Her Eminence Mindrolling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche


Her Eminence Mindrolling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche
Her Eminence Mindrolling Jetsün
Khandro Rinpoche
Teaching on the Nine Yanas with emphasis on the Three
Inner Tantras as an Introduction to Vajrayana Buddhism
Meditation Retreat at Hotel Svratka
19 - 21 October 2013
We are honored and delighted to announce that Her Eminence Jetsün
Khandro Rinpoche graciously accepted the invitation of Samten Tse
Prague Meditation Centre and agreed to bestow the precious teachings in
the Czech Republic again this year.
Her Eminence Mindrolling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche
Her Eminence Mindrolling Jetsün Khandro
Rinpoche was born the eldest daughter of
Kyabje Mindrolling Trichen, the Supreme
throne holder of the Mindrolling lineage, one
of the six main Nyingma lineages of Tibetan
Buddism. Rinpoche was also recognized as
the incarnation of the great Khandro Ugyen
Tsomo of Tsurphu by His Holiness the 16th
Gyalwang Karmapa and in this way holds both
the Nyingma and the Kagyu Lineages.
Rinpoche received extensive training and
teachings from a very young age from some
of the greatest masters of Tibetan Buddhsim
of our age such Kyabje Mindrolling Trichen,
Kyabje Dilgo Khenste Rinpoche, Kyabje
Tulzhig Rinpoche, Kyabje Taklung Tsetrul
Rinpoche, Kyabje Tulku Ugyen Rinpoche and
Kyabje Tenga Rinpoche. Today, Rinpoche
teaches widely around the world, leads several
monasteries, nunneries and retreat centers and
also directs many charitable projects.
Topic and translation of the teachings
This year’s teaching will be a continuation of previous years topics and will cover the theme of 9
yanas with emphasis on three inner tantras as an entrance to vajrayana buddhism. The course is
the third one in a systematic cycle of explanations of the teachings of all three yanas – Hinayana,
Mahayana, and Vajrayana.
The teachings will be in English provided with Czech translation.
Place of the Reatreat: Svratka Hotel
Due to the fact that the retreat will be held in
October and the weather can already be quite
cold, we have chosen the Svratka Hotel as a
venue for the program. (www.hotel-svratka.
The hotel is situated in the little town of
Svratka, located between two bigger towns
Žďár nad Sázavou and Hlinsko. From both of
these bigger towns there is a bus connection to
Svratka. The hotel is marked in the map below
by a red arrow with letter „A“.
Address: Hotel Svratka, Na Vyhlídce 41,
Svratka 592 02
GPS coordinate of the hotel: 49°42’47.559”N,
If you are planning to come by public transport
(bus) and you will need help to get to Svratka
hotel, please contact us by phone (see contact
numbers below) or email us as soon as
© Samten Tse Praha 2013
Accommodation and meals
Accommodation will be provided in the hotel
(rooms for 3 – 5 people) for majority of the
guests. Smaller number of guests will be
accommodated in heated bungalows next to
the hotel (for 2 – 4 people). In the registration
form, you can fill in the names of the people
you would like to stay with. The teaching
sessions will take place in the conference hall of
the hotel. (therefore you will not need any extra
warm clothes). For participants of the retreat,
we are providing fully vegetarian food. There
is a swimming pool available for free to all the
guests as well.
Please leave your dogs, cats and other pets
at home.
Course schedule
Friday 18 October: 4 – 8pm.
Arrival of participants, registration, accommodation. Please note that food is not provided for this
day, but you can get a dinner in the hotel restaurant on your own.
Saturday – Monday / 19 – 21 October:
Teachings (two per day), meditation practice.
The program will end on Monday after the afternoon teachings. Breakfast and lunch will be provided
on the last day.
The price for the program remains the same as
in the past years: 4,300 CZK with payment of a
deposit of 2,000 CZK by 15th September. The
remaining amount is to be paid in cash during
registration upon arrival. Please send the deposit
to our bank account: 2000124205/2010. As
the variable symbol please write your phone
number. Also, please do not forget to write your
name and surname as a note for the recipient in
the payment details.
The price after the 15th September is 4,700
CZK and is to be paid in cash at registration.
After the 10th September, we ask you to please
not send money to our account.
If you can come only for a part of the
program (which we do not recommend because
the teachings will be given as a whole), the
price for one day including food is 1,600
CZK. Please make a note this in the registration
The price for one person includes the
program fee, accommodation and vegetarian
food. If you have friends or family members
who will accompany you to the program, but
will not participate in the teachings, the price
for this person will be 700 CZK/for one night
(the price includes accommodation and meals).
Please mention anyone who will accompany
you in your registration form, and payment for
these people will be made at registration.
Please register online at: www.samtentse.cz/en/
Telephone number: +420 777 007 543
Email: info@samtentse.cz
© Samten Tse Praha 2013