PresbyNews OnLine - Presbytery Of San Diego
PresbyNews OnLine - Presbytery Of San Diego
P resbyNews OnLine A pril-May 2016 Bob Battenfield, E ditor New s@Pres b yter ySD. Or g P u b l is h ed fo l l o w i n g m e et i ngs of S a n Di eg o Presbytery Called Meeting Report Presbytery Grants Gracious Dismissal; Trinity Presbyterian Church May Join ECO Around the Presbytery A Message from Michael Mudgett, Interim Executive Presbyter - EASTERTIDE Photo Feature: Conversation with the Moderator PC(USA) Moderator Heath Rada took ‘Call to the Church’ on the road, was at First Presbyterian San Diego March 10 Danny Espitia Seeks Support for Solana Beach Mission Trip to Hungary Sign Up for Baja Day Trip, May 21 Mt Laguna Retreat Center to Close Lectern and Stacking Chairs Going to Tijuana Churches Upcoming Stated Presbytery Meetings 2016 Library of Celsus, Ephesus, Western Turkey Photo by Bob Battenfield Called Meeting Report Presbytery Grants Gracious Dismissal; Trinity Presbyterian Church May Join ECO Trinity Presbyterian Church of Spring Valley has been granted its “gracious dismissal” from the Presbyterian Church (USA) by a written ballot vote of commissioners present at a Called Meeting of the Presbytery of San Diego held April 12 at Fletcher Hills Presbyterian Church in El Cajon. Rev. Randy Yenter has been Trinity’s pastor for almost 27 years. The Presbytery’s Task Force recommended approval of the request by Trinity to be dismissed to The Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians (ECO). The Presbytery of San Diego will provide title to the property to Trinity when the Presbytery has received $ 75,000. Rev. Randy Yenter 1 Trinity also agreed to the inclusion of the following specific language in the grant of title: “Subject however, that in the event the grantee, Trinity Presbyterian Church of Spring Valley, ceases to exist as part of the Evangelical Covenant Order of Presbyterians (ECO) within five years of the execution of this grant of title, then the herein described property shall revert to the Presbytery of San Diego, or its assigns free and clear of any claims of the grantee.” The recommendation was approved by a written ballot vote of 44 yes, 12 no, and 3 abstentions of the eligible commissioners present at the called meeting. Point Loma Elder Em Cummins asks a question during Q&A. Faith Presbyterian Pastor Chris Lenocker, chair of the Presbytery Task Force to implement the Gracious Dismissal Process, answers questions with Moderator Jack Shelver by his side. In preparation for the series of Town Hall Meetings that started last April, Trinity’s Discernment Team identified a number of reasons for considering dismissal. For the full discussion, go to the Presbytery’s website (, click on Meetings and open the docket for the April 12 Called Meeting. The Presbytery’s “Gracious Dismissal Policy” can also be found on this same web page. Two of the Trinity’s seven reasons for seeking dismissal from the denomination are quoted here. Leading off, Trinity’s Discernment Team gave this overview: “The General Assembly, in deference to the beliefs and practices of contemporary culture and civil law, has failed to provide strong and definitive leadership to its member congregations on important and controversial issues. Its continual and progressive movement away from the Scriptures and Biblical teachings, as evidenced by its recent decisions and proposed Amendments, has created an atmosphere of ambiguity concerning the Authority of Scripture and has, in effect, diluted the basic core values of our Reformed faith. The redefinition of marriage being between “one man and one woman” to “two people” is one such example.” Concluding the reasons, Trinity’s Team summarized: “The General Assembly’s policies and positions on a number of issues go against the traditional beliefs held by the congregation of Trinity Presbyterian Church, causing us to lose existing members and preventing us from attracting new ones. The ambiguity between what the denomination says it believes and the actions of the General Assembly make it difficult to clearly define what the PC(USA) stands for and therefore presents a challenge to us in attracting new members into the community of faith.” Members of the Presbytery’s Task Force were Chris Lenocker, Teaching Elder, Faith Presbyterian Church, chair; Lois Andrews, Ruling Elder, First Presbyterian Church San Diego; Bob Davis, Teaching Elder, Chula Vista Presbyterian Church; Paul Diller, Ruling Elder, Pt. Loma Presbyterian Church, and Deb Mitchell, Teaching Elder, Southeast Community Church. Members of the Trinity Discernment Team were David Wallace, team chair, and Bob Hensley, Trinity finance committee chair. 2 ___________________________________________________________________________________ A Message from Michael Mudgett, Interim Executive Presbyter “EASTERTIDE” Following Resurrection Sunday we entered into the next 50 days called Eastertide, which precedes Pentecost wherein we celebrate the resurrection life of Christ that informs our own Christian witness. Hopefully we enter this season with renewed commitment to live our lives as disciples. I challenge myself, and maybe you’ll do the same, to commit afresh to “run the good race” and live each day as a disciple of Jesus Christ in service to God and others. May we continue to radiate Jesus Christ in our lives — singularly and together, all to the honor and glory of God: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. WHAT’S HOT: One of the great ends of the church is to provide shelter, nurturing and spiritual fellowship for the children of God. We have a great opportunity to do that: to learn and grow spiritually together. First Pres SD is hosting the Theology Conference of The Fellowship Community. What: The conference is on “The Reformed Understanding of the Ascension of Christ: Christ has gone up, the Spirit has come down, the Church has been sent out.” When: April 25-27, 2016. Where: First Pres, SD. Cost: $150. For more information and to register, go to First Pres’ website, Oh yeah — register now: don’t delay. WHO’S REALLY HOT: Cora Gregory! I mean, she is on fire for Jesus, and we can learn a lot from her. She inspires me. I learned about her story when I met her a few weeks ago at First Pres SD, where we both attended the town hall meeting called by the PC(USA) Moderator. Cora’s a member of Chula Vista Pres. In 2013 at 76 years of age (she’s not shy about her age), she felt there was more she could do to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. One thing led to another, and she has now developed a thriving prison ministry. She writes a daily devotional to several people in prison; she befriends and counsels them, and Jesus has opened the door for her to share her faith. Wow! Cora Gregory So, in a year or so, Cora turns 80. She’s changing the world — one imprisoned life at a time. She’s “missional.” She’s “running the good race”. I hope you find her as inspiring as I do. I’ve attached her story, “From the Outside to the Inside: One Servant’s Ministry,” to my April Missive for you to enjoy. (Go to, click on Mudgett’s Missive, and select “Eastertide Missive” dated April 4, 2016.) Cora is a catalyst and I hope she moves us all to radiate Jesus through our words and deeds. Drop her a note of encouragement c/o Chula Vista Pres, PER CAPITA: Some of the churches in our Presbytery have been great about remitting per capita. Let me encourage all of us to be as faithful as the good Lord leads in upholding the covenantal nature of our relationships as brothers and sisters in Christ as expressed in our vows and even the payment of per capita. My prayer is that as a Presbytery, we remain united in Christ and radiate Christ both in word and action. As a Presbytery, our hope is to become primarily a mission agency. Our mission is to develop deeply devoted disciples of Jesus, missional congregations blessing our community, and a covenantal fellowship. Keep this in your prayers. God bless you and yours as we continue this exciting journey as disciples of Jesus Christ, sharing his love and light to a broken and dark world. – Michael Mudgett ___________________________________________________________________________________ 3 ___________________________________________________________________________________ Photo Feature: Conversation with the Moderator Photos by Ed Piper and Bob Battenfield PC(USA) Moderator Heath Rada Took ‘Call to the Church’ on the Road, was at First Presbyterian San Diego March 10 Jerry Andrews Jack Shelver and Heath Rada st 1 Presbyterian are both skilled in planning hosted event. and evaluating organizations. PC(USA) Moderator Heath Rada visited five Presbyteries across the nation to assess the state of the denomination, including San Diego. 2015 Moderator Mike McClenahan and 2016 Moderator Jack Shelver summarize points made during table-topic conversations on membership, finances, missions, organization and more. _________________________________________________________________________________ Danny Espitia Seeks Support for Solana Beach Mission Trip to Hungary When you are named after your well-regarded father, you get some extra attention. When you write a letter asking for support – both financial and spiritual – for a mission trip to Hungary, well you hit a soft spot. Danny Espitia, son of Rev. Juan-Daniel Espitia, associate pastor at Solana Beach Presbyterian Church, is seeking to raise $1,200 to cover part of his expenses for this summer’s trip to the Word of Life Camp in Hungary. But Danny, a ninth-grader, is just one of a team of teens and adults from Solana making the trip. So let me take an editor’s privilege to expand the appeal to cover everyone. “I am very excited about an upcoming opportunity for me to serve and grow,” says Danny. “This summer I’ll be part of a team of teens and adults going from Solana Beach Presbyterian Church to the Word of Life Camp in Hungary. My goal is to raise $1200 by May 30th and I would like to invite you to partner with me in prayer or financial support!” 4 The camp is dedicated to helping youth in Hungary find faith in their troubled world. Each week during the summer, over 100 kids, grade school through high school, come to the camp for English and sports. “In addition, the kids will hear the good news of Jesus Christ in a creative style. Many of them will make a decision to follow Jesus into a better life,” Danny adds. Please make your check payable to Solana Beach Presbyterian Church with “Hungary Missions Team” in the memo line. Mail your check to SBPC- Hungary Missions Trip, 120 Stevens Ave, Solana Beach, CA, 92075. Or to make an online payment go to Scroll down to Outreach, then Hungary Missions Team. Click on “learn more”, you will see the online payment options. Make your donation to help Danny Espitia, or make it more general to support everyone who is going. – Bob Battenfield, Editor ___________________________________________________________________________________ Sign Up for Baja Day Trip, May 21 Real de Rosarito neighborhood children are ready to welcome Baja Missions “day-trippers” with a song on Saturday, May 21. Salud y Vida will conduct a health clinic for local families from the trailer on the lot. Plus the foundation of the new church will be staked out. Lunch at Ortega’s Buffet in Rosarito Beach. And a stop at Dios Con Nosotros in Tijuana. For trip itinerary and to reserve your seat contact Baja Presbyterian Missions President Bob Battenfield at or 619-465-8305. Cost is $35 per person. US Passport Book or Passport Card required for re-entry into United States. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Mt Laguna Chapel and Retreat Center to Close Lectern and Stacking Chairs Going to Tijuana Churches Scheduled to be closed and demolished, the Mt Laguna Chapel and Retreat Center, owned by the Presbytery of San Diego, has become a resource for churches south of the border. The center, which was managed for the presbytery by Nancy Sanks, sits on US Forestry Service land. For many years the plan has been to restore the lot to natural forest plants and trees when the presbytery’s lease expired. Presbytery Moderator Jack Shelver, who lives in Julian, alerted the Baja Presbyterian Missions board that the chapel lectern and 30 stacking chairs were available for donation to churches in Baja. Jack and BPM President Bob Battenfield arranged to deliver the items to Chula Vista Presbyterian Church where the Mexican pastors can pick them up “poco y poco.” Bob and Jack – chair men. Upcoming Stated Presbytery Meetings 2016 Tuesday - May 17 - 4 pm – Venue to be determined Tuesday - September 20 - 4 pm – Venue to be determined Tuesday - November 15 – 4 pm – Mt. Soledad Presbyterian Church, La Jolla Check back to the Presbytery Website to take note of locations. 5
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