
Volume 2, ISSUE 19
September 2010
Foot Prints in
Your M I N D !
Founded in 1995 -- One of the few scientifically based research
organizations exploring the bigfoot/sasquatch mystery.
The BFRO is one of the oldest and arguably most
comprehensive sites on the Web focusing on “BIGFOOT”
Snow Tracks -- Winter 2008-9
How to Collect Evidence
September Horoscope
Wild Edible Plants
Artist’s Corner
Advice From Snopes
The Star
Camela Roman—Paranormal Investigator
It All Depends on How You Look At It
Jerry Don Ratliff & The Sandy Springs Bigfoot
Where Would Space Aliens Come From?
Pre-Columbian –Early American Legends– Bigfoot Like Beings
Out of Body Experience (OBE In a Lab)
Listen on line
Portions of this magazine are reprinted and sometimes edited to fit the standards of this
magazine under the Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law
as educational material without benefit of financial gain.
This proviso is applicable throughout the entire Foot Prints in Your Mind Magazine
Horoscopes Provided By : Astrology Online
ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20)
You could lose money or precious belongings if you aren't careful. You may
end up being blamed if anything goes wrong. You should get involved with activities that can be enjoyed by both
young and old alike. Physical activity will help defuse your frustration.
TAURUS (Apr. 21- may 21)
You can't always have your own way. The information that you gain can be
used in every aspect of your life. You can make some money if you get involved in a conservative financial prospect
that is presented to you. You will gain knowledge through your adventure.
GEMINI (May 22-June 21)
Don't overspend to impress someone who interests you. Emotional situations
could bring out your stubborn nature. Be sure to keep communication open with those you live with. You could
receive recognition for a job well done.
CANCER (June 22-July 22)
Acceptance will be necessary. Get involved in groups that will help you meet
established individuals. Overindulgence may be a problem. This is a great day to start that new health regimen you've
been talking about.
LEO (July 23-Aug 22)
You can get support from groups that you belong to if you're willing to step
out on a limb and voice your opinions. Beware of colleagues who don't have your best interests in mind. Too many
opportunities and too many changes going on. Dinner, theater, or a comedy club may be just the place.
VIRGO (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23)
Don't force your opinions on friends or relatives unless you are prepared to
lose their favor. You may be offered opportunities that will result in a higher earning potential. Obstacles may stand in
your way where career and success are concerned. Don't be taken advantage of by any fast talking salesperson trying
to part you from your cash.
LIBRA (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23)
Unexpected bills may set you back. Your obviously unique way of doing
things has caught the eye of someone in a higher position. You may want to pull out some of those unfinished project
you've got tucked away. Consider making pleasure trips or participating in entertainment that will require energy.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)
Take time to find out all you can. Make sure any presentation you have is
ready. In-laws may cause difficulties. Travel should be considered. Situations in your personal life are moving a little
fast lately.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21)
Property investments should payoff. Problems with females you live or work
with will try your patience and cause temper flare ups. Take on positions that offer on the job training or pay for
courses related to the business. You are best to be accommodating for the time being. Sudden romantic infatuations
won't be lasting.
CAPRICORN (Dec 22.- Jan. 20)
Losses could occur if you haven't been careful when dealing with joint
financial ventures. Don't let your anger consume you and don't allow important matters go unattended to. You must
not lead someone on or show interest in them for the wrong reasons. Romantic relationships should stabilize.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19)
Don't try to deal with important issues or make changes that will upset the
apple cart. Friends and relatives may not understand your needs. Luck is with you. You may want to plan physical
activities that will help burn off some of their excess energy.
PISCES (Feb. 20-Mar. 20)
Heart to heart talks will clear up vague issues. Make changes in your
domestic scene. You can make alterations to your appearance that everyone will admire. You will find the perfect
outfit if you shop this month.
When picking edible plants it is crucial that you can properly identify them,
because many are similar in appearance to poisonous plants. The optimum
time to ensure proper identification is when the plants are flowering, since most
have a unique appearance of flowers or fruits. If in doubt observe the plant
through the growing season, if it is possible. If not possible, do not eat the
Arctium minus & spp.
Description: These large biennial herbs stand
1 - 2.5 m tall and have broad alternate leaves
with several flower heads. The leaves are
ovate to oblong, even cordate and up to 50 cm
long. The flowers are tubular, pink or
purplish. The seeds are borne in prickly
Habitat & Distribution: The plant was
introduced from Europe and now grows in
waste lands throughout North America.
Edible parts & Uses: The young shoots and leaves are cooked as a green. The
inner pith of the stems can be eaten raw. The roots are eaten both boiled and
roasted and are often used as a coffee substitute.
An infusion of the roots is used to stimulating bile flow and has a mild laxative
effect. The tea or a tincture of the roots has been used for stomach complaints
and for a prolapsed uterus. A decoction of the roots is used for gout and
rheumatism, to wash sores and traditionally as an antidote after eating
poisonous food, especially mushrooms. The powdered seeds have been used as a
diuretic. The leaves can be used as a poultice for poison ivy, poison oak, to
soothe skin irritations, for impetigo, syphilis, gonorrhea and sunburn.
The seeds are an excellent diuretic. A tincture of the seed has been used as a
D O ,
A T ;
Angel sent
by God to
guide me,
be my light
and walk
beside me;
be my
protect me;
on the
paths of life
direct me.
We are looking for writers and artists to contribute to “foot prints
in your mind” We want articles of 100 to 300 words sent in a docrtf-or-similar open access word processing file. All artwork and
pictures would need to be sent in jpeg format. Longer articles may
be considered on a piece by piece situation. Send your article or
artwork to my email address;
Advice from VERY IMPORTANT!!
1) Any time you see an email that says "forward this on to '10' (or however many)
of your friends", "sign this petition", or "you'll get bad luck" or "you'll get good
luck" or "you'll see something funny on your screen after you send it" or
whatever --- it almost always has an email tracker program attached that tracks
the cookies and emails of those folks you forward to. The host sender is getting
a copy each time it gets forwarded and then is able to get lists of 'active' email
addresses to use in SPAM emails or sell to other spammers. Even when you get
emails that demand you send the email on if you're not ashamed of God/Jesus --that is email tracking, and they are playing on our conscience. These people don't
care how they get your email addresses - just as long as they get them. Also,
emails that talk about a missing child or a child with an incurable disease "how
would you feel if that was your child" --- email tracking. Ignore them and don't
2) Almost all emails that ask you to add your name and forward on to others are
similar to that mass letter years ago that asked people to send business cards to
the little kid in Florida who wanted to break the Guinness Book of Records for
the most cards. All it was, and all any of this type of email is, is a way toget
names and 'cookie' tracking information for telemarketers and spammers -- to
validate active email accounts for their own profitable purposes.
If you are looking for something special on line. Look no farther
Come and visit Father Ray’s newest web based internet outlet store!
Check out his latest bargains and specialty items. Many of you have seen
Father Ray on expedition with the
Searching for Bigfoot team when
they visit the Four Corners Area of
the United States.
*This business is solely owned by Father Ray and is not associated with his
church in any way.
(Continued from page 6)
Advice from VERY IMPORTANT!!
You can do your Friends and Family members a GREAT favor by sending this
information to them. You will be providing a service to your friends. And you will
be rewarded by not getting thousands of spam emails in the future!
Do yourself a favor and STOP adding your name(s) to those types of listing
regardless how inviting they might sound! Or make you feel guilty if you don't!
It's all about getting email addresses and nothing more.
You may think you are supporting a GREAT cause, but you are NOT! Instead,
you will be getting tons of junk mail later and very possibly a virus attached!
Plus, we are helping the spammers get rich! Let's not make it easy for them!
ALSO: Email petitions are NOT acceptable to Congress of any other
organization - i.e. social security, etc. To be acceptable, petitions must have a
"signed signature" and full address of the person signing the petition, so this is
a waste of time and you are just helping the email trackers.
Tips for Handling Telemarketers Three Little Words That Work!!
(1)The three little words are: 'Hold On, Please...' Saying this, while putting
down your phone and walking off (instead of hanging-up immediately) would
make each telemarketing call so much more time-consuming that boiler room
sales would grind to a halt.
Then when you eventually hear the phone company's 'beep-beep-beep' tone,
you know it's time to go back and hang up your handset, which has efficiently
completed its task.
These three little words will help eliminate telephone soliciting..
(2) Do you ever get those annoying phone calls with no one on the other end?
This is a telemarketing technique where a machine makes phone calls and
records the time of day when a person answers the phone.
This technique is used to determine the best time of day for a 'real' sales
(Continued on page 8)
(Continued from page 7)
Advice from VERY IMPORTANT!!
person to call back and get someone at home.
What you can do after answering, if you notice there is no one there, is to
immediately start hitting your # button on the phone, 6 or 7 times as quickly as
possible. This confuses the machine that dialed the call, and it kicks your
number out of their system. Gosh, what a shame not to have your name in their
system any longer!!!
(3) Junk Mail Help: When you get 'ads' enclosed with your phone or utility bill,
return these 'ads' with your payment. Let the sending companies throw their
own junk mail away.
When you get those 'pre-approved' letters in the mail for everything from
credit cards to 2nd mortgages and similar type junk, do not throw away the
return envelope.
Most of these come with postage-paid return envelopes, right? It costs them
more than the regular 44 cents postage, 'IF' and when they receive them back.
It costs them nothing if you throw them away! The postage was around 50
cents before the last increase and it is according to the weight. In that case,
why not get rid of some of your
other junk mail and put it in these cool little, postage-paid return envelopes.
One of Andy Rooney 's (60 minutes) ideas. Send an ad for your local chimney
cleaner to American Express. Send a pizza coupon to Citibank. If you didn't get
anything else that day, then just send them their blank application back!
If you want to remain anonymous, just make sure your name isn't on anything
you send them.
You can even send the envelope back empty if you want to just to keep them
guessing! It still costs them 44 cents.
The banks and credit card companies are currently getting a lot of their own
junk back in the mail, but folks, we need to OVERWHELM them. Let's let them
know what it's like to get lots of junk mail, and best of all they're paying for
Amy Dempsey Staff Reporter
Steve Genier sat in a wooden chair at
the parlour tea table, steps away from
where nearly 80 years ago Henry
Breckon’s body lay prepped for burial.
The air was still and hot. The house was
silent, the room dark. Genier waited,
alone, for something to happen.
Then he felt it. A tug — an
unmistakable playful pull — on his left
The parlour where Henry’s body was displayed during his wake
He jumped out of his chair and looked around. The room was empty.
His mind calculated. “Was it the wind? Maybe I moved slightly,” he thought.
“But none of it made sense,” he says. “Because I was just sitting there, not
moving at all.”
No one knows who or what haunts Spruce Lane Farmhouse, a sprawling Victorian
home nestled in a thick of century-old maple trees in Oakville’s Bronte Provincial
Park. But that’s where Genier comes in. He’s investigating the house’s haunted
status with his team at the Southern Ontario Paranormal Society.
Genier is one of a slew of investigators the park has brought in over the past
year to collect evidence of paranormal activity for their summer ghost tour.
The television show Ghost Trackers even recorded an episode at the farm.
(Continued on page 10)
(Continued from page 9)
Built in 1899, the Spruce Lane Farmhouse was home to the Breckon family —
Henry, his wife Margaret, and their children Christine, Alice and Gordon — until
the 1950s.
Some think the haunting presence is Henry, who died in 1931. Nothing is known
about his death except that his body was laid out in the front parlour for a days
-long wake.
But those who know the house best believe it’s haunted by a friendly presence;
perhaps, Andrew Cirtwill suggests, the energy left behind by guests who lived
at the farmhouse or visited when it was rented throughout the 50s and 60s.
“I feel safer here than most places,” says Cirtwill, who is costumed in a fake
mustache and full Victorian suit he made himself.
Cirtwill is the park’s natural heritage education leader and summer ghost-tour
guide. As he leads Star reporters through the house, he points out rooms and
items of ghostly interest.
There’s the smoking room door people say opens and closes on its own. Some
visitors, on separate occasions, have felt like a servant was following them
around. Whispered words, footsteps and children’s laughter has been heard in
various parts of the house.
Many people say they’ve felt an energy or presence they just can’t explain.
Cirtwill, 28, remembers experiencing an overwhelming sense of guilt when he
returned to the house one day after having taken apart the dining room table to
prepare for a special event.
“It was like someone or something was really mad,” he says. “Once the table was
back together and looking like before, it was almost like it was appreciated.”
(Continued on page 11)
(Continued from page 10)
Since then, Cirtwill says he talks to the house. He says hello when he enters and
quietly lets the house know if he’s doing anything unusual.
“I came in today and said ‘look pretty, because we’re going to have some
pictures taken,’” Cirtwill says, laughing.
His fellow tour guides — Victoria Cirtwill, his wife, and Cathy Entwistle —grin
and nod in agreement. They speak to the house, too.
Non-believers might scowl at such behaviour. And many would claim Genier’s
shoulder-tug story is the result of an overactive imagination.
But Genier prides himself on being a skeptic because he says it’s a job
requirement in the ghost-hunting business.
“I think it’s healthy to be skeptical because if you’re not you’ll think everything
is a ghost,” he says.
“Ninety per cent of claims that people have are easily explainable,” he says.
Genier, 41, works for an independent film company when he’s not tracking
ghosts. When he’s called to investigate a house he learns everything he can
about the stories attached to it and then visits the house to conduct an
investigation. His team observes, records video and tries to collect Electronic
Voice Phenomena (EVP) — recordings of voices and sounds that can’t usually be
heard by the human hear.
Believers say EVP is how spirits try to communicate with us. Non-believers say
it’s just a trick of the mind or electronic interference.
At the Spruce Lane farm, Genier’s team collected EVPs of what they say sounds
like children laughing and people murmuring and speaking — those recordings will
be played throughout the park’s summer ghost tours.
2 HOMES - 2.5 ACRES - Perfect muilti-family or live in one and rent the other. Main
home consists of a spacious 1,800sq-ft. 2 bedroom, 2bath home plus office. Family
room right of the dining area and a large living room provide ample space for
comfortable living. Fenced in private back yard and easy maintenance, front yard with
beautiful mountain and Klamath River views. The 2nd home is a 1993 Fuqua Modular
home on a permanent foundation, featuring 2 bedroom, 2 baths approx. 1,100sq-ft.
Enjoy amble light in the kitchen with the built in skylight. Dining area has a slider
leading to the covered wrap around deck.
Outbuildings include elevated storage making a great cover for RV parking with full
hookup. Detached garage with carport storage area. Currently both homes are rented
with an income of $1,360.00. You could buy now and continue to rent until your ready
to retire or relocate. $245,000.00 HC-506
Front of Main home
Second home
Kitchen and dining
Fruit trees in back yard
Kitchen area
Front yards
Living room
In beautiful Happy Camp. California
While Happy Camp cannot offer crowds, streetlights, long
waiting lines, or a large populace, its setting among
magnificent natural resources and the unhurried pace of life
are just compensation for those who choose to live here. Here
the air is sweeter; a unique microclimate allows residents to
grow more varieties of plants than can be found most
anywhere else; the natural beauty and serenity of the area are
unmatched in the hurried pace of life that rushes past across
the mountains in every direction, leaving this community to
provide a unique opportunity to raise a family, live out your "golden years," or have a unique
vacation in "God's country," almost untouched by the rest of the world.
“I got into the glass dichroic fused glass jewelry when I decided to
take a Saturday class with a friend, I enjoyed the class so much that I
went back for a second class and then borrowed a friends table top kiln
to make Christmas gifts last year. It became a sort of game with myself
to see what colors and shapes I could come up with while melting the
glass to make jewelry, I ended up buying my own kiln. Recently (about
6 months ago) the store I work at started selling beads and while I
said I wasn't going to get interested in beads because I have so many
other crafts I like, I started learning from my co workers and I am now
on a whole new adventure. I love learning new crafts, making gifts for
friends and even selling on my web shop.”
Cheryce has been a family friend since she was a young girl. She was and still is
one of my oldest daughter’s best friends. Of course now she is married and the
mother of three beautiful girls of her own.
As long as we have known Cheryce, she has been extremely artistic and
practiced every type of art form and craft. She makes exquisite and unique
Christmas ornaments, paintings, jewelry, and gifts of all types.
Recently, she has opened a Web Store, where she has begun selling some of her
work. The site can be found at:
Carmela Roman, HPI Paranormal Investigator
by Paul Roberts, published July, 2010 The Sacramento Press
Interviewed by Paul Dale Roberts, HPI General Manager
Meeting conducted on 7/23/10 Friday – It’s a Grind – Bruceville/Elk Grove Blvd.
Time of Meeting: 1800 Hours.
Question: Let’s start this interview by asking you if you can tell us something
personal about yourself. Your recreational activities, hobbies, schools you have
attended, where you were born and how long have you lived in Sacramento?
To see pictures of Carmela Roman, go to this link:
Answer: Well, I was born in San Jose, CA and lived there until I was 11. Once I
was 11 we moved to Elk Grove and I have been here ever since. I went to
Franklin High School and I currently attend Cosumnes River College, when I
have the time. Hopefully I will be transferring to Sac State soon. In my spare
time I have been spending as much time as I can with my family lately since I
feel that it is pretty important. Also since I just turned 21 I have been getting
introduced to the bar scene here in Sacramento.
Question: What inspired you to become a paranormal investigator?
Answer: Ever since I was little I have always seen things that I wasn’t quite
sure were there and I would have super vivid dreams that seemed to end up
playing out in real life. I figured that there had to be something behind
everything that I had experienced so I began reading up on the paranormal.
Question: You told me that you had some paranormal personal experiences
before you became an investigator, can you elaborate on that?
(Continued on page 15)
(Continued from page 14)
Carmela Roman, HPI Paranormal Investigator
Answer: I mainly would see apparitions in random places that I knew shouldn’t
be there. When we would be driving home on road trips in the middle of the
night I would see figures on the side of the road. In the first house we lived at
in Elk Grove I would see a little boy who constantly frequented our hallway and a
black cat that would appear in doorways in the middle of the night. There was
also a shadow figure that I would see in the master bedroom while I was
watching TV. There are too many experiences to go over in one sitting.
Regardless of what the experience was, I never felt afraid or threatened.
Question: You are new in the investigation field, can you tell the readers about
the investigations that you have been on. I know you went on the Placerville
Scouting Mission, Loomis Investigation, and Citrus Heights Investigation. Can
you tell me your experiences at all of these investigations and which one stands
out foremost in your mind and why?
Answer: I’ve been on those three and I have to say for the most part they have
been pretty eventful, a lot more so than I was expecting at least. In Placerville
I was able to hear a very clear EVP. Loomis had to be my favorite scouting
mission though. There was so much to cover, area wise, and the amount of
activity was amazing. We captured in my group alone several insanely clear EVPs
and even heard the voices with our own ears in the barn. I thought the
investigation was pretty long and I felt exhausted by the end but I had a great
Question: Here is an off-the-wall question, what is your favorite song? The
reason why I am asking, I want your song to be the theme to this interview.
Answer: Airplanes by Eminem
To hear her song, go here:
(Continued on page 16)
(Continued from page 15)
Carmela Roman, HPI Paranormal Investigator
Question: Since you have experienced the paranormal and have been on some
investigations, can you please tell me if you are a believer in the afterlife?
Answer: I’ve thought a lot about that question and I think there is some form
of the afterlife but I can’t make up my mind how the afterlife exists. I ask
myself….is there a heaven? Do we become part of an energy grid; do we remain
on Earth in some kind of ethereal form? I just can’t piece it together yet. I
guess I need to go on more investigations. I’ll let you know when I find the
answer, wherever that is.
Question: You mentioned you just turned 21 and are starting to hit the clubs.
What clubs do you go to and which one is the best?
Answer: I really like to hang out in Old Sac and the places on the river. My two
favorites at this point are Fanny Ann’s and Crawdads. The bartenders at both
spots are the nicest and most fun to be around.
Question: What places in Sacramento do you visit and why?
Answer: I love to hang out at the Tower Theater because the movies there are
great and you just can’t beat the ambiance of an old school theater like that.
Special Note: Fanny Ann’s and Tower Theater are reputed to be haunted and I
have investigated both establishments.
Question: What are your favorite movies, TV shows, books, cartoons?
Answer: My two favorite movies of all time have to be Frank Capra’s “It
Happened One Night” and “Remember the Titans”. The newer movie that I love
is definitely “Inception” I could watch it a few more times. As far as TV is
concerned I love Real Time with Bill Maher and Modern Family. When I read,
which does happen on occasion, anything by J.A. Jance has to be my favorite.
(Continued on page 17)
(Continued from page 16)
Carmela Roman, HPI Paranormal Investigator
Question: What is your main goal in life?
Answer: My main goal in life has to be to do whatever makes me happy for as
long as I can. For me that means becoming a teacher. I know that may not be a
huge goal but I’m pretty passionate about doing whatever I can to change the
lives of children. I think all kids deserve at least one great teacher in their lives
and hopefully I can be that to a child in the future.
Question: This ends the interview; do you have any words of wisdom for the
Answer: I would have to say that a certain dose of skepticism is good but always
keep your mind open to new things or you might just miss the evidence out there
of all things paranormal.
Paul Dale Roberts, HPI General Manager
It All Depends On How You Look At It
by Tom Castaldi
Most of the time, we think our problems are much worse than the next guys. It is just
a normal way of thinking when you are human. We’ve all caught ourselves saying, “It’s
the worst”. Or if it wasn’t for bad luck, I wouldn’t have any luck at all.
Then the same lot, me included, has said on many occasions, “It could be worse”. I
often wonder why we say it. Is it the frame of mind we are at, at the time?
I ran into a situation a few days ago and it still has me scratching my head. I noticed a
Mocking bird fly out of a short tree and making such a fuss it had to have a nest in it.
I looked inside and found the nest and one baby bird that was just starting to get
feathers. It has its mouth open looking for food. I didn’t want to disturb it so
I just left and made a mental note where the location of the tree was at. I figured I’d
monitor its progress. I couldn’t sleep that night and I got out of bed and decided to go
take the dog and myself for a walk.
I live in a complex where there are lights everywhere and it is never dark. I passed by
the short tree and the Mocking bird flew out of it and started squawking like mad.
As I peered into the tree I noticed the baby
bird was hanging out of the nest. He appeared
to be holding on by one foot. I decided I had to
intervene and assisted him back into the safety
of his nest. Well, it seemed he wouldn’t let go of
the branch he was clinging
to. I tried to dislodge his claw and realized he
wasn’t holding on at all. He had a piece of thin
string wrapped around his leg. He was just
dangling there by a strong thread. I had to go back to the apartment and get a pocket
knife. Well, I cut the string and he was free of the nest. I was shocked to see the
string had cut off the blood circulation to the birds leg and the leg was damaged. I
unwrapped all the string from his little leg and placed him back in the nest. By the looks
of things I don’t believe he can use the leg. Now I wonder, was he better off by me
not interfering with him or is he better off now? It certainly depends on how you look
at it!!
Now we go back to the human way of thinking. But is this right or is it wrong? There
are animals that are hurt worse than this and survive and led almost natural lives. I
(Continued on page 19)
(Continued from page 18)
It All Depends On How You Look At It
wonder was he lucky that I happened to pass by? or did I do him an injustice?
A little while ago, I went out and walked the dog again. I found the baby on the
ground. I picked him up and placed him back in the nest. The parent bird was squawking
like mad but I completed my task. There are quite a few Black Racer snakes around
here that would
love to get a hold of a tasty little meal. Then another brilliant thought entered my
head, Maybe it is the parent bird I am really helping out. It could all be for her. She
was unable to unwind the string from her baby. She couldn’t have prevented a slow
death for her responsibility. So many factors come into play. No one can really say
what it is all about.
I went out this morning to check on the baby and it was not in the nest. It was way too
small to be ready to drop out of the nest. Even I could see that. I looked around and
couldn’t find it. The mother bird wasn’t even around squawking. I looked up and saw
some Crows fly by. Then it hit me, there were a lot more to add to the list of
Maybe I was suppose to free its leg so it would fall out of the nest and nature took
care of the rest.
I’ll never know for sure, It all depends on how you look at it I guess.
“In matters of principle, stand like a rock… in matters of taste,
swim with the current.”
Thomas Jefferson
“A man with a new idea is a crank… Until the new idea succeeds!”
Mark Twain
“It is not doing the thing that we like to do, but the thing we
have to do, that makes life blessed.”
Jerry Don Ratliff & the Sandy Springs Bigfoot
It was a warm summer night in Atoka County and Jerry had just drifted off to
sleep when he was awakened by something disturbing his chickens and he
assumed it was probably just a stray dog or a ‘possum messing around out by the
chicken pen. He looked out the window and was amazed at how the Oklahoma
moon lit up his yard and the surrounding area. As his eyes adjusted to the
natural night light from the moon he slowly scanned his huge garden. Jerry
always planted a big garden and this year was no exception. The chickens
continued to act up and he figured he would have to get up and go outside to see
if he could chase off whatever was bothering them. He tried to remember if he
had any shells for his .410 gauge shotgun and couldn't remember if he had
bought a new box of .410 shells the last time he was at the Wal-Mart in Atoka
or not. He was slowly waking up and coming to grips with the fact that he would
not be able to go back to sleep until he shut up those chickens. The only way to
shut up the chickens was chase off whatever varmint was out there bothering
them tonight. About the time he was ready to pull on his pants and put on his
work boots a quick movement at the edge of the garden caught his eye. It was
huge and it was unbelievable and it was also as real as anything Jerry Don had
ever seen in his life. He could hardly believe his eyes and his mind was trying to
tell him that whatever he was seeing couldn't be real but there framed in the
moonlight looking like King Kong on the Empire State building was the one thing
Jerry Don Ratliff had spent his whole life denying. He was looking at a Yeti, a
Sasquatch or as it was known here in Kiamichi Country, "Bigfoot"
Jerry glanced at the clock radio on the night stand beside his bed because he
knew that what he was seeing was of historical significance. His eyes had won
out the battle with his mind and he had no doubts now that this Bigfoot was
real, very real. Jerry Ratliff was a no nonsense kind of guy and definitely not an
avid follower of the George Noory, Art Bell train of thought. It would probably
be a safe bet to say that more than a few of his Atoka County neighbors
probably burned a little midnight oil gathered around the old Philco tuned in to
the Coast to Coast AM radio show. The fact that Coast to Coast AM had loyal
listeners in Atoka County was more than likely true but you couldn’t count
Ratliff in that demographic. Jerry knew because he had publicly scoffed at his
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Jerry Don Ratliff & the Sandy Springs Bigfoot
neighbors’ stories of Bigfoot sightings on more than one occasion. Jerry knew
that he would need to document every detail from here on out until he brought
this incident of the creature in his own garden to a verifiable and documental
The time on the Ratliff’s radio clock was thirteen minutes after one in the
morning. Since Jerry Don was not in the least bit superstitious he never picked
up on the fact that in military time it was 13:13 hundred hours. He continued to
stare at the dark creatures silhouette in the moonlight and he felt that
somehow the Bigfoot sensed it was being watched and for just a few seconds it
stared back toward Jerry's bedroom. The slowly it turned and unhurriedly
walked back into the woods away from the house leaving Jerry Don more than a
little confused at what he had just seen.
As Jerry stared out across the empty moonlight yard he remembered that not
long ago he had stopped in Farris at Butler’s Grocery Store to check his mail
and there had been a group of local folks were discussing the news program
they had seen on Channel 12 the night before. It seems that on the News they
had reported that 13 year old Morgan Whatley and her 12 year old brother
Garret had seen what they believed to be a Bigfoot over on Clear Boggy Creek
near Caney, Oklahoma. The news anchor had said that in addition to the young
kids sighting that a fifty year old woman, Jackie Marlow, had to be admitted to
the Atoka county hospital from an anxiety attack after she spotted the Bigfoot
in her own back yard. Jerry remembered that he had commented then and made
sure that he spoke loud enough for all the spit and whittle clubbers at Butler’s
Grocery to hear him, that it seemed like a silly waste of time for the television
station to run such a ridiculous story.
Jerry Don had always been more than a little skeptical with these supposed
Bigfoot sightings and had always chalked it up to the influence of the 1973 low
budget movie called The Legend of Boggy Creek which was based on a 7 foot tall
Sasquatch, Bigfoot type creature that according to legend had terrorized
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Jerry Don Ratliff & the Sandy Springs Bigfoot
Fouke, Arkansas back in the late `60's. Jerry figured because of that scary
movie and the fact that the Boggy River ran between Farris and Atoka people
around here figured there could be Bigfoot monsters here also. Tonight outside
his bedroom window at 1:13 AM Jerry’s personal Bigfoot beliefs had been
turned upside down and as he lay there in the silence he contemplated what he
had just seen and decided that he may have been a little hasty when he made
light of his neighbors Bigfoot beliefs..Jerry was up with the sun, sitting out on
his porch with a cup of coffee trying to get a grip on the night before and
wondering just how he should handle this situation. This was not the way Jerry
wanted to start a new day and he could only imagine the twists and turns that
this story was going to take before his life would ever be what you could call
normal again. He knew that he would have to have some help and it would need to
be someone who understood these things and that narrowed it down to only one
possibility. There was one man in this part of Oklahoma who was qualified to
determine if the creature Jerry Ratliff saw was a Bigfoot or not and if so the
best way to capture or destroy it.
“Snake Weaver” was your “Go to man” when you were at the end of your rope
and facing things that were way beyond your comprehension. He was a
mastermind at thinking outside of the box and had a reputation for getting
things done where other men had failed. Jerry knew he would need to drive
down to the Weaver mansion on Cold Springs Creek Road and talk to Snake in
person about the Bigfoot. Jerry Don decided he’d better call first and make
sure Snake had that psycho Doberman of his, “Sic ‘em Sweetie”, penned up
before he showed up at the Weaver mansion.
As Jerry headed East on Highway 3 toward Antlers he started to thinking
about Snake Weaver and just how little anyone around here really knew about
the man. He just seemed to show up back in 1973 about the time Atoka was
making the national news with all the cattle mutilation stories. Snake moved into
an old abandon farmhouse North of Lane, Oklahoma up near the old DOK Ranch.
He pretty much stuck to himself and although he had no visible means of
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Jerry Don Ratliff & the Sandy Springs Bigfoot
support he always seemed to have sufficient money for whatever he needed.
People said you could drive by the old farmhouse all hours of the night and
there would be a light on. Snake never grew close enough to anyone around the
community for them to find out anything about what he might be doing all hours
of the night. He would live uneventfully up there at the farmhouse for months
at a time and then something extremely out of the ordinary would just happen
one day. It might be three or four black limos would drive up and men in suits
would get out and stay at the farmhouse for less than an hour then leave. Once
a youngster, too innocent and unafraid, asked him who were the men in the black
cars at his house and Snake just told the kid it was some friends stopping by
for a game of cards. That answer got out to the community quickly enough and
people took the hint that Snake was not about to answer any prying questions so
from then on people kept their questions to themselves. Once, later on, a
neighbor said he saw a military type helicopter flying over and it landed there
at Snakes farmhouse, stayed for about five minutes then lifted off again and
was gone. If Snake was involved in some kind of covert dealings with the
government, as many of the locals expected, it must have ended very
successfully for him with that helicopter visit. It was not long afterwards
Snake moved out of the DOK’s ranch area, bought the land down on Cold Springs
Creek Road, and started building the beautiful house that everyone now calls
Weaver mansion. Jerry slowed his old Chevy truck down and turned south off of
highway 3 on to Cold Springs Creek Road and headed toward the Weaver
mansion hoping that Snake had remembered to pen up Sick ‘em Sweetie..
Snake was standing out on the wrap around porch of Weaver mansion when
Jerry pulled his old Chevy pickup into the driveway and noticed there was no
sign of the psycho dog so Jerry assumed it was penned up out back. When he
opened his pickup door to get out Sic ‘m Sweetie’ loud barking told Jerry he was
right about the dog being penned up and he couldn’ help but wonder how strong
that pen was.
Snake was not a man of many words so they didn’t spend a lot of time discussing
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Jerry Don Ratliff & the Sandy Springs Bigfoot
the weather or each other’s health. Snake simply asked What’s your problem;?
Jerry explained what had happened the night before and what he believed he
had seen out in his garden. Jerry then asked him if it was possible that it could
have been one of those Bigfoot creatures he had heard about, all the time
making sure Snake was aware that he was more than a little doubtful of their
alleged existence. As sometimes will happen in the light of a beautiful Oklahoma
morning Jerry’s doubts about what he had or hadn’t seen were returning.
Snake had been listening intently, never bothering to ask even a single question
or comment until Jerry Don expressed his doubts about the possibility of a
Bigfoot. Snake Weaver didn’t answer the question directly but just said.
“There’s a lot of things out in these woods around here that people don’t know
about or probably want to know about.” Snake then told him that he would bring
ol Sweetie up to Jerry’s house that night and check around where Jerry had
seen the creature. Jerry thanked him and headed back toward home wondering
if he would just as soon have a Bigfoot loose around his house as that Psycho Sic
‘em Sweetie or even Snake Weaver come to think of it.
Just about dusk Jerry heard the unmistakable bark of Sic ‘em Sweetie from
the woods just south of his garden and he was glad to know that Snake Weaver
was on the trail of the Bigfoot and even happier that Snake didn’t see any
reason for Jerry to join in the hunt. Normally Jerry would have been glad to go
and join any adventure but something about the thought of being out in the
woods at night with that psycho mutt and a Bigfoot moved this hunt into a
different league than your typical coon or ‘possum hunt. Jerry told himself
tonight’s adventure was better left to those who understood and possibly even
relished such things.
Jerry Don would clean his 30.06 rifle tonight just to be on the safe side
because he figured that little old 4:10 shotgun of his would just be barely big
enough to make that Bigfoot mad. When his rifle was cleaned he flipped on the
ten o’clock news to see what the weather was gonna do and find out if any of his
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Jerry Don Ratliff & the Sandy Springs Bigfoot
crazy brothers had been thrown in jail today. The news was uneventful so Jerry
turned in for the night.
The Bigfoot had heard the human hunter’s dog as it had trailed off into the
woods heading south earlier this evening so it had no fear now of being attacked
by that crazy mutt. Bigfoot slowly approached the window where the Ratliff
human bedded down with his female mate at night. There was a very strong
bond between this particular Bigfoot and this particular man that would
eventually come to light in this small Southeastern Oklahoma community once
the timing was right. The creature was not here tonight to harm Jerry Don
Ratliff or his mate but was drawn here by a much higher purpose. Some would
say justice was being served in some sort of convoluted way in Atoka County.
The Bigfoot pressed it’s face to the bedroom window and started pounding on
the walls of the house. Then it let out the most terrifying blood curdling scream
that had probably ever been heard around Farris, Oklahoma. Jerry Don sprang
up from his bed and looked directly into the face of this God awful creature at
his window. Then Bigfoot was gone just as the lights of Snake Weaver’s pickup
flooded over the Ratliff house and Snake got out of his truck, walked up on
Jerry’s porch and knocked on the door. Jerry started pulling on his pants and
hollered at Snake; “Hang on, I’m getting up”.
When Jerry unlocked and opened the door he told Snake that the Bigfoot had
just been at his bedroom window beating on the walls but it had run away he
thought. Snake appeared, to Jerry, to be pretty shaken up himself. Snake sat
down at the kitchen table and then he told Jerry that him and Sic ‘em Sweetie
had caught up with the Bigfoot several miles south of Jerry’s house and Snake
had watched as the Bigfoot attack and killed Sweetie like she was a little
French Poodle.
Snake said that after he took Sweetie’s body back home he got to thinking that
maybe the Bigfoot might have circled back and headed for whatever it was at
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Jerry Don Ratliff & the Sandy Springs Bigfoot
the Ratliff place that had attracted it in the beginning. Snake said the Bigfoot’s
appearance at Jerry’s bedroom window tonight answered that question. Snake
told him “I don’t understand why, but that creature is after you personally,
Jerry“. Jerry’s wife Cindy put on a pot of coffee as it was obvious there would
be no more sleep for anyone tonight. As it would turn out there would be no
sleep for the next couple of nights either.
While they were having a cup of coffee and trying to get some kind of plan
together they came to the conclusion that until this Bigfoot was either
captured or killed Jerry would need to stand guard with his 30:06 rifle every
night. Snake said since it didn’t seem to show any fear of man or anything else
for that matter that they couldn’t even take for granted that Jerry and his
wife would be safe from the Bigfoot during the daylight. If Jerry left the
house he should take Cindy with him. When it became daylight they would also
need to warn all their neighbors this thing was on the loose and no one would be
safe until they had put it out of commission. Snake told Jerry he had an idea
which way the Bigfoot had been headed so he would start trying to track him
and he would call Jerry on his cell phone the minute he had any news. In the
meantime he suggested Jerry and Cindy drive around the Farris and Lane
communities and put up posters about the Bigfoot being sighted at their house.
They should also make sure to stop in Butler’s Grocery in Farris and tell
everyone there to help get the word out about this emergency situation. Jerry
could just imagine the ribbing and the “I didn’t think you believed in Bigfoot”
comments he would have to face but his neighbors’ safety was worth more than
whatever embarrassment he would personally be forced to endure.
It had been two nights now that Jerry had sat up all night on the front porch at
his house, drinking coffee to stay awake and keeping his loaded 30:06 within
arms reach. It was starting to take its toll on his body and the only sleep he was
getting was after Cindy got up in the morning and made their breakfast. He
would eat and then lie down on the couch with his rifle leaned up against the wall
and Cindy would keep an eye on the edge of the woods. They believed the
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Jerry Don Ratliff & the Sandy Springs Bigfoot
Bigfoot would probably come from that direction if it decided to return.
Unfortunately Jerry would just barely get dozed off and the phone would start
ringing with neighbors wanting to get the latest Bigfoot report from him. Some
of his neighbors still couldn’t resist giving him a hard time about his former
belief that Bigfoots’ were all a figment of the imagination.
Finally the phone rang and it was the call Jerry had been waiting for. It was
Snake Weaver and he had captured Bigfoot down south of the McLeod Honor
Farm in Choctaw County. Snake said he had given up tracking the creature for
the morning and was heading back home to get something to eat when out of no
where it crossed the road in front of him. He shot the Bigfoot but the bullet
had just glazed its head and knocked it unconscious. Snake said he realized that
the creature would be worth a fortune, which he would split with Jerry, if they
were able to bring it in alive. Snake was in the pickup he used on his ranch and
he had been building fences so he had his cattle racks on the truck and a set of
come-a-longs behind the seat so he just backed up to the critter and used the
come-a-long to hoist it up into the truck bed where he chained it to the cattle
racks. It was the perfect storm for capturing a Bigfoot, Snake said. All they
needed to do now was document the capture and wait for the offers to buy it
from them to came rolling in.
Snake told Jerry the creature had come to but it was still too groggy to cause
him much trouble and he should be a Jerry‘s house with it within the hour.
Snake told Jerry to get on the phone and get as many neighbors as he could to
come to his house and bring their cameras as well as video cameras. He said
Jerry should also call the Atoka County Times and The Antlers American and
tell them to get a newspaper reporter out there. Snake stressed that every
person at Jerry’s house who saw him drive up with the Bigfoot chained in the
back of his truck would be a potential witness who could testify that the
Bigfoot had been captured by them. These eye witnesses would prove the
Bigfoot was Snake and Jerry’s property in case someone later tried some legal
mumbo-jumbo to claim it once they saw how much money it was worth. Jerry
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Jerry Don Ratliff & the Sandy Springs Bigfoot
assured Snake his yard would be as crowded as the Darwin Cemetery on
Decoration Day when him and the Bigfoot arrived. Jerry said “we’ll see you
partner” as he hung up from Snake and began what was something akin to a Paul
Revere ride through Atoka County, only this time it was by telephone.
The cars had been pulling into Jerry’s house and parking all over the yard and
out in the field ten minutes after he made the first phone call. The reporters
from the newspapers were interviewing anyone that would sit still long enough
for them to stick a microphone in front of them. It had been almost an hour
since Snake’s phone call and then there it was. Jerry saw Snake Weaver’s pickup
coming down the highway, slowing down and turning on his blinkers to turn into
the driveway. The nightmare was almost over and low and behold there standing
up in the back of the truck holding on to the cattle racks was the creature that
had caused all Jerry’s problems and was soon to make him and Snake Weaver
mighty wealthy men. It was the Sandy Springs Bigfoot as people were now
calling it.
The crowd was going crazy and even though the creature was still too far away
to get a good look the people were running their video cameras and snapping
photos as fast as they could. Jerry was transfixed by the sight of the creature
as it grew closer. It was not near as big as he thought it would be and to tell the
truth the closer it got the less scary it seemed. Then Jerry Don Ratliff figured
out that it was nothing more than someone in a gorilla suit. What he couldn’t
figure out was why the people could not see it was some kind of sick hoax and
why they were all still running their videos although a lot of the cameras now
seemed to be pointed at Jerry.
Snake parked the truck right in front of Jerry and as he got out of the driver’s
seat the fake Bigfoot rattled its chains and let out that blood curdling yell that
Jerry was familiar with from a few nights before. The crowd was still cheering
the phony gorilla on and everyone except Jerry seemed to be having a big old
time. As someone took the gorilla head off the suit and revealed that it was
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Jerry Don Ratliff & the Sandy Springs Bigfoot
really Jerry’s brother Gary Ratliff underneath the suit Snake asked everyone
to quiet down for a minute. Snake then asked Jerry to look at his watch and tell
him what it said. Jerry took a quick look and said it is 1:13 PM and then Jerry
Don remembered it had been 1:13 AM a few nights ago when he first saw the
Bigfoot in his garden but he racked his brain and could not tie that time of day
or night to anything significant. Snake saw Jerry was still confused and he said
“No Jerry, not the time, look at the date” and there it was as big as a Bigfoot’s
face staring in your bedroom window” He didn’t even bother answering Snake
when he saw the date on his watch was April 1st.
The legend of Jerry Don Ratliff and the Sandy Springs Bigfoot has grown a little larger as time goes by and one
of the most surprising facts about it is that you can now ask anyone in Atoka or Pushmataha county about the
incident and even though it was believed at the time that only three or four people were in on it and knew the
Sandy Springs Bigfoot was a hoax now everyone you talk to claims they knew it was an April Fool’s joke all along.
Cindy Ratliff has even hinted around that she was in on the joke also. Jerry don’t know who he believes but at
least for the time being he once again no longer believes in Bigfoot.
Copr. Lonnie Ratliff
Chinese Sasquatch suspected
BEIJING, July 19 (Xinhuanet) -- Bears or Bigfoot? That's what villagers in
Shennongjia, Hubei Province are wondering ever since one man named Ding Fei,
33, found mysterious thick curly hairs with transparent roots on July 9 at a
location called Swallow Hole on a local mountain.
After Ding reported his discovery to the neighborhood committee, some
professional researchers found additional hairs and a 30-centimeter-long
footprint at the same place on July 11.
According to their research, the hair isn't human or livestock, but the possibility
of bears could not be ruled out.
Editor: Han Jingjing
(Source: Global Times)
In Russia a UFO was found while searching for Bigfoot
25 August 2010
Masha Dimitriov
A story is making headlines in Russia regarding students that went looking for
Bigfoot but found an alien UFO instead (see video below).
On July 13 a group of Archaeological students went on an expedition to find evidence of the legendary Yeti or Bigfoot that is believed to reside on Shoria
Mountain in the Kuzbass region of Kemerovo Province in Russia.
Witness accounts of this mysterious 'cryptiod' hominid in this area span over
centuries although no scientist has ever found conclusive proof of its existence.
While digging for possible bone remains the students noticed a UFO hovering
over them. At the time they saw the UFO, luckily, one of the team was filming
anyway. The bizarre craft manoeuvred back and forth before vanishing.
the students now refer to the encounter as a 'miracle'.
Expert on UFO activity internationally and All News Web editor, Mr Michael
Cohen, notes that the film 'might be computer generated and needs further
study. Alternatively many have suggested a connection between Bigfoot and
aliens, some suggesting Bigfoot is indeed an ET'.
Where Would Space Aliens Come From?
Analysis by Ray Villard
A reader reminded me that today is the 63rd anniversary of the so-called Roswell
UFO Incident. Even if you know nothing else about the UFO phenomenon, you certainly
have heard about what supposedly
happened in Roswell, New Mexico in
July, 1947: a crashed flying saucer,
autopsies on alien bodies, Government
cover-ups. It ushered in the 1950s
kitsch of bubble-headed little green
space jockeys inside silvery saucers
flitting across our skies.
This space-age mythology, embellished
over the years, tells of an alien
interstellar vehicle simply falling out of
the sky near a desert town. The only
tangible evidence is scraps of wood and metal foil and other mundane debris that
suspiciously look like they came from a crashed U.S. military balloon. That is, unless
you believe the Government has been hiding all the goodies -- including alien corpses -inside an Indiana Jones style warehouse all these decades.
This leads me to wonder that if flying saucers are supposedly real, why haven't we
learned where the visitors come from among the stars?
Didn't the Roswell aliens leave a driving map in their
If someone who claimed to be in contact with space
aliens could give us just a few simple numbers they’d
unequivocally prove their case to skeptics. Simply send
me (1) the celestial coordinates of the home star, (2)
the number of planets orbiting it, (3) their distances
from the parent star, (4) and their relative
masses. Then all we’d have to do is look at the star and
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Where Would Space Aliens Come From?
see if the planets were there. Viola!
This has never happened in UFO history. Well, almost never.
A search on the Internet comes up with one particularly legendary place, the double
star system Zeta Reticuli. It's nearby, only 39 light-years away in the southern sky.
The naked-eye double star burst into UFO culture in the mid -1970s. An Ohio school
teacher, Marjorie Fish, claimed to have decoded a star map from a 1961 UFO
abduction case. It pointed to Zeta Reticuli as the aliens' place of origin.
The alleged extraterrestrial kidnapping, described in journalist John Fuller’s book
“Incident at Exeter: The Interrupted Journey,” tells how a New England couple was
taken aboard a flying saucer and medically examined. Under hypnotic regression the
wife, Betty Hill, sketched a star map she said she saw while inside the spaceship.
In the pre-home computer days of the early 1970s, Fish actually constructed a
wireframe cube and positioned beads on strings for the nearby stellar neighborhood.
She viewed the model from different angles until a match was found with the Hill
map. It pinpointed Zeta Reticuli.
This map is legendary but meaningless.
First, the Hill drawing contains 25 dots for
stars. If you flew around a computer
database of the local stellar neighborhood
you’d come up with more than one match
that roughly “looked” similar to her sketch.
Secondly, Hill described the map as
showing alien exploration and trade routes
to other stars. The notion of trade
between extraterrestrial civilizations is
patently absurd. There is nothing worth
trading that would justify the transportation costs (at least nothing short of Star
Trek’s Green Orion Slave Women). And, clearly the Zeta Reticulans aren’t trading with
us, unless they’re getting modeling fees and a cut from Roswell UFO souvenir stands.
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Where Would Space Aliens Come From?
Finally, in the Fuller book Hill described the map as a flat pull-down chart (later she
changed her account and described it vaguely to me, in a hesitant voice, as some sort
of 3D display). BTW the UFO also carried paperbound books with “Chinese looking
printing” according to Hill. This is as nonsensical as Neil Armstrong carrying stone
tablets to the moon. Didn't the aliens at least have something like an iPad?
Today, the Hill map even has a link to the Roswell incident. According to one website
the Roswell aliens supposedly set up a secret exchange program with the U.S. military.
Apparently 12 humans were sent to the home planet, named Serpio, in the Zeta
Reticuli system. The write-up describes a “10-month journey” with poor food (what do
you expect from an interstellar airliner?)
The reality is that the Zeta Reticuli system is a fascinating place where I’d expect to
find advanced life. The two stars are similar to our sun and separated by 800 billion
miles. This would leave plenty of elbowroom for inhabited planets to exist around both
The stars are estimated to be as much as 3 billion
years older than our Sun. Any intelligent life that
originated there would be far too advanced for the
shenanigans reported in Roswell. What's more, you
could not place a sentient entity a billion years more
evolved than us onto a dissection table. And, it
definitely would not be humanoid, or perhaps even
Therefore, it's simply ludicrous to imagine that there really was such a wayward craft
over Roswell with pilots of flesh and blood. Over the past 50 years our newbie space
civilization has reconnoitered the entire solar system with a pretty nimble and savvy
armada of robots. They self-navigate into stable orbits and landings on hostile worlds.
At least when one of them crashes, nobody gets killed.
Similarly, a native technological intelligent species certainly would be enticed to
explore any inhabited planets orbiting the companion star in the Zeta Reticuli system.
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Where Would Space Aliens Come From?
They would rapidly become an “extra-terrestrial” space-faring civilization. They would
be motivated to develop far-advanced propulsion systems needed to hop over to the
companion star. Such a trip would take close to 2,000 years with our present
generation space vehicles.
In this star system UFOs could become reality. That’s because a less-advanced
civilization on the companion star might be able to see manifestations of a visiting
advanced intelligence from the neighboring binary companion. Eventually they could
decide to send a living emissary for a face-to-face contact between civilizations,
assuming a similar astrobiology. It could be a scene straight out of the sci-fi classic
film “Avatar.”
To date, no planets have been found around either star. NASA’s Spitzer Space
Telescope did find the telltale glow of a dusty disk that would indicate planets are
As our survey techniques improve it’s probably only a matter of time before we
discover a family of worlds in the Zeta Reticuli system. And, follow-up observations
will seek out the biosignatures of life on any planets in habitable zones. This is a far
more enthralling future narrative than the unimaginative fantasy of some space hot
rodders totaling their vehicle in the middle of nowhere.
Now, Roswell UFO believers can save us a lot of time and effort by simply telling us
exactly what the planetary system looks like . . .
Image/graphics Credits: Associated Press, Betty Hill, Marjorie Fish, & Jeffrey Kretsch, Digitized
Sky Survey
“The trouble with the future is that it usually arrives before we are ready
for it….”
“A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks
others have thrown to him…”
Pre-Columbian and Early American Legends of Bigfoot-like Beings
(From : Traditional Attitudes Toward Bigfoot in Many North American Cultures, By Gayle Highpine)
Originally printed in the Western Bigfoot Society Newsletter "The Track Record". Excerpted from "Legends Beyond
Psychology", by Henry James Franzoni III. Reprinted with permission from all parties.
"Here in the Northwest, and west of the Rockies generally, Indian people regard Bigfoot with great respect. He is seen as a special kind of being, because
of his obvious close relationship with humans. Some elders regard him as
standing on the "border" between animal-style consciousness and human-style
consciousness, which gives him a special kind of power. (It is not that Bigfoot's
relationship to make him "superior" to other animals; in Indian culture, unlike
western culture, animals are not regarded as "inferior" to humans but rather
as "elder brothers" and "teachers" of humans. But tribal cultures everywhere
are based on relationship and kinship; the closer the kinship, the stronger the
bond. Man Indian elders in the Northwest refuse to eat bear meat because of
the bear's similarity to humans, and Bigfoot is obviously much more similar to
humans than is the bear. As beings who blend the "natural knowledge" of animals with something of the distinctive type of consciousness called
"intelligence" that humans have, Bigfoot is regarded as a special type of being."
"But, special being as he is, I have never heard anyone from a Northwestern
tribe suggest that Bigfoot is anything other than a physical being, living in the
same physical dimensions as humans and other animals. He eats, he sleeps, he
poops, he cares for his family members. However, among many Indians elsewhere in North America... as widely separated at the Hopi, the Sioux, the Iroquois, and the Northern Athabascan -- Bigfoot is seen more as a sort of supernatural or spirit being, whose appearance to humans is always meant to convey
some kind of message."
"The Lakota, or western Sioux, call Bigfoot Chiye-tanka (Chiha-tanka in Dakota
or eastern Sioux); "chiye" means "elder brother" and "tanka" means "great" or
"big". In English, though, the Sioux usually call him "the big man". In his book
"In the Spirit of Crazy Horse," (Viking, 1980), a non-fiction account of the
events dramatized by the excellent recent movie "Thunderheart", author Peter
Mathiessen recorded some comments about Bigfoot made by traditional Sioux
people and some members of other Indian nations. Joe Flying By, a Hunkpapa Lakota, told Mathiessen, "I think the Big Man is a kind of husband of Unk-ksa, the
earth, who is wise in the way of anything with its own natural wisdom. Sometimes we say that this One is a kind of reptile from the ancient times who can
take a big hairy form; I also think he can change into a coyote. Some of the people who saw him did not respect what they were seeing, and they are already
"There is your Big man standing there, ever waiting, ever present, like the coming of a new day," Oglala Lakota Medicine Man Pete Catches km told Mathiessen.
"He is both spirit and real being, but he can also glide through the forest, like
a moose with big antlers, as though the trees weren't there... I know him as my
brother... I want him to touch me, just a touch, a blessing, something I could
bring home to my sons and grandchildren, that I was there, that I approached
(Continued on page 36)
(Continued from page 35)
Pre-Columbian and Early American Legends of Bigfoot-like Beings
him, and he touched me."
Ray Owen, son of a Dakota spiritual leader from Prairie Island Reservation in
Minnesota, told a reporter from (the) Red Wing (Minnesota) Republican Eagle,
"They exist in another dimension from us, but can appear in this dimension
whenever they have a reason to. See, it's like there are many levels, many dimensions. When our time in this one is finished, we move on to the next, but the Big
Man can go between. The Big Man comes from God. He's our big brother, kind of
looks out for us. Two years ago, we were going downhill, really selfdestructive. We needed a sign to put us back on track, and that's why the Big
Man appeared".
Ralph Gray Wolf, a visiting Athapaskan Indian from Alaska, told the reporter,
"In our way of beliefs, they make appearances at troubled times", to help troubled Indian communities "get more in tune with Mother Earth". Bigfoot brings
"signs or messages that there is a need to change, a need to cleanse," (Minn.
news article, "Giant Footprint Signals a Time to Seek Change," July 23,1988).
Mathiessen reported similar views among the Turtle Mountain Ojibway in
North Dakota, that Bigfoot --- whom they call Rugaru -- "appears in symptoms
of danger or psychic disruption to the community." When I read this, I wondered if it contradicted my hypothesis that the Ojibways had identified Bigfoot
with Windago, the sinister cannibal-giant of their legends (see Track Record
#14); I had surmised that because I had never heard of any other names for, or
references to Bigfoot in Ojibway culture, even though there must have been
sightings in woodlands around the Great lakes, and indeed sightings in that
region have been reported by non-Indians. But the Turtle Mountain band is one
of the few Ojibway bands to have moved much farther west than most of their
nation; and Rugaru is not a native Ojibway word. Nor does it come from the
languages of neighboring Indian peoples. However, it has a striking sound
similarity to the French word for werewolf, loup-garou, and there is quite a
bit of French influence among the Turtle Mountain Ojibway. (French-Canadian
trappers and missionaries were the first whites that they dealt with extensively, and many tribal members today bear French surnames), so it doesn't seem
far-fetched that the Turtle Mountain Ojibway picked up the French name for
hairy human-like being, while at the same time taking on their neighbors positive, reverent, attitude toward Bigfoot. After all, the Plains Cree -- even
though they retain a memory of their eastern cousins tradition of the Wetiko
(as the Windigo is called in Cree) -- have seemed similarly to take on the western tribes view of Bigfoot as they moved west.
The Hopi elders say that the increasing appearances of Bigfoot are not only a
message or warning to the individuals or communities to whom he appears, but
to humankind at large. As Mathiessen puts it, they see Bigfoot as "a messenger
who appears in evil times as a warning from the Creator that man's disrespect
for His sacred instructions has upset the harmony and balance of existence."
To the Hopi, the "big hairy man" is just one form that the messenger can take.
(Continued on page 37)
(Continued from page 36)
Pre-Columbian and Early American Legends of Bigfoot-like Beings
The Iroquois (Six Nations Confederacy) of the Northeast -- although they live
in close proximity to the eastern Algonkian tribes with their Windigo legends - view Bigfoot much in the same way the Hopi do, as a messenger from the Creator trying to warn humans to change their ways or face disaster. However,
mentioned among Iroquois much more often than Bigfoot are the "little people"
who are said to inhabit the Adirondacks mountains. I never heard any firsthand stories among the Iroqouis about encounters with these "little people" -for that matter, I never heard and first-hand stories in that region about Bigfoot, either -- but the Iroquois pass down stories about hunters who occasionally saw small human-like beings in the Adirondacks (which are not all that
far from the Catskills, where Rip Van Winkle was alleged to have met some little bowlers) (and slept for 100 years -HF). Some present-day Iroquois assert
that the "little people" are still there, just not seen as often because the Iroquois don't spend as much time hunting up in the mountains as they used to.
many Iroquois seem to regard both Bigfoot and the "little people" as spiritual
or interdimensional beings who can enter or leave our physical dimension as
they please, and choose to whom they present themselves, always for a reason.
Stories about small, humanoids who inhabit wild places are found in many areas of the world, especially Europe. (The Kiowa tell a story about several
young men who decide to go exploring south from their Texas home for many
days, seeing many new things, until they came to a strange forest [obviously
the jungles of southern Mexico] whose trees were home to small, furred humanoids with tails! This they found to be too weird, so they immediately headed
back for home). I never thought to connect the stories about the "little people"
with the Sasquatch until Ray Crowe brought up the possible connection. After
all, if there may be large relatives of humans living in remote areas, would it
be so impossible for there to be small ones? Details that stretch credibility,
such as pots of gold, pointed and belled caps, games of ninepins, etc., could conceivably be embellishments added over generations to some genuine accounts of
Throughout Native North America, Bigfoot is seen as a kind of "brother" to humans. Even among those eastern Algonkian tribes to whom Bigfoot represents
the incarnation of the Windigo -- the human who is transformed into a cannibalistic monster by tasting human flesh in time of starvation -- his fearsomeness comes from his very closeness to humans. The Windigo is the embodiment of
the hidden, terrifying temptation within them to turn to eating other humans
when no other food is to be had. he was still their "elder brother", but a
brother who represented a human potential they feared. As such, the Windigo's
appearance was sort of a constant warning to them, a reminder that a community whose members turn to eating each other is doomed much more surely than
a community that simply has no food. So the figure of the Windigo is not so far
removed from the figure of the "messenger" coming to warn humankind of impending disaster if it doesn't cease its destruction of nature.
(Continued on page 38)
(Continued from page 37)
Pre-Columbian and Early American Legends of Bigfoot-like Beings
The existence of Bigfoot is taken for granted throughout Native North America, and so are his powerful psychic abilities. I can't count the number of times
that I have heard elder Indian people say that Bigfoot knows when humans are
searching for him and that he chooses when and to whom to make an appearance, and that his psychic powers account for his ability to elude the white
man's efforts to capture him or hunt him down. In Indian culture, the entire
natural world -- the animals, the plants, the rivers, the stars -- is seen as a
family. And Bigfoot is seen as one of our close relatives, the "great elder
The preceding article was taken from an older issue of the “Track Record”, originally
produced and distributed by my dear friend Ray Crow. Ray is no longer with us, but
his life’s passion for studying and sharing his finds about the phenomena commonly
known as “Bigfoot” lives on through his work.
The verbiage in the article above is taken from one of his issues of the Track Record
and does not contain all of the information available in the original paper.
The original paper included links, photos, and maps that all helped to validate his ideas
and theories.
I posted this article in memory of my friend to and to help point out that serious
research is nothing new to this subject and that many people take it very seriously.
In his final days, Ray was confined to a wheel chair because of his advanced diabetes,
but he continued to compile information and share it with the world through his
coveted “Track Record “ publications.
He even offered to give me his entire library of issues, but when someone offered to
buy it from him, I told him to sell it and keep the money.
Ray, you will be missed but the work you did will continue to serve others and continue
to help to solve this mystery once and for all!
Thank you Ray!
Java Bob
“Imagine for a minute an infinite library of knowledge. Every
human experience, the history of the cosmos, and everything that
ever was, is, and will be is in this library.
In Sanskrit, they're called the Akashic Records. Others have
called it the Universal Supercomputer or even the Mind of God.
Whatever you call it, visiting the Akashic Records is one of the
most stunning adventures you'll ever go on.”
Steven G Jones,
Clinical Hypnotherapist, M.Ed.
Recently, I received the following email from my friend;
Hey Robert,
You don't often get something like this in the news. But scientists in London
and Geneva have actually induced out-of-body experiences, (OBE), in a
scientifically monitored lab! This is incredible news. Not just for astral
projection but for all consciousness expanding phenomenon like ESP,
intuition, and energy work.
Steve G. Jones
OBE In A Lab? Time For Science To Take
Us Seriously
by Astral Projection Team
Science has typically negated the psychic realm -- and this includes the astral plane. In older
times, anyone who's had an OBE would typically fear it, deny it and pass it off as a dream, or
think of his/herself as insane.
Today with the modern advance of science, it really brightens my day to know that people
are starting to take OBEs seriously. Here's what one of the scientists, Ehrsson said of
"people who report having traveled beyond their physical selves and then return to tell the
"We don't know if it's the same mechanism involved, but I think we have to take them
Read the news report I pulled from ABC news.:
(Continued on page 40)
(Continued from page 39)
OBE In A Lab? European Scientists Claim To Have Induced
It's an otherworldly experience usually reserved for those with paranormal abilities,
substance abuse problems or returning roles on "Star Trek." But now European scientists say
they have induced out-of-body experiences (OBE) in healthy people in a laboratory setting.
In two separate studies published simultaneously in the American journal Science this week,
neuroscientists working in London and Geneva report making volunteers feel like they have
left their bodies using virtual reality goggles, cameras and a plastic rod.
"I wanted to understand how we recognize our own body and how we know where in space our
body is located," said Henrik Ehrsson, an assistant professor of neurology at the Karolinska
Institute in Stockholm and a researcher at University College London. Ehrsson designed one
of the studies.
The central question Ehrsson wanted answered was: Why do we feel ourselves located
inside the physical body?
An Illusion of Body
Participants in Ehrsson's study wore goggles connected to two
cameras mounted to a wall about 6½ feet behind their backs.
With the cameras working like "a robot's eyes," Ehrsson said,
researchers pointed a plastic stick to a point just below the
cameras' field of vision. At the same time, test subjects felt
another rod touch their actual chests.
Together, these elements gave volunteers the illusion they had
left their bodies and were watching themselves from behind.
"They started to giggle," Ehrsson told ABC News of his
volunteers' reactions. "Like, 'Wow, this is cool,' or 'Weird!' It's
obvious they were experiencing something quite out of the ordinary."
"They know it's a visual trick," Ehrsson said, "but they can't think it away. It's not like
they're imagining something. It's a perceptual illusion."
Ehrsson said a person's eyes, muscles and skin all work together to create a sense of self in
space. When the information coming in from those senses conflicts, the brain no longer knows
where it is.
"My idea is that the brain combines all sensory information to make up a model of the world
and your body in that world," Ehrsson told ABC News. "If there's a breakdown in that
integration, you might experience that you are in the wrong place."
(Continued on page 41)
(Continued from page 40)
Out-of-Body Experiences
European Scientists Say They Have Induced Out-of-Body Experiences in Labs
LONDON, Aug. 27, 2007
It's an otherworldly experience usually reserved for
those with paranormal abilities, substance abuse
problems or returning roles on "Star Trek." But now
European scientists say they have induced out-of-body
experiences in healthy people in a laboratory setting.
New research suggests a biological explanation for outof-body experiences.
In two separate studies published simultaneously in the American journal Science this week,
neuroscientists working in London and Geneva report making volunteers feel like they have
left their bodies using virtual reality goggles, cameras and a plastic rod.
"I wanted to understand how we recognize our own body and how we know where in space our
body is located," said Henrik Ehrsson, an assistant professor of neurology at the Karolinska
Institute in Stockholm and a researcher at University College London. Ehrsson designed one
of the studies.
The central question Ehrsson wanted answered was: Why do we feel ourselves located inside
the physical body?
An Illusion of Body
Participants in Ehrsson's study wore goggles connected to two cameras mounted to a wall
about 6½ feet behind their backs. With the cameras working like "a robot's eyes," Ehrsson
said, researchers pointed a plastic stick to a point just below the cameras' field of vision. At
the same time, test subjects felt another rod touch their actual chests.
Together, these elements gave volunteers the illusion they had left their bodies and were
watching themselves from behind.
"They started to giggle," Ehrsson told ABC News of his volunteers' reactions. "Like, 'Wow,
this is cool,' or 'Weird!' It's obvious they were experiencing something quite out of the
"They know it's a visual trick," Ehrsson said, "but they can't think it away. It's not like
they're imagining something. It's a perceptual illusion."