August 2015 - Presbytery of Des Moines


August 2015 - Presbytery of Des Moines
for these issues) while at the Gathering. As a
public health nurse, these issues in our society
receive little help or support. In fact, according to
the Office of Public Witness: Washington Report
to Presbyterians Land of the Free on Lockdown
 January 2014, there were nearly 600,000
homeless people on any given night
 Of that number, about one-third were in
families and the remainder were individuals
 Nine percent were veterans
 Only 15 percent were chronically homeless
For more information:
and check into and view online the art exhibit
titled “Homeless” (I am an art fan!).
Lastly, I want to share the presentation link
titled “PW: Where we’ve been and Where we’re
pwgathering/pw-where-weve-been-and-wherewere-going, there is much to be proud of as
Presbyterian Women. I invite each of your circles
to review our history. Then end with (or begin
with) the new PW Horizons Bible Study opening
litany from Isaiah 55:1–3:
One Body One Spirit
As I begin my new role as PW Moderator for
the Presbytery of Des Moines, I must say …God
never ceases to amaze me! I say this because one
of the first things I did in an official sense is to
attend the PW Worldwide Gathering in
Minneapolis in June. Wow, what an unexpected
joy and what a way to be inspired! I was able to
witness first hand God’s work; whether it was
worship, bible study, mission projects or peace
and justice processes. It was overwhelming to
absorb everything. Therefore, I asked for some
help from other women attending the PW
Gathering to focus on a single topic and share
their impressions with all of you later within this
edition of the Grapevine.
However, I do want to share a couple of things
that affected me. First, I was struck how
wonderful the worship services were. The services
were provided by a variety of women each day.
They used a variety of methods to convey the
message and/or theme. One in particular captured
my full attention. It was a skit done in silence
(mime) of a single women in distress who
ultimately receives the hand of older women in
help. God was definitely speaking there! Check
out the article at:
ministries/pwgathering/gathering-day2 and let it
inspire your work.
Next, I actually walked in a protest march in
downtown Minneapolis for homelessness and
Mass Incarceration (my hand-waving sign stood
Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters,
Listen carefully to me
Listen so that you may live
I will make with you an everlasting covenant.
~Pam Deichmann, PW moderator
Presbytery of Des Moines
but is also available for download at:
Use the materials in the packet—pledge forms,
cards, charts and stories—to understand how
much your support makes possible. And make
sure that others know the same!
The PC(USA) Store –
Resources for Presbyterians
2015 Churchwide Gathering
The 2015 Churchwide
Gathering of Presbyterian
Women had dozens of
international guests, from
15 countries and more than
1,700 women attended with
notebooks, hearts and minds
focusing on the Gathering
theme, “One Body, One Spirit.”
Stories, photos and resources from the
Gathering can be seen at the Gathering web pages:
pwgathering. Check out what took place in
Minneapolis this summer! Your PW sisters who
attended have many ideas on how to implement
the ideas and understandings they’re taking home.
And PW’s mission and ministry over the next
three years will be shaped by all that we heard,
learned and felt at the Gathering.
This summer lose yourself in a good book! Our
summer reading list includes missional ministry,
faithful prayers, peaceful neighbors, and much
more. Shop all titles online at:
NOTE: PW’s New Toll-Free Number—
844-PWPCUSA (844-797-2872)
Give to the PW Mission Pledge
Legacies and Leaders,
Bylaws and Budgets
Your gift to the PW Mission Pledge makes
possible nearly every program and ministry of
Presbyterian Women. When you give in your
congregation, that gift makes possible programs
and community in your congregation, throughout
your presbytery and synod and at the churchwide
Now is the time to
make your pledge of
support to the PW! The
2016 Mission Pledge
packet was mailed in
late July to
congregations (and to
treasurers and
moderators of PW in
the synod, presbytery
and congregation),
By Yvonne Hileman
Presbyterian Women in the PC(USA), Inc. has a
new slate of moderators and representatives,
elected on the second day of the Business
Meeting—a day of jubilation and sadness.
On Wednesday evening, the 2015 Business
Meeting began with a prayer: “May the God of
freedom, hope, compassion and strength fill us,
and may we stand on a foundation of hope, made
possible by the transforming power of the Holy
Spirit…read more:
Items of Business
One of the highlights of the 2015 Churchwide
Business Meeting was the signing of memoranda
of understanding with three African women’s
groups—from the Christian Women’s Fellowships
in the PC(USA) (Cameroon), the Women’s
Fellowship of the Conference of Ghanaian
Presbyterian Churches in North America and the
Kenyan Women’s Groups in the PC(USA).
Voting representatives voted to change the
fiscal year end to Dec. 31, thereby placing it on a
calendar year. With the presentation of the 42month budget for June 2015 through Dec. 31,
2018 (because of the bylaws change, the next
triennial budget will have an extra six months),
Finance Committee Chair Carolyn Sprinkle said,
“PW is a wonderful organization, but it takes
money to run it. We are looking at the reality that
Mission Pledge is down, and we are doing our
best to live within a smaller budget. Please know
that we have to be good stewards.” The budget
was approved.
Based on the coming reduction in the number
of Presbyterian synods as voted by the 214th
General Assembly, Presbyterian Women’s bylaws
were revised to reflect an undetermined number of
synods. Mary noted, “We handle change; we are
flexible and adaptable. Bylaws will reflect
anticipation of that change.” Another change was
to remove the bylaws requirement that the
Business Meeting be held in conjunction with the
Churchwide Gathering.
Voting representatives also clarified what the
requirement of PC(USA) membership means.
Voting representatives must be members of the
Church “via membership in a Church
congregation or, for teaching elders, membership
in a Church presbytery and must be actively
involved in a Presbyterian Women Group.”
Other items of business included clarifying
roles, titles and positions. The role of board
secretary and historian has been combined. The
bylaws were amended to clarify that the president
of corporation shall be its executive director. And
selection of the new immigrant women’s
representative is being moved to election by
voting representatives.
Women’s Racial Ethnic Representative, Sandy
Fefeti, was nominated and elected for the New
Immigrant Women’s Representative position. And
Lisiann Rodriguez, currently filling an expiring
term as Young Women’s Representative at Large,
was nominated and elected for the same position
for the 2015–2018 terms.
The new moderatorial team consists of Carol
Winkler, moderator (from Synod of the
Covenant), Wanda Beauman, vice moderator for
justice and peace concerns (Synod of Rocky
Mountains) and Judy Persons, vice moderator for
mission relationships (Synod of Living Waters).
As she accepted the seat, newly elected
Churchwide moderator Carol Winkler said,
“Presbyterian Women is a strong organization and
a strong leader in the church. It is also a strong
partner in ministry, initiating many programs that
are now shared throughout the church. I hope we
will expand our partnerships within the church,
finding new opportunities for shared ministry.
We will continue to raise issues, develop
strategies, and be a prophetic voice in the church.
We need each of you to continue to lead
Presbyterian Women. Be the mentor, be the
friend, be the financial supporter. Find your
passion for advocacy and mission, and use that
passion to make a difference.”
Let the Spirit move you!
By Louise Van Poll
Take a deep breath. Breathe in
slowly, deeply and then breathe out. This is the
beginning of finding the lyrical spirit in each of
The definition of lyrical is anything having an
artistically beautiful or expressive quality. This
encompasses all art: drawing and painting; writing
or chanting poetry; singing, playing or composing
music; dance and movement. The definition of
Election of 2015–2018
The entire slate of new leaders for
the 2015–2018 Triennium, presented by Search
Committee Chair Virginia Champlin, was elected.
Notably, two changes to the published slate
were approved. The candidate for Young
particular we voted on bylaw changes related to:
spirit is the force within a person that is believed
to give the body life, energy and power. Consider
the gift of the Holy Spirit.
a) Editorial edits throughout the document to
update to current language
b) Change in the bylaw wording to reflect
unknown reduction in Synods
c) Clarification regarding a requirement
PC(USA) membership
d) Role of the Secretary and Historian being
e) Selection of the leader to represent new
immigrant women
f) Clarifying that the President of the PW
Corporation shall be the Executive
g) Fiscal year changing to a calendar year
and this triennial will end in Dec 31, 2018
According to Sally Niles, a music therapist,
when you put them together you get a lyrical
spirit, which helps you to express and live your
faith through creative forms, including music, art,
journaling, movement, breathing, praying and
New PW Moderators and Officers– The Business
Meeting elected new officers for the next three
years and the upcoming budget. The Moderator
Team includes Moderator Carol Winkler, Vice
Moderator for Justice and Peace Wanda L
Beauman, and Vice Moderator for Mission
Relationships was Judy Persons. Check out the
web site to see the complete list of elections,
budgets and the Business Agenda.
Pam Deichmann – Impressions &
Themes from PW Gathering 2015
Riding with Leila– I had the delightful
opportunity picking up and riding with Leila
Mansarally to Minneapolis today. Leila is from
the Guyana, South America; and here as part of a
Global Exchange Project. I jump right in with
questions about the health care system and PW in
her church. She is a retired school teacher, spoke
wonderful English, and great company on the ride
up there. I will be sure to ask Ann McGowan
(who was her host the last week) to share her
experience at the next meeting and for the
Check out the pictures– We sat with our
Presbytery and Synod partners today. Check out
our pictures… on Yapp (the PW Gathering App)
and ‘friend’ PW Gathering. To download on your
smart device (Android or iPhone), visit
Sue Kimball – Presentation summary of Linda
Lawrence Hunt’s Pilgrimage through Loss
Life shipwrecks: Neibhur says are that which
we thought would hold does not: marriage, health,
debilitating things, cancer, young generations and
lack of skills or utilizing what is there, losing
someone we love. The New Normal and What I’ve
Learned about Trauma is a useful book. Trauma
upends everything that we knew as normal. “I
have never been prepared for the loss the size of
you.” We enter into luminal space when we have
a shipwreck. Plunged into a new way of living.
How then shall we live? Our lives are shaped by
the questions that we ask.
Lament for a Son (another good book). Linda
asked others who have suffered shipwrecks, “How
did you get through this?” What did other’s
gestures do for you? What did you do for
Business Meeting, June 17 – I found my way to
the Business meeting tonight, and my first
impression the Moderator and team…are wise
women; and who have worked hard on all of our
behalf’s ensuring continued support of mission
within the church. The PW Moderator and
team…worked hard to describe PW bylaws
changes and projecting a three year project at the
meeting tonight. We will plan to add there
discussion points to our coordinating team
Bylaws Changes– The PW Business meeting
today was a busy and productive time. In
Where are we safe? Wrestle with that question.
God has not given us a spirit of fear, but a sound
Second– receive the gifts, no matter how
strange, the gift of God’s grace and grace to
ourselves. We live in the shelter of belonging to
one another. “My body is secure with thee.” from
Psalms. Peace is helpful in healing. Believe in the
underground. We can trust that good things
happen in the underground. Trust that the
underground is working. Be kind toward
ourselves during hard times. Jan Skaggs. Grief
orders hospitality towards yourself. Intuitive and
instrumental are two types of grief. Men “do
something” while in grief.
Find strength in gratitude. Post-traumatic
growth. Practice the pattern of gratitude. The
Nakhon way, wake up in the morning and think
about what others have done for you, water from
the faucet, farmer that raised the chickens.
For all that has been, give thanks, for all that
will be, yes. We can be bold adventurers.
Read more from her blog at:
yourself? How did you live through this?
This book shares stories of pathways through
the journey. None of us are immune from pain. As
Christians, we are promised that God walks with
us. Our hearts can be broken and open for greater
meaning and growth. Our need for grit: hard to
access at times, even with darkness sealing us in.
Pay attention to what we are feeling or thinking.
Ted Talk: Closure–the rush to end grief.
Acknowledge the loss forever. This is freedom for
you. All Souls Day: remember those you have
loss. Unattended sorrow brings up things that
were never resolved. Addictions to shopping, TV,
etc. Ann Lamott has said, “avoiding grief robs us
of life.”
First– we must mourn, but we also must live.
Man’s Search for Meaning is a book about a
prisoner in Auschwitz. We cannot choose our
circumstances, we can choose our response.
Courage that is biblically given. Pray for courage
for those in loss. “Just do the next thing.” Begin to
build on those small steps daily. Wrestle with
questions we don’t understand. We have national
shipwrecks – 9/11, Sandy Hook, Charleston...
Synod Gathering Date is Set!
The Synod Gathering is June 15-18, 2016, in
Sioux Falls, SD. They are using the theme, “Lord,
Make Me an Instrument of your Peace.” The
event location will be held at a hotel instead of
sleeping in dorms at Buena Vista University.
One of PW’s national staff people from Louisville
will be speaking. It is hoped that more Native
American members can come since it is closer to
them. We are also striving to bring in a younger
population because of shopping in the town.
Fall Connection Planning Time
PW Coordinating Team Met July 18
The Des Moines Presbytery’s PW coordinating
team met on July 18, 2015, following the
specially called Presbytery of Des Moines
At the end of July the PW Coordinating Team
meet at Covenant Presbyterian Church for a Fall
Connection planning session. It was a very
productive and positive session that set in motion
steps to not only plan the upcoming PW Fall
Connection, but discussed additional action steps
for regional coordinators, enhanced roles for
Justice and Peace, and Mission Moderators.
Sheryl Puderbaugh and our PW Moderator Pam
Deichmann go over details of the Fall Connection schedule.
They also discussed the Churchwide PW
Gathering and resources for our local PW
organizations. So there will be much to share, so
be sure to mark your calendars and plan to attend
the 2015 Fall Connection.
The United Nations UNITE Campaign to
“End Violence Against Women” continues to ask
that we wear orange on the 25th of every month.
Within the church setting, I suggest wearing
orange on the closest Sunday (to 25th) and
providing one brief nugget of information as the
minute for mission that week.
Our Fall Connection will offer sessions on
these topics, as well as a ‘hands on’ project to
support women and children in need. So mark
your calendar today! ~ Denise England
Radical Hospitality books available
Just a reminder Susan Tinder would be more than
happy to mail “The Practicing God’s Hospitality”
books to anyone that would like one before our
next meeting. Postage free! Please pass this to
others in your congregation. Contact our Des
Moines PW Resource and HORIZONS
coordinator, Susan Tinder at 515-848-5078 or
Picture left to right: Marilyn Finney, Ann McGowan, Vivian
Thatcher and Denise England at the CT meeting.
Mission Matters Update
The 2014 PW Global Exchange brought to light
the enormity of the human trafficking and
violence against women epidemic worldwide.
This summer, the PW Gathering in Minneapolis,
offered many sessions on these issues and showed
participants that no community, big or little, is
immune. I encourage each of us, as PW Women,
to make a commitment to learn more about human
trafficking and domestic violence. PC(USA) has
developed a Tool Kit on Modern Slavery which is
a wonderful resource.
The web site is:
Mark your calendar!
Presbytery of Des Moines Meeting
Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2015, 8:30 a.m.–4 p.m.
Location: Heartland Presbyterian Church, Clive
Synod Gathering of Presbyterian Women of
the Synod of Lakes and Prairies
June 15–18, 2016
Ramkota Hotel and Convention Center
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
All women of the Presbytery of Des Moines, you’re invited to PW’s Fall Connection!
“Come to the Waters”
Saturday, October 17, 2014
Doors open at 9 a.m.
Worship begins at 9:30 a.m.
Meeting concludes at 2 p.m.
Discovery Topics
2015-2016 PW Bible Study
“Come to the Waters”
Presentation from the
“Local Crisis Intervention
Update from the PW
Worldwide Gathering
Hands-on Sewing Project
for Missions Matters
First Presbyterian Church
405 High Ave. E
Oskaloosa, Iowa 52577
Join us for fellowship and study!
Executive Team
Pam Deichmann (2018)
405 S 16th Ave.
Winterset IA 50273
Corresponding Secretary
Sheryl Puderbaugh (2018)
2746 Peru Rd.
Peru, IA 50222
Recording Secretary
Ann McGowan (2016)
6122 Goodman Dr.
Urbandale IA 50322
515-252-6195 (H)
515-480-9595 (M)
Angie Williams (2017)
2182 220th St.
Hamlin IA 50117
Coordinating Team
Mission Matters
Denise England (2018)
10531 Hickory Dr., #5
Urbandale IA 50322
Darlene Shepherd (2017)
316 N 4th St.
Oskaloosa IA 52577
Resources & HORIZONS
Susan Tinder (2017)
587 Erbe St.
Pleasantville IA 50225
Justice & Peace
Betty Brown Elgin (2016)
2880 Grand Ave
Des Moines IA 50312
Clergywoman Rep
Rev. Betty Sandy (2016)
3021 E Hart Ave
Des Moines IA 50320
PWP Liaison
to Leadership Council
Mary Lou Briles
1015 Luster Ln.
Des Moines IA 50315-6622
Newsletter Editor
Kim Coulter
Search Committee
Marilyn Finney (2017)
4717 Woodland Ave, Unit 3
West Des Moines IA 50266
Sharon Falck (2018)
2009 Edmondson Dr.
Oskaloosa IA 52577
Area Coordinators
Area #1 Coordinator
Judy Gale (2018)
802 N Division
Creston, IA 50801
641-782-2998 (H)
641-202-4107 (M)
Area #2 Coordinator
Vivian Thatcher (2017)
8031 Garrison Rd.
Clive IA 50325
Area #3 Coordinator
Barbara Taylor (2016)
2709 1st Ave. E
Newton IA 50208
Area #4 Coordinator
Rev. Linda O’Connell (2018)
PO Box 79
Lucas, IA 50151-0079
641-766-6577 (H)
641-203-3660 (M)
2400 86TH STREET, SUITE #20
URBANDALE, IA 50322-4306
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 1689
Des Moines, Iowa
Justice and Peace:
October is National Domestic Violence Month
Join us this October and remember to wear orange the 25th of each month. This shows support for the
United Nations campaign launched in 2008, to end violence against women preventing and ending all
forms of violence against women and children in all parts of the world.
Betty Elgin
Justice & Peace Coordinator