President`s Thoughts Trip Report:


President`s Thoughts Trip Report:
Volume 17 Number 8 The official newsletter of the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Penguins Booster Club March, 2016
By Kathy Thomas
Where has the season gone? It
certainly seems like we should still
be in the beginning of it since we
haven’t had a winter to contend with.
But here we are in the beginning of
March. We just completed our final
overnight trip to Toronto and
Rochester. The weather was
beautiful, we didn’t even need more
than a heavy sweatshirt for our free
day! Too bad the games weren’t as
good. Oh well, what can we do? We
cheered the team on and had a good
time anyway. Now it is time to look
forward to the playoff run. Hopefully
Trip Report:
By Chip Hanuscik
As our regular season travel
schedule comes to an end, I want to
thank our members who chose to
come on our trips. We have a great
travel group and I appreciate all of
your efforts to be there on time and
keep our trips running smoothly.
Our trip to Portland and Providence
went well in spite of a Noreaster
Storm that threatened to mess things
up. And our members enjoyed the
we can get our boys back from
Pittsburgh in time to make the
playoffs. We are still in first place in
our division but Hershey is creeping
up on us like usual. Albany,
replaced us as 2nd place in the
conference. Everything can change
in a heartbeat. We only have 2 more
trips left in the regular season ……..
Bridgeport in March and then the
kids trip to Lehigh Valley in April.
We still have the awards banquet
coming up in April. Please think
about joining us for a fun filled
evening and wish the guys the best
of luck in the playoffs. Don’t forget
to pick up your daily number tickets
for the month of April. They are
available to sign out or to purchase
at the Booster Club table behind
Section 101 at all home games and at
the General Meeting on March 14. If
you can’t sell any, please at least
stop by and purchase one to support
the club. This is our final fundraiser
of the season.
free day in Toronto as we traveled
north of the border. There are no
new trips on sale this month as we
look to the post season. We are still
taking sign-ups for the Bridgeport
day trip and the kids trip to Lehigh
Valley. And I invite all of our
members to check out the
Association of American Hockey
League Booster Clubs Convention,
always a great time and with the
event being held in Windsor Locks,
Connecticut which is only a short
three and a half hour drive. See Stew
at the Booster Club Table for more
Monday, March 14, 2016
Let’s Go
(Our annual family kids trip, kids go for
the cost of a ticket with an adult member)
Depart Friday, April 15th at 4:30 PM
from the Park and Ride in Pittston.
Game time in Allentown is 7:00 PM.
We will depart right after the game
and should be home by 11 PM.
Cost: $21.00 pp youth (under 18),
$50.00 pp adult, $5 pp adult discount
when paying cash. $15.00 deposit
due at sign-up,
Scheduled guest:
7:30 p.m.
Wilkes-Barre Township Fire Hall—152 Watson St
(cont. to pg.9)
Subject to Change
Board of Directors 2015-2016
Penguin Humor:
Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Penguins
Booster Club
P.O. Box 419
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18703-0419
President Kathy Thomas
Vice President RoseAnn Foy
Recording Secretary Peggy Johnson
Treasurer Wendy Koster
Corresponding Secretary Anne Flasser
Membership Director Dan Mensch
Past Presidents Vicki Silva
Day Williams
Ed Drozdowski
Chip Hanuscik
Newsletter Director Ray Yakobitis
Members at Large Stew Thomas ( )
BC Hotline# 570-602-6332
( )
Tom O’Malley
Trips Chip Hanuscik
Stew Thomas
Follow us on Facebook:
Volunteers Geri Melovitz
The Tip of the Iceberg is the official newsletter of the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton
Penguins Booster Club and is published for web and mail distribution 11
times a year. There is no July newsletter. Articles for each month are due
before the 15th of the previous month. Members should email stories and
news to for inclusion. Upon submission you will
receive a confirming email. If you do not receive this, assume your
submission was not received. Note: Guests shown are tentative and subject to
change. Always consult the Booster Club’s Phone Hotline (570-602-6332) for
last minute changes or follow us on Twitter@wbspbc. The newsletter director
thanks all involved with this newsletter for their time and effort.
Media Relations and Danielle Baker
Web Master Paul Truman
the last jersey. The next one to be
raffled off will be an Autographed
Sahir Gill jersey. A penguin wreath
which has been donated will be
By Peggy Johnson
chanced off late March. We will also
Our next big trip will be over by the be raffling off a lighted BC glass
The WBS Penguins Booster Club
time this article is due. So I must
block . The proceeds from these two
general meeting was held on Feb. 8,
hurry and get this one handed in.
raffles will benefit our favorite mascot
2016 at the Wilkes-Barre Twp. Fire
Canada is calling!!! This time I don’t Tux.
Co. President, Kathy Thomas called
believe we will leave the snow
the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.
behind. At least I hear the fresh 8
There were 36 members in
inches of snow and below zero
weather arrived before us! We leave
Winner to present the Player of
A motion was made by Sharon Sallitt for Toronto 7 am Feb. 19th, Saturday month award for February was
Alex Gorgol.
and seconded by Debby Charnichko is a free day of shopping, resting,
to waive a reading of the minutes. All dining or sightseeing in Toronto.
Sunday we will leave for Rochester
were in favor and the motion was
for a 5 o’clock game. Leaving for
passed. Wendy Koster gave the
The winner of the 50/50 jackpot of
home as soon as the game is over.
Treasurer’s report. A motion was
$42 was Debby Charnichko.
made by Rose Hirel & seconded by
On March 13th, we will travel to
Bob Lenkowski that we accept the
Bridgeport for a 5 p.m. game. We
Dominik Simon Jersey Raffle
Treasurer’s report. All were in favor
will stop at the Danbury Mall for a
and the motion was passed.
leisurely lunch prior to the game.
It was reported that our speaker for There are currently 30 people signed The winner of the Dominik Simon
the evening would be Dominik Uher. up. We need at least 40 people to go. jersey was Ray Yakobitis.
Instead, it was Dominik Simon. We
Our last trip of the regular season is DOOR PRIZES
have some players called up to the
the Kid’s Trip to Lehigh Valley on
NHL and some injured.
April 15th. On this trip an adult
Autographed 2016 All-Star Poster:
member is allowed to bring up to 2
Bob Lenkowski
With all the injuries in Pittsburgh
and on our team, Kathy isn’t sure who youth members for free, paying only
Autographed Coors T-Shirt:
for their admission to the game.
our team is anymore! Congrats to
Meeting Minutes:
former Penguin, Dave Gove for being
named the head coach in Wheeling.
Our first 3 day road trip took us to
Portland for 2 games and Providence
for 1 game. We always worry about
the weather when we travel during
January and February. We had
perfect weather as we left the snow
behind in Pennsylvania. However,
some of us braved the cold on
Saturday to shop in Freeport or Old
Port in Portland. Father Bob only
gave a brief message on Friday and
we feel that is why we didn’t win that
game. But, he did get more in the
spirit after the game and stated that
we should pray harder for us to win
on Saturday. That must have worked!
We won! We were given water and
snacks from the Portland Booster
Club for our trip to Providence. We
left early Sunday morning to stop at a
duty Free in New Hampshire. It had
snowed inProvidence but the roads
were cleaned up and we were given
the go ahead to continue on to the
next game. Maybe we should have
gone home? We left Providence a
little dejected. We arrived in NEPA
to barely any snow on our cars.
Wendy Koster
An email was received from the
Pens 15th Season Coors Light Glass:
Utica Comets Fan Club thanking the
Danielle Uhlendorf
WBS Penguins BC for hosting them on
Jan. 9th. They were impressed!
2 Coors Lite Born in the Rockies
Ballots have been placed in the
Newsletter for members to fill out to
vote for the Player’s Awards to be
given out during the Awards Dinner
on April 12th. Ballots must be
handed in at the Booster Club table
or March meeting. Deadline to vote
is March 29th.
Merchandise orders maybe placed
with Michelle or RoseAnn. Payment
must accompany your order. (Order
Form is on Page. 6 of newsletter.)
There is merchandise available to
purchase from previous years.
Rose Guasto
Geisinger Water Bottles:
Peggy Johnson
FNCBD Ice Scraper: Tom Thakara
Independent Graphics Note Pad:
Debby Charnichko
Jack Williams Tire Frisbee:
Danielle Uhlendorf
2 Frontier Cups: Rich Uhlendorf
Orange PNC Bag: Danielle
If anyone is interested in taking over
Navy PNC Bag: Anne Flasser
the In Memorium Committee, please
see Kathy.
Penguin Coffee Mug: Audrey Kurtz
The jersey raffles are going well.
Melissa Sciortino from Virginia won
Small Penguin Globe: Louisa Sinex
(Cont’d. to page 4)
Dominik Simon
BC Logo Block Light
Pictured above is the BC block light
that is being chanced off at the end of
the season. If you would like a chance
to win it please stop by the BC table
behind Section 101 during any home
game to purchase a ticket or two on this
January Jersey Winner
Our speaker for the evening was Dominik Simon.
Although he is injured now, Dominik was allowed
to speak to the members. His English is quite
fluent. Dominik has been skating since the age of
4 when he went skating 3 days in a row and he
decided that he liked it and so continued.
Dominik explained that his mother does some
cosmetics and works on peoples taxes. He does
have an older sister. He has a girlfriend who is
attending university and did come to visit him
until her visa ran out. He currently lives by
himself and thinks its strange when people look
at him when he is walking to go eat or to the mall.
When the team is on the road he rooms with Reid
McNeil. He gets some of his cooking recipes
from Will O’Neill.
We want to thank Dominik for coming to speak to
the attendance He was very cordial
and entertaining.
Pictured above is the winner of
the Military Jersey that was drawn
in January : Melissa Sciortino
Jersey Winner
February Jersey Winner
Pictured to the left
is the winner of the
Dominik Simon
Jersey that was
chanced off at the
Feb. meeting:
Ray Yakobitis
Pictured above is the winner of
the Autographed Sahir Gill jersey
that was drawn in the month of
February: Olivia Bolsar
WBS Penguins Booster Club
Jersey Raffle
March, 2016
** Autographed Ruopp Jersey**
Buy a Ticket or
1 for $1.00
3 for $2.00 9 for $5.00
Do Not Have to Be Present to Win
Winner will be Drawn at the
March 29, 2016 Game
Pictures from recent
bus trips to Portland
and Toronto. To the
left is some Bear
Cheeks that were seen
in the Bar at Portland
after the game. Does
anyone know who they
belong to?? And on the
right is a picture of the
BC club president with
the Bartender at the
Irish Pub in the hotel in
Toronto. It appeared
that Madame Prez
wanted him to recite
the entire menu to
New Memberships
Get Well Cards to Tom
Harrison, Louisa Sinex,
RoseAnn Foy and Marie
Birthday Cards to Derrick
Pouliot, Tom Kuhnackl, Tom
Kostopoulos, Steve Olesky,
Jean-Sebastien Dea and Tim
(Trip report cont’d. from pg 1)
balance due by April 2nd game.
Limit 2 youth members with each
paying adult member. All youth
members must be signed up with
the club as a youth member.
Price includes bus, ticket and driver
AHL BC Annual Convention
The 52nd Annual Assoc. of AHL
Sympathy Cards to The Family Booster Club’s convention hosted
of Tom O’Malley, Carl Straka by the Springfield Falcons BC will
of Tiger Tours on the death of be held at the Sheraton Hotel at
Bradley Airport in Windsor Locks,
his father and Wendy Koster
on the death of her father.
Thank You Card to the
Portland Pirates Booster Club
for the snacks and drinks for
the bus ride on our recent trip.
The cost this year is only slightly
higher than last year! (S-$360, D$245, T-$210 and Quad-$200).
Parking at the hotel is free. So these
are the total costs if you plan to
 As you know, due to the size
of the Booster Club, greetings attend Friday-Sunday. This price
includes room and taxes for Friday
are not sent for members’
Birthdays, but are noted in the and Saturday nights, a free Friday
night dinner buffet, a Saturday
newsletter each month.
night sit down dinner with choice of
All members are asked to contact
beef, chicken or fish, with a breakme or any member of the board with
fast buffet on both Saturday & Sunany special or sad occasions within
day mornings. That’s a great price!!
our membership, such as:
Room rates for early arrival on Wed.
 Weddings
or Thurs. or late departure on Sun/
Mon are $102.35 inclusive of taxes
 Births
per room, reservations can be made
 Illness or injury
NOW online by going to this link
 Death of a member or their
immediate family member
(mother, father, grandparent, phoning the hotel directly using the
son, daughter, spouse or
code “Association of American
siblings, etc.). I can be
Hockey League” Phone 1-800-325reached by phone at 639-5193 3535 or 1-800-627-5311 (the Hotel
or at Email:
Directly). Please make your
reservations early ASAP as the
excellent rates will be gone on Aug
20, 2016 and nothing can be done to
Corresponding Secretary,
get that rate once it is released!!!
Anne Flasser
March Birthdays
02 Leslie Mills
03 Alicia Gan
04 Michael Lally
06 Debbie Cholko, Joanne
08 Peter Riebe
10 Gale Flaherty
11 Donna Casterline, June
14 Joan Keller
16 Chris O’Shea, Melissa
17 Mack Weisgable
19 PJ Charnick
20 Louisa Sinex
21 Joyce Larson, Mary Ann
22 Kathy Carrera
23 Brenda Weller
24 Debra Bognatz, Donald
27 Pat Evans
30 Heather Kopko
31 Erin Charnick
Don’t forget to stop by the BC
table in Section 101 of the arena to
pick up some lottery tickets to sell
or purchase. The tickets are good
for the whole month of April. If
you can’t get them there they will
be available at the March BC
Next Meeting
Wilkes-Barre Twp Fire Hall
Penguins Booster Club
PO Box 419
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18703-0419
First Class Mail
US Postage
Scranton, PA
Permit No. 168
March 14, 2016
7:30 p.m.
Scheduled Guest (s):
Subject to change
Adults: 279
Youth: 65
Meeting date
Dates of interest:
: 03/14/2016
April 15, 2016
Sept. 9-11, 2016
Lehigh Valley (Kids Trip)
AAHLBC Convention in
Windsor Locks, CT.