2014 Resource Directory - Tuscaloosa Mental Health Alliance
2014 Resource Directory - Tuscaloosa Mental Health Alliance
Tuscaloosa Mental Health Alliance proudly compiled this directory in service to all professionals dedicated to caring for those facing mental illness and for consumers deserving the best in advocacy and services. This directory is intended to provide information for individuals, families and service agency representatives to find information, resources and services that may be needed. TMHA makes no claims as to the quality of care, treatment or other services provided by the organizations or individuals listed herein, nor does inclusion in this directory indicate an endorsement of their policies or practices. Tuscaloosa Alianza para la Salud Mental orgullo compilado este directorio en el servicio a todos los profesionales dedicados al cuidado de los condenados a la enfermedad mental y los consumidores merecen lo mejor en defensa y servicios. Este directorio está diseñado para proporcionar información a las personas, familias y representantes de agencias de servicios para encontrar información, recursos y servicios que puedan ser necesarios. TMHA no hace ninguna afirmación en cuanto a la calidad de la atención, tratamiento u otros servicios prestados por las organizaciones o personas que aparecen en este documento, ni su inclusión en este directorio indican un respaldo a sus políticas o prácticas. A – Emergency Services in English A2 – A4 A - Servicios para emergencias en Espanol A5 – A7 A-1 Emergency Services For Emergencies Dial 911 Crisis Line(s) Suicide National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-784-2433 1-800-Suicide) National Suicide Prevention 1-800-273-8255 (1-800-273-TALK) Indian Rivers Mental Health Crisis Response Team 205-391-3131 Amedisys Home Health Care 205-752-0606 Law Enforcement Agencies Tuscaloosa Police Department 205-349-2121 Northport Police Department 205-339-6600 Tuscaloosa County Sheriff’s Department 205-752-0616 University Police Department 205-348-5454 Hospitals and Medical Clinics DCH Regional Medical Center 205-759-7111 DCH Regional Medical Center Outpatient 205-759-7334 Northport Medical Center 205-333-4500 North Harbor Pavilion 205-330-3000 Veterans Affairs Hospital 205-554-2000 University Medical Center 205-348-1770 Whatley Health Services, Inc. 205-758-6647 Bryce Hospital 205-759-0799 Mary Starke Harper Geriatric Facility 205-759-0900 Tuscaloosa County Health Department 205-562-6900 Fire Departments Tuscaloosa Fire Department 205-349-1100 Northport Fire Department 205-339-7100 Ambulance Services Life Care 205-330-1762 Northstar Paramedic Services 205-345-0911 Rural Metro Ambulance 205-752-5411 Other Emergency Services American Red Cross 205-758-3608 1-800-516-3387 A-2 Bradford Health Services Crisis Response Salvation Army Legal Services Corp. of Alabama, Tuscaloosa 205-750-0227 1-800-891-9673 205-553-1601 205-758-7503 1-800-403-4892 205-349-0150 (24 Hrs) 205-349-2121 205-554-1100 205-758-5535 205-759-8470 1-800-722-2437 Emergency Management Agency Department of Human Resources Temporary Emergency Services West Alabama Aids Outreach Hot Lines Abortion Alcohol Abuse, 24 hr Addiction Info & Treatment Alcohol & Drug Helpline Alcohol Treatment and Referrals Alcohol and Drug – National Clearinghouse info Alcohol Treatment – Indian Rivers MHC AL Attorney General’s Consumer Affairs Div. Victims Unit Alabama Bureau of Investigation Hotline Alabama Commission on Aging Alabama State Bar Volunteer Lawyers Program American Cancer Society (National) American Heart Association (National) American Lung Assoc. 900 18th St., B’ham 35205 Assisted Living Complaint Hotline Autism Society of America Autism Society of Alabama Cancer Information Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Infoline Child Abuse National Hotline Downs Syndrome Depression & Bipolar Support Alliance Elder Care – nursing, hospitals, hospice Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Medigap Hotline (Medicare) A-3 1-800-772-9100 1-800-236-9270 1-800-572-5766 1-800-662-4357 1-800-729-6686 205-391-3131 1-800-392-5658 1-800-626-7676 1-800-392-8011 1-800-243-5463 1-888-857-8571 1-800-227-2345 1-800-242-8721 1-800-586-4872 1-866-873-0366 1-800-328-8476 1-877-4Autism (1-877-428-8476) 1-800-422-6237 1-800-232-4636 1-800-422-4453 1-800-221-4602 1-800-826-3632 1-800-356-9596 1-800-223-1138 1-800-Medicare (1-800-633-4227) National AIDS Hotline National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI - Alabama) National Cancer Institute National Coalition for Homeless Veterans National Domestic Violence Hotline National Drug Information Treatment and Referral Hotline (Drug or Alcohol) 1-800-342-2437 1-800-626-4199 1-800-422-6237 1-800-838-4357 1-800-799-7233 Mental Health America National Runaway Safeline/Switchboard National STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) Organ Donations Alabama Organ Center Poison Control Center – Birmingham Poison Control Center – Tuscaloosa Poison Prevention – Birmingham Product Safety (US Hotline) Second Surgical Opinion (Medicare Hotline) Sports and Fitness (Women’s Sports Foundation) Venereal Disease Victims of Crime & Leniency (night number) A-4 1-800-662-Help (1-800-662-4357) 1-800-969-6642 1-800-RUNAWAY (1-800-786-2929) 1-800-227-8922 1-800-528-2971 1-800-252-3677 1-800-292-6678 205-345-0600 1-800-292-6678 1-800-638-2772 1-800-Medicare 1-800-227-3988 1-800-227-8922 1-800-239-3219 Servicios para emergencias Para Emergencias, marca 911 Dial 911 Líneas para una crisis Suicidio Indian Rivers Respuesta a una Crisis de Salud Mental Amedisys Cuidado en el Hogar Policía Policía en Tuscaloosa Policía en Northport Condado de Tuscaloosa- Departamento de sheriff Departamento de Policía-Universidad Hospitales y Clínicas medicas DCH Centro Médico DCH Centro Medico para pacientes externas Centro Médico en Northport Hospital para veteranos Centro Médico en la Universidad Whatley Servicios de Salud Bryce Hospital (Hospital psiquiatrico) Mary Starke Harper Servicios Geriátricos Departamento de Salud para el Condado Departmentos para Fuegos El Departamento para Fuegos en Tuscaloosa El Departamento para Fuegos en Northport Servicios para Ambulancias Respuesta Médica Americana Servicio Life Care Servicios North Star Programas para Emergencias en Drogas/ Alcohol Otros Servicios para Emergencias La Cruz Roja Americana 1-800-784-2433 1-800-Suicide 1-800-442-4673 (1-800-442-Hope) 205-345-1600 205-752-0606 205-349-2121 205-339-6600 205-752-0616 205-348-5454 205-759-7111 205-759-7334 205-333-4300 205-554-2000 205-348-1770 205-758-6647 205-759-0799 205-759-0900 205-345-4131 205-349-1100 205-339-7100 205-759-4443 205-330-1762 205-345-0911 1-800-378-4435 205-758-3608 1-800-516-3387 El Ejército de Salvación 205-758-2804 La Corporación de Servicios Legales de Alabama 205-758-7503 Agencia para el Manejo de Emergencias 205-349-0150 (24 Horas) 205-349-2121 Departmento de Recursos Humanos 205-554-1100 A -5 Teléfonos Importantes Aborto SIDA (Servicio Publico de EEUU) Alcohol Telefono Centro para el Abuso del Alcohol Abuso de alcohol, 24 hora información para adicción Alcohol/ Drogas teléfono nacional Tratamiento del Alcohol – Indian Rivers AL Abogado General Divicion de asuntos del Consumidor Sociedad Americana de Cáncer (Nacional) Asociación Nacional para Corazones Asociación de Pulmones 900 18th St., B’ham 35205 Telefono para Quejar/reportar (para ancianos que viven con asistencia) Autismo Información para Cáncer Centros para el control de enfermedades Abuso de Niños Teléfono Nacional Linea para una Crisis (Lee la página arriba) El sindrome de Down Alianza para Depresión y Bipolar Cuidar de los Ancianos-hospitales, enfermeras, hospice Diabetes en Jóvenes Medigap Teléfono (Medicare) Venta a los Jovenes Teléfono (Cigarillos, etc.) Alianza Nacional para los Enfermos en la Mente Instituto Nacional de Información para Cáncer Violencia Doméstica Nacional Información y Tratamiento Nacional para Drogas (y alcohol) A -6 1-800-772-9100 1-800-342-2437 1-800-236-9270 1-800-236-9270 1-800-729-6686 1-800-572-5766 205-562-3700 1-800-392-5658 1-800-227-2345 1-800-242-8721 1-800-586-4872 1-866-855-1913 1-800-328-8476 1-800-422-6237 1-800-232-4636 1-800-422-4453 1-800-221-4602 1-800-826-3632 1-800-356-9596 1-800-223-1138 1-800-Medicare 1-800-633-4227 1-800-392-8011 1-800-629-4699 1-800-422-6237 1-800-799-7233 1-800-662- Help 1-800-662-4357 Asociación Nacional de Salud Mental Teléfono para Fugitivos Enfermedades Sexuales Teléfono Para dar órganos Centro de Controlar Veneno – Birmingham Prevenir el Veneno – Birmingham Seguridad de Productos Salvar-unA-Vida (para mujeres embarazadas) Segunda Opinión Médica (Medicare Teléfono) Deportes y Salud (Fundación de Deportes para Mujeres) Amor Duro Internacional (para padres) Enfermedades venéreas A-7 1-800-969-6642 1-800-621-4000 1-800-227-8922 1-800-528-2971 1-800-292-6678 1-800-292-6678 1-800-638-2772 205-758-5433 1-800-Medicare 1-800-227-3988 1-800-333-1069 1-800-227-8922 B - Community Mental Health Services Servicios Para la Salud Mental Ability Alliance of West Alabama (AAWA) 205/333-1577 Advocacy Program Alabama Department of Mental Health 205/759-0771 Alabama Department of Mental Health Office of Consumer Relations 334/242-3456 Arc of Tuscaloosa 205/556-4900 Bryce Hospital 205/759-0799 Compassion Coalition of Tuscaloosa County 205/349-2797 Family Counseling Service of Tuscaloosa County 205/752-2504 Indian Rivers Mental Health Center 205/391-3131 NAMI-Tuscaloosa 205/752-5774 NAMI-University of Alabama 205/348-5083 North Harbor Pavilion (DCH) 205/330-3000 Psychology Clinic University of Alabama 205/348-5000 Region II Community Services, ADMH Developmental Disabilities Division 205/247-3156 Tuscaloosa Veterans Affairs Medical Center 205/554-2000 Mental Health Department x 2560 County listing of Community Mental Health Centers B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-8 B-9 B-10 B-11 B-12 B-13 B-14 B-15 B-16 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Nombre de Agencia: Ability Alliance of West Alabama Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Vicki Hicks Turnage Referral Contact: Alabama Department of Mental Health Call Center 1-800-361-4491 Or Intake: 205-333-1577 Ext. 206 Street Address: Telephone Number: 1002 McFarland Blvd Suite K Northport, Al. 35476 1002 McFarland Blvd Suite K Northport, Al. 35476 205-333-1577 Fax Number: 205-333-2904 Contacto: Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: Dirección (para el correo): Teléfono: Número para facsímil: Email Address/Web Site/Links: www.abilityalliance.info aawa@abilityalliance.info Hours of Operation: 8:00-5:00 Monday-Friday Description of Services: Single Point of Entry into Alabama Department of Mental Health’s Division of Developmental Disabilities Case Management Services for individuals with intellectual Disabilities Enrollment and on-going monitoring of Medicaid Waiver Services for individuals with Intellectual Disabilities Provision of Crisis Stabilization services for individual who receive Medicaid Waiver Services Together We Ride Transportation Program Bibb, Pickens, Tuscaloosa Some services may be available to individuals in other Northwest and West Alabama counties. Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Horas de Operación: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Lugar de servicios: B-2 Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Transportation Availability: Case management and waiver services Eligibility: Medicaid Eligibility Diagnosis of an Intellectual Disability as determined by the Department of Mental Health Together We Ride Eligibility: Diagnosis of a disability occurring prior to the age of 22 Low income Taxi Service: $2.00 per ride Together We Ride Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Categorías de servicios: Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities from ages 3 through adulthood B-2 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Nombre de Agencia: Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Referral Contact: Contacto: Street Address: Dirección (de la calle): Advocacy Program Alabama Department of Mental Health Glenda Lee, Advocate 205-759-0771 Sandy Henry, Advocate 205-759-0771 Marilyn Eaton, Advocate 205-759-0771 200 University Blvd. Tuscaloosa, AL Mailing Address: 200 University Blvd. Tuscaloosa, AL Telephone Number: 1-800/367-0955 (24 hours) Dirección (para el correo): Teléfono: Fax Number: Número para facsímil: Email Address/Web Site/Links: www.glenda.lee@bryce.mh.alabama.gov Hours of Operation: 8:30-5:00 Monday-Friday For emergencies use toll-free number Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Horas de Operación: Description of Services: The DMH/MR Advocacy Program provides advocacy services to persons receiving services in start facilities and in community programs that are certified by or contract with the department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation Services include information and referral, consultation, investigation, and education/training Location of Services: Statewide, program sites, other as necessary Cost and Eligibility: No cost Descripción de servicios: Lugar de servicios: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Transportation Availability: None Service Categories: All ages Disponibilidad del transporte: Categorías de servicios: B-3 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Alabama Department of Mental Health Office of Consumer Relations Nombre de Agencia: Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Referral Contact: Contacto: Michael Autrey 334-242-3456 1-800-832-1410 Street Address: RSA Union Bldg. 100 N. Union Street Montgomery, AL 36130-1410 Mailing Address: P.O Box 301410 Montgomery, AL 36130-1410 Dirección (de la calle): Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: 334-242-3456 1-800-832-0952 Fax Number: 334-242-3456 Teléfono: Número para facsímil: Email Address/Web Site/Links: Michael.autrey@mh.alabama.gov Hours of Operation: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Monday – Friday Description of Services: Location of Services: Provide services to mental health consumers in consultation and education As above Cost and Eligibility: Usually no cost. Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Horas de Operación: Descripción de servicios: Lugar de servicios: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Transportation Availability: None Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Categorías de servicios: B-4 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: The Arc of Tuscaloosa County, Inc. Nombre de Agencia: Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Referral Contact: Contacto: Street Address: Dirección (de la calle): Ryan Delfin ryan@thearcoftuscaloosa.org Tim Green, Program Coordinator of PESE timgreenpese@bellsouth.net Teresa Watts, Program Coordinator of Palk Enterprises tlw4050@bellsouth.net LaShajla Lewis, Program Coordinator of the McGraw Center lashajla@thearcoftuscaloosa.org Marty Barrett, Program Coordinator of Hourly Services marty@thearcoftuscaloosa.org The McGraw Center 1330 University Blvd. E. Tuscaloosa, AL 35404 Palk Enterprises 3705 Resource Dr. Tuscaloosa, AL. 35401 Mailing Address: Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: Teléfono: Fax Number: Número para facsímil: Email Address/Web Site/Links: PO Box 40246 Tuscaloosa, Al 35404 205/556-4900 205/554-1084 www.thearcoftuscaloosa.org Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Hours of Operation: Horas de Operación: Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 4:30 pm B-5 Description of Services: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: The Arc of Tuscaloosa County, Inc. serves adults aged 21 and older who have intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. The mission is to promote dignity, quality, and choice in securing opportunities for the clients to realize their goals in achieving quality of life. The PESE program provides community based assessments, job development, job coaching, and extended individual support. Palk Enterprises provides contract work and day habilitation services through in-house and communitybased training activities. The McGraw Center provides day habilitation services through in-house and community-based training activities. Hourly Services coordinates with Ability Alliance of West Alabama to provide the specific interests and needs of individuals with disabilities. Throughout Tuscaloosa County. Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: No cost to the consumer. Applicants must have intellectual disabilities. Applications for services are screened by program coordinators to determine eligibility. Referrals must be routed through Ability Alliance of West Alabama. We also offer a Private Pay option, where the fee is based on a sliding scale. Transportation Availability: Yes Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Adults Categorías de servicios: B-5 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Nombre de Agencia: Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Referral Contact: Contacto: Street Address: Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: Bryce Hospital Alabama Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation Shelia Penn Delaine Wilder, Admitting Officer 205-759-0420 Dora Chandler, Administrative Assistant to Director 205-759-0750 Move to new facility 200 University Blvd. Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 scheduled for 10/13 200 University Blvd. Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 205-759-0799 Teléfono: Fax Number: 205-759-0890 Director’s office Email Address/Web Site/Links: Shelia.penn@bryce.mh.alabama.gov Hours of Operation: Transportation Availability: Office Hours Monday-Friday 8:00A.M.-4:30P.M. Hospital is staffed 24 hours/day, 7 days/week Bryce Hospital is the state’s largest psychiatric facility that provides long term care as well as acute/short term care for individuals who have serious mental illness. The hospital acts as a placement site for professionals training in psychiatry, social work, nursing, psychology, and rehabilitation. 200 University Blvd. Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 Bryce Hospital is accredited by Joint Commission and receives both Medicaid and Medicare funds. Admission is through the Probate Court Commitment process. Individuals must meet commitment criterion to be eligible. None Service Categories: Adults, Adolescents Número para facsímil: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Horas de Operación: Description of Services: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Disponibilidad del transporte: Categorías de servicios: B-6 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Compassion Coalition of Tuscaloosa County, Inc. Executive Director: Director ejecutive: John, Cooper, President Referral Contact: Sheldon Rosenzweig Nombre de Agencia: Contacto: Street Address: Unavailable Mailing Address: P.O Box 1507 Tuscaloosa, AL 35403 Telephone Number: 205-349-2797 Dirección (de la calle): Dirección (para el correo): Teléfono: Fax Number: 205-349-2797 Email Address/Web Site/Links: Cmpassionc9224@bellsouth.net http://www.cc-tc.org Hours of Operation: By appointment Número para facsímil: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Horas de Operación: Description of Services: Referrals for faith-based disaster recovery, personal, family, and substance abuse counseling. Location of Services: Flexible Cost and Eligibility: Sliding scale based on ability to pay, no one is turned away. Descripción de servicios: Lugar de servicios: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Transportation Availability: Mileage reimbursement to any licensed mental health services provider for Katrina Survivors, others on a case-by-case basis. Service Categories: Disaster recovery, personal and family counseling Disponibilidad del transporte: Categorías de servicios: B-7 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: The Family Counseling Service of Tuscaloosa County Nombre de Agencia: Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Larry Deavers Referral Contact: Patricia Brass, Office manager Street Address: 2020 Paul Bear Bryant Drive Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 Contacto: Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: 2020 Paul Bear Bryant Drive Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 Telephone Number: 205-752-2504 Dirección (para el correo): Teléfono: Fax Number: 205-345-4842 Número para facsímil: Email Address/Web Site/Links: www.counselingservice.org email: office@counselingservice.org Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 8:30 AM-5:00 PM Description of Services: Professional counseling for individuals, couples and families. Programs for at-risk teens. Programs for adults, including anger management, domestic violence, divorcing parents and life skills. Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Horas de Operación: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Transportation Availability: 2020 Paul Bear Bryant Drive Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 Sliding scale fee may be requested with proof of income. Initial fee is $85. Priority is given to residents of West Alabama. None Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Categorías de servicios: Adults Children Adolescents B-8 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Indian Rivers Mental Health Center Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Randy Phillips Referral Contact: Deda Claire, Administrative Assistant Street Address: 2209 9th Street Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 Mailing Address: Insight Center 2209 9th St. Tuscaloosa AL, 35401 Bibb County Satellite Office 2439 Main St., PO Box 218 Brent, AL, 35034 Pickens County Satellite Office 140 Court Square East Carrollton, AL, 35447 Nombre de Agencia: Contacto: Dirección (de la calle): Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: Teléfono: Fax Number: Número para facsímil: Email Address/Web Site/Links: Adult Services Phone: (205) 391-3131 Pathways Phone: (205) 391-0122 Bibb County Satellite Office: (205) 926-4681 Pickens County Satellite: (205) 367-8159 Adult Services Fax: (205) 391-3135 Bibb County Satellite Fax: (205) 926-6016 Pickens County Satellite Fax: (205) 367-1237 http://www.irmhc.org Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Hours of Operation: Horas de Operación: Office hours Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm 24 hour answering service with Crisis Response Team on-call (205) 391-3131 B-9 Description of Services: Descripción de servicios: Indian Rivers Mental Health Center provides services to adults and children who have mental illness, mental retardation, and substance abuse Adult Programs/Services include: Residential Services, Day Programs, Supported Employment, ACT Team, Adult Case Management, Adult Outpatient Programs, Adult Foster Care, and Residential Care. Location of Services: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Transportation Availability: Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Categorías de servicios: B-9 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Nombre de Agencia: Executive Director: Director ejecutive: NAMI Tuscaloosa Referral Contact: Cecelia Laurie Affiliate President Cecelia Laurie Street Address: N/A Mailing Address: P.O. Box 20527 Tuscaloosa, AL 35402-0527 Contacto: Dirección (de la calle): Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: 205-752-5774 Fax Number: N/A Email Address/Web Site/Links: namituscaloosa@gmail.com www.nami.org (great website) www.nami.org/sites/NAMITuscaloosa (coming soon) N/A Teléfono: Número para facsímil: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Hours of Operation: Horas de Operación: Description of Services: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Transportation Availability: Support/Education/Advocacy for individuals and family members of individuals living with mental illness. Anyone concerned about mental health issues is welcome! Each Spring we offer the Family to Family Education course - a free 12 week course for family members. Usually starts in February. Call or email for more information. Monthly meetings Second Monday of the month 7 – 9 p.m. North Harbor, Northport Medical Center Membership is $35 but you do not need to be a member to attend meetings or the Family to Family course N/A Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Support, Education, Advocacy Categorías de servicios: B-10 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information National Alliance on Mental Illness on Campus Club at UA (NAMI-UA) Agency Name: Nombre de Agencia: Telephone Number: NAMI Alabama (NAMI-UA Contact is Caroline Titcomb, MA – ctitcomb@crimson.ua.edu) NAMI-UA at namiua@bama.ua.edu Caroline Titcomb at ctitcomb@crimson.ua.edu The University of Alabama Campus Gordon Palmer Gordon Palmer Hall Box 870348, University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0348, United States Psychology Department (205)348-5083 Fax Number: Psychology Department (205)348-8648 Email Address/Web Site/Links: Email NAMI-UA at namiua@bama.ua.edu Website: www.namiua.ua.edu Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Referral Contact Contacto Street Address Dirección (de la calle) Mailing Address: Dirección (para el correo): Teléfono: Número para facsímil: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Hours of Operation: NA Description of Services: NAMI-UA is the first college club in the state of Alabama affiliated with the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the most formidable grassroots mental health advocacy organization in the United States. The club is also the first student-led group at UA that seeks to eliminate the stigma that students with mental illness face on campus and increase awareness of mental health issues. NAMI-UA provides students who are touched by mental illness with a safe, supportive, and sharing environment to talk about their experiences with peers who are going through similar struggles. The club will also bring speakers to campus, hold forums and educational events, work with UA mental health providers to raise awareness (e.g., Mental Health Monologues), and coordinate movie series and other events (e.g., Out of the Darkness Walks) to shine a spotlight on mental health. Horas de Operación: Descripción de servicios: Meets the last Tuesday of every month in Gordon Palmer Room 351 on the UA campus at 7pm. Separate support groups held for students who know someone with a mental illness or are living with a mental illness themselves. Location of Services: Lugar de The University of Alabama Campus servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Transportation Availability: Must be a University of Alabama enrolled student. Membership is $5 per academic year. Campus transportation. Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Categorías de servicios: Campus advocacy, education, and support for students affected by mental illness. B-11 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: North Harbor Pavilion Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Facility Director: Nancy Sandy, RN Medical Director: Dr. Sanjay Singh (205) 330-3000 Main Number (205) 330-3111 Clinical Services Coordinator Nombre de Agencia: Referral Contact: Contacto: Northport Medical Center Street Address: North Harbor Pavilion Northport Medical Center 2700 Hospital Drive Northport, AL 35476 Mailing Address: Same as Above Telephone Number: (205) 330-3000 Fax Number: (205) 330-3126 Dirección (de la calle): Dirección (para el correo): Teléfono: Número para facsímil: Email Address/Web Site/Links: www.dchsystem.com Hours of Operation: 24/7 Description of Services: North Harbor is a 54 bed short-term inpatient psychiatric facility connected to Northport Medical Center. Services for adult clients, ages 19 years and up with acute mental illness. Provides an interdisciplinary treatment approach utilizing medication, psychiatric nursing care, group therapy, therapeutic activities, and psychological evaluation. North Harbor - same as street address above Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Horas de Operación: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Lugar de servicios: Transportation Availability: Patients are admitted for inpatient services by appropriately credentialed psychiatrists. Patients must meet the clinical criteria for admission. None. Service Categories: Adult & Geriatric Psychiatric Inpatient services Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Disponibilidad del transporte: Categorías de servicios: B-12 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Nombre de Agencia: Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Referral Contact: Contacto: Street Address Dirección (de la calle) Mailing Address: Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: Teléfono: Fax Number: Número para facsímil: Email Address/Web Site/Links: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Hours of Operation: Horas de Operación: Description of Services: Descripción de servicios: University of Alabama Psychology Clinic Clayton Shealy, PhD 205-348-5000 200 Hackberry Lane POB 870356 Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 205-348-5000 205-348-5002 cshealy@as.ua.edu Monday & Tuesday 8:00am to 5:00pm Wednesday & Thursday 8:00am to 8:00pm Friday 8:00am to 3:30pm Evaluations: The Psychology Clinic provides thorough psychological evaluations to assist clients and their families in understanding cognitive or intellectual functioning, educational needs, and personality and emotional factors. Therapy and Treatment: The clinic provides psychological treatment and counseling to address the social, emotional, psychological and behavioral needs of individuals or loved ones. Treatment is provided in a setting that ensures confidentiality is maintained. Therapy or counseling is available to individuals, families, couples and groups. Location of Services: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Transportation Availability: Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Categorías de servicios: Sliding scale based on household income No Outpatient Psychotherapy/Treatment Psychological Evaluations B-13 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Nombre de Agencia: Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Referral Contact: Contacto: Street Address: Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: Dirección (para el correo): Region II Community Services Alabama Department of Mental Health Developmental Disabilities (DD) Division Cassandra Odom For entry into services call ADMH Call Center at (800)361-4491 Mary Starke Harper Center – Wing B 200 University Boulevard Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 P O Box 1730 Tuscaloosa, AL 35403-1730 Telephone Number: 205-247-3156 Fax Number: 205-759-0943 Teléfono: Número para facsímil: Email Address/Web Site/Links: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Hours of Operation: Horas de Operación: Description of Services: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Transportation Availability: Cassandra.odom@region2.mh.alabama.gov Website: www.mh.alabama.gov 8:00AM-5:00PM Monday-Friday Technical assistance, support and monitoring of provider agencies contracting with ADMH for services for persons with developmental disabilities in the 13 county catchment area. Area served include Bibb, Choctaw, Fayette, Greene, Hale, Lamar, Marengo, Marion, Pickens, Sumter, Tuscaloosa, Walker and Winston Counties. Funding for services through Alabama Medicaid Agency Intellectual Disabilities (ID) and Living at Home (LAH) Waivers. Waiver services available for persons age 3 yrs and above that meet ADMH criteria for diagnosis of intellectual disability (Mental Retardation). Dependent upon services received Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Categorías de servicios: See Alabama Medicaid Agency website at www.medicaid.alabama.gov for description of services available through the ID and LAH Waivers. B-14 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center (Tuscaloosa VA) Nombre de Agencia: Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Director of VA Center: Maria R. Andrews, MS, FACHE Chief of Staff: Martin S. Schnier, DO Joanne Strudwick Referral Contact: Contacto: 3701 Loop Road East Tuscaloosa, AL 35404 Street Address: Dirección (de la calle): Tuscaloosa Veterans Affairs Medical Center 3701 Loop Road East Tuscaloosa, AL 35404 Main Line: (205) 554- 2640 Mental Health Dept: (205) 554-2000 x2560 Mailing Address: Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: Teléfono: VA Main Fax: (205) 554-2034 Mental Health Only: (205) 554-2058 Fax Number: Número para facsímil: Email Address/Web Site/Links: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Hours of Operation: Horas de Operación: Description of Services: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Transportation Availability: Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Categorías de servicios: National VA Web site: www.va.gov Tuscaloosa VA Web site: www.tuscaloosa.va.gov Monday-Friday: 8:00 am – 4:30 pm Telephone Triage: (205) 554-2010 or 1-888-651-2685 Long-Term Medical Care; Inpatient/Outpatient Mental Health Services; Substance Use Disorders; Dual Diagnosis; PTSD Treatment Programs; Mental Health Intensive Case Management; Community Residential Care; Home/Community Programs; Mental Health Residential Rehabilitation Treatment Programs (PTSD, Substance Use Disorders, Homeless, Compensated Work Therapy), Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Recovery Center. VA Center, street address as listed above Individuals must have served in the U. S. armed forces and be eligible for VA services. Cost is based on service status and income. None Adult Services B-15 C - Adult and Family Services Servicios Adultos y Familia Alabama Disabilities Advocacy Program (ADAP) Catholic Family Services Community Service Programs of West AL Department of Human Resources (Tuscaloosa Co.) Easter Seals West Alabama Friendship House HOPE Clinic (Whatley Health Services) Legal Services Alabama (Tuscaloosa Office) Literacy Council of West Alabama MedNet West The Salvation Army Turning Point Domestic Violence Sexual Assault Services Tuscaloosa City Public Defender Tuscaloosa’s One Place (A Family Resource Center) Vocational Rehabilitation (AL Dept. of Rehab. Services) West Alabama AIDS Outreach C-1 205/348-4928 205/759-1268 205/758-4756 205/554-1100 205/759-1211 205/345-1534 205/614-6129 205/758-7503 205/391-2612 205/553-4661 205/553-1601 205/758-0808 C-2 C-3 C-4 C-5 C-6 C-7 C-8 C-9 C-10 C-11 C-12 C-13 205/345-8200 205/462-1001 205/554-1300 205/759-8470 C-14 C-15 C-16 C-17 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Nombre de Agencia: Alabama Disabilities Advocacy Program (ADAP) Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Referral Contact: Ellen Gillespie Intake Line: (205) 348-4928 or (800) 826-1675 Street Address: Telephone Number: 624 Paul W. Bryant Drive Martha Parham West Fifth Floor Tuscaloosa, AL 3587 ADAP Box 870395 Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0395 Intake Line: (205) 348-4928 or (800) 826-1675 Fax Number: (205) 348-3909 Contacto: Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: Dirección (para el correo): Teléfono: Número para facsímil: Email Address/Web Site/Links: adap@adap.ua.edu Hours of Operation: www.adap.net 8:00 am to 4:45pm, Monday-Friday Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Horas de Operación: Description of Services: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Legal services to persons with disabilities to protect and promote their civil rights. Across the state Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Transportation Availability: ADAP’s services are provided at no cost. To be eligible for ADAP’s services, an individual must be alleging the abuse or neglect of a person with disability, a violation of a right granted to a person because that person has a disability, or discrimination based on disability. Other eligibility criteria apply. None. Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Categorías de servicios: ADAP provides legal services to protect the civil rights of persons with disabilities across a variety of issues including: access to government services, guardianship, community integration, abuse and neglect of persons with disabilities, special education, Medicaid, foster care, and juvenile justice. C-2 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Nombre de Agencia: Catholic Family Services Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Sr. Carol A. Gray Referral Contact: Call 759-1268 for an appointment Street Address: 608 37th Street East Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 Contacto: Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: 608 37th Street East Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 Telephone Number: 205-759-1268 Dirección (para el correo): Teléfono: Fax Number: 205-759-1224 Número para facsímil: Email Address/Web Site/Links: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Hours of Operation: Horas de Operación: cssofwestalabama@comcast.net Monday-Wednesday Thursday 9:00 am – 12:00 pm 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm 9:00 am – 4:30 pm Description of Services: Emergency food and financial assistance. Individual, Marriage, & Family Counseling, Adoptions and help with unexpected pregnancies Location of Services: 608 37th Street East Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 Descripción de servicios: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Transportation Availability: Contact office None Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Children, Adolescents and Adults Categorías de servicios: C-3 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Community Service Programs of West Alabama, Inc. Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Referral Contact: Cynthia W. Burton Phone: 752-5429 Sontonia Stephens, Supportive Services Director ext 239 Lacy Kornegay, Supportive Services, ext 218 Eddie Sides, Property Manager, ext 213 Nombre de Agencia: Contacto: Street Address: Dirección (de la calle) Mailing Address: Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: 601 17th Street Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 601 17th Street Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 Fax Number: 205/758-4756 205/752-5429 205/758-7229 Email Address/Web Site/Links: www.cspwal.com Hours of Operation: Office hours 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Monday-Friday Teléfono: Número para facsímil: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Horas de Operación: Description of Services: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Social Services: Energy Assistance, food vouchers, Juvenile Justice Intervention Program, meals on wheels Education: Early Intervention; Headstart/ Early Headstart Housing: Rental Housing; Housing Counseling; Homebuyer Education; Lease Purchase Program; Rehabilitation; Weatherization; PreWeatherization Various locations throughout a 13 county area. Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Transportation Availability: Varies by program and the individual’s income and resources None Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Categorías de servicios: Different programs serve different ages from infants through adults. C-4 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Tuscaloosa County Department of Human Resources Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Judy Young, Director Joy Humphrey, Assistant Director Nombre de Agencia: Referral Contact: Contacto: Street Address: 3716 – 12th Avenue East Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 Mailing Address: PO Box 70100 Tuscaloosa, AL 35407 Dirección (de la calle): Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: 205-554-1100 Teléfono: Fax Number: 205-554-3376 Email Address/Web Site/Links: www.dhr.alabama.gov Número para facsímil: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Hours of Operation: 8:00 a.m. – 4:40 p.m. Horas de Operación: Description of Services: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Lugar de servicios: Food Assistance Program TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families) JOBS Child Support Program Child / Adult Family Services (investigation of child and adult abuse/neglect, on-going protective services, foster care, adoption, foster home approvals, day care home licensing) DHR office 3716 – 12th Avenue East Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 Cost and Eligibility: Contact office or visit the website to learn more about programs Transportation Availability: Tuscaloosa Transit Authority has a stop at the office Social Services / Public Welfare Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Categorías de servicios: C-5 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Easter Seals West Alabama Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Referral Contact: Ronny Johnston, Administrator Job Access & Reverse Commute Transportation Services - Deborah Chandler Job Development/Supported Employment Bettye Cleveland Nurse-Family Partnership - Sherri Presley-Dumas Social Security Representative Payee - Tamara Conwell Speech-Language Therapy - Barbara Wells, SLP Vocational Evaluations - Alan Knox WIA "Future Promise" - Renee McMullen 1110 Dr. Edward Hillard Drive Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 P.O. Box 2817 Tuscaloosa, AL 35403-2817 Nombre de Agencia: Contacto: Street Address: Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: (205) 759-1211 Teléfono: Fax Number: (205) 345-1162 Número para facsímil: Email Address/Web Site/Links: www.eswaweb.org Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Description of Services: Vocational Service, Speech-Language Therapy, Youth Programs & Nurse-Family Partnership. Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Horas de Operación: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Tuscaloosa, Bibb, Hale, Greene, Sumter, Lamar, Pickens and Fayette All programs for eligible individuals through a referral process. Transportation Availability: Limited transportation assistance Service Categories: Adult Services, Child & Adolescent Services, Medical and Other Services. Tuscaloosa Children's Policy Council Disponibilidad del transporte: Categorías de servicios: C-6 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Friendship House Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Referral Contact: Sandra Ryder Sandra Ryder Street Address: Telephone Number: 505 19th Avenue Tuscaloosa, AL 35401-1509 Friendship House 505 19th Avenue Tuscaloosa, AL 35401-1509 (205) 345-1534 Fax Number: None Email Address/Web Site/Links: Friendship92513@bellsouth.net Nombre de Agencia: Contacto: Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: Dirección (para el correo): Teléfono: Número para facsímil: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Hours of Operation: Monday – Thursday 8:30 am – 2:00 pm Description of Services: Non-profit organization. Drop-In Center for individuals who have mental illness. Purpose is to provide recreation, socialization and education. Hot lunches are prepared and served at noon. Support groups for Moodies (DBSA) monthly. 505 19th Avenue Horas de Operación: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Transportation Availability: Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: No fees. Individuals need to be at least 18 years and be recovering from a mental illness and must have a referral from a psychiatrist. None provided. Location is near city bus route which comes by every hour. Adults Categorías de servicios: C-7 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Whatley Health Services HOPE Clinic Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Debra Tucker Referral Contact: Marquetta Campbell, Program Manager Nombre de Agencia: Contacto: Street Address: 2731 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 Mailing Address: Same as above Dirección (de la calle): Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: 205-614-6129 Fax Number: 205-750-0491 Teléfono: Número para facsímil: Email Address/Web Site/Links: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm Description of Services: HOPE Clinic provides outpatient medical care for persons living with HIV/AIDS including Case management services, Dental care, Mental Health care, Nutrition Services and Lab Horas de Operación: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Serves Tuscaloosa, Lamar, Fayette, Walker, Bibb, Perry, Hale, Greene, Sumter, and Pickens counties Cost and Eligibility: Cost is based on income Lugar de servicios: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Transportation Availability: Free Transportation for HIV patients Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Categorías de servicios: C-8 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Legal Services Alabama Tuscaloosa Office Executive Director: Director ejecutive: James H. Fry Referral Contact: Willie Mays Jones Managing Attorney Nombre de Agencia: Contacto: Street Address: 2315 9th Street Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 Mailing Address: P.O. box 0209967 Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 Dirección (de la calle): Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: 205-758-7503 Fax Number: 205-758-6041 Teléfono: Número para facsímil: Email Address/Web Site/Links: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: wmjones@alsp.org legalservicesalabama.org Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm Description of Services: Provides free civil legal services to low-income individuals Horas de Operación: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: 2315 9th Street Tuscaloosa Cost and Eligibility: Free services base on income Lugar de servicios: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Transportation Availability: None Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Legal Services Categorías de servicios: C-9 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: The Literacy Council of West Alabama Nombre de Agencia: Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Referral Contact: Contacto: Street Address: Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: Kitty Wheeler, Program Director 3401 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 Same 205-391-2612 Teléfono: Fax Number: 205-391-2658 Email Address/Web Site/Links: kwheeler@literacywa.org www.literacywa.org Número para facsímil: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Hours of Operation: Horas de Operación: Description of Services: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Lugar de servicios: 8:00-5:00 M-F To champion the power of literacy to improve the lives of children, adults, families and communities in West Alabama. We match those who need literacy services to agencies that can provide those services. We recruit tutors and clients through PSAs and other advertising. We work with many partners to provide resources and services. Bibb, Fayette, Greene, Hale, Lamar, Perry, Pickens, Sumter and Tuscaloosa Counties Cost and Eligibility: No cost, anyone is eligible who wants services Transportation Availability: None Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Categorías de servicios: Literacy Services in the following areas: Reading, Health, Financial, Adult, Birth to 5, K-12, Workforce, Computer C-10 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Med Net West, Inc Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Sylvia Brown Referral Contact: Tina Stevenson Nombre de Agencia: Contacto: Street Address: Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: 3816 Palisades Drive Suite B Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 Same as above Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: (205) 553-4661 Fax Number: (205) 553-2191 Email Address/Web Site/Links: mednetwest10@att.net – Tina medwest1@att.net – Sylvia Teléfono: Número para facsímil: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Hours of Operation: 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Description of Services: Transitional nursing, Behavioral health workers, Case management services Horas de Operación: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Medicaid Transportation Availability: N/A Service Categories: Medical, Case Management Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Disponibilidad del transporte: Categorías de servicios: C-11 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Nombre de Agencia: Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Referral Contact: Contacto: Street Address: Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: The Salvation Army CAPTAINS DEAN AND OR PAMELA MORETZ Head of Social Services Mrs. Brandy Sutton-Gamble Director of SS 1601 UNIVERSITY BLVD. E. Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35404 P.O. BOX 2470 TUSCALOOSA, AL 35403 1-205-553-1601 Teléfono: Fax Number: 553-1606 Email Address/Web Site/Links: Pamela_Moretz@uss.salvationarmy.org Número para facsímil: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Hours of Operation: Horas de Operación: Description of Services: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Lugar de servicios: 8:30am – 4:30pm M-F Meeting Human Needs without discrimination: Social Services, Character Building, Church Services, Special Events, Community Outreach, Disaster Services. Same as above. Cost and Eligibility: Proof of hardship and needs assessment interview Transportation Availability: Upon request and availability Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Call for details Categorías de servicios: C-12 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Turning Point Domestic Violence Sexual Assault Services Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Referral Contact: Catherine Bridgers Catherine Bridgers, Executive Director Belinda Jones, Director of Domestic Violence Services Administrative Offices are located at: 2110 McFarland Blvd. E, Suite G Tuscaloosa, AL 35403 P.O. Box 1165 Tuscaloosa, AL 35403 Nombre de Agencia: Contacto: Street Address: Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: 205/758-0808 Fax Number: 205/759-8042 Email Address/Web Site/Links: cbridgers11@gmail.com bwjones07@yahoo.com www.turningpointservices.org Teléfono: Número para facsímil: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Hours of Operation: Horas de Operación: Description of Services: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Office hours Monday – Friday 8:00 – 5:00 Crisis Line available 24 hours/day 205-758-0808 Shelter staffed 24 hours/day Turning Point is the domestic violence shelter and rape crisis center for West Alabama. We offer emergency shelter, support groups, and counseling to victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse. Services may be accessed by calling the 24 hour crisis line at any time. Collect calls are accepted. Call for more information. Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: No fees. Transportation Availability: Available as able to provide. Call for more information. Adult victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, and their children. Adult survivors of childhood sexual assault. Victims of recent traumatization. Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Categorías de servicios: C-13 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Tuscaloosa City Public Defender Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Joe Van Heest Nombre de Agencia: Referral Contact: Contacto: Street Address: 714 Greensboro Ave. Ste. 519 Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 Mailing Address: Same as above Telephone Number: 205-345-8200 Dirección (de la calle): Dirección (para el correo): Teléfono: Fax Number: 205-343-9933 Número para facsímil: Email Address/Web Site/Links: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm Horas de Operación: Description of Services: Legal Services for criminal cases Location of Services: Tuscaloosa County Descripción de servicios: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: No Cost Eligibility per Judicial appointment Transportation Availability: None Service Categories: Legal Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Disponibilidad del transporte: Categorías de servicios: C-14 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Tuscaloosa’s One Place, A Family Resource Center Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Teresa Costanzo Referral Contact: Emerald Autrey, Intake Worker Nombre de Agencia: Contacto: Street Address: 867 Redmont Drive Tuscaloosa, AL 35404 Mailing Address: Telephone Number: P.O. Box 40764 Tuscaloosa, AL 35404 205-462-1000 Fax Number: 205-462-1001 Email Address/Web Site/Links: www.tuscaloosaoneplace.org Dirección (de la calle): Dirección (para el correo): Teléfono: Número para facsímil: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 8:00an to 4:30 pm Description of Services: TOP works with individuals and families to help lead them toward self-sufficiency. Services available: Ø Referrals for food, clothing, and utilities Ø Parent Education programs including home visitation and parenting classes Ø Career Development Program, GED classes, and ESL classes Ø After school programs at selected schools Ø Fatherhood programs Ø JDAI programming Ø Relationship Education Courses Ø Community Initiatives 867 Redmont Drive Tuscaloosa, AL 35404 No Cost Must provide a valid ID None provided – on city bus line Horas de Operación: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Transportation Availability: Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Categorías de servicios: Child and Adolescents Adults Families C-15 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services Vocational Rehabilitation Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Lisa B. Alford Referral Contact: Paul Dedram Street Address: 1305 James I. Harrison, Jr. Pkwy E Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 Nombre de Agencia: Contacto: Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1610 Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 Telephone Number: Fax Number: 205-554-1300 800-331-5562 205-554-1369 Email Address/Web Site/Links: www.rehabalabama.gov Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm Dirección (para el correo): Teléfono: Número para facsímil: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Horas de Operación: Description of Services: ADRS provides individualized services to assist individuals with disabilities in entering into or returning to employment Location of Services: Tuscaloosa, Bibb, Hale, Greene, Marengo, Pickens, Sumter, Fayette, Lamar counties Descripción de servicios: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Cost-none Eligibility based on disabling condition and impediment to employment Transportation Availability: Located on City Bus route Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Categorías de servicios: C-16 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: West Alabama AIDS Outreach Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Billy Kirkpatrick, M.A., NCC E-mail: billy,waao@gmail.com Regina Prewitt (Volunteer Coordinator) E-mail: regina.waao@gmail.com Nombre de Agencia: Referral Contact: Contacto: Street Address: th Telephone Number: 2720 6 Street. Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 West Alabama AIDS Outreach P.O. Box 2947 Tuscaloosa, AL 35403 (205) 759-8470 Fax Number: (205) 366-9001 Email Address/Web Site/Links: Web site: www.waao.info Hours of Operation: Monday – Thursday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Fridays 8:00am – 12:00noon Description of Services: West Alabama AIDS Outreach provides free services to individuals affected by HIV/AIDS. Services include: Direct Care, Emergency Financial Assistance, Food Bank Services, Free HIV Testing, and Education surrounding HIV/AIDS. WAAO serves the following counties in West Alabama: Tuscaloosa, Lamar, Fayette, Bibb, Pickens, Greene, Walker, Perry, Hale and Sumter Counties. Location of Services: Transportation Availability: 2720 6 Street Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35401 No cost for services Patients must be referred by their primary physician to receive services Yes, for clients (no charge for transportation) Service Categories: Adults Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: Dirección (para el correo): Teléfono: Número para facsímil: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Horas de Operación: Descripción de servicios: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: th Disponibilidad del transporte: Categorías de servicios: C-17 D - Children’s Policy Council Consejo de Política para niños Ability Alliance of West Alabama--AAWA Achievement Network of Tuscaloosa County Alabama Disabilities Advocacy Program--ADAP Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services—Children’s Rehabilitation Services Big Brothers Big Sisters of West Alabama Boys and Girls Club of West Alabama Brewer-Porch Children’s Center Campaign to Prevent Teenage Pregnancy Child Abuse Prevention Services of Tuscaloosa -- CAPS Child Development Resources The University of Alabama Community Service Programs of West Alabama, Inc. Department of Human Resources Tuscaloosa County Early Intervention Program of ADRS Easter Seals West Alabama First Teachers at Home--Tuscaloosa FOCUS on Senior Citizens—Foster Grandparent Program Kids and Kin Program—Tuscaloosa Co. D-1 205/333-1577 205/554-0565 205/348-4928 205/759-1279 D-2 D-3 D-4 D-5 205/758-5734 205/553-3879 205/348-7236 205/366-0207 205/758-1159 D-6 D-7 D-8 D-9 D-10 205/348-2650 D-11 205/758-4756 D-12 205/554-1100 D-13 205/759-1279 205/759-1211 855/332-9333 205/758-3393 D-14 D-15 D-16 D-17 205/535-0718 D-18 D - Children’s Policy Council Consejo de Política para niños Medicaid Agency of Alabama Police Athletic League PRIDE--Parents Resource Institute for Drug Education Tuscaloosa City Board of Education Tuscaloosa County Board of Education Tuscaloosa County Juvenile Court Tuscaloosa’s One Place United Cerebral Palsy of West Alabama United Methodist Children’s Home -Tuscaloosa United Way of West Alabama D-1 205/391-6779 205/366-9944 205/759-3680 D-19 D-20 D-21 205/759-3700 205/758-0411 205/345-4340 205/462-1000 205/345-3031 205/556-1512 D-22 D-23 D-24 D-25 D-26 D-27 205/345-6641 D-28 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Ability Alliance of West Alabama Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Vicki Hicks Turnage Referral Contact: Alabama Department of Mental Health Call Center 1-800-361-4491 Or Intake: 205-333-1577 Ext. 206 Street Address: 1002 McFarland Blvd Suite K Northport, Al. 35476 Mailing Address: 1002 McFarland Blvd Suite K Northport, Al. 35476 Telephone Number: 205-333-1577 Fax Number: 205-333-2904 Nombre de Agencia: Contacto: Dirección (de la calle): Dirección (para el correo): Teléfono: Número para facsímil: Email Address/Web Site/Links: www.abilityalliance.info aawa@abilityalliance.info Hours of Operation: 8:00-5:00 Monday-Friday Description of Services: Single Point of Entry into Alabama Department of Mental Health’s Division of Developmental Disabilities Case Management Services for individuals with intellectual Disabilities Enrollment and on-going monitoring of Medicaid Waiver Services for individuals with Intellectual Disabilities Provision of Crisis Stabilization services for individual who receive Medicaid Waiver Services Together We Ride Transportation Program Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Horas de Operación: Descripción de servicios: D-2 Location of Services: Lugar de servicios: Bibb, Pickens, Tuscaloosa Some services may be available to individuals in other Northwest and West Alabama counties. Cost and Eligibility: Case management and waiver services Eligibility: Medicaid Eligibility Diagnosis of an Intellectual Disability as determined by the Department of Mental Health Together We Ride Eligibility: Diagnosis of a disability occurring prior to the age of 22 Low income Taxi Service: $2.00 per ride Transportation Availability: Together We Ride Service Categories: Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities from ages 3 through adulthood Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Disponibilidad del transporte: Categorías de servicios: D-2 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Achievement Network of Tuscaloosa County Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Not designated at this time Referral Contact: Marilou Baker Nombre de Agencia: Contacto: Street Address: 20 Bealle Circle NE Tuscaloosa, AL 35404 Mailing Address: Same as above Telephone Number: 205-554-0565 Dirección (de la calle): Dirección (para el correo): Teléfono: Fax Number: 205-554-0567 Número para facsímil: Email Address/Web Site/Links: mbaker@alspan.org Hours of Operation: 8am-4:30pm Description of Services: Non-residential year round educational and counseling setting, serving court referred youth, male and female, ages 12-18 years old Location of Services: Same as street address Holt, Alabama Cost and Eligibility: No cost Eligibility based on juvenile court referral Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Horas de Operación: Descripción de servicios: Lugar de servicios: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Transportation Availability: Tuscaloosa City Schools Service Categories: Department of Youth Services Disponibilidad del transporte: Categorías de servicios: D-3 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Nombre de Agencia: Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Referral Contact: Alabama Disabilities Advocacy Program (ADAP) Ellen Gillespie Intake Line: (205) 348-4928 or (800) 826-1675 Contacto: Street Address: Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: 624 Paul W. Bryant Drive Martha Parham West Fifth Floor Tuscaloosa, AL 3587 ADAP Box 870395 Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0395 Intake Line: (205) 348-4928 or (800) 826-1675 Teléfono: Fax Number: (205) 348-3909 Email Address/Web Site/Links: adap@adap.ua.edu Número para facsímil: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Hours of Operation: www.adap.net 8:00 am to 4:45pm, Monday-Friday Horas de Operación: Description of Services: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Legal services to persons with disabilities to protect and promote their civil rights. Across the state Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Transportation Availability: ADAP’s services are provided at no cost. To be eligible for ADAP’s services, an individual must be alleging the abuse or neglect of a person with disability, a violation of a right granted to a person because that person has a disability, or discrimination based on disability. Other eligibility criteria apply. None. Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Categorías de servicios: ADAP provides legal services to protect the civil rights of persons with disabilities across a variety of issues including: access to government services, guardianship, community integration, abuse and neglect of persons with disabilities, special education, Medicaid, foster care, and juvenile justice. D-4 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services Children’s Rehabilitation Services Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Barbara S. Hankins Referral Contact: District Supervisor Barbara S. Hankins Street Address: 1110 Dr. Edward Hillard Drive Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 Nombre de Agencia: Contacto: Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: PO Box 2817 Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 Telephone Number: 205-759-1279 and 1-800-723-0490 Dirección (para el correo): Teléfono: Fax Number: 205-344-4072 Email Address/Web Site/Links: barbara.hankins@rehab.alabama.gov Número para facsímil: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: ADRS Hours of Operation: 7am-5pm Description of Services: Medical and care coordination services for individuals from birth to age 21 years with needs for special health care services. Horas de Operación: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Statewide—available for individuals in all 67 counties Cost and Eligibility: Utilize insurance; sliding fee scale for those without funds. Transportation Availability: Utilize other sources Lugar de servicios: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Categorías de servicios: Sponsor, pay for surgery, medications, tests, physical therapy, and occupational therapy; provide evaluations of feeding issues; and provide communication and mobility evaluations D-5 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Nombre de Agencia: Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Referral Contact: Big Brothers Big Sisters of West Alabama Danielle McInerney, CEO Zelda Lavender, Vice President of Programs Contacto: Street Address: 2720 6th St. Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 Mailing Address: 2720 6th St. Suite 100 Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 Dirección (de la calle): Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: (205) 758-5734 Fax Number: (205) 758-3705 Teléfono: Número para facsímil: Email Address/Web Site/Links: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: bbbs@bbbswestal.org www.bbbswestal.org www.facebook.com\BBBSwestalabama www.twitter.com\BBBSwestalabama Hours of Operation: 8:00-5:00 Horas de Operación: Description of Services: Descripción de servicios: Provides children facing adversity with a strong and enduring one-to-one mentoring relationship Location of Services: Community and School Based Mentoring Programs Cost and Eligibility: Free to children ages 6-18 Transportation Availability: Not available Lugar de servicios: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Categorías de servicios: Non-Profit Mentoring D-6 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Boys and Girls Club of West Alabama, Inc. Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Tony Bush Referral Contact: Stephan Miller, Senior Unit Director 205-553-3838 Street Address: 2201 Positive Place Tuscaloosa AL, 35404 Nombre de Agencia: Contacto: Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: P.O Box 40221 Tuscaloosa Al, 35404 205/553-3879 Teléfono: Fax Number: 205/553-3839 Email Address/Web Site/Links: www.bgcwestal.com Hours of Operation: Office hours 9:00-5:00 Monday-Friday Número para facsímil: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Horas de Operación: Description of Services: After school and summer programs for children and youth ages 6-18. Location of Services: Programs are delivered in several locations in the community including the main office location. Descripción de servicios: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Eligibility is by age $20.00 annual membership fee Additional summer fees apply Scholarships are available for those who qualify Transportation Availability: After school program transportation is available from several elementary schools. Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Ages 6-18 Categorías de servicios: D-7 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Brewer –Porch Children’s Center Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Referral Contact: Dr. Jimmy Thompson Dr. Grimes, Clinical Director 348-9367 Pam Pruitt, Director of Educational Programs and Support Services 348-7236 2501 Woodland Road Tuscaloosa, AL 35404 Nombre de Agencia: Contacto: Street Address: Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: Telephone Number: Brewer- Porch Children’s Center The University of Alabama Box 870156 Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0156 205/348-7236 Fax Number: 205/348-9368 Dirección (para el correo): Teléfono: Número para facsímil: Email Address/Web Site/Links: ppruitt@bpcc.ua.edu www.bpcc.ua.edu Hours of Operation: 24 hours per day for residential program office hours are 8:00 am – 4:45 pm Residential and Day Treatment Services for emotionally disturbed children and adolescents. Short Term Treatment and Evaluation Services for children and adolescents. The Adaptive Skills Training Program for adolescents. Community Autism Intervention Program (school based). Therapeutic Foster Care Program. 2501 Woodland Road Tuscaloosa, AL 35404 Residential referrals are generally made by the Department of Human Resources or the Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation. Day Treatment referrals are received through the Tuscaloosa County and Tuscaloosa City School System Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Horas de Operación: Description of Services: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Transportation Availability: None Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Categorías de servicios: Children Services Adolescent Services D-8 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Campaign to Prevent Teenage Pregnancy Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Referral Contact: Brittany Blackston Nombre de Agencia: Contacto: Street Address: Dirección (de la calle): 921 Professional Plaza Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 Mailing Address: Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: 205-366-0207 Fax Number: 205-345-2909 Email Address/Web Site/Links: bblackston@tuscaloosateenpregnancy.org Teléfono: Número para facsímil: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Hours of Operation: Mon-Thurs 8am-4:30pm Fri 8am-2pm Horas de Operación: Description of Services: Education for teens to prevent pregnancy Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Free Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Transportation Availability: Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Categorías de servicios: D-9 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Child Abuse Prevention Services of Tuscaloosa, Inc. (CAPS) Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Referral Contact: LaShonda Hayes Nombre de Agencia: Contacto: Diane Ambroise (Assistant) LaShonda Hayes (Director) LaPrecious Russell th Street Address: 618 14 Street Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 Mailing Address: Telephone Number: 618 14 Street Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 205-758-1159 Fax Number: 205-758-1182 Dirección (de la calle): Dirección (para el correo): th Teléfono: Número para facsímil: Email Address/Web Site/Links: capstuscaloosa@bellsouth.net Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Hours of Operation: 8:30 am – 3:30 pm Horas de Operación: Description of Services: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Lugar de servicios: CAPS provides child abuse treatment and prevention services for parents, children and the community at large. Services include parent support group, parenting classes, personal safety education programs for 1st graders, life skills education programs both during the school day and in after school programs, and community education. Also provides “Cribs for Kids”, Safe Child Programs” and “Healthy Steps for Teen Moms”. C.A.P.S. office Work within schools Cost and Eligibility: Programs are open to any parent or care-giver of children. Referrals should be made by contacting the Executive Director. All clients are interviewed prior to participation. No fees are charged. Transportation Availability: None Service Categories: Community Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Disponibilidad del transporte: Categorías de servicios: D-10 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Child Development Resources The University of Alabama Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Sally L. Edwards Nombre de Agencia: Referral Contact: Contacto: Street Address: Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: Teléfono: Fax Number: Valerie A. Thorington 651 5th Avenue East Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 Box 870157 Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 205-348-2650 800-791-5437 205-348-0660 Número para facsímil: Email Address/Web Site/Links: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Hours of Operation: Horas de Operación: Description of Services: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Lugar de servicios: cdr.ua.edu www.pal.ua.edu (Alabama’s Parenting Assistance Line) CDR: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday PAL: 8:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. Monday - Friday CDR serves children and families in 12 counties in west central Alabama providing oversight of the child care financial subsidy program, assisting parents in understanding the indicators of quality child care, providing training & technical assistance for child care providers, operating the Baby TALK model for parents and their children birth-age 3, and operating Alabama’s free and confidential Parenting Assistance Line (PAL) for any parent or caregiver across the state who may need information, support, and tools to make parenting more manageable. Tuscaloosa, Bibb, Choctaw, Fayette, Greene, Hale, Lamar, Marengo, Marion, Perry, Pickens, and Sumter Counties D-11 Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: All programs are provided free of charge and available to any family. Federal & state guidelines determine eligibility to receive financial aid for child care services for each individual family. Transportation Availability: None Service Categories: Children, Adolescents, Parents and Families, General Community Disponibilidad del transporte: Categorías de servicios: D-11 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Community Service Programs of West Alabama, Inc. Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Referral Contact: Cynthia W. Burton Phone: 752-5429 Sontonia Stephens, Supportive Services Director ext 239 Lacy Kornegay, Supportive Services, ext 218 Eddie Sides, Property Manager, ext 213 Street Address: 601 17th Street Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 601 17th Street Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 Nombre de Agencia: Contacto: Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: Teléfono: Fax Number: 205/758-4756 205/752-5429 205/758-7229 Número para facsímil: Email Address/Web Site/Links: www.cspwal.com Hours of Operation: Office hours 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Monday-Friday Description of Services: Social Services: Energy Assistance, food vouchers, Juvenile Justice Intervention Program, meals on wheels Education: Early Intervention; Headstart/ Early Headstart Housing: Rental Housing; Housing Counseling; Homebuyer Education; Lease Purchase Program; Rehabilitation; Weatherization; PreWeatherization Various locations throughout a 13 county area. Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Horas de Operación: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Transportation Availability: Varies by program and the individual’s income and resources None Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Categorías de servicios: Different programs serve different ages from infants through adults. D-12 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Tuscaloosa County Department of Human Resources Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Judy Young, Director Joy Humphrey, Assistant Director Nombre de Agencia: Referral Contact: Contacto: Street Address: Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: 3716 – 12th Avenue East Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 PO Box 70100 Tuscaloosa, AL 35407 205-554-1100 Teléfono: Fax Number: 205-554-3376 Email Address/Web Site/Links: www.dhr.alabama.gov Hours of Operation: 8:00 a.m. – 4:40 p.m. Número para facsímil: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Horas de Operación: Description of Services: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Transportation Availability: Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Food Assistance Program TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families) JOBS Child Support Program Child / Adult Family Services (investigation of child and adult abuse/neglect, on-going protective services, foster care, adoption, foster home approvals, day care home licensing) DHR office 3716 – 12th Avenue East Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 Contact office or visit the website to learn more about programs Tuscaloosa Transit Authority has a stop at the office Social Services / Public Welfare Categorías de servicios: D-13 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Nombre de Agencia: Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Referral Contact: Contacto: Street Address: Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services, Early Intervention Tania Baldwin, District Coordinator 1-800-543-3098 1110 Dr. Edward Hillard Dr. Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: 1110 Dr. Edward Hillard Dr. Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 205 759-1279 Teléfono: Fax Number: 205 344-4072 Número para facsímil: Email Address/Web Site/Links: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Hours of Operation: Horas de Operación: www.rehab.state.al.us/individuals-andfamilies/early-intervention 8-5 Description of Services: If you are concerned about your child’s development and they have a suspected developmental delay or diagnosis between the ages of 0-3 Location of Services: Statewide Descripción de servicios: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: No cost for initial evaluation and assessment. If the child has a greater than 25% delay and any one of the five developmental areas they qualify for services Transportation Availability: Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Categorías de servicios: Physical, cognitive, social emotional, adaptive and communication D-14 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Easter Seals West Alabama Nombre de Agencia: Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Referral Contact: Contacto: Street Address: Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: Ronny Johnston, Administrator Job Access & Reverse Commute Transportation Services - Deborah Chandler Job Development/Supported Employment Bettye Cleveland Nurse-Family Partnership - Sherri Presley-Dumas Social Security Representative Payee - Tamara Conwell Speech-Language Therapy - Barbara Wells, SLP Vocational Evaluations - Alan Knox WIA "Future Promise" - Renee McMullen 1110 Dr. Edward Hillard Drive Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 P.O. Box 2817 Tuscaloosa, AL 35403-2817 (205) 759-1211 Teléfono: Fax Number: (205) 345-1162 Email Address/Web Site/Links: www.eswaweb.org Número para facsímil: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Horas de Operación: Description of Services: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Vocational Service, Speech-Language Therapy, Youth Programs & Nurse-Family Partnership. Tuscaloosa, Bibb, Hale, Greene, Sumter, Lamar, Pickens and Fayette All programs for eligible individuals through a referral process. Transportation Availability: Limited transportation assistance Service Categories: Adult Services, Child & Adolescent Services, Medical and Other Services. Tuscaloosa Children's Policy Council Disponibilidad del transporte: Categorías de servicios: D-15 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: First Teachers @ Home-Tuscaloosa Nombre de Agencia: Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Jeff Hurn Referral Contact: Jeff Hurn Contacto: Street Address: Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: 902 Main Avenue, Northport, AL 35476 902 Main Avenue, Northport, AL 35476 1-855-332-9333 Teléfono: Fax Number: Número para facsímil: Email Address/Web Site/Links: jeff@first-teachers.org Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Hours of Operation: Horas de Operación: Description of Services: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Transportation Availability: varies First Teachers @ Home is a game-changing option that offers Pre-K education taught by parents in their home, so title 1 preschoolers can start school armed to succeed in kindergarten and beyond. First Teachers @ Home offers easy weekly one hour classes for PARENTS (and a separate class for kids) using an evidence-based fun 16 Week Curriculum. Various locations throughout community. Call for a location near you. Free Call for assistance. Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Categorías de servicios: Pre-K, education, children, early intervention, parenting skills, parent involvement D-16 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: FOCUS ON Senior Citizens Foster Grandparent Program Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Janet Zeanah Referral Contact: Donna Easterwood, FGP Director Nombre de Agencia: Contacto: Street Address: 1920 – 6th Street Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35401 Mailing Address: 1920 – 6th Street Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35401 Dirección (de la calle): Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: (205) 758-3393 Fax Number: (205) 758-3395 Teléfono: Número para facsímil: Email Address/Web Site/Links: Email: fgptuscde@hotmail.com Web Site: focusonseniorcitizens.org Hours of Operation: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday Description of Services: We provide volunteers who mentor and tutor atrisk or special needs children in the education institutions of Tuscaloosa County. Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Horas de Operación: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Transportation Availability: Training in working with children is provided. Tuscaloosa City and County Schools, 2 Faith Based Day Care Centers and 3 Head Start Programs. Must be a minimum of 55 years old and income eligible Yes Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Categorías de servicios: Volunteers for special needs or at-risk children in the school systems. D-17 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Family Guidance Center of Alabama Nombre de Agencia: Kids and Kin Program/Tuscaloosa County Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Referral Contact: Contacto: Dr. Walter White, Executive Director of Family Guidance Center Kathy Camp, Kids and Kin Program Director Sheila Lee, Child Care Partner Tuscaloosa County Street Address: Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: 5219 Orchard Lane Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35405 Telephone Number: (205) 535-0718 Dirección (para el correo): Teléfono: Fax Number: Número para facsímil: Email Address/Web Site/Links: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Hours of Operation: Horas de Operación: Description of Services: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: slee@familyguidancecenter.org www.familyguidancecenter.org Workshop hours are 10:00 am-12:00 noon bimonthly Kids and Kin provides educational workshops, resources, and support activities which positively impact the quality of care provided by relative child care providers. Kids and Kin offers a Voluntary Certification Program through which relative child care providers can earn health and safety equipment, books, and learning materials for attending free workshops related to quality child care enhancement. Cost and Eligibility: McDonald Hughes Center 3101 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Tuscaloosa, Alabama Free Transportation Availability: none Lugar de servicios: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Child Development Categorías de servicios: D-18 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Alabama Medicaid Agency Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Tuscaloosa Office Manager Ricky Cockrum Referral Contact: Rocky Cockrum & Joyce Jelks Nombre de Agencia: Contacto: Street Address: 907 22nd Avenue, Tuscaloosa AL 35401 Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: 907 22nd Avenue, Tuscaloosa AL 35401 205-391-6779 or 205-391-6770 Teléfono: Fax Number: 205-391-6776 Email Address/Web Site/Links: www.medicaid.alabama.gov Hours of Operation: M-F 8:00 – 4:30 Número para facsímil: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Horas de Operación: Description of Services: Program that pays for medical and long term care services for low income pregnant women, children, certain people on Medicare, individuals with disabilities, and nursing home residents. Location of Services: 907 22nd Avenue, Tuscaloosa AL 35401 Cost and Eligibility: Based on income, resources, citizenship, age and disability Transportation Availability: None Descripción de servicios: Lugar de servicios: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Children, families, pregnant women Categorías de servicios: D-19 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Police Athletic League Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Officer Lilly Leatherwood Referral Contact: Officer Lilly Leatherwood Street Address: 3801 Mill Creek Avenue Tuscaloosa AL, 35401 Mailing Address: 3801 Mill Creek Avenue Tuscaloosa AL, 35401 Telephone Number: 205-366-9944 Fax Number: 205-349-0174 Nombre de Agencia: Contacto: Dirección (de la calle): Dirección (para el correo): Teléfono: Número para facsímil: Email Address/Web Site/Links: Lwilder@tuscaloosa.com Hours of Operation: During school year – Monday-Friday 3:00pm6:00pm Holidays and summer months – 10:00am-6:00pm Description of Services: After school educational, recreational, and spiritual programs Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Horas de Operación: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: PAL Gym in McKenzie Court Housing Development Cost and Eligibility: No cost Transportation Availability: None Service Categories: Children, Adolescents, ages 6-18 Lugar de servicios: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Disponibilidad del transporte: Categorías de servicios: D-20 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Parents Resource Institute for Drug Education - PRIDE Executive Director: Lois Palecek Referral Contact: Lois Palecek Nombre de Agencia: Director ejecutive: Contacto: Street Address: Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: 1210 21st Avenue Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35401 P.O. Box 038991 Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35403 (205) 759-3680, (205) 759-8318 Teléfono: Fax Number: (205) 759-8306 Email Address/Web Site/Links: info@prideoftuscaloosa.org palecek@tusc.k12.al.us Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday 8:00 – 5:00pm Programs are available on weekends by request Número para facsímil: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Horas de Operación: Description of Services: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Transportation Availability: Comprehensive drug/violence prevention program targeting youth, parents, and other members of the community. Components include parent training and education, family strengthening, positive peer leadership training for youth, community/school programs, assessment, resource center for drug/violence materials, referral services, youth alternative programs, family intervention/court referred program, high risk youth alcohol, tobacco, and other drug education, after school, weekend, and summer programming for children Anywhere in the Tuscaloosa city and county community by request No cost for any programs. All programs are open to the public. Referrals to the family intervention/court referred program can come from DHR, court system. Self referral, schools and other sources None Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Categorías de servicios: Children, Adolescents, Parents and Families, General Community D-21 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Tuscaloosa City Board of Education Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Dr. Paul McKendrick, Superintendent Referral Contact: Audrey Ellis, Coordinator of Social Services 759-3518 Nombre de Agencia: Contacto: Street Address: 1210 21st Avenue Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 Mailing Address: P.O Box 038991 Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 Telephone Number: 205-759-3700 Fax Number: 205-759-8306 Dirección (de la calle): Dirección (para el correo): Central Office Teléfono: Número para facsímil: Email Address/Web Site/Links: aellis@tusc.k12.al.us Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 7:30 am – 4:30 pm Horas de Operación: Description of Services: Each school has a guidance counselor who is available to help students and their families’ access services. Five schools also have social workers. There is also a social worker to assist English Language Learners. Group and individual counseling available at all schools. Referrals are also made to community services. Location of Services: Counseling Services are provided on site at each school. Descripción de servicios: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: None Any student attending a Tuscaloosa City School is eligible. Transportation Availability: Limited transportation is provided to counseling services. Pre-K, Children and Adolescents Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Categorías de servicios: D-22 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Tuscaloosa County Board of Education Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Dan Butler, ( Interim ) Referral Contact: Rebecca Mims, Director of Secondary Testing and Guidance 342-2739 Cathy Wooldridge, Director of Elementary and Middle School Testing and Guidance 342-2743 Nombre de Agencia: Contacto: Street Address: Central Office 2314 9th Street Tuscaloosa AL, 35403 Mailing Address: P.O Box 2568 Tuscaloosa, AL 35403 Dirección (de la calle): Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: 205-758-0411 Fax Number: 205-758-4711 Email Address/Web Site/Links: http://www.tcss.net Teléfono: Número para facsímil: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:30pm Description of Services: Each school has a guidance counselor who is available to help students and their families’ access services. Location of Services: Counseling services are provided on site at each school. Horas de Operación: Descripción de servicios: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: None Any student attending a Tuscaloosa County School is eligible. Transportation Availability: None Service Categories: Children and Adolescents Disponibilidad del transporte: Categorías de servicios: D-23 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Tuscaloosa County Juvenile Court Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Ricky Thomas ext. 307 Referral Contact: Melanie Hall ext. 243 Street Address: 6001 12th Ave. E. Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 Mailing Address: 6001 12th Ave. E. Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 Telephone Number: 205-345-4340 Fax Number: 205-345-3909 Nombre de Agencia: Contacto: Dirección (de la calle): Dirección (para el correo): Teléfono: Número para facsímil: Email Address/Web Site/Links: Ricky.thomas@alacourt Hours of Operation: Office hours Monday-Friday 8:30-5:00 Description of Services: Most services are provided for adjudicated delinquent young people. Referrals are made to diversion programs in the event that no criminal or delinquent act has been committed by the youth. Juvenile Court is the responsible agency in custody settlements. Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Horas de Operación: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: 6001 12th Ave. E. Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 No cost Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Transportation Availability: None Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Categorías de servicios: Juvenile court available for ages 0-18 criminal acts D-24 CMHTF 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Tuscaloosa’s One Place, A Family Resource Center Nombre de Agencia: Executive Director: Referral Contact Director ejecutive: Teresa Costanzo Intake Worker – Emerald Autrey Contacto Street Address Dirección (de la calle) Mailing Address: Dirección (para el correo): 867 Redmont Drive Tuscaloosa, AL 35404 P.O. Box 40764 Tuscaloosa, AL 35404 Telephone Number: 205-462-1000 Fax Number: 205-462-1001 Teléfono: Número para facsímil: Email Address/Web Site/Links: www.tuscaloosaoneplace.org Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 8:00-4:30 Description of Services: TOP works with individuals and families to help lead them toward self sufficiency. Services available: *referrals for food, clothing, and utilities * Parent Education programs including home visitation and parenting classes *Career Development Program, GED classes, and ESL classes *Afterschool programs at selected schools *Fatherhood programs JDAI programming * Relationship Education courses Community initiatives 867 Redmont Drive Tuscaloosa, AL 35404 *No Cost *Must provide a valid ID None – on City bus line Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Horas de Operación: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Transportation Availability: Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Categorías de servicios: Child and Adolescents Adults; Families D-25 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: United Cerebral Palsy of West AL, Inc. Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Referral Contact: Mailing Address: Dr. LaMonica Herron-McCoy Mr. Terrance Anderson, Director of UCP Programs 1100 UCP Parkway Northport AL, 35476 SAME Telephone Number: 205-345-3031 Nombre de Agencia: Contacto: Street Address: Dirección (de la calle): Dirección (para el correo): Teléfono: Fax Number: 205-345-3035 Email Address/Web Site/Links: executivedirector@ucpwa.org www.ucpwa.org Número para facsímil: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Hours of Operation: 7:30am-5:30pm Horas de Operación: Description of Services: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Serve individuals with intellectual and physical disabilities. Services include day hab, hourly support services, evening programs, respite services, childcare enhancement instruction, and summer camp for children with and without disabilities. Northport, AL Special projects ( respite and childcare enhancement ) are provided in 16 West AL counties ( Congressional District 9 ) Members the receive day and hourly services usually receive services from the home and community based waiver. To become a member one must be eligible for DMH/ID services and demonstrate significant deficits in psychological and adaptive functioning levels. The eligibility process starts with intake at Central Office in Montgomery. The local Case management agency then receives the request and eventually prompts the choice meeting. Some members in the evening programs utilize the hcb waiver as others private pay. Private pay for the evening program is only $12 per day; summer programs $125 per week. Applications are accepted for these services at the UCP office. D-26 Transportation Availability: Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Categorías de servicios: Transportation is provided for some members receiving day services. Providers and / or families are responsible for transportation for evening and summer programs. Disability Services / Social Service / Education / Training D-26 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: United Methodist Children’s Home Tuscaloosa Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Dr. Blake Horne 334-386-5354 Mary Ward, Supervisor 205-556-1512 Nombre de Agencia: Referral Contact: Contacto: Street Address: 3337 McGee Road Cottondale, AL 35453 Mailing Address: 3337 McGee Road Cottondale, AL 35453 Telephone Number: 205-556-1512 Fax Number: 205-556-0512 Dirección (de la calle): Dirección (para el correo): Teléfono: Número para facsímil: Email Address/Web Site/Links: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: mary@umch.net www.umch.net Hours of Operation: Group home staffed 24 hours/day Description of Services: Scholarship home for college age males to provide placement and support while attending college. A cooperative program between the University of Alabama and the Methodists Children’s home. Traditional programs for males age 17-21 in independent apartment living while either working or attending school. Horas de Operación: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Tuscaloosa County Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Applications are screened by the University for the Scholarship home program. Referrals are usually made through DHR for Traditional Living programs. Transportation Availability: For group home residents Service Categories: Adolescents and college age males Disponibilidad del transporte: Categorías de servicios: D-27 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: United Way of West Alabama Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Jackie Wuska Referral Contact: Amanda Booth, Office Manager Nombre de Agencia: Contacto: Street Address: Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: 2720 6th Street Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 P. O. Box 2291 Tuscaloosa, AL 35403 (205) 345-6641 Teléfono: Fax Number: (205) 345-6681 Email Address/Web Site/Links: amanda@uwwa.org www.uwwa.org Hours of Operation: Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. United Way of West Alabama seeks to determine the needs of the West Alabama community and through the support of community volunteers and donors works to solve those needs for positive changes within the West Alabama community. United Way of West Alabama is... * A Community Sponsored Organization * A Volunteer Organization * A Cost Effective Organization * An Easy Way to Help * A Service Organization Responsive to Community Needs Número para facsímil: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Horas de Operación: Description of Services: Descripción de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: 2720 6th Street Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 N/A Transportation Availability: N/A Location of Services: Lugar de servicios: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Categorías de servicios: D-28 E – Geriatric Services Servicios Geriátricos Amedisys Home Health Care Caring Days Adult Day Care Legal Counsel for the Elderly Mary Starke Harper Geriatric Psychiatry Center Pickens Co. Medical Center Senior Care Project Horseshoe Farm West AL Area Agency on Aging E-1 205/752-0606 205/752-6840 205/348-4960 205/759-0900 205/367-2465 332/507-5537 205/333-2990 E-2 E-3 E-4 E-5 E-6 E-7 E-8 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Nombre de Agencia: Amedisys Home Health Care Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Pam Morgan, RN, BSN Referral Contact: Bill Vaughan, RN, Transitional Case Manager Contacto: Street Address: Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: Teléfono: Fax Number: 1300 McFarland Blvd., NE, Suite 320 Tuscaloosa, AL 35406 1300 McFarland Blvd., NE, Suite 320 Tuscaloosa, AL 35406 205/752-0606 800/261-4316 205/758-5244, 205/578-5137 Número para facsímil: Email Address/Web Site/Links: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Hours of Operation: Horas de Operación: Description of Services: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Transportation Availability: www.amedisys.com pam.morgan@amedisys.com bill.vaughan@amedysis.com Office hours Monday through Friday 8 – 5 24 hour answering service with on-call medical and psychiatric nurse Amedisys Home Health Care provides medical as well as psychiatric services to meet the home health needs of the psychiatric patient, to effectively provide transition from hospital to home with ease for the patient and family, and may facilitate adjunct therapy for existing medical patients with psychiatric needs. Amedisys Home Health Care workers provide care in the patient’s home. Amedysis is an approved Medicare provider. A physician’s order is required to initiate service and an Amedisys Home Health Care worker will complete a mental health assessment to determine home bound status and eligibility. None Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Adults, Geriatric Categorías de servicios: E-2 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Nombre de Agencia: Caring Days Adult Day Care – A Program of Caring Congregations Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Vicki Kerr Vicki Kerr Referral Contact: Contacto: Street Address: Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: Teléfono: Fax Number: Número para facsímil: Email Address/Web Site/Links: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Hours of Operation: Liz Marston Debbie LeBron 943 31st St. E. Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 P.O. Box 3049 Tuscaloosa, AL 35403 205/752-6840 205/752-6841 Vicki@caringdays.org www.caringdays.org Office hours Monday – Friday, 7:30 am – 5:30 pm Horas de Operación: Description of Services: 1. Day care program for adults with memory disorders; Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Pick’s, brain tumors, stroke, Huntington’s, trauma induced and alcoholism related dementia. Caring Days provides a secure and happy place for its clients. Daily activities are designed to keep clients using their existing skills in order for them to maintain skills longer. 2. Project Life Saver – provide small transmitters to individuals who might wander and get lost. Individuals can be tracked and found quickly. Cooperative project with the Tuscaloosa Sheriff Department. Individuals in the West Alabama area are eligible. 3. Caring together program – in conjunction with the Housing Authority. Offers two programs: 1) Dementia, and 2) Wellness to those individuals residing in Housing Authority property. Location of Services: 1110 Dr. Edward Hilliard Drive Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 Cost and Eligibility: $45 for full 10 hour day $30 for half day. Some scholarships are available. Individuals can be referred by anyone to make application. A doctor will need to complete a paper confirming that he/she is appropriate for the program. Program coordinator screens application to determine eligibility. Must have a completed application Descripción de servicios: Lugar de servicios: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Transportation Availability: None Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Adults Geriatric Categorías de servicios: E-3 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Legal Counsel for the Elderly Referral Contact: Hugh M. Lee Diane Simpson – Administrative Secretary Nombre de Agencia: Program Director: Director ejecutive: Contacto: Street Address: Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: The University of Alabama Law School Clinical Service Program P.O. Box 870392 Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0392 205/348-4960 Teléfono: Fax Number: 205/348-6851 Email Address/Web Site/Links: www.uaelderlaw.org Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday 8:00 – 4:45 Número para facsímil: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Horas de Operación: Description of Services: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Provides legal assistance to those over the age of 60 or who have spouses over the age of 60 who reside in Bibb, Hale, Fayette, Lamar, Green, Pickens, or Tuscaloosa Counties. Priority is placed on health care issues, public benefits, and protective services. The University of Alabama Law School Clinical Service Program No cost Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Transportation Availability: Home visits are available Service Categories: Age 60 and above Disponibilidad del transporte: Categorías de servicios: E-4 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Mary Starke Harper Geriatric Psychiatry Center Director: Director ejecutive: Referral Contact: Beverly White BSN Tina Summers, Director of Social Work 759-0925 Leila Quizon, MSN, Director of Nursing 759-0910 200 University Blvd. Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 P.O. Box 21231 Tuscaloosa, AL 35402 Nombre de Agencia: Contacto: Street Address: Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: 205/759-0900 Teléfono: Fax Number: 205/759-0931 Email Address/Web Site/Links: www.mh.alabama.gov Hours of Operation: 24 hour hospital Número para facsímil: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Horas de Operación: Description of Services: Transportation Availability: The Harper Center is a psychiatric hospital for involuntary commitment of persons 65 years and older who are experiencing complications due to a serious mental disability. 200 University Blvd. Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 The hospital is certified to participate in the Medicare and Medicaid programs. Admissions are only through Probate Court Commitments. None. Service Categories: Geriatric Services Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Disponibilidad del transporte: Categorías de servicios: E-5 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Pickens County Medical Center Senior Care Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Carolyn Harpole Referral Contact: Steve Flanagan Nombre de Agencia: Contacto: Street Address: 241 Robert K. Wilson Drive Carrollton, AL 35447 Mailing Address: P.O Box 127 Carrollton, AL 35447 Dirección (de la calle): Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: 205-367-2465 Teléfono: Fax Number: 205-367-2466 Email Address/Web Site/Links: sflanagan@pcmc.dchsystem.com Número para facsímil: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Hours of Operation: 24 Hours Description of Services: Acute Inpatient Geriatric Psychiatric Hosptial Adult Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic Location of Services: Pickens County Medical Center (Inpatient) Carrollton Primary Clinic (Outpatient) Cost and Eligibility: Medicare, Medicaid, Blue Cross, Other Providers, Private Pay Horas de Operación: Descripción de servicios: Lugar de servicios: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Transportation Availability: Not Available Service Categories: Multidisciplinary Treatment (Inpatient) Psychiatric Consultation (Outpatient) Disponibilidad del transporte: Categorías de servicios: E-6 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Project Horseshoe Farm Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Dr. John Dorsey, MD, Psychiatrist, MBA Referral Contact: Becky Wright 205-248-5036 Street Address: 745 Horseshoe Bend Greensboro, AL 36744 Nombre de Agencia: Contacto: Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: Same as above Telephone Number: 332-507-5537 Fax Number: none Dirección (para el correo): Teléfono: Número para facsímil: Email Address/Web Site/Links: hsf.fellows@gmail.com www.projecthorseshoefarm.org Hours of Operation: 24 hours a day, on-site service from 8:00am to 8:00 pm with on-call person at night Description of Services: Residential housing, enhanced independent rural living program for women over age 50 diagnosed with a mental illness. Unlicensed. Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Horas de Operación: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Greensboro, AL Cost and Eligibility: 95% of fixed income or $1,250 per month Transportation Availability: Local transportation provided daily Lugar de servicios: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Group Home/Housing Adult and Geriatric Categorías de servicios: E-7 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: West Alabama Area Agency on Aging Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Robert Lake Referral Contact: Pamela McDaniel Street Address: 4200 Highway 69 N Northport, AL 35473 Mailing Address: Same as above Telephone Number: 205-333-2990 Fax Number: 205-333-2713 Nombre de Agencia: Contacto: Dirección (de la calle): Dirección (para el correo): Teléfono: Número para facsímil: Email Address/Web Site/Links: Ware.info Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Hours of Operation: Horas de Operación: Description of Services: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Transportation Availability: 8-4 Monday-Friday Social Services for People 60 and older Tuscaloosa County Free for those on Medicaid None Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Geriatric Categorías de servicios: E-8 F - Addiction Services Servicios para Addicciones A Woman’s Place Bradford Health Services Indian Rivers Substance Abuse Programs Northwest Alabama Mental Health Center Substance Abuse Services Phoenix House Self-Recovery The Bridge The Journey Tuscaloosa Treatment Center Tuscaloosa Veterans Affairs Substance Abuse Services West Alabama Mental Health Center Substance Abuse Services F-1 205/534-9063 205/750-0227 205/391-3131 205/932-3216 F-2 F-3 F-4 F-5 205/758-3867 866/255-3350 205/344-6483 256/354-1121 205/752-5857 205/554-2000 X 2560 334/289-2410 F-6 F-7 F-8 F-9 F-10 F-11 F-12 CMHTF 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: A Woman’s Place Nombre de Agencia: Executive Director: Director ejecutive: N/A Referral Contact Marcie Thurman Street Address 2209 9th St Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 2209 9th St Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 Contacto Dirección (de la calle) Mailing Address: Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: 205/534-9063 Fax Number: 205/339-7246 Email Address/Web Site/Links: mthurman@irmhc.org http://www.irmhc.org Teléfono: Número para facsímil: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Hours of Operation: Office hours Monday –Friday, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Description of Services: 21 day maximum residential treatment program for women with a substance abuse or addiction problem Location of Services: Services located in Tuscaloosa. Horas de Operación: Descripción de servicios: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Accepts Medicaid; private pay arrangements can be made Transportation Availability: None Service Categories: Categorías de servicios: Adult women, Addiction services. Disponibilidad del transporte: F-2 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Nombre de Agencia: Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Referral Contact: Contacto: Street Address: Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: Bradford Health Services Chuck Wint, LCSW 24 hour Crisis Response Office 205-750-0227 or 1-800-891-9673 515 Energy Center Blvd. Northport, AL 35473 515 Energy Center Blvd. Northport, AL 35473 205/750-0227 or 1-800-891-9673 Teléfono: Fax Number: 205/750-8375 Email Address/Web Site/Links: Web site: www.bradfordhealth.com Email: cwint@bradfordhealth.net Hours of Operation: Crisis response 24 hours/day 7days/week Office hours 8:00 am – 6:30 pm Free Emergency Consultation Services available 24 hours/day, 7 days/week. Adult and Adolescent Treatment. Detox, Residential and Extended Care Treatment. Healthcare Professionals Program. Intensive Outpatient, Educational Programs, Aftercare and Family groups. Parent/Family support meeting is available to the community at no charge. 515 Energy Center Blvd. Northport, AL 35473 Available upon request. Approved by most insurance companies. Cost varies, depending upon type of program and individual needs. None Número para facsímil: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Horas de Operación: Description of Services: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Transportation Availability: Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Categorías de servicios: Addiction Services for: Adults Adolescents Family Programs F-3 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Indian Rivers Substance Abuse Programs Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Randy Phillips Referral Contact: Shanna McIntosh Street Address: 2909 9th St Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 Mailing Address: 2909 9th St Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 Telephone Number: 205/391-3131 Fax Number: 205/391-3139 Email Address/Web Site/Links: http://www.irmhc.org Nombre de Agencia: Contacto: Dirección (de la calle): Dirección (para el correo): Teléfono: Número para facsímil: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Hours of Operation: Office hours Monday –Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Description of Services: Assessments, Intensive Outpatient Treatment and Referral Services for adults. Residential Treatment for adult women provided by A Woman’s Place. Tuscaloosa Horas de Operación: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Transportation Availability: Sliding fee scale available. Many services are covered by insurances, including Medicaid and Medicare. Eligibility for particular programs is determined after completion of assessment. Limited transportation services are provided Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Categorías de servicios: Adult men and women. Addiction services. Residents of Bibb, Pickens and Tuscaloosa Counties only. F-4 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Nombre de Agencia: Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Referral Contact: Contacto: Street Address: Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: Northwest Alabama Mental Health Center Substance Abuse Services Gwen Thomas-LeBlanc, Director of Substance Abuse Services 205/932-3216 Can also refer to START program Susan Lowe 205/924-4133 123 2nd Ave NW Fayette, AL 35555 123 2nd Ave NW Fayette, AL 35555 205/932-3216 Teléfono: Fax Number: 205/932-2354 Email Address/Web Site/Links: www.nwamhc.com Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Hours vary slightly on Fridays. Assessment services. Urine drug screens. Individual and group therapy for, Substance Abuse, Domestic Violence, Anger Management. Some family/marital therapy available on a caseby-case basis. START program is a residential treatment program for adolescent females. Outpatient services offered in Fayette, Jasper, Vernon, Haleyville, Winfield. START Program in Carbon Hill. Sliding fee scale available. Accept Medicaid. Call for further details. None. Número para facsímil: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Horas de Operación: Description of Services: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Transportation Availability: Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Categorías de servicios: Adult males and females. Residents of Fayette, Lamar, Marion, Walker, and Winston Counties. START Program serves adolescent females 13-18 and is available for all Alabama residents. F-5 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Phoenix House Nombre de Agencia: Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Ronald L. Colvin Referral Contact: Jennifer Colvin Contacto: Street Address: Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: 700 35th Ave Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 700 35th Ave Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 205/758-3867 Teléfono: Fax Number: 205/758-3803 Email Address/Web Site/Links: www.phoenixhousetuscaloosa.com Hours of Operation: Office hours Monday – Friday,8:00 – 5:00 Residential program is staffed 24 hours/day Número para facsímil: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Horas de Operación: Description of Services: Residential half-way house for individuals with substance abuse problems. Location of Services: 700 35th Ave Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 Descripción de servicios: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Most individuals are referred from a 28-day crisis residential treatment program but that is not required. Sliding fee scale program is available. Transportation Availability: Only available to individuals who are in the program. Service Categories: Adults, Males and Females Addiction Services Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Disponibilidad del transporte: Categorías de servicios: F-6 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Self-Recovery Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Marilyn Harris Referral Contact: Marilyn Harris Street Address: Brian Whitfield Memorial Hospital 1716 Hwy 43 South Demopolis, AL 36732 Nombre de Agencia: Contacto: Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: Brian Whitfield Memorial Hospital 1716 Hwy 43 South Demopolis, AL 36732 Telephone Number: 866/255-3350 Fax Number: 205/287-3111 Email Address/Web Site/Links: N/A Dirección (para el correo): Teléfono: Número para facsímil: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Hours of Operation: Horas de Operación: Description of Services: Descripción de servicios: Non-Emergency Monday through Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. In emergency situations, referral sources can call 706/585/0682. Short-term, hospital-based detoxification and medical stabilization for patients with drug and alcohol addictions. Aftercare plan available. Location of Services: Brian Whitfield Memorial Hospital Cost and Eligibility: Accepting Medicaid and Medicare. Call for further information of private pay arrangements. Transportation Availability: Transportation is available for clients. Service Categories: Adults only. Males and Females. Lugar de servicios: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Disponibilidad del transporte: Categorías de servicios: F-7 CMHTF 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: The Bridge Nombre de Agencia: Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Tangi Landers, MSW Referral Contact Tangi Landers Street Address 6001 12th Ave. East Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 6001 12th Ave. East Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 Contacto Dirección (de la calle) Mailing Address: Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: 205/344-6483 Fax Number: 205/341-2647 Email Address/Web Site/Links: t_landers@bridgeinc.org www.bridgeinc.org Teléfono: Número para facsímil: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Hours of Operation: Office hours Monday –Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Description of Services: Services for male and female adolescents with a substance abuse or dependence problem. Group and individual counseling. Twelve step classes. Adventure based counseling. Location of Services: Outpatient services located in Tuscaloosa. Inpatient treatment in several Alabama locations. Horas de Operación: Descripción de servicios: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Accepting Medicaid. Call for information on cost of programs. Transportation Availability: Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Categorías de servicios: Adolescent males and females. F-8 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: The Journey Nombre de Agencia: Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Lamar Ward Referral Contact: Lamar Ward Contacto: Street Address: 83825 Hwy 9 Ashland, AL 36251 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1270 Ashland, AL 36251 Dirección (de la calle): Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: 256/354-1121 Fax Number: 256/354-1286 Email Address/Web Site/Links: N/A Teléfono: Número para facsímil: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Hours of Operation: Monday – Sunday 7:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m.; phoneline is available 24/7 at 1-800-583-2197 Description of Services: Short-term, hospital-based detoxification and medical stabilization for patients with drug and alcohol addictions. Aftercare plan available. Horas de Operación: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Clay County Hospital Cost and Eligibility: Accepts both Medicaid and Medicare and most commercial insurance; call for information on private pay arrangements Lugar de servicios: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Transportation Availability: Transportation available for clients Service Categories: Adults 18 and older; both male and female Disponibilidad del transporte: Categorías de servicios: F-9 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Tuscaloosa Treatment Center Nombre de Agencia: Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Steve Nippert Referral Contact: Shannon Pace, Clinical Director Contacto: Street Address: Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: 1001 Mimosa Park Road Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 1001 Mimosa Park Road Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 205/752-5857 Teléfono: Fax Number: 205/752-6410 Email Address/Web Site/Links: None Hours of Operation: Dosing Hours: Mon- Fri 6:00 am – 11:00 am Sat. 6:00 am-9:00 am and Sun 6:00 am-8:00 am Número para facsímil: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Horas de Operación: Description of Services: Drug Addiction Treatment using methadone. Location of Services: 1001 Mimosa Park Road Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 Descripción de servicios: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Applicants are screened for admission. Fee schedule is available upon request. Transportation Availability: None Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Categorías de servicios: Adults Addiction Services F-10 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Tuscaloosa Veterans Affairs Substance Abuse Services Director: Director ejecutive: Dr. Carlos Berry-Outpatient Programs Shelby Crockett Inpatient: Transfer Clerk 205/554-2216 Outpatient: MH Outpatient Clinic Manager 205/554-2000 x3098 3701 Loop Road East Tuscaloosa, AL 35404 3701 Loop Road East Tuscaloosa, AL 35404 Nombre de Agencia: Referral Contact: Contacto: Street Address: Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: Teléfono: Fax Number: Número para facsímil: Email Address/Web Site/Links: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: 205/554-2000 Ask for MAP program Mental Health Administration: 205/554-2000 x2560 Mental Health only: 205/554-2058 Different for each program Web site: www.va.gov (links to Tuscaloosa VA web site) Hours of Operation: Clinic hours Monday-Friday, 8:00 am – 4:30 pm by appointment. Telephone Triage available 24/7 at 205/554-2010 or toll free 888/651-2685 Description of Services: General outpatient mental services; outpatient and residential rehabilitation services for PTSD, substance disorders and dual diagnoses; assertive community treatment; psychological evaluations; vocational rehabilitation; community residential care; partial hospitalization; homeless services; acute and long term inpatient psychiatric services. 3701 Loop Road East Tuscaloosa, AL 35404 Individuals must have served in the U. S. armed forces and be eligible for VA services. Cost is based on service connected to status and income. Limited. Horas de Operación: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Transportation Availability: Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Adult Services Categorías de servicios: F-11 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Nombre de Agencia: West Alabama Mental Health Center Substance Abuse Services Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Judy Walters, Clinical Director Referral Contact: James Ward, Substance Abuse Director Street Address: 1215 S. Walnut Ave Demopolis, AL 36732 Contacto: Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: PO Box 260 Demopolis, AL 36732 Fax Number: 334/289-2410 1-800-239-2901 Access to Care line 334/289-2416 Email Address/Web Site/Links: www.wamhc.org Teléfono: Número para facsímil: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Hours of Operation: Horas de Operación: 8:00-5:00 Monday through Friday. Emergency services 24 hours, call 1-800-239-2901 Description of Services: Assessments and Outpatient Program, meets 3 nights/ week for 50 sessions. Location of Services: Demopolis, AL. Cost and Eligibility: Sliding Fee Scale Available. Medicaid and Medicare. Cost of Substance Abuse program is $350. Must be paid in full at beginning. Transportation Availability: Case Managers can assist clients in finding public transportation. Age 18 and up. Males and Females. Residents of Marengo, Choctaw, Sumter, Hale, Greene. Descripción de servicios: Lugar de servicios: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Categorías de servicios: F-12 G - Housing and Homeless Services Servicios de viviendas y hogar Available Housing/Housing Counseling/ Shelter Services Community Service Programs of West Alabama Dent Transitional Program James O. Ellis Health Center King’s Home Northport Housing Authority Rent and Utilities Assistance Salvation Army Tuscaloosa Housing Authority Tuscaloosa VA Medical Center Transition Center Tuscaloosa VA Medical Center Homeless Domiciliary G-1 G-2 205/758-4756 205/633-4100 205/752-1087 205/553-0045 205/752-8171 205/553-1601 205/758-6619 205/554-2000 x 2500 205/554-2000 x 3395 G-3 G-4 G-5 G-6 G-7 G-8 G-9 G-10 G-11 G-12 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Housing/Housing Counseling/Shelter Services Organization/Church/Agency Address Phone Habitat For Humanity 1120 35 Street Suite #B Tuscaloosa 35401 2117 Jack Warner Parkway NE Tuscaloosa, AL 3701 Loop Road East Tuscaloosa, Al. 35404 205-349-4620 2201 24th/ Street Tuscaloosa, Al. 35401 2209 9th Street Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 Lenard Brown 205-248-5095 lbrown@tuscaloosa.com 2681 24th/ Street Tuscaloosa, Al. 35401 3500 West Circle, # 39 Northport, Al. 35746 205-759-9771 th Tuscaloosa Housing Authority (Affordable low income housing based on income) Tuscaloosa VA Jackie Hill-Gordon-HCHV Outreach Coordinator Debbie Williams- HCHV Outreach Social Worker Housing Rehab Loan Program Indian Rivers Mental Health Center Homeless Case Management Jesus Way Shelter Near Elizabeth Baptist Church Northport Housing Authority (Affordable low income housing based on income) G-2 205-758-6619 205-554-2000 Jackie Hill Gordon EXT: 1-2737 Debbie Williams EXT: 1-2416 205-562-3700 EXT 1031 205-752-8171 Organization/Church/Agency Address Phone Project Share (Through Red Cross) Temporary Emergency Services 205-391-6647 Tuscaloosa Housing Counseling Program (Housing counseling, money management, budgeting, etc.) 1705 15 Street Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 2009 Paul Bryant Drive Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 2122 6th Street Tuscaloosa, Al. 35401 YMCA (Housing on a temporary basis, rooms are $75 per week, services for youth, family adults) 2405 Paul W Bryant Drive Tuscaloosa, Al. 35401 Tuscaloosa Homebuilders Association (Repairs/Modifications) th G-2 205-345-7253 Dora Drake 205-248-5095 ddrake@tuscaloosa.com Bryan Langdon, Director 205-345-9622 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Directory Agency Name: Community Service Programs of West Alabama, Inc. Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Referral Contact: Cynthia W. Burton Phone: 752-5429 Sontonia Stephens, Supportive Services Director ext 239 Lacy Kornegay, Supportive Services, ext 218 Eddie Sides, Property Manager, ext 213 Street Address: 601 17th Street Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 601 17th Street Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 Nombre de Agencia: Contacto: Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: Teléfono: Fax Number: 205/758-4756 205/752-5429 205/758-7229 Número para facsímil: Email Address/Web Site/Links: www.cspwal.com Hours of Operation: Office hours 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Monday-Friday Description of Services: Social Services: Energy Assistance, food vouchers, Juvenile Justice Intervention Program, meals on wheels Education: Early Intervention; Headstart/ Early Headstart Housing: Rental Housing; Housing Counseling; Homebuyer Education; Lease Purchase Program; Rehabilitation; Weatherization; PreWeatherization Various locations throughout a 13 county area. Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Horas de Operación: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Transportation Availability: Varies by program and the individual’s income and resources None Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Categorías de servicios: Different programs serve different ages from infants through adults. G-3 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Nombre de Agencia: Dent Transitional Program Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Tracy Dent Referral Contact: Tracy Dent Street Address: 15769 Thomas Chapel Road Cottondale, AL 35453 Contacto: Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: same Telephone Number: 205-633-4100 or 205-246-5655 Dirección (para el correo): Teléfono: Fax Number: Número para facsímil: Email Address/Web Site/Links: Tracydentfoundation.pledgepage.org Hours of Operation: 24 hours Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Horas de Operación: Description of Services: Homeless shelter for homeless men ages 19 to 30 Assistance with food, clothing and finding a job. Location of Services: Cost and Eligibility: 15769 Thomas Chapel Road Cottondale, AL 35453 Call for eligibility Transportation Availability: For shelter residents only Descripción de servicios: Lugar de servicios: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Homeless/Shelters Categorías de servicios: G-4 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Nombre de Agencia: James O. Ellis Health Center (A Whatley Health Center) Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Deborah Tucker Referral Contact: Iris Davis, Case Manager Homeless Program Cell# 394-0497 3532 Greensboro Avenue Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 Near UPS 3532 Greensboro Avenue Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 Contacto: Street Address: Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: Dirección (para el correo): Telephone Number: 205-752-1087 Teléfono: Fax Number: 205-752-1097 Email Address/Web Site/Links: idavis@whatleyhealth.org Hours of Operation: Monday- Thursday 7:00 am – 7:00 pm Friday 7:00 am – 5:00 pm Saturday 8:00 am – 12:00 noon Health care at no cost upon meeting eligibility criteria. Also provides services on a sliding fee scale. Accepts all insurance. Número para facsímil: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Horas de Operación: Description of Services: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: 3532 Greensboro Avenue Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 Cost and Eligibility: Homeless individuals and families, persons living in local shelters Lugar de servicios: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Transportation Availability: None Service Categories: Medical/Health care for Homeless Disponibilidad del transporte: Categorías de servicios: G-5 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: King’s Home Nombre de Agencia: Site Director: Director ejecutive: Arthenia Lewis Referral Contact: Contacto: Street Address: Arthenia Lewis Brenda, Case Worker Not published Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: P.O. Box 427 Brookwood, AL 35444 Telephone Number: 205/553-0045 Fax Number: 205/553-0015 Dirección (para el correo): Teléfono: Número para facsímil: Email Address/Web Site/Links: None Hours of Operation: Office Hours Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Group Home staffed evenings and weekends Two year residential program with a Christian orientation for female victims of domestic violence. Brookwood, AL Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Horas de Operación: Description of Services: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: No cost. Over the phone interview is completed before being placed on waiting list. Residents required to be eligible for work or school and to attend work &/or school each day Transportation Availability: Yes/Limited Service Categories: Adult women Children No males over the age of 12 Disponibilidad del transporte: Categorías de servicios: G-6 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Northport Housing Authority Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Ruby Burton Referral Contact: For questions about Public Housing or Section 8 call 205-752-8171 Street Address: 3500 West Circle Northport, AL 35476 Nombre de Agencia: Contacto: Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: 3500 West Circle Northport, AL 35476 Telephone Number: 205-752-8171 Dirección (para el correo): Teléfono: Fax Number: 205-345-1506 Número para facsímil: Email Address/Web Site/Links: www.northporthousing.org Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday 8am-5pm Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Horas de Operación: Description of Services: Descripción de servicios: Northport Housing Authority offers Public Housing and Section 8 Housing. Eligibility and monthly rent is based on income. Call Northport Housing Authority at 205-752-8171 for more information on specific housing programs. Location of Services: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Monthly rent for Public Housing and Section 8 is based on income. Transportation Availability: None Service Categories: Housing Disponibilidad del transporte: Categorías de servicios: G-7 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Rent and Utility Assistance Organization/Church/Agency Address Phone Catholic Family Services ∑ Sister Carol Gray ∑ Make applications in person ∑ 1:30 – 3:00 pm on Mon, Tues, Wed ∑ You can also call from 9:am – 10:30 am on Mon to Wed to make a phone application Christ Episcopal (Utilities & food, no rent) ∑ Appointment only 1:45 pm on Mondays ∑ Must provide picture I.D. & Utility Bill ∑ $35 towards bill Community Service Programs of West Alabama ∑ Heating/cooling ∑ Home repairs Project Share (American Red Cross) ∑ Appointments made on Monday’s only by phone. ∑ Calls only! No walk-ins. ∑ Required to be 62 or older or have full disability and be head of household ∑ First 20 appointments Salvation Army ∑ Help with rent, mortgage and utilities ∑ Call for appointment Temporary Emergency Services ∑ Call at 9:00 am on Mondays for an appointment. ∑ First 12 callers will get appointments Tuscaloosa Homebuilders Association 608 James Harrison, Jr. Pkwy Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 205-759-1268 605 Lurleen Wallace Blvd Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 205-758-4252 601 Black Bears Way Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 205-752-5429 Temporary Emergency Services 1705 15th Street Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 205-391-6647 3701 Loop Rd Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 205-507-9590 1705 15th Street Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 205-758-5535 Tuscaloosa Housing Counseling Association G-8 205-345-7253 205-248-5095 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Salvation Army Commanding Officer: Captains’ Dean and/or Pamela Moretz Referral Contact: Brandy Sutton, Director of Social Services Street Address: Telephone Number: The Salvation Army 1601 University Blvd. E. Tuscaloosa, AL 35404 The Salvation Army P.O. Box 2470 Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 1-205-553-1601 Fax Number: 205-553-1606 Nombre de Agencia: Contacto: Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: Dirección (para el correo): Teléfono: Número para facsímil: Email Address/Web Site/Links: PamelaMoretz@uss.salvationarmy.org Hours of Operation: Office hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30am-4:30pm Description of Services: The Salvation Army meets human needs without discrimination: Social Services, Character Building, Church Services, Special Events, Community Outreach, Disaster Services Same as above Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Horas de Operación: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Transportation Availability: New Clients: Proof of hardship and needs assessment interview Upon request and availability Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Call for details Categorías de servcios: G-9 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Tuscaloosa Housing Authority Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Ralph Ruggs Referral Contact: For questions about Public Housing or Section 8 call 205-758-6619 Street Address: 2117 Jack Warner Parkway Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35401 Nombre de Agencia: Contacto: Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: 2117 Jack Warner Parkway Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35401 Telephone Number: 205-758-6619 Dirección (para el correo): Teléfono: Fax Number: 205-758-9917 Número para facsímil: Email Address/Web Site/Links: www.tuscaloosahousing.org Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday 8am-5pm Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Horas de Operación: Description of Services: Descripción de servicios: Tuscaloosa Housing Authority offers Public Housing and Section 8 Housing. Eligibility and monthly rent is based on income. The Section 8 wait list is closed at this time. Applications are accepted for Public Housing at Robertson Towers (62 & older). Hay Court Apartments, Crescent East Apartment and Branscomb Apartments. Tuscaloosa Housing Authority also provides housing through the Shelter + Care program and the HUD VASH Program. Call the Housing Authority at 205-758-6619 for more information on specific housing programs. Location of Services: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Transportation Availability: Monthly rent for Public Housing and Section 8 is based on income None Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Housing Categorías de servicios: G-10 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Nombre de Agencia: Tuscaloosa VA Medical Center Transition Center Executive Director: Director ejecutive: Referral Contact: Mailing Address: Stephanie Massey, RN , MSN Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation New Dawn (OEF/OIF/OND) Program Coordinator 3701 Loop Road East Bldg 135 Tuscaloosa, AL 35404 Same as Street Telephone Number: 205-554-2000 ext 2500 Fax Number: 205-554-2949 Contacto: Street Address: Dirección (de la calle): Dirección (para el correo): Teléfono: Número para facsímil: Email Address/Web Site/Links: www.tuscaloosa.va.gov Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Hours of Operation: Horas de Operación: Description of Services: Descripción de servicios: Location of Services: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Transportation Availability: 8:00am – 4:30pm To promote a seamless transition from military life to civilian life for veterans returning from recent combat theater by providing comprehensive health services to improve their health and well-being. Tuscaloosa VA Medical Center Transition Center - Bldg 135 Veterans who served on active duty in a theater of combat operations during a period of war after November 11, 1998 or in combat against a hostile force during a period of hostilities are eligible for health care services for a period of five years. Based on eligibility Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Categorías de servicios: Integrated Healthcare Clinic providing primary care, mental health, social service, and case management services. G-11 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Agency Name: Nombre de Agencia: Tuscaloosa VA Medical Center Homeless Domiciliary Director: Director ejecutive: David Gay, LCSW Referral Contact: David Gay Street Address: 3701 Loop Road East Tuscaloosa, AL 35404 Contacto: Dirección (de la calle): Mailing Address: 3701 Loop Road East Tuscaloosa, AL 35404 Telephone Number: 205-554-2000 x 3395 Fax Number: 205-554-3556 Dirección (para el correo): Teléfono: Número para facsímil: Email Address/Web Site/Links: Correo Electrónico/Sitios en la Red/Conexión: Hours of Operation: Walk-in hours 9:00 am – 11:00 am Description of Services: 48-bed facility located on the VA campus. Provides shelter, vocational rehab, health care, mental health treatment, and substance abuse treatment. Location of Services: VA Medical Center 3701 Loop Road East Tuscaloosa No charge for services. Services are available to eligible veterans only. Horas de Operación: Descripción de servicios: Lugar de servicios: Cost and Eligibility: Cuesta y Elegibilidad: Transportation Availability: Disponibilidad del transporte: Service Categories: Categorías de servicios: G-12 H – Other Services Otros Servicios Advocacy Services H-2 Advocacy: Apoyo: Alabama Disabilities Advocacy Program ADAP Alabama Department of Mental Health National Alliance for the Mentally Ill NAMI Office of Consumer Relations People First of Alabama Wings Across Alabama Tuscaloosa Mental Health Alliance 205/348-4928 1-800/367-0955 205/752-5774 1-800/832-0952 205/709-1479 1-888/946-4725 Disaster Recovery Compassion Coalition of Tuscaloosa County 205/349-2797 Food and Clothing Services H-3 Alabama Goodwill Industries Alberta Soup Kitchen America’s Thrift Store Catholic Family Services Christian Ministry Center Community Service Programs Community Soup Bowl Cornerstone Baptist Church Family Resource Center Salvation Army St. Mark’s United Methodist Church Temporary Emergency Services University Church of Christ West Alabama Food Bank 205/323-6331 205/507-4700 205/507-4700 205/759-1268 205/752-8399 205/752-5429 205/752-2421 205/345-4892 205/462-1000 205/553-1601 205/339-5990 205/758-5535 205/553-3001 205/333-5353 Legal Assistance/Payee Services H-4 Alabama State Bar Volunteer Lawyers Program Legal Services Alabama 1-888/857-8571 205/758-7503 1-800/403-4872 1-800/441-7607 Social Security Disability Programs H-1 H – Other Services Otros Servicios Medical Assistance/Services H-5 Alabama Medicaid Agency Alabama Prescription Assistance Program Children’s Rehabilitation Service Good Samaritan Clinic Hospice of West Alabama Maude Whatley Health Center Medicaid Waiver Program Poison Control Center Senior Rx Tuscaloosa County Health Department University Medical Center West Alabama AIDS Outreach Support Groups 1-800/362-1504 1-800/718-7266 205/759-1279 205/343-2212 205/523-0101 205/758-6647 205/333-2990 1-800/222-1222 205/333-2990 205/562-6900 205/348-1770 205/759-8470 H-6 Grupos de apoyo: AA Hotline Autism Society of Alabama 205/290-0060 1-877/4AUTISM 205/454-6559 205/523-0101 205/759-7877 205/759-8050 205/758-1159 205/554-0735 205/292-1411 205/310-0070 205/553-3137 205/345-1534 205/657-7284 Bereavement Support Groups Cancer Support Groups Celebrate Recovery Child Abuse Prevention Services of Alabama Compassionate Friends DivorceCare DBSA/The Moodies Friendship House [Emotions Anonymous] GRASP H-1 H – Other Services Otros Servicios Support Groups Grupos de apoyo: NAMI Connection NAMI – Tuscaloosa NAMI – UA Parent Support Group – Bradford Health Services Suicide Survivors West Alabama AIDS Outreach Women for Sobriety Transportation Services 205/249-0931 205/752-5774 205/348-5083 205/750-0227 205/247-5011 205/759-8470 205/718-4097 H-7 Transporte: Easter Seals Kid One Transport 205/722-1004 1-800/543-7143 1-800/978-1000 1-800/362-1504 205/333-1577 205/343-2300 205/758-6647 Medicaid Recipient Services Together We Ride Tuscaloosa Transit Authority Whatley Health Transportation Services Vocational Training/Employment/Rehabilitation/Literacy Empleo/Rehabilitacion: Alabama Goodwill Industries Alabama Institute for the Deaf and Blind Department of Rehab Services Easter Seal of West Alabama Indian Rivers Supported Employment Program Shelton State Adult GED Shelton State Adult Literacy Program Tuscaloosa Career Center Tuscaloosa Center for Technology 205/323-6331 205/345-2883 205/554-1300 205/759-1211 205/391-3131 205/391-2662 205/391-2671 205/758-7591 205/759-3649 H-1 H-8 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Advocacy Services Organization/Church/Agency Address Phone Alabama Disabilities Advocacy Program ADAP Box 870395 Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0395 adap@adap.ua.edu 200 University Blvd. Tuscaloosa, AL P.O. Box 20527 Tuscaloosa, AL 35402 RSA Union Bldg. 100 N. Union Street Montgomery, AL 36130 205-348-4928 Alabama Department of Mental Health Advocacy Program NAMI National Alliance for the Mentally Ill Alabama Department of Office of Consumer Relations People First of Alabama Wings Across Alabama 400 Eastern Blvd. Suite 201 Montgomery, AL 36117 H-2 1-800-367-0955 205-759-0771 205-752-5775 1-800-832-0952 1-800-832-1410 205-709-1479 1-888-946-4725 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Food and Clothing Services Church/Organization Address Phone America’s Thrift Store 1735 Skyland Blvd. E. Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 Brookwood United Methodist Church Brookwood, AL 205-507-4700 608 37th/ Street Tuscaloosa, Al. 35404 205-759-1268 16995 Walden Pond Rd. Brookwood, AL 205-554-7706 601 Blackbears Way Tuscaloosa, Al. 35401 205-752-5429 Alberta Soup Kitchen East Tuscaloosa Soup Bowl ∑ Sun, W, F ∑ 12 - 1 Catholic Family Services ∑ By Appointment Only ∑ TWTh 9 -11:30 am Christian Ministry Center M-W-Th (must be there between 9 and 10 am to get number. 9 A.M. to 12 P.M. ∑ Need referral from CSP, Church, First Place, FOCUS, VA, Hospital or Doctor ∑ May return every 3 Months if you qualify. ∑ Need to present social security card and picture ID for self. ∑ If you have dependents age 18 or older they must be disabled or full time students and you must show proof of that. ∑ *Need to present Medicaid card or social security card for anyone else you are picking up for. Community Service Programs of West Alabama ∑ USDA Commodity food distribution ∑ Meals on Wheels Community Soup Bowl ∑ Daily ∑ 11:00 A.M. – 12:50 P.M. ∑ No requirements ∑ Anyone is welcome Cornerstone Baptist Church ∑ Tue-Thurs ∑ 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. ∑ only donate food, clothing 1711 23rd Avenue Tuscaloosa, Al. (Behind Piggly Wiggly/Greensboro Ave) 610 Brooksdale Drive Tuscaloosa, Al. 35401 (Located off Greensboro Ave/near UPS) H-3 205-553-4588 Ext. 228 for Meals on Wheels 205-752-2421 205-345-4892 Salvation Army ∑ Proof of home address, picture ID, social security cards for all family members St. Mark United Methodist Church ∑ Tuesday 11:30 – 2 ∑ Wednesday 9 – 2 ∑ Referral from CSP needed & APPOINTMENT. Temporary Emergency Services ∑ M-F ∑ 9:00 – 4:30 ∑ Require referral from organization University Church of Christ ∑ Wednesdays only ∑ 4:30 P.M. to 5 P.M. ∑ DO NOT come earlier ∑ Require referral from FOCUS 2902 Greensboro Avenue Tuscaloosa, Al. 35401 205-553-1601 1421 McFarland Blvd. Northport, Al. 35476 (US Hwy 82/near DCH Northport) 205-339-5990 1705 15th Street Tuscaloosa, Al. 35401 205-758-5535 1200 Julia Tutwiler Dr. Tuscaloosa, Al. 35404 (Behind Hampton Inn off US 82/down the street from Tuscaloosa DCH) 205-553-3001 H-3 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Legal Assistance/Payee Services Organization/Church/Agency Address Phone Alabama Department of Human Resources ∑ Child Support, TANF 3716 12 / Avenue E. Tuscaloosa, Al. 35405 1110 Dr. Edward Hilliard Drive Tuscaloosa, Al. 35401 P.O. Box 020281 Tuscaloosa, Al. 35402 205-554-1100 1118 Greensboro Ave Tuscaloosa, Al. 35401 205-349-4863 or 1-800-772-1213 Easter Seals West Alabama ∑ Payee Services ∑ $35.00 monthly fee charged for services FOCUS on Senior Citizens ∑ Payee Services ∑ Edge Employment Service [Dora Thomas] Social Security Administration ∑ SSI, SSDI ∑ By Appointment Alabama State Bar Volunteer Lawyers Program Legal Services Alabama Tuscaloosa office numbers th 205-759-7211 Ext. 261 Contact: Polly Anthony 205-758-3393 Contact: Polly Anthony 1-888-857-8571 205-758-7503 1-800-403-4872 1-888-440-3256 H-4 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Medical Assistance/Services Organization/Church/Agency Address Phone Maude Whatley Health Center (Provides wide range of health care services on sliding scale basis) Tuscaloosa County Health Department 2731 Martin Luther King Blvd. Tuscaloosa, Al. 35401 2350 Hargrove Road East Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 850 5th Ave. E Tuscaloosa, Al. 35401 3880 Watermelon Road Northport, AL (next to Sunset Funeral Home) 205-758-6647 205-349-3250 Tuscaloosa office closing in September of 2013 4200 Highway 69 North Suite 1 Northport, AL 35476 4200 Hwy 69N Street One Northport, Al. 35473 4200 Hwy 69N Street One Northport, Al. 35473 P.O. Box 020706 Tuscaloosa, Al. 354020706 1-800-2221222 205-759-8470 University Medical Center Good Samaritan Clinic ∑ Tuesday 10 – 11:30 new patients for assessment and appointment ∑ 2:00 open and No services to those who have Medicaid, VA, or other insurance ∑ Thursday 2:00 – maintenance appts. ∑ Bring photo ID and proof of income for everyone in household Poison Control Center West Alabama AIDS Outreach Medicaid Waiver Program Through the Area Agency on Aging Senior Rx (Medication Assistance) Alabama Medicaid Agency ∑ One of three agencies that certifies individuals for Medicaid 907 22nd Ave Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 H-5 205-562-6900 205-348-1770 205-343-2212 Fax: 205-391-2718 205-333-2990 205-333-2990 1-800-2435463 1-800-3621504 1-205-3916779 For disabilities and nursing homes 205391-6770 Alabama Prescription Assistance Program Prescription discounts for all residents of Alabama regardless insured or uninsured Hospice of West Alabama (Services for terminally ill individuals and their families) Children’s Rehabilitation Service ∑ Vivian Spears, Parent Consultant vivian.spears@rehab.alabama.gov ∑ provides resource and social support to families and individuals with special health care needs, family-centered care advocate www.alabamarxcard.com 1-800-7187266 3851 Loop Road Tuscaloosa, AL 35404 205-523-0101 1110 Dr. Edward Hilliard Drive Tuscaloosa, AL 35403 759-1279 1-800-7230490 Fax 205-3444072 H-5 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Support Groups Organization/Church/Agency Address Phone Alcoholics Anonymous ∑ Free 12 step program for people interested in recovery from addiction ∑ Meeting at River Rd. on Tuesdays at 12 noon Autism Society of America Tuscaloosa Support Group ∑ Contact Tracy Camp tuscaloosanetworkinggroup@autismalabama.org ∑ Meet 2nd Saturday of each month ∑ Child care provided to children with autism and siblings Bereavement Support Group 2nd Wednesday at 2:00 pm and last Thursday at 5:30 pm Cancer Support Groups Contact Ashley Stripling 2025 W River Road Tuscaloosa, Al. 35401 113 Hargrove Road Tuscaloosa, AL Hotline – 205-2900060 Hospice of West Alabama 205-5230101 DCH Cancer Treatment Center The Church of Tuscaloosa 6120 Watermelon Rd. Northport, Al. 618 14th Street Tuscaloosa, Al. 35401` 3328 University Blvd E Tuscaloosa, Al. 35404 First United Methodist & First Baptist Church National office 730 N. Franklin Street Suite 501 Chicago, IL 60610 205-7597877 Celebrate Recovery (12 step Christ centered recovery programs) Monday, Saturday 6:00 pm Call for more information Child Abuse Prevention Services of Alabama ∑ Weekly parent education/support group Compassionate Friends ∑ Support group for grieving parents/siblings ∑ Meets 2nd Monday of each month at 6:30 pm at St. Mark United Methodist Church in Northport DivorceCare Contact Dennis Harkey Dennis.Harkey@yahoo.com Depression Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) THE MOODIES – Support Group for persons with Depression or Bipolar Disorder Meets on 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month 6:00 pm at Friendship House, 505 19th Ave., Tuscaloosa Contacts: Paul Elmore 310-0070 or Anne 553-3137 H-6 205-4546559 1-877AUTISM 205-7598050 205-7581159 205-5540735 Ms. Joanna Jacobs 205-2921411 Call 1-800826-3632 Fax: 312642-7243 Emotions Anonymous ∑ No fees ∑ Individuals must be 18 years and older and must be recovering from a mental illness Friendship House 505 19th Ave. Tuscaloosa, Al. 35401-1509 205-3451534 Contact: Sandra Ryder GRASP (Grief Recovery after a Substance Passing) Meets 2nd Monday of the month at 6:00 pm Debbie St. John, Coordinator Bradford Health Services 515 Energy Center Blvd Northport, Al. 205-6577284 NAMI (Tuscaloosa Chapter) ∑ Family to Family Education Course ∑ Free 12-week course ∑ Contact : Cecelia Laurie NAMI Connection Mental Illness Recovery Support Group Meets 2nd Monday of each month at 6:00 pm Contact: Melissa Young NAMI-UA Collegiate Chapter P.O. Box 20527 Tuscaloosa, Al. 35402 205-7525774 First Presbyterian Church 205-2490931 Gordon Palmer Hall UA Campus Tuscaloosa Bradford Health Services 515 Energy Center Blvd Northport, Al. 204 Temple Ave Fayette, AL 35555 Trinity United Methodist Church 729 Bryant Drive Tuscaloosa P.O. Box 031947 Tuscaloosa, Al. 35403 205-3485083 Parents Support Meeting ∑ For parents experiencing problems with their teens People First of Alabama For individuals with intellectual disabilities Survivors of Suicide Meets 3rd Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm Contact: Mary Turner West Alabama AIDS Outreach ∑ Support groups/counseling for anyone who has tested positive for HIV/AIDS Women for Sobriety Meets Tuesdays at 5:30 pm Contact: Karen Holy Spirit Catholic Church H-6 205-7500227 205-7091479 205-2475011 759-8470 or 1-800-7222437 205-7184097 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Transportation Services Organization/Church/Agency Address Phone Kid One Transport System ∑ Application process is available by calling the 1-800 number listed here. ∑ Assistance is available by phone to complete the application process if needed ∑ Applications can also be obtained at the Health Department. Medicaid Recipient Services ∑ Medicaid will send you a check to pay someone to take you, or pay for a cab. ∑ You must have Medicaid to receive this service and have it approved in advance 3535 7 Court South Birmingham, AL 35222 1-800-543-7143 Or 1-800-978-1000 P.O. Box 020706 Tuscaloosa, Al. 35402-0706 1-800-362-1504 Whatley Health Transportation Services Maude Whatley Health Services Together We Ride Program Ability Alliance Easter Seals Tuscaloosa Transit Authority H-7 th 907 22nd Ave Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 2731 Martin Luther King Blvd. Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 1002 McFarland Blvd. Tuscaloosa, AL 35476 1110 Dr. Edward Hillard Dr. Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 2450 Hargrove Rd. Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 205-758-6647 Ext. 3015 205-333-1577 Ext. 213 205-759-1211 205-343-2300 TMHA 2014 Resource Directory Agency Information Vocational Training/Employment/Literacy Organization/Church/Agency Address Phone Alabama Goodwill Industries, Inc. ∑ Offers pre-vocation evaluation, job placement, work, adjustment, training, sheltered employment, and support to the disabled/disadvantaged Department of Rehabilitation Services ∑ Assists individuals with disabilities in returning to work. Shelton State Adult Literacy PLUS 2350 Green Springs Hwy Birmingham, Al. 35205 205-323-6331 1305 37th/ Street E. Tuscaloosa, Al. 35405 205-554-1300 9500 Old Greensboro Rd. Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 CA Fred campus of Shelton State 3401 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd Tuscaloosa, Al. 35401 VA Hospital Bldg 39 3701 Loop Rd. Tuscaloosa, Al. 35404 205-391-2671 202 Skyland Drive Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 205-759-2576 1110 Dr. Edward Hillard Drive Tuscaloosa, Al. 35041 205-759-1211 2800 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. East Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 205-759-3649 2417 Skyland Blvd. East Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 205-345-2883 Adult Education Program ∑ GED classes (General Education Diploma) Indian Rivers Supported Employment Program ∑ Provides assistance in finding IRMHC clients employment/job opportunities to get back in competitive employment. Tuscaloosa Area Career Center ∑ statewide we are Alabama’s Career Center System with representatives from Shelton State, Adult Education, Job Placement and Voc Rehab ∑ contact LindaHardwick Linda.Hardwick@dif.alabama.gov Easter Seals West Alabama ∑ Offers comprehensive rehab program for physically and mentally challenged individuals aged 18 and older by referral Tuscaloosa Center for Technology Alabama Institute for the Deaf and Blind H-8 205-391-2662 205-391-3131 A. Advocacy, Charitable and Self-Help Groups Section I: Suggested Web Site links: A. Advocacy, Charitable and Self-Help Groups Alzheimer’s Association Phone: 1-800-272-3900 www.alz.org Email: info@alz.org ADD Resource Center http://www.addrc.org/ American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD) 501 – 3rd Street NW, Suite 200 Washington DC 20001 1-800-424-3688 (www.aamr.org website for American Association of Mental Health Retardation now redirects to www.aaidd.org) Email: anam@aaidd.org (general inquiries and membership) American Association of Jewish Family & Children’s’ Agencies (AJFCA) 1-800-634-7346 http://www.ajfca.org/ Email: AJFCA@aifca.org American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) Phone: 1-800-424-3410 www.aarp.org Page 1 of 16 Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) http://www.adaa.org/ 8701 Georgia Ave. Suite 412 Silver Spring, MD 20910 Anxiety Disorders Association of America (ADAA) 1-240-485-1001 http://www.adaa.org The Arc 1825 K Street NW, Suite 1200 Washington, DC 20006 Phone: 202-534-3700 / 800-433-5255 Fax: 202-534-3731, http://www.thearc.org Email: info@thearc.org Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA) PO Box 7557 Wilmington, DE 19803-9997 Phone/Fax: (800) 939-1019 Email: info@add.org http://www.add.org/ Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) http://www.Adhd.com Autism Society of America www.autismsociety.org Autism Speaks www.autismspeaks.org Bi-Polar Guide http://www.seroquel.com Bipolar Health – Kid Health http://www.kidshealth.org Bipolar Help Center http://www.bipolarhelpcenter.com Page 2 of 16 Bipolar.com http://www.bipolar.com Brain and Behavior Research Foundation (Formerly National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression (NARSAD)) 1-800-829-8289 http://bbrfoundation.org Email: info@bbrfoundation.org Catholic Charities USA 2050 Ballenger Avenue Suite 400 Alexandria, VA 22314 703-549-1390 Fax: 703-549-1656 Donations: 1-800-919-9338 Website: www.catholiccharitiesusa.org Email: General Inquiries: info@catholiccharitiesusa.org Donor Relations: donations@catholiccharitiesusa.org Web Site Issues: webmaster@catholiccharitiesusa.org Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) National Office 8181 Professional Place - Suite 150 Landover, MD 20785 http://www.chadd.org/ Tel: 301-306-7070 / Fax: 301-306-7090 Depression @About.Com http://depression.about.com/ Page 3 of 16 Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) 1-800-826-3632 http://www.DBSAlliance.org Depression Hurts http://www.depressionhurts.com Depression Screening http://www.depression-screening.org http://www.mentalhealthamerica.net/llw/depression_screen.cfm Find Counseling. Com 1-708-434-2260 http://www.findcounseling.com Email: (use contact form on website) Mental Health Resource Information includes: Mental Health Glossary, Psychology News and Research Briefs, Hotline/Helpline Directory, Professional Associations, Mental Health Journals, Hospitals Directory, Mental Health and Disability Advocacy Organizations, Conference Calendar, Therapist Directory—Find Therapist by Location Mental Health America 1-800-969-6642 http://www.nmha.org/ http://www.mentalhealthamerica.net/ Email: nmhainfo@aol.com National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) 1-800-950-NAMI (6264) http://www.nami.org National Alliance on Schizophrenia and Depression (NARSAD) 60 Cutter Mill Road, Suite 404 Great Neck, New York 1-800-829-8219 http://www.narsad.org National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. (NCADD) 1-800-NCA-CALL http://www.ncadd.org Email: national@ncadd.org Page 4 of 16 National Family Caregivers Association (NFCA) 1-800-896-3650 http://www.nfcacares.org / Email: info@nfcacares.org National Foundation for Depressive Illness, Inc. (NAFD) 1-800-422-4673 (HOPE) http://www.depression.org National Hopeline Network 1-800-422-HOPE (4673) or 1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433) www.suicide.com National Sleep Foundation 1010 N. Glebe Road Suite 310 Arlington, VA 22201 USA Phone (703) 243-1697 http://www.sleepfoundation.org/ General E-mail: nsf@sleepfoundation.org Needy Meds 1-215-625-9609 http://www.needymeds.com Partnership for Prescription Assistance 1-888-4PPA-NOW (1-888-477-2669) http://www.pparx.org Pfizer Helpful Answers Medication Assistance 1-866-706-2400 http://www.pfizerhelfpfulanswers.com SAMHSA’S National Mental Health Center 1-800-789-2647 http://www.mentalhealth.org Save Suicide prevention http://www.save.org Social Anxiety Resources http://www.social-anxiety.com/ Page 5 of 16 The Schizophrenia Homepage http://www.schizophrenia.com American Foundation of Suicide Prevention (AFSP) 120 Wall Street, 22nd Floor New York, New York 10005 1-888-333-AFSP (2377) Call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) if you are in a crisis * (phone line: Spanish) http://www.afsp.org Email: inquiry@afsp.org or (use contact form on website) The World Fellowship for Schizophrenia and Allied Disorders http://www.world-schizophrenia.org/ +1 416 961-2855 19 MacPherson Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M5R 1W7, Canada WFSAD's office is now virtual. Please contact us by e-mail or by post. Email: info@world-schizophrenia.org Treating Bipolar Disorder http://www.bipolarbalance.com National Mental Health Consumers Self-help Clearinghouse 1-800-553-4KEY (4539) www.mhselfhelp.org Email: info@mhselfhelp.org www.suicidehotlines.com http://www.geodon.com Schizophrenia Information and Support http://www.schizophrenia.com http://www.focusonadh.com http://www.strattera.com http://www.cymbalta.com http://www.lexapro.com Page 6 of 16 B. Professional Organizations Alabama Certified Peer Specialist Association http://www.alabamapeer.com/ American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry (AAGP) (and Geriatric Mental Health Foundation) 1-301-654-7850 http://www.aagponline.org Email: main@aagponline.org American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) 1-703-838-9808 http://www.aamft.org/ Email: central@aamft.org American Association of Pastoral Counselors (AAPC) 1-703-385-6967 http://www.aapc.org/ Email: info@aapc.org American Counseling Association (ACA) 1-800-347-6647 http://www.counseling.org/ Email: membership@counseling.org American Mental Health Counselors Association (AMHCA) 1-800-326-2642 www.amhca.org Email: Lmorano@amhca.org (manager, membership services) American Psychiatric Association (APA) 1-703-907-7300 1-888-35-PSYCH (1-888-357-7924) http://www.psych.org/ Email: apa@psych.org Page 7 of 16 American Psychological Association (APA) 1-800-374-2721 http://www.apa.org/ Email: membership@apa.org, customerservice@apa.org Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) 1-212-647-1890 http://www.abct.org Email: membership@abct.org Black Psychiatrists of America 1-877-BPA-1967 (1-877-272-1967) www.blackpsych.org Email: BPA4Info@aol.com Clinical Social Work Federation (and) Clinical Social Work Association 1703-522-3866 www.cswf.org, www.clinicalsocialworkassociation.org Email: (use contact form on website) International Association of Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services (IAPSRS) www.iapsrs.org no phone—no email---website provides links to other sites only National Association of Black Social Workers 1-202-678-4570 www.nabsw.org Email: nabsw.harambee@verizon.net National Association of Peer Specialist (NAPS) 755 Alta Dale SEAda, MI 49301 781-629-1633 fax http://www.naops.org/ http://na4ps.wordpress.com/ Executive Director, Steve Harrington:e-mail: steve@recoverresources.com e-mail: steveh@naops.org 616-773-8866 phone web site / list moderator, Rita Cronisee-mail: rita@naops.org 585-797-4641 phone Page 8 of 16 National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers (NAPGCM) 1-520-881-8008 http://www.caremanager.org National Association of Social Workers (NASW) 1-800-742-4089 http://www.socialworkers.org/ Email: membership@naswdc.org Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) *(Spanish) 1-202-835-3400 www.phrma.org National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) 1-866-331-NASP 1-301-657-0270 www.nasponline.org Email: membership@naspweb.org The American Medical Association 1-800-621-8335 www.ama-assn.org Email: (use contact form on website) The Association of Black Psychologists (ABPsi) 1-202-722-0808 www.abpsi.org Email: abpsi_office@abpsi.org The National Medical Association 1-202-347-1895 www.nmanet.org Email: Membership@NMAnet.org Page 9 of 16 C. Government-Sponsored Agencies and Services ADA Disability and Business Technical Assistance Center (DBTAC) (Southeast ADA Center) 1-800-949-4232 V/TTY, 1-404-541-9001 V/TTY http://adata.org/ Email: sedbtacproject@law.syr.edu Administration on Aging 1-800-677-1116 (Eldercare Locator—to find local resources) 1-202-6190724 (public inquiries) http://www.aoa.gov/ Email: aoainfo@aoa.hhs.gov ADRS State Office 602 S. Lawrence St. Montgomery, AL 36104 Phone: 334-293-7500 Toll-free number: 800-441-7607 Fax: 334-293-7383 AIDS Info 1-800-HIV -0440 (1-800-448-0440) (*English/Spanish) 1-888-480-3739 TTY www.aidsinfo.nih.gov Email: ContactUs@aidsinfo.nih.gov Alabama Council for Developmental Disabilities RSA Union Building 100 North Union Street Post Office Box 301410 Montgomery, Alabama 36130-1410 Phone: 334-242-3973 Toll-Free: 1-800-232-2158 http://www.acdd.org/ Alabama Department of Public Health www.adph.org (website provides links to county health departments’ contact information) Page 10 of 16 Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services (ADRS) *(Spanish/French) 1-800-441-7607 www.rehab.state.al.us Email: (use contact form on website) Alabama Disabilities Advocacy Program (ADAP) Box 870395, Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35487-0395 1-205-348-4928(V/TDD) 1-205-348-3909 (FAX) 1-800-826-1675 (for clients - instate only) http://www.adap.net/ ADAP@adap.ua.edu (email) Alabama Disability Advocacy Network 206 13th Street S Birmingham, AL 35423 205-251-2223 http://www.aladan.org/ Alabama Institute for the Deaf and Blind (AIDB) 1-256-761-3206 V/TTY www.aidb.org Email: (use contact form on website) ALABAMA MINORITY CONSUMER COUNCIL http://amcc.jigsy.com AMCC PO Box 13 Midway, Alabama 36053 jisqua@hughes.net American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) 1-202-966-7300 http://www.aacap.org/ Email: membership@aacap.org Page 11 of 16 CDC’s National Prevention Info Network (CDC NPIN) (*Spanish) on HIV/AIDS, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Tuberculosis and Viral Hepatitis--formerly known as The National AIDS Clearinghouse 1-800-458-5231 (*English/Spanish) http://www.cdcnpin.org/ Email: info@cdcnpin.org Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1-800-CDC-INFO (1-800-232-4636) (*Spanish) 1-888-232-6348 TTY www.cdc.gov Email: cdcinfo@cdc.gov International Foundation for Research and Education on Depression (IFRED) 1-410-268-0044 www.ifred.org Email: info@ifred.org Job Accommodation Network (JAN) *(Spanish) 1-800-526-7234, 1-877-781-9403 TTY www.jan.wvu.edu Key Bridge Foundation Center for Mediation 1-888-528-1609 http://www.keybridge.org/ Email: pmaida@keybridge.org Mary Ellen Copeland Center PO Box 6471 · Brattleboro, VT · 05302 (802) 254-5335 http://copelandcenter.com/ Mental Health Recovery and WRAP http://www.mentalhealthrecovery.com/ PO Box 301W. Dummerston, VT 05357For Training Information: 802 2545335 For all other inquiries, email: info@mentalhealthrecovery.com Book Orders Anne Reed Resource Distribution Manager phone: 802-2542092 email: books@mentalhealthrecovery.com order online: www.WRAPandRecoveryBooks.com/store/ Page 12 of 16 Mental Health America http://www.nmha.org/ 2000 N. Beauregard Street, 6th Floor Alexandria, VA 22311 (703) 684-7722 , (800) 969-6642 , Fax (703) 684-5968 Mental Health First Aid http://www.mentalhealthfirstaid.org General Inquiries Susan Partain email: susanp@thenationalcouncil.org, National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare 202.684.7457 x232 Instructor Technical Assistance & Upcoming Instructor Trainings Margaret Jaco email: margaretj@thenationalcouncil.org, National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare 202.684.7457 x263 Mental Health First Aid Materials (ordering, etc) Lisa Cinelli email: lcinelli@mhamd.org, Mental Health Association of Maryland 410.235.1178 x228 National Association of Peer Specialist (NAPS) 755 Alta Dale SEAda, MI 49301, fax 781-629-1633 http://www.naops.org/, http://na4ps.wordpress.com/ Executive Director, Steve Harrington: e-mail: steve@recoverresources.com e-mail: steveh@naops.org 616-773-8866 web site / list moderator, Rita Cronisee-email: rita@naops.org 585-797-4641 National Disability Rights Network (NDRN) & National Association of Protection and Advocacy Systems(NAPAS) “About Us” 1-202-408-9514 http://www.napas.org/ Email: info@ndrn.org National Health Info Center 1-800-336-4797 1-301-565-4167 www.health.gov/nhic Email: info@nhic.org Page 13 of 16 National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) (Information Resource Center) 1-866-615-6464 1-866-415-8051 TTY www.nimh.nih.gov Email: nimhinfo@nih.gov National Institute on Aging: Alzheimer’s Disease Education and Referral (ADEAR) Center 1-800-438-4380 *(phone line: English/Spanish) 1-800-222-4225 TTY www.nia.nih.gov/Alzheimers Email: (use contact form on website) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) 1-301-443-3860 www.niaaa.nih.gov Email: (use contact form on website) National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) 1-301-443-1124 1-240-221-4007 (phone*Spanish) www.nida.nih.gov Email: information@nida.nih.gov National Library of Medicine Pub Med/Medline/Medline Plus (free access to other resources) References and Customer Service 8000 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20894 1-888-346-3656 www.nlm.nih.gov Office of Consumer Relations 1-800-832-0952 (334) 242-3456 Email: Michael.autrey@Mh.Alabama.gov Page 14 of 16 Office of Special Education and Rehab Services (in the U.S. Dept. of Education) (OSERS) U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Ave., SW Washington, DC 20202-7100 1-202-245-7468 http://www2.ed.gov/osers Rehabilitative Services Administration (RSA) 400 Maryland Ave, S.W. Washington, DC 20202-2800 202-245-7488 http://www2.ed.gov/osers/rsa Social Security Administration *(Spanish) 1-800-772-1213, 1-800-325-0778 TTY www.ssa.gov (apply or get information online with social security #) Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) (*Spanish) 1-877-SAMHSA-7 (1-877-726-4727) 1-800-487-4889 TTY www.samhsa.gov Email: SHIN@samhsa.hhs.gov The National Council on Disability (NCD) 1-202-272-2004 www.ncd.gov Email: ncd@ncd.gov U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) *(Spanish) 1202-663-4900, 1-800-669-4000, 1-800-669-6820 TTY http://www.eeoc.gov/ Email: info@eeoc.gov U.S. Department of Justice – Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Information *(Spanish) 1-800-514-0301, 1-800-514-0383 TTY www.ada.gov Vocational Rehabilitation Alabama http://www.rehab.state.al.us/individuals-and-families/vocationalrehabilitation-service-general Page 15 of 16 Volunteers of America 1660 Duke Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314 800-899-0089 (703) 341-5000 Fax: (703) 341-7000 www.voa.org/ Email: volunteering inquiries; volunteers@voa.org general and media inquiries; communications@voa.org Wings Across Alabama 400 Eastern Boulevard, Suite 201 Montgomery, Alabama 36117 (334) 395-7616 • (888)WINGSAL (946-4725) http://www.wingsalabama.org/ Legal Aid Legal Services Alabama 207 Montgomery Street Suite 1200 Montgomery AL 36104 1-866-456-4995 Spanish (en Espanol): 1-888-835-3505 http://www.legalservicesalabama.org/ Legal Services Corporation 3333 K Street, NW, 3rd Floor Washington, DC 20007-3522 Phone: 202-295-1500 Fax: 202-337-6797 http://www.lsc.gov/ AlabamaLegalHelp.org http://www.alabamalegalhelp.org/ Alabama State Bar 415 Dexter Avenue (P.O. Box 671) Montgomery, Alabama 36101 Phone (334) 269-1515 Fax (334) 261-6310 http://www.alabar.org/ Page 16 of 16
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