Around and About
Around and About
Issue 228 Wicken Fen something for everyone JUNE & JULY 2013 Around and About Wicken Fen is open every day Visitor Centre & Shop: Daily 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Café: 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Every day Printed and bound this magazine. 68 Call 01638 613102 WICKEN’S COMMUNITY MAGAZINE St Laurence Church Flower Festival 2013 August 24th, 25th and 26th Once again the church is holding a Flower, Art and Music festival over the August Bank Holiday weekend Saturday 24th – Monday 26th August. The theme this year is: Bible Stories So there’s plenty of scope for ideas. Put your thinking caps on and start planning your flower arrangement. Anyone can take part, there will be help and advice for beginners on Friday 24th August, when we prepare and decorate the church. Why not come along and see what you can do? If you would like to take part or help in any way please give Shirley Covill a ring on 01353 610245 2 67 Around & About Wicken Published six times per year in April, June, August, October, December and February. Circulation 375. Delivered free to every household in the parish. £1 when purchased Editor Merrilyn Fry 4 Stretham Road Wicken CB7 5XH 01353 720080 Treasurer and Advertising Manager Nigel Davies 28 Chapel Lane Wicken 01353 721037 Distribution Martin Hopkins 29 Drury Lane Wicken CB7 5XY 01353 720224 BUSINESS WEBSITE PROMOTION Is your business website attracting enough visitors and enquiries? Are you happy with the way your site is ‘working’ for you? Advertising Rates Small adverts (B&W) are £5.00 per issue. Display advertising per annum (6 issues): I have an excellent track record, using industry approved, ethical optimisation techniques, for massively improving website performance. 1/8 page 1/2 page £15.00 £55.00 1/4 page Whole page £30.00 £100.00 We make every effort to ensure contents are correct but regret we cannot accept responsibility for errors or omissions. Liability to our advertisers for errors and omissions attributable to us is limited to credit or Take a look at what I do at: Cover Pictures Cranes on Spinney Fen - Peter Fuller Neil Ford, Stretham, Ely, Cambs. 66 3 Contents Free Children's Activities A&A info Editors Note Bit of a Damp Do!! Wicken Fete ‘Tug of War’ Notes from the Parish Council Parish Councillors Parish Council Chairmans Report AskSARA Obituary The Vicar Writes Couple of Notices Sunday Teas Church Timetable Wicken Fete & Dog Show Open Letter to Wicken Village Swallowtails Ely Cathedral flower Festival Moments of a Summer Remembered Fen & Anglesey abbey News Fen Tiggers Flower & Produce Show Village Diary weekly Village Diary Churches Together Time to Spare Life of Pi Cambs Open Studios Wicken Games Local open Studios Try these Riddles Help Mobile Library Coffee Morning Spongers Answers Village Hall News An Exciting Collection Lode Village Fete Advertisers Flower, Music & Arts Festival 4 page 2 page 3 page 5 page 5 page 5 page 6 page 7 page 8 page 11 page 13 page 14 page 15 page 15 page 16 page 19 page 21 page 22 oage 24 page 25 page 26 page 27 page 30 page 39 page 40 page 43 page 44 page 45 page 46 page 48 page 49 page 50 page 52 page 54 page 55 page 56 page 57 page 58 page 60 page 61 page 64 page 67 Prime Bookkeeping Services 014353 664453 Sandy’s Tiling Service 01353 720606 Secretarial/Admin Assistance Specialist Dyslexic Teacher The Barn, Self Catering Cottage 01353 725126 01353 667035 0845 2680785 The Five Miles, No Hurry 01353 721654 The Maids Head 01353 720727 Tom Griffiths Plastering & Building Toppers Hair Design TVS Direct 01353 721493 01353 663773 01353 669471 Vicki Martin 01353 624284 Wicken Fen, National Trust Wicken Four Wheel Drive 01353 720274 01353 722434 Wicken Heating & Plumbing Service 01353 722613 Yarn on the Square 01353 661024 Yoga at Butts Farm, Sophie Leek 01353 721681 Bus Times Bus 117 - Thursday Service Only Upware 1008 Ely Market Street 1329 Wicken Crescent 1015 Ely Rail Station 1332 Soham Downfields 1023 Barway 1347 Soham Memorial 1026 Soham Memorial 1359 Barway 1038 Soham Downfields 1402 Ely Rail Station 1050 Wicken Crescent 1408 Ely Market Street 1053 Upware 1414 The Staploe Medical Centre - Please note that there is no longer a mini bus service from the village to the Medical Centre. Open: Weekdays 8.30am – 6.00pm; Saturdays 8.30am – 10.30am Tel: Appointments 01353 624121 Prescriptions and Dispensary 01353 624122 Emergencies Enquiries and Home Visits 01353 624123 Ely, Soham and District Dial-a-Ride 01353 661161 65 Advertiser Phone E-mail/Web Adam’s Roofing Admiral Windows & Conservatories A P Bramley Bannold, Hard Landscaping Materials Bishop Fireplace & Chimney Services Ltd 07840064758 01480 456789 01638 720322 0500 012231 01366 377283 01353 860391 Budgens Business Web Promotions Carpenter - Andy Davies 01353 727151 01353 648 057 01353 724588 07895 016658 01353 720439 C E Fuller & Co Funeral Director Chivers Electrical ,Plumbing & Heating Chiropodist/Podiatrist Crown Garage Dapper Dogs of Wicken David Knock, Plasterer 01353 664815 07748 858022 01353 664851 0780 8045951 01353 720779 01353 624610 07786 620274 Domestic Appliance Repairs 01353 699600 07867 553836 D T A Plumbing & Heating Dragonfly Cottage B&B Elaine Boyd Picture Framing Free Range Eggs Fully Fitted Bathrooms and Boilers GClean Hair Shop Ian Bailey, Decorator IDT Pest Control Joywell Home Building Services J Woodroffe Building Maintenance GClean Hair Shop Ian Bailey, Decorator IDT Pest Control Joywell Home Building Services 07955 321274 01353 727054 01353 720606 01353 968413 01353 720185 07717 511557 01353 722734 07798 711472 07809 475758 07884 436971 01353 721857 07717 511557 01353 722734 07798 711472 07809 475758 07884 436971 J Woodroffe Building Maintenance M.O.R. Tack One to One Kick Boxing Coaching Oven Cleaning Painter & Decorator - Kevin Jennings 01353 721857 01353 722434 07895 016658 01353 222067 01353 698285 Paul Braybrooke Perfeqpets Pilates Pocock & Shaw 01353 777788 07724 052679 01353 749611 01353 668091 64 Fireplaces/Liners All other enquiries Editor’s Note It’s hard to believe that two months have come around again (it goes more quickly each issue ... !!) but at least we have enjoyed two sunny bank holidays so hopefully we will see some sun this summer. Georgina would like to apologise that she has not been able to submit an item for June and July BUT she will be back next issue. Copy date for the August/September is Friday 26th July, please include any thing happening in the first week of October. Items can be submitted electronically; hand written, typed or verbally. Merrilyn Fry Bit of a Damp Do!! Despite the weather's best attempts to disrupt the Beer Festival with rain and hail just as we opened we managed to produce another profit making event. Not to the levels of last year, which was exceptional, but certainly a respectable £1,000. Thank you to everyone that turned out on such a damp night and made it all possible. There were several attendees that were soaked to the skin by the time they got to the beer, having walked from Soham or cycled from Ely. We're very grateful to their endurance and encouraged them to get as wet on the inside as they were on the outside! The marquees were a huge benefit during the showery period and by 7.30pm things seemed to have gone over with a lot of people coming and enjoying the music. Sadly, the rain prevented Fenland Jam from giving a performance but things had dried out enough for Gravel Road to perform later. As ever, the event would not be possible without our merry band of volunteers and supporters. My thanks go to: Jerry & Susan Woodroffe, Rory & Sue Woodroffe, Geoff Moore, Cass Clay, Nigel Houghton, Richard Abbott, Richard & Leigh French, Jim & Pat Day, Jack White, Jean Turner, Jilly Rogers, Marc Hawes, Shropshires, Nick Clark, Bob Heuer, Paul Dean, Kelly & Bernie, Rachel Earl and of course, to the intrepid supporters who came and drank to give us a decent profit! Thank you. Liz Houghton Wicken Fete ‘Tug of War’ This event, the Grand Finale of our Fete is in doubt. We discovered the rope, kindly loaned by our Cambridge friends was damaged beyond use. Does anyone have contact with a Tug of War group willing to loan us a rope, or even finance a new one for this and future use please? Norman Rains - 013553 722690 5 Notes from the Parish Council Death of Sir Joseph Pope. The Chairman, Tony Day and I represented the village at a memorial service for Sir Joseph Pope who sadly died on 24 March 2013 aged 98. He will be remembered by family and friends as a gifted engineer, for his commitment to technical education for young people and for his integrity and generosity. Sir Joseph was brought up in Wicken by his widowed mother and never forgot the help and generosity of the Wicken people in difficult times for the family. He left as a very young man with virtually no education and rose to become a well known and respected engineer and academic, being knighted in 1980. Sir Joseph founded the Wicken Community Fund and he and his late wife, Lady Evelyn, gave around £30,000 to the fund over the years. He was still taking an interest right up to a few weeks before his death. The Fund still has funds available for worthwhile projects in the village. Children’s Play Area – Painting. The Maids Head High Street Wicken CB7 5XR 01353 720727 The Maids Head Beer Festival (in conjunction with the Wicken Village Fete) The children’s play area on Pond Green needs a lick of paint. The Council wonders if there are any young people in Wicken who would like to earn a bit of holiday money by tackling this job. If you are interested please contact the Clerk. Beer Festival. Well done to the beer festival organizers who struggled against the elements to once again produce a successful and enjoyable event. Takings were down this year with the appalling weather, but we still made over £1000 profit for the Recreation Ground Fund. Jack White Parish Clerk On the Green outside the pub Friday 28 June 6 –11 Saturday 29 June 12 - 11 Live Music Friday and Saturday night Beers and Ciders available from around the Country . Kitchens . Bathrooms . Conservatories . - Sandy’s Tiling Service - BBQ with Spinney Abbey Sausages, Homemade Burgers and much more For a Free quotation with no obligation contact Now Open from 12 noon everyday Food Served Mon - Sat 12 - 9pm & Sundays 12 - 8pm Sandy Boyd, 7 Lode Lane, Wicken, Ely, Cambs. CB7 5XP Traditional Village Pub with Good Food and a Warm Welcome For all your tiling needs Tel: 01353 720606 . Mobile: 07860 108237 . Email: 6 63 Parish Councillors Jim Day Red Barn Farm 720281 Rachel Earl 42 Chapel Lane 723619 Peter Fuller Thorn Hall, Lower Road 720602 Marc Hawes Sheep Walk Cottage, Padney Road 624895 Liz Houghton (Chair) 17 Chapel Lane 723157 Gary Redhead 44 Drury Lane 723149 Jilly Rogers 4 Butts Lane 721611 Bob Tyler Hall Farm, Church Road 721029 Gary Watson 27 North Street 624253 Clerk: Jack White 24 Lode Lane 723342 MARQUEES FOR HIRE The Parish Council has two marquees available for hire by residents and businesses of the Parish of Wicken The Marquees measure 30’ x 30 and 30’ x 20’ Competitive rates of hire Servicing & repairs to all makes & models Technical assistance available to support you as you erect them See them at the village fete this year Why not book them for your own party? All proceeds raised will be used to support projects in the village Phone Jack White (Clerk to the Parish Council) for further details on 723342. Motorhome servicing & repairs MOT’s class 4 & 7 Air conditioning & LPG conversions Vehicle recovery Courtesy cars available 4 Wheel Drive Specialists (01353) 722434 Lower Road, Wicken, Ely, Cambs CB7 5YB 62 WICKEN HEATING, PLUMBING & GAS SERVICE IAN BAILEY DECORATION SERVICES Rory Woodroffe, 38 Chapel Lane, Wicken KITCHENS, BATHROOMS, SHOWERS, TILING & CENTRAL HEATING No Jobs too big or too small. Free estimates. Installation and Repairs All work carried out by qualified tradesmen and guaranteed PHONE: ELY 722613 25 years experience. Tel: 07798 711472 7 Chairmans Report 2013 Lode Village Fete Welcome to this year’s Annual Parish meeting. 2012 is long gone but what a busy year it was with so much going on and yet even the weather couldn’t scupper everything! In anticipation of another dry year, a well was dug in the middle of the allotments…..little did we know how wet a year we would get! Along with the rest of the country the wet weather has played its part in trying to spoil plans. Fortunately for the Beer Festival and the Fete the weather was much better than feared and there were still plenty of entries at the Horticultural Show despite the poor growing conditions for vegetables and flowers. The Diamond Jubilee celebrations were a different matter with it raining incessantly for the weekend. This did not dampen spirits, nor diminish the participation of people; they were just well wrapped up! Some projects, such as the clearance of scrub in the Recreation Ground have had to be put on hold until later this year. The weather also identified many ditches that had lain fallow for some years needing attention as well as the usual complaints about overgrown hedges. It is the responsibility of the landowner to ensure these are maintained within their curtilage. The wet weather even caused problems for our wetland neighbour, The Fen. The car park in Lode Lane was so waterlogged it could not be used to its full extent causing parking problems in the area. Following representation, we have been informed that steps are being taken to improve the situation and we will continue to apply pressure to ensure this happens. A newly formed Community Liaison Group consisting of local Parish Councils, The NT, User Groups and other interested parties provides a formal arena to address issues. This will not replace or diminish our local arrangements, but will reinforce them within a wider context. A longstanding objective has been to link Soham and Wicken with a cycle path. This is something that has been visited on many occasions in the last 20 years but never materialised. Following a meeting between Soham and Wicken Councils towards the end of last year, Soham Town Council generously agreed to fund a feasibility study, executed by Sustrans, to identify options, discuss with riparian owners and find a way of linking the two communities. We hope to have the report in the next few weeks as to what options are available, their viability and cost. At some point in the near future, through the main road of the village, Wicken along with the rest of the county will be getting upgraded street lighting. The project will provide improved and more efficient lighting which will reduce light pollution and reduce costs. The remaining lanes of Wicken and Upware will not be upgraded as these lights are the responsibility of the Parish Council and at £2k per pole this is way beyond our resources. Our application for QE2 Fields status was awarded during summer 2012 so this means that the Recreation Ground will be held in perpetuity as a recreational area for the community. The replanted wood has taken well, however, the scourge of every British woodland, ash dieback, means the wood had to 8 Sat 8th June 13 in the Fassage from 11am. Official opening 12 noon but by Whom? Prizes at 4pm ALERT ! ALERT ! Imminent invasion of Monsters & Aliens from TV's 'DOCTOR WHO' past & present, including: The Ood, Cybermen, Weeping Angels (don't blink), The Master & lots more. And, of course, the Daleks 'EXTERMINATE'. (& just maybe? a star from the show). It's a wibbly, wobbly, timey, wimey, thing. Don't Miss Out ! Programmes on sale on the day, or in advance from Lode P.O. £1. Each programme has a lucky draw number, you might win a prize ! Mouth Watering Refreshments, Stalls & Pocket money Sideshows, Live Music, Entertainments & Competitions. In the evening, a Disco in the Marquee in the Fassage, with a Raffle. Tickets £5 from any committee member or Lode P.O. Stalls may be set up from 9am. Fee £10 for all. Still a few spaces available, contact any committee member. Competitions: 1. ART using any medium a. Painting of an Alien landscape b. Create a Monster Model 2. DOG SHOW b. Sit & Stay c. Best Trick 3. BICYCLES a. Decorated Bike - let your imagination roam 4. CHILDREN & FAMILIES from age 3 a. Space Hopper Races b. 3 Legged Races c. Egg & Spoon Races Prizes will be awarded at 4pm...but by Whom? Committee members: Beth C813373, Pauline C812029, Coral C811457, Clive C812030, Julie C811222, Fran C813016, Jacky & John C812227 DO YOU NEED SECRETARIAL/ADMIN ASSISTANCE? I can help with: * * * * * Audio Typing Excel Spreadsheets PowerPoint Presentations Email Marketing General Admin If interested, please call Mary on 01353 725126 or email for further information. 61 An Exciting Collection Tel: Ely 720439 be inspected. The saplings are too young to assess whether they are affected so this is something that will be monitored. We were delighted to see the long awaited resurfacing of the A1123 from the centre of the village to Upware corner; however the quality of the work was well below standard. This is something the Highways Department is aware of and investigating. The speed of traffic through the village continues to be an issue and speed checks are regularly taking place. Sadly, many of those issued with letters or fines are residents of the Parish. Development Envelope. The results of last year’s survey culminated in the proposal for the inclusion of two new sites, one in Church Road and the other in Stretham Road; these were presented at an open meeting in the Mission Hall earlier this year. These two sites would allow up to 5 dwellings on each. The deadline for representations was 25th March so we now await the outcome of any further proposed changes. Unfortunately, between the survey and the open meeting, ECDC arbitrarily decided to also amend the existing stop lines to “tidy things up a bit”. The Parish Council has made representation that this should revert back to its original, making it quite clear that things should not be changed on a whim as it makes a mockery of the consultation process. Our finances continue to be well managed. In line with most other Councils of our size, we have increased our Precept slightly but, as Jack explained in the recent edition of A&A, Council Tax bills imply a much steeper rise. In previous years where discounts were given to households for various reasons, i.e. low incomes, single person occupancy, the discounted element was always made up by central government. With effect from 1 April 2013 this is no longer the case so the discounts have to be sought from the rest of the Council Tax payers. This means individual bills give a distorted percentage increase for this year only. Since my last report regular representation at our meetings by District Councillor Parramint has been of great benefit and we are grateful to him for attending when he has been so busy with his other duties as Chairman of ECDC. Our other District Councillors are regularly absent. County Councillor John Powley has been our County representative for 16 years. He has decided not to stand for a further term of office, hence an election in May. He has been a great friend to the Parish and, irrespective of political allegiances, he has always worked hard for Wicken & Upware, kept the Parish Council updated, guided and steered us through some rather boring documents and even chastised us! His counsel and support has been very much appreciated. We wish him well during his retirement. I would also like to pay tribute to Sir Joseph Pope who died at the end of March. In recent years, he was a most generous benefactor to Wicken Parish. The Community Fund was set up in 2004 following his desire to stimulate community activity and cohesion in the parish. This stemmed from his own continued on p.10 60 9 As in previous years there was a range of ales sufficiently wide and well kept for me to find an exciting selection, the organisers must share my pallet for stouts, porters, milds and ruby reds so well done, keep it up. The upturned crates to rest food and drinks on was a very practical idea. Thank you also to Julie and every one on the catering team who served us with burgers and hot dogs through rain and shine. Simon Gallaway C. E. FULLER & CO. FUNERAL DIRECTOR 23, Hall Street, Soham. AN OLD ESTABLISHED FAMILY FIRM Private Chapel of Rest Floral tributes and memorials supplied Cont’d from page 9 experiences as a child, growing up in Wicken & Upware, where the community gave support and kindness to him and his mother following the death of his father in the 1920s. He went on to be a very successful man and donated, through the Community Fund £20,000. His wife, Lady Pope, predeceased him and left a further £10,000 in her will to the Fund. It was their wish that the Fund become a self-perpetuating legacy. We are very grateful to them and it is delightful to see how kindnesses shown are very often never forgotten. As a Parish Council we are all very proud of our community and I am sure many of the values experienced by the young Sir Joseph are still apparent today. As always, I would like to thank Jack and my fellow councillors for their contribution throughout the year and their continued support. Liz Houghton 723157 Wicken Village Hall – Life of Pi (12A) (Ely Cinema Village Screening – Isle of Ely Arts Festival) Ely Cinema goes on tour this Summer with Our Village Screen. Coming to Wicken Village Hall on Saturday 22nd June, the Life of Pi film won Director, Ang Lee, Best Director Oscar 2013. Ang Lee takes on Yann Martel’s bestselling magical novel. The son of an Indian zoo keeper owner finds himself shipwrecked with a tiger, and their relationship develops into one of mutual dependence. BAFTA & Oscar nominated. Bar & Snacks will be available. Film starts @ 7.30pm, doors open @ 7pm. All seats - £5 See for tickets or contact Jean on 01353 727054 Wicken Village Hall – NEWS – Picnic Around the Pond Sunday 28th July 2013 Save this date for a fun-packed family afternoon on the Village Green. Wicken Village Hall – NEWS – Autumn Dance Saturday 21st September 2013…AKIMBO are back! Save this date & get your dancing shoes ready! More info to follow! Wicken Village Hall Sunday Tea’s ~ 2013 Please join us for Sunday Tea’s : tea’s, coffee’s, soft drinks & of course, scrumptious, Homemade Cakes, Buns & Goodies! Date’s as listed below from 3.30… Sunday 05th & 19th May Sunday 2nd, 16th & 30th June Sunday 14th July Sunday 11th August Sunday 1st, 15th & 29th September 10 59 AskSARA Award winning website helps find equipment to assist you in maintaining your garden Bookings for the Village Hall If you would like to book the Village Hall for a party, anniversary, wedding reception or any other event, please call Pauline Fuller on 01353 721164 or Jean Turner on 01353 727054 *Generous hire charge discounts for villagers* Regular events in the Village Hall See below for details of regular events and classes that are held at the Hall. If you are interested in any of these, contact a committee member: numbers at the end of this section. Monday Tuesday 9.30-12noon Fen Tiggers: Baby and toddler playgroup 7.00 pm Iyengar Yoga: intermediate class Wednesday Lunch time/2pm 7pm Thursday 7-8pm 8-9pm Friday 4 –9pm Swallowtails: for all those wanting to get to meet people in the village and enjoy varied activities together Wicken Coronation Band practice Pilates - Mat, Ring and Band work - Mixed Ability Zumba for all Samara Ballet School Ballet and Tap Dancing lessons for all ages and abilities. Committee members: Jean Turner (Chair) T:727054 Sophie Leek (Secretary) T:721681 Pauline Fuller (Treasurer) T:721164 Bridie Heuer (Vice Chairman) & Bob Heuer T:624303 Tim Alban Jones T:720423 Peter Rash T:0770355571 Jilly Rogers T:721611 Gary Watson T:624253 Sam Petersen T: 721252 Caroline Blott T:tba If you are interested in helping the Committee with any of the activities or any of our plans to improve the Village Hall, please do contact one of us! 58 With the warmer weather finally here you may be thinking about getting out in your garden. If you are, an award-winning website can provide you with help and advice about the equipment available to make day-to-day tasks in the garden easier. Help and support with day-to-day living AskSARA has proved popular with local people since a Cambridgeshire version launched last year. So far it has helped nearly 4,000 people across the county access advice and information about the equipment and support available locally to help them remain independent and in their own homes. In addition to maintaining the garden and outdoors, a wide range of topics are covered from managing medication and eating healthily to equipment to aid hearing, personal care and household chores. This year June 17th – 21st is falls awareness week. AskSARA can also help you to find equipment to help prevent falls at home and when you are out and about. Whether you need advice for yourself or for a friend or relative that you care for, you can find out about the equipment available by visiting AskSARA at For anyone without access to, or not confident in using, the Internet the staff and volunteers in your local library can help you to find information Amanda Davies DAVID KNOCK PLASTERWall & Floor Tiling Internal & External Plastering Artex & Coving City & Guilds Approved Qualified Assessor Free Estimates 20 Years Experience 22 Briar Grove, Ely, Cambs CB6 2EU Mobile 07786 620274 PICTURE FRAMING by Elaine & Sandy Boyd 7 Lode Lane, Wicken Tel: Ely 720606 11 01353 721654 ****** Monday: Main Course and Dessert £7-95 Tuesday: Sausage and Mash £4-95 Thursday: Large Beer Battered Cod and Chips £5-95 waste not, want not and no failure of my mother’s hands must be thrown away. It would be put before us in disguise, soaked in jam and wine and thick custard as no trifle. This would inevitably inflame our longing for colourful artificiality. And when an apparently prime example was placed before us it roused suspicions that all was not well with it. Being a little clumsy about her work it would not have surprised us to crunch against a piece of eggshell. Guessing this could have happened she was protecting her reputation. And the best were indeed beautiful - and can be again. Tony Day OPEN ALL DAY EVERY DAY food served until 9:00 p.m. ****** LORRAINE & DAVE NICHOLS E-mail: Follow us on Facebook for up to date information. 60 SEAT FUNCTION ROOM AVAILABLE FOR HIRE 12 Nothing A candle Three aren’t any stairs, it’s a one storey house Smiles there’s a mile between each ‘s’ A stamp The Letter ‘M’ Mississippi A secret His breath Silence Add a letter g and it’s GONE!! It can have a hole in it. Music in garden on Sundays weather permitting. Answers to Riddles on page 50 57 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Fri.7th June - Dog Days of Summer Country/Irish Music Sat. 8th June - B4S - Rock/Blues and Glam Rock Fri. 14th June - Van Goghs Ear - Rock Fri 21st June - Dandy Tricksters - The Jam & Thin Lizzy Fri 28th June - Stone Pony - Rock, Soul and Pop Fri 5th July - Delta Pilots - Acoustic Rock Fri 12th July - East Livin - Pop Covers Fri. 19th July - Akimbo - Local favourites - Rock Covers. Spongers Obituary—Sir Joe There was a silent unacknowledged war going on in the village some seventy years ago. This is in the days of coal fired kitchen ranges for all the cooking, replacing most of the brick ovens apart from those still essential to the three bakers, Harry Page, Sid ‘Lucky’ Canham and Breadwoman Bailey. The unspoken competition was for the simplest of offerings, the Wicken sponge cake, the fame of which extended beyond the village. Adjustable temperature is a boon in our time but there were no gauges on those kitchen ranges for the gourmet cooks but a good guess was normally enough except for those sponge cakes when it had to be an inspired one. I recall well the tension of it all, the order beforehand not to barge through the door at the given time to avoid the impact of cool air on the intense proceedings. Or if I had broken the law and was still already inside I was imprisoned until the deed was done; or is she was still beating the mixture with a face full of wild anxiety I might be asked to take over to give her a rest. My mum, that is. I might indeed be held prisoner to take the blame if the cake came out flat, as it so easily could, the cook near to tears, facing a deadline, swearing she would do better tomorrow. Great emotion went into the undeclared war. Was there a magical recipe? Not according to my late sister, which I discovered after a Wicken woman living near me in Cambridge begged me to ask for the magic formula from a lady who baked sponge cakes professionally. I said I would try and visited the lady, Elsie Page, baker’s wife, still living here then. What she gave me was close to a look of horror. No way would she part with her secret formula. Indeed she carried it to her grave. My sister scoffed when I told her and offered her own recipe which, she claimed, was everybody’s. Seemingly it is eggs, flour and sugar, but do not take my word for it. Surely milk would have to be added? But definitely no flavouring. It’s just the perfect beating and the perfect temperature. There must be somebody here today with enough inclination to show us how. Perhaps a competition to coincide with the produce show? The Wicken sponge cake was baked in a bread tin to rise above it like a loaf. It should rise to a gossamer crust, golden as the harvest wheat. Many were made for annual teas, cut into little blocks and mixed with blocks of currant cake. We ate what we were served then, of course, washed down with copper-urn tea but our craving went beyond this to cream sandwiches such as those made by my Aunt Minnie for Christmas consumption, gone as soon as cut. Our ever present Wicken sponge cake suffered in comparison with what we saw in the window of Clement Fuller’s in Soham after the cinema matinees at the Regal, a converted barn in Clay Street. Begging for such, though and for Harry Page’s iced fancies was normally futile. The silent war for supremacy meant anonymity and there was never to my knowledge any spoken rivalry. Distinguished visitors come to open a fete would welcome an example of this lauded cake. But we lived in an age of A pale, sheltered boy, in no way set up for a life on the land at fourteen like those lined up with him on that Wicken school gardening class photograph of 1928, all aged fourteen. From such a beginning from farming stock how could he have been drawn to engineering from the start? In later life Joe smiled it away: ‘I was considered to be delicate’ he said. Only be his protective mother, however, since his father committed suicide when Joe was five. His mother bought Maytree Cottage facing the ‘Maid’s Head’ green, formerly a shop, then invited her sister with husband and daughter to live in with them. His mother devoted the rest of her life to him. He moved on to the College of Arts and Crafts in Cambridge (now the Anglia Ruskin University) then to further education in London before taking an apprenticeship with Boulton and Paul’s in Norwich where he found encouragement to match his ambition. He won a scholarship taking him to university in Northern Ireland from where he took up a post in Manchester University with longer spells later at Sheffield University and Nottingham University, ending as Vice Chancellor of Aston University, Birmingham. For his huge services to industry he received a knighthood and retired to Nottingham. His links with Wicken remained strong. His first cousin Frany and his wife Kath spent their honeymoon with Joe and his family. He called on me long ago on his way to visit his grandson attending Cambridge University and he came back many times seeing through his gift to the village hall. A lovely man, indeed, who came back for all our sakes. Luckily I was given a lift by Jack White to the service of thanksgiving in Nottingham, attended too by Liz, the Parish Council Chairman, where we met all his family. He was ninety-eight. Tony Day 56 13 Are you in Self-Employed or in Business? Need help with your financial paperwork? Put your finances in the hands of Prime Bookkeeping Services Self assessment tax returns Call David on 01353 664453 20% discount for first 12 months GCLEAN The Vicar Writes ..... For pretty much the rest of the year the church enters the season of ‘Sundays after Trinity’. For twenty years or so at the end of the last century we were invited to consider the ‘Sundays after Pentecost’ but now we have reverted to the system that has been part of our heritage since the Reformation in sixteenth century - and before. This year there are 22 or 25 Sundays after Trinity (depending on which way you count them and when you start counting the Sundays before Christmas). We have done with the rejoicing of Easter and the excitement of Pentecost for another year and now we face this long time when nothing much appears to happen. In our new lectionary this period of time is described as in the most prosaic of terms as ‘Ordinary Time’. ‘Ordinary’ is a rather drab word. It is the ‘default mode’ or the equivalent of vanilla ice cream; it is as if ‘normal service has been resumed’ because there are no special or distinctive features. It struck me, as I was considering this, that this is fairly typical of life in general; we have moments of great excitement or times of stress and pressure, but there are also often long periods when we just go about our everyday business in an unremarkable way. Certainly, we can enjoy the contrast. If we constantly lived our lives on the edge it would be somewhat draining; conversely if nothing exciting every happened it might be a little dull. Most of us would not want to live on a constant roller coaster of thrills and spills, nor would we want life to be predictable all the time. The balance between the two is important. As we begin this season of ‘Ordinary Time’ we could do much worse than stop to consider the balance in our own lives. God is not only to be found in the extremes of joy or despair, he is just as present in the everyday and routine when nothing much appears to be happening. In St Matthew’s gospel we read of Jesus’ promise to be with us to the end of time. I believe that means he is not only with us through thick and thin, but also in all the bits in between. with every good wish Tim Alban Jones Professional Cleaning Services CARPET CLEANING AND PROTECTION SOLUTIONS Gclean offer a carpet cleaning and protection service using specialist equipment and materials provided by industry giant Prochem. Our professional cleaning will remove any dirt, dust and harmful bacteria from your carpet, together with a spot clean to remove most stubborn stains Key benefits of our carpet cleaning service include: Excellent Value Large or small jobs, including stains or spot treatments Special treatments available, including scotchgard protection and carpet deodorizer maximizing carpet life Daytime, evening and weekend appointments available Removal and reduction of dust, dust mites and pollen - great for allergy sufferers Call now for an instant quote or to book an appointment – 07717 511557 42 High Street, Wicken Cambs CB7 5XR Coffee Morning Thanx to Mrs Jo Barltrop for sharing her art with us and giving us the opportunity to be creative. In May- Jean Turner and Julie Rash shared amazing pictures of their travels to Africa and the Holy Land- thank you so much :-) 14 June 2013 Join us for coffee and delicious treats 12 July 2013 Mary-Ellen THERE IS NO MEETING IN AUGUST Time: 10:30-12:00 Place: Wicken Village Hall Contact: Dalene Mobile: 0794 421 9537 Home: 725968 14 55 Mobile Library Service & A Couple of Notices The Mobile Library visits every third Tuesday: Upware Road, arriving at 1000 hrs and departing at 1015 hrs. On Sunday 16th June we will be having a Bring and Share lunch in the Mission Hall to say goodbye and thank you to Richard Worsley, our Associate Priest who has been with us for the last eight years. Richard and his wife Christine are moving to Worcestershire where Richard will be taking up a post as Team Vicar in the Elmley Castle benefice, near Pershore. Wicken Village Hall, arriving at 1025 hrs and departing at 1105 hrs. For renewals or enquiries please call: 0345 045 5225 On Saturday 29th June there is a concert in Soham Church given by the Abbot Consort of Voices (described in one newspaper as “East Anglia’s finest chamber choir”). Music for a Summer’s Eve promises to be a delightful feast for the ears. Tickets(costing £8) are available in advance (01353 720 423) or on the door. Tim Alban Jones Sunday Teas ROOFS and GUTTERS 22 Market Place Ely CB7 5UB Tel : 01353 661024 Newly opened in your area: 25 years experience Highly reliable Repairs and cleaning Any kind of roofs and gutters Any job considered Small jobs nobody else would tackle Fully insured, references on request Our stockists: Debbie Bliss, Sirdar, Sublime, Noro, Brittany Needles, Lantern Moon (needles and accessories), Atomic Knitting, Handmade buttons by Injabulo and McAnaraks Yarns and patterns from Louisa Harding & Bergere de France, both exclusive to us as independent retailers within Cambridgeshire. Adam Senka 67 New Barns Avenue Ely, CB7 4RD June: 2 - Village Hall 9 - Methodist Church 16 - Village Hall 23 - Parish Church 30 - Village Hall August: 4 - Methodist Church 11 - Village Hall 18 - Methodist Church 24/25/26 - Parish Church Flower Festival July: 7 - Methodist Church 14 - Village Hall 21 - Methodist Church 28 - Upware September: 1 -Village Hall 8 - Methodist Church 15 - Village Hall 22 - Methodist Church 29 - Village Hall We also do a range of workshops and lessons Telephone: 078400 64758 54 15 St. Laurence’s Church Wicken Our Mission Statement: ~ “We strive to serve the communities of Wicken, Padney and Upware - working together with our neighbours in practical ways, helping people understand more about the love of God. We enjoy each other’s company as we celebrate God’s hope, life and the beauty of His creation.” SUNDAY & OTHER SERVICES JUNE 2 9 16 23 30 Holy Communion United Service at St Laurence’s Holy Communion BCP Morning Prayer Combined service with St Andrew’s Church Congregation at St Laurence’s 10.30am 10.30am 8.00am 10.30am 10.30am Holy Communion United Service at the Methodist Church Holy Communion BCP Morning Prayer 10.30am 10.00am 8.00am 10.30am JULY 7 14 21 28 AUGUST 4 Holy Communion 11 United Service at St Laurence’s 18 Holy Communion BCP Davies Carpentry Floor Restoration & All Carpentry Work Andy Davies City & Guilds Qualified Carpenter & Joiner 10.30am 10.30am 8.00am 3 Old School Lane Upware 01353 724588 / 07895 016658 CHURCH CONTACTS For further information about events or services, or any other church matter, please contact: The Revd Canon Tim Alban Jones, Vicar & Chairman of PCC 720423 The Revd Sue Simpson, Curate 723229 Helen Randall, Licensed Lay Minister 721752 Robert Fuller, Churchwarden 720971 Richard Bramley, Churchwarden 721238 Julie Rash, PCC Treasurer 722008 16 53 52 17 BRYAN LELY DOMESTIC APPLIANCE REPAIRS WASHING MACHINES DISHWASHERS TUMBLE DRYERS COOKERS FRIDGES VACUUM CLEANERS 80 Cannon Street Little Downham Nr Ely Telephone 01353 699 600 Cambs CB6 2SS Mobile 07867 553 836 Paul Braybrooke OIL-FIRED BOILER ENGINEER (OFTEC REGISTERED) TANK REPLACEMENT - PLASTIC OR METAL ALL NEW BOILERS COMMISSIONED TELEPHONE ELY (01353) 777788 MOBILE 07946 735691 Mobile: 07955 321274 Boiler breakdowns; Heating system; Bathroom 18 51 GCLEAN Professional Cleaning Services Do you require a window cleaner? Traditional method Monthly round Invoice left (pay later) Water fed poles for high reach Frames and sils included Wicken residents - 20% DISCOUNT Please call 07717511557 for your free quotation 42 High St. Wicken Cambs, CB7 5XR Ely 721681 or Try these Riddles 1. Poor people have it. Rich people need it. If you eat it you die. What is it? 2. I’m tall when I’m young and I’m short when I’m old. What am I? 3. In a one-story pink house, there was a pink person, a pink cat, a pink fish, a pink computer, a pink chair, a pink table, a pink telephone, a pink shower– everything was pink! What colour were the stairs? 4. What is the longest word in the dictionary? 5. What travels around the world but stays in one spot? 6. What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment and never in one thousand years? 7. What has 4 eyes but can’t see? 8. If I have it, I don’t share it. If I share it, I don’t have it. What is it? 9. What is as light as a feather, but even the world’s strongest man couldn’t hold it for more than a minute? 10.What is so delicate that saying its name breaks it? 11.How do you make the number one disappear? 12.How can a trouser pocket be empty and still have something in it? Answers on page 57 Merrilyn 50 19 Local Studios Cambridge Open Studios give everybody the opportunity to visit artists and craftspeople in their studios, to talk to the makers and see examples of their work and the making processes. The Cambridge Open Studios event takes place every weekend in July every year, and this year’s dates are July 6-7, 13-14, 20-21 and 27-28, opening each day from 11am-6pm. There are over 360 artists taking part this year across the county and we are fortunate in having 30 studios opening in the East Cambs area, including studios in Ely, Prickwillow, Soham, Fordham, Reach, Burwell, Bottisham and Lode. Three studios are opening on each weekend in Wicken: Anthony Day, 12 Pond Green Stephen Murfitt, The Workshop,18 Stretham Road Terry Beard, The Workshop, 18 Stretham Road Admission is free to all studios, and free guides are available from the artists, The Maids Head, Wicken Fen NT Shop, local libraries, shops, galleries etc. Terry Beard Fully Fitted Bathrooms & Boilers Plumbing & Heating Services Oil & Gas Power Flushing System Upgrades Boiler Installation Hot & Cold Water Services Insulation/Energy Efficiency Free Advice/Surveys Jason Clarke 34 North Street, Wicken Telephone: 01353 720 185 20 49 Wicken Games Open Letter to the Village of Wicken Do you remember the Queen’s Jubilee, we played games! Well, they start again when school closes - every Thursday: Thursday, 25 July 2013 to Thursday, 29 August 2013 3-5pm Come along and join in the fun- have a drink and there’ll be tuck on sale. Contact: Dalene Mobile: 0794 421 9537 Home: 725968 ELIZABETH HOUGHTON Food Intolerance Testing Nutritional Therapy Human Iridology Equine Iridology t. 01353 723157 e: Distributor of Forever Living Aloe Vera products and Cytoplan Food State supplements 48 Friends and Neighbors, Since we first arrived in the Fall of 2009, we've been touched by the warm welcome that you've extended to us. In spite of this, I (Marc) must admit to flying my MC-130P Combat Shadow (singleton and in formation) over the village at varying altitudes on multiple occasions. I've been informed that I've distracted general contractors and other tradesmen from their work. I've caused many of you to scurry out of The Maid’s Head on summer evenings. I've been accused of removing chimney pots with my wings. Apparently, I’ve even activated car alarms as far away as Barway! I have but one response, "Mea Culpa," and I ask for your forgiveness. Wicken is a beautiful village from the air, and I’ve passed this knowledge along to my squadron mates. I (Marc) will do my best to not mention Category 49 of the 2012 Wicken Horticultural Show when, in a rather rebellious manner, the Wicken Yanks’ “Fruits of Victory” captured First Prize vs. “Spinney Bob” Heuer’s “Thin Red Line.” The student’s chutney skills finally stood along side the master’s! As a military spouse of 13 years, I (Rachel) have followed Marc many places to set up homes all over the world. I have found none as welcoming as Wicken. Here I was made to feel I belonged; from new friends opening their homes and lives to share with us, to the simple fact that I knew you watched over me whenever Marc was away. When my parents came to visit in the summer of 2011, I told them they had to “meet the family,” because that is what this village has become to us. They have made friendships here as well, and for that warmth, I heartily thank you. We would be remiss without extending our thanks to the great publicans of The Maid’s Head and the hard working staff for their generous hospitality through the years. Without The Maid’s Head, we would have never met “The Usual Suspects” of Wicken, whom we love and will miss dearly. You are our extended family in the UK. We leave here with many wonderful memories of this place, and of major events that you made all the more memorable. The Royal Wedding, the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, many football, rugby, and Olympic events, and Remembrance Sunday are but a few that stand out in our minds. Know that you and this village will be greatly missed as we continue life’s adventures in Japan. Thanks to those of you who supported our Wings Over Wicken booth at the 2012 Wicken Fete and 2012 Christmas Market. We encourage you all to visit us again at the 2013 Wicken Fete as we grill up more American Style Buffalo Wings with several exciting flavours for different tastes. All of our proceeds benefit the Wicken Village Hall! Most kindly and respectfully, Marc & Rachel Lovelace "The Wicken Yanks" 21 Swallowtails of Wicken First of all Nigel and I would like to thank all the Swallowtail members who contributed towards the purchase of our lovely garden seat, it was such a complete surprise and very much appreciated, we are just waiting for some sunshine and warm weather so we can enjoy it. For the first time we introduced Easter Bonnets to our decorated egg competition which provide to be a hit. We recently had a presentation looking back over the past year, and a big thanks to Merrilyn for arranging that for us. We made a visit to Romford Dog track which was a really lovely day, some of us came home a lot lighter in the pocket than when we left Wicken, but some made a handsome profit, I am just sorry to say that I was not one of the lucky ones. We are having a tombola stall at Wicken Fete this year ,please come and support us if you can, and all donations would be gratefully received. September 4th we are going to Sheringham, join us if you can, we always try and fill a bus and we are usually lucky with the weather, we will publish details later but please contact any member if we can help in any way. Hope to see you at one of the meetings. Sue Wilson.721037 BOARDING CATTERY Tel: Wicken 01353 624811 By Appointment Only Nail Clipping - Microchipping - Grooming Services 34 Chapel Lane, Wicken, Ely, Cambs CB7 5XZ SWALLOWTAILS PROGRAMME Meetings at the Village Hall Door Fee £1.00 Transport available on request For more information please contact Sue on 01353 721037 12th June Meal at the Hall 1300hrs 26th June Strawberry Tea 1400hrs 10th July Meal at the Hall 1300hrs 24th July Orwell River Trip TBA 7th Aug BBQ 1300hrs 21st Aug Open Meeting 1400hrs 22 47 Cambridge Open Studios Cambridge Open Studios exists to promote local artists of all mediums and their work to the public. More than 250 artists from Cambridge and the surrounding towns and villages participate each year over a number of summer weekends, opening their doors to the public to allow a unique glimpse into the world of art. Visitors will have the opportunity to purchase original works of art, and in some cases prints, greetings cards or postcards. They can also speak with artists about their work, or even see them at work to discover their techniques. Our aim is to demystify the world of art, bringing artists together with local people, and offering an unusual insight into a fascinating unseen world. When is it? Cambridge Open Studios always run on Saturdays and Sundays in July, from 11am-6pm. The dates for this year are 6/7, 13/14, 20/21 and 27/28 July. If you wish to see a specific artist please check the guidebook or website for details of when they will be exhibiting as not all artists will be available on every date. What can you expect from Cambridge Open Studios? With nearly 400 Cambridge Open Studio members in and around Cambridge, there really is something for everyone. From watercolour artists to potters, sculptors to jewellery designers, textile artists to photographers, whatever your tastes or preferences, there will be something for you. The artists open their doors and welcome the public into their studios, workshops or homes to show off their beautiful works of art. It's a fantastic opportunity to gaze at amazing treasures and if you wish, speak to the artist that created it, in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. You may even like to pick out a few artists from the guide who are exhibiting and create your own 'studio tour'. Remember the villages too; often members are exhibiting within range of a good pub lunch or tempting teashop, so you can plan a route to make the perfect day out. Entry: FREE Look out for the free yellow guide book distributed in May/June to local libraries, galleries, tourist information offices and shops, among others. Visit our website: or follow us on Facebook or Twitter: @CamOpenStudios Cambridge Open Studios is a fantastic showcase for local artists and a thoroughly enjoyable day out. Keep an eye out for the yellow flags flying to indicate an Open studio. 46 23 24 45 Time to Spare Moments of a Summer Remembered When you think of donating to a charity you probably think of giving money but have you ever thought about giving your time? The East Anglian Air Ambulance is a 365-day helicopter emergency medical service which covers Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire. With a medical crew highly trained in critical care, we bring the emergency room to the patient within 25 minutes, we can then transport them to the most appropriate hospital if needed. Since our launch in 2000, we have attended over 12,500 life-saving missions and we rely on volunteers throughout the region to help us continue this vital work. Volunteer Programme Development Manager, Victoria Pank explains: “Volunteers are a valuable resource for our charity. We receive no Government funding and, quite simply, without the dedication and support of so many fabulous people, we couldn't work in the way that we do.” James Edgehill, a retired carpenter and retained fire fighter from Cromer in Norfolk, has been a volunteer since 2006: “Working as a fire fighter made me realise just how important the air ambulance is, especially when we attended road traffic collisions in which injured people were trapped in their cars. I wanted to help the EAAA when I retired and I've got more and more involved. In a typical week I might be selling merchandise at an event one day; representing the charity at a couple of fundraising functions locally the next and collecting collection boxes the day after. I enjoy the variety of work and being 'the face of the charity' in my area. So if you have some spare time, either regularly or occasionally, come and join our team and help the East Anglian Air Ambulance continue to save lives in your area. There are many opportunities available, working behind the scenes in one of our offices or as a public speaker or event supporter, the choice is yours! We will make sure that you are offered a position which best suits your skills, interests and availability. It’s great fun and very rewarding – I should know, I have recently become a volunteer for this amazing charity. Why don't you? Visit our website at to find out more or ring Victoria on 01603 489406 ( Martine Silkstone First there is the hush, A certain stillness distinctive of its self; there rises upon it all of summers sounds. Breezes that play high and low through branches rich with leaves, and sometimes swell to imitate the song of the sea. Insects now become more brazen, invading our homes defying our ‘Not wanted here’ signs, buzzing and irritating to the extreme. While outdoors others bring welcome sound and promise a rich reward in sweetness and future blossom. Now childrens voices ring out over the land with holidays in view and freedom felt in the open air whether in town or country or seascape. All in all, a truly ‘Summer’, summer is one wonderful Gift. Claire Gould One to One Kick Boxing Coaching Fully Insured BIKMA Qualified Instructor ANDY DAVIES Old School Gym Upware Tel: 07895 016658 Women & Men of all ages and abilities welcome £10 per 1 hour session 44 25 News from Wicken Fen & Anglesey Abbey Churches Together in Wicken In the last few weeks the fen has come alive again as the delayed spring finally comes into full bloom. All our summer wildlife is back and getting on with the important task of raising the next generation. There’s been some fantastic wildlife action in recent weeks - a pair of Common Cranes have taken up residence on Sedge Fen and more recently there have been sightings of Avocet, Spoonbills and a Black-winged Stilt on Burwell Fen. After protracted negotiations with East Cambs District Council, we have finally taken over responsibility for the main car park toilet block. We plan to start a major project to spruce them up in June. Hopefully they will be much more pleasant to use, and in time we will put in some interpretation to start telling the Wicken story. We are also doing works on the outside with a new path system, a new hedge and hopefully (if budgets stretch) a boot wash station. The design for a livestock crossing over Harrison’s Drove to enable our grazing animals to roam from Baker’s Fen over to the former Harrison’s Farm, will shortly be sent out to Wicken and Burwell Parish Councils Parish Councils for consultation. We are seeking permission from Highways to have a 3M bridge over the Drove rather than a 5M bridge which is the standard regulation height for a Highway. The Wicken Fen Community Liaison Forum met on 16 April – issues discussed included the problem of motorcyclists using the Lodes Way, the need for a car parking strategy and the problem of travellers horses blocking footpaths. Copies of the minutes will shortly be available on the Community Page of our website If you have a spot of free time on your hands we have a couple of volunteering opportunities which maybe of interest. Firstly, we’re looking for volunteers to help look after the White Fen Community Woodland near Lode. This would involve visiting the woodland every couple of months, checking a small group of trees and straightening canes, clearing tree guards etc. It is a small commitment that will make a big difference in helping the trees become established. Secondly, we’re on the lookout for a photographer to help with a fixed point photography project. Each year we photograph the whole reserve (on a two year rotation) from a number of fixed points to record how the landscape is changing over time. We estimate that the project will take around 10 days a year to complete and we can provide a camera if needed. If you are interested in either of these two opportunities please contact Community Ranger, Lois Baker, on 01353 720274 or e-mail The presenter and adventurer, Ben Fogle, was at the fen recently filming for a programme on wetlands for a new 6 part BBC wildlife series scheduled for transmission this autumn. At the time of writing, we’re expecting Sir David Attenborough at the fen to film a documentary on cuckoos. There’s a buzz of excitement down at Anglesey Abbey as we formally launch a Heritage Lottery Funded Project to open the ‘domestic areas’ of the House. In total 11 rooms will be open to visitors including the kitchen, butler’s pantry Wednesday evening Home Group 7.30pm at 39 High Street, Wicken A small group of Christians meet midweek in Wicken to help each other to grow in faith through sharing and prayer. We are a non-denominational group and we come together for the sole purpose of Christian fellowship and to offer praise and worship to our Lord. If you are a Christian worshipping outside Wicken please prayerfully consider joining our Home Group for a little midweek nurture and fellowship. Alternatively, if you are exploring the Christian faith, our group is also a good starting point to hear the gospel and to discuss any issues relating to Christianity in a friendly environment. We love new people coming along to join us, to breathe fresh life into the group, and it doesn’t matter where you are in your Christian journey or if you are just dipping your toe in to see what it’s all about. We would love to hear from you. Tuesday morning Bible Study Tuesday mornings at 10.30am An opportunity to explore the Bible with fellow explorers, to ask questions and learn together. This is for both Christians and for those seeking to know more about the Christian faith in a relaxed atmosphere. If you would like to know more, please refer to the contact details below. Monthly Service of Healing 7.30pm at 39 High Street, Wicken Mon 10 Jun, Mon 8 July, Monday 12 August An opportunity to pray for our friends, families, community, the wider world and ourselves, by following a service with a flexible format. This is for Christians of all denominations and we also welcome anyone who feels they need prayer and have little or no experience of how to pray. We would love to be able to help and to guide you towards a deeper understanding of spiritual healing and wholeness. If you would like to discuss this or, alternatively, if you would like to leave a prayer request, please refer to the contact details below. Julie Rash – 01353 722008 – Cont’d on page 26 26 43 Maria's ironing service's from creases to no creases 12 stretham road wicken ely Cambs cb7 5xh (01353) 721967 Tired of ironing? No spare time? I will happily do your ironing for you I charge reasonable fees and live in a smoke free home. CALL FOR PRICES will collect and deliver within 10 miles additional charge from £3 - £6 PAINTER & DECORATOR 01353 698285 AP BRAMLEY Countryside Services Tree Surgery/Felling Out of Control Hedges/Shrubs Paddock Fencing Free Quotes 01638 720322 or 07720511098 42 27 Cont’d from page 24 and servant’s hall. The Domestic Wing Project as its known will significantly add to the overall visitor experience, creating a greater understanding of Lord Fairhaven, and how the house functioned to support his very particular way of life. The domestic areas will be restored to their pre-1966 appearance. Oral archives such as interviews with the current Lord and Lady Fairhaven and staff who worked in the house, together with records such as cellar books and guest books, will be used to help recreate the layout, atmosphere and activities that took place in the domestic wing. The domestic rooms are scheduled to open to visitors next year. As part of the project we plan to recruit a number of Volunteer Community Ambassadors. We’re looking for people who can give up one day a month (or more) to communicate and promote the project within local communities and encourage people and organisations to become involved. If you’re interested in becoming a Community Ambassador please contact Rachel Morley- email Up- coming events at Wicken Fen include our popular under 5’s activity Mucky Pups on 12 & 13 June, 10.15 -11.45am. The theme for this month is Pirate Adventure – tickets £3.95 are available from the Visitor Centre on 01353 720274. Members of the Dragonfly Project will be leading Dragonfly Safaris around Wicken Fen on Saturday & Sunday 15 & 16 June at 11am & 2.30pm. If you would like to learn more about Dragonfly’s they are also running a Dragonfly Larva Identification for Beginners course on Sunday 16 June – the course costs £35 and places can be booked by calling 01733 204286 or via Moving into July we have our Bioblitz starting at 4pm on Friday 12 through to 4pm on Saturday 13 July – during this period we will be trying to identify and record as many species as possible, hopefully beating last years total of 917 species. There will be lots of free dragonfly related activities on Sunday 28 July, as we host Dragonfly Day. Our summer holiday programme gets underway on 24 July Pond dipping and Minibeast Hunt; 29 July – Fairies and Pixies; 30 July – Pond dipping and Minibeast Hunt, and 31 July -Summertime Arts and Crafts. Details of all events for the school holidays can be found on the Events page of our website at Down at Anglesey Abbey we have National Garden Scheme Day on 13 June, when our Garden Team and volunteers will be giving demonstrations and special tours. Normal admission applies with all proceeds from Garden Admission donated to the National Gardens Scheme Fund. This year we are holding a series of Wild Wednesdays in the Hoe Fen Wildlife Discovery Area during the school holidays – the fun starts with Bugs & Butterflies on 24 July and Pond Dipping on 31 July. The free events run from 11am-1pm or 2-4pm – normal admission applies. Howard Cooper 28 Wicken Fen Farm Free Range Eggs We are located at Back Lane, Wicken and always have eggs available. Our flock consists of Rhode Island Reds and Marans and are truly free range, .having free access to graze on our pesticide free grass fields throughout their lives as well being fed with GM free feed with no artificial Yolk pigmenter’s. J. WOODROFFE State Registered chiropodist/podiatrist Building maintenance & property repairs, windows, doors, roofing and all types of carpentry & joinery etc. All work carried out by qualified craftsmen (also HPC registered) for HOME VISITS only Barry Colling 01353 664851 or 0780 8045 951 e-mail: Tel: Ely 721857 41 VILLAGE DIARY 2nd June 9th June Sunday Teas Sunday Teas see p. 15 see p. 15 14th June 16th June Coffee Morning Bring & Share Lunch see p. 55 see p. 15 16th June 18th June Sunday Teas Mobile Library see p. 15 see p. 54 20 –23 June 22nd June Ely Cathedral Flower Festival Life of Pi see p. 24 see p. 45 23rd June 29th June Sunday Teas Village Fete & Dog Show see p. 15 see p.19 & 52 29th June 30th June Soham Church Concert Sunday Teas see p. 15 see p. 15 12th July Coffee Morning see p. 55 16th July Mobile Library see p. 54 20th July Flower & Produce Show see p.30 25th July Wicken Games see p. 48 28th July Picnic Around the Pond see p. 58 6th & 7th, 13th & 14th, 20th & 21st, 27th & 28th July Cambridge Open Studios - see p. 46 & p. 49 for local studios. 1st Aug 8th Aug 15th Aug 21st Aug 22nd Aug 24 - 26th Aug 29th Aug Wicken Games Wicken Games Wicken Games Mobile Library Wicken Games Flower Festival - St. Laurence Wicken Games see p. see p. see p. see p. see p. see p. see p. 48 48 48 54 48 67 48 M.A.RENNIE Heating & plumbing Tel- 01223 881007 SPECIALIST IN RENEWABLE HEATING SYSTEMS PAY ONLY 5% VAT ON MATERIALS & INSTALLATION (HEAT PUMP ONLY) Mitsubishi Ecodan air source heat pump accredited installer Servicing, repair and full installs of all oil fired heating systems Specialist in removal & replacement of oil tanks Oftec registered 101-105e business and technician All plumbing work Inc water cylinders, radiators, pipework & controls. Please visit: for more info QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. For NT Activities see page 26 & 28 ADVANCE DATE FOR YOUR DIARY: 21st September Autumn Dance see page 58 40 46 HIGH ST, GREAT WILBRAHAM, CAMBS CB21 5JD. 29 Wicken Flower and Produce Show Saturday 20th JULY 2013 This year’s Flower and Produce Show will be held on Saturday 20th July in the Village Hall, and the Schedule is on the following pages. Whether you’re a regular exhibitor or a newcomer, we look forward to welcoming you all, either as exhibitors or spectators. Please remember: entry forms must be with Susan Woodroffe, 21 Chapel Lane, by 9.00pm on Thursday, 18th July. Are you thinking of showing this year? It’s time to think about what to show and how to show it. It’s very important to read the schedule carefully – if it says 6 shallots, it means just that. On the morning of the show everything is hectic and you only have a few hours to display the products of your hard work - so start harvesting at least a day before. Many flowers can sit happily in water for a day or so. Most veg and freshly dug root vegetables can be kept under the protective wrapping of a damp towel. OK, the leaves go limp but you are trimming them to 3 inches anyway [read the schedule!]. Courgettes can be kept in the crisper part of your fridge for a week - but take care to keep that faded flower attached at the end. The judge will love you for it! Make sure that everything is clean and free from any pests and diseases. Even when you think everything is safely displayed - check again. Slugs are very good at hiding and a silver slug trail won’t help you win a first prize! Handle the actual exhibits as little as possible. Cabbages, the poor relations in the brassica family, have an exquisite bloom over the leaves and head and this is adored by judges, but it can be spoiled with fingerprints. Same goes for plums, soft fruit and cacti. Matching identical individuals is considered a great skill. Remember, a quarter of the points awarded are for uniformity, so if you have the plate of ‘perfect peas’ but they are all different sizes you will lose points immediately. To make sure the judges focus on the produce, we will provide a paper plate for each exhibit. Please bring your own vases for flowers. This year, we’ve added some new categories into the home produce division. Pickled Vegetables are now in the schedule (51), as is ‘Heaviest Hen’s Egg’ (62). There was also a suggestion after last year’s show that ‘Home Brew’ would make an interesting addition. To give us an idea of how well that would fit, we’ve decided to have two ‘Just for Fun’ categories this year. As 30 VILLAGE DIARY - weekly Monday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sunday HATHA Yoga Service for Healing Fen Tiggers Iyenga Yoga Bible Study Swallowtails HATHA Yoga Wicken Coronation Band Home Group Pilates & Zumba Samara Ballet Church Services (Anglican) (Methodist) For details of United Services see p. 38 see p. 31 see p. 25 see p. 46 see p. 31 see p. 18 see p. 38 see p. 46 see p. 31 see p. 46 see p. 46 see p. 16 10:00 a.m. see p. 16 To keep the Village Diary as informative as possible please let me have details of any weekly/monthly activities or any planned events as far in advance as possible. Hopefully this will aid planning for Village activities and avoid clashes. The final copy date for articles for the August/September issue of Around & About is: FRIDAY 26th July (please include any activities scheduled for the first week in October) For further details please refer to Editor’s Note on page 5 - thanks. Merrilyn Fry VILLAGE WEBSITE: 39 ENTRY FORM FOR GRAND SHOW OF FLOWERS, FRUIT, VEGETABLES AND HOME PRODUCE To be held at THE VILLAGE HALL on Saturday 20th July 2013. Entry Form to be filled in by Exhibitor and returned to the Show Secretary (Susan Woodroffe, c/o 21 Chapel Lane, Wicken). Entry Forms must be received by 9pm on Thursday 18th July. NO entries will be accepted after that time. 20p per entry. Entry Fees should accompany Entry Form. Class No. Entry Fee Class No. Entry Fee usual, there will be the “Wicken in Bloom” photographic competition (a print up to and including A4 size, taken in your garden this year), and there will be a competition for home-made drinks made from individual ingredients, not a home brew kit. Entries will be divided into two groups, Alcoholic and NonAlcoholic, and, for this year only, each person can have as many entries as they wish, (the scheduled classes only allow one entry per person per class). No points are awarded in the fun categories, so any successes will not count towards your points total. As the winning entry will be chosen on the basis of personal taste, the Judge’s decision on both the fun groups will be final. If there is enough interest this year, we’ll try adding home brew to the schedule for next year, and split the group into specific categories (cordial, soda, wine, beer, cider and spirit based). However, if you have any objections to the inclusion of alcohol into the show, please let one of the committee members know how you feel. The show needs to reflect the feelings of the whole village and we are happy to listen to all points of view, for and against any changes we make and new things we try. We are hoping to build up a record of the Show since it started and I would be very interested to see anything you may have stored away that relates to one of the shows, the older the better. If you do have something, maybe an informal photo of you or someone you know with a winners cup, anything at all, please pop it round to me at 21 Chapel Lane and I will take a copy and return the original to you. I’d also be grateful if all of you who won cups last year return them to me, engraved with your name, by 8th July. Please remember that entry forms must be with me at 21 Chapel Lane, by 9.00pm on Thursday, 18th July. Have a great day and good luck! Susan Woodroffe (Show Secretary) 01353 721857 Sub total £ Total £ I will/will not be entering a photograph in the “Wicken in Bloom” competition. I will/will not be entering the “Home Brew” competition. I hereby enter the above mentioned exhibits at my own risk, subject to the rules governing the Show, and declare them to be in keeping with Rule 1. This rule does not apply to children entering adult classes. Exhibitor: Address: ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. Date: ................................................ 38 31 LIST OF SPECIAL PRIZES AND CHALLENGE CUPS WICKEN FLOWER AND PRODUCE SHOW to be held in WICKEN VILLAGE HALL, HIGH STREET, WICKEN on Saturday 20th July 2013 - 2.30 p.m. Auction of produce will start at 3.30pm, followed by prize giving ENTRANCE TO VIEW 30p Children free if accompanied by an adult. Prize money all Classes - 1st 75p, 2nd 50p, 3rd 25p CUPS AND MANY SPECIAL PRIZES PRESIDENT CHAIRMAN SECRETARY TREASURER Mrs Hazel Woodroffe Mrs Bridie Heuer Mrs Susan Woodroffe Mrs Rachel Earl COMMITTEE Mr Jack White Mr Paul Dean Ms Jill Rogers Mrs Joy Martin Best Exhibit in Show (Cup donated by Mr R Fuller) £10 Garden Voucher The Garden Produce Cup (donated by Mr R Butcher) will be awarded to the exhibitor gaining the highest number of points in classes 1‑20. The Garden Flower Cup (donated by Mr Andrew Green) will be awarded to the exhibitor gaining the most points in classes 23-33. The Fruit Cup (donated by the Society) will be awarded to the exhibitor gaining the highest number of points in classes 41-47. Barton Cup for best exhibit in Class 20. The Home Produce Cup (donated by Mr R Butcher) will be awarded to the exhibitor gaining the highest number of points in classes 48-60. The Children’s Cup (donated by the Society in memory of Mr R Butcher) will be awarded to the exhibitor gaining the highest number of points in classes 34‑40 together with £3.00. The Bill Martin Rose Bowl will be awarded to the newcomer gaining most points in the show across all classes. Adult or child. Points to be awarded as follows: 1st (3 points) 2nd (2 points) 3rd (1 point) 1. Best Exhibit in Show (see above) - Cup donated by Mr R Fuller 2. Best Exhibit of Vegetables (classes 1‑19) 3. Best Exhibit of Flowers (Classes 23-33) 4. Best Exhibit of Fruit (Classes 41-47) 5. Best Exhibit of Home Produce (Classes 48-62) 6. 2nd Highest Number of Points in Children’s Classes The committee is very grateful to all those who have helped in any way with the arranging of the Flower & Produce Show, the giving of money and kind and for the special prizes. IMPORTANT – PLEASE READ RULES CAREFULLY 32 37 RULES 1. All articles must be the property of the exhibitor and have been in his/her possession at least 4 weeks before the day of the Show. The Committee reserves the right to inspect the sites where exhibits have been grown. 2. All exhibits to be shown in a clean state. Vases and jam jars must be provided by the exhibitor. Cardboard plates will be provided by Committee. 3. Entry fees - 20p per entry. 4. No exhibitor to be allowed more than one entry in each class. Less than 4 entries in any class half the prize money only will be awarded in that class. 5. The decision of the Judges must be accepted as final. The Committee reserves the right to settle any matters not covered by these rules at their discretion. 6. Exhibits will be received and staged at the place of show between 9.30am and 11.30am sharp. All exhibitors particularly those exhibiting in Div D (classes 48-60) are asked to stage their exhibits as early as possible. The Show opens at 2.30pm. Sale of produce 3.30pm approximately. 7. All exhibits will be sold at the above time with the exception of all classes in Div D (48‑60) and classes 27, 28, 29 and 33. Exhibits in the said classes not claimed by 3.30pm may also be sold, unless prior notification given. No exhibit must be removed from the Show before 3.30pm. The proceeds of the sale will be donated to Show expenses. 8. All entries to be made on enclosed Entry Form and forwarded with entry fees to: The Show Secretary (Susan Woodroffe) not later than 9pm on Thursday 18th July 2013. 9. There will be no entrance fee for entries in Children's classes 34-40. 10. Only children 15 yrs and under are allowed to enter classes 34-40. 11. All entries in the Home Produce Classes should be covered with cling film. 12. All prize monies to be paid out as soon as possible after the show. Children allowed in adult classes under adult rules. *********************************************************************************** 36 SCHEDULE 2013 DIVISION A - VEGETABLES JUDGES – Mr M & Mrs L Williams 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 4 Potatoes – White, any shape 4 Potatoes – Coloured, any shape 4 Tomatoes 6 Runner Beans 8 French Beans 8 Pods of Peas 6 Shallots - tops bent over and tied Special prize 6 Onions (any variety) - roots trimmed, tops bent over and tied 6 Carrots (no more than 4" of top) Special prize 4 Beet (round with n more than 4” of top) 1 Cabbage (any variety) 2 Lettuces (any variety) - roots trimmed 1 Marrow 2 Bulbs of Garlic 4 Courgettes 8 Podsof Broad Beans 3 Chili Peppers – any variety 2 of any vegetable not listed above Collection of fresh picked herbs in jam jar – not less than 3 varieties Basket of vegetables - not less than 3 varieties. Most oddly shaped vegetable Longest Runner Bean DIVISION B - FLOWERS 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) 31) 32) 33) JUDGES - Mr M & Mrs L Williams 6 Flowers of any one variety Collection of 4 single roses (any variety/varieties) Special prize Vase with 10 stems of assorted flowers (no less than 5 varieties) 12 stems Sweet Peas Special prize 1 Cactus or Succulent 1 Pot Plant (flowering) including Fuchsia, Pelargonium 1 Pot Plant (non-flowering) 4 Dahlias Gent's Buttonhole (One flower with foliage) Lady's Spray Arrangement of flowers (overall width 20 inches) Flowers may be purchased. 33 Classes 34‑40 open only to children 15 years and under (Child's age will be considered) Classes are open to children with family connections in Wicken, e.g. grandparent. CHILDREN’S CLASSES 34) 35) 36)* 37)* 38) 39) 40) JUDGE – Mrs J Smith Imitation Miniature Garden arranged on a dinner plate Garden Flowers arranged for effect in a jam jar. Collage on the theme of the Coronation . Painting or drawing on the theme of the Wicken Windmill Special prize A hand made birthday card 4 cupcakes decorated in the theme of the Coronation Sp. prize Person or animal made from fruit or vegetables * Maximum size for the collage/painting should not exceed A4. DIVISION C - FRUIT JUDGES – Mr M & Mrs L Williams 41) 4 Sticks of Rhubarb - cut to show some leaf 42) Plate of mixed fruit (no more than 4 varieties) 43) 6 Plums/Greengages (with stalks) 44) 10 Gooseberries (with stalks) 8 strings Blackcurrant 8 Raspberries with stalks Longest stick of rhubarb DIVISION D - HOME PRODUCE 48) 49) 50) 51) 52) 53) 54) 55) 56) 57) 58) 59) 60) 61) 62) Apple and Cinnamon Cake 225 g (8 oz) softened butter 225 g (8 oz) light muscovado sugar 100 g (4 oz) chopped walnuts 100 g (4 oz) sultanas 225 g (8 oz) self-raising flour 400 g (14 oz) cooking apples, peeled, cored and grated 1 level teaspoon ground cinnamon 2 level teaspoons baking powder 3 large eggs To finish Light muscovado sugar and extra chopped walnuts, for sprinkling Icing sugar, for dusting 1 Pre-heat the oven to 180oC/160oC fan/Gas 4. Grease a 23 cm/9 ins deep round cake tin then line the base with baking parchment. 2 Measure the butter, sugar, eggs, chopped walnuts, sultanas, flour and baking powder into a large bowl and beat for about 2 minutes until thoroughly blended. 3 Spoon half the mixture into the prepared tin then spread the grated apple and ground cinnamon in an even layer on top. Spoon the remaining cake mixture on top, level the surface then sprinkle generously with light muscovado sugar and walnuts. 4 Bake in the pre-heated own for about 11/4 -11/2 hours or until the cake is well risen and golden brown. Leave to cool in the tin for a few minutes, then turn out, peel off the parchment and finish cooling on a rack. Dust with icing sugar to serve. Special prize JUDGE Mrs J Smith 1 Jar of Jam (not under 12 ozs)* 1 Jar of Marmalade* 1 Jar of Chutney* 1 Jar of Pickled Vegetables* Special prize 1 Victoria Sponge with jam and buttercream filling, undecorated Ginger Loaf Cake (2lb tin) Apple and Cinnamon Cake (see recipe) Special prize 6 Scones, Plain 6 Decorated cup cakes 6 Jam Tarts 1 Fruit Pie, any fruit, must have a top and bottom short crust pastry 6 Sausage Rolls 6 Shortbread 6 Eggs (from Exhibitor’s own hens) Heaviest Hen’s Egg (from Exhibitor’s own hens) (Recipe reproduced from Mary Berry’s Baking Bible) * Contents should be covered with waxed paper seal and proper preserve pot covers. 34 35
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