

Convention 2011: Ready to
Rock Las Vegas!
NCOA Presents the
“Pop, Rockin’ and Blues Review”
See Page 14
Vol. 3 2011
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NCOA Online Journal • Volume 3, 2011
From NCOA Capital Office: Presidential Election Campaign of 2012
starts.................................................................................................................. 2
The National Defense Authorization Act, FY2012:
A Summary.........................................................................................................6
Veterans Benefits Administration Update...........................................................7
NCOA Regional Chapters of the Year.................................................................8
Supporting Deployed Families
• Air Academy Chapter hosts monthly dinners for families of deployed
Michigan Chapters: Great News from the Great Lakes....................................12
Dragon Hill Chapter Sponsors Youth Fun Day..................................................13
Did You Know?: Fun Facts about our Convention host city, Las Vegas...........14
NCOA Convention 2011: Looking Forward
• There’s still time to mail in your proxy ballots!................................................15
Out and About in Las Vegas Things to do........................................................16
President: 12th Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps H. Gene Overstreet (Ret); Chairman of the Board: SgtMaj Paul W. Siverson,
USMC (Ret); Executive Vice President/Chairman, Finance & Audit Committee: CSM Tony R. Franklin, USA (Ret); Treasurer:SGM
Nick Lapajenko, USA (Ret); Secretary: MSgt Robert L. Barnett,
USAF (Ret).
MCPO Terry M. Haines, USNR (Ret); MSgt Vincent T. Johnson,
Sr., USAF (Ret); SGM Joe Terry, USA (Ret).
International Chaplain MSG Kent M. Tucker, USA (Ret)
SSgt Cliff “Scoop” Davis, USAF (Ret)
SMA Raymond L.Chandler, USA; Sergeant Major of the Marine
Corps Michael Barrett, USMC; MCPON Rick D. West, USN; CMSAF James A. Roy, USAF; MCPOCG Michael P. Leavitt, USCG.
CSM John Gipe, USARNG, Chairman; CSM Michael Shults,
USAR; SgtMaj Kim Davis, USMCR; FORCM (FMF) Ronney
Wright, USNR; CMSgt Dwight Badgett, USAFR; CSM Richard
Burch, ARNG; CMSgt Christopher E. Muncy, ANG; and MCPO
Jeffrey D. Smith, USCGR.
The Non Commissioned Officers Association of the United States
of America is a fraternal, nonprofit organization with International Headquarters at 9330 Corporate Drive, Suite 701, Selma, TX
78154; (210) 653-6161.The NCOA Journal is published for the
information and enjoyment of Association members. Views and
opinions expressed are those of author or source of material and
do not necessarily reflect the opinions, views or endorsements of
NCOA or the Board of Directors. All materials in the NCOA Journal are protected by copyright. Editorial materials may be reproduced if the source is credited. National Capital Office: P.O. Box
427, Alexandria, VA 22313; (703) 549-0311.
International Auxiliary Executive Committee: Rose Lapajenko,
President, Ronda Smith, Vice President; Dianne Carnahan, Secretary; Alda Ashford, Treasurer. Board Members: Vicki Cope and
Patricia Weaver.
Knights of the Square Table: Grand Knight, Sir Curt Schummacher, OE; Grand Knight Elect, Sir Marv Weaver, Sr., OE; Exchequer, Sir Ted Pilihos, OE; Scribe, Sir Bill Billings, Jr, OE.
EDITORIAL: The NCOA Journal Managing Editor: Jessica
Braud. Editorial contributions of articles and photos are welcome.
Send them via email to:
ADVERTISING: Advertisers: Contact J&S Publications at 8220
Hilton Road, Gaithersburg, MD 20882, E-mail - Phone - (301) 482-0720, Fax - (310) 482-0726.
Unless clearly indicated as NCOA-sponsored, paid advertising in
the NCOA Journal is not endorsed by the NCOA. (06/11)
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Here We Go Again: The Presidential
Election Campaign of 2012 Has Started!
By Richard C. Schneider
NCOA Executive Director Government Affairs
• Few Presidential candidates are currently announced.
• Every Member of the House of Representatives is up for reelection.
• The future status of the Senate will be
decided by the voters as many Senate seats will be up for election.
• The actions of all political incumbents
during the next 18 months may well be
evaluated by their voters.
Voter issues of concern to constituents
are well known and all are Budget and
Money driven:
• The Economy,
• The National Deficit,
• The High Unemployment Rate,
• Healthcare,
• War and ever-expanding Military
• And, Illegal Immigration.
The large number of self-declared
individual voters as Independents and
the emergence of the Tea Party on the
political scene share the above issues.
Their concern with the economy, national deficit, and unemployment was
evident as elected officials finalized the
FY2011 Federal Budget in April 2011
(left unfinished by the 111th Congress).
It’s also evident as strong debate on
the FY2012 Federal Budget Process is
heating up to reduce Federal Appropriated spending. Money related to the
budget is also contributing to the need
to increase the national Debt Ceiling,
and also the question of Tax revenue
How is money saved? Obviously, by
eliminating programs and cutting costs
of selected other programs.Already, defense, Medicare and healthcare costs
are being looked at because of the huge
budget savings. Many issues will be
a part of the process that leads to the
2012 Elections.
NCOA – Non Partisan Private
The Non Commissioned Officers Association of the United States of America is a nonpartisan private association
and as such does not endorse political
candidates for elected offices. NCOA
may host activities that afford all candidates for office an equal opportunity to
present their views and perspectives on
issues as an educational opportunity for
its members. All invited political candidates must receive equal invitation,
treatment, and acknowledgement as a
candidate for public office without endorsement. Candidates who do not accept the invitation to participate in such
forums may be referred to only on the
basis of declination with no personal
remarks afforded.
All citizens have the right to support
the candidates of their choice in the
political arena with their campaign donations, and most importantly their individual election ballots. Members of
NCOA or our International Auxiliary
cannot use their membership status as
an organizational endorsement of a political party or candidate.
NCOA National Capital Office
Legislative Alerts
The Association needs to strengthen
its grassroots lobbying capacity now for
the remainder of the 112th Congress.
America and its democratic processes
are unparalleled in the world with the
rights of a voting constituent to share
their views with their elected official on
legislative issues that will be discussed
in the two Chambers of Congress.
We as individual voters must never
forget that “WE ARE THE PEOPLE”
that our elected officials are supposed
to represent, and they need to hear our
perspectives on issues that are important to us. And, equally important in
the current election climate, they realize that their constituents elected them
to office in their past election and that
their performance of duty and the privilege to serve “WE THE PEOPLE” can
as easily be “revoked” in the upcoming
Membership and Grass Roots
Members give political strength when
the Association speaks or corresponds
with elected officials.We have often
asked that every member be a recruiter
for NCOA and International Auxiliary.
This is really important! Membership
numbers are an indication of political
“strength in unity.”
NCOA’s Legislative e-team is grassroots support of the Association’s national legislative issues. The National
Capital Office (NATCO) sends out Legislative Alerts to all who have signed up
as an Action E-List Legislative Supporter.
Supporters respond through the Association’s Legislative Action Center directly to their elected officials on issues
important to them and the NCOA. The
messages that NATCO provides allow
each individual to edit the text, adding
their own thoughts, and personal “opinion” to the content of their email. They
can also print the letter and mail it to
their official’s Washington or local office. This grassroots involvement sends
a very loud wakeup call to elected officials on matters that are currently before
the House and Senate, or share directly
with the President information deemed
important for America’s warriors, veterans, (Continued on page 4)
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support from USAA for this sponsorship. © 2011 USAA. XXXXXX-0711
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Job: USF483
Title: NCOA July Legacy Print Ad
Date: 5/4/11_4:09 PM
Page: Single
(Continued from page 2), retirees, their
families and survivors. Each email is an
important part of the process to ensure
the message is heard loud and clear.
People do not have to be a member
of NCOA or our International Auxiliary to be a partner in the Legislative
E-Team. All who seek a strong National Defense, the safeguarding of this
Nation’s basic freedoms, as well as the
care of those of active duty, Guard and
Reserve Components of the Uniformed
Services, retirees, veterans, their families and survivors are welcome to join
the e-list. You can recruit the voting
aged members of your extended family
as well as neighbors and friends to support people who serve or have served in
the Armed Forces, Guard, and Reserve
Join us in the effort, sign up for the
Grassroots Legislative e-team at: http://
Undoubtedly, the 112th Congress has
a strong mandate to “cut” the budget,
reduce the deficit, spark employment,
and move the economy forward. Legislatively, the grassroots movement must
be heard in this process!
Tricare Offers Coverage for Eligible
Young Adults Under 26
Dependent eligibility for TRICARE
previously ended at age 21, or age 23
for full-time college students. Similar
to provisions in the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, TRICARE Young Adult (TYA) extends the
opportunity for young adults to continue TRICARE healthcare coverage, as
long as their sponsor is still eligible for
Complete information and application forms are available at http://www.;js
TRICARE officials encourage beneficiaries to explore all possible health care
plan options and costs when choosing a
plan that best meets their needs.
Those considering TYA should determine eligibility prior to completing
and sending in the application. The application and payment of three months
of premiums can be dropped off at a
TRICARE Service Center or sent by
mail or faxed directly to the appropriate
regional healthcare contractor.
TRICARE officials
encourage beneficiaries
to explore all possible health
care plan options and
costs when choosing
a plan that best meets
their needs.
Beneficiaries can find out where to send
their form and payment by filling out
the simple profile at to
get information tailored to their specific
location. Once the initial payment is
made, monthly premiums must be paid
in advance through automated electronic payment.
When the application is processed,
TRICARE coverage will begin the first
day of the following month.
Those eligible for TYA who have been
saving receipts since 1/1/2011, in anticipation of the new program, can also
pay all premiums back to January to
purchase coverage retroactively.
After receiving the welcome letter
and enrollment card, dependents along
with their sponsor are encouraged to
visit uniformed services identification
(ID) card issuing facility to obtain a
dependent ID card. The card will assist
in identifying the dependent as eligible
for healthcare, prescriptions, and access
to military installations. Local ID card
facilities can be found through a link at
The signing of the National Defense
Authorization Act in January 2011,
brought TRICARE in line with the provisions of the 2010 Patient Protection
and Affordable Care Act, and enabled
the extension of excellent TRICARE
coverage to this new group. To get ealerts on TYA and other TRICARE
news, sign up at
National Cemetery Administration
(NCA) Comments on the Recently
Passed FY 2011 Budget
The Department of Veterans Affairs
FY 2011 Budget was finally passed by
the 112th Congress on April 15, 2011
ending a series of Continuing Resolutions that kept the Federal Government
funded at a reduced level of need for
over six months of the fiscal year.
The passage of the “late” Annual Appropriation Bill funded the National
Cemetery Administration at $445.8
Million at the last minute:
• Prevented the need to furlough some
employees had the Government “shut
• Resulted in a.2% rescission in its
discretionary accounts,
• And provided authority for new burial
NCOA applauds the new burial policies which will enable the NCA’s to
fulfill a strategic goal to provide access
to a burial option to 94% of the Veteran population within 75-miles of their
The current policy provided for only
90% of the population. The new policy
will lower the Veteran population required to build a new National Cemetery from 170,000 to 80,000.
That change will result in the eventual
construction of five National Cemeteries that will provide the burial option to
an additional 550,000 Veterans and eligible family members.
Veteran population locations that will
benefit from the burial internment policy change include: Central East FL,
Omaha NE, Western NY, Southern CO,
and Tallahassee FL.
VA Burial Eligibility for Certain
Parents - Corey Shea Act
Public Law 111-275 passed on October 13, 2010 (Continued on page 6)
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(Continued from page 4) authorizes the Department of Veterans Affairs to extend burial eligibility in VA National Cemeteries to the parents
of certain deceased service members in the
same grave with their deceased service member
child. Parent eligibility is not retroactive.
The service member must meet each of the following requirements:
• Died on or after October 7, 2001, as a hostile
casualty or from training related injuries,
• Îs interred in a VA National Cemetery, in a
gravesite with available space,
• And, has no spouse, surviving spouse, or child
who is buried, or who upon death, may be eligible for burial in a VA National Cemetery.
The parent must be a biological or legally
adoptive parent who died on or after October
13, 2010. All eligibility determinations will be
made at the time of need.
Newly Opened State Veteran Cemeteries
The Department of Veterans Affairs established a State Cemetery Grants
Service in 1978 to assist states, territories and tribal governments to establish, expand and improve state and tribal government cemeteries. VA
provides 100% of development cost and since 1980 has awarded more
than $438 Million for the construction of 79 cemeteries in 38 states,
Guam and Saipan. In FY 2010 there were 27,845 internments at State
Veteran Cemeteries.
The FY2011 Budget Request for the Grants Service Program is $46 Million. The newest State Cemeteries include:
Ft Leonard Wood, MO
August 11, 2010
Grayson (Greenup County), KY October 1, 2010
Alliance, NE
January 21, 2011
Dublin, VA
May 6, 2011
Newton, MS
May 30, 2011
Under Construction
Corpus Christi, TX
Fall 2011
Birdeye, AR
Fall 2011
Leesville, LA
Spring 2012
Charleston, WV
Spring 2012
National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) FY2012
The House Armed Services Committee (HASC) completed and approved
the House version of the NDAA
FY2012 on May 12, 2011. As of May
16, 2011, the Bill has yet to be approved by the House of Representatives. Selected extracts from the full
Committee Markup are of special interest to NCOA members:
Military Pay:
Provide a 1.6% pay increase as opposed to the Subcommittee request for
1.5% for active duty and reserve pay.
NCOA sent a Grassroots Legislative
Action Alert through its e-list to House
Members proposing a 1.7% pay raise. TRICARE:
Although the Military Personnel Subcommittee recommended no fee increase, the full Committee voted a TRICARE Prime fee increase in FY2012
of $30 a year for individuals and $60, a
year for families. NCOA sent a Grassroots Legislative Action Alert to House
Members supporting the Subcommittees recommendation of a prohibition
of a fee increase. The Committee
capped fees in future years to the limit
authorized in the retiree annual cost of
living allowance.
Prescription Medications and Pharmacy Co-Pays:
No Co-Pay for generic home delivery
while requiring a fee increase for generic retail pharmacy from $3.00 to
$5.00. Brand name drugs increased to
$12.00 and home delivery Co-Pay will
be $9.00. Non-formulary new Co-Pay
will increase from $22.00 to $25.00.
Widow’s Tax:
No change in the prohibition of concurrent receipt of widow’s DoD Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) annuity and
the Dependency and Indemnification
Compensation (DIC). While the long
denied Concurrent Receipt of SBP/
DIC benefits, the full Committee has
once again continued the Special Survivor Indemnity Allowance (SSIA) for
those widows impacted by the required
offset. The proposal also extends that
a graduated payment be continued
through 2021 which seems to signal
no foreseeable end in the short term of
the Widow’s Tax. A continued national
token SSIA payment is, in the perspective of NCOA, unconscionable and
certainly does not reflect the historic
words of Lincoln “to care for them who
shall have borne the battle and for his
widow and his orphan.” Hopefully, review of NDAA by the entire House and
the continuation of the legislative process in the Senate may yet move this issue to a more positive resolution. Currently the SSIA out of HASC stands at
$163.00 a month and with continuation
of annual rates through 2021 as would
be authorized by NDAA. The NCOA
Grassroots Legislative Action Alert
through its e-list to House Members
Redesignation of the Department of
the Navy:
The Committee proposed changing
the name to Department of the Navy
and Marine Corps! There is history associated with the existing Department
of the Navy name to many people. The
existing name reflected the Navy as the
second senior (Continued on page 7)
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(Continued from page 6) longest serving military force and the placement of
the Marine Corps within the Department of the Navy. Historically, a Navy
reorganization resulted in a “stand
down” of the Navy which resulted in
its reorganization on the following day.
That one day “stand down” resulted in
the Marine Corps becoming the second
longest serving military component of
the Armed Forces. Needless to say,
there are many advocates on both sides
of this issue. It will be interesting to
watch this item through the entire legislative process.
Security Protocols Governing Terrorist Detainees:
Prohibit use of funds to construct or
modify facilities in the United States,
its’ territories, or possessions to house
any detainee transferred from US Naval Station Guantanamo Bay Cuba.
Prohibit family members’ visitation of
detainees at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Prohibit the transfer or release of detainees to or within the US, its’ territories or possessions.
The House Committee’s Markup of
the NDAA marks the beginning of the
Legislative process to formulate the
FY2012 Authorizations – a process
which will be strongly debated in the
House as well as the Senate before
an eventual Conference Committee
between the two Chambers will reconcile a final Bill. The full Committee Markup may be viewed at: http://
Make sure your voice is heard SIGN UP and become a member of the
NCOA Grassroots Legislative e-team
Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) Update
Compensation and Pension (C&P)
C&P was reorganized effective April
11, 2011 based on significant work
load increases into two distinct elements which are now designated:
1. Compensation (21) - Allow Compensation Service to focus exclusively
on issues relating to service-connected
compensation, and
2. Pension and Fiduciary (21PF) – to
focus on the unique needs of beneficiaries receiving pension and the oversight needed for vulnerable beneficiaries in the fiduciary program. Pension
workload has experienced a 25-30%
increase in annual volumes in recent
years. The fiduciary program has over
113,000 wards on its rolls and is averaging a 1.3% monthly increase in fiduciary wards.
Combat-Related Special Compensation (CRSC) and Concurrent Receipt Retirement and Disability Pay
VA stopped making upfront CRSC/
CRDP pay adjustments on April 13,
2011 as many veterans had been overpaid in the process. The overpayments
added another workload factor in collections. VA recognized that it did not
have all necessary information required
to make the correct calculation for and
accurate adjustment in pay.
Environmental Issue – Camp Lejeune
VBA noted in an update briefing on
May 12, 2011 that the drinking water at
Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune was
contaminated between 1957 and 1987.
The contamination resulted from volatile organic compounds including
tricholoethylene (TCE), tetracholoethylene (PCE), benezene, and vinyl chloride. Potentially one million people
affected. The Louisville VA Regional
Office received specialized training on
this issue and will process all veteran
disability compensation claims associated with the Lejeune contaminated
drinking water.
House Veterans Subcommittee Oversight and Investigations “Reboot”
Hearing on VA IT Strategy for 21st
The Subcommittee held a hearing
on May 11, 2011 seeking a progress
report from VA on IT improvements
following recent increased funding and
staffing. “More than four years have
passed since the Dole-Shalala Commission recommended a shared DoD/
VA database for transitioning veterans,” stated Bill Johnson, Chairman
of the Subcommittee on Oversight and
Investigations. “And yet today, despite
advances in technology and increased
funding, VA has yet to implement, or
even begin to implement, a seamless,
shared data base with the DoD.” VA’s
systems were noted as antiquated for
processing numerous services for veterans, of which many are still paperbased; include benefits to compensation claims to medical records.
Chairman Johnson commended many
of VA’s successes but encouraged more
progress was necessary to ensure efficient utilization of resources. The bottom line to VBA technology should be
the timely service in providing benefits
to veterans. The Subcommittee will
continue it’s oversight to secure better
program management.
Purple Heart Forever Stamp
First Day of Issue
The Honorable Ron Stroman, Deputy
Postmaster General of the U.S. Postal
Service unveiled the “Purple Heart
with Ribbon Forever Stamp” aboard
the USS Midway on May 5, 2011. Mr.
Stroman noted that “with the issuance
of this stamp, the Postal Service, along
with the rest of this nation, can pay
tribute to those whose sacrifices have
given all of us, a country that is truly
the land of the free and the home of the
brave.” The USS Midway is permanently docked as the USS Midway Museum in San Diego and features over
60 exhibits, 27 restored aircraft and a
host of military artifacts.
(VBA Update Continued on page 8)
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(Continued from page 7)
Hiring Heroes Act of 2011
Introduced by Senator Patty Murray
Chairman Patty Murray, Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs introduced
special Veteran Employment Legislation, Hiring Heroes Act of 2011,
on Wednesday, May 11, 2011 to help
America’s Veterans find work noting
that the unemployment rate among
veterans aged 20-24 is over 27%. The
bill would make attendance mandatory at Military Transition Programs
for separating personnel, create a new
direct federal hiring authority so that
more veterans will have jobs waiting
for them on the day when they leave
military service and will improve veteran mentorship programs in the workplace. The proposed legislation would
further require the Department of Labor to further translate military skills
and schools to those recognized in the
public sector.
Mark Up of Veteran Legislation
The House Committee on Veterans Affairs favorably reported six pieces of
amended veteran legislation for full
House consideration on Friday, May
13, 2011. Authorization
included in the legislation would provide:
• Placement of a Jewish War Chaplains
Monument at Arlington National Cemetery
• Provision for a Annual Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA)
• Enforceable penalties for misrepresentation of veteran-owned businesses
• Provisions to correct deficiencies of
the Post 9/11 GI Bill
It is expected that the legislation come
up for vote in the House on May 23,
House Hearing on VA Mental Health
Chairman Jeff Miller, Chairman
House Committee on Veterans Affairs announced May 12th, 2011 that
the Committee would hold a hearing
on mental health programs available
through the Department of Veterans Affairs on June 14th, 2011. The hearing
is based in part on the 9th U.S. Circuit
Court of Appeals ruling on Tuesday,
May 10, 2011 that cited “unchecked
incompetence” by the VA in handling
post-traumatic stress cases. The full
Committee hearing on June 14, 2011
will examine the services available to
veterans suffering from mental trauma,
explore integrative therapies, and question whether VA is employing a holistic
approach across its services to deliver
therapeutic benefits.
NCOA Announces Regional Chapters of the Year
Large and Small Regional Chapter of the Year for 2010 were selected based on the information provided to
Headquarters on the Annual Chapter Operations Report and synopsis of activities for 2010. Our chapters put in
a lot of hard work and volunteer hours each year and it is our pleasure to recognize the efforts of the following
chapters selected as the Large and Small Regional Chapters of the Year for 2010:
Northeastern Region
Five Star - Sterling Heights, MI (L)
Shooting Stars Auxiliary - Sterling Heights, MI (S)
Southeastern Region
Gateway – New Port Richey, FL (L)
Jim Pettit - Fayetteville, NC (S)
Central Region
Air Academy - USAF Academy, CO (L)
Frontier - Cheyenne, WY (S)
Southwestern Region
Excalibur – Abilene, TX (L)
Lady Guinevere Auxiliary – Abilene, TX (S)
Western Region
Pacific Surf – Lompoc, CA (L)
Trails End Auxiliary – Portland, OR area (S)
Pacific Region
Dragon Hill - Yongsan, Korea (L)
Congratulations to these dedicated chapters and their hardworking members. Winners of the Regional Chapter of
the Year awards will be in the running for the coveted 2010 Outstanding Chapter of the Year awards to be presented
on July 13 during the Opening Ceremony at the Convention in Las Vegas.
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Scholarship Fund
Ronald Barrett, Juan Chavez, John
Cook, Kathleen Costello, La Dews,
Charles Grayson, David Johnson,
Francis Langford, Thaddeus Olszewski, Duaine Sanden, John Spooler,
Erinn Watkins and John Zeman
Chapters: Sierra and Tidewater
Medical Fund
Gary Beals, La Dews, John McDonagh, Rudolf Ramirez, Rohde Family Reunion (in memory of Gerald
Rohde) and Duaine Sanden
Chapters: Sierra
Disaster Relief Fund
Joseph Bogan, Lawrence Chisholm,
Federico Dalagan, La Dews, Peter
Evans, Joseph Frankovich, David
Keener, John McDonagh, Ralph
Pugh, Barry Rowlett and Ellen
Chapters: Sierra
NCOA Benevolent Funds in Action
Thanks to the generous donations of our members, NCOA recently provided financial aid assistance for members in need.
NCOA’s Disaster Relief Fund provided financial assistance to an Air Force Staff Sergeant in
Fayetteville, NC, whose husband is currently deployed. The grant was awarded to help offset
hotel and moving expenses after tornados struck the apartment complex where she was living.
Roughly 80% of the apartment complex was condemned following the tornados and was no
longer a safe environment for the Staff Sergeant and the couple’s daughter.
NCOA’s Medical Fund recently provided financial assistance for an Army retiree whose wife
was diagnosed with colon cancer. The couple who reside in North Carolina have been traveling
110 miles 3 times a week for chemo therapy and immune enhancement therapy. They required
assistance with expenses to travel to Missouri for a 2 week course of treatment to aid in their
battle against the cancer.
Donations to the NCOA Disaster Relief Fund and the Medical Fund can be made over the
phone or through the mail. All donations are tax deductable. If you would like to make a donation over the phone, please contact Customer Service at 800-662-2620. By mail:
NCOA Disaster Relief Fund
P.O. BOX 33790
San Antonio, TX 78265
NCOA Medical Fund
P.O. BOX 33790
San Antonio, TX 78265
Lewis Smith, Christopher Nowli
NCOA Auxiliary
Spirit of Sacramento Auxiliary (in
memory of Rose Carvelli)
NCOA Welcomes
Our New
Life Members
New Life Members
Gary Beals, Larry Bechtel, Alan
Castanien, John Gaulin, Walter
Jones, Dennis Labissoniere, Julie
Levingston, Clarence Menhorn,
Joseph Morton, Kathleen O’Keefe,
Walter O’Reilly, Theodore Paulson,
Louis Reigada, David Rush, Mary
Schneider, Alexis Smith, Lewis
Smith, Earl Winders and David
Zeller, Jr.
New Auxiliary
Life Members
Betty Bush, Viola Hollinger and
Sandra Wiggins
A Psychiatric
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Vol3_WorkingDoc.indd 11
6/6/11 11:16:34 AM
Air Academy Chapter
By Sir Jerry Zoebich
NCOA Air Academy Chapter 300
Friday the 11th of February 2011 found
members of Air Academy Chapter 300 in a role
that differed from most of their activities.
Family members enjoying the
Chapter members joined with the Peterson Air Force
Base First Sergeants Council and the Peterson Chaplains Office to support almost 200 family members at a
Deployed Families Dinner.
The Deployed Families Dinner is a monthly event,
generally held on the first Friday of each month. The
purpose is to maintain morale and foster friendships
among the families of deployed service members.
Food, beverages and entertainment are provided.
The program is popular with both attendees and the
groups that support it. Air Academy Chapter members
signed up to support a Deployed Family Dinner over
six months in advance of the actual date. Trustee TSgt
Ray Kinard led the efforts to sign up volunteers and
purchase the food. The Board of Trustees decided to
provide a satisfying meal of Chili, Chili Dogs, Baked
Potatoes, Chicken Nuggets (for the children), salad,
and multiple kinds of cookies for dessert.
The Deployed Families Dinner
is a monthly event, popular
with attendees.
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A monthly event, its purpose is to maintain morale and foster
friendships among the families of deployed service members.
Support for those
who wait...
Clockwise from upper left: Volunteer Roger
Clark filling the candy dishes. Martha
Lovell, chapter volunteer, prepping potatoes
for baking. Sir Jerry Zoebisch takes potatoes
to the oven, while Chapter Trustee TSgt Ray
Kinard stirs a pot of chili.
Chapter Member Pepper Beasley and her husband, Trustee Sir
Joe Beasley, were able to obtain
a generous donation of chili from
a local Wendy’s Franchise. This
particular Wendy’s in Colorado
Springs has a long history of supporting local military functions
and they were more than happy
to provide enough chili, bowls,
napkins and spoons for 50 people.
The remaining menu items were
purchased by Technical Sergeant
Prior to opening the doors the volunteer crew cleaned and wrapped
baking potatoes in aluminum foil,
started a supplemental pot of chili,
set up chairs and tables, set up the
buffet table and put bowls of candies out for all to enjoy throughout the evening.
By 5 p.m., early arrivals began
to show up. There was face painting for children, as well as a table
for the artistic children to demonstrate their abilities. Volunteers
representing “Operation Give-AHug” presented homemade dolls
to children.
Shortly after 6 p.m., Master of
Ceremonies TSgt Kinard, got
things started by introducing the
members of the NCOA Air Academy Chapter who were supporting
the event. After the Benediction
by the Base Chaplain the Colonel
welcomed all attending, noting
that the event supported more than
just the Peterson AFB community.
With more than 4,000 soldiers
deployed from nearby Fort Carson, there were Army families as
well as Air Force families in attendance. Finally came the words
that many were waiting to hear –
“Dinner is Served”.
Children abounded as families
of deployed service members
gathered to talk about the subjects
that all of those who wait will talk
about – the most recent text message from their spouse, how long
before the deployed member returns, what happened over Christmas and New Years and a myriad
of other subjects. Door prizes
were handed out throughout the
As the dinner wound down and
cleanup commenced, Air Academy Chapter members started
chatting about how they were
looking forward to the next time
they would have the opportunity
to serve the Colorado Springs and
Peterson AFB community of deployed family members.
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6/6/11 11:16:41 AM
Great things are
happening in
Great News from our Great Chapters in the Great Lake State
Members of the NCOA chapters in
Michigan are busy as bees – recruiting members, raising funds and collaborating with the Flint and Metro
Detroit chapters and the Auxiliary
chapters on activities that help the
Michigan State Reserve Family support programs and the NCOA Benevolent Funds.
A primary focus of NCOA Michigan
is taking care of veterans. Attesting
to that fact is the tremendous volunteer and support work for the Veterans Service Office at the VA Hospital
in Detroit. The office is manned three
days a week by NCOA chapter volunteers who assist veterans with their
problems in areas including disability, widow/widower assistance, burials, aid and attendance, and appeals
board representation. The volunteers
are always eager to assist and ensure
that everyone leaves satisfied. NCOA
Michigan’s Veteran Service Officers
are George Dolan, Mike Francis, Nick
Lapajenko, Mary Mullally, Charlene
Myers, Lamar Richardson and Isaac
Five Star Chapter members Ed
Schultz and Gerard Kehoe were selected to represent NCOA on the
Michigan National Cemetery Advisory Council. The chapter also had
the honor of donating a bench and
monument to each cemetery.
A monthly newsletter called The
Voice of Michigan NCOA is mailed to
all NCOA members living in the state
of Michigan. It keeps them abreast of
all the latest NCOA news and activities happening throughout the state.
The annual family picnic is held in
August, giving all Michigan members and their families a chance to
visit, rekindle friendships and make
new friends. It is a great event that
helps to promote unity and strength
in the chapters. Plans are already in
the works for this year’s event and it
looks like it is going to be a blast. To
continue the community spirit within
NCOA, an annual formal Christmas
party is held to celebrate the holidays.
There is a three course dinner, open
bar and a military band performing so
that the members can dance the night
away to great music. The Christmas
parties usually have over 200 attendees joining in the celebration.
Last but not least, the Michigan
chapters have been the proud sponsors
for the past three years of a Vanguard
Recipient at the annual convention
banquet and are proud to announce
they will again sponsor a Vanguard
recipient in 2011.
Michigan Christmas-(Left to Right) George Dolan, Gerard Kehoe and Nick
Lapajenko enjoying each other’s company at the 2010 Christmas Party.
The La Petite Femme Auxiliary Chapter Members with Director of
Volunteer Services at the VA Hospital in Detroit.
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6/6/11 11:16:45 AM
Annual Youth FUN DAY
The Dragon Hill Chapter hosts its Eighth Annual Good Neighbor Event
By SGM Joe Terry, USA (Ret)
NCOA Dragon Hill Chapter
Saturday May 7, 2011 started as
a typical early spring day in Yongsan, Korea with a forecast of morning showers and afternoon of clouds
with chances of more showers. Yet
hope reigned forth in our hearts for
a beautiful day. It was the date of the
8th Annual Youth Fun Day hosted
by FMWR Business Operations Division and the Korea Chapter of the
Non Commissioned Officers Association. It turned out to be a “hole in
one” in the hearts of area youth and
grown-ups alike.
the Yongsan Garrison Family Fun
Park. The purpose of the event was
to continue to build community relationships through the Good Neighbor
Chris Vaja and the young ones showing off
the animal balloons.
Looks like a hole in one for this tiny golfer!
Excitement abounds as everyone enjoys
their lunch.
The threat of light rain and overcast
skies didn’t deter more than 90 children and numerous military, civilian, and community volunteers from
gathering for the 8th Annual Youth
Fun Day, a Good Neighbor event at
Our Yongsan Garrison Command
Sergeant Major, John Justis, was in
Participating youths
were from the BOSUNG Girls Middle School, Viva Sports Club, Young
Soo Taekwondo School, Young Jae
Kindergarten class, Seoul American
Middle and High Schools, which included members from the JROTC and
“Bull Dog Ambassadors.”
As the children gathered and began
to sign in and take group photos, it
was as though the Heavens joined
our efforts by erasing the clouds and
pouring out radiant beams of sunlight. Their faces
beamed as participants received a
T-shirt and lunch.
The T-shirts were
provided by ADT
The President of
Bradley Buckwalter, was among
the attendees and
seemed to be having as much fun
as the children. It was so wonderful
to see these children, who are divided
by culture and language, come together in the unity of having fun and
being shown love.
The air was filled with delightful
music provided by Mr. Joe Nieves
and his team. While some children
played miniature golf, others were
fascinated by Mr. Chris Vaja who
worked his magic by creating balloon
animals for the eager young ones.
The face painting provided by Ms.
Monte Howard with some assistance
from our youth from Seoul American
Schools was also another hit with the
All of the participants, from the
youth to the volunteers, left the event
with a sense of awe and admiration
and are excitedly looking forward to
doing this again. Rave reviews came
from the children, facility staff, and
volunteers, making it the talk of the
Chapter Chairman Joe Terry and local youth stopping to take a pic.
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6/6/11 11:16:47 AM
2011 Convention
the “Pop,
and Blues
Popular Traveling Show
Comes To Las Vegas
To Perform at NCOA’s
Vanguard Banquet
“Wow, what a great banquet – how are you
going to top this one?” This comment was made by
many NCOA delegates last year as they exited the Golden Nugget
Grand Ballroom after the Annual Vanguard Tribute Banquet.
Well, according to NCOA Executive Director, Tony Orlando was outstanding and the mission to bring an entertainer in
with more passion for our Armed Forces seemed impossible. So
what to do?
Enter Danny Heller of Gayle Force Entertainment, the man who
has for three years dedicated his services to NCOA in lining up
quality entertainment at unbelievable discounted rates.
“Scoop, I have a great idea and if I can get them to come to Vegas for your event, they will be great for the after dinner show,”
Heller said in a phone conversation three weeks ago. “This group
is touring the country right now and selling out everywhere, however I have to see if they are as Patriotic as you and I and if they
will do the NCOA event within your low budget.”
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“The manager of the “Pop, Rockin’ and Blues Review” and the
cast are indeed Patriotic and they will be our after dinner entertainment this year at our annual Vanguard Tribute Banquet,” Davis said. “This is a show that people around the country are raving about. I couldn’t be more excited to have them perform their
60-minute show for our Vanguard Heroes, NCOA delegates and
our Sponsors,” Davis added.
Experience three music genres in one show! Rock out with
the Tina Turner impersonator, a ramp up the excitement with The
Blues Brothers impersonators. Plus, who could forget The King of
Pop? The Michael Jackson impersonator is sure to be a thriller.
When asked what else is in store for convention attendees, Davis
only smiled and said. “Well if you miss this year’s NCOA Convention, you are going to regret that you did. The NCOA Staff have
really pulled off some special surprises for our attendees beginning with the “FANtastic Kick-Off ” Tuesday evening, July 12th.
We have a special new band for the evening and a lot of surprises
in store for everyone – do not forget to wear your favorite sports
jersey. We also have 26 exhibitors this year, up from 14 last year
who all bring special deals and incentives to NCOA members.
“Of course I can’t let everything out of the bag,” Davis said,
hinting that there will be even more surprises this year. “We have
a month left and we are pulling out all stops to make this year’s
NCOA Convention better than last year’s event. If you haven’t
registered, now is the time to do so and our special discounted $42
room rates at the “Nugget” are good until June 16th. I would like
to take this opportunity to thank each and every sponsor who has
stepped up to support our event this year! Without their generosity we would be back to just an annual NCOA business meeting!”
See you in Vegas!
This is a show that people
around the country are
raving about
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6/6/11 11:16:59 AM
Did You Know? All Things VEGAS!
The 42nd Annual NCOA National Convention and Vanguard Banquet Tribute will be held in the
“Fabulous” city of Las Vegas. The city is most known for gambling, weddings, top rated entertainment
and mega hotels/casinos. But there are quite a few quirky details about the city that the thousands of
people who visit it each year don’t know. So, here are a few fun but not widely known facts.
Most of what people consider the city of Las Vegas is actually the unincorporated community of
Paradise. The resort areas on and near the 4.2 mile stretch of Las Vegas Blvd are mainly in Paradise.
Paradise also, contains McCarran International Airport, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and well
known hotels such as Caesars Palace, the Palms Casino Resort, and the MGM Grand Hotel.
The Stratosphere Hotel and Tower, located on the Las Vegas Strip stands at more than 1,100 feet, and
is the fifth tallest building in the United States
The famous “Welcome to Las Vegas Sign” was designed by neon artist Betty Willis in 1959. The sign
stands only 25 feet tall and was never copyrighted by its designer.
Betty sold the sign to Clark County for $4,000, where they placed
it on the southern tip of the Las Vegas Strip.
The Golden Gate Hotel & Casino opened on Fremont St. in 1906,
making it the first hotel/casino in Las Vegas. In 1907 it became the
first place in the city of Las Vegas to have a telephone installed; the
phone number was “1”.
With a cost of $60 for a marriage license, an average of 315 couples per day get married in
Las Vegas; the average cost
to file for a divorce in Las Vegas, $450.
On Thanksgiving Day 1966 Howard Hughes checked into the
Desert Inn Hotel. He reserved the top two floors of the hotel for
him and his employees. Howard had an initial reservation for 10
days and by December 1966 he
had not checked out of the hotel.
Management needed the rooms on the top floors for high rollers and
asked him to leave. Instead of leaving, he purchased the hotel. From
the day of his arrival to the day of his departure on Thanksgiving Day
1970 (exactly four years) Howard Hughes never stepped foot out of
his hotel room. Due to poor health he was carried out of the hotel on a
stretcher and jetted off to the Bahamas.
If you are tired of walking and want a Taxi, don’t bother trying to flag one down from the street.
Las Vegas does not permit Taxis to stop at curbside and pick up fares. All pickups must be
made from a hotel, casino, house, the airport etc. So, make a beeline to the nearest
hotel/casino and jump in line to get a ride.
Las Vegas has over 500 churches representing 40 different
faiths, and it is not uncommon for the churches to receive
“offerings” in the form of Casino Chips.
If you were to line up all of the neon tubing on Las Vegas Blvd
(aka The Strip) it would stretch 15,000 miles.
Last but not least - It is against the law to pawn your dentures
in Las Vegas!
Vol3_WorkingDoc.indd 18
6/6/11 11:17:08 AM
2011 NCOA Convention
Golden Nugget Casino • Las Vegas, Nevada
The NCOA Annual Business Meeting will be held
Wednesday, July 13, at 1:15 p.m. at the Golden Nugget
Hotel, 129 E. Fremont St., Las Vegas, Nevada. This is
a controlled access meeting and membership cards will
be verified. All doors will be secured at 1:15 p.m. and
latecomers will be denied entrance until after all voting
matters are accomplished. All Regular Division members are urged to attend.
If you are unable to attend the Annual Business Meeting, please be sure to complete and mail your proxy
ballot to NCOA Headquarters.
The Annual Business Meeting of the NCOA International Auxiliary will be held Wednesday, July 13, at
1:15 p.m. at the Golden Nugget Hotel, 129 E. Fremont
St., Las Vegas, Nevada. This is a controlled access
meeting and membership cards will be verified. All
doors will be secured at 1:15 p.m. and latecomers will
be denied entrance until after all voting matters are
accomplished. All Auxiliary members are urged to attend.
If you are unable to attend the Auxiliary Annual Business Meeting, please be sure to complete and mail your
proxy ballot to NCOA Headquarters.
I, the undersigned member of the Non Commissioned Officers Association
of the U.S.A., do hereby appoint
MSgt Vincent Johnson, USAF (Ret) (Official Proxy Committee) with full
power of substitution to represent me and cast my vote at the 2011 Annual
Membership Meeting to be held atthe Golden Nugget, 129 E. Fremont St.,
Las Vegas, Nevada 89101, for the purpose of electing directors and such
business that may properly come before such a meeting or any adjournment
Member #
NCOA Membership #
Ballots will be cast
at 1:15 P.M. July 13, 2011
Mail in a standard
9 1/2” x 4” envelope to
Attn: Proxy
9330 Corporate Dr. #701
Selma, TX 78154
Ballots must be postmarked
by June 30
Print Full Name
I, the undersigned member of the International Auxiliary of the Non
Commissioned Officers Association of the U.S.A., do hereby appoint
or Alda Ashford and Ronda Smith
(Official Proxy Committee acting by majority vote of, if one be present that one
alone) with full power of substitution to represent me and cast my vote at the 2011
Annual Membership Meeting to be held at the Golden Nugget, 129 E. Fremont St.,
Las Vegas, Nevada 89101, for the purpose of electing directors and such business
that may properly come before such a meeting or any adjournment
Print Full Name
Member #
Auxiliary Membership #
Ballots will be cast
at 1:15 P.M. July 13, 2011
Mail in a standard
9 1/2” x 4” envelope to
Attn: Aux Proxy
9330 Corporate Dr. #701
Selma, TX 78154
Ballots must be postmarked
by June 30
Vol3_WorkingDoc.indd 19
6/6/11 11:17:08 AM
Out and About in
If you are tired of gambling
L Vegas
and hanging out by the pool,
here are a few free relaxing things
to do and a couple of places to grab tasty treats
to eat in Vegas.
If you like Modern Art then a
trip to CityCenter on the Las Vegas Strip is a must for you. The
exhibit is free and has sculptures
and paintings from renowned artists from all over the world. The
artwork is located throughout the
CityCenter complex and inside
the hotels. There is a lot to see so
wear comfortable shoes and with
the scorching summer heat it is
recommended to go in the late
evening or at night. Click Here
for directions.
The Neon Museum has 10 restored neon
signs on display downtown on Fremont Street.
You can take a free self guided tour to learn
about each sign. The tour starts with the Hacienda Horse Rider located at the intersection of
Fremont Street and Las Vegas Blvd. Click on
this link NEON MUSEUM to get a list of the
signs and their locations.
knows about
the Fountains at the Bellagio Hotel, but rarely does anyone
mention the Conservatory & Botanical Gardens at the
Bellagio. Just as impressive as the fountains, the gardens
are changed with the seasons and are maintained by 140
The exhibit is free and is open 24 hours a day. To learn
about the gardens and to view previous exhibits click on
this link Gardens.
Vol3_WorkingDoc.indd 20
6/6/11 11:17:15 AM
Do you want to give your opinion on what television
shows will be televised? CBS Television City at the
MGM Grand will give you the opportunity to voice
your opinion. Participants screen “pilots” (TV shows
that have not yet aired on TV) and give their opinion
about the prospective TV Shows. It is free and starts
at 10 a.m. and runs until approximately 9 p.m.
This one does have to do with gambling but it is free
(and it might help you to win at a table game or two
during your stay in Vegas). The Golden Nugget offers
the below listed gaming lessons for free. Check with
Guest Services at the Hotel for more information
Roulette: Mondays - 11:15 am
Blackjack: Tuesday – Thursday 10:15 am
Craps: Wednesday – Friday 11:15am
As you know, Vegas is hot in the summer and with temperatures reaching up to 110 degrees there is nothing more satisfying
than something nice and cold to bring some relief from the heat.
There is a great Frozen Custard (not ice cream but better) stand
that has been in the community since 1973. “Luv it Frozen Custard” is a local favorite and has a wide variety of choices to suit
any palate. A definite must if you are looking for a cool tasty
treat to combat the heat. You have to leave downtown but it is
worth the trip. For more information and direction about Luv It
Frozen Custard click here
It is no longer 99 cents but the Shrimp Cocktail lives on at the
bargain price of $1.99. This classic is served at the Shrimp Bar
and Deli inside the Golden Gate Hotel and Casino on Fremont
Street. You can also get tasty soups, sandwiches and fresh baked
pies if you are hungry for more than shrimp cocktail.
If you ever wanted to try Fried Twinkies stop by Mermaids
Casino on Fremont Street. This heart stopping treat is made to
order and will hopefully satisfy your sweet tooth!
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4:38 PM
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Vol3_WorkingDoc.indd 23
6/6/11 11:17:23 AM
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USAA means United Services Automobile Association and its insurance, banking, investment and other companies.
Investments (USAA) provided by USAA Investment Management Company and USAA Financial Advisors, Inc., both registered broker dealers. Financial advice provided by USAA Financial Planning Services
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Company, San Antonio, TX, and in New York by USAA Life Insurance Company of New York, Highland Falls, NY. Each company has sole financial responsibility for its own products. Life insurance products provided
by USAA Federal Savings Bank, Member FDIC. NCOA receives financial support from USAA for this sponsorship. © 2011 USAA. XXXXXX-0711
Vol3_WorkingDoc.indd 24
6/6/11 11:17:25 AM
Job: USF484
Title: NCOA July Retirement Print Ad
Date: 5/4/11_4:33 PM
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