August 14, 2011, 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time 14 de Agosto 2011


August 14, 2011, 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time 14 de Agosto 2011
Phone 773.286.4040 • Fax 773.286.4122
St. Viator Church has been
administered by the Viatorians
since they founded the parish in
August 14, 2011, 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
14 de Agosto 2011, 20º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Serving the Parish/Sirviendo a la Iglesia
Rev. Charles G. Bolser, C.S.V.
Parochial Vicar/Vicario Parroquial
Rev. Christopher J. Glancy, C.S.V.
Pastoral Associate/Asociado Pastoral
Anthony M. Disalvio
School Principal/Directora de la Escuela
Kathleen Kowalski
Liturgy Schedule/
El horario de las liturgias
Weekends/Fines de semana
Saturday/Sabádo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5:00 pm
Sunday/Domingo . . . . . . . . . . . .8:30 am, 10:30 am
& 12:30 pm (Español)
Monday-Friday/Lunes-Viernes . . . . . . . . . .8:15 am
Saturday/Sabado 8:30 am
Prayer Service/Servicio de Oracion
Sacrament of Reconciliation/
Sacramento de Reconciliación
Saturday/Sabado . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4:00-4:30 pm
Tuesday/Martes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8:45 am
Rosary/Oracion del Rosario
Monday/Lunes . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7:00 pm (Español)
Prayer Group/Circulo de Oracion
Thursday/Jueves . . . .7:oo pm- 9:00 pm (Español)
“To proclaim Jesus Christ and his Gospel and to raise up communities where faith is lived, deepened, and celebrated.”
“Proclamar a Jesucristo y su Evangelio, y levantar comunidades donde la fe es vivida, y celebrada.”
Mission Statement of the Viatorians / La Misión de los Viatorianos
Introduction of Fr. Alain-Pierre Yao
When my bishop told me two years ago to go to Rome to study again, I was sure that it was an opportunity to
discover other realities. As it’s always difficult for me to speak about my life, let me share my dreams, these
dreams which took me through many ways and paths.
I’m Father Alain Pierre Yao from the Ivory Coast (West Africa). Eight years ago I was ordained a priest in the
diocese of Bouaké (in the center of Ivory Coast) with eight other companions during the most horrible crisis we
have known after 51 years of independence. Just after my studies in the seminary I was sent to a parish at 60
kms from Bouaké and 2 days after the crisis began. The country was divided in two parts between the rebels and
the government and I was on the wrong side of the fire. My family was on the other side and were really anxious but, when the pastor asked me if I’d like to go home, I realized that I was called by God. That was my first
dream: be happy in all my choices.
The second is about my studies in liturgy and the third is to fly like a bird in the world, to go and meet other
people. When I was a student in San Viator college of Bouaké, I gave much interest to the language classes
(English and Spanish). Today I’m very happy to be in this community and realize that despite the difference of
culture or the difference of the color of skin, we’re all the same. With Internet we can know many things about
other peoples but it’s always important to have our own experience. So I’m here to have mine and dream with
you that our faith in Jesus Christ can help all of us to live in peace together as one. I will be here at St. Viator
for the month of August and hope to have the opportunity to meet as many of you as I possibly can. If you see
me, please come up and introduce yourself. I want to obtain as much as possible of the faith community of St.
Viator Parish as I can, so that I can return to Africa and tell the people there about the
wonderfulful people I met while in Chicago.
Introdución al Padre Alain-Pierre Yao
Cuando mi obispo me dijo hace dos años que fuera a Roma a estudiar nuevamente, estaba seguro que esta era
una oportunidad para descubrir otras realidades. Es difícil para mí el hablar acerca de mi propia vida, déjeme
compartir mis sueños, estos sueños que me han llevado a través de muchos caminos hasta usted.
Soy el Padre Alain Pierre YAO de Costa de Marfil (al oeste de África). Hace ocho años, fui ordenado sacerdote
en la diócesis de Bouaké (en el centro de Costa de Marfil) con otros ocho de mis compañeros, durante la más
horrible crisis que nosotros hemos conocido después de 51 años de independencia. Justo después de mis estudios en el seminario, fui enviado a una parroquia a 60 kilómetros de Bouaké, a solo dos días después de que la
crisis empezara. El país fue dividido en dos partes entre los rebeldes y el gobierno y yo estaba en la parte equivocada del fuego. Mi familia estaba al otro lado y estaban muy ansiosos pero, cuando el párroco me pregunto si
yo quería irme para mi casa, me di cuenta que había sido llamado por Dios. Este fue mi primer sueño: ser feliz
en todas mis elecciones.
El segundo es acerca de mis estudios litúrgicos y el tercero es el volar como un pájaro por el mundo, ir y conocer gente. Cuando yo era un estudiante en el colegio San Viator en Bouaké, le di mucho interés a las clases de
idiomas (inglés y español). Hoy estoy muy feliz por estar en esta comunidad y darme cuenta de a pesar de las
diferencia de cultura o las diferencias del color de piel, somos iguales. Con el Internet podemos conocer muchas
cosas acerca de otras personas, pero es siempre importante el tener nuestra propia experiencia. Entonces, estoy
aquí para tener mi sueño y con ustedes y que nuestra fe en Jesucristo pueda ayudarnos a todos a vivir en paz
juntos como uno. Estaré en la Parroquia de San Viator por el mes de agosto y espero poder tener la oportunidad
de conocer a muchos de ustedes si es posible. Si me ve, por favor acérquese y preséntese. Quiero obtener lo que
más pueda de la comunidad de fe de la parroquia de San Viator, para que pueda volver a África y decirle a la
población de allí acerca de la gente maravillosa que conocí en Chicago.
St. Viator Parish / Parroquia de San Viator
Weekly Collection
August 7, 2011
Sunday Envelopes Actual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5,416.00
On Line Giving@GiveCentral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$395.00
Sunday Loose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1,259.49
Total Sunday Collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$7,070.49
Budgeted Amount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ($11,475.00)
Weekly Variance Amount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ($4,404.51)
Envelopes Used. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .222
Parish Office/Oficina de la Parroquia
4170 West Addison Street • Chicago, Illinois 60641
Phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .773-286-4040
Office Hours/Horas de officina
Monday-Friday/Lunes-Viernes. . . . .8:00 am-12:30 pm
and 1:30-8:00 pm
Saturday/Sabado . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9:00 am-12:00 pm
Parish Ministries/Ministerios de la parroquia
Music Ministry/Ministero de Musica . . .Edward Lally
Children’s Envelopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.00
Envelopes Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Youth Ministry/
Ministerio de Jóvenes . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Andrew Shelton
Heating and Air Conditioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$458.00
Debt Reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$747.00
Peter’s Pence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5.00
Priest Retirement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.00
Catholic Charities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$10.00
Religious Education/
Educacion Religiosa . . . . . . . . . .Hector Obregon Luna
We sincerely thank all who regularly and
generously give of their
time, talent and treasures
to support the work our parish does in the
name of St. Viator.
Minister of Finance/
Ministro de Finanzas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Alice Sheets
Buildings & Grounds/Edificios.......David Schlenbecker
Parish School/Escuela Parroquia
Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4140 West Addison
Phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .773-545-2173
FAX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .773-794-1697
Website . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Principal/Directora . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kathleen Kowalski
Un agradicimiento para
los Hermanos y Padres Salesianos
THANK YOU to the
Salesian Priests and Brothers
Estimado Tim,
Dear Tim,
Usted y sus hermanos en San Juan Bosco, han proporcionado un
servicio excepcional a nuestra comunidad de fe de en San
Viator durante los últimos dos años. Nos han ayudado a través
de su fe, compasión y dedicación. Nuestra comunidad se ha
enriquecido con su generosidad de espíritu, tiempo y energía.
Usted de hecho, hacer posible que yo sobreviva como párroco.
Por eso, estoy muy agradecido, como lo están muchos miembros de nuestra comunidad.
You and your brothers in St. John Bosco have provided outstanding service to our faith community of St. Viator for the past
two years. You have assisted us through your faith, compassion
and dedication. Our community has been enriched by your generosity of spirit, time and energy. You have indeed made it possible for me to survive in my role as pastor. For that, I am most
grateful as are the many members of our community.
Para celebrar el gran servicio a nuestra comunidad y como una
oportunidad para expresar nuestro agradecimiento correctamente, estamos invitando a usted y a todos los miembros, sus
hermanos salesianos de San Juan Bosco a una recepción que se
celebrará en nuestro centro recreativo, el domingo 21 de agosto
de 2011, en la tarde, comenzando a las 2:00 p.m.
Quiero expresarle nuestro profundo agradecimiento por sus
horas de servicio, presidiendo la liturgia Eucaristía, las
Quinceañeras, matrimonio, bautizos, clases bautismales, confesiones y proclamando la palabra por lo que ha dicho y lo que ha
Recordaremos su presencia siempre y seguiremos pidiéndole a
Dios que los bendiga a ustedes y a toda la comunidad Salesiana
en su misión y en su vida.
Charles G. Bolser, C.S.V.
St. Viator Parish / Parroquia de San Viator
In order to celebrate your great service to our community and as
an opportunity to express our appreciation properly, we are
inviting you and all of the members of your Salesian Brothers
of St. John Bosco to an informal reception that will be held in
our Recreation Center, on Sunday, August 21st beginning at
2:00 p.m.
I wish to assure you of our deep appreciation of your hours of
service, presiding at our Liturgies of the Eucharist,
Quinceanearas, weddings, baptisms, baptismal classes, confessions, and proclaiming the Word by what you have said and
what you have done.
We will remember your presence always and continue to ask
God to bless all of you and all of the Salesian community in
your mission and your lives.
Charles G. Bolser, C.S.V.
The Revised Roman Missal
The ENGLISH Roman Missal, 3rd Edition
New Words: A Deeper Meaning, but the Same Mass
The new edition of the Roman Missal will be implemented on the First Sunday of Advent, November 27th this year.
Specifically, the new response “And with your spirit,” will replace the current response “And also with you,” which we
pray several times throughout each Mass. This new response is the first change, which we will encounter, in the praying
of the revised texts of the Mass. During the Introductory Rites of the Mass, after the Sign of the Cross and the Greeting,
we humble ourselves before God through the Penitential Act. Whether at St. Viator or at other parishes and chapels, you
probably have heard the priest, deacon, or cantor lead a three-part call and response prayer: “Lord, have mercy,” “Christ,
have mercy,” and “Lord, have mercy.” These specific words will not be changing. The strophes, which precede each of
these three prayers, will change, but our praying “Lord, have mercy,” “Christ, have mercy,” and “Lord, have mercy” will
remain unchanged. For example, in the current form of the Penitential Act, the following might be prayed: “You were
sent to heal the contrite: Lord, have mercy.” “You came to call sinners: Christ, have mercy.” “You plead for us at the right
hand of the Father: Lord, have mercy.” In the new edition of the Roman Missal, the following is one example of the threepart strophes, which we might pray: “You were sent to heal the contrite of heart: Lord, have mercy.” “You came to call
sinners: Christ, have mercy.” “You are seated at the right hand of the Father to intercede for us: Lord, have mercy.” We
collectively pray a longer penitential prayer: the Confiteor. The current translation of the Confiteor is as follows:
Present Form:
I confess to almighty God,
and to you, my brothers and sisters,
that I have sinned through my own fault
in my thoughts and in my words,
in what I have done,
and in what I have failed to do;
and I ask blessed Mary, ever virgin,
all the angels and saints,
and you, my brothers and sisters,
to pray for me to the Lord our God.
In the forthcoming edition of the Roman Missal,
the Confiteor will change slightly to the following:
I confess to almighty God
and to you, my brothers and sisters,
that I have greatly sinned,
in my thoughts and in my words,
in what I have done and in what I have
failed to do,
And, (striking their breast, they say):
through my fault, through my fault,
through my most grievous fault;
therefore I ask blessed Mary, ever-Virgin,
all the Angels and Saints,
and you, my brothers and sisters,
to pray for me to the Lord our God.
The bolded words are those which are new to the Confiteor.
This new edition of the Confiteor attempts to provide a better translation of the Latin version of the prayer, from which
all vernacular translations come, and follows more closely an early English translation (1966) of the prayer, which was
published after the Second Vatican Council. The Confiteor and all of the prayers which we pray in most if not all Masses
will be printed and available in the pews to assist us when we pray the prayers of the new edition of the Roman Missal.
For more information,visit the website of the United States Council of Catholic
St. Viator Parish / Parroquia de San Viator
Today’s Word/Enfoquémonos en la Palabra de Hoy
Readings for the Week of August 14, 2011
Lecturas para la semana del
14 deAgosto de 2011
Is 56:1, 6-7/Rom 11:13-15, 29-32/
Mt 15:21-28
Vigil: 1 Chr 15:3-4, 15-16; 16:1-2/
1 Cor 15:54b-57/Lk 11:27-28
Day: Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab/
1 Cor 15:20-27/Lk 1:39-56
Jgs 6:11-24a/Mt 19:23-30
Wednesday: Jgs 9:6-15/Mt 20:1-16
Jgs 11:29-39a/Mt 22:1-14
Ru 1:1, 3-6, 14b-16, 22/Mt 22:34-40
Ru 2:1-3, 8-11; 4:13-17/Mt 23:1-12
Next Sunday: Is 22:19-23/Rom 11:33-36/
Mt 16:13-20
Is 56, 1. 6-7/Rom 11, 13-15. 29-32/
Mt 15, 21-28
Vigilia: 1 Cr 15, 3-4. 15-16; 16, 1-2/
1 Cor 15, 54-57/Lc 11, 27-28
Misa del día: Ap 11, 19; 12, 1-6. 10/
1 Cor 15, 20-27/Lc 1, 39-56
Jue 6, 11-24/Mt 19, 23-30
Jue 9, 6-15/Mt 20, 1-16
Jue 11, 29-39/Mt 22, 1-14
Rut 1, 1. 3-8. 14-16. 22/Mt 22, 34-40
Rut 2, 1-3. 8-11; 4, 13-17/Mt 23, 1-12
Domingo siguiente: Is 22, 19-23/Rom 11, 33-36/
Mt 16, 13-20
Preparandonos Para la Palabra de la Proxima Semana
Enfoquémonos en el Evangelio
Evangelio de Mateo 16, 13-20
21º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
21 de Agosto de 2011
En aquel tiempo, cuando llegó Jesús a la región de Cesarea de Filipo, hizo esta pregunta a sus discípulos: "¿Quién dice la gente
que es el Hijo del hombre?" Ellos le respondieron: "Unos dicen que eres Juan el Bautista; otros, que Elías; otros, que Jeremías
o alguno de los profetas".
Luego les preguntó: "Y ustedes, ¿quién dicen que soy yo?" Simón Pedro tomó la palabra y le dijo: "Tú eres el Mesías, el Hijo
de Dios vivo".
Jesús le dijo entonces: "¡Dichoso tú, Simón, hijo de Juan, porque esto no te lo ha revelado ningún hombre, sino mi Padre, que
está en los cielos! Y yo te digo a ti que tú eres Pedro y sobre esta piedra edificaré mi Iglesia. Los poderes del infierno no prevalecerán sobre ella. Yo te daré las llaves del Reino de los cielos; todo lo que ates en la tierra quedará atado en el cielo, y todo lo
que desates en la tierra quedará desatado en el cielo".
Y les ordenó a sus discípulos que no dijeran a nadie que él era el Mesías
Preparing for Next Week’s Word
Focus on the Gospel
Gospel of Matthew 16: 13-20
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 21, 2011
Jesus went into the region of Caesarea Philippi and he asked his disciples, "Who do people say that the Son of Man is?" They
replied, "Some say John the Baptist, others Elijah, still others Jeremiah or one of the prophets."
He said to them, "But who do you say that I am?" Simon Peter said in reply, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."
Jesus said to him in reply, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah. For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my
heavenly Father. And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound
in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." Then he strictly ordered his disciples to tell no one that
he was the Christ.
St. Viator Parish / Parroquia de San Viator
Youth Events/Eventos de Jovenes
From the Office of Stewardship and Youth Ministry/
De la officina de administración y del grupo de jovenes
Andrew Shelton, Director
773-286-4040 ext. 131
Ministry is a word that describes a wide range of services that the Church strives to provide for, and with, its parishioners. Adults who
would like to get involved with ministry at St. Viator might get connected with the choir, a bereavement group, one of our bible studies, or simply attend Mass on Sunday. In much the same way, youth ministry is a phrase that encompasses much more than a few youth
group meetings every month. Over the next few weeks, I will provide excerpts from United States Catholic Bishops’ Renewing the
Vision that will help to explain what the major components of youth ministry should be.
The ministry of advocacy engages the Church to examine its priorities and practices to determine how well young people are integrated into the life, mission, and work of the Catholic community. It places adolescents and families first by analyzing every policy and
program—domestic, parish-based, diocesan, and intergenerational—for its impact on adolescents and families. Poor, vulnerable, and
at-risk adolescents have first claim on our common efforts. The ministry of advocacy struggles against economic and social forces that
threaten adolescents and family life, such as poverty, unemployment, lack of access to affordable health care, lack of decent housing,
and discrimination. The ministry of advocacy supports policies and programs that support and empower adolescents and their families
and works to overcome poverty, provide decent jobs, and promote equal opportunity. In all advocacy efforts we must remember to focus
on adolescents and families with the greatest need. This is the “Option for the Poor” in action.” (United States Catholic Bishops,
Renewing the Vision)
Weekly Parenting Tip # 49
Upcoming Events
Children exceed when they feel good about themselves.
• When your kids make mistakes or bad choices, separate the deed
from the doer. The choice is bad, not the child.
• Treat your children with respect. Listen without interrupting;
talk without yelling.
• When your kids ask for something and you say no, try to give a
reasonable explanation for your decision. This is common courtesy.
The following are some of the upcoming events in
youth ministry:
(Excerpts from What Kids Need to Succeed: Proven, Practical
Ways to Raise Good Kids)
• 8/27 Rock the Lot 11am-11pm, Parking Lot.
• 9/4 Open Gym 7-9pm, School Gym.
• 9/10 Night Ministry 5-9pm, St. Joseph Center
Kitchen. Prepare food, then serve in Humbolt Park.
Gym Kitchen Renovation Update
Thanks for the wonderful response that has been received on the Gym kitchen renovation. We have received two anonymous donations
totalling $1,050. Also, donations have been received from the Parent’s Club, Athletic Association, and Bingo who have all contributed
$1,000 each. To date, the kitchen work has been completed and looks great! We are ordering the ice machine and if your generosity
keeps up we may also “go green” and purchase and install state of the art hand dryers in the restrooms and save some trees. I need the
help and participation of all the remaining groups who utilize the gym, kitchen and facilities to contribute also as well as looking for all
the help we can get on this and many more projects. Please call me to confirm your contribution and for payment instructions @ 773410-3058.
A Part-time maintenance cleaning position (20-24 hours per week) is open. If you may be interested stop by the rectory office for an
application. Dave Schlenbecker, Director of Buildings & Grounds.
Saludo para todos los grupos de la Parruquia
Gracias por la respuesta maravillosa con que fue recibida la renovación de la cocina del gimnasio. Hemos recibido dos donaciones
anónimas, por un total de $1,050. También, se han recibido donaciones de Parent’s Club, Athletic Association, y del Bingo quienes han
contribuido con $1,000 dólares cada uno. Hasta la fecha, el trabajo de la cocina se ha terminado y esta se ve muy bien! Estamos ordenando la máquina de hielo y si ustedes mantienen su generosidad podemos también “go green” y adquirir e instalar algunos secadores
de manos en los baños y salvar algunos árboles. Necesitamos la ayuda y participación de los todos los grupos que utilizan el Gimnasio,
la cocina y las instalaciones, para que contribuyan también, buscando toda la ayuda que podamos y lograr continuar con este y otros
muchos proyectos. Por favor llámenme para confirmar su contribución y/o para obtener instrucciones de cómo dar las contribuciones
al número de teléfono: 773 410 3058. Gracias.
Una posición de medio tiempo para mantenimiento y limpieza (20-24 horas por semana). Si usted está interesado, acérquese a la
Rectoria cural para pedir un formulario para presentarse a este trabajo. Dave Schlenbecker, Director de edificios y terrenos.
St. Viator Parish / Parroquia de San Viator
School News/Noticiás de la Escuela
Sixth grade- Mrs. Johnson - Room 303
It is hard to believe that the 2010-2011 school year is coming to a close. The sixth graders are certainly well
prepared for 7th grade. Looking back on all the engaging lessons and activities it’s hard to name just a few highlights.
In math, the sixth graders can often be found working on handson-activities such as “Waste Not Want Not” that had students determining the edible percent of fruit. They have also been brushing up
on computation skills playing games on the interactive whiteboard.
Sixth grade got caught up in a little March Madness through math
activities which allowed them to use team stats to complete math
problems. A culminating activity had them prepare and present a
power point on the schools involved in the tournament. These activities are always class favorites.
The sixth graders have often been victorious over the fifth graders
in the weekly enrichment challenge the classes participated in. The
two classes have gotten together on Tuesdays this year to play games
that reinforce key skills including computation, problem solving, and
Hardly a week passes when the students are not in the science lab for at least one or two classes. Mrs. Shutt has provided an excellent
hands-on curriculum allowing the children to develop a love of science. One of their favorite activities was the ever famous egg drop
activity where they had to design packaging to protect an egg while in motion.
The children have been enjoying reading, writing, learning grammar, and mastering spelling skills in Language Arts. One of the more
interesting activities gave the students the chance to perform shadow puppet shows for younger students based on Asian fairy tales. The
students enjoyed applying various skills including comprehension, summarizing, characterization, and developing fluency.
One of the student’s favorite activities in Social Studies this year focused on Greek Mythology. The children researched a god or goddess then presented the information to the class dressed as that figure.
The sixth graders have been very active in preparing and participating in school liturgies and prayer services. All the students have had
a chance to be an active participant in prayer as readers, gift bearers, or choir members. On those occasions when the sixth graders are
not actively part of the liturgy, they get the chance to pray with their kindergarten prayer partners. They continue to develop a sense of
service through completion of chores for younger grades, participation in drives and fund raisers including collecting bags used to make
mats for the homeless. In addition to in-class activities the students have had the chance to participate in fun and educational field trips
that helped build class unity. Many students participated in the Guerin Prep Gator Challenge. This after school event allowed the students
to work together to conquer athletic challenges including a free throw contest and volleyball serving challenge. The ladies had the opportunity to participate in St. Scholastica’s Math Carnival which had the students participate in various math games in a fun and challenging
way. While still at school, the boys had the chance to work with the first graders in their centers. Their responsibility and maturity were
an asset to Mrs. Harris!
Mrs. Johnson will be sad to see the students go but feels confident that they are ready to face the challenges ahead.
Seventh Grade Miss Aiello - Room 309
The second half of this school year has been very busy. The seventh grade students have
been focusing on fractions, ratio, proportion, and percents. Other topics include area of
polygons and circles, surface area, and volume. They also solve word problems with real
life situations. In March they celebrated the sacrament of Confirmation. In addition to
preparing for Confirmation, they studied the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. In English
they presented an oral report on a topic of their choice. They studied prepositions, conjunctions, interjections, and subject/verb agreement. They also wrote poems and creative
stories. They have been reading a variety of types of literature, such as biographies, autobiographies, and fables. They also read the novel The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton. In science class they dissected owl pellets and chicken wings. They also did a project on early
astronomers. They learned about organ systems and animal behavior, too. During social
studies class they studied about the American Revolution, the Constitution, and the Civil
War. They are currently involved in a Civil War game. The seventh graders are still working with their Kindergarten – Room 110 buddies. They helped the kindergarteners write their autobiographies. Also to celebrate Earth
Day they planted seeds in pots made of newspaper. The seventh graders are excited and ready for all that eighth grade is going to bring!
St. Viator Parish / Parroquia de San Viator
Parish Events/Eventos de la Parroquia
August 2011 Calendar of Events
*Sunday, 14
20th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
All Masses in the Lower Church.
Blessing of all new born babies at all Masses.
Legion of Mary Youth Group (Praesidium),
10:30am-12noon, SJC.
Spanish Choir practice, 11am-12:30pm., UC.
*Monday 15
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mass at
8:15am., LC.
*Tuesday, 16
Holy Hour, 8:45am., LC.
Bible Study-Spanish, 7:15-9pm., Rec. Ctr.
Marian Group Bible Study, 7:30-9pm., SJC.
Knights of Columbus, 8:30pm., Rec. Ctr. East.
National Airborne Day.
*Wednesday, 17
BINGO, 7-10pm., Gym.
Legion Of Mary, 7:40-9:30pm., SJC.
*Thursday, 18
Knights of Columbus Picnic/Soccer
Shootout Saturday, September 10th
Save the date for the Knights of Columbus Annual End of
Summer picnic, being held on Saturday, Sept 10, starting
at 11:00am at Edgebrook Woods, Grove 1 (located on N.
Central Ave, between Caldwell/Lehigh and Elston). Mark
your calendars and come join us for some family fun.
The Knights will be serving free food and drinks, burgers,
hot dogs and brats, and will have plenty of games for kids
and adults as well as bingo and our BIG raffle.
There will be a Soccer Shoot contest for boys and girls
ages 10- 14 (age as of Sept 1, 2011), starting at 11:30am.
All contestants will receive a certificate and a KC soccer Tshirt. Winners will receive a KC soccer ball and be eligible for the Regional tournament. All
contestants must have a signed registration form before contestants are allowed
to compete. Forms will be available the
day of the contest or by sending an e-mail
to Call Tom
Kaiser for more info at 630-699-2079.
The Viator Club Reunion
New Parent welcome, 6-9pm., Rectory yard.
COC (Charismatic) Prayer Nite, 7:30-9:30pm.,
LC., SJC chapel.
Were you part of the famous Viator Club singles back in
the 50s, 60s and 70s? Or do you know someone who did
attend their monthly social activities?
*Friday, 19
Do you remember Father Hayes, our moderator?
Remember all the fun we had at our dances, variety
shows, Snowtillions and monthly meetings?
Boy Scouts Troop 932, 6:30-9pm., Scout rm.
National Airborne Day.
*Sunday, 21
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
All Masses in the Lower Church.
Legion of Mary Youth Group (Praesidium),
10:30am-12noon, SJC.
Spanish Choir practice, 11am-12:30pm., UC.
Reception for the Salesian Priests, 2:o0pm.,
If so, more than 40 of your friends are gathering for their
annual reunion on Tuesday, August 30, at noon at
Toscano's Restaurant, 1859 W. Central Road in Arlington
Heights, IL 60005 (West of Northwest Community
We'd love to renew old acquaintances. For further information and to RSVP, call Arleene Gibisch Wajda at 847394-4202 or awajda@
*HOLD THE DATE: “St. Viator Rock the Lot
FEST,” Saturday, August 27th, starting at
11:00am-11:00pm, Parking lot. Kids
Activities, Inflatables, Live Band Karaoke,
Cover Bands, Art Tent, Food Tent, Beer
Garden, Wine Grotto & Raffle.
Thursday, August 25th. from 9am to noon or evening session from 6pm to 9pm, cost is $10.00 being held at the
Felician Sisters Convent, 3800 W. Peterson Ave.
Register by calling Ellen Ward at 773-736-7406 or Ann
Topic: “Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow…Looking at Our
Many Lives.” We’ll take a look at the gift of the years. Be
they 30, 40 or 50 plus…we’ll explore how they have
impacted us…what we have gleaned from them…and how
we use them as we move into our future. We will touch on
some of Sr. Joan Chittester’s book by the same name, The
Gift of the Years, as a starting off point for our time
together. Our speaker will be Maureen Kuhn.
St. Viator Parish / Parroquia de San Viator
Parish & Community Events/Eventos Comunitarios y de la Parroqia
Upcoming Community Events
Upcoming Community Events Continued...
Our Lady of the Resurrection Medical Center at
5645 W. Addison St. will be offering the following health
events. Unless noted all events are FREE and require
advance registration. Call 877-737-4646.
Aug. 22 Blood pressure screenings.
Aug. 23, Cholesterol screening, $15 fee.
Aug. 24, Pacemaker/cardiac device support group.
Aug. 25, Arthritis support group.
Instituto de Liderazgo Cristóforo Clases del Otoño
2011Sagrado Corazón 819 N. 16th St. Melrose Park, IL
60160 Sesión informativa e Inscripción, Viernes Sept, 9,
2011 de 7 a 10 pm., Primera Sesión Sept, 16, 2011 de 7 a
10 pm. Curso de 10 Semanas. Tres horas semanales Costo
total $100.
Adquiera…¡Confianza en si mismo!
¡Mentalidad Positíva! ¡Personalidad atrayente! ¡Facilidad
de expressión! ¡Entusiasmo y optimismo! Elimine
temores y complejos, aprenda a recordar nombres,
adquiera dotes de líder. 773-472-1515 or 773-481-0628.
Sisters and Brothers of Immigrants host a weekly
Prayer Vigil in front of the Immigration & Customs
Building at 101 West Congress in downtown Chicago on a
weekly basis. The vigil is held from 7:15-7:45 am every
Friday. If you have any questions, please contact Br.
Michael Gosch at St. Viator Rectory, 773-286-4040.
The Archdiocesan Golden Wedding Anniversary
Mass will be held on Sunday, August 28, 2011, at 3 PM at
St. John Brebeuf, 8307 N. Harlem Ave., Niles, IL.
Cardinal Francis George will be the celebrant of the Mass.
Couples married in 1961 and interested in attending this
celebration should contact the Family Ministries Office at
312.534.8351 or visit their website at:
Farmers Market at Independence Park, located at
Irving Pk. Rd. & Hamlin Ave. Sundays from 9am-1pm.
August 14th & 28th, September 11th & 25th, October 9th.
A huge variety of produce, plants and baked goods.
Sponsored by Alderman Margaret Laurino, 39th Ward &
the Greater Independence Park Neighborhood
Association. For more information go to
REFLECT Mid-life Singles Retreat: If you are looking
to grow in your faith life, meet new friends, and feel like
you belong. Singles (age mid-30’s to 50’s): register today
for a weekend retreat at the Cardinal Stritch Retreat
House, Mundelein, IL, on August 19-21, 2011. Cost is just
$175, which covers meals, room and materials. Call 312523-1072, or visit, or e-mail us
at for details.
Greater West Town Training Partnership, accepting applications for their Woodworker Training Program
which begins September 11th. The program is no-cost to
eligible low-income Chicago area residents. Financial Aid
available to cover 100% of costs to those who qualify by
income. Job placement assistance upon completion.
Hablamos Español. The training will upgrade your skills
and prepare you for full-time careers . Candidates must
be available for full-time, Mon.-Fri. sessions for the 14
week program. Located at 500 N. Sacramento Blvd., Call
to apply at 312-563-9570 or go to
St. Viator Parish / Parroquia de San Viator
Campaña Católica para la Reforma Migratoria.
Fui forastero y me hospedaste...” (Mateo 25:35). “Más de
33,000 agricultores, casi todos indocumentados, producen cosecha anual de tomate fresco de 1 billón de libras
en Florida-que a venta por mayor es $610 millónes. Por
cada dólar que gastamos en un tomate en la tienda, el
agricultor solo recibe 1 centavo.” Southern Poverty Law
Center-“Injustice on Our Plates” Oficina de Asuntos para
Inmigrantes y Educación 3525 S. Lake Park Ave, Chicago,
IL 60653 Elena Segura (312) 534-5333,
Catholic Campaign for Immigration Reform. “I
was a stranger and you welcomed me...”(Matthew 25:35).
“Over 33,000 farm workers, nearly all of them undocumented, produce Florida’s annual crop of 1 billion pounds
of fresh market tomatoes-a wholesale value of $610 million. For every $ we spend on a supermarket tomato, the
field worker who picked it gets just 1 cent.” Southern
Poverty Law Center “Injustice on Our Plates” Office for
Immigrant Affairs and Immigration Education, 3525 S.
Lake Park Ave, Chicago, IL 60653. Elena Segura (312)
Catholic Charities presents the 10th Annual Gala of
the Arts, presented by Fifth Third Bank, will be held on
Friday, September 9th at 6:00 p.m. in the Grand Ballroom
of Navy Pier. The recent stars of Chicago’s Jersey Boys will
perform. The evening features an exquisite Art Show and
Sale, featuring 16 locally and internationally respected
artists. A portion of the proceeds and all other funds
raised at the Gala will support Catholic Charities’
Emergency Assistance Programs, which provide food,
shelter, clothing and short-term financial assistance to
individuals and families in need in Cook and Lake counties. The event also includes a Golden Raffle and Pick A
Prize with fantastic prizes including a Bulls Skybox for one
game during the 2011/2012 season, a 2 night stay and 2
rounds of golf at the Grand Geneva Resort, a vacation stay
in Acapulco, Mexico and much more. Reservations begin
at $250. Please contact Ashley Owen, Event Coordinator,
at 312-655-7912 or or visit
Mass Intentions/ Intenciones
Jamie Carteño Gina Wickert
Hilda Bioli Hector Dominguez Ed Lally
Rev. Thomas F. Wise, C.S.V.
Luis Olivera Maureen Prince
Robert Beltran Richard Bonnefoi Carol Brown Barbara Butler
Rose Carlyon
Steven Catallo
Christopher Cianciola
Contreraz Dorothy Coyne Mercy Cruz Corinna Deckenbach
Marie Diaz
Jordan Figueroa Therese Foley Vada Garris Larry
Gartner Riley Gillam Evelio Garza Edward Grant Baby Robert
Grunsted Mary Ellen Guerrero Alice Guttman Alicia Hernandez
Bernard Heisen Irene Huyck Ann Jones Josephine Koczwara
Andrew Kopec Danyell Moscosa Martin Munoz Joan Naughton
Claire Nicpon Alice Nightingale Mary Paczesny Maureen Prince
Jose L. Sanchez Prado Eugene Parker
Clayton Poe The Poe
Family Denise Popec Robert Pruter Jean Putman Bruno Renkal
Camila Ruelas Donald Rupelt Jr. Guadalupe Sanchez Charles
Schimps Bob & Joyce Specht George Steigerwald Marge Sterrett
Alan Tempin Sr. Marianne Thomas Baby Robert Torres Joey
Wallace Bea Waltz Sandra Weber Bernice Wetle Guadalupe
Williams Michael Yahiro
Those serving our country:
Please remember in your prayers...
Michael Diakoumis, SPC, Army
Joseph Martinelli, U.S. Coast Guard
Captain Teresa Moreno, Air Force
Pvt. Kevin Peterson, Army
Sgt. Mark Renkal Jr., Army
MIDN Jacob Schlenbecker, USN
Wedding Banns/Amonestaciones
I. Mariela Lopez & Rafhael Moreno
August 7, 2011
David Henry Delisle
Nicholas John English
Tiffany Michell Flores
Zachary Hunter Fornal
James Edward Galvan
Mason Laurence Collins
Welcome to Our Parish
We welcome to our parish Kristin Novak.
If you are new to our church or just visiting we are pleased to
have you share in this celebration of the Eucharist.
Monday, August 15
Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
+Nicholas Downes
Tuesday, August 16
Weekday in Ordinary Time
St. Stephen of Hungary, King, St. Roch, Hermit
8:15 am
For the parishioners and benefactors
of our parish
Wednesday, August 17
Weekday in Ordinary Time/St. Clare of Montefalco, Abbess
8:15 am
For the parishioners and benefactors
of our parish
Thursday, August 18
Weekday in Ordinary Time/
St. Helen, Mother of Constantine
8:15 am
For the parishioners and benefactors
of our parish
Friday, August 19
Weekday in Ordinary Time/ St. John Eudes, Priest/
St. Louis of Anjou, Bishop
8:15 am
+Anthony E. Milici
Saturday, August 20
Weekday in Ordinary Time/
St.Bernard, Bishop & Doctor of the Church
8:30 am
Communion Prayer Service
Vigil Mass: The 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
5:00 p.m. +Peter Kearns
Sunday, August 21
The 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:30 am
+Deceased members & benefactors of the
St. Vincent De Paul Society
+Severina Uy
10:30 am
+Brendan J. Friel
For the parishioners and benefactors
of our parish
12:30 pm
+Jose Ocampo Jimenez
+Alvaro Jimenez
+Filiberto Ramirez
Acolytes/Acolitos Schedule
August 20 & 21, 2011
Saturday, 5:00 pm: T. Brannick
Sunday, 8:30 am: B. Hendrickson, P. Chrastka, P. Dodge
After you have read the bulletin, fold, stamp and mail
it to a friend! Share good news!
Visit our Website at:
10:30 am: A. Barron, N. Huzenis, D. Rios
12:30 pm: S. Olmos, A. Robles, M. Robles
St. Viator Parish / Parroquia de San Viator
Sacraments/Los Sacramentos
Sacrament of Baptism
Sacramento Bautismal
Baptismal class required for parents and godparents. Classes held
on the last Wednesday of each month at 7:30 pm. Baptism is
• 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month in English at 2:00 pm.
• 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month in Spanish at 2:00 pm.
Las platicas de los padres y padrinos. Las platicas son el ultimo
Miercoles de cada mes a las 7:30 pm. El Sacramento se ofrece:
• 1er y 3er Domingo a las 2:00 pm en Inglés.
• 2do. y 4to. Domingo a las 2:00 pm en Español.
Sacrament of Marriage
Por favor contactar al sacerdote con quatro (4) meses de anticipacion.
Please contact the Parish Office 4 months prior to the wedding in
order to complete paper work.
Registration to the Parish
Please stop by the Parish office to complete your registration.
Sacramento de Matrimonial
Registracion de la Parroquia
Por favor de ir a la rectoria para registrarse.