205 C hurch Street Wytheville V A 24382 A ddress Change Requested
205 C hurch Street Wytheville V A 24382 A ddress Change Requested
205 Church Street Wytheville VA 24382 Volume 63 Number 1 January 2016 Address Change Requested YOUR CHURCH STAFF Wytheville Baptist Church ....................................228-3712 E-mail Address, Office .......... office@wythevillebaptist.org ............................................. wythevillebaptist@yahoo.com Rev. Danny Collins, Interim Pastor .......................228-3712 Cathy Valley, Interim Music Director ...................228-3712 Judy Collier, Pianist/Organist ................................228-3712 Bonnie Wright, Youth Director .............................620-9406 Jan Stone, Secretary/Treasurer ..............................228-3712 WHAT’S IN THE NEWS Pg. 1-2 Pastor’s View Pg. 3 Notes from the Interim Music Director Pg. 4-6 Youth News Pg. 7 WMU & Young-at-Heart Pg. 8 Baby Shower Pg. 9 Monthly Schedule Pg. 10-11 Calendar Pg. 12 Prayer Requests Pg. 13 Library Notes Pg. 14-15 Outreach Pg. 16 Church News Pg. 17-18 Thank You Pg. 19 Wednesday Night Bible Study A VIEW FROM YOUR INTERIM PASTOR JANUARY 2016 Yes—I actually typed “2016” and like you I am amazed how fast the time with you has passed. I completed nine months as your Interim Pastor at the end of December. Now we are ready to begin a New Year together. Looking at the calendar for January you can see—as always—we are a very busy church. The big thing I am going to be working on in January involves some adjustments to our Constitution and ByLaws. I have tentatively set a meeting with the Constitution Team for January 12. During this meeting we want to look at some possible changes for the betterment of the church and to help prepare the congregation and the new Pastor, when one is called, for a smooth transition. in January and part of February. WEDNESDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY Last—None of us can foresee what the weather will be like in January. If inclement weather prevents us from Sunday or Wednesday services you will be notified, but we must work even harder to keep our Sunday School and Worship attendance growing and moving forward. Join us every Wednesday night at 6:00 p.m. for supper and then stay for the Wednesday Night Bible Study beginning at 6:40 p.m. Interim Pastor Danny Collins has led us through some wonderful Bible studies and is continuing to lead us in 2016 with a deeper commitment to God and our church. Look at and ponder the title and topics we will be studying in Phase III of Pastor’s theme “Wytheville Baptist Church under Spiritual Reconstruction”: Also in January—Phase III of my Interim Pastor Theme, “Wytheville Baptist Church under Spiritual Reconstruction” begins. The topics for our Wednesday Night Bible Study and Pat and I thank you my Preaching are entiagain for your support, tled “Seven Pathways to your generosity, your a Deeper Commitment.” Before we love, and acceptance. We love you talk about a deeper commitment of all so very much! course we must discuss where our Interim Pastor Danny deficits are. It is interesting that Christ laid these out in His teaching to His disciples and those that followed Him while He was on earth. We will travel through these seven Seven Pathways To A Deeper Commitment The topics are: Does The Church See the Need for a Deeper Com Dear Cathy, Judy, Daniel and the entire Choir. I was very honored to be involved and to witness such a great Ministry of Music yesterday (December 20). I was deeply moved and realized how hard all of you worked to do this Cantata with such grace and beauty. Cathy—we are fortunate to have you and your leadership! Several commented after service, "This was the best Cantata we have had in years." I agreed with them—even after serving Fairlawn for all of those years. Thanks seems so small but it comes from my heart. I am honored to serve as your Interim during this wonderful Christmas Season. Danny W. Collins Interim Pastor mitment? What Will A Deeper Commitment Cost? Deeper Commitment Requires an Evaluation of our Vision A Deeper Commitment Requires An Adjustment in My Priority List A Church That Wants a Deeper Commitment— Knows Their Pastor A Deeper Commitment Requires Respect For Other's Ideas and Opinions A Deeper Commitment Means We Pray About Everything Before We Act. Phase III will run January 3 through February 14. Bring your Bibles and join us. You don’t want to miss any of these studies. “THANK YOU” written by Karen Kogler February 21, 2011 http://share.ctainc.com/2011/02/21/thank-you-a-free-devotion/ Imagine that no volunteers showed up for their responsibilities next Sunday morning. Your pastor would still proclaim God’s Word. You might have a staff professional to play a keyboard, leading you in singing God’s praise (but probably not a praise band or choir). It might be hard to find a service folder or bulletin as you arrived, and as you left, you might have to look for a way to leave your offering. It’s likely children’s programs and other opportunities for Christian education would need to be cancelled. And you probably wouldn’t have coffee to sip or munchies to share... As I was thinking about all this, I read Paul’s words in Romans 12:1: Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God — this is your spiritual act of worship. This verse forms a bridge between the doctrine or teaching that the apostle has already outlined and the life-application he is about to make. He calls us to give our entire selves and all we say, do, and think to God in response to his mercy. Doing that is worship. Paul’s words gave me a new way to view the many volunteers at my church. These people come, not only to worship, but also to serve. They’re a physical reminder, a picture of the truth that worship and service go hand in hand, all day, every day. So to all of you who volunteer, whether you fold bulletins, play an instrument, usher, sing, greet, or clean up doughnut crumbs and coffee grounds after everyone leaves, thank you! If you teach or unlock the doors, thank you! If you count the offering or straighten the chairs, thank you! Whatever your service, thank you for adding service to your worship. Thank you for worshiping by serving! Thank you to all our WBC Volunteers. NOTES FROM THE INTERIM MUSIC DIRECTOR Happy New Year!! The notes from the Interim Music Director for January 2016 are "Thank-you" notes. I am so blessed by the faithfulness and dedication of Adult Choir Members and Handbell Choir Ringers. Thank you to each one for your part in making the Christmas music such a blessing to me and our church family. "Lead Me Back to Bethlehem" was a gift of praise to God. Thank you to the Adult Handbell Choir for leading in worship in December and for your beautiful presentation on Christmas Eve. As always, we want to thank Daniel and the Multi-Media Team for sharing their time and gifts for all the extra programs throughout the holidays. We are so grateful to Judy for her work with the choir and congregation, for the beautiful music she has provided each Sunday. Thank you to Mary Graham for playing for our church on very short notice. We are blessed to have so many talented members of our church who are willing to devote their time and talents to the glory of God. January is a great time to join the Adult Choir or the Handbell Choir. If you would like to share your gifts with us, just let me know. The qualifications are a desire to sing and/or ring, and a commitment to attend rehearsals and services. Thank you for the privilege of serving, Cathy Valley Pictures by: Gray Carson, Bland, VA Although Resurrection has become a large gathering over its 30-year history, the focus of the event has remained constant: the individual young person and his or her response to Jesus Christ. We recognize the leadership of their parents, their peers, their leaders in their local churches, and youth groups to grow in radical discipleship that can change the world. 2016 Dates January 22-24, 2016 Theme From Death to Life Verse Romans 6:13—”Do not let any part of your body become an instrument of evil to serve sin. Instead, give yourselves completely to God, for you were dead, but now you have new life. So use your whole body as an instrument to do what is right for the glory of God THE SPEAKER Fred Lynch: Fred is a dynamic communicator whose heart desire is to take the expressions of this generation and use them to glorify God through relevant, relatable, and radical truths. At the age of 18 he founded P.I.D. (Preachers in Disguise) one of the first gospel rap acts and went on to record 6 albums. Fred lives in Dallas, Texas, with his wife of 24 years and their two children. WORSHIP ARTIST Bellarive: A unique band that has a passion for worship that is immediately apparent. CONCERT Chris Tomlin: Chris is undoubtedly one of the most successful songwriters of our generation, as well as the most humble. For over a decade, Chris has been providing the soundtrack for Sunday morning worship services around the world. One Life-Changing Weekend! I want to give you all a heart-felt thanks for the love and support that you have shown me and my family during this past year. The love offering I received on Wednesday night (December 16) was greatly appreciated. I love being your "in-house" chef. It is a way of serving all of you and being a part of a wonderful fellowship. Please know that I value each and every one of you and I will always try to serve you and the Lord. Janet Montgomery Dear Church Family, Thanks for the really nice fruit basket and to George and Wanda Ham for delivering the basket. I am enjoying the fruit very much. I am so happy to call Wytheville Baptist “My Church.” You would not find better friends anywhere. Thanks and love, Mary Hall Dear Wytheville Baptist Church, Thanks for the lovely fruit basket. It certainly will be enjoyed through this holiday season. Thanks for your thoughtfulness, Mary Graham Dear Church Family and Deacons, Thank you Guy and Linda for delivering a beautiful fruit basket to my home and for the nice visit and for replacing the batteries in my smoke alarm. Thanks again, Adren Eldridge Dear Deacons and Church Family: I have greatly enjoyed the wonderful fruit basket. Special thanks goes to Tommy Hilton for delivering it and his visit with me. I am so blessed to part of a wonderful church family. Love, Doris Terry Dear Wytheville Baptist Church, Thank you for all your kindness shown to me and my family over the past ten years. You never fall to amaze me at your loving and giving spirit. Thank you for the beautiful fruit basket; it was greatly enjoyed. I pray for God’s rich blessings on the WBC congregation in 2016. Love to you all, Jan Stone TITHING ENVELOPES Our Offering Envelopes for 2016 will be ready for pick-up January 17. The boxes of envelopes will be placed on the table in the main hallway under the Library window. The boxes will be in numerical order and an alphabetical list of names will be provided with assigned envelope numbers. If you cannot find your box or do not have an assigned tithing number and would like one, please contact the church office at 228-3712. Highlights from “Family Night at Christmas” Wednesday, December 16, presented by Higher Ground Youth Group and Interim Pastor Danny Collins. RECORDS OF CONTRIBUTION You will receive your record of contribution for 2015 by January 15. If you do not receive your statement, or if there are errors, please contact our Financial Secretary, Betty Matheny, or the church office. PRAYER LIST “Bitter” presented by Higher Ground Youth. Directed by Bonnie Wright, Youth Director Our prayer list published in our bulletins and Beacon has become very long. Some on our prayer list have inadvertently been left on the list after our prayers for them have been answered. Therefore, we would like to purge the list and start fresh. We ask you to carefully look over the list of names and if there is someone you would like left on the prayer list, please call the church office and advise. All other names will be removed from the list the last of January and a new list will be published in our February Beacon and bulletins. We thank everyone who sacrificially stood in the gap for others. E-MAIL PRAYER CHAIN If you are not part of our e-mail prayer chain, but would like to be, please contact the church office at 228-3712. This has been a wonderful tool for our congregation, friends, and the community to keep up with prayer requests, announcements, cancellations, pleas for help, and so much more. Pictures by: Gray Carson, Bland, VA “Buford and Coach Beamer” written by Brad Collins, arranged and played by Interim Pastor Danny Collins The December 2015 Newsletter of HOPE PACKS a Program of HOPE, Inc. featured an article written by Mike Pugh, Program Coordinator, thanking all the folks who helped with HOPE PACKS. He states, “They are the exact people you want to know and I proudly call them all my friends. Since school began, over 730 volunteers have participated giving over 750 hours of their time and have packed and sent home over 8,450 HOPE PACKS for our children. Their purpose is very simple, to make sure our children have food on the weekends. How wonderful is that!” He goes on to say that among others one of the most frequent volunteers that HOPE PACKS has is Wytheville Baptist Church Youth Group. Can you name the volunteers from WBC in the picture? Children’s Clothes Closet The winds are blowing and it’s cold outside. WBC Children’s Clothes Closet has winter clothes to keep the children warm. These children’s clothes are free and we always have new families that utilize this ministry. If you have any new or gently used children’s winter clothes, shoes, new underwear, t-shirts, or socks bring them to the clothes closet down stairs next to the nursery. If you would like to make a monetary donation, please earmark your check “Children’s Clothes Closet” and place it in the offering plate. The Children’s Clothes Closet will be open Thursday, January 28, from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. COMMUNITY FOOD KITCHEN The Community Food Kitchen is open every Monday and Thursday from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for those who are in need of a meal. Front row: Vanessa Lopez, Victoria Willis, Diana Lopez, Lynn Arnold, Noah Willis, Sarah Osburn, Libby Osburn. Back row: John Willis, Luis Lopez, Katie Wright, Bonnie Wright, Anita Osburn, Alisha Osburn, Daniel Burke, Lola Rogers. “To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.” ~~Martin Luther~~ If you would like to help feed those less fortunate, please consider sending a check to Hope Ministries, P.O. Box 987, Wytheville, VA 24382, and earmark your check “Community Food Kitchen.” Spread the Word of God by telling others to listen to the Sunday morning message by logging onto: www.wythevillebaptist.org then click the Sermons tab. Once there, people will find each Sunday’s sermon plus all the previous sermons of past months. Thank you to our Multi-Media Team Leader, Daniel Burke, for providing this link for us to enjoy. Kathryn Isaacs and Mabel Crabtree Circle News DON’T FORGET OUR BENEVOLENCE OFFERING The purpose of the Benevolence offering—to help others in need. Last month you helped: Four families with gas for their car One person with a room for the night Two families with their water bill We will receive a Benevolence offering Sunday, January 3, following our worship service. We ask that you once again give from the heart. This offering is never hoarded up or put in a savings account, but always used to help others for the glory of God. Thank you for giving from the heart. AGAPE FOOD PANTRY Please bring canned fruits and vegetables for the months of January, February, and March to help feed those in need in our community. Please, no glass containers. WBC considers it a privilege to help the Agape Food Pantry distribute food on the second Saturday of every month beginning at 10:00 a.m. and the fourth Thursday of each month beginning at 12:00 p.m. If you would like to be part of this vital ministry, please contact Chris and Rhonda Bracknell or Guy and Linda Sutphin. Our December Christmas Dinner was wonderful. The food and fellowship were delightful. We had great fun while exchanging our Christmas ornaments. Thank you to all our ladies and their spouses or friends for attending this special event. Our next Circle meeting will be on the 4th of January at 6:30 p.m. in the home of our hostess, Betty Robinette. Gena Anders will provide the program, and the Mission Action Project will be “Agape.” Tanks to all our members. Ladies we extend an invitation to those who are not members, “Come join us!” Janet Montgomery YOUNG-AT-HEART On Tuesday, December 15, our Young-at-Heart group had a great Christmas Potluck Luncheon. There was a variety of food plus very tasty desserts. We enjoyed our meal together, had devotions, played some Christmas games, and talked about the new year. Our January meeting will be on Tuesday the 19th at 12:00 p.m. We will meet in Williams Fellowship Hall. As we did last year, you get to take part in the program. Aren't you excited? Come prepared to share a funny short story, a poem or clean joke, a special devotional, or song that will inspire everyone. I’m confident each one of you can come up with something special and I also have a few things up my sleeve. Looking forward to seeing everyone over 50 at our next meeting. Don't forget to bring your bag lunch. Drinks and desserts will be provided. Carroll Stewart YAH Chairperson You are invited to a Baby Shower for Susan Morgan Johnson Saturday, January 16, 2016 Williams Fellowship Hall 2:00—4:00 p.m. The Johnsons are choosing to be surprised as to the gender of their unborn child. They are registered at and Target. FEBRUARY 2016 BEACON ARTICLES All February Beacon articles, announcements, meetings, events, times, etc. need to be turned in to the church office no later than Monday, January 18. Thank you for your help in this matter. We have two books written by when he was in high school; John Collier, one of our newest years later, at a Bill Gothard church members. He seminar. John decided has spent about forty to change his priorities years serving God in and put God first. But Belize. This first book it wasn't until that is fiction titled Above fateful day when his The Thorns: Encourplane went down in agement, Hope, and Belize, Central AmeriMiracles. This is a ca, that John acknowlheart warming story of edged the call to fullBobby, a boy who had time ministry. Mr. no self worth and then Collier didn't know lost all hope after his that much of what he John Collier parents' deaths. Just has done in his life when he thought he had "couldn't be done." He no one to turn to, miracles just went ahead, put his faith in started happening through a God, and did the amazing and truck driver, a couple who lost impossible. This is a story to their son, and a host of other build your faith and encourage people who helped him rise you to ministry in reaching the above the thorns in his life. lost. His stories of life in the Their compassion impacted not jungles, villages, and cities of only his life, but their life as Belize will appeal to your sense well, illustrating how daily acts of adventure and demonstrate of kindness can produce enGod at work in very real ways. couragement, hope, love, and It is John's hope that his story yes even miracles. will inspire yours and that you'll seek God's bigger plan Two Minutes to Live is a nonfor your life—before your fiction book written by John E. plane crashes. Collier. God first got his attenCarroll Stewart tion at a Billy Graham Crusade ROANOKE MEMORIAL: Sylvia McGhee, Room 818 HOME: Brett and Cindy Booher, John Collier, Jean Moore, Nancy Herndon, Velma Roberts, Cathy Brown, Rosalene “Posey” Heath, Trooper Jim Porter, Joel Campbell-Hilton, JoAnn Campbell EXTENDED CARE: Linda Osborne, Henrietta Price, Frankie Massey, Mary Evelyn Whitt, Mary Alice Turpin, Margaret Moore FAMILY: Delores Dove’s daughter, Deloris Romaro; Dan and Betty Robinette’s son, Daniel; Jackie Carson’s sister, Fran Edgar; Rick and Brenda Tucker’s grandson, Marc Lloyd; Glenna Turner’s granddaughter, Catlin Woodington; Jim Spraker’s cousin, Don Shipley; Colleen Dunford’s daughter-in-law, Kym; Linda Lively’s mother, Betty Smith; Cathy Valley’s mother, June Taylor; Veronica Lopez’s mother, Maria Hernandez FRIENDS: Dr. James McConnell, Fern Huff, Patrick Miller, Carol Quesenberry, Michael Blankenship, Sara Wingard, Kim Mitchell, Gary Cassell, Lynn Perry, Kay Hedricks, Devin Purdue, Hunter Ingo, Shelia Tiller, Jasmin, Callie Jones, Mack Ward, Rev. David and Becky Plott, Bland Ministry Center THOSE SERVING IN THE ARMED FORCES: Dr. Josh Armentrout, Zachary Taylor, Gregory Carson, Thomas Munsey, Ryan Shupe, Kevin Dalton, Benjy Bird, Cory Todd, and all the others who serve our nation PASTORAL CARE: Our Interim Pastor, Rev. Danny Collins, is accessible for any pastoral need. If you would like to make an appointment with Rev. Collins, please notify our church secretary, Jan Stone, by calling the church office at 228-3712. If you call before 9 a.m., after 5 p.m., or during lunch hour; please leave a message. For pastoral emergencies at night or during weekends, please call the Deacon of the Week. January 6: Lasagna, French Bread, Toss Salad, Banana Pudding January 13: Pinto Beans and Cornbread, Cole Slaw, Macaroni and Cheese, Cookies and Ice Cream January 20:Broccoli Cheddar Chicken, Mixed Fruit and Cottage Cheese, Rolls, Heath Bar Cake January 27: Chili, Baked Potatoes, Toss Salad, Broccoli and Cheese, Peach Fluff. Sunday, January 3: Monday, January 11: Tuesday, January 12: Wednesday, January 13: Monday, January 18: Wednesday, January 20: Tuesday, January 25: January Birthdays 1 Wanda Hamm Maria Stoker Travis Jackson Bryson Booher Logan Tate 3 Rusty Mullins Dan Moore 5 Chris Bracknell Glenna Turner John Claypool 6 Pauline Moore Mary Alice Turpin Pastor Search—6:00 p.m. Worship Team—7:00 p.m. Constitution Team—7:00 p.m. Equipping Team—2:00 p.m. Deacons’—7:00 p.m. Church Business—6:40 p.m. Leadership Council—7:00 p.m. 7 8 9 10 13 14 16 19 Susan Cutler Jesus Esquivel Lisa Long Collin Phillips Virginia Halsey Keith Dunagan Mary Hall Tabitha Duncan Kenneth Moore Anthony Morris Sarah Osburn Marty Dunford Brenda Tucker Cynthia Inman-Willis George Hamm 22 Chip Painter 23 Linda Lively Sara Wingard 24 Buster Akers 25 Beverly Burke 26 Rick Tucker 27 Jonathan Stoker Patrick Spradlin 28 Adren Eldridge Alex Dunford 30 Amanda Phillippie 31 Cathy Valley Michelle Weese NURSERY 10:30 AM January 3: Nursery Worker January 10: Nursery Worker January 17: Nursery Worker January 24: Nursery Worker January 31: Nursery Worker DEACON OF THE WEEK January 3: Chris Bracknell January 10: John Claypool January 17: Eric Crowgey January 24: Guy Sutphin January 31: George Hamm SPLASH CHILDREN’S CHURCH 10:30 AM January 3: Children’s Ministry Team January 10: Children’s Ministry Team January 17: Children’s Ministry Team January 24: Children’s Ministry Team January 31: Children’s Ministry Team USHERS 10:30 Team I: Tommy Anders, Joe Crowgey Bonnie Agnew TELLERS Guy Sutphin and Jamie Claypool GREETERS Designated Ushers for the month of January Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Church Office Closed 2 Offering Received 38:45amBenevolence Prayer in the Conference Room 9:00am Fellowship Time with Coffee and Treats. 9:15am Sunday School 10:30am Worship Service, Splash Children's Church 11:30pm Adult Choir practice 6:00pm Pastor Search Team 6:30pm Higher Ground Youth 8:45am Prayer in the Conference Room 9:00am Fellowship Time with Coffee and Treats. 9:15am Sunday School 10:30am Worship Service, Splash Children's Church 11:30pm Adult Choir practice 10 17 8:45am Prayer in the Conference Room 9:00am Fellowship Time with Coffee and Treats. 9:15am Sunday School 10:30am Worship Service, Splash Children's Church 11:30pm Adult Choir practice 5:00pm Adult Hanbell Choir practice 6:30pm Higher Ground Youth 4 11:30am Community Food Kitchen 6:30pm Kathryn Isaacs and Mabel Crabtree Circle meeting at the home of Betty Robinette 11 7:00 pm Worship Team meeting 18 11:30am Community Food Kitchen and Treats. 9:15am Sunday School 10:30am Worship Service, Splash Children's Church 11:30pm Adult Choir practice 5:00pm Adult Hanbell Choir practice 31 8:45am Prayer in the Conference Room 9:00am Fellowship Time with Coffee and Treats. 9:15am Sunday School 10:30am Worship Service, Splash Children's Church 11:30pm Adult Choir practice 5:00pm Adult Hanbell Choir practice 7:00pm Deacons’ meeting 7:00pm Constitution Team meeting 19 12:00pm Young-at-Heart in Williams Fellowship Hall 11:30am Community Food Kitchen 7:00 pm Leadership Team meeting 6 7 6:00pm Wednesday Night Supper 6:30pm Higher Ground Youth Program 6:40pm Adult Bible Study, Kids Wythe A Mission: RA and GA 12 11:30am Community Food Kitchen Prayer in the Conference Room 25 24 8:45am 9:00am Fellowship Time with Coffee 5 26 13 2:00pm Equipping Team meeting 6:00pm Wednesday Night Supper 6:30pm Higher Ground Youth Program 6:40pm Adult Bible Study, Kids Wythe A Mission: RA and GA 20 6:00pm Wednesday Night Supper 6:30pm Higher Ground Youth Program 6:40pm Church Business meeting, Kids Wythe A Mission: RA and GA 27 6:00pm Wednesday Night Supper 6:30pm Higher Ground Youth Program 6:40pm Adult Bible Study, Kids Wythe A Mission: RA and GA 8 Food Pantry 11:30am Community Food Kitchen 14 15 11:30am Community Food Kitchen 21 WBC 9 10:00am helps at Agape 16 2:00pm Baby Shower for Susan Morgan in the fellowship hall 22 23 29 30 11:30am Community Food Kitchen 28 11:30am Community Food Kitchen 12:00pm WBC helps at Agape Food Pantry 2:30pm Children's Clothes Closet