Presbytery PAGE 1


Presbytery PAGE 1
4055 Abbott Drive · Willmar MN 56201
Phone: 320-235-7910 · Fax: 320-235-7539
Minnesota Valleys
Designated Executive Presbyter: Rev. Rick Carus
Stated Clerk: The Rev. Pamela Prouty
Administrative Assistant: Karen Lange
Financial/Website Maintenance/General Office: Virginia Molitor
October 14, 2014
This is your official call to presbytery’s next stated meeting is Saturday, October 25, 2014, at the First
Presbyterian Church of Willmar, MN. Registration starts at 9:00 a.m. and the business meeting starts
at 10 a.m.
These presbytery packet notifications are sent to active and retired teaching elders of the presbytery,
commissioned ruling elders, council members and clerks of sessions for each congregation. If you are not
the commissioner from your congregation for this presbytery meeting, please pass the information to
access the presbytery packet to the person who will be serving in this capacity. The password for the
Minutes is Pminutes, they are located under the Link Tab on the Home Page and the password for the
Directories is Pvalleys.
Please call or email Karen at the presbytery office ( by Monday, October
20, 2014 to indicate:
· If you will be in attendance and would like a meal reserved (Note if Vegetarian meal needed)
· If you will need lodging (Registration form on website – home page)
· If you request to be excused
· If childcare will be needed
The presbytery minutes are available on the presbytery website and are not mailed with this packet.
There will be an orientation at 9:15 a.m. for first-time commissioners. Stop at the registration table for the
location of the orientation session
Visitors are charged $7 for the noon meal, payable at the registration table.
Proposed Agenda
October 25, 2014
First Presbyterian Church of Willmar, MN
*Those that are able are invited to stand
New business must be presented to the Moderator and Stated Clerk by noon
9:00 a.m. Registration/Refreshments/Preparation/Resourcing
Karen Crawford & Le Roy Ennenga
9:15 a.m. First Time Commissioner Training
Jim Crawford
10:00 a.m. Call to Order/Introduction to the Day/Prayer
John McKay
Presentation of Agenda
Pamela Prouty
Establishing the Roll
Declaration of Quorum
Seating of Corresponding Members/Granting Voice
Recognition of First-time Commissioners and Guests
Consent Agenda
Pamela Prouty
10:15 Presentation of Nominating Committee Report
The election will take place in the afternoon
Greeting from First Presbyterian Church
Bill Yueill
Scott/Leanne Thompson
Call to Worship
Candace Adams
Opening Prayer
“Rejoice Ye Pure in Heart” #145 (blue hymnal)
10:30 “What does Jesus mean to me?
Bob Bartlett
Scripture Reading
Congregational Videos
10:45 Recognition of Those Who Have Served on Committees and Task Forces
John McKay and Candace Adams
Receiving the Christmas Joy Offering
Andy Davis
Prayer of Dedication
*Hymn “Called as Partners in Christ’s Service” #343 (blue hymnal)
11:05 Synod Report
Kathy Terpstra and Al Jergenson
11:10 Stated Clerk’s Report
Pamela Prouty
11:15 Budget and Finance Committee
Approval of 2015 Proposed Budget
Receive the 2016 Proposed Budget
11:25 Committee on Ministry
Introduction of new pastors: Galen Smith
Action items: Compensation Report
Jim Crawford
Le Roy Ennenga
11:35 Council Report
Next Pres Team
Stan Menning
11:40 Crosby Ironton Presbyterian Church Administrative Commission
Kate Stangl
11:45 Designated Executive Presbyter
Introduction of Ann Philbrick
Rick Carus
11: 50 Speak Out and Announcements
Occidente Partnership
Clearwater Forest
Presbyterian Foundation
12:00 – 12:45 Order of the Day – Lunch
12:45 Congregational Videos
1:00 Nominating Committee
Nomination and election of new officers and committee/task force members
1:10 What does Jesus mean to me?
Examination and Commissioning of Ruling Elder Jean Bauer
1:30 New Business
Resolution of Thanks
1:40 The Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer
Bill Yueill
Jean Bauer
Charles Moore
Rob Bellin
*Hymn “The Church’s One Foundation” #442 (blue hymnal)
1:50 Installation of Presbytery Moderator and Vice-Moderator
1:55 Benediction
2:00 p.m. Adjournment
New Beginnings Presentation (2:00-4:00)
John McKay
Candace Adams
Consent Agenda
The Consent Agenda usually contains routine items. Any Ruling Elder or Teaching Elder
commissioner can remove any item on the Consent Agenda by standing and making that request.
The item would then be placed in the agenda and discussed. Questions for clarity about a
particular item are welcome. To remove an item, no second is needed and no discussion.
October 25, 2014
1. Approve the minutes from the August 5, 2014 Stated Meeting as posted on the website
2. Receive the Stated Clerk’s Report – Page 5
3. Receive the Committee on Ministry report, items of information and recommendationPage 10-16
4. Receive the Council report, items of information – Page 17
5. Receive the Committee on Preparation for Ministry report – Page 18
6. Receive the Session Records Committee report – Page 19-20
7. Receive the Budget and Finance report – Page 27
Stated Clerk’s Report
To the
Presbytery of Minnesota Valleys Presbytery
October 25, 2014
Information about submitting the General Assembly statistical report was distributed at the table
today for the clerks of session. This information will also be available on the website.
I attended the Fall Polity Conference at the end of October in Louisville. As always it’s a good
conference to attend. At this conference we heard reports from many of the agencies within the
General Assembly. Also we had plenary sessions as well as workshops. It’s always a good
thing to connect with other stated clerks around the country. The Association of Stated Clerks
had its annual meeting as well which I helped plan this year. My term as vice-president of the
ASC has ended.
Also distributed today is a pamphlet about Presbyterians and parliamentary procedure. The
Session Records Committee has bought this brochure for each congregation. At the Session
Records Review, the clerks and others attending were interested in this.
Another item distributed today was the Proposed Amendments to the Constitution; each
Teaching Elder/Commissioned Ruling Elder receives a copy plus another copy for the
commissioner to the 2015 February Stated Presbytery meeting. The Association of Stated Clerk
has also completed their analysis to the amendments to the Constitution which can be found on
the Presbytery website.
Application for Manse Construction Team
Approximately ten days – possibly February 10-21
Return to Jim Krapf by December 1
808 4 Avenue, Worthington, MN 56187;
Can you make arrangements to pay for your costs? ___ yes ___ no
Seek assistance from your church, family, friends
Car to and from Minneapolis or Sioux Falls airport
Airline tickets (approximately $1000 roundtrip)
Additional incidentals (approximately $500)
Do you wish to apply for a financial supplement from the Task Force? ___ yes ___ no
Do you have a passport? ___ yes ___ no
Describe below the skills you bring to this mission
Experienced skills are not necessary but projects may include cement work, painting, installation
of windows and doors, installation of electrical and plumbing fixtures; willingness to share faith
stories; Speaking Spanish and music ability (pluses but not required)
Describe below any health concerns that might restrict your full participation?
High elevations mean thin air and cool nights
The accommodations may be rustic.
Do you agree to participate in the following:
Cultural training and orientation for the mission provided by MVP’s Occidente Partners Task
Force in January? ___ yes ___ no
Sharing your experience with the Task Force in the spring of 2015 and within the year at a
Presbytery Meeting? ___ yes ___ no
Task Force meetings (usually three) and conference calls (usually two) for one year if
possible? ___ yes ___ no
Why do you wish to be a part of this mission?
Besides the construction project, there will be opportunities to discuss the faith and
cultural dimensions of our partnership.
Name ________________________ Congregation ___________________________________
Address ______________________ Phone ________________ Email ___________________
Assisting with the
Third Manse Project in Guatemala.
Recruitment is open for volunteers to assist. You may use the application form printed on the other side
of this sheet. Submit your application to Jim Krapf before the December 1 deadline. Orientation for
volunteers will be early January 2015.
Current passports are required. The usual process takes close to six weeks (and possibly longer due to
the government shutdown).
Dates for the trip and project will be approximately ten days. Anticipated dates are February 10 -21, but
they may be adjusted depending on progress of site preparations and cheapest flying times.
Cost will vary depending on airfare, a few meals when traveling, and personal shopping. You could
anticipate your expenses being approximately $1500. Previous participants have received support from
their local churches, friends, and family.
As a part of the team, you may assist with: 1) general labor; 2) cement work; 3) painting of walls; 4)
installation of doors and windows; 5) some electrical and plumbing installations. Experienced skills for
these tasks are not necessary. The Guatemalan team plans to lay the cinder blocks for the exterior and
interior walls ahead of our arrival. Translators will be present.
The site is being chosen by the Guatemalan team. Further details will be announced when they are
You will be involved in local church activities held on some evenings and Sunday. Fellowship and
listening will give you opportunity to learn of each others’ cultures and faith. Most meals and lodging
are with local families.
Team members of the 2013 Manse Project February, who are available to share their experience and
answer your questions, are:
Edith Alvarez – Brainerd, First
Karen Clement – Blue Earth, First (Karen has moved to Ames, IA)
Rev. Mark Ford – Brainerd, First
Rev. Stephanie Huisman – Fulda, First
Le Roy Ennenga – Westminster, Worthington
Rev. Steve Tyykila – Canby, First
“Mission is not just about evangelism or just about humanitarian aid,
but is (Missio Dei) God reconciling humanity to himself and reconciling humans to one another.”
from Dr. Howell’s book, “Short Term Mission.”
Statement of Faith
Jean Bauer
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.(Gen 1:1) In the beginning the Word already
existed. He was with God, and he was God.(John 1:1)
God spoke the world into being. God created everything and called it good. Man and woman were
created by God. All humankind is made in God's image. I believe God is our loving creator whom we
worship and serve. In both life and death we belong to God. Even though humanity continues to sin
against God, God has chosen to save us and reconcile the world through Jesus Christ.
Jesus is the Messiah the anointed one, the Savior who rescued humanity from sin, the Redeemer who
sacrificed for human sin, and Rabbi our teacher. I believe that Jesus is the son of God who died on the
cross for our sins. Jesus sacrificed his life on earth to provide us with salvation. He won victory over
the forces of evil. Jesus lived a life on earth as fully human yet was fully divine. I believe Christ's life
and ministry is one of full obedience to God, which led Jesus to the cross. God raised Jesus from the
dead and placed him as Lord of all, who will come again to judge the living and the dead.
Christ's saving and reconciling work in the world continues through the power of the Holy Spirit. The
Spirit unites us to Christ and binds all believers together into one body, the Church. I believe the Holy
Spirit lives in all of us and through the scripture and the sacraments, I am given strength and wisdom to
trust Christ. The Holy Spirit gives us courage to pray and to witness among all people that Christ is
Lord and Savior, allowing us to work with others for justice, freedom and peace. I believe in the Father,
the Son and the Holy Spirit as three in one.
We are bound together in Christ through the two sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper. I believe
that baptism forever ties people of all times into the body and life of the church and that in our baptism
we have life with Christ. The redeeming work of Christ is found in Galatians 3:27 As many of you as
were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.
As we join together in the Lord's Supper, we celebrate Christ's presence with all the church giving
thanks for God's grace to us through Christ. We read in Luke 22:19 Do this in remembrance of me. At
the table we are restored to love and serve God, and all humankind. I believe that God calls us to be
faithful, as we come again and again to the Lord's table.
I believe that Christ called the church to proclaim the gospel and be a community to share God's love,
hence a light to the world. For God is the very essence of light the ultimate source of all knowing and
understanding. Together as God's people, we are called to worship, sing with joy, confess our sins, hear
the Word proclaimed, offer our tithes, unite in prayer, receive the sacraments and be sent into the world.
The unity of the church is a gift from Christ. The church is God's people where spiritual gifts are given
to each member. I believe the members live and work together as disciples of Jesus Christ bound to him
and others as the body of Christ. Providing us with guidance, I believe the Bible is the written word of
God and inspired by the Holy Spirit. It is God's truth and authority in all matters of faith and practice
for our lives each day.
I will live in the faith and love that I have in Jesus Christ and with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives
within me, I will be a disciple of our Lord God on this earth proclaiming God's love for all creation.
2 Cor 13:14 May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God and the fellowship of the
Holy Spirit be with you all.
Committee on Ministry Report to the
Presbytery of MN Valleys
October 7, 2014
The following actions were taken at the September 16, 2014 meeting:
1. COM VOTED to affirm the following email votes:
a. August 26, 2014: Give CRE Kathy Terpstra and PW Moderator Audrey Knuth
permission to serve communion at the upcoming PW Fall Spiritual Retreat at the Green
Lake Bible Camp in late September.
b. July 31, 2014: Give Pat Postlewaite, graduate of IDLM the permission to serve
communion at Crosslake Presbyterian Church on Sunday, August 3
c. July 30, 2014: Give Diane Gravely (who has received training) permission to serve
communion at First Presbyterian Church of Russell on Sunday, August 3.
d. July 23, 2014: Approve the pastoral relationship between the Westminster Presbyterian
Church of Worthington and Teaching Elder Galen Smith as installed pastor beginning
October 1 pending congregational vote on Sunday, July 27. A background check has
been done, the MN Statute 148a has been completed and an entrance interview was
conducted. Upon installation he will become moderator of the congregation and member
of the Presbytery. His membership will be requested from the Presbytery of John Knox.
Cash Salary: $38,500
Housing: $12,500
SECA Contribution: $4,220
Total Salary: $55,220
Full medical, pension, disability and death coverage: $17,850
Mileage at IRS allowable rate (vouchered): $2,000
Moving Expenses: $6,000
Continuing Education Expenses: $750, cumulative to three years
Paid vacation leave of four weeks including four Sundays
Paid continuing education leave of two weeks including two Sundays, cumulative
to three years\
e. August 27, 2014 – Approved Ruling Elder Judy Holmes who has completed the lay
ministry program be allowed to administer communion on August 3, 2014 at the
Litchfield church.
f. August 26, 2014 – Approve co-Stated Supplies between the United Presbyterian Church,
Kerkhoven and Teaching Elders Leanne and Scott Thompson effective October 1, 2014 –
March 1, 2014 (six months) for ten hours per week. The total effective salary will be
$9600.00/year plus travel expenses at the IRS rate up to $1200.00/year.
COM VOTED to recommend to the Presbytery the commissioning of Ruling Elder Jean Bauer
(who has been certified to receive a commission by the Committee on Preparation for Ministry).
The terms of call at ¾ times are as follows:
Continuing Education
Travel Allowance
vouchered and reimburse at the IRS rate
4 weeks including 4 Sundays
Continuing Education
2 weeks including 2 Sundays
Emergency Leave
Up to five days per year
Health/Medical Leave
Up to 10 days per year cumulative up to ninety days 3.
COM VOTED to discontinue the contract with Greg Nelson and the Pipestone Session.
COM VOTED to allow Ruling Elder David Hollis (who has had the training) to serve
communion at the Slayton church.
COM VOTED to transfer Teaching Elder Jan Crissinger Clark to the Presbytery of Northern
The following actions were taken at the October 7, 2014 meeting:
1. COM VOTED to approve the Presbytery of MN Valleys application for the Board of Pensions
Medical Dues Assistance Fund. COM VOTED to authorize the policy committee to review and
authorize payment of the grants.
2. COM VOTED to add “vacation time is not cumulative” to the 2015 Compensation Policy.
The following item will come to the floor of Presbytery:
1. COM VOTED to recommend to the Presbytery the 2015 Compensation Policy.
Policies and procedures of the Presbytery of Minnesota Valleys are to assist sessions in their responsibility
as employers.
All policies will be guided by the Presbytery of Minnesota Valleys, Board of Pensions compensation
handbook, and additional guidance from the Synod and General Assembly.
The policy includes a Teaching Elder Minimum Compensation Policy, using the Churchwide Median
Compensation in determining a process for minimum compensation. The Churchwide Median
Compensation for teaching elders serving in full-time positions in 2014 (as reported to the Board of
Pensions) is $55,400.00 for cash salary and housing. This is an increase of 1%.
The minimum compensation for teaching elders, including associate teaching elders, serving in full-time
positions in the Presbytery of Minnesota Valleys shall range from 10% below the Churchwide Median
Compensation for newly ordained teaching elders to 0% below the Churchwide Median Compensation for
teaching elders with more than ten years of full-time experience since ordination. Commissioned ruling
elder minimums continue to be 75% of the teaching elder minimums shown below.
Exceptions to the minimum compensation shall be approved by the Committee on Ministry and are subject
to annual review and renewed approval.
Years Experience
Ordained Service
% Below
*Cash Salary (div by 1.3)
Less Than One
More Than One
More Than Two
More Than Three
More Than Four
More Than Five
More Than Six
More Than Seven
More Than Eight
More Than Nine
More Than Ten
When a manse is provided
*For churches providing manses and the church pays utilities directly, this may be used to adjust
minimum compensation.
The above figures are minimum requirements, not salary recommendations. In addition to cash
salary and utilities, all teaching elders serving in full-time positions are to be provided with housing
(either manse or housing allowance), continuing education allowance, full pension benefits, an auto
expense reimbursement, four weeks vacation and two weeks study leave. Teaching elders serving in
part-time positions may be provided with benefits, allocated according to time served. All such
items (except vacation time) are forfeited if unused prior to the dissolution of the pastoral
When the church does not provide rent-free, church owned housing, the teaching elder may
designate any appropriate amount with confirming action by the session prior to the beginning of
the year. (See following for requirements for establishing housing allowance.)
When a manse is provided, the teaching elder may designate a utilities and furnishing allowance
(see following for requirements).
Housing plus utilities must be in accordance with guidelines used by the Board of Pensions to
compute effective salary (guidelines to effective salary, January 2014 or newer edition).
Continuing education - minimum of $750.00 per year, plus two weeks (including two Sundays,
beginning January 1). Continuing education benefits are cumulative for three years.
Auto expenses - vouchered monthly at the current IRS allowance (as of January 2014 this rate is
56 cents per mile).
Vacation - four weeks to include four Sundays per year, available January 1. For interim
teaching elders, this will be prorated based on the portion of the year served. Vacation time is
normally not cumulative.
Maternity leave and paternity leave - Presbytery policy provides for four weeks paid maternity
leave, additional time off can be negotiated and suggests equal consideration be given to
paternity leave.
Health and Medical Leave - Teaching elder members/commissioned ruling elders are entitled
to up to ten working days of paid sick leave each calendar year cumulative up to ninety days.
At the time of termination of employment (either voluntary or involuntary) a teaching
elder/commissioned ruling elder shall have no claim for pay in lieu of unused sick leave.
Teaching elders are expected to report used sick time to the Session.
Emergency Leave - A maximum of five paid days per year shall be allowed for emergency
leave arising out of the death of an immediate member of the family. In the event of serious
illness or other emergency related to an immediate member of the family, such leave may be
allowed by action of the Session.
Sabbatical Leave: After six years of service to a church, Presbytery recommends sessions of
congregations grant at least three months of a compensated sabbatical to their Teaching
Elders to be spiritually, emotionally and physically renewed through continuing education
and spiritual reflection.
Presbytery of Minnesota Valleys requires that teaching elders be paid full salary and Board of
Pension dues by the congregation for up to 90 days of disability. Beginning with day 91,
teaching elders may be placed on disability through the Board of Pensions.
Full time shall be defined as 40 - 45 hours per week. Part time parameters are as follows:
o ¼ time = 10 hours per week: provides a weekly sermon and monthly moderating of Session
and Congregational meetings
o ½ time = 20 hours per week: in addition to above, provides a few hours for other ministry
o ¾ time = 30 hours per week: in addition to above , provides additional time for other
Teaching elders are encouraged to take two days off per week, with at least one full,
uninterrupted day off per week. When there has been an unusually heavy work week, teaching
elders are encouraged to take an extra day off during the next week to compensate. This is not
considered a vacation day.
Housing Allowance:
The housing allowance is based on the out-of-pocket cost of providing a home and furnishing the
home. It includes mortgage payments, home insurance, rent, utilities, furnishings and supplies. The
Internal Revenue Code and Congress have placed a three-part test for limiting the housing
allowance exclusion. The lesser of:
1. The amount designated by the governing body (session).
2. The amount actually spent.
3. The fair market rental value.
The allowance must be designated prior to the payment.
Cost of Living Index Information:
According to statistics from the Bureau of Labor Consumer Price Index the cost of living has
increased approximately 2.8% from June 2013 to June 2014.
October 9, 2014
Presbytery of Minnesota Valleys
Board of Pensions Medical Dues Assistance Fund
Whereas Board of Pensions (BOP) has increased medical dues in 2015 to 24.5% for member and
dependents while it remains at 23% for member-only coverage, and
Whereas Presbytery of Minnesota Valleys requires that every church pay the full medical dues of the
teaching elder and his/her dependents, and
Whereas the Synod of Lakes and Prairies has grants available to presbyteries in 2015 and 2016 to help
those members and churches most in need to keep dependent health insurance,
Therefore, Presbytery of Minnesota Valleys has established this program to assist churches in providing
medical coverage for their pastors and families.
Church Name ___________________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip Code ______________________________________________________
Phone _________________________________________________________________
2014 Membership ___________________
Status of Per capita dues ______________
2014 Average Worship Attendance ______
2014 Average Member Giving $ ________
Church's 2014 Expenses $ ______________
Church's 2015 Budget $ _______________
Church's Reserve Funds $______________
Church's Designated Funds $____________
BOP 2014 Medical Dues $______________
BOP 2015 Medical Dues Increase $_______
(obtained from the BOP statement mailed to churches in September 2014 )
Does the teaching elder and/or spouse have access to other medical coverage? _______________
Is Teaching Elder participating in BOP's "Call to Health" to reduce deductible? ____________
Request for Medical Dues Assistance $ _______________
Church's contribution $___________________________.
Describe how the church will provide these funds?
Date of Session approval _________________________
Signature of Clerk of Session
Signature of Teaching Elder
Please submit to Presbytery for COM Policy Committee review and authorization of payments. If
approved, checks will be sent to the church from the Synod or the Presbytery.
Council Report to the
Presbytery of MN Valleys
October 25, 2014
Actions taken at the September 30, 3024; the minutes are posted on the Presbytery website
1. COUNCIL VOTED to commend John McKay on his work as Presbytery moderator.
2. COUNCIL VOTED to authorize up to $3,000.00 for purchase and installation of a new sign
outside of the Presbytery building.
3. COUNCIL VOTED to add this clause to the Stated Clerk’s job description/terms of call, “This
agreement can be changed by either party with a 90 day written notice” (G-3.0104, G-3.0110).
4. COUNCIL VOTED to extend an invitation the vice-moderator, Larissa Kwong Abazia to our
Presbytery meeting in May 12 or October 31, 2015.
5. COUNCIL VOTED to ask the following to host Presbytery meetings in 2015: Saturday,
February 7, (snow date of February 14, 2015): Redwood Falls, Tuesday, May 12, 2015: St.
Cloud, Tuesday, August 4, 2015, Canby, MN Saturday, October 31, 2015: Spicer, Hope.
6. COUNCIL VOTED to recommend to the Budget and Finance Committee to contribute $500 to
the MN Council of Churches in 2015.
7. COUNCIL VOTED to confirm the email vote we took to fund Karen Lange attending the
continuing education conference for Administrative Assistants to be held in Albuquerque New
Mexico in October. Cost for this conference is around $1610 to $1710. Karen has around $400 in
her continuing ed. account and there is around $800 in a staff training account. This leaves her
around $500 short. Karen has talked to Rick about this and Rick is in favor of her going and
suggested that she might use part of the $1000 that was allotted to his going to a polity
conference that he is not attending.
8. COUNCIL VOTED to cancel the December, 2014 Council meeting
Items coming to the floor of Presbytery
1. COUNCIL VOTED to recommend to Presbytery to name of Scott Prouty, cluster 3, class of
2016. Stan will work on finding members for COR for the class of 2017 from clusters 5 and 6;
these names will be shared at the Presbytery meeting.
2. Council is seeking names to fill out the Personnel Committee; these names will come to the
Presbytery meeting
3. Council is working on the 2015 Presbytery meeting hosts; the final report of this will come to the
Presbytery meeting
Committee on Preparation for Ministry Report
To the Presbytery of MN Valleys
October 25, 2014
The CPM met on September 26, 2014 to meet with Candidate Richard Lawrence who has completed all
the requirements for ordination as listed in G-2.0607 for his final assessment. CPM VOTED to certify
Candidate Richard Lawrence ready to receive a call.
PAGE 19-20
With No Exceptions
Amboy, First Presbyterian
Ashby, First Presbyterian
Beaver Creek, First Presbyterian
Brainerd, First Presbyterian
Brewster, First Presbyterian
Browns Valley, United Methodist-Pres.
Cambria, Cambria Presbyterian
Canby, First Presbyterian
Crosslake, Crosslake Presbyterian
Currie, First Presbyterian
Doran, First Presbyterian
Edgerton, First Presbyterian
Ellsworth, Zion Presbyterian
Fergus Falls, Federated
Fergus Falls, Western Presbyterian
Foley, First Presbyterian
Fulda, First Presbyterian
Holland, First Presbyterian
Iona, First Presbyterian
Jackson, First Presbyterian
Kasota, First Presbyterian
Kerkhoven, United Presbyterian
Lake Crystal, First Presbyterian
Lismore, First Presbyterian
Litchfield, First Presbyterian
Luverne, First Presbyterian
Madelia, First Presbyterian
Not Read
Blue Earth, First Presbyterian
Dawson, First Presbyterian
With Noted Exceptions
Mankato, First Presbyterian
Marshall, Christ United Presbyterian
Maynard, First Presbyterian
Milroy, Ashford Presbyterian
Mountain Lake, First Presbyterian
City & Church Name
With No Exceptions
Osakis, First Presbyterian
Pipestone, First Presbyterian
Randall, Randall Presbyterian
Redwood Falls, First Presbyterian
With Noted Exceptions
Not Read
Renville, Ebenezer Presbyterian
Round Lake, First Presbyterian
Rushmore, Emmanuel Presbyterian
Rushmore, First Presbyterian
Russell, First Presbyterian
Saint Cloud, First Presbyterian
Saint James, First Presbyterian
Saint Peter, Union Presbyterian
Silver Lake, Faith Presbyterian
Slayton, First Presbyterian
Spicer, Harrison Presbyterian
Spicer, Hope Presbyterian
Tracy, First Presbyterian
Underwood, Maine Presbyterian
Westbrook, United Presbyterian
Wheaton, First Presbyterian
Willmar, First Presbyterian
Wilmont, First Presbyterian
Windom, First Presbyterian
Winnebago, First Presbyterian
Worthington, Westminster Presbyterian
Minnesota Valleys Presbytery – Nominations for 2015
October 25, 2014
(Names in bold are nominated)
Budget & Finance Committee
Chair: Teaching Elder Michael Roys
Class of 2015: 1. Ruling Elder Cliff Schilling, Cluster 5, Ellsworth
Class of 2016
1. Ruling Elder Nancy Skoog, Cluster 2, Randall
2. Ruling Elder Beverly Raske, Cluster 3, Renville
Class of 2017: 1. Teaching Elder Chris Conlin, Cluster 6, Mankato
2.Teaching Elder Michael Roys, Cluster 6, Winnebago
Commissioners to Synod
Class of 2015: Teaching Elder Al Jergenson, Cluster 2, Foley
Class of 2017: Ruling Elder John Bowden, Cluster 2, St. Cloud
Class of 2017: Youth Advisory Delegate: OPEN
Committee on Ministry
Chair: Ruling Elder Le Roy Ennenga
Class of 2015
1. Comm. Ruling Elder Carol Chmielewski, Cluster 3, Silver Lake
2. Ruling Elder Le Roy Ennenga, Cluster 5, Worthington
3. Ruling Elder Keith Lohse, Cluster 6, Windom
4. Teaching Elder Lynne Matthews, Cluster 4, Holland
5. Ruling Elder Lynn Olson, Cluster 2, Brainerd
6. Ruling Elder Jan Prehn, Cluster 6, St. Peter
7. Teaching Elder Kate Stangl, Cluster 2, Crosslake
Class of 2016
1. Ruling Elder Sherry Borgheiinck, Cluster 1, Browns Valley
2. Teaching Elder Beverly Crute, Cluster 3, Kerkhoven/Maynard
3. Ruling Elder Kathy Knips, Cluster 5, Lismore
4. Ruling Elder John McCallum, Cluster 4, Pipestone
5. Teaching Elder Scott Prouty, Cluster 3, Redwood Falls
Class of 2017
1. Teaching Elder Jason Cunningham, Cluster 5, Luverne
2. Teaching Elder Erin Kobs, Cluster 6, St. James
3. Ruling Elder Lou Perli, Cluster 4, Holland
4. Ruling Elder Ross Stone, Cluster 1, Fergus Falls Federated
5. Ruling Elder Gloria VandeBrake, Cluster 2, Foley
Committee on Preparation for Ministry
Chair: Teaching Elder Mark Ford
Class of 2015
1. Teaching Elder Cory Germain, Cluster 5, Pipestone
2. Teaching Elder Bonnie Sue Roys, Cluster 6, Worthington
Class of 2016
1. Teaching Elder Stephanie Huisman, Cluster 4, Fulda
2. Teaching Elder Bob Maharry, Cluster 6
Class of 2017
1. Ruling Elder Sonya Alexander, Cluster 3, Redwood Falls
2. Ruling Elder Patty Conlin, Cluster 6, Mankato
3. Teaching Elder Mark Ford, Cluster 2, Brainerd
Congregational Resources & Development
Chair: Teaching Elder Andy Davis
Class of 2015
1. Ruling Elder Deb Hess, Cluster 3, Redwood Falls
2. Teaching Elder Tim Sutton, Cluster 1, Osakis
3. Ruling Elder Peter Mann, Cluster 2, Crosslake
Class of 2016
1. Teaching Elder Andy Davis, Cluster 6, St. Peter
2. Ruling Elder Linda Becken, Cluster 6, St. James
3. Ruling Elder Darlene Scherbing, Cluster 2, Foley
Class of 2017
1. Teaching Elder Doug Dent, Cluster 1, Fergus Falls Federated
2. Ruling Elder Mary Hansen, Cluster 1, Browns Valley
3. Teaching Elder Steve Tyykila, Cluster 4, Canby
Chair: Ruling Elder Stan Menning
Class of 2015
1. Ruling Elder Earl Knutson, Cluster 3, Willmar
2. Ruling Elder Stan Menning, Cluster 4, Dawson
3. Teaching Elder Ed Morgan, Cluster 1, Fergus Falls Federated
Class of 2016
1. Teaching Elder Darrell Boe, Cluster 1, Wheaton
2. Teaching Elder Karen Crawford, Cluster 3, Renville
Class of 2017
1. Teaching Elder Leanne Thompson, Cluster 3, Willmar
Personnel Rep: TO BE NAMED
Budget & Finance Rep: TO BE NAMED
COM Rep: Le Roy Ennenga
Moderator 2015: Candace Adams
Vice-Moderator 2015: Carol Chmielewski
Past Moderator 2015: John McKay
Designated Executive Presbyter: Rick Carus (Ex-Officio)
Stated Clerk: Pamela Prouty
Occidente Partnership Task Force
Chair: Teaching Elder Jim Krapf, Cluster 5
Permanent Judicial Commission
Chair: Choose their own when needed
Class of 2015
1. Ruling Elder Bea Ourada, Cluster 3, Willmar
2. Ruling Elder Maebelle Behrends, Cluster 5, Wilmont
Class of 2017
1. Teaching Elder John Lindholm, Cluster 1, Fergus Falls Western
2. Teaching Elder Kate Stangl, Cluster 2, Crosslake
Class of 2019
1. Teaching Elder Bob Bartlett, Cluster 5, Round Lake/Brewster
2.Teaching Elder Jason Cunningham, Cluster 5, Luverne
Personnel Committee
Chair: Teaching Elder Scott Thompson
Class of 2015
1. Ruling Elder Earl Knutson, Cluster 3, Willmar
Class of 2016
1. Teaching Elder Terry Morse, Cluster 5, Retired
2. Teaching Elder Scott Thompson, Cluster 3, Willmar
Class of 2017
Presbyterian Camps
Okoboji 2017:
Clearwater 2015: Teaching Elder Steve Boots, Cluster 6, Mankato
Clearwater 2017: Teaching Elder Anna Williamson, Cluster 1, Browns Valley
Presbytery Moderators 2015
Moderator – Teaching Elder Candace Adams, Cluster 3, Spicer
Vice-Moderator – Commissioned Ruling Elder Carol Chmielewski, Cluster 3, Silver Lake
Past Moderator – Ruling Elder John McKay, Cluster 6, St. Peter
Readers of Ordination Exams
2015 Primary
1. Teaching Elder Scott Prouty, Cluster 3, Redwood Falls
2. Ruling Elder Lynn Yueill, Cluster 2, St. Cloud
2015 Alternate 1.
Self-Development of People
Chair: Teaching Elder Rob Bellin
Session Records
Chair: Teaching Elder Randy Lubbers
Class of 2015
1. Teaching Elder Jim Krapf, Cluster 6
2. Ruling Elder Pam Phillips, Cluster 1, Fergus Falls Federated
Class of 2016
1. Teaching Elder Randy Lubbers, Cluster 6, Lake Crystal
2. Ruling Elder Lynne Osteraas, Cluster 2, St. Cloud
Class of 2017
1. Ruling Elder Nancy Birkeland, Cluster 3, Spicer Hope
2. Ruling Elder Pat Rosa, Cluster 4, Milroy
Report for October 25, 2014 Presbytery Meeting
The Crosby-Ironton Presbyterian Church held its last worship service on January 13, 2013 after 101
years of ministry and service to the community.
The Crosby-Ironton Administrative Commission, organized on February 28, 2013, has been meeting
more or less monthly since that date with a total of 17 meetings. The church properties have been sold,
outstanding receipts and expenses have been resolved, remnant members have been transferred to the
care of Presbytery and the checking account of the Crosby-Ironton Presbyterian Church has been closed.
The Steinway Baby Grand Piano was sold to Carlson Music of Alexandria for $10,000 in November of
2013 after being advertised without results within the Presbytery.
The manse, with Presbytery authorization, was sold to a private individual during the month of June,
2013 for $76,358.00, resulting in net proceeds of $73,185.69.
A primary goal of the Commission and of remnant members of the congregation was to have the church
building continue to be used as a house of worship. The church and property were sold on a Contract
for Deed to Lifespring Church on August 15, 2014, with Presbytery approval, for the agreed upon price
of $150,000.00. Terms of the Contract for Deed included a down payment of $30,000.00 plus $4,800
credit for lease payments received, 3.00% interest per annum on the unpaid principal, monthly payments
in the amount of $638.90 and a balloon payment of the remaining principal at the end of five years. Net
proceeds from the down payment in the amount of $29,755.71, together with the first monthly payment
of $638.90 have been forwarded to the Presbytery Office (Virginia Molitor). Monthly payments will be
made directly to Presbytery with the recommendation that proceeds from the sale of the church building
and its underlying property be used by the Presbytery as per current Investment Policy.
Personal property items of interest were distributed without cost to churches within the Presbytery of
Minnesota Valleys, to local non-profit entities and to the Friendship Church of Mesa, Arizona, a start-up
congregation. The rest of the personal property items remain in the church for the use of the Lifespring
Church congregation.
A portion of the total cash assets of the Crosby-Ironton Presbyterian Church were distributed to local
entities to reflect past local mission efforts and interests of the former congregation and of the Hallett
Family that provided financial support to the church throughout the years. The impact of this local
distribution of funds has been immediate with favorable local media and word-of-mouth coverage
generated. Recipients expressed great appreciation for the funds received and how they will be used to
benefit the community. These cash assets have been distributed as follows:
Presbyterian Clearwater Forest (South Long Lake Church Legacy Funds)
Presbyterian Clearwater Forest
Lakes Area Habitat for Humanity
Women’s Center of Mid Minnesota
Cuyuna Range Food Shelf
Cuyuna Range Elementary School “KRES” Student in Need Fund
Jessie Hallett Memorial Library
The balance of the cash assets remaining upon completion of the work of the Commission is $4,892.99.
This amount was transferred to Presbytery (Virginia Molitor) with the recommendation that it be used as
per current Presbytery Investment Policy.
The remaining active members of the Crosby-Ironton Presbyterian Church were advised by letter dated
July 2014 of pending action transferring their membership to the care of the Presbytery of Minnesota
Valleys. Having received no response to these letters, the ten remaining active members were
transferred to the care of Presbytery by letter dated September 25, 2014.
It is the opinion of the Administrative Commission that our charge has been faithfully completed with
due diligence and we herewith request that the Crosby-Ironton Administrative Commission be
Respectfully submitted,
The Rev. Kate Stangl, Chair (Crosslake), The Rev. Mark Ford, Vice-chair (Brainerd), Lynn Olson,
Secretary (Brainerd), Cathy Aykens (Crosby), Mary Clement (Crosslake) and Mardell Blom, (Crosby),
Treasurer and Ex Officio member of the Commission.
OCTOBER 25, 2014
The first order of business for the Budget and Finance Committee is a request that Presbytery suspend
the rules that require a two-year budget presentation. While preparing the 2015 budget we became
acutely aware that the current state of Presbytery planning is such that any attempt to prepare a budget
for 2016 could only be a work of fiction. Presbytery Council and the NextPres Team are working hard
to define what this Presbytery will look like in 2016, but at this time all options are on the table. Will
we have an Executive Presbyter? Will we have a Stated Clerk? Will we consolidate the two positions?
Will we remain an independent Presbytery? What level of support staffing will be required? What will
Presbytery mission look like? Etc. For that reason – and in an effort to keep those questions on the
minds of the entire Presbytery – we would like to be relieved of the responsibility of projecting a 2016
budget at this time.
In preparing the 2015 budget, the Committee attempted to hold down all expenditures over which we
had any amount of discretion. The 2015 budget carries an increase in total expenditures of $1488. We
project a decrease in total congregational membership of 462 people or approximately 6%. This is
based upon trends over the past several years. The total expenses projected in the proposed budget are
$505,013. We are looking at several line items of revenue contributions which will be decreased in
2015, including a $2500 decrease in Synod Comprehensive Presbytery support. We were committed to
a break-even budget, an in order to achieve that and hold per capita to a minimal expense, we project a
transfer of $47,000 from balance sheet assets in operating revenue.
In reviewing the budget you will note very few increases in “discretionary” spending. The Interim
Executive Presbyter’s salary by contractual agreement does not increase in 2015, but the required
contribution to the Board of Pensions increases by $1005. The cumulative increase in pension and other
benefits for all staff is $4451.
Nonetheless, we are presenting a proposed budget that has a total increase in expenditures of $1488
which represent an increase of approximately 0.3% over 2014. This proposed budget carries a per capita
expense of $33.43, an increase of 5.7% driven principally by the continuing drop in congregational
I want to thank all of the members of the Committee for their hard work. The members are Bev Raske,
Nancy Skoog, Clifford Schilling, the Reverend Chris Drew, the Reverend Rick Carus, and Ms. Virginia
Molitor. Without Virginia we would be lost, and Chris is the keeper of the spreadsheet, a monumental
Respectfully submitted,
The Reverend James S. Crawford
Chairman, Budget and Finance Committee
Basic Assumptions to Consider:
1. The unity of the Church is a gift of its Lord and finds expression in its faithfulness to the mission
to which Christ calls it.” (G-4.0201) As Presbyterians, we covenant to work with one another as
visible expressions of the Body of Christ and as representatives of the Presbyterian Church
2. We are to seek unity, yet encourage diversity, and understand that through discussion and prayer
we can more clearly discern God’s will and direction.
3. In all assemblies we must strive for a balance of expression of individual conscience and the will
of the majority. As individuals, we have several rights: the right to know what is going on and
why; the right to speak and be heard under the rules of debate; the right to vote; and the right to
hold office.
To more effectively accomplish the work of the Presbytery, the following documents are included:
1. Making Motions at a Presbytery Meeting: Gives a brief definition of the motions most likely to
be used at a meeting of Presbytery.
2. The Consent Agenda: If an item is to be removed from the Consent Agenda and placed on the
agenda for action, a commissioner needs to ask for it to be removed prior to voting. At the time
of removal there are no questions or debate, the item is simply removed. The item will be
placed under new business or in another place in the agenda for consideration.
3. Motion Form: (Available from the parliamentarian). This form MUST be completed for all
motions brought to the floor of Presbytery.
In order to facilitate discussion of motions, these general rules will be followed:
Time Limit on Debate: Once a motion has been proposed and seconded (if necessary) debate on the
motion will be limited to 20 minutes. The assembly can vote to extend debate if it deems necessary.
Time Limit on Speakers: Individuals can speak for up to two minutes either for or against a motion. If an
individual wishes to speak to the same motion a second time, he or she can do so only after all others
who wish to speak have had a chance to speak once. An individual can only speak twice to a motion on
the same day. The Presbytery can change the time limit per speaker as it sees fit; typically the
Presbytery would grant voice to someone who would further the debate along or someone who has a
report to give.
Who May Speak: Minister members, elder commissioners, members of Council and elder chairpersons
of the Presbytery Committees (Committee on Ministry, Committee on Preparation for Ministry,
Congregational Resources, Social Action Ministry, Committee on Representation, Nominating
Committee) and the Presbyterian Women moderator. The Presbytery can grant voice to whoever it
Process for Debate: The maker of a motion has the right to speak first to the motion, after which the
floor is open to debate by other members and commissioners (see “Who May Speak”). If the motion
directly addresses the work of a specific individual or group, the moderator may give that individual or
group the right to speak before opening the floor to general debate. The moderator may choose to extend
the speaking time for the maker of the motion and those the motion addresses as the moderator deems
helpful. IF there are many people who wish to speak to a motion; the moderator will choose people who
will speak in favor of the motion, then people who will speak against and back and forth as necessary
until everyone who has a desire to speak has done so.
Making Motions at a Presbytery Meeting
Elder or clergy commissioners to the Presbytery of Minnesota Valleys, have the right to make motions.
To make a motion, rise from your seat, wait until the moderator recognizes you, state your name and
affiliation, then simply and clearly state: “Mr./Ms Moderator, I move the following motion and if
seconded will speak to it.” State your motion. It is not discussion time until the motion as been seconded
and the moderator invites you to speak to the motion. All motions of any length must be given in writing
to the stated clerk. This is imperative if debate is lengthy. Only one motion will be considered at a time.
A motion, whether at a presbytery of session meeting should clearly state: what is the motion, who is
affected, when it is to be done, how it will be done and why it will be done.
Main Motion: Any motion which proposes an action to be taken by the governing body. Main motions
are debatable.
To Amend: A motion to amend is to perfect the main motion; therefore an amendment contrary to the
intent of the main motion is out of order. A motion to amend a motion makes precedence over the main
motion. It must be adopted or rejected before the main motion is considered. If adopted, it becomes a
part of the main motion. It is debatable.
To Substitute: A motion to substitute is the form of amendment. It takes precedence over a main motion.
If approved, it replaces the main motion.
To Postpone Indefinitely: This is a motion to kill consideration. It is debatable.
To Postpone Definitely: This motion includes a specific time and/or date on which this motion will be
presented to the deliberative body. It is debatable and may be amended.
To Commit or Refer: A motion to refer must include the body to which this action is referred. The
desirability or the details of the referral are debatable, but the matter being referred is not under debate.
To Reconsider: Once a question has been decided, it must not be reconsidered again at the same
assembly, unless a motion to reconsider is made by a person who voted with the majority. It is
To Move The Previous Question: This is a motion to close debate and to bring the issue to vote. The
motion must say, “I move the previous question.” A voice calling out, “Question” is not appropriate and
should be ignored. This motion requires a 2/3 vote and should not be used to close off debate or
opposition prematurely. The moderator can rule, prior to the vote, but in their judgment there has not
been sufficient debate and that the motion is out of order. This motion requires a second and is not
To ensure consistent parliamentary assistance prior to and during meetings of Presbytery, the following
has been approved:
The Stated Clerk shall act as the Parliamentarian and may co-opt people to help.
The responsibilities of the Parliamentarian shall include:
1. Being available at least thirty minutes prior to the Call to Order of each Presbytery meeting
to answer parliamentary and procedure questions as well as assist persons who wish to bring
a motion to the floor of Presbytery.
2. Being available during the meeting and during break times to answer individual
parliamentary questions as well as assist persons who wish to bring a motion to the floor of
3. Being aware of possible parliamentary needs during the meetings of Presbytery and speak as
necessary or upon request.
4. Making certain that all motions are in writing using the Motion Form.
ALL MOTIONS ARE TO BE PRESENTED IN WRITING. To assist in presenting motions, please use
this blank. Print your motion in full.
TEXT OF MOTION: (Please Print Clearly)
(Print name and sign)