January 2016 - Thornbury Magazine
January 2016 - Thornbury Magazine
Thornbury Magazine For the community by the community JANUARY 2016 PLANTING TREES Page 22 Thornbury Magazine Edited, collated and distributed by volunteers to 6,000 households Co-editors: Ken Harris 24 Park Road, Thornbury, BS35 1HN. Tel. 414023, email: ken.harris@thornburymagazine.co.uk Pauline Montgomery 2 Walnut Close, Thornbury, BS35 2LS. Tel. 414864, email: pauline.montgomery@thornburymagazine.co.uk The deadline for receiving aricles, news around and what’s on items is the irst day of the month preceding the month of issue (see page 44). Adverising: Stan Rodlife Tel. 415332 email: adverising.sales@thornburymagazine.co.uk Adverisements are accepted on the understanding that the descripion of goods or services is accurate and true. Thornbury Magazine Ltd accepts no responsibility, nor gives any guarantee in case of any dispute or claim as to quality, condiion or delivery of product or service. It is not to be taken that publicaion implies recommendaion of any adverisement. Distribuion: David Harrowin, Tel 414491. Collaion: Margaret Powell, Tel. 281777. Secretary: Jackie Jackson, Bay Tree Cotage, Crossways Lane, Thornbury, BS35 3EU. Tel. 416421. Treasurer: Sarah Eve, Pedington Elm, Stone, Berkeley, Glos, GL13 9LQ. Tel. 01453 511396. Make-up: Chrisine Didcock, Margaret Berry, Olive Heath. Word processing: Mary Wright, Allison Weir. This month’s cover design is from original artwork by Richard Edwards. Thornbury Magazine Ltd, a Private Company Limited by Guarantee, No. 4315400. Registered oice: 2 Walnut Close, Thornbury, Bristol, BS35 2LS. © 2016 Thornbury Magazine. Copyright of any aricle remains with the author(s) and Thornbury Magazine Ltd. Views expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the co-editors or Thornbury Magazine Ltd managing commitee. DESIGNED & PRINTED BY MOTION PRINTING LTD Professional Printers and Graphic Design for all your Business and Personal needs motiondesign&print 0800 999 2236 info@motionprinting.co.uk www.motionprinting.co.uk 21 Denny Isle Drive | Severn Beach | Bristol | BS35 4PZ Thornbury Magazine JANUARY 2016 START THE NEW YEAR WITH A RESOLUTION TO HELP OTHERS IN YOUR COMMUNITY from Kim Webb Development Co-ordinator, Thornbury Volunteer Centre OW that Christmas is just a happy memory, getting out and about in your local area and helping others less fortunate than yourselves is a good way of banishing those winter blues. Finding ways to occupy your time which are both enjoyable and worthwhile, can instantly make you feel that you are making a valuable contribution to your community. There are many reasons that people give for volunteering. For some, volunteering can be a route to employment, or a chance to try something new which may lead to a career change. For others, volunteering appeals because of its social beneits, meeting new people and making new friends. On top of this, many people volunteer for a variety of other reasons; a desire to make a difference to the lives of others, feeling valued, having quality time away from work or a busy lifestyle. Thornbury Volunteer Centre can provide you with information and support on volunteering opportunities in the local area which best suit your needs, skills and time available, whilst making sure that you ind volunteering an enjoyable and worthwhile experience. We are contacted regularly by groups and organisations seeking to recruit volunteers from all walks of life and time available. These opportunities vary between clerical work, working with the disabled or vulnerable adults in the community, fundraising and marketing, counselling and emotional support, shop work, driving, working in local schools and much more. The majority of these organisations would be unable to survive, and valuable community services would be lost, if volunteers were not to be found. Age, gender or disability is not a barrier to volunteering. Anyone, who is able to spare some time, from an hour a week to once a month, or just on a one-off basis, would be warmly welcomed by someone in the community. Volunteering is a valuable experience that beneits all parties. If you would like to ind out more please contact Thornbury Volunteer Centre, Tel. 413392; email mail@volunteer-thornbury.co.uk; visit our website at www.volunteer-thornbury.co.uk; follow us on twitter: @thornburyvc or on Facebook: thornburyvolunteers. Alternatively, call into the ofice at Thornbury Town Hall between 10.30am and 12noon Monday to Friday. We look forward to meeting you. ◙ N BEST WISHES FOR 2016 TO ALL OUR READERS. THE EDITORS AND MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE HOPE YOU WILL ENJOY READING THE “NEW LOOK” THORNBURY MAGAZINE 1 NEWS AROUND PLEASE HELP STAMP OUT BLINDNESS – SEND US YOUR USED CHRISTMAS STAMPS A big thank you to all of you who have sent stamps already; your support will enable the stamp appeal to be an ongoing fund raiser to support the Fight against Blindness. If you are reading this for the irst time, we are asking if you could spare a few moments each day to tear off the stamps from your letters (if you cut around them we can get a higher price) and save them until you have a fair number (perhaps enough to ill a jiffy bag or similar) and post them to us at the address below. Whether entire collections or individual stamps, British or foreign, franked or not, we would really appreciate your donations, as every little helps. Thank you. Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) is a disease of the eye that leads to loss of vision and blindness. The Charity RP Fighting Blindness works hard to stimulate and fund cutting edge research to ind a treatment or cure and support those affected – some 25,000 people in the UK alone. Never heard of Retinitis Pigmentosa? Do you belong to a Club or Group who would like us to come and give a talk about the condition RP and the work of the charity? If so we would be pleased to receive an invitation. The talk is designed to be interesting, informative and humorous. For more information www.rpightingblindness.org.uk or please contact Ron and Gina Pritchard, 22 Huckford Road, Winterbourne, Bristol BS36 1EA, or Tel. 772927 or email: bristolsglosightingblindness@gmail.com. WELSH CHOIR CONCERT The Cymrodorion Society will present their annual concert on 30 January in the Armstrong Hall. The Society’s guest choir will be Cor Meibion De Cymru and the soloist is Harim Oh. Tickets have been kept at £12 and will be available on Tuesday 5 January at the Town Hall. The concert will start at 7.30pm with doors open at 7pm. SS T STOS R L a M Wi C M FREE ½ Hour Initial Meeting FREE ½ Hour Iniial Meeing Providing legal services to individual and business clients in Thornbury Providing legal services to individual and business clients in Thornbury South Gloucestershire and Bristol for over forty years South Gloucestershire and Bristol for over forty years Sims Cook & Teague LLP Sims Cook & Teague LLP 40 High Street, Thornbury 40 High Street, Thornbury Bristol BS35 2AJ Bristol BS35 2AJ Tel: (01454) 414342 Fax: (01454) 281276 Tel: (01454) 414342 Fax: (01454) 281276 WWW.SIMSCOOKTEAGUE.COM WWW.SIMSCOOKTEAGUE.COM info@simscookteague.com info@simscookteague.com 2 ST PETERS HOSPICE SEVERNSIDE SUPPORT GROUP would be delighted to welcome you to the Methodist Church Hall, Thornbury, on Wednesday 27 January at 1pm, to our Winter Warmer lunch. This will be Cottage Pie and Crumble followed by tea or coffee. A vegetarian option will be available. Tickets are priced at £8 per person and are available from the Town Hall, from 5 January. Please come along and support St Peter’s, your local Hospice. THE THORNBURY MUSICAL THEATRE GROUP will be performing Aladdin in the Armstrong Hall from Wednesday 10 to Saturday 13 February. This traditional pantomime of the famous Oriental rags to riches tale has jokes galore, provides ample opportunity for audience participation, slapstick and a vibrant mix of singing and dancing – a perfect pick you up for mid-February, suitable for all ages. The refreshingly new script, written by Alan P. Frayn, is a laugh-a-minute and adds another dimension to the great panto classic. Join Aladdin as he falls in love with the beautiful Princess, seeks out his fortune and returns to claim her hand in marriage. Along the way, Aladdin will shirk from his duties in the laundry, hide from a dodgy pair of policemen, overcome the trickery of a deceitful “Uncle” and beneit from the powers of the genie of the lamp. When all seems lost, along comes the good Spirit to right all wrongs, ensuring a happy ending. Performances start at 7.30pm nightly and there will also be matinees at 2.30pm on the Friday and Saturday. Tickets are bookable online at www.tmtg.org.uk, £12 Adults, £10 Concessions and a family ticket for four costs £36. Group discounts of 10% can be arranged via our Box Ofice for 10+ seats. For enquiries call Angie at the Box Ofice on 07516 270140. Tickets are also available at Lisa Costa Residential Sales and Lettings at 53 High Street, Thornbury, from the beginning of January. For more information about Aladdin and our group generally, take a look at www.tmtg.org.uk or contact us by e-mail at membership@tmtg.org.uk. You can also follow us on Facebook. MONICA C.A. JAMES BA ACA Bristol tropical centre Chartered Accountant 2 Scot’s Cottages, Kington Lane, Thornbury Telephone / Fax: (01454) 412786 Accounts Preparation Personal & Business Taxation Cash Flow Forecasts Business Plans PAYE & VAT Book Keeping Amazing plants at even better prices! Extensive range of lowers, plants, specimen / impact plants & accessories available at our Tortworth nursery Cafe now open on site! Call now for a free garden design consultation 01454 806115 The Nursery, Tortworth Business Park, Tortworth GL12 8HQ Tel: 01454 806115 info@bristoltropicalcentre.co.uk For a Friendly, Prompt & Professional Service www.Bristoltropicalcentre.co.uk 3 - 4 THORNBURY GOSPEL CHOIR Do you like singing? Yes? Why not come and join us? We are a local community gospel choir who are part of Gospel Generation Community Choir which is based in the Bristol area. We put on several concerts during the year and go out and about in the local community performing at various events as we are invited. Our practices are informal and fun and held on a Tuesday evening at Thornbury Baptist Church, 6.307.45pm. You do not need to be a good singer or read music – just come to enjoy! For more information see our website www.ggcc.org.uk or email Heather and Emma at gospelgen@ googlemail.com. You are also welcome to just turn up at one of our practices – we would love to see you! NEW SIBLANDS SCHOOL is your local Primary and Secondary school for children and young people with severe, profound and multiple learning dificulties. We have a nursery setting and 6th form provision. Our vision: it’s as simple as ABC: Achievement, Belonging and Celebration, valuing every child through fostering independence, inclusion, trust, respect and support. The Board of Governors oversees the school’s long term Strategy and Performance. With the Headteacher, they make key decisions vital to the successful running of the school, improving standards and agreeing the school’s budget. We are dedicated to the safeguarding of our children and Governors are an integral part of our school community. We wish to strengthen the Board and welcome applications from the business community in particular. For further information/application form, please contact: the Clerk to Governors, Frances McMillan, Tel. 0777 2531067 or email: fmcmcmillan@hotmail.com. Share your skills, make a difference: be a school governor. Bigger+Better Thornbury Osteopathy & Physiotherapy Solicitors Barcan Woodward and Kirby Sheppard have merged to form Barcan+Kirby. Edward Gilbert BSc, PGCE, DO Osteopath Christopher Perry BEx Sc, BPthy (Hons, MCSP.) Physiotherapist & Exercise Physiologist We still take a hands-on approach to your legal issues in Thornbury and the local community. Sarah Cornwell BSc (Hons) Podiatry Podiatrist & Chiropodist We’re big enough to ensure you have access to the right expertise at the right time, but small enough to make sure we keep our roots firmly planted in the communities we serve. Hannah Miller DHP GHR Reg & CNHC Reg Hypnotherapist Back pain Arthritis Headaches Sports injury Joint pain Sleep problems Anxiety quit smoking Chiropody Podiatry 10 he Plain, hornbury, Bristol, BS35 2AG 01454 281243 www.thornburyop.org 5 6 THE ROTARY CLUB OF THORNBURY is once again holding their annual Swimarathon weekend at the Thornbury Leisure Centre on the evenings of 4, 5 and 6 March and we are hoping to better the success of previous years. In order to achieve this we need your help – please enter a team! We will be swimming to the Caribbean sound of the Castle School Steel Band and the vocal support of many excited onlookers! It is a great atmosphere. You do not have to be fast, you do not have to be a great swimmer and you do not have to swim on your own. In fact, you can have as many as six in a team, each taking it in turn to swim lengths. Each session is 55 minutes. Once you have inished you will receive your personal certiicate to prove you did it! For 2016 we are delighted to be able to support two Bristol charities, Jessie May Children’s Hospice and The National Eye Research Centre, as well as local charities and good causes. Over £12,000 was raised in 2015 through the Swimarathon and this year we are hoping that even more teams will be taking part in this family event. If you fancy entering a team and taking the plunge, please do not hesitate to contact Derek Baker by email: swimarathon@thornburyrotary.org or Tel. 07984 949827. Team entry forms are available at: www.thornburyrotary.org/swimarathon as are sponsorship forms and posters. LYNNE GIBSON’S ART HISTORY COURSES AT THE CHANTRY We are continuing our exploration of the “isms” of Art in our next two study days. The irst, on 22 January will cover Romanticism to Impressionism. The second, on 11 March, will cover Post-Impressionism to Post-Modernism. The study days run from 10.30am to 3.15pm, with a short discussion period afterwards for those who wish to stay on. Tea, coffee and biscuits are provided morning and afternoon. The cost is £28 for one day, or £50 for the two. To book a place, please ring Pauline Darley, Tel. 416291. 7 LOW COST COMPUTER SCHEME Are you aged 65+, registered disabled, on a low income, or an unpaid carer? South Gloucestershire Council have teamed up with an IT provider to offer a range of low cost, professionally refurbished starter computers at special discounted prices to eligible residents and registered UK charities. Prices start at £90 including Windows 7 and Microsoft Ofice 2010 plus a 12 month return to base warranty. To ind out if you are eligible and for more details visit www.southglos.gov.uk/goonline or enquire in person at Thornbury Library. THORNBURY PICTURE HOUSE SCREENS: I WISH (PG) A charming tale of a young boy who becomes convinced that the new “bullet” train, soon to link the north and south of Japan, will reunite him with his estranged family and his younger brother. (In Japanese with subtitles). Cossham Hall at 7.30pm, Friday 15 January. £5 at the door for non-members. For full details, please view www.thornburypicturehouse.org THORNBURY WI meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at the Methodist Church Hall, commencing at 7.30pm. This month our meeting is on Tuesday 19th and our speaker will be Gill Leaper from Butterly Space. Further details from Sue Horsfall, Tel. 885043 or Sue Newton, email: secretaryatthornburywi@gmail.com THORNBURY CHORAL SOCIETY ANNUAL WORKSHOP will take place on 20 February at Thornbury Baptist Church from 10.30am, studying Haydn's Creation, conducted by Steven Kings with soloists. There will be a performance of the results of the day's endeavours at 4pm. Su Joyce's excellent lunches are available but must be pre-booked. The workshop costs £13.50 (score hire £2) and lunches are £7.50. The price includes coffee, tea, biscuits and cake at teatime. Booking forms may be downloaded from the website www.thornburychoralsociety.org.uk, or from Jos Gregson, Tel. 411652, or by email: jos@ josgregson.plus.com Cross Stitches, Tapestries and Needlework Art Woodside Court Hortham Lane Almondsbury 01454 617022 So many picture framers these days will stretch your needlework using sticky tape, glue, self adhesive board and even staples. We only ever use the traditional ‘lacing method’ (needle and thread) to hold it in place. ‘If a jobs worth doing, it’s worth doing well’ www.royallframing.co.uk Open Thurs, Fri and Sat 9.30am to 5.00pm (Other days / times by arrangement) 8 Look out for our signpost 400m along Hortham Lane JCW Garden Services Over 30 years experience Regular grass cutting contracts, Hedging, Pruning, Roses a speciality, General garden clearance, Garden advice and planning. Free Estimates Tel: 01454 411234 Mobile: 07926 354827 Sales & Support Computers Workshop & On-site Networks & Servers Repairs & Upgrades Broadband & Internet Wireless, Mobiles,Telecoms Virus/Spyware Clean-Up Sage & Bookkeeping QUALITY, FRIENDLY, RELIABLE, IT SALES & SUPPORT (Thornbury & Local Area since 1988) 01454 281500 www.eccomputers.co.uk TUITION Individual tuition in Primary Maths and Literacy. Over 30 years teaching experience. Enhanced DBS. Tel: 01454 851878 Mob: 07756 498408 RAYS G A R D E N S E RV I C E S GARDEN AND GROUND MAINTENANCE • Stump grinding • Tree pruning & removal • Hedges & shrubs trimmed • Grass cutting • Fencing • Turfing • Garden clearance • Spraying for weed control • Patios power washed • Gravel areas laid RA For a no obligation quote please call Chris Till on 07971 460239 / 01454 851771 or visit raysgardenservice.co.uk 9 Tailor made products and services for the over 50s • Home Insurance • Travel Insurance • Car Insurance • Gas and Electricity • Personal Alarms • Funeral Plans For a no obligation quote, visit: Age UK South Gloucestershire 67 High Street, Thornbury BS35 2AW Tel: 01454 411 707 (Open Monday to Friday 9am till 1pm) or call 0800 085 3741^ or visit www.ageuk.org.uk/products Home, car and travel insurance are provided by Ageas Insurance Limited. Gas and Electricity is provided by E.ON Energy Solutions Limited. Age UK South Gloucestershire is a trading name of Age Concern South Gloucestershire. ^If you call the 0800 number and your local office is not available your call will be answered by Age UK Enterprises or Ageas Insurance Limited Age UK is a registered trademark of Age UK (Charity number 1128267). The use of the name and logo Age UK is done so under a licence agreement between Age UK and Age UK Enterprises Limited, its commercial services arm. Net profits are donated to Age UK. Age UK Enterprises Limited. Tavis House, 1–6 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9NA. ID200457 03/12 ACOSW2264V1FEB14 10 JOIN SEVERNSIDE RAMBLERS ON A RAMBLE for some fresh air, exercise and great views. Non-members are always very welcome. For more information about walks in January see What’s On or log on to www.severnside-ramblers.org.uk, or pick up a programme at Thornbury library. A contact name and telephone number is given for each walk. We meet for Saturday and Sunday walks at Aztec West, Blue Zone Parking area, near the Management Centre, at the times shown for each walk, and share lifts to the start of the walk. Friday walks, meeting point Aldi Car Park Bradley Stoke. Please bring packed lunch and plenty of luids. If you want to go directly to the start of the walk, please contact the walk leader. WELL AWARE is the free health and wellbeing information website for Bath and North East Somerset, Bristol, South Gloucestershire and Somerset. It is run by The Care Forum (registered charity no. 1053817) in partnership with the local authority Councils and NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups and local Healthwatch projects. There are more than 6,000 entries with categories ranging from “support around the home” and “socialising” to “getting around” and “personal health services” and much other useful information. It is accessible 24/7 and is used extensively by individuals and professionals. “At Well Aware we want to enable people to get the information they need for themselves, their families or the person they care for,” says Well Aware Manager Carmen Armaiz. “That’s why we have a freephone telephone line (0808 808 5252) during weekday ofice hours. Calls are answered by one of Well Aware’s small team based at the Vassall Centre in Fishponds, Bristol. When you phone, all you have to do is tell us what you’re looking for and we’ll look up the information for you and tell you on the phone, by email or print it out and put it in the post. It’s as simple as that.” For further information contact Alex Hodgson, Communications and Marketing Coordinator, The Care Forum, The Vassall Centre, Gill Avenue, Fishponds, Bristol BS16 2QQ. Tel. 0117 9654444. (The Freephone line will be closed on the 1 January Bank Holiday). COACH TRIP TO LONDON IN MARCH It’s nice to plan ahead when days are dark and cold and Christmas is behind us. So here’s a thought; start planning a trip to London! Thornbury Art Club is running a coach to the great metropolis on Saturday 12 March, targeting the Royal Academy. There are two exhibitions. In the Main Gallery, billed as a “landmark exhibition”, is Painting the Modern Garden: Monet to Matisse. This traces the emergence of the modern garden in its many forms and glories, taking you through a period of great social change and innovation in the arts, and showing paintings by some of the most important Impressionists, Post-Impressionists and Avant-Garde artists of the early twentieth century. The second, smaller exhibition is In the Age of Giorgione, which follows the development of ideas that changed the course of art in “this highly original exploration of the Venetian Renaissance”. If these exhibitions are not for you, why not take this opportunity to travel with us and do your own thing? There are so many other ways to spend time in London – places to see, or friends to meet up with, etc. The coach fare is only £18 – direct from Thornbury to the heart of the capital, with drop-off points at the Museums in South Kensington, Harrods in Knightsbridge and inally, Piccadilly. The coach leaves Thornbury at 8am from outside Aldi, and departs from London at 6pm. For those interested in visiting the exhibitions, tickets have been provisionally booked, and need to be conirmed by 12 February. The group ticket price is £14 for “Painting the Modern Garden” and £8 for the “Giorgione”. It may be that combined tickets for both might be available at £20. They are expected to be very popular exhibitions. For further details and booking, please phone Tricia on 41723 11 THE MOWER DOCTOR SALES, SERVICE & SPARES For All Your Garden Equipment Tel: 01454 411701 07778 401139 Finest quality British and German kitchens Project managed from design to installation using experienced local tradespeople. mark@mgkitchens.com www.mgkitchensltd.co.uk 12 THORNBURY LIBRARY Like us on facebook: www.facebook.com/sgloslibraries. Looking for opening times, service information or contact details? See our website: www.southglos. gov.uk/libraries. We re-open for 2016 on Saturday 2 January. Bookstart Bear Club Storytime and Rhymetime for pre-schoolers and babies – from Monday 4 January we will be back and ready for fun on Mondays, 2.15pm- 2.45pm and Fridays, 11-11.30am. Nappy-changing facility available, breast-feeding welcome. FREE NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS AT THORNBURY LIBRARY! Time for something new that doesn’t cost a penny? Why not…Join the library – books, information and so much more! Download a free e-magazine, e-book or e-audio book – ask at the library for more information or drop in on Saturday afternoons between 2-4pm with your device and let us help. Drop in to the library and use our free wii – available during library opening hours. Download the libraries west app – manage your library account on the go. WHICH WERE YOUR FAVOURITE READS OF 2015? We would love to know which books you enjoyed reading in 2015. Your choice could be any book – iction or non-iction – and does not have to be a recent publication. Speak to our friendly staff at Thornbury Library, and let us know the author(s) and title(s) of the book(s) on your Favourite Reads of 2015 list. Alternatively, email us at: Thornbury.library@southglos.gov.uk with “Favourite Reads of 2015” in the subject line. Closing date: 31 January. We will let you know readers’ book choices in a later issue of this magazine – participants’ names will not be printed. We look forward to hearing your choices! Part of South Gloucestershire Council’s #Time4Reading campaign to get everyone reading. www.southglos.gov.uk/time4reading 13 ANDY’S TAXIS OF THORNBURY 01454 414002 LUXURY AIR-CONDITIONED 6 & 7 SEATERS 16 PASSENGER SEAT MINIBUS PROMPT, RELIABLE & PERSONAL SERVICE WITH LOCAL, RELIABLE & EXPERIENCED DRIVERS FOR SOCIAL, BUSINESS OR CORPORATE FUNCTIONS ANY DISTANCE - ANYTIME YOU NAME IT, I’LL FRAME IT! DESIGN & BUILD LTD www.russellfineartservices.co.uk - A Comprehensive Building Service From Design To Completion - Offering a complete personalised framing service, using the best materials available, at sensible prices. Local reputable building contractors with over 30 years experience references available upon request Highly experienced in all types of framing. Call in for a free quote, no obligation. New builds, extensions, lot conversions, etc Our studio also displays original artwork, cards & prints by Christine Russell. www.art-christinerussell.co.uk Studio open: Mon-Fri 10am-4pm (Any other time or day by arrangement) Registered builder Located just off the A38, at Stone. Free Parking Mob: 0798 085 8249 Tel: 0117 329 7309 Email: cwg@talktalk.net Claire Russell BA: The Laurels Studio, Stone, Nr. Berkeley, Gloucestershire, GL13 9LD - Tel: 01454 269268 14 THE KEN BAILY LECTURE is an annual event organised by the Friends of Thornbury Museum, along with a Salmon Supper. The date this year is Friday 29 January. The Friends regret that all the tickets for the Salmon Supper have been sold, but there are still some seats available for the Lecture, which starts at 7.30pm in the Armstrong Hall. The speaker will be Chris Witts, on the subject of “The Severn Bridge Disaster”, the story of a terrible accident which destroyed ive lives, two river barges and sealed the fate of the Severn Rail Bridge. Chris began working on tanker barges in August 1960 as a deckhand, so was very new on the job when he witnessed the Severn Bridge Disaster on 25 October. He remembers the explosion and the huge ball of ire as the cargo of petrol and heavy oil ignited, and seeing the smouldering barges out in the Severn off Purton early the next morning. At the time he did not realise the seriousness of what was happening, but ifty years later, in 2010, he wrote about the disaster and dedicated his book to the memory of George Thompson, skipper of the doomed Arkendale H and survivor of the disaster. Lecture tickets, priced at £5, are available from Jan Fullman, Tel. 414022. CALLIGRAPHY TASTER LESSON AT THE CHANTRY Why not start the New Year with a new hobby? Have you ever fancied trying your hand at this fascinating art? Come along to this taster session and ind out if calligraphy is for you. This class explores this fascinating subject, with basic techniques and simple tools. Suitable for both left and right handed people, young and old. It is a very hands-on course exploring the many varied uses of this skill with plenty of opportunities to explore your creativity and exercise those grey cells. Taster Lesson (£5) on 6 January at The Chantry, from 7.30-9.30pm. A seven-week course starts on Wednesday 13 January. For further information and to reserve a place contact Fiona Mitchell, Tel: 881545. 15 A NEW CYCLING CLUB FOR THORNBURY? Are you a cyclist living in the Thornbury area who would like a new project for 2016? If so, would you be interested in helping to start up a cycling club in Thornbury? There are already clubs in Thornbury for footballers, hockey players, cricketers, runners and other groups, but not one for the many cyclists who I am sure we all see out and about on the roads around Thornbury. Hopefully there are enough of us who would welcome a bit of structure and socialising around our cycling to make it worthwhile starting up a new club. We can make it as informal or serious as we like. If you would like to be involved, I would be happy to act as the initial focal point and if there is suficient interest, to arrange an initial meeting to talk about how we could take things forward. If you are interested, please contact me, Pete Jackson, by email at pete4100@virginmedia.com. YOUNG MUSICIANS’ AFTERNOON CONCERT on Saturday 23 January. Start the New Year by enjoying a delightful classical musical concert accessible to all, given by our top local young musicians. You can expect a range of musical pieces on strings, piano, woodwind and brass, organised and introduced by well-known local professional musician, Michael Lunts. The concert will begin at 2.30pm in the Cossham Hall, last around 50-60 minutes and be followed by tea and cake when you will have an opportunity to interact and chat with these talented, enthusiastic young people. Tickets £5 (with concessions for children), from the Town Hall or Tel. 412272. OCTOPUS PRESENTS their latest pantomime: Snow White, with the usual mix of colourful characters, music and laughs at Christ the King Church Hall, Castle Street, from Wednesday 6 January to Friday 8 January at 7.30pm and on Saturday 9 January at 11am and 2.30pm. Tickets are available at £6 for adults and £5 for concessions from RA Bennetts, The Plain, Thornbury and Karen Gill, Tel 413783. 16 ARTISTS AT WAR; WAR DEPICTED IN ART Thornbury Art Club starts its 2016 programme of talks and demonstrations with an illustrated talk by war artist David Rowlands who has been working as an artist with the British Army since 1984. His assignments have taken him to Northern Ireland, the Balkans, Iraq and Afghanistan. This promises to be a very interesting evening. David will be talking about the depiction of war, past and present. He will begin by describing how British artists portrayed soldiers in battle in the period 17001900 (a period taking in the Napoleonic wars and the American Civil War). He will then follow with an account and images of his own work produced in various conlicts in the last 30 years. The role of a war artist is an important one. But what does the artist choose to depict? What is expected? How does he feel? What are the criteria? “British Artists at War” takes place on Wednesday 6 January at the Cossham Hall, Thornbury, at 7.30pm (doors open from 7pm). Non-members welcome. Visitor fee is £4. Do come and join us for a very interesting and enjoyable evening! Tel: 417236 for more information. BIENVENUE! BIENVENIDO! WELCOME! To language learning! Prepare for your next holiday or business trip abroad. Join a group at your chosen level or come for individual tuition in French or Spanish with a well-qualiied, experienced tutor. Classes in the Chantry Community Centre, Thornbury Tel. 414268, and other local venues. The tutor can be contacted direct Tel. 415294 or at n.boosey@tantraweb.co.uk. This month’s cover is taken from an original painting by Richard Edwards. Prints of the whole picture as well as other views of Thornbury produced by Richard, are available from Surroundings in St Mary Street. Would you like some fresh and creative ideas for your garden? Transform your outdoor space into a place to relax with your family, be with your friends & enjoy watching your garden grow. Call 07802 535322 for a no-obligation visit to discuss your garden Or visit www.plansandplants.co.uk 17 A LITTLE PUZZLE ABOUT COLOURS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. In which city is Red Square? What colour is the medal for 2nd place? What colour was the road in “The Wizard of Oz”? Brownsea Island is in which Dorset harbour? What is the “colour-name” of a small plum-like fruit? Which colour beginning “i” is in a rainbow? Turkey has a coastline on which colour-named Sea? What is the middle trafic light colour? The cartoon ilm Panther was which colour? Doc, Dopey etc. had a friend of which colour? ANSWERS ON PAGE 44 A NOTICE SEEN IN AN OFFICE All iles, memos, papers etc. that you save will never be needed until disposed of .... at which time they will become indispensable. 18 V c!"!#$ %!"& 'o( s) c *h$"!+, -$e)"$ V c!"!#$ .!e$/ 0(v$s)oe/ B" s)o( B123 45* *$(. 01454 614390 F6789:;<= 68;>?79@ A89B68 DEE8679@ > G7:8 6>9@8 HE IJ86>K<= N8>PB< Q U>76 I68>BX89BY Holistic Massages, Waxing, Gels, Manicures, Pedicures, Facials, Eye care, Spray Tans. Dermalogica stockist A Z[\ ]^__y [`^bpp[d fgbr jg_kZ ]kr \km[Z, m[Z l nfb_dr[Z SMALL JOBS DON’T WORRY US! HEATING - PLUMBING - DRAINS ELECTRICS - TILING- CARPENTRY ALL BUILDING, ROOFING & PROPERTY MAINTENANCE ALL PLASTERING & RENDERING ELDERLY & DISABLED RATES 01454 414018 HANDYMAN & MAINTENANCE LTD. A.P.S. Van & Man Light removals, we specialise in local moves and offer very competitive quotes ring Andy 01454 419291 or 07788 554467 DP GARDEN MAINTENANCE SMITHYS DISCO ENTERTAINMENT SPECIALIST Regular Reliable Friendly Disco Video DJ Package Disco With Live Singer Packages Singers Karaoke Disco UpLighting For Hire Contact Dave 07585 556267 01454 856369 Tel: 01454 851136 Mob: 07790119238 Grass cutting and all of your garden requirements. WWW.SMITHYSDISCO.CO.UK 1st Auto Solutions CAR & LIGHT COMMERCIAL REPAIRS, SERVICING & MOTs Call 07780 605139 or 01454 227456 Free local collection & delivery 19 FILNORE WOODS IN JANUARY by Jerry Dicker er Night callers e Winter nights are longer but that gives us a better m chance of hearing two particular creatures, who are especially vocal at this time of year. So get your warm clothes on and take a walk in the dark. e l Tawny owls er. We have at least one pair of tawny owls at Filnore he Woods. You may have seen them last year on ourupped “Owl Prowl”. You are more likely to hear them, however. he There are two basic calls: a shrill “keewik” and the is familiar sound you can make blowing through cupped hands “hoooooh ... hu hu hu hu hoooooh”. Winter is the season for pairing up and mating so they call a lot. It is what you have to do when courting in the dark. Red foxes This is also courtship time for foxes so while you are outside listening for owls you may hear the scream of a vixen calling out for boyfriends, and the answering barks of male dog foxes rivalling each other W for mating rights. Can sound quite spooky. D Winter trees rec Deciduous trees have no leaves for you to pos recognise at this time of year but it is still possible to identify the different species. Looking at the ex is one way. So for example green buds buds at mean you are looking at a Sycamore tree and an black buds indicate an Ash. If the buds are long, it i thin and pointy it is a Beech (pictured) and a cluster of buds at the end of a twig mean Oak, or sometimes lowering Cherry. an Woodland Wild Fowers ly Not so many lowers at the moment but already we can see ed the long narrow, leaves of bluebells, the wrinkly rosettes he of primrose leaves and the spotted arrowheads of wild arum (pictured) sprouting out of the leaf litter. Spring is coming. his Lichens and mosses While so much wildlife seems to be dormant at this season, it is a good time to look at some of nature’s tiny things. Take a hand lens or a magnifying glass out on your walks and take the time to examine the lichens and mosses growing on tree trunks and branches as well as on the ground. It is a whole miniature world of strange ◙ and beautiful forms. ◙ More information from◙ ilnorewoods.blogspot.com, or Tel. 416945, email: ilnorefriends@gmail.com. ◙ 20 GSI Property Care Ltd qulti-Skilled Property Maintenance for Residential, Managed and Commercial properties Interior & Exterior Renovations : Planned, Reactive & General Maintenance : Painting, Decorating, Refurbishments : Domestic Plumbing : Bathrooms & Kitchens. www.gsipropertycare.co.uk : 01454 228144 : 07985328496 IN GOOD HANDS Sports Massage & Holistic Therapies * Deep Tissue/Sports *Swedish * Aromatherapy *Warm Bamboo * Hot Stones * Indian Head * Facial Treatments *Reiki * Hopi Ear Candling 15% discount on 1st treatment. Gift vouchers available. Local Therapist/mobile - contact Helen on: Tel: 01454 414545 Mobile: 07776 321849 Picasso Painting & Decorating Services Interior & Exterior Over hirty Years Experience 80% of Work Comes hrough Recommendation Tel: 07730 685996 Email: richatferndale@blueyonder.co.uk 21 SIXTY TREES PLANTED SO FAR – CAN WE MAKE IT 100? by Judith Hurford, Thornbury Tree Warden I WROTE about tree-planting progress in Thornbury some time ago so an update is timely. While there have been beautiful trees in Thornbury for many years, many of them are now mature and so we need to plan for new trees to take their place when they come to the end of their life. We try to plant in areas where there are very few trees, replace trees that have died or been cut down and look for new sites that will enhance the local area. So what is my role as the volunteer Tree Warden for Thornbury? I help the Town Council with issues relating to trees and work with South Gloucestershire’s Tree Oficers to co-ordinate planting throughout the town. To support me with this work I set up the Thornbury Tree Strategy Group a few years ago and the big message is that we have now planted 60 trees around Thornbury, resulting in the group being awarded “outstanding” in the Britain in Bloom, In Your Neighbourhood competition for the past ive years! Finding the right sites for planting around the town is not as easy as it sounds, because many of the sites we have identiied as suitable are not available for planting as service searches show up water, electric and gas cabling and pipework underground. A good example of this can be seen along the Grovesend Road towards Gillingstool, where there are many potential green spaces but only a couple of young trees. Despite that, we managed to plant 20 trees during the 2014/2015 winter season. We are fortunate in having built up excellent working relationships with South Gloucestershire Tree Oficers, who work with us to ind sites, carry out service searches and help with planting. Maintenance of the trees is a year round activity, with watering the new trees a priority during dry spells of weather. Other activities include keeping the sites weed free, checking on strimmer guards, stakes and ties and pruning when necessary. The success we have had with the planting of 60 trees over the past ive years has led to the challenge to make it up to 100 over the next two years! This will certainly be a tough task as the cost of each tree can be around £200 or more depending on the species of tree planted, and the criteria for planting set down by South Gloucestershire. Costs in the past have been met through grants and sponsorship from Thornbury Town Council, local community groups and residents, some of whom have wanted trees planted as a memorial for a member of a family, friend or group. We need to keep looking for new sponsors to fund our work, especially as we are hoping to plant another 40 trees over the next couple of years! The plans for the winter are already under way, with at least ten trees due for planting by the start of 2016 with more planned, depending on funding, by March. Trees have been planted from the corner of Butt Lane and Old Gloucester Road, along Morton Way and down Grovesend Road. We have planted, too, in the open space between Avon Way and Streamleaze, Bath Road, the Chantry Fields and the entrance to the Fishponds. If you would like a list of the location and species 22 of the trees planted, please let me know and I would be happy to send you a copy. If any residents or groups are interested in supporting our work in increasing the number of trees in the town, or would like to sponsor a tree, then please email judith@hurford.eu or give me a ring on 414074. ◙ WINTER IN THE 1930s AND 40s (Some extracts from an unpublished book inished in 2003 by the late Jack Pridham, who lived in Thornbury as a child and through his teenage years. Our thanks to his widow, Mary, for allowing us to use this material, and to Chris and Sandra Doig of Thornbury Roots for drawing our attention to Jack’s book) EATING in the winter was entirely via coal or wood ires in three downstairs rooms and sometimes in the main kitchen. Cinders and ash needed to be removed from the grates every morning before the ires were relit. The ires were rarely kept going over night, mainly because someone would have had to get up to stoke them. Two or three single bar, 500 watt heaters were also available which could be used to warm the bedrooms for an hour or so before one retired. Beds were piled with blankets and thick eiderdowns and earthenware, aluminium or later, rubber, hot water bottles were used by everyone. The metal bottle was lethal and could have caused third degree burns if it had not been covered with a lannel jacket. On winter mornings the bedroom windows were commonly covered with ice on the inside, breath condensed to steam and the linoleum-covered loors were a shock to the system. The quick wash in the bathroom was in the best, icy cold public school tradition. It was no wonder that the family suffered from more than its fair share of chesty ailments… … Father, who worked outdoors in all weathers, was often ill with chest complaints, mainly bronchitis, exacerbated by heavy cigarette smoking. Colds and chest infections caused many people to take to their beds in the winter and apart from taking aspirin, breathing in “Friars’ Balsam” in hot water with a towel over the head, and applying “Mentholatum” or “Vick” to the chest and up the nose (father also swallowed his “Vick”!), there were few medications. In addition to the coughs and sneezes, one suffered in comparative silence with a sore, red nose caused by a wet cotton handkerchief that should have been changed more frequently. If the situation was really desperate, whiskey or brandy was brought out of the cupboard and given in milk to children… … Various other infectious and contagious diseases were common in the town during the 40s. They usually peaked in the late winter/early spring and included measles, German measles, mumps, chickenpox and whooping cough, all today’s favourites, and also croup (a coughing and vomiting condition!), scarlet fever (a killer!) and a collection of skin complaints. The latter included impetigo which was extremely unpleasant and laid me low on three separate occasions. This staphylococcal infection is now rarely seen because it is readily cleared up with antibiotics; prior to their development one had to rely on a slow recovery involving one’s natural immune system. My personal encounters with impetigo involved the H 23 face and scalp and blisters which burst forming a hard crust of greenish-brown scabs which made laughing dificult! Some temporary relief was gained by bathing the lesions with warm water, removing the scabs that were ‘loose’ and then applying a soothing layer of warm olive oil. In between these treatments the infected skin was covered with cotton gauze to reduce the steady drip of serum from the broken blisters. Before the advent of penicillin, the irst antiseptic in use against this ghastly condition was a purple dye – crystal violet, I think – the colour of which was a clear indicator of an impetigo infection and a warning that one should not get too close to the ‘colourful’ victim!… … Atmospheric pollution in the towns was appalling mainly because of the domestic coal ires which produced tons of sulphurous fumes and particulates from thousands of chimneys. The air in autumn and winter was often distinctly yellow, the smogs (then called fogs) reduced visibility to inches and transport often came to a complete standstill. (Fogs were mysterious and exciting and together with ice and snow produced a desirable winter entertainment package for youngsters but not for the delicate and elderly who via cardiovascular problems, were helped to pass over to Paradise!). Apart from the delays that were caused, few worried about this kind of pollution – the connection with ill health was not fully appreciated. The Clean Air Acts of 1956 and 1958 which banned the use of all but the ‘smokeless coals’ did much to reduce the problem… … A challenging Sunday walk, particularly in the snow, was up the Bristol Road to Vilner Lane and then climbing Thornbury’s highest ‘mountain’, Vilner HilI, which was topped by the very isolated Peters’ Farm. Vilner in the winter could be used for sleighing and the run was quite steep but short; Marlwood Hill was the winter sports venue of choice. The descent from Vilner to the top of the town was via a tunnel which went under the railway line in which one irst looked for bats and then shouted to hear the echo! ◙ Press 4 u Ironing service Collected from your home or place of work at a time convenient to you Tel 07986 431682 Email press4u@live.com www.press4u.co.uk GAW PropertyMaintenance Maintenance Ltd GAW Property Ltd and ofof your home-electrical, carpentry & plumbing For the the total totalrepair repair andcare care your home-electrical, carpentry & plumbi twxz{w|} ~ xz{w|} lteration Electrical - Carpentry Plumbing Tiling from complete rewires to Inspection & testing. Part P approved Installer. fitting Bathroom suite installation Flooring & Wall 24 Contact Glenn W 01454 413156 07906 991918 Chartered Physiotherapists & Massage Therapists @ Elite Fitness, SAM SMITH BESPOKE JOINERY 26-30 St Mary Street, Thornbury Please call Laura England or Lizzy Craft 07971 843335 Also offering home visits FOR ALL YOUR WOOD MANUFACTURING REQUIREMENTS, DOORS, WINDOWS. ETC. NO OBLIGATION QUOTATIONS TEL: Reflexology 01454 415809 ∙ Massage ∙ Ear Candles MOB: Flower Essences 07811 798165 www.myphysio.org.uk EMAIL: samsmithjoinery@btinternet.com Tel: 01454 418885 www.kingtonholistics.co.uk DOMESTIC APPLIANCE REPAIRS AFFORDABLE REPAIRS TO YOUR WASHING MACHINE, TUMBLE DRYER, DISHWASHER, FRIDGE, FREEZER, COOKER, HOB OR HOOD, Tel: 01454 850522 or 07917441539 www.d-crdomesticappliances.co.uk No Call Out Charge Classes Weds 10.30am Cossham Hall Weds 6pm Severn Beach Village Hall Thurs 8.20pm Gillingstool Primary school Booking essential at www.armstrongfitness.co.uk THORNBURY FARMERS MARKET Every First & Third Thursday Monthly 9am to 1:30pm Qualified Holistic Therapist Reflexology ∙ Massage ∙ Ear Candles Flower Essences Tel: 01454 418885 www.kingtonholistics.co.uk Wilsons Builders Co Ltd LOCAL BUILDING COMPANY WITH OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE FOR ALL YOUR BUILDING REQUIREMENTS • EXTENSIONS • NEW BUILD • PLASTERING/RENDERING • ROOFING FOR A FREE ESTIMATE PHONE CONAN WILSON 07973 754114 or 01454 411113 25 GARMENTS NAMED AFTER PEOPLE by KH A number of ordinary, everyday items of clothing are named after a person involved in their “invention” or early use. Here are just three which are appropriate to be worn during these wintry months. CARDIGAN – this cosy, knitted, buttoned-up woollen waistcoat, often having sleeves and worn by thousands of men and women in a wide variety of colours, styles and designs, has its origins in the Crimean War – a well-remembered part of which is referred to as The Charge of the Light Brigade, in 1854. Such garments were worn by British soldiers to protect themselves from the bitter cold, and were introduced by James Thomas Brudenell, 7th Earl of Cardigan, who was a high-ranking military oficer during that War. MACKINTOSH – most folk have a “mac” to put on in rainy weather. Charles Mackintosh was an industrial chemist in Glasgow, who worked to invent dyeing and bleaching processes, and then in 1823 discovered a process for waterprooing fabric with rubber. It was in 1839 that vulcanized rubber, able to withstand temperature changes, came on to the market, and Mackintosh’s garments received general acclaim. WELLINGTONS – many folk whose work takes them out of doors in wet weather or onto wet and muddy surfaces wear “wellies”, and so of course do thousands who go for walks in the rain, or tiny toddlers who love to splash in puddles. It was Arthur Wellesley, the 1st Duke of Wellington – he of The Battle of Waterloo fame – who favoured high, over-the-knee leather riding boots – with later adaptations of shorter boots to be worn under trousers. Later, rubber or synthetic materials were used – and whereas once upon a time there was one pair of “wellies”, a world survey would surely now speak of trillions … or should it be “wellions”? TG Fencing & Landscaping All types of landscaping big or small Patios - Decking - Fencing Turing - Block Paving - Pergolas Domestic & Commercial Wireless & Pet Friendly Installations Installations - Upgrades - Maintenance - Repairs Maintenance & Monitoring Takeover of Existing Systems N.S.I / NACOSS Approved 24 Hour Emergency Call Out 01454 859983 07834 534276 01454 618444 0142 www.bs1ltd.co.uk 26 by Steve Grifiths THE WILD WEST OU may have seen the “James gang” in Hollywood ilms about the Wild West, but have you heard of the Mills gang of our very own wild west, just north of Yate? The November gathering of Thornbury History and Archaeological Society were treated to the thrilling story about the exploits of a group of “banditts” led by the Mills family who lived on what was then Yate Common. Reported by local press in 1826 as the “Wickwar gang”, the story of how they had terrorised south Gloucestershire for seven years went viral, hitting the national news in London and as far aield as the Inverness Chronicle. Rose Wallis, a senior lecturer in history at UWE, explained how the gang had exploited the lawless area of Yate Common for more than seven years before 1826, raiding as far as Wotton, Rangeworthy and Sodbury. Farmers would wake up in the morning to ind their homes devoid of furniture and effects. The booty was hidden in an underground “cave” at the Mills cottage on Yate Common. In the 18th century this area was one of several leftover patches of common land and woodland after the gradual development of the huge forest, commonly known as Kingswood, which covered most of medieval south Gloucestershire. The years after the Napoleonic war were tough; labourers’ wages fell as soldiers returned from the war, poor relief was meagre. Squatters and itinerants tended to migrate towards common land such as that north of Yate, isolated areas not subject to the social order of regular communities. In those days there was no police force, only voluntary parish constables. Justice was served by gentleman magistrates who often were only interested in the status the title would bring them. In fact in 1826 only half of all magistrates were qualiied to action the law. Yate was served by just such a man, so there was little law enforcement in the area and the gang carried on its nefarious business for seven years, growing to 50 members strong. Finally in 1826 the justice of the peace for Wickwar, a clergyman, decided that he had to act. Thirty-one people were arrested and 21 were held in the county gaol in Gloucester. At the Gloucester assizes of that year six of the gang were tried for burglary. This being a heinous offence, committed at night against a person’s home and property, the ultimate penalty was death. Four of the gang Y 27 Severn View Electrics Electrical Installations Periodic Reports Portable Appliance Testing Call Andy for a free quotation 07973 698999 or 01454 412668 Window & Cleaning ACE1 Gutter Gutter Cleaning Fascia & Soffit Cleaning Conservatory Roof Cleaning Patio Power Washing Windows & Frame Cleaning Fully Insured - FSB Member Insurance Tel: 01454 858841 Julian’s Services Multi-Skilled Handyman *Interior Home Repairs, Kitchens, Bathrooms *Plumbing, Carpentry, Painting and Decorating *Mild Steel and Stainless Steel Welding *Wrought Ironwork *Light Machining Facilities Please call hornbury 01454 419501 or Mobile 07791 939519 MEDWAY DESIGNS For CAKES & SEWING Wedding Cakes Anniversaries Birthdays Christmas Cakes Special Occasions R.G.S. GARDEN & GROUND MAINTENANCE Bridal Wear Regular Lawn Cutting Tree Work Hedges & Shrubs Trimmed Contract Grass Cutting Turf Supplied & Laid Rotovating Fencing Patios Power Washed Alterations Evening Wear Day Wear Soft Furnishings Delivery & Collection Service Available STEVE WORSLEY Tel: 01454 411074 Mobile: 07971 201569 Lois Coulson 0117 9691798 CALL NOW FOR A FRIENDLY PERSONAL SERVICE 28 were found guilty. Of these, one Thomas Mills turned King’s Evidence, informed against his brothers and was released. Two of the Mills gang were hanged in Gloucester in front of an “enormous concourse of spectators”. The youngest Mills brother (16) was transported to Australia, where he eventually ended up as a wealthy publican. Two gang members who subsequently attempted to shoot Thomas were arrested, tried and hanged. So ended the Mills gang! Events such as these had a galvanizing effect on the public consciousness and on government policy as the 19th century moved on. Lawlessness and revolution were enveloping large parts of Europe and the government realised it had to act if Britain were not to go the same way. Major reforms were made, such as those to the Poor Law, so perhaps events at Yate Common had a real impact on the development of social reform in Britain. The research that Rose has been doing is part of the Victoria County History of Gloucestershire project, which has already published a volume on the history of Yate. Other parts of the county, such as Thornbury, will be researched and published subject to the availability of funding. The January meeting of our society will be, as usual, on the second Tuesday at 7.30pm in St. Mary’s Church Hall and will be about “Alveston Deer Park”. Guests are welcome. If you are interested in inding out more about the Society you can ind us at http://www.mythornbury.co.uk/thornbury/thornbury-localhistory-society and www.facebook.com/thornburyhistorysoc.◙ Paul Whittaker BATHROOMS & WETROOMS DESIGN . SUPPLY . INSTALLATION Tel: 07879 666221 Website: paulwhittakerbathrooms.co.uk 29 T.HOPKINS & SON ANC Building Service ROOFING & BUILDING ALL ASPECTS OF ROOFING ALSO FLAT ROOFING PVC FACIAS & GUTTERING GARDEN & PAINTING PATIOS, PATHS PRESSURE WASHED HOUSE MAINTENANCE All your building and decorating needs From patios to rooing No job too small Credit Cards Accepted Call 07875 173673 / 01454 600215 Tel: 01454 885512 Mobile: 07979 985345 Email: ancbuildingservices@gmail.com W & R J PEARCE (Building Ltd) GROUNDWORK & CONSTRUCTION Extensions Foundations Concreting Drains Laid Demolition Site Clearance Bespoke Bookkeeping & Accounting Services Individually Tailored to Your Company. Services include bookkeeping, management accounts VAT returns, payroll, CIS, invoicing & credit control. Telephone: 07775 833264 (Eve) 01454 413218 Onsite & offsite services in Bristol, Thornbury, Yate, Dursley, Stroud & Gloucester. 01453 842 685 - info@shiptonltd.co.uk - www.shiptonltd.co.uk RIDGE ROOFING Italian - Spanish Lessons FLAT ROOFING, ROOFING REPAIRS LEAD & CHIMNEY WORK, GUTTERING DRAINS UNBLOCKED & REPAIRED EXTERNAL PAINTING & ANY GENERAL MAINTENANCE Study Italian and Spanish with an experienced native tutor. Private tuition ofered on a one-to-one basis and small groups in Italian and Spanish at all levels and age from beginner to advanced. TEL : 01454 885766 MOB : 07724 166917 Contact Cintia on: 077 8083 1996 cintia.belen82@yahoo.co.uk Alan Pickard (Accountant) Limited Companies, Corporation Tax and Associated Self Assessment www.alanpickard.co.uk 01454 412071 Elizabeth Stubbs - Hypnotherapy and NLP DMH, DCHYP, CPNLP, MIFPA Want to: Stop Smoking, Control your weight, Overcome a phobia, Improve your sleep, or just relax.......... I can help, call me 01454 414857 or 07752 098982 www.refresh-holistics.co.uk 30 NEW YEAR, NEW START by Rev’d Jan PPARENTLY it takes 100 days to form a new habit; so your New Year resolutions have got to last that long to have a chance of changing your lifestyle for any length of time! One hundred days is over three months; so if you are still going strong at the beginning of April there is a sporting chance that you have formed a new good habit for life! A In reality most of our New Year resolutions are forgotten or given up on within a week or two. So does that show that we can never really change? That would be rather depressing! People do change, sometimes in huge ways, maybe through a spiritual experience that speaks to them of God for the irst time, so that they adjust their whole perspective to see everything in life in a different way. After recent events it may be hard to think of a religious conversion in a positive way – we have so many examples now of religion being used to justify terrible crimes and war. Make no mistake, this is nothing to do with religion or with God. It is an evil distortion of religious faith. People of real religious faith, whether Christian, or Muslim, or other, show in their lives the love and compassion and mercy of God. This is the way God wants us to change, to be transformed: by experiencing that love for ourselves, and passing it on to others. This is a long term project – never mind 100 days – in 100 years of lifetime we will not have plumbed God’s love, nor learnt how to love each other in God’s way. But we can be on the way, starting each day with a simple prayer: “God, ill me with your love today” and ending each day with thankfulness and asking forgiveness for our failings. Try it – try it for 100 days and see what happens! ◙ 31 Mobile hairdresser Home: 01454 625310 Mobile: 07887 568954 M.J. BURGESS LTD KINGTON GARAGE Car, Light Commercial, 4 x 4 & Classic Vehicle Repairs Servicing, MOT’s & Repairs Air Conditioning & Diagnostics Kington, Thornbury, Bristol, BS35 1NH 01454 417372 Tel: 01454 412110 Mobile: 07768 453371 I FIX COMPUTERS he Cleaning Centre AJS.Computer.Solutions Self Service Laundry, Service Washes, Fully Finished Dry Cleaning, Duvets & Curtains, Rugby/Football Kits, Wedding Dress Cleaning Specialists. Open: Mon-Fri 9am-6pm, Sat 9am-3pm Alex Shallcross Phone: 07742 596334 Email: ajs.computer.solutions@gmail.com Tel: (01454) 418604 47D Oakleaze Road, hornbury Essential Beauty Treatments By Justine Stofel Tel: 01454 418344 Mob: 07812 029093 Now Open Justine’s Cabin NO JOB TOO SMALL! NO JOB TOO SMALL! DOMESTIC ELECTRICAL WORK SPECIALIST Shellac Nails Spray Tan Lash Perfect Extensions DOMESTIC ELECTRICAL WORK SPECIALIST Relexology Massage Waxing Manicures Call now for a Free esimate & Fast response Pedicures Eyelash/Brow Tinting Facials Call now for a Free estimate & Fast response 01454 412408 or 07801 146847 Hopi Ear Candles Bridal and Special Occasion Make-up 01454 412408 or 07801 146847 No call out charge & No VAT No call out charge & No VAT 32 WHAT’S ON IN JANUARY Abbreviations: AH-Armstrong Hall, CCC-Chantry Community Centre, CH-Cossham Hall, CKCH-Christ the King Church Hall, LCCP-Leisure Centre Car Park, MCH-Methodist Church Hall, OBA-Old Bakery Annexe, RSCP-Rock Street Car Park, SMC-St Mary's Church, SMCH-St Mary’s Church Hall, SPC-St Paul's Church, TBC-Thornbury Baptist Church, TCC-Turnberrie's Community Centre, TH-Thornbury Town Hall, TL-Thornbury Library, TLC-Thornbury Leisure Centre, TMC-Thornbury Methodist Church, URC-United Reformed Church. Fri 1 Sat 2 Sun 3 New Year’s Day New Year’s Ramble, URC, 1.30pm. Tea and cake 3.15pm. Short Service 4pm. Northavon School of Drama, CCC, 9.30am-12.30pm, every term-time Saturday. 884154. Pilates, CCC, 9-10am, every Saturday. Maree Rice 01179 502411. Coffee Morning with Fairtrade stall, URC, 10am-12 noon, every Saturday. Cookery School for Boys and Girls, TCC, 10-11am ages 4-7, 11.10am12.10pm ages 8-11, every Saturday. jo_green29@yahoo.com Thornbury Area Music Centre rehearsals, Marlwood School, various classes, 9.30am-12 noon, every term-time Saturday. 01454 299932 or info@thornbury-music.org Thornbury Litter Busters, Origin Café, TCC, 9.30am. New volunteers welcome. Saturday Family Rhymetime, TL, 11-11.30am, for families with under-5s. Zumba, TCC, 10.30-11.30am, every Sunday. www.zumbathornbury.com. Severnside Ramblers: Winterbourne, a circle of nature reserves, 7 miles. Meet at Aztec West blue zone parking area, 10am. 632134. Family Service, SMC, 10.30am, for all the family, without Holy Communion. KN Accounts & Book-Keeping Services The Financial Solution for both Individuals and Businesses • • • • • Book-keeping/Accounts Tax/VAT PAYE/Payroll Management Credit Control Business Start-up Severn Property Maintenance 549007 No Job Too Small... Free Quotations Nick Antonczyk 24hr plumbing call out service Plumbing and Heating Gas Appliance Servicing and Certiicates Kitchen and Bathroom Installations Tel: 01454 269444 Mob: 07793 122793 E-mail: antonczyk@hotmail.com 01454 6012164 07918 087297 33 Mon 4 Beginning of School Term 3. World Dance Group, CH, 7-9.30pm, every Monday. Hazel 01453 834125. Ballet, CCC, 4-9.15pm, every term-time Monday. 01179 605844. Social Badminton Group, TLC, 8-10pm, every Monday, except Bank Holidays. Delia 416321. Table Tennis Club, Castle School Sports Centre, 6.30-8.30pm, every Monday. 885839. Monday Studio Painting Group, Thornbury Art Club, OBA, 9am-12 noon, every Monday. 260202. Book Start Bear Club Pre-school StoryTime, TL, 2.15-2.45pm, every term-time Monday. 868006. French Level 5, TBC, 7-9pm, every term-time Monday. Sue Dunn, 416503. French, Beginners, CCC, 1-3pm, every term-time Monday. Penelope Boosey 415294 or 414268. Tai Chi, Christ the King School, 7pm, every Monday, Ben Milton. 01179 493955. Mindfulness Meditation, Tockington, 2-3.30pm, every Monday. Lynne Francis, 07787 762747. Life Drawing/Painting Class, Castle School, 6-8pm, every Monday, £5. Shirley 419184. Drop-in service for IT problems, TL, 10am-12 noon, every Monday. Free. Thornbury Hockey Club, Castle School, every term-time Monday, SeptemberMarch. Juniors 6.30-7.30pm, Seniors (Ladies) 7.30-8.30pm. Jo Matthews 07814 511806 or Sara Newman 077084 72158. Wing Chun Kung Fu, TCC, 7-9pm every Monday. 868485. Pilates Class, Manorbrook School, 6.30-7.25pm every Monday. 413898. Thornbury Sea Cadets, Cadet Centre, behind Castle School 6th Form Centre, Gloucester Road, 6.45-9pm, every Monday and Thursday. Precise Pilates, CCC, 6pm and 7.15pm every Monday. Sally Cullum, fully qualiied Certiied Body Control Pilates teacher. 07809 759858. Baby Massage Classes, TCC, 11am-12 noon every Monday. 868485. Zumba Adults, TCC, 6-7pm every Monday. 868485. Jigsaw, group for families with children with additional needs, SMCH, 1.30-3pm every term-time Monday. Tor Goodman 413779. Bristol Speakers Club, BAWA Leisure Centre, Southmead Rd, Filton, 7.30pm, alternate Mondays from September-April. Stuart Henderson 01275 463055. Spanish Class resumes, CCC. 6pm. 34 35 J.PAYNE CARPENTRY SERVICES Charity: 1022411 Charity: 1022411 Rainbow Teddie Pre-School Manorbrook Primary School Park Road, Thornbury BS35 1JW Tel: 01454 867231 ‘Learning to play.....playing to learn’ ‘Learning to play.....playing to learn’ Places available for children aged from 2.5 to 4.5 yrs old Places available for children aged from 2.5 to 4.5 yrs old Visit us at: www.rainbowteddies.org.uk Visit us at: www.rainbowteddies.org.uk Contact: Nanda Lee - rainbowteddiespreschool@gmail.com Contact: Nanda Lee‐ rainbowteddiespreschool@gmail.com ¡ ¢£ ¤ ¥¦ §¨ © ª«¥¦ §¨ ¬¢¢¦ ®¨¨ T¯°¥ ¢£ ±¥²³¦¯ ´¢²µ Fitted ¶§¦·¦¢¸¥¹ ¥· º²»¥ ´§¼ §¥· ¨¢¢¦ ¡ © ®¨¨ ½»¥¦ ¾§¦°¥ ¦¯ ¿¢¦µ¹ À¢ Á¢¸ ¢¢ ±¼§¨¨ Tel Home 01454 412790 Mobile 07788 837778 The UK’s irst rugby speciic play programme for young children For 2-7 year old boys & girls Wednesdays: 9.10am Frampton Cotterell: ½ to 4 year olds 2½ D H Electrical (Thornbury) Wednesdays: 10.45am Thornbury:  ÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊË ÌÍÎÈ Ì ÏÆÐÉÇÈÆÎÆÑ Â ÒÄÅÅÆÎÊÉÍÓ Â ÔÕÑÖÇÈÎÉÍÓ Â ÔÕÇ×ÆÊÈÉÄÕ Ø Testing  ÙÖÈÑÄÄÎË ÚÍÈÛÎÄÄÅ Ø ÜÉÈÊÛÆÕ ÔÕÇÈÍÓÓÍÈÉÄÕÇ ½ 2-3½ year olds Saturday mornings: for 2-7 year olds, Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre - Fault Finding, Modiications, Rewires All work Insured & Certiied to Wiring Regulations T. 0845 313 3250 E: rob@rugbytots.co.uk FREE TASTERS AVAILABLE Free Quotations Tel: 01454 413299 Mob: 07971 617206 www.rugbytots.co.uk Joanna Fletcher S.A.C Dip FHPT S.A.C Dip FHPP We believe You shouldn't have to fight with •Fixing your PC, Mac, Smartphone or Tablet PC • Your Wireless reception • Your Broadband • 1-2-1 Tuition Mobile Foot Clinic Providing professional treatment for problems including: Our skilled engineers will save you the stress of making your technology work. *Corns *Callus *Hard Skin *Fungal and Thickened Nails *Verrucas *Ingrowing Toenails *Nail Trimming *Cracked Hells Call now and relax All in the comfort of your own home! 01454 616365 0743 7994292 or • Advice • Repairs • Training www.yourpcguru.co.uk Fletcherjo@hotmail.com 36 Alveston Gardens Association, Jubilee Hall, Alveston, 7.30pm, Richard Lloyd, “English Terrestrial Orchids”. Visitors £2. Camera Club, TCC, 7.30 for 7.45pm, Clive Dodd, “Something for Everyone”, talk on Somerset Levels landscapes, wildlife, and a year of sports and festivals. Closing date for Competition 3, subject: “Open”. Tue 5 Yoga, CCC, 1.30-3pm and 7.30-9pm, every term-time Tuesday. Prior booking necessary. 412643. Kumon Maths and English, SMCH, 3.30-5.30pm, every term-time Tuesday and Friday. 281037. St Mary’s Baby and Toddler Group, SMCH, 10-11.30am, every term-time Tuesday. Find us on Facebook. Twins+ Club (for families with twins or higher order multiples), SureStart Children’s Centre, Gillingstool, 1.30-4pm, every Tuesday. 269524. Advanced Spanish Conversation, CCC, 10am-12 noon, every term-time Tuesday. Penelope Boosey 415294, or 414268. Chess Club, CCC, 7.30-11pm, every Tuesday. 850814. Tuesday Studio Painting Group, Thornbury Art Club, OBA, 2-4.30pm every Tuesday. 414433. Happy Hands Toddler Group, CKCH, 9.30-11.30am, every Tuesday, also Thursdays. Community Choirs, URC, 9.30-11am, every term-time Tuesday. Liz Martin 07891 036145. Meditation Group, CCC, 7.30-8.45pm, every Tuesday. 415895. Pilates, TCC, 7-8pm, every Tuesday. Jill 07775 514686 or mail@jeatherton.plus.com Drawing Class, CCC, 10am-12 noon, every Tuesday. £5. Shirley 419184. Music Time, Early Years, TCC, 9.30-10.30am, every term-time Tuesday. 868485. Zumba Kids, TCC, 5.30-6.30pm, every term-time Tuesday. 868485. Belly Dancing Class, Function Room, The Swan, High St. Thornbury, 8-9pm, every term-time Tuesday. All welcome. Anna 411661. Zumba. 6pm; Zumba Toning, 7pm; AH, every Tuesday. www.zumbathornbury.com Zumba Gold Class (Age 55+), TCC, 10-10.45am, every Tuesday, also Thursdays. Pauline 07788 424976. Fitness Pilates, Alveston Youth Centre, 11am every Tuesday. 07840 683676. 37 G.V.R. Pitcher & Sons - Olveston LITTLETON UPON SEVERN JOINERY Property Care and Improvements • • • • Local joinery company specialising inDoors, Windows, Stairs, Gates plus more made to order. Carpentry • • Painting Wall Tiling • Garden Tidy-Ups Household Maintenance Fencing / Decking / Sheds Patio Laying • No job too small 07989 208964 01454 619299 pitcherg@hotmail.co.uk Internal Doors, Skirting, Kitchens & Flooring Plus all other aspects of carpentry JOINERY www.lusjoinery.co.uk Contact Dale on– 07949 332156 or email– daleforder@hotmail.co.uk Garden and Outdoor Maintenance LASS DECORATORS Fencing, Patios, Ponds, Drives, Turing, Building work, Gardening, Tree cutting, Painting, Property maintenance, Written recommendations available. No job too small around the house and garden Free estimates l l Fl F l R v l l F 0!" ##$%$& 0#'! #$%!# Call Keith Perry on 078 544 78968 or 01454 856474 Amelia Davies Osteopathy at Castle Estate Agents, 63 High Street, Thornbury, BS35 2AP Back pain, neck pain and headaches Sciatica and trapped nerves All joint problems Sports related injuries Occupational, postural and repetitive strain injuries 07938 322680 www.ameliadaviesosteopathy.co.uk FORGET ME NOT T A Handy Lady to Know Private Personal Assistant / Carer – ÝÞÝßàÝáàâ ãäå åæçèéêå äå äëæ äãã ìæììíäëìî ïêëð ñäòæ óêìôìèëõæåö óêôæë äå òêð÷æ ðäè åæøèíåæ êë êíõ ùñæë ðäè çä äèó úëûäíüæ çíûæëý þä ÿAY ëæüæììêåðý êì éóõ ,ä þEA þ , , üñæüôæõ êëõ ÿè÷éíü íê÷íéíóð úëì æãæåæëüæì üêë ÷æ Iåäûíõæõî ,êéé ,êåäé ö ú òêð÷æ ê÷éæ óä E ÿ öö 38 Thornbury Town Band rehearsal, URC, 7.30-9.30pm, every Tuesday. Please join us. 632041 or www.thornburytownband.com Get Singing Thornbury, TCC, 7.30-9pm, every term-time Tuesday. Philippa, phil@getsinging.co.uk. Daisy Daisy Shop, new or gently used children’s clothes, shoes, books, toys etc. TCC, 11am-2.30pm every term-time Tuesday and Friday. Caroline Elliott 07876 636037. Precise Pilates, Crossways Infant School, 6.15 and 7.30pm every Tuesday. Sally Cullum, fully qualiied Body Control Pilates teacher. 07809 759858. Kick Boxing for Kids, TCC, 6-7pm every Tuesday. 868485. Kick Boxing for Adults, TCC, 7-8.30pm every Tuesday. 868485. Thornbury Gospel Choir, TBC, 6.30-7.45pm every Tuesday. Heather and Emma: gospelgen@googlemail.com Northavon Dolls House and Miniature Club, Alveston MCH, 7.30pm. 501901. F1rst Tuesday, special shopping day in Thornbury. Every month. www.MyThornbury.co.uk/tuesday Thornbury Diabetes Local Support Group, AH, 8pm.885604 or bobbrommage@blueyonder.co.uk Yoga Lattes, 8pm, AH. £5. www.armstrongitness.co.uk Wed 6 Yoga, CCC, 1.30-3pm and every term-time Wednesday. Prior booking 412643. Line Dancing, Christ the King Primary School, Beginners 7-7.45pm, Intermediate 7.45-9.30pm, every Wednesday. Newcomers welcome. Dennis Arney 321729. TMTG Rehearsals, Tytherington Village Hall, 7.30pm, every Wednesday. 632369. Jo Jingles (Music and Movement for 1-5 year-olds), CCC, sessions from 9.45am-12.30pm, every Wednesday. Pamela Macleod 610553. Ballet, CCC, 4-8.45pm. Pre-school class, 1.30-2.30pm, every term-time Wednesday. 01179 605844. French Advanced Conversation, CCC, 10am-12 noon, every term-time Wednesday. Penelope Boosey 415294 or 414268. Stand and Deliver, Children’s Drama Group, Brook Way Community Centre, Bradley Stoke, 5-6.30pm, every Wednesday. 01179 506290. Table Tennis Club, Castle School Sports Centre, 7-9.30pm, every Wednesday. 885839. Solo Dance Classes, Crossways School, 7-8.30pm, every Wednesday. Sixweek courses, £7 per class. Bev 01453 889394 or danceigures.co.uk Lip Reading Class, AH, 1.30-3.30pm, every term-time Wednesday. Mary Hall 07790 283939 or lipreadingmary@yahoo.com Wednesday Welcome Baby and Toddler Group, Tytherington Village Hall, 9.45-11.30am, every term-time Wednesday, £2. 882244. Art Classes, TCC, 7-9pm, every term-time Wednesday. 868485, or Anne Harrison 885532. Advanced French, TBC, 7-9pm, every term-time Wednesday. Sue Dunn 416503. Fitness Class, TCC, 6-7pm, every Wednesday. 868485. Dynamics School of Dance, freestyle disco dancing classes, TCC, 4.305.15pm (age 4-6); 5.15-6pm (beginners age 7-11); 6-6.45pm (beginners, age12+), every Wednesday. Emma 07775 966065. 39 For all your flooring solutions • • • • • • • • Domestic and Commercial 1,000s of samples to choose from Supply and Fit Luxury Vinyl Tiles Carpets Woods and Laminates Cushion Vinyl’s Beds and Mattress Showroom Call in to our showroom at: Unit 1a, Cooper Road, Ind. Est. Thornbury, Bristol, BS35 3UP Tockington manor school a co-educational day and boarding school for 2 - 13 year olds Tel: 01454 613229 www.tockingtonmanorschool.com email: registrar@tockingtonmanorschool.com Tel: 01454 851492 www.prestigelooringltd.co.uk Washingpool Hill Road, Tockington, Bristol BS32 4NY “Making the most of every moment” Faciliies and Rooms for everyone to use Facilities and Rooms for everyone to use • Wedding & Birthdays Paries • Conference & Meeing Rooms Wedding & Birthdays Parties • Computer Suite for Hire • Children’s Conference & Meeting Rooms Holiday Aciviies • Fitness Computer Suite for Hire Classes & Weight Watchers Learning & Evening Classes • Adult Children’s Holiday Activities • Origin café serving hot and cold food Fitness Classes & Weight Watchers Adult Learning & Evening Classes Turnberrie’s, Bath Road, Origin café serving hot and cold food Thornbury BS35 2BB Turnberrie’s, Bath Road, Thornbury BS35 2BB 01454 868485 www.turnberries.co.uk 01454 868485 email: enquiries@turnberries.co.uk www.turnberries.co.uk 40 email: enquiries@turnberries.co.uk 6-8 Thu 7 Pilates, TCC, 6-6.45pm and 7-8pm, every Wednesday. Jill 07775 514686 or mail@jeatherton.plus.com Insanity Classes, CH, 10.30am, every Wednesday. www.armstrongitness.co.uk Coffee Morning, TL, 10.30-11.30am, every Wednesday. Free. 868006. Bridge Club, Alveston Methodist Hall, 7.30-10.30pm every Wednesday. Ralph Smith 01275 840006. Whist Drive, SMCH, 7.30pm, every Wednesday. 416484. Krunch Youth Centre, KC1: young people 11-13 (school years 7,8,9), TCC, 7-9pm every term-time Wednesday, admission 50p. 411514 or penny@krunch.org.uk Zumba, CH, 9.30am, every Wednesday. www.zumbathornbury.com Coffee 10am and Midweek Shoppers’ Service 11am, TMC, every Wednesday. Rugby Tots, TCC, 10.30-11.30am every term-time Wednesday. 868485. Superstrikers, age 2-4 years, TCC, 1-3pm every term-time Wednesday. 868485. Labour Party, CCC, 7.30pm. Thornbury and District Probus Club, Bristol Golf Club, 11.45am. 415448. Christ the King Social Club, Quiz Night, CKCH, 8pm, every 1st and 3rd Wednesday. All welcome. New members to the Club also welcome. Thornbury Art Club, CH, 7.15 for 7.30pm, David Rowlands, illustrated talk on the portrayal of war by British artists 1700-1900, and his own work with the British Army 1984 to the present. Non-members £4. 417236. Calligraphy Tester Lesson, CCC, 7.30-9.30pm. £5. Fiona Mitchell 881545. Snow White, Octopus pantomime, CKCH, 7.30pm. Fri 9th: 11am and 2.30pm. Tickets £6 adults, £5 concessions from RA Bennett, The Plain, or 413783. Ballet, CCC, 4-8.45pm, every term-time Thursday. 01179 605844. Thornbury Running Club, TLC, 6.30-9pm, every Thursday. 868485. Slimming World, TCC, 8.30-11.30am, every Thursday. Bonny Mills. 07544 731250. Beginners French, TBC, 7-9pm every term-time Thursday. Sue Dunn 416503. Thursday Studio Painting Group, Thornbury Art Club, OBA, 1.30-4.30pm, every Thursday. 260202. Weight Watchers, TCC, 5.30-7pm, every Thursday. Sian Miller 01275 790428. Ceroc dancing, a fusion of jive and salsa, no partner needed, AH, 7.45-10.45pm, every Thursday. Beginners and intermediates welcome. Bar open. John 07736 472597. Zumba, 6pm, Fitness Pilates 7.05pm, Zumba 8.05pm, St Helen’s Primary School, Alveston. Sam 07840 683676. Duke of Edinburgh’s Open Award Centre, CCC, 7.30-8.30pm, every term-time Thursday. Alastair Hunter 856025. Yoga, CCC, 7.30-9pm, every term-time Thursday. Prior booking 412643. Al Anon for friends and families affected by an alcoholic’s drinking, URC, 7.45pm, every Thursday. Helpline: 02074 030888, www.al-anonuk.org.uk. Tai Chi, CCC, 10.30am, every Thursday. Ben Milton 01179 493955. Fun Pre-School French Club for 2-4 year-olds, 2pm every term-time Thursday, also Fridays, 10.30am. 079725 91311 or admin@clubs4kids.com for venue. Happy Hands Toddler Group, CKCH, 9.30-11.30am, every Thursday, also Tuesdays. 41 Zumba Gold Class (age 55+), TCC, 10-10.45am, every Thursday, also Tuesdays. 07788 424976. Square Dancing, Manorbrook School, 8pm, every Thursday. Anne 885058 or Sue 778795. Zumba, 6.10pm and 7.20pm, Gillingstool Primary School, every Thursday. www.zumbathornbury.com. Sweetpeas Breastfeeding Support Group, SureStart Centre, Gillingstool, 1.30pm, every Thursday. Lunch Club, Café Origin, TCC, 12.30pm onwards, every Thursday. 868485 or 07735 405175 to book. Art Classes, TCC, 7-9pm, every Thursday. 868485 or Shirley Sharp 419184. Latin and Ballroom Dancing Lessons, CKC School, Easton Hill Road, 7pm, every Thursday. Peter or Belinda Orford 415346. Fitness Pilates, URC, 11.20am-12.15pm, every Thursday. Contact samihutchinson@aol.com Krunch Youth Centre, KC2: young people 14+ (school years 9 and over) TCC, 7-9pm every term-time Thursday. 50p. 411514 or penny@krunch.org.uk Insanity Classes, Gillingstool Primary School, 8.20pm, every Thursday. www.armstrongitness.co.uk Bowls, TLC, 10am to 12 noon, every Thursday. 411349 or 294159. Thornbury Sea Cadets, Cadet Centre, behind Castle School 6th Form Centre, Gloucester Road, 6.45-9pm, every Thursday and Monday. Friendship and Exercise Club, easy exercise and socialising for older people, MCH, 10.30am-12 noon, every Thursday. Amy 07731 451885, or Brian Gardner 862296 or sunwin@blueyonder.co.uk Thornbury & District Museum, History Research Group, URC, 7.30pm. 885087. Farmers Market, St Mary Centre, 9am-1.30pm. 888822. Wesley Guild, MCH, 2.30pm. Town Council Meeting, followed by AH Charitable Trust meeting, TH, 7.30pm. Fri 8 Canasta Club, AH, 2-4pm, every Friday. 416654. Thornbury Dog Training Club, Jubilee Hall, Alveston 7.15pm, every Friday. 416706 or 415063. Weight Watchers, TCC, 9.30-10.30am, every Friday. Sian Miller 01275 790428. Bumps and Babies NCT Playgroup, TBC, 10-11.30am, every Friday. Sandra 07546 256313. Art Therapy Workshops, Tockington, 2-4.30pm, every Friday. Lynne Francis 07787 762747. Your Call Theatre Group (for ages 13-21), URC, 6-8pm, every Friday. Jill or Bay, 413850. Fun, friendship and drama! Music Time, Early Years, TCC, 9.30-10.30am, every term-time Friday. 868485. Fitness Group for adults with learning disabilities, 11am, every Friday. Contact Tom 07738 855144 for venue details. Thornbury Food Bank, TBC, 2-4pm, every Friday. 419118. Bright Stars Soccer Tots, TCC, 4-5pm every term-time Friday. 868485. Thornbury and District Stamp Club, CCC, 7.15 for 7.30pm. Chairman’s Evening: Carlton Jones. Thornbury Wine Circle, AH, 8pm. Pictures of Paris and French wine. 42 Sat 9 Sun 10 Mon 11 Tue 12 Wed 13 Thu 14 Fri 15 Sun 17 Mon 18 Tue 19 Wed 20 Thu 21 Fri 22 Sat 23 Book Start Bear Club RhymeTime for pre-school children, TL, 11-11.30am every term time Friday. 868006. Country Music Club, AH, 8pm, Tanya Taylor. Thornbury Hockey Club, Castle School, 10.30am, 2nds v Avonmouth 2nds. Kids Praise, SMC, 4pm, for children up to 7, and parents. Severnside Ramblers, 10 miles, Arlingham, easy, lat walk on Severn Way, canal paths, meadows, woodland. Meet at Aztec West blue zone parking area, 9am. 416321. Filnore Woods general work morning, 10am-12 noon. Meet at LCCP. Thornbury Rambling Club walk, all welcome. Meet RSCP at 9am to share lifts. Further details from 413924 or visit www.thornburyramblers.org.uk Camera Club, TCC, 7.30 for 7.45pm, In House Evening with Steve Goodfellow and Rob Eschle showing their type of photography. Memory Café, MCH, 10.15-11.45am, Sue Rowley, 412941 or Mary Wilkins 610168. Thornbury Local History & Archaeology Society, SMCH, 7.30pm, John Adnams, “Alveston Deer Park”. Visitors £2.50. Town Council, Environment Committee Meeting, Council Chamber, TH, 7.30pm. Your Healing Space, TCC, 7-8.30pm. 07866 633622. Thornbury & District Townswomen’s Guild, CH, 7.30pm, Joan Flowers, “Women in World War 1”. Competition: World War 1 photograph. Thornbury Lions, CCC, 7.30pm. Thornbury Craft Club, SMCH, 7.30-10pm. Val Trigg 883597. S. Glos Ladies Lunch Club, 12.15-3pm (Oct-March), 3-course lunch, plus speaker or event, Old School Hall, Lower Almondsbury. Liz McLoughlin 311687 or sgladieslunchclub@gmail.com Town Council, Playing Fields and Cemetery Committee, TH, 7.30pm. Thornbury Picture House, I Wish, CH, 7.30pm. Non-members £5 at the door. “At Your Service”, SMC, 4pm, informal worship. Severnside Ramblers, Forest of Dean, 8 miles, moderate winter warmer along good paths/tracks in Cannop Valley. Optional tea at end. Meet Aztec West blue zone parking area, 9am. 01594 845423. Camera Club, TCC, 7.30 for 7.45pm, Tom Crowe Competition, seeing which club has won and looking at the images. Thornbury WI, MCH, 7.30pm. Speaker Gill Leaper, Butterly Space. Sue Horsfall 885043 or Sue Newton secretaryatthornburywi@gmail.com Severn Vale Flower Club, AH, 2pm, Severn Vale All Stars, “Pot Luck”. Competition: Textures of Winter. Farmers Market, St Mary Centre, 9am-1.30pm. 888822. Thornbury and District Museum Geology Group, CCC, 7.30pm. 416882. Thornbury and District Flower Club, MCH, 7.30pm, Practice: Twigs and Things. Thornbury and District Stamp Club, CCC, 7.15 for 7.30pm, Members: Recent Acquisitions. Cliff Clifford 418644. Art History Study Day, CCC, 10.30am-3.15pm. £28. 416291. Thornbury Hockey Club, Castle School, 12 noon, 1st v South Gloucestershire. Concert by local young musicians and Michael Lunts, CH, 2.30pm, followed by tea and cake. Tickets £5 (concessions for children) from TH or 412272. 43 Sun 24 Family Service, SPC. Recital by Hans Hess (guitar) and Joachim Schwander, SMC, 4pm, 07956 556048 or js.organist@gmail.com Severnside Ramblers, 7 miles, Bleadon Levels and Uphill Nature Reserves, pleasant walk, different scenery. Meet at Aztec West blue zone parking area, 9.30am. 01179 334998. Thornbury Rambling Club walk, all welcome. Meet RSCP at 9am to share lifts. Further details from 413924 or visit www.thornburyramblers.org.uk Mon 25 Severn Vale Flower Club, AH, 1.30pm, Practice: Pantomime. Camera Club, TCC, 7.30 for 7.45pm, judging Competition 3, subject, “Open”. Tue 26 Memory Café, MCH, 10.15-11.45am, Sue Rowley, 412941 or Mary Wilkins 610168. South Glos Fibromyalgia Support Group, Alveston MCH, 7-9pm, Singing, Liz Martin. 415374 or 887427. Town Council, Town Development Committee Meeting, TH, 7.30pm. Wed 27 Thornbury Magazine Collation, SMCH from 8.30am. Alveston Local History Society, Methodist Church, Alveston, Rose Wallis, “The Wild West?! Crime and the Commons in Yate, 1790-1830”. Visitors £2.50. St Peter’s Hospice, Severnside Support Group, Winter Warmer Lunch, MCH, 1pm. Tickets £8, from the Town Hall from Tuesday 5 January. Filnore Woods general work morning, 10am-12 noon. Meet at LCCP. Thu 28 Town Council, Finance and Policy Committee Meeting, TH, 7.30pm. Fri 29 The Ken Baily Lecture, Chris Witts, “The Severn Bridge Disaster”, AH, 7.30pm. Tickets £5. Jan Fullman 414022. Sat 30 Thornbury Hockey Club, Castle School, 10.30am, 2nds v Clifton 5ths. Sun 31 Severnside Ramblers, Bath to Kelston, 10 miles, along River Avon and climb to Kelston Round Hill. Good views. Meet at Aztec West blue zone parking area, 9am. 01179 315108. Cymrodorion Society Concert, AH, 7.30pm, doors open 7pm. Tickets £12, available on Tuesday 5 January at the Town Hall. Thornbury Rambling Club walk, all welcome. Meet RSCP at 9am to share lifts. Further details from 413924 or visit www.thornburyramblers.org.uk FEBRUARY Mon 1 Alveston Gardens Association, Jubilee Hall, Alveston, 7.30pm, Dr George Hargreaves, “Out and About with AGA, 2015”. Visitors £2. Camera Club, TCC, 7.30 for 7.45pm, evening to make short AV, no longer than 5 minutes, following a tutorial last December. Fri 5 End of School Term 3. Thornbury and District Stamp Club, CCC, 7.15 for 7.30pm, Visit from Gloucester Philatelic Society. Cliff Clifford 418644. Thornbury Wine Circle, AH, 8pm, AGM. Sat 6 Country Music Club, AH, 8pm, Mike McCoy. All articles and contributions for News Around and What’s On for February to reach Ken Harris by 1 January and for March to reach Pauline Montgomery by 1 February. COLOUR PUZZLE ANSWERS 1. Moscow, 2. Silver, 3. Yellow Brick Road, 4. Poole Harbour, 5. Greengage, 6. Indigo, 7. The Black Sea, 8. Amber, 9. Pink Panther, 10. Snow White. SORRY IF YOUR FAVOURITE COLOUR WASN’T MENTIONED, OR IF YOU INSIST THAT WHITE IS NOT A COLOUR. 44 CHURCH SERVICES ANGLICAN: BAPTIST: St Mary’s Parish Church; Holy Communion 8am, Parish Communion 10.30am, Evensong 6pm. St Paul’s the Hacket: Parish Communion 9.15am. Gillingstool Family Services 9.15am and 11am. (1st Sunday 11am only) Evening Service 6.30pm. Midweek Meetings: Tel: 419118. METHODIST: High Street: Sunday Morning Service 11am. Wednesday Shoppers’ Service 11am. Tel. 418176. ROMAN CATHOLIC: Christ the King, Castle Street: Mass Sundays 8.30am, 11am. UNITED REFORMED CHURCH: Chapel Street: Family Worship and Junior Church 11am. Other services as announced. QUAKERS (SOCIETY OF FRIENDS): Meetings for worship every Sunday 10.30am, The Chantry, Castle Street. Tel: 412603. MORTON BAPTIST CHURCH: Horse Lane, Lower Morton: Sunday Services 10.30am and 6pm. Wednesday 7pm Tel. 07840 333834
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