb D-2326 D-2889 D-2049 D-1110 D-2607 D-2684 D-3355 D-417 D-3701 D-1494 D-531 D-1582 D-780 D-1043 D-3054 D-3061 D-3149 D-2537 D-1995 D-1189 D-459 D-2343 D-737 1-16-1956 9-10-1962 3-16-1953 11-1944 9-24-1959 8-22-1960 8-15-1966 9-26-1935 1-29-1969 6-1947 10-1937 6-7-1948 12-9-1941 4-1944 4-23-1964 5-19-1964 7-22-1964 10-13-1958 9-22-1952 5-1945 6-1936 3-26-1956 5-1941 Jones, Robert T. Jones, Robert T. Jones, Rosa Mae Hart Jones, Ruben Curren Jones, Nancy Lee Wilkins Jones, Eliza Jones, Eddie Frank Jones, Christina D. D-3246 D-430 D-3620 D-3320 11-15-1965 2-1936 6-24-1968 5-16-1966 Comments Florida divorce Also, #’ed 738 on separate entry, “original papers received by J. A. Jones, Attorney, May 1. 1946.” 62 Plaintiff (Complainant) Jones, Rudolph Jones, Rufus Jones, Ruth Ann Jones, Sudie Mae Kirkman Jones, Susie Lena Jones, William Jones, William Wayne Jones, Willie Mae Jonigan, Avie Jerlean D. Jordan, Carol Jean Tilghman Jordan, David H. Jordan, Wilber Joyner, Eddie L. Joyner, Edward Reid Joyner, Essie Lee Joyner, Hezikiah Joyner, Lemual Joyner, Leora Hill Joyner, Raymond Herman Judge, Columbus Judge, Perlett T. Justice, Ruth F. Kannan, Mattie Sanderson Karling, Helen Bodell Kazmaier, Dorothy Marie Hardee, by her next friend, Juanita Harwell Keel, Ola Anna Kelley, Carolyn Elaine Horton, a minor, by and through her next friend, S. W. Horton Kelly, John Raymond Kelly, Laughton Defendant Jones, Mary Ella Jones, Helen Wallace Jones, Larry Harper Jones, Gordon B. Jones, Cloe Franklin Jones, Marguirete H. Jones, Josephine Tyndall Jones, Lawrence Jonigan, William Oneal Jordan, Phillip Murray Jordan, Lillian F. Jordan, rosa Joyner, Evan Dunn Joyner, Jeanne Paulos Joyner, Goerge Joyner, Velma Edwards Joyner, Hadie Joyner, Bernard C. Joyner, Mary Arlitha Brewer Judge, Bernice K. Judge, Freeman Justice, Osbia Kannan, Edgar J. Karling, Eric G. Kazmaier, W. K. Judgment # D-483 D-3710 D-3533 D-1295 D-1842 D-2410 D-3004 D-1114 D-3157 D-3032 D-943 D-281 D-1938 D-3608 D-521 D-2535 D-62 D-1318 D-3431 D-3147 D-1326 D-695 D-954 D-283 D-933 Filed 12-15-1936 3-3-1969 11-13-1967 1-1946 1-22-1951 12-10-1956 10-14-1963 11-1944 4-20-1965 2-17-1964 8-23-1943 6-1933 2-19-1952 5-20-1968 8-1937 10-13-1958 2-1926 4-8-1946 4-10-1967 3-22-1965 4-8-1946 8-1940 9-1943 8-1933 8-1943 Keel, William Clarence Kelley, Lance Gordon D-691 D-3314 6-1940 4-11-1966 Kelly, Annie Kelly, Daisy D-1313 D-1059 2-1946 5-1944 Comments 63 Plaintiff (Complainant) Kelly, William Edward Kendall, J. T. Kennedy Adelle Tyndall Kennedy, Alice Faye Boswell Kennedy, Eddie Kennedy, Ervin Kennedy, Henry Kennedy, Mabell Brown, by her next friend, Burkie Brown Kennedy, Margaret Gilbert Kennedy, Mary H. Kennedy, Maxie Milton Kennedy, Naomi Reed Kennedy, Sybil L. Kenner, Dorothy Kennon, John C. Kennon, Mary Jane Ketchem, Ethel Sutton Keys, Edward Melvin Kilgo, Trudie S. Killingsworth, Peggy S. Kilpatrick, James L., Jr. Kilpatrick, Liddie R. Kilpatrick, Retha Mae Hatch King, Annie Mae Dunk King, Barbara King, Blossie Mae King, Doris Coates King, Earnie D. King, Elias King, Emma Lee King, Georgia Spence Defendant Kelly, Edna Mae Pike Kendall, Aggie Nora Kennedy, Chancy Kennedy, Lonnie Edison (Eddie) Kennedy, Clione Kennedy, Ruby Kennedy, Sula L. Kennedy, Carl Judgment # D-2000 D-768 D-682 D-3309 D-2791 D-2038 D-2301 D-2446 Filed 9-25-1952 10-1941 4-1940 4-12-1966 9-18-1961 2-16-1953 9-22-1955 6-1928 Kennedy, Franklin Vance Kennedy A. D. Kennedy, Evelyn Nobles Kennedy, Robert Lowell Kennedy Prentice Kenner, Fred Kennon, Mary Dorothy Kennon, Tommy Ketchem, William M. Keys, Elizabeth McKnight Kilgo, Gordon L. Killingsworth, Joseph, Jr. Kilpatrick, Murrell Hale Kilpatrick, George B. Kilpatrick, Earl Marvin King, Walter Ray King, Emerson Carlisle King, George King, Charles Thomas King, Vonnie Mae King, Hettie, King, Curtis Loftin King, Stephen Russell D-3182 D-1896 D-2132 D-3103 D-1319 D-2626 D-1969 D-2575 D-302 D-1001 D-1039 D-2975 D-1770 D-348 D-3537 D-2483 D-3463 D-930 D-3028 D-2909 D-329 D-3506 D-1512 8-9-1965 9-24-1951 2-15-1954 11-16-1964 4-1946 11-23-1959 5-19-1952 3-16-1959 11-1933 1-1944 4-1944 8-19-1963 4-24-1950 6-20-1934 11-13-1967 12-9-1957 6-5-1967 6-1943 8-10-1959 11-26-1962 2-1934 9-18-1967 9-8-1947 Comments South Carolina divorce Wake County divorce 64 Plaintiff (Complainant) King, Hardy McCoy King, Helen Marie King, Ida King, Irene King, Jannie King, Jasper King, Lettitia Eloise King, M. N. King, Martin King, Mary Lou Noble King, Mildred T. King, Nancy King, Richard King, Samuel Thomas King, Wilbur F., Jr. King, Zellamae Patterson Kinsey, F. L. Kinsey, James H. Kinsey, Mary Geneva Cox Kinsey, Newton A., Jr, Kinsey, Newton Augustus, Jr. Kinsey, Ona Lee B. Kinsey, Plato Kinsey, Wesley J. Kinsey, William Adrew Kirby, Helen W. Kirby, Thomas James Kirk, Laura H. Kirkman, Rosalind Kiser, Clent Kittrell, Ben Kittrell, Ruth Best Defendant King, Mildred Elizabeth Moore King, Jimmie Leroy King, Wilbur King, George King, Sidney Cecil King, Etta Lee McGleen King, Henry E., Jr. King, Gloria Martin King, Ethel L. King, Raymond C. King, Paul E. King, Fred F. King, Callie Mae Evans King, Margaret Marie King, Marilynn Lee King, Lenoris Kinsey, Mary Kinsey, Cora Belle Kinsey, Earl Eugene Kinsey, Ruby Campbell Kinsey, Geneva Whitfield Kinsey, Maddried Kinsey, Lona Kinsey, Minnie Lou Kinsey, Winnie Kirby, Johnnie A. Kirby, Linda Jennette Griffin Kirk, Robert L. Kirkman, George B. Kiser, Cora Kittrell, Connie Lee Kittrell, Benjamin Judgment # D-3307 D-1270 D-266 D-184 D-1450 D-2778 D-1261 D-2658 D-1697 D-3511 D-2542 D-503 D-1992 D-3422 D-3689 D-3528 D-175 D-2591 D-3163 D-2884 D-806 D-2585 D-515 D-1419 D-353 D-2045 D-3344 D-3176 D-154 D-1672 D-1561 D-2479 Filed 4-12-1966 12-1945 2-1933 6-1929 2-17-1947 8-21-1961 12-10-1945 3-21-1960 4-25-1949 10-16-1967 10-27-1958 4-1937 9-22-1952 3-13-1967 11-11-1968 11-13-1967 8-1929 8-24-1959 5-17-1965 9-10-1962 4-1942 6-15-1959 6-1937 11-1946 6-1934 3-16-1953 6-20-1966 6-21-1965 12-1928 4-25-1949 2-16-1948 12-1957 Comments Texas divorce 65 Plaintiff (Complainant) Kittrell, Willie Roy Kness, Patricia Ann Riggs Kohler, John A. Koonce, Adelle, a minor by her next friend, Henry Register Koonce, Beatrice Koonce, Clara Moseley Koonce, Daisy E. Koonce, Elizabeth Koonce, Elizabeth Koonce, Ernest B. Koonce, Grace Noble Koonce, Henrietta Philpott Koonce, Herbert S., Jr. Koonce, James Grant Koonce, James Grant Koonce, Margie Koonce, Matthew Isiah Koonce, Raymond Koonce, Retha Powell Koonce, Richard J. Koonce, Richard Jackson Koonce, Roberta Koonce, Rosa Mae Brown Koonce, Samuel Koonce, Sarah T. Koonce, Thelma King, by her Next Friend, John King Koonce, William W. Kornegay, Alma Kornegay, Billy Kornegay, Constance B. Kornegay, Fred Defendant Kittrell, Lillie May Kness, Donald Lloyd Kohler, Lydia C. Koonce, Hillman Judgment # D-1225 D-3628 D-518 D-437 Filed 9-24-1945 6-26-1968 8-1937 2-1936 Koonce, James Koonce, Charlie Andres Koonce, Clarence W. Koonce, Lonnie Koonce, Jake Koonce, Clemmons Koonce, William J. Koonce, Daniel Koonce, Alice Fay Koonce, Louise A. Koonce, Lucille Alston Koonce, Robert Koonce, Minnie Mae Best Koonce, Mary Koonce, Daniel Koonce, Mary Lou Koonce, Dorothy Taylor Koonce, Ernest Koonce, Roland Koonce, Eugenia Koonce, Jake E. Koonce, L. J. D-1906 D-2230 D-288 D-1721 D-2091 D-1104 D-1732 D-3469 D-3189 D-1817 D-3327 D-88 D-2713 D-895 D-2219 D-1330 D-3656 D-1725 D-1761 D-1994 D-1638 D-1970 10-29-1951 1-24-1955 6-1932 9-13-1949 9-14-1953 10-1944 10-31-1949 6-26-1967 8-9-1965 11-8-1950 5-16-1966 11-1926 10-24-1960 2-1943 11-16-1954 4-8-1946 8-20-1968 9-26-1949 3-20-1950 9-22-1952 11-16-1948 5-20-1952 Koonce, Ester Mae Kornegay, Milford Kornegay, Dorothy Mewborn Kornegay, Roldoph Kornegay, Jeanette D-3225 D-1631 D-2927 D-1441 D-846 10-18-1965 11-1-1948 2-11-1963 12-31-1946 9-1942 Comments 66 Plaintiff (Complainant) Kornegay, Joe Kornegay, Joseph Bailey Kornegay, Louise Kornegay, Minnie B. Andrews Kornegay, Onslow Kornegay, Pearlie Kornegay, Robert W. Kornegay, Roberta Kornegay, Rosa Kornegay, Samuel T., Sr. Kornegay, Sarah Krauss, Janet Westbrook Lamb, J. B. Lamb, J. T. Lambert, Jesse, Jr. Lambert, Marie King Lamm, Elvie Lancaster, James Wayne Lancaster, Mabel Lane, Barbara M. Lane, Dorris Lane, Grace Taylor Lane, Mozelle P. Lane, W. R. Lane, Will Lane, William M. Langley, Herman Langs, Rosetta Langston, Betty Kelly Langston, Ernest Ray Langston, Ethel Langston, Eunice Defendant Kornegay, Nida Aldridge Kornegay, Nora H. Kornegay, Dewey Kornegay, Roland Kornegay, Luceal Kornegay, Wyatt Kornegay, Junita B. Kornegay, James Kornegay, Reddick Kornegay, Louise M. Kornegay, Lincoln Krauss, Jesse Allen Lamb, Ellen Lamb, Ottie Faulkner Lambert, Mary Ella H. Lambert, Ted B. Lamm, Theo Lancaster, Judy Newman Lancaster, Bennie Lane, Ghermon Lewis Lane, Isaac Lane, Nathan Lane, Goerge B. Lane, Mildred Moody Lane, Tiny Lane, Sudie Mae Langley, Indiana Langs, Gordon Langston, Jessie B. Langston, Mary S. Langston, Roland Langston, Willie P. Judgment # D-2315 D-2655 D-389 D-2495 D-1713 D-390 D-1586 D-202 D-1000 D-3361 D-197 D-3126 D-72 D-126 D-1936 D-3003 D-345 D-3324 D-889 D-2748 D-1876 D-3122 D-226 D-2414 D-808 D-2370 D-3159 D-2299 D-2294 D-3646 D-657 D-1434 Filed 11-21-1955 2-22-1960 4-1934 3-17-1958 8-22-1949 4-1935 6-7-1948 2-1930 1-24-1944 9-13-1966 12-1929 1-13-1965 4-2-1926 12-1927 2-19-1952 10-21-1963 5-1934 5-16-1966 2-1943 3-20-1961 6-11-1951 1-11-1965 6-1931 1-14-1957 5-1942 6-25-1956 4-21-1965 9-12-1955 8-22-1955 8-12-1968 12-1939 12-1946 Comments 67 Plaintiff (Complainant) Langston, Katherine Langston, Lina Langston, Madeline Lee Enright Langston, Nancy Lanier, Bula Mae, by and through her next friend, Lula Mae Robinson Lanier, David Lanier, Duffy Lanier, Velma Louise Lanier, Walter Lanier, Walter Raleigh Lansford, A. M. Latham, Bessie Chapman Latham, Della Gertrude Latham, Poshie Strickland Latham, Viola Laughlin, Millard Jackson LaVesque, Ruth Lawson, Amos Lawson, Amos Lawson, Freddie Mary Wooten Lawson, Hattie Mae Lawson, Joe Lawson, Pinkie Tilghman Lawson, Robert Lewis Layno, George Lea, Margie B. Leary, Evelny Justice Leary, Gertrude Leary, Veermadine Jones Lease, Helen Grace Swaney, by her next friend, Mrs. D, M. Defendant Langson, James Ralph Langston, Guy Langston, Horace E. Langston, Dewbelle Lanier, Harold D. Judgment # D-2657 D-91 D-1588 D-975 D-3303 Filed 3-21-1960 1-1927 6-16-1948 11-1943 3-21-1966 Lanier, Doris Aldridge Lanier, Hattie Lanier, Stephen Richard Lanier, Malinda Lanier, Grace Lansford, Jessie F. Herring Latham, Ceasar Latham, Richard Latham, Willis Marshall Latham, Alexander Laughlin, Lena Mae LaVesque, Tony Lawson, Lela Lawson, Sarah Lawson, William Henry Lawson, Lewis Lawson, Mattie B. Lawson, David Lawson, Verna Mae Layno, Evelyn Pittman Lea John G. Leary, Henry Wardell Leary, H. D. Leary, Wardell Lease, Phillip Clayton D-1749 D-541 D-3045 D-983 D-1349 D-883 D-1314 D-93 D-3273 D-1119 D-216 D-51 D-594 D-932 D-3153 D-1416 D-1812 D-1109 D-1215 D-2220 D-2664 D-1988 D-1537 D-1011 D-1702 1-27-1950 12-1937 4-13-1964 12-1943 5-1946 1-18-1943 2-1946 2-1927 1-17-1966 11-1944 10-1930 8-1925 10-25-1938 8-1943 4-12-1965 11-1946 10-30-1950 10-1944 8-1945 11-15-1954 4-19-1960 8-19-1952 1-19-1948 2-1944 6-13-1949 Comments 68 Plaintiff (Complainant) Swaney Lee, Alice Parker Lee, Dorothy Lee, Elbert Lee, Estelle Stroud Lee, Eula Lee, Geneva S. Lee, Helen S. Lee, Jannie Lee, L. E. Lee, Mariah Lee, Martha M. Lee, Marvin Ray, by his next friend Mariah Lee Lee, Ola Mae Lee, Opal Marie Baysden Lee, Phillip D. Lee, Robert E. Lee, S. M. Lee, Sharon Edith Pritchard Lee, Theodore Roosevelt Lee, Wilbert Leggett, J. W. Leitensdorfer, Dorothy Tew, Infant, by her next friend, Annie B. Tew Leneave, Dorothy Forrest Lenig, John Ernest Leo, Helen Marie Leonard, Jakie Frances Moore Leoni, Reno Donald Letchworth, Elvira Defendant Judgment # Filed Lee, David Louis Lee, James Lee, Julia Mae Lee, Charles Basil Lee, McLewis Lee, Wheeler Lee, Emmett Lee, Floyd Lee, Enna Lee, Robert Ennet Lee, Austin Lee, Esther Fay Barnett, by her Guardian ad Litem, Lamar Jones Lee, Herman Lee, Stanley Lee, Helen Ruth Hardee D-986 D-2067 D-809 D-3154 D-2438 D-3518 D-3208 D-3536 D-464 D-3047 D-1022 D-2737 12-14-1943 6-8-1953 5-1942 4-12-1965 5-27-1957 10-16-1967 8-23-1965 11-13-1967 8-27-1936 4-13-1964 4-1944 2-14-1961 D-1511 D-2620 D-1765 8-19-1947 11-2-1959 2-19-1946 Margaret Jackson Lee Lee, Winnie Herring Lee, James Edward Lee, Manda Waters Lee, Mary Evelyn Cobb Leggett, Evelyn Martin Leitensdorfer, George Louis D-1469 D-3292 D-3668 D-2838 D-2313 D-696 D-1454 2-24-1947 2-16-1966 9-13-1968 2-19-1962 11-21-1955 8-1940 2-17-1947 Leneave, Johnnie M. Lenig, Eula Mae Foster Leo, Salvatore Leonard, Mallary Blake Leoni, Willie Mae Harrison Letchworth, Woodrow D-973 D-3590 D-1154 D-3397 D-3016 D-355 11-1943 4-8-1968 1-1945 12-12-1966 12-1963 6-22-1934 Comments Beaufort County divorce 69 Plaintiff (Complainant) Letchworth, Lora Eubanks Letchworth, Mildred, by her next friend, M. F. Green Letchworth, Woodrow Wilson Lewis, Alonzia Lewis, D. J. Lewis, Edmond Richard Lewis, Effie Glendora Lewis, Frances Lonon Lewis, Letha Lewis, Mabel Greene Lewis, Nettie Mae Lewis, Ralph Donald Lewis, William Lincoln, Mona Benson Linton, Sam F., Jr. Lipscomb, John Lipscomb, Ralph Little, Esther Little, Jeanenne Petrie Little, Mayme Bryant Little, Sarah Grice Littleton, George A. Littleton, Grace Vick Littleton, Maggie Belle Littleton, Ruby Jones Lloyd, Ruth Cox Locke, Henry Preston Locke, Margaret Lockhart, Mary H. Locuest, Lillie Vernell Perkins Defendant Letchworth, George Thomas Letchworth, Richard Judgment # Filed D-2469 10-1957 D-1378 8-19-1946 Letchworth, Florence Ruth Bailey Lewis, Katie Sutton Lewis, Essie Marie Potter, by her next friend and general guardian A. L. Potter Lewis, Casey Westbrook Lewis, John Henry Lewis, John R. Lewis, Dallas Lewis, Walter, Jr. Lewis, James Henry Lewis, Evelyn Marie Lewis, Margaret Holloway Lincoln, James William Linton, Etta Waller Moore Lipscomb, Margie Smith Lipscomb, Frances Cox Little, Herbert Bynum Little, Godfrey Leggett Little, Javester Lewis Little, Alfred L. Littleton, Georgia Toler Littleton, Robert L. Littleton, Joe Lane Littleton, J. Fitzhugh Lloyd, Burnon Douglas Locke, Donna Dee Locke, Jewell Lockhart, H. K. Locuest, Johnnie Lee D-2701 D-2617 D-19 10-1960 10-19-1959 2-1925 D-3600 D-2136 D-2612 D-1937 D-1369 D-3520 D-3434 D-2519 D-721 D-1506 D-2261 D-2552 D-2570 D-3259 D-3541 D-3323 D-1812 D-2546 D-950 D-3642 D-2449 D-2757 D-1808 D-1380 D-2754 5-13-1968 2-15-1954 10-12-1959 2-19-1952 6-24-1946 10-16-1967 4-17-1967 6-1958 1-1941 8-18-1947 4-25-1955 10-10-1958 2-1959 12-13-1965 11-27-1967 5-16-1966 10-31-1950 11-24-1958 8-1943 8-12-1968 8-19-1957 5-22-1961 10-30-1950 8-1946 4-10-1961 Comments Ohio divorce 70 Plaintiff (Complainant) Locus, John H. Locust, Albert Locust, Jessie Loftin, Clavin Loftin, John F. Logan, Mary Dail Lokey, Beatrice Lokey, James Harold Long, Essie Long, Jennie W. Long, Phare Thomas Longstreth, Latta Pauline Palmer Lonney, Sophia Joyner Lonon, Helen Parrott Loomis, Mattie Bell Loop, Nancy King Louis, J. P. Louther, Louise Lovejoy, Mary Hines Lovett, John Frank Lovick, Jesse W. Lovick, Martha Lovitt, Ezekiel Lee Lucas, Patricia Ann Smith, by her next friend, Richard B. Smith Lucas, Thomas LuCore, Sudie Grace Massengill Lumsden, Alice Hines Lupton, John C. Lupton, Mable Gregory Luter, Kathleen Rigsbee Lynch, Frances Eason Defendant Locus, Lula A. Locust, Essie Drake Locust, Lillian Graham Loftin, Ona Lee Loftin, Agnes Durham Logan, Hubert Lokey, Howard P. Lokey, Estelle Emley Long, Hebert Long, Shelby Hugh Long, Grace Lngstreth, Thomas L. Lonney, W. H. Lonon, John Yancey Loomis, Santie R. Loop, Earl Frederick Louis, Maissa Louther, Fred Lovejoy, Lawrence Joseph Lovett, Frances Mae Lovick, Dorothy Minor Lovick, Elisha Lovitt, Effie Ray M. Lucas, Rovas Lee Judgment # D-2540 D-2568 D-960 D-1607 D-2217 D-671 D-436 D-884 D-275 D-2431 D-462 D-1482 D-354 D-740 D-2160 D-2709 D-490 D-112 D-1499 D-976 D-1858 D-2105 D-1007 D-3514 Filed 10-20-1958 2-9-1959 6-30-1943 8-23-1948 11-8-1954 10-1933 2-1936 1-1943 4-1933 5-20-1957 8-1936 5-1947 6-1934 5-1941 5-11-1954 10-24-1960 12-1936 10-1927 8-1947 11-1943 3-21-1951 11-2-1953 2-1944 10-16-1967 Lucas, Bettie Sammons LuCore, Donald J. Lumsden, Charles F. Lupton, Bessie R. Lupton, Virgil Everett Luter, George C. Lynch, John Patrick D-1415 D-2883 D-231 D-2144 D-1226 D-2854 D-1635 11-1946 9-10-1962 9-1931 9-14-1951 9-1945 5-21-1962 11-8-1948 Comments Virginia divorce Colorado divorce 71 Plaintiff (Complainant) Lynch, J. P. Lynn, Glenda Taylor, by her next friend, Rochie Taylor Gardner Lynn, Martha Esther, by her next friend, Evelyn Bringman Mable, Thomasena Revis Mackey, Viola C. Macon, Lucile Faulkner Mahaffey, Elizabeth Ann Sutton Mails, Eddie David Mallard, Leo Malloy, Vira Rouse Malpass, Beatrice Oliver Malpass, Laura Malpass, Shirley Mangrum, A. T. Manley, Mattie Manley, Simon Manly, Joe Mann, Johnson Thomas Manning, Hubert B. Manning, Linda Frances Taylor Manning, Mildred Manning, Samuel David Manning, Vera Mills Marcus, Frances Crisp Marks, Bessie Marks, Vivian Sampson Marshall, Amos H. Marshall, Eunice Marshburn, Grady R. Marshburn, Kathleen Defendant Lynch, Jessie Lynn, William Kiter Judgment # Filed D-693 8-1940 D-3266 1-10-1966 William Keeter Lynn D-2645 1-1960 Mable, Albert Mackey, Reuben C. Macon, H. A. Mahaffey, Robert Allen Mails, Lois Lanier Mallard, Hilda Malloy, J. C. Malpass, Clarence R. Malpass, Frank Malpass, Robert West Mangrum, Permelia Jane Manley, Leon Manley, Ninah Manly, Emma Mann, Nona Mae Garner Manning, Evelyn Manning, Milton Gray Manning, Luby Manning, Sadie Herring Manning, Abron Joseph, Jr. Marcus, Harvey W. (Jack) Marks, Talton Marks, George A. Marshall, Dora Etta Marshall, Raymond Marshburn, Swannie Mae Marshburn, Ralph D-3539 D-2391 D-326 D-3255 D-524 D-385 D-309 D-2108 D-44 D-3412 D-2361 D-1065 D-790 D-124 D-1720 D-764 D-3632 D-1875 D-2973 D-3113 D-188 D-330 D-2906 D-1127 D-2499 D-1193 D-1880 11-13-1967 10-22-1956 1-1934 11-29-1965 8-1937 2-1935 12-1933 11-9-1953 Comments Dismissed 2-6-1967 5-1956 6-1944 1-1942 12-1927 9-12-1949 9-1941 8-5-1968 6-11-1951 8-14-1963 11-30-1964 10-1929 2-1934 11-19-1962 12-1944 4-14-1958 5-1945 8-20-1951 Marriage Certificate 72 Plaintiff (Complainant) Marshburn, Kenneth Ray Marston, Nelle Ray Martin, Albert C. Martin, J. Drew Martin, Troy Mason, Dorothy Lamour Mason, Dorothy Lupton Mason, Ruth Clark Massengill, Elector S., Mrs. Massengill, Glads Massengill, L. T. Massey, Addie Mathews, Libby Mathis, Marylyn M. Matthews, Doris Mae Matthews, Earl Hardy, Jr. Matthews, Edward Matthews, Joseph E. Matthews, Margaret Matthews, Mary Matthews, Ruby Irene Mattocks, Clyde H. May, Gloria Elizabeth Grady, (a minor), by her next friend, Gloria T. Grady Maye, Elijah Maye, Ella Mae McArthur, Raleigh Mae, by her next friend, Mrs. Mollie Fulcher McArthur, Stella Jenkins McCaffety, Bonnie Ruth McCleary, William P. McCotter, Robert Sidney, by his Defendant Marshburn, Mary Helen Little Marston, F. C. Martin, Ann B. Martin, Ruth DeLine Martin, Ava Keller Mason, Otis Mason Mason, Granville Andrews Mason, James Massengill, George Lester Massengill, Nathan A. Massengill, Elsie Massey Daniel Mathews, W. D. Mathis, John Faison, Jr. Matthews, Robert Charles Matthews, Miriam Byrd Matthews, Laretta Matthews, Elizabeth Wiggins Matthews, Marvin Matthews, Lexie Matthews, Willie Cecil Mattocks, Dorothy H. May, Billy Burns Judgment # D-3440 D-621 D-3052 D-2 D-1083 D-3156 D-1089 D-3340 D-203 D-674 D-1151 D-49 D-1542 D-1540 D-1257 D-1823 D-2948 D-305 D-254 D-2895 D-3489 D-3219 Filed 5-15-1967 2-1939 4-21-1964 10-1924 8-1944 4-13-1965 10-1944 6-20-1966 2-1930 4-1940 12-1944 11-1924 8-1925 1-19-1948 6-19-1948 11-1945 11-13-1950 4-22-1963 12-1933 10-1932 10-8-1962 8-7-1967 9-7-1965 Maye, Louise Morgan Maye, Charlie McArthur, J. D. D-3684 D-2492 D-68 11-11-1968 3-17-1958 2-1926 McArthur, Henry Clay, Jr. McCaffety, Joseph Mc Cleary, Emily K. McCotter, Marcia Faye M., by her D-3138 D-1341 D-2953 D-2587 2-15-1965 5-13-1946 4-30-1963 6-15-1959 Comments No D-# Nevada divorce 73 Plaintiff (Complainant) Next Friend, Louise J. McCotter McCoy, Euginia Whitehead McCoy, Mabel J. McCoy, Macie W. McCray, Helen Mere B. McCusker, Thelma Lee Hill McDaniel, Dora Maready McDaniel, Florence Battle McDaniel, Frank, Jr. McDaniel, J. H. McDaniel, McCoy McDaniel, Pennie Starke McDaniel, Roger W. McDaniel, Verna Retha McDonald, George McDougald, Hattie T. McDowell, Dorothy Jean McDuffy, Carol Jean Tilley McFatter, Joyce Ann, by her next friend, Pearl T. McFatter McGee, Margaret J. McGhee, Coots Buddy McGleen, Lucille McGlen, Moses McGlohon, Nannie Wetherington McGroarty, Linda Slade McIver, Minnie G. McKenney, William McKinney, Minnie McLaughlin, Glenn Whitfield McLawhorn, Addie O. McLawhorn, Bettie Almeter Defendant Guardian Ad Litem, Nannie Smith McCoy, John E. McCoy, William McCoy, Claudie McCray, Oliver T. McCusker, William K. McDaniel, Lloyd McDaniel, Frank McDaniel, Flora M. S. McDaniel, Mary Ethel McDaniel, Margaret Jerrie McDaniel, Frank McDaniel, Elizabeth Greene McDaniel, James A. McDonald, Mary Louise McDougald, Frank I. McDowell, Marshall Dean McDuffy, James Braxton Radford, Herman, Jr. Judgment # Filed D-1404 D-2744 D-1359 D-2355 D-1975 D-692 D-1913 D-1804 D-706 D-1437 D-2894 D-666 D-508 D-1533 D-269 D-2894 D-3450 D-3550 9-23-1946 2-21-1961 6-1946 5-28-1956 6-23-1952 8-1940 11-26-1951 9-25-1950 9-1940 12-1946 12-11-1961 2-1940 5-1937 11-12-1947 4-1933 10-8-1962 5-15-1967 12-13-1967 McGee, B. A. McGhee, June Louise McGleen, Simuel McGlen, Annie Lee McGlohon, Ned, Jr. D-1950 D-2766 D-1805 D-1708 D-1559 3-17-1952 5-30-1961 10-30-1950 6-28-1949 2-16-1948 McGroarty, William C. McIver, Hall McKenney, Eunice R. McKinney, Steve McLaughlin, Robert H. McLawhorn, R. H. McLawhorn, Henry D-3048 D-3432 D-2342 D-158 D-2062 D-1612 D-2661 4-13-1964 4-10-1967 3-19-1956 12-1928 6-8-1953 8-27-1948 3-21-1960 Comments 74 Plaintiff (Complainant) McLawhorn, Jethro McLawhorn, Narcissie McLawhorn, William Hassell McLean, H. L. McLeod, James Phillip McNair, French McNeal, Edna L. McNeil, Dorsi McNeil, Minie Loften McRorie, Vera Ellen Smith Meadows, Alfonzo Meadows, Clara West Meadows, Eliza Meadows, Ethel Meadows, Gracie L. Meadows, Harris A. Meadows, Leslie Y. Medlin, Gertrude Medlin, James W. Medlin, James Washington Meeks, Lessie Inman Meeks, Selma Meeks, Thelma Louise Melton, Carlton Melton, Lillian Game Melton, Mary B. Melton, Susan Elizabeth Mercer, Daisy Estelle Mercer, Hilda Mercer, Walter Kenneth Merritt, Sutton Wade Merritt, Willie Defendant McLawhorn, Orga Lee McLawhorn, Richard McLawhorn, Jeanette Filipe McLean, Ollie McLeod, Phyllis H. McNair Deboir McNeal, Chriss McNeil, Nancy McNeil, James McRorie, Reece F., Jr. Meadows, Helena White Meadows, Walter B. Meadows, Jesse Meadows, Cecil Meadows, Donald A. Meadows, Cellie Vivian Meadows, Georgia Medlin, J. D. Medlin, Marie Ewell Medlin, Ella Mae Cox Meeks, Johnie M. Meeks, Quincy Meeks, Henry G. Melton, Beulah Spain Melton, Hugh Melton, W. J. Melton, Jesse Leon Mercer, Charlie Mercer, Warden Mercer, Doris Evelyn Howard Merritt, Eli, Jr. Merritt, Rachel Jones Judgment # D-3561 D-759 D-3403 D-574 D-3571 D-352 D-1133 D-1340 D-1719 D-1262 D-2007 D-2263 D-1409 D-408 D-3693 D-1183 D-1108 D-174 D-3401 D-2851 D-2041 D-585 D-2776 D-1686 D-3364 D-452 D-1271 D-270 D-180 D-2730 D-2314 D-2257 Filed 1-15-1968 8-1941 1-16-1967 6-1938 3-11-1968 6-12-1934 12-1944 5-13-1946 9-12-1949 12-1945 9-20-1954 4-25-1955 10-14-1946 9-26-1935 11-25-1968 4-1945 10-1944 8-1929 1-9-1967 5-21-1962 2-24-1953 9-1938 6-27-1961 4-25-1949 9-19-1966 5-15-1936 12-1945 4-1933 8-1929 1-16-1961 11-21-1955 4-25-1955 Comments Jones County divorce 75 Plaintiff (Complainant) Mervin, Tom Mewborn, Cube Mezzell, Blanche Nesmith Miles, Cleveland Thomas Miles, Drewsilla Drew Miller, A. L. Miller, Adell Langston Miller, Charlie Miller, Dora S. Miller, Earl Leon Miller, Esther Greene Miller, Flossie S. Miller, Floy Thelma Miller, Frances Miller, Henry Miller, Isa Virginia Miller, Joan Marie, by her next friend, Harvey W. Marcus Miller, Joette S. Miller, John Miller, John Henry Miller, John Wesley Miller, Johnnie Miller, Lottie Elliott Miller, Madeline D. Miller, Martha Ann Nobles Miller, Martha Nobles Miller, Matthew Miller, Pearlie Mae Miller, Richard E. Miller, William Henry Miller, Zoe Waller Defendant Mervin, Katie Price Mewborn, Daisy Mezzell, Francis Albert Miles, Rosetta Miles, Leroy Miller, Maddie Gardner Miller, Jasper Miller, Liddell Davis Miller, C. A. (Frank) Miller, Carrie Jean Daniels Miller, Lehman Miller, Wallace Miller, William Leroy Miller, Levi Miller, Viola Becton Miller, Oliver J. Miller, Richard Judgment # D-2761 D-166 D-1521 D-1809 D-1771 D-295 D-2652 D-2998 D-1136 D-3211 D-2508 D-2825 D-2999 D-2718 D-2398 D-3042 Filed 5-29-1961 4-1929 9-22-1947 10-30-1950 4-24-1950 11-1933 2-15-1960 10-14-1963 12-1944 8-23-1965 5-19-1958 1-15-1962 10-14-1963 1900 12-12-1960 11-19-1956 3-16-1964 Miller, Edward Miller, Ella Lee Miller, Bertha Miller, Charlotte Miller, Beulah Miller, William Kirby Miller, Dewey Freeman Miller Miller, Howard Miller, Howard Miller, Lucy Miller, Alfred, Jr. Miller, Alberta Millere, Artensie Miller, Peter Edward D-2860 D-890 D-2131 D-2930 D-1352 D-2128 D-2648 D-2362 D-2687 D-2258 D-3289 D-534 D-1551 D-1603 5-28-1962 2-1943 1-20-1954 2-11-1963 6-1946 1-18-1954 1-1960 5-1956 8-22-1960 4-25-1955 2-8-1966 11-1937 1-19-1948 8-23-1948 Comments 76 Plaintiff (Complainant) Millinor, David Earl, Jr. Mills, Alice Faye B., by her next friend, Alice Boswell Mills, Annie L. Mills, Carolyn Bryant Mills, Catherine Mills, E. R. Mills, Emmaline Mills, George Mills, George Anna Mills, Isabella Mills, Renee C. Mills, William F. Mills, Willie O. Milton, Hugh Mitchell, J. M Mitchell, Lillian Mitchell, Sybil Perry Mitchell, Thumilla Mitchell, Wayne A, Jr. Mize, Edward C. Mizelle, J. H. Mobley, Eliza Mobley, Frances, by her Next Friend, Edna W. Johnson Monroe, Mary Esther Adams Montague, Russell Moody, Annie Geneva Taylor Moody, Archie Moody, Charles S. Moody, Josephine Moody, Sarah Bell Mooney, Edna Hall Defendant Millinor, Carolyn Williams Mills, Glenn Wayne Judgment # Filed D-3222 9-20-1965 D-2833 2-12-1962 Mills, Robert Mills, Arnold Jerry Mills, Russell Mills, Hattie Mills, Alex Mills, Mary Mills, James Mills, Cato Mills, Terris Earl Mills, Naomi Eurselle Mills, Willie Christine Milton, Betty Louise May Mitchell, Irene Mitchell, Rudolph Mitchell, Thomas B. Mitchell, Robert Mitchell, Dora Rountree Mize, Mattie S. Mizelle, Janie Jackson Mobley, Cooper Mobley, James Wesley D-2205 D-3601 D-1566 D-722 D-2107 D-1190 D-29 D-1601 D-3444 D-1204 D-1479 D-2534 D-702 D-1873 D-941 D-463 D-2595 D-830 D-3662 D-1436 D-2538 9-13-1954 5-13-1968 4-19-1948 1-1941 11-9-1953 5-1945 4-1925 8-23-1948 5-15-1966 8-20-1945 5-14-1947 10-6-1958 9-1940 6-11-1951 8-1943 8-17-1936 8-24-1959 8-1942 9-2-1968 12-1946 10-20-1958 Monroe, Albert Lee Montague, Mary D. Moody, Ivey Moody, Gertrude Moody, Beatrice Moody, Richard Moody, Sylvester Mooney, Richard E. D-3402 D-2426 D-2747 D-608 D-189 D-905 D-1593 D-3038 1-16-1967 4-15-1957 3-20-1961 2-1939 10-1929 4-1943 6-23-1948 3-16-1964 Comments 77 Plaintiff (Complainant) Mooney, Hazel Winifred Dawson Moore, Alice Kilpatrick Moore, Bessie Moore, Charlie Moore, Christine Moore, Cicero Moore, Doris McCoy Moore, Elizabeth W. Moore, Emma D. Moore, Etta W. Moore, Frank, Jr. Moore, Harding Moore, Hattie Moore, Helen King Moore, Helen O’Neal Moore, Hoggard G. Moore, Iris Lee, minor, by and through her next friend, Rena Cannon Moore, Jesse Moore, Kathleen Moore, Kenneth Earl Moore, Lela Mae Moore, Lola Woods Moore, Lonnie Lee Moore, Magdalene Simmons Moore, Mary W. Moore, Minnie Moore, Minnie Arthur Moore, Myde Newsom Moore, Nell Harris Moore, Ruth Defendant Mooney, Samuel Judgment # Filed D-573 6-1938 Moore, Kelly Harper Moore, Harrison Moore, Beatrice Moore, Sidney M. Moore, Earnestine Moore, Eddie Cleo Moore, J. Harold Moore, Y. J. Moore, Moseley Moore, Sadie Boone Moore, Ollie Mae Gibbs Moore, Jesse Moore, Levy George Moore Jesse Alton Moore, Ruby Frances Windham Moore, Thomas Earl D-1037 D-999 D-604 D-1546 D-209 D-3356 D-2284 D-438 D-1223 D-2638 D-2586 D-496 D-1996 D-2208 D-814 D-2651 4-1944 1-1944 12-13-1938 1-19-1948 5-1930 8-15-1966 8-22-1955 2-1936 8-1945 12-14-1959 6-15-1959 1-1937 9-22-1952 9-27-1954 6-1942 2-15-1960 Moore, Frances Andrews Moore, James Wesley Moore, Bobbie Jean Worrells Moore, Jessie Moore, Edward Moore, Adell Miller Moore, Walter Moore, C. L. Moore, Samuel More, C. Heber Moore, Ernest Moore, Robert Lee Moore, K. C. D-1129 D-1595 D-3108 D-1180 D-705 D-2163 D-3694 D-1616 D-804 D-596 D-1766 D-3383 D-961 12-1944 8-1937 11-30-1964 4-9-1945 9-1940 6-7-1954 11-25-1968 9-13-1948 4-1942 11-1938 4-24-1950 10-24-1966 10-18-1943 Comments 78 Plaintiff (Complainant) Moore, Sallie Huggins Moore, Sidney M. Moore, Sudie Miller Moore, Thelma Lee Moore, Thomas L. Moore, Walter Moore, Wilbur Mooring, Alice Mooring, B. V., Jr. Mooring, Doris Elizabeth Bogey Mooring, Elizabeth Mooring, M. C. Mooring, Willie Ezra Moready, Ora Moreno, Alice A. Morgan, Jenny Whitfield Morgan, Joe, Jr. Morgan, McKinley, Jr. Morgan, Nellie Morgan, Taft Morgan, Tony Morgan, William McKinley Morris, A. B. Morris, Hattie Swaney Morris, Ida Tallman Morris, Maria Dawson, by her next friend, Mrs. Zodie Dawson Cunningham Morris, Opal Joyner Morris, Rome J. Morris, Ruby G. Burgess Morris, Samuel E. Moseley, Ada Sutton Defendant Moore Amos A. Moore, Charlotte Smith Moore, Simon Moore, Quinciey Moore, Kathleen, J. Moore, Marion Moore, Gladys F. Mooring, Jonah Mooring, Jerrie Kyle Mooring, Willie Ezra Mooring, H. G. Mooring, Ethel Mooring, Myrtle Elizabeth Moready, Berry Moreno, Victor Manuel Morgan, Isaac Morgan, Cora B. Morgan, Ernestine Payton Morgan, Leonard Morgan, Mardecia Grady Morgan, Viola Morgan Alberta Douglass Morris, Annie Phillips Morris, Walter S. Morris, Robert Earl Morris, Roger Lee Judgment # D-979 D-873 D-2893 D-432 D-3171 D-2005 D-2378 D-641 D-3404 D-3538 D-1653 D-493 D-2639 D-379 D-2399 D-3131 D-3193 D-2588 D-104 D-1390 D-1679 D-370 D-1503 D-1923 D-2810 D-752 Filed 11-1943 12-1942 10-8-1962 2-18-1936 5-24-1965 10-27-1952 8-20-1956 8-1939 1-16-1967 11-13-1967 1-24-1949 1-1937 12-14-1959 1-1935 11-22-1956 2-8-1965 8-9-1965 6-15-1959 5-1927 8-19-1946 4-25-1949 11-1934 8-18-1947 1-21-1952 11-27-1961 8-1941 Morris, Joe Morris, Nell Lewis Morris, Coy Morris, Lila Herring Moseley, A. D. D-3055 D-993 D-2874 D-3069 D-718 5-18-1964 12-1943 6-25-1962 6-15-1964 12-1940 Comments 79 Plaintiff (Complainant) Moseley, Jacqueline Quinn Moseley, Joe Moseley, Joe Moseley, Retha Pate Moseley, Virginia Turley Mosely, Lenister Harvey Moser, James Eugene, Jr. Moses, John W. Moses, Lillie Ann Moses, Lillie Mae Best Mosley, Raymond Mosley, Robert F. Motsko, Mary Catherine Herring Moye, Hannah Moye, James Henry Moye, Robert Moye, William Mozingo, Bennie Mozingo, Carl Mozingo, Eliza Joyner Mozingo, Jack Lewis Mozingo, Kathleen Mozingo, Portia Ann Spivey Mozingo, Williford A. Mudd, Gloria Patricia Ginn, by her Next Friend, Theda Earl Ginn Mumford, Effie Mae Mumford, Lawyer Mumford, Lawyer Mumford, Mildred Wiggins Mumford, Penny Jones Munford, Maggie E. Defendant Moseley, J. Mitchell Moseley, Leandra Moseley, Mary Allen Moseley, James Lynwood Moseley, John Wooten, Jr. Mosely, Rosa Delle P. Moser, Annie Ruth Smith Moses, Mamie Davis Moses, Jonathan Moses, Alonza Mosley Elizabeth Mosley, Mary Ellen Motsko, Alexander Moye, John Moye, Romaine Mitchell Moye, Josephine Moye, Maybelle Mozingo, Mary Carlisle Mozingo, Carolyn Potter Mozingo, Hosea Mozingo, Billie Lou Nicholes Mozingo, Sidney Mozingo, Bobby Gene Mozingo, Bessie Connor Lassiter Mudd, Joseph D. Judgment # D-1974 D-36 D-391 D-1911 D-3609 D-622 D-3207 D-3393 D-1347 D-2039 D-1066 D-527 D-3310 D-98 D-2604 D-2818 D-454 D-2798 D-3368 D-3430 D-2334 D-3551 D-2241 D-2514 Filed 6-10-1952 4-1925 4-9-1935 11-12-1951 5-13-1968 5-1939 8-23-1965 11-28-1966 5-1946 2-17-1953 6-1944 9-1937 4-11-1966 5-1927 9-14-1959 12-11-1961 5-15-1936 1896 10-9-1961 10-17-1966 4-10-1967 2-1956 1-8-1968 1-24-1955 5-20-1958 Mumford, Henry Mumford, Lillie Mae Edwards Mumford, Beatrice O. Mumford, Clarence E. Mumford, Linster Munford, Major L. D-1572 D-2550 D-3379 D-2961 D-1123 D-844 4-19-1948 11-24-1958 10-17-1966 6-24-1963 12-1944 9-1942 Comments 80 Plaintiff (Complainant) Murphy, Allen Murphy, Bertha Mae Jenkins Murphy, Chilton D. Murphy, David Earl Murphy, Edgar David, Sr. Murphy, Edna Howard Murphy, Evelyn Joyce Rouse Broadway Murphy, James A. Murphy, Lucy May Murphy, Mary Grace Davenport Murphy, Mildred J. Murphy, Patsy Murphy, Robena Morgan Murray, David Murray, Julia Cannon Murrel, Roscoe Murrell, Mary E. Murrill, Susie Murvin, Marion B. Murvin, Mary Anderson Murvin, Tom Muse, Ethel Merritt Muse, Janet Hodges Muth, Dorsino Gerald Nabbie, Flossie Peace Nails, Minnie Louise Easterling Nance, Peggy T. Nance Nappi, Alfred J. Nelms, Cora Mae Dale Nelson, Nina Burns Defendant Murphy, Emma Jane Outlaw Murphy, Tharon Whit Murphy, Suzanne H. Murphy, Verna Belle, and James H. Brooks, Guardian Ad Litem for Verna Belle Murphy, a minor. Murphy, Ella Williams Murphy, Allen Murphy, Allen Judgment # D-3041 D-3328 D-3676 D-2044 Filed 3-16-1964 5-16-1966 10-14-1968 2-23-1953 D-2750 D-1962 D-3396 3-20-1961 5-13-1952 12-12-1966 Murphy, Peggy Griffin Murphy, Henry Murphy, Grainger Lewis Murphy, Robert Murphy, John Henry Murphy, Jasper Eugene Murray, Carrie Thigpen Murray, David Murrel, Carrie Green Murrell, Curtis Arna Murrill, Silas Murvin, James B. Murvin, Paul Murvin, Bessie Howard Muse, Robert Muse, Ralph Muth, Euna Lee Ryder Nabbie, Thomas H. Nails, Henry Lee Eugene Nance Nappi, Anna Plummer Nelms, Allan Nelson, Charles D-2886 D-182 D-3343 D-2042 D-2742 D-1517 D-3254 D-928 D-2048 D-3087 D-38 D-2804 D-2111 D-1012 D-311 D-1504 D-2275 D-1605 D-3101 D-3390 D-1052 D-1528 D-1303 9-10-1962 10-1929 6-20-1966 2-24-1953 2-13-1961 9-22-1947 11-29-1965 6-21-1943 3-16-1953 8-24-1964 4-1925 10-16-1961 11-16-1953 2-1944 12-1933 8-18-1947 6-20-1955 8-23-1948 11-2-1964 11-28-1966 5-1944 11-3-1947 2-18-1946 Comments 81 Plaintiff (Complainant) Nelson, Vera Jane Rouse, by her next friend, Meltha P. Harvey Nethken, Sarah V. New, Lattie James Newberry, Sam H. Newcomb, George Newell, Charlie Frank, Jr. Newkirk, Ernest, Jr. Newkirk, Marie Antoinette Coward Newkirk, Vent Newman, Mary Newton, E. B. Nichols, Lois Strickland Nichols, William, Jr., Nicholson, Dollie Carlyle Nicholson, Mary Ethel Noble, Hilda Thomas Noble, John Ivey Noble, Lucy West Noble, Nannie Mae Noble, Robert W. Noble, Viola Elizabeth Nobles, Annie Deaver Nobles, Belle Mansfield Nobles, Essie Mae Jones Nobles, Joseph Nobles, Martha Winifred Nobles, Robert Lee Nobles, Susie Spence, by her next friend, D. S. Spence Nobles, Thelma Norris, Annie Bell F. Defendant Nelson, Marvin Judgment # Filed D-1957 4-21-1952 Nethken, Francis C. New, Gussie May Piner Newberry, Lilliam Margaret Rivers Newcomb, Sadie Newell, Linda L Lozano Newkirk, Irene Newkirk, Cleophaus D-2013 D-2896 D-2119 D-2054 D-3453 D-2231 D-3218 11-5-1952 10-15-1962 11-30-1953 4-20-1953 5-25-1967 1-24-1955 9-7-1965 Newkirk, Thelma Lee Pierce Newman, Ed Newton, Ruth Taylor Nichols, John Henry Nichols, Lanie King Nicholson, Harry R. Nicholson, Clarence Earl Noble, Paul D. Noble, Ida Davenport Noble, Padan Aram, Jr. Noble, Charlie Burt Noble, Martha C. Noble, H. C. Nobles, L. H. Nobles, Archie Nobles, Carl F. Nobles, Alice Lucy Nobles, Joe Nobles, Rosa Lee Jordan Nobles, Wayne D-3037 D-811 D-1477 D-1939 D-1786 D-2725 D-1874 D-325 D-2728 D-2376 D-3560 D-447 D-899 D-69 D-3005 D-2212 D-1325 D-2891 D-1139 3-16-1964 1898 5-1942 5-13-1947 2-19-1952 6-21-1950 12-12-1960 6-11-1951 1-1934 1-16-1961 8-20-1956 1-15-1968 4-1936 2-1943 2-1926 10-21-1963 9-27-1954 4-1946 9-17-1962 12-1944 Nobles, Anderson Norris, Sherman L. D-2300 D-2058 9-21-1955 5-18-1953 Comments 82 Plaintiff (Complainant) Norris, S. L. Norton, Annie Notter, Elizabeth Greene Nunn, B. E. Nunn, Collier O. Nunn, Rodolph Nunn, Ruby E. O’Brien, M. L. O’Daniel, James O’Neal, Mary Eula Sutton O’Neal, Peggy Murphy O’Neil, Edna West Oakes, Peggy Bradshaw Oatney, Mamie D. Odum, Sarah Phillips Oiler, Theodore R. Olds, David Alphonso Olds, Ernest Olds, Willie Oliver, Jerald B. Oliver, Tommie Oreair, Tiffany Howard Ormand, Henretta Lee Ormond, L. T. Orr, Robert Warren Orr, Thomas Warren Osborne, Geraldine Taylor Otis, Enuice Whitfield Outland, Mabel Outland, Mable Pollock Outlaw, Ella Bernard Outlaw, Lela Howard Defendant Norris, Bernice Hood Norton, William Lester Notter, P. E. Nunn, Vivian Jean Nunn, Claudia E. Nunn, Gladys H. Nunn, Bernard E. O’Brien, Whylma Naylor O’Daniel, Gladys O’Neal, Haywood O’Neal, Charles Henry O’Neil, Cedric L. Oakes, Jesse Speight, Jr. Oatney, Charlie Odum, Wesley S. Oiler, Florence Tackett Olds, Jeanette Rhodes Olds, Lizzie Olds, Perlie M. Oliver, Janet T. Oliver, Lucy Gay Oreair, Lon H. Ormand, Robert Ormond, Bertha Orr Gloria Sparrow Orr, Helen Trussell Osbourne, John Norman Otis, Paul A. Outland, William F. Outland, E. E. Outlaw, Ned Outlaw, Walter J. Judgment # D-1277 D-866 D-1460 D-1075 D-2435 D-3295 D-1500 D-1373 D-2101 D-2484 D-2866 D-714 D-3244 D-1785 D-2809 D-2629 D-3280 D-50 D-1212 D-2756 D-876 D-2127 D-1435 D-316 D-3552 D-2504 D-2965 D-1294 D-337 D-760 D-3077 D-2176 Filed 12-10-1945 12-1942 2-18-1947 7-26-1944 5-20-1957 3-14-1966 8-18-1947 8-19-1946 11-2-1953 12-10-1957 5-31-1962 12-1940 11-15-1965 6-21-1950 11-27-1961 11-23-1959 1-17-1966 8-1925 8-20-1945 4-17-1961 1-1943 1-18-1954 12-1946 1-1934 1-8-1968 4-23-1958 8-5-1963 1-1946 4-1934 8-1941 8-10-1964 6-14-1954 Comments 83 Plaintiff (Complainant) Outlaw, Prentice W. Outlaw, Thomas Outlaw, W. P. Outlaw, W. Paul Outlaw, William E. Overman, Linda Katherine Langston Overman, Sudie Ellen Owens, Bettie Ann, by her Next Friend, Delores Brown Owens, Joy Harper Packer, Leon Paderick, Norwood Carroll Padrick, Reuben Page, Beatrice Meadows Page, James L. Page, Mathew Page, Maude Adell Palmer, Bonnie Louise Palmer, Cornelia L. Palmer, George Palmer, George S. Palmer, George S. Palmer, Mae Palmer, Rae Brooks Paradis, Joe E. Paramore, Mamie Spence Parker, Betty Wooten Parker, Brooks L. Parker, Daisy Virginia Parker, Dora Robinson Parker, Fleta S. Parker, H. L. Defendant Outlaw, Ada Heath Outlaw, Lillian D. Outlaw, May R. Outlaw, Letha S. Outlaw, Frances Lee Overman, Charles Thomas Judgment # D-2959 D-3696 D-558 D-1509 D-2696 D-3196 Filed 6-24-1963 11-25-1968 2-1938 8-18-1947 9-13-1960 8-9-1965 Overman, Groomes Owens, Carl W. D-715 D-2467 12-1940 10-1957 Owens, Elbert West Packer, Rushia Paderick, Lottie Virginia Padrick, Ada Sutton Page, Eddie Monk Page, Florence M. Page, Flossie Page, Eddie Monk Palmer, George S. Palmer, George S. Palmer, Anice Palmer, Violet McMillan Palmer, Rae Brooks Palmer, George S. Palmer, George S. Paradis, Jean Stokes Paramore, Joseph H., Jr. Parker, Bobby Ray Parker, Alice Bradshaw Parker, J. C. Parker, John A. Parker, James N., Jr. Parker, Clodine D-3304 D-1239 D-958 D-1580 D-1102 D-807 D-547 D-2025 D-31 D-1452 D-304 D-1768 D-831 D-498 D-710 D-1981 D-1694 D-3556 D-2204 D-412 D-1153 D-675 D-169 3-14-1966 10-15-1945 9-1943 5-10-1948 10-1944 5-11-1942 1-1938 11-24-1952 4-1925 2-17-1947 11-1933 2-23-1950 8-1942 2-1937 12-1940 8-18-1952 5-16-1949 1-15-1968 9-13-1954 9-1935 12-1944 4-10-1940 5-1929 Comments 84 Plaintiff (Complainant) Parker, Hilda Dove Parker, James I. Parker, John Henry Parker, Johnnie Clarence Parker, Lewis Parker, Lilly Ruth Thompson, a Minor, by her next friend, Mary Edith Thompson Parker, Lucille Phillips Parker, Ludie Turner Parker, Mabel Parker, Mary Parker, Mary D. Parker, O Dessa B. Parker, Pauline Parker, Ruby F. Parker, Ruby F. Taylor Parker, Vernia M. Parker, Virginia Parker, William Jerry, by his next friend, Willie Jasper Parker Parkerson, Virginia Parks, Edna Lee Parks, Ethel Taylor Parks, George Willie Parks, James Henry Parks, Ruth Manning Parks, Selma Sutton Parris, Sadie Deans Parrish, Bernard C. Parrish, Clifton Parrish, Clifton, Sr. Parrott, Corinne Defendant Parker, LeRoy Parker, Nancy L. Parker, Annie Lee Bryant Parker, Georgia Faulkner Parker, Naomi Parker, Roger Colon Judgment # D-2693 D-22 D-3001 D-870 D-1174 D-3260 Filed 9-13-1960 2-19-1925 10-14-1963 12-1942 2-19-1945 12-13-1965 Parker, Jessie Parker, Clifton D. Parker, Harry L. Parker, Thomas Parker, Emmett Parker, Warren G. Parker, George Washington Parker, James (Buddy) Parker, Robert Stanley Parker, Wiley W. Parker, J. N. Parker, Mary Elizabeth King D-2267 D-3291 D-916 D-1567 D-319 D-2103 D-2174 D-2512 D-2795 D-2071 D-868 D-3262 5-23-1955 2-14-1966 5-1943 4-19-1948 1-24-1934 11-2-1953 6-7-1954 5-19-1958 10-9-1961 6-15-1953 12-1942 1-10-1966 Parkerson, John Parks, Matthew Parks, Alvin Parks, Wilda Marie Spencer Parks, Annie Myra Parks, Ransom Lossa Parks, Dempsey Parris, J. H. Parrish, Margaret Parrish, Novella Parrish, Kathleen Parrott, Mercer C. D-200 D-797 D-2644 D-3621 D-2673 D-819 D-567 D-2646 D-3445 D-669 D-2759 D-446 1-1930 2-1942 1-18-1960 6-24-1968 5-23-1960 6-1942 4-1938 1-1960 5-15-1967 5-1938 5-29-1961 2-1936 Comments 85 Plaintiff (Complainant) Parrott, Louise E. Parrott, Melba Louise Thomas, by her next friend, Lois T. Sparrow Parrott, Nyra Wallace Parrott, Seth W. Parsons, Annie Pasch, Marjorie G. Pasqualetti, Lida Mae Kennedy Pate, Audrey F. Pate, Geraldine Stocks Pate, Israel Pate, Maude E. Pate, Nannie P. Patrick, Rena Patrick, Susie Patterson, Burrell Patterson, Ingram Samuel Paul, Nina Pearl Paxton, Effie Dell Payne, Dorothy Mae Peacock, A. L. Peak, Alice M. Peake, Myra W. Pearson, Annie L. Pearson, Harvey Lee Pearson, Rosa Peede, Mary Henrietta Pelham, Alice Lee Williams Pelletier, Joan Ward Penny, Alma Futrell Penny, Ava Barfield Perkins, H. W. Defendant Parrott, John A. Parrott, Lee Judgment # Filed D-1444 1-1947 D-1493 6-1947 Parrott, Mercer C, Jr. Parrott, Marlene T. Parsons, Frank H. Pasch, Walter, L. Pasqualetti, Pasqualine Pate, Wilson Pate, Leonard Pate, Doris I Garris Pate, Jimmie Pate, Alton P. Patrick, Calvin Patrick, James Patterson, Jessie Carraway Patterson, Ruth Herring Paul, Winfield Scott Paxton, Emory Ivan Payne, Niles Manning Peacock, Alice Peak, James Peake, B. W. Pearson, Hardy J. Pearson, Esther Lee Pearson, General Peede, Rufus Pelham, James Pelletier, Ira David Penny, James H. Penny, Raymond Elbert Perkins, Emma White D-2580 D-3650 D-1346 D-2154 D-1391 D-2430 D-2980 D-1650 D-2887 D-2970 D-168 D-1723 D-3002 D-1520 D-1053 D-2304 D-343 D-2487 D-1044 D-2677 D-2395 D-34 D-2167 D-2528 D-2964 D-940 D-1023 D-1331 Comments 4-1959 8-13-1968 5-20-1946 4-19-1954 8-1946 5-20-1957 9-9-1963 1-24-1949 9-10-1962 8-5-1963 1884 4-1929 9-26-1949 10-15-1963 9-22-1947 5-1944 10-17-1955 4-1934 1-13-1958 4-1944 5-30-1960 10-29-1956 4-1925 6-7-1954 8-18-1958 6-24-1963 8-1943 4-1944 4-1946 86 Plaintiff (Complainant) Perritt, Doris Marie Croom Perry, Cheatom Perry, Ellen B. Perry, Irene Betty Perry, Leone Perry, Lula Perry, Martha Moore Perry, Susan T. Perry, William Arthur Peterson, Calvin Peterson, Charlie Doss Peterson, Ethel Lee Murphy Peterson, Glennie Peterson, Ina Griffin Peterson, J. Lee Peterson, William Fields Pethel, Elizabeth Turner Pettaway, Inez Petteway, Ernest Norwood Pettiway, Edward Lee Peyton, Calvin Jefferson Peyton, G. C. Peyton, Leon, Jr. Peyton, Margaret Phillips, Bernice Phillips, Booker T. Phillips, Callie D. Phillips, Effie Hall Phillips, Elias Phillips, Ella Phillips, Frank Phillips, Frank Defendant Perritt, Gene Edward Perry, Floretta Perry, William H. Perry, Jesse Clyde Perry, Ed Perry, W. E. Perry, Robert Lee Perry, Francis A., Jr. Perry, Estelle Fordham Peterson, Esther C. Peterson, Maggie Allen Peterson, George Lee Peterson, Clarence F. Peterson, Norman Coleman Peterson, Adell Peterson, Irene Marie Humprey Pethe, P. C. Pettaway, James Petteway, Virginia Taylor Pettiway, Teresa Bryant Peyton, Evelyn Griffin Jones Peyton, Lucile Eubanks Peyton, Evelyn Thompson Peyton, Calvin Phillips, Clyde Phillips, Celia Phillips, S. H. Phillips, Roosevelt Phillips, Mary L. Phillips, Leroy Phillips, Lela Phillips, Ethel Maye Judgment # D-2486 D-383 D-1200 D-981 D-497 D-331 D-2705 D-1661 D-3614 D-1968 D-2601 D-3702 D-1179 D-271 D-2628 D-3152 D-588 D-2072 D-726 D-3334 D-3505 D-2731 D-3018 D-1848 D-2266 D-3245 D-89 D-2308 D-2951 D-713 D-750 D-1621 Filed 1-1958 1-1935 6-1945 12-1943 1-1937 2-1934 10-10-1960 2-21-1949 6-10-1968 5-20-1952 9-14-1959 1-27-1969 4-1945 4-1933 11-23-1959 4-12-1965 9-1938 6-22-1953 2-1941 6-13-1966 9-19-1967 1-16-1961 12-9-1963 2-19-1951 5-23-1955 11-15-1965 11-1926 10-31-1955 5-20-1963 12-1940 6-1941 9-27-1948 Comments 87 Plaintiff (Complainant) Phillips, Frank, Jr., by his next friend, Leila Phillips Phillips, Hattie Phillips, Helen G. Swaney Phillips, Herman Phillips, Joe Phillips, Mary Eliza Rouse Phillips, Raymond Lee Phillips, Ronald Joseph Phillips, Shirley H. Phillips, Stephen Phillips, Virginia Phillips, Virginia English Phillips, Zebedee Philpot, Anie Lee Wooten Philyaw, Ida Mae Pierce, Donald Louis Pierce, James Pierce, Mary Turnage Pierce, Rena Ellen Pierce, Sammy A. Pierce, Tom Pigott, Elizabeth Pigott, Eunice M. Pigott, Lindsey Pitt, Lloyd Okay Pittman, Barbara Lewis Pittman, Daniel E. Pittman, Eborn S., Jr. Pittman, Frances M. Defendant Phillips, Nannie Mae Judgment # Filed D-1379 8-19-1946 Phillips, Guy Phillips, Raymond Lee Phillips, Evelyn Battle Phillips, Charlotte Bryant Phillips, Lynwood Earl Phillips, Eula May Phillips, Edna Ledean Oates, an infant, appearing by and through her Guardian ad Litem, Mrs. Edna Louise Oates Phillips, Seth L., Jr. Phillips, Susan F. Phillips, William Gatlin Phillips, Percy R. Phillips, Ollie Mae Philpot, John Robert Philyaw, James H. Pierce, Eleanor Mae Davis Pierce, Jewell Pierce, Damon Carroll Pierce, Robert J. Pierce, Katharine S. Pierce, Annie Pigott, Thomas Pigott, Lindsay Pigott, Lina Pitt, Ophelia Harper Pittman, Mack Ollen Pittman, Alice Goin Pittman, Bessie Moss Pittman, Eloise Q. D-1831 D-2680 D-3497 D-2252 D-2293 D-777 D-3700 1-22-1951 6-20-1960 9-4-1967 3-21-1955 8-22-1955 12-1941 12-19-1968 D-2871 6-25-1962 1882 9-1940 9-1945 5-1965 9-25-1950 5-1940 4-11-1966 3-19-1951 10-17-1966 11-2-1949 6-10-1946 8-1929 1-21-1952 2-1938 10-1929 8-24-1953 10-21-1968 2-21-1949 9-27-1948 5-14-1951 D-700 D-1234 D-3164 D-1800 D-687 D-3308 D-1857 D-3376 D-1734 D-1351 D-179 D-1926 D-562 D-183 D-2080 D-3679 D-1660 D-1620 D-1867 Comments 88 Plaintiff (Complainant) Pittman, Margaret B. Plisco, Esther Amster Polley, Billy Lee Pollock, Louie E., Jr. Pollock, Margaret Brockwell Pollock, William Edward Pollock, Willie Pool, Bryant Poole, Mamie Lee Pope, Floyd Pope, Myrtle Popov, Paul Portscheller, Mary Frances Potter, Addie May Potter, Annie Ruth Holland Potter, Bertha Edward, by her next friend, Myrtle Edwards Potter, Dessie Pearl Stanley Potter, Dorothy Shepard, by her next friend, Roland Shepard Potter, E. E. Potter, Lionel Potter, Mabel Potter, Marguerite Smith Potter, Milton Hassell Potter, Paul F. Potter, T. J. Potter, W. N. Potter, Walter Powell, Bernard Powell, Mary Gray Powell, Noah, Jr. Powell, Rosie Lee Defendant Pittman, Edgar Jerome Plisco, Noah Polley, Barbara Joan Pollock, Sandra Modlin Pollock, William Edward Pollock, Margaret Brockwell Pollock, Lizzie Pool, Bettie Poole, James R. Pope, Rosa Lee Pope, J. R. Popov, Julia Portscheller, Nick C. Potter, Marvin Potter, Donald Franklin Wooten Potter Judgment # D-3112 D-509 D-2721 D-3006 D-2689 D-2703 D-2068 D-3257 D-1316 D-338 D-2925 D-1221 D-1412 D-3704 D-982 Filed 11-30-1964 6-1937 12-12-1960 10-28-1963 4-29-1959 10-10-1960 6-15-1953 1900 11-29-1965 4-8-1946 4-1934 1-14-1963 8-1945 11-1946 1-27-1969 12-1943 Potter, Allen Lee Potter, Levy J. D-1293 D-639 1-1946 8-1939 Potter, Bettie Potter, Sarah Potter, Lewis Potter, James Lawrence Potter, Joyce K. Potter, Mavies B. Potter, Nellie Potter, Bessie Lee Potter, Julia M. Powell, Hattie Mary B. Powell, R. E. Powell, Ruthie Mae Mills Powell, Willie D-380 D-1323 D-904 D-869 D-2113 D-3231 D-1 D-1170 D-1368 D-2924 D-629 D-2599 D-1002 1-23-1935 4-8-1946 4-1943 12-1942 11-16-1953 10-18-1965 10-1924 2-1945 6-1946 1-14-1963 5-1939 9-14-1959 1-1944 Comments Florida divorce 89 Plaintiff (Complainant) Powell, Saul Pratt, Doris Gilbert Preston, Samuel Ellis Price, C. W. Price, Christiana Price, Maude Adele, a minor by her next friend, Andrew J. Smith Price, Poshie Strickland Price, Shirley Bland Price, Viola Priddy, Mary K. Pridgen, Carlton Allen Pridgen, Katie Bell Isler Primus, Roscoe Prince, Vera Sparrow Pritchard, Margaret E. Propes, Gertrude M. Provost, Hubert C. Prueitt, Hattie Kilpatrick Pruitt, Ophelia Pugh, Mary Ethel Pully, Helen Ray Purvis, Calvin T. Pusey, Elizabeth T. Pushard, Herbert Eugene Putnam, Sybil Dawson Quinn, Bernice Quinn, Betty Lou Quinn, Carrie Thompson Quinn, Ethel Quinn, Eugene Gertrude Quinn, Harry Defendant Powell, Peachey Pratt, Stanley Perry Preston, Maudie Creasy Price, Kathleen K. Price, Gideon Aldine Price, Granville Judgment # D-2075 D-1194 D-3575 D-1428 D-2099 D-1332 Filed 6-23-1953 5-1945 3-11-1968 12-30-1946 11-2-1953 4-1946 Price, Cecil W. Price, Norman Franklin Price, J. W. Priddy, D. Clyde Pridgen, Bertha Gray Pridgen, William Primus Ervin P. Prince, Wilbur Lee Pritchard, Robert C. Propes, H. E. Provost, Carol A. Fine Prueitt, John Pinkney Pruitt, Clyde Pugh, Rosemond (Roland) Pully, Macon D. Purvis, Ruby W. Pusey, Leonard W. Pushard, Dera Kularski Putnam, Clarence Lee Quinn, Elijah Quinn, Murphy Leo Quinn, J. W. Quinn, H. L. Quinn, John W. Quinn, Elvie Grady D-2291 D-3421 D-74 D-2877 D-3315 D-2485 D-2264 D-2937 D-2497 D-148 D-2921 D-173 D-885 D-1508 D-1839 D-2373 D-1099 D-1467 D-1069 D-1213 D-2662 D-1113 D-2004 D-1268 D-404 8-22-1955 3-13-1967 5-21-1926 8-20-1962 4-18-1966 1-1958 5-16-1955 Comments Envelop only, no items 3-1958 10-1928 1-14-1963 8-22-1929 1-1943 8-18-1947 1-22-1951 8-20-1956 10-16-1944 10-14-1946 6-1944 8-20-1945 3-21-1960 11-1944 10-27-1952 12-10-1945 6-1935 Maine divorce 90 Plaintiff (Complainant) Quinn, Kelly L. Quinn, Lillie Quinn, Mary Turner Quinn, May Alice Quinn, Rachel Quinn, Virginia Rhodes Rackley, Patty S. Radford, Edith Radford, J. W. Radford, Leroy Radford, Marvin E. Raines, Florence Ewe Ramsey, Evelyn Stricklin Randall, David Ransom, Carl J. Ransom, Poshie S. Rasberry, Levi E. Rasberry, Louisa Ratliff, George W. Ray, Cecelia Rigsbee Ray, Martha Miller Ray, Pauline Harper Rayner, C. Eugene Rayner, Georgiana Reaves, Noah, Jr. Reavis, Allie Cleek Redd, Ethel Redd, John Redding, Ruby W. Reed, Florine Brown, Jr. Reed, Marie Dail Defendant Quinn, Flossie Lee Styles Quinn, Joseph Brady Quinn, Murphy Leo Quinn, Sylvester Quinn, Willie L. Quinn, Warren Mc. Rackley, Frank Radford, Leroy Radford, Carrie Radford, Dorothy H. Radford, Ida Reeves Raines, Addison Beverly Ramsey, Marvin Leo Randall, Mary Frank, A/K/A Mary Ellen Frank Randall Ransom, Viola Barnes Ransom, William H., Jr. Rasberry, Evelyn V. Rasberry, John R. Ratliff, Eliza Ray, David Arthur Ray, Alexander Ray, Thomas T. Rayner, Eloise Dixon Rayner, James Reaves, Esther Byrd Reavis, Charles W. Redd, Bernard Redd, Iris Redding, Isiah Reed, John W., Jr. Reed, Charles W. Judgment # D-1033 D-1611 D-3067 D-75 D-3083 D-2555 D-2832 D-2159 D-294 D-3640 D-1228 D-1289 D-3082 D-2908 Filed 4-1944 8-23-1948 6-15-1964 5-22-1926 8-17-1964 12-8-1958 2-12-1962 5-10-1954 10-24-1933 8-12-1968 9-24-1945 1-21-1946 8-17-1964 11-19-1962 D-2870 D-1286 D-1904 6-18-1962 1-21-1946 10-30-1951 1880 5-1927 11-28-1966 3-1-1934 6-1941 4-23-1958 11-1929 5-16-1966 1-1945 1-14-1963 12-9-1963 11-9-1939 2-1936 5-19-1958 D-103 D-3391 D-328 D-747 D-2503 D-192 D-3321 D-1158 D-2923 D-3017 D-651 D-444 D-2507 Comments 91 Plaintiff (Complainant) Reed, Rosa Lie Reeves, Billie Ann Langston Reevis, Sarah Strayhorn Register, Edward Gene Register, Martha McLawhorn Reynolds, John Everette Reynolds, Mary Lou Carter Rhem, Henry Rhem, Janie C. Rhem,Linda Rose Hussey, by her next friend, William Franklin Hussey Rhodes, Beatrice R. Rhodes, Elry Rhodes, Ernest W. Rhodes, Eva, by her next friend, J. J. Johnson Rhodes, Frances Earl Rhodes, Johnny F. Rhodes, Katie Rhodes, Lennie Rhodes, Major L. Rhodes, Minnie L. Rhue, Opal Rhue, Percy Rhue, Reginald C. Rhyne, Ruth Rice, E. C. Rice, Thelma Ardythe Rich, Jeanette Bass, a minor, by Defendant Reed, William Donnel Reeves, John Fuller, III Reevis, Fred Register, Carolyn Annette, by and through her Guardian ad Litem, Fred W. Harrison Register, Charles Gerald Reynolds, Katherine Small Reynolds, Johney Franklin Rhem, Ava Rhem, Zebbie Alfred Rhem, James Arthur Judgment # D-1534 D-3611 D-2402 D-3088 Filed 11-12-1947 6-10-1968 12-1956 8-24-1964 D-3278 D-3203 D-2259 D-611 D-1915 D-3602 1-17-1966 8-16-1965 4-25-1955 2-1939 11-26-1951 5-13-1968 Rhodes, Ivey Junior Rhodes, Mamie B. Rhodes, Rosabel Q. Rhodes, Hubert D-2966 D-1674 D-1224 D-136 8-5-1963 4-25-1949 8-1945 4-1928 Rhodes, Thomas Rhodes, Dorothy Johnson Rhodes, Elry Rhodes, Daniel Rhodes, Julianne B. Rhodes, Hoyt Rhue, Andrew Rhue, Bonnie Rhue, Phyllis Stowe Rhyne, Benjamin F. Rice, Emily Brown Rice, Clyde Cecil D-2779 D-3116 D-810 D-1712 D-241 D-817 D-239 D-393 D-1959 D-286 D-1055 D-1085 8-21-1961 12-14-1964 5-15-1934 8-22-1949 1-1932 6-15-1942 1-1932 5-1935 5-13-1952 5-1933 5-1944 8-1944 Rich, Richard Milton D-3589 4-9-1968 Comments Transferred to Sampson County 92 Plaintiff (Complainant) her next friend, Charles F. Bass Rich, Lillian Brown Richardson, Ida Lee Basden Richardson, James H. Richardson, Mary O. Richardson, Sudie Ricks, Marvin Edward Ricks, Ralph Rider, T. F. Riggs, Elmer Prentiss Riggs, Mamie White Riggs, Melba H. Riggs, William Leroy Rigsbee, Kathleen Kilpatrick Riley, Gertrude M. Rinehardt, Claude F. Ripley, Marguerite Baker Rishel, Doris Smith Rivenbark, Wilma Q Roach, Minnie Robbins, Martha M. Roberson, Linda Sowers, by and through her next friend Norman E. Sowers Roberts, Clifton Earl Roberts, Emerson E. Roberts, Marilyn Wood Fields Roberts, Mary Phillips Roberts, Virgil Robertson, Lois Cox Robinson, Annie Robinson, Elishe D. Robinson, Ella Faye Jernigan, a Defendant Judgment # Filed Rich, Herman Richardson, Jimmy Richardson, Martha Denmark Richardson, George R. Richardson, Thomas Ricks, Margaret Anderson Ricks, Emilie B. Fowler Rider, Thelma Riggs, Sarah Evelyn Riggs, Royal H. Riggs, Clemster B. Riggs, Clara Mae Davison Rigsbee, Wiliam M. Riley, Buddy Rinehardt, Eulalie McInnis Ripley, Lucian Rishel, Edward Albert, Jr. Rivenbark, C. Chapman Roach, George Robbins, Thomas W., Jr. Roberson, K. R., III D-1464 D-3040 D-2180 D-12 D-3175 D-3268 D-519 D-826 D-1240 D-1810 D-3019 D-2181 D-320 D-2198 D-3325 D-2333 D-3276 D-37 D-3593 D-3317 2-18-1947 3-16-1964 6-21-1954 1900 11-14-1924 6-14-1965 1-17-1966 8-1937 8-1942 10-15-1945 10-30-1950 12-9-1963 6-22-1954 1-1934 9-13-1954 5-16-1966 2-13-1956 1-17-1966 4-1925 4-16-1968 4-18-1966 Roberts, Louetta Roberts, Isabelle Dixon Roberts, James Harvey Roberts, James Henry Roberts, Rachell Robertson, Ernest Lee Robinson, Bert Robinson, Betty Lou Small Robinson, Robert Joel D-3687 D-3375 D-3691 D-3498 D-220 D-2447 D-418 D-1963 D-3229 11-11-1968 10-17-1966 11-25-1968 9-5-1967 12-1930 8-19-1957 10-1935 5-20-1952 10-18-1965 Comments 93 Plaintiff (Complainant) minor, by her next friend, William Thomas Jernigan Robinson, Lester A. Robinson, Vernon O. Robinson, Wealthy Roddy, Edna, by her next friend, Rosa Lee Arnold Roe, Early Rogers, Hazel S. Rogers, Jessie Langston Rogers, Mary Gore Rogers, Ralph L. Rogers, Vernon Wiley Roland, Lewis Rosario, Katherine Sutton Rose, India Mae Rhodes Rosenboro, Morris Ross, Edna Rouse, Aaron Rouse, Betty Jane Rouse, Cecil Joel Rouse, Clara Mae Eubanks Rouse, Clara P. Rouse, Edward Rouse, Ellena Rouse, Eunice Grace Russell Rouse, Felix Dawson Rouse, Frederick L. Rouse, George Everette Rouse, Jack Reynolds Rouse, James B. Defendant Judgment # Filed Robinson, Dora C. Robinson, Willie Mae Lofton Robinson, James R. Roddy, Odell D-2807 D-2786 D-1206 D-451 11-20-1961 8-21-1961 8-1945 5-1936 D-2543 D-457 D-144 D-3347 D-3354 D-162 D-821 D-3578 D-3429 D-1519 D-2814 D-2668 D-2328 D-3030 D-2148 D-997 D-6 D-1691 D-2576 D-2746 D-2878 D-3387 1891 10-27-1958 5-1936 10-1928 8-8-1966 8-8-1966 2-1929 6-1942 3-11-1968 4-10-1967 9-22-1947 11-27-1961 5-23-1960 1-16-1956 2-10-1964 4-19-1954 1-1944 11-1924 4-25-1949 3-16-1959 3-20-1961 8-20-1962 11-14-1966 D-2865 5-28-1962 Roe, Caroline Rogers, Billie N. Rogers, Clyde N. Rogers, Walter C. Rogers, Shirley K. Rogers, Joyce Horner Roland, Viola Rosario, Conrad Rose, Alphonso Winston, Jr. Rosenboro, Sarah Sutton Ross, Russell M. Rouse, Mollie B. Rouse, Lyman Earl Rouse, Irene Wells Rouse, James Alton Rouse, George E. Rouse, Virginia Hardy Ruse, James Arthur Rouse, James B. Rouse, Bonnie Faye Lewis Rouse, Helen Hall Rouse, Michaela Ann Whitaker Rouse, Anita Sue Harrison, a minor, by and through her Guardian ad Litem, Ray Harrison Rouse, Grace R. Comments 94 Plaintiff (Complainant) Rouse, Jennie Rouse, Jere A. Rouse, John P. Rouse, John W. Rouse, June Carol Haddad, by her next friend, George M. Haddad Rouse, Lottie Perry Rouse, Lucille M. Rouse, Lula Rouse, Mamie lee Rouse, Martha Denmark Rouse, Mary Elizabeth Rouse, Meltha L. Rouse, Rejoyia Brock Rouse, Richmond Rouse, Russell R. Rouse, William H. Rowe, Henry Braxton Rowlett, Elsie Thompson Royall, Edward T. Royals, Annie Smith Royster, Thelma Lucille Sutton Rush, Grace Harper Russell, Beatrice H. Russell, Kathleeen G. Russell, Mary Rhem Russell, Marzella Peace Rutledge, Mollie Ruth Lassiter Ryder, Horace Wilson Ryder, J. L. Saba, Shady E. Saddler, Mary B. Defendant Rouse, John Rouse, Martha Cooper Hagman Rouse, Alta Briley Rouse, Sarah Rouse, Steve Reynolds Judgment # D-1128 D-2452 D-2675 D-2622 Filed 12-1944 8-1957 5-1960 1891 11-23-1959 Rouse, Jim Berry Rouse, Marcus E. Rouse, P. F. Rouse, Odell Ward Rouse, Ross Earl Rouse, William (Bill) Hicks Rouse, Edward Rouse, Ralph Garland Rouse, Malisa Rouse, Linda Moore Rouse, Rosa Rowe, Mary Moore Rowlett, Stewart Royall, Carrie Mae Royals, Clarence Watson Royster, William Wayne Rush, Homer L. Russell, James Russell, LeRoy Russell, Robert J. Russell, Howard Leonard Rutledge, Edward Ryder, Rosa Lee Ryder, Vivian Saba, Era Mae Bennett Saddler, William C. D-1879 D-1985 D-172 D-1892 D-1750 D-689 D-1216 D-2682 D-867 D-3068 D-1205 D-406 D-3470 D-1143 D-2196 D-2459 D-543 D-1795 D-2621 D-1365 D-1773 D-2590 D-1086 D-133 D-2295 D-1758 6-25-1951 8-18-1952 12-1928 9-24-1951 1-27-1950 4-6-1940 8-1945 6-20-1960 12-1942 6-15-1964 8-20-1945 9-1935 6-27-1967 12-1944 8-23-1954 9-16-1957 12-1937 8-21-1950 11-23-1959 6-17-1946 4-24-1950 8-24-1959 2-10-1944 4-1928 9-12-1955 3-20-1950 Comments Virginia divorce 95 Plaintiff (Complainant) Sample, William Sanders, Annie Mae Sanders, Annie Williams Sanders, Calvin Lee Sanderson, Doris L. Sanderson, James Oscar, Jr. Sanderson, Leslie Lee Sanderson, Lottie Mae Hill, by her next friend, Lora Harper Sanderson, R. H. Sanderson, Troy Sanderson, William Irving Sanderson, Zulene Deaver, by her next friend, M. W. Deaver Sandlin, Helen Smith Sanni, Laura Sauls, Chester Sauls, Woodrow Saunders, Clarence Lee Saunders, Cora Cogdell Savage, Helen Locust Sawyer, Willie West Schimmel, Fannie Lee Whaley Schwartz, Harlan Scott, Doris Taylor Scott, Elizabeth Oglesby Scott, Hugh V. alias, Hugh V. Scotti Scott, Lillie Marie, a minor, by her next friend Hattie Wiggins Houston Scott, Sabie Defendant Sample, Juanita Sanders, Wilbert Morris Sanders, Andrew Sanders, Susie Mae Sanderson, James H. Sanderson, Ann Page W. Sanderson, Mary Marie Harrell Sanderson, Herman Judgment # D-2634 D-2636 D-3647 D-1590 D-1792 D-3150 D-2712 D-783 Filed 12-1-1959 12-14-1959 8-12-1968 6-21-1948 8-21-1950 4-12-1965 10-24-1960 12-1941 Sanderson, Eva M. Sanderson, Tessie Lee Sanderson, Lila Mae Lovitt Sanderson, Oliver D-210 D-655 D-3015 D-1283 5-1930 12-1939 11-18-1963 1-1946 Sandlin, Wilbur Sanni, Martin L. Sauls, Grace T., by her Guardian Ad Litem, Mary Parnell Tripp Sauls, Doris Saunders, Evelyn Lowe Saunders, Emanual Savage, William C. Sawyer, James Schimmel, Charles V. Schwartz, Vivian Powell Scott, John Colin Scott, C. Woodrow Scotti, Patricia D-1666 D-557 D-3240 4-25-1949 2-1938 11-1-1965 D-2366 D-2727 D-111 D-2390 D-681 D-2482 D-1466 D-349 D-2526 D-2610 6-18-1956 12-12-1960 10-1927 10-22-1956 4-1940 12-1957 2-18-1947 6-1934 8-18-1958 10-12-1959 Scott, Oscar D-3272 1-17-1966 Scott, Sallie D-1933 1-22-1952 Comments 96 Plaintiff (Complainant) Scott, Spencer C., Jr. Scott, Wilson Lincoln Scurry, Gladys Mae Edmondsom Seabrook, Christophere Seamster, Emma Seawell, Vance C., Jr. Seawell, Vance C., Jr. Seiferth, Margaret Sekscinski, Margaret Clemons Sellers, Prudie Caroline Sermons, Lucy Seymore, Effie L. Seymour, Garland T. Seymour, Lorean F. Seymour, Mary Williams Shackleford, Herman Shapard, John A. Sharp, Myrtilla Gill Harvey Sharpe, Ida Sharpless, Lois Ozzell Shaw, Agnes L. Shaw, Rosabelle Shaw, Sarah Frances B. Shaw, William H Sheffield, Clifton Sheffield, Clifton Shelor, Hazel Grady Shelton, Neva Shepard, Edith Hill Shephard, Pearline A. Wade, by her Next Friend, Laura Sutton Shepherd, Beatrice Ervin Defendant Scott, Effie Mae Scott, Cynthia Uptegrove Scurry, Albert Seabrook, Marceline Seamster, John Seawell, Frances Hill Seawell, Eva Hill Seiferth, Carl Edward Sekscinski, Stephen, Jr. Sellers, Richard L. Sermons, John Seymore, David R. Seymour, Alice P. Seymour, Esther Musser Seymour, Oliver J. Shackleford, Nina Ruth Jones Shapard, Louise Hollowell Sharp, Robert L. Sharpe, Mack Sharpless, John Promise Shaw, Willie M. Shaw, Willie M. Shaw, Willie Leroy Shaw, Edna Louise Sheffield, Doris Branch Sheffield, Veloris Shelor, Jimmy Garland Shelton, William W. Shepard, Johnnie Shephard, Robert Ernest Judgment # D-217 D-896 D-3707 D-1730 D-340 D-2153 D-3096 D-1105 D-2554 D-1250 D-366 D-1299 D-1742 D-1803 D-3059 D-2801 D-341 D-2223 D-1696 D-3216 D-2440 D-1182 D-2138 D-1821 D-2095 D-2506 D-2631 D-159 D-1935 D-1769 Filed 10-1930 2-1943 2-26-1969 10-31-1949 4-1934 4-19-1954 10-19-1964 10-1944 12-8-1958 11-5-1945 9-1934 2-18-1946 12-2-1949 9-25-1950 5-18-1964 10-9-1961 4-13-1934 11-15-1954 5-16-1949 9-7-1965 6-17-1957 4-1945 2-15-1954 11-13-1950 9-29-1953 4-23-1958 11-23-1959 1-1929 2-19-1952 4-24-1950 Shepherd Evert D-2083 8-24-1953 Comments Marriage Certificate 97 Plaintiff (Complainant) Shepherd, Ida Sheppard, Charles Sherrod, Abe Sherrod, Abe Shirley, Ruth Shivar, Damon Shivar, Donald Ray, by his next friend, Harvey W. Marcus Shivar, Magdalene Puckett Shoemaker, Mary Madge Shortt, William H. Simmons, Annie Gardner Simmons, Ava A. Simmons, Claudie Simmons, Clenie Simmons, Isaac Simmons, James J. Simmons, James W. Simmons, Jarvis Simmons, Jerome Simmons, Julia K. Simmons, Lewis Simmons, Martha Spencer Simmons, Ossie Ola Simmons, Vera Simmons, William Bailey Simon, Betty Sue Turner Simon, Joe Singleton, Effie Singleton, Marshall Defendant Shepherd, D. Council Sheppard, Delia Sherrod, Hannah Sherrod, Luddie A. Shirley, W. I. Shivar, Hazel Lucille, a minor, and George B. Greene, guardian ad litem for said minor. Shivar, Linda Carol Dawson, by her Guardian Ad Litem, Margaret Dawson Shivar, Frankie B. Shoemaker, John Ivey Shortt, Florida Berry Simmons, John Simmons, E. S. W. Simmons, Jessie May Simmons, Ruth Simmons, Dixie L. Simmons, Arena Koonce Simmons, Hellene H. Simmons, Ernestine Kornegay Simmons, Grace Lane Simmons, Stephen W. Simmons, Annie Dove Simmons, Isiah Simmons, Rowena Sutton Simmons, George Simmons, Thelma Joyce White Simon, Thomas Lee Simon, Juliet Aboud Singleton, Floyd Singleton, Mary D. Judgment # D-35 D-2273 D-2233 D-920 D-1756 D-1324 Filed 4-1925 6-13-1955 1-24-1955 5-1943 2-1950 4-1946 D-3465 6-26-1967 D-1082 D-342 D-2008 D-2692 8-1944 4-1934 10-27-1952 9-13-1960 1900 4-19-1954 10-21-1957 6-13-1949 9-9-1963 8-22-1955 8-12-1968 11-27-1961 4-1944 4-1944 2-11-1963 4-15-1959 8-23-1948 8-5-1968 8-22-1955 6-1940 1-1945 10-1935 D-2146 D-2473 D-1700 D-2982 D-2290 D-3652 D-2815 D-1020 D-1036 D-2931 D-2579 D-1606 D-3631 D-2288 D-690 D-1155 D-421 Comments 98 Plaintiff (Complainant) Singleton, Marshall Singleton, Marshall Singleton, William Sipes, Thomas Marshall Sisk, Nina Faye Skinner, Nathan W. Skinner, Rose Skinner, Theo Skipper, Mary Pridgen Slade, Lavetta Slade, Raymond Sloat, L. D. Small, Etta E. Sanderson Small, Wilbert Smart, Elizabeth M Smith, Alice H. Smith, Ben Smith, Benjamine Carrow Smith, Bessie Carpenter Smith, Betty Smith, Betty A. Smith, Betty C. Smith, Casper K. Smith, Charlie Ivey Smith, Clara Elvina Smith, Clayro Smith, Clifton, B. Smith, Cornelia Smith, Dell Jenkins Smith, Della White Smith, DeWitt Defendant Singleton, Pearl C. Singleton, Ava Grimes Singleton, Pennie Norman Sipes, Emma Sisk, D. R. Skinner, Gladys A. Skinner, Guy H. Skinner, George Skipper, C. B. (Jack), Jr. Slade, William Henry Slade, Blanchie Sloat, Beatrice, R. Small, Cyrus S. Small, Mildred Smart, T. W. Smith, Jerry Smith, Carrrie C. Smith, Catherleen W. Smith, Elmer Lee Smith, David Smith, William M. Smith, Gray Van Smith, Blanche J. (Alias Blanche Johnson) Smith, Marjorie Colie Smith, John Abner Smith, Annie Laurie Smith, Eula Inez Smith, Casper K. Smith, Clinton Lee Smith, Cullen Smith, Lovie Shackleford Judgment # D-749 D-908 D-627 D-1835 D-3104 D-332 D-1198 D-678 D-211 D-1488 D-1327 D-1891 D-3394 D-3274 D-147 D-298 D-1342 D-2900 D-1107 D-1425 D-2911 D-3670 D-952 Filed 6-1941 4-1943 5-1939 1-1951 11-30-1964 5-6-1934 6-1945 6-1941 6-1930 6-9-1947 4-8-1946 9-14-1951 11-28-1966 1-17-1966 10-1928 11-13-1933 5-13-1946 10-22-1962 10-1944 11-13-1946 11-26-1962 9-16-1968 9-1943 D-996 D-396 D-935 D-1309 D-1308 D-3022 D-723 D-2145 1-1944 5-1935 8-1943 2-18-1946 2-18-1946 1-13-1964 1-1941 4-19-1954 Comments 99 Plaintiff (Complainant) Smith, Dollie Mae Smith, Dollie Underwood Smith, Donald Ray Smith, Dorothy Sutton Smith, Ed (colored) Smith, Edna Marie Gray Smith, Edward C. Smith, Edward Henry Smith, Elbert G. Smith, Eleanor Smith, Elizabeth Smith, Elizabeth Lucille Smith, a minor, by her next friend: A. H. Gerrans Smith, Ernest L. Smith, Eugene Smith, Evelyn B. Smith, Fannie A. Smith, Fleter Ray Smith, Fred A. Smith, Gertrude M. Smith, Gracie Geneva Baldwin Smith, Guy Vivion Smith, Hester Joyner Smith, Horace Smith, Hubert Smith, Ida T. Smith, Ira. W. Smith, J. L. Smith, James Archie Smith, James Herbert Smith, Janette Smith, Jasper K. Defendant Smith, W. F. Smith, T. Lodric Smith, Judy Rouse Smith, Harvey Smith, Viola Smith, Roger Cecil Smith, Lillie Waller Smith, Ruthie Lee Smith, Hazel W. Smith, Jesse W. Smith, R. J. Smith, Ike Miller Judgment # D-1017 D-3619 D-3264 D-2688 D-367 D-2453 D-450 D-2330 D-2515 D-767 D-221 D-1160 Filed 2-1944 6-13-1968 1-10-1966 8-22-1960 11-1934 8-21-1957 5-1936 2-1956 5-26-1958 10-1941 2-1931 6-1945 Smith, Nell Johnson Smith, Ann Howard Smith, Dawson Smith Arthur Smith, John Smith, Ollie E. Smith, Peter Smith, Arthur Smith, Annie Marie Manning Smith, Edward F. Smith, Muriel Buck Farmer Smith, Glennie Mae Daughety Smith, Calvin Smith, Nelma Thompson Smith, Mabel K. Smith, Bessie Lueana Smith, Germaine Felicie Lucie Loos Smith, William C. Smith, Linda E. D-847 D-1983 D-623 D-2297 D-2199 D-1367 D-244 D-3091 D-3169 D-2797 D-3426 D-2837 D-178 D-1986 D-514 D-1568 D-516 D-3185 D-3639 9-1942 8-19-1952 5-1939 9-12-1955 9-13-1954 6-17-1946 4-1932 8-24-1964 5-24-1965 10-9-1960 3-20-1967 2-19-1962 8-1929 8-18-1952 6-1937 4-19-1948 6-1937 6-7-1965 8-5-1968 Comments Marriage Certificate Special Term 100 Plaintiff (Complainant) Smith, Jerry Smith, Jerry Herman Smith, Joseph M. Smith, Judith Rayburn Smith, Julia Smith, Julia Smith, Laura Smith, Laura Jenkins Smith, Lillian Smith, Lillian Smith, Linda Faye Davis Smith, Linda Faye Hill Smith, Lollie Smith, Lonnie Douglas Smith, Lovie Agness Witherington Smith, Manley E. Smith, Margaret A. Smith, Marie E. Smith, Mary Elizabeth Smith, Mary Spencer Smith, Mattie Smith, Minnie Larine Stewart Smith, Novella Smith, Orethia Griffin Smith, Patsy Stanley Smith, Pearl Mae Smith, Phillip Smith, Ruby Dunn Smith, Ruth Frances Hepler Defendant Smith, Juanita Gardner Smith, Penelope Ann Holloway, a Minor, and Homer C. Holloway, Guardian ad Litem for Penelope Ann Holloway Smith Smith, Clara Franklin Smith, Cemon Warren, Jr. Smith, W. D. Smith, Robert Smith, William Smith, Vance P. Smith, Luther Smith, Horace Smith, William Cox, Jr. Smith, William Ronald Smith, J. L. Smith, Irene Gardner Smith, William Grant Judgment # Filed D-1168 2-1945 D-3137 2-15-1965 D-1057 D-2904 D-114 D-495 D-2086 D-2406 D-2029 D-2697 D-3587 D-3595 D-600 D-3281 D-1302 5-1944 11-19-1962 10-1927 1-1937 8-24-1953 12-10-1956 1-19-1953 9-12-1960 4-8-1968 8-15-1968 11-1938 1-17-1966 2-1946 Smith, Mary Elizabeth Grady Smith, William A. Smith, LaFayette Smith, David Harrison Smith, James Preston Smith, Gaston Smith, John Davis Smith, George Norwood Smith, Philip L. Smith, Earl Gene Smith, Clarence Smith, Maude Taylor Smith, Ulyish Smith, Dalward Lee D-1608 D-1480 D-2858 D-1527 D-3409 D-171 D-3473 D-2611 D-2003 D-3623 D-539 D-837 D-1737 D-1238 8-23-1948 5-14-1947 5-28-1962 11-3-1947 1-20-1967 8-1941 8-7-1967 10-12-1959 10-27-1952 6-24-1968 12-1937 9-1942 11-28-1949 10-1945 Comments 101 Plaintiff (Complainant) Smith, Sadie Mae Smith, Sadie Philyaw, by her next friend, Henrietta Mills Smith, Sam Smith, Vernell C., by her next friend, H. Frank Ownes Smith, W. A. Smith, W. Arthur Smith, William E. Smith, Willie James Smithwick, Daisy Smithwick, G. H. Snead, Hazel Odum Snow, Lorraine McDaniel Snowden, Anita Smith Snyder, Verna May Soles, Bessie Jean W. Southerland, Adolph Southerland, Jonas Southerland, Martha Hardy Southerland, Nancy Jeanette Lewis Southerland, Thelma; Jonah Southerland Southerland, Wilbert Sparrow, Barbara Green, by E. W. Price, next friend Sparrow, Edna Earl Sparrow, Ernest Wesley Sparrow, Eugene N. Sparrow, Fonnie Mae Sparrow, Ira D. Sparrow, Willie E. Defendant Smith, Edward Smith, Arthur Judgment # Filed D-1651 1-1949 D-769 10-1941 Comments Smith, Alice Smith, Richard Alton D-2753 D-2775 4-1961 6-26-1961 Photograph Smith, Ida E. Smith, Geneva Brooks Smith, Emily E. Smith, Della Ellen Smithwick, T. T. Smithwick, Bealah Snead, George Vincent Snow, John William Snowden, John Robert Snyder, Robert C. Soles, Bobby Eugene Southerland, Phoebe Greene Southerland, Rachel Southerland, George C., Jr. Southerland, Charles D. D-46 D-2088 D-108 D-3651 D-481 D-1091 D-2888 D-1211 D-1618 D-1646 D-2681 D-774 D-2152 D-252 D-2710 5-1925 8-24-1953 8-1927 8-13-1968 11-1936 10-1944 9-10-1962 8-1945 9-27-1948 1-24-1949 6-20-1960 11-1941 4-19-1954 9-1932 10-24-1960 Southerland, Jonah; Thelma Southerland Southerland, Edna Sparrow, William Clayton D-1259 11-1945 D-2743 D-3239 2-21-1961 11-1-1965 D-1797 D-3654 D-3100 D-2388 8-21-1950 8-19-1967 10-26-1964 10-15-1956 1893 10-26-1964 Sparrow, Rotchie R. Sparrow, Jessie Williams Sparrow, Mildred Mae Sparrow, Rochie Ray Sparrow, Sallie Sparrow, Rosa Combs D-3099 For Judgment, see civil Judgment No. 11,805 102 Plaintiff (Complainant) Spear, Elsie Warlick, by her next friend, Stella Warlick Speight, Douglas Lee Speight, Levi Speight, Mary Hope Roberts Spell, Thelma Casey Spence, Edna Spikes, Robert Franklin Spillers, Mary Spillers, Mary Hewitt Springle, Oliver G. Sprouse, Debra Joyce Squires, Lillian Stafford, Bobby L. Stafford, Reba Sanderson Stallings, Evelyn Rouse Stallings, J. L. Stallings, Lynwood Alton Stamey, Buela Stancil, Nannie F. Stanford, Mary Lee Stanley, Adolph Stanley, Benjamin Stanley, Charles Henry Stanley, Charlie Stanley, Frances Howard Stanley, Iola Stanley, Joseph Stanley, Joshua Stanley, Novella Stanley, Vance Perry Stansberry, Ralph Dempsey Defendant Spear, Ray Lynwood Judgment # Filed D-3313 4-13-1966 Speight, Frances Thompson Speight, Mariah Speight, Walter Kinsey Spell Ocie Elwood Spence, Arthur N. Spikes, Marietta Trippe Spillers, Hilton Spillers, Hilton H. Springle, Thelma Toomey Sprouse, Joe Howard Squires, Garfield Stafford, Doris Lucille Sparrow Stafford, Bobby Stallings, Sidney Irvin Stallings, Hattie Stallings, Mary Miller Stamey, Clarence Stancil, Stephen Stanford, Willie Marion Stanley, Mary Battle Stanley, Barbara Jones Stanley, Mary Cobb Sanley, Mary Stanley, Benjamin Stanley, Tommy Stanley, Lula Stanley, Omelia Stanley, Benjiman Stanley, Sallie Mae Jenkins Stansberry, Edith May D-3592 D-3607 D-1343 D-917 D-3428 D-1335 D-2074 D-2118 D-2064 D-258 D-1767 D-2239 D-2947 D-195 D-3197 D-80 D-580 D-1715 D-2806 D-2243 D-4 D-66 D-1131 D-926 D-907 D-67 D-545 D-2978 D-1706 Comments 4-16-1968 1886 5-13-1968 5-13-1946 5-1943 4-10-1967 5-13-1946 6-22-1953 11-30-1953 6-8-1953 12-1932 4-24-1950 1-24-1955 3-12-1963 12-1929 8-1965 5-22-1926 8-1938 8-27-1949 11-27-1961 1-25-1955 12-1940 2-1926 12-1944 6-1943 4-1943 2-1926 1-1938 9-9-1963 6-20-1949 103 Plaintiff (Complainant) Stapleford, Alton Ray Staples, Lila Tucker Starkey, Ben Staten, Ina L. Hodges Staten, Julia Blanche Stathelson, Margaret Simmons Steen, Sandra Waller Stephens, Johnnie Mae, by her next friend, Gladys Hill Stephenson, Marion Dean Melvin Stevens, Bettie Spencer Stevens, Paul Stevenson, J. Joel Stevenson, James Stevenson, Obelie Stewart, Joseph Stocks, Kathleen Clark Stocks, Samuel Defendant Stapleford, Geraldine Deaver Staples, Forest C. Starkey, Carrie Mae Judge Staten, Ned Staten, Nathaniel Stathelson, John N. Steen, Richard LeRoy Stephens, Marvin Judgment # D-3458 D-3568 D-3525 D-1774 D-1815 D-3521 D-1984 D-2338 Filed 6-12-1967 2-15-1968 10-23-196 4-24-1950 11-8-1950 10-16-1967 8-19-1952 3-19-1956 Stephenson, Charles Edward D-2914 12-10-1962 Stevens, Albert Stevens, Alma Crawford Stevenson, Edith Stevenson, Linnie Stevenson, Meter Stewart, Ida Mae Stocks, Jesse Robert Stocks, Addie D-2278 D-3643 D-1424 D-984 D-1254 D-3439 D-1524 D-931 6-27-1955 8-12-1968 8-14-1946 12-1943 11-1945 4-24-1967 10-27-1947 8-19-1943 Stocks, Selma C. Stokes, W. J. Stone, Corine Thompson Stone, Gilbert Stoukas, Betty Sue Bell Stowe, Grace Radford Straughn, William H. Strayhorn, Junius Street, Virgin Hunt Street, Virginia Lee Strickland, Darla Beth Riggs Strickland, Dorothy K. Strickland, Erma Farmer Stocks, Charlie Stokes, Bettie Smith Stone, George Ray Stone, Rosa Stoukas, Plato George Stowe, A. J., Jr. Straughn, Rose M. Strayhorn, Patsy Mae Street, Dock Street, Albert Barrett Strickland, David Wright Strickland, William Thomas Strickland, James Allan D-1513 D-649 D-3547 D-755 D-2625 D-1790 D-2367 D-586 D-2934 D-3180 D-2864 D-2188 D-2147 9-8-1947 11-1939 12-11-1967 8-1941 11-23-1959 8-21-1950 6-18-1956 9-1938 2-18-1963 8-9-1965 5-29-1962 8-23-1954 4-19-1954 Comments Florida divorce Issued 2-1939 (Pitt County divorce) 104 Plaintiff (Complainant) Strickland, Hazel Stricklen, Robert Lee Stricklin, Lovie May Hartley Stroud, Amos T. Sr. Stroud, Arlene F., by and through her next Friend, Sarah Moore Stroud, Carl R. Stroud, Carolyn Hill, by her next friend, Woodley Hill Stroud, Clifton Stroud, Dalton Lee Stroud, Effie M. Stroud, Eleanor McLawhon Stroud, Eloise Stroud, Emily Cirina Smith Stroud, James T. Stroud, Julia Stroud, Leon Elwood Stroud, Lorraine Stroud, Margaret B. Stroud, Nettie Hardy Stroud, O. J. Stroud, Paul Clayton Stroud, Quentin Stroud, Robert Stroud, Robert, D. Stuart, Ruth Sugg, Cannie , E. Sugg, Grace Colie Defendant Strickland, Edward G. Stricklen, Minnie Lee Stricklin, L. S. Stroud, Sallie Harper Stroud, William B. Judgment # D-2061 D-2577 D-115 D-1532 D-3267 Filed 6-8-1953 3-16-1959 10-1927 11-10-1947 1-17-1966 Stroud, Carrie H. Stroud, Durwood Emmett D-1748 D-2582 1-27-1950 5-18-1959 Stroud, Hazel Stroud, Janet McLawhorn, now Janet Cole Stroud, a minor, and Fred W. Harrison, guardian ad Litem for said minor. Stroud, E. W. Stroud, Albert James Stroud, Ray Stroud, Abel Croom, Jr. Stroud, Myrtle Hobbs Stroud, David Stroud, Elna Carole Stroud, Thurman T. Stroud, Hugh B. Stroud, Allen Stroud, Dorothy Herring Stroud, Doris Ethel Stroud, Virginia Smith Stroud, Lettie E. Stroud, Louise Owens Stuart, Ben Sugg, Johnny B. Sugg, Paul Bruton D-1307 D-2566 2-18-1946 2-1959 D-264 D-1778 D-3349 D-3674 D-1657 D-375 D-3398 D-2401 D-3270 D-1965 D-2173 D-1120 D-2834 D-318 D-1014 D-968 D-2419 D-1231 1-1933 5-22-1950 8-8-1966 10-14-1968 2-21-1949 12-1934 12-12-1966 12-3-1956 1-17-1966 5-20-1952 6-7-1954 11-1944 2-12-1962 1-1934 2-23-1944 11-1943 2-19-1957 9-1945 Comments Alabama divorce 105 Plaintiff (Complainant) Sugg, J. H. Sugg, Lucille Sugg, Margaret C. Sugg, Spicer Sam Suggs, Annie Mae Suggs, Dorothy Dean Little Suggs, Elizabeth, a minor by her next friend, Katie H. Alphin Suggs, Ella Parks Suggs, Elsie Groves Suggs, George W. Suggs, Grace Aldridge Suggs, Hellean W. Suggs, James, Jr. Suggs, Leslie Roy Suggs, Martha Joyner Suggs, Robert Edward Suggs, William, Jr. Sullivan, Alfred Hardy Sullivan, Melissa Watkins Sullivan, Nora Faye Tyndall Summerell, Louise Eubanks Summerlin, Carolyn C. Summerlin, Dora Mae Summerlin, Elbert Summerlin, Walter McKinley Summrell, Edward Sumner, Iris Mae, Minor by her next friend, G. W. Turner Sumrell Bobby Joe Sumrell, Clarence H. Sumrell, Helen Mae Sumrell, John Alton Defendant Sugg, Bertha Ann Sugg, Troy Anderson Sugg, Ben M. Sugg, Katie Odell Suggs, Herman Suggs, David Lloyd Suggs, Arvil Lee, Jr. Judgment # D-2498 D-1300 D-1074 D-2800 D-798 D-3217 D-851 Filed 4-1958 2-18-1946 6-1944 10-1961 4-1942 9-7-1965 9-1942 Comments Suggs, E. L. Suggs, Oscar Elwood Suggs, Magdeline H. Suggs, Morris Elwood Suggs, Osborn T. Suggs, Pauline C. Suggs, Mary Louise Turner Suggs, Oscar Paul Suggs, Olive Ruth Suggs, Nonnie Sullivan, Shirley Boswell Sullivan, Fet Sullivan, Roy Lee Summerell, Alonza Wilson Summerlin, George Summerlin, Claude Lee Summerlin, Bessie Summerlin, Lizzie Hill Summrell, Ada Brooks Sumner, R. C. D-99 D-3168 D-3634 D-2545 D-799 D-3645 D-2156 D-2971 D-892 D-2040 D-3160 D-1348 D-3610 D-1426 D-2985 D-2695 D-433 D-1448 D-151 D-3095 5-1927 5-20-1965 8-5-1968 11-24-1958 4-1942 8-12-1968 4-19-1954 8-5-1963 2-1943 2-24-1953 4-26-1965 5-1946 5-13-1968 12-30-1946 9-9-1963 9-13-1960 2-18-1936 2-17-1947 11-12-1928 10-19-1964 Special Term Sumrell, Linda Wood Sumrell, Vera Rita Sumrell, D. T. Sumrell, Betty Anne Hardison D-3555 D-568 D-350 D-3381 1-8-1968 4-1938 6-1934 10-17-1966 106 Plaintiff (Complainant) Sumrell, Lucy Justice Sumrell, Pauline Wiggs Sutton, Adro Sutton, Barron Sutton, Bessie M. Sutton, Boston Sutton, C. W., Jr. Sutton, Daniel R. Sutton, David Sutton, Dennis Leroy Sutton, Elton Ralph, by his next friend, Walton Ray Sutton Sutton, Essie Lee Sutton, F. B. Sutton, Florida Sutton, Grace Pearl Jarman Sutton, Hattie Taylor Sutton, Henry Sutton, Jake Sutton, Jessie Ray Sutton, John Sutton, John Earl Sutton, Joseph H. Sutton, Leonard Sutton, Linda Jean Vause Sutton, Lossie Sutton, M. H. Sutton, Margaret Evelyn Coltrane Sutton, Mary Ann Jones Sutton, McKinley Sutton, Nannie Best Defendant Sumrell, Joseph Thomas Sumrell, Clarence Sutton, Aggie Lee Sutton, Sula Sutton, Anderson Sutton, Sib Sutton, Arlene Lee Sutton, Minnie Carolyn Sutton, Ruth Davis Sutton, Doris Louise Patrick Sutton, Jean Hill, a minor, by her Guardian ad litem, Harvey W. Marcus Sutton, Willie Sutton, Mary V. Sutton, Leslie Sutton, James Lloyd Sutton, Jacob C. Sutton, Phillis Sutton, Mattie Johnson Sutton, Horace T. Sutton, Lola Bell Gray Sutton, Helen McGlenn Sutton, Clydie Bell Sutton, Katie Blalock Sutton, Lemuel Speight Sutton, Leo Sutton, Lucy Sutton, Robert Franklin Judgment # D-384 D-794 D-1453 D-1782 D-589 D-540 D-1481 D-2633 D-1032 D-3508 D-3312 Filed 2-1935 2-1942 2-17-1947 5-22-1950 9-28-1938 12-1937 5-14-1947 12-1-1959 4-1944 10-9-1967 4-12-1966 D-1798 D-344 D-1695 D-1710 D-900 D-1124 D-1754 D-2255 D-1829 D-3495 D-716 D-1747 D-3300 D-1297 D-64 D-3509 8-21-1950 4-1934 5-16-1949 8-22-1949 4-1943 12-1944 2-20-1950 4-25-1955 11-27-1950 8-21-1967 12-1940 1-1950 3-14-1966 1-1946 2-1926 10-9-1967 Sutton, Bobby Steele Sutton, Alice N. Sutton, James William D-2919 D-336 D-1163 1-14-1963 4-1934 2-1945 Comments 107 Plaintiff (Complainant) Sutton, Nathan E. Sutton, Novella Sutton, Opal Outlaw Sutton, Pauline G. Sutton, Penniah Sutton, Ross Sutton, Sallie M. Sutton, Samuel E. Sutton, Tempie E. Sutton, Thelma G. Sutton, Thelma Thigpen Sutton, Theodore, Jr. Sutton, Walter L, Jr. Sutton, William Sutton, William Lafayette Sutton, Willie Sutton, Woodrow Swain, Ethel Heath Swan, Louella Williams Swaney, Dock Major, Jr. Swinson, Clarence Swinson, Ele Swinson, Martha Swinson, Winnie Syda, Hubert R., Jr. Sydes, Doris Rouse Sykes, Elmer Mason Sykes, Thelma A. Talor, Bertha Tambacos, Stefania Tart, James C. Tart, Marjorie Frances Jones, a Defendant Sutton, Lillie Craft Sutton, B. T. Sutton, Ross Benjamin Sutton, James Dee, Jr. Sutton, Tommie Sutton, Alice Sutton, Leon James Sutton, Ina May Sutton, Horace T. Sutton, Richard Alvin Sutton, Leonza Sutton, Virginia Brown Sutton, Betty Lou Sutton, Pearl Sutton, Mattie Lee Sutton, Daisy Harper Sutton, Athlene A. Swain, Eason M. Swan, Ervin Swaney, Hazel Ruth H. Swinson, Ada S. Swinson, Willie Mae P. Swinson, Perry Swinson, Atmore Synda, Jean Frances Coffman Sydes, Carl A. Syker, LeRoy Sykes, Leroy Taylor, Henry Tambacos, T. Tart, Eva D. Tart, James Clinton, Jr. Judgment # D-2491 D-276 D-2428 D-2702 D-1035 D-2325 D-2849 D-1256 D-897 D-2846 D-1681 D-3195 D-3380 D-1497 D-1260 D-548 D-648 D-21 D-2917 D-3714 D-3708 D-2432 D-414 D-365 D-2521 D-1451 D-1199 D-673 D-18 D-214 D-1145 D-3020 Filed 3-17-1958 5-18-1933 5-20-1957 10-10-1960 4-1944 1-16-1956 4-24-1962 11-1945 2-1943 4-16-1962 4-25-1949 8-9-1965 10-17-1966 6-24-1947 11-1945 1-24-1938 11-1939 2-18-1925 12-10-1962 8-25-1969 2-26-1969 5-20-1957 9-1935 9-1934 6-16-1958 2-17-1947 6-1945 12-1937 2-1925 10-1930 12-1944 12-9-1963 Comments 108 Plaintiff (Complainant) minor, by her next friend, Leslie Jones Taylor, Adelle Davis Taylor, Alexander Taylor, Annie Dove Taylor, Bettie Langston Taylor, Blanche J. Taylor, Blanche V. Taylor, Braddick Ivey Taylor, C. B. Taylor, C. B. Taylor, Carol Ann Taylor, Clyde Taylor, Cyrus Evon Taylor, Dalton, Jr. Defendant Judgment # Filed Taylor, Bennie Franklin Taylor, Vider Love Taylor, Finn Taylor, James Ardell Taylor, Dalton Taylor, Samuel R. Taylor, Jenelle moore Taylor, Bernice Taylor, Addie Mae Taylor, Guy Tommy Taylor, Annie Taylor, Shirley Marie Smith Taylor, Jeano Mosely D-1112 D-1597 D-1003 D-1461 D-2957 D-1784 D-3583 D-469 D-499 D-3615 D-677 D-3499 D-2475 11-1944 8-1948 1-1944 2-18-1947 6-17-1963 6-12-1950 3-11-1968 10-1-1936 2-1937 6-10-1968 4-1940 9-4-1967 11-25-1957 Taylor, Dorothy Craft Taylor, Earl L. Taylor, Earle C. Taylor, Ella Grace Taylor, Elsie McLawhorn Taylor, Emma Lee Edwards Taylor, Eunice Taylor, Finny Taylor, Georgia Taylor, Jessie Mae Suggs Taylor, John I. Taylor, Johnnie Earl Taylor, Johnnie Earl Taylor, Joyce Taylor, Katherine Taylor, Kathleen O. Taylor, Laura Taylor, Daniel J. Taylor, Aline Hudgens Taylor, Dorothy C. Taylor, Clyde, Jr. Taylor, John Richard Taylor, Everett G. Taylor, McKenly Taylor, Emma Dove Taylor, Walter E. Taylor, Edlenzie, Jr. Taylor, India Taylor, Caretha Lawson Taylor, Alithia Barrow Taylor, Cecil Taylor, Manly Taylor, Charlie W., Jr. Taylor, Jesse G. D-1816 D-2011 D-3504 D-2493 D-2831 D-724 D-141 11-6-1950 11-5-1952 9-11-1967 3-17-1958 2-12-1962 1-1941 6-1928 1900 1891 2-16-1965 12-11-1939 9-13-1954 9-1959 1-8-1968 2-1930 1-1943 5-1936 D-3135 D-660 D-2202 D-2602 D-3554 D-205 D-878 D-449 Comments Restricted: Birth Certificate/Adoption Marriage Certificate 109 Plaintiff (Complainant) Taylor, Lillie B. Taylor, Mamie H. Taylor, Mark Taylor, Pauline Taylor, Pauline Whaley Taylor, Robert Taylor, Roberta Taylor, Roy Taylor, Sadie Belle Taylor, Sudie Rouse Taylor, Tom Herbert Taylor, Virginia Taylor, W. C. Teele, Linwood Temple, Inez Farrior Tennille, Joyce W. Tew, L. D. Tew, Ray, Jr. Thackston, T. E. Thevenow, Lillian Thigpen, Evelyn Louise Wetherington Thigpen, Mabel Thigpen, Marvin Thigpen, Paul Thomas, Alton Thomas, Cleo Beatrice Thomas, Evans Hughes Thomas, Ferdelia Thomas, G. L. Thomas, Gladys Thomas, Jimmy W., by his Guardian, E. M. Marks Defendant Taylor, Roy Taylor, Eddie C. Taylor, Grace Herbert Taylor, Fred Taylor, Fred Taylor, Lillian Taylor, Raeford B. Taylor, Daisy Viola Taylor, Caleb Taylor, Sol Taylor, Peggy Jean Little Taylor, Troy Taylor, Daisy Teele, Lyrl Temple, Herbert Dillard Tennille, Andre T. Tew, Lessie Tew, Virginia, B. Thackston, Ada Wright Thevenow, John Thigpen, Albert McCoy Judgment # D-260 D-2016 D-840 D-761 D-751 D-607 D-2955 D-912 D-1849 D-1535 D-3027 D-683 D-351 D-1573 D-1473 D-2490 D-974 D-3638 D-901 D-2053 D-2616 Filed 12-1932 11-10-1952 9-1942 9-1941 7-14-1941 1-1939 6-17-1963 5-1943 2-19-1951 11-12-1947 1-22-1964 4-1940 6-1934 4-19-1948 5-1947 3-1958 11-1943 8-5-1968 4-1943 4-20-1953 10-19-1959 Thigpen, Paul Thigpen, Lois Hill Thigpen, Florence Thomas, Helen Thomas, George Lewis Thomas, Mary Louise Thomas, W. A. Thomas, Grace Thomas, Dock Thomas, Lenora Bullard D-886 D-3591 D-54 D-3253 D-1640 D-1386 D-2254 D-1142 D-2560 D-1274 1-1943 4-16-1968 10-1925 11-29-1965 1-24-1948 8-19-1946 4-25-1955 12-1944 2-27-1956 12-10-1945 Comments 110 Plaintiff (Complainant) Thomas, Katherine E. Thomas, Leon Bernard Thomas, Martha Louise, by her next friend, Ruby Bright Thomas, Ruth Ham Thomas, Samuel E. Thomas, Vivian J. Thomas, W. R. Thompson, Antoinette Lasher Thompson, Carrie Williams Thompson, Elizabeth Thompson, Elvia Thompson, Eunice Thompson, Fonnie Mae Jones Thompson, Ireland Baysden Thompson, J. D. Thompson, L. A. Thompson, Leugene Thompson, Mamie Janie Thompson, Moses Thompson, Napoleon Thompson, Paul Thompson, R. A. Thompson, Sam Thompson, Troy Edward Thompson, Viola Thurman, Mildred Kelley Tilford, Edith S. Tilghman, A. L. Tilghman, Elzie Tilghman, Helen Miller Tilghman, Jean Harris Defendant Thomas, Walter A. Thomas, Carol Jean Hinson Thomas, Edward Morris Judgment # D-1026 D-2853 D-3331 Filed 4-1944 5-21-1962 5-23-1966 Thomas, Walter A. Thomas, Edith Mae Wilson Thomas, Roosevelt Thomas, Thelma Thompson, James Elmer Thompson,Ottis Thompson, Theodore Thompson, John W. Thompson, Leonard Lee Thompson, William Daniel Thompson, William Thompson, Winnie W. Thompson, Rachel Jarmon Thompson, Lorenzo R. Thompson, Kelly R. Thompson, Elizabeth R. Thompson, Estheree Thompson, Marzella Thompson, Mary Spence Thompson, Annie Thompson, Elena Taylor Thompson, Arthur Thurman, James Arnold Tilford, William M. Tilghman, Ethel Tilghman, Katie Tilghman, Gordon Tilghman, John David D-1850 D-1553 D-2358 D-1632 D-2424 D-1485 D-2311 D-1526 D-1385 D-3252 D-704 D-1564 D-942 D-1870 D-87 D-1945 D-1683 D-3627 D-2017 D-1363 D-2751 D-1062 D-1292 D-3090 D-980 D-824 D-1392 D-3599 2-19-1951 2-16-1948 5-28-1956 11-8-1948 4-15-1957 5-1947 11-21-1955 10-27-1947 8-1946 11-29-1965 9-1940 2-25-1948 8-23-1943 5-21-1951 11-1926 3-17-1952 4-25-1949 6-24-1968 11-10-1952 6-10-1946 3-27-1961 6-1944 1-1946 8-24-1964 11-1943 8-1942 8-1946 5-13-1968 Comments Wayne County divorce 111 Plaintiff (Complainant) Tilghman, Nola Tilghman, Oscar Ray Tilghman, Roscoe Francis Timberlake, Thomas U. Tisdale, Margaret Rose Thompson Tissue, Frances T. Todd, Lizzie Todd, Pearl Simmons Toler, Fannie Maxine Toles, Charlotte H. Tomberlin, Thelma, a minor, by her next friend, Rosa Phillips Tomlinson, Mattie Lee Toxey, Rita Tranbarger, Mildred Elaine Tripp, Connie Faye Brown Tripp, Virginia Davis Trivette, Selma Hardy Trotta, Leona Tucker, Ben G. Tucker, Nimmie H. Tucker, Wilbert Turley, Virginia Edwards Turnage, Ann Bruce Turnage, Eleanor Colie Turnage, Elias Turnage, Johnston Turnage, Maceo Turnage, Mattie V., Mrs. Turnage, Roy E. Turner, Annie Defendant Tilghman, Leslie Tilghman, Joan Winert Tilghman, Mary Alice Timberlake, Louise Tisdale, William Esley Judgment # D-303 D-3011 D-2063 D-129 D-2464 Filed 11-1933 11-18-1963 6-8-1953 1-1928 10-7-1957 Tissue, Ore Franklin Todd, Gibbs Todd, R. E. Toler, Robert Allen Toles, Homer Odell Tomberlin, William F. D-1273 D-835 D-583 D-3033 D-1692 D-2397 12-10-1945 9-1942 9-26-1938 2-17-1964 5-16-1949 11-19-1956 Tomlinson, Marvin D. Toxey, Julian Tranbarger, James Henry Tripp, Maurice Allen Tripp, Franklin D. Trivette, James Blaine Trotta, Jerry Tucker, Nona Tucker, Robert Lee Tucker, Ruby Lee Turley, Fred C. Turnage, Joseph Leon Turnage, Clyde Henry Turnage, Mollie Turnage, Bertha Turnage, Gladys R. Turnage, Blaney E., by his Guardian ad Litem, J. Frank Wooten Turnage, Helen O. Turner, W. S. D-1219 D-2234 D-2510 D-3468 D-3284 D-1338 D-79 D-333 D-90 D-2186 D-501 D-3604 D-2691 D-26 D-2850 D-245 8-1945 1-24-1955 5-19-1958 6-26-1967 2-7-1966 5-13-1946 8-1926 2-1934 11-1926 8-1954 2-1937 5-13-1968 9-13-1960 1886 2-24-1925 4-26-1962 4-1932 D-1169 D-1157 2-19-1945 1-22-1945 Comments 112 Plaintiff (Complainant) Turner, Annie Lee Toler Turner, Belva Turner, Calvin Lee Turner, Clara Lee Turner, Corrine Stroud Turner, Ernest Franklin Turner, G. W. Turner, Jesse Earl Turner, L. R. Turner, Minnie Turner, Robert Kilby Turner, Sam Turner, Theodore Felix Turner, Vivian Cook Tuton, Thelma Lee Tutton, Belah Tyndall, Abner Lynwood Tyndall, Eleanor Lee Tyndall, Forrest Tyndall, George N. Tyndall, H. G. Tyndall, Hazel Hill Tyndall, Kirby I. Tyndall, Lushion Leroy Tyndall, Mae Belle Tyndall, Margie Mae Grady, by her next friend, Louise G. Staley Tyndall, Marie Fann, by her Next Friend, Janie B. Fann Tyndall, Neta J. Tyndall, Rannie Stroud Tyndall, Retta S. Tyndall, Robert Henry Defendant Turner, John Thomas, Jr. Turner, Horace Turner, Charlotte Day Turner, Robert G. Turner, Stephen W., Jr. Turner, Lucy Ann Outlaw Turner, Lula May Turner, Daisy Mae Turner, Frances S. Turner, Max Turner, Jane L. Turner, Georgia Turner, Peggy Jeanette Bradshaw Turner, Jack Edward, Jr. Tuton, William P. Tutton, Willie Tyndall, Nelma Stroud Tyndall, Abner E. Tyndall, Margaret Tyndall, Agnes Faye Tyndall, Lucy L. Tyndall, James D. Tyndall, Celia Jeffards Tyndall, Avice June Tyndall, Luther LeRoy Tyndall, Alfred P. Judgment # D-3501 D-424 D-3618 D-779 D-2796 D-2346 D-306 D-663 D-477 D-2197 D-3510 D-1843 D-3121 D-3287 D-1004 D-227 D-1751 D-1430 D-2425 D-1232 D-261 D-2618 D-731 D-3366 D-1789 D-2439 Filed 9-11-1967 10-1935 6-10-1968 12-1941 10-9-1961 3-19-1956 12-1933 1-1940 8-24-1936 8-23-1954 10-9-1967 1-22-1951 1-11-1965 2-7-1966 1-1944 8-1931 1-27-1950 12-1946 4-15-1957 9-24-1945 12-1932 11-3-1959 4-7-1941 9-21-1966 5-28-1950 5-28-1957 Tyndall, Harold L. D-2518 6-16-1958 Tyndall, H. G. Tyndall, Earl Tyndall, Kirby I. Tyndall, Billie Poe D-550 D-959 D-1197 D-1577 1-1938 9-1943 6-11-1945 5-10-1948 Comments New York divorce 113 Plaintiff (Complainant) Tyndall, Rosabelle, by her next friend Willie A. Taylor Tyndall, T. F. Tyndall, Thomas F. Tyndall, Warren Smith Tyndall, William Blake Tyner, Beatrice J. Tyner, Edward Lee Tyson, Cecil Tyson, Esther Rae Cherry Tyson, Ethel Tyson, J. W. Umphlett, H. S. Underwood, Esther P. Untrecht, Anne Valentine, Mima Vatz, Julian B. Vaughn, Henry Vaughn, Henry Vaughn, Mary Jane Stroud Veith, Robin Leigh Sumner Vendrick, Lonnie N. Venneman, Nellie Vernon, Gladys Marie Vick, Marvin G. Vick, Mary McCoy Victorian, Martha Vinson, Bettie A. Vinson, Flora Broughton Vitale, Ora Mae, by her next friend, Mrs. J. E. Brock Wade, Annie Mae Wade, Charles L. Defendant Tyndall, Elmer Judgment # Filed D-170 6-1929 Tyndall, Sue Corena Tyndall, Sue Corena Tyndall, Ramona Courie Tyndall, Ruth Tyner, Lester Elton Tyner, Marjorie Tyler Tyson, Ethel W. Tyson, Thurman F., Jr. Tyson, Johnny Tyson, Thelma Cox Umphlett, Laura Wood Underwood, Thomas J. Untrecht, Joseph Valentine, Howard Vatz, Gladys L. Vaughn, Mabel Waters Vaughn, Lillian D. Vaughn, Robert W. Veith, William Vendrick, Lou Ellen H. Venneman, Henry Vernon, J. R. Vick, Catherine R. Vick, L. Thurman Victorian, Clifford Vinson, Cullen L. Vinson, John W. Vitale, John A. D-2218 D-2292 D-3392 D-746 D-3448 D-3129 D-1382 D-1584 D-2321 D-2856 D-2050 D-2863 D-394 D-53 D-3348 D-2379 D-633 D-2387 D-3479 D-1927 D-2213 D-1149 D-2126 D-887 D-551 D-1583 D-1476 D-201 11-8-1954 8-22-1955 11-28-1966 6-1941 5-15-1967 2-8-1965 8-19-1946 6-7-1948 12-12-1955 5-21-1962 3-16-1953 5-29-1962 5-1935 10-1925 8-8-1966 8-20-1956 6-1939 10-15-1956 8-7-1967 1-21-1952 9-20-1954 12-1944 6-18-1954 2-1943 1-1938 6-7-1948 5-1947 2-1930 Wade, Robert Lee Wade, Hattie T. D-1811 D-3120 10-1950 12-11-1964 Comments Missouri divorce Florida divorce 114 Plaintiff (Complainant) Wade, Harvey M. Wade, Henry M., Jr. Wade, Hokie Murphy Wade, Lossie R. Wade, Mary Southerland Wade, Theresa Ann Wade, Walter Wainright, Neely Mae Walker, Dora Mae Walker, Floyd J. Walker, Hattie E. Walker, Ledell Walker, Nola Dean Quinn Wall, Helen Spence Wall, Lawyer Wallace, Essie Braswell Wallace, Harry Clinton Wallace, Juanita Attaway Wallace, Pearl Waller, Burel Edward Waller, Burl E. Waller, Fannie Waller, John Henry Waller, Lena S. Waller, Millard F. Waller, Vick Hernando Waller, William A Walsh, Charlotte Parrott Walters, Floyd Walters, Mallie Locklear Walters, Noah Heber Walton, Elizabeth Defendant Wade, Lillie Mae Wade, Violet S. Wade, Dallas Debro Wade, Sidney L. Wade, A. T., Jr. Wade, Jesse H. Wade, Martha Wainright, Rosce Walker, David Walker, Macie King Walker, Leslie M. Walker, Elizabeth Walker, James Howard Wall, Hilton D. Wall, Queenie May Wallace, James Rudolph Wallace, Blanche Scott Wallace, Robert Jesse Wallace, Elbert Waller, Eunice Mae Waller, Agnes Corbett Waller, Ben Waller, Fannie May Waller, E. R. Waller, Hazel Simmons Waller, Albert Waller, Joyce Onedia Walsh, Chester A. Walters, Maud Ree Walters, Grady Walters, Mildred S. Walton, Gordon J. Judgment # D-1103 D-3051 D-2065 D-1759 D-1634 D-3413 D-402 D-914 D-1814 D-1018 D-163 D-3573 D-3200 D-1940 D-2194 D-160 D-2023 D-2642 D-801 D-796 D-3035 D-143 D-1781 D-218 D-1555 D-834 D-1247 D-248 D-881 D-3345 D-2014 D-1245 Filed 10-1944 4-20-1964 6-8-1953 3-20-1950 11-8-1948 2-6-1967 6-19-1935 5-1943 11-8-1950 2-1944 2-1929 3-11-1968 8-9-1965 2-19-1952 8-23-1954 1-1929 11-24-1952 12-14-1959 4-1942 2-1942 3-16-1964 8-1928 5-1950 12-1930 2-16-1948 9-1942 10-1945 5-1932 1-1943 6-20-1966 11-5-1952 10-15-1945 Comments 115 Plaintiff (Complainant) Ward, Bertha Ware, Letha J. Warner, Frances Goodwin Warren, Ellis Warren, Flora Davis Warren, Helen Virginia Sutton Warren, James Warren, Jane Dail Warren, N. E. Warren, Ollie Lawrence Warren, Rena Herring Warrick, Bertha Warrick, Cathel Mae Moody Warters, James R. Washington, Booker L. Washington, Cora Seals Washington, Isaac Washington, James Waters, Beatrice Waters, Beatrice Waters, Brady Waters, Dorothy Leora Waters, Floyd Waters, Helen Waters, Helen Grace Case Waters, Jerry S. Waters, John W. Waters, Nittie Waters, Nora Mae Lewis Waters, Paul Waters, Roy Waters, Ruth W. Defendant Ward, James Ware, William Warner, Clem Dowd Warren, Lucy Warren, Charles Warren, Sterling Armstead Warren, Lucille Warren, Guy V., Jr. Warren, Edith Monk Warren, Rena Herring Warren, Ollie Lawrence Warrick, Ashley Warrick, Cameron Warters, Alice Gray Washington, Bettie Green Washington, Walter Washington, Luavenia Washington, Mattie Locust Waters, Roy Waters, Roy Waters, Marcella D. Waters, David Thomas Waters, Helen K. Waters, Floyd Waters, Norwood L. Waters, Laura Waters, Arebell Newbern Waters, Henry Waters, Johnnie P. Waters, Annie Lee Waters, Ruth Bryant Waters, Frank D. Judgment # D-2666 D-735 D-2968 D-16 D-1602 D-3105 D-1400 D-3658 D-1866 D-3585 D-3507 D-530 D-1649 D-3187 D-2706 D-2551 D-171 D-2707 D-1877 D-1955 D-3384 D-2184 D-3319 D-1629 D-1718 D-1054 D-3457 D-1813 D-3545 D-1049 D-1403 D-2403 Filed 4-25-1960 5-1941 8-5-1963 2-1925 8-23-1948 11-30-1964 9-23-1946 8-20-1968 5-14-1951 3-18-1968 9-11-1967 9-1937 1-24-1949 8-9-1965 10-10-1960 11-24-1958 5-1929 10-17-1960 6-18-1951 4-21-1952 11-14-1966 8-23-1954 5-16-1966 11-1-1948 9-12-1949 5-1944 6-12-1967 11-6-1950 12-11-1967 5-1944 9-23-1946 12-10-1956 Comments Deed included 116 Plaintiff (Complainant) Waters, W. T. Wathey, Virginia Smith Watkins, Joyce G. Watson, Alonza Watts, Ruby Lee Johnson Wayne, Larry Wayne, Larry Weaver, Bessie Jones, infant, by her next friend, Callie Jones Webb, Frances McArthur Webb, Gail Lucindia Howell Webb, Herbert F. Webb, Vergail Smith Webb, William C. Webber, Emma Estelle, by her next friend, Mrs. Nancy King Webber, Eula Burkett Webber, John F. Webster, Robert F. Weeks, Willis Wehrhahan, Thomas Edison Wehrle, William W. Welborn, Mary Ann Hoffman Welch, Jessie S. Wells, Cleo Edwards Wells, Hazel Carrie Neal Wells, Jesse G. Wells, R. D. Wells, Wilma Carol Morris West, Claudia Regenia West, Emily M. Defendant Waters, Dorthay M. Wathey, Daniel Watkins, Richard L. Watson, Viola Watts, Spencer Wayne, Minnie Pearl Wayne, Nancy Weaver, Raeford, through his Guardian Ad litem, Alvin Outlaw Webb, Lester Clyde Webb, Albert Roland, Jr. Webb, Mary Frances Webb, William Edward Webb, Sadie Morgan Webber, John Franklin Webber, Joe C. Webber, Kathleen Richards, and Louis I. Rubin, guardian ad litem for Kathleen Richards Webber Webster, Corrinna Weeks, Lula Wehrhahan, Magdaline Craft Wehrle, Mable W. Welborn, Monroe Mundell Welch, Thomas C., Jr. Wells, William Taylor Wells, Jesse G. Wells, Letha Lee Wells, Hazel Virginia Bell Wells, Kenneth Ray West, Benjamin Herbert West, Herman Judgment # D-198 D-1361 D-3484 D-2416 D-2381 D-2889 D-2994 D-1486 Filed 12-11-1929 6-1946 8-7-1967 1-14-1957 12-2-1944 9-10-1962 10-14-1963 5-19-1947 D-1989 D-3616 D-3294 D-2986 D-3417 D-590 9-8-1952 6-10-1968 3-14-1966 9-10-1963 3-13-1967 10-1938 D-1656 D-685 2-21-1949 4-1940 D-965 D-92 D-2922 D-3407 D-3477 D-1648 D-3532 D-654 D-335 D-628 D-3204 D-1320 D-1220 10-1943 2-1927 1-14-1963 1-16-1967 8-7-1967 1-24-1949 11-13-1967 12-1939 2-1934 5-1939 8-16-1965 4-8-1946 8-1945 Comments 117 Plaintiff (Complainant) West, Esther White West, Magnolia Parrish West, Nina Mae Westbrook, Carl Sutton Westbrook, Frank Westbrook, Gene Westbrook, Milton Westbrook, Raymond Weston, Beulah Mae Everett, by her next friend, Thos. J. White Wetherington, Annie Charlotte Wetherington, Chester S. Wetherington, Elwood Wetherington, Katie Wetherington, W. G. Wethington, Virginia Dare Whaley, Carl T. Whaley, Daisy Bell Whaley, Denita Whaley, Edoth R. Whaley, Nannie Mae Whaley, R. Q. Whaley, Ruby Lee Alphin Whaley, Vernon Whedbee, Ada Logan Wheeler, Winston S. Whelan, Lillian Evelyn, Jr. Whetstone, Mattie Jones Whitaker, Elizabeth Foy Whitaker, G. L. White, Ammie Jordan Parham Defendant West, Troy Lee West, Seth Leo West, Ray Hampton Westbrook, Sybil Murphy, a minor, by Lamar Jones, Guardian Ad Litem Westbrook, Betsy King Westbrook, Mary Edith Briley Westbrook, Shirley Westbrook, Myrtle Jones Weston, John Elijah Judgment # D-2377 D-1531 D-709 D-2271 Filed 8-20-1956 11-10-1947 12-9-1938 5-16-1955 D-661 D-1840 D-2589 D-1571 D-956 12-11-1939 1-22-1951 11-16-1955 4-19-1948 8-1943 Wetherington, Arthur L. Wetherington, Edna A. Wetherington, Sudie Christine Wetherington, Herman Weterington, Maude Wethington, Arthur L. Whaley, Doris B. D-1337 D-1799 D-1741 D-1187 D-274 D-609 D-2283 5-13-1946 9-1950 12-2-1949 4-9-1945 5-18-1933 2-1939 6-30-1955 Whaley, J. A. Whaley, John C. Whaley, Grover Whaley, Earl Whaley, Virginia Waller Whaley, Joseph Rayburn Whaley, Beaulah Wedbee, Frederick R. Wheeler, Elsie D. Whelan, Thomas B., Jr. Whetstone, Fred Allen Whitaker, Wm. Murray Whitaker, Katie Blanche White, Thomas J., Jr. D-936 D-3512 D-561 D-475 D-2082 D-3567 D-1306 D-818 D-2845 D-1536 D-3485 D-592 D-1489 D-510 8-1943 10-16-1967 2-25-1938 9-1936 8-24-1953 2-12-1968 2-18-1946 6-1942 4-16-1962 10-13-1947 8-7-1967 10-1938 6-1947 6-1937 Comments California divorce Onslow County criminal action Texas divorce 118 Plaintiff (Complainant) White, Carl D. White, Carrie Mae White, Christine White, Dallas White, David H. White, Elizabeth Wetherington White, Evelyn Sullivan White, Inez White, James White, Johnnie W. White, Lovit Leo White, Mabel White, Mae White, Martha A. White, Myrtle Lee White, Paulette Hill White, Ruth Clark White, Voilet Jean Whitehead, Bobby Whitehead, Marjorie E. Whitehead, William H. Whitehead, William Henry Whitfield, Adell Langston Whitfield, Alphonsus Whitfield, Artie Whitfield, Beatrice Whitfield, Claudius Whitfield, Daisy Lee Bell Whitfield, James Whitfield, Lewis Defendant White, Gradys Grace Vernon, and Jack Vernon, Guardian ad litem for Gladys Grace Vernon White, a minor. White, Jesse White, Lonnie Harold White, Maggie Hardy White, Ethel White, David H. White, Roland Odell White, Robert H. White, Mary Starnes White, Sudie S. White, Peggy Dail White, William Hawes White, J. R. White, William White, Roland Odell White, Bobby Ray White, Willie White, Leslie Wayne Whitehead, Mary Stephen Whitehead, James (Jimmy) B. Whitehead, Laurine McClure Whitehead, Beulah McCaskill Whitfield, Stephen Whitfield, Elsie Whitfield, Jocie Whitfield, Lathan Whitfield, Ethel Williams Whitfield, William Russell Whitfield, Jane Quinn Whitfield, Willie Judgment # Filed D-2010 10-27-1952 D-2685 D-1729 D-858 D-4 D-2112 D-2383 D-994 D-1973 D-1562 D-3486 D-1141 D-40 D-2962 D-3664 D-3214 D-3243 D-2488 D-2768 D-977 D-1417 D-3503 D-167 D-2353 D-662 D-2248 D-2046 D-1171 Comments 8-22-1960 10-31-1949 11-9-1942 4-9-1941 11-16-1953 9-1956 12-1943 6-10-1952 2-19-1948 8-7-1967 12-1944 5-1925 1880 6-24-1963 9-9-1968 8-23-1965 11-15-1965 1-1958 6-19-1961 11-1943 11-1946 9-11-1967 1899 4-1929 5-28-1956 1-1940 2-28-1955 3-16-1953 2-1945 119 Plaintiff (Complainant) Whitfield, Louis Whitfield, Mack Whitfield, Rachel Whitfield, Rebecca D. Whitfield, Ruth H. Whitfield, Sam Whitfield, Troy Lee Whitfield, W. D. Whitley, Frank Whitley, Inez Grady Whitley, Myra Jo M. Whitley, William Whitton, Sylvan Wiggins, Annetta Vivian Wiggins, Betty Jo Wiggins, Emma Wiggins, George Thomas, by his next friend Callie M. Wiggins Wiggins, Lottie Ruth Wiggins, Martha Moore Wiggins, Mary Elizabeth Wiggins, Patsy Moore, by her next friend, Talsie E. Moore, Individually Wiggins, Roy Wiggins, Shirley Taylor Wiggins, William Hassel Wiley, Ellen, by her next friend, Alice Moody Defendant Whitfield, Lorena Whitfield, Mary Ann Whitfield, Guy Whitfield, Stephen, Jr. Whitfield, Elmer S. Whitfield, Odessa Loftin Whitfield, Laura Jones Whitfield, Annie Whitley, Florence Loomis Whitley, Ben Whitley, Willard O. Whitley, Dorothy Ann Whitton, Pearl Wiggins, Clifton Wiggins, Gene Rodger Wiggins, Sweetie C. Wiggins, Anda Lee Spence, appearing by and through her Guardian ad Litem, Fred W. Harrison Wiggins, Thomas Henry Wiggins, Albert Lewis Wiggins, Albert Lewis Wiggins, Joe Allen, by his Guardian ad Litem, F. W. Harrison Wiggins, Lenora Davis Wiggins, Joe Allen Wiggins, Bobbie Sue Pittman, a Minor, by her Guardian ad Litem, Robert Pittman Wiley, Tessie Judgment # D-478 D-17 D-1090 D-1852 D-2940 D-1282 D-1801 D-378 D-1040 D-2780 D-2303 D-679 D-3613 D-3341 D-164 D-3071 Filed 10-1936 2-1925 10-1944 2-26-1951 3-25-1963 1-1946 9-25-1950 1883 12-10-1934 4-1944 8-21-1961 10-10-1955 4-1940 6-10-1968 6-20-1966 2-1929 6-22-1964 D-1887 D-923 D-2009 D-2454 9-10-1951 6-1943 10-27-1952 2-11-1956 D-2920 D-3188 D-3183 1-14-1963 8-9-1965 8-9-1965 D-290 10-18-1933 Comments 120 Plaintiff (Complainant) Wiley, Mary Harris Wiley, Rosa Grady Wilkerson, Lossie Mae Wilkins, Felda Davis, an infant, 16 years of age, by her next friend W. G. Davis Wilkins, Lena May Byrd Wilkins, Lillie Banks Wilkinson, Betty C., a minor, by her next friend, Sudie Carlyle Wilkinson, George W. Wilkinson, Opal R. William, Link Junia Williams, Annie Rose Williams, Betty Daly Williams, Claudie Ray Williams, Dorothy Rhue Williams, Earlene Tice Williams, Emanuel Williams, Fred S. Williams, Henry Williams, Henry Smith Williams, Hilda Simmons Williams, Ida Williams, Inez Williams, Isaac Williams, J. W. Williams, James Williams, John Oliver Williams, Lewis Williams, Margaret G. Williams, Marie Sutton Williams, Mary Defendant Wiley, Golden R. Wiley, Thurman Wilkerson, Harvey C. Wilkins, Grover Judgment # D-1126 D-2030 D-575 D-624 Filed 12-11-1944 1-19-1953 6-1938 5-15-1939 Wilkins, Mack Wilkins, James F. Wilkinson, Bobby Ray D-1689 D-727 D-3114 4-25-1949 2-1941 11-30-1964 Wilkinson, Emily B. Wilkinson, Frederick William, Anna Marie Williams, Bert Murphy Williams, Aaron Williams, Minnie Thomas Williams, Thomas Joseph Williams, Jethro, Jr. Williams, Daisy K. Williams, Thides Moye Williams, Lillie May Williams, Lois Patterson Maxwell Williams, George Oliver Williams, John Williams, Jarvis Williams, Bertha Williams, Shelby F. Williams, Ophelia Williams, Ellen Marie Williams, Lizzie Williams, Gerald E. Williams, Robert Williams, John H. D-2094 D-1964 D-3712 D-2640 D-1627 D-3637 D-1882 D-3143 D-1746 D-2734 D-542 D-3581 D-3013 D-985 D-9 D-185 D-229 D-48 D-970 9-28-1953 5-20-1952 5-13-1969 12-14-1959 1-1-1948 8-8-1968 8-20-1951 3-15-1965 1-27-1950 1-16-1961 12-1937 3-11-1968 11-18-1963 12-1943 11-1924 10-1929 9-1931 8-27-1925 11-1943 1880 8-9-1965 6-18-1956 9-12-1949 D-3179 D-2364 D-1717 Comments 121 Plaintiff (Complainant) Williams, Mary Elizabeth Williams, Mary Ellen Williams, Melba Williams, Mollie Hines Williams, Naomi Wooten Williams, Noah H. Williams, Peggy Ruth Williams, Raymond Williams, Retha Heath Williams, Richard Williams, Roger Williams, Ruby Connor Williams, Ruby Mae Williams, Tossie Murphy Williams, Verna Mae Williams, Vieletta Williams, Willie Mae Aytch, a minor, by her next friend, Inez Williams Williams, Woodrow Wilson Williams, Wyatt, Jr. Williams, Zora Williamson, Amanda B. Williamson, Mamie Willis, Minnie Belle Willoughby, Dorothy K. Willoughby, Junie Wilson, Daniel Wilson, Effie Lee Wilson, Elsie Ruth Wilson, Etta Thompson Wilson, James Henry Wilson, Joyce McLawhon Defendant Williams, James Hardy Williams, Henry Williams, Harvey Williams, Carlton Leo Williams, James Tom Williams, Mildred Cherry Williams, Frank Williams, Malissa Mitchell Williams, Elert Williams, Mary Williams, Etta White Williams, Chester Van Williams, Horace Williams, Herbert Williams, Robert Lee Williams, McKinley Williams, Dan, Jr. Judgment # D-1290 D-1802 D-2408 D-3530 D-2669 D-1928 D-2289 D-1888 D-3405 D-625 D-785 D-1585 D-2237 D-2170 D-2472 D-3012 D-2022 Filed 1-21-1946 9-25-1950 12-10-1956 11-13-1967 5-23-1960 1-21-1952 8-22-1955 9-10-1951 1-16-1967 5-1939 1-1942 6-7-1948 1-24-1955 6-7-1954 10-21-1957 11-18-1963 11-24-1952 Williams, Emmie Wilson Williams, Sarah Elizabeth Williams, Milford Williamson, Isaac Williamson, Herbert K. Willis, Harold L. Willoughby, Richard E. Willoughby, Richard Herman Wilson, Leona W. Wilson, John O. Wilson, John Monroe Wilson, Claude Wilson, Annie Belle Nunn Wilson, Billy Louis D-1655 D-1088 D-3080 D-1704 D-116 D-1315 D-3427 D-1574 D-1735 D-546 D-957 D-1914 D-3221 D-3073 1-27-1949 10-1944 8-10-1964 6-13-1949 11-1927 4-8-1946 4-10-1967 4-19-1948 11-7-1949 1-24-1938 9-1943 11-26-1951 9-13-1965 8-10-1964 Comments 122 Plaintiff (Complainant) Wilson, Kathleen Buck Wilson, Margaret Virginia Wilson, Mildred Wilson, Pauline Wilson, Roger Lee Wilson, Willie Webster Winfield, Carrie Winfree, Louise Wingate, Ruth Wood, Billie, a minor by her next friend, Alvin Outlaw Wood, Doris F. Wood, Emma Williams Wood, Hattie Mae Wood, James H. Wood, Patricia Ann Thompson Wood, W. M. Woodall, Ruth E. Woodard, Betty Lou Burkett Woodard, Judy Newton Woodard, Nan Lucas Woodring, Eugene Woods, Jimmima Woody, Hattie Wooten, Bessie Wooten, Frances R. Defendant Wilson, Oscar W. Wilson, James Woodrow Wilson, Isaac Wilson, Carl Wilson, Helen Ruth Wilson, Geneva Lottie Winfield, Paul Winfree, C. J. Wingate, John Wood, Harold T. Judgment # D-1446 D-3283 D-1276 D-1185 D-3097 D-1134 D-347 D-466 D-1398 D-1350 Filed 2-6-1947 5-26-1964 12-1945 4-1945 10-19-1964 12-1944 5-1934 8-27-1936 9-23-1946 5-1946 Wood, Milton H. Wood, Theodore Roosevelt Wood, Walter Mack Wood, Frances Howard Wood, Kirby Whitford, Jr. Wood, Anna Woodall, Kenneth M. Woodard, William Frank Woodard, George Robert Woodard, William T. Woodring, Hazel G. Woods, Garfield Woody, Homer O. Wooten, Bill Wooten, A. W. D-3416 D-1372 D-2443 D-2036 D-3181 D-1924 D-3250 D-3564 D-3703 D-2991 D-2318 D-820 D-1117 D-441 D-792 2-13-1967 6-24-1946 6-17-1957 1-21-1953 8-9-1965 1-21-1952 11-18-1965 1-22-1968 1-27-1969 10-14-1963 12-12-1955 6-1942 11-1944 2-1936 4-30-1934 Wooten, Josephine Atkinson Wooten, Jurden Wooten, Mattie Wooten, Retha Askew Wooten, Roy L. Wooten, John Junior Wooten, Lillie Lewis Wooten, Bill Wooten, Robert Keith Wooten, Bonnie D. D-2216 D-3263 D-1832 D-1029 D-2876 11-8-1954 1-10-1966 1-22-1951 4-10-1944 8-17-1959 Comments Mecklenburg County divorce Carteret County divorce 123 Plaintiff (Complainant) Wooten, Simon Worden, Myrtle T. Worley, Ruby Armstrong Worthington, Annie Lee Worthington, I. T. Worthington, Katie Lue Barrow Worthington, Lottie Worthington, Margaret E., by her next friend, A. C. Mellus Worthington, Mary Lily Worthington, Rebecca Bloom Worthington, Wardie Wright, Oswald Richard Wright, Rachel H. Wynn, Walter Xanthos, A. K. Yachik, Theodore R. Younger, Eula Mae Zrakas, Blue Bell Barfield Zrakas, Nick K. Zubia, Dorothy Garner Defendant Wooten, Polly Ann Worden, Al Worley, Patrick H. Worthington, Isaac Thomas Worthington, Flora D. Worthington, George Linwood Earl Worthington, George Worthington, Kenneth D. Judgment # Filed 1892 D-659 12-11-1939 D-2711 10-24-1960 D-1576 5-10-1948 D-602 11-1938 D-2423 4-15-1957 D-1027 4-1944 D-132 2-1928 Worthington, I. T. Worthington, G. L. Worthington, Bertha Wright, Margaret Smith Wright, Merritt W. Wynn, Fannie Moore Xanthos, Liese Yachik, Carlotta J. Younger, George Aldridge Zrakas, Nicholas K. Zrakas, Daisy W. White Zubia, Frank D-1015 D-638 D-415 D-3124 D-2683 D-2269 D-234 D-2019 D-1820 D-2903 D-838 D-1042 Comments 2-1944 8-1939 9-1935 1-11-1965 8-22-1960 5-23-1955 11-1931 11-10-1952 11-13-1950 11-9-1962 9-1942 4-1944 124
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