Around and About
Around and About
Issue 226 FEBRUARY & MARCH 2013 Wicken Fen something for everyone Around and About Wicken Fen is open every day Visitor Centre & Shop: Daily 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Café: Wed - Sun 10:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. until 10th Feb From 11th Feb 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Every day Printed and bound this magazine. 56 Call 01638 613102 WICKEN’S COMMUNITY MAGAZINE Rex Wailes, ‘The Windmills of Cambridgeshire’, Newcomen Society paper presented 1950 Wicken Windmill photographed in the 1920’s VILLAGE CHRISTMAS MARKET December 2012 Dave Pearce The Mill in modern times, 2003 2 55 Around & About Wicken Published six times per year in April, June, August, October, December and February. Circulation 375. Delivered free to every household in the parish. £1 when purchased Editor Merrilyn Fry 4 Stretham Road Wicken CB7 5XH 01353 720080 Treasurer and Advertising Manager Nigel Davies 28 Chapel Lane Wicken 01353 721037 Distribution Martin Hopkins 29 Drury Lane Wicken CB7 5XY 01353 720224 BUSINESS WEBSITE PROMOTION Is your business website attracting enough visitors and enquiries? Are you happy with the way your site is ‘working’ for you? Advertising Rates Small adverts (B&W) are £5.00 per issue. Display advertising per annum (6 issues): I have an excellent track record, using industry approved, ethical optimisation techniques, for massively improving website performance. 1/8 page 1/2 page £15.00 £55.00 1/4 page Whole page £30.00 £100.00 We make every effort to ensure contents are correct but regret we cannot accept responsibility for errors or omissions. Liability to our advertisers for errors and omissions attributable to us is limited to credit or Take a look at what I do at: Cover Pictures Front page - Terry Clements Back page - Martin Hopkins Neil Ford, Stretham, Ely, Cambs. 54 3 Contents Christmas Market pics A&A info Editors Note “Retirement” Ducks Notes from the Parish Council Have Your Say Parish Councillors Thanks 25th Birthday Favourite Biscuits The Vicar Writes Inherited 200th Anniversary Refuse & Re-cycling Need More Volunteers Church Timetable Swallowtails Fen Tiggers Easter Pudding Night First Responders The Good Deed Keep the Date Keeping Warm this Winter Village Diary Wicken Churches Together Obituary Fish &Chips News from the Fen & Anglesey abbey Mud on the Fen Mobile Library Coffee Morning Hall News The Water Year Jokes Take Time Advertisers Buses Windmill pics page 2 page 2 page 5 page 5 page 5 page 6 page 6 page 7 page 9 page 9 page 9 page 11 page 11 page 12 page 14 page 15 page 16 page 18 page 20 page 21 page 21 page 23 page 25 page 25 page 26 page 28 page 31 page 32 page 34 page 39 page 40 page 42 page 44 page 46 page 48 page 49 page 50 page 52 page 53 page 55 Specialist Dyslexic Teacher Spinney Abbey Traditional Farm Meat 01353 667035 07803 132561 Stables, Paddocks & Hay 07803 132561 The Barn, Self Catering Cottage 0845 2680785 The Five Miles, No Hurry 01353 721654 The Maids Head 01353 720727 Tom Griffiths Plastering & Building Toppers Hair Design TVS Direct 01353 721493 01353 663773 01353 669471 Vicki Martin 01353 624284 Wicken Fen, National Trust Wicken Four Wheel Drive 01353 720274 01353 722434 Wicken Heating & Plumbing Service 01353 722613 Yarn on the Square 01353 661024 Yoga at Butts Farm, Sophie Leek 01353 721681 Bus Times Bus 117 - Thursday Service Only Upware 1008 Ely Market Street 1329 Wicken Crescent 1015 Ely Rail Station 1332 Soham Downfields 1023 Barway 1347 Soham Memorial 1026 Soham Memorial 1359 Barway 1038 Soham Downfields 1402 Ely Rail Station 1050 Wicken Crescent 1408 Ely Market Street 1053 Upware 1414 The Staploe Medical Centre - Please note that there is no longer a mini bus service from the village to the Medical Centre. Open: Weekdays 8.30am – 6.00pm; Saturdays 8.30am – 10.30am Tel: Appointments 01353 624121 Prescriptions and Dispensary 01353 624122 Emergencies Enquiries and Home Visits 01353 624123 Ely, Soham and District Dial-a-Ride 4 01353 661161 53 Advertiser Phone E-mail/Web Adam’s Roofing Admiral Windows & Conservatories A P Bramley Bannold, Hard Landscaping Materials Bishop Fireplace & Chimney Services Ltd 07840064758 01480 456789 01638 720322 0500 012231 01366 377283 01353 860391 01353 727151 01353 648 057 01353 720439 01353 720439 Budgens Business Web Promotions C E Fuller & Co Funeral Director C E Fuller & Co Glass Suppliers Chivers Electrical ,Plumbing & Heating Chiropodist/Podiatrist Crown Garage Dapper Dogs of Wicken David Knock, Plasterer Domestic Appliance Repairs 01353 664815 07748 858022 01353 664851 0780 8045951 01353 720779 01353 624610 07786 620274 01353 699600 07867 553836 A very BIG THANK YOU to the Village Fete committee for the very kind donation to A&A; the generous gift will help us meet any shortfall in funding via adverts. The closing date for copy for the April/May edition of Around & About is, (please note that submissions are required earlier due to Easter being at the end of March): MONDAY 25th March 2013; your help in adhering to this date will be very much appreciated; contributions can be made in writing; verbally or electronically - word; RTF or Publisher. When submitting items please include your contact details - thank you. Merrilyn Fry “Retirement” Fireplaces/Liners All other enquiries D T A Plumbing & Heating Dragonfly Cottage B&B e-tyres Elaine Boyd Picture Framing Free Range Eggs Fully Fitted Bathrooms and Boilers 07955 321274 01353 727054 0800 028 9000 01353 720606 01353 968413 01353 720185 GClean Hair Shop Ian Bailey, Decorator IDT Pest Control Joywell Home Building Services J Woodroffe Building Maintenance Kitz Cattery Kleeneze Liz Houghton, Food Allergy M. A. Rennie Heating Services Maria’s Ironing Service M.O.R. Tack Neil’s Driving School Oven Cleaning Paul Braybrooke Perfeqpets Pilates Pocock & Shaw Prime Bookkeeping Services Sandy’s Tiling Service 07717 511557 01353 722734 07798 711472 07809 475758 07884 436971 01353 721857 01353 624811 01353 624799 01353 723157 01223 881007 01353 721967 01353 722434 07748 242710 01353 222067 01353 777788 07724 052679 01353 749611 01353 668091 014353 664453 01353 720606 Secretarial/Admin Assistance 01353 725126 52 Editor’s Note A word of thanks to Jan & Greg Van Dicks who have now ‘retired’ from the magazine Treasurer & Advertising roles. Jan and Greg recently moved to Soham and as they have now purchased the Pocock & Shaw Estate Agents in Ely they are very much still ‘locals.’ Jan and Greg we wish you every success with your new venture and hope to see you out and about at Wicken events. Nigel Davies has kindly offered (and been accepted) to take on the Treasurer and Advertising Manager role - thanks Nigel. You will find his contact details on page 3 and all our advertisers, if you have not heard already, will be hearing from Nigel shortly and thank you all for your support. Once again thanks and good wishes to Jan and Greg. Merrilyn Fry Ducks Thanks to Wicken Fete committee for the donation for Duck food. There are 13 Ducks on the pond, these are a variety of The Call duck, This breed was originally developed to serve as a decoy in duck hunting. Egg production about 60 per year. They seem ideal for the pond. Fed regularly twice a day, thanks to Godfrey Bird in the morning, and we feed them in the afternoon and Mums, Dads & Children at various times. Once again thank you. John & Hazel Woodroffe 5 Notes from the Parish Council Take Time A quiet couple of months with little to report. The Council has a number of jobs lined up but cannot get on to them until the land dries out a bit. These include making up the track to the allotments and improving the parking area, filling all the potholes in the tracks across the greens, and clearing the scrub between the children’s play area and the back of the pavilion. We have all the materials, etc but things need to dry out a bit. I am sitting looking at a blank screen, possibly with a blank brain, wondering what I am going to share with you for the next edition of Around and About. I figure that if I keep typing, something will fall into place and I will end up with an article to submit to Merrilyn. I think the above sums up my attitude to life. I am not a great planner, but as I have said before I am a great “faffer” I always think I can just do this and just do that. Mostly things work out and I get the job in hand done, though perhaps not in the time frame others might choose! But if its my job I am doing why does it matter to others how long it takes me to complete what I started ? I guess it depends what the “job” is and what the impact on others will be. As we all know time does not stand still. We may want it to, but it doesn’t. It marches on and if we “faff” about we may miss opportunities for all sorts of things. Having just celebrated Christmas I am reluctant to mention (Easter!), but that is the next major event in the Christian calendar and its importance is as huge for us as Christmas in fact more so. I know some who read this will have a faith, some will not and some will be unsure. But I would suggest we all to take time and reflect What we reflect on is up to us, but if it makes us a happier person and more at peace with ourselves and the world perhaps its not so bad to “take time” So I take time to say……………… “Happy New Year “ Georgina Newell – Methodist Pastoral Worker Wicken Vision Drop in Session. Do not forget the drop in session at the village hall on Monday 18 February. This will be your last opportunity to discuss the final draft proposals for the future development plan for Wicken parish. The preferences and suggestions you put forward in the questionnaire last year have been incorporated into the final proposal. There will be planning officers from East Cambs District Council present as well as your local Councillors. The hall will be open from 16.00 to 17.00. Jack White Parish Clerk Have your say on the future of Wicken Help to produce a ‘Vision’ for your village East Cambridgeshire District Council is preparing a new ‘Vision’ for Wicken, in partnership with the Parish Council. We are keen to get your views on how the village/parish should change or improve in the future. The Wicken Vision will provide a blueprint for the future growth of the village. It will be used to: guide decisions on future development and planning applications help ensure that infrastructure and facilities are retained and improved Public consultation took place in 2011 and 2012 on key issues and options. The District Council has taken on board your comments and is due to publish a ‘Draft Wicken Vision’ on 11th February 2013. Consultation on the draft Vision will run for 6 weeks, between 11th February and 25th March 2013. The Draft Vision includes a proposal for two new housing sites on the edge of the village, off Church Road and The Crescent. For further information on how to comment on the draft Vision, see the District Council’s website at or email If you have any questions, please call the Council’s Forward Planning team on 01353 665555. Katie Child Principal Forward Planning Officer East Cambs District Council 6 GLASS SUPPLIERS IAN BAILEY Clear and obscure in stock All sizes cut to order Deliveries arranged DECORATION SERVICES No Jobs too big or too small. Free estimates. C. E. FULLER & CO. 23, Hall Street, Soham. Tel: Ely 720439 25 years experience. Tel: 07798 711472 51 Parish Councillors Jim Day Red Barn Farm 720281 Rachel Earl 42 Chapel Lane 723619 Peter Fuller Thorn Hall, Lower Road 720602 Marc Hawes Sheep Walk Cottage, Padney Road 624895 Liz Houghton (Chair) 17 Chapel Lane 723157 Gary Redhead 44 Drury Lane 723149 Jilly Rogers 4 Butts Lane 721611 Bob Tyler Hall Farm, Church Road 721029 Gary Watson 27 North Street 624253 Clerk: Jack White 24 Lode Lane 723342 MARQUEES FOR HIRE The Parish Council has two marquees available for hire by residents and businesses of the Parish of Wicken The Marquees measure 30’ x 30 and 30’ x 20’ Competitive rates of hire Servicing & repairs to all makes & models Technical assistance available to support you as you erect them See them at the village fete this year Why not book them for your own party? All proceeds raised will be used to support projects in the village Phone Jack White (Clerk to the Parish Council) for further details on 723342. Motorhome servicing & repairs MOT’s class 4 & 7 Air conditioning & LPG conversions Vehicle recovery Courtesy cars available 4 Wheel Drive Specialists (01353) 722434 Lower Road, Wicken, Ely, Cambs CB7 5YB 50 7 They were attuned to unobstructed sunsets and hills would have driven them mad. I recall them coming out of Waterbeach Fen to cross the Cam on the ferry on Sunday evenings in summer when my dad took me there on his bike. Ah, beer was cheap then; always enough in the kitty for booze and company at the weekends. But where they faced hazards from water and dust the engineers have secured us as never before, although there is ever the voice of warning: ‘it could never happen again.’ Meanwhile we need all the fenland about us to grow food, rather than concede it for human recreation. Many fen dwellings were made of wood, a wise choice on such soft ground, and in some places you can come across the sites betrayed by those little flowers of hope coming out of winter, the snowdrops that all fenmen loved. Walk down Dread Fen Drove to see them in abundance. Tony Day Joke I got fired from the meat factory because I got an e-mail about a delivery of horse meat and I marked it as spam. A Tesco burger walks into a bar. "Pint please". "I can't hear you" says the barman. "Sorry" replies the burger. "I'm a little bit horse". WICKEN HEATING, PLUMBING & GAS SERVICE Rory Woodroffe, 38 Chapel Lane, Wicken KITCHENS, BATHROOMS, SHOWERS, TILING & CENTRAL HEATING Installation and Repairs All work carried out by qualified tradesmen and guaranteed PHONE: ELY 722613 DO YOU NEED SECRETARIAL/ADMIN ASSISTANCE? I can help with: * * * * * Audio Typing Excel Spreadsheets PowerPoint Presentations Email Marketing General Admin If interested, please call Mary on 01353 725126 or email for further information. 8 49 The Water Year Thanks - Coffee Morning from a Wicken Pensioner They get paid well, I am sure, these slick weather forecasters who after two relatively dry summers declared a drought in the middle of winter. The gods clearly didn’t like that. I am writing in December wondering how much more there is to come. Well, we live in waterland but the sufferers from the floods are elsewhere while we have the machinery in place at all times to send the water back to the sea. Years back this could not be done before breaches occurred in the river banks, the farmers lost their harvests for the year and if they could stay in their isolated homes then boats were the only form of transport. While in other parts of the land others suffered acutely while we in waterland stayed relatively dry. And as I write we have February filldyke to come! When I was 15 and living at Red Barn the headline news on the wireless was the breach in Soham Lode at Barway bringing the sea very close. I recall a motorist pulling up to ask the way to the floods, but I had never seen them where the workers day and night were sealing the burst bank as best they could. Some of them were Wicken men, of which there were a few not holding down a regular ‘job’; at hand for such as bridge construction and church repairs or supplementing the harvesters. That was in 1937. Ten years on came the big one, a burst in the Old West near Sutton, a spectacular flood that brought in the army to heal the breach. No harvest, no income that year about which I wrote a book on the 50 th anniversary, two impressions covering the demand. I never saw the flood because I was still in the army, coming home on leave when all was dry and bright while the land about Sutton had to be left alone for a long time. One farmer hoped that at least the water would have put an end to the wireworms on his land but he told me with irony that he had discovered they had survived by reaching the riverbank! A National Distress Fund helped to save the farmers but, as told by Charlie Bester, the Sutton Parish Clerk whose job it was to check on the farmers’ losses, they claimed rather more than they had lost. In earlier times distress and hunger would have been their lot. The ‘drowns’ were dreaded where today we have conquered. In 1964 I painted along the length of the river Lark from Prickwillow to Isleham where I talked to the owner of a small bungalow, pre-war built, who had seen the river rise to the level of his roof. Where prayers were the only resort he said calmly: ‘We get by.’ Home was home after all and he could afford no better than that bungalow where there was no hope of hiding upstairs. Nearer Prickwillow was a house made entirely of corrugated iron painted a dull red. It was unoccupied and I went inside, wondering what the temperature would be in icy winter and, indeed in scorching summer. And in times of flood! If those fenmen of old were lacking webbed feet they had seaman’s eyes. A big Thank You and well done to Dalene; Liz and helpers for giving us such a lovely meal; made us feel like Christmas you might say it was “Wicken Tinsel and Turkey”. To finish a prayer - music - Christmas singing - a really good time. Thanks to all who came. 48 25th Birthday Celebration 1988 – 2013 - Burwell Community Print Centre celebrates 25 years. Nestled in the centre of Burwell is a small charity making a huge difference to the lives of adults with learning disabilities – as well as serving the local community, and beyond! This year will see Burwell Print celebrating its 25th Anniversary. Over the coming months we plan to hold a number of events to highlight our achievements and the many aspects of this dynamic and unique Social Training Enterprise. So, a date for your diary. Our celebrations ‘Kick off with a Ceilidh’ on Saturday 27th April from 710.30. This will be a family event promising good fun and laughter as we will be ‘stripping the willow’ to the Parsons Nose Ceilidh Band in the main hall of Burwell Village College. Tickets will be on sale 1st March so please reserve yours as there will be limited numbers. Phone 01638-613102 or email Sue Anderson Favourite Biscuit Have you got a favourite biscuit? (though it’s hard to name it’s true) There are so many that I like To dip, to dunk and chew. I’ve learnt from my experience A Rich Tea may just snap Ad if you chance it with a wafer It could end up in your lap! I remember s a knee high child Going with my mum to buy ‘broken biscuits’ weighed into a bag I never thought to ask her why! But whatever is your favourite I’m sure you think the same as me There’s nothing like a biscuit With a good old cup of tea! Submitted by Judith Hopkins 9 The Maids Head High Street Wicken CB7 5XR 01353 720727 Valentines Day Special Join us for a romantic meal from our special Valentine Menu Price includes free glass of house wine, soft drink or pint of Stella or Becks Ladies will also receive a gift Booking essential Tuesday Themed Nights: 19 February 26 February 5 March We are so pleased to yet again confirm that this event continues to be a great success. Thank you to everyone for your support! Thanks to everyone for coming along to the event, thanks to all of those who helped us with the set up (special thanks to Jack, Sandy Boyd & the Chatfield boys for erecting the marquees) & thanks to all who helped on the day. A further thanks to all our fabulous stallholders, and of course, to all of those who very kindly donated Raffle prizes. A special thanks to Elizabeth & Family for Santa’s transportation by Pony & Trap, The Maids Head for the donation of a dinner for 4 & to Wicken Four Wheel Drive for the donation of Gas to keep our marquee’s warm. A massive thank you to everyone who came to support the event – we hope to see you again at the 2013 Christmas Market. Wicken Village Hall Diamond Jubilee Clock £24.95 29 January Pie Night 5 February Curry Night 12 February Shellfish Night Wicken Village Hall Christmas Market Mexican Night Pie Night Curry Night Easter Quiz Night Sunday 31 March Hopefully everyone has now spotted the beautifully restored Clock? If not, go and have a look! We are interested to find out more about the clock and its history. Does anyone have any information or history about the clock? Any old photos? If anyone has any information whatsoever we’d love to hear from you. Please contact Jean with details on 727054 (pictures see p.2) Wicken Village Hall Sunday Tea’s ~ 2013 7.30pm Please join us for Sunday Tea’s in the New Year: tea’s, coffee’s, soft drinks & of course, Delicious, Homemade Cakes, Buns & Goodies! Teams of up to 6 £4 per team **Sunday 24th February Tea’s Only – FILM SHOW CANCELLED ** All proceed for East Anglia Air Ambulance (Film’s of Wicken Life to be shown in the Hall at a later date – date TBA) Real Ales Specials of the Day A la Carte Menu Sunday Roast Extended Snack Menu Tuesday Night Specials Wicken Village Hall - NEWS Traditional Village Pub with Good Food and a Warm Welcome We are pleased to announce that we have a new larder fridge & a new microwave for use in the Hall, as well as a Hostess Trolley which has been very kindly donated by Dawn & Mervin Greenwood. The Hall is now available for hire on Monday evenings – if anyone is interested in this slot then please contact Pauline on 01353 721164. 10 47 The Vicar Writes ..... Bookings for the Village Hall If you would like to book the Village Hall for a party, anniversary, wedding reception or any other event, please call Pauline Fuller on 01353 721164 or Jean Turner on 01353 727054 *Generous hire charge discounts for villagers* Regular events in the Village Hall See below for details of regular events and classes that are held at the Hall. If you are interested in any of these, contact a committee member: numbers at the end of this section. Monday Tuesday 9.30-12noon Fen Tiggers: Baby and toddler playgroup 7.00 pm Iyengar Yoga: intermediate class Wednesday Lunch time/2pm 7pm Thursday 7-8pm 8-9pm Friday 4 –9pm Swallowtails: for all those wanting to get to meet people in the village and enjoy varied activities together Wicken Coronation Band practice Pilates - Mat, Ring and Band work - Mixed Ability Zumba for all Samara Ballet School Ballet and Tap Dancing lessons for all ages and abilities. Committee members: Jean Turner (Chair) T:727054 Sophie Leek (Secretary) T:721681 Pauline Fuller (Treasurer) T:721164 Bridie Heuer (Vice Chairman) & Bob Heuer T:624303 Tim Alban Jones T:720423 Peter Rash T:0770355571 Jilly Rogers T:721611 Gary Watson T:624253 Sam Petersen T: 721252 Caroline Blott T:tba Dear Friends, People sometimes ask whether Easter is early or not. As it happens, this year it is relatively early (March 31st) which makes for a short Spring school term finishing on Maundy Thursday. What never changes, however, whatever the date of Easter is the forty days that we set aside before Easter to prepare ourselves for this greatest of Christian festivals. It hardly seems as if we have recovered from the excitement of Christmas and here we are getting ready for Easter. From early days, Christians have recognised that a season of preparation is useful and necessary before the joys of Easter. It was originally set aside as a time for those who were going to be admitted to the church by Baptism at Easter. It soon became apparent that all of us can benefit by a period of self-reflection and so the season of Lent was born. We are probably all familiar with the idea of ‘giving something up’ for Lent (chocolate is often the first thing than many of us think of; one year I gave up coffee, which was not a happy time for my family !). This giving up is a way of remembering the trials and temptation of Jesus in the wilderness, but it is sometimes seen as perhaps a rather negative thing. These days there is often a strand in contemporary thinking to invite us to take something up instead. You could, for example, make a conscious effort to write to a relative who lives away, or ring them up, or visit someone who lives alone. In simple things like these, we may be able bring a little human warmth and joy to others as the days lengthen and as we prepare to celebrate Easter. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday (13th February this year) and we shall be holding services at St Laurence’s at 2.30 pm and at St Andrew’s at 7.30 pm. As a symbol and reminder of our mortality, the services will include the Imposition of Ashes. (If you are not sure what that means, don’t worry! why not come and find out…!) Best wishes Tim Alban Jones Inherited If you are interested in helping the Committee with any of the activities or any of our plans to improve the Village Hall, please do contact one of us! I have recently inherited an 8mm cine film projector, slide projector, projector stand and screen. If anyone wants to buy or borrow please contact me on 720 224. Martin Hopkins 46 11 Wicken Windmill 200th Anniversary Wicken corn windmill will be 200 years old in 2013. We don’t know the exact date when it started work, but we do know it was constructed for Mr John Martin who was quoted as ‘John Martin, miller of Wicken’. Wicken Windmill is the only working smock mill, i.e. wooden tower mill, still producing flour in East Anglia and the most northerly of its type still at work in England? The mill’s machinery is surprisingly complete and we produce three grades of flour on site using only wind power and the best quality organic wheat. Stoneground wholemeal flour is ‘dressed’ on site to produce white and finest white flours. In the 1980’s the mill was in a sad state of repair without any sails and was in grave danger of falling down. Seven people were saddened to see the mill in such a sad state, so on seeing it was for sale by George Johnson they formed a partnership in 1987 to conserve the remains of the mill. 3 engineers, 1 draughtsman, a school teacher, a sales person and a quantity surveyor, a mix of males and females, and a host of willing volunteers from all over the country came together to support the work on this unique windmill. Gradually and inevitably the partnership has evolved, but we still have as a nucleus 4 of the original partners who started the restoration in 1987.One of the partners, Jacqui Ward, is a direct descendant of John How, windmiller and farmer of Wicken between 1838 and 1861. We are always interested to hear from descendants of the Wicken millers and their employees. Family names include the Bartons, Baileys, Arbers, Millers (very apt name!), of course Martins, and many others. After the commercial milling business closed in 1933 the mill passed to George and Doreen Johnson, and holding repairs were carried out for them by Mr G.C. Wilson in 1971. Wicken mill is one of only two working 12 sided smock mills still producing flour in the UK. All the replacement parts were made by the group members, including the sails, the brake wheel and wallower wheel, the fully restored cap and fantail and the flour dresser or wire machine. Old photographs, many identified with the help of Tony Day, allowed us to re -design missing external parts, particularly the sails, the fantail and the fan stage. So far no photo has turned up showing the mill interior. So if you have any old photographs showing the mill, inside or out, we would be extremely interested to see them. Cliff Lovett was an expert on ‘back yard metal casting’, originally to keep his motorbike going during WWII. Cliff made major components including the gear teeth on the brake wheel, the spider mechanism on the sails and even a phosphor bronze bearing for the main shaft, using wooden patterns made by other members of the team. Sadly Cliff is one of the ‘original crew’ no longer with us. The total cost of materials for the restoration was £25,000, kindly funded by English Heritage, East Cambridgeshire Council, and of course out of the pockets of the Wicken Windmill Partnership. Cambridgeshire County Council and interested private benefactors also kindly 12 Wicken Fen Farm Free Range Eggs We are located at Back Lane, Wicken and always have eggs available. Our flock consists of Rhode Island Reds and Marans and are truly free range, .having free access to graze on our pesticide free grass fields throughout their lives as well being fed with GM free feed with no artificial Yolk pigmenter’s. J. WOODROFFE State Registered chiropodist/podiatrist Building maintenance & property repairs, windows, doors, roofing and all types of carpentry & joinery etc. All work carried out by qualified craftsmen (also HPC registered) for HOME VISITS only Barry Colling 01353 664851 or 0780 8045 951 e-mail: Tel: Ely 721857 45 COFFEE MORNING December was a blessed time with our elders - Liz and I would like to THANK the group for all they did to make it a memorable day. A New Year with lots to look forward to 08 February 2013 We meet to discuss and plan activities for the year ahead. 08 March 2013 Come join us for a cuppa coffee and good company as we hear all about Peter Rash’s travels last year in Africa. Time: 10:30-12:00 Place: Wicken Village Hall Contact: Dalene: Mobile:0794 421 9537 Home: 725968 A prayer to encourage you for the year ahead - we will face difficult times BUT have HOPE… PSALM 23 The Lord is my Shepherd ----- that's a Relationship! I shall not want ----- that's Supply! He makes me to lie down in green pastures -----that's Rest! He leads me beside quiet waters -----that's Refreshment! He restores my soul ----- that's Healing! He guides me in the paths of righteousness ----- that's Guidance! For His name's sake ----- that's Purpose! Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death -----that's Testing! I will fear no evil ----- that's Protection! For you are with me ----- that's Faithfulness! Your rod and your staff they comfort me -----that's Discipline! You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies -----that's Hope! You anoint my head with oil -----that's Consecration! My cup overflows ----- that's Abundance! Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life ----that's Blessing! And I will dwell in the house of the Lord ----- that's Security! Forever ----- that's Eternity! NIV Bible Dalene Musora 44 contributed to the costs of materials, and after fourteen years of work the first sack of flour was again produced using only wind power, the last using this method having been produced in 1933. All labour was proved free of charge, otherwise the total cost of renovation would have been considerably more. And so to the future! Eventually Wicken Mill will need another major overhaul, the estimated costs for materials being in the region of £50,000 at current prices. Being run as a volunteer group helps keep costs down considerably and it also helps retain knowledge of the mill’s structure locally. To keep the mill in such good shape for the next 200 years we need your support, either by buying the flour we produce or offering some of your time to help out on site. The village of Wicken would be much the poorer if the mill stopped or once again fell into disrepair. Can you help us? If every household bought a bag of flour every month our Repair Fund would be boosted considerably. Without further help we can only cover the costs of continued day-to-day maintenance, the small profits we make from current flour sales and visitor donations covering this. Wicken Windmill is as good today as it has ever been, but the greatest worry is how to build up the Repair Fund to cover future maintenance and renovation costs and keep the mill in such good condition. Grants from public bodies are becoming more difficult to obtain, not that they have ever been easy! A local initiative which has helped us is the Waitrose green token scheme run at the Ely store. Waitrose distributes a sum of money each month to local good causes, according to the way that shoppers ‘vote’ with their green shopping tokens. In 2013 we will ask Waitrose if we can be one of their good causes again, so will ask if you can support us with your tokens! Thanks to all of you who supported us this year helping to raise £407 to add to the restoration fund. We would like to celebrate the mill’s 200th birthday next year in Wicken style with a small number of events centring of course around the Wicken Fete and dog show in June, so please look out for further information in the New Year. Wicken Windmill is open at the beginning of every month, see below for detail. Flour can be bought locally from the Mill itself, the Maid’s Head, the NT at Wicken Fen, Orchard Farm Shop at the West end of the village & 3 @ 3 Deli in Ely. Contact details: Dan Carrick, (Wicken village, Dave Pearce, (milling and mill righting,, 18 North Street) Jacqui Ward, (publicity, ) Or contact us at the windmill. The mill is open the first Saturday of each month, and from March to November the Sunday immediately after. At other times, as we always say, if the sails are turning the mill is open. See p.55 for photo’s Dan Carrick 13 GCLEAN Refuse Collection and Recycling Weekly Refuse Collections on Wednesdays, except for Bank Holidays when collection will be one day later.. Re-cycling collected on alternate WEDNESDAYS, except for Bank Holidays when collection will be one day later.. Brown sack and black box collections. Brown sack for flat packed cardboard, dry kitchen waste, (wrapped in newspaper), leaves, hedge trimmings, weeds and old plants. Newspapers in black box Glass and cans separated in carrier bags and placed on top of box. Professional Cleaning Services CARPET CLEANING AND PROTECTION SOLUTIONS Gclean offer a carpet cleaning and protection service using specialist equipment and materials provided by industry giant Prochem. Our professional cleaning will remove any dirt, dust and harmful bacteria from your carpet, together with a spot clean to remove most stubborn stains Key benefits of our carpet cleaning service include: Excellent Value Large or small jobs, including stains or spot treatments Special treatments available, including scotchgard protection and carpet deodorizer maximizing carpet life Daytime, evening and weekend appointments available Removal and reduction of dust, dust mites and pollen - great for allergy sufferers Call now for an instant quote or to book an appointment – 07717 511557 42 High Street, Wicken Cambs CB7 5XR DAVID KNOCK PLASTERWall & Floor Tiling Internal & External Plastering Artex & Coving City & Guilds Approved Qualified Accessor Free Estimates 20 Years Experience 22 Briar Grove, Ely, Cambs CB6 2EU Mobile 07786 620274 PICTURE FRAMING by Elaine & Sandy Boyd 7 Lode Lane, Wicken Tel: Ely 720606 14 43 Mobile Library Service Need More Volunteers The Mobile Library visits every third Tuesday: Upware Road, arriving at 1000 hrs and departing at 1015 hrs. SOHAM AND DISTRICT NEIGHBOURHOOD SPEEDWATCH Neighbourhood Speedwatch is an initiative set up by the Soham and District Neighbourhood Panel nearly 5 years ago and seeks to highlight speeding in our towns and villages with the aim of reducing the likelihood of accidents and injury to residents and their pets and any resultant damage to their property. The Speedwatch team covers the town of Soham and the villages of Kennett, Chippenham, Snailwell, Fordham, Isleham and Wicken and has been very successful in reducing the speed of local traffic, although we still suffer from those speeding who live outside the area Our equipment (which is paid for by the town and parish councils above) displays the passing vehicles speed when they are travelling in excess of the speed limit .We record the vehicle details and send this information to the police who issue a warning letter. The police use our information to track serial offenders and speeding hot spots. Until recently we have always maintained a healthy number of volunteers to carry out speed checks. However due various reasons we are currently down to 4 active and 3 inactive members. Our effectiveness is therefore blunted as the more checks we carry out the greater effect we have on speeding motorists WE URGENTLY NEED MORE VOLUNTEERS TO JOIN SPEEDWATCH AND CARRY OUT SPEED CHECKS The equipment is portable and easy to set up and operate. Although we have a serious role to play the team enjoy carrying out the checks and its always rewarding with an interesting interaction between ourselves, and local residents and motorists. If you can spare some time and are interested in joining us we would love to hear from you. Please contact the co-ordinator: Wicken Village Hall, arriving at 1025 hrs and departing at 1105 hrs. For renewals or enquiries please call: 0345 045 5225 ROOFS and GUTTERS 22 Market Place Ely CB7 5UB Tel : 01353 661024 Newly opened in your area: 25 years experience Highly reliable Repairs and cleaning Any kind of roofs and gutters Any job considered Small jobs nobody else would tackle Fully insured, references on request Our stockists: Debbie Bliss, Sirdar, Sublime, Noro, Brittany Needles, Lantern Moon (needles and accessories), Atomic Knitting, Handmade buttons by Injabulo and McAnaraks Yarns and patterns from Louisa Harding & Bergere de France, both exclusive to us as independent retailers within Cambridgeshire. Adam Senka 67 New Barns Avenue Ely, CB7 4RD We also do a range of workshops and lessons Telephone: 078400 64758 42 JOE PATTISON Tel 01638577077, 07770267252 or . Kitchens . Bathrooms . Conservatories . - Sandy’s Tiling Service For all your tiling needs For a Free quotation with no obligation contact Sandy Boyd, 7 Lode Lane, Wicken, Ely, Cambs. CB7 5XP Tel: 01353 720606 . Mobile: 07860 108237 . Email: 15 St. Laurence’s Church Wicken Our Mission Statement: ~ “We strive to serve the communities of Wicken, Padney and Upware - working together with our neighbours in practical ways, helping people understand more about the love of God. We enjoy each other’s company as we celebrate God’s hope, life and the beauty of His creation.” SUNDAY & OTHER SERVICES FEBRUARY 10 United Service at the Methodist Church 13 Service for ASH WEDNESDAY 17 Holy Communion BCP 24 Morning Prayer MARCH 3 Holy Communion 10 MOTHERING SUNDAY United Service at the Methodist Church 17 Holy Communion BCP 24 PALM SUNDAY Morning Prayer 29 GOOD FRIDAY Walk of Witness from St L’s, at followed by Service at the Methodist Church 31 EASTER DAY Family Communion Service APRIL 7 14 Holy Communion United Service at St Laurence’s CHURCH CONTACTS 10.00am 2.00pm 8.00am 10.30am 10.30am 10.00am 8.00am 10.30am 6.30pm 7.00pm 10.30am From £20 per week Neil’s Driving School Your Local Fully Qualified Instructor Weekly Lessons - Intensive Courses Pass Plus - Motorway Lessons – Refresher Lessons – Drive Smart 10.30am 10.30am For further information about events or services, or any other church matter, please contact: The Revd Canon Tim Alban Jones, Vicar & Chairman of PCC 720423 The Revd Sue Simpson, Curate 723229 Helen Randall, Licensed Lay Minister 721752 Robert Fuller, Churchwarden 720971 Richard Bramley, Churchwarden 721238 Julie Rash, PCC Treasurer 22008 16 Stables & Paddocks Stables ready for use with off road trekking and space for riding/grazing in a secure location Contact: Jonny Fuller Spinney Abbey Farm 07803 132561 • Patient and friendly Male and Female Instructors • £3 Per hour discount for Wicken residents • £60 discount on Pass Plus For further information please contact Neil on 07748 242 710 Also Good quality Hay For Sale From £3/bale 20a Chapel Lane, Wicken 41 Cont’d from page 41 .... the Festival at 14:00 on weekdays. Tours are limited to 30 spaces half of which can be pre-booked by calling the Visitor Centre on 01223 810086, with the remaining spaces available on a first come first served basis on the day. Nadine Anderson, will be leading a series of Willow Weaving Workshops on 22 & 23 March showing you how to make plant supports for your garden. There are two sessions each day at 10am – 12.30pm or 1.30 -4pm – Tickets cost £30 and can be booked on 0844 2491895. And finally …. for Easter we have our popular Easter Egg Trail from Friday 29 March – Monday 1 April, including some eggciting Egg and Spoon races on Bank Holiday Monday. Howard Cooper - NT Wicken Fen & Anglesey Abbey Mud on the Fen In the December - January issue of Around & About Mr. Howard Cooper of the National Trust comments upon mud on the Fen. May I suggest that Mr. Cooper questions the use - some would say unnecessary use - of the Trust's own mechanical vehicles that traverse established foot paths and bridleways, seemingly depending upon the driver's mood at the time? Such activity is a major cause of mud being created. George A.J. Glibbery C. E. FULLER & CO. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Paul Braybrooke 23, Hall Street, Soham. AN OLD ESTABLISHED FAMILY FIRM Private Chapel of Rest Floral tributes and memorials supplied OIL-FIRED BOILER ENGINEER (OFTEC REGISTERED) Tel: Ely 720439 Are you in Self-Employed or in Business? Need help with your financial paperwork? Put your finances in the hands of Prime Bookkeeping Services Self assessment tax returns Call David on 01353 664453 20% discount for first 12 months TANK REPLACEMENT - PLASTIC OR METAL ALL NEW BOILERS COMMISSIONED TELEPHONE ELY (01353) 777788 MOBILE 07946 735691 40 17 Swallowtails of Wicken News from Wicken Fen & Anglesey Abbey 2012 was a very good year for Swallowtails, we enjoyed outings, meals out together at the Five Miles; a Strawberry tea at Clifford and Pauline Price's home when we were lucky with the weather and could sit in their beautiful garden. We had many meals in the hall, music entertainers, quizzes, film shows, a friendly and enjoyable meeting every time. As in previous years we had a stall at the Village Christmas Market. Our Christmas party was held in the hall, with Mike Bunting entertaining us with his musical repertoire. The ‘pass the orange under the chin’ game was a great laugh, both for those taking part and those on the sidelines!! And once again this year the Committee Choir led the singing of familiar Christmas songs and carols. Our Christmas meal was at the Five Miles which was just superb, everyone really enjoyed themselves, and Lorraine and Dave the friendly owners of the pub surprised the whole club with a visit from Santa. Two lovely elves were also in attendance, it was just a lovely surprise to us all and Santa gave us all a gift. It was such a kind and generous gesture from Lorraine and Dave and we thank them very much, for their kindness. We are now planning for 2013, will meet outings etc, please keep looking for the details in further issues; but as the Committee Meeting is not until after publication we cannot give the March dates below. You do not have to be a member of the club to come on the outings, you are most welcome to join us at any time. We have applied for tickets for the Thursford Christmas show again this year, if you are interested in this please contact me, as the places are limited. We would welcome new members any time, just come along. May we wish you all a healthy and happy new year and hope to see you in 2013. Sue Wilson - Chairman It was a disappointing end to the year, as thieves broke into the Tractor Shed and stole our 2 Kubota All Terrain vehicles. This will seriously impact on our conservation work around the fen until insurance claims are settled and replacement vehicles sourced. For the first time in living memory we’ve had to close part of the Nature Trail around Sedge Fen. Sections of the trail are flooded or so churned-up, that serious long term ecological damage could be caused if we do not take precautions to protect the soil. We will shortly be recruiting for three fixed term Ranger positions at Wicken– a Seasonal Ranger, Grazing Assistant and a General Reserve Ranger. Details of the vacancies will shortly be advertised in the NT Jobs website We also have volunteer positions for a Learning Assistant, and a Community & Learning Ranger. Details of both these posts can be found at – please note the closing date for applications is 15 February. Out on the wider reserve, we’ve become aware in recent weeks of a growing number of motorbike scramble riders illegally using the Lodes Way cycleway across Burwell Fen – ultimately this will damage the surface of the cycleway and could also present a danger to walkers, cyclists and equestrian users. We are liaising with the local Police Community Support Officers to address the problem. If you fancy a spot of conservation volunteering, why not join Community Ranger, Lois Baker, and Vision Ranger, John Hughes, for a spot of tree planting on the White Fen Community Woodland on Saturday 10 February, 10:00 – 14:00. We also have another of our Family Muck-In’s at Wicken Fen on Friday 15 February from 10am -2pm, when we will be constructing an insect hotel. It would be helpful if you could give Lois a quick call on 01353 720274 if you plan to attend either event so we can plan for numbers. You can always keep up-to-date with our Community Work by reading our Community blog at http://wickenand Mucky Pups, the regular craft and adventure activities for pre-schoolers continues to grow from strength to strength. To cope with demand we’ve added an extra session each month. Feathery February is being held on February 6 & 7th, whilst the theme for March is Signs of Spring on the 6 & 7th. Each session runs from 10:15-11:45 and costs £3.95. Spaces can be reserved by calling the Visitor Centre on 01353 720274. Looking slightly further ahead to the half-term holiday there’s Wild Art on Wednesday 13th February from 10:30-12:30 or 14:00 – 16:00 (£4.75) and an Introduction to Geocaching on Thursday 14th (free). Anglesey Abbey’s Snowdrop Festival (daily until 3 March) is now in full swing. The Garden team will be running their popular Snowdrop Tours during SWALLOWTAILS PROGRAMME Meetings at the Village Hall Door Fee £1.00 Transport available on request For more information please contact Sue on 01353 721037 6th Feb Village Signs 1400hrs 20th Feb Meal 1300hrs 18 cont’d on page 42 39 GCLEAN Professional Cleaning Services Do you require a window cleaner? Traditional method Monthly round Invoice left (pay later) Water fed poles for high reach Frames and sils included Wicken residents - 20% DISCOUNT Please call 07717511557 for your free quotation 42 High St. Wicken Cambs, CB7 5XR Ely 721681 or 38 19 20 37 Fully Fitted Bathrooms & Boilers Plumbing & Heating Services Oil & Gas Power Flushing System Upgrades Boiler Installation Hot & Cold Water Services Insulation/Energy Efficiency Free Advice/Surveys Jason Clarke 34 North Street, Wicken Telephone: 01353 720 185 Mobile: 07909 683 842 36 21 BRYAN LELY DOMESTIC APPLIANCE REPAIRS WASHING MACHINES DISHWASHERS TUMBLE DRYERS COOKERS FRIDGES VACUUM CLEANERS 80 Cannon Street Little Downham Nr Ely Telephone 01353 699 600 Cambs CB6 2SS Mobile 07867 553 836 BOARDING CATTERY Tel: Wicken 01353 624811 By Appointment Only Nail Clipping - Microchipping - Grooming Services 34 Chapel Lane, Wicken, Ely, Cambs CB7 5XZ Mobile: 07955 321274 Boiler breakdowns; Heating system; Bathroom 22 35 Great British Fish & Chip Supper - Friday 17th May “Hold a Fish and Chip Supper to help spinal cord injured people live full and independent lives.” Want to do something different? Want to raise money where you live or work? Want to eat Fish and Chips, while raising money for charity? Hold a fish and chip supper on Friday 17th May 2013 whilst raising awareness of spinal cord injury and supporting SIA’s information and support services. You can hold a fish and chip supper in your own home, at work or hold a larger supper at your local community centre. SIA will provide a fundraising pack containing hints and tips, recipes, invitations and donation envelopes. By inviting 7 friends and asking them to donate an additional £5.00 means you will raise at least £35.00 from your supper but we will also give you additional fundraising ideas to raise even more money for SIA. Since 2009 we have raised over £20,000 and it has become our flagship community fundraising event. We want to raise £10,000 from this event in 2013 we can provide more support to spinal cord injured people. The money raised from the suppers will help the Spinal Injuries Association offer support to individuals who become paralysed and their families, from the moment a spinal injury occurs, and for the rest of their lives by providing services and publications which enable and encourage paralysed people to lead independent lives. Every year in the UK over 1,000 people experience a spinal cord injury and there are an estimated 40,000 spinal cord injured people in the UK alone. Community Fundraising Manager, Elizabeth Wright, says, “The Fish and Chip Supper is a wonderful opportunity for a great evening with friends and family. We are also encouraging people who work to hold a Fish and Chip Lunch in their work places to raise even more funds. You may be even a local community group wanting to run a fun evening with your group. Be a part of something special and make a real difference to help spinal cord injured people gain access to the information and support they need to enable them to live full and independent lives.” For more information or request a fundraising pack call Elizabeth Wright on 0845 071 4350 or email: or visit 34 BECOME A COMMUNITY FIRST RESPONDER FOR WICKEN AND SAVE LIVES It is a fact that there are people alive today who would no longer be with us if it wasn’t for community first responders. Take Sam. He was at his local pub celebrating a friend’s birthday when he began to choke. Within seconds he was turning blue. The quick-thinking publican dialled 999 and in under 3 minutes a first responder had arrived. All it took was a few seconds of the right technique and the offending piece of steak shot across the restaurant. Sam started to breathe again. Yet had that responder not been available, Sam could have died. It can take time for an ambulance or paramedic to reach a remote village like Wicken. That’s why first responders are so vital. “But Wicken’s so small that we hardly ever have a crisis like that,” I hear some people say. Not so. In the nine months to January 2013, people in Wicken, Padney and Upware called 999 no fewer than 45 times (that’s an average of one a week), of which 11 were for potentially life-threatening conditions such as heart attacks, strokes, fits and asthma attacks. The trouble is, we only have four volunteers in the village at the moment and we all work full time. Consequently, we were only able to attend 1 of those 11 calls. That left 10 people and their relatives having to wait for an ambulance. Usually they arrive quite quickly, but sometimes, if they’ve been on a job a long way away, it can take a while. In Sam’s case, that would have been fatal. We want to be able to provide more cover – ideally 24/7 – and that means we need more people. Our ideal person is between 20 and 70 years of age, has a car, is in the village for some of the time and is prepared to be on call for a couple of hours a week (of course, you can do more if you want). However, almost anyone else can become a first responder, too. You’ll be given all the training you need and we have a refresher evening in the village every few months. We are also looking for a volunteer coordinator – someone who can liaise with the ambulance service on our behalf and do some of our small amount of routine paperwork (maximum 2 hours a week). For further information on how you can join and/or support your community first responder group, call Jill on 724011. Patricia Matheison 23 01353 721654 ****** WIDE MENU INCLUDING SPECIALS Monday: Main Course & Sweet £7.95 Tuesday: Bangers & Mash £4.50 Thursday: Beer Battered Cod & Chips £5.95 OPEN ALL DAY EVERY DAY COOKING 7 DAYS & 7 NIGHTS food served until 9:00 p.m. ****** LIVE MUSIC EVERY FRIDAY FOR OW N K BOO : VALENTINES DAY - THURSDAY 14thFEBRUARY & MOTHERS DAY - SUNDAY 10th MARCH LORRAINE & DAVE NICHOLS E-mail: ****** 60 SEAT FUNCTION ROOM AVAILABLE FOR HIRE 24 33 Obituary ‘The Good Deed’ - a True Story FRANY “Warning some Slang Words in Evidence” A friend of mine Into the van and he A policeman was away, a tooting Out on the beat of the horn. One day. While my friend Walking along a street he knew; congratulated himself Plodding on his way. “That’s my good deed done this morn.” Happened on a bloke, Struggling down a And in due course garden path a ‘lugging’ my friend found out of a TV set and, slightly how he had helped out of breath. a thief. This all happened “Can I give you a hand some time ago and with that I’ll help really begs belief. you if you like?” “Yes,” said the man He never did say what “that’s kind of you. the outcome was; Give it a bit of a hike.” of his giving a hand that day And so it was But I know he is the two of them still in the force conveyed it to a van, somewhere. parked in the road Plodding on his way. outside the house. “Thank you” said the man. Although born 19 months before me, Frany Pope started school on the same day. He was the only child of my father’s sister Clara and Harold Pope who always welcomed me back after I had moved rather reluctantly to Cambridge in 1938. My friendship with Frany was cemented in out teens when we trod the pavements of Soham on Sunday evenings hoping to mix with the girls. He took over his father’s and grandfather’s farm, married Kathleen Seal and they bore two sons and a daughter. But he liked to enjoy life off the farm and was ever present at events in the village, enjoying the company. I liked to walk to Fenside for a chat over a cup of tea and was waiting for the weather to ease before setting forth again. His kindness was ever present, his welcome I shall miss. Tony Day Claire Gould : 3 DATE S I H T Y 201 E A V M R TH RESE AY 11 D R U SAT WHAT FOR? THE WICKEN BEER FESTIVAL OF COURSE ..... DON’T MISS IT ..... .......... SAME TIME, SAME PLACE .... WATCH THIS SPACE FOR MORE INFO NEXT ISSUE .... !!! 32 25 Keeping Warm This Winter Churches Together in Wicken Age UK Cambridgeshire has been awarded funds through the Department of Health as part of the Warm Homes Healthy People joint initiative. The projects aim to support people aged 60 or over to stay warm and safe over the winter months. Free Energy Efficiency Assessments Age UK Cambridgeshire has received funds from the Department of Health to enable us to carry out assessments at the homes of residents aged 60 years or over within Cambridgeshire to determine if measures can be put in place to make homes warmer and reduce energy costs. Our assessors may recommend certain measures such as draught excluders, radiator panels, nightlights, manual socket timers and hot water cylinder jackets to name but a few. The service is completely free and for more information, please call 01354 696650 or01480 700205. Electric Blanket Testing Also as part of the Department of Health’s grant to support older people to remain safely warm at home, we will be offering free electric blanket testing at the following venues: 14th January: Papworth Fire Station 15th January: Littleport Fire Station 21st January: Ramsey Fire Station 22nd January: March Fire Station Over 70% of blankets fail tests and for this reason any blanket which fails will be replaced free of charge. To book an appointment to have a blanket tested, please call 01354 696650. Shopping Service Funding has been received from Wilkinson’s and the Department of Health to enable us to continue running our online shopping service. The service is for Cambridgeshire residents, aged 60 and over who are unable to, or may have difficulty in doing their grocery shopping. Many supermarkets now offer online shopping but unless you have a computer you cannot take advantage of this convenient service. Orders can be placed over the phone to our shopping service and we will make all the arrangements, and arrange delivery to your home. There is no commitment to shop every week. Age UK Cambridgeshire makes no charge for this service but supermarket charges for delivery may vary. Enquires and orders can be taken from Monday-Friday between 9-12 noon on 01354 696650 Enquiries for all three projects can also be made by email to 26 Wednesday evening Home Group 7.30pm at 39 High Street, Wicken A small group of Christians meet midweek in Wicken to help each other to grow in faith through sharing and prayer. We are a non-denominational group and we come together for the sole purpose of Christian fellowship and to offer praise and worship to our Lord. If you are a Christian worshipping outside Wicken please prayerfully consider joining our Home Group for a little midweek nurture and fellowship. Alternatively, if you are exploring the Christian faith, our group is also a good starting point to hear the gospel and to discuss any issues relating to Christianity in a friendly environment. We love new people coming along to join us, to breathe fresh life into the group, and it doesn’t matter where you are in your Christian journey or if you are just dipping your toe in to see what it’s all about. We would love to hear from you. Tuesday morning Bible Study Tuesday mornings at 10.30am An opportunity to explore the Bible with fellow explorers, to ask questions and learn together. This is for both Christians and for those seeking to know more about the Christian faith in a relaxed atmosphere. If you would like to know more, please refer to the contact details below. Monthly Service of Healing 7.30pm at 39 High Street, Wicken Mon 11 Feb, Mon 11 Mar, Mon 8 Apr, Mon 13 May An opportunity to pray for our friends, families, community, the wider world and ourselves, by following a service with a flexible format. This is for Christians of all denominations and we also welcome anyone who feels they need prayer and have little or no experience of how to pray. We would love to be able to help and to guide you towards a deeper understanding of spiritual healing and wholeness. If you would like to discuss this or, alternatively, if you would like to leave a prayer request, please refer to the contact details below. Julie Rash – 01353 722008 – 31 Maria's ironing service's from creases to no creases 12 stretham road wicken ely Cambs cb7 5xh (01353) 721967 Tired of ironing? No spare time? I will happily do your ironing for you I charge reasonable fees and live in a smoke free home. CALL FOR PRICES will collect and deliver within 10 miles additional charge from £3 - £6 RE SE HE I T R ADVE . 0 p.a £15.0 M.A.RENNIE Heating & plumbing Tel- 01223 881007 SPECIALIST IN RENEWABLE HEATING SYSTEMS PAY ONLY 5% VAT ON MATERIALS & INSTALLATION (HEAT PUMP ONLY) Mitsubishi Ecodan air source heat pump accredited installer Servicing, repair and full installs of all oil fired heating systems Specialist in removal & replacement of oil tanks Oftec registered 101-105e business and technician All plumbing work Inc water cylinders, radiators, pipework & controls. Please visit: for more info AP BRAMLEY Countryside Services QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Tree Surgery/Felling Out of Control Hedges/Shrubs Paddock Fencing Free Quotes 01638 720322 or 07720511098 46 HIGH ST, GREAT WILBRAHAM, CAMBS CB21 5JD. 30 27 VILLAGE DIARY 8th Feb 9th Feb 18th Feb 19th Feb 24th Feb Coffee Morning Pudding Night Wicken Vision Drop In Sessions Mobile Library Winter Tea & Wicken Films VILLAGE DIARY - weekly see see see see see p. 44 p.21 p. 6 p. 42 p. 47 8th Mar Coffee Morning 19th Mar Mobile Library see p.44 see p. 42 16th April Mobile Library see p. 42 For NT Activities see pages 39 & 40 Sat 16th Mar at Ely Library ’Next Step in Family History’ Day School. For more information or to book a place contact Ely Library or e-mail: Don’t forget: 14th February Valentines Day 10th March Mothering Sunday 31st March Clocks go forward 1 hour Monday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sunday HATHA Yoga Service for Healing Fen Tiggers Iyenga Yoga Bible Study Swallowtails HATHA Yoga Wicken Coronation Band Home Group Pilates & Zumba Samara Ballet Church Services (Anglican) (Methodist) For details of United Services see p. 38 see p. 16 see p. 20 see p. 46 see p. 31 see p. 18 see p. 38 see p. 46 see p. 16 see p. 46 see p. 46 see p. 16 10:00 a.m. see p. 16 To keep the Village Diary as informative as possible please let me have details of any weekly/monthly activities or any planned events as far in advance as possible. Hopefully this will aid planning for Village activities and avoid clashes. The final copy date for articles for the next issue of Around & About is: MONDAY 25th MARCH 2013 - early because of Easter Easter: Good Friday 29th March -& Easter Sunday 31st March. ADVANCE DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: 11th May Wicken Beer Festival - see p. 25 29th June Village Fete 28 YOUR HELP IN ADHERING TO THIS DATE IS APPRECIATED. For further details please refer to Editor’s Note on page 5 - thanks. Merrilyn Fry VILLAGE WEBSITE: 29
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