Senior Issue - Saint Viator High School


Senior Issue - Saint Viator High School
Story of Class of 2011
in Viator Voice Senior Issue
Volume 45
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Viator Voice Senior Issue
Upcoming Events
See All
What’s the event?
Danielle “Look How Adorable I Was” Di Silvestro
Carolyn “I Wish I Were Kate Middleton” Hutyra
Senior Celebration
Last Day of School
Baccalaureate Mass
“Dancing in the Moonlight” Prom
Start of the Rest of Our Lives
(Page 4)
(Page 6)
Things We Will Miss
(Page 11)
(Page 14)
Favorite Memory
(Page 18)
(Page 24)
College Choices
(Page 30)
In Ten Years
(Page 33)
(Page 41)
Senior Parents Ads
(Page 52)
Seniors © 2011 English (US)
Graham “I Always Have an Excuse” Blus
Grace “Soulless” Donnelly
Libby “Cat In the Wall” Donnelly
David “Really Quick” Lewis
Katherine “The Quote Goddess” Maul
Quinn “QOGsworth” O’Grady
Maddie “Friendless” Ptacin
Danny “I’ll Defenestrate You” Saam
Chris “There’s an Easier Way on Photoshop” Santucci
Jack “The Only Normal One Here” Simpson
Annie “I Am Tinkerbell” Slusher
Mr. Chris “Things Rarely Get Stuck in My Beard” Paolelli
Mr. Matt “Ineffective Northwestern Rep” Paolelli
Jackie Cruz
Anthony Di Silvestro
Bit Meehan
Erin Nelson
Anna “She’s Here, So Why Not?” Ptacin
May 6th
May 9th
May 12th
May 13th
May 15th
May 16th
Alyssa Abay
Katy Augustyn
Louis Capozzoli
Libby Donnelly
Paulette Lopez
Lauren Madden
Erin Nelson
Erin O’Connell
Shalayne Pulia
Alexis Romano
Kyong Yoo
Jackie Cruz
Anthony Di Silvestro
Michael Flaherty
Lauren Madden
Erin Nelson
Greg Perkowski
Shalayne Pulia
Kim Romano
Callie Romenesko
Chris Santucci
Nikki Stout
Erica Weiszmann
Kyong Yoo
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From the Viator Voice Staff
Message to: Senior Class of 2011
10 hours ago
We entered Viator four years ago on a hot day in August. Some of us had friends from grade school; others entered
knowing no one. Freshman orientation allowed us to get to know our homeroom and meet some upperclassmen,
who we all thought were much cooler than us. Our first couple of weeks we felt a little lost; maybe we ended up
in the history hallway when the bell for Biology class rang or tried to go to the counselor’s office but ended up at
the library. However long it took us to get acquainted with the school, eventually we knew how to get from the
lunchroom to our lockers to math class before the five-minute period ended. We had cocoa while we crammed for
our first set of finals. We went to our first football game. During Homecoming Week, we were asked to sing the
school song in front of everyone in the cafeteria. It was a year of “firsts.” We are sure that we can agree that it was
a memorable year of building new friendships, learning about ourselves, and experiencing Viator. However, when
it was over, we were glad not to be at the bottom anymore.
Sophomore year we took a step up on the totem pole. We received those beautiful yellow Homecoming T-shirts
and witnessed a monumental election.
Junior year was a crazy time. From PSATs to ACTs, we took more standardized tests than we could handle. The
idea of college applications loomed over us. We started to realize how important our grades really were and that
we needed to build a resume. Even with college thoughts, we managed to have a great time. Though we enjoyed
being upperclassmen without having the stress of actually going to college, we could not wait until after our last
final of second semester. When we left school for summer, we were ecstatic to be seniors.
Then our senior year began. We walked into school acting like we ruled the halls. And in a sense, we did. We knew
the ins and outs of the school—the fastest route to DTA, that nothing beats the musical, when it’s appropriate to
wear wizard robes, how great Dean Deb is, that the Math Lab really is useful, how not to pay with cash in the lunch
line, that Campus Ministry is the best place to hang out, how sweet Sonya is, and how to live the fourth.
Now our time is coming to a close. It is almost our last day of school. We still have prom to look forward to and
then graduation—the culmination of our four years of hard work and dedication.
Remember watching the class of 2010 go off their separate ways? Well, now it is our time. We have chosen our
colleges and are ready to pack our bags. Soon we will say goodbye to our friends, goodbye to our teachers, goodbye to our coaches, and goodbye to our school. When we walk down the aisle in front of our faculty, family, and
friends, be proud of everything we’ve done the past four years. We hope you keep this Senior Issue as a momento
of your senior year and always remember the times you spent in these hallowed halls.
Class of 2011, thank you for the amazing memories and an unforgettable high school experience.
Danielle Di Silvestro, Carolyn Hutyra, and the Viator Voice Staff
P.S.- Remember that you are never too old to play the Animal Game.
Look into Layout
Saint Viator High School
Quotes From the Viator Voice
“I got here at seven-thirty! And
it’s almost seven-thirty again!”
—Katherine, talking about the long hours needed for layout
Katherine: “Annie, say someLibby: “I would totally
thing in Spanish.” Annie: “Aloha!” catch the Snitch with my
“My mom doesn’t read any
Maddie: “Well I would tobooks! I don’t think she’s read tally set my Beaters on you.”
a book since 1990!”
—while nonchalantly discussing
Quidditch over Pesto Cavatappi.
“This is like being in my brain...”
—Mr. Paolelli, watching as the staff radically got off topic.
“They’re like the mighty ducks,
but on quack!”- Maddie, while suggesting headlines
“Libby I have
Annie: “I almost bit your ear!”
Katherine: “Yeah, that was really awk- coffee breath
ward. I was planning on ignoring it.” and orange
hands now!”
—Grace, no
“How do you draw a nun’s body?”
—Anna Ptacin, while learning the ropes of layout one knows why
“Oh God! The floor smells!”
—Katherine, when trying to take a nap on the ground.
Seniors © 2011 English (US)
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Advice to Underclassmen
Recommended for You
Don’t wait until
the last minute
to do college
—Jennifer Ball
Don’t worry about doing your homework
early; that’s what before school is for.
—Robert Bansfield
Join something.
Enjoy your years
at Viator; it’ll
pass by quicker
than you think.
Get involved because
you will meet new
people and create
great memories.
—Rawan Ahram
Stay out of trouble and just do what
needs to be done. Attack things head on;
don’t go around them.
—Anthony Alaniz
Stay classy.
—Michael Alegnani
Don’t get every teacher at this school to
hate you.
—Morgan Anderson
Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop
and look around once in a while, you
could miss it.
—Nickas Antoniou
—Ryan Barth
—Melanie Battaglia
Take advantage of
everything, and do a
lot early on to make it
easier for yourself later.
—Nicholas Baur
Invest in a cardigan.
—Jason Bennett
Get to school early so you can get a parking spot.
—Taylor Benoit
Don’t be a snake, and if you’re 15
minutes early your on time.
—Andrew Bertagna
It’s amazing what
you can get away
with if you only try.
Have fun with it.
Give everyone the chance they deserve and make the most of senior
year; it goes by way too fast.
—Katy Augustyn
Just keep stalking.
Stay strong in your
convictions, and
know that Jesus is
with you always.
Don’t be afraid to
ask questions.
Go on Ski Trip.
—Katherine Bertolini
—Lauren Biernacki
—Lucas Biondi
—Frank Avino
Follow in the footsteps of the Bro King
Jorvy and the coolest person in the
world, Baniak
—Rameen Bahramirad
Study hard so you can go to college wherever you want
—Megan Bailey
Get all your college applications in
early and actually study for your
ACT and remember always have fun and
get involved in sports, games, and nonsport events. They’re a blast and really
make it worthwhile.
—Graham Blus
Don’t go to school on Fridays. Get early
release. Go on Kairos early so you can
—Tori Botsford
Don’t just survive high school, enjoy it.
High school flies by. Soak it up.
—Ryan Boyer
Don’t do drugs.
—Margaret Brennan
Take the constitution test before your
senior year and make sure you do service
hours in ALL categories so you’re not
behind by 30 your senior year.
—Tara Burns
Do your homework.
—Julie Burny
Do the best you can.
—Louis Capozzoli
Have fun and get involved.
—Taylor Carlson
Enjoy it while you can.
—Colin Carney
Take summer gym.
—Kevin Cascino
Take easy classes.
—Jaclyn Catanese
“This above
all: to thine
own self be
true” (William Shakespeare)
—Carlyn Clevenger
Don’t be late to choir.
—Ciara Collins
Be yourself. Don’t take these four years
for granted, cherish them. They’ll be
over before you know it.
—Haley Cooper
GO ON KAIROS!! It’s a life changing
—Kristen Cozzi
Join musical, take Communication
Skills, and never take life too seriously no one gets out alive anyway.
—George Cwiak
It’s easy to survive high school when you
have true friends.
—Rebecca Delahunty
Saint Viator High School
Advice to Underclassmen
Listen to Jack Corrigan and
Michael Duszynski.
—Gino Demonte
Don’t play stupid. Be yourself.
—Emily Depner
Find your NESS, then find
a good group of friends and chill with
them regularly. And life and enjoy the
—Hank DeTrempe
Don’t forget something in your car, like
your agenda. Try to not pay in cash at the
lunchline, bring your ID. Join the Viator
—Danielle Di Silvestro
Get involved in all Saint Viator has to
—Angelica Dickey
Make sure you introduce yourself to everyone and make
a lot of friends.
Play football.
—Nicholas Fedyna
Work hard and have fun.
—Stefanie Ferrari
Put forth effort towards academics and
savor your time at Saint Viator; it goes by
so fast.
—Matthew Filstead
Have fun in high school.
—Nicholas Fiore
Make each moment last. High School
flies by.
—John Foong
Be yourself from the very
start—you’ll find true
friends more easily and
make your high school
experience a genuine one.
Get involved in
everything you
—Elizabeth Freda
Chant people’s names at
basketball games.
Get involved and make a difference in
the Viator Community! Be HAPPY GO
—Emmanuel Dominguez
Enjoy it now; the ride goes by way too
—Sean Dowd
Take advantage of all opportunities,
savior the little things, and don’t put off
those service hours.
—Jessica Duarte
—Jack Gaffney
Don’t be THAT person.
—Kevin Gallagher
Make sure that your school doesn’t close.
—Richard Gattone
—Daniel Geitz
Be amazing.
—Brian Goss
Don’t waste time stressing.
You have it pretty easy in
high school. Live it up.
Cherish it.
—Brian Ell
Do your homework.
—Krista Green
—Brian Fabbri
Enjoy everybody while you can because
one day you’ll mostly all be going different directions.
—Joseph Falduto
Get involved with as much as possible
and attend all sporting events. They are
a blast.
—Daniel Faul
Seniors © 2011 English (US)
—Nicholas Frett
Have fun, and have no regrets.
Participate don’t anticipate…K56.
—Keegan Griebel
Walk a good pace in the hallways.
—Andrew Gusmano
Join the musical and choir—it’s the
greatest experience I ever had. Get
involved early and work hard freshmen
year because it counts for college. Enjoy
every day of high school because it goes
by so fast.
—Brian Hansen
Don’t make out in the halls. People will
hate you. People like me.
—Andrew Hayes
Get college apps and scholarships done
—Matthew Heck
Get involved.
—Timothy Hogaboom
For second semester senior year, a full semester of hard work is completely worth
an extra three days of fun.
—Chad Holsworth
Watch Gino Demonte and try to be like
—Jack Horvath
Whatever you do, don’t get caught.
—Brett Hower
Enjoy senior year and try not to pick on
freshmen too much.
—Carolyn Hutyra
Do your homework and actually study
for the tests.
—Justin Imhoff
Senior year, take your hard classes first
semester. It’s amazing how little you care
second semester.
—Maxwell Jansons
Fear no one.
—Justin Johnson
Get involved!
—Ally Joyce
Remember: FRIdayTRYday.
—Kathleen Kane
Never be afraid to ask
for help. Every teacher
at Viator is happy to
answer questions and
help you understand.
—Chelsea Karson
Keep walking in the
hallways and enjoy
everything! It goes by so fast.
—Margaret Kern
You work now to eat well in the future.
Just eat a lot and have fun all the time.
—JongHoon Kim
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You don’t need to work as hard as you
think, take it easy.
—David Kingsley
I would advise underclassmen to work
hard and enjoy high school because it
only happens once so make the most out
of it.
—Siobhan Klinkenberg
Go on Kairos! And do track, it’s fun.
—Caitlin Kompanowski
Do a lot of bicep curls.
—Cameron Korab
Go on Kairos.
—Jaclyn Koziol
I suggest making the most of your time
at Viator: do the musical, play sports,
join clubs.
—Billy Krawzak
Have fun, it goes fast and take advantage
of every opportunity you are given.
—Michael Krzoska
Live in the moment because high school
goes by quickly.
—Alli Lardner
Make it count.
—Emily Leazer
Don’t be afraid to be who you are. Trust
me, it’s more fun.
—Torey Lenart
To take British Lit because Mrs. Deger is
the greatest/nicest teacher ever.
—Joseph Letke
Get out of my way.
—Matthew Letke
Don’t procrastinate.
—Sarah Levenson
Stay in school and always
give 100% so when you look
back you’ll have nothing to
—David Lewis
Be yourself and don’t be
afraid of anything.
—Michael Licari
Sometimes taking an easier
class with a guaranteed A
is better than a hard class
with a bad grade.
—Serena Lim
Go to the hockey games...they are sick.
—Daniel Loizzi
Don’t take your time here for granted, it
goes way too quickly.
—Dana Lopez
Live, laugh, love; yes, it’s very cliche-ish
but so true.
—Paulette Lopez
Dodge, Dip, Duck, Dive, and Dodge.
—Thomas Lopez
Watch the Brady Bunch Movie....It’s
—Sean Paul Loup
Senior year goes by fast. Live it up.
—Nicole LoVerde
Work hard, play harder.
—Eric Loy
Don’t stress over the little things because
they’re not worth stressing over.
—Timothy Mack
Go on Kairos.
—Maggie Madden
Try their hardest and to make
as many memories as they
—Biancca Mansourian
1. Don’t stop in the middle of
the hallway!!! 2. Don’t tuck
in your shirt. 3. Don’t button
up your shirt all the way. 4.
Don’t wear your backpack so
high up.
—Kim Marcial
Relish every second you have with your
classmates. It will be over before you
know it.
—Nina Marshall
Don’t put twinkes on your
—Danny Martin
Do the jorvy.
—Kyle Martin
Do meat-head Fridays with
Coach Saey.
Don’t be discouraged if you
get cut from the musical
twice; better things are coming your way. Become a newspaper editor! You can sing badly and they’ll join in
(also quite badly)!
—Katherine Maul
Advice to Underclassmen
Do your homework, especially when you
don’t feel like it.
—Mary Kate McAlpine
High school goes by so fast.
—Kimberly McAvoy
Do not think that you can take it easy on
your homework senior year.
—Martha McAvoy
Apply to colleges early, don’t slack off,
and enjoy each year.
—Lauren McGuigan
—Ryan McGuigan
No matter how cold you are don’t wear a
hoodie. Dean Deb WILL find you.
—Christine McKee
Make the most out of everything.
—Jimmy Menges
Get involved, but
don’t do things you
really don’t want to
do. This is your time
to become an individual, make the most
of it.
—Kyle Metler
Make the best of your
time here, and never
be afraid to put yourself out there.
—Chris Miklius
Keep your game up.
—Dominic Monaco
The earlier you plan for college, the better off you are.
—Grant Monson
Pursue your dreams.
—Matthew Morsches
Go to any sports games possible.
—Dan Moynihan
Make sure you learn the school fight
song by homecoming week...or else!
—Marissa Mueller
Take Fr. Hall’s history class.
—Steven Munroe
Go to Kairos. Kai-high is the only thing
they can’t test for.
—Conner Murphy
Saint Viator High School
Advice to Underclassmen
Don’t be shy. Get to know people. Enjoy
your time here because it goes by way
too fast. Don’t cry.
—Kathleen Naughton
Try to be as cool as we were.
—Marcus Niro
You only live once.
—Derek Noel
Take film study senior year and go on
Kairos. It’s good for the soul.
—Stephanie Nolan
Mind the staircases; they
tend to change.
—Jack Nuelle
My advice to underclassmen is to not to walk on
the wrong side of the
hallway and don’t walk
Get involved in sports
and enjoy doing service.
—Kelly O’Brien
Get involved in activities because you
enjoy them, not because you think colleges want to see them on transcripts.
—Erin O’Connell
Don’t take anything too seriously. It’ll
figure itself out in the end.
—Kelly O’Connell
It’s about more than just the school
—Gregory O’Connor
Do your homework, and have fun. And
be sure to stay on the Deans’ good side.
—Quinn O’Grady
Do not stress too much, and just try to
have fun in high school.
—Amanda Pacholok
Playing lacrosse will get you lots of girls!
—Frank Parise
Study hard, but enjoy your time in high
school because it goes fast.
—Anthony Pensa
Cherish your time in high school,
because it goes by a lot faster than you
—Gregory Perkowski
Seniors © 2011 English (US)
Be open to making new friends because
they’ll be the ones who will make school
way more interesting!
—Kelsey Peters
Always strive to do your best.
—Kevin Pleli
Join a sport!
—Caitlin Poltzer
Actually TRY freshman, sophomore, and
junior year so you don’t have to senior
—Ally Redig
Don’t wait to try hard
in school until junior
—Ciara Reidy
Move out of the way.
—Andrele Reyes
Learn how to
Be positive, smile, go on Kairos your
senior year, and most importantly,
never let the little things ruin the bigger
—Callie Romenesko
Get involved. Don’t be afraid to start
something new.
—Connor Romenesko
Be open to other kids in your class and
get to know them. They’re pretty cool.
—Ryan Romenesko
Go on Kairos!!!
—Samantha Ropski
Relax! Enjoy your classmates and bring
out the best in each other :)
—Rachel Ruddick
—Eric Ryan
Go to sporting events.
—Patrick Ryan
When life gives you lemons, squirt them
back in life’s eye.
—Danny Saam
The cockroaches in the hallways taste
like chicken. Try one.
—Mike Santorsola
Enjoy yourself, it goes by fast and it’s too
short not to have a good time.
—Cory Saunders
Study hard!!!
—Nicholas Scarimbolo
Go on Kairos and love and enjoy your
senior year.
—Andrea Schneider
Do your homework and study, but make
sure to make time for your friends and
school activities.
—Emily Schulze
Get good grades early on so then you can
afford to slack off. :)
—Eileen Scully
Do well on the ACT.
—Bryan Senchuk
Get involved, that is where you will find
your best friends.
—Megan Shover
Stay in school and don’t do drugs.
—Jack Simpson
Stop in and meet Mr. Neville. He’s a
funny guy. Get a cookie from the cafe.
Stay away from the homemades, they
are deadly. Cherish the time you have, it
goes by way too fast.
—Taylor Skala
Join a lot of clubs and activities and go
on Kairos.
—Annie Slusher
Chill out, have fun, don’t worry.
—Rob Smoczynski
Have fun and cherish every moment.
Make memories too.
—Austin Spahr
Don’t be so focused on school. Talk
to everyone and work hard at sports
because soon they’ll be over forever.
—Tommy Spiekerman
Enjoy your time here because it will fly
—Margaret Stefanowski
Open yourself up to new experiences.
If it ends horribly, at least you’ll have a
good story to tell later.
—Claire Stewart
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Don’t take anything for granted and
appreciate everything that you have. It’s
only 4 years, and drama makes it even
more stressful.
—Nikki Stout
Work hard your first three years so you
can enjoy and relax senior year.
—Christine Straka
Just be yourself.
—Joseph Suh
Lame as it sounds, try in your classes
now; it makes a difference!
—Tracy Supergan
You’re cool if you stay in school.
—Joe Surdam
Don’t get caught wearing illegal
sweatshirts, because when you do get
caught, and you will, it sucks to have to
stop in the middle of the hallway, take it
off, and give it to Coach K or Dean Deb.
—Julie Sweeney
Enjoy high school. It really does go by
fast and you never get these 4 years back.
—Samantha Swiderski
Girls: do NOT wear make-up. Complete
waste of time. No one cares.
—Jess Tanyko
Don’t poop ON your pants.
—George Theotokatos
Walk faster in the hallways, it will make
everyone happy.
—Allison Toussaint
Get involved.
—Alex Tuccori
—Allison Vitale
—Jeremy Vivit
Make the most of each year; it flies by
faster than you think.
—Jenny Walesa
Never change who you are for someone.
If they cannot accept you for who you
are, are they really worth your while?
—Sam Wallenberg
The four years go fast, so enjoy and have
fun now.
—Natalie Wasmund
Branch out as soon as you can! Great
friends will make all the difference in
your high school experience.
—Nicole Wasowicz
Relax. There is absolutely no reason to
freak out over menial things such as
—Lexi Weck
Get involved, try hard, and have
—Andrew White
Go to OAR and Dave, and take a class
with Fr. Hall.
—Kenny Wienckowski
Don’t take too many hard classes your
senior year. You will get no sleep and it
will absolutely suck.
—Madeline Wimberly
Go for it.
—Mikey Wolf
Advice to Underclassmen
Go on ski trip.
—Melanie Wood
Definitely join musical or at least take
a theater class. Make the best of ethics
senior year.
—Kelli Wosick
Get involved in everything, don’t be
afraid to try something new.
—Kevin Young
Don’t take high school so
—Eddie Zahrebelski
Give your teachers respect because they
deserve it and don’t be afraid of Dean
Deb; she’s cool!
—Stephen Zieman
OF THE HALLWAY! And take Honors
English so you can have Mr. Paolelli
junior year and Mr. Neville senior
—Colleen Zitkus
Favorite song;
font size denotes the number of votes recieved
Everyone likes this
Saint Viator High School
Things We’ll Miss
Notification History
What students like about Viator’s profile.
Mr. Nall and his homeroom.
—Nickas Antoniou
Being around a loving, compassionate,
and faith-centered community.
—Frank Avino
The swim team because they are amazing!
—Melanie Battaglia
I will miss roaming the halls feeling like
the big man on campus.
Preparing the
way through the
West Side, into
Oz, ending in
I will miss the
chicken wraps
at lunch.
—Tara Burns
—Nicholas Baur
Mr. Paolelli’s Unimaginable Marvels.
The 30 minute
commute to
—Taylor Benoit
—Julie Burny
Manny in the food lines.
—Jason Bennett
Seeing the people I love most every day.
—Katherine Bertolini
Free hair cuts.
—Lauren Biernacki
Having my
agenda signed
before I went
—Louis Capozzoli
The amazing times had by all.
—Colin Carney
Watching shows and performing on the
Joanne Calzaretta stage.
—Danielle Di Silvestro
All of the down-to-earth students.
—Christian DiVito
I will miss knowing
everyone in my class.
Junior year lunch table.
—Jaclyn Catanese
The retreats, especially Kairos!
The community of love
I hope I’ve helped to
—Natalie Dolan
I will miss being with my
same group of friends and
classmates for 4 years.
—Peter Cleary
—Ciara Collins
—Brian Fabbri
Accounting class
Prayer and Mr.
Caprio’s wise words.
—Daniel Cortese
The 3 kings and my
—Gino Demonte
—Hank DeTrempe
Tennis with everyone, especially Brother Trip. (:
—Julia Frank
All my teachers, especially Mrs. Patty
—Kevin Gallagher
All of those football championships we
won. Oh wait, that was Driscoll.
—Richard Gattone
—Daniel Geitz
Seniors © 2011 English (US)
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Things We’ll Miss
Having complete control over what goes
on in this place.
—Kyle Martin
Coach Saey and meat-head fridays.
—Mac Mastrangeli
The 6:30 mornings with Lauren McGuigan and Kristen Cozzi.
—Christine McKee
All of the people I have grown close to.
—Chris Miklius
Mr. Ray Krawzak.
—Matthew Morsches
The Third Period Crew.
Bugging Mrs. Nowak in the math lab
almost every day.
—Carolyn Hutyra
All the soccer practices and bro seshs.
—Daniel Loizzi
The lame jokes.
Everyone feeling like family.
—Nicole LoVerde
—Maxwell Jansons
The close-knit community.
I will miss watching Dean carry a walkie
—Timothy Mack
I will miss singing every morning.
—Ally Joyce
—Biancca Mansourian
Passing by my face everyday by the
admin office.
Mrs.Giusti and her jokes.
—Kathleen Kane
—Kim Marcial
—Steven Munroe
The kids I’ve grown up with it.
—Conner Murphy
Hanging at the pad.
—Marcus Niro
—Derek Noel
Summer vacation and water polo.
—Stephanie Nolan
Being able to share my faith with my
The Math Lab, it’s my second home! :(
—Chelsea Karson
Empty hallways.
—JongHoon Kim
Taco Platter.
—David Kingsley
Football games and friends.
—Siobhan Klinkenberg
—Cameron Korab
Everybody knows EVERYONE.
—Michael Krzoska
3 study halls in a row.
—Emily Leazer
I’ll miss Tech Crew and all the memories
we shared.
—Torey Lenart
Brett Stozack.
—Joseph Letke
—Mattew Letke
The cookies.
—Sarah Levenson
AP Euro random convesations about TV
—David Lewis
Wreaking havoc with the bros
—Michael Licari
Saint Viator High School
Things We’ll Miss
Manny’s wraps and cookies, our football
games and parties.
—Christine Straka
The admirable student body.
—Joseph Suh
I’ll miss the cool people and teachers.
—Tracy Supergan
Hanging out with the soccer guys.
—Joe Surdam
—Julie Sweeney
Not having to pick out an outfit every
—Jess Tanyko
Nina’s fiery red locks of luscious hair.
—George Theotokatos
Falling in and out of love with Kevin
—Allison Vitale
Football games, hockey games, basketball games, and baseball games.
—Jenny Walesa
All of the completely awesome teachers.
—Madeline Wimberly
—Mikey Wolf
Playing stinky pinky with our lunch
—Melanie Wood
—Lauren Oberbroeckling
Mr. Neville calling me Enid and Ruddick.
—Taylor Skala
—Erin O’Connell
Getting my Agenda signed to go places.
—Pat O’Malley
The layout weeks at newspaper when
Katherine would have the best quotes
—Annie Slusher
No air conditioners
—Gregory Perkowski
Lisa Zavacki.
Singing songs from Wicked with Samantha Ropski in the stairwell.
—Claire Stewart
—Ally Redig
“That’s a no no at Saint Viator.” -Dean
I’ll miss being able to roll my eyes and
say ‘only in Catholic school...’
—Nikki Stout
—Ciara Reidy
The sense of community.
—Callie Romenesko
The jokes every day and constant laughter!
—Rachel Ruddick
AP Bio jokes.
—Patrick Ryan
The Wild Women, The Wild Women.
—Bryan Senchuk
My swimming and water polo teams—it
has been great!
—Megan Shover
Seniors © 2011 English (US)
My friends, the memories from basketball and soccer. Oh! and Coach Manno.
The ability to know everyone in your
—Kevin Young
’1 1
Class of 2011 wrote on your wall
Seniors and staff speak words of wisdom and hilarity
“Do I sometimes sit alone “Boy, do I say things
at lunch? Yes. Does that well!”
Make me a Social out cast? —Mr. Neville
Do I care?
....a little.”
Rachel Ruddick:”What
—Katherine Bertolini
about the grandpas?
You can’t leave them
Natasha Remiasz:
“Hah, they will be hitting
“On a scale of one to
receiving my
“Yay Sparkle
—Mrs. Adams
warts acceptance letter...this ranked at about
the existence of
on us cuz we’re the
“If you don’t shut
up I
swear I will throw you
out the window!”
—Mrs. Giusti
mon. So, kind of a big
—George Theotokatos
“Death is not a period.
It’s a comma, a comma
that makes sense of the
paragraph of life.”
—Fr. Hall
“With you Peter it was
merely prophecy
—Mr. Neville
1. Rameen Bahramirad 1. Keegan Griebel
2. Ciara Collins
2. John Kim
3. Alex Tuccori
3. Frank Avino
“Yogas or jogas.”
—Track team
Saint Viator High School
“I don’t base anything
Father Corey: “John Kim,
facts because it gets
open your eyes!”
in the way of my opinJohn Kim: “They are
ions.” —Mr. Neville
Take care of these books.
I love them quite possibly
more than I will ever love
a man.”
—Allie Viatle
“I MAKE the fashion.”
—Frank Avino
“Cats are LOSERS!”
—Mrs. Cairo
“I’m gonna go ahead and
call your
—Mrs. Young
bluff.” —Peter
“Hold on. Let me put
my mating music on before
we start.”
—Mrs. Cairo
—Ciara Collins
“The purpose of religion is not to get us
into heaven, but to get
heaven into us.”
—Mrs. King
“I’m going to buy a
taser just to make you
stop talking.”
—Mrs. Deger
Seniors © 2011 English (US)
—Sarah Levenson
“Rachel, you look like
a Swedish milk maid
—Mr. Neville
“Get rich or
—Dan Geitz
1. Eddie Golin 1. Melanie Wood
2. Jack Horvath 2. Katy Augustyn
3. Eric Loy
3. Tara Burns
die trying.”
“Oprah Winfrey...I’m
embarrassed I just said
that.” —Mr. Neville
’1 1
“Hey what do you think
this is a cinema? Shut
and sit down.”
—Mr. Pirman
“Uh-Oh...both Becky and
Danny aren’t here. Let’s
start a rumor.”
—Mrs. Cairo
“Remember, no matter
what, Jesus loves you!”
“Nuelle, you are insuf-
ferable in your moral
—Mr. Neville
“Of course the fetus
is human—it’s not
going to grow into a
—Katy Augustyn
“Mrs. Cairo, have you ever
should open up a
kindergarten for pen-
touched Hank’s...ear?”
—Tim Hogaboom
—Mr. Neville
she?” —Overheard at
“I wish all of us could
just get married as a
—Mr. Matt Hynek
“If you speak again
I’ll take off my shoe and
throw it at you.”
—Signora Rullo
“Anthony Pensa...
need I say more!”
—Mr. Neville
“Find your ‘ness’”
—Hank DeTrempe
—Fiddler on the Roof
“Julius Caesar...Who’s
group, and we’d be a big
happy family, and we’d
be together forever.”
—Mrs. Deger
“You Don’t Mess with the
1. Matthew Filstead 1. Melanie Wood
2.George Cwiak
2. Abbey Abraham
3. Gino Demonte
2. Lexi Weck
“It’s a fun day. You
get to pretend to mate
with everyone.”
—Mrs. Cairo
Saint Viator High School
“You make my arteries
—Katherine Maul
“Zak Zak!”
—Signora Rullo
“I’m gonna cut you!”
—Mrs. Spiewak
—Mr. Neville
This house has a garage!
—Mrs. Adams
“Greatness takes time.”
—Mike Santorsola
“Right, of course right.”
—Allie Vitale
(To Mrs. Ciaro)”Hold
on a sec, I don’t get this.
Let’s say that you gave me
—Hank DeTrempe
“Jimmy, put your pants
back on!”
—Mrs. Englbrecht
“What kind of facts can
you give me that Driscoll
kids are odd?” —Ally
“Love does what perfection cannot.”
—Frank Avino
—Mr. Hynek
“Get the bananas out of
your ears.”
“And that summer at the
Hobo Convention, I fell in love with
Straycat...the queen of
the hobos.”
Seniors © 2011 English (US)
’1 1
Favorite Memory
A fond look back at older posts
Meeting my friends.
—Abbey Abraham
Kevin Young throwing food at me
every day at lunch.
—Rawan Ahram
My favorite memory is
when my best friend and
I use to stir up trouble
and toss things out of
the Scanlan windows.
—Anthony Alaniz
Winning JV State and actual state and
—Michael Alegnani
Ski Trip and Lukapalooza, no doubt.
—Nicholas Baur
Perfectly running the pop pass.
—Jason Bennett
My favorite memory is
freshman year French
1 with Senor Diaz-Lee.
—Taylor Benoit
The Florida Baseball Trip.
—Andrew Bertagna
AP Lit with Mr. Neville first
period... that class has provided me with
enough insight and laughter to last a lifetime.
—Katherine Bertolini
Cheer is life. Life is cheer.
—Lauren Biernacki
Rapping my brussel sprout rap on
Kairos 55.
—Graham Blus
Ski trip! Oh life
is musical.
—Tori Botsford
Fun days in homeroom, especially during activity periods.
—Ryan Boyer
Going on ski trip my Sophomore, Junior, and Senior year!
—Margaret Brennan
Getting Top Ten at IHSA State two years
in a row and making fun of Conant and
Lake Zurich when we thought the microphone was off.
—Morgan Anderson
Pulling a chair out from
under Cory Saunders in the
middle of American Lit. It
was worth the detention.
—Nickas Antoniou
There are so many, but
they all revolve around my
great friends, our endless
satch seshes, and general
—Katy Augustyn
Participating in Kairos 55 and leading
Kairos 56, as both retreats showed me
how I am loved, loving, and lovable.
—Frank Avino
—Rameen Bahramirad
Being a part of three special sports
—Megan Bailey
My favorite memory from Viator was
completing summer gym.
—Jennifer Ball
Slow-clap Tuesdays with Mr. Waple.
—Robert Bansfield
Going to Europe with the soccer team.
1. Ally Redig
—Ryan Barth
Traveling to Florida with the water 2. Nina Marshall (tie)
polo team.
2. Maggie Madden (tie)
—Melanie Battaglia
My favorite memories were
probably during my four
days at kairos
—Tara Burns
My favorite memory is
when the school bus
hit my car then tried
—Julie Burny
The VH1 special on the Quazicholos
performance at the Skinner residence.
—Louis Capozzoli
2010 State Championship for Soccer.
—Taylor Carlson
Our Sectional basketball run last year,
best time of my life.
—Colin Carney
The band trips sophomore and senior years,
jazz band, cross country, and summer gym
going into senior year
—Kevin Cascino
Winning state for cheerleading, my Italian 5 class, and Kairos
—Jacly n Catanese
Freshman year 3rd
period lunch. From
Rob’s musings about
a future to being called Ronnie because of
my weird hair
by Tommy Lopez. ‘Twas fun
—Peter Cleary
Kairos was one of the best experiences
I had at Viator.
—Carlyn Clevenger
Preparing the Way of the Lord. Learning the dangers of Arsenic. Living in
America. Hung Jury. Melting. Starting
Rumors. Being the last one. Making
matches. Spending my four years on
the JoAnne Calzaretta Stage.
—Ciara Collins
1. Jack Gaffney
2. Jack Nuelle
3. Christian DiVito
Saint Viator High School
Favorite Memory
Friday night football games, basketball Anything that made me laugh hystericalgames, both Mr. Waple and Mr. Neville’s ly and the quality time spent with friends.
classes, and Kairos.
—Emmanuel Dominguez
—Haley Cooper
The Europe Trip.
—Margaret Dougherty
—Daniel Cortese
Ski trip every year.
Sam Ropski shoving
—Sean Dowd
my face into the chaLunch all four years where
pel carpet on Kairos.
it seems I was disrupt—Kristen Cozzi
ing everyone’s meal
The entire class chantlaughing like a hyena
ing my name after
with my fabulous pals.
my Junior year stu—Jessica Duarte
dent council speech.
Chilling with some bros.
—George Cwiak
—Brian Ell
Drinking water upside down in Mrs. Being a part of the varsity football
King’s class when I had hiccups. family.
—Emily Davenport
—Brian Fabbri
Sophomore year when The feeling before football games.
Ms. Petlak stepped on
—Joseph Falduto
a cockroach and when 2009 soccer season STATE CHAMPS.
we sang five dollar
—Scott Faul
foot long in Scanlan.
—Joseph DeBiase
Watching Julia Frank
get hit in the leg
with a tennis ball
while playing Benet.
—Rebecca Delahunty
—Gino Demonte
Volleyball bus rides freshman year, track Wrestling and football.
and field, and ceramics class senior year.
—Nicholas Fedyna
—Emily Depner
Europa Trip 2009 with my soccer
bros to Greece and Italy. Once in a
lifetime experience. Oh, and every
ski trip.
—Hank DeTrempe
Entering Orchesis auditions freshman year and being asked by another
girl, ‘Are you a senior?’ After I asked
‘No...are you?’ she shook her head.
The start of an amazing friendship.
—Danielle Di Silvestro
Winning the Scholastic Cup in
hockey and getting the game winning goal in double overtime.
—Christian DiVito
1. Stephen Zieman 1. Carolyn Hutyra
Fil2. Andy Gusmano 2. Katy Augustyn
stead for breaking his fan.
3. Jack Nuelle
3. Colleen Zitkus
—Natalie Dolan
Seniors © 2011 English (US)
The people.
—Stefanie Ferrari
Playing football.
—Michael Ferrazzuolo
Chillin with some bros.
—Nicholas Fiore
All the crazy things in Mrs. Deger’s 5th
period Brit Lit Class.
—Michael Flaherty
Homecoming. Best. Night. Ever.
—John Foong
When Megan Bailey
fell on her face during
basketball warm-ups.
—Julia Frank
My favorite memories are Kairos 55, Kairos
56 and summers with my favorite people.
—Elizabeth Freda
Playing in the Johnsburg game my junior
—Nicholas Frett
The Florida baseball trip junior
—Jack Gaffney
Ski Trip all four years was
amazing. Four years seniors!
—Kevin Gallagher
Going to state for Golf.
—Richard Gattone
—Daniel Geitz
When Steve Baniak and I moved Raznys
car during our lunch period and watching him freak out after school, thinking
it was actually stolen.
—Edward Golin
Stories with Nick Fiore in 5th period
lunch and our field trip senior year, and
pretty much any Mr. Neville story ever.
—Brian Goss
That blue room, Kairos 54 and 56, Poms
security, and walking three blocks to
school every morning because of our
massive parking lots.
—Krista Green
Staying at the infamous Red Roof Inn
for cross country and having the best
chicken fingers ever while embracing
the Martians.
—Keegan Griebel
’1 1
By far, four years of musical. Getting the lead my senior year as
Tevye in Fiddler on the Roof.
—Andrew Gusmano
Doing all four musicals and plays in my
high school years. Moreover, being a
part of Br. Lewnard junior religion class.
—Brian Hansen
Lunch after RC.
—Andrew Hayes
Fr. Hall: ‘“If you want to sleep in my class
you can stand in the back of the room.”
—Matthew Heck
Pointing lasers at people throughout Italy from our double-decker bus.
—Tim Hogaboom
Any day in a class with Mr. Neville.
—Chad Holsworth
Winning state championship and every
—Jack Horvath
My favorite memories are the trips
that I went on with the lacrosse team.
—Brett Hower
Summer football camp at Carthage.
—Justin Imhoff
Doing musical senior year.
—Max Jansons
When Coach Kublank yelled at the
softball team freshmen year to take off
their spikes during a thunder storm...
when our spikes were not metal.
—Ally Joyce
When Keegan Griebel and I were offered free homemades from super
HOT senior boys.
—Kathleen Kane
Rachel and I were doing pushups.
I prayed and told myself, ‘If Rachel
does this, so can I!’ I heard an ‘umph!’
noise... Rachel was laying face-down
on the floor.—Chelsea Karson
Favorite Memory
Freshman year girls basketball and all my
adventures with Caitlin and Becky. Football games and dances have always been
—Margaret Kern
Math Team all the way.
—Jong Hoon Kim
6th Period Study Hall junior year
and Senior year lunch table after RC.
—David Kingsley
My favorite memories from Saint Viator
are the ski trip and all the great times I
had on Viator soccer the past four years.
I also want to give a shout out to my
French class- good times.
—Siobhan Klinkenberg
country trip. Camping is “in tents.”
—Caitlin Kompanowski
The Basketball game vs. Johnsburg,
Alan Aboona for president ... oh wait.
—Cameron Korab
Ski Trip.
—Jaclyn Koziol
My favorite memory is going to
Europe with the soccer team.
—Billy Krawzak
Conditioning circuit.
—Michael Krzoska
The Florida Water Polo spring break trip!!!
—Alli Lardner
—Emily Leazer
My favorite memory was setting up the
1. Matthew Filstead 1. Valerie Kiebala
2. Kevin Anderson 2. Nikki Stout
3. Matt Letke
3. Melisande Aiello
lights for the Viatribe Show in 2009 when
we (tech) had a Technicolor strobe light
party in the cafe after rehearsals ended.
—Torey Lenart
Homeroom with Adam Lange, Anthony
Alaniz, Ryan Kelly, Patrick Reilly and
Brendan Zeiker and of course Senior Diaz-Lee and his plaid pants.
—Joseph Letke
Football. I’ve spend the majority of high school with the team
and they became my brothers.
—Matthew Letke
Peoria for cross country sophomore year.
—Sarah Levenson
My favorite memories at Saint Viator
High School happened within the classrooms of Mrs. Martin and Mr. Neville. I’m
not quite sure how we got onto some of
the topics we did in those classes.
—David Lewis
Wasting so much class time in the bathroom, halls, or the counselor’s office with
—Serena Lim
Winning a state championship last
—Daniel Loizzi
Junior year cheerleading, and all the
girls that went along with it!
—Dana Lopez
—Paulette Lopez
—Thomas Lopez
All French classes, particularly
Freshman year French with DiazLee. Being a Paul’s Pal was also fun.
—Sean Paul Loup
Any time I have spent with friends,
track state, and all Peoria trips.
—Nicole LoVerde
Cross-country freshman year; the Air
Saint Viator High School
Favorite Memory
—Eric Loy
—Jimmy Menges
Getting Third Place at Jazz in the All the down time after classes with the
Meadows for jazz band and also band and tech. Plus Mr. Waple on 2009’s
adventures. band trip was awesome too.
—Timothy Mack
—Kyle Metler
Waple. Swimming and water polo pasta parties,
enough said.
—Maggie Madden
—Chris Miklius
Concert choir, chamber singers, musical and Kairos 55 are all equal!
—Biancca Mansourian
—Kim Marcial
After the variety show junior year, piling
into Kevin Anderson’s Buick, drinking
chocolate milk and eating pudding.
—Nina Marshall
Throwing apples with Jake, Brendan,
David, and Hayes when we went to
Florida with the baseball team. Big Red. Lukapalooza.
—Dominic Monaco
—Mac Mastrangeli
by Bondo.
My favorite memories were all of the ri—
diculous late nights at layout, playing the
State Championship.
Animal Game (especially on K56), sing—Matthew Morsches
ing at lunch this year, and writing Euro
My favorite memory is the basketball
song parodies during Bio labs.
playoff run. The games and the fans were
—Katherine Maul
At the first musical rehearsal with the best that I’ve ever been a part of.
—Dan Moynihan
‘Horse!’ ‘Mule!’ back and forth, when Being able to proudly represent our
all of a sudden Matt Filstead dead- school by showing spirit at games, pep
pans into his mike, “It was a platypus.” rallies, & school events have been my favorite memories!
—Mary Kate McAlpine
—Marissa Mueller
The dances, football games, and being regional champs in volleyball
—Kimberly McAvoy
Winning volleyball regional and
basketball regional junior year.
—Martha McAvoy
Times with my friends when we
are spazzing out about school
or just spazzing out in general
for no reason and any experience with Samantha Ropski.
—Lauren McGuigan
Moshing at end of pep rally.
—Ryan McGuigan
When Mrs. Jordan opened the door
1. George Cwiak
during a lock down in 2nd period 1. Abbey Abraham
2. Danielle Di Silvestro 2. Billy Krawzak
Honors US History class.
3. Claire Stewart
3. Ryan Boyer
—Christine McKee
Friday Night Lights.
Seniors © 2011 English (US)
Getting into the playoffs my junior year
in football and joining the musical my
senior year.
—Steven Munroe
Concerts, parties, bro-cave, VTTC, lacrosse trips, football games, hanging
out with friends, lacrosse, all the people,
Kairos, and anything that involves Mike
—Conner Murphy
Cheerleading. Making it to top ten (two
years in a row) and winning ICCA this
year. Also, the standing ovation(s) to Joe
Ward in AP Bio.
—Kathleen Naugton
Getting weird.
—Marcus Niro
Football games, dances, and-obviouslywater polo season.
—Stephanie Nolan
Translating Big Bang from Korean to
Americanized Korean for John Kim.
And sitting on broken glass. And Urban
—Jack Nuelle
My favorite memories from my timeat Saint
Viator were finding random paperclips
and pennies in the halls with Kelli Wosick.
—Lauren Oberbroeckling
The softball team trip to Disney World
was by far my favorite memory.
—Kelly O’Brien
Lunch tables and being a part of the St.
Viator community.
—Erin O’Connell
The trip to France over spring break and
everyone who went on it.
—Kelly O’Connell
European Soccer Trip.
—Gregory O’Connor
My favorite memory from my time at
Saint Viator is all of the fun time that we
’1 1
have had in band the past four years, like
traveling to Disney World.
—Quinn O’Grady
Football and pulling pranks in the halls
with Jack Horvath.
—Patrick O’Malley
My favorite memory is probably the
whole week of the water polo training
—Amanda Pacholok
My times getting huge in the gym.
— Frank Parise
My favorite memory from Saint Viator is
when we beat St.
Joe’s and found
out we were going to the playoffs
for football junior
my time at Saint
Viator is 4th period AP Bio with
vorite would have to be going all out for
the football games.
—Callie Romenesko
Switching freshman religion classes from
Ms. Novotny and Ohio State Lacrosse
—Connor Romenesko
Team mass before games and being able
to play football and lacrosse under the
lights at Forest View. Especially when
it rained.
—Ryan Romenesko
Kairos without a doubt is my favorite
memory from Viator.
—Samantha Ropski
When Lauren McGuigan, Katherine
Maul and I bought an entire pan of pizza
and two pounds of pasta salad from Mariano’s that we ate in the back of my car at
the far end of Mariano’s parking lot.
—Rachel Ruddick
Lunch this year.
—Eric Ryan
Coach Waz’s reaction to the graham
cracker cake in fifth period lunch.
—Patrick Ryan
Definitely my last Homecoming dance.
What a wacky night.
—Danny Saam
Ski trip.
—Sam Sammons
Winning the Scholastic Cup, My Hockey
Team, A Funny Day Sophomore Year, all
of my friends I have made. I love you all.
—Gregory Perowski
A cockroach was on my back freshmen
year. Then, I stood up to get it off and it
fell somewhere on my desk, so I switched
seats for the day.
—Kelsey Peters
Spring break baseball trip to Florida
—Brian Pichardo
My favorite memory is sophomore
year lunch.
—Kevin Pleli
The Urban Studies field trip with Mr.
—Caitlin Poltzer
Mr. Neville’s AP Lit class.
—Ally Redig
—Ciara Reidy
All the fun times in Ms. Hinkel’s 5th
period English 10 class.
—Andrele Reyes
1. Tayler Lenart
flipped 2. Serena Lim
3. Lauren Biernacki
—John Romanucci
Of all the memories at Viator, my fa-
Favorite Memory
1. George Cwiak
2. Gregg O’Connor
3. Graham Blus
—Mike Santorsola
It is not possible to choose between the
amazing memories made during 4th period in 1st semester this past year. I will
miss my lunch buddies immensely.
—Cory Saunders
Study halls with Edward Soler.
—Nicholas Scarimbolo
Waple’s class.
—Andrea Schneider
When Melanie Wood and Ashley Herzfeldt went for a midnight swim on our
water polo Florida trip.
—Kelly Schreuder
My favorite memory was when Mr. Seaman got so frustrated one day during
band, he started climbing up the wall.
He’s always been enthusiastic and very
passionate for us and our music.
—Emily Schulze
Kairos 56, Ski Trip junior and senior year,
weekends, field trips, and friends.
—Eileen Scully
Chipotle runs with Sir William Cavanagh and Saint Viator Football.
—Bryan Senchuck
Going to Florida for polo, KAIROS,
campfires on pool deck, egg harbor,
visiting Adams office, School record
for the 200 medley relay, and locker
room pranks.
—Megan Shover
Europe trip to Greece and Italy with
the soccer team two summers ago.
—Jack Simpson
When Ms. Tinning collected quarters
for chewing gum in class, the students
had to spit it out in the trash. She ended up falling into the garbage can full
of gum during class lecture.
—Taylor Skala
My favorite memories are glee parties,
endless hours at layout, Mr. Nall’s and
Mr. Paolelli’s classes, and carpooling
Saint Viator High School
Favorite Memory
with Dana junior year.
against Marist.
—Alex Tuccori
—Annie Slusher
Lunch Table after R.C. It doesnt get any
better than that.
—Rob Smoczynski
Hockey trip to Lake Placid- Zach Zelisko
fell into frozen lake and we were able to
save him because Jack Gaffney became
Bear Grylls.
—Austin Spahr
One week in the summer where the lacrosse team went to OSU and then I drove
straight to Carthage with Romo dude.
—Tommy Spiekerman
When George Cwiak drove up the middle One warm summer day, George Thesidewalk in the front parking lot after otokatos and I were outside, and I
said, “It’s so HOT.” George quickly reschool one day.
plied, “YOU’RE HOT - oh, no, WAIT,
—Margaret Stefanowski
that’s not what I meant, umm...”
Leading Kairos 55. Love you G3!
—Allison Vitale
—Claire Stewart
All of the times spent at musiMy favorite memory has to be musical my cal rehearsals and performances.
Junior and Senior year.
—Jeremy Vivit
—Nikki Stout
My favorite memory is probably JV soccer
Ski Trip 2011.
junior year or homecoming senior year.
—Christine Straka
—Jenny Walesa
The bus ride back from the regional game I have many memories at Saint Viator but
that we had won we were so excited to I cannot just pick one: all the times with
celebrate with everyone who went to the my boyfriend, Ryan, and my friends.
boys game instead and no one was there
—Sam Wallenberg
still but we celebrated by ourselves!
Any day in ceramics class was funny.
—Tracy Supergan
—Natalie Wasmund
Winning the State Championship, play- Anything with Liz Freda...especially our
ing soccer all four years, and all the fun shenanigans in urban studies junior year
times of soccer camp.
(muscles forever!) and sprints through
—Joe Surdam
Kairos 55 & 56.
—Julie Sweeney
Freshman year Marissa Mueller
stuffed her face with cheese fries
and got cheese everywhere.
—Jess Tanyko
That one time that I absolutely destroyed Peter Cleary in English class
during jeopardy...DASHES and GARAGES!
—George Theotokatos
Homeroom with Mr. Waple Freshman, Sophmore and Junior year, it
was never a dull morning.
—Allison Toussaint
1. Katherine Bertolini 1. George Cwiak
Football games and basketball 2. Taylor Benoit
2. Kevin Anderson
games, rubber band stingers at
3. Michael Flaherty
lunch, eating birthday cake with no
hands, cheering the football game
Seniors © 2011 English (US)
the hallways with Ciara Collins.
—Nicole Wasowicz
Slow Clap Tuesday with Mr.Waple. :) Or
any instant with Mr.Neville.
—Lexi Weck
Football games and going out with
friends after.
—Andrew White
Winning three state championships and
being captain of the golf team.
—Kenny Wienckowski
Teaching Mrs. Cairo how to dance to
Jump On It in AP Bio last year.
—Madeline Wimberly
Ski trip shower drain.
—Mikey Wolf
Paul’s Pals Geometry 0520 class, Mr. G’s
art class, and Morgan Anderson having to
sit by herself at the end of a frosh table for
hitting someone with a beef jerky stick.
—Melanie Wood
Third period lunch with Jessica D. and
Kelly O. as we talked about religion class.
—Kelli Wosick
Anything that happened with the hockey
team, both on and off the ice, especially
this past season.
—Kevin Young
Hands down, the 2010 baseball trip to
Fort Lauderdale.
—Eddie Zahrebelski
When everyday in French I class, Sr. Diaz-Lee would shout Abbey’s name before
calling on her to answer, that was priceless.
—Stephen Zieman
My favorite memeory is of the first
morning ‘Pow Wow’ with Lauren where
we had coffee and muffins thus causing
us to be on a sugar high for the rest of
the day.
—Colleen Zitkus
’1 1
Class of 2011 sent you a gift
Seniors send their thanks to those they love
Sr. Diaz-Lee, for teaching me about
My friends, for making high school the
best it could be.
—Abbey Abraham
—Melanie Battaglia
Br. Tripp, for being the best math
The students, for a great four year ride.
—Nicholas Baur
—Rawan Ahram
First off, I’d like to thank God, but Mrs.
Nowak is a close second.
I would love to thank Sr. Diaz-Lee and
Mrs. Nicolau, for being so inspirational.
—Jason Bennett
—Anthony Alaniz
I would like to thank Mr. Calzaretta,
for being the most amazing person I
have ever met. Thanks for being such an
Mrs. Lanus, for always getting my test for
—Michael Alegnani
Thank you Melanie Wood, for getting me
in trouble at lunch freshman year when
I hit you with the beef jerky and Dean
made me sit by myself.
—Morgan M Anderson
Mrs. Costello, for everything she has
done for the theatre program.
—Taylor Benoit
Br. Leward, for dragging my desk across
the room.
—Andrew Bertagna
My parents, for obvious reasons. All
of my teachers this year, they’ve been
—Nickas Antoniou
—Katherine Bertolini
Mr. G, Mr. Neville, Mr. Nall, Mr. Paolelli,
and all the other teachers who have been
a great source of inspiration and influence.
—Katy Augustyn
Fr. VanWeil, for being amazing; my sister
because she’s the reason I wake up in the
—Lauren Biernacki
Coach Auckbaur, for the watermelon
I would like to thank Father Corey
Brost for deepening my faith profoundly.
—Lucas Biondi
Ms. Deger, for being a fun, and understanding teacher. Mr. Matt Hynek, for
always making great jokes and really
letting us enjoy your class. Mrs. Kathy
Gallagher, for getting me out of a detention and also dealing with me being sick
all the time.
—Graham Blus
K56! Mr. Calzaretta, the word limit
doesn’t allow an explanation. The people
of Anatevka.
—Tori Botsford
My fellow students for a fabulous four
—Ryan Boyer
Mrs. Francis, for being my second mom
on K56 and the best adult leader!!
—Margaret Brennan
Mrs. Dutmers, for listening to me and
Katherine vent everyday during thirdperiod study hall.
—Tara Burns
I’d like to thank my parents, for sacraficing to send me to a Catholic school
where I can learn and grow in faith
and knowledge.
—Julie Burny
—Frank Avino
I would like to thank them all.
Mr. Neville, for being the most interesting man and best teacher ever.
—Louis Capozzoli
Mrs.Stevens for being the best
teacher and always helping me when
I needed it, even when I wasn’t in her
—Rameen Bahramirad
Mr. Bjerkness, for teaching me to
always check my attitude at the door.
—Megan Bailey
—Taylor Carlson
I would like to thank the teachers for
setting us up to go out into the world
and succeed.
My parents, for not sending me to
Buffalo Grove.
—Colin Carney
—Jennifer Ball
Fr. Hall, for making my four years
truly memorable.
—Robert Bansfield
Fr. Hall, for being the best teacher at
1. Mike Razny
2. Alex Hale
3. Austin Spahr
1. Rawan Ahram
2. Maggie Brennan
2. Jenny Walesa (tie)
Mr. Seaman, Coach Wayne, and all of
my teachers
—Kevin Cascino
I want to thank all the teachers, for
putting up with the seniors
—Jaclyn Catanese
—Ryan Barth
after practice.
Saint Viator High School
I’d like to thank Patrick Neville, for his
eccentricity. His class was my raison
—Peter Cleary
I would like to thanks Jimmy Neill, for
being there for me during volleyball.
—Carlyn Clevenger
Mrs. Costello, thank you for the countless opportunities, trust in me, and
—Ciara Collins
Mrs. Francis, Mrs. Dutmers, Mr. Majkowski, and my family.
—Haley Cooper
Everyone, for everything
My friends, for making high school a fun
—Angelica Dickey
Mr. Neville, for making me laugh at the
football games.
—Christian DiVito
Mrs. Anzalone, for being the coolest
teacher ever.
—Natalie Dolan
Thank you to all my classmates in the
Class of 2011! Its been great!
—Emmanuel Dominguez
Every teacher that I had you made high
school much easier.
—Margaret Dougherty
—Daniel Cortese
Mr G, for teaching me how to draw well
My friends, I don’t know where I would
be without them!
—Kristen Cozzi
Mr. Nall, for teaching me to ‘look out the
—George Cwiak
Mrs. King, for writing my letter of reccomendation and being an awesome
teacher and Mr. Hynek Sr. for being the
best math teacher I have ever had.
—Sean Dowd
I’d like to thank each and every friend I
made who kept me sane when it didn’t
seem possible.
—Jessica Duarte
Fr. Hall, for being an excellent teacher
and for teaching me life lessons during
the football season.
—Brian Fabbri
—Emily Davenport
Fr. Hall, for teaching me very valuable
life lessons.
I will miss Ms. Petlak’s classes and Deger’s classes. My favorite place that I will
miss is Scanlan.
Mom and Dad, for sending me to Saint
—Joseph DeBiase
—Joseph Falduto
—Scott Faul
I would like to thank Brother Tripamer, for being an awesome coach
who put up with Julia and me.
—Michael Ferrazzuolo
Mrs. Costello, for trusting in me and
teaching me essential acting skills.
—Matthew Filstead
Coach Wayne.
—Nicholas Fiore
Mr. Seaman, for helping increase my
—Michael Flaherty
Ms. Rullo, for being a great Italian
—John Foong
Mrs. Bruce, for tolerating our homeroom
and being the greatest teacher ever.
—Julia Frank
My close friends, for loving me and giving me the best times of my life.
—Elizabeth Freda
All my teachers.
—Jack Gaffney
Fr. Hall, for being himself.
—Kevin Gallagher
Father Brost, for helping me with my
—Richard Gattone
—Edward Golin
—Krista Green
I would like to thank all my friends, for
accepting me for who I truly am.
—Keegan Griebel
I want to thank Mrs. Costello, for the
years of directing and putting up with
—Emily Depner
Mrs. Bruce, for being the best
student council mediator. Mrs.
Nowak, for putting up with me for
two years
—Stefanie Ferrari
My friends, for being there.
Mr. Neville, for being cute even when
he’s not trying.
—Gino Demonte
Seniors © 2011 English (US)
—Nicholas Fedyna
Students, they made Viator fun.
—Daniel Geitz
My mom ,for sending me to Saint
Viator; and all the friends that
helped me through the tough
—Danielle Di Silvestro
Mrs. Young, for giving me a great senior
Mr. Neville, for being a boss.
—Rebecca Delahunty
—Hank DeTrempe
Father Hall, for being the man.
Mrs. Bruce, for not kicking me out
of my homeroom
Carolyn, for being my co-editor,
chem buddy, and amazing friend.
Ciara, Bridget and Samantha,
—Andrew Gusmano
1. Louis Capozzoli 1. Katy Augustyn
2. Sean Paul Loup 2. Erin O’Connell
3. Graham Blus
3. Torey Lenart
The religion department for helping
me grow in my faith and the theatre
department, for giving me the love to
act on stage.
—Brian Hansen
Mrs. Phillips, for putting up with me
for 2 years
’1 1
—Andrew Hayes
Mrs. Anzalone, for putting forth so
much time and effort for my success.
all her hard work and dedication for
student council. We all love you! Best
homeroom teacher ever.
—Siobhan Klinkenberg
—Matthew Heck
Coach Taylor, for all the memories, lessons, and opportunities.
—Timothy Hogaboom
I would like to thank Mrs. Nicolau because she was the first and best teacher
I had.
—Caitlin Kompanowski
Mr. Waple, for Slow Clap Tuesdays.
—Chad Holsworth
Mrs Bruce; she was my guardian angel.
—Jack Horvath
I would like to thank Dean Scerbike, for
brightening up every day.
—Brett Hower
Fr. Van Wiel and Mrs. Majka, for being
two amazing teachers!
—Carolyn Hutyra
I would like to thank Mrs. Cairo, for
making biology an enjoyable experience
for me.
Father Hall, for all the knowledge and
encouragement he gave me and Coach
Sanford, for letting me play Lax
—Cameron Korab
My softball coach, for getting me out of
my speeding ticket.
—Jaclyn Koziol
I want to thank my friends, for always
dealing with my shenanigans.
—Billy Krawzak
Bill Sanford, for making me play
—Michael Krzoska
—Justin Imhoff
Mrs. Costello, for helping me become
the person I am today
My teachers, for preparing me for
—Alli Lardner
—Maxwell Jansons
Hynek when you take a loss in basketball
take like a man hah
Mr. Masterton, for putting up with me
every day. Look forward to 365 emails.
—Emily Leazer
—Justin Johnson
I would like to thank Mr. Neville, for
making me laugh everyday from his
ridiculous stories in homeroom.
—Ally Joyce
Katherine Bertolini, she accepted me
freshmen year when I was a no one and
made me a prettier, smarter, cooler version of herself.
I’d thank Mrs. Francis, for everything
she’s done to help me out over the years.
—Torey Lenart
Everyone in the Scanlan Center, for helping me out...and the free candy/cake.
—Joseph Letke
Father Perham, for teaching me the valuable skill of creating computer generated
—Matthew Letke
Mr. Peso, for all the early running memories of Viator.
—Sarah Levenson
My parents for sending me to Saint Viator. All my peers, all the teachers and
staff for everything.
—David Lewis
Mrs. Giusti, for being like a second
mother to me.
—Michael Licari
Mr. Faltinoski, because of him I fell in
love with ceramics.
—Serena Lim
Mr. Neville, for keeping things interesting and Bro Trip, for filling me in on the
college mascots.
—Daniel Loizzi
Mrs. Giusti, you are the kindest person I
have ever met, thank you!
—Dana Lopez
Everyone, literally, it just wouldn’t be the
same without any of them
—Paulette Lopez
I wanna thank janitor,s for cleaning up
after me.
—Thomas Lopez
Patrick, Mel, Frank and of course, Madame Soto for putting up with Barth for
three years...
—Sean Paul Loup
—Kathleen Kane
Everyone and anyone, thanks for the
great help.
Mr. Hynek, Mrs. Nowak and Br. Trip,
for math help. Mr. Paolelli, for ‘Unimaginable Marvels.’
My freshman teachers helping me
transition into high school smoothly.
—Nicole LoVerde
—Eric Loy
—Chelsea Karson
Fr. Corey, for showing the Camilo
video by State Radio Freshman year.
I would like to thank all the teachers,
for putting up with us.
—Timothy Mack
—Margaret Kern
Mr. Majkowski, for putting up with
me every day!
Mrs. DeBelina, for her consistent support for the math team.
—Maggie Madden
—JongHoon Kim
Mrs. Durso, for teaching me that
Religion class isn’t so scary!
Mr. Neville, for two very enjoyable
years in his English class.
—David Kingsley
Madame Soto, for being the best
French teacher a girl could ask for.
Mrs. Bruce, for honestly making
my high school experience through
1. Tim Mack
2. Kevin Cascino
3. Ryan Yueill
1. Melanie Battaglia
2. Nina Marshall
3. Nikki Stout
—Biancca Mansourian
Saint Viator High School
The staff and faculty, for all their help
since freshman year. THANK YOU!
—Kim Marcial
Mr. Nall, for teaching me much more
than what is covered in the pages of a
history book.
—Nina Marshall
I want to thank my parents, for this opportunity, and my teachers for educating
—Chris Miklius
Father Hall, the discipline in the class
—Dominic Monaco
Mrs. Bruce, for leading the homeroom.
—Danny Martin
My parents and teachers.
—Grant Monson
Mr. Neville, he is a wonderful human
—Kyle Martin
The roommates on the Europe Trip, for
the nights i wont forget.
—Matthew Morsches
Coach K, for everything he has done
for me, and Coach Saey for meat-head
—Mac Mastrangeli
I would like to thank Campus Ministry,
for trusting me to lead Kairos 56.
—Katherine Maul
Most of you. It’s a 15-word max, people,
that’s the best I can do.
—Mary Kate McAlpine
I would like to thank my family, madame
Soto and Mrs. Frnacis for taking us on
the France trip. Coach B, for being are
basketball coach, and all the faculty
members who had me in their class.
—Kimberly McAvoy
Madame Soto, for taking me to France,
it was a fun trip! Coach Bjerkness, for
being my basketball coach. Mrs. Bruce,
its been a fun four years in homeroom.
Mr.Hynek and Mr. Hogendorp, for keeping score at games.
I would like to thank all my teachers ,for
putting me in a position to succeed.
—Dan Moynihan
Thank you Class of 2011, parents & faculty, for these wonderful 4 years!
—Marissa Mueller
Fr. Hall, Mr. Nowak, and Mr. Hogie for
getting me back on track.
—Steven Munroe
Coaches, for shaping me into the person
I am.
—Conner Murphy
Mrs. Cairo, for calling me Kitten and
Cooper, for introducing that as my
—Kathleen Naughton
Father Hall and Mr. Waple because they
are great teachers.
—Marcus Niro
Father Hall, for being a good man and an
even better teacher.
—Derek Noel
Adam Clementi, Webmaster, 4 memorable years of swimming and water polo.
Mrs. Cleopatty Bruce, for being patient
and nice to our homeroom when we
would get rowdy.
—Stephanie Nolan
I would like to thank Mr. Neville, for his
constant praise and encouragement.
—Jack Nuelle
I would like to thank the teachers in the
math lab, for helping me understand
—Lauren Oberbroeckling
Thank you to all of my coaches, for
teaching me to always work my hardest
and never give up.
—Kelly O’Brien
I would like to thank my family and
friends, for standing by me throughout
my high school career.
—Erin O’Connell
Madame Soto, Mr. G, and Mr. Neville, for
being wonderful people.
—Kelly O’Connell
Mr. Neville, for keeping class interesting.
—Gregory O’Connor
I would like to thank everyone, for a
great four years of High School.
—Quinn O’Grady
Mrs. Reedy, for being an amazing
teacher who made me understand math
no matter what we were learning.
—Quinn Olender
—Martha McAvoy
My outstanding friends, for basically making my life and all those
on the K55 retreat.
—Patrick O’Malley
Mrs. Bruce, for being the best homeroom teacher ever!
—Lauren McGuigan
—Frank Parise
Mr. Matt Hynek, for being the best
Father Hall and Father Corey, for the
guides they were in shaping my life.
—Ryan McGuigan
—Anthony Pensa
Father Perham, for making Geometry once a week that much more
I’d like to thank all my friends, my
teachers, and my parents, for the wonderful high school experience I had.
—Christine McKee
—Gregory Perkowski
Coach K, for making me a better
—Jimmy Menges
All teachers, for their guidance and
patience. My peers, for the fun
times we had.
—Kyle Metler
Seniors © 2011 English (US)
1. Ciara Collins
2. Allie Vitale
3. Tori Botsford
1. Matthew Filstead
2. Jack Nuelle
3. Kevin Anderson
Everyone in the class of 2011 for making
these past four years amazing!
—Kelsey Peters
Mr. G ,for the knowledge he provided
me with.
—Brian Pichardo
’1 1
I would like to thank all of the teachers,
for preparing me for the future.
—Kevin Pleli
I would like to thank Br. Trip, for teaching me the basics of math. Mr. Waple,
for keeping class fun and interesting,
and Mrs. Deger, for always being fun,
funny, and energetic.
My friends, Mrs. Adams and Mr. G, for
always brightening my day.
—Cory Saunders
I’d like to thank campus ministry, for
putting up with me everyday.
—Andrea Schneider
Mr. Seaman, for his amazing and encouraging attitude and his extreme tolerance
for our antics.
—Caitlin Poltzer
—Emily Schulze
Mrs. Bruce, for being my second mom.
—Ally Redig
Mrs. Guisti, for being amazing.
I would like to thank Mrs. Bruce, for being an awesome homeroom teacher and
Mrs. Guisti, for being a sweetheart.
—Eileen Scully
—Ciara Reidy
I would like to thank Abbey Abraham.
—Andrele Reyes
Everyone I have met, for helping me succeed the best I can.
—Bryan Senchuk
My friends, for the good times.
—John Romanucci
I would like to thank the friends I’ve
made over my four years here, you’re
—Callie Romenesko
My parents, for sending me to Saint
Viator. Fr. Corey, for introducing me to
—Connor Romenesko
Fr. Hall, for being such a great example
for everyone on football and in your
—Ryan Romenesko
I would like to thank my friends and
teachers who have blessed my life so
—Samantha Ropski
Mr. Fuja, for all of the mornings you
spent tutoring me for Spanish class,
thank you!
—Megan Shover
Coach Wayne, for being an awesome
track coach.
—Jack Simpson
I would like to thank Coach Taylor because he has taught me vital information
that will stick with me for the rest of my
life. I’m gonna miss you!
—Taylor Skala
Jong, for helping me to pass math, and
all of my friends, for always being there.
—Annie Slusher
Fr. Van Wiel, for the hardest and most
interesting class I ever took at Viator.
—Tommy Spiekerman
Mr. Neville, for teaching many life lessons about the world and the people in
—Margaret Stefanowski
Mrs. Abrahamian, for being a truly wonderful human being in every possible
—Claire Stewart
I would like to thank Mr. Seaman, for
constantly raising the expectation for all
of us.
—Nikki Stout
Father Van Wiel, for being the best
teacher ever.
—Christine Straka
Mrs. Manno and Mrs. Dutmers, for letting me be a part of this community.
—Joseph Suh
I would love to thank so many people
but mostly coaches and my favorite
—Tracy Supergan
My parents, for sending me to St. Viator.
I would also like to say thanks to all of
those who have made St. Viator a great
—Joe Surdam
—Julie Sweeney
Mr. G, for expanding my artistic
—Rachel Ruddick
—Jess Tanyko
—Eric Ryan
Mama Vitale, for being just as sweet
as the sweets she would send me.
Mr. Neville, for all the great stories
and lessons.
—George Theotokatos
—Patrick Ryan
Mrs. Guisti, for making enviromental
science interesting everyday.
Mr. Paolelli and the Viator Voice crew
for some great times together.
—Allison Toussaint
—Danny Saam
Mrs. Giusti, for being the nicest
—Sam Sammons
Family and friends, for everything.
—Austin Spahr
Mr. Waple, for making Tuesdays exciting.
Mrs. Cairo, for always keeping Bio
interesting with her “mating lab” and
questionable humor...
Fr. Van Wiel, for being an inspiring
role model whose subtle hilariousness
makes insane chemistry-possiblyenjoyable!
—Mike Santorsola
—Rob Smoczynski
Father Hall. Thank you for teaching,
helping, and supporting me these past
two years.
1. Jack Nuelle 1. Tori Botsford
2. Brian Hansen 2. Claire Steward
3. Jeremy Vivit 3. Samantha Ropski
All of my teachers and staff, for
making my high school experience
—Alex Tuccori
Saint Viator High School
Jack Nuelle, for accompanying me
in getting fully into Harry Potter
Homecoming (wands, dress robes,
—Allison Vitale
Father Corey, for getting me truly
thinking about my faith and its role
in my life.
—Jeremy Vivit
I would like to thank the Group
MMS, for always being there for me.
—Jenny Walesa
I would like to thank my parents,
for sending me to Catholic schools
all my life. I would like to thank my
boyfriend, Ryan, for showing me
what love is.
—Sam Wallenberg
I would like to thank my parents,
for always encouraging, believing,
and giving me advice.
—Natalie Wasmund
Mr.Waple, for teaching the class
that shaped my future.
—Nicole Wasowicz
Mr.Paulik, for being amazing every
single day. Mr.Neville, for being
the most sincere, entertaining man
—Lexi Weck
Tim Mack, Mr. Seaman, and Mr.
Sanford, for making me feel welcome at St. Viator.
—Andrew White
Mr. Fuja, for being the person that
he is, precisely.
—Kenny Wienckowski
Mrs. Majka, for letting me chill
in her classroom all the time.
—Madeline Wimberly
Mrs. Adams and Mr. Nall, awesome teachers. Actually learned
in their class. Fr.Hall and Coach
—Mikey Wolf
Mr. Bjerkness, for forgiving me
after starting raves during class
via my backpack speakers.
—Melanie Wood
Mr. Neville, for teaching literature in a whole new way.
—Kelli Wosick
My parents, for always being
there for me.
—Kevin Young
Father Van Wiel, for being Father
Van Wiel day in and day out.
Dean, for working twice as hard
as any Dean should ever have to
—Eddie Zahrebelski
My teachers, friends & Dean
Deb, for your kindness and
friendship I will always be grateful.
—Stephen Zieman
I would like to thank Mrs. Englbrecht, for her contined support and help with algebra and
—Colleen Zitkus
1. Krista Green
1. Matt Heck
2. Samantha Ropski 2. Jeremy Vivit
3. Valerie Kiebala
3. Brian Hansen
Seniors © 2011 English (US)
’1 1
College Choice
Studying Gen Ed at Your Dream School
American University
Natasha Remiasz
Valerie Kiebala
Amherst College
Columbia College of
Joe Park
Taylor Benoit
Kimberly McAvoy
Martha McAvoy
Kelsey Peters
Lexi Weck
Frank Parise
Nicholas Scarimbolo
Indiana University
Elmhurst College
Arizona State University
Concordia University
Joseph Falduto
Michael Licari
Jon Mayyou
Augustana College
Sean Dowd
Emily Leazer
Boston University
Kevin Anderson
Matthew Letke
Bradley University
Michael Flaherty
Kelly O’Brien
Butler University
Billy Krawzak
Carroll College
Anthony Alaniz
Chelsea Karson
Callie Romenesko
Natalie Wasmund
Cornell College
Mary Kate McAlpine
Eddie Zahrebelski
Florida State University
Creighton University
Fontbonne University
Quinn O’Grady
Emily Schulze
Emily Davenport
DePaul University
Katy Augustyn
Julie Burny
Jessica Duarte
Matt Filstead
Edward Golin
Torey Lenart
Serena Lim
Danny Saam
Nicole Wasowicz
Jon Zivoli
Kelly Schreuder
Andrew Bertagna
Chad Holsworth
Margaret Kern
Emma Koehler
Maggie Madden
John Romanucci
Ryan Romenesko
Mike Santorsola
Cory Saunders
Austin Spahr
Jenny Walesa
Harper College
Iowa State University
Eric Andruszko
Adam Lange
Bianca Mansourian
Sam Wallenberg
Lisa Zavacki
Lewis University
Ryan Barth
Carlyn Clevenger
Joe Surdam
Josh Butz
Carthage College
Brian Hansen
Sam Hardt
Megan Shover
Andrele Reyes
Colleen Zitkus
Case Western Reserve
Duquesne University
Christine Straka
Sarah Levenson
Colorado State University
Eastern Illinois Universitiy
Pat O’Mally
Maggie Brennan
Illinois State University
Tara Burns
Jaclyn Catanese
Brian Fabbri
Kevin Gallagher
Kelly O’Connell
Loras College
Emily Depner
Loyola University
Matthew Heck
Saint Viator High School
Alex Krupa
David Lewis
Timothy Mack
Lauren McGuigan
Samantha Ropski
Joseph Suh
Samantha Swiderski
Allison Vitale
College Choice
Katherine Maul
Christine McKee
Matthew Morsches
Alex Tuccori
Siena College
Rockhurst University
Christian Durand
Taylor Skala
Brian Goss
Southern Illinois
Eric Ryan
Patrick Ryan
Eddie Soler
Tracy Supergan
Julie Sweeney
Melanie Wood
University of Hawaii
at Manoa
Manhattanville College
Amanda Pacholok
Paulette Lopez
University of Illinois
Marquette University
Angelica Dickey
Mike Krzoksa
Andrea Schneider
Anthony Skinner
Miami University-Ohio
Nickas Antoniou
Nicholas Fedyna
University of Arizona
Roosevelt University
Joseph Letke
Michigan State University
Dana Franceschini
Andrew Hayes
Matt Izzi
Northern Illinois
Jonathan Goldenne
Derek Noel
Quinn Olender
Northwestern University
Francis Avino
Jennifer Ball
Peter Cleary
Elizabeth Freda
Richard Gattone
Nina Marshall
Mac Mastrangeli
Anthony Pensa
Gregory Perkowski
Ohio State University
Saint Louis University
Melanie Battaglia
Margaret Dougherty
Joe Gerak
Annie Slusher
Margaret Stefanowski
George Theotokatos
Saint Mary’s College
Ryan Boyer
Ryan Kelly
Megan Bailey
Sean Paul Loup
Marcus Niro
Kristen Cozzi
Scott Faul
Nicholas Frett
Justin Johnson
Dana Lopez
Dominic Monaco
Steven Munroe
Ciara Reidy
Connor Romenesko
Allison Toussaint
School of the Art
Institute of Chicago
Seniors © 2011 English (US)
University of Cincinnati
Saint Norbert College
Pennsylvania State
DJ Chameli
Keegan Griebel
JongHoon Kim
University of Colorado
Saint Xavier University
Purdue University
University of California,
Claire Stewart
Siobhan Klinkenberg
Eric Loy
Rob Smoczynski
Julia Frank
Mike Razny
Ally Redig
Stephen Zieman
Graham Blus
Seton Hall University
Chris Miklius
University of Dayton
Louis Capozzoli
Taylor Carlson
Nicholas Fiore
Marissa Mueller
Quinn Murray
Kevin Pleli
Robert Bansfield
Nick Baur
Jason Bennett
Katherine Bertolini
Lauren Biernacki
Lucas Biondi
Lauren Bunda
Kevin Cascino
Stefanie Ferrari
Jack Gaffney
Bridget Gainer
Krista Green
Andrew Gusmano
Cameron Korab
Jaclyn Koziol
Daniel Loizzi
Kyle Metler
Greg O’Connor
Lauren Oberbroeckling
Jack Simpson
Jeremy Vivit
Joe Ward
Kevin Young
University of Illinois at
Laura Abrahamson
Rawan Ahram
Rebecca Delahunty
Michael Ferrazzuolo
Ally Joyce
’1 1
College Choice
University of Iowa
University of WisconsinMadison
Colin Carney
Maxwell Jansons
Caitlin Kompanowski
Ryan McGuigan
Jimmy Menges
Stephanie Nolan
Alex Romano
Sam Sammons
Bryan Senchuk
Tommy Spiekerman
University of Kentucky
Kathleen Naughton
University of Miami
Nick VanStedum
University of Minnesota
Melisande Aiello
University of Missouri
Rameen Bahramirad
George Cwiak
Caitlin Poltzer
Natalie Dolan
Emmanuel Dominguez
Brian Ell
Shane Fitzmaurice
Brett Hower
David Kingsley
Thomas Lopez
University of WisconsinWhitewater
University of NebraskaLincoln
University of the Pacific
Justin Imhoff
Alli Lardner
Michael Alegnani
Catherine Riggle
University of Notre Dame
University of
Valparaiso University
Victoria Botsford
Danny Cortese
Danielle Di Silvestro
Carolyn Hutrya
John Kim
Danny Martin
Rachel Ruddick
Madeline Wimberly
University of Saint Francis
Jess Tanyko
Kelli Wosick
Haley Cooper
Washington University in
St. Louis
University of
South Carolina
Dan Moynihan
Morgan M. Anderson
Tayler Lenart
Western Michigan
University of Tampa
Nicole LoVerde
Brian Pichardo
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Saint Viator High School
In Ten Years
Download this app in 10 years
In 10 years, I, Abbey Abraham, will
In 10 years, I, Nick Baur, will be kickIn 10 years, I, Graham Blus, will have
have completed 28 years of my life.
ing it back with my family and friends,
a successful film career. I will live in
California and hopefully have a wife and
In 10 years, I, Rawan Ahram, will have
kids of my own.
finished college and be working.
In 10 years, I, Jason Bennett, will be
living comfortably in Peru.
In 10 years, I, Tori Botsford, will be
In 10 years, I, Anthony Alaniz, will
working as an agent (Ari Gold), working
be living the high life with my beautiful
In 10 years, I, Taylor Benoit, will be
my way up to Dana Gordon status, and
wife whom I met at USC. We will be livliving in the city and working on a big
sabotaging all of my clients because I am
ing in my million dollar hotel enterprise
film production.
not the one in front of the camera.
in Las Vegas, raising two kids.
In 10 years, I, Andrew Bertagna, will
In 10 years, I, Ryan Boyer, will have a
almost be a doctor
In 10 years, I, Michael Alegnani, will
job and be starting a family.
be riding a horse into the sunset to save
In 10 years, I, Katherine Bertolini,
the girl of my dreams from a train that is will be loving life and living next to my
In 10 years, I, Margaret Brennan, will
about to blow up.
be living it up with Emma and Christian
best friend, Kathleen Kane, making
In 10 years, I,
Morgan Anderson, will be
back here coaching cheerleading with Alex Tuccori, while my
kids are in gymnastics and dance
In 10 years, I, Nickas Antoniou,
on the beaches of Laguna. We will be livmore money than her and letting her
will be a real estate developer, building
ing in Kyle Martin’s penthouse as sister
mooch off of me.
environmentally efficient homes.
to Christian.
In 10 years, I, Lauren Biernacki, don’t
In 10 years, I, Katy Augustyn, will be
In 10 years, I, Lauren Bunda, will
have plans past December 21, 2012...
seeing people I have not seen in 10 years
at our 10 year reunion.
In 10 years, I, Luke Biondi, will be roll- hopefully be traveling around the world.
In 10 years, I, Tara Burns, will hopeing dice in Las Vegas.
In 10 years, I, Frank Avino, will have
fully be married and possibly have a kid.
solved all the problem of global warmI will have gone sky diving and survived.
ing, will be married with my first
I will have my dream job, whatever it
son—Francesco—soon to be born,
may be, and live somewhere warm.
and have kept all of my friendships
In 10 years, I, Julie Burny, will be
downtown above Barney’s. The
In 10 years, I, Megan Bailey, will be
show about my styling busiliving on the ocean with my husband
crazy day-to-day antics of
and three children. I will have a sucmy
have taken off. I will also
cessful wedding and event planning
of successful McDonbusiness.
In 10 years, I, Jennifer Ball, will
In 10 years, I, Louis Capozzoli,
be on television for one reason or
will be winning.
In 10 years, I, Taylor Carlson, will
In 10 years, I, Robert Bansfield,
be living on the East Coast.
will be an engineer working for a
In 10 years, I, Colin Carney, will be
military contractor and making
loaded and planning my retirement.
money. I will also have a wife.
1. George
ge Th
toss 1. Lexi
Lexxi We
10 years, I, Kevin Cascino, will
In 10 years, I, Ryan Barth, will have
2. Frank Avino
making bank, bro, and running
a successful job
3. Tim Hogaboom
Catalina Wine Mixer.
In 10 years, I, Melanie Battaglia,
have no idea.
Seniors © 2011 English (US)
’1 1
In 10 years, I, Jaclyn Catanese, will be
working as a nurse, married with kids,
and living in a big house somewhere
In Ten Years
In 10 years, I, Emily Depner, will have
traveled the world, started my career,
gotten married, and started a family.
In 10 years, I, Natalie Dolan, will have
a job that I love, which also earns me a
lot of money.
In 10 yyears,, I,, Emmanuel
Dominguez, will
hopefully be done with
graduate school and
have a job that I enjoy
vvery much.
In 10 years, I,
Dougherty, will be
In 10 years, I, Peter Cleary, will return
In 10 years, I, Hank DeTrempe, will
to teach at SVHS and integrate Pastafari- be a combination of my idols: Ted Mosby
anism into the World Religions course.
and Barney Stinson. I’ll be telling my
I will also own a dachshund named
kids the LEGENDARY story of how I met
their mother while always reminding
them I’m awesome.
In 10 years, I, Carlyn Clevenger, will
be on the beach getting tan for once in
In 10 years, I, Angelica Dickey, will be
my life.
attending medical school.
In 10 years, I, Ciara Collins, will be
In 10 years, I, Danielle Di Silvestro,
trying to get a job in Hollywood—but
will hopefully be doing something I am
Tori Botsford will be my agent, so it’ll be
passionate about.
a lost cause.
In 10 years, I, Haley
Cooper, will be
married and living in
In 10 years, I, Kristen
Cozzi, will either be enjoying a life
In 10 years, I, Christian DiVito, will be
being a sports agent, or working as a
married and running my own business.
campus minister.
I will have a large family living in a nice
In 10 years, I, George Cwiak, will be
working for the CIA, driving a giant pickup truck, and living with
my hot European supermodel
wife. I’m thinking she’ll be Swedish.
In 10 years, I, Emily Davenport,
will be living downtown, married,
and managing a runway.
In 10 years, I, Joseph DeBiase,
will still live with my parents while
working at Culvers and will still be
driving my Firebird. Or in jail for
attempting to rob a bank.
In 10 years, I, Rebecca Delahunty, will be a physical therapist
1. Samantha Ropski
1. Frank Avino
for a professional sports team.
2. Brian Hansen 2. Nina Marshall
In 10 years, I, Gino Demonte,
3. Tim Hogaboom 3. Colleen Zitkus
will be in California with Jorvy,
Rameen, and Kyle.
earning my master’s degree in nursing
and living in the city with Jaclyn Koziol.
In 10 years, I, Sean Dowd, will be living
on the West Coast enjoying the surf, sun,
and snowboarding
In 10 years, I, Jessica Duarte, will
probably be wondering where I’ll be in
the next 10 years.
In 10 years, I, Brian Fabbri, will own a
In 10 years, I, Joseph Falduto, will still
be sexy.
In 10 years, I, Scott Faul, will be retired
and living the good life.
In 10 years, I, Nicholas Fedyna, will
be a Chippendale dancer.
In 10 years, I, Michael Ferrazzuolo,
will become the President of the United
States, regardless of the fact that I will
not be 35…
In 10 years, I, Matthew Filstead, will
be a Hollywood film actor.
In 10 years, I, Nicholas Fiore, will be
In 10 years, I, Michael Flaherty, will
be a voice actor.
In 10 years, I, John Foong, will be
married to the girl I left behind, settled
down somewhere nice, and will keep
my children away from the Tea Lady.
In 10 years, I, Dana Franceschini,
will have graduated college and earned
my degree in veterinary medicine. I will
Saint Viator High School
In Ten Years
In 10 years, I,
Chad Holsworth, will
be enjoying my life as a newly-wed and
the owner of an animal hospital.
In 10 years, I, Elizabeth Freda, will
be married to the lead singer of Passion
Pit, have 2 kids and a dog, and co-own
a gorgeous beach house with Nicole
In 10 years, I, Nicholas Frett, will be
making Frettzles.
In 10 years, I, Jack Gaffney, will be
making bank, bro, and driving a Range
In 10 years, I, Kevin
Gallagher, will be in my house that
has an underground
d fish
s maze.
a e. “Where
does this maze
go?” you may ask.
“Why, it connects
to Bryan Senchuk’s house, of
In 10 years, I,
Richard Gattone, will be an established businessman.
In 10 years, I, Daniel Geitz, will probably be in jail, missing, or dead.
In 10 years, I, Edward Golin, will
probably be sipping champagne on
the balcony of my California beachhouse, watching the new crops roll
In 10 years, I, Brian Goss, will be
living in that one place with that one
In 10 years, I, Krista Green, will
be happily married to the man of my
dreams, dancing on Broadway, and
taking frequent visits to our California beach-house with our little
blonde munchkins frolicking around.
In 10 years, I, Keegan Griebel,
will be living life in Puerto Vallarta
working as a cool, energetic poolside
server at the Rui while Kathleen Kane
meets all the hot locals.
Seniors © 2011 English (US)
In 10 years, I, Andrew Gusmano, will
be married, have kids, and will be working to find an alternative energy supply,
or possibly be in law school working on a
criminal law degree.
In 10 years, I, Brian Hansen, will be
doing what I’m always doing: living life
out to the fullest....Carpe Deim, seize the
In 10 years, I, Andrew Hayes, will be
living the high life as the radio voice of
the Chicago Cubs.
In 10 years, I, Matthew Heck, will be
out of college and working in a dental
In 10 years, I, Timothy
Hogaboom, will still be playing with
the Slayers in indoor soccer leagues and
excelling at being a trophy husband.
still be waiting
for a team from
Cleveland to
win a championship.
In 10 years, I, Jack Horvath, will be
sitting in my penthouse overlooking the
ocean with all the bros.
In 10 years, I, Brett Hower, will become a billionaire by convincing people
to pay me just for being extremely good
In 10 years, I, Carolyn Hutyra, will be
a certified doctor living in Canada with
the fantastic Katherine Maul and our adopted Afghani child named Laila/Tariq.
In 10 years, I, Justin Imhoff, will have
hopefully graduated from dental school
and be on my way to starting a family.
In 10 years, I, Maxwell Jansons, will
be working in an advertising firm.
In 10 years, I, Justin Johnson, will
be in the NBA scoring, on average, 32.5
points a game.
In 10 years, I, Ally Joyce, will be
happily married and have a mansion
because my husband will be a heart
In 10 years, I, Kathleen Kane, will
be working under the supervision
of Katherine Bertolini at the Rui in
Puerto Vallarta as a flirty, thirty, and
thriving pool dancer with Keegan
In 10 years, I, Chelsea Karson, will
be working as a nurse anesthetist and
living in a Victorian house with my
husband and pets. I’ll work in my gar1. Carolyn Hutyra
2.Katherine Bertolini den, read in my library, and hang out
with my friends.
1. Frank Avino
2. Jack Nuelle
3. Stephen Zieman 3. Valerie Kiebala
We R Who We R
Seniors 2011
’1 1
In Ten Years
In 10 years, I, Margaret Kern, will have
invented the most effective spandex and
earn enough money to buy professional
lacrosse teams and do
personal interviews with all
the players.
In 10 years, I, JongHoon
Kim, will be in this world
somewhere doing whatever
I end up doing.
In 10 years, I, David Kingsley, will not
be around since the world is ending in
In 10 years, I, Siobhan Klinkenberg,
will be working at a major architectural
firm in a city while owning my own hair
salon for fun. I will be engaged to a guy
who is going pro in a sport and we will
be traveling around a lot. I will also be
in the process of adopting a child from a
g country.
In 10 years, I, Michael Krzoska, will
have finally gone heli-skiing.
In 10 years, I, Alli Lardner, will, hope-
In 10 years, I, Emma Koehler, will be
married to Christian DiVito and Maggie
Brennan living it up on the beaches of
Laguna in Kyle Martin’s penthouse.
In 10 years, I, Caitlin Kompanowski,
will be a dentist and married. I will
either be pregnant with my first of five
kids or will already have had him or her.
In 10 years, I, Cameron Korab, will be
retired and making swift beats with Nick
Frett and Tupac.
In 10 years, I, Jaclyn Koziol, will be
the world’s most famous plastic surgeon, working on
all the celebrities,
while living in the
city with Maggie Dougherty
in our luxurious
apartment with a
lakefront view.
In 10 years, I, Billy
Krawzak, will be living in Manchester,
England, where I will be attending every
Manchester United match from my front
row seats at Old Trafford.
tarist. I will also be married to a classy
In 10 years, I, Matthew Letke, will be
prank calling C-Span and hitting up high
school parties.
In 10 years, I, Sarah Levenson, will
be living within walking distance of the
ocean and have a successful career as a
In 10 years, I, David Lewis, will be a
corporate lawyer and have visited Europe
and Australia.
fully, love my work and will be starting a
In 10 years, I, Emily Leazer, will be
catching up on my sleep.
In 10 years, I, Torey Lenart, will be
working as a grip on a film set, trying to
make my way up in the camera department to reach my dream job of being a
In 10 years, I, Joseph Letke, will be a
In 10 years, I, Michael Licari, will be
a famous rapper like Mac Miller, but
people will like me more. And I’ll have a
son named Cristiano Licari.
In 10 years, I, Serena Lim, will be happily married in New York and finishing
up my residency.
In 10 years, I, Daniel Loizzi, will be
living in the city and working as a sports
agent for the biggest athletes and married to a ten.
In 10 years, I, Dana Lopez, will be
working as a nurse in Boulder, Colorado
with my family.
In 10 years, I, Paulette Lopez, will be
28 years old. Also, I will, hopefully, be
starting a family, be working in the career of my choice, and own a convertible.
In 10 years, I,
Thomas Lopez,
w be riding
through the city
in a Cutlass.
In 10 years, I,
Sean Paul
Loup, will be fulfilling my dream of
creating an M.I.A. cover band and performing Wednesday evenings at Durty
Nellie’s in Palatine.
In 10 years, I, Nicole LoVerde, will be
living in the city or somewhere warm.
In 10 years, I, Eric Loy, will be flying my
hang-glider as my mode of transportation. I will have a kestrel and a fox as a
pet. I will have a beard and being living
In 10 years, I, Timothy Mack, will be
making my childhood dream a reality
by becoming the first ever cowboy/rockstar/ninja/doctor to walk on Mars.
In 10 years, I, Maggie Madden, will be
doing my residency and living happily in
the city of Chicago.
Saint Viator High School
In Ten Years
In 10 years, I, Biancca Mansourian,
will, hopefully, be an English professor.
In 10 years, I, Kim Marcial, will have
graduated college and have a job.
In 10 years, I, Nina Marshall, will be
married to my soul mate (or back-up
soul mate), be a successful lawyer, and
be living in a home with a wrap-around
porch, a picket fence, and a vegetable
will have an engineering degree and be
working on a ship traveling around the
world. With the money I earn, I will go
on mission trips everywhere.
In 10 years, I, Jimmy Menges, will be
breaking necks and cashing checks.
In 10 years, I, Kyle Metler, will have
recently finished my education and be
working in an interesting engineering
happy, possibly married, have an awesome job, and living life to the fullest.
In 10 years, I, Steven Munroe, will
be a crime fighting superhero with my
sidekick Dangerous Dave Daniels.
In 10 years, I, Conner Murphy, will
still be “bro’in’” it out in a basement with
Derek and Pichardo while my wife yells
at me because Brian Pichardo won’t leave
and his wife is worried too.
In 10 years, I,
Naughton, will
be living in the city
of Chicago, just out
of graduate school,
working as a physi-
In 10 years, I, Danny Martin, will be
cal therapist.
earning and burning, snapping necks
In 10 years, I, Chris Miklius, will be
In 10 years, I, Marcus Niro, will be half
and cashing checks.
a successful, happily married businesslawyer and half ski bum.
In 10 years, I, Kyle Martin, will be with man.
In 10 years, I, Derek Noel, will be a
Gino sitting big in California with some
In 10 years, I, Dominic Monaco, will
Sports Center anchor.
fine looking women. I should be retired
be at your local high school party, failing
In 10 years, I, Stephanie Nolan, will
by then and doing whatever I want.
miserably to relive my high school days.
be living in a comfortable mansion in
In 10 years, I, Mac Mastrangeli, will
In 10 years, I, Grant Monson, will be
California and married to Daniel Tosh.
be working as the strength and condimaking millions in Vegas.
In 10 years, I, Jack Nuelle, will be
tioning coach at Saint Viator because
In 10 years, I, Matthew Morsches,
newly married, an expert at preparing
that is my dream job.
will be married to hot woman, if all goes
Mac and Cheese, in possession of lots
In 10 years, I, Katherine Maul, will
according to plan.
of books, attempting to sell my words to
be a successful engineer who lives with
In 10 years, I, Dan Moynihan, will be
those who will read them, and a world
the forever thin Carolyn Hutyra in the
out of college and living in an amazing
Canadian wilderness with our beautiful
house and have season tickets to the
In 10 years, I, Lauren OberbroeckAfghani child while writing our EmersoBulls games.
ling, will be married, living in Chicago,
nian novel.
In 10 years, I, Marissa Mueller, will be
have a successful job.
In 10 years, I, Mary Kate McAlpIn
10 years, I, Kelly O’Brien, will
ine, will be either a poor but happy
celebrating multiple Cubs World
actress or a rich but not-as-happy
Championships while loving
child psychologist. It’s a lose-lose
as a sportscaster.
situation, really.
In 10 years, I, Erin O’Connell, will
In 10 years, I, Kimberly McAvoy,
have settled into a career and/or famwill co-own a fashion design store
ily and still be creating art.
with my sisters, and, hopefully, be
In 10 years, I, Kelly O’Connell, will
married with kids.
be happy wherever I am.
In 10 years, I, Martha McAvoy, will
In 10 years, I, Gregory O’Connor,
own my own clothing stores with my
two sisters and be married.
In 10 years, I, Quinn O’Grady, will
In 10 years, I, Lauren McGuigan,
be out of college, have a job, a wife,
will be in medical school (or not),
and couple of kids.
be just as sarcastic as I am today,
In 10 years, I, Quinn Olender, will
and have the same amazingly loving
1. Nina Marshall
1. Christian DiVito
my own small business.
2. Krista Green
2. Andrew Bertagna
years, I, Pat O’Malley, will be
In 10 years, I, Ryan McGuigan, will 3. Jenny Walesa
3. Jack Gaffney
be 28.
In 10 years, I, Amanda Pacholok,
In 10 years, I, Christine McKee,
Seniors © 2011 English (US)
’1 1
will be sitting on a beach in Hawaii.
In 10 years, I, Frank Parise, will have
opened up a fish taco bar, still be living
in Chicago, and married to the woman of
my dreams.
In 10 years, I, Anthony Pensa, will
have finished my residency and will have
begun practicing medicine.
will be watching Bulls games from the
owner’s box.
In 10 years, I, Callie Romenesko, will
be a published author working on my
second novel, or a successful journalist.
But above all, I will be happy with where
I am in life and what I’m doing.
In 10 years, I, Connor Romenesko,
In 10 years, I, Gregory Perkowski,
will be teaching in an inner-city school,
will hopefully be finished with medihoping one of my siblings will loan me
cal school and doing my residency at a
In 10 years, I, Ryan Romenesko, will
In 10 years, I, Kelsey Peters, will be
be a mild- mannered accountant by day,
living in my cozy home and hopefully
but a crime-fighting superhero by night.
teaching little kids! Oh, and Alexis Weck
In 10 years, I, Samantha Ropski, will
will be cooking for me every day because
she makes the best
food in the world.
In 10 years, I,
Brian Pichardo,
will be chilling in
the FLA on a beach
somewhere with
the bros or still
in the man cave, aka, Conner Murphy’s
be working in Campus Ministry at Saint
In 10 years, I, Kevin Pleli, will hopeIn 10 years, I, Rachel Ruddick, will
fully be having a high paying job in
the business world.
In 10 years, I, Caitlin Poltzer,
will be living in New York with
a successful job in fashion and
In 10 years, I, Ally Redig, will be
living in Beverly Hills with my own
OB-GYN clinic.
In 10 years, I, Ciara Reidy,
will be living in an apartment in
downtown Chicago, while being an
elementary school teacher.
In 10 years, I, Natasha Remiasz,
will be a small animal veterinarian.
1. Eddie Zahrebelski 1. Carolyn Hutyra
In 10 years, I, Andrele Reyes,
2. Torey Lenart
will be successful and be living the 2. Greg Perkowski
high life with the rest of the Fan3. Peter Cleary
3. Jennifer Ball
tastic Four on Lake Shore Drive.
In 10 years, I, John Romanucci,
In Ten Years
be traveling the world, living off money
from teaching English. I’ll meanwhile
discover a new plant species, learn how
to make gorilla calls, and ride an ostrich.
In 10 years, I, Eric Ryan, be doing
something, somewhere, with some
In 10 years, I, Patrick Ryan, will have a
lot of money.
In 10 years,
I, Danny
Saam, will be
a successful
civil attorney
and have a cozy condo to live in.
In 10 years, I, Sam Sammons, will be
married and have a family.
In 10 years, I, Mike Santorsola, will
be living a wonderful life in my Vegas
penthouse, or living in any ridiculous
mansion with a bunch of things that I do
not need. Or, I will be President of the
United States, even if that is not possible. I can’t decide.
In 10 years, I, Cory Saunders, will
be wealthy, wise and living life to the
In 10 years, I, Nicholas Scarimbolo,
will be living in my multimillion dollar
house in Malibu with my friends and
my entourage.
In 10 years, I, Andrea Schneider,
will be living and teaching in the wonderful city of Chicago.
In 10 years, I, Kelly Schreuder, will
be driving my white Jeep Wrangler to
swim practice.
In 10 years, I, Emily Schulze, will be
working as a doctor somewhere in the
world and helping others.
In 10 years, I, Eileen Scully, will be
working as a surgical nurse in sports
medicine, and happily married to an
NHL player or doctor with kids and
Saint Viator High School
In Ten Years
spending my free time at my beach
house in Discovery Bay, CA.
In 10 years, I, Bryan Senchuk, will be
In 10 years, I, Margaret Stefanowski,
will have graduated college and probably
the beach.
In 10 years, I, Joseph Suh, will be working at a very interesting place.
In 10 years,
I, Tracy Supergan, will
be working
and hopefully
starting a family.
In 10 years,
I, Joe Surdam, will be married, living
with my family in the city, and excelling
at my job.
In 10 years, I, Julie Sweeney, will be
married and living on the West Coast. I
will have a happy family with two kids
(so far) and still depending on Eric Loy
to figure my life out for me. I will be in
the process of owning all of my pets on
living in a house next to Kevin Gallagher, be married and driving my kids to pracand a series of underground tunnels will
tice in my 1996 white mini-van which my
connect our houses. I will be the captain
family refused to get rid of.
of an underground bowling league. I will In 10 years, I, Claire Stewart, will be a
be happily married with two kids that
religion teacher and/or campus minister
will be shipped off in their first ten years
at Saint Viator, where I will get paid to go
of life and be genetically engineered into on Kairos three times a year.
superhuman athletes. I will then live off
In 10 years, I, Nikki Stout, will hopethe success of my children.
fully be writing for a magazine, traveling
In 10 years, I, Megan
g Shover, will
be finished
with my business degree at
Carthage, will
be finished with
law school, and
I will have a job
at a law firm
somewhere in the Chicago area.
the world, and finding beautiful quirks
the future-pet list, which was developed
In 10 years, I, Jack Simpson, will be
in everything I see.
in Mrs. Cairo’s class (I’ll name my hedgebasically the same but have a lot of
In 10 years, I, Christine Straka, will be hog Eileen).
money and live in Ireland.
a gold digger and living in a mansion on
In 10 years, I, Samantha Swiderski,
In 10 years, I, Taylor Skala, will
will be working as a nurse at Chilbe married to my lovely husband
dren’s downtown, be in graduate
with at least two children, preferably
school, and be married.
boys. I will also be working as either
In 10 years, I, Jess Tanyko, will be
an optometrist or a sports announcliving in a hut on a beach and spender on television.
ing my time in the ocean.
In 10 years, I, Annie Slusher, will
In 10 years, I, George Theotokabe finished with law school, will
tos, will be arresting Jack Nuelle for
join the Peace Corps, and will be
terrorist crimes against the Federal
Government of Greece and eating
In 10 years, I, Rob Smoczynski,
celebratory baklava, knowing my life
will be chilling at my own marketing
goal is finally complete.
firm. I will probably have a kid or
In 10 years, I, Allison Toussaint,
two with my wife.
will be happily married to the man
In 10 years, I, Austin Spahr, will
of my dreams, have four kids and be
be a businessman with a side job of
2. Gino Demonte 2. Katherine Bertolini (tie) living somewhere warm.
hand modeling.
In 10 years, I, Alex Tuccori, will be
3. Peter Cleary 2. Andrea Schneider (tie) happily married, living in the city
In 10 years, I, Tommy Spiekerman, will still be asking Maggie
near all my friends and family.
Kern for help with whatever job I
Seniors © 2011 English (US)
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In Ten Years
Everyone likes this
In 10 years, I, Allison Vitale, will be
happily living with my starving artist
of a husband in our yellow house with
a red door, beginning what will be our
very large family.
In 10 years, I, Jeremy Vivit, will be a
singing dermatologist.
In 10 years, I, Jenny Walesa, will have
already taken over the Maczko dentistry
business and will be happily married to
the man of my dreams while living in
our dream house.
In 10 years, I, Sam Wallenberg, will
be a successful occupational therapist
and have a part time job as a
photographer for concerts. I will
be married to Ryan Yueill with
In 10 years, I, Natalie Wasmund, will likely be finished
with college with a degree, have an
internship, or be in some type of
In 10 years, I, Nicole Wasowicz,
will be spending my summers on
the coast of somewhere beautiful
with Liz Freda, designing sparkling cities, and being happy kicking back with my family and dog
(to be named Chesney).
In 10 years, I, Lexi Weck, will
be married with children. I’ll be
teaching high school English
and/or history. I’ll be working at
St.Viator with George, Nina, Claire, and
Jack. Also, I will be visiting Kelsey Peters
frequently so that I can cook for her
since she refuses to.
In 10 years, I, Andrew White, will
have finished college and graduate
school, be working in my career, and
thinking about getting married.
In 10 years, I, Kenny Wienckowski,
will be on tour with Pat Schuetz as my
caddie, since he is already used to carrying my bag.
In 10 years, I, Madeline Wimberly,
will be curing cancer and the common
1. Jack Nuelle + Allie Vitale
2. Austin Spahr + Becky Delahunty
2. Mike Krzoska + Lauren Biernacki
cold for Libby Burkman, researching
how brown cows make chocolate milk,
and still swimming with the Alligators.
In 10 years, I, Mikey Wolf, will be in a
war with Greg Perkowski for the other
half of the world.
In 10 years, I, Melanie Wood, will be
retired, living in Australia and working as skydiving instructors. We will
spend our free time snorkeling the Great
Barrier Reef, cliff gliding, and bungee
In 10 years, I, Kelli Wosick, will be
teaching high school English, possibly
at Saint Viator, and I may or may not
be married.
In 10 years, I, Kevin Young, will
have an engineering degree, work
for Lockheed, and live on Lakeshore
Drive with the rest of the Fantastic
In 10 years, I, Eddie Zahrebelski,
will be 10 years older.
In 10 years, I, Stephen Zieman, will
have graduated from college with a
major in political science, be married,
and be elected as a Republican to the
Illinois House.
In 10 years, I, Colleen Zitkus, will
be 27, living in Arlington Heights,
have a job with the Arlington Heights
Police Department, have multiple
pets (including a horse), and be married.
Saint Viator High School
Senior Wills
They aren’t just FarmVille gifts
Seniors give more than just crops for your virtual farm
I, Abbey Abraham, will to Emily Simon, all my MCR albums; to Emily Simeone, my loyal friend Gandhi; to Maggie
Rountree, a dinosaur; and to Tyler McCrea and Pablo Pulsifer, the Pick of Destiny.
I, Rawan Ahram, will to Emily Depner,
Chipotle; and to Andrele Reyes, fruit
I, Anthony Alaniz, will to Meghan
Saulka, my Spanish 1.5 notebook.
I, Michael Alegnani, will to Michael
McGrath, my goalie skills; to Ashwin, my
goal scoring ability; and to the water polo
team, a state championship.
I, Morgan Anderson, will to Katie,
three; to Alex, fatspot skills; to Kathaleen, you know who; to Dolan, flipkicks;
to Julie, 17/55; to Tim, mountain dew;
to Lo, big thighs and MelCox’s baton;
to Dickey; my captainship; to Ciara; my
back flexibility, to Megan,a hate letter;
to Bree, a world’s ring; and to Varsity, my
dance skills.
I, Nickas James
Antoniou, will to
Timmy, my scripts; to
Ryan Lavelle, a chest
bump; to DeWald, my
account; to Jimmy Sexton, I leave Watson; to
Lou, a high five; to Jack
Kellner, my Russian Police Baton; to Kit-Kat,
my golf clubs and a pat
on the head; and to Yoder, my soul (so that
you may have one).
I, Katy Augustyn,
will to Sam Hardt, hazy
Sunday mornings running on coffee and
no sleep, Ace Rizzle, and 8th period; to
Abbey Abraham, the many memories
with Rocky, Ghandi, and Sasha, and my
Indian accent; to Emily Simeone, room
216, and the dubstep remix of Summertime; to Tyler McCrea, Dreamweaver; and
Seniors © 2011 English (US)
to Pablo Pulsifer, Heaven music at 7/11.
I, Francis Avino, will to Joe Lorenzini,
my spot in the West Meadows locker
room; to my freshman LINK Crew homeroom (the Querbes Skcholars), the joy of
looking back on four years
of success;and to Steve Jensen and Andrew Lasia, the
chance to attend Kairos
next year.
I, Rameen Bahramirad,
will to Baniak, Charizard
and bizzos; to the bros,
magic, getting weird, and
fire; to Romteen, Charmander; to Brian Ell, hummus;
to LenDoggyDog, My ‘CK’
; to Cosimo, ‘grandma banana’; to Rosie, Silly Goose
‘V’; to Brent P, my dog; to
Vince, my bed; and to Catherine Riggle, my mom.
I, Megan Bailey, will to Colin, B96 in
the morning, the car, and my
lacrosse skills; to the girls basketball team, Coach Bjerkness’s
book of quotes and my skills;
to Marty, late night oovoo sessions; to Mayo, my love; to Ryan,
Colin, take care of him, and a
pencil; and to Joe, car rides from
I, Jennifer Ball, will to Fremd
and Stevenson, my crazy friends;
to Tori, unlimited Liquid Fusion
and a clean-up on “aisle vegetable”; to Natalie, hitchhiking
to Viator and the Tendercrisp
we had to have; to Button-nose,
my favorite freshman, a game of
bowling; and to Patrick, peace and love;
and to my homeroom, a new fan.
I, Robert Bansfield, will to Pablo Pulsifer, a razor to shave his head; and to Joseph, my awesome looks and some hand
I, Ryan
Barth, will to Patrick
Hulsebosch my seat in French; and to
Patrick Hulsebosch and Liam Klinkenberg, the good times to come in french
I, Melanie Battaglia, will to Eileen,
Libby, and Carson, swim captains; to
K56, an amazing
experience; to Emily, stand partner;
to Maddy, champions gate; to Erin,
rides home; to
buddy; to Margaret
and Bridget, Study
hall; to Laura, a
golfcart; and to the
swim team, Adam’s
crazy, hard practices; and to the polo
team, Florida Trip.
I, Nick Baur, will
to Jack Fulton and Romteen Bahramirad, my Community Center Dime Dropping swag; to Pat Schuetz and Jeremy
O’Donnell, my ragin’ cagin’ flow; and to
Dan O’Malley, my ski trip tactics and my
Chuck Becker Forum contract.
I, Jason Bennett, will to Teddy Marszelak, my passion for singing; and to Sean
Carney and Billy Cavenagh, my seat at
Mr. A’s
I, Taylor Benoit, will to Joe Farrell, my
singing voice; to Claire Stewart, my water
buffalo; to Samantha Ropski, my common
sense so you won’t injure yourself again,
to Lexie Ropski and Kelsey Trimble, my
hugs; and to Alexis Weck, Virginia Wolfe
I, Andrew Bertagna, will to Joe Surdam, commonsense; to Erika Kreiner, a
faithful boyfriend; and to Joe Ferante, the
title of “snake.”
I, Katherine Bertolini, will to Kathleen, ya know? and the past 4 years; to
Jenny, car rides and our shrine; to Krista,
secrets and my dance moves; to Cooper,
my charm and sass; to Keegan, creepin’
and bike rides; to Tara, skateboards and
our childhood; to Marge, my relationship
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w i t h
y o u r
family; to
hypothetic a l
to Anna, female leadership; and to Ryan,
my scent?
I, Lauren Biernacki, will to Katelyn
Hammerland, all my friends, mojo jojo
headquarters, and a hint of romance; to
Bree StPiere, Saturday nights; to Anna
Malpanes, flexibility; and to Clare Koehler, snuggling and Luke.
I, Graham Blus, will to Matt Heck, my
mustang for a day; to Tristan Blus, all my
gangster swagger; and to Frank Travaglio
any night rides with the top down and a
lotto ticket.
I, Tori Botsford, will to G2, cotton
candy spray; to my daughters, my legacy
(even bilkers); to Ciara, our futures as
Montgomery wives; to Megan, con bro
chill; to Mel, spots 1&2 on the list; to Ally,
Weezy; to Vanni, my hair; to Bridget, fever, finnys, and CJs; to Liz, BOOM!; and
to Jen, Kyle and Maxx.
I, Ryan Boyer, will to Eric ‘Suttbags’
Sutton, my SuperSmash-Bros
(original of course);
to Steve Jensen, the
Saint Viator Swim
Team; to Anthony
DiSilvestro, the Saint
Viator Water Polo
Team and the right
to make fun of Steve
Jensen when he pulls
a ‘Steve,’; and to
Sean McDermot, my
I, Maggie Brennan, will to JV ‘11,
frosty fridays and Fuja’s inspiration to
the team; to Sara, dynamic duo trophy;
to Tori, wrestling tournaments and born
this way dance; to Abbey, lot’s of jokes for
next years ski trip; to Christina, Conor; to
Conor, being late.
I, Tara Burns, will to cirone, lo, darling,
& Meghan Cavanagh, summer tumbling;
to Kitty, our drives; to Jax, my black
eye; to tkane, my names legacy; to
coop, my salads; to marge, my rationalizatoin; to katherine, my skateboard; and to my JV soccer team,
I, Julie Burny, will to Morgan Anderson, midnight Hannah Montana
premieres and Camp Rock; to Natalie Dolan, carpooling, Zoolander
quotes, and recycling club; to Kiki
Sassalino, the coolest nickname ever,
LOLz and “Kiki Kalls”; to Amy Stringfellow, my looks; to Siobhan Klinkenberg,
shabonah and angle side side, cause if
you use it, you are one.
I, Louis Capozzoli, will to Munroe, 100
bills; to
my inn o cence;
to Baniak, pigsauce; to Kyle, gotcha big boy; to
Pat, slaski; to Jimmy, Casey O’Connel; to
Marcus, my coozi; to Rameen, a pound;
to Cosimo, banana my grandma, to Brint,
my steeze; to Romteen, my hats.
I, Taylor Carlson, will to Katie Gavin
the firendless lunch table, to try to be as
tan as me, and my bathtube to take ice
baths with Megan Goerth; to Dana Lopez, the POOLHOUSE, summer nights,
Thomas’ house, and the backseat; to
Ally Redig, MEXICO:); to Erin Malone,
for everything to be free and Bircks blue
I, Colin Carney, will to Sean, the Tahoe and making fun of Frankie; to Guth,
page, saucy, awoohhooeee; to Forde,
open gyms; to Chris, my bad jokes; to
Walsh, my smooth jumper; to Frankie,
absolutely nothing; to Abes, our talks.
I, Kevin Cascino, will to Elliot Hilgert, my Cross Country captaincy; to Teddy Marszalek, Sean Imburgia, and Tom
Aichele, another year of good conversations; to Katie Cascino, unfettered access
to the car while I am away at school.
Senior Wills
I, Jaclyn Catanese, will to Tara, my little squishy ushy; to
Alex, chin kisses and
our secret book; to
Jenny, taco dip and
bagel dogs; to Haley,
toffee and Jake; to
Anna Cirone, Chrissies love; to Maryann, food babies; to
Krista, a super hot
Italian boy; to Ally,
I, Peter Cleary, will to Mary, Madame
Soto’s good graces; to Sean McDermott,
Fenwick bag; to Miller, Jensen, and DiSilvestro, captaincy; to Deegh Jay, the flag;
to my Kairos LV family, all my love; to
Laura, purple sweats; to posterity, best of
I, Carlyn Clevenger, will to Lauren Falotico, Janelle Stilling as a little sister.
I, Ciara Collins, will to Katie, crushes
and lunches; to Danny, hugs and paper;
to Haley, being on time; to Timmy, Venezuela; to Danielle, ‘everything’; to Bridget, debs; to Tori, Hannah Montana; to Nicole, texting, coke, pucks, and gazebos; to
Liz, car rides, curragh, and where is my
knitting wool?
I, Haley Cooper, will to Tara, smores,
salads, and highschool; to Kaner, target,
yellow slugbugs, childhood; to Jaclyn,
stiffarms; to Alex, teenworld; to Krista,
iPod shuffle; to Keegan, first sleepover;
to Katherine, DENNIS;
to Kitty, ceramics ability;
to Betsy, track7; to Ciara,
babyschwee; to Ally, bluelagoon; to darling, slender
I, Danny Cortese, will to
the soccer guys, four years,
Europe, and the fantasy
league; to the Jazzy individuals, cherry-apple, Disney, and 3rd place; to my
cousin David, the Cortese
name; and to Tom Gorman, tickets to the game and a stuff y
I, Kristen Cozzi, will to Claire, Portillo’s, ethics arguments, punches, and acid
showers; to Sam, 8th period talks in cam-
Saint Viator High School
Senior Wills
pus ministry; to Lauren, college brochure;
to Jess, spare robotic
parts; to Kelsey, homeroom talks; to choir, lip
trills; to softball, the 4th
sprint line to anyone worthy of running in it.
I, George Cwiak, will
to Nickas Antoniou, my
Aveo LT; to Kevin Anderson, my Soviet hat and Army helmet; to
Matt Heck, an artillery shell; to Stephanie
Trovato, a pair of pants; to Frank Avino,
awesomeness; to anyone who almost died
riding with me, and a legacy of adventure
I, Emily Davenport, will to Nick Pagano, my fantastic skills for ordering food at
restaurants; and to Tori Danner, my soul.
I, Joe DeBiase, will to Steve Kohn,
Austin, Francesco, D-Steph, Jimmy, Pat,
and Scarda, my lunch table; to my loving
weirdo of a sister and friends, my study
hall table; to
milk girl, my
milk; to Lou,
the gas money I owe for
all the rides home.
I, Rebecca Delahunty, will to Valerie
Kiebala, all my Reese’s puffs; to Austin
Spahr, my sandwich making skills; to Julia Frank, my tennis racquet; to Maggie
Kern, my ability to say no; to Carlyn Clevenger, my skill of going to the bathroom
every five minutes.
I, Gino Demonte, will to Brian Guth,
minivan swag; to
Louie Capozzoli, Longhorn; to Jack
my heart; to
Kyle Martin,
my flow; and
to Jack Corrigan,
I, Emily Depner, will to Rawan Ahram, chocolate chip cookies and chocolate milk; to Carolyn Hutyra, camera to
Seniors © 2011 English (US)
capture our memories; to Andrele Reyes,
all day long conversations
that last till 3 a.m the next
morning; to Kim Marcial,
my friendship; to Natalie
Wasmund, everything that
has happened since freshman year.
I, Hank DeTrempe, will to Megan, $5,
a suggestive CD, my place in musical; to Mawky, Jennifer and friends;
to Jules, bro life; to Luke, the charity, playbook, name, car, mom and
dad’s attention; to carpool, driveby-dancing; to Erin and Dino, Luke;
to Natalie, clothes and cutsie couple
I, Angelica Dickey, will to Christine and Thomas, coloring pages
from State of the Art; to Jordan, Bit, and
Megan, ‘Kum-Cha’; to Flasch, our softball
memories; to Steve, the sleepless nights
from excessive amounts of homework; and to Lauren, the early Link
Crew meetings.
I, Danielle Di Silvestro, will to
Anthony, car rides, Starbucks, and
Marissa; to Marena, hugs, Relay
for Life and our backstage dressing
‘room’; to Christine, jazz squares; to the
Southalls, I’m Awesome; to Libby, Grace,
and Maddie, Viator Voice; to Orchesis,
the future; and to my ‘Little
Sisters’ Sam and Beth, the
I, Christian DiVito, will to
John Campanelli, my hands;
to Kevin Gallagher, my first
I, Natalie Dolan, will to
Jeanie Mason, panera gift
cards and her dream car; to Julie Burny,
all of the greatest movies ever and a new
math lab teacher to replace Greg; to Erin
Malone, Nancy and some clamps.
I, Emmanuel Dominguez, will to
KY, Angry Birds; to Andrele, my Chem
Lab Book; to Matt Heck, plastic rims and
‘automatic’ doors; to Geitz, the ability to
jump in basketball; to Rawan, my advice;
to Connor O’Grady, the Nike Sumo; to the
McAvoys, sushi; and to F4, Deer Park.
I, Maggie Dougherty, will to Annie
Campbell, #14, tribal council, and my
prom date; to Katie Gavin, my ginger
cat; to Katelyn Hammarlaund, scavenger hunt, my toe tumor, and my life; to
Booger; JV round 2 and B.A.W.S; to Erin
Malone, my brother.
I, Sean Dowd, will to Tyler McCrea, my
sense of sarcasm.
Duarte, will to
Kairos 55, my
biggest hug; to
parts I forgot to
install; to Ellie
staredowns; to Lexi,
The Wheeze; to
Kelli Wosick and
Kelly O’Brien, Ann impressions; to my
lunch table, my compulsive need to sing;
to Lauren, all my Glee theories; and to
Katherine, a package of Red Vines.
I, Brian Ell, will to Tony Kasper, closing the gap; to Frankie Laterza, height;
to Brian Guth, the Brian legacy; to Ryan
McCollum, Biggie lyrics; to Billy C, a good
handshake and hello; to Sean Carney, Filstead’s brutal comment at the basketball
game; and to Howard, a goon.
I, Brian Fabbri, will to Joey Caputo
Billy Cavanaugh and Sean Carney, Amanda from Tommy Z
Speed Training; to
Erin, keys to the
jeep; to Brian Wilhite, Captain of the
St. Viator Handball
I, Joe Falduto, will
to Katelyn Hammerlund, my better blue eyes, and my insult
talent job; and to Carson Soch, my tin; to
Ore Arogundade my #10 jersey.
I, Scott Faul, will to Danielle Faul, anything that involves school except the
car—that is mine
I, Nick Fedyna, will to Eric Lamb, Jackie;
to John Romanucci, an undefeated pickle
ball season; and to Jackie Hassenplug,
I, Michael Ferrazzuolo, will to Howard,
my sandiness; to Skala, my kickstand and
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bolts; to Becky, my tickley spot; to Frank, O, the carpool, 670 the score, flo, and our
my hockey skills; to Megan, an Eskimo buddies Jeans and PJ; to Jeremy L, the
bothers shirt; to Pensa, my
corner spot and not telling me what
strength; and to the Salvato do; to Hudson, the ghost mattion Army, a better attitude.
tress; and to John, a set of hands
I, Matthew Filstead, will
and some pass.
to everyone in the play and
I, Kevin Gallagher, will to Joey Camusical, my love and best
puto, liking everything on facebook
wishes; to Molly McMawalls; to Stephan Bonica, a turnhon and Sam Scanlon, my
about pepperoni pizza and ‘ask me
beard; to Jack Kellner, my
if I’m a dump truck’; to Mark Parise,
“radio”; and to Kevin Patzke
my skills at padiddle; and to Beth
and Jack Corrigan, the leadKern, perfectly straight cookies.
ership of the Cahill Crazies.
I, Rick Gattone, will to Dana, my
I, Nick Fiore, will to Elliot
parking spot and Driscoll pride;
Hilgert, my good looks; and
and to Mr. Masterton, a monetary
to Kevin Shreiber, my sick
form of currency.
track spikes.
I, Eddie Golin, will to Jeremy O’Donnell,
I, Michael Flaherty, will to the anime my helmet; to Rob Schmidt, my dancclub, the loss of the game; to Joe Bans- ing shoes; to Jeremey Linzing, car rides;
field, my books; to anyone who wants it, to Alex Hale, my bench press; to Mike
some third thing; and to Ms. Rullo, my Razny, hardcoreness; to Hudcomputer skills.
son, Alyssa, and Gina, Zach
I, John Foong, will to Danny Saam, my Zelisko and Anthony Skinner
rig; to Lexi Weck, my Altoids; to Kyle going green; and to Christian
Metler, my backpack.
DiVito, f19.
I, Julia Frank, will to Ally and Lisa, all I, Brian Goss, will to Mac Haug,
of my love, my cat, and my pillow pet; to “maaaaaaaac”; to Jerm, watchTori, my skirts for Zero Gravity; to Lau- ing girls soccer; to Katelyn the
ren, my tribal council sound; to Meg, scavenger hunt that never hapour workouts; and to pened; to Pchards and Ell, Brian
Becky, our tennis talks cubed; to Shaner, oh hay; and
on the court.
to Anna Cirone, you told me to will you
I, Liz Freda, will to something so here.
Nicole, ‘Wapey Baby’ I, Krista Green, will to Alex Whiting, the
and my forever;
to Ciara, texts
that bring tears;
to Haley, ‘Fix You’
by Coldplay and
the ‘ignore’ button; to the already
mentioned, my
love always; and
to Albertina, all
things funny and
Italian (including
Signora R).
I, Nick Frett, will to Brian Guth, my
great ability to cheer from the bench
1. Katherine Bertolini
in b-ball; to Annie, reunions/ heart 1. Frank Avino
to hearts; to Laterza, my perfect- 2. Hank DeTrempe 2. Tara Burns
ness; and to Jom, “Frett We Can.”
2. Joe Peterson
3. Megan Bailey
I, Jack Gaffney, will to Rob,
sleepovers at your house; to Jeremy
Senior Wills
legacy, the notebook, and Nikki (haha
yeah right); to Colleen Cavanagh, OAR
concerts; to Kelly Dunne, my technique;
to Jenny Walesa, my mom car; to Nick
Baur, effortless swag; and to Katherine
Bertolini, the phon.
I, Keegan Griebel, will to Maggie, hottub seshes and Walgreens; to Kathleen,
shewolf, fritotwists, bat and cheetahgirls; to Katherine, bikerides, little boys
and Chipotle; to Cooper, gummybears
and Coraline; to Jenny, my camera; to
Gino, brickwall; and to Jimmy, orangefilled.
I, Andrew Gusmano,
will to Christina Aiello,
a friendly greeting; to
Danny Wolfe, Molly
McMahon, Katie Cascino, Sarah Castaldi,
Billy Cavanagh, Regina
Aiuppa, Maddy Kelly,
Katie Anderson, Alyssa
Michels, and Maureen
Daday, the stage—use it well; and to
Steph Trovato, my dance moves.
I, Brian Hansen, will to DJ Horstman,
my locker; to Danny Wolfe, my AP Euro
book; to Sarah Castaldi, my choir folder;
to Joseph Farrell, my gold stars from the
musical and play; to Mr. Nall, my political conversations with him; and to campus ministry, my loud.
I Andrew Hayes, will to Frank Laterza,
bon fires and cleaning up; to Katherine
Bertolini, that one week; to all underclassmen, Meathead fridays with Coach
I, Matthew Heck, will to Robert Heck,
my parking space; I would like to thank
Graham Blus for the mustang.
I, Tim Hogaboom, will to Emma,
morning car rides and dealing with the
sisters; to Luke, Hank’s life; to Kevin
Patzke, Marion Street; to Lauren, your
family; and to Maggie, lists, silver linings, fourths, and walks to classes.
Saint Viator High School
Senior Wills
will to Katie, the family lacrosse
an unsuccessful year
to Peter, a
to Syracuse;
to Jackson,
good taste
sookem and Joey B; to Billy, the ability to
inhibit PFK; and to Megan M, my l.
I, Jack Horvath, will to Marcus, living
quarters for 4 years if you are ever homeless and a gat...obviously; to Gino, our
bromance that was discovered senior year
and being weird together; to Kyle, my
love and being a CFO; and to Maryanne,
my heart.
I, Brett Hower, will my life to Joe Bieda.
I, Carolyn Hutyra, will to Hanna and
Shannon 4x800s; to Katherine, early
morning Scholastic Bowl meets; to
Dominique and the track/xc teams, complaints, yelling, and public scenes with
Milz; to Jiana, random bathroom talks; to
Nick, Kairos LVIII; to Anthony, plenty of
hugs and the paper; to Maddie Kelly, my
love! and to Maddie, Grace, and Libby
big shoes to fill and Paolelli management.
I, Maxwell Jansons, will to Mike
Perotti, my shoes which came with
soup; to Conor Kinasz, a rainbro; to
Rachel Horvath, a dark day to brighten; to Alex Bisc, an unwritten song.
I, Justin Johnson, will to Licari,
Janelle; to Koth, ‘peace’; to Rameen,
tons of gas; to juniors, my arm workout use with caution; to the Arogundade family, ya’ll know what I mean
I, Ally Joyce, will to Alex Flasch, my
hula-hoop; to Martha McAvoy, our
mousetrap car; to Kimberly McAvoy,
French fries; to Andrele Reyes, my 23
different laughs; to Michelle Presslak,
Seniors © 2011 English (US)
my first-base skills; to Laura Abrahamson, my boy-crazy stories and to Emily
Schulze, my ‘playa-ness’.
I, Kathleen Kane, will to Kath, woodchippers, 12 impressions, life; to Keegs,
Frito twists, 5th period lunch; to Coop,
target; to Kyle, Kenny Chesney, ester,
ripple effect; to Jenny, stomach aches,
farmaid, Beyonce; to Tara, woodchips,
handcuffs; to Alex, my advice; to Anna,
library smackdown, m.n.p.t; to Krista,
pron w/ parents;
I, Chelsea Karson, will to Melinda
Aiello, my spot in the math lab and my
habitat of talking to homework.
I, Margaret Kern, will to my
little sister Beth my infamous
dance moves and my boy issues; to Joe Ferrante, I will my
words of wisdom and ability to
always be right (17-0); to Joey
Caputo, I will Bernardo. You
should have come up with a
better name.
I, JongHoon Kim, will to Jay
C., my team and members; to
Patrick H., my awesome soccer skills; to
Joe G., my food; to Kevin Y., my homework; to Will K., my nothing; to Annie
S., probably gallons of gas; to Joe P., my
thankfulness; and to Ed Z., my man.
I, David Kingsley, will to Eric, partycar; to Brian, king crab legs and Outsiders; to Mac, clean firepit; to Andrea,
1. Christian DiVito 1. Maggie Madden
2. Marcus Niro
2. Ally Redig
3. Frank Avino
3. Jenny Walesa
mason jar and another David; to Fabbri,
Iowa; to Christine, Slurpee Friday; to Marissa, a tree; to Dolan, Passion Pit C.D.;
to Jaclyn, Hot-tub; and to Maggie, Cable
Guy and RSK.
I, Siobhan Klinkenberg, will to Kevin
Klinkenberg, my soccer skills- good luck
living up to me! oh and you will forever
and always be a FRESHMAN, live with it;
to Liam, the Honda pie pie and our long
car ride talks after parties; and to Katie
Gavin, my swagg.
I, Emma Koehler, will to Clare, the
snuggle bed; to Julia, dresses; to Sara,
cousinly love; to Tori, boyfriend; to Mego,
my artistic abilities; to Anna,
St. Patricks Day Picture; to
Kathleen, 5th period walks; to
Katelyn, the Africas and a hint
of romance; and to Katie Nov,
my wardrobe.
I, Caitlin Kompanowski,
will to Hanna Winter, my CD
collection; to Julia MacKendrick, my hurdling ability; to
Beth Kern, my Bieber dance
moves and elk collection; and to Katie
Shaffer, memories of awesome car rides.
I, Cameron Korab, will to Walsh, my
swag & Jordan backpack; to Pat Martin, my girlfriend; and to Guth, my good
looks; to Frank, #7.
I, Jaclyn Koziol, will to Colleen, the high
ropes course and my height; to Flasch, the
rock-n-roll roller coaster; and to Erika, my car and my sick softball skills.
I, Billy Krawzak, will to Danny
Rooney, my angelic voice; to Michael
Decker, my amazing soccer skills; to
Ashwin Cornelius, my sexiness; to
Natalie Cataldo and Megan Thompson, those crazy car rides; and to Sammy Scanlon, our epic dance battles.
I, Michael Krzoska, will to Sean
Carney and Billy Cavanagh, saturday
morning breakfasts; to Katelyn Hammarland, my abs; and to Jack and
Cosimo (KKD), my boombah jump
I, Alli Lardner, will Eileen and Carson, lane 5; to Libby and Ashley my
parking space and morning talks; to
Libby, an abundant amount of nutella
sandwichs and my ability to attract
’1 1
Senior Wills
the pink water polo ball; and to Laura, short people, my ability to squeeze be- Meghan Saulka, Frank; to Frankie Smeritween people in the hallway.
glio and Chloe Luthringshausen, cafe
driving lessons.
I, Emily Leazer, will to Rachel Horvath, I, Danny Loizzi, will to Andrew Bertag- cookies; to Jiana Toben, my dance moves;
big booty; to Tim, sophomore homecom- na, my FIFA skills and common sense; to to Hanna Winter, thung story; and to Miling...; to Billy, our interesting converKevin Patzke, my scar- ner and Tina Ronsen, all my false hope.
sations about basically everything;
ing abilities; to Bob Na- I, Eric Loy, will to DJ, Captain; to Anand to Andrea, uhh...basically the
polean, my right arm; thony, my beard growing ability; to Ralast 4 years of my life?
to Joe Surdam, my trash chel, WOMAN!; to Albertina, my mini
talk; to Matt Morsches, pegicorn pony; to Katie Shaffer, my hugs;
I, Torey Lenart, will Nick, my
my hot tub; to Jack to Mark Lakowskë, SIR.; to Katie Anderparking spot and our secret love; to
Simpson, my shoes; son and Alex, Eeyore; to Alyssa, my back
Ray, $500 an hour; to Joe, Thursday
and to Greg O’Connor, rubs; and to Elliot Hilgert, his cuteness.
Subway tradition; to Lauren, Mt.
Dew and my ‘glorious’ job; to Carlee,
I, Tim Mack,
music control at tech; to Anne, booth
will to Teddy,
I, Paulette Lopez,
dance parties; and to Flasch, unforgetta- will to Vanessa, my memories, advice, and
my grandpa (if
ble memories in our Disney room.
telenovelas; to Claire, all the fun-filled
you can find
him); to jazz
I, Joe Letke, will to Robert Daugherty food runs; to Rachel, endless amounts of
band, two and
and Kevin Maranan, my coroflot account sleep; to Sarah and Quinn, Blackhawks
tickets; to my tech crew, night vision; to
four; to DJ, the
(with pictures).
my freshmen, sophomores, and juniors,
triplet feel; to
I, Matt Letke, will
love and all the best; and to my link crew,
Kyuntay, leopto the junior class,
my devotion.
ard pajamas;
a classy night; to
to the percusI, Tommy Lopez, will to Daniel Loizzi,
Shane Rooney, all of
my NHL 11 fighting skills; to Matthew sion section, my soul; to Bobby, “BOBmy old girlfriends;
Bruin, my hair; to Dan DeSio, my height; BAAAYYYY!!!”; and to Sean, my love.
to Sean Carney, the
to John Romanucci, my hops; and to An- I, Maggie Madden, will to Bree, my
Offensive Line and
drew Bertagna, my women.
lessons and Saturday night; to Maggie D.,
Stonewall; to Romteen, my grizzly; to
I, Sean Paul Loup, will to Megan Go- the team and a tigerpaw; to Tori, Friday
Anthony Slaski, my
erth, never-ending pancakes and water- nights; to Anna C., a full lunch; to Jenna,
swagger; and to the
colors; to Eleni, a burned CD with only Chrissie’s love; to Lo, your own closet
Football team, a 6A State Championship. one track on it: “Sunshine”; and to Liam, back; to Darling, awards dancing; and to
Suz, social skills.
I,Sarah Levenson, will to Caroline-y, my INSANE dance moves.
our long walks home, my granny hair, I, Nicole LoVerde, will to Jenny Jocey, a I, Bianca Mansourian, will to K55
and Rachel; to Tina, Facebook creeping, closet; to Dominique LoVerde, Jipper; to G5, all the love in the world; to Caitlin,
my amazing makeup skills; to Morgan,
and our awkward moments; and
unlimited amounts of notebooks and
to distance track, a watch to “not
Hello Kitty stickers; and to the choir and
cheat” on the run.
Chamber Singers, success!
I, David Lewis, will to Nick,
I, Kim Marcial, will to my brother, car
Christine, Graham, and Carlyn, the
rides to school with dad (good and bad);
silent study room in the library; to
to Emily, all the after school conversathe newspaper staff and Lauren O.,
tions; to Natalie, the sprinkler (psshht!);
Starbucks; to Paul, my old school
to Serena, the memories since junior
books; to Ed Soler, Lara Sladek, and
year and ketchup; to Eric, talks and lesTorey Lenart, complaining; and to
son; and to Andrew, the moments since
Brian, Lauren, Emily, and Dana, first
we met that I’ll always remember.
period Euro.
I, Nina Marshall, will to Peter Cleary,
I, Mike Licari, will to Shane
the sassy eye roll/secrets of girl madRooney, my amazing cutting/elusive
ness; to George Theotokatos, a homehalfback skills; and to Brian Guth, a
coming dance; to John Kim, sassy quips;
back brace
1. Julie Sweeney
1. Frank Avino
to Allie Vitale, my blue-jean collection;
I, Serena Lim, will to Junior Mar- 2. Andrew Bertagna
2. Haley Cooper
cial my ability to punch harder; to 3. Rameen Bahramirad 3. Melisande Aiello to Liz Freda, Capri Suns; to Jack Nuelle,
the burlap sacks; to Gianna Marshall, my
Eileen Mallof, making T-shirts for
legacy; and to Matt Lanus, the Grinding
art club next year; and to all the
Saint Viator High School
Senior Wills
Abolition Movement.
I, Martha McAvoy, will to Eleni Micha- time to be had; to
I, Danny Martin, will to my brother lopelous, our talks about nails and shoes those still there afThomas, the title of “goon”; to Dan Desio, in French class; to Liam Klinkenberg, my ter school, patience
my height; and to Billy Cavanagh, Thom- French book; and to Olivia Nuelle, my for the times ahead;
to Dan, Chris, and
volleyball and basketball.
as Aichele, and Jack
Trimberger, the right to
I, Lauren McGuigan, will JFoong, my chalice
be called “coach” in third
to Samantha, my brother’s of victory to counterr
period gym.
name is Brian, your dramatic the pie of satisfacmoments, times you look at tion; to K56 (espeI, Kyle Martin, will to
somebody, when no one pays cially G4), hugs; to
Gino, my right one and
attention to us, that binder, anyone else unmenRHR; to Jorvy, my left one
admiration for your dancing tioned, a fun summer ahead of us.
and Connie; to Menges,
and personality, all the pickles I, Chris Miklius, will to Anthony Di
nothing; to Kathleen, a
cane lol; to Keegan, Menges; to Marcus, a in the world; to everyone else, my apolo- Silvestro, my superhuman appetite; to
Jack Miller, his very own Millsberry acroom in my house and Becky; to Baniak, gies for only willing Samantha.
shake my hand; and to Pat, BBZ.
I, Ryan McGuigan, will to Brian Guth, count; and to Steve Jensen, my Smash
I, Mac Mastrangeli, will to Caputo, Wheeling songs and the song “Miami”; to Bros. skills.
I, Dominic Monaco,
the frustration of people pulling up re- Pat O’Malley, all my cash; to Chris Myjak,
will to Brian Guth, really far behind you; to Sam Scanlon and chipotle runs and whoomp there it is; to
ceiver drills and get
Sarah Zanfardino, Deebs’ Math Class/ Katherine B., Ned’s naps, applesauce; and
under my wing and so
Denguins; to Kevin Hammarlund, Adam to Brian Ell and Cory Kay, magic tricks.
many inside jokes; to
Clark, and Harry McCollum, McDonalds I, Christine McKee, will to the freshJack Fulton, schmaco
after football; and to Sarah Cooney, awk- man golf girls, my score cards with bad
schmell schumesday; to
ward hi’s in the halladdition; to Ray O’Hara, my eternal love;
Cosimo, naps and man
way and rides home.
to Nick Principi, my loud computer; to
talks; to Frankie, Check
Joe Taddeo, my spot on the couch backI, Katherine Maul,
fly; to Bobby Nap, my
stage; to Melissa Stawicki, awkward hugs;
will to Emily, the car
partner; to PTruck, talks
to Maddie and Anna Ptacin, the “Superand slumbering with
at football; and to Anna
star” movie; and to techies, 99 cent FrostOllie; to Cathryn, the
Malapanes, Greg, Dinky,
front passenger seat
and GT’S.
and music choice; to
I, Jimmy Menges, will to Danny
Grace and Libby, my
O’Malley and Shane Rooney, after prac- I, Matthew Morsches, will to Patzke, my snow villiage; to Natalie Catalgrammar and the potice dinners with Dave Daniels.
sition of senior newsI, Kyle Metler, will to the band, fun do, nothing because you are perfect; to
Katelyn, my voice even though yours is a
paper red head(s); to Maddie, my love
mans; to Megan Thompsan, my friend
for Harry Potter (and related podHank; to the hott Brittany Dahms, the
casts) and our future crappy apartpicture of us at the St. Patricks Day
ment in New York; and to Marena, my
mad C++ skillz.
I, Marissa Mueller, will to Megan,
I, Mary Kate McAlpine, will to
my amazing memories and experiencAlex, all the world’s mustard so she ales throughout high school; to Jess, our
ways knows where it is and therefore
annual Christmas Break Starbucks
won’t slip on it; to Colleen, oranges; to
trip & morning car rides; to XC Team,
Fudge, a new pacifier; to Kelli, butter;
our long runs & fun trips to Peoria
to Tyler, the ability to play games; and
with Milner.
to Anime Club, the power of what’s
goin’ onnnnn.
I, Steven Munroe, will to Kevin
Rooney, my traditional Carthage floor
I, Kim McAvoy, will to the French
mat; to Katie Anderson, my houseclass, my French book; to Alex Byshold possessions; to Matthew Yoder
kosh, volleyball;, to Katie Calmeyn, 1. Ciara Collins
1. Frank Avino
basketball; to Erin Fabbri, little jokes 2. Tara Burns
2. George Theotokatos and Connor Kinasz, my shared qualities; to Jack Corrigan, my duets and
haha; to Bryan Senchuk, my home3.Stephanie Nolan 3. Luke Biondi
love of Brian Hansen; to Kevin Patzke,
work; to Eman, gum; and to Brennan,
my lost sense of humor; and to Patrick
volleyball and something else haha.
Seniors © 2011 English (US)
’1 1
Martin, my grizzly bear.
I, Conner Murphy, will to Romteen,
my protege, the reign of the school; to
Mac Haug, top defensive bro/hazing jugs;
to Sam Mesi, top quality car; to Eazy E,
Zach Galifianakis, movies and Sanfords
parents house; to Jeremy Odonell, smartest kid in math class; and to Anna Cirone,
Notre Dame.
I, Katie Naughton, will to Bridget, my
bed; to Nicole, spelling skills; to Haley, infinity; to Tara, Car talks;
to Bree Tara Maggie, inspiration texts; to Ciara,
poptarts; and last but not
least to the cheerleading
team, my emotions.
I, Marcus Niro, will to
Kyle Martin, our think
alike moments; to Jack
Horvath, ‘Somebody’s’
and ATL; and to Zack ‘fat
chops’ Niro, the penthouse on the third floor. Enjoy.
I, Derek Noel, will to K Ro, football
talks; to Leni, my love; to Krueger, baseball swag; to Ally, my dance moves.
I, Stephanie Nolan, will to Emily, the
car and my good looks; to Ashley, the
‘cage’; to Libby, Bob; to Shannon and
Eileen, a bra; to Mel Wood, a polo ball;
to Tracy, a slurpee and oreos; to SPLPL,
Lykke Li and a Mitchell twin; to Marge,
Shane M; to Jenny B, McDonald’s; to
Jack B, Erin P; and to Joe B, laughter and
I, Jack Nuelle, will to Vera, my undying
love; to John Kim, an email; to George,
the respect of the
Arab nations; to Liv,
song; to David, the
front seat; to Cherry
Apple, the FEEL; to
Yoder, all my lands
and my first born
son; to Schobowl and
Musical, the torch.
I, Lauren Oberbroeckling, will to
Alex, my ribbons; to Colleen, my coffee;
to Kelli, my paperclips; to Chelsea, my
math skills; to Ksenia, my dancing skills;
to Mary Kate, my spot at the Kirk School
dances; and to Lindsay, my old note-
I, Kelly O’Brien, will to Alex Flasch,
my Cubs shoes; to Kelli Wosick, Papaya
(wherever he may be); to Jessica Duarte,
my Bible; to Jel Dickey, my subscription
to the Daily Herald; to Kristen Cozzi,
my good driving skills; to Ally Joyce, my
knowledge of spanish; to Torey Lenart,
a lifetime supply of apple
straws; to Chrissy Wimberly, my Cubs sweatpants;
to Katie Shaffer,
left including my
scoreboard duties
at St. Colette.
I, Erin
O’Connell, will Anna late night
discussions and all my homework (just kidding); to tech crew,
dark moments; and to future art
students, a love for art.
I, Kelly O’Connell, will to
Courtney Cameron, a wonderful lunch
table, my strokes vinyl,my identical
haircut,my supply of special K cereal,and
my filming supplies to finish our movie;
to Jack Hanisch, my old lady laugh and
any waterbottles i may have; to christina
Vivit my randall pooferin nametag; to Jessica Duarte my rocky horror picture show
DVD; to Kelsey Peters, my little mermaid
collection; and to Sean Paul Loup, any
hipster paraphernalia I own.
I, Gregg O’Connor, will to Kevin Patzkee, my down by the bays.
I, Quinn O’Grady, will to Joe Debiase,
all of the fun nerf wars we have had; to
Michael Flarhety, the game; to my
brother Connor, my change jar;
and to my fourth period lunch table, the fun times we had at lunch.
I, Quinn Olender, will to Kayla
Schaefer and Paige Kelly, my experiences and advice.
I, Patrick O’Malley, will to
Kevin Walsh, my ability to put the
team on my back in every gym
class sport; to Romteen, one pint
of my tiger blood; to Louie, Slaski.
I, Amanda Pacholok, will to Libby,
ravioli; to Ashley; my FISHY cap; to Lulu,
goldfish; to Nina, a bellyflop; to Clare, all
my love; to Megz, my wonderful study
Senior Wills
habits; to Kelsey, gummyworms; and to
Ellie, protection from the potty monster!!!!!!!!
I, Frank Parise, will to Markie, my parking spot, my skills at NHL, silent morning
car rides, prank phone calls and my spot
on ski trip; to Katie Holsworth, I leave
you mark; to T-wiz, my zune; to Luke
Detrempe, my
snowboard for
ski trip.
Steiner, twenty
questions, my
messy locker,
late-night texting, and a song I wrote,
partially at Sam’s house; to Joseph Bansfield, breakfast burgers at Ihop; to Nick
Smeriglio, the Carthage room; and to
Katie Shaffer, a random shoe and many
great conversations.
I, Gregory Perkowski, will to Renee, a
great time in high school; and to all students taking Mr. Neville’s AP Lit class, a
unique experience.
I, Kelsey Peters, will to
Kaitlyn Peters,
spot two blocks
down; to Ellie
orbit; to Ray
O’Hara, a comb
to brush your
long and luscious eyelashes; to Joe Taddeo, the tapas
bar; and to Alex Flasch, a straight face.
I, Kevin Pleli, will to the highest auction bidder, all of my possessions.
I, Caitlin Poltzer, will to Lauren Luthringshausen, all of my makeup and
clothes; to Alex Catanescu, all of my
amazing music; to Anna Malapanes, Ciara Gaffney, and Lauren Luthringshausen, all of my amazing cheerleading skills
and JFall things; and to Nick Prazuch, all
of my MJ merchandise.
I, Ally Redig, will to Lisa, tickets to
Arizona; to Julia, vegetables; to Jaclyn,
Zumba; to Haley, Blue Lagoon; to Emma,
frogs; to Derek, my sense of humor and
Saint Viator High School
Senior Wills
dez, all the pictures I have collected from
senior year dances; to Bots, my make-up; food fairies.
to Danner, ZG; to Carli, hot yoga; to Kit- I, Rachel Ruddick, will to Janelle, ri- the internet over the years; and to Patrick
ten, lotion; to Taylor, Mexico; to Conner, diculousness, direct eye contact, and tak- O’Malley (the sophomore), my World of
ing care of Muzzi; to Lara, a crazy priest Warcraft character.
I, Ciara Reidy, will to Carson Soch, my to chase after you; to Kyong, detours and I, Nicholas Scarimbolo, will to Meswim locker that I used a lot; to the St ice cream; to Maddie, utmost enthusiasm gan Thompson, my skiing skills; to Bri
Viator soccer team, baws.
for Spanish; to Ellie, eating slowly; and to (devry) Olson and Katie Holsworth, the
best song ever ‘This is the Way I Live’; to
I, Andrele Reyes, will to Emily Depner, Erin, a piece of my hair.
the cover to my Leyendas book; to Kevin I, Eric Ryan, will to Brian Stewart, the Tommy Sullivian, my lacrosse skills; and
Young, my car; to Ally Joyce, my phone Presidency of the Outsiders, Track 06 to Mark Parise, my shinny/NHL skills.
number; to all the underclassmen, the and the trophy; to David Kingsley, party I, Andrea Schneider, will to Danny W,
secret to surviving high school; to Em- car rides, XO; to Mac Mastrangeli, the a mother’s love, campus ministry, Kairos,
manuel Dominguez, a curb; to Rawan best part of the lobster; to Dan Geitz, and hugs; to Danny R, car rides, Nicole,
Ahram, all my fruit snacks; to Matt Heck, GLEN; and to Bryan Senchuk, slime vol- and musical; to Sam, heart to hearts on
a drive-thru.
leyball and Dexter talks.
the long rides home from DRo’s; to Emily,
I, John Romanucci, will to Dan DeSio, I, Patrick Ryan, will to Rob, Kitten; to Mexico, butt crunches, and senior year
some height; to Loizzi, a contact case Fitz, Flat Top Grill; to Mac, infants and schedule; and to Mac and Andrew, capp’s,
and osteoporosis; to Tommy, some bright fishing; to Hayes, werter; to Dave, nose- dollar tree, car rides, and naps.
blue sapphires; and to Feddy, a lifelong bleeds and puke; to Stef, her elliptical; to I, Kelly Schreuder, will to Megan, my
undefeated pickle ball record.
Tracy, sketchball motorcycles; to triplets, car, my signature parking spot, and FriI, Callie Romenesko, will to Chelsea the car; to Brian Stewart, the secret water day morning Starbucks; to Libby, Florida
Karson, Lauren Oberbroekling, Amanda fountain; and to John, soph/junior Turn- and skittles chapsticks; to Erin, lane 4;
to Carson, my swim locker; to Mary, my
Pacholok, and Maddie Wimberly, 1st se- about after party.
mester Food Days; to Erica Weissman, the I, Danny Saam, will to Tyler Houston, smile; to Eileen, my dad’s gum and soda;
newspaper homeroom; to Annie Ragaus- my curly mustache; to John Foong, Jug- to Ellie, long rides to pasta parties; and to
kis, Chamber Singers; to Alex Romano, gernaut’s helmet; to Kevin Young, my Eleni, a king sized bed.
sushi runs and Toothless; to Melisande Risk skills; to David Lewis, two fingers; to I, Emily Schulze, will to Jakob HohlAiello, musical memories and lots of Biancca Mansourian, two popsicle sticks; weg, all of my books; and to Christine
skype sessions during college; to Jessica to Lara Sladek, my DDR skills; to Chris and Thomas Southall, Laura Paprocki,
Duarte, glee discussions and our duets Miklius, five dozen eggs; and to everyone Melissa Stawicki, and Jonathon Schenfrom Choral Showcases; to Bianca Man- else, the game.
ing, our beloved band.
sourian, pillows, but not just any pillows, I, Mike Santorsola, will to everyone, I, Bryan Senchuk, will to Ernie Kraus,
goose....ahh; to Liam Klinkenberg, Office my clothes.
a pocket full of sunshine, my ravishing
discussions and success in AP French; I, Cory Saunders, will to Max Resen- good looks, and Ally’s love; to Matthew
and to Sam Ropski and Rachel Ruddick,
Yoder, our unbeatable handshake; to
our lockers up until after junior year.
Rachel Horvath, medal stilts; to Beth
I, Connor Romenesko, will to Kyle
Kern, on behalf of Kevin O’Connel
Robinson, a PB and Nutella sandwich;
Declan Gallagher, I will you your sister
to Maggie Farwell, my curls; and to
back; to Molly, a can of spaghetti-O’s;
Natalie Cataldo, a Gene and Jude’s
to Ally, Bryce’s will; to Mercedes, Karl
and my pick-up lines.
I, Ryan Romenesko, will to Lil’
I, Megan Shover, will to Eileen
Bans, a cheeseburger from IHOP at
Mallof, my back; to Libby Burkman,
8:00 in the morning; and to Phelan,
power to accomplish our vortex to
my amazing truck stick skills at pickNarnia plan; to Carson Soch, being a
big sister; to Erin Primdahl, lane 4...
keep it fast; and to Megan Schreuder,
I, Samantha Ropski, will to Lexie
being the only Megan S. on the team.
Ropski, the Ropski legacy and Jesus dance; to my orcha-sisters, pods
I, Jack Simpson, will to Elliot HilWood
11. Andrew
dree Hayes
of food and white tutus; to Marena 1. Melanie W
gert, anchor for the 4x8; to Anthony
Steiner, 8th period in Campus Minis- 2. Katherine Bertolini 2. Matthew Filstead Di Silvestro, sports editor; and to Kevtry; to Olivia Nuelle, anatomy labs; to 3. Alex Tuccori
in Patzke, fabulous play memories.
3. Cory Kay
Lauren McGuigan, pillows in anatoI, Taylor Skala, will to Danny, my
my; to my friends, Jesus loves you and
looseleaf, 6th period walks, the secSeniors © 2011 English (US)
’1 1
ond floor water fountain, my lock, snug pre-wrap; to Kiwi, my ninja moves; to
fests, tee shirts and a buffet of food; to Kaitlyn Peters, sass to use against Rachel;
my best friend, numbers, nice cars and and to Maddie Ptacin, JAFAR!
Chihuahua; to Lawrence, 8 years of crazy I, Nikki Stout, will to Abbey Abraham,
times; to Erin Murphy, Bobby; to Chloe, the Into the Wild soundtrack and a plate
sick goals in soccer; and to Justice, the of Chicken Biryani; to Samantha Waldance floor.
lenberg, unlimited support and advice;
I, Annie Slusher, will to Roy Pettingill, to Katy Augustyn, any of my
my parking spot and the family driving vinyl which she does not own;
skills; and to Joe Farrell, Glee parties and to Maggie Rountree, a plunger;
my talent for Just Dance 2.
to Andrew White, a truckload
I, Rob Smoczynski, will to Cos or Kell- of Orbit; and to Tim Mack, my
ner, number 12; to Liam, back right in maturity, respect, and a gajillion
French; to Mac, all future baked goods; smiles.
to Eric, Silent Night;
I, Christine Straka,
to Hayes, all those fun
will to Megan Kozicki,
trips to St. Als; to Pat,
Hawaiian Punch and
the rest of the trail mix;
baseball bats; to Eleni
and to Dave, my volleyMichalopolous,
ball skills.
mom’s chicken; to
Katelyn Hammarlund, a chickI, Austin Spahr, will
en egg; and to Anthony Howard,
to the lunch table,
a cheater.
‘Spahr Stories’ and
I, Tracy Supergan, will to
Dkel, and MDrizzle,
the swim team, the Viator pool;
“whattup? Nothing”; to
to Collen KG, amazing talks;
the hockey team, Evan;
and to Olivia and Steph, comfy
to Becky, smelly hockey
bench seats, past lunch tables,
hugs; to Bertolini, marriage; to Eddie and and so many laughs.
Linzing, car rides; to Colleen, crumbs; to I, Joe Surdam, will to Jon, my soccer
everyone, Bjorn Borgs; and to OD, my skills; to Liam, my carpet; to Mark, my
soccer skills; to Dan, my adventurous
I, Tommy Spiekerman, will to Thom- spirit; to Ryan, our future messy room;
as Aichele, my love and appendix; to Kole to Dana, my missing turnabout pictures;
Luthringshausen, the H slot; to
Kevin Druffel, our seshes listening
to country; and to Christine Staka
and John Romanucci, all of my
steak and shake coupons.
I, Margaret Stefanowski, will to
Carson Soch, all the joyful morn-ing practices that I loved so much;;
to Eileen Mallof, DUWP practicess
and Bob who’ll be greatly missed; to
Kelly Scheduer, my ‘smiling withoutt
smiling’ face; and to all incoming
freshman girls, no the swim coach
isn’t cute he’s crazy.
I, Claire Stewart, will to Annaa
1. Taylor Skala
1. Michael Krzoska
O’Connell, the power to laugh at
2. Cameron Korab
band tuxedos; to Megan O’Neill,
my band tux that Anna can laugh
3. Emily Leazer
3. Cory Kay
at you in; to Ellie McGarry, singing
obnoxiously; to Margaret DeZelar,
Senior Wills
and to all my friends who live in Arlington Heights, my punctuality.
I, Julie Sweeney, will to Janelle Stilling,
Moosetracks Ice Cream, $5 Tuesdays, and
MOJ!; to Flasch, the SVHS Varsity Softball team; to Lauren Falatico, Jimmy and
Boylan:); to Emily Williams, after school
and to Sam
Hogan, late
and bigsislovin’.
I, Samantha
Swiderski ,
will to Olivia, drives to
talks in your
room; to Carson, my 100 free sectional
spot at your time and strength to make it
through swimming; and to Eileen, making it through one last swim season because every year we ask ourselves why
we’re doing this.
I, Jess Tanyko, will to Katie Kertstetter,
Rob & Big; to Dominique LoVerde, making farting noises during cross country;
and to Abby Denniston, our sexy cross
country spandex.
I, George Theotokatos, will to David,
abuse; to Shannon, so much love; to Sarah, the bug; to Danny, Andrea; to Danny,
smiles; to Sam, DANCE; to Molly, Kitty
Purry; to Jack, Fists; to Natalie, Grease;
to Katherine, Wicked friends; to Maggie, Meijer; and to Katie, Fireworks, car
stripping and stupid bikers.
I, Allison Toussaint, will to Ji Woo
Hong, the car and a much needed hair
cut; to Dana Lopez, a life size picture
of Gus for your dorm and a life supply
of blow pops; and to Danielle Faul, the
bubble game.
I, Alex Tuccori, will to Brenty, cuddling; to Alex Tuccori, my name; to
Haley, teens world; to Dom, yellow rubberband; to Cory, math homework; to
Katherine, my brother; to Anna, playlist; to Lauren, Isiah; to Morgan, cheer
talk; to Keegan, flexibility; to Jaclyn, the
book; and to Kathleen, backstabbers.
Saint Viator High School
Senior Wills
I, Allie Vitale, will to Katie Cascino, day); and to Joe Farrell, better study hab- thing.
conversations about the weather and its.
I, Melanie Wood, will to Lauren Luths,
‘blessings’; to Danny Wolfe, my motherly I, Lexi Weck, will to Nick Principi, all Charlie; to Mego, times before school; to
pride in his lovely voice; to Christina Ai- the rope in tech crew; to Courtney Cam- Colleen, French talks; to Carson, cudello, my love that is greater than Jack’s; eron, cranberry juice; to Melinda Aiello, dling; to Maggie Shanahan, hanging out
to Matt Yoder (my gingersnap), freckles; my favorite teddy bear; to Joe Taddeo, my with seniors; to Hudson, free from doing
and to David Vitale, annoying responsi- water balloon; to Carlee Smith, my pinky; French work; to Megan Thompson, our
bilities of driving
to Lara Slaydek, my love/hate relationship; and to the tennis
David Cortese.
cotton t-shirt; and team, the vulture call.
to Katie Lynn Shaf- I, Kelli Wosick, will to Jessica and Kelly,
I, Jeremy Vivit,
fer, my country- third period lunch memories; to Lauren,
will to Will Beithunder tickets.
ersdorf, a gallon
paperclips and pennies; to MaryKate,
of orange juice;
I, Andrew White, Butter; to Colleen, Horatio; to Eric, ten
to Emily Simon,
will to Tim, Nikki, mile tent; to Tyler, Devins, Rodrigez, Jack,
my suspenders; to
and D.J., my pack of and Brandon, my love; and to the XC and
Christina Vivit, my seat in APLAC; to Tim Orbit Wintermint gum; and to Mr. Nev- Track team, ten steps to get around the
Ackerlund, all of my Men’s Ensemble ille’s AP Lit class, my copy of “V for Ven- curve.
music; to Aislinn McManus, a chocolate detta.”
I, Kevin Young, will to Keegan Thornchip pancake; and to Ethan Jedziniak, my I, Kenny Wienckowski, will to Pat, ton, my Easton SE6 (a.k.a. the Bench
running shoes.
Luke, and Huddy, van rides with Jack; Press Bar); to Caroline Young, all of next
I, Jenny Walesa, will to Katherine, to Tori, my wrist and Aunt Jemimah; to year’s textbooks; and to Mr. Neville, my
endless joyrides in miss GMC, capillar- Sam, my nightvision goggles; to Carson copy of every book from this year for fuies, wellness; to Krista, secrets, Facebook and Katelyn, 5 year old humor; and to ture students to use if they forget theirs.
at 5am, codenames; to Kathleen, trip to Guth, the Admiral on Skydeck.
I, Eddie Zahrebelski, will to Andrew
Indiana, weird accents, freshman sum- I, Madeline Wimberly, will to Kelsey Bertagna, Paige; to Josh Rupe, a new wamer gym; to Keegan, ‘hightschoolers’; to Trimble, my apples with forks; to Ellie ter bottle; to Mr. Nall, those journals I
Jaclyn, frozen Oreos and ANTM; to Alex, Mahnke, my pet squirrels; to Amanda ‘mite’ have done on the assigned date; to
Redbull; and to Brian, B-ry and my hand Pacholok, my duck coloring books; to Yan Yan, a new Ping Pong table, to Matt
in marriage.
Lauren McGuigan, my window; to Rachel Bruin and Justin Johnson, all my Apple
I, Samantha Wallenberg, will to Ryan Ruddick, my owl calls; to Libby Burkman merchandise; and to Maggie Madden, a
Yueill, my heart and hand in marriage; and Ashley Herzfeldt, my twin light- new sweatshirt.
to Abbey Abraham, music and deep con- sabers; and to Kelly Schredeur, my brown I, Stephen Zieman, will to all of my
versations; to Rawan Ahram, religious cows.
classmates, our SVHS memories and good
beliefs and innocence; to Alexis Weck, I, Mikey Wolf, will to Eric Lam, every- luck in the future; to underclassmen, the
many laughs and interesting conversapower to succeed in your years here at
tions; to Nikki Stout, my Lollapalooza
Saint Viator; to Mr. Hynek, a lifetime
ticket and advice that never failed;
supply of Mt. Dew; and to Sr. Diazand to Matt Witt, advice and caring.
Lee, du pain au chocolat.
I, Natalie Wasmund, will to Emily
I, Colleen Zitkus, will to Tyler, AnDepner, my creative drawings, walks
ime Club (good luck...); to MK, my
to classes, and weekends of staying up
Hello Kitty eraser; to Lauren, my cofall night; to Alexis Weck, our freshfee and campfire; to Alex, my Hello
man year math, senior year ethics,
Kitty Band-Aids; to Eric, my fedora; to
and track and field hurtle experience;
Kelli, my Horatio Caine pictures; and
to Kelli Wosick, scary movie nights
to Kelly, the Awesome-Person-of-theand endless bike rides; and to Kelly
Year Award :D.
O’Connell, homeroom.
I, Nicole Wasowicz, will to Liz
Freda, the promise to be there until
the end; to Ciara Collins, Shamrock
1. Frank Avino
1. Carolyn Hutyra
Shake/McDonalds runs, ‘Long Live’,
2. Anthony Pensa 2. Danielle Di Silvestro
British accents, and a future with
3. Greg Perkowski 3. Katherine Bertolini
Sparky & Butch; to Haley Cooper, the
Brat Pack (I’ll never forget your birthSeniors © 2011 English (US)
’1 1
A Word from our Sponsors
Bryan Senchuk
We are very
proud of you!
Best Wishes!
All Our Love,
Dad, Mom, Matt
and Joe
Saint Viator High School
A Word from our Sponsors
We are all so
proud of you!
Love, Mom, Dad,
Patrick, and
Stephen Z.
You made us
Now follow your
Mom & Dad
Seniors © 2011 English (US)
’1 1
A Word from our Sponsors
We are proud of
Love, Mom,
Dad, Elizabeth,
and Brian
Saint Viator High School
A Word from our Sponsors
We are so very
proud of you.
You’re the best!
Love, Mom and
Wishing you the
very best at
All of our love,
Mom & Dad
Seniors © 2011 English (US)
’1 1
A Word from our Sponsors
Congratulations on
your graduation,
We are proud of
your accomplishment.
Good luck at ISU.
Love, Mom, Dad,
and Alyssa
I’m very proud of
You’re a great
Godson and have a
great future!
Good luck at Marquette and beyond!
I Love you.
Uncle Tony
Saint Viator High School
A Word from our Sponsors
We hope your dreams take
you to places that will make
you smile, to the highest of
your hopes, to the windows
of your opportunities, and
to the most special places
your heart has ever known.
Remember, there is nothing
you can’t do!
We love you!
Good luck at Marquette!
Mom, Dad, Frankie,
and Nicholas.
Seniors © 2011 English (US)
’1 1
A Word from our Sponsors
This is not the
end, but another
beginning, another
step forward and
we will be behind
you always!
Your Crazy Family
Saint Viator High School
A Word from our Sponsors
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Viator Voice
Want to fulfill your
journalistic dreams?
Come join the Viator
Voice! We have a wide
variety of sections to
write for, and we always
love having artists and
photographers to
contribute their work!
Also, you can learn how
to create cool layouts like
Seniors © 2011 English (US)
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A Word from our Sponsors
Heading out?
Stay connected
Visit www.saintviator.
voice.asp on your mobile phone.
Saint Viator High School
A Word from our Sponsors
People You May Know
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Holy Spirit
786 mutual friends
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Ted Nugent
248 mutual friends
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Want to rekindle your
relationship with God?
Do you want to go on
one of the holiest 4-day
trips you’ve ever been
on? Join your fellow
classmates on Kairos
next year! You won’t
regret it...
Saint Viator High School
A Word from our Sponsors
Congratulations, John!
Already we
couldn't be
more proud
of you. You
opened our
hearts since the
day you were
Now follow
yours and
you’re sure to
be a success.
Through the years we have had the privilege of
being your #1 fans. We are so proud of you and
your accomplishments! Thanks for 18 years of
Mom and Bit
Tu sei una nostra
Tante auguri,
Ti amo,
U of I is getting a gem…
NaNa e PaPa
Seniors © 2011 English (US)
’1 1
A Word from our Sponsors
Saint Viator High School
A Word from our Sponsors
Congratulations Anthony
We are proud of
what you have accomplished.
Good luck in college.
Love Mom, Dad, and Gabriella
Seniors © 2011 English (US)
’1 1
A Word from our Sponsors
Saint Viator High School
A Word from our Sponsors
The quizzer becomes the quizee
Quinn O’ Grady
1)What is my favorite movie? “Miracle”
2)What is my favorite food? A Cheeseburger
3)What is my favorite sport? Lacrosse
4)If I could be reincarnated, what would I come back as?
An Indian cow
5)If I had 24 hours to live, how would I spend my last 24 hours? I
would spend my last 24 hours not sleeping, and spending time with
my family and friends.
6)One question have I always wanted to ask a Viator coach but
haven’t: What is it like working with students from Viator?
7)What is my favorite Disney character? Donald Duck
8)Who is my favorite newspaper staff member? I can’t choose between Danielle and Carolyn
9)Who was my favorite coach to interview? Coach K
Seniors © 2011 English (US)
’1 1
A Word from our Sponsors
It’s time for you to
fly, Tori.
We love you so
much and are so
very proud of
Mom, Dad, Alex,
Stevie, and
Saint Viator High School
A Word from our Sponsors
The Cubs and
the Blackhawks
won’t be the
same without
their number
one fan.
Have fun at Pacific
Love, Mom,
Dad, Tori, and
Seniors © 2011 English (US)
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