Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! 2011 W E S T E R N G R E E K A M E R I C A N N E W S M O N T H LY VOL. XXXVII, NO. 1 • H E L L E N I C J O U R N A L . O R G J anuar y 2 0 1 1 2 Hellenic Journal January 2011 Founded in 1975 Board of Directors • Fanis Economidis, President • John Gumas, Vice President • Ted Laliotis, Secretary • Anthony T. Saris, CPA, Treasurer • Kenneth Frangadakis, D.D.S. • George M. Marcus • Steve Padis • Gary M. Vrionis FAMILY OWNED & PROUDLY CARED FOR GOUR AT SINCE ZAG ED M AGAZMET INE RAT 1948 Managing Editor • Frosene Phillips Advisory Editorial Board • Rev. John Bakas, Dean, St. Sophia Cathedral • Robert Bruce, Community Newspapers, Editor Emeritus • George Korkos, M.D. • Markos Tsakopoulos-Kounalakis, Journalist • Virginia Lagiss, Educator • Mort Levine, Community Newspapers, Publisher • Professor Pan Yotopoulos The Hellenic Journal Founder and Publisher, the late Frank Agnost Athens Correspondents • Greg Mazarakis • Alekos Rigas U.S. Correspondents • Theodora Dracopoulos Argue • Mavis Manus Special Correspondents •Athan Bezaitis • Virginia Lagiss • Willard Manus • Terry Phillips OWNER CHRYS CHRYS WELCOMES YOU TO: “ELLHNIKO PANTAPOLEION” C & K IMPORTING CO. L.A.’s OLDEST & ONLY “ELLHNIKO” GREEK STORE! AND “PAPA CRISTO’S” “AWARD-WINNING” GREEK GRILL Greek News • Compiled by Ted Laliotis Art Director • Tula Asselanis Advertising • Teresa Basham • Michelle Jogopulos • Alexis Lagios Administrative Director • Joanna Phillips Graphic Design • Stephanie Leal THE HELLENIC JOURNAL is published monthly for $40 per year by the Western Hellenic Journal, Inc., a non-profit 501 (c) (3) corporation. Western Hellenic Journal, Inc. © 2010 All rights reserved. Contact Info & Address Changes The Hellenic Journal, 1839 Ygnacio Valley Road #89 Walnut Creek, CA 94598 Tel: 925-939-3900 • Fax: 925-407-2931 Toll Free: 877-939-3988 Web: www.hellenicjournal.org Email: info@hellenicjournal.org Deadlines Editorial Submissions and Advertising Space Reservations & Copy Due: First of every month for the next month, i.e., 1/1/11 for February. The Hellenic Journal cannot assume responsibility for unsolicited items. The HJ does not necessarily agree with the opinions expressed herein nor is it to be held responsible for facts as presented by authors and/or advertisers. RECOGNIZED FOR ITS FRIENDLY ATMOSPHERE, DELICIOUS HOMEMADE FOOD WITH “REAL GREEK INGREDIENTS!” FOR DINNER, CATERING OR PARTIES WITH “FOOD LIKE YOUR MOTHER COOKED IT” CALL: (323) 737-2970 2771 W. PICO BLVD. LOS ANGELES, CA 90006 WWW.PAPACRISTOS.COM Makras Real Estate 1193 Church Street, San Francisco, California 94114 (415) 282-8400 Fax (415) 282-8594 Serving San Francisco and the Peninsula since 1976 Residential & Commercial Sales Property Management Elaine Passaris • Nick Kontonis • Victor Makras • Christopher Christoforidis January 2011 Hellenic Journal 3 contents Athens Classic Marathon Letter from the Editor attracts the world. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Athens Classic Marathon, Festivals Remembered, Happy New Year! Dear Readers: Welcome to 2011! A new year is here once again and it’s time to revisit those resolutions Frosene you’ve been entertaining and start anew. As is Phillips now an HJ tradition, we have featured our cover Editor with you – the Hellenic Journal fabric of faces that graced our pages at one time or another last year – to offer a refreshing Hronia Polla! To discover who’s who, I invite you to turn to page 13 for a complete list of names. January is the month where fitness and health also move to the front burner as we prepare to shed any holiday pounds and revisit an exercise regime. What better way to be inspired then to read Adrian Holland’s firsthand account of her experience running the Athens Classic Marathon this past October. “I wanted to train for another marathon,” writes Holland, “but been off the horse for a while and couldn’t find the motivation. However, a free trip to Greece and all I had to do was raise $5,100 for the AHEPA Charitable Foundation? It sounded like Team in Training for Greeks. I was in.” For her complete account, see page 4. In keeping with inspiration, the HJ brings the Greek Festival spirit to 2011 through its remembrances of the festivals from this past year. For a collage of good food, dancing, and community, see pages 8-9. As we welcome in the new year, I invite you to visit our website hellenicjournal.org and send us your comments and events throughout the coming year. Happy New Year! For more HJ news and to subscribe visit hellenicjournal.org and follow us on Facebook HAPS presents Axion Award. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 HUC welcomes Zafiris Gourgouliatos. . . . . . 10 Preparing for the Athens Classic Marathon page 4 Endowment Writing Prize established in Seattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 News from Greece . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Kudos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Festivals Remembered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Professor Maria Mavroudi to receive Axion Award page 7 Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Southern California Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Northwest and Pacific Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Business Directory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 On the cover: Faces of the 2010 Hellenic Journal wishing a Happy New Year 2011! SEE PAGE 13 Festivals remembered page 8 printing displays websites Renovation & Remodeling Custom Home Building Historic Restoration Green Building Vasilis Baladakis Ballas 415.460.1575 Commercial Construction Plathco.com License #395458 BOOKLETS STATIONERY DIRECTORIES & MUCH MORE SIGNS BANNERS & STANDS POP-UPS PORTABLES DESIGN DEVELOPMENT HOSTING EMAIL getartworx.com 858.292.6070 expo-sandiego.com 4 Hellenic Journal January 2011 youth From San Francisco to Athens, California native runs in historical Marathon Special to the Hellenic Journal I t was a perfect day – about 75 degrees, with a perfect blue Mediterranean sky. I couldn’t help but think as I ran, how lucky I was to get ideal weather in Greece, especially in the off – season (November). God knew that today was a big day in history, and for the 12,000 participants of the Athens Marathon, he wanted to make it one to remember. It was the 2,500th anniversary of the Athens Marathon, a momentous occasion that runners from all over the world came to join and share the experience. I wasn’t planning on doing a marathon in 2010, definitely didn’t have a trip to Greece planned, and to be honest, I had no idea that Greece even held a marathon that guided through the original route. I found out about it on Facebook. I was scrolling through my newsfeed one morning at work in mid April and I saw “Alyssa Landis is going to Greece to run the 2010 Athens Marathon.” I knew Alyssa from church, Sunday school, camp and all things Greek growing up. I immediately clicked on the link to d Recommendation Offer! $200 dollars Certificate or q Dinner at your favorite restaurant q Donation for the construction of Annunciation Cathedral in San Francisco Lic. #404905 For any sale over 75 yards resulting from your confirmed recommendation Carpet Contractors, Inc. Serving Greater Bay ServingThe the Greater Bay AreaArea Since1975 1975 Since 3210 Geary Blvd. San Francisco, CA 94118 (415) 933-9999 Fax (415) 876-8585 3411 Regatta Blvd. Richmond, CA 94804 (510) 236-1111 Fax (510) 234-7429 Demetri N. Botaitis Vice President 3210 Geary Blvd. 3411 Regatta Blvd. San Francisco, CA 94118 Richmond, CA 94804 (415) 933-9999 Fax (415) 876-8585 (510) 236-1111 Fax (510) 234-7429 E-mail: carpetcontractors@sbcglobal.net www.carpetcontractors.net $200 Based on the dry Alyssa Landis from Oakland’s Ascension fit shirts people Cathedral participated were wearing, it in the Athens Classic was sometimes Marathon in October. COURTESY PHOTO easy to decipher what country they were running like I had for, in which case I would cater never had my greeting accordingly. For the before. most part, the smile was more than I kept enough. thinking, “I am running the It didn’t matter which mile, original marathon, from Marathon there were throngs of Yiayias to Athens. The original steps that yelling “bravo! bravo! pedia!” and Philippides ran, to share the victory “Kouragio Koukla!” There were of Sparta with the Athenians.” I was children lining the roads handing literally retracing the footsteps of out olive branches – I graciously history. accepted one and held it in my As I crossed the finish line at hand the entire way, grasping it 26.2 miles into the Panathinaikon tightly it when I was in pain and Stadium, there was music blasting, waving it around when people were thousands of fans, photographers, greeting me. I wasn’t sure if it meant police and videographers waiting good luck – but I was definitely for me. My olive branch looked taking it as a good luck charm. more like a tattered twig with I passed by numerous costumed a few lone leaves at that point, runners - several members of the and I started crying. After I was Spartan army decked out in sandals, adorned with a beautiful golden headgear and plastic swords, and of medal that commemorated the course the usual “Greek goddess” historical occasion, I laid down ensemble. I applaud people that run flat on the course and put my in costume – I hope they wore lots feet up against the stadium wall. of Body Glide. I took in an incredible feeling of I met so many people as I ran, accomplishment. especially Greek Americans who Thank you to all who made the trek from the States contributed to my fundraising to honor their ancestry. Around efforts and to AHEPA for making mile 11 I saw a girl wearing a San this opportunity possible. It was an Francisco Giants baseball jersey! experience I will never forget. The Giants had just won the _____________________ World Series that morning, so I stopped her and we ran several Andrea Holland is a publicist in the miles together. Towards the end, my San Francisco Bay Area. She can mind was racing – partly in Greek, be contacted at andreaholland@ some English, a little bit of Italian. mac.com. Holland’s finish time was I was trying to stay focused in order 6:14:19. Alyssa Landis’ finish time communicate with those around was 5:08:06. For more information me, but I was tired, my head was on the Athens Classic Marathon, visit spinning and I had a running high www.athensclassicmarathon.gr WE ARE NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AT CONTRACTORS’ PRICES! Two Hundred people, got ready to run 26.2 miles read more. I had wanted to train and represent my culture, heritage, for another marathon, but been off religion and history. the horse for a while and couldn’t find the motivation. However, a free As a amateur marathon runner in San Francisco, I’ve ran my share trip to Greece and all I had to do of races – most of which started at was raise $5,100 for the AHEPA 7 a.m., with organized water stops, Charitable Foundation? It sounded check in like Team in points, online Training for race tracking Greeks. I was and specific in. starting Within corrals. It’s 20 minutes I no surprise had signed up to many that and paid the the Greeks are $200 deposit. not known I immediately for getting sent a mass up early, and text message this race was to my Andrea Holland finishes the no exception. immediate Athens Classic Marathon at the historical Panathinakon At roughly family saying Stadium. 9:00 a.m., “I’m going COURTESY PHOTO the organizer to Greece stood on a podium requesting that in November to run the original people “please go to their starting marathon!” I didn’t even need to discuss with anyone whether or not blocks, because it was time to start the race.” That was the only it was the right decision – I already instruction, as if the organizers were knew it was. pleading with us to start the race Seven months later on October relatively on time. 27th, a couple friends (non Greeks I started running, and although who I had invited to join me) and I had my iPhone with me for myself, boarded a plane from SFO music, didn’t use it once, except to to Athens, landing in the country take photos. I spent most of the that my mother’s side of the family race observing what was around originated me. I wasn’t running this for a from. On Oct personal record time I was doing it 31st, I arrived for the experience of being there. As in Marathon I passed through runners, I heard at the starting more than ten different languages, line for the and although we weren’t all able to race and with converse with each other, we were 12,000 other still able to encourage Andrea Holland runs one another with with a symbolic olive branch at the Athens motivational pats on Classic Marathon. COURTESY PHOTO the back and smiles. By Andrea Holland FREE: • • • • • Kathy Ireland Carpet Collection Measuring Custom Installation Padding Pull Up & Haul* Furniture Moving** *not nailed down **average furniture “ . . .finding solutions for families, especially busy moms.” Lic. #404905 Carpet Contractors, Inc. Serving The• Greater Bay Area 1-800-595-5754 carpetcontractors.net Since 1975 Demetri N. Botaitis Vice President 3210 Geary Blvd. 3411 Regatta Blvd. San Francisco, CA 94118 Richmond, CA 94804 (415) 933-9999 Fax (415) 876-8585 (510) 236-1111 Fax (510) 234-7429 January 2011 Hellenic Journal Happy New Year from the members of AHEPA #171 and Daughters of Penelope Echo Chapter #4 Happy New Year 2011 Mr. and Mrs. Alex L. Rigopoulos 5 e Kalh Xronia Lykovouno Olive Oil Co e Peter Panagotacos, MD San Francisco e e e e e e Happy New Year e e Kosta, Yanni, Vasili and Niko Baladakis May their Memory Be Eternal Vasilis Baladakis Ballas May the joy and peace of the Infant Christ Child dwell in your hearts now and evermore A Blessed Christmas and A Happy and Healthy New Year Archbishop Iakovos Leadership 100 Endowment Fund, Incorporated Advancing Orthodoxy and Hellenism in America Constantine G. Caras, Chairman Charles H. Cotros, Vice Chairman George S. Tsandikos, Treasurer Kassandra L. Romas, Secretary Paulette Poulos, Acting Executive Director 6 Hellenic Journal January 2011 news from greece athens news agency Event for ethnic Greeks of Istanbul at Euro-Parliament BRUSSELS (ÁÍÁ-MPA) – The restoration of the human and civil rights of the displaced ethnic Greeks of Istanbul was the main issue at an event hosted at the European Parliament, following an initiative by Greek MEPs Marilena Koppa (PASOK) and George Koumoutsakos (ND). The event, entitled “Ethnic Greeks of Istanbul: YesterdayToday-Tomorrow”, was attended by representatives of the Ecumenical Federation of Constantinopolitans (E.FE. CON.), members of the European Parliament and foreign diplomats. Koppa underlined that the issue is not bilateral but concerns Turkey’s EU accession course, while Koumoutsakos pointed out that the need for “systemic intervention” in the area of human rights is underlined in Turkey’s progress report. According to the group’s president, Prof. Nikos Ouzounoglou, the federation was established in 2006 and includes up to 30 organizations from around the world. Parliament briefing on illegal migration, asylum policy Guarded optimism that the major problem of illegal migration will be tackled through a broader cooperation between responsible state agencies involved as well as internationally was expressed by Deputy Labour Minister for ARIS EXPORT officers should change frequently migration issues Anna Dalara. to prevent corruption breeding Addressing a parliamentary conditions. committee on migration, the deputy minister said the top Democratic Alliance priority is the reform of the leader visits Ecumenical political asylum system through Patriarchate the adoption of a relevant draft ISTANBUL (ANA-MPA/A. law that will define asylum Kourkoulas) – Democratic granting criteria. A special emphasis was given to Alliance party president Dora Bakoyannis, speaking the need for after meeting revising the Ecumenical Patriarch “Dublin II” Vartholomeos at the Regulation, Phanar, said “I want the EU law to hope that the target concerning that we have set for asylum the reopening of the seekers, with Dora Bakoyannis School of Halki as Dalara echoing well as of the return of the property government statements that belonging to the Patriarchate and Greece is inordinately burdened the Greek Communities will be by the treaty, while adding that achieved and we shall see it soon.” no progress has been made in The Greek politician added the efforts aimed at reaching that “there is a note of optimism a readmission agreement with in the atmosphere” and that Turkey. “I always said that the role of Responding to observations the Ecumenical Patriarchate is made by ruling PASOK MP extremely important not only Christos Magkoufis and for us Orthodox faithful but for opposition Popular Orthodox Turkey itself as well.” Rally (LA.OS) MP Adonis Bakoyannis was visiting Turkey Georgiadis as regards the in the framework of a meeting of construction of a mosque in the Babi-Ali Institute, at which Athens’ Votanikos district, Dalara she was the main speaker and the said she shares the position that speaker of honor. She spoke of are opposed to large areas and constructions that could favor the issues concerning the future of Greek-Turkish relations. creation of a ghetto. She also underlined the major Expatriates on promotion of role played by the Frontex forces Greek national issues in the protection of the Greek CATO Institute of Defense borders from the inflow of illegal and Foreign Policy Studies immigrants, stressing that its We ship household goods & autos in 20 & 40 ft. containers or small shipments. We sell a Full Line of Electrical Appliances 220 Volt/50 Hz Worldwide Shipping of Household Goods, Personal Effects and Appliances • Multisystem T.V., VCR, DVD • Camcorder • Refrigerator • Washer • Dryer • Dishwasher • Oven • Small Appliances ARIS EXPORT “The Specialists in Appliances for Use in Greece” FROM MILE IRPORT E N A O AND OAKL 1453 Doolittle Drive, San Leandro CA 94577 (510) 636-4646 • Fax: (510) 636-4640 Web Site: www.aris220v.com • E-Mail: info@aris220v.com Tel: (510) 636-4646 Department vice president Dr. Ted G. Carpenter, speaking in the Greek Parliament said that “it is an opportunity for Greece to show that together with Cyprus they are far more important allies for the US than Turkey is.” He added that “Greece needs to remind with every opportunity and not let anyone forget how much it has supported the interests of the US. There are opportunities for us to promote national interests through our relations with the US. However, we must chase them because the window will not remain open forever. Now is the opportunity and we must seize it.” Dr. Carpenter, together with the member of the Board of the American Hellenic Institute, Inc., on foreign policy issues of the US in the Eastern Mediterranean, Nick Larigakis, briefed the Foreign Affairs Committee and the Diaspora Hellenism Committee on the efforts being made by expatriates in promoting Greek national issues. Greece backs independent Palestinian state Greece steadfastly backs the creation of an independent, viable and democratic Palestinian state that will coexist peacefully with Israel, within internationallyrecognized borders based on the pre-1967 line, prime minister George Papandreou reaffirmed after talks with visiting Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas, adding that Greece remains dedicated to a comprehensive solution to the Arab-Israeli dispute. Papandreou, in statements to the press after the meeting, said that Abbas was actively showing the way to peace and security in the region, “which is, precisely, the creation of a Palestinian state.” “Greece,” he added, “will continue to stand by and aid the efforts of Palestine and the Palestinian people for a just and viable solution that will facilitate a comprehensive settlement of the Middle East issue.tr The Arab peace initiative continues to be an important tool for achieving that goal,” Papandreou said, stressing that Greece, which maintains friendly relations with all the countries of the region, is prepared to contribute to the peace process both now and in the future. Papandreou also announced that Greece will undertake an initiative for the creation of a regional firefighting force in the region of the Eastern Mediterranean, in agreement with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Abbas, adding that the relevant authorities of Egypt, Jordan, Turkey and Russia, in addition to Palestine and Israel, will be invited to join the initiative. GREEK NEWS continued on page 13 John Hatzidakis Ted Learakos Kostas Hatzidakis “Financing Homes to Hamburgerstands” Since 1984 Supporting Greeks and Greek Americans All Across North America 1401 N. Tustin Avenue, Suite 155 • Santa Ana, California 92705 (714) 547-3444 • john@coastfundinggroup.com January 2011 Hellenic Journal 7 kudos Maria Mavroudi and Marina Moustakas to receive 2011 Axion Award By Virginia Lagiss T he Hellenic American Professional Society of California (HAPS) will honor Maria Mavroudi and Marina Moustakas with the prestigious AXION AWARD on Sunday, Feb. 13 at the Greek Letters Day Luncheon at Holy Trinity Church, 999 Brotherhood Way in San Francisco, CA. Maria Greek Letters Mavroudi Day is celebrated by HAPS with an Artoclasia Department of Classics. This honoring scholars followed by is especially important given a luncheon at 1:00 p.m. The Professor Mavroudi’s interest in 2011 recipients of the AXION the continuity of Greek language AWARD will be honored at the and culture, from Homeric times, luncheon. Born in Thessaloniki, Greece, through the classical, Byzantium, and Modern Greece. Maria Mavroudi earned a B.A. Maria Mavroudi is the first in Philology in 1990 at the and only Greek (or of Greek University of Thessaloniki. She origin) who has came to the United been recognized States, earned an with the MacArthur M.A. in 1992 in Foundation Award Byzantine Literature (Genius Award). and a Ph.D. in As there is no Byzantine Studies Nobel Prize in in 1998, both at the Humanities, Harvard University. other awards Dr. Leonidas serve the purpose Petrakis presents of international some highlights of recognition at her career: Marina Moustakas the highest level Professor Mavroudi’s analogous to the Nobel prizes for Curriculum Vitae provides details the physical sciences, medicine, of her scholarly achievements and economics. Mavroudi has which are recognized on a been so recognized at a very young worldwide basis, as attested to by age. the numerous awards that she has Mavroudi’s work is an received. In addition, it speaks invaluable asset for the to her outreach service activities preservation and presentation of and their impact on the Greek our Hellenic heritage. American – local and national Born in Kozani, Western – as well as the community at Macedonia, Greece, Marina large. She is making substantive Velliou Moustakas, at a very contributions to the preservation and presentation of Hellenic culture, literature, Orthodoxy, and all endeavors in which Greeks have achieved through the ages at the highest levels. She is a great role model for Greek American women and a source of pride to all Hellenes. She fully deserves to be recognized with the HAPS AXION AWARD. Professor Mavroudi became Full Professor at an usually early stage in her career. In fact she is Professor in two departments at Cal – History and also contributions to Hellenism, and completed several graduate Marina founded, taught and studies. directed the Demotic Folk Mrs. Marina Moustakas with Dancers, comprised of nonher husband, a student from Greek faculty at San Jose State Oregon State, Corvallis, settled University. For 38 years she in San Jose where she taught produced and directed cultural Greek with the legendary Dr. programs with the participation Epaminondas Panagopoulos. of dance groups, vocal artists, In 1971, Marina founded actors, philologists and writers. the Hellenic Language School She produced and hosted a Greek and directed it for 15 years. Ethnic television show for two She also taught Greek language years, as well. She is also an author and culture classes at San Jose and poet. Her contributions, City College. In 1975, Marina Moustakas was granted a lifetime too numerous to mention here, credential for teaching Greek as a include her biggest project, the founding of the Hellenic Heritage young age, was cared for by Second Language. Institute and Museum of San Jose, a relatives while her mother Professionally, Marina has recuperated in a suburb of been a case worker for the United permanent edifice to house Hellenic artifacts and produce programs. Athens. After four years, she Nations Higher Commission It is located in History Park, San was reunited with her parents in for Refugees, a case worker for Jose. The Hellenic Institute, (HHI Athens, and the Santa – www.hhsj.org) is a non-profit was able Clara County Both Marina Mavroudi and organization dedicated to the to obtain Welfare Marina Moustakas will be preservation and dissemination of a good Department, honored at the celebration of various aspects of Greek culture. education. a Research Greek Letters Day, Feb. 13. Both Marina Mavroudi She was Fellow for and Marina Moustakas will be graduated Asthmatic honored at the celebration of from Senior High School Children at Kaiser Hospital, as Greek Letters Day, Feb. 13. For for Girls and later from the well as a Director of Human reservations, contact George School of Social Work with Resources at the Montessori Mattis at 415-566-4308. For more a IRY Foundation of Greece School in San Jose, which has a information, contact Virginia Scholarship. student enrollment of 1,000. Lagiss at 650-851-0270. At a young age, Marina Among her numerous Moustakas interned for two years at a village that had only meager accommodations. Her experiences were invaluable and later served her well for she earned a Fulbright Scholarship which brought her to the University of Oregon. She made CENTER FOR MODERN GREEK STUDIES friends with Greek people in Portland while traveling there THE NIKOS KAZANTZAKIS CHAIR for weekly seminars in her field SAN FRANCISCO STATE UNIVERSITY of Social Work. Marina’s life was busy for it included working SPRING 2011 COURSES as a nurse’s aid while attending MGS 151............................................................................................... Modern Greek II the University of Oregon where Mon/Wed 2:10 pm - 3:50 pm • Instructor: Ismini Ioannou she earned a B.A. in Sociology MGS 470.............................................................................................. Modern Greek IV Mon/Wed 11:10 pm -12:50 pm • Instructor: Ismini Ioannou For full course descriptions online, please see the website below. Adults in the community may enroll in courses through Open University without being formally admitted to SFSU. In addition, Eldercollege is for students 50 years old or older who are interested in taking SFSU classes. They may enroll in fall, spring, or summer classes on a space available, noncredit basis. $55.00 a semester. For more information, please call (415) 405-7700. The Over 60 Degree Program is for adults 60 years old or older who want to take classes for credit or earn a baccalaureate or masters degree. For more information, please call (415) 412-4684. Classes begin January 24, 2011 - Open University –Students can sign up then Open Registration for SFSU students: January 16-23 For more information: Center for Modern Greek Studies (415) 338-1892 Email: modgreek@sfsu.edu Website: www.sfsu.edu/~modgreek 8 Hellenic Journal January 2011 festivals remembered Festival preparations have already begun at several communities for the 2011 Greek festivals taking place throughout the country. The HJ invited you, once again, to submit your photos and several communities responded enthusiastically. May these remembrances of 2010 serve to inspire the efforts of 2011. Greek festivals have become ambassadors of Greek culture, Orthodoxy, and Greek cuisine to their greater communities. Opa! Los Angeles, CA Saint Sophia Cathedral PHOTOS BY MICHAEL GENUNG Oakland, CA Ascension Cathedral PHOTOS BY GEORGE RETELAS San Jose, CA Saint Nicholas PHOTOS BY CHRYSANTHY CONOMOS Tacoma, Washington St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church COURTESY PHOTOS January 2011 Hellenic Journal 9 community Portland, Oregon Holy Trinity Cathedral PHOTOS BY FR. DIMOSTHENIS PARASKEVAIDIS Salt Lake City ‘Odyssey’ Gala features Margarita Music flowed from the Holy Trinity Hellenic Cultural Center on Oct. 8 as it played host to a gala benefitting Saint Sophia Hellenic Orthodox School. Odyssey: A Night of Musical Voyage began with a silent auction while the over 300 guests enjoyed hors d’oeuvres and cocktails. DJ George was on hand from New York to get the party started. Dinner and a live auction followed. The evening’s entertainment continued with the beautiful voice of Margarita Bezaitis, a previous finalist on “Fame Story” a Greek television show similar to “American Idol.” It wasn’t long before the guests were out of their seats and on the dance floor. The gala raised over $100,000 with all the proceeds benefitting the school, which helps to nurture Hellenic culture, history and faith. Founded in 1996, Saint Sophia Hellenic Orthodox School is rooted in the Hellenic ideals of honor, self worth, acceptance and cooperation. With the support of an encouraging, diverse and nurturing community of administrators, educators and parents, Saint Sophia helps students build the foundation for ongoing intellectual, social, spiritual and physical growth. Saint Sophia School is located in the heart of Holladay, on the grounds of Prophet Elias Church. For more information, visit www.saintsophiaschool.org/ COURTESY PHOTOS Oxi Day celebrated in Utah with children, poems, songs and dances Anchorage, Alaska Holy Transfiguration PHOTOS BY DIANE PRIMIS It may have been 70 years since Prime Minister Ioannes Metaxas declared, “Oxi! Oxi! Oxi!” but the spirit of Greece’s defense of freedom was alive and well at Saint Sophia Hellenic Orthodox School’s annual Oxi Night celebration on Oct. 28 in Salt Lake City, UT. Focusing on the school’s educational excellence, cultural diversity, and religious relevance, the program was attended by over 100 parents, family members, and friends. Dressed in various ethnic costumes representing their diverse heritages, the students dazzled the audience with their renditions of the American and Greek national anthems, poetry, songs and dances. The event also featured a Native American dance as well as a studentwritten short play highlighting how Saint Sophia remains a role model for modern society. New this year was the introduction of the Saint Sophia School Freedom Award, designed to honor a community member who exemplifies the spirit of Oxi Day. The first-ever recipient of this annual award was Mr. Con Skedros for his lifelong pursuit of knowledge and understanding history along with his determination to share that knowledge with younger generations. PHOTOS BY KELLY HUNTINGTON 8 10 November 2010 Hellenic Journal January 2011 communi y ifornia notes southern tcal bachelor’s degree from an accredited Hitch Your Wagon to PAOI college and an interest in Greek and musical entertainment by PAOI Southern California culture. Lambros Houvardas. Joining in Auxiliary’s “Hitch Your Wagon to Demopoulos became the festivities were PAOIpresident Director PAOI” fundraiser delivered a day By Mavis Manus in the fall of 1992. “When I took of western fun over,” he said, “the treasury had amidst the oaks $600 because $40,000 had just been of Jeannette and Chronia polla! donated to the Caloyeras Center Dan Webster’s of Modern Greek Studies. Then fter serving 18 years as Running Springs we discovered that our non-profit president of the Hellenic Ranch in Santa status had lapsed years earlier, so we University Club (HUC) Ynez, Sept. immediately applied and obtained of Southern California, Peter 25.Co-chairmen a 501(c)3 non-profit organization Demopoulos decided to step aside and hostesses status. Much of the paperwork and let someone else lead the Club for the event for this effort was done by then with, to quote him, “renewed Jeannette Co-Presidents of the So CalFaturos. Auxillary: left treasurer, John vigor.” After he formally presented Webster and -to right: Rosalind Halikis, Metropolitan “It his resignation at a Nikitas and Christine Haidos. didn’t take her daughter us COURtEsy more thanPHOtOs a recent meeting, the Melina Webster few months to Board of Directors Metropolitan Nikitas and past Pyle delighted guests with a enough to elected Zafiris PAOI Executiveraise Committee Santa Maria-style barbecue our normal Gourgouliatos as memberfinance Reverend activities. the new president. Spencer T. KeziosAtasthe time, theofprimary Demopoulos is well as member the optimistic that the Board offunctions Trustees of Dr.the Club were to Club, with Zafiris Peter Haikalis and four Susan five dinner-lectures at the helm, will Haikalis, president of a year, a Board. Christmas continue its mission PAOI Women’s dinner-dance of “promoting The primary purpose of Zafiris Gourgouliatos and a Athenagoras graduation the study and the Patriarch dinner-dance (which we eventually understanding of Hellenic culture in Orthodox Institute (PAOI) droppedisdue to lack of interest). We Southern California.” to conduct and sponsor tried to manage these events so that The Club was established in instruction in Orthodox each paid its Easter expenses and left some the early part of the 1960’s when and Christian profit fortheology distribution charities. a small group under the leadership on a to graduate In early 1993, Athan of Theodore Saloutos, professor of level in affiliationKarras with that HUC sponsor the history at UCLA, felt the need for a proposedthe Graduate Theological production of the play Kapetan social organization that “would lift Union located in Berkeley, Michalis,California. based on the famous the curtain to the wonderful world book by Nikos Kazantzakis. “Even of Greek thought, Greek arts and Jeannette Webster though inexperienced in these sciences and Greek civilization in andnot herknowing daughter matters and what I general, past and present, in Greece Melina Webster Pyle, was getting the production and in the Diaspora.” The basic theinto, hostesses. PHOtOs turned out to be a COURtEsy huge artistic and requirement for membership was a A financial success with anFoundation attendance where St. Katherine Scholarships Awarded he produced several more of nearly a 1,000 people at the Greek plays. All these productions On Youth Sunday, September high-tech Armstrong Theater in were successful and were supported 12, 2010, the St. Katherine Torrance. The success was due to financially and logistically by the Foundation in Redondo Beach theawarded organizational and directorial Hellenic University Club. scholarships to four skills of Athan Karras, the set design In addition to Club-sponsored students of the parish who have by shown architect Phaedra Ledbetter, events, over $125,000 was donated great dedication to their andschools, the enthusiasm of the cast, church and community. to institutions and projects that which The was scholarships drawn from went the large promote Greek culture in Southern to pool of young people in L.A. who Dimitri Dimitriou, Undeclared California during Demopoulos’ wanted to act.Arts Thisand success led to presidency. was $90,000 (From leftIncluded to right) Dimitri Dimitriou, Andreas MacLean, in Letters, Sciences Madeline Santy, Christopher Vezzuto theatannual productions of plays at donated to the Greek Studies University of CaliforniatheBerkeley; Armstrong Theater over the Program at Loyola Marymount Angeles, and the Chris & Joan Church in Redondo Beach, with The Gus Farmans nextFoundation five years. Scholarship was University, of which $4,000 was Prof. Thomas Gallant on Tales Caras Foundation Scholarship to emphasis on youth ministry, awarded The second play was authored donated in February 2010, and from the Dark Side: The “Other” Christopher Vezzuto, Engineering acquisition of property, capital to Reader Andreas by MacLean, Nick Gaitatzis and the music $25,000 at Peter’s last meeting Greeks of the Diaspora,” and & Music at University of Southern improvements, charitable out-Prof. Master of Divinity composed by Yannis Pissimissis. as president. Other major Peter Bienassistance on “Inventing California. reach and for itsGreece” elderly Program at the Holy Cross TheSeminary score wasinlater issued in a CD. of the Club have been and on “Kazantzakis’s Post-Christian The St. Katherine Foundation parishioners. The current president Brookline, MA. The beneficiaries TheDr. subsequent plays were written the Thesaurus Graecae Religious was establishedLinguae in September is Angelo Vision.” Revels of Rolling Hills Michael Halikis Foundation by Scholarship various Greek playwrights. (TLG) project at U.C. Irvine, the Peter’sCA. final project was 2000 by its Founder Dr. Demetreos Estates, The Foundation to Madeline Santy, Original music was composed and Greek Heritage Society of Southern the concert that took place on Halikis. It acts as a support group of Scholarship Chairman is Rosalind Business Finance at Loyola played by local artists. What was California, the Hellenic Library November 20, 2010, and “was the the St. Katherine Greek Orthodox Halikis. Marymount University, Los unique about all these productions in Downey, the Greek School of culmination of an effort that had is that, although the plays were in Downey, the Classics Department been in the works for over 10 years.” Greek program Greek,New the audience hadTV the choice andlaunches the Center for Medieval and Pianist Charis Dimaras requested of using headphones to listen to a Renaissance Studies of UCLA, and in 1998 “that we apply to the Greek Greek American over the world,” Greek American vocalist/ simultaneous English translation the Los Angeles Greek Film Festival. government for a grant to record personality and said Lerikos in personality Margarita hosts provided by live readers in the Of the many fine dinner lectures on a CD some of the compositions vocalist Margarita an open letter show broadcast booth. over the years, Demopoulos holds of the Greekhosts classical the composers weekly addressed to the September ushered in a Unfortunately, the expenses at particularly dear the one by writer Dimitri Mitropoulos and George program which Greek community. new era in the history of the the Armstrong Theater gradually Harry Mark Petrakis on “Homer Sicilianos. In May of 1999 HUC features interviews, San Francisco Bay Area’s only “Every day, we are increased to the point where it was and Hunger.” Other favorites received a check of $8,500 via news, events, and the overwhelmed with Greek television program, not financially feasible to stage include Prof. Charles Moskos on Greek Consulate more.in Los Angeles. Greek TV. Founded by Louis negative images of any more plays there. However, “Will There be a Greek America in The CD is finally “Greek TV andcompleted Greek and Greece in the media – especially Vitalis and later produced due to the interest generated 2050,” Prof. Michael Kalafatas on will be available for distribution.” on television and the Internet. And TV.com will be that strong, clear and hosted by Dimitri by these productions, Angeliki “Greek Sponge andPeter was born Kalavryta, positive voicenear for Greece no matter how Divers,” hard youProf. look,Tom it Carapanos for over two Giannakopoulos produced several Apostol on “The Construction in Peloponnesus, where attended and wherever there are he large is very hard to find a strong, clear decades, Carapanos recently more plays in later years, but in of the Tunnel of Samos in the 6th primary and secondary school. Greek communities anywhere and positive voice for Greece.” passed the reigns on to the smaller theaters and with a longer Century B.C.,” Prof.TV Fred “My moved Pasadena, in thefamily world,” said to Lerikos. The The new Greek airsKakis program’s new executive run than just a weekend. Also, on “Survival of a Jewish Family California, when I was 15,with during HJ will feature a profile Saturday at 3 p.m. on KTSF producer Nicholas Lerikos. George Christopoulos, a Board from the Nazis in Greece,” Prof. the new executive producer in a Channel 26 (check local listings) “Now is a critical time SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA NOTES member as well as an actor, joined Spiros Vryonis on “The Turkish coming issue. and at GreekTV.com. Bay Area for Greece and for Greeks all continued on page 14 the Odyssey Ensemble Theatre Pogrom in September of 1955,” Opa! DIMITRAKOS LAW OFFICES JohnDemetrios hatzidakis ted Learakos Theodoropoulos, CLTC, LUTCF kostas hatzidakis A ITERATIOAL LAW FIRM Admitted in California & Greece “Financing Homes to To learn more about products & services contact Theodoropoulos Financial Hamburgerstands” & Insurance Services Since 1984 Registered Representative offering Securities through NYLIFE Securities, LLC • Member FINRA/SIPC a Licensed Insurance Agency Bay Bridge Office 5980 Horton St., Suite 500, Emeryville, CA 94608 510-205-5433 A FLLSERICE GREEK LAW RACTICE SECIALIIG I Real Property, Title Searches, Appraisals, Ktimatologio, Landlord/Tenant, Inheritance & Estates, Parental Transfers, Tax, E1/ E9, Citizenship & Passport, Immigration, Business, Powers of Attorney, Official Translations, Litigation & more. TF I East Bay Office 6210 Stoneridge Mall Rd., Suite 100, Pleasanton, CA 94588 925-847-4600 office • 925-847-4605 facsimile 510-205-5433 cellular • demetrios@nyl.com E S TAT E C O N S E R VAT I O N B U S I N E S S CGreeks O N T I N Uand ITY Supporting EXECUTIVE BENEFIT PLANS All Across North America RETIREMENT PLANNING C H A R I TA B L E G I V I N G Peter and Vivi Demopoulos ALSO SECIALIIG I US Immigration/aturalization, Estate Planning & Probate, Business law & EU/International law. Greek Americans ( greeklawattorney@gmail.com ttdimitrakolawoffice.com 1401 N. Tustin Avenue, Suite 155 • Santa Ana, California 92705 (714) 547-3444 • john@coastfundinggroup.com Serving clients worldwide! Assisting GreeAmericans with their legal affairs in the US & Greece! Offices in California & Greece California Insurance License #0B95408 Theodoropoulos Financial & Insurance Services is not owned or operated by NYLIFE Securities, LLC or its affliates Fine Greek Restaurant 422 Tyler Street Monterey • CA • 93940 (831) 655-8108 Petros Mungridis www.epsilonrestaurant.com January 2011 Hellenic Journal 11 calendar Arts, Events, Lectures & Entertainment January 7-8, 2011 next evening, January 8, in Seattle at St. Demetrios Church. Both concerts begin at 8 p.m. with a free pre-concert talk at 7 p.m. The program will feature Slavic Orthodox chants. For more information call 866-822-7735, Cappella Romana presents Baroque Christmas in Russia and Ukraine with Yale University’s Mark Bailey. January 7 in Portland at St. Mary’s Cathedral and the Excitement builds for the 2011 Folk Dance and Choral Festival in Ontario By Giuliana Harris, Youth Correspondent I t’s that time of year again when the final countdown has begun! Dance and choir practices have increased to two times a week, girls are shopping for Awards banquet dresses, booking last minute hotels, and more. Facebook has been blowing up with status updates of “Under 100 days till FDF…” “FDF can’t come any sooner!” and more. As soon as the last glendi ends, the countdown starts to the next year. Everyone is thrilled to be going back to Ontario, California, February 17-20 for FDF 2011. This past year, FDF was in San Jose in Northern California. Churches such as St. Nicholas of San Jose, Ascension of Oakland and Resurrection of Castro Valley were thrilled to D Roumeli Society Dinner present their have FDF in their own backyard. Yet, the talk has been how excited everyone is to be going back to Ontario. The usual hotels have been booked and the Ontario traditions such as Denny’s after the glendies or In N Out Burger during the day continue! Now is the crunch time in rehearsal, get the dances tight, musicians booked, and costumes ready. Angelo Gassoumis of Neo Kyma in Sacramento said, “I zoned out for like 20 minutes in class today thinking about FDF. We were supposed to be taking notes in class and all of a sudden I realize I’m two sections behind (he laughs). Ooops!” Get ready everyone, it is only a month away, see you there! Go to YOURFDF.ORG to register. Avoid higher package prices if you register online by January 3, 2011. 29th annual of the ance Saturday, January 29,2011 Dancing to Live Music by Fotia Hors d’oeuvres and no-host cocktails at 6:00 p.m. $55 Special Roast Beef Dinner with MushroomWine Sauce with two bottles of wine per table Ticket Price $55 per person Children Under 12 $25 January 14-17, 2011 Greeks in LA Weekend 2011 hosted by the Sons of Pericles. Western Regional Basketball Tournament at UCLA and Club Nights. For more information: n.antonopoulos@sonsof pericles.com or visit www.sonsof pericles.com/ upcoming_events.html or the SOP Facebook Event Page. January 21, 2011 BAGABA, The Hellenic Law Society, The Greek American Women’s Professional Society and the Hellenic American Professional Society will host an evening of Vassilopita, Cocktails and Conversation. 6:30 p.m. JW Marriot San Francisco Union Square 500 Post St., San Francisco, CA $30 per person which includes a buffet and a complimentary drink of beer or wine. For more information please call Yannis Paulus, MD at 650391-7364 or email at yannis.paulus@ gmail.com. January 22, 2011 PAA Chapter of Epimenides / Ariadne present a Cretan Glendi at Annunciation Cathedral, 245 Valencia St., San Francisco, CA (Valet parking) 6:00 p.m. $50 / $30 (under 18) Proceeds benefit the Kazantzakis Chair, Modern Greek Studies, SFSU. Reserve your tickets: Diane Kounalakis at Kounalakis@comcast. net or call 650-343-6214. January 28, 2011 29th Annual Crab Feed hosted by the Annunciation Cathedral Ladies Philoptochos Society San Francisco. Cocktail Reception 6:00 p.m. Dinner 7:30 p.m. $50 per person. Group tables available at $500. Annunciation Cathedral 245 Valencia Street San Francisco, CA For reservations phone 415-864-8000. January 29, 2011 Dr. Tikey Zes honored for Lifetime of Musical Service. St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox parish of San Jose, CA will honor Dr. Zes for his 60 years of service to the Greek Orthodox Church in America. $50.00 Adults and $25 for children under 12. St. Nicholas Community Center For more details, call 408-246-2770. The Roumeli Society of the SF Bay Area will feature live music by Fotia, hors d’oeuvres, no-host cocktails and dinner at Ascension Cathedral’s Community Center, 4700 Lincoln Ave., Oakland. $55 per person, $25 children under 12. Reservations accepted until Jan. 25. Call Athena Lagios 510-530-9273. The American Hellenic Council of California has announced a night of dining and dancing at St. John’s Church in Anaheim, CA, in support of 13-year-old Christian Pappas in his fight against cancer. Adults $40, Children under 15, $20. RSVP by Jan. 24 to Jenny Kantzavelos 714-403-2456. February 12, 2011 31st Annual Crab Feed hosted by the Ascension Liturgical Choir. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. Hors d’oeuvres at 6:15 p.m. Dinner 7:00 p.m. $40 adults; $20 children under 12. Live entertainment by Chris Vitakes, Paul Fakaros, Margarita Bezaitis, Frosene Phillips, Giuliana Harris, Andrea Holland, and more! Ascension Cathedral 4700 Lincoln Ave, Oakland, CA For reservations and information, call Kathleen DiGiovanni 510-6545266 after 6:00 p.m. or email ascensioncathedralchoir@yahoo. com. February 26, 2011 Arcadians of Oakland Skopi’s Annual Macaronada and Apokriatiko Glendi. Cocktails 5:30 p.m. Dinner 7:00 p.m. at Ascension Cathedral, 4700 Lincoln Avenue in Oakland, CA. Music by Mediterranean Soul. For reservations: Nick Gianopoulos 510-537-9091. Bay Area Greek Orthodox Ascension Cathedral Community Center 4700 Lincoln Avenue • Oakland, California for reserved tickets call 800-4948497 or go to Cappellaromana.org. For more information, call Athena Lagios (510) 530-9273 or Elias Tsiknis (650) 994-3322 January 28, 2011 The Annunciation Cathedral Ladies Philoptochos Society San Francisco 29th Annual Crab Feed Cocktail Reception: 6:00 p.m. • Dinner: 7:30 p.m. $50 per person • Group Tables Available at $500 Maximum Ten People Per Table For reservations call: Annunciation Cathedral (415) 864-8000 Include with your check the names of all guests to be seated at the table along with your name, address and telephone number. Send checks by January 10, 2011 to: Annunciation Philoptochos, Crab Feed • 245 Valencia Street, San Francisco, CA 94103 (Tickets will be held at the door) • Parking Available 12 Hellenic Journal January 2011 northwest and pacific notes By Theodora Dracopoulos Argue ROUVELAS ENDOWMENT At the recent University of Washington Hellenic Studies Program Celebration Dinner and Auction in Seattle, a major gift gave a boost to the Program as it continues toward its goal of funding a full-time position. Highlight of the evening was the announcement by Washington, DC, attorney Emanuel Rouvelas of the establishment in memory of his parents of the Eleftherios and Mary Rouvelas Endowed Writing Prize in Hellenic Studies. The endowment will fund a prize for outstanding writing among students in the Hellenic Studies Program. The award is in keeping with the Hellenic tradition as recorded in The Iliad, ancient Olympic Games, and Athenian theater competitions. Prizes can extend Hellenic studies by incentivizing research and writing (or other activity) by providing winner recognition and financial support. Emanuel and his wife Marilyn Rouvelas who is author of the popular Guide to Greek Traditions and Customs in America are both Washington State natives and attended UW. The 12-yearold Hellenic Studies Program currently has over 400 students taking a variety of courses including a college quarter of study abroad in Athens or Ioannina. Other speakers included Dr. Angelos Pangratis, Deputy Head of the Delegation of the European Union to the United States; Dr. Christine Ingebritsen, UW Professor of Scandinavian Studies and Director of the UW Center of West European Studies; Dr. Resat Kasaba, Director of the UW Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies; and Hellenic Studies Program Celebration participants (left to right): John T. John, president of the Hellenes of the Northwest and co-founder of the program; Emanuel and Marilyn Rouvelas, endowment benefactors; Dr. Angelos Pangratis, Deputy Head of the Delegation of the European Union to the United States; and Dr. Theodore Kaltsounis, UW Professor Emeritus and co-founder of the Hellenic Studies Program. Photo by C.T. Argue The new St. Demetrios Bookstore (above, left) was given in memory of Gus Sourapas by his brother Steve Sourapas and family. Steve Sourapas (center, right) who along with his family underwrote the construction of the designated space for the bookstore, is flanked by Proistamenos Fr. Photios Dumont and Deacon Spyridon (Perry) Angelos. Chris Pallas (back) who worked closely on the project, looks on. PHOTOS BY C.T. ARGUE John T. John, president of the Hellenes of the Northwest and a co-founder of the program. The Hellenic Studies Program has received generous donations from the Governments of Greece and Cyprus, the Onassis Foundation, the John P. Angel Foundation, the Vidalakis family, and numerous members of the Greek-American community. Last year, the “300 Spartans” campaign was launched to attract 300 people to give $1000 each to reach the final amount needed to fund the position. Go to http://depts. washington.edu/hellenic/ for more information on the program. started with Orthros and Divine Liturgy followed by the blessing of the dome by Fr. Leo Schefe, Proistamenos of the parish, the dome-raising, and a luncheon. OCF HOUSE St. George Church in Eugene, OR, led by Fr. Jerry Markopoulos, opened St. Nectarios House near the University of Oregon to expand its Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) ministry to college students—both Orthodox and others interested in learning about the faith. The house is a meeting place and also a residence for five young women, with St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Seminary graduate Ann Campbell serving as house director. Events include a monthly community service project, a regular reading group, reader services, and socials. DOME-RAISING On December 1, 2010, the dome was raised onto the roof of the new Holy Transfiguration Church in Anchorage. Construction started in May. The placing of the dome took place amidst snow and cold. While much work still remains to be done, the parish’s goal of enclosing the structure has been achieved before the worst of the winter weather falls on Raising of the Dome on the new Holy Anchorage. The day Transfiguration Church in Anchorage, AK. Orthodox Bookstore & Gift Shop ✝ Anastasia Kalivas 800 N. Glendale Avenue Glendale, CA 91206 Phone (818) 551–0544 • Fax (818) 551–9297 www.lifegivingspring.com • Hours: Tues–Sat 9-6 NEW BOOKSTORE Created out of thin air is the cantilevered new St. Demetrios Church Bookstore. It was generously donated in memory of Gus Sourapas by his brother Steve Sourapas and family. The bookstore has received rave reviews from visitors. When in the area, please stop in. FAREWELL LUNCHEON The Holy Trinity Cathedral Parish Council and Philoptochos hosted a Farewell and Thank You Luncheon for Father John and Presvytera Anna Angelis on December 19, as they completed their time in Portland. He was Proistamenos for over a year and transitional priest as Fr. Jordan Brown came to take over the reins. Parishioners gathered to pay their respects and express their love for Father John who gave so much of himself to the community. PAOI DIRECTOR IN NW His Eminence Metropolitan Nikitas, Patriarch Athenagoras Orthodox Institute (PAOI) Director, led two retreats in December on “Understanding the Holy Nativity through the Hymnology of the Orthodox Church,” one in Seattle at the Church of the Assumption, and the other at St. Sophia Church in Bellingham. WITH BEST WISHES TO ALL FOR A JOYOUS NEW YEAR!! Email Theodora Argue at yiayia2@aol.com January 2011 Hellenic Journal faces welcome 2011 Announcement 2nd annual Greek Heritage Night with the Golden State Warriors The Greek community is invited to attend the Warriors vs. Utah Jazz on Sunday, January 30 at 7 p.m. at ORACLE ARENA, Oakland, CA. The evening offers discounted tickets ($25-$65), a commemorative rally towel, pre-game festivities including the National Anthem, and more. For groups of 20 or more, all youth 18 and under in the group are eligible to shoot a free throw on the Warriors court following the game. For tickets and more details, contact Mark Stanga at 510-986-2260 or at mhstanga@ gs-warriors.com. Photo courtesy Golden State Warriors GREEK NEWS continued from page 6 Parthenon marbles return A spokesman of the Culture and Tourism Ministry’s press office said in a statement to the ANAMPA that “the permanent return of the Parthenon marbles to the new Acropolis Museum remains the steadfast demand of the Greek state and of the Culture Ministry. Moreover, Greece is prepared to offer the British Museum classic masterpieces of the country for periodical exhibitions,” adding that Culture and Tourism Minister Pavlos Geroulanos never referred to the issue of the marbles’ ownership in his meeting with a reporter of the British newspaper “The Times.” The spokesman was referring to a report appearing in the newspaper that “Greece is trying to break decades of stalemate with Britain over the Elgin Marbles by dropping its long-standing claim to ownership of the sculptures in return for the British Museum sending the Acropolis artifacts back to Athens on a long-term loan.” 13 COVER PHOTOS Row One His Eminence Metropolitan Gerasimos and FDF youth Yiannis Ploutarhos Litsa Miller, Eleni Apostolopoulos, Fr. Thomas J. Zaferes Giuliana Harris Jim Zervanos Valerie Roumeliotis, Pat Aleck Ecumenical Patriarchate Bartholomew ROW TWO Grace-Polyxeni Laliotis Nancy and Nick Vidalakis John and Wanda Gregory Athan Karras of Blessed Memory Michael Psilakis Hon. Steven G. Counelis San Jose City Councilman Pete Constant Dean Kamazes ROW THREE Theofanis Economidis, Achilles Adamantiades, Ambassador of Greece to Poland His Excellency Gabriel Koptsidis Zoye Fidler Demetrios Liappas George Marcus Dina Titus Doug Chase, George Ahlas, Jim Vlamis, Dean Gassoumis George N. Gianopoulos ROW FOUR John Gumas Gilles Marini Chris Kokalis Stefania Kaplanes Dimitri Vorris Vefa Alexiadou Mayor Gavin Newsome, Stefanie Roumeliotes Phedon Papamichael Archbishop Demitrios of America Anastasios B. Mountanos IT’S GREEK TO ME I M P O R T S John & Parthena Kanelos 510 531-3997 • Oakland, California Greek Music and Videos Custom Made Bridal Veils, Candles, Favors, Stefana, and Stefanothekes Baptismal Accessories and Clothing including Lambades and Martirica We Don’t Work for an Insurance Company • Homes We Work for You! • Condos • Renters • Earthquake • Flood • All Businesses • Restaurants • Commercial email: info@verreos.com • Life • Medical Serving California Since 1956 Over $11,000,000 In Claims Paid CDI 0585599 • Autos 200 Valley Drive, Suite 20, Brisbane 94005 Fax 415/467-9605 VERREOS Insurance Agency 800-464-1397 ROW FIVE Orianthi Panagaris Dr. Linda P.B. Katehi Faye and Alex Spanos Dr. Vasili Berdoukas S.F. Consul General Ioannis Andreades Dr. Tikey Zes Jim Gianopulos, John Aniston ROW SIX Patricia Kara George John George and Andoni Petroutsas Aphrodite Skeadas, Clara Nicon Margarita Bezaitis Heritage Greece 2010 Team Rosalind Halikis, His Eminence Metropolitan Nikitas, Christine Haidos Leonides Loizides Ted Laliotis ROW SEVEN Markos Lagios L.A. Consul General Elisabeth Fotiadou, Ersi Danou, Angeliki Giannakopoulos Bruno Tosi Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs Dimitris Droutsas Marina Moustakas Fr. Thomas J. Paris, Michele Prappas, John Groves, Frosene Phillips (top), Chris Vitakes, Helen Lambros, Chris Constantouros Nick Larigakis, Gene Rossides, Ambassador Daniel Smith Happy New Year 2011 from the Arcadians of Oakland Skopi!!! We hope to see you at our annual Macaronada and Apokriatiko Glendi! Saturday, February 26, 2011 Ascension Cathedral • Oakland, CA Cocktails 5:30 p.m. • Dinner 7:00 p.m. Music by Mediterranean Soul For reservations, please contact Nick Gianopoulos 510-537-9091 14 January 2011 Hellenic Journal November 2010 Santos-Robinson Mortuary Holy Angels Funeral & Cremation center Sorensen Chapel fd126 F amily owned and operated since 1929, Santos-Robinson 160 Estudillo Avenue has maintained high professional standards of business San Leandro, CA 94577 and service for 80 years, serving the Greek Orthodox communities throughout the Bay Area for many years with (510) 483-0123 compassion, sincerity and professional care. Santos-Robinson www.santos-robinson.com Traditional Funeral Services offers Traditional Funeral Services to the Greek Orthodox FD-81 On-Call 24 Hours Community. Family owned / Four Generations. Questions About 1. Traditional Funerals 2. Pre-Paid Funeral Arrangements 3. World Wide Shipping 4. Veterans Benefits 5. Funeral Costs Centrally Located, Spacious Facilities Pre-Need Planning Including Repayment Options Phone Inquiries Welcomed Regarding Service Options & Prices 1140 B Street Hayward, Ca. 94541 (510) 581-1234 Harry W. Greer / Associate Director Ca. License FD 745 (510) 368-3892 Member of the Ascension Cathedral of Oakland Santos-Robinson Mortuary Holy Angels Funeral & Cremation center Sorensen Chapel fd126 F amily owned and operated since 1929, Santos-Robinson 160 Estudillo Avenue has maintained high professional standards of business San Leandro, CA 94577 and service for 80 years, serving the Greek Orthodox communities throughout the Bay Area for many years with (510) 483-0123 compassion, sincerity and professional care. Santos-Robinson www.santos-robinson.com Traditional Funeral Services offers Traditional Funeral Services to the Greek Orthodox FD-81 Community. Family owned / Four Generations. On-Call 24 Hours Questions About 1. Traditional Funerals 2. Pre-Paid Funeral Arrangements 3. World Wide Shipping 4. Veterans Benefits 5. Funeral Costs Harry W. Greer / Associate Director Ca. License FD 745 (510) 368-3892 Member of the Ascension Cathedral of Oakland Centrally Located, Spacious Facilities Pre-Need Planning Including Repayment Options Phone Inquiries Welcomed Regarding Service Options & Prices 1140 B Street Hayward, Ca. 94541 (510) 581-1234 The Duggan Serra family and staff are very knowledgeable in the traditions of the Greek Community. We work closely with the clergy and families to present meaningful & memorable ceremonies. Minutes to Annunciation Cathedral and to Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church and Greek Orthodox Memorial Park Duggan’s Serra Mortuary 500 Westlake Avenue, Daly City 415/587-4500 Sullivan’s Funeral Home 2254 Market St., San Francisco 415/621-4567 www.duggansserra.com www.sullivansfh.com Lics. FD1098 & FD228 Celebrations of Life – Sharing laughter, tears and beautiful memories Our family is here to assist your family in honoring your loved one’s life. Please call for a Free Pre-planning brochure No obligation home or office pre-planning appointment in memoriam but also works in other genres, especially landscapes and portraits. He has an interesting take on HUC. “It is an organization with a the post-Sputnik era and at the V. REV. CYRIL LOEB long tradition and many illustrious beginning of the race to the 1938 2010 people have served on its board. moon,”- he said. “It was an exciting The Greek Orthodox Metropolis Priesthood 31,1985 by Los Angeleson hasMarch changed and the time in Southern California. I of San Francisco announces the His Grace Bishop Anthony of San original nucleus of members have graduated from Pasadena High passing V. Rev. Cyril Francisco, moved into new phasesofofblessed their School, of then entered UCLA and Loeb on September 4, memory. Heolder. servedWe the lives as they have gotten received a Bachelor’s with a major 2010. Father Loeb, a parishes of Saint John have 300+ names on our mailing in Engineering and a minor in distinguished retired with a full the Baptist – Anaheim, lists, yet less than 60 typically Classics. I continued clergyman who resided in California; Saint come to functions. In today’s scholarship at Caltech where I Thousand Oaks, California, Demetrios – Camarillo, situation, freeway bottlenecks make received a Master’s in Electrical was vacationing in Europe California; Saints it impractical for peopleand to drive Engineering. Upon graduation I at the time of Aerospace his death. engineer and Helen from distant Constantine suburbs. Also, areas worked as an “We are deeply Cathedral – Honolulu, and simultaneously attended USC V. Rev.outside Cyril the west side have been saddened withHughes the passing He also served underserved.Hawaii. Loyola Marymount on a Howard Scholarship toLoeb of Father Cyril, as he as Chancellor theits University has allowed us toofuse study Electronic Communications. was a dynamic leaderinofscience several Metropolis San events Francisco, as facilities, butofhost haveand grown Besides my interest communities in our Metropolis, Executive Director of Saint Nicholas and it is getting increasingly difficult and mathematics, I have always as wellinterested as servinginaslanguages a former and Ranch Center to bookand theRetreat space we need in for our been Chancellor and Executive Director Dunlap, California. meetings. literature. I have been accredited as of Nicholas Ranch andby Retreat in his memory anSaint English-Greek translator the Donations “We are discussing various can ideas, Center. He was loved as a pastor be made to the St. Demetrios balancing service to members and Greek Consulate in Los Angeles. and friend,job and hisfor passing leaves a Greek Orthodox Church fundraising efforts. WhenBuilding possible, My latest was the Society void for many people whose lives Fund or the Metropolis of San events will be free of charge with a of Cretan Historical Studies in he touched,”Crete, statedtranslating His Eminence Metropolitan Anthony voluntary -donation. We are formingHeraklion, a book Francisco Metropolitan of San Philoptochos Student Endowment called MissionGerasimos in Crete by Jack affiliations with the Greek Student Francisco. Fund at 245 Valencia Street, San Associations at the colleges and L. Sibard. It’s a memoir written by Father Cyril Loeb was a 1984 Francisco, CA 94103. For more universities. There is an initiative one of the saboteurs sent to Crete graduate of Holy Cross Greek information, Church from the USCcontact Greekthe Student by the Allies in the summer of Orthodox School the of Theology. directly at 805-482-1273 or of thethe Association to host a forum 1942 to infiltrate German air He was ordained to the Holy Metropolis Office at 415-753-3075. force base in Heraklion and destroy US Hellenic Student Associations SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA NOTES continued from page 10 the planes that were bombing the allied navies in the Mediterranean. GREEK NEWS continued from page mission 6 The daring submarine was bill for settlingand outstanding highly successful ended thetax cases, air-superiority which receivedover only German the reluctant support Mediterranean. It alsoand putstrong an end to eventoruling thecriticism Germanfrom attempts take over PASOK MPs, Papandreou Malta. current tax law asserted “My wifethat Vivithe and I live as was essentially “non-existent” retirees in Los Angeles, near the sinceenjoying it was not beach, theimplemented. cool breezes He stressed that Greece blowing from Santa Monicamust Bay now look to a new taxation and the chance to spend time with concept of –an oursystem familywhere of fivethe adult children “unchecked did –not three sons, two case” daughters andexist. one “Inspections will beto have grandson. We are blessed conducted randomly many friends and love toand meet often exhaustively, where violations are with them to enjoy lively discussions found be with extremely over goodthere foodwill spiced good severe andranging all casesfrom will jokes andpenalties discussions close to within the sameWe year and politics investments. also be transferred to theonce nexta trynot to take a trip to Greece year,” he said. year to renew relationships with the was different to manyThis friends andvery relatives we have the old system that assumed there.” tax-payers wereofcrooked all The new president HUC, and kept them ‘hostage’ for 10 Zafiris Gourgouliatos, was born in years, NaousaPapandreou Imathias, wasadded. raised in primetominister alsoin PatrasThe and came Los Angeles promised that at thethegovernment 1992. He studied University place great emphasisand on of would Patras Electrical Engineering during theboosting Universityemployment of Texas at Austin, He clarified thatPh.D. wages and2011. was awarded MS and in could only be increased if tax Biomedical Engineering. was drastically evasion He is highly esteemed forreduced his and the Greek was painting skills, has economy scrupulously researched the art of iconography in Los Angeles where the Hellenic University Club can provide doing better but not rule administrative and did organizational out a reduction support. The Clubinistaxes. also looking into the on-line social networking Citizen’s ID card sites for attracting theissue younger to be provided for public generation and creating a virtual discussion space for member interaction.” main axesplanning of the “citizen’s The Zafiris is now events at card”, willcan be provided for which which members network and public debate, wereThere discussed in invite new people. will be alectures wide meeting chaired as before. “And by I’d Prime like to Minister George Papandreou at test a new format of having Greetthe Maximos. and-Meet Greek nights in different According to reports, card parts of metropolitan LAthe once a will be used for all of the citizen’s month. The successful first of these transactions withwas the on state and for dinner meetings December social in particular. 9th at services the Lighthouse Deli in San Thewith cardmusic will also used as a Pedro, by be Lambros travel document for destinations Houvardas. Check www.huc.org within Schengen. for future events. According to the same reports, ■ the government■is■orientated towards theFolk usesDance of the Longextending time Greek card to uses for the Center, Kypseli, hasprivate had tosector move as well, as transactions from itssuch Pasadena home afterwith banks. nearly 26 years. Kypseli board The same sources to saidhave that members are thrilled there is no question with personal found a beautiful, new home for data and that theiroffull protection its large following avid and is anticipated. loyal dancers. The new space is The at “citizen’s card” is Studios located Madilyn Clark expected to start being available in the North Hollywood Arts as of December and its willgrand District. Kypseli2011 will hold gradually replace the police SOUTHERN identity card.CALIFORNIA NOTES continued on page 15 January 2011 Hellenic Journal 15 business directory ARCHITECTS JOHN N SCOURKES ARCHITECT John N. Scourkes, AIA PO Box 52090 Pacific Grove, CA 93950 Ph: 831-757-7803 • Fax: 831-757-1201 Email: jnsarch@aol.com ATTORNEY Kyriacos Tsircou, Esq. Specializing in intellectual property matters, particularly in the area of patent law. TSIRCOU LAW, P.C. 655 N. Central Avenue, 17th Floor Glendale, CA 91203 323-660-9916 Email: kyri@tsircoulaw.com www.tsircoulaw.com SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA NOTES continued from page 14 re-opening gathering on January 7, 2011 and will be serving mezedes and wine as they welcome new and old friends. Kypseli specializes in a large repertoire of Greek regional and taverna dances and is open from 8 to11:30 p.m. every Friday night. A class is held from 8 to 9 p.m., followed by open dancing. Admission is $7. Kypseli also hosts special events which feature live Greek music or internationally renowned Greek dance teachers a few times a year. For information, call 626-446-1346 or 818-990-5542. Madilyn Clark Studios is located at 10852 Burbank Blvd, North Hollywood 91601. See the space by going to website http://www.madilynclarkstudios.com/ and click on A. Email Mavis Manus at mavmanus@aol.com For a directory of the Hellenic Journal advertisers and businesses, visit hellenicjournal.org HELLENIC AMERICAN BROADCAST Monday–Friday 8–9 p.m. 1400 AM your host, Savas Deligiorgis 2365 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94110 925-858-3334 HELLENIC AMERICAN IMPORTS 1001 Greek Items Plus a full line of Greek Groceries & Wine Peter J. Zouras, Attorney 25+ Years Experience Specializing in Construction & Real Estate. Business transactions & disputes. 177 Post Street, Suite 550 San Francisco, CA 94108 415-982-2848 GREEK WINES du vin fine wines Outstanding Greek Wine Selection Dan Marshall 2526 A Santa Clara Ave. Alameda, CA 94501 Ph: 510-769-9463 • Fax: 510-769-9443 Email: dan@duvinfinewines.com Classified Ad Seeking Additional Income? The Hellenic Journal is expanding its sales team and looking for interested selfstarting individuals. Please send resumes to info@hellenicjournal. org or call 925-939-3900. www.duvinfinewines.com TRAVEL Aster Travel Agency The Greek Travel Agency Discount air, cruises & tours Tim Zaracotas 1961 Ocean Avenue San Francisco, California 94127 Ph: 415-334-5957 Fax: 415-334-3552 who is willing to venture in bright ideas? Can we talk? Elias D. Argyropoulos–President/CEO Nick Gorenc–Financial Consultant 1230 Coast Village Circle, Ste. EMontecito, California 93108 Ph: 805-969-1370 or 800-600-8599 Fax: 805-565-0557 Email: prima@silcom.com $300,000 to $10,000,000 Hellenic Connection Hellenic Events, Restaurants, Businesses & Organizations. For a comprehensive list of what’s happening on the Greek scene in your town and around the globe, visit Hellenikozmo.com and tonypresents.com. VENTURE CAPITAL Prima capital group, inc. Do you have a bright idea that can become a real business? Or are you a Greek Angel Advertise in the HJ Business Directory for $30 per issue. Call the Hellenic Journal 877-939-3988 or info@ hellenicjournal.org. Deadline is the first of the previous month, i.e. January 1st for February. Greek Orthodox Memorial Park Mausoleum or ground burial services provided. Church services available on our grounds. Protected by Endowment Care Trust Funds. The only Greek Orthodox Memorial Park in the United States, offering consecrated burial lots, dedicated to serving the Eastern Orthodox Faith. Harry W. Greer Ca License FD 745 Serving the Orthodox Community for over 40 years. Questions About Funeral Arrangements • Cremations/Cremation Options Pre-Needs • Traditional Funerals Memorial Services • World Wide Shipping • Veteran Services “…with dignity and respect for those we love.” Any questions I can help you with please call me 24/7 (510) 522-5188 or (510) 368-3892 (cell) Email: hgreer7215@aol.com I’m here to assist you with any funeral arrangements you wish Steve Doukas, Manager Phone: (650) 755-6939 Fax: (650) 755-6109 P.O. Box 333 • 1148 El Camino Real • Colma, CA 94014 Member of the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Ascension in Oakland D uggan’s Funeral Service The Duggan Welch Family William “Bill” and Steve Welch, the fourth and fifth generation Funeral Directors serving San Francisco and the bay area Greek Community. Our friendly, family oriented staff are here to assist you in your time of need. We are minutes away from The Annunciation Cathedral and offer many Pre Arrangement Plans. 3434 17th Street near Valencia San Francisco, California 94110 Phone: 415-431-4900 • Fax: 415-861-9866 California Funeral Establish License FD44 California Funeral Directors Licenses FDR 394-FDR 395 Visit Our Showrooms SAN FRANCISCO JEWELRY CENTER 101 Utah Street Suite 201 San Francisco, CA 415-626-8288 SAN FRANCISCO GIFT CENTER 888 Brannan Street Suite 165 San Francisco, CA 415-861-2325 STEVE’S SPECIAL SELECTION San Francisco Gift Center Suite 126 d San Francisco, CA San Francisco Bay Area 1-888-500-GEMS www.padisgems.com We are proud to feature 415-861-5388 The Following Designers: Tacori • Scott Kay • Michele Watches • Verragio • Simon G. • A. Jaffe • Ritani Precision Set • Christopher Designs • Jeff Cooper • Memoire • Christian Bauer ArtCarved • Goldman • Spark • Natalie K. • Diana • Benchmark • Calla Collection Michael Bondanza • Tycoon • Jean-Francois Albert • Charles Garnier • Michael B. 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