INDEPENDENT INSTITUTE ON MONITORING THE FORMATION OF CIVIL SOCIETY CIVIL SOCIETY DEVELOPMENT IN UZBEKISTAN 2014 Independent Institute on Monitoring the Formation of Civil Society REPORT CIVIL SOCIETY DEVELOPMENT IN UZBEKISTAN Tashkent – 2015 UDK 347.471 (042.3)(575.1) КBK 66.3(5Ў)12 D-49 Development of Civil Society in Uzbekistan: annual report / G. Abdukarimov [et al.]. – Tashkent : Baktria press, 2015. - 76 b. T he Independent Institute on Monitoring the Formation of Civil Society (IIMFCS) - a non-government non-profit organization – undertakes systematic monitoring of the processes of formation of foundations of civil society, assists in strengthening the role of civil society institutions in democratization and modernization of the country, improving political awareness, justice, social and political engagement of citizens. Since 2014, the Institute has introduced the practice of preparation and publication of annual «Development of Civil Society in Uzbekistan» reports. This report based on the synthesis and analysis of statistical data of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the State Statistics Committee, the Ministry for Development of Information Technologies and Communications, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the findings of monitoring conducted by the IIMFCS in 2014. The report is intended for use by government and non-government organizations, research centers as well as other concerned institutions specializing in the study and development of proposals in the field of development of civil society and its institutions. Collective authors of the IIMFCS express sincere gratitude for the provision of information in the preparation of this report to the executives and employees of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Ministry of Development of Information Technologies and Communications, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Uzbek Agency for Press and Information, the Creative Union of Journalists of Uzbekistan, the Public Fund for Support and Development of Independent Print Media and Information Agencies of Uzbekistan, the National Association of Electronic Mass Media of Uzbekistan, Journalists Training Centre, the Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, the National Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, the Milliy Tiklanish Democratic Party, Adolat Social Democratic Party, Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan, Women’s Committee of Uzbekistan, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Public Fund for Support of NGOs and other civil society institutions under the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, “Mahalla” Social Charity Foundation, Federation of Consumer Protection of Uzbekistan, Ijtimoy Fikr Public Opinion research Centre , the National Association of NGOs of Uzbekistan as well as the Authorized Person for Human Rights of the Oliy Majlis (Ombudsman). КBK 66.3(5Ў)12 Collective authors of the Institute will be grateful for receiving any comments and recommendations on the content of the report at the following address: 1-a Bunyodkor st, Tashkent city, (e-mail: This report is published with the support of the office of the OSCE Project Coordinator in Uzbekistan. The views contained therein are not an official position of the OSCE Team of Autors: G. Abdukarimov, M. Abdusattarov, S. Mansurova, G. Khatamova, S. Donyiorov, M. Khasanova, E. Kholova, A. Rakhmanov, I. Mirzaakhmedov. ISBN 978-9943-4566-8-6 © Independent Institute on Monitoring the Formation of Civil Society, 2015 © Baktria press, 2015 CONTENT Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1. Strengthening the role of NGOs in the system of Civil Society Institutions. . . . . . 7 2. Trade Unions in the System of Democratic Institutions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 3. Public Foundations in the Structure of the Civil Society Institutions . . . . . . . . . . 29 4. The Mass Media as a Factor of the Democratization of the Society. . . . . . . . . . . . 35 5. The Role of Political Parties in Democratization of Government and Administration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 6. Democratic Processes in the Development of Self-governing Bodies. . . . . . . . . 53 7. High legal Awareness — the Foundation of a Democratic Society. . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Conclusions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Glossary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 IIMFCS | 5 Introduction H aving chosen its own way of development, Uzbekistan has set a goal to become one of the developed democratic countries worldwide, and guarantee decent life standards to its people. So-called «Uzbek model» designed by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Mr. Islam Karimov was the basis for the ongoing large-scale systematic and democratic socioeconomic and sociopolitical reforms. Thereat the priority was determined as formation of a strengthen civil society, which upholds the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of individual, creation of favorable conditions for the realization of the creative potential of our nation. The particular feature of the formation of the foundations of the civil society in Uzbekistan is in consistent strengthening of the rights and duties of citizens, involvement of citizens in NGOs, thus, increasing their political education and social activities. The strategic importance of the idea of gradual transition to democracy is not only maintaining social stability but also solicitous attitude and further development of civil society. Therewith, traditional culture and mentality of the Uzbek people, their psychology and the conditions of social organization are the most beneficial factors of formation of democracy and establishment of civil society in Uzbekistan. The Uzbek model of democratic development is based on the idea of maintaining and strengthening the current historically established multinational culture of the society, using this factor for the ultimate goal of creating democratic law-governed state and civil society. To achieve this goal the effective measures have been implemented with the focus to create the required organizational and legal framework for the formation and unfettered development of civil institutions, to ensure their active participation in democratic reforms and the liberalization of all spheres of society. Gradual, systematic implementation of the strategy of the state and public development has created an entirely new, dynamically developing system based on up-to-date management methods as well as all the required prerequisites for active participation of institutions of civil administration in it. At the initial stage of formation of foundations of national statehood, it was clear that genuine development of the nation could be achieved in civil society only. Therefore, the development of strongly democratic civil society has been defined as “the general concept of national development.” Gradual and systematic implementation of the given concept enabled to achieve the following objectives. Firstly, to develop and ensure the implementation of its own model of renewal and progress that responds to the national interests, and based on the irreversible exodus from the outdated, obsolete totalitarian Soviet system of governing the state and the society, envisaging an evolutionary way of development, delicate maintenance of national traditions and values. Therewith, the government acts as the key reformer of socio-political and socioeconomic relations. Secondly, nation-building must be based on the principle “From the strong state to the strong civil society”, creating a comprehensive system of civil society institutions, political parties, NGOs, local authorities, consistently and gradually transfer some authorized functions from the Centre to local authorities, public organization and public authorities. Thirdly, to ensure the implementation of measures aimed at further democratization and liberalization of social life, strengthening the independent judicial system, protection of human rights and freedoms, creating prerequisites for the development of independent media. Therewith, completely new stage of democratic reforms in this crucial area was unveiled by implementation of the Concept of further enhancement of democratic reforms and formation of civil society in the country formulated by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. It identifies key areas to strengthen the role of civil society institutions in the continuing reform process, to enhance their participation in State and social development, ensuring the transparency and effectiveness of the implemented reforms. Through the implementation of the provisions of this concept, engagement of civil society institutions in the governance and social development has been enhanced quantitatively and qualitatively in the recent years, as evidenced by the outcomes of IIMFCS research in the field of monitoring the development of civil society of Uzbekistan in 2014. 1. Strengthening the Role of NGOs in the System of Civil Society Institutions 8 | IIMFCS 1.1. Regulatory and Legal Framework I n 2014, the country continued its efforts for improvement of organization and regulatory framework for establishment and operation of NGOs in order to deliver their rights and legitimate interests. An important event of the year was the adoption of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On social partnership” designed within the framework of practical implementation of the Concept of further enhancement of democratic reforms and formation of civil society in the country. The Law defines the forms and mechanisms of interaction between the government bodies, NGOs and other civil society institutions in the (including sectorial and territorial) legal acts as well as the fundamental rights and duties of the parties in this process of development and implementation of programmes for socioeconomic development of the country. Establishment of Public Commissions on social partnership under the Jokargy Kenes (Parliament) of Karakalpakstan, Council of peoples’ deputies of regions and Tashkent city, as stipulated in the Law, is highly important. The Commission main activities are determined to facilitate the enhancement of cooperation of NGOs with the public authorities on places in the implementation of social significant programs and projects; developing proposals on priority directions of social partnership; implementation of monitoring and assessment of social partnership in addressing issues of social and socioeconomic development in the specific territory. Drafting of this law involved participants such as members of Legislative Chamber and the Senate of the Oliy Majlis, representatives of the local authorities, chairmen and activists of public authorities as well as representatives of NGOs and the media. Another significant event of the year 2014, was the adoption of the Resolution № 57 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On measures on implementation of the Decree № PP-2085 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, dated December 12, 2013 “On additional measures to facilitate the development of civil society institutions”. The Decree approved the measures to simplify the registration and reporting procedures for NGOs, improvement of regulatory mechanisms of interaction between governmental bodies and NGOs. In particular, from January 1, 2014 there are the following improvements have been introduced: PP Duty for state registration of NGOs was reduced by four-fifths; the fees charged for state registration of NGOs insignia were reduced by 2.5-fold. Therewith, the state taxes for registration of public associations of the disabled, veterans, women and children make up 50% of the approved government fees; PP There is no duty for state registration of NGOs separate divisions (branches and representative offices), including those with right of a legal entity; PP The period of consideration by the justice authorities on issues related to state registration of NGOs was shortened from two months to only one); PP The practice of shelving applications was abolished, which significantly facilitates the applicants’ right to appeal the decision of the registration authority in court; PP The procedure for submission of documents for re-registration of NGOs was simplified; the number of documents required for re-registration was reduced. In 2014, amendments were introduced to the Law on Non-government non-profit organizations and the Law on Public Associations in the Republic of Uzbekistan, according to which, the term of consideration of the application of NGOs for state registration was reduced from two months to one month without the right of extension by the registration authority. In order to ensure the further development of NGOs, strengthening their role in provision of effective measures in reforms implemented in the country it is required that the Law on Public Oversight in the Republic of Uzbekistan shall be adopted at earliest. In addition, it is important to expedite introduction of amendments into the Code on Administrative Liability of the Republic of Uzbekistan providing reinforcement of liability of the officials for violations of the Law defining the rights of NGOs to implement public oversight. IIMFCS | 9 Legal framework for NGOs Law on Non-government Organizations (1991); Law on Non-government non-profit organizations (1999); Law on Public Foundations (2003); Law on Charity (2007); Law on Guarantees of the Activities of NGOs (2007); The Law on Ecological Control of the Republic of Uzbekistan (2013); The Law on Social Partnership of the Republic of Uzbekistan (2014); Joint decree on Measures for Strengthening support of NGOs and other civil society institutions of the Legislative Chamber and the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan (2008); Decree on Measures on provision of cooperation in development of civil society institutions in Uzbekistan of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (2005); Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan On additional measures on support in development of civil society institutions (2013); Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministry of the Republic of Uzbekistan on measures on implementation of the Decree № PP-2085 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 12 December 2013 on additional measures on support in development of civil society institutions 2014) and others. 1.2. Quantitative and Qualitative Structure In the past two years, growth in the number of NGOs is due to creation and registration of territorial divisions of the national public organizations (Farmers Union, Kamolot, and others). The analysis carried out showed that in spite of the increase in the number of NGOs, the direction 8190 7866 2014 2013 6226 2012 5791 2010 5431 2010 5103 In 1991, the number of NGOs operating on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan was only five. On 1 January 2000, the number increased up to 2,585. Currently, there are 8,190 NGOs operating in Uzbekistan. The number of NGOs has increased by 50% in the last 4 years. Dynamics of the changes in the number of NGOs registered in justice authorities in 2009–2014 2009 D uring 2014 the trend of steady growth in the number of NGOs, registered by the justice authorities was stable. Thus, on 1 September 2015 the number of registered NGOs reached 8,190. of activities for them have not changed significantly in 2014.: The largest share remain for organizations which support the development of entrepreneurship and farming (21.2%); those which develop the democratical institutions compose of 17.6%; sports (12.9%) and youth organizations (7.6%) as well as 10 | IIMFCS those which represents the rights and interests of persons with disabilities (7.1%). An analysis of the NGOs allocation by region illustrates that the majority NGOs registered by the justice authorities operate in Kashkadarya region (694), Samarkand region (685), Tashkent region (679), Andijan region (650) and Fergana region (640). The lowest number of NGOs registered by the justice authorities, operate in Navoi (372) and Syrdarya region (418). The majority of NGOs in the Fergana region operate in the field of environmental safety, NGOs in the Samarkand region are engaged in the development of sport, and NGOs in Tashkent city promote the rights and the interests of persons with disabilities. Monitoring of the legal and organizational forms of non-government non-profit organizations showed that significant number of the NGO was registered by the justice authorities as public associations - their number equals 5,819 and 589 registered as public foundations. As a result of random survey of 208 NGOs and their leaders, the following has been revealed: 16% of non-government non-profit organizations are the founders of various businesses. In particular, 9% of NGOs are the founders of subsidiaries companies, 6% are the founders of limited liability companies, and 1% are founders of open jointstock companies. Distribution of NGOs according to the area of activities (in %) 0,3 Journalism and Media 0,9 Friendship society 1,7 Ethnic-cultural centres 2,1 Research centres 2,2 Development of handicrafts 2,7 Healthcare 2,8 Ecology 3,4 Empowerment of women 4 Response in emergency situations 4,1 Trade Unions of rights and interests 4,1 Protection of veterans cultural development 5,3 Historical and education 7,1 Protection of rights and interests of people with disabilities 7,6 Youth education Sports development 12,9 Development of democratic institutions 17,6 Development f entrepreneurship and farming 21,2 Legal organizational forms of NGOs Public Funds Other legal organizational forms 18,7% Institutions 7% 3,5% 70,8% NGOs IIMFCS | 11 According to the findings of the random survey, non-government non-profit organizations engage on average 2 or 5 volunteers, who are mostly students, in implementation of grant projects. The number of volunteers involved in the previous year was 41,660 people, and the number of people contracted for provision of particular services was 206. In the activities of local NGOs, there are some organizational issues, which demand an urgent solution, including inadequate facilities and infrastructure. In this regard, there is a designated role of the Public commissions on social partnership under Jokargy Kenes (Parliament) of Karakalpakstan Kengashes members of Parliament of regions and Tashkent city. Distribution of NGOs by the regions of the country Khorezm region Surkhandarya region Samarkand region Namangan region Navoi region Kashkadarya region Jizzak region Bukhara region Andijan region 372 Republic of Karakalpasktan 522 418 424 428 Republican NGOs 520 510 640 Tashkent city 552 Fergana region 572 679 685 Tashkent region 524 694 Sirdarya region 650 12 | IIMFCS 1.3. Financial Sustainability I n Uzbekistan the Government support for NGOs is widely used through the forms of direct and indirect financing of its activities. Direct Government financing is implemented in accordance with the Law on Guarantees of the Activities of Non-government non-profit organizations as well as the Law on Social Partnership in the form of government subsidies, grants and state procurement. This form of support is carried out through the Public Fund for NGOs Support and other civil society institutions under the Oliy Majlis. Nevertheless, the number of NGOs participating in grant financing by the Public Fund for support of NGOs and other civil society institutions under the national parliament, was reduced in 2014. Whereas there were 639 participating NGOs in 2013, 421 applications from NGOs were submitted to the Parliamentary Commission for consideration in 2014. Accordingly, the number of NGOs, which won grants, decreased: 193 organizations in 2013 and — 176 NGOs1 in 2014. As per results of the survey conducted among leaders and activists of NGOs as well as experts in this area, the drop in level of participation of NGOs in grant competitions of Public Foundation under the Parliament, is due to the fact that majority of the regional NGOs, in the given period, continued to implement projects financed by the Fund at the end of 2013. grantscompetition.html 1 Government support of NGOs in Uzbekistan chart STATE Direct financing Indirect financingg Fund under Oliy Majlis Public Funds under NGOs Kengashes members of Parliament Fund under the National Association NGOs Subsidies Government procurements Grants Registered NGOs which submitted appropriate documents to the specified Funds Tax exemptions Customs facilities Targeted remission Non-targeted remission All registered NGOs (not involved in business activity or specified in the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan or the Government) All registered NGOs, specified in the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan or the Government IIMFCS | 13 The amount of funds allocated by the Public Fund for grant financing of NGO projects of social importance has declined. Whereas, in 2013 the Fund allocated 2.7 billion soums, in 2014, this figure amounted to 2.4 billion soums. However, the average amount of funds allocated to one project has not changed. In 2014, the Public Fund under the Parliament introduced the tender on secure government procurement. The result of the tender was the placement of 18 government orders through NGOs. The State has a specific form of public support of NGOs in the form of indirect financing of these organizations through granting various tax exemptions full or partial exemption from some tax type. Participation of NGOs in grant projects of the Public Foundation under the Oliy Majlis 2009 218 56 2010 275 82 2011 465 122 564 2012 163 639 2013 421 2014 Number of participants 176 Number of winners 444,6 989,5 2 492,56 2 706,5 1 776,3 2 300,4 Grant financing allocated by the Public Fund in 2009-2014 (in millions of soums) 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 193 2014 14 | IIMFCS An important factor in ensuring the financial sustainability of NGOs is funds saved thanks to the legislation granting tax benefits and exemptions from other fees and duties. Currently, according to the adopted Decrees of the President and the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Government budget has allocated funds for the improvement of the facilities of 71 national NGOs. 31 NGOs were exempted from relevant taxes, charges and fees. The implementation of such measures is motivated by the effective work of the NGOs in the areas such as promotion of healthy lifestyle in the society, nurturing future generation in harmony, boost the development of small business and private enterprises; employment, protection of rights and legitimate interests of citizens, their full-scale participation socio-political, socioeconomic and cultural life in the country as well as the strengthening of the role of NGOs in modernization and democratic renovation of society, public and Government development in Uzbekistan. Another source of funding for NGOs is grants from international and foreign organizations. With the financial support of foreign and international organizations such as OSCE Project Coordinator in Uzbekistan, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, UNDP, UNICEF, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the US Embassy in the Republic of Uzbekistan and the other, NGOs implemented projects addressed to improve public health service, education, the development of entrepreneurship, handicrafts, agriculture, tourism and environmental protection in the regions in 2014. Membership fees remain the main source of the budget particularly for certain specialized organizations, such as the trade unions and the territorial departments of Commerce and Industry Chamber of Uzbekistan. An example of the support by the businesses to NGOs is Kamolot, whose budget is financed by small businesses, in compliance with signed agreements on mutual support in the amount of 8% of the amount of the single tax. According to the Tax Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan NGOs are exempted from the following taxes: BB Corporate tax (Article 126); BB Value-added tax (Article 197); BB Tax on use of water resources (Article 257); BB Corporate property tax (Article 265); BB Land tax (Article 279); BB Social infrastructure tax (Article 295). NGOs are also exempted from the compulsory contributions to the: BB Pension Fund (Art. 312); BB National Road Fund (Art. 316); BB Extra-budgetary fund for Reconstruction, Refurbishment and Equipping of Schools, Vocational colleges, academic lyceums and medical institutions. NGOs, public associations of disabled persons, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan, the Council of Farmers of Uzbekistan, subdivisions thereof shall be exempt from payment of official fees: BB In the courts of general jurisdiction (Art. 329); BB In economic courts (Art. 330). IIMFCS | 15 1.4. Infrastructure R egulatory framework, which regulates the issues of strengthening the facilities and infrastructure of NGOs in order to enable their participation in implementation of government programs, addressing social and humanitarian problems, has been improving every year. In this regard, special attention is given to the Committee on Democratic Institutions, NGOs and Self-governing bodies of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan. Success story of NANNOUz last year, that is of notice, was the organization and conducting of III National Forum of NGOs in Uzbekistan, in December 2014, with 800 NGOs and 1500 leaders and activists as participants at regional and national levels. The forum act as a platform for constructive dialogue between the state bodies and public organizations. As an outcome, 457 regional NGOs signed Memorandum of Cooperation with the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regional khokimiyats (Council) and the khokimiyat of Tashkent city (City Council) as well as national organizations such as the Women’s Committee of Uzbekistan, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan, Kamolot, Mahalla and Nuroniy Funds and others. At the forums, the Certificates of Acknowled gement were awarded to 56 regional NGOs, which actively participated in the implementation of “Year of the Healthy Child”, the State program. In 2014, NANNOUz provided advisory and methodological assistance in the development of the project proposals of over 110 NGOs. Among them, 45 most significant projects were supported by the decision of the Parliamentary Commission. There is an important part of NANNOUz activities, which promote participation of NGOs, engaged with issues related to the rights and interests of persons with disabilities, in the implementation of socially important projects and programs to improve standards of living of citizen. In particular, in 2014, the Advisory Council of NGOs of disabled persons, created under NANNOUz, with the assistance of governmental bodies, NGOs, research centers designed and submitted for consideration to the Cabinet The National Association of NGOs of Uzbekistan (NANNOUz) has been operating since 2005. Currently NANGOUz has its resource centers in 12 regions, uniting more than 500 – NGOs and consolidate their efforts in the implementation of social projects and programs. of Ministry of the Republic of Uzbekistan the Action Plan on ratification and implementation of the UN Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities. In 2014 the Women’s Committee of Uzbekistan and the Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan, with the key objectives of supporting women and environmental NGOs respectively, also implemented functions on consolidation of specialized NGOs. The Women’s Committee of Uzbekistan The Women’s Committee of Uzbekistan has approximately 41,000 primar y organizations across the country. In accor dance with the legislation, elected leader of Women’s Committee of Uzbekistan is simultaneously appointed as the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan, whereas elected leaders of territorial divisions of the Committee appointed as Deputy khokims of 12 regions respectively, 168 districts and 25 cities. 16 | IIMFCS The Women’s Committee of Uzbekistan held more than 600 events in the city and at the local level in order to facilitate the participation of women’s NGOs in the implementation of programs aimed at promoting the rights and legitimate interests of women as well as improving the socioeconomic activities of young women in 2014. Within the framework of implementation of Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) in the country, Committee offices in cooperation with national partners as well as a number of international representative organizations organized roundtables and training seminars in a current fiscal year. The Committee is engaged with the development of the regular periodic national report on the implementation of the Convention by The Republic of Uzbekistan. The findings of the survey of the leaders and activists of regional NGOs highlight the need for further improvements in technical capacity of the organizations in the regions. In this regard, the primary task of the National Association of NGOs of Uzbekistan is ensurance of full operation of resource centers in the regions, organization of effective activity of the Public commissions on social partnership under Jokargy Kenes of Karakalpakstan, Kengashes of regions and Tashkent city. 1.5. Protection of Public Interest T he findings of the study carried out in 2014 shows that NGOs are continuously involved in the implementation of democratic reforms in the country, design and implementation of important state programs for socioeconomic development. In 2014, NGOs continued to participate in the process of improving national legislation, development and discussion of regulatory legal act drafts, which has been designed in the framework of the practical implementation of the Concept. In particular, there were over 1,500 representatives of domestic NGOs which were involved in public discussions and public evaluation of draft laws on Social partnership and Public Oversight. Collected suggestions and recommendations were submitted for analysis and synthesis to the relevant expert group on preparation of draft legislation as well as to the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis. In 2014, NGOs were also engaged in the implementation of sectorial, regional and territorial socioeconomic development. In particular, 27 NGOs were involved in the implementation of Year of Healthy Child State programme. According to this programme, the local authorities have adopted regional programs at the local levels, with more than 370 NGOs engaged in implementation. There have been established institutional mechanisms of interaction, which have been effectively operating between the state bodies and NGOs in order to solve the socioeconomic — development issues as well as protection of the rights, freedoms and interests of various strata of the population. In 2014, the leaders and activists of NGOs continued to work as members of more than 40 permanent national interagency committees (i.e. councils, working groups), established in accordance with the Decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Selective survey of 208 heads of regional NGOs, conducted by the Institute in order to study the effect of NGOs activity on socioeconomic condition of the region, revealed that 73% of NGOs interact and cooperate with local Khokimiyat within the framework of the implementation of its statutory objectives as well as the organization of joint activities. The results of the survey of representatives of NGOs, registered by the state, illustrated that the main type of their activity is provision of public services such as social education (17%); legal consulting and improvement of the material welfare of vulnerable groups (13%); employment (12%); provision of care without accommodation (9%); social-rehabilitation of people with disabilities (8%); health services and the provision of care with accommodation (7%) and others. An analysis of the monitoring data involving more than 400 respondents revealed the existence of NGOs’ idle capacity in the implementation of the statutory objectives as well as the implementation of public oversight. Particularly, NGOs registered in the regions, are not actively involved in the implementation of IIMFCS | 17 public oversight; and only 38% of NGOs, which obtained State registration, have experience in public oversight. Moreover, with it, regional NGOs with State registration, are passive in the implementation of government programs. A survey of 187 NGO representatives showed, that, generally it is the national NGOs with their structural units at the local levels such as Mahalla Fund, Kamolot, Women’s Committee of Uzbekistan, Soglom Avlod Uchun Charitable Foundation, Nuroniy Fund, trade unions and others are involved in the implementation of government programs. In order of further development of the institutional principles of social partnership, it is appropriate for government bodies to consider introducing staff positions in charge of interaction with NGOs in the development of sectorial programs. For the revitalization of the NGOs it is of high priority to gradually increase the level of legal knowledge and political awareness of NGO leaders and activists, their awareness of the tools provided by Law on Public Oversight, the right to apply to the state authorities requesting for information as well as to appeal against illegal decisions of the officials, etc. Representatives of NGOs actively participate in addressing social tasks, implement monitoring compliance with laws protecting human rights and freedoms, transparency of governmental bodies activities within the framework of the commissions such as: National interdepartmental commission against human traffic; National Commission for co-ordination of activities against the spread of HIV; interdepartmental Council on coordination of governmental bodies on legal advocacy and education; Commission for cases of minors under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan; Public Council under the Ministry of Defense; Interagency task force on observance of rights and freedoms of individuals by law-enforcement authorities and other governmental bodies Interdepartmental Expert Group on Monitoring progress on implementation of National Action Plan within the framework of CEDAW and other. 1.6. Public Recognition S ocial status of NGOs has been gaining more appreciation by every year. Public has recognized the work of civil society activists. For the period from 2010 to 2013, by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 159 NGO representatives received State awards, 46 NGOs representatives were honored with State awards in 2014. A survey conducted among 1,100 respondents by the Ijtimoiy Fikr, the public opinion research centre shows that 54.9% of participants confirmed their knowledge of the NGOs and their main activity, which demonstrates the gradual increase in the role of NGOs in society, with the help of continuing reforms in the country. At the same time, institutional mechanisms for informing general public and local authorities about the activities as well as social projects and programs implemented by regional NGOs in the area of socioeconomic development of the regions require further improvemen. 2. Trade Unions in the System of Democratic Institutions 20 | IIMFCS 2.1. Regulatory and Legal Framework T he fundamental right of workers to form trade unions is in place in Uzbekistan. The status of trade unions is secured by the national legislation: the right to form trade unions as a part of the political rights is stipulated in Chapter 8 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Art. 34). Chapter 13 of the Constitution establishes the legal status of trade unions, according to which Trade unions express and protect the socioeconomic rights and interests of workers. Furthermore, the legal basis for trade unions activities stipulated in the Labour Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan (1995), in the Law on Public Associations The legal framework for the activities of trade unions: The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan (1992); Labor Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan (1995); The Law on Public associations in the Republic of Uzbekistan (1991); The Law on Trade Unions, Rights and Guarantees of their activities (1992); The Law on Protection of labor (1993); The Law on Non-government organizations (1999); The Law on Guarantees of Activities of NGOs (2007); Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Measures for promoting the development of civil society institutions in Uzbekistan (2005); Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Additional measures for promoting the development of civil society institutions (2013); Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Measures for implementation the Decree № PP-2085 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 12, 2013 on Additional measures for promoting the development of civil society institutions (2014); in Uzbekistan (1991), on Trade Unions, their rights and guarantees on their activities (1992), on Protection of labor (1993), on Non-government organizations (1999) and the Law on Guarantees of Activities of NGOs (2007). In accordance with the Law on Trade Unions, Their Rights and Guarantees of their Activities, the trade union (the union) is a voluntary public organization, which consolidates the workers united by common profession both in manufacturing and the non-manufacturing sectors for the protection of labor and promoting socioeconomic rights and interests of the members. An independent Chapter determines the fundamental rights of trade unions, which are as follows: participation in the drafting of laws and regulations; negotiate and conclude collective agreements and contracts; monitoring compliance with labour legislation and trade unions; protection of the civil rights for labor and social protection. Specific Chapter defines guarantees of the rights of trade unions. Specifically, it identifies the responsibilities of the governmental bodies and economic entities administrations, public organizations and officials towards trade unions, guarantees of the workers who have been elected as members of trade unions. According to the Labor Code of of Uzbekistan, collective agreements and contracts set equal to legislative instrument and other Labour regulations and standards and shall be subject to compulsory implementation. Therefore, an important result of social partnership was the signing of the General Agreement on Socioeconomic issues between the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Trade and Industry Chamber of Uzbekistan and the Trade Unions Council Federation of Uzbekistan1. The General Agreement that has been concluded for 2014-2016 is currently valid one. It is notable that systematic improvements in the national legislation on NGOs, the introduction of the concept of social partnership within the Law on social partnership” there is a long-felt need in the country for the revised version of the Law on Trade Unions (current Law was adopted in 1992). 1 IIMFCS | 21 2.2. Quantitative and Qualitative Structure B 2013 2014 2012 2013 36 691 2011 34 957 33 232 2012 33 355 2011 6 122 Dynamics of changes in the number of trade unions in 2011-2014 5 983 Growth trends of trade union membership in 2011-2014 (thousands) 5 905 By means of creation of new trade unions at public and private sector organizations. As of January 1, 2015, the number of grassroots unions reached 36691 units. Accordingly, there is an increase in the number of trade union members, which totaled 6,122 million people, compared to 5,917 million people in 2011. 12% of chairmen of shop-floor union organizations are young people under the age of 30. 5 917 etween 2011 and 2014 for the purpose of savings and efficient allocation of resources, the Council of the Federation of Trade Unions optimized its structure on both local and national levels. The number of trade unions has decreased from 25 to 14. Targeted support of small and medium businesses contributed to the creation of new jobs, and as a consequence, has strengthened the organization of trade unions. 2014 22 | IIMFCS Membership in trade unions The number of trade unions at companie 0,4% Aviation 26 Aviation 0,8% Chemical industry 39 Chemical industry 1% Communication 140 Railways 1,3% Energetics 148 Energetics 1,4% Railways 182 Communication 1195 2,4% Oil, gas, geology 1195 Oil, gas, geology 217 Metallurgy industry and engineering 2.5% 2936 2936 267 Metallurgy industry and engineering 3245 4.9% Governmental bodies and public services 3245 1,195 Public healthcare 6% Transport, roads, 5566 and capital construction 2,936 Transport, roads, and capital construction 5566 3,245 Governmental bodies and public17792 services Trading and services 8.4% 17792 Public healthcare Agriculture Science and culture 12.3% 4,938 28.2% 30.3% 5,566 Science and culture Trading and services Agriculture 17,792 2.3. Financial Sustainability T he main sources of financing Trade Unions are contributions from its members; deductions from the amount of the unified social tax; means received from employees for travel vouchers granted in the established order; as well as income from the activities of sanatoria and resorts established by the Council of Federation of Trade Unions. In compliance with the Charters of sectorial trade unions, the amount of membership fee is set at not less than 1% of the salaries and similar payments. Considering the social focus of the activities of trade unions; the Government has allocated specific funds for the implementation of social events, such as, healthcare and wellbeing of workers and their families, strengthening the physical infrastructure of sanatorium and health resorts. These funds include contributions from the unified social taxes transferred to the Council of Federation of Trade Unions according to legislation. IIMFCS | 23 2.4. Infrastructure P rincipal organizations, qualified to consolidate efforts of trade unions in ensuring workers’ rights are the Council of Federation of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan, sectorial and territorial associations of trade unions. Trade Unions Council Federation of Uzbekistan is a national public association founded on voluntary basis by trade unions of Uzbekistan- in cooperation with territorial industry associations of the Trade Union Organization with intent of realization, and protection of labor, social and economic rights and interests of trade union members in industrial and non-industrial spheres. Implementation of statutory commitments and resolutions of the Kurultai of Federation of the Trade Unions of Uzbekistan carried out by the Council of the Federation. The Council of the Federation is also in charge of drafting proposals and securing in laws and other legal acts the issues related to social and labor rights, including employment, labor relations, wages, working environment and safety, health of workers, the environment protection, housing and cultural services, social guarantees for workers. The obligations of the Council of Federation of Trade Unions are the following: the approval of the authorized representatives of the Federation in tripartite commission on social and labor regulations; coordination of activities affiliates in solving interrepublic, interregional and trade union-related tasks; organization of trade union’s national events and others. Organizations that consolidate trade unions: BB The Council of the Federation of Trade Unions BB 14 sectorial trade unions; BB 14 territorial associations of trade union organizations. 2.5. Protection of Public Interests T rade unions carry out protection of the public interest by implementing the basic principles and mechanisms of social partnership and Public Oversight1. Social partnership Cooperation of Trade Unions with government authorities and employers are implemented on national, sectorial, territorial and local levels of social partnership. Currently, on national level,- the General Agreement on socioeconomic issues for the period 2014–2016 is implemented. This agreement, signed jointly by the Cabinet of Ministers, the Council of Federation of Trade Unions and Chamber of Commerce and Industry Uzbekistan. It is considered the main regulation instrument of social-partnership on labor relations. 1 The dynamics of growth in number of signed sectorial agreements 2011 85 2012 86 2013 85 2014 90 Based on the General agreement, there are 90 sectorial, 14 regional agreements signed, over 107,000 collective agreements are signed directly at enterprises. The percentage of Collective agreements signed by legal entities on members of trade union services is 98.1%. 24 | IIMFCS Number of operating sectorial agreements in 2014 in breakdown by industries 1 Railways 1 Chemical industry 1 Energetics 2 Oil, gas, geology 2 Aviation 2 Metallurgy industry and engineering 4 Communication 4 Public healthcare Transport, roads, and capital construction 5 6 Science and culture 10 Commodity consumption and services 15 Agriculture The main objectives of the Coordination Councildefined as follow: PP Coordination of ministries efforts, departments, organizations of all forms ownership, trade unions, employers’ associations, public and international organizations and other civil society institutions, with the aim of eliminating the worst forms of child labor; PP Participation in the development of national policies in the given area. In addition to traditional mechanisms of social partnership, The Council of Federation of Trade Unions participates in joint projects within the framework of the memorandum signed with more than 30 government and non-government organizations, such as the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, the Committee on Labour and Social Issues of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis, Central Bank, State Tax Committee, The State Statistics Committee, NGOs Center, (NANNOUz, ”Kamolot”), “Ijtimoiy Fikr” Public opinion research Centre, Federation of Consumer Protection. Public Oversight The right of trade unions to monitor social control, its forms, scopes and methods, stipulated in the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Implementation of measures on social protection Labour Code and the Law on Trade Unions, Their Rights and Guarantees of their activities. in 2014 led to the following: Public Oversight has been implemented by PP Shorter of working weeks for 6,446 females with children; trade unions in the areas such as, conditions PP To provide financial assistance to 11,266 mothers and payment for labour; health and safety at with children aged from 2 to 3 years, 107,778 work; social protection; living conditions; social families with low-income and 34,077 lone elderly security, health and cultural interests of the workers, employment. The principle of reprepeople; PP To proceed with partial payments for education sentativeness of workers in the legal regulation contracts for 2,819 students; of labor is implemented primarily through the active participation of trade unions in legislative PP Allocate interest-free loans to 4,384 families. Today the unions are actively involved in the activities. Thus, with the direct involvement of trade design and implementation of socioeconomic development programs and regulatory acts; unions there have been developed more than 150 participate in the working groups and commis- legal acts in the social and labor sector, including sions activities, and public advisory bodies under laws “On social partnership, on Transparency of Activities of Government Bodies, on Appeals of the state authorities. Since 2013, the unique public institution has been Individuals and Legal Entities, on Family-owned operating successfully the Coordination Council Business. At present, the trade unions are involved in the on Child Labour, composed of the Heads of the Council Federation of the Trade Unions, the Ministry development of draft laws on Labour Protection, of Labour and Social Welfare, Chamber of Commerce on Public Oversight in the Republic of Uzbekistan, and Industry of Uzbekistan, and other civil society on social services for the elderly, the disabled institutions and international organizations. persons and other categories of the population. Governmental bodies and public services 37 IIMFCS | 25 In 2014, during the implementation of Public Oversight of the labor protection by trade unions at more than 5,890 enterprises and organizations in Uzbekistan were revealed approximately 33,640 failures, of which more than 25,860 (77%) were eliminated. 670 cases were clarified on various matters within the competence of trade unions. In order to improve social control, in cooperation with the Trade and Industry Chamber of Uzbekistan, the trainings for labour safety managers are established, with the current number of attendees more than 38,000 people. In the course of monitoring the due wage payments, in 2014, the trade unions appealed to the government bodies and employers with 268 cases resulting in recovered 115,1 billion soums. In order to strengthen the Public Oversight on compliance with labor legislation, citizens can apply at all levels of the Council of Federation of Trade Unions, through Trade Union official websites, with interactive services in the form of legal advice. Healthcare In the framework of continuing program of improving trade union policy providing healthcare of citizens, due to capital construction, reconstruction and modernization of health resorts and holiday homes, the quality of services provided improved significantly as well as enhanced opportunities. The number of complains consider by the trade unions in 2014 48 Participation of Trade Unions in the expertise of legal documents in 2011–2014 From 2011 to 2014, the trade unions considered 42,830 complaints from citizens. In the previous year, through the hotline network consulting services were provided to more than 6,700 citizens. About 68% of all complaints related to labor relations, including 39.8% — application of labor legislation, 27.9% — illegal actions of employers. In the framework of provision of labor rights and freedoms for citizens in the first half of 2014, 6,558 cases were considered and resolved positively, of which 2,816 were satisfied, and 3295 were clarified. Trade unions often file claims to the courts as well as claims to employers, government authorities for restoration of violated right. For example, in 2014, the trade unions filed 111 claims in the courts as well as 328 claims were submitted by the employer, resulting in 1,143 restored rights of citizens. 38 41 2 25 0,18 IN TOTAL 3,5 8,900,000 3,3 Received from citizens directly Received in written form 2011 2012 2013 2014 Electronically Received through HOT-LINES 26 | IIMFCS Number of rehabilitated individuals in health resorts under the trade union system (thousand people) 113 101 2012 2013 33 2011 2012 Claims to courts 60 42 111 89 98 21 328 356 27 385 39 40 448 Actions taken on restoration of worker’s rights in 2014 2013 2014 2011 On favorable conditions Claims to employers Thus, in 2014, 11,2987 workers and their family members took recreation activities in health centers. (The figure increased on 21% compare to 2011), 40,149 workers among them, took recreation activities on favorable conditions with discount. (The figure is 21% more than in 2011). 2014 Rehabilitated individuals Whereas, before the year 2011, trade union members enjoyed favorable conditions once every five years, paying only 50% of the total cost, in 2013 the payment reduced to 45% of the total cost with the frequency one or two times per year. 2.6. Public Recognition T he results of conducted research by «Ijtimoiy Fikr” show that trade unions remain the most large scale public organization providing comprehensive social support to citizens, ensuring the protection of their labor and professional rights. In particular, monitoring disclosed the following: PP The vast majority (97.5%) of survey participants are members of a trade union at their place of work; PP The main reason for the respondents to become a member of the trade union is that they expect unions to fulfill their expectations on social support and protection of labor rights; PP 56.8% of respondents believe that the most important and priority task of trade unions is to protect the legitimate labor and socioeconomic rights and interests of citizens; PP Respondents believe that the most important direction in trade union committees’ activities is to provide social assistance to workers. For example, more than 30% of participants noted that they had received financial assistance from the trade union committee within the framework of implementation of the obligations stipulated in the collective agreement; PP The intensity of filing claims to the trade union committee is at a sufficiently high level. More IIMFCS | 27 2011 2012 2013 Company activities studied Claims issued Failures Eliminated than 65% questioned individuals applied to their trade unions for the provision of free legal advice. Trade Union’s active citizenship ultimately reflects the process of formation of the civil society in Uzbekistan. In the elections held in 3599 5 893 14 600 2701 5 824 3220 5 690 15 567 19 736 23 305 19 243 3462 7 582 25 861 31 268 33 644 Number of revealed and eliminated failures in labour protection from 2011 to 2014 2014 December 2014, 59 leaders of trade union organizations were elected to the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, regional, district and city Kengash (councils) of members of Parliament. 3. Public Foundations in the Structure of the Civil Society Institutions 30 | IIMFCS 3.1. Regulatory and Legal Framework L egal foundations which regulate issues of social funds activities, guarantees of their rights and legitimate interests are secured in a number of legal documents adopted in the field of non-government organizations. ВIn particular, in 2003, the Law on public funds» was adopted, which stipulates the concept of «Public foundations», the procedures and state registration of foundations and the economic bases of their activities. According to the Law, the public fund is a nonmembership, non-profit non-government organization, founded by legal and/or individuals based on voluntary material contributions, pursuing charitable, social, cultural, educational or other valuable to the community goals. In 2014, the Law on social partnership of the Republic of Uzbekistan, according to which under Jokargy Kenes of Karakalpakstan, members of Parliament of the regions and Tashkent city define the creation of specialized foundations to support NGOs and other civil society institutions. The state registration procedures of public funds, including their separate subdivisions (branches and representative offices), stipulated in the Decree № 57 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated on 10 March 2014, «On the procedure of state registration of NGOs”. Additionally, the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan produced draft Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On issues of formation of the initial capital of public funds and its participation in the commercial organizations activities», which was submitted for further consideration and discussion to the governmental bodies and public organizations in 2014. 3.2. Quantitative and Qualitative Structure T here are international, national and domestic funds operating in the Republic of Uzbekistan. In 2014, the total amount of public funds registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan and its local branches decreased by 26.8%. Whereas in 2013 the given index was 805 units, in 2014 — 589 units1. The declining trend in the total amount of public funds was due to the elimination of some structured-funds, such as, «Navruz» International Charity Foundation, «Farzandim jigarbandim “National Fund, «Disabled warriors of Afghan war» Charitable Fund regional branches «Tursunboy Eshonov» Regional Fund etc. Analysis of statutory tasks and priority areas of public funds activity showed that the 1 greatest number of organizations operates in the following areas: development of democratic institutions (28.2%), cultural and historical development and education (19.8%), protection of the rights and interests of veterans (16.6%). The smallest number of funds operates in the field of handicrafts (0.1%). Analysis of the number of public funds by region showed that most of the funds operates in Kashkadarya (11%), Samarkand (7.7%) regions and the in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, (7.6%). Additionally, the most of the funds (9, 8%) was registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan as a national NGO. The smallest number of public funds operates in Syrdarya region (3.5%) and Navoi (4, 0%) region. IIMFCS | 31 Public funds registered in the Justice authorities in 2007–2014 (pcs.) Distribution of public funds by areas of activity Development of journalism and mass media – 0,4% Friendship society – 0,4% Growth of women activity – 0,4% Entrepreneurship development – 1,2% Development of folk-crafts – 0,1% Development of democratic institutions Scientific and research centers – 2,1% 28,2% Cultural and historical Development and education 4,8% 5,9% 19,8% 8,5% 16,6% 8,6% Ecology – 3% Protection of rights and interests of invalids 2007 201 602 803 2008 203 608 811 2009 190 596 786 2010 186 596 782 2011 188 596 784 504 788 2012 Youth education 2013 Sport development 2014 232 805 573 200 389 589 Passed the state registration Passed accounting registration Public health service Protection of rights and interests of veterans 284 Distribution of public funds by regions of the country (%) 12,5 11 8 7 5 Tashkent city Khorezm region Fergana ragion Tashkent region Samarkand region 3,8 Namangan region Navoi region Kashkadarya region Jizzakh region Bukhara region Andijan region Republic of Karakalpakstan 6,2 5,8 4,5 4 Republican funds 6,7 6,5 Syrdarya region 5,1 7,4 Surkhandarya region 6,5 32 | IIMFCS 3.3. Financial Sustainability I n accordance with the “Law on public funds”, the sources of ensuring of the financial stability of the fund are monetary and other non-recurrent or regular proceeds from the founders; property of testator transferred to the fund under the will in the time of establishment of the fund; voluntary The numbers of public funds winning in grant competitions held by the Public Fund under the Oliy Majlis in 2009–2014 21 16 19 19 2012 2013 13 7 2009 2010 2011 2014 Amounts of grant resources allocated by the Public Foundation under the Oliy Majlis, for the purpose of supporting of public funds’ socially-significant projects in 2009–2014 (million soums) 279 270,9 269 192,9 145,8 donations of legal entities and individuals; grants from legal entities and individuals1. Also, the foundations have the right to do business within the limits corresponding to their statutory objectives. In accordance with the current legislation, the funds shall publish an annual report on their activities for the past year, including financial statements and information concerning the sources of fund financing. It should be noted that the important source of financial stability of the public funds of the Republic, implementing socially valuable tasks are resources of the Public Fund for support of NGOs of and other civil society institutions under the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan. As the study shows, the number of funds involved in grant competitions held by the Public Fund under the country’s parliament is constantly growing: whereas in 2013, 19 funds were winners of grant competition, in 2014 the number went up to 212. The amount of resources allocated annually by the Public Fund under the country’s parliament for grant support of socially significant projects of the funds is also increasing: whereas in 2009 36 million soums were allocated, in 2014 this indicator increased significantly and amounted to 297 million soums, herewith the amount allocated for implementation of one project is 14–15 million soums. Another source of funding for the public funds activity is grant resources provided by foreign and international donors. The analysis showed that the most active financial support of public funds was provided by such organizations as UNICEF, UNESCO, USAID, the Korean Fund for International Health(«KOFIH», Republic of Korea), and others. Analysis of joint activities of public funds with foreign and international organizations has shown that their cooperation in 2014 was mainly aimed at 36 Consolidated statutes of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2007, No. 50-51, page 500. 2 1 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 IIMFCS | 33 improving the capacity of the mass media in covering issues of family institution development; delivery of health care to the children from low-income families; strengthening of interethnic and intercultural relations; improvement of museums activity; promotion of small business and entrepreneurship. 3.4. Protection of Public Interests A s the results of monitoring showed, the public funds are involved in the implementation of democratic reforms in the country, drawing-up and implementation of fundamental state programs of socioeconomic development. During the years of 2013-2014, the representatives of public foundations as a part of the National Commission took an active part in the design and implementation of the State program “Year of well-being and prosperity” and Year of healthy child”. The institutional mechanisms of interaction of state administration authorities with the funds in solution of the problems of social and economic development, protection of the rights, freedoms and interests of different sections of the populaIn the solution of socially valuable tasks, monitoring of compliance with laws in the sphere of the protection of human rights and freedoms, transparency of government activities the most active are such commissions as: BB The Commission on the State Prize named after Zulfiya; BB The State Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Drug Control; BB The Commission on Juvenile Affairs under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan; BB Interdepartmental Council on the coordination of the Governmental Authority activities in sphere of legal propaganda and education; BB National Interdepartmental Commission on counteraction against human traffic, etc. tion have been established and function effectively. Such large-scale funds as “Mahalla”, “Nuroniy”, “Soglom Avlod Uchun”, Fund for Children’s Sports Development are regularly involved in the activities of the permanent national interdepartmental commissions (councils, working groups), established in accordance with the decisions of the President and the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan. During 2014, public funds implemented a number of grant projects supported by national donors that contributed to the implementation of socially significant activities, and solution of urgent problems at the local level. In particular, the Tashkent branch of “Soglom Avlod Uchun” fund has implemented a grant project “For healthy childhood” (Soglom bolalikni taminlaylik), financed by the Public Fund for NNOs Support under the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which covered 6 thousand children within the framework of anthelminthic program. “Ibn Sino” public fund during 2012–2014 implemented two scientific and practical research projects (“Promotion of a healthy lifestyle among children, teenagers and young people” and “Creation an effective system of prevention the lack of amino-acids among the population and introduction of the new sources”). These projects were financed by the Committee for Coordination of Science and Technology under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan. For implementation of two projects, over 63 million soums were allocated. As part of the project implementation 52 training workshops were conducted, 9 scientific and 21 popular papers were published. In general, the overall coverage was more than 5 thousand persons. At the same time, the analysis of the monitoring results shows insufficient level of legal knowledge and political culture of representatives of public funds, in particular, the majority of public funds are not in the practice of the annual public informa- 34 | IIMFCS tion on the activities of the organization, which is contrary to the Articles 25 and 19 of the “Law on public funds”. For example, in the Andijan region annual reports of 4 out of 50 operating funds were published in the media, in Jizzakh region — 4 of 13 funds, in the Bukhara region — 1 of 44. 3.5. Public Recognition I n Uzbekistan the special attention is given to the issues of improving of the social status of the funds, proper promotion of the activity of their representatives. Thus, in 2010–2014, by the Resolution of the Head of the State of 60 representatives of the public funds of the country were awarded with state awards. In particular, nine of them were awarded with “El-Yurt Hurmati” Order, 8 — with “Dustlik” Order, 5 — with “Mehnat Shuhrati” Order, 3 — with “Soglom Avlod Uchun” Order, 1 — with “Fidokorona Hizmatlari Uchun” Order, 27 — with “Shukhrat” medal and 7 — with “Sodiq Hizmatlari Uchun” meda1. 1 During the elections in 2014, 19 representatives of public funds were elected as deputies to the regional Kengashes of people’s deputies, which is a clear indicator of social recognition of their activity, the growth of public confidence. The regularly information distribution of the wide public about the activities of the funds, including through the publication of reports in the media will promote further strengthening the credibility and trust of citizens, increasing the number of supporters and partners of the funds. 4. The Mass Media as a Factor of the Democratization of the Society 36 | IIMFCS 4.1. Regulatory and Legal Framework I n 2014, the work on improving the legal framework of reforming the information sphere, ensuring the freedom of expression and information, increasing the role of the media in establishing Public Oversight over the activity of state authorities was continued. Coming into effect on May 5, 2014 the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Transparency of Activities of Government Bodies provides citizens’ and the media extensive and free access to information related to government authorities, openness and transparency of their activity as well as enhance the role of the media in an open and constructive dialogue between the state and society was the symbolic event in ensuring freedom of expression and information. The Law on Transparency of Activities of Government Bodies helps to ensure the constitutional right of citizens to information, increasing the responsibility of government bodies for the quality of the decisions made. The law specifies such principles of openness as publicity of state authorities activities, accessibility and reliability of submitted information, freedom of search, receive and distribution of information, observance the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and legal entities in this process. Procedures of informing the public concerning the activities of state authorities as well as population, public associations on their decisions, and above all the decisions that affect the rights, freedoms and interests of citizens were also specified. A separate article of the law is devoted to questions of the access of media representatives to information concerning the activities of government bodies. It defined terms for consideration of a request for information concerning the activities of government bodies — not more than seven days from the date of its registration. It should be specially noted that the Law on Transparency of Activities of Government Bodies was adopted taking into account the recommendations and proposals of international and national experts as well as the results of the legal experiment carried out on the basis of government bodies of Bukhara and Samarkand regions on testing standards of this law draft. As part of a legal experiment involving deputies of the Legislative Chamber, representatives of political parties, NNOs, the media, the complex of measures for the practical working out of the provisions of the law draft, assessment of the effectiveness of its norms to ensure openness and transparency of government authorities, extensive access of media, civil society institutions and the population to information concerning their activities was implemented. The dynamic development of the Internet area in the country, the growing number of published materials in the Internet stipulates the introduction of changes and amendments to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On informatization” in 2014. This law specified the term «blogger» and allocated the principles of distribution of public information in the World Wide Web. Within the framework of the implementation of objectives specified by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Concept of further enhancement of democratic reforms and formation of civil society, the laws “On economic foundations of mass media activity” and “On guarantees of state support of the mass media”, have been developing, it adoption will be an important step in the development of a civil society. The legal framework for the media activities: The Law on Media (1997, was amended in 2007); The Law on Guarantees and freedom of access to information (1997); The Law on Protection of professional activities of journalists (1997); The Law on Principles and Guarantees of Freedom of Information (2003); The Law on Transparency of Activities of Government Bodies; The Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on providing the additional tax benefits and preferences for further development of the media (2011), etc. IIMFCS | 37 4.2. Quantitative and Qualitative Structure T he dynamic growth of the number of media is observed in the country: as compared with 1991, the number of media in general has increased in 3.5 times, the number of newspapers - in 2.5 times, magazines - in 3.5 times. As of January 1, 2015, 1,395 media, including 987 print publications (689 newspapers, 283 magazines, 15 bulletins), 100 electronic media (66 TV channels, 34 radio channels) 4 news agencies as well as 304 news websites are registered in the Uzbek Agency for Press and Information1. Herewith 63% of the total number of media is non-government. The country’s media are published and broadcast in 15 languages of the nations and nationalities inhabited Uzbekistan. Women, as chief editors, lead editorial staff of 259 printed publications (26.2% of the total number of printed publications of the country). An important role in identification and coverage of urgent problems concerned by the public at the local level, implementation of Public Oversight of According to the information of the State Register of mass media of the Republic of Uzbekistan. government bodies is given to the regional media. As of January 1, 2015, the largest number of print media was revealed in the Fergana, Tashkent regions and Tashkent city. Dynamics of changes of the number of media in Uzbekistan in 2009–2014 1395 1254 1292 1326 1372 1218 1 2009 2010 2011 2012 The number of printed media in Uzbekistan by regions (as of January 1, 2015, pcs.) Tashkent region 2013 2014 38 | IIMFCS The ratio of the mass media founded by governmental and non-government organizations (as of January 1, 2015) Print media Electronic media 3,6% 4% 29% 43% 53,4% 67% Mass media founded by state power and administration authorities Mass media founded by state power and administration authorities Mass media founded by non-government organizations Mass media founded by non-government organizations Mass media founded by governmental and non-government organizations Mass media founded by governmental and non-government organizations Internet media 4,6% Mass media founded by state power and administration authorities 95,4% Uzbekistan has consistently expanded national television network. Over the last few years new broadcast channels were launched: “Dunyo buylab”, “Madaniat va marifat”, “Oilavy”, “Diyor”, “Cinema”, “Bolajon”, “Uzreport TV” and others. In the past year, test broadcasting of new channel “Mening yurtim” – “MY5” have started. The channel is aimed at formation of active position of young people in their lives, their constructive attitude toward reality. The Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On establishment of “Mahalla” educational TV channel and measures for the further Mass media founded by non-government organizations expansion of digital broadcasting” dated December 17, 2014 serves as a guide for large-scale actions in this direction. The main purpose of the establishment of “Mahalla” educational TV channel is a broad coverage of Mahalla activities, its role in life of the society and ongoing democratic reforms in the country. The number of Internet resources registered as the mass media, in the past five years, has increased in the country by more than 2 times. As of January 1, 2015 the number of Internet outlets was 304 with 290 (95.3%) non-government ones. IIMFCS | 39 The dynamics of growth in the number of Internet mass media in Uzbekistan for 2009–2014 304 261 220 150 173 108 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Internet media of the country provide information in Uzbek, Russian, English, French, German and other languages. The growth in the number of Internet resources in the domain “.uz”, specializing in the distribution of news, directly associated with the increase in the number of Internet users. According to the Ministry for Development of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the number of Internet users in the country has increased from 1 million in 2007 to 10.2 million by the end of 20141. 2014 4.3. Financial Sustainability T he great importance for improving the effectiveness of the independent mass media activity, ensuring the transparency and openness of the reforms to be implemented are grant competitions for mass media, hold annually by the Public Fund for support of NGOs of and other civil society institutions under the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The number of media participating and winning in grant competitions hold by the Public Fund is consistently growing. Thus, whereas in 2012, 37 media won the grant competitions, in 2013 — the number went up to 62, and in 2014 the number reached 661. Tax benefits and preferences provided to the mass media in accordance with the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 30, 2011 “On providing the additional tax benefits and preferences for further develop of the mass media” contributes to the further strengthen of the financial stability of the media in the past year to a considerable extent. According to the State Tax Committee, the released amount of money due to tax benefits and preferences for the print media in 2014 is amounted to 8.6 billion soums2. html 2 “Jamiyat”newspaper No.8 (436) dated February 27, 2015. As the results of inquiry of 130 editors of national, regional, city and regional newspapers showed, the released amount of money were aimed at strengthening the material and technical base of the edition offices, improving working conditions for journalists. In turn, this affected the quality of the materials, printing and design of the publications. The amounts of grant funds allocated the Public Foundation under the Oliy Majlis for supporting of socially-significant media projects in the period of 2009–2014 (million sums) 969,94 803,5 507,1 170,7 9,6 2009 1 30,2 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 1 40 | IIMFCS 4.4. Infrastructure O ne of the main factors of the dynamic development of the mass media is an effectiveness of the system of professional journalistic staff training. Currently, the system of training and skill development of journalists of the Republic includes Uzbek State University of World Languages, National University of Uzbekistan named after M. Ulugbek and Karakalpakstan State University named after Berdakh, with annually graduates approximately 160 bachelor degree students and 70 master degree students. As part of the execution of the Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the improving the system of training and retraining of journalists” dated February 26, 1999 and “On the state program for staff training and retraining in the field of mass media” dated August 7, 2006, currently the large-scale work aimed at improving the professional skills of journalists and promotion of their creative activity is performed in the State. Organization, consolidating and supporting the mass media: Public Fund for support of non-government non-profit organizations and other civil society institutions under the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan; (; Public Fund for support and development of independent print media and information agencies of Uzbekistan; (; Creative Union of Journalists of Uzbekistan; (www.]; Journalists Retraining Centre; (; The National Association of Electronic Mass Media; (; Independent Institute for monitoring the formation of civil society ( Regular support of the mass media and journalists activities perform a number of public institutions, whose activities in the past year was mainly focused on the arrangement and implementation of measures to strengthen the capacity of media institutions and promote the development of the information sphere. Enhancement of the role and status of journalists in the society, rendering of assistance in the protection of their rights and interests is the main goal of the Creative Union of Journalists of Uzbekistan established in 2004. In 2014, the Creative Union of Journalists of Uzbekistan held more than 60 creative competitions, «round tables», seminars and other events, which were attended by more than 2,000 journalists. As the significant events of the past year should also be noted report and election conference conducted in all regions of the country, during which the results of activities were considered and priorities of the Creative Union were identified. The National Association of Electronic Mass Media, operating since 2004, currently includes more than 80 independent electronic media of the country, providing them with comprehensive support. In the past year, the Association arranged and conducted more than 40 events (media festivals, workshops, training seminars, etc.) with the participation of more than 1,800 representatives of the media sphere. The activities of the Public Fund for support and development of independent print media and information agencies of Uzbekistan, established in 2005, aims to support the development of independent media, strengthening their material and technical base and personnel potential. In 2014, the Fund arranged 120 training seminars, “round tables” and meetings for journalists of central and regional print media in which about 2,500 journalists were able to improve their skills1. Independent Institute for monitoring the formation of civil society in 2014 at the national and regional levels, arranged and carried out more than 90 events (seminars, trainings, conferences, “round tables”) with the participation of about 2,500 1 “Narodnoye Slovo” newspaper, No.18 (6171) dated January 28, 2015. IIMFCS | 41 persons, aimed at enhancement of the role and place of mass media in the system of civil society institutions, enhancement of the role of the mass media in the implementation of Public Oversight, growth of capability of Information services of government bodies, strengthening their interaction with the mass media and public. Activities of Journalists Retraining Centre in the past year was also aimed at arrangement and conducting of seminars and trainings for journalists: Out of total 70 events, 50 of them were conducted in the regions with participation of more than 1,000 journalists. For effective solution of the problems of enhancement of the role of the mass media in ensuring freedom of expression and information, implementation of Public Oversight over the activity of state structures, the further improvement of the work of these public organizations on development of the professional skills of the staff of information services of government authorities at the local level as well as journalists of regional media is required. 4.5. Protection of Public Interests T he analysis of the monitoring results shows significantly increased role of the mass media in identification and coverage of urgent problems exciting the population at the local level, implementation of Public Oversight of the government bodies. The results of the study during 2014 of the contents of 374 newspapers (154 district, 84 city, 98 regional and 38 national) showed the increase in the number of informative and analytical materials in the media containing the objective criticism of the local authorities of government and economic management on the solution of urgent problems of socioeconomic development of regions. Thus, whereas in 2013 in the domestic media 2,159 the most important critical and analytical materials were recorded, in 2014, this indicator was 2,452 articles, including 1,003 — critical materials in fact. From the total number of critical materials 21.1% of the articles cover the activities of government The number of critical and analytical materials published in regional print media in 2012–2014, pcs. 660 577 449 546 63 129 2014 2014 2013 2012 I quarter II quarter 629 627 588 535 144 2013 2012 323 2014 2014 2012 III quarter 2013 2012 IV quarter 2013 42 | IIMFCS bodies at the local level; 20.3% of the published articles are critical for public utilities activity, 14% — health, 13.1% — business and service sector, 12.8% — problems of road traffic, etc. It should be noted the growth of trust of readers to the mass media as an effective means of own opinion expression for some socially relevant problems as a tool of Public Oversight over the activity of state a uthorities in solution of urgent problems. In particular, out of 1,003 critical articles published in the national press during 2014, 205 (20.4%) had been prepared based on complaints of citizens to the editorial offices. It should also be noted that while in 2012 the representatives of the state authorities in 45% of cases took certain measures for solution the problems raised in the publications, in 2014, this indicator increased to 90%. An important task in the field of media development today is the resolution of issues related to the improvement of professional training and retraining of journalists as well as provision of regional media with qualified journalists. Cooperation of information services of state and economic administration with the media and the public at the local level requires further strengthen. In this regard, the issues of staffing of information services of state and economic administration with qualified personnel shall be also solved. Subjects of critical materials published in print media in 2014 Other 6,3% Public Health 14% State authorities activities 21,1% Business and service 13,1% Public-service 20,3% Road and transport area 12,8% Education 12% IIMFCS | 43 4.6. Public Recognition S ince 2006, the Creative Union of Journalists annually has been holding the International competition for the National Award for Journalism “Oltin Kalam” (“Golden Pen”). In 2014, some 500 journalists took part in the competition with their creative works, 13 of them became winners, all owners of prizes and awards were 27 journalists. Creative works of 25 authors were considered as the best by the results of another contest in journalism — “Eng Ulug, Eng Aziz”, in which some 400 journalists took part in the past year. In the national contest “Yilning eng faol journalisti” in 2014, about 170 representatives of the media took part, of which 10 journalists were winners and 15 — holders of incentive prizes. Public Fund pays special attention to the promotion of creativity of journalists for support and development of independent print media and information agencies of Uzbekistan. Thus, in 2014 in a competition “Etirof”, “Society and I”, “Journalism is a creative science”, “Human Rights - through the eyes of a journalist”, held by the Fund the winners were more than 60 journalists. In addition, the Centre for development and introduction of computer and information technology “UZINFOCOM” and the magazine “InfoCOM.UZ”, with the support of the State Committee for Communication, Informatization and Telecommunication Technologies held Internet festival of national domain UZ 2014. The contest “” was arranged within the frame of the festival, 549 participants were selected from 800 sites submitting the applications, 36 contestants were awarded prizes in 12 categories1. It should also be noted, that in the past year, three representatives of the information sector were awarded with the title “Honored Journalist of Uzbekistan.” 1 5. The Role of Political Parties in Democratization of Government and Administration 46 | IIMFCS 5.1. Regulatory and Legal Framework D uring 2014, the legislation was further developed in the field of strengthening the role of political parties in democratization of state power and administration. In April 2014, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On introducing amendments to certain articles of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Articles 32, 78, 93, 98, 103 and 117)”. Amendments to the Article 32 and 78 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan provide the arrangement of an integrated system of parliamentary and Public Oversight over the executive authority. This provision strengthens and guarantees the principle of democracy, as defined in Article 2 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Constitutional strengthening of the powers of the legislative authority to implement parliamentary control becomes important in the balance of all branches of state power and intensive growth of parliamentary control institution. The Article 93 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan was amended with the norm providing the dismissal of the Prime Minister by the President after the adoption of vote of no confidence in relation to him by the Chambers of the Oliy Majlis. In order to clarify the powers and enhancing the independence and responsibility of the Cabinet of Ministers, Article 98 of the Constitution was amended to clearly define its responsibility for the effective implementation of economic, social and monetary policy. Given the experience of the developed democratic countries, the new changes provide the submission of the program of action of the Cabinet of Ministers for the near and long-term perspective when approving the candidate of Prime Minister. The responsibility to report annually to the Parliament on key issues of social and economic life of the country is also imposed on the Cabinet of Ministers. Amendments introduced into the Fundamental Law of the country are also strengthen the responsibility of local executive authorities to the representative bodies. In particular, amendments introduced into Article 103 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, impose the obligation of reporting on khokims of regions, districts and cities to the respective Kengashes of people’s deputies on urgent The legal framework for the political parties activities: The Law on Public Associations (1991); The Law on Political Parties (1996); The Law on Elections of Regional, district and city Kengashes of people’s deputies of the Republic of Uzbekistan (1997); The Law on Elections of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan (2003); The Law on Financing of Political Parties (2004); The Constitutional Law on strengthening the role of political parties in the renewal and further democratization of state governance and modernization of the country)” (2007), and others. problems of socioeconomic development at the local level. As it is known, the basic form of participation of political parties in the management of state affairs is elections. It should be noted that the parliamentary elections in 2014 in comparison with the elections of 2009 were held in conditions of improved electoral legislation. In accordance with the amendments to Article 117 of the Constitution, the Central Election Commission (CEC) if formed to hold elections into the Oliy Majlis, the elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan as well as referendums, as the basic principles of which independence, legality, collegiality, openness and fairness are defined. CEC operates on a continuous basis and is guided by the Constitution, laws on elections and referendums, and other regulatory legal acts. The procedure for the election of the Chairman and members of the CEC is also specified in this article. According to amendments introduced to the Budget Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the costs associated with preparation and holding of elections to the representative authorities of state power, are covered by state funds. The legislation prohibits IIMFCS | 47 financing and other material support of candidates for deputy by other resources. Amendments to the Law on Elections of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan made in 2012 provide ensuring of equal conditions to the candidates for deputy and political parties during the election campaign. The law clearly defines the concept of “election campaign”, conditions, types, permissible forms and methods of its holding. It is prohibited to hold the election campaign accompanied by granting to voters goods and services (except for information) free either of charge or at reduced prices as well as any payments in cash. Therewith, amendments to the Code on Administrative Liability of the Republic of Uzbekistan, introduced in September 2014, provide administrative responsibility for offenses committed in the course of election campaigning. 5.2. Quantitative and Qualitative Structure D There are four political parties In Uzbekistan: the Movement of Entrepreneurs and Businessmen — Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan Information on the changes in the number of members of political parties 2013 383,9 2012 Democratic Party of Uzbekistan “Milly Tiklanish” NDPU UzLiDep DP “Miliy tiklanish” 106,7 101,5 93,5 176,6 184,1 175,9 Social Democratic Party of Uzbekistan “Adolat”. 178,3 248,3 2014 160,8 People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan 383,9 During the elections of 2014 the political parties managed to mobilize for work at the constituencies 35 thousand observers and authorized representatives each (32 thousand of observers and 30 thousand of authorized representatives took part in the 2014 elections). According to the results of the parliamentary elections held in December 2014, the number of members of the factions of the parties in the Lower Chamber of Parliament has changed. Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan retained the leadership in the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis, received 52 parliamentary seats. Representation of the Democratic Party “Milly Tiklanish”, which received 36 seats, is increased noteworthily. The next largest are the fractions of People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan and the Social Democratic Party “Adolat” — 27 and 20 deputies respectively. 378,2 uring 2014, there was a steady increase in the number of members and the primary party organizations in all four political parties — the Liberal Democratic Party, the People’s Democratic Party, the Democratic Party “Milly Tiklanish” and the Social Democratic Party “Adolat”. Increased human resource capacity of political parties allowed effectively apply the rights provided by the law on the arrangement of activities during the parliamentary elections in 2014. The political parties nominated candidates from all 135 constituencies (it total — 540 candidates) for parliamentary elections. This indicator in the course of parliamentary elections of 2009 was 517 candidates. At the same time political parties met the rules of law on the mandatory nomination for candidates at least 30% women. SDP “Adolat” 48 | IIMFCS In accordance with the legislation of the country, the party newspaper. Despite the participation 15 deputies of the Lower Chamber of Parliament were of the parties in electoral campaign and elecelected from the Ecology Movement of Uzbekistan. tion propaganda, during 2014 the tendency of Following the elections to the elected bodies held decrease in the circulation of party publications is in December 2014, parliamentary seats in Jokargy remained. The circulation of all party publications Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regional during the year is decreased in average by 40%. and Tashkent city Kengash of people’s deputies was This fact indicates that printed publications of distributed as follows: UzLiDeP — 38.1% of the total political parties have not yet become an effective number of deputies, People’s Democratic Party of means of propaganda for the program goals and Uzbekistan — 26.3%, DP “Milly Tiklansh” — 22% objectives of the parties within broad segments and the Social Democratic Party “Adolat” — 13.4%. of the population, organizer of internal commuAll political parties in the country regularly (not nication of the governing bodies of the rank and less than once a week) publish and distribute file party members. The distribution of parliamentary seats in the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2015 (pcs.) Ecology Movement of Uzbekistan SDP ”Adolat” NDPU 15 20 27 52 DP ”Milliy Tiklanish” 36 UzLiDep IIMFCS | 49 The ratio of the number of deputies by party affiliation in Jokargy Kenes of the Republic of Kazakhstan, regional and Tashkent city Kengashes of people’s deputies SDP ”Adolat” 13.4% UzLiDep 13.4% DP ”Milliy Tiklanish” 22.2% NDPU 26.3% The distribution of parliamentary seats in Jokargy Kenes of the Republic of Kazakhstan, regional and Tashkent city Kengashes of people’s deputies in 2015 (pcs) 8 5 18 18 5 12 6 14 8 8 22 11 17 10 17 5 16 7 15 15 17 15 27 24 20 23 21 15 reg zm ore Kh a re gan 19 ion KP Tas D hke nt city KP D PD gio nK nK gio gio hke nt re Tas a re ariy DP ”Milliy Tiklanish” Fer nK KP ion reg Sur kha nd riya PD PD D D ion reg ark Sam NDPU Sir da and reg an Na m KP D KP ion gio nK PD D KP ion Na voi re reg rya hka da Kas UzLiDep 8 15 25 22 20 KP ion reg ion Jizz akh ra r eg kha 8 11 12 D D KP KP ion Bu eg 9 7 16 D KJ tan An dija nr pa sk aka l Kar 14 12 6 12 25 20 19 9 12 12 24 9 21 14 ang 15 8 SDP ”Adolat” 50 | IIMFCS «XXI asr» «Uzbekiston Ovozy» 5 180 «Adolat» January 2014 3 022 8 351 13 267 8 222 10 480 12 639 12 578 21 183 21 363 Circulation of party publications in 2014 (copies) «Milliy tiklanish» «Golos Uzbekistana» December 2014 5.3. Financial Sustainability I n the past year, a significant proportion of the budget of political party was formed at the expense of resources allocated from the state budget. It should be noted that in the past year, in addition to the financing of statutory activities, the resources from the state budget were allocated to political parties for the elections to the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan. These resources in the budget of UzLiDeP made up 90.1%, People’s Democratic Party — 65.3%, DP «Milly Tiklanish» — 91%, Social Democratic Party «Adolat» — 89.1%. The rest of the budget of political party was formed by membership fees. Herewith, the private funds (membership fees, donations and other proceeds) in the People’s Democratic Party in 2014 was accounted for about 35% of the budget of the party, which indicates that the People’s Democratic Party of the four parties is the most financially sustainable. The amount of proceeds from membership fees of UzLiDeP, DC “Milly Tiklanish” and Social Democratic Party “Adolat” is much less. “XXI asr” newspaper No, 11 (591) dated March 12, 2015. “Uzbekiston Ovozi” newspaper No.43 (31.946) dated April 14, 2015. “Milliy Tiklanish” newspaper No. 15 (336) dated April 15, 2015. “Adolat” newspaper No. 12-13 (1024) dated March 20, 2015. 1 Volumes and sources of funding of political parties in 20141 13,1 mlrd UzLiDep 0,7% 90,1% 9,2% 12,1 mlrd NDPU 65,3% 24% 10,7% 7,9 mlrd DP ”Milliy Tiklanish” 91% 0,8% 8,2% 4,6 mlrd SDP”Adolat” State budget funds 89,1% 1,3% 8,6% Membership fee Donations and other revenues IIMFCS | 51 5.4. Infrastructure I n 2014, the activities of partner organizations, providing information and consultative assistance to the political parties, have focused on facilitating the participation of parties in the elections. For the purpose of arranging the elections at a high level, the Central Election Commission adopted the Program of measures for the preparation and holding of elections to the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, regional, district and city Kengashes of people’s deputies. Within the framework of implementation of this program by the Central Election Commission, the Institute for Monitoring of Current Legislation and the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, other public and non-government organizations together with the political parties at the national and regional levels, arranged and carried out more than 200 different measures. The Independent Institute for monitoring of the formation of civil society and its regional branches on a systematic basis gives support to political parties; contribute to the further strengthening of multi-party system. Organizations providing information and consultative assistance to the political parties: Independent Institute for monitoring of the formation of civil society (; Institute for Monitoring of Current Legislation under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (; Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan ( and others. In 2014, for the purpose of effective preparation of political parties for the elections, the Institute separately with each party arranged and conducted a series of regional seminars-trainings devoted to the arrangement of the activity of primary party organizations, party groups in local Kengashes of people’s deputies. In a total, more than 290 national and regional conferences, roundtables, seminars and trainings were conducted. 5.5. Protection of Public Interests A nalysis of the party groups activity in regional representative authorities in 2014 shows a further increase in activity in the solution of socioeconomic issues, implementation of deputy control over the activities of executive authorities, initiating the inspections of law enforcement and other state decisions at the and local level. Deputy associations of the parties in regional representative authorities actively use the practice of hearing the reports of officials of the situation, decide socioeconomic issues at the local level, and take part in the implementation of government programs. In the past year the number of reports of officials on the urgent problems of socioeconomic development at the local level, heard on the initiative of the members of the party groups in the sessions of Jokargy Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regional and Tashkent city Kengashes of people’s deputies is significantly increased: in 2014 — 205, in 2013 — 148. For the past period, the deputies of each political party widely used the right of deputy request. Thus, in 2013, it was sent 1698 deputy’s inquiries, in 2014 — 1598 deputy’s inquiries. In 2014, the activity of party groups on proposal, reflecting the program goals and objectives of political parties as well as interests of their permanent electorate remained stable. The number of proposals introduced by the party groups to the sessions of kengashes in 2014 was 97 (in 2013 — 101), in 56 52 | IIMFCS Number of officials reports hearing initiated by party groups in the KPD in 2013 and 2014 Using the right for deputy’s inquiries by party groups in the KPD in 2013 and 2014 2013 2013 2014 115 2014 704 695 76 446 65 23 351 DP ”Milliy Tiklanish” 404 36 192 13 UzLiDep 356 NDPU 13 148 12 SDPU ”Adolat” (58%) of these the decisions of corresponding kengashes were made. Analysis of the results of monitoring studies indicates the present problems and unused reserves in the activities of political parties. In particular, it requires a systematic approach, the arrangement of work of the party groups in UzLiDep DP ”Milliy Tiklanish” NDPU SDPU ”Adolat” local representative authorities and structural subdivisions of political parties for identification and studying of long-term social interests and requires of permanent electorate the party, socioeconomic problems exiting the population at the local level, implementation of its program objectives requires a systematic approach. 5.6. Public Recognition I n 2014, the intensification of the social and political work of the parties for explanation their program goals and objectives to the population and potential electorate was noted due to the preparation of the political parties for the parliamentary elections and the participation in the election campaign. In the course of preparation for the elections of 2014, there was a further strengthening of the political identity of the parties. Election program of each political party reflects the specific proposals for the solution of urgent social and economic problems. The active participation of the parties in the election campaign led to the growth of inter- party competition, which in turn contributed to the higher, compared with previous elections, level of inter-party competition. Pre-election speeches held by the parties and TV-debates on topical issues of reforming and modernizing the country were more meaningful and diverse. The results of public opinion study suggests the strengthening the role of political parties in the political life of the country, in particular, according to enquiry conducted in 2014 by the Center for Public Opinion Research “Ijtimoiy Fikr”, more than 70% of citizens see the differences between the political parties in their program objectives, problems and suggested ways of development of the country. 6. Democratic Processes in the Development of Self-Governing Bodies 54 | IIMFCS 6.1. Regulatory and Legal Framework The Law on the self-governing bodies (1999, was adopted in new revision in 2013); The Law on the Election of the Chairman (aksakal) of civic council and his advisers (2004, in 2013 was adopted in a new edition); The Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Support to civil selfgoverning bodies” (1998); The Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On enhancement of the role of self-governing bodies in providing targeted social support of the population” (1999); The Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Additional measures of incentives for employees of self-governing bodies (2012) The Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Creation of training courses on the improvement the skills of employees of self-governing bodies (2013); The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Improvement of the procedure for arrangement of the activities of self-governing bodies (2013); The Resolution on the measures for further improvement of the activity of self-governing bodies of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan (2013); The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Approval of the Regulations on the procedure of establishment, consolidation, separation and abolition of mahallas of the cities, settlements, villages and auls as well as setting and changing of their boundaries, assigning names and rename to them” (2014). I n the past year, the legislation governing the activities of self-governing bodies was amended with significant innovations. A number of legislative acts adopted in 2014 contain the rules governing, inter alia, the powers and duties of civic councils. Thus, the Law on Guardianship and custody specifies the standards, according to which the interaction of government bodies at the local level with self-governing bodies and non-government non-profit organizations in the area of custody and guardianship is provided. The Law on offenses prevention ”specifies the rights and responsibilities of self-governing bodies in the prevention of offenses. The Law on appeals of individuals and legal entities” regulates relations arising at the appeals of individuals and legal entities to the state authorities, including facilities administration, government agencies, selfgoverning bodies as well as authorized bodies in charge of decisions on appeal. The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 4, 2014 “On further improvement of public formation of civic councils (Mahalla posboni)” adopted a new Regulation, which defines the procedure for the establishment, scope of activities as well as the duties and powers of the members of formation. The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted a Resolution “On approval of the Regulations on the procedure of establishment, consolidation, separation and abolition of mahallas of the cities, settlements, villages and auls as well as setting and changing it boundaries, giving names and rename”. Thereafter, the procedure for establishment of settlements as well as many organizational issues will be implemented based on the abovementioned Regulation. The adoption of the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the creation of educational TV channel “Mahalla” and measures for the further expansion of digital TV-broadcasting” has improved the efficiency of self-governing bodies’ activities, through widespread publicity and promotion of the role models. IIMFCS | 55 6.2. Quantitative and Qualitative Structure A s of January 1, 2015, 9,787 civic councils operate in the country, including 189 — urban, 1,295 — rural, 157 — aul and 8146 — mahalla civic councils. On average, civic council covers more than three thousand persons. As of today, 1,255 women operate as chairwomen of the civic councils, representing 12.8% of the total number of chairmen. Most chairmen of civic councils (54.6%) have higher education, and in some regions the number of chairmen of civic council with higher education exceeds the countrywide mean value: in the city of Tashkent — 77%, the Republic of Karakalpakstan — 77.1%, Kashkadarya region — 72.3%. Currently, each civic council has established posts of chairman of civic council, consultant for religious, spiritual and moral education, executive secretary and the head of the “Mahalla posboni (Community guard) social units, which includes about 40 thousand persons. Moreover, volunteer counselors involved in the work of self-governing bodies, selected among reputable and respected inhabitants of civic council, headed the commission on major activities. Their number is about 100 thousand persons. 220 984 37 475 31 312 Civic councils in towns y ken t cit Tash on regi Kho rezm Ferg ana regi on ion ken t reg Tash on regi arya regi arya han d Surk Sird on n egio nd r n egio Sam arka Nam ang an r gion oi re Nav on hka da rya regi regi on Civic councils in rural area 515 41 300 582 34 272 0 Kas Jizz akh regi on hara Buk on regi ijan And 815 799 62 86 472 58 343 n skta kalp a Kara 802 868 30 82 985 100 174 258 The number of self-governing bodies by regions as of January 1, 2015 (pcs.) 56 | IIMFCS 6.3. Financial Sustainability T he financial basis of the activities of self- The amount of funds allocated by Mahalla”CPF governing bodies is formed at the expense of “for the development of self-governing bodies their own funds, local budgets, donations of in 2012-2014. (billion soums) legal entities and individuals as well as other resources stipulated by legislation. During the 2014, the “Mahalla” fund allocated 2012 11,4 about 15 billion soums for the development of material and technical base of self-governing bodies. In 2014, the “Mahalla” fund together with the Ministry for Development of Information 2013 15,8 Technologies and communications continue to work on the computerization of civic councils. As of today, totally about 93% of civic councils of the Republic are equipped with modern computers. 14,9 2014 6.4. Infrastructure C haritable Public Fund “Mahalla”, founded in 1992, is the leading non-government organization, assisting in the strengthening of self-governing bodies, the effective implementation of legal powers provided by the legislation, enhancing their role in the implementation of Public Oversight. This fund has the status of executive body of the National Council for coordination of the activities of self-governing bodies. In its turn, the territorial branches of the “Mahalla” fund have the status of executive bodies of the appropriate territorial councils for coordination of the activities of self-governing bodies. The important role in rendering of assistance to self-governing bodies on solution the problems they faced is given to the Training courses on the improvement the skills of employees of selfgoverning bodies, which were created in 2013 in every region of the country. In 2014 13,983 employees of self-governing bodies, representing 35% of the total number of employees working in this area have been trained and received certificates of these courses. IIMFCS | 57 6.5. Protection of Public Interests P rovision of targeted support for socially vulnerable groups of population (social benefits and financial assistance to low-income families) in 2014 was one of the main activities of the self-governing bodies. In particular, in 2014 the total amount of money, allocated by self-governing bodies for the supporting of socially vulnerable groups of population, low-income families, is amounted to 1 trillion 142 billion soums (in 2013 — 1 trillion 131 billion soums). Analysis of activities of self-governing bodies in solving the social problems gives the evidence of the positive results achieved. The practice of using the rights provided for by the legislation for the performing of social control by the self-governing bodies is gradually expanding. In particular, in 2014, the hearings of the reports of heads of executive authorities of districts and cities on the matters within the scope of civic councils were held quarterly. This is an important process contributing to the strengthening of the social partnership between the executive authorities and civic councils, raising public awareness of citizens about the activities of state power authorities as well as the timely resolution of problems at the local level. And with it, self-governing bodies took an active part in the elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, regional, district and city Kengashes of people’s deputies held in December 2014. More than 10 thousand people from most active members of civic councils were involved in the work of local election commissions. In addition, the right to nominate candidates for the local Kengashes of people’s deputies granted by the legislation was effectively implemented: 421 self-governing bodies nominated 433 candidates for deputy to the local Kengashes of people’s deputies. Therefrom, 115 were elected as deputies of city and regional Kengashes. Regarding the results of the elections of 2009, this indicator is 153% (in 2009 it was elected 75 deputies). In addition, the right to nominate candidates for the local Kengashes of people’s deputies granted by the legislation was effectively implemented: 421 selfgoverning bodies nominated 433 candidates for deputy to the local Kengashes of people’s deputies. There from, 115 were elected as deputies of city and regional Kengashes. Regarding the results of the elections of 2009, this indicator is 153% (in 2009 it was elected 75 deputies). At the same time, the monitoring results indicate a presence of problematic issues to be resolved, unused reserves in the work to assist self-governing bodies in the implementation of their tasks. In particular, there are cases of a formal approach to the organization of work of commissions in key areas created under self-governing bodies as well as the audit commission. In some cases, the participation of representatives of state bodies (tax and financial authorities) stipulated by legislation in the work of relevant committees for allocation of benefits and material assistance has non-systemic, sporadic character. In connection, therewith arises a need to arrange the systematic work to improve the level of professional knowledge self-governing bodies’ employees, provide the necessary methodological assistance for their activities. The volume of material support to socially vulnerable groups of population in 2011–2014 (billion soums) 1185 1185 114 11 4242 42 2 1142 1131 31 3 1 1131 131 1028 1028 2011 2011 2012 2012 2013 2013 2014 2014 58 | IIMFCS 6.7. Public Recognition A ctivities of self- governing bodies’ employees find great support among the population of the country and has earned high praise of the government. During 2010–2013, the various state awards were awarded to nearly 150 employees of selfgoverning bodies. In 2014, another 27 employees of self-governing bodies were awarded with honorary state awards1. 1 Representatives of self-governing bodies are also find recognition in the public. In the course of elections held on December 21, 2014, 692 employees of self-governing bodies were elected to district and city Kengashes of people’s deputies from political parties, 29 — to the deputies of regional Kengashes and 3 — to the Senate of the Oliy Majlis. This suggests that honorable and respected people serve self-governing bodies nowadays. 7. High Legal Awareness — the Foundation of a Democratic Society 60 | IIMFCS 7.1. Regulatory and Legal Framework R egulatory and legal base of improvement the legal education of the population consists of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a number of laws, the National program for improving the legal culture in the society, the National program for staff training and other bylaws. Currently, the country is implementing the practical measures on improvement the legislation, aimed at the grows of the legal consciousness, political and legal culture in the society, in the framework of the Concept of further deepThe Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On petitions of individuals and legal entities” (Extracts) Article 3. The right to petitions Individuals and legal entities are entitled to petitions to the state authorities. The right to petitions is implemented voluntarily. No one can be forced to participate in activities in support of a petition or against it. .... Article 21. The rights of legal entities and individuals under considering the petitions. Under considering the petitions by the state authorities, individuals and legal entities have the right to receive information on the progress of consideration of the petition, present arguments and give explanations in person, review the materials of petition examination and the results of its consideration, submit the additional materials or apply for their vindication from other authorities, shall have the right to use barrister. ening of democratic reforms and formation of civil society in the country adopted in 2010. In particular, the Law on petitions of individuals and legal entities” regulating the relations in the field of petitions of individuals and legal entities to the state authorities and public institutions adopted on December 3, 2014. The law defines the procedure of reception of individuals and representatives of legal entities in the state bodies. A separate chapter of the law is devoted to the guarantees of the rights of individuals and legal entities to petitions. The law also regulates the procedure for filing petitions and their consideration, given the cases in which petitions are left without consideration. Growing interest of the population to sociopolitical processes ongoing in the country, increasing its political activity and civic consciousness stipulate the improvement of the regulatory and legal base, improving the legal culture in the society and the creation of targeted comprehensive program of measures aimed at radical improvement of legal education and enlightenment in the country, propaganda of legal knowledge in the society. The basic legal acts regulating the issues of improving the legal culture of the population: The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan (1992); The Law on Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan (1997); The National program for improving the legal culture in the society (1997); The National program for staff training (1997) and others. IIMFCS | 61 7.2. Legal Education in the Education System T he legal education of the young generation within the education system plays an important role in formation and improvement of the legal culture of the population. The Republic of Uzbekistan carries out a consistent work on legal training and legal education in preschools, secondary schools, academic lyceums, professional colleges and higher educational institutions, with constantly improving methods of implementation of this work. On the basis of proposals from more than 60 governmental and public organizations the Concept of the development of jurisprudence in the 2012–2015 is developed and implemented, aimed at arrangement of methodological work in the field of legal education, updated forms of legal education and training are introduced1. During the implementation of this Concept, the training programs and plans for students, pupils of higher and secondary specialized, educational institutions in the sphere of jurisprudence were improved. In particular, curricula of professional colleges on specialties “Legal science” and “Consultant on economic issues” were studied, modified and re-approved. At the same time, work on improving the training legal literature is implemented. Community of profes The Concept is approved by the Resolution of the Board of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan No.11/12 in 2012. 1 sional authors critically reviewed and published textbooks in a new edition. “Basics of constitutional law” and “Basics of State and Law” for pupils of 8–9 classes of secondary schools as well as posters on the topic: “Basics of constitutional law” for preschool education. Textbooks, manuals, compilations of normative legal acts and other literature on legal subjects intended for students of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions corresponding to modern requirements and current legislation published annually. Over the past three years, 290 titles of books were published with more than 820 thousand copies (in 2012 — 76 titles of literature with more than 175 thousand copies, in 2013 — 108 titles of literature with more than 303 thousand copies, in 2014 — 106 titles of literature with more than 342 thousand copies). More than 20 textbooks were drafted and published — “Civil Law”, “Labor Law”, “Environmental Law”, “Economic (business) law” and others for pupils of secondary special and professional educational institutions in the area of law. In addition, the guide for young people entering into marriage was developed and published, with about 20 thousand copies as well as a textbook “Human Rights” with more than 25 thousand copies. 62 | IIMFCS 7.3. The system of Training and Skills Development of Legal Personnel T he system of training of highly qualified legal personnel meets the requirements of the country’s continuing democratic and legal reforms and formation of civil society and the modern international standards was established in the country. Currently, the system of preparation and training of legal personnel includes the Tashkent State Law University, Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, law faculties of higher educational institutions, specialized colleges as well as the Lawyers Training Center under the Ministry of Justice, the Higher education courses under the General Prosecutor’s Office. With the purpose of training of legal personnel (employees of judicial authorities, court, advocacy, prosecutors, internal affairs as well as legal services of state power authorities, enterprises, institutions and establishments, lawyers from the faculty) there are educational trainings on regular basis. To further improvement of the system of training of legal personnel it is expedient to introduce the new methods and innovative technologies into the process of training of legal personnel. Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the measures for further improvement of the system of training of legal personnel” No. PP-1990 dated June 28, 2013 (Extract) The primary tasks and areas of activities of the Tashkent State Law University shall be specified as follows: BB Retraining and skills development of teachers who teach legal disciplines in secondary special and professional, as well as higher legal educational institutions of the country, creation the textbooks and teaching materials for them meeting the modern requirements and standards; BB Creation of an effective system of spiritual and moral education, improvement the legal, political culture and consciousness of students, formation and development of their patriotism, high moral qualities. 7.4. Activities of State Authorities in the Field of Improving the Legal Education of the Population O ne of the important areas of state authorities’ activities is the work on legal propaganda and improvement of legal education and legal awareness of the population, which has become an important means of citizens’ education in the spirit of respect and informed law observance, prevention and suppression of crime. For this purpose, special subdivisions on legal propaganda and protection of human rights was formed within the structure of a number of law enforcement and other government authorities (such as the Ministry of Justice, General Prosecutor’s Office, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, etc.). Coordination of the activities of state authorities, public associations on legal propaganda and educa- IIMFCS | 63 2012 2013 State authorities 247,3 237,2 278,4 568,1 879,2 925,8 Number of activities organized by NGOs and governmental bodies in the domain of legal propaganda and education in 2012–2014 (in thousands) 2014 Public associations tion aimed at improvement of the legal awareness of the population, the legal culture and the strengthening of legality in the society is implemented by the Interagency Council on the coordination of the work of state authorities on legal propaganda and education. In order to improve the efficiency and quality of measures aimed at improvement the legal culture of the population, the Interagency Council on the coordination of the work of state authorities on legal propaganda and education has prepared the Methodology of arrangement and holding conferences, seminars, “round tables” by the state authorities and public associations. Also, a plan of measures for the effective use of modern information and communication technologies, all types of media within the activities of bringing the provisions of the legislation to the public were developed. According to the abovementioned plan of measures only for the last year, the state authorities and public organizations conducted more than 1 million 173 thousand of educational events on legal issues. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of these events shows the activization of public associations activities and improvement of their interaction with the state authorities in the field of legal propaganda and education. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the measures of further improvement of the activities of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan” No. PP-1602 dated August 23, 2011 (Extract) The main issues of the Interagency Council on the coordination of the work of state authorities on legal propaganda and education are determined as follow: BB coordination the work of state authorities, public associations on legal propaganda and education aimed at improvement of the legal awareness of the population, the legal culture and the strengthening of the rule of law in the society; BB development and introducing the suggestions for improvement of the quality of training, retraining and skill development of legal personnel, as well as increasing the level of legal knowledge of pupils and students of educational institutions; BB adoption of comprehensive measures for the effective use of media, including print and electronic media, the modern information and communication technologies in the implementation of work on legal propaganda and public education, a broad involvement of the civil society in this activity of the institutions. Law enforcement authorities paid special attention to the activities for improvement of the legal knowledge of the population, bringing to the public the existing norms of legislation. For example, in 2014 the prosecutor’s offices conducted 127 thousand 751 events aimed at clarifying the provisions of the laws. The mass media covered more than 22 thousand events, 6,773 of these were broadcasted on television. Judicial authorities in the past year arranged and carried out 56 thousand 936 measures aimed at improvement of the legal culture of citizens. It should also be noted that the implementation of legal propaganda by internal affairs authori- 64 | IIMFCS ties, potential of the media is effectively used, in particular, in 2014, was arranged 26 thousand 821 appearance in the media, with particular attention paid to clarifying the provisions of the Constitution, laws and other legal acts in the area of protection of human rights, particularly the rights of women, minors, entrepreneurs as well as crime prevention. Media pays an important role in the improvement of the legal education. The most popular legal sources of information are TV, printed and online media. Currently, five magazines and 40 newspapers specializing in legal issues are published in the country. At the same time, operates an Internet portal “” - a national information database of regulatory and legal acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan. This database, which includes about 26 thousand legal documents in Uzbek and Russian languages, are daily visited by 2,500 to 3,000 users. No less important is the role of printed publications of law enforcement in coverage of innovations in the legislation, commenting and explaining to the readers the essence and significance of the adopted of legal acts and drafts of legislation. Analysis of the content of newspapers of legal profile “Kuch – adolatda”, “Huquq”, “Inson va qonun” and “Postda” in 2014 showed that the abovementioned printed publications are carried out fairly active work in covering the most important sociopolitical events in the country and overseas, inform readers about new developments in the legislation, socially relevant legal acts, commenting and explaining their essence and meaning, inform on the implementation of government programs, thereby assisting the improvement of the legal culture of the population. Meanwhile, the monitoring results indicate the presence of unused reserves in the activities of printed publications of legal profile. So, in the content of publications prevail the articles of information and news character, while critical materials and publications on the outcome of journalistic investigations is not enough. The development of electronic versions of functioning publications legal profile contributes to the further expansion of the readers’ audience. Number of events arranged by state authorities and public organizations in the field of legal propaganda and education in 2012–2014 (thousand pcs.) Provisions of the Constitution - 1584 Laws in business - 1 750 The essence and significance of ongoing democratic reform - 2 714 The fight against terrorism and religious extremism - 3 300 Human rights - 10 919 The provisions of the various legal acts - 36 024 IIMFCS | 65 7.5. The Role of Civil Society Institutions in the Formation of the Legal Culture of the Population T he special attention shall be given to the activity of the civil society institutions, in particular, of non-government non-profit organizations, public associations, political parties, mass media, self-governing bodies in formation and improvement of the legal culture of the population. Non-government non-profit organizations represent the interests of different social groups and the broad segments of the population; take an important place in improvement of the legal awareness and knowledge of the population on the norms of national legislation and mechanisms of their rights protection. Women’s Committee of Uzbekistan is implementing a number of measures for improvement women’s knowledge and skills in various areas of public life, in particular, preparation of young people for family life, employment of women, assist them in business establishment. In addition, special attention is given to work on legal propaganda and spiritual enlightenment of women. So, if in 2012 151 thousand 296 events were carried out in the indicated area, in 2013 — 178 thousand 510 events, and in 2014 their number was 199 thousand 601. Federation of Consumer Protection conducted educational activities aimed at the improvement of the consumer culture of the population, the extensive explanation of the rules and provisions of the existing legislation on consumer right protection. In 2014, the Federation held more than 4,460 “round tables”, 1,407 training workshops, arranged over 4,880 appearances in the media, including 2,750 — on radio and television, 1,835 materials containing legal information published in the printed media, 294 — Internet sites. In 2014, “Kamolot” arranged around 9 thousand events of political and legal nature. Events mainly were intended to clarify the provisions of the Constitution, the rights of young voters, labor and business law. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan is active in the field of information application and provision of advisory services to business entities, arrangement of publications in this area. Thus, in 2014, CCI arranged more than 1,500 seminars in order to clarify the foundations and principles of economic activity, 124 international and 230 national conferences and 230 “round tables”. In addition, the media have published more than 3,200 information materials, including 918 in the print media, 268 — in the Internet as well as 2,315 performances on television and radio. 7.6. Legal Awareness of Citizens on the Legislation T he most effective method of identifying the real picture of the state of the legal culture in the society in general and the legal culture of different segments of the population is a sociological research of the problems of legal culture, public opinion on the law, legal awareness of citizens. In 2014, the IIMFCS continued to study the level of legal awareness and legal culture of the population, its legal knowledge. Analysis of the results of research points to the continued trend of upward the level of political, legal, cultural and civic consciousness of the population, its social activity. Thus, from 1,400 of the 66 | IIMFCS pollees, 85% noted the need of law observance, while 56% indicated, “laws are made for the people and in behalf of the people, serve for improvement of their quality of life”. According to the opinion of 29% of respondents, “laws are made in order to ensure fulfillment of the most important principles of building a rule-of-law state, and the directions of its development and program objectives”. At the same time, public confidence in the law enforcement and judicial authorities is increasing, which in turn is an indicator of the effectiveness of their activities. For example, 66% of respondents said that, if necessary, in order to protect their right they appeal to the prosecutor’s office and the internal affair authorities, another 33% to the judiciary authorities. The results of a sociological poll conducted among entrepreneurs indicate a growing level of awareness of entrepreneurs on the most important laws and other legal acts regulating their activities. In particular, of the 369 respondents 66% demonstrated knowledge of current legislation in the field of entrepreneurship and business; Decrees of President and government resolutions aimed at further creation of favorable conditions for development of small business and private entrepreneurship are mentioned separately. 7.7. Civic Engagement of the Population A ccording to the results of monitoring studies conducted by the Institute in the past year, indicators of people’s participation in socio-political, socioeconomic and cultural life of the country demonstrate steady growth, which in its turn indicates the increase of civic engagement of the population. There is also increasing interest of citizens to the social and political events, taking place in the country. In particular, 88% of the 1,400 respondents said that they consistently demonstrate an interest in politics, are actively involved in the political process, and have some knowledge in this area; 55% of respondents believe that every citizen with an active position shall be aware of ongoing socio-political events; 17% believe it is their civic duty; 11% associate the interest in politics with the character of his professional activity; 5% — considered the active participation in social movements and political parties as necessary, and others. Thus, the answers of 78% of respondents indicate their informed participation in the country’s ongoing public and political processes, in particular, in the election. The results of the conducted studies are reflected in practice. Thus, during the election propaganda at the meetings with candidates for deputy more than 4 million voters were involved, that is the evidence in favor of the high level of their political and legal culture, and civic engagement, and contributed to the selection of a worthy candidate. According to the information of CEC from 20 million 789 thousand 572 citizens included in the lists of voters in the country, 18 million 490 thousand 245 persons took part in the elections, voters turnout was 88.9%1. For comparison, in the elections of 2009, this indicator was 87.8% of the total electorate2. During the election campaign of 2014, the growth of the social and political participation of women was observed. For example, women accounted for 34% of the total number of candidates nominated from People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, 33% of candidates from UzLiDeP, 31% — from DP “Milly Tiklanish” and 30% from the Social Democratic Party “Adolat”3. Following the elections of 2014 in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the highest number of women were elected from UzLiDeP, representing 20% of the total number of deputies of the party, 19% — People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, 17% — DP “Milly Tiklanish”, 10% — Social Democratic Party “Adolat”, 7% — Ecology Movement Resolution of the Central Election Commission of the epublic of Uzbekistan “On the registration of deputies of the R Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of the Republic Uzbekistan” — Newspaper “Narodnoye Slovo” dated December 26, 2014. 2 Foreign observers on the elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, regional, district and city Kengashes of people’s deputies. — T .: IPTD “Uzbekistan”, 2010 — page 9. 3 Resolution of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the registration of candidates for deputies of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of U zbekistan” dated November 15, 2014 No. 1 IIMFCS | 67 81968 91833 97362 111353 115900 115502 127198 123198 The number of members of political parties under the age of 30 in 2011–2014 36380 40850 42823 38866 59017 88971 87826 89044 of Uzbekistan. In the Senate of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan, the number of women is 17%. It is of notice, the growing number of women entrepreneurs: whereas in 2011 61.7 thousand women were involved in sole proprietorship, in 2013 — this number equaled 67.7 thousand women, with further growth in 2014 to 68.9 thousand. In addition, an increase in socio-political activity of youth is observed. The number of members of political parties under the age of 30 were increased from 295.7 thousand in 2011 to 386.6 thousand in 2014, which is the evidence of the growing level of involvement of young people into political processes. As of 1 January 2015, an average of 41% of the total number of members of political parties is under the age of 30. The traditional and most widespread forms of representation of social activity of citizens nationwide are hashars - voluntary actions of citizens, hold twice a year, on the eve of the national holiday Navruz and Independence Day. Every year khashars involves millions of people, streets and residential areas are improved and vegetated during Khashars, assistance to poor families, lonely, elderly and vulnerable people is provided. UzLiDeP 2011 NDPU 2012 DP “Milliy Tiklanish” 2013 SDP “Adolat” 2014 7.8. The Ability of Citizens to Defend their Rights A wareness of citizens on the existing legal mechanisms for their rights protection as well as their ability and willingness to defend them within the framework of existing legislation is an important part of the legal education of the society. The right to appeal is one of the effective ways of protection the rights of citizens and effective means of preventing violations of their legitimate rights and interests. Thus, the appeals are the form of Public Oversight over the activity of state bodies and their officials. In the past year, the Institute continued the study of the statistics of citizens’ appeal to protect their rights to the state and public authorities. According to monitoring results, opportunities for citizens to exercise their right to appeal has expanded considerably, due to launch in 2013 the Single portal of interactive government services (EPIGU) available in the Internet at Today EPIGU gives citizens the opportunity to appeal to more than 600 authorities of the state and economic administration. On a single portal, a centralized system for processing applications of citizens is implemented, allowing to trace all incoming appeals of citizens, and to control the quality of their performance. During 2014, over 97 thousand appeals were sent to the state authorities by users through EPIGU, 67% (about 65 thousand) of which have been fulfilled and the appropriate answers were given. 33% (about 32 thousand) are under consideration. Of the total, amount of appeals about 50 thousand (52%) - from legal entities, more than 47 thousand (48%) - from individuals. Also “Call-centers” of the Single portal of interactive government services (accessible by a short 68 | IIMFCS number “1060” and «8-800-200-1818”) are very effective, via which applicants can submit their applications, complaints and suggestions to state bodies of the country. In 2014, more than 7,350 appeals were received and sent through “Call-center” operators. Studying the statistics of appeals of the citizens to protect their rights in the state and public authorities in 2014 is also evidenced of the continued upward trend in both quantitative and qualitative indicators. In the past year, prosecutor’s offices received 168 thousand 216 appeals from citizens, herewith 80 thousand 676 (48%) of appeals were resolved, 15 thousand. 224 thousand (19%) complaint were satisfied. 377 thousand 969 applications, complaints and proposals were received by internal affairs authorities in 2014, while in 2013 their number was 356 thousand 791. As a result of consideration, 193 thousand 394 appeals were satisfied, 16 thousand 194 were clarified, and 14 thousand 602 were not considered, as the facts indicated therein have not been confirmed. In addition, 66 thousand 786 receptions of citizens were arranged, including 61 thousand 667 — directly by the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, by heads of regional and Tashkent city internal affairs authorities and by other officials. During 2014 the Commissioner of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman) received 11 thousand 858 appeals from citizens, of which 7 thousand 938 petitions and complaints — to the central office, 893 appeals — to his regional representatives, 822 — through telephone hotlines1. The study of subjects of appeals received by the Ombudsman for consideration shows that 4 thousand 454 appeals were related to the protection of citizens’ personal rights, and more than 3 thousand — of social and economic rights that was relevant and in the previous years. The Women’s Committee of Uzbekistan in 2014 received 885 written appeals and 167 oral appeals (through visits), of which 99 through EPIGU. Most of the appeals were related to the socioeconomic rights of women, in particular, requests for legal assistance (199 appeals), the issues on the housing (112), family (127), social problems (99) as well as complaints for the officials’ actions (126). In the past year, the Federation of Consumer Protection considered 6 thousand 850 appeals The number of appeals to the Commissioner of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman) received in 2011–2014 (pcs) 2011 2012 11 238 12 826 2013 11 733 2014 11 858 (4,975 written and 1,875 oral), of which 98% are solved positively (more than 94% were solved the federation itself, about 4% — by regulatory and law-enforcement authorities). In addition to the legal culture, the level of ecological culture of citizens is increased, that is evidenced by the current practice of citizens’ appeal to the Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan (EMU) and its territorial divisions. In 2014, through EMU “hot line” 416 appeals of citizens were received concerning the violations of legislation in the fields of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources. In reviewing of appeals received, the Ecological Movement of officially made 294 appeals to state and non-government organizations, on 278 violations the appropriate decisions were made. In general, monitoring results indicate the increasing activity of citizens to defend their rights under within the frame of existing legislation. Herewith, along with state and law enforcement authorities, the role of public organizations in the protection of rights and legitimate interests of citizens is strengthened. IIMFCS | 69 Conclusions T oday we confidently can state that as a result of the implementation of targets the effective system of state administration that provides stability and security, conditions for sustainable development have created in the country. A developed system of civil institutions is established; legal framework formed for their independent, free development. The socially oriented market economy is established and rapidly developing, being the basis and precondition for further enhancement of social and political reforms. However, most importantly — for the last period has considerably increased the level of social consciousness, political and legal culture of citizens, their social and political activity — the major components of civil society. The subsequent implementation of the provisions of the Concept of further strengthening of democratic reforms and formation of civil society in the country will enhance the social, socioeconomic activities of NNOs and other civil society institutions, strengthening their role and importance in the implementation of reforms aimed at democratic renewal and modernization of the country, consistent, phased implementation of the principle “From the strengthen state - to the strengthen civil society”. However, in order to implement the ideas embodied in the Concept, it seems appropriate to implement the following set of measures for the further development of civil society in the country. 1 It is remains as urgent, the issue of participation of civil society institutions in the formation and expression of public opinion and social consciousness. Adoption and implementation of complex of measures for the development of the media market, the market of consulting services, improvement the working conditions of public opinion research services, the creative competition of ideas, programs and projects in this area will allow to raise to a qualitatively new level of work in this direction. 2.In view of the further liberalization of the mass media, increasing the number of non-state print media, radio, television, Internet, the issue of their entering and taking the worthy place in the global information space is actualized. The most important tasks in this direction is the implementation of system measures on the further introduction in information area the market mechanisms, improvement of the professional level of journalists, the mastery of modern technologies of preparation and dissemination of information products. To execute the urgent tasks of the media, the focus of government agencies should be further strengthening of material and technical base of mass media, material and moral incentives in charge of their employees. З. In order to improve the efficiency of the implemented projects in the framework of social partnership, it is brewing the issue of arrangement the dialogue of state authorities with civil institutions for determination of the targets in sphere of public and state construction, occupying of its niche in the system of decision-making, promote the interests of those layers and structures of society, they present. At the same time, it seems appropriate to establish a mutually interested cooperation of the parliament, local kengashes of people’s deputies with civil society institutions for the arrangement of Public Oversight over the activity of state and government structures. 4. The most important priority is the activization of actions for further enhancement of the legal awareness of citizens, the strengthening of democratic values in the minds of people, formation, education of the public understanding of the exceptional role of civil society institutions in the system of state and social construction, democratic, progressive development of the country. Different level of the legal culture, features of social status, political orientation of the various segments of the population require the changes in methods of action, and the emphasis in the programs of promotion of legal knowledge. 5. Further expansion of mahalla functions, ensuring its close interaction with the government bodies for the protection of rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens, turning the mahalla as the center of targeted social support of the population, the development of private entrepreneurship and family businesses as well as a harmonious inscribing it in a system of Public Oversight over the activity of government authorities is another priority of the activity on civil society development. 6. Significant changes in the constitutional law on political parties and the change of their role in 70 | IIMFCS political system require specification of the functions of the party system in the identification, formulation and satisfaction the interests of large social groups, implementation of communication citizens and society with the state bodies, development and political decision-making. The implementation of the abovementioned priorities for the development of civil society institutions will be the important factor of the democratic renewal of the country, its consistent movement from the “strong state to strong civil society”. IIMFCS | 71 Glossary CHARITABLE PUBLIC FUND “MAHALLA” — was founded in 1992, is the leading non-government organization, assisting in the strengthening of selfgoverning bodies, supports them in the implementation of Public Oversight over the government bodies, provides methodical and practical support for their activities. Allocation of government grants is performed through the Public Fund under the Oliy Majlis as well as public funds for the support of non-government non-profit organizations and other civil society institutions under Jokargy Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Kengashes of people’s deputies of regions and Tashkent city. Non-government nonprofit organizations and other civil society instituBLOGGER – an individual who places public infor- tions, which have submitted the projects, aimed to mation of socio-political, socioeconomic and other achievement social goals are entitled to participate nature, including for its discussion by the users of in grant competitions. the information on his/her website and (or) page on the World Wide Web. STATE SOCIAL ORDER — is a state task to perform work or event for the implementation NATIONWIDE HASHARS — form of community/ of social and socially significant projects by volunteer work of citizens widespread in Uzbekistan concluding the contract between a government from time immemorial authority and non-government non-profit organization or other civil society institutions. Provision GENERAL AGREEMENT — is concluded between of state social orders is carried out through the the Council of the Federation of Trade Unions Public Fund under the Oliy Majlis, or public funds of Uzbekistan (other representative bodies of for support of NNOs and other civil society instiemployees), national associations of employers, and tutions under Jokargy Kenes of the Republic of on the proposal of the parties and the Government of Karakalpakstan, Kengashes of people’s deputies the Republic of Uzbekistan. The General Agreement of regions and Tashkent city. prescribes the general principles of a coordinated economic and social policy. DEPUTY’S INQUIRY – a deputy is entitled to send a deputy inquiry to the officials of the government GOVERNMENT SUBSIDY — financial or other bodies, located in the relevant territory, with the material assistance not connected with the specific requirement to give a reasoned explanation, or to projects provided from the State Budget of the state its position on the matters within their compeRepublic of Uzbekistan, state special funds for tence. supporting of non-government non-profit organizations and other civil society institutions engaged in DOMAIN «UZ» — top-level domain, which social and public significant activities. Government expresses the country code of the Republic of subsidies are used solely to carry out the statutory Uzbekistan, managed and coordinated by specially objectives and tasks of non-government non-profit authorized organization and being under the jurisorganizations and other civil society institutions, diction of the Republic of Uzbekistan, including strengthen the material and technical base and domain names of subsequent levels. social goals achievement. THE TITLE OF “HONORED JOURNALIST” OF GOVERNMENT GRANT — money and material UZBEKISTAN — Republic of Uzbekistan’s honorary resources provided by the State Budget of the title awarded to journalists of editorial offices of Republic of Uzbekistan as well as resources of public newspapers and magazines, television and radio, funds to non-government non-profit organizations news agencies, workers publishing houses and other and other civil society institutions under their appli- entities having the great merits in the development cations on a competitive basis for implementation of press, the most distinguished in the creative and of the projects designed to achieve social goals. organizational activity. 72 | IIMFCS INSTITUTIONS OF CIVIL SOCIETY — self-governing bodies (mahalla), parties, movements, trade unions, associations and funds, non-government non-profit organizations (NNOs) — form the basis of civil society, determine its contents. They are designed to promote the growth of civil activity, national identity, political culture and high spirituality of the members of society, cultivate their sense of self-worth, independent thinking, yearning to realize their potential, to build their future with their own hands. PUBLIC ASSOCIATION — the voluntary formation arising as a result of free will of citizens united for the joint implementation of their rights, freedoms and legitimate interests in the sphere of politics, economy, social development, science, culture, ecology and other areas of life. Political parties, mass movements, trade unions, women, youth and children’s organizations, veterans and invalids, scientific, technical, cultural and educational, physical culture and sports and other voluntary societies, creative unions, communities, associations INTERNET MASS MEDIA (INTERNET EDITION) — and other associations of citizens are recognized a website that performs the function of the media in as public associations. the Internet. Along with printed publication, Interned editions guided by the principles of journalism. PUBLIC FUND — non-membership non-government non-profit organization established by legal SOURCES OF FINANCING of political parties are: entities and (or) individuals on the basis of voluntary PP admission and membership fees, if the payment property contributions, tracking charitable, social, is provided by the charter of a political party; cultural, educational or other socially useful purposes. PP incomes derived from entrepreneurial activities in accordance with the legislation; SELF-GOVERNING BODIES — gatherings of PP the resources of the State Budget of the Republic citizens of settlements, villages and auls as well as of Uzbekistan, allocated in accordance with the mahallas of cities, settlements, villages and auls. Selflegislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan; governing bodies are not included in the system of PP Donations of legal entities and citizens of the state power authorities and carry out power provided Republic of Uzbekistan, carried out in accordance them by the legislation within the relevant territory. with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Self-governing bodies of citizens enjoy the rights of a legal entity, have the seal of a standard form and KENGASHES OF PEOPLE’S DEPUTIES — repre- shall be registered in the state power authorities in sentative bodies in the regions, districts and cities the manner prescribed by the Cabinet of Ministers (except cities of regional subordination as well as of the Republic of Uzbekistan. the districts being a part of a city). PARTY GROUP — an association of deputies COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT — a regulation containing created by deputies from a political party, in order the obligation to specify the conditions of labor, employ- to express the interests of the party in Jokargy Kenes ment and social guarantees for employees of a certain of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Kengashes of profession, industry, territory. Collective agreements and people’s deputies and duly registered. Party groups contracts are concluded in order to facilitate the contrac- in Jokargy Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, tual regulation of labor relations and coordination of Kengashes of people’s deputies of regions, Tashkent socioeconomic interests of employees and employers. city and the cities (regional centers) are formed provided that they include at least five depuCOLLECTIVE CONTRACT — a regulation governing ties elected in Jokargy Kenes of the Republic of the labor, socioeconomic and professional relationships Karakalpakstan or Kengash of people’s deputies of between employers and employees at the enterprise. the respective political party. PP PREFERENCES (LAT. PRAEFERENTIA — NON-GOVERNMENT NON-PROFIT ORGANIZA PREFERENCE) privileges, benefits provided to TION — a self-governing organization established on individual states, enterprises, institutions to a voluntary basis by individuals and (or) legal entities support specific activities; take the form of tax not pursuing recovery of income (profit) as the main cuts, rebates of customs duties, exemption from purpose of its activity and does not distributing payment, granting of favorable loans. The preferincome (profit) between its participants (members). ences are granted by the state and are targeted. IIMFCS | 73 TRADE UNION — is a voluntary public organization uniting working people bound by common interests according to its kind of activity in both the manufacturing and non-manufacturing sectors for the protection of labor and socioeconomic rights and interests of its members. and other decisions affecting the rights and legal interests of citizens. Subjects of social partnership are government authorities, non-government non-profit organizations and other civil society institutions. COMMUNITY COUNCIL — represents the interSELF-GOVERNANCE OF THE CITIZENS — inde- ests of the population and takes decisions on its pendent activity of citizens on solution of local behalf, acting within its respective territory. The problems based on their interests, historical features community councils involved persons who have of the development as well as national and spiritual reached eighteen years of age and permanently values, local customs and traditions guaranteed by the reside in this territory. The bodies of civic council are Constitution and laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Kengash of self-governing bodies, commissions on the basic directions of activity of civic council, audit SESSION — the main form of operation of the commission. regional, district, city Kengash of people’s deputies. Sessions of regional, district, city Kengash of people’s STAFF MEMBERS OF COMMUNITY COUNCILS — deputies are called by corresponding khokim at least Chairman of the community councils, an adviser on twice a year. The session may also be called on the religious, spiritual and moral issues, the executive initiative of not less than two thirds of deputies of secretary and head of the “Mahalla posbon” social corresponding Kengash of people’s deputies. formation. SOCIAL PARTNERSHIP — interaction of state authorities with non-government non-profit organizations and other civil society institutions in the development and implementation of socioeconomic development of the country, including industrial, regional programs as well as legal acts ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL — the system of state and public measures aimed at the prevention, detection and suppression of violations of legislation in the field of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources, enhancement of efficiency of environmental activity. For notes _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 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_________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Independent Institute on Monitoring the Formation of Civil Society DEVELOPMENT OF CIVIL SOCIETY IN UZBEKISTAN REPORT – 2014 Editor: D. Sureev License: AI №263 31.12.2014. Sign to print ХХ.ХХ.2015 Format 70х100 1/8. Offset printing. Fonts Myriad Pro C.P.Sh. 9,5. Editions: ХХХ Editing house «Baktria press» 15/25, Tashkent city Tel/fax: + 998 (71) 233-23-84 Printed in Mega Basim ISBN ISBN 978-9943-4566-8-6 1-а, Bunyodkor square, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 100027 Tel.: (998 71) 2306235 Fax: (998 71) 2457739 Web site: IIMFCS 2015