Newsletter September 2016 - WB/S Penguins Booster Club


Newsletter September 2016 - WB/S Penguins Booster Club
Volume 18 Number 2 The official newsletter of the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Penguins Booster Club September, 2016
By Kathy Thomas
So the long wait is over and the
schedule is finally out. I hope
everyone isn’t really disappointed in
it. It is no surprise that we are
playing Hershey and Lehigh Valley
12 times each. The Toronto dates are
the biggest disappointment…. a
Wednesday game! I was really
hoping for a trip to Canada
especially since Portland is now out
west. Since the travel schedule is not
so good all we can hope for is a
really great year!!! With the
schedule finally out, things will start
moving fast now. Please watch for
the date of our annual Meet the
Player’s night. We will let you know
as soon as the date is set with Coach
Donatelli. The trip schedule is
posted in this months newsletter.
We will be doing the Daily Number
lottery tickets for the month of
November and tickets should be
available at the September meeting.
We have two sponsors and are still
looking for one more. If you know
anyone who may be interested
please let someone on the board
know. We are also looking for
donations for the Players welcome
bags. Please contact Michelle Alters.
If you are planning to go on any
trips, attending the Meet the Players,
doing a scrapbook…. Remember
now is the time to renew your
a huge hit last season, unfortunately
this season we play them on a
Wednesday (BOO!!!) I was hoping
with the loss of Portland and no
By Chip Hanuscik
addition of a new team we might see
Well fellow boosters, it’s that time
again as the AHL released the 2016- a trip to Charlotte or Cleveland but
no such luck. With teams dwindling
17 schedule. It was only a matter of
in the east, our options are limited. I
hours until Stew and I were on the
phone planning our road trips for the don’t like going to places more than
once in a season if we don’t have to
upcoming season. We both agreed
that the travel schedule is absolutely do that. So Stew and I sorted it out
terrible!! With the loss of teams like best we could. The month of
Manchester, Portland and Worcester October offered nothing for travel so
and no addition of any new teams in our first trip is in November and will
either be a one day or a two day trip
the East, we are relegated to
traveling to the same old barns over based on the opinion of the travelers
and over again. Our Toronto trip was at the September meeting. I know
Trip Report:
Monday, September 12, 2016
membership! Remember April is
elections! Please give some serious
thought about running for an office!
Again, I would like to thank
everyone for your support over the
past few years!!!
Let’s Go Pens!!!
many of you like day trips as that
keeps the cost down, so our first trip
will be a day trip to Bridgeport or we
will add on an overnight stay and go
up to Providence on Sunday
returning home after the game. That
will be up to the majority interested
in this trip. Traditionally we do not
run trips in December as the
holidays always make it so busy on
weekends. We have enough stress
keeping up with hole games. That
puts the next trip in January to
Rochester and Syracuse, this offers
potential to visit a winery and or
doing some shopping at the outlets
in Liverpool
(Cont to pg.8)
Scheduled guest:
7:30 p.m.
Wilkes-Barre Township Fire Hall—152 Watson St
Subject to Change
Board of Directors 2015-2016
Penguin Humor:
Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Penguins
Booster Club
P.O. Box 419
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18703-0419
President Kathy Thomas
Vice President RoseAnn Foy
Recording Secretary Peggy Johnson
Treasurer Wendy Koster
Corresponding Secretary Michelle Alters
Membership Director Dan Mensch
Past Presidents Vicki Silva
Day Williams
Ed Drozdowski
Chip Hanuscik
Newsletter Director Ray Yakobitis
Members at Large Stew Thomas ( )
BC Hotline# 570-602-6332
Rose Guasto (
Doreen Keeler(
Trips Chip Hanuscik
Stew Thomas
Follow us on Facebook:
Volunteers Geri Melovitz
Media Relations and Danielle Baker
The Tip of the Iceberg is the official newsletter of the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton
Penguins Booster Club and is published for web and mail distribution 11
times a year. There is no July newsletter. Articles for each month are due
before the 15th of the previous month. Members should email stories and
news to for inclusion. Upon submission you will
receive a confirming email. If you do not receive this, assume your
submission was not received. Note: Guests shown are tentative and subject to
change. Always consult the Booster Club’s Phone Hotline (570-602-6332) for
last minute changes or follow us on Twitter@wbspbc. The newsletter director
thanks all involved with this newsletter for their time and effort.
Web Master Paul Truman
Meeting Minutes:
him again in September? Members
have shared their pictures with us
and I’m sure there are more to come.
By Peggy Johnson
Committee chairmen gave their
The winner of the 50/50 jackpot of
reports. Some of the committees will $46 was Pat Grublesky.
The WBSPBC held its first meeting of
be looking for help during the
the 2016-17 season on August 8th at
upcoming season. Kathy has placed
the Wilkes-Barre Twp. Fire Co.
sign-up sheets for any members
Kathy Thomas, President called the
wishing to volunteer their time to
meeting to order at 7:38 p.m. There
help out the various committees. We
were 36 members in attendance.
will be in need of someone to chair
the Hosting Committee. Chip has
A motion was made by Mary Kay
resigned from this committee after 16
Yurkavage and seconded by Debbi
Charnichko to waive the reading of
the Secretary’s report. All were in
The Daily Number fundraiser will
favor and the motion was passed.
again in September. Tickets
Brent Gallant Goalie Bobblehead :
There was no Treasurer’s report
will be distributed at the September
Bob Lenkowski
given due to the Treasurer being
meeting. The first drawing will be
absent due to illness.
for the month of November. We are
Jack Williams Frisbee:
still looking for sponsors for the other
Heather Kopko
The various Board members gave
their reports of which are included in 2 months of February and April.
PNC Carryall Bag:
different sections of the Newsletter.
Peggy Johnson
The Welcome Committee is looking
A reminder for members is that it is
for donations for the players bags. If
renewal time for membership dues.
Pair of Jack Williams Koozies:
you know an organization, local
Also, if you have youth members,
Debbie Charnichko
business, or person who would like to
don’t forget to include them.
donate, contact Michelle Alters.
Tux Christmas Nut Cracker:
Michelle is also looking for ideas for
Summer is almost over and Kathy
Karen Burke
reminds us that hockey season is just the veteran players gifts so they don’t
Coors Light Lanyard:
around the corner. We’ll be back to get the same gift every year.
Lisa Mensch
normal life when hockey starts!!
Newsletter ads were due by August
Kathy hopes that we all have had an
1st. If you know of anyone or
Yokohama Keyring:
enjoyable summer. She’ll be glad
business who would like to place and
Anne Flasser
when the heat is over!! Our team has
ad, contact Wendy or Ray.
really changed. We had 9 players
PNC Backpack:
get married over the summer. We
Cindy Bartels will be continuing on
Louisa Sinex
have 2 new assistant coaches and a
as Chairperson of the Scrapbook
new video coach. Will we get to see
Coors Light Hat:
Committee with help from Sue
the Stanley Cup?
Mary Ann Wassel
Matuella. They will be looking for
volunteers (current BC members
Kathy wants to thank all the
whose yearly dues are paid in full) to
members who took Flat Tux on his
WBS Penguins Garden Flag:
sign up to do a players book when
journeys this summer. He certainly
Kathy Carrera
the team roster is available.
has travelled far and wide. He has
PNC Bank Bag: Katie Sorokas
been kayaking, gambling,
We still have some 2015-16 Booster
sightseeing, feasting at the many
Club pins for sale. We are in need of
eateries, checking out breweries and a new design for the 2016-17 pin. If
bars, etc. He has traveled by plane,
anyone has any ideas, please contact
train, car, boat, kayak, bus, trolley,
Kathy or Danielle. You don’t have to
bike, etc. He’s been seen lying on
be an artist. Just give us your ideas
the beach, swimming at the pool,
or suggestions.
camping in the mountains, paddling
on the rivers, watching ballgames,
skating in the rink, dining at famous
restaurants, driving race cars, sitting
up late at night watching the full
(cont’d to page 4)
moon. He’s been to Hawaii. I’m sure
he’ll be fit and tanned when we see
Speaker: Tom Venesky
Members asked many questions one of which
had to do with the new AHL rule concerning
fighting. The AHL wants to cut back on fighting
during the games. This is sad to see. Fighting
has a purpose but the rules may hurt the game.
The enforcer role has changed. Some of the
other rules are good such as there being no dry
scrape before a shootout.
He also talked about the different AHL teams
moving to the West Coast. It’s boring to keep
playing the same teams over and over. Teams
are changing and so is the fan base.
We want to thank Tom for coming to talk to the
members and hope that he comes back again.
He was very interesting and enjoyed by all in
Our speaker for the evening was Tom Venesky,
the WBS Penguins Beat Writer for the Times
Leader. Tom was born in Pittsburgh and moved
here at an early age. He was a Penguins fan and
watched them move their AHL team here. He
watched through the 80’s and 90’s when Bonvie
came through. He followed every practice and
covered the team. He helped Bombulie at the
Citizen’s Voice for 3 years before going to the
Times Leader.
When you cover the team you develop a
relationship with them. He stated that you can’t
let the fan in you not report the news! Tom has a
farm and has had Steve McIntyre help him out.
He has had Clark Donatelli join him on different
occasions to fish.
October 15th can’t come soon enough!!!
Tom stated that last years team faced a lot of
adversity. They start with a new coach and lost
him within a few months, They saw another
coaching switch through it was short-lived at
Christmas time. A lot of the team members
were getting called up and different players
were getting a chance to showcase their skills in
the NHL. There were call-ups from Wheeling
that were proving that they could fit in the AHL.
We were going through goalkeepers like
sponges. We made it to the playoffs with half of
our team playing in the NHL. We lost in the
second round but not until going to overtime in
game 7. The game could have gone either
way. But, our black aces continued on to
Pittsburgh to watch the rest of our team succeed
and win the Stanley Cup.
New BC Pin for 2016-2017
IT is also time to start thinking about the
logo for our new BC pin. If anyone has
any ideas or knows of anyone who has an
idea for a new pin please submit your
suggestions to Dan Mensch or any board
member. You do not have to be an artist
or know how to draw. Just a simple idea
would be accepted. Thank you!!!
The Wilkes-Barre Scranton
Penguins BC is in need for
some person / persons or
business, etc. who would
like to sponsor the Club’s
Daily Raffle Tickets for the
coming year. The cost is
about $75 and your name
or business would be listed
on the tickets. If you are
interested or know of
someone who would like to
be a sponsor please
contact Kathy Thomas.
Thanks !!!
It is that time of year again…… time to
renew your membership in the WBS
Penguins Booster Club. For a mere
price of only $15 you will receive 11
months of functions, the newsletters and
club meetings where you can meet
your favorite team player. You can
renew anytime starting this month or at
the September Booster Club Meeting.
Don’t forget that when renewing your
membership to include any children
names so that they can be included on
the kids list.
More Adventures of Flat Tux—-2016
Welcome Committee
The 2016-2017 season is just around the corner and what that means
is it’s time to start getting ready for the player’s return. This year we
are doing things a little differently. Each player and staff member will
still get the duffel bag, new players will get the bags, blankets, and
contour pillows, but we need some new ideas for our returning guys.
Last year we got them a portable charging bank that charges a cell
phone and a tablet at the same time. The guys seemed to love those.
Now I haven’t seen any sort of roster so I don’t know who exactly we
have returning to our team so I’m not sure if we should get the
charging banks for returning players this year. If anyone has any
ideas of what we can possibly get the returning players and staff
members please let me know. You can email me at As for donations, if you know of a
local business that has donated in the past or would be interested in
donating this year, let me know. I can get you a request for donations
letter to pass on. Last season the club was gracious enough to have a
small fund raiser to help raise money for the items in the bags, but if
anyone would like to donate items such as snack foods, toiletries,
hand sanitizer, or anything else you feel the guys can actually use
sure it would be greatly appreciated. Cash is always good as well
since I do get a lot of their snack foods from Sam’s Club. If anyone
would like to be part of the committee there will be a sign up sheet at
the next General Meeting. If you cannot make the meeting and would
like to help please email me and I’ll add you to the list. Thank you and
enjoy the rest of your summer!!
Michelle Alters, Chairperson
Newsletter Mailings!!!!
It’s that time of the year again! Volunteers
are needed to do scrapbooks for the players.
If you are interested in doing a Scrapbook for
the coming year please get in contact with
Cindy Bartles by calling her at 570-342-0123
or you can contact her through email:
It’s that time...time to renew
your membership. All of the
Memberships are good through
the end of June. The mailing
addresses with 3(***) asterisks
after them need to be renewed
for next year August, 2016 thru
June, 2017.
New Memberships
Get Well Cards to Chad
Spencer, Mike Jennings, Chris
Romanowski and Rick Reiser.
Sympathy Card to Sandy
Connell on death of her father.
INCOMING included:
As you know, due to the size
of the Booster Club, greetings
are not sent for members’
Birthdays, but are noted in the
newsletter each month.
All members are asked to contact
me or any member of the board with
any special or sad occasions within
our membership, such as:
Illness or injury
Death of a member or their
immediate family member (mother,
father, grandparent, son, daughter,
spouse or siblings, etc.). I can be
reached by phone at 570-262-1330 or
at Email:
Corresponding Secretary,
Michelle Alters
Trip Report (Cont’d from pg. 1)
on the way to Syracuse
that as those extras are not a
guaranteed part of the trip. The
trip will consist of two hockey
games and an overnight stay.
People sometimes get mad if we
have to alter plans due to the
weather and think they are
getting “cheated” out of
something on a trip. Please keep
in mind anything beyond the
games are extras and are not
guaranteed as part of the trip. In
February we will have an
overnight trip to Albany and
Springfield coming home on
Sunday. In March we will offer
our annual youth trip to Lehigh
Valley where youth members can
go on the trip for just the cost of a
ticket. It’s our way of making it
affordable for families to take in a
road trip without breaking the
bank. Lastly, since the Portland
Pirates are no more and I know
how much our group loves to go
to Portland, we will take an
extended trip as the weather
starts to break in April, leaving
on a Thursday, having Friday and
Saturday in Maine to explore
places like Freeport, Bar Harbor,
and Kennebunkport. We will
have free time in Portland to do
usual Portland things and on
Sunday, we will hit our Penguins
as they play in Providence. I
hope we get a good response for
this trip as it promises to be an
awesome time to explore more of
the great state of Maine. As
always, trips will go on sale at
monthly meetings first, then at
the games after that. Just to
clarify, we board the bus in the
order you sign up. So if you’d
like a better seat preference,
come to a meeting and sign up
early to get higher up on the list.
Also, we allow board members
(along with their roommates) to
board first as these people give
their time to help our BC remain
the best club in the AHL, this is
just a small perk to say thank you
September Birthdays
01 Stewart Thomas
07 Sharon Hurtt
10 Amelia Nankivell
14 Kristen Holland
19 Debbie Charnichko
20 Rosemarie Hirel
21 Vincent Aleo
23 Alexandre Silva
25 Mary Jo Holland
28 Geri Melovitz
for their efforts. No trips will go
on sale in September as we have
to decide if the November trip
will be one or two days. Let’s
cheer our Penguins on to victory
as we enter the 2016-17 season!!
(Contd to page 9)
2016-17 WBS Penguins Booster Club Travel
November 5 or 5,6, 2016
Bridgeport, CT (Day Trip) or add Providence for an
January 13 & 14, 2017
Rochester and Syracuse, NY (2 games) come home
Saturday night.
February 17 to 19, 2017
Albany, NY and Springfield , MA (2 games) coming
home Sunday.
March 25, 2017
Lehigh Valley for our annual kids trip.
April 6 thru 9, 2017
Portland, Maine (3 days, 3 nights) Tour of Maine
(Freeport, Bar Harbor, Kennebunkport) and to
Providence, RI on the way home for a Sunday 3PM
We have a trip going on sale in September, we didn’t have a chance to see the Stanley
Cup Champion Pittsburgh Penguins in Pittsburgh, but we were able to get lower level
tickets to the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia to see the Pens take on the Flyers. We
need at least 35 travelers to make this trip work so if you are interested, make sure to
come to the September meeting to sign up. If you can’t make it to the meeting, contact
Stew via email with a phone number to get a credit card for deposit. And yes, we will
welcome our members who may support our Pens but cheer for the Flyers. Don’t miss out
on this chance to see a great rivalry at an affordable price. Here are the details.
Pittsburgh Penguins vs Philadelphia Flyers
Depart, Saturday, October 29th at 2:00 pm from the Park and Ride in Pittston. Game
time in Philadelphia is 7:00 pm. We are allowing for traffic. If we get there early, you
will have time to get a drink or eat at nearby restaurants in Xfinity Live
( before the game. We will depart right after the game and
should be home by 12:30 am.
Cost: $190.00, $5 per person adult discount when paying by cash. $100.00 deposit
due at sign-up, balance due at October 15th home game (regular season opener).
Price includes bus, lower level ticket at Wells Fargo Center and driver tip.
Next Meeting
Wilkes-Barre Twp Fire Hall
Penguins Booster Club
PO Box 419
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18703-0419
First Class Mail
US Postage
Scranton, PA
Permit No. 168
September 12, 2016
7:30 p.m.
Scheduled Guest (s):
Subject to change
Adults: 84
(Current Renewed
Youth: 18
Dates of interest:
Meeting date
Now: Time to renew membership in BC for $15 .
Sept. 9-11, 2016 AAHLBC Convention in
Windsor Locks, CT.
Oct. 15, 2016 Opening Night
Nov. 5, 2016 Bridgeport, CT.
Jan. 13,14, 2017 Rochester, NY and Springfield,
MA (2 games)
March 25, 2017 Lehigh Valley (Kids Trip)
April 6 to 9, 2017 Portland, ME (3 days, 3 nights)
game in Providence, RI Sunday at 3PM
: 09/12/2016