Annual Report - Room at the Inn of the Triad


Annual Report - Room at the Inn of the Triad
Annual Report
July 1, 2004 Through June 30, 2005
Our Mission
To answer the call of Christ to respect and affirm life, and
homeless, single, pregnant women and single mothers
in unison with all people of faith and goodwill, Room At
with children offering them opportunities to have new
The Inn of the Triad operates housing and programs for
lives of healthy, hope-filled independence.
A Reason for Joy
Patricia Disney
Will Dungee
Elaine McHale
Ralph Cordell
Larry D’Amelio, Esq.
Of Counsel
Paula Hefferin-Barger
Richard E. Chalk, Jr.
Donald L. Dixon
Marlene DuBose
Bill Johnson
Sonny Mitchell
Jeanne Pratt
Karen Pulaski
Dear Friends:
unning late after a staff meeting, I recently had the opportunity to observe the moms
and kids in the maternity home having dinner. A new resident, a teenager, had just
been admitted and was eager to fit in. Seizing the opportunity, she volunteered to
say grace.
It was very moving to watch this young girl begin the prayer by folding her hands
in a typical manner you often see in pictures of little children saying their bedtime
prayers. She struggled through a refrain of “God is great, God is good . . . , and
then smiled broadly as she and the others enjoyed their meal of baked chicken and
potatoes. It might be simplistic, but her words were heartfelt and beautiful.
Reflecting on this later that night, I was reminded of the many times over the last
year when I have seen so many other hands doing simple things, yet accomplishing
much. The volunteers from the Greater Greensboro Builders’ Association preparing
Amy’s House, the day care staff playing with the children in Joey’s Room, the volunteers from Westover Church teaching the residents in the maternity home how to
make scrapbooks . . . the list could go on and on. Hundreds of people in our
community have wrought a very busy and productive year.
Making the Love and Mercy of Jesus present and real to some of the most vulnerable
of our society--homeless women and children--requires our hearts and minds, our
gifts of commitment and often, our sacrifices. But thanks to the innocent mealtime
prayer of a pregnant teenager girl, I was happy to remember that it starts with the
In Christ,
Marylou Rice
O. Albert Hodges
O. Albert Hodges
President / CEO
A Reason for Joy
Agency Overview
completed and the Mary
Corinne Nussbaum Home
for single mothers was
opened. The only licensed
maternity home in Guilford County, the facility is
licensed to accommodate
six pregnant women and
their children.
Z The Mary Corinne Nussbaum Maternity Home, 734 Park Avenue.
oom At The Inn of the
Triad, Inc. is an unique,
comprehensive program
helping homeless, single,
pregnant women (with
or without previous children), not only during
their pregnancies but also
after the birth of their
babies. By providing shelter, food, clothing, case
management, in house
day care, transportation
life skills education and
counseling in a structured
environment, we help
these families have new
lives of healthy, hope-
filled self sufficiency.
Room At The Inn, Inc.
was established in 1994
in Charlotte, North Carolina, by Father Conrad
Kimbrough and Albert
Hodges. In June of 1999,
Room At the Inn of the
Triad, Inc. was incorporated to bring this vital
work to the Triad.
In May of 2001, the renovations on the original
Sternberger Mansion
located in the Aycock
Historical District were
Agency Overview
Since then, the agency
has grown and other programs have been added
to meet the needs of our
clients. These include: The
Donald L. Dixon Self Sufficiency Program (2001);
Joey’s Room, our (Five
Star) licensed Child Development Program (2002);
our Maternal, Infant and
Child Health Care Program
(2004); Amy’s House
(2004); and our newest
project The Back Yard Ministry Home in Kernersville,
North Carolina (2005).
With an all-volunteer
Board of Directors, Room
At The Inn of the Triad is
a nonprofit corporation
with a 501 © 3 status with
the IRS. A nondenominational organization, Room
At The Inn of the Triad is
not affiliated with any one
church or agency.
Room At The Inn of the Triad welcomes all people of
faith and goodwill to join
us in serving single, pregnant women and single
mothers with children regardless of their economic, social, religious, racial
or ethnic backgrounds.
Carolina Pregnancy Care
Greensboro Housing
Greensboro Merchants
NC Network for Non-Profits
National Conference for
Community and Justice
Homeless Prevention
Coalition of Guilford County
Guilford Coalition on
Adolescent Pregnancy
Guilford County Substance
Abuse Coalition
Program Services Overview
ransitioning from dependency and hopelessness is
a difficult process for anyone, especially for someone about to become a
new mother. Room At
The Inn of the Triad offers a variety of programs
designed to help these
young women develop
the skills, attitudes and
habits necessary to successfully meet their own
goals and aspirations.
The Mary C. Nussbaum
Maternity Home: Licensed by the Department
of Health and Human
Services of the state of
North Carolina (Division of
Social Services) to provide
maternity care, the Mary
C. Nussbaum Home provides shelter, food, clothing, transportation, case
management, life skills
education and counseling
in a structured environment.
Joey’s Room: Licensed
by the Department of
Health and Human Services of the state of North
Carolina (Division of Child
Development) to provide
child care, Joey’s Room
provides quality child development services for
children born in our maternity home program
and their siblings while
their mothers attend job
training or educational
programs. Parent education, individual consultations and parental support
meetings are provided by
our child development
staff. Joey’s Room has a
Five Star rating.
Maternal, Child and Infant Health Care Program: To insure the wellbeing of our clients, we
provide Parent, Health and
Nutrition Education, adoption counseling and support, case management
and counseling. Transportation is provided
to medical, dental,
and counseling appointments and to
twelve-step program meetings.
and Life Skills Education
in Career Development,
Budgeting, Tenant Rights
and Responsibilities, Basic Auto Repair and Time
Management are provided
on-site. Transportation is
provided to school, job
training programs and to
The Aftercare Program:
Continuing care is available to a client for up to
five years
after the
birth of her child. That
care includes financial
and material assistance,
case management, goal
counseling and peer support groups.
The Amy Elizabeth Disney Home and The Back
Yard Ministry Home:
These homes are subsidized housing for single
mothers and children.
Scholarships and support
services will be available
to those enrolled full-time
in vocational/educational
The Donald L.
Dixon Self Sufficiency Program:
Case management,
goal counseling
Program Services Overview
The Mary C. Nussbaum
Maternity Home
Yours Are The Hands That Shelter & Feed My Children
Annyia’s Story
Every resident has a story that is both similar and yet unique.
We offer programs that provide the support and services that
will fit the specific needs of each individual resident. When
Annyia graduated from our Mary C. Nussbaum program,
she gave us this beautiful note:
“What I liked most about this program is the support that you
are given here. The least thing that I like NOTHING. When
you first come into the program, you don’t understand how
the rules will help you in the long run. You see all the
results when its time to leave and you are packing all your
things. You begin to notice all the things that you’ve learned,
and all the things that you’ve changed. Its exciting knowing
that you came in messed up and now its time to go out
into the world as a new person with a new mind!
Thank you RATIT.”
North Carolina, state licensed Maternity Home providing:
• Shelter (2,583 nights)
• Food (7,749 meals)
• Material Needs
• Case Management/Counseling (245 sessions)
•Life Skills Education (67 classes offered) in Parenting,
Childbirth, Anger/Stress Management, CPR/First Aid,
Nutrition, Adoption, Family Planning, Dental Hygiene,
Personal Hygiene; and addressing Prenatal, Medical and
Dental needs, Mentoring and Spiritual Development
•Transportation (419 Health Related Trips) (857 Self
Sufficiency/School/Job Training Transportation Trips)
(Statistics Provided for the last fiscal year)
The Mary C. Nussbaum Maternity Home
We wish to thank those agencies, foundations and businesses
who make this program possible with their partial funding:
• The City of Greensboro
• The Pratt Family Fund
• The Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro
Joey’s Room
Our five star daycare
Yours Are The Hands That Share My Love
North Carolina, state licensed, Five Star, day care providing
developmental and educational programs for the children
of families who are enrolled in our programs and who
are participating in full time educational and job training
In Joey’s Room, the Child Development Program of Room
At The Inn of the Triad, children like Randall, Jr. and Gabriel
enjoy making decisions: what juice to have for snack time,
which cuddly animal to take to bed at nap time and which
book to enjoy at story time.
Each child is given individual attention that allows him/her
to grow and learn. The mothers are grateful that the
same loving arms which welcomed them into the Mary C.
Nussbaum Maternity Home when they were pregnant and
alone, are also the same arms holding and nurturing their
children. The mothers can work toward completing their
college education with the peace of mind that comes from
knowing your child is in a program of excellence.
Partial Funding for Joey’s Room was made possible by:
• Kiwanis foundation
Joey’s Room
Maternal, Infant and Child
Healthcare Program
Yours Are The Hands That Counsel My Children.
oom At The Inn of the Triad works with local physicians,
mental health counselors, dentists and substance abuse
programs to deliver health care services and life skills
education to our residents, before and after the birth of
their children.
better now--because of Room At The Inn of the Triad and
the many programs provided for her and Mischa.
Michelle’s Story
Michelle knows all too well that life can be full of decisions
that we regret. She was once a serious drug abuser. Michelle learned to meet the challenges of sobriety before
she entered our agency’s programs.
Now, Michelle maintains her healthy life-style through
prayer, determination and by embracing programs that
support her continued recovery. Focusing on her health
and the goals that she has set for her life with her daughter, Mischa, Michelle is a Sophomore enrolled at Guilford
Technical Community College.
Nurturing Mischa, earning a living, and working toward a degree in Counseling and Social Work require good attitudes
and healthy habits. Michelle understands this and admits
that even though some days are still difficult, her life is far
Maternal, Infant and Child Healthcare Program
Partial funding of this program
was provided by The Moses
Cone-Wesley Long Community
Health Foundation (CHIF).
The Donald L. Dixon
Self Sufficiency Program
Yours Are The Hands That Bring Wisdom to My Children
An Educational Program designed to create job skills, secure
employment and develop basic life skills that support an
independent life-style by providing:
• Case Management
• Transportation to educational/job training classes
• Goal Counseling
• Tutoring
• Financial and Material Support
• Life Skills Education in Budgeting, Money Management,
Job Skills, Job Interview Skills, Behavior Management,
Housekeeping, Housing & Tenant Rights and Personal
Leah moved from her dorm into an apartment with her
boyfriend. Leah still ponders the question about some of
the choices she made:
“I don’t know why I made some of the decisions that brought
me here but I thank God everyday that he gave me the
help that I needed by bringing me to Room At The Inn.
Its very humbling. I’ve leaned so much about myself. I’m
more focused, I am able to concentrate on my studies, my
dreams haven’t been deferred but now encompass more
than I ever thought possible for myself.”
Leah’s Story
Because Leah was on bed rest due to complications during
her pregnancy, she enjoyed the Life Skills classes probably
more than many of the other residents. There was a lot
of self discipline learned both in the classes and just living
in the very structured environment within the home. Leah
attributes her new sense of motivation to the community
environment within each program.
“Everyone is there for you: to share their love; to support you
through your grief; and to encourage you--everyone--from
the other residents to the staff and the Life Skills teachers-it was like family . . . now I’m proud of myself and
where I’m going. I wouldn’t change anything. I love my son
Gabriel. I know that God has something great planned for
me and I have to give credit to Room At The Inn for giving
that back to me. ”
A Senior Honor Student at Bennett College and a member
of the Executive Board of the Senior Class, Leah smiles
openly when she talks about her life, her son, Gabriel,
and her association with Room At The Inn of the Triad.
Candidly speaking, Leah states that she is finally becoming
the adult that she tried so hard to be when her father, who
was paying for her college education, died. That is when
Partial funding of this program was
provided by American Express and
Cemala Foundations
The Donald L. Dixon Self Sufficiency Program
The Aftercare Program
Yours Are The Hands That Continue to Nurture My Family
he Aftercare Program of Room At The Inn of the Triad continues its case management work with former residents, up
to five years following the birth of their children. Former residents can participate in quarterly support groups and goal
counseling and receive financial and material assistance.
Blaine’s Story
graduate with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology.
In the Spring, Blaine plans to apply to Wake Forest University’s Bowman Gray School of Medicine for acceptance in
the Post-Baccalaureate Program. With all her successes,
Blaine never brags, she simply says:
“I believe that every success that I have achieved is due to
God’s goodness. He blessed my life with Room At The Inn
and I give Him the glory.”
Blaine says that she admires the people who support Room
At The Inn of The Triad because they make a difference in
the lives of their community members and that is also the
reason she wants to be a Doctor. Blaine wants to make a
difference in people’s lives.
Blaine had just been accepted into a Pre-Med Program
at East Carolina University when she found out that she
was pregnant. She had been mentored early in life by an
uncle who taught her the value of hard work and a good
education. Even though Blaine was used to working and
studying diligently, it became very clear that entering the
ECU’s program would not be possible at that time.
While at Room At The Inn of the Triad, Blaine worked two
jobs and continued her education at North Carolina State
A & T University. She had her beautiful son, Randall, Jr.,
and continued with her studies. In December, Blaine will
The Aftercare Program
The Amy Elizabeth Disney House
and The Back Yard Ministry Home
Z The Amy Elizabeth Disney House
he Amy Elizabeth Disney House in Greensboro and The
Back Yard Ministry Home in Kernersville are both part of
Room At The Inn of the Triad’s Subsidized Housing Program
for single mothers who have graduated from the Mary C.
Nussbaum Maternity Home program and who are enrolled
full time in educational and/or vocational programs. Amy’s
House and The Back Yard Ministry Home provides:
• Shelter
• Day Care in Joey’s Room
• Case Management
• Financial and Material Support
The Amy Elizabeth Disney House opened May 21, 2005,
after over a year of renovations donated by the volunteers
of the Greater Greensboro Builders Association and their
Remodelors Council. The home can house up to four
mothers and four children at one time. Through June 30th,
2005, the facility provided 206 nights of shelter.
Z The Back Yard Ministry Home
The Back Yard Ministry Home was purchased by Cherry
Street United Methodist Church of Kernersville and renovated by church volunteers. Cherry Street UMC has donated
the use of the home to Room At The Inn of the Triad as
subsidized housing for Aftercare families. The home opened
in late September and can house up to two mothers and
two children. Additionally, the upstairs will be renovated for
offices for Room At The Inn of the Triad.
The Amy Elizabeth Disney House
Key Program Staff
Penny DeLoca is our Case
Supervisor. Penny graduated
from Northern Illinois University with a Master’s Degree in
Instruction Technology and
from New York University with
a Master’s Degree in Physical
Education. Prior to her employment with Room At The Inn of
the Triad, Penny worked as a
teacher in the Guilford County
Public School System and as
Chaplain at Mary’s House.
Leah Whaley-Holmes is our
House Manager and provides
our maternity home staff
and residents with support
and supervision. A graduate
of the Mary C. Nussbaum
Maternity Program, Leah is
currently attending Bennett
College for Women and will
graduate in May of 2006.
Rebecca Leslie, Child Development
Director, supervises our daycare staff,
oversees the daycare operations and
does case management with the
parents of the children who attend
Joey’s Room. Prior to her employment with Room At The Inn of the
Triad, Rebecca worked at Friendly
Avenue Christian School. Rebecca
graduated from the University of
North Carolina at Greensboro with a
Bachelors Degree in Human Development and Family Studies.
Life Skills Instructors Building Proficiency
Rebecca S. Austin, LPC,
NCC, is a graduate of Appalachian State University with
a Master of Arts in Mental
Health Counseling. Rebecca
is a therapist with the Ringer
Center in Greensboro.
Franklin Bowman is the
Youth Pastor at Apple’s Chapel
Christian Church in Gibsonville,
Franklin was named Room At
The Inn of the Triad’s Volunteer
of the Year in 2003.
Shelia M. Dalcoe is a
Family and Consumer Educator with NC Cooperative Extension Service in Greensboro.
Shelia received a Bachelor’s
Degree in Home Economics
from NC Central University
and a Master’s Degree from
Iowa State University in Textiles
and Clothing.
Helen Faircloth, R.N.,
graduated with an A. A .S. in
Nursing from Guilford Technical Community College. A
nurse for over twenty years,
Helen is a critical care nurse at
Moses Cone Hospital.
Jennifer Lineberry
received her Bachelor’s of
Science degree from the
University of North Carolina at
Greensboro and a Master’s of
Science in Nursing from the
University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill. Jennifer is a
Nurse Practitioner with a local
Larry and Sally Harris
are CPR and First Aid Instructors with the American Red
Cross, the American Heart
Association, the National Safety
Council and NC Department
of Human Resources. They
served as EMT Coordinators for
Guilford Technical Community
College and each as taught
CPR and First Aid for over four
Gloria Sides Russ received her A. A. S. in Medical
Assisting from Guilford Technical Community College.
Gloria is a Nutrition Program
Assistant with the N C State
University Cooperative Extension Program.
A. Claire Wilson, DDS,
graduated from the University
of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill, School of Dentistry. Dr.
Wilson operates her own
dental practice in High Point
and previously served on the
Guilford County Board of
Diane McCutcheon
graduated from Marshall
University with a Master’s
Degree in Counseling Skills.
Diane is our agency Health
Educator and has over twenty
years of work experience in
community mental health,
inpatient psychiatry and special
Grey Moulton graduated
from the University of North
Carolina at Greensboro with
a Bachelor’s of Arts Degree
in Psychology and from Appalachian State University with
a Master’s Degree in Marriage
and Family Therapy. As a NC
licensed Marriage and Family
Therapist, Gray works for Family Services, Inc. in the Pregnancy/Adoption Program.
Chelsea Praylor graduated from the University of
North Carolina at Greensboro
with a Bachelor’s of Science
Degree in Child Development
and Family Relations and from
North Carolina A & T University with a Master’s Degree in
Adult Education. A former
social worker with the Guilford
County Department of Social
Services, Chelsea is a Training
Coordinator at United Child
Development Services.
Barbara C. Strong graduated from N C A & T University
with a Bachelor’s Degree in
Home Economics Education.
Barbara is a Family Education
Assistant II with the N C State
University Cooperative Extension Service with responsibilities in Maternal/Infant/Child
Nutrition, Parenting and Family
Consumer Economics.
Sgt. Anne Gregory is the Director of Community Affairs for the Greensboro Police
Department. She received a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology from North Carolina
Central University and a Master’s Degree from A & T State University.
Collaborative Efforts
Collaborative efforts with many
agencies and businesses insure
that our clients receive safe
housing, appropriate heath care,
and counseling.
Homeless Prevention Group
(Over 30 members including
Mary’s House, The Salvation
Army, Urban Ministries, etc.)
Central Carolina OB/GYN
Guilford County Women’s Health
Guilford Psychiatric Association
HealthServe Ministry
Dr. Vieta Bland, MD
The Ringer Center
Dr. Joseph Narins, MD
Children’s Home Society
Catholic Social Services
Christian Adoption Services
Family Services, Inc.
Business and Foundations
A Bud Wallace Corporation, Inc.
Accent on Success, Inc.
AIG United Guaranty
Acorn Construction, Inc.
Air Comfort Company, Inc.
Allen Gray Partnership
Alton-Bell Contracting, Inc.
American Built by S J Mitchell
American Express Foundation
American International Group, Inc.
AmosCustom Homes, Inc.
Analog Devices
Asphalt Paving Co.
Associated Sprinkler Systems
AXA Foundation
Bank of America
Bank of Oak Ridge
Barker Kitchen and Bath
Berico Fuels, Inc.
Blue Ridge Builders of Summerfield, Inc.
Booe Building and Remodeling
Brian Watts Construction
Brown Investment Properties
Bryan Human Services Fund
Butler’s Electric Supply
Canaday Custom Homes, Inc.
Cannon Foundation
Capps Home Building Center, Inc.
Carolina Holdings, Inc.
Carolina Kitchen & Bath
Carpet SuperMart
Carson Family Foundation
Cemala Foundation
Central Carolina Bank
Charles Barham Drywall
Cherokee Sanford Brick
Chrismon Heating and Colling, Inc.
Christian Adoption Services
Clearwater Construction
Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro
Community Foundation of Western North Carolina
Community Health Improvement Foundation
Conex Forest Products
Crown Dodge
Cox Flooring
D’Amelio Law Firm
Danbee Aerospace, Inc.
Daniel A. Cowett Home Builder
DARI (Division of DH Griffin Wrecking Co.)
DBJ Corporation
DeSales Trading Company, Inc.
Design Build Services
Digital High Point
Disney Construction Company, Inc.
DoubleHung (David Hoggard)
Duke Power
Dynegy Operating Company
Ecolab Foundation
Faith Matters Inc.
Family Services
First Union Bank
Fleming Engineering, Inc.
Ferguson Enterprises, Inc.
Foot Covers, Inc.
Gallimore Builders
Gallman Sales
Gary Jobe Builder, Inc.
General Shale Brick
Greater Greensboro Builders’ Association
GGBA Remodelors Council
Greensboro Kiwanis Foundation
Greensboro Pregnancy Care Center
Guilford Builders Supply
Healthy Homes, Inc.
Hedgecock Lumber Company, Inc.
Heritage Building & Construction
Home Restore, Inc.
Imagine Tile and Stone
Kanoy Grading
Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust
Kathleen & Joseph Bryan Human Services Fund
Kitchens by Connie, Inc.
Lemon’s Glass & Mirror, Inc.
Leon Wood General Contractor, Inc.
Liberty Hardware
Lowdermilk Electric Co.
Lowes Home Improvement
Marion Tile & Flooring
Martin’s Painting Company
Marshall Concrete Products of Danville
My Dream Kitchen by Koehler
New Home Building Supply
New South Federal
Nussbaum Family Fund
Oakhurst Textiles
Orndorff Construction
Pable Benavives Masonry
Partnership for Children
Pegram-West, Inc.
Pest Management Systems
Pete Wall Plumbing
PIP Printing of Greensboro
Quality Custom Construction
R & J Services
Republic Waste
Rickard Construction Co. Inc.
Ridenhour & Company, Inc.
Ridgewood of Greensboro LLC
Sara Lee
Senn Dunn Marsh &Roland, LLC
Sears Appliances
Southern Foods, Inc.
SSI Design Group, Inc.
Stein Mart
Stephen Batts Builder
Stockhausen, Inc.
Sun Trust
The Cordell Group
The Moses Cone-Wesley Long Community
Health Foundation
The Pratt Family Foundation, Inc.
The Roofing Crew
The Sevant Center, Inc.
The Servant Garden Ministry
TIMCO Aviation
Tim Williamson Painting
Tony Clayton Plumbing
Town & Country Restoration
United Guaranty
United Way of Greater Greensboro
Wholesale Builders’ Supply, Inc.
World Aircraft Accessories
Wright Architecture PA
Collaborative Efforts / Business and Foundations
The Community of Faithful
Supporting our Ministry
Z C hurch Members share their love and give both their
encouragement and financial support at the Annual FundRaising Banquet.
Annie Rae Moore Circle-First Lutheran Church
Apple’s Chapel Christian
Asbury United Methodist
Bethlehem United Methodist
Bishop Greco Columbiettes #9499
Bishop McGuinness High School
Calvary Assembly of God
Calvary Baptist of McLeansville
Carraway United Methodist
Catholic Daughters of America
Celia Phelps United Methodist
Centenary United Methodist
Christ Community Church
Christ United Methodist
Church of the Holy Cross
Community Lutheran
Covenant United Methodist
Covenant Fellowship
Deep River Friends
Emmanuel Lutheran
East White Oak Missionary Baptist
Episcopal Church of the Holy Spirit
Evangel Fellowship
Faith Presbyterian
First Baptist
First Church of Brethren
First Lutheran
First Moravian Church
First Presbyterian
The Franciscan Center
Friendly Hills PCA
Friendly Hills Presbyterian
Gate City Vineyard Christian Fellowship
Grace Community Church
Grace Lutheran
Gramercy Park Women’s Club
Guilford Baptist
Guilford College United Methodist
Guilford Park Presbyterian
Hickory Grove United Methodist
Holy Cross Catholic
Holy Cross Columbiettes
Holy Family Catholic
Holy Infant aCatholic
Hunter Hills Baptist
Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic
Irving Park United Methodist
King Christian Center
Knights Hospitaller Foundation
Knights of Columbus --#939, #4507, #8509
Ladies Auxiliary of the Knights of Columbus
Lawndale Baptist
Life Community Church of Hunter Hills
Lutheran Church of Our Father
Muirs Chapel United Methodist
The Community of Faithful
Mount Pisgah United Methodist
Mount Zion Baptist
Oak Ridge United Methodist
Our Lady of Grace Catholic
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic
Pleasant Garden Baptist
Presbyterian Church of the Cross
Reedy Fork Baptist
Rehobeth United Methodist
Sedgefield Presbyterian
Sandy Ridge United Methodist
Sharpe Road Baptist
Smith Grove Baptist
Saint Francis Episcopal
Saint James Baptist
Saint John’s United Methodist
Saint Joseph’s Catholic
Saint Mary’s Catholic
Saint Paul the Apostle Catholic
Saint Pius X Catholic
Sarah’s Circle--Guilford College
United Methodist
Sigma Alpha Omega
Stella Maris Catholic
Stokesdale United Methodist
Summerfield United Methodist
Westover Church
Room At The Inn of the Triad,
Inc. wishes to thank
PIP Printing of Greensboro
Patty Williams Photography
Timothy R. O’Brien Photography
for their assistance with our Annual Report
Operating Budget
Fiscal Year July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005
Salaries and Benefits
Salaries............................................................................. 281,103
FICA/Unemployment.................................................. 25,023
Benefits............................................................................ 13,130
Workman’s Comp......................................................... 5,632
Total Salaries/Taxes and Benefits.................. 324,887
Program Operations
(Salary and Benefit Expenses Not Included)
Mary C. Nussbaum Maternity Home
Mortgage............................................................................ 36,072
Property Insurance.............................................................4,653
Utilities................................................................................... 9,000
Maintenance........................................................................ 4,800
Capital Improvements....................................................... 7,200
Food/Household Supplies...........................................16,800
Phone..................................................................................... 2,040
Amy E. Disney House (Subsidized Housing)
Property Insurance.............................................................1,647
Utilities................................................................................... 8,400
House Maintenance......................................................... 2,400
Total............................................................................. 36,267
Back Yard Ministry of Cherry Street UMC
(Subsidized Housing)
Utilities................................................................................... 4,800
House Maintenance......................................................... 2,400
Total................................................................................ 7,200
Clients’ Assistance..............................................................5,720
Total Program Operations..........................................144,992
Administrative and Fund-Raising Operation
Administrative and General
General Liability...................................................................7,962
D & O Insurance................................................................1,131
Staff Development and Training...............................12,100
Independent Audit............................................................4,200
Office Rent............................................................................1,580
Phone/Fax............................................................................ 1,968
Agency Car/Maintenance/Gas.......................................6,163
Administrative Printing/Postage.................................... 8,400
Office/Computer Supplies..............................................2,700
Collaboration Dues............................................................... 600
Website...................................................................................... 300
Total............................................................................. 55,304
Golf Tournament................................................................ 9,000
Walk-A-Thon......................................................................... 2,000
Newsletter/Direct Mail..................................................... 4,000
Total............................................................................. 32,500
Total Administrative and Fund-Raising...... 87,804
New Project
Joey’s Room (Child Development Program)
Food/Childcare Supplies..................................................1,200
Room At The Inn of the Lowcountry
(Start Up Expenses)........................................................ 35,101
Maternal, Infant and Child Healthcare Program
Program Travel (client).................................................... 3,000
Program Supplies...............................................................4,200
Total................................................................................ 7,710
Total Operating Budget..................................610,419
Donald L. Dixon Self Sufficiency Program
Program Travel (client).................................................... 2,400
Program Supplies.............................................................. 2,400
Bookkeeping services provided by Williams, Overman and
Pierce, LLP.
An audit of our financial statements is conducted annually
by the certified accounting firm of :
Costello, Hill and Company, LLP.
Copies are available upon request.
Mailing Address: Post Office Box 29584
Greensboro, NC 27429-9584
Office: (336) 275-0206
Fax: (336) 275-9522
Website: RATIT.ORG
The Mary Corinne Nussbaum
Maternity Home
734 Park Avenue
Greensboro, NC 27405
Program Services: (336) 275-9566
Joey’s Room: (336) 235-2479