Le Vieil Ouchy - Lausanne Tourisme
Le Vieil Ouchy - Lausanne Tourisme
Lausanne WELCOME All the practical information you need to make your stay in Lausanne a little easier! More information on www.lausanne-tourisme.ch EN/ 2016 RéSIDENCES MEUBLéES DE HAUT STANDING FIRST CLASS FURNISHED RESIDENCES (minimum 1 mois) rent a studio or a fLat, furnished and fuLLy equipped, for the duration of you stay in Lausanne. (1 month at least) Vous êtes ici comme à la maison. Il ne manque que vos effets personnels… Make yourself at home. All you need is your own personal effects… serviCes personnaLisés Customized serviCes dès Chf 2’000.– par mois tout compris from Chf 2’000.per month, all inclusive Location meublée courte ou longue durée de : studios | appartements | villas | propriétés de haut standing Rue de Bourg 27 1003 Lausanne Tel : +41 21 323 55 16 Fax : +41 21 323 89 94 oklog@oklogements.ch www.oklogements.ch © www.sabina.ch Louez un studio ou un appartement meubLé et entièrement équipés, pour La durée de votre séjour à Lausanne. WELCOME... ... to Lausanne, a city that you won’t find easy to forget! In the heart of Europe, just 40 minutes from Geneva International Airport, the many attractions of the Olympic Capital will help turn your stay into a unique experience. Situated by Lake Geneva and renowned for its pleasant way of life, this city seduces both business travellers and tourists alike. It is appreciated not only for its gourmet restaurants and its palaces, but also for the trendy restaurants and boutique hotels whose numbers have increased in recent years. A packed calendar of cultural events offers entertainment all year round in the form of open-air festivals, a wide variety of museums, concerts of every kind, operas and ballets. Lausanne also provides many opportunities for shopping in the old town and in new districts, is famed for its nightlife in Switzerland and beyond, and hosts major international sporting events. The capital of the canton of Vaud is part of the second fastest-growing economic region in the country. It is home to a large number of multinationals, more than 50 international sport federations and a multitude of start-ups, vocational schools and prestigious research centres. You can be confident of high-end services in health care and well-being as well as state-of-the-art infrastructure in keeping with the city’s long-term commitment to sustainable development. Lausanne thus lends itself to trips by public transport and on foot. The surrounding area is similarly conducive to walks in the forest and in vineyards listed as UNESCO World Heritage sites. Lausanne Tourisme and its partners hope you will spend some unforgettable moments discovering the riches of our region! Steeve Pasche Director of Lausanne Tourism 1 Les jardins de Warnery & Les baLcons de La saLLaz Appartements meublés de 2 à 6 pièces, location pour 3 mois minimum*. Calme, lumineux, moderne, lac et transports publics à proximité. Annemarie Ernst Avenue Warnery 4, 1007 Lausanne +41 79 622 62 91 phone or SMS www.aelogement.ch *loyer dès CHF 4’950.- par mois Demian ConraD Design — photo © lionelhenrioD.Ch Bienvenue chez vous – Welcome Home – Herzlich Willkommen Contents Your benefits: Lausanne Transport Card 4-7 General information 8 Tourist information 9 Useful information 10-11 Map 12-13 Discover Lausanne 15-18 19-23 Transport Accommodation 25 27-29 Restaurants Shopping and markets 30-31 33-39 City of culture Top ten 47-49 41-45 City of recreation Green city 51-54 City of sport 59-62 Nightlife 55-57 city of healthcare 62-63 Some major events in 2016 3 Your Convenience Staying in Lausanne? Use public transport, free of charge. The Lausanne Transport Card gives any guest staying in Lausanne and paying the overnight “taxe de séjour” free and unrestricted access to all public transport services in the city (bus, train, metro), see the map below for the exact perimeter. This personalized card is given to each visitor paying the overnight “taxe de séjour”by the hotel or guest house on arrival at their place of accommodation. It is valid for the duration of the reservation, including the arrival and departure days (maximum 15 days). In the event of checks an identity document must be presented. What’s more, the following partners will offer you lots of benefits on presentation of your Lausanne Transport Card! Zone des transports Zonedu ofréseau the network of public publics transport valid valable les détenteurs for thepour holders of Lausanne Transport Card de la Lausanne Transport Card Plan de zones tarifaires Cheseaux Mex Richardaz Ville 15 16 VillarsSte-Croix EPFL s/Lausanne Romanel s/Lausanne Le Lussex 12 JouxtensRenens Mézery UnionPrilly 11 PrillyDengesEchandens Malley OuchyOlympique Montpreveyres Chalet- Les Cullayes à-Gobet MollieMargot Epalinges Croisettes Savigny 18 Sallaz Pully 12 19 Nord La Conversion Bossière Pully Grandvaux Lutry Lausanne Chemin de fer Bus Métro m1 4 Métro m2 Lausanne-Flon Lac Léman Villette Cully Epesses Offers Museums Bazar d’Ouchy Avenue d’Ouchy 76 www.bazarouchy.com This offer is valid from January 1st to December 31st, 2016 for all the museums below on presentation of the Lausanne Transport Card 2016. Discount only on the individual rates for adult and children. (Offer cannot be cumulated with other offers). Warning: it is best to check the museums’ opening hours before your visit. All information is available on 20% of a selection of cuckoo clocks 20% discount on all magnets Transport m2 metro, “Ouchy-Olympique” station Bus N°2, “Ouchy-Olympique” stop Map A11 www.lausanne-tourisme.ch/museums Bowl Bar Flon Rue des Côtes-de-Montbenon 22 www.flonbowling.ch Le Musée Olympique Quai d’Ouchy 1 +41 (0) 21 621 65 11 www.olympic.org/musee 30% on an hour of bowling Transport m2 metro, “Flon” station CHF 14.- (instead of CHF 18.-) Children (6 -16 years) CHF 8.- (instead of CHF 10.-) Map D10 Transport m2, metro, “Ouchy-Olympique” station Bus N°2, “Ouchy-Olympique” stop Buses N°8, 25, “Musée Olympique” stop Compagnie Générale de Navigation (CGN) Ouchy landing stage Infoline: +41 (0) 900 929 929 (CHF 0.50/min) www.cgn.ch Ouchy – Evian crossing (round-trip) 2nd class CHF 28.- (instead of CHF 36.-) 1st class CHF 40.- (instead of CHF 51.-) Ouchy - Thonon crossing (round trip) 2nd class CHF 38.- (instead of CHF 48.-) 1st class CHF 54.- (instead of CHF 68.-) Plus an additional 50% discount for holders of half-fare cards and for children (aged 6-16). Map B12 Fondation de l’Hermitage Route du Signal 2 +41 (0) 21 320 50 01 www.fondation-hermitage.ch CHF 9.- (instead of CHF 18.-) Children (free up to 18 years) Transport m2 metro, “Ouchy-Olympique” station Bus N°2, “Ouchy-Olympique” stop Transport Bus N°16, “Hermitage” stop Bus N°3, “Motte” stop, from there 5 min. on foot. Map A11 Map F12 5 Cinémathèque suisse Casino de Montbenon, Allée Ernest Ansermet 3 +41 (0) 58 800 02 00 www.cinematheque.ch CHF 8.- (instead of CHF 10.-) for regular screenings at the Casino de Montbenon Transport Buses N°12, 13, “Montbenon” stop Buses N°3, 21, 6 “Cecil” stop m1 metro, “Vigie” station Map H10 Palais de Rumine Musées cantonaux Place de la Riponne 6 www.musees.vd.ch Musée d’archéologie et d’histoire (mcah) +41 (0) 21 316 34 30 Musée des Beaux-Arts (mcb-a) +41 (0) 21 316 34 45 Musée de géologie (mcg) +41 (0) 21 692 44 70 Musée monétaire (mmc) +41 (0) 21 316 39 90 Musée de zoologie (mcz) +41 (0) 21 316 34 60 Permanent exhibitions: free entrance Temporary exhibitions: CHF 8.- (instead of CHF 10.-) mcb-a CHF 2.- (instead of CHF 4.-) mcz Children (free up to 16 years) Transport Buses N°1, 2, “Rue Neuve” stop Buses N°7, 8, “Riponne” stop m2 metro, “Riponne-Maurice Béjart” station Map E12 6 Musée de l’Elysée Avenue de l’Elysée 18, +41 (0) 21 316 99 11 www.elysee.ch CHF 6.- (instead of CHF 8.-) Children (free up to 16 years) Transport Bus N°2, “Croix d’Ouchy” stop Bus N°4, “Montchoisi” stop Bus N°8, “Musée Olympique” stop Bus N°25, “Elysée” stop m2 metro, “Délices” station Map B12 Musée et jardins botaniques cantonaux(mjbc) Avenue de Cour 14bis +41 (0) 21 316 99 88 www.musees.vd.ch Free entrance 20% discount on all the museum’s publications Transport Buses N°1, 25, “Beauregard” stop m2 metro, “Délices” station Map C10 Espace Arlaud Place de la Riponne 2 bis +41 (0) 21 316 38 50 www.musees.vd.ch CHF 4.- (instead of CHF 6.-) Children (free up to 16 years) Transport Buses N°1, 2, “Rue Neuve” stop Buses N°7, 8, “Riponne” stop m2 metro, “Riponne-Maurice Béjart” station Map E11 Collection de l’Art Brut Avenue des Bergières 11 +41 (0) 21 315 25 70 www.artbrut.ch CHF 5.- (instead of CHF 10.-) Children (free up to 16 years) Transport Buses N°2, 3, 21, “Beaulieu-Jomini” stop Map F10 mudac f’ar CHF 5.- (instead of CHF 10.-) Children (free up to 16 years) Free entrance Place de la Cathédrale 6 +41 (0) 21 315 25 30 www.mudac.ch Transport m2 metro, “Bessières” station Buses N°6, 7, “Bessières” stop Buses N°16, “Pierre-Viret” stop Map E12 Musée historique de Lausanne Place de la Cathédrale 4 +41 (0) 21 315 41 01 www.lausanne.ch/mhl Closed for transformations. Soon a new permanent exhibition. (Reopening at the beginning of 2017) Avenue de Villamont 4 info@archi-far.ch www.archi-far.ch Transport Buses N°1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 12, 17, “Georgette” stop Map D12 Musée de la main UNIL-CHUV Rue du Bugnon 21 +41 (0) 21 314 49 55 www.museedelamain.ch CHF 7.- (instead of CHF 9.-) Children CHF 5.- (7-16 ans) (free up to 6 years) Transport m2 metro, “CHUV” station Map E13 Map E12 Musée d’art de Pully Musée romain de Lausanne-Vidy Chemin du Bois-de-Vaux 24 +41 (0) 21 315 41 85 www.lausanne.ch/mrv CHF 5.- (instead of CHF 8.-) Children (free up to 16 years) Transport Buses N°1, 2, 6, “Maladière” stop Buses N°25, “Bois-de-Vaux” stop Chemin Davel 2 +41 (0) 21 721 38 00 www.museedartdepully.ch CHF 5.- (instead of CHF 7.-) Children (free up to 16 years) Transport Buses N°4, 25, 47, 48, “Pully-Gare” stop Regional train, “Pully-Gare” station Map B16 Map D6 Villa romaine de Pully Espace des Inventions Vallée de la Jeunesse 1 +41 (0) 21 315 68 80 www.espace-des-inventions.ch Avenue Samson-Reymondin 2 +41 (0) 21 721 38 00 www.villaromainedepully.ch CHF 5.- (instead of CHF 7.-) Children (7-16 years) free (instead of CHF 5.-) Exceptionally closed from January till September CHF 5.- (instead of CHF 7.-) Children (free up to 16 years) Transport m1 metro, “Malley” station Buses N°1, 2, 6, 25, “Maladière” stop Transport Buses N°4, 25, 47, 48, “Pully-Gare” stop Regional train, “Pully-Gare” station Map D7 Map B16 7 General information Lausanne, capital of the Vaud Canton and fourth city of Switzerland Hosting the head offices of many multinationals, highly renowned colleges and research centres, dozens of international sports federations and numerous cultural institutions, Lausanne stands out through its dynamism, its capacity for innovation and the diversity of its tourist services, tailored to meet the needs of all. Its steep slopes constitute one of its main geographical features, with 500 m in altitude separating the lakeside from the city heights. Switzerland – Helvetic Confederation Geography – Lausanne Population Climate Language Time zone Electricity Smoking Official languages: German, French, Italian and Romansch 26 cantons Population: 8,000,000 inhabitants Area: 42,285 km2 Geographical areas: Jura, Plateau, Alps Highest peak: Pointe Dufour (Mont-Rose Massif) 4633.9 m City of Lausanne: 140,000 inhabitants Greater urban district: 355,000 inhabitants Vaud Canton: 740,000 inhabitants Official language: French 8 New Year Official public holiday Good Friday Easter Monday Ascension Day Whit Monday Swiss national holiday Swiss bank holiday Christmas Average annual temperature: 14 °C Average summer temperature: 24 °C Due to the city’s wide altitude range (500 m), the climate changes according to the district as a 1 °C temperature disparity is recorded for every 100 m. For example, in winter it is quite common for the upper part of the city to be snowbound for many weeks. Central Europe (Greenwich GMT + 1) Summer time + 1 h (from last weekend in March to last weekend in October) Voltage: 220 V Public holidays in 2016 Latitude: 46°32’ N Longitude: 06°40’ E Altitude: between 375 m and 900 m City centre: 495 m Area: 41.37 km2 Smoking is prohibited on all public premises. However, it is possible to smoke on restaurant terraces. Public establishments sometimes provide smoking rooms. 1st January 2nd January 25th March 28th March 5th May 16th May 1st August 19th September 25th December Tourist information Lausanne Tourisme’s three information and reception offices are at your service at the CFF railway station, at the cathedral and at the lakeside within the m2 metro station. They offer a host of services for you – transport passes, town plans, recommended routes and excursions starting from Lausanne, various brochures, a list of hotels, emergency and support services, etc. – as well as the latest recreational and cultural events. Addresses and telephone numbers Lausanne Tourism & Convention Bureau B10 Public information offices Administration Av. de Rhodanie 2 – P.O. Box 975 1001 Lausanne +41 (0)21 613 73 21 www.lausanne-tourisme.ch info@lausanne-tourisme.ch Pl. de la Gare 9 Main hall of the CFF railway station All year round, daily: 9.00-19.00 Ouchy metro station October to March, daily: 9.00-18.00 April to September, daily: 9.00-19.00 Cathedral of Lausanne April, May and September: Monday to Saturday 9:30 am 1 pm / 2 pm - 6:30 pm Sunday 1 pm - 5.30 pm June, July and August: Monday to Saturday 9:30 am 6:30 pm / Sunday 1 pm - 5.30 pm October to March: Monday to Saturday 9:30 am – 1 pm / 2 pm – 5 pm / Sunday 2 pm - 5 pm Tourist information by telephone +41 (0)21 613 73 73 Ville de Lausanne – info cité An information point for the city of Lausanne the “info cite” office’s mission is to inform, direct and guide the people of Lausanne and visiting guests. Pl. de la Palud 2 +41 (0)21 315 25 55 www.lausanne.ch/infocite - infocite@lausanne.ch Mon-Fri: 7.45-12.00/13.15-17.00 C11 A11 E12 D11 9 Useful information Money Banks and currency Swiss banks offer the best exchange rate for cash (bank notes only) and travellers’ cheques. Most of official exchange offices and hotels levy commission for their services. Banks are usually open from Monday to Friday, 9.00-12.00 and 14.00-17.00 (major branches do not close at lunchtime). A change office is at your disposal at the Lausanne main railway station (C11): Mon-Fri (except Thur): 8.00-18.30; Thur: 8.00-20.30; Sat: 8.00-18.00; Sun: 9.00-13.20 / 14.40-18.00. Credit cards The safest and simplest means of payment are travellers’ cheques and credit cards. The most widely accepted credit cards in Switzerland are Visa, MasterCard and American Express. Most Swiss ATMs are equipped with the CYRRUS or the MAESTRO system. The others possess at least one ATM machine easily allowing you to make cash withdrawals with a credit card. You will need a little cash for expenses like taxis or public transport. VAT (8%) is included in all prices displayed. Currency Swiss franc (CHF): divided into 100 centimes. Coins: 5, 10, 20 and 50 centimes and 1, 2 and 5 francs. Banknotes: 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 1,000 francs. As Switzerland is not a member of the EU, it still uses the Swiss franc (CHF). To allow comparisons with other European countries, prices are often quoted in CHF and in EUR. In many shops it is possible to pay in EUR, but you will be given change in CHF. 1 euro = 1.10 Swiss francs (indicative rate) Lost and found Police de Lausanne Pl. de la Riponne 10, +41 (0)21 315 33 85/86 Mon-Fri: 8.00-17; Sat: 8.00-11.30 www.lausanne.ch 10 Cybercafés E11 Clic Café Av. de France 69, +41 (0)21 544 64 84 E10 Fragbox Rue de la Tour 3, +41 (0)21 311 89 69 www.fragbox.com E11 Mix-Image Rue du Petit Saint-Jean 3, +41 (0)21 351 17 21 www.mix-image.com D11 Pôle Sud Av. Jean-Jacques-Mercier 3, +41 (0)21 311 50 46 www.polesud.ch C13 Internet Lausanne online You can obtain information related to the city of Lausanne at www.lausanne.ch and tourist information at www.lausanne-tourisme.ch. And why not join us on social networking sites with MyLausanne to find out a bit more about your destination? Ten WiFi access points are available in the main squares of the city: Flon, Palud, Riponne, railway station, Saint-François, Montbenon, Navigation, Port, Automobile Service and La Blécherette. During 2016: 45 new access points Airport. In addition, many hotels and cafés provide WiFi free of charge. Post offices Telephones Post offices in the city centre: Lausanne 2 Saint-François Pl. Saint-François 15 +41 0848 888 888 Mon-Fri: 7h30-18h30; Sat: 8h-11h30 Lausanne 1 dépôt Pl. de la Gare 1 / av. de la Gare 43 bis +41 0848 888 888 Mon-Fri: 8h-20h; Sa: 8h-16h; Di: 16h-19h www.poste.ch serviceclientele@poste.ch Sending cards and letters until the format B5 (prices subject to change) Europe Mail Economy: Up to 20 g = CHF 1.30 Europe / Priority mail: Up to 20 g = CHF 1.40 Other countries / Economy mail: Up to 20 g = CHF 1.60 Other countries / Priority mail: Up to 20 g = CHF 1.90 Switzerland / mail «B»: Up to 100 g = CHF 0.85 Switzerland / Priority mail «A»: Up to 100 g = CHF 1.– From 101 g to 250 g = CHF 1.30 Switzerland / Express (urgent items outside opening hours), call: 0800 888 888, Mon-Fri: 7.00-20.00 D12 C11 International calls from Switzerland First dial the international code and then the code for the number required, without the “0”. Example: For Germany +49 221123456; For France +33 6 2212289; As a general rule, the sign “+” appears after you hold down the “0” key for some time. National calls within Switzerland Dial only the regional code with the “0” (do not dial the national code). For example: a number in Berne is composed as follows: 031 123 45 60. Emergency 117 Police (only for crime, theft and emergencies) 118 Fire service 140 Road service 144 Ambulance service 145 Poisoning 112 International emergency calls from a mobile CHUV – Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois +41 (0)21 314 11 11 Central number for doctors on call 0848 133 133 Useful telephone numbers 1811 Telephone information 161 Speaking clock 162 Swiss weather 163 Road traffic 0900 77* hh.mm Automatic alarm servic 11 PUBLIC TRANSPORT IN THE LAUSANNE REGION Vufflens-la-Ville, Gare 56 17 Rente Ch. de Rte. de Cocagne Riettaz Sullens Pl. du Vieux-Four 32 Buyère Mongevon Vallon 17 Renens VD, Gare nord Parc ne 31 25 ns Censuy Préfaully Renens VD, Concorde Piscine Caudray Plaine Dorigny-Léman Chêne Berges Pontet Villars e rd Cerisaie ca Co Perrettes UNIL-Mouline Motty Bassenges En Enjalin EPFL Coquerellaz UNILDorigny Echichens-Village Parc Scientifique Huttins Champs -Courbes 33 Russel Venoge nord Venoge sud Morges - Genève Pierrefleur UnionPrilly Chantres St-Sulpice Parc Vélodrome Beau-Site Grey Boisy Béthanie Stade Casernes Bergières Dranse let rre Pe Flumeaux Mont-Blanc Presbytère Au Beaulieu Montétan bé pin Ecole es Commerce Ec St-Paul ole C Galicien Prélaz-les-Roses Prélaz Re St och ha Co co R ud m rd m er Prilly-Malley on er on Galicien Couchirard ce Ecole des Bo Malley-Nord 32 Métiers Provence nord sto Malley-Ouest n Provence Montelly EPSIC Longemalle Bourdonnette nord Malley 16 Vigie Vallée de la Jeunesse Maladière-Figuiers Maladière-Lac s d y re ge su tell dè tta on ce lvé M Co en Be ov Pr ie to Pont Marc Dufour on M Languedoc 6 1 Figuiers Maladière 2 Mont d'Or oli Tiv B J C A Chauderon Pont Chauderon Port-Franc Batelière Riant-Cour 3 Epinettes Lausa Dapples G Cèdres Bellerive Beauregard Cour D J Lausanne-Ouchy Pêcheurs Ou Olymp Morges - St-Sulpice Thonon-les-Bains Plan de réseau schématique 12 1 Lausanne-Flo Montbenon Fontenay Figuiers Théâtre de Vidy Cécil Villard Bochet 701 Laviau 31 Champagne Grattapaille Parc Rivier Valency Florissant Bois-Gentil Bossons 2 Rapille Dorigny Pâqueret 21 1 rt se Dé Prilly-Chasseur Bois de Vaux Montaney 4 ton lin M ou G az rré Pe Prilly, Centre Sablons 705 Renges ie ra ud Co 33 9 Grand Vigne 701 Bourdonnette Blévallaire Piccard Broye ge illa -V ns ne e R i gl ,E illy Pr 38 Blécherette 960 Cery on gn Cery-Fleur-de-Lys Bu se Rue du Lac Mouline UNIL-Sorge ix ro -C r-la Su BourgDessus se gli l'E us So Renens VD, Gare sud Jouxtens-Mézery u llie Fo ille -V de telHô Ao ût VD Glycines Planta Crochy d rjo Bo ir en Av er 1 Re Stand Lonay-Parc 54 36 38 Epenex iaz ug Sa Renens 14 Avril Suchet-Forêt Place de Sport Ormet ai trie us rM Ind 1e ra Ju Croset 705 Vernand-Camarès Le Lussex es ett um Ba ie er gu Zin Reculan Larges Pièces Bel-Air LEB Romanel-sur-Lausanne Noutes Veilloud Cheseaux Marcolet Bosquet rs ye No s-le az n he loc To Les Ripes re Ga x, au e es Ch ud no Ge isBo Arc-en-Ciel 702 Assens Etagnières 54 Scierie 92 1 9 Bussigny VD, Bu ss Bussigny VD, igny Gare Gare-sud Echallens é Br Chisaz Croix-de-Plan Sur Roche Cheseaux, Martheray 958 Crissier Feleire Collège de Dallaz Ch. du Grand Record Grésaley Cheseaux, Châtelard 18 Crissier, Centre 36 Closalet Sugnens Ti m on et Croix-Péage Ch.de la Sauge Ch.de Bellevue 953 Vufflens - Mex - Villars Sansy Fey ex ar M ich R 56 Villars-Ste-Croix, Village 91 Bercher s , yre VD ale ex -V M ous , z S VD da , VD te ex s M Po VD, y s ex Tré M Mex VD,Village , ille -V rd -la villa le, ns Cu il le -V lise ff -la Eg Vu ns ffle En Coulaye Vu 60 Froideville, Laiterie Moudon, Gare Froideville, Croisée Thierrens 435 Gare routière Froideville, Village Bottens, Rustériaz Bottens, Croisée Syens, Clos du Château Bottens, Chalet-Coucou Bretigny-sur-Morrens, Croisée Cugy VD, Moulin Cugy VD, Village Vucherens, Closy Vulliette Fougères Etavez Petit-Mont Cigale 45 Montolieu Entre-Bois Libellules 16 Lisière Motte Sallaz Hermitage Vieux-Moulin ux ea Ois Petit Château Grande-Borde yue ge Dr ollè Mémise C et Vin Rue Neuve ChauderonAle tin len Va Tunnel RiponneM. Béjart Bel-Air Fourmi 12 13 21 anneGare Grancy Délices Jordils uchypique Pierre Viret Closelet Croix d'Ouchy Jordils BeauRivage ée us M ique p m Oly Denantou Evian-les-Bains Lac Léman Savigny, Savigny, Forel (Lavaux), Forel (Lavaux), Claie- Ancienne Les Confréries Cornes de Cerf auxPoste Moines 48 Rosiaz Coudrette du Léman Verdeil Trabandan 12 Faverges Montchoisi Métairie Burenoz Boverattes Pully-Nord 49 Montillier Pully, Gare C.-F. Ramuz Pierraz-Portay Pully, Gare Joliette Osches Verney Bourdonnière L., ur- ney t-s so on les lm B Be Lutry, Jordillon Lutry, Crêt-desPierres Lutry, Echerins 47 Lutry, Landar Corsy-Dessus Perraudettaz Chemin du Cap Pâquis Vallon Roses Villette (Lavaux), Pra-Forni Belmont-sur-L., Centre Malavaux Rouvène Pavillard Grandvaux, Pra Grana 49 67 7 Les Liaudes Espérance t ,C er ully l-V P Belmont-sur-L., Va , Grands-Champs lly Pu Pré Pariset Margerol 13 z ula na he s tte ille Da Bruyère Béthusy Floreyres Tour Haldimand Pully - Villeneuve Forel (Lavaux), Casard Savigny, Centre 952 Pully-Belmont 951 ChaillyVuachère Chailly-Village Bessières Jurigoz Pully, Montsde-Pully Savigny, Publoz Rozavère Fauconnières nt ine Pully, Ravessoud Craivavers Pont de Chailly Allières Ge or Chandolin Mousquines ge tte Bonne Avenue Eg la Alpes Pully, Trois-Chasseurs Rovéréaz Montblesson, Centenaire 42 Champ-Rond Co ns tan t Re po s Mirabeau Foyer Valmont Devin Ours Mont-Fleuri Elysée VictorRuffy St-Etienne Vallonnette Place du Nord 17 St-François Lausanne 42 65 Essertes, Pralet Savigny, Palaz Boveresses VirgileRossel nj. Be 7 Rasude LausanneGare 6 CHUV Barre Pont Rôtillon Bessières St-François 18 22 60 on n Vulliemin Savigny, St-Amour Savigny, Crêt-Rouge Les Chavannes M on y ue Dr BeaulieuJomini Savigny, Clair-Matin 41 65 Servion, Clos de l'Auberge Savigny, Grange-la-ville Praz-Séchaud Servion, Poste/ Croisée Les Cullayes, Pra la Tête Molie-Margot, centre Pré-d’Yverdon 75 Signal Rouvraie Planches Servion, Servion, Zoo 65 Grange Rouge Les Cullayes, Village Perronnaz 62 64 Vennes Boissonnet Chocolatière e Olympique Chalet à Matthey Haute Combe Croix Blanche Epalinges, Croisettes PrazBerthoud Lac Sauvabelin e Chevreuils Molliettes 435 Tuileries Grand Vennes Vivarium Forêt 65 Praz-Collet Epalinges Epalinges, Centre En Praz Bin 46 Abeilles 23 75 45 ine res, on res, Mézières VD, Station y , nta y b ve u ve ne Fo re ra re Mézières VD, an lets tp -G tp e u a Village on Riau Mon illag La Ch M V r s s, s e, e at at uf nn erin eyre nce or Jor sière boe d'O a J ix s e s- u us th ev la D, La -Ca ntpr Ba celle e d z, U orch , Cro a m e r s V al o o pr Ec VD St Mo re ic , C , H Ro VD, ge ziè méd é az praz u r e o M tre p ug arr n Ro Ro rro C Ce Ca Vers-chez-les-Blanc Bois-Murat 41 3 23 Epalinges, Lion d'Or Pu lly ,C ler gè re Maillefer Ballègue Préau Pully, Pully 4 Somais Pully, Port Châtaignier Lausanne-Ouchy 47 Rochettaz Chaffeises Ruisselet Caudoz Centre sportif Rochettaz Clergère Reymondin 48 25 Ce Pu nt lly, re 957 Maillefer 959 Epalinges s tte ce Pié Clochatte 22 Biolleyre Vulliens, Halte TL Mauvernay 64 Grand Chemin 46 Polny Côtes Martines Pavement Ecole Hôtelière Lausanne, Vert-Bois Lausanne, En Marin Coppoz Coppoz, Poste Bellevaux 64 Lausanne, Chalet-à-Gobet Grand-Mont Rionzi Vucherens, Village Carrouge VD, Centre Fe rle ns ,v illa ge Budron Grangette Syens, Champ-du-Chêne La Râpe VD Cugy VD, Cavenette 8 Bressonnaz, Village 956 Montheron Cugy VD, Poste Grand-Mont 62 Moudon, Verger Moudon, Sorbiers 955 Paudex Moulins Vignes Paudex CorsyDessous Marionnettes Lutry - Villeneuve 8 69 68 Grandvaux, Gare sud Savoie Brûlées Ponfilet Grandvaux, Chenaux Brélaz La Conversion Bossières Colline Avenue William Orzens Gravesse 954 Lutry Ciblerie Les Champs Voisinand Rive Grand-Pont 68 69 Lutry, Port Lausanne-Ouchy - Pully Riex, Mouniaz SavuitPlace Cully, Colombaires Lutry Taillepied Verrière Lutry, Croix /Lutry Conversion-Gare Marronnier Pully, Port Grandvaux, Genevrey Lutry, Sapelle 9 , he try ic Lu orn C Cu ll 67 y Cully, Gare Vevey - Villeneuve © transports publics de la région lausannoise / communication tl / décembre 2015 13 Transport L ausanne benefits from its privileged location at the heart of Europe. The city is easy to reach by train, by car, by boat across Lake Geneva or by plane, with Geneva International Airport located just 40 minutes away. As a champion of sustainable development, Lausanne can readily be explored on foot. A dense public transport (TL) network criss-crosses the city (see pp. 12-13) and is subject to constant development and improvement. The m2 line, displays a technical prowess unique in the world as this metro is capable of climbing hills with gradients of up to 12%. If you are staying in a hotel, ask for a Lausanne Transport Card as this will allow you free access to public transport throughout your stay. Late at night or early in the morning, use a taxi bus, which is cheaper than a standard taxi. If you are feeling tired or a little the worse for wear, the drivers from the “Rentrez futé” chauffeur service will take you home in your own car. 15 Transport Some addresses Name Map Address Phone Internet Information / opening hours www.gva.ch 40 minutes by car or 43 minutes by train from Lausanne Aéroport International de Genève —— Rte de l’Aéroport 21 Grand-Saconnex Infoline departures and arrivals: 0900 57 15 00 (CHF1.19 / min) Aéroport de Lausanne J9 Av. du Grey 117 +41 (0)21 646 15 51 www.lausanne-airport.ch Open from 8.00 to 20.00, April to October, and from 8.00 to sunset other months Chemins de fer fédéraux (CFF) C11 CFF Info Passenger support: Pl. de la Gare 5a 0900 300 300 (CHF 1.19/min) www.cff.ch Luggage service, check-in at the station, luggage forwarding Compagnie Générale de Navigation (CGN) A11 Av. de Rhodanie 17 +41 (0)900 929 929 (CHF 0.50/min.) www.cgn.ch Cruises on Lake Geneva Lausanne-Chauderon Railway Station +41 (0)21 624 82 41 www.leb.ch The Lausanne - Echallens - Bercher Railway for your journeys from the town to the country Chemin de fer LEB E10 Public Transport Lausanne Region Sales outlets Haldimand E11 Rue Haldimand 3 Customer service: +41 (0)21 621 01 11, local call rates (no surcharge) t-l.ch Mon-Fri: 7.30-19.00, Sat: 8.00-17.00 NB: It is not possible to buy tickets on bus/metro Flon customer centre D11 Pl. de l’Europe 5b Customer service: +41 (0)21 621 01 11, local call rates (no surcharge) t-l.ch Mon-Fri: 7.00-19.00, Sat: 9.00-18.00 NB: It is not possible to buy tickets on bus/metro “Greater Lausanne” Mobilis Day Pass From CHF 9.00 full price and from CHF 6.90 for concessions. This travel pass allows you to spend a full day using all the Vaud Travel Zone (CTV) transport services within the Greater Lausanne area. This proves beneficial from 3 journeys lasting more than 3 hours. Available from ticket machines or sales outlets. Further information from www.mobilis-vaud.ch Reduced mobility Ch. du Closel 15, Renens 0844 814 814 Transports publics de la F6 région lausannoise Ch. du Closel 15-17, Renens Transport Handicap Vaud Rte de la Clochatte 69, Le Mont-sur-Lausanne Taxi Services 16 F6 J12 www.taxiservices.ch Vehicle equipped to carry one person in a folding wheelchair Customer service: +41 (0)21 621 01 11, local call rates (no surcharge) t-l.ch The metro platforms are accessible for the disabled (some exceptions on the m1 metro). On the bus, the second door is recommended for people with reduced mobility +41 (0)21 648 53 53 www.thvd.ch 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, on reservation Switchboard: working days 7.30-12.00 and 13.00-17.00 Taxis Name Phone Internet AB Taxis 0800 220 250 www.ab-taxis.ch Allô Taxi 0844 907 907 www.allotaxi.ch Taxiphone 0844 810 810 www.taxiphone.ch Taxi Budget 0800 309 309 www.taxibudget.ch Taxi Services 0844 814 814 www.taxiservices.ch Self-service bikes Operates on self-service basis, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. You can borrow a bike at one station and return it to another. Hire via card system. Day pass valid for 24 hours. Borrowing stations Lausanne: 3 stations – Ouchy – Grand Rive, in front of Nespresso – Pl. de l’Europe 1b (Maison du vélo) University of Lausanne, EPFL, IDHEAP: 9 stations Renens: 3 stations Morges: 6 stations Paudex: 1 station Prilly: 1 station Préverenges: 1 station Points of sales in Lausanne – Maison du vélo, Pl. de l’Europe 1b – Hôtel Bellerive, Av. de Cour 99 0848 09 08 07 - www.publibike.ch 17 Covered car parks By car In Switzerland, the minimum driving age is 18 years. Seat belts are compulsory in front and rear seats. To use the motorways, you must have a purpose-designed tax disc “vignette”, which replaces tolls. This tax disc, available for CHF 40.– from any service station, is valid throughout the current year. Speed limits In towns: 20-50 km/h (18-31 mph), outside towns: 70-80 km/h (43-56 mph), motorways: 120 km/h (75 mph) Parking Three types of parking zones: – White (with parking disc): variable authorized duration – please refer to road signs nearby. – Blue (with parking disc): 90 minutes max. Compulsory parking disc distributed at police stations with route maps. – Spaces with individual or collective parking meter. 1 hour’s parking: from CHF 2.50 to CHF 3.–; Park and ride (with bus, metro...): from CHF 15.- per day; CHF 120.– per month; www.lausanne.ch/stationnement Car hire To hire a car, you need to have held a driving licence for more than one year and be aged over 21. Name Map Address Aalt Swiss Rent Car D9 Phone Av. de Tivoli 3 Internet Map Alpha-Palmiers D11 de Beaulieu F10 Beau-Rivage Palace B11 de Bellefontaine C12 Centre commercial La Borde F12 de Chauderon E11 Coop Caroline D12 des Hôpitaux SA, CHUV EF13 du Centre SA E11 Croisettes I15 EPFL D2 Lausanne Palace & Spa D11 +41 (0)21 323 30 85 www.aalt.ch Malley Lumières F7 E10-11 Abicar D10 Ch. de Mornex 36 +41 (0)21 312 31 10 www.abicar.ch Métropole Lausanne Aloc-Cars D11 Pl. de la Gare 3 +41 (0)21 311 12 06 www.aloccars.ch Mon-Repos D13 Avis C11 Av. de la Gare 50 +41 (0)21 340 72 00 www.avis.ch de Montbenon D10 DreamCars Rental —— +41 (0)21 558 67 59 www.dreamcars-rental.ch de Montchoisi B12 Enzolocation.ch E11 Rue de Genève 102 +41 (0)842 45 45 45 www.enzolocation.ch Port d’Ouchy SA A10-11 Europcar D11 Av. Louis-Ruchonnet 2 +41 (0)21 319 90 40 www.europcar.ch Pré-Bournoud SA, Prilly HG7 Pully Centre B5 de la Riponne E11 Europcar Amag Automobiles et Moteurs SA Hertz Sàrl E9 —— Av. de Provence 2 +41 (0)21 620 61 91 www.europcar.ch E12 Pl. du Tunnel 17 +41 (0)21 312 53 11 www.hertz.ch Loco-Car D10 Av. Louis-Ruchonnet 30 +41 (0)21 320 30 80 www.lococar.ch Sixt rent-a-car D11 Ch. de Mornex 34 +41 (0)21 634 29 27 www.sixt.com Aloc-Cars Transferts D11 Pl. de la Gare 3 +41 (0)21 311 12 06 www.aloccarstransferts.ch Atlas Limousines B10 I.-de-Montolieu 117 +41 (0)21 311 66 66 www.atlaslimousines.com Lausanne Limousines C11 +41 (0)21 616 62 63 www.lausannelimousines.ch Hire with chauffeur Yvano Moro, Ch. du Closelet 6 Rte de la Clochatte 7, First Class E11 Le Mont-sur-Lausanne Limousine Services +41 (0)21 648 20 80 www.firstclasslimousine.ch Road travel information 18 Name du Rôtillon D12 Gare de Lausanne C11 Saint-François D11 du Valentin EF11 Park and ride Bourdonnette E7 Ouchy B10 Tuilière I10 Valmont GH14 -15 Vélodrome H10 Vennes I15 Internet Name Map Address Phone TCS (Touring Club Suisse) D11 Rte de Dizy 4, Cossonay Auto + Voyages TCS: 0800 140 140 www.tcs.ch Rentrez futé The “Rentrez futé” team will take anyone home who feels unsafe to drive. A team will be with you within minutes of your call. 365 days a year, 24 hours per day, +41 (0)21 791 40 06 Accommodation W ith more than 5,000 beds divided between about sixty establishments ranging from 1-star to 5-star and above, and from a youth hostel to a luxury hotel, via rustic bed & breakfast, high-tech establishments and boutique hotels, Lausanne and its region can accommodate you under the best possible conditions. Those with more modest budgets can choose between three campsites. The Camping de Vidy is located on the Lake Geneva shore. The other two sites – Pra Collet (with swimming pool) and La Carillère – are at the edge of the Jorat woods at Vers-chez-les-Blanc. Thanks to the diversity and human dimension of its hotels, as well as the continuous growth in business tourism, the Greater Lausanne area posts more than a million hotel nights annually. Currently, much financial investment is ongoing in order to improve the existing service range and to develop it by modernising certain establishments and opening up new ones. RELATED LINKS: www.lausanne-tourisme.ch/hotels – www.aventure-sur-la-paille.ch – www.tourisme-rural.ch – www.region-du-leman.ch/fr/hebergement – www.bnb.ch – www.tripadvisor.ch/lausanne OK Logements SA Rue de Bourg 27 CH-1003 Lausanne +41 21 323 55 16 Fax +41 21 323 89 94 oklog@oklogements.ch www.oklogements.ch 19 Accommodation in 2016 No. Map 1 A11 2 D11 13 B11 6 A11 3 C11 4 D11 12 A11 8 C12 5 B11 7 D11 11 D12 9 B10 14 D11 25 I15 15 C11 16 A11 46 C8 18 C9 31 C10 34 20 J17 20 E11 21 D11 54 A11 29 D11 19 D12 17 F10 23 D11 22 E11 24 D11 28 D6 86 C10 33 E11 55 D12 Accommodation www.lausanne-tourisme.ch/hotels Stars Hotels in Lausanne Beau-Rivage Palace *****S Pl. du Port 17-19, 1006 Lausanne Lausanne Palace & Spa *****S Rue du Grand-Chêne 7-9, 1002 Lausanne Royal Savoy Lausanne ***** Av. d’Ouchy 40, 1006 Lausanne Château d'Ouchy ****S Pl. du Port 2, 1006 Lausanne Agora Swiss Night By Fassbind **** Av. du Rond-Point 9, 1006 Lausanne Alpha-Palmiers By Fassbind **** Rue du Petit-Chêne 34, 1003 Lausanne Angleterre & Résidence **** Pl. du Port 11, 1006 Lausanne Best Western Plus Hôtel Mirabeau **** Av. de la Gare 31, 1003 Lausanne Carlton Lausanne Boutique Hôtel **** Av. de Cour 4, 1007 Lausanne Continental **** Pl. de la Gare 2, 1001 Lausanne De la Paix **** Av. B.-Constant 5, 1003 Lausanne Mövenpick Hotel Lausanne **** Av. de Rhodanie 4, 1007 Lausanne Victoria **** Av. de la Gare 46, 1001 Lausanne Aquatis Hotel ***S Rte de Berne 150, 1010 Lausanne AlaGare *** Rue du Simplon 14, 1006 Lausanne Aulac *** Pl. de la Navigation 4, 1006 Lausanne 46a Apart'Hotel *** Av. de Rhodanie 46a, 1007 Lausanne Bellerive *** Av. de Cour 99, 1007 Lausanne du Boulevard *** Boulevard de Grancy 51, 1006 Lausanne Les Chevreuils *** Rte du Jorat 80, Vers-chez-les-Blanc, 1000 Lsne 26 Crystal *** Rue Chaucrau 5, 1003 Lausanne Elite *** Av. Sainte-Luce 1, 1003 Lausanne du Port *** Pl. du Port 5, 1006 Lausanne Régina *** Rue Grand-St-Jean 18, 1003 Lausanne Swiss Wine Hotel & Bar By Fassbind *** Rue Caroline 5, 1003 Lausanne Tulip Inn *** Ch. du Cerisier 8-10, 1004 Lausanne des Voyageurs *** Rue Grand-St-Jean 19, 1003 Lausanne Ibis Lausanne Centre **S Rue du Maupas 20, 1004 Lausanne LHOTEL * Pl. de l’Europe 6, 1003 Lausanne Jeunotel Swiss Lodge Ch. du Bois-de-Vaux 36, 1007 Lausanne Lausanne GuestHouse Swiss Lodge Ch. des Epinettes 4, 1007 Lausanne du Marché Swiss Lodge Rue Pré-du-Marché 42, 1004 Lausanne Le Raisin Pl. de la Palud 19, 1003 Lausanne Telephone / fax / mobil E-Mail / website T F T F T F T F T F T F T F T F T F T F T F T F T F T F T F T F T F T F T F T F T F T F T F T F T F T F T F T F info@brp.ch www.brp.ch reservation@lausanne-palace.ch www.lausanne-palace.com info@royalsavoy.ch www.royalsavoy.ch info@chateaudouchy.ch www.chateaudouchy.ch asn@byf.ch www.byfassbind.com ap@byf.ch www.byfassbind.com ar@brp.ch www.angleterre-residence.ch reservation@mirabeau.ch www.mirabeau.ch contact@carltonlausanne.ch www.carltonlausanne.com reservation@hotelcontinental.ch www.hotelcontinental.ch info@hoteldelapaix.net www.hoteldelapaix.net hotel.lausanne@movenpick.com www.movenpick.com/lausanne info@hotelvictoria.ch www.hotelvictoria.ch info@aquatis-hotel.ch www.aquatis-hotel.ch info@hotelalagare.ch www.hotelalagare.ch aulac@cdmgroup.ch www.aulac.ch info@46a.ch www.46a.ch info@hotelbellerive.ch www.hotelbellerive.ch info@boulevard51.ch www.boulevard51.ch mail@chevreuils.ch www.chevreuils.ch info@crystal-lausanne.ch www.crystal-lausanne.ch info@elite-lausanne.ch www.elite-lausanne.ch info@hotel-du-port.ch www.hotel-du-port.ch info@hotel-regina.ch www.hotel-regina.ch sw@byf.ch www.byfassbind.com reception@tulipinnlausanne.ch www.tulipinnlausanne.ch hotel@voyageurs.ch www.voyageurs.ch h6772@accor.com www.ibishotel.com mail@lhotel.ch www.lhotel.ch lausanne@youthhostel.ch www.youthhostel.ch/lausanne info@lausanne-guesthouse.ch www.lausanne-guesthouse.ch info@hoteldumarche-lausanne.ch www.hoteldumarche-lausanne.ch info@leraisin-lausanne.ch www.leraisin-lausanne.ch +41 21 613 33 33 +41 21 613 33 34 +41 21 331 31 31 +41 21 323 25 71 +41 21 614 88 88 +41 21 614 88 78 +41 21 331 32 32 +41 21 331 34 34 +41 21 555 59 55 +41 21 555 59 59 +41 21 555 59 99 +41 21 555 59 98 +41 21 613 34 34 +41 21 613 34 35 +41 21 341 42 43 +41 21 341 42 42 +41 21 613 07 07 +41 21 613 07 10 +41 21 321 88 00 +41 21 321 88 01 +41 21 310 71 71 +41 21 310 71 72 +41 21 612 76 12 +41 21 612 76 11 +41 21 342 02 02 +41 21 342 02 22 +41 21 654 24 24 +41 21 654 24 25 +41 21 612 09 09 +41 21 617 92 55 +41 21 613 15 00 +41 21 613 15 15 +41 21 613 12 12 +41 21 613 12 10 +41 21 614 90 00 +41 21 614 90 01 +41 21 614 28 28 +41 21 614 28 29 +41 21 785 01 01 +41 21 785 01 02 +41 21 317 03 03 +41 21 320 04 46 +41 21 320 23 61 +41 21 320 39 63 +41 21 612 04 44 +41 21 612 04 45 +41 21 320 24 41 +41 21 320 25 29 +41 21 320 21 41 +41 21 320 21 49 +41 21 646 16 25 +41 21 646 16 37 +41 21 319 91 11 +41 21 319 91 12 +41 21 340 07 07 +41 21 340 07 17 T +41 21 331 39 39 T F T F T F T F +41 21 626 02 22 +41 21 626 02 26 +41 21 601 80 00 +41 21 601 80 01 +41 21 647 99 00 +41 21 646 47 23 +41 21 312 27 56 +41 21 312 27 60 * Beds Prices CHF Prices CHF From CHF in the month 320 480-1500 480-1500 – – – 254 440-650 540-750 – – – 269 350-790 390-830 – – – 57 290-800 330-800 – – – 280 100-300 100-300 – 1400 Rental by the month on request 430 100-400 100-400 – 1500 Rental by the month on request 150 295-450 335-490 – – – 120 dès 210 dès 280 – – 88 160-300 180-350 – – 174 165-350 260-420 – – 198 280-385 355-490 – – – 473 190-620 190-620 – – – 84 150-290 220-385 – – Breakfast CHF 20 per person 286 135-275 135-275 – – – 98 145-230 160-280 – – – 150 140-220 190-260 – – 54 130-350 145-365 – – rent per month on request.Fully furnished 1 and 2-room studios. Restaurant, fitness suite and spa 68 100-160 130-240 – – Buffet breakfast CHF 15 per person. Coffee, croissant, fruit juice, CHF 5 per person 42 120-180 140-250 – – – 60 149 179 – – 80 131-250 181-350 3320 – 55 145-230 185-330 – – 38 135-145 150-210 – – 77 112-248 142-268 2400 – 124 80-300 90-300 1200 Rental by the month on request 112 139-259 167-287 – – 70 140-260 180-370 – – 154 99-199 99-199 – – – 51 90-120 100-140 – – Breakfast CHF 14 per person 320 70-115 110-145 – – 80 37-135 90-135 – – – 40 dès 70 dès 100 – – – 20 110-160 160-180 – – – – – * breakfast included Various 21 No. Map 60 D9 83 B11 30 C10 57 C6 73 E11 64 B11 71 C13 62 C11 75 D9 65 C12 72 B10 52 B11 84 D12 76 C11 77 C10 74 D12 42 A17 40 K1 51 G17 10 43 44 K9 50 A17 49 48 H2 A17 70 I16 41 K3 81 22 C2 J3 A17 37 I4 45 E1 68 J1 78 A17 63 G7 38 J1 92 A17 Accommodation Other places to stay in Lausanne Ada-Logements Av. de Tivoli 60, 1007 Lausanne Bed and Breakfast Bernaldo Rue du Liseron 6, 1006 Lausanne Bnblausanne.ch Av. Dapples 23, 1006 Lausanne Camping de Vidy Ch. du Camping 3, 1007 Lausanne Le Cazard Rue Pré-du-Marché 15, 1004 Lausanne Le Chalet Bed and Breakfast Av. d’Ouchy 49, 1006 Lausanne Foyer Bon Accueil Av. de Rumine 32, 1005 Lausanne Pension Bienvenue Rue du Simplon 2, 1006 Lausanne Pension Jost Ch. de la Tour-Grise 5, 1007 Lausanne Pension Old Inn Av. de la Gare 11, 1003 Lausanne Furnished apartments (Apartments or studios) AE Logement Av. Warnery 4, 1007 Lausanne BR6 Logements Ch. Beau-Rivage 6, 1006 Lausanne OK Logements Rue de Bourg 27, 1003 Lausanne Studios Meublés Rue Jean-Jacques-Cart 1, 1006 Lausanne Vision Apartments Ch. des Epinettes 11, 1007 Lausanne Vision Apartments Rue Caroline 23, 1003 Lausanne Hotels in the surrounding area Hôtel Lavaux Rte de Vevey 51, 1096 Cully Novotel Rte de Condémine 35, 1030 Bussigny Préalpina Rte de Préalpina 3, 1071 Chexbres Starling Hotel Lausanne Rte Cantonale 31, 1025 St-Sulpice Discovery Hotel Ch. des Lentillières 24, 1023 Crissier A la Chotte Ch. du Village 19, 1032 Romanel Auberge de la Gare Rue de la Gare 1, 1091 Grandvaux des Inventions Ch. du Parc 2, 1024 Ecublens Le Rivage Rue du Rivage, 1095 Lutry L'Union Ch. des Croisettes 2, 1066 Epalinges Ibis Ch. de l’Esparcette 4, 1023 Crissier Au Major Davel Pl. d’Armes 8, 1096 Cully Beausite Hôtel Rue de l’Industrie 23, 1023 Crissier SwissTech Hotel Rte Louis-Favre 10b, 1024 Ecublens Ibis Budget Bussigny Rte de l’Industrie 67, 1030 Bussigny du Château Rte du Simplon 7, 1094 Paudex Other places to stay in the surrounding area Bed and Breakfast Prilly-Lausanne Rte des Flumeaux 10, 1008 Prilly Chambres "Les Huttins" Ch. du Parc 8, 1030 Bussigny Le Haut des Vignes - Chambres d’hôtes Ch. de Clair-Joly 13b, 1095 Lutry Stars Telephone / fax / mobil E-Mail / website T +41 21 625 71 34 F +41 21 625 71 34 ada-logements@bluewin.ch www.kobo.ch/ada-logements info@bedandbreakfastlausanne.ch www.bedandbreakfastlausanne.ch info@bnblausanne.ch www.bnblausanne.ch info@clv.ch www.clv.ch info@lecazard.ch www.lecazard.ch lechalet.d.ouchy@gmail.com www.chaletguest.ch foyerbonaccueil@yahoo.fr www.studenthome.ch info@pension-bienvenue.ch www.pension-bienvenue.ch M +41 76 271 64 79 T +41 21 616 77 22 M +41 78 723 26 23 T +41 21 622 50 00 F +41 21 622 50 01 T +41 21 320 52 61 F +41 21 312 79 85 T +41 21 311 36 30 M +41 79 936 38 33 T +41 21 312 25 40 F +41 21 312 25 72 T +41 21 616 29 86 T F T F +41 21 616 92 53 +41 21 616 92 53 +41 21 323 62 21 +41 21 311 08 13 M +41 79 622 62 91 **** **** **** **** ***S *** *** *** *** *** **S ** ** ** * jostmaryse@hotmail.com old_inn@bluewin.ch www.oldinn.ch phone or sms www.aelogement.ch M +41 79 702 32 11 aluscher@luscher.ch T +41 21 323 55 16 F +41 21 323 89 94 T +41 21 601 05 24 M +41 79 372 89 32 T +41 21 323 96 19 M +41 79 818 66 10 T +41 21 323 96 19 M +41 79 818 66 10 oklog@oklogements.ch www.oklogements.ch T F T F T F T F T F T F T F T F T F T F T F T F T F T F T F T F info@hotellavaux.ch www.hotellavaux.ch h0530@accor.com www.novotel.com info@prealpina.ch www.prealpina.ch contact@shlausanne.ch www.shlausanne.ch info@discovery-hotel.ch www.discovery-hotel.ch info@lachotte.ch www.lachotte.ch info@aubergegrandvaux.ch www.aubergegrandvaux.ch booking@hotelinventions.ch www.hotel-inventions.ch info@hotelrivagelutry.ch www.hotelrivagelutry.ch info@hotel-union.ch www.hotel-union.ch h1185@accor.com www.ibishotel.com aumajor@worldcom.ch www.hotelaumajordavel.ch beausitehotel@bluewin.ch www.beausitehotel.ch sth@epfl.ch www.sthotel.ch h7599@accor.com www.ibisbudget.com hotelrestaurantduchateau@bluewin.ch www.hotelrestaurantduchateau.ch +41 21 799 93 93 +41 21 799 93 88 +41 21 703 59 59 +41 21 702 29 02 +41 21 946 09 09 +41 21 946 09 50 +41 21 694 85 85 +41 21 694 85 86 +41 21 805 44 00 +41 21 805 44 01 +41 21 646 10 12 +41 21 648 54 74 +41 21 799 26 86 +41 21 799 26 40 +41 21 694 39 39 +41 21 694 39 40 +41 21 796 72 72 +41 21 796 72 00 +41 21 654 41 00 +41 21 653 77 17 +41 21 637 28 28 +41 21 637 28 29 +41 21 799 94 94 +41 21 799 37 82 +41 21 636 26 46 +41 21 636 36 12 +41 21 694 06 10 +41 21 694 06 11 +41 21 706 53 53 +41 21 706 53 59 +41 21 796 20 00 +41 21 796 20 01 T +41 21 625 76 80 M +41 79 623 67 07 M +41 79 132 92 66 T +41 21 791 21 35 M +41 79 649 33 70 contact@fiduciairefp.ch lausanne@visionapartments.com www.visionapartments.com lausanne@visionapartments.com www.visionapartments.com deillon@2wire.ch www.bnb-prilly.ch lahutte@bluewin.ch info@bnb-lutry-lavaux.ch www.bnb-lutry-lavaux.ch Beds Prices CHF Prices CHF 20 55 9 9 * From CHF in the month Various 90 – – 70 110 4800 Also holiday apartment (loft) for 1 to 6 persons, CHF 160 to CHF 220 per night 110-130 110-160 – maximum 2 weeks 30 59 61 – 650 monthly hire during Winter (October to March) 37 – – – 450-500 long-term let for young adults in further education & training 7 130-170 140-180 – – 22 45-50 – 720-750 exclusively for young women and female students 27 70 100 530-760 monthly hire, breakfast included (for women only) 4 – – – 380-475 – 18 85 145 – 1200 WiFi in all rooms – – – – 4950-6750 furnished service apt, 2-4 bedrooms. Min. 3 months – – – – 3250-5900 furnished service apt, 1-3 bedrooms. Min. 1 month 450 – – – 1800-5800 furnished service apt, 1-4 bedrooms. Min. 1 month 15 – – – 800 – – – – – 1680-2480 – – – – 1680-2480 all taxes and service charges included in the price. Languages spoken: French, German, English all taxes and service charges included in the price. Languages spoken: French, German, English 133 130-250 150-490 – – 182 125-370 125-370 107 120-200 160-240 308 140-295 140-295 196 115-275 115-275 28 130-170 9 140-170 90 125-210 135-250 62 140-220 170-295 79 105-150 135-180 230 99-189 99-189 27 100-120 150-180 27 105 140 100 100-150 100-150 – 316 70-111 70-111 – – – 42 100 150 – – 9 80-120 100-150 2400 non-smoking establishment, WiFi 7 85-125 85-125 – 7 110-145 140-190 4 bedrooms (CHF 85 per night) and 3 studios (CHF 125 per night) available By the week: price on request. By the month: entire villa only, price on request – – – – – – – – – – – 170-220 – – 190-260 – – – – automatically managed reception – – Apartment hotel – – – – – – – closed from mid-December to the end of January 2100 per month, excluding breakfast – – – * breakfast included 23 Av. du Censuy 36 – 1020 Renens – Tél. 021 632 73 52 – www.aquasplash.ch Restaurants S haring convivial moments over a meal constitutes an essential criterion for a successful visit. Stars, chef’s hats, grades and flowers awarded by the best guides in Switzerland and worldwide make Lausanne a key destination for those who appreciate good food. From bistros to highly rated gourmet restaurants (5 Michelin stars) via global cuisine and trendy eateries, Lausanne offers some 320 establishments devoted to good food that are ready to satisfy any palate and to suit any budget. Local produce is generally served in distinctive local inns and 100-year-old brasseries, the oldest of which, la Pinte Besson, dates from 1780. Alongside their meals, gourmet diners can sample a Chasselas or another local varietal wine from the vineyards of Lavaux and La Côte or from one of the five wine estates belonging to the City. Most restaurants serve food from 11.30 to 14.00 and from 18.30 to 23.00. Service and taxes are included in the bill. Even if it is still customary, tipping is optional and left to the sole discretion of the customer. Public premises have been non-smoking. However, it is still possible to smoke on the terrace and smoking rooms are provided in certain establishments. RELATED LINKS: www.bonresto.ch/lausanne – www.itaste.ch – www.restorang.ch – www.tripadvisor.ch/lausanne In partnership with 25 Shopping and markets I n Lausanne, shopping becomes a pleasurable outing thanks to the concentration of retail outlets of every type in the city centre. There is something to please everyone among the luxury watchmakers, boutiques selling designer-label clothing and accessories, mouthwatering chocolate shops and outlets selling typically Swiss gifts and other souvenirs. Between strolling and window-shopping, allow yourself to be tempted into Flon, Lausanne’s mini-Manhattan, which has become an unprecedented urban regeneration success within ten years. Like a small town within a city with its hotel, offices, accommodation, banks, colleges, cinemas, galleries, restaurants, bars, bowling, discotheques and shops, the Flon district offers a series of outlets to delight every generation! The proximity of the countryside has encouraged the rise of open-air markets. These offer their local produce in the city, while during the summer a Sunday market is staged lakeside at Ouchy. In December, the Christmas market welcomes dozens of stalls designed as miniature Swiss chalets into the city centre. 27 #MyLAUSANNE Share your experience of Lausanne Olympic Capital w w w. l a u s a n n e - to u r i s m e . c h @MyLausanne Shopping and markets Traditional markets Name Map Bô Noêl Christmas Market D11/ Mondays to Thursdays 11.30 to 21.30 D12 Fridays and Saturdays 11.30 to 22.30 Sundays 11.30 to 19.00 Boulevard de Grancy C11 Centre-ville D12/ Wednesday morning and Saturday morning E11 from 8.00 to 14.30 Place Chauderon E10 Place de la Palud D12 Marché d’Ouchy Marché de Pully A11 B16 Information / opening hours Monday morning and Thursday morning from 8.00 to 13.00 Flea market every Thursday from 9.30 to 19.00 Craft market. First Friday of the month from 10.30 to 19.00, from March to November, and the first three Fridays of December Department stores (Trade Club) Name Internet Athleticum Sportmarkets AG www.athleticum.ch BONGENIE Brunschwig & Cie www.bongenie-grieder.ch Confort-Shoes www.confort-shoes.ch COOP Suisse Romande www.coop.ch Excelsior SA www.vetements-excelsior.com FNAC (Suisse) SA www.fnac.ch Grands Magasins Globus SA www.globus.ch Hermès SA www.hermes.com Manor – Grands Magasins SA www.manor.ch Every Sunday, from April to September, 8.00 to 20.00 Payot SA www.payot.ch Friday morning from 6.00 to 13.00 Société Coopérative Migros Vaud www.migros.ch Zara www.zara.com Shop opening hours: Mon-Fri: from 8.00-8.45 to 18.30-19.00. Sat: from 8.00-8.45 to 18.00. Société Coopérative des Commerçants Lausannois www.commercants-lausannois.ch RESTAURANT Le Vieil Ouchy One country. One ticket. OUVERT 7/7 CUISINE NON-STOP SAMEDI & DIMANCHE Place du Vieux-Port 3 l Lausanne 021 616 21 94 l info@vieilouchy.ch Swiss Travel Pass – the key to Switzerland’s public transport. More information on SwissTravelSystem.com www.vieilouchy.ch 29 Top ten 1. THE OLD TOWN AND THE CATHEDRAL The old town, or the Cité, testifies to the past existence of a lively medieval town. Today, among other facilities, its lanes host antique shops, art galleries, restaurants and bars. At the heart of the old town, the majestic Lausanne cathedral overlooks the city. Seen as one of the most beautiful gothic art monuments in Europe, it attracts more than 400,000 visitors every year. 2. PLACE DE LA PALUD This square at the heart of the city is home to one of the oldest and certainly best-known fountains in Lausanne. The Statue of Justice that lords it there was sculpted in 1585, while the pool dates from 1726. This faces a clock embellished with figurines that tells the story of the Vaud canton hourly on the hour. On Wednesday and Saturday mornings market stalls offer a wide variety of local produce. 3. SHOPPING AT FLON DISTRICT Within ten years, this industry and craft area has become an undisputed triumph of town planning. The trendiest district of Lausanne now hosts a hotel, accommodation, colleges, cinema halls, art galleries, a bowling, restaurants, bars and discotheques as well as many shops. 4.THE ONLY MUSEUM OF ITS KIND IN THE WORLD Inaugurated 21 years ago, the Olympic Museum constitutes Lausanne’s leading cultural attraction and the fourth most heavily frequented museum in Switzerland with more than 200,000 visitors per year. Each of its three floors is devoted to a particular dimension of the modern Olympics, with a prominent role given to new integrated means of communication such as information tablets, a 180° screen and numerous interactive experiences. 5. LAKE SHORES AT OUCHY Ouchy represents one of the favourite Sunday strolls for Lausanne citizens and passing visitors. Walkers, cyclists and skaters share the tree-lined, flower-bedecked walkways. From the Haldimand Tower to the Bellerive swimming pool, via the Château, the landing stage and the port of Ouchy, this promenade traverses three parks including the one that is home to the famous Olympic Museum. This stroll can be extended eastwards as far as 30 Lutry and westwards to Saint-Sulpice. 6. “BELLE ÉPOQUE” BOAT CRUISE You cannot leave Lausanne without having sailed on Lake Geneva aboard one of the boats of the Compagnie Générale de Navigation. Its “Belle Époque” fleet, the world’s largest, offers various options from a simple lake crossing taking you to France to a cruise wining and dining at sunset. 7. UNIVERSITY CAMPUS TOUR The University of Lausanne and Lausanne Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) are rivals in their spirit of innovation and are forever extending their campuses in order to construct new buildings. The Rolex Learning Center, deployed fascinating architectural prowess to produce this vessel for modern times. 8. THE COUNTRYSIDE OF L’HERMITAGE Part-landscaped garden, part-orchard and part-meadow, the countryside of l’Hermitage invites reverie and offers a magnificent perspective across the whole city, the lake and the French Alps. Established in a beautiful 19th–century residence, the Hermitage Foundation displays temporary exhibitions whose renown extends beyond the borders of Switzerland. 9. THE SAUVABELIN LAKE AND TOWER At Sauvabelin, on the city heights, you will be able to take your children to discover the animal park and to enjoy the artificial lake with the opportunity to hire rowing boats. The latest local attraction is a 35 m-high wooden tower that allows you to ascend 302 steps to admire magnificent 360° panoramic views. 10. A BREAK IN THE VINEYARDS OF LAVAUX Located to the east of the city, the terraced vineyards of Lavaux, a listed UNESCO world heritage site, provide an amazing landscape that has inspired many local and foreign painters. You can criss-cross the region and its traditional villages on foot, by bike, by car or in a train with panoramic views, not forgetting to stop off at a local wine cellar. 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 31 Photo: ©Adrien Barakat Billetterie du lundi au vendredi, 12h - 18h T 021 315 40 20 et en ligne sur www.opera-lausanne.ch Suivez-nous sur City of culture T he citizens of Lausanne enjoy a shared and most valuable privilege: the density, diversity and accessibility of its facilities, activities, shows and other cultural events, which would be worthy of a European capital of a million inhabitants. This allows this city with modest dimensions to offer its public 22 museums staging prestigious exhibitions, 22 art galleries, just as many theatres – like the Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne – and experimental and art-house venues, an opera worthy of European stages, the Béjart Ballet Lausanne (based here since 1987), various choreographic companies, the Cinémathèque suisse (one of the world’s top five film archives), a world-renowned art college (ECAL), a comic strip festival and venues for jazz and new music. To its winter cultural array, summer adds some 600 shows, most of them free, including the Lausanne Estivale program and the Festival de la Cité. 33 Cinema www.lausanne.ch/cinemas Consult the programme on: www.allocine.ch - www.cineromandie.ch - www.edicom.ch - www.lausanne-culture.com or in the principal local daily newspapers Independent cinemas Name Map Address Phone Internet Information / opening hours Bellevaux G11 Rte Aloys-Fauquez 4 +41 (0)21 647 46 42 www.cinemabellevaux.ch Doors open 30 min before film starts Capitole D12 Av. du Théâtre 6 +41 (0)58 800 02 00 www.lecapitole.ch The largest cinema in Switzerland Cinémathèque suisse D10 Casino de Montbenon, +41 (0)58 800 02 00 Allée Ernest-Ansermet 3 www.cinematheque.ch National cinema museum Public showings daily at 15.00, 18.30, 21.00 (closed July and August) City Club B15 Av. de Lavaux 36, Pully +41 (0)21 711 31 91 www.cityclubpully.ch Cinema and music Moderne C10 Av. William-Fraisse 2 +41 (0)21 616 28 77 —— Adult films non-stop from 10.30 to 22.30, Fridays and Saturday nights until 0.30 Oblò E10 Av. de France 9 +41 (0)78 795 36 61 www.oblo.ch Association promoting independent cinema, showings in different locations Zinéma E11 Rue du Maupas 4 (derrière le Café du Cygne) +41 (0)21 311 29 30 www.zinema.ch Lausanne’s first miniplex cinema, two studios ART & ESSAI, one bar. From 16.00, every day Cinétoile F7 Ch. du Viaduc 1, Prilly +41 (0)21 621 88 20 www.cinetoile.ch 6 screens Pathé Flon D11 Rue du Port-Franc 16 +41 (0)21 614 33 33 www.pathe.ch 7 screens Pathé Les Galeries D11 Rue du Petit-Chêne 27 +41 (0)21 614 33 33 www.pathe.ch 8 screens Multiplex Dance Archives Name Map Address Phone Internet Collection suisse de la danse D12 Av. de Villamont 4 +41 (0)21 323 77 48 www.collectiondeladanse.ch Béjart Ballet Lausanne (BBL) F10 Ch. du Presbytère 12 +41 (0)21 641 64 64 www.bejart.ch www.bejart-rudra.ch Compagnie Linga B16 L’Octogone, Théâtre de Pully, Av. de Lavaux 41, Pully +41 (0)21 721 36 03 www.linga.ch Compagnie Philippe Saire E9 Av. de Sévelin 36 +41 (0)21 620 00 12 www.philippesaire.ch Espace D F5 Ch. du Chêne 17, Renens +41 (0)21 634 81 82 www.espace-d.ch Companies 34 Contest Name Prix de Lausanne Map Address Phone Internet F10 Le Presbytère, Av. des Bergières 14 +41 (0)21 643 24 05 www.prixdelausanne.org Galleries Name Map Address Phone Internet Atelier Raynald Métraux Estampes contemporaines D11 Rue des Côtes-de-Montbenon 6 +41 (0)21 311 16 66 www.atelier-metraux.com Circuit Centre d’art comptemporain B12 Av. de Montchoisi 9 (access Quai Jurigoz) +41 (0)21 601 41 70 www.circuit.li DOLL E12 Av. César-Roux 4 —— www.espacedoll.ch Dubner Moderne D11 Grand-Chêne 6, 4th floor +41 (0)79 242 78 01 www.dubnermoderne.ch Espace Abstract D11 Rte de Genève 19 —— www.abstract.li Flon Square Galerie D11 Flon, open air +41 (0)21 320 15 66 —— Forma art contemporain et cabinet d’expertise D11 Rue de Genève 21 +41 (0)21 312 12 09 www.forma-art.ch Galerie 1m B10 Av. de la Harpe 45 +41 (0)21 601 27 91 www.galerie1m3.com Galerie Alice Pauli D11 Rue du Port-Franc 9 +41 (0)21 312 87 62 www.galeriealicepauli.ch Galerie d’(A) art contemporain C13 Av. du Léman 20 +41 (0)21 311 35 01 www.galerie-d-a.com Galerie Art & Emotion D11 Grand-Pont 2bis +41 (0)21 312 63 33 www.galerie-artemotion.ch Galerie Catherine Niederhauser D11 Rue du Grand-Chêne 8 +41 (0)21 312 98 18 www.galartis.ch 3 Galerie d’Etraz D12 Rue Etraz 1 +41 (0)21 312 21 01 www.galerie-etraz.ch Galerie Filambule E11 Rue des Terreaux 18bis +41 (0)21 323 12 23 www.filambule-ch.blogspot.ch Galerie du Marché E12 Escaliers du Marché 1 +41 (0)21 311 41 80 www.galeriedumarche.ch Galerie Kissthedesign C13 Av. de Rumine 4 +41 (0)21 312 14 80 www.kissthedesign.ch Galerie Humus E11 Rue des Terreaux 18bis +41 (0)21 323 21 70 www.humus-art.com Galerie Indigo G12 Ch. de la Motte 1 +41 (0)21 647 77 40 www.galerie-indigo.ch Galerie Nane Cailler B13Av. des Deux-Ponts 10, Pully 14 +41 (0)21 728 23 01 —— Standard/Deluxe E12 Rue St-Martin 38bis +41 (0)21 921 41 14 www.standard-deluxe.ch Synopsis m (voyages) D11 Rue de Genève 21 +41 (0)21 311 83 65 —— Viceversa – bijou d’auteur D12 Pl. Saint-François 2 (2nd floor) +41 (0)21 323 96 34 www.viceversa.ch Subject to change 35 Museums Arts Name Map Address Phone Internet Information / opening hours Collection de l’Art Brut* F10 Av. des Bergières 11 +41 (0)21 315 25 70 www.artbrut.ch Tue-Sun: 11.00-18.00, closed on Monday (except July-August) Fondation de l’Hermitage F12 Rte du Signal 2 +41 (0)21 320 50 01 www.fondation-hermitage.ch Closed Monday and except temporary Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts* E12 Palais de Rumine, Pl. de la Riponne 6 +41 (0)21 316 34 45 www.mcba.ch Variable depending on the exhibitions Fri-Sun: 11.00-17.00 Musée d’art de Pully* B16 Ch. Davel 2, Pully +41 (0)21 721 38 00 www.museedepully.ch Wed-Sun: 14.00-18.00, during exhibitions Tue-Sun: 10.00-18.00, Thur: 10.00-21.00. exhibitions Applied arts and photography Espace Arlaud* E11 Pl. de la Riponne 2bis +41 (0)21 316 38 50 www.musees.vd.ch/ espace-arlaud Exhibition times Wed-Fri: 12.00-18.00, Sat-Sun: 11.00-17.00 Closed Monday and Tuesday Forum d’Architectures f’ar* D12 Av. de Villamont 4 –– www.archi-far.ch Wed-Fri: 16.00-19.00, Sat-Sun: 14.00-17.00 during exhibitions Musée de design et d’arts appliqués E12 contemporains mudac* Pl. de la Cathédrale 6 +41 (0)21 315 25 30 www.mudac.ch Tue-Sun: 11.00-18.00 Closed Monday (except July-August) Musée de l’Elysée* B12 Av. de l’Elysée 18 +41 (0)21 316 99 11 www.elysee.ch Tue-Sun: 11.00-18.00 Closed Monday (except public holidays) Le Musée Olympique F10 Quai d’Ouchy 1 +41 (0)21 621 65 11 www.olympic.org/musee Mon-Sun: 9.00-18.00 (May to midOctober)Tue-Sun: 10.00-18.00 (midOctober to late April) Closed Monday Musée cantonal d’archéologie et d’histoire* E12 Palais de Rumine, Pl. de la Riponne 6 +41 (0)21 316 34 30 www.mcah.ch Tue-Thur: 11.00-18.00, Fri-Sun: 11.00-17.00 Closed Monday Musée de D12 l’horlogerie Junod Pl. Saint-François 8 +41 (0)21 312 83 66 www.junod-lausanne.ch Mon-Fri: 9.30-18.30 Sa: 9.30-17.00 Villa romaine de Pully B16 Av. SamsonReymondin 2, Pully +41 (0)21 728 33 04 +41 (0)21 721 38 00 www.villaromainedepully.ch Only open Saturdays and Sundays: 14.00-18.00. Reopening in september Musée Général Henri Guisan B16 Centre Général Guisan, Av. Général-Guisan 117-119, Pully +41 (0)21 711 46 65 www.generalguisan.ch By arrangement only Musée historique de Lausanne* E12 Pl. de la Cathédrale 4 +41 (0)21 315 41 01 www.lausanne.ch/mhl Closed until the start of 2017 Musée monétaire cantonal* E12 Palais de Rumine, Pl. de la Riponne 6 +41 (0)21 316 39 90 www.musees.vd.ch/ musee-monetaire Tue-Thur: 11.00-18.00, Fri-Sun: 11.00-17.00. Closed Monday Musée romain de Lausanne-Vidy* D6 Ch. du Bois-de-Vaux 24 +41 (0)21 315 41 85 www.lausanne.ch/mrv Tue-Sun: 11.00-18.00 Closed Monday (except July-August) History 36 Science Phone Internet Vallée de la Jeunesse 1 +41 (0)21 315 68 80 Tue-Sat: 14.00-18.00, www.espace-des-inventions.ch Sun: 10.00-18.00. Closed Monday E13 Rue du Bugnon 21 +41 (0)21 314 49 55 www.museedelamain.ch Tue-Fri: 12.00-18.00, Sat-Sun: 11.00-18.00. Closed Monday Musée cantonal de géologie* E12 Palais de Rumine, Pl. de la Riponne 6 +41 (0)21 692 44 70 www.unil.ch/mcg Tue-Thur: 11.00-18.00, Fri-Sun: 11.00-17.00. Closed Monday Musée cantonal de zoologie* E12 Palais de Rumine, Pl. de la Riponne 6 +41 (0)21 316 34 60 www.zoologie.vd.ch Tue-Thur: 11.00-18.00, Fri-Sun: 11.00-17.00. Closed Monday Musée et jardins botaniques cantonaux C10 Place de Milan, Av. de Cour 14bis +41 (0)21 316 99 88 www.botanique.vd.ch Gardens: March, April, October: daily 10.00-17.30 May to September: 10.00-18.30 Name Map Espace des Inventions* D7 Musée de la main UNIL-CHUV* Address Information / opening hours * Cantonal, community museums, and some private museums free entrance on the first Saturday in the month Music Name Map Address Phone Internet Information / opening hours Académie de Musique de Lausanne D12 HEMU - Rue de la Grotte 2 +41 (0)21 329 02 82 www.academie-lausanne.com Violin-piano master class. 9 days in July-August Cathédrale de Lausanne E12 Place de la cathédrale 13 +41 (0)21 316 71 61 www.grandesorgues.ch Concerts with the biggest church organ in Switzerland Eglise Saint-François D12 Pl. Saint-François —— www.concerts-sainf.ch Concert every Saturday at 17.00 Eglise Saint-Laurent E11 Pl. Saint-Laurent —— www.saintlaurenteglise.eerv.ch “Les Goûts réunis” ancient music group OCL – Orchestre de Chambre de Lausanne E11 Rue de Genève 12 +41 (0)21 345 00 25 www.ocl.ch Classical orchestra billetterie@ocl.ch Sinfonietta de Lausanne B/ C11 Av. du Grammont 11bis +41 (0)21 616 71 35 www.sinfonietta.ch Classical orchestra HEMU - Rue de la Grotte 2 +41 (0)21 329 02 82 www.smclausanne.ch Concerts on Mondays from September to April Société de Musique Contemporaine D12 Lausanne 37 Live shows Theaters Name Map Address Phone Internet Information 2.21 E12 Rue de l’Industrie 10 +41 (0)21 311 65 14 www.theatre221.ch Theatre, music Arsenic D10 Rue de Genève 57 +41 (0)21 625 11 36 www.arsenic.ch Centre for contemporary theatre art Beaulieu (Théâtre de) F10 Av. des Bergières 10 +41 (0)21 643 22 11 www.theatredebeaulieu.ch Concerts, operas, ballets, variety Boulimie E11 Pl. Arlaud 1 +41 (0)21 312 97 00 www.theatreboulimie.ch Comedy theatre Contexte Silo G4 Av. du Silo 9, Renens —— www.contexte-silo.ch Drama, the latest music and exhibitions of visual art CPO – Centre pluriculturel et social d’Ouchy B11 Ch. de Beau-Rivage 2 +41 (0)21 616 26 72 www.cpo-ouchy.ch Concerts, shows, room hire, training, lessons, etc. Espace Culturel des Terreaux E11 Rue de l’Ale 31 +41 (0)21 320 00 46 www.terreaux.org Shows, exhibitions, conferences Grange de Dorigny E4 Université de Lausanne +41 (0)21 692 21 24 www.grangededorigny.ch Theatre, round tables and courses Kléber-Méleau E7 Ch. de l’Usine-à-Gaz 9 +41 (0)21 625 84 29 www.t-km.ch Classical and contemporary theatre L’Octogone – ThéâB16 tre de Pully Av. de Lavaux 41, Pully +41 (0)21 721 36 20 www.theatre-octogone.ch Concerts, theatre, variety, dance and conferences Pulloff Théâtres E12 Rue de l’Industrie 10 +41 (0)21 311 44 22 www.pulloff.ch Independent theatre Sévelin 36 E9 Av. de Sévelin 36 +41 (0)21 620 00 10 www.theatresevelin36.ch Dance theater Théâtre de la Colombe G14 Rte d’Oron 98 +41 (0)21 653 25 97 www.theatre-colombe.ch Theatre, music, Vide-Poche D11 Pl. de la Palud 10 +41 (0)21 312 25 47 www.polesud.ch Contemporary theatre, comedy, storytelling, music, amateur and professional shows Théâtre de Vidy C8 Av. Emile-Henri Jaques-Dalcroze 5 +41 (0)21 619 45 45 www.vidy.ch Theatre, music, exhibitions, debates, workshops Shows for a young audience Name Map Address Phone Internet Information Le petit théâtre E12 Pl. de la Cathédrale 12 +41 (0)21 323 62 13 www.lepetittheatre.ch Shows for all aged 3+ F10 Aula du Collège des Bergières, Av. des Bergières 44 +41 (0)21 624 54 77 www.marionnetteslausanne.ch Puppet shows for all aged 4+ Rue du PetitSaint-Jean 1A +41 (0)21 323 34 43 www.theatre-des-lutins.ch Puppets: family shows from age 4 Théâtre de Marionnettes de Lausanne 38 Théâtre des Lutins D11 Cafés-theaters Name Map Address Phone Internet Information Le Bourg D12 Rue de Bourg 51 +41 (0)21 311 67 53 www.le-bourg.ch Concerts, screenings, improvisation, theatre, etc. Le Lido D12 Rue de Bourg 17 +41 (0)21 311 77 56 www.lidolausanne.ch Concerts, comedy shows, stand up, solo performances L’Esprit Frappeur A17 Villa Mégroz, Av. du Grand-Pont 20, Lutry +41 (0)21 793 12 01 www.espritfrappeur.ch Singers, poets, storytellers, musicians, writers, etc. Café-Théâtre de La Voirie B16 Rue du Centre 10, Pully +41 (0)76 324 34 52 www.regart.ch/th-voirie/ Variety and contemporary theatre La Cave du Bleu Lézard D12 Rue Enning 10 +41 (0)21 321 38 30 www.bleulezard.ch Concerts, jam sessions, talent contests, Ipod battles, DJs, light entertainment, etc. Chorus D13 Av. Mon-Repos 3 +41 (0)21 323 22 33 www.chorus.ch Jazz cellar Les Docks E9 Av. de Sévelin 34 +41 (0)21 623 44 44 www.lesdocks.ch Concerts, music, exhibitions Le Romandie D11 Pl. de l’Europe 1a +41 (0)21 311 17 19 www.leromandie.ch Concerts and rock club Casino de Montbenon D10 Allée Ernest-Ansermet 3 +41 (0)21 315 21 50 www.lausanne.ch/casino Concerts, shows, congresses, conferences and cocktail evenings Salle Métropole E11 Rue de Genève 12 +41 (0)22 994 31 30 www.sallemetropole.ch Concerts, dance, operas, theatre Opéra de Lausanne D12 Av. du Théâtre 12 +41 (0)21 315 40 20 Lu-Ve: 12h-18h www.opera-lausanne.ch Operas, concerts, ballet, shows for young people, recitals, conferences Shows Other reservation options Address Phone Internet Rue de Genève 6 +41 (0)21 213 85 85 Mo-Fri: 9.00-19.00 Sa: 9.00-18.00 www.fnac.ch Disc-à-Brac E11 Disques et billeterie Petzi Rue de l’Ale 2 +41 (0)21 323 23 51 Closed Mondays www.disc-a-brac.ch Starticket —— Manor, Hotelplan Call center Coop City (city centre) 0900 325 325 Coop City (St-François), (CHF 1.19/min.) since the fixed network post office www.starticket.ch —— Sales points: Manor, CFF stations, Coop City Call center (city centre), Coop 0900 800 800 City (Saint-François), (CHF 1.19/min.) since the fixed network Globus, post office www.ticketcorner.ch Name FNAC Ticketcorner Map D11 www.billetnet.ch – www.ticketportal.ch 39 r Discove t-see the mus f places o neva Lake Ge Region! at the heart of the heritage An unique cruise along the Lavaux vineyard terraces up to Chillon Castle. Departures from Lausanne–Ouchy all year long. Informations and booking: www.cgn.ch City of recreation W hether you come with friends, as a couple, as a family or for business, here are a few suggestions for activities blending excitement and relaxation, allowing you to get to know Lausanne and the surrounding area in a different way. On the agenda: guided themed walks that are a revelation, an introduction to the world of reptiles, a fondue on an Edwardian or solar-powered boat, a ride in a pedalo, an hour spent roller skating or skateboarding, a rest in a verdant park or in a play area with your children, an afternoon at Sauvabelin with its romantic lake and its animals, an excursion into the vineyards of Lavaux or the region of the famous Gruyère cheese, not forgetting the opportunity to see the 450 free shows that Lausanne Estivale presents between June and September. 41 City of recreation Animals Name Map Address Phone Internet Information / opening hours Sauvabelin H12 —— —— —— Animal park: cows, pigs, sheep, goats and birds Volière D13 Parc de Mon-Repos, Av. Mon-Repos —— —— More than 70 feathered species Suggested walks ALGT guides at your service The ALGT (Association lausannoise des guides touristiques) offers you city tours of Lausanne as well as excursions in the Lake Geneva region, Lavaux, Montreux, Gruyères and Geneva. Discover our heritage and our countryside in the company of our experienced multilingual guides. +41 (0)21 613 73 74, www.visitelausanne.ch Tour guides welcome visitors In collaboration with the City of Lausanne and Lausanne Tourisme, the Mouvement des Aînés (MdA) can provide visitors with experienced, erudite, multilingual guides who will share their love of their city. More than thirty themed tours can be arranged for individuals or groups. +41(0)21 320 12 61, www.lausanne-a-pied.ch – www.lausanne.ch/visites Walks by Pierre Corajoud In collaboration with Lausanne Tourisme, Pierre Corajoud, an ethnologist, geographer, author and guide, livens up a series of unusual guided walks in different districts of the city, including some along the course of the m2 metro line, with an assortment of panoramic views, and in the Lavaux vineyards. He also arranges treasure hunts for families together with his wife, Caroline. http://balade.wordpress.com - www.baladefamille.ch Discover the Chemin du Sport (Sport Trail) Located close to Lake Geneva in exceptional surroundings, this educational walk featuring the colours of the Olympic rings will take you on a 4-km trail to discover 22 markers symbolised by the dates of the Olympic Games, which illustrate different sporting disciplines and retrace the history of some great moments in Swiss and international sport. Tourist information: +41 (0)21 613 73 73, www.chemindusport.ch Lausanne audio-guided walks Visit Lausanne at your own pace “à la carte” thanks to the detailed commentaries and anecdotes of Pierre Corajoud. You can download the MP3 files onto your own personal media player. www.lausanne-tourisme.ch/balades Art en ville (Art in town) More than 70 works of art waiting to be discovered in the open air in Lausanne! Art en ville invites you to wander the streets, squares and parks to discover a rich and vibrant heritage. The guide is available in tourism offices and at info cité. www.art-en-ville.ch 42 The “Grand Tour of Switzerland” A tour of Switzerland inspired by the example of legendary road trips such as Route 66 in the United States and the Great Ocean Road in Australia. This circuit can be tackled in either direction. It covers the leading sights of Switzerland over a distance of 1,600 km and is certain to delight tourists. The tour goes through 5 mountain passes, runs alongside 22 lakes and takes in 11 UNESCO World Heritage sites. The circuit also crosses Lausanne and its immediate surroundings: hugging the shoreline of Lake Geneva, it crosses the Lavaux vineyard (a UNESCO World Heritage site) and passes in front of the Olympic Museum before arriving on the campus of the Lausanne Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) with its architectural gems. Needless to say, a detour through the old town is highly recommended! www.lausanne-tourisme.ch/grand-tour In the sky Name Map Address Phone Observatoire de Lausanne Société Vaudoise d’Astronomie G10 Ch. des GrandesRoches 8 —— B10 Pl. Bellerive —— Information / opening hours Internet Friday evenings from 21.00, during clear skies, except the first Friday of the month. Admission is free. Visitors can observe the moon, the planets and deep-sky objects www.svastro.ch www.facebook.com/svastro Funfair Luna Park —— Funfair, attractions. May-June Summer cultural festival Lausanne Estivale —— —— +41 (0)21 315 25 55 www.lausanne.ch/estivale June-September. More than 450 free shows Activities for those on tight budgets To ensure that its range of recreational activities remains accessible to all, the City of Lausanne lays on various activities for those on a modest budget. Here are a few examples of outings to be enjoyed as a family or among friends: Free of charge 1. Vidy Bowl for skaters 2. Concert at Saint-François 5. Midday concert every Wednesday from 8. Mountain biking at Chalet-à-Gobet October to March at the Haute Ecole de Musique de Lausanne 9. Climb of Sauvabelin Tower 10. 450 free events as part of the 3. Hundreds of multi-coloured birds at 6. Star-gazing at the astronomical observatory every Friday at 21.00 (except the first Friday of the month) Lausanne Estivale programme between June and September 4. Free entry to 15 museums on the first 7. Flon skating rink 11. Saturday in the month (see museums concerned pp. 36-37) (CHF 5.– to hire skates) 6,000 plant species from all over the world at the Botanical Gardens Between CHF 0.– and CHF 8.50.1. Aquasplash with 5 giant flumes, Renens 3. Vidy bowling alley 6. Vidy miniature train 4. Flon bowling alley (between CHF 5.- 7. Ski slope at Chalet-à-Gobet (from CHF 2.– to 4.–) (CHF 3.– per journey) and CHF 8.50.- per person) (CHF 6.- per day) 5. Bellerive minigolf (free up to age 6, then CHF 8.–) The mini-guide “Allons-y!” lists a multitude of options to enjoy in Lausanne and the surrounding area for 20 francs, for less or even free of charge. It is available from the E UR LT public reception offices of Lausanne Tourisme (in french only). CU DE PRAT GU ID IQUE E LA ! NS-Y ALLO ÉDITIO 2015/2N 016 AN À LA US onible auprès d’info .lausanne.ch/allonscité — place Palud 2 y NE ET DÉTE NTE 16 2. Climb the cathedral tower (between CHF 4.50.– and 7.– per person) 15/20 (between CHF 4.– and 8.–) N 20 ! EDITIO the Mon-Repos Park aviary NS-Y ALLO church every Saturday at 17.00 43 Escales gastronomiques Théâtres et musées Centres commerciaux Ports et plages Vignes et forêts Aux portes de Lavaux Trois communes vous accueillent City of recreation Fishing Fishing licence available at: Map Address Phone Internet Information / opening hours Blanchard Marine SA B10 Station AGIP, Ch. des Pêcheurs 5 +41 (0)21 616 14 31 (chantier naval) www.blanchardmarine.ch —— Chantier naval de Vidy SA C7 Allée du Bornan 2, Port de Vidy +41 (0)21 616 08 48 www.bateau.ch —— Interpêche D11 Av. Louis-Ruchonnet 7 +41 (0)21 323 33 67 www.interpeche.ch —— Balades en bateau solaire A10 Ouchy, Pl. de la Navigation +41 (0)79 754 05 35 (opposite metro) Compagnie Générale de Navigation sur le lac Léman (CGN)) A11 —— B8 Esplanade Emile-Henri Jaques-Dalcroze +41 (0)21 617 91 53 —— Electric train on tracks, runs through Vidy alongside the lake. From March to November, Wednesdays and Saturdays from 14.00 to 18.00, Sundays from 10.00 (July and August: every day, except Friday) Pully-Port —— www.mntpully.ch Near the jetty, from April to October, Saturday afternoons and Sundays. Children’s play area nearby Name On the lake Infoline: +41 (0)900 929 929 (CHF 0.50/min.) www.lesaquarels duleman.ch Short 40-min return trip. Conferences, events and mini cruises www.cgn.ch Cruises on Lake Geneva Rides P’tit train de Lausanne-Vidy MiNi-Train de Pully A16 Roller skate Le Bowl de Vidy C7-8 Av. Pierre-deCoubertin 9 +41 (0)21 626 37 93 www.fievre.ch/bowl-vidy Biggest bowl of its kind in Switzerland Association La Fièvre E9 Av. de Sévelin 36 +41 (0)21 626 37 93 www.fievre.ch Indoor and outdoor skatepark Vallée de la Jeunesse D7 Vallée de la Jeunesse 1 —— Perfect for skateboarding. Two play www.valleedelajeunesse.ch areas: one for younger and one for older skateboarders e Lausaesnn 2016 Panoramic stroll www.lausanne-tourisme.ch/balade-panoramas Escapad ades belles bal z Réalisez de et profite insolites ux avantages ! de nombre sur rmations .ch Plus d’infoanne-tourisme www.laus The brochure «Escapades» for unusual walks to do in Lausanne and the surroundings. 45 Idéalement situé au bord du lac Léman au cœur de Lutry à 10 minutes du centre de Lausanne. 32 chambres spacieuses et meublées avec goût (rénovées en 2010) offrent une vue directe sur le lac Léman. Terrasse, restaurant, salles de séminaire. Ouvert tous les jours de 7h00 à 23h00 Rue du Rivage 1095 Lutry T +41 21 796 72 72 www.hotelrivagelutry.ch #rivagelutry – #chambreavecvue #magichotel Green city S ustainable transport, energy management, waste recycling, green spaces and parks represent some of the many environmental measures to which the City is strongly committed. Its innovative energy policy enabled it to win the European Energy Award GOLD label, the highest honour a City of Energy can achieve, three times over the last decade. This environmental awareness extends to ecotourism taking the form of visits to the city’s vineyards, eco-aware B&Bs, inns serving local produce, “eco-friendly” hotels and infrastructure and specially maintained pathways for pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders. As a holder of the Swiss “City of Energy” label, Lausanne offers its visitors the option to tour the region by various environmentally friendly means of transport: self-service bike hire, a cutting-edge metro, buses powered by electricity or natural gas and solar-powered boats. RELATED LINK: www.lausanne.ch/nature 47 Visit Morges Region Only 10 km from Lausanne Welcome to Morges Region ! Satisfy your thirst for culture while visiting the museums and other sites of historic interest Enjoy yourself during a show at the theatre «Beausobre» Board the galley boat « La Liberté » Discover the countryside and the vineyards on foot, by bike or by car Taste regional products made by local winegrowers and craftsmen Visit the following floral events : Tulip Festival (mid-April to mid-May), Iris Garden (May to mid-June), Lakeside Dahlias (July to October). . MAIN EVENTS DATE ARVINIS - World Wine Fair Naval Parade Big Spring Market and Clown Festival Morges-sous-Rire, International Humour Festival Books on the Lakeside Streets – Book Fair Swiss Classic British Car Meeting Big Covered Christmas Market 13 to 18 April 22 May 4 June 13 to 18 June 2 to 4 September 1 October 9 to 18 December Tips, information and hotel bookings Morges Région Tourisme Rue du Château 2 CP 55 1110 Morges 1 Tel. +41 (0)21 801 32 33 Fax +41 (0)21 801 31 30 www.morges-tourisme.ch info@morges-tourisme.ch The CityGolf is a fun game and an ideal activity for a group or a family, something between mini-golf and swin-golf. The 18 hole course is located in an exceptional setting : the city of Morges ! ww.golf-en-ville.ch Special offer CityGolf Morges-Préverenges, upon presentation of this voucher BUY 1 GET 1 FREE ✂ MorgesTourisme_AnnonceA5-5langues.indd 2 Offer cannot be cumulated with other reductions · Valid until 31.12.2016 09.10.15 16:00 Green city Parks and Gardens www.lausanne.ch/parcs Name Map Address Information / opening hours Parc Louis-Bourget D4-5 Rte de Vidy Nature park and bird reserve Cimetière du Bois-de-Vaux D7-8 Rte de Chavannes 2 Cemetery park Jardin botanique C10 Montriond, Pl. de Milan Every day. March-October: 10.00-17.30; from May to September: 10.00-18.30. Greenhouses closed between 12.00 and 13.30 Parc du Denantou A12-13 Quai d’Ouchy Country park, Thai pavilion Promenade de Derrière-Bourg D12 Av. du Théâtre Walk Parc du Désert H9 Ch. de Pierrefleur 72 Garden predating the French Revolution Parc de l’Elysée B12 Av. de l’Elysée 18 Landscaped area Parc de l’Hermitage FGH12-13 Rte du Signal Country park, viewing points Signal de Sauvabelin FGH12-13 Ch. des Celtes Country park, viewing points Parc aux animaux, Sauvabelin GH12-13 —— Cows, pigs, sheep, goats, birds Promenade Jean-Jacques-Mercier C13-14 Av. du Léman Walk Place de Milan C10 Av. de Cour Game and sports area Parc de Mon-Repos D13 Av. Mon-Repos An oasis of superb centuries-old trees, aviaries and a games area Parc Olympique A11-12 Quai d’Ouchy Walk Vallée de la Jeunesse D7 Av. de Provence Gardens. Two play areas: one for younger and one for older children Non-exhaustive list 49 Ad_CLS_34-14_brochure_bienvenue+excursion.indd 1 04.12.14 11:32 olympic.org/museum Quai d’Ouchy 1 1006 Lausanne – Switzerland info.museum@olympic.org Official Partner of The Olympic Museum: City of sport A lmost a century ago, Pierre de Coubertin established the head office of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in Lausanne. Ever since then, the city has always honoured its status as Olympic Capital, acquired in 1994. The city is already home to more than 50 Olympic institutions and international sports federations, organises global sports events (Athletissima, Lausanne Marathon, World Gymnaestrada, etc.) and supports research and training in this field; it also arranges many sporting activities for its residents and guests. Its geographical location allows them to enjoy the pleasures of the lake (bathing, walking and water sports) and the joys of winter (cross-country skiing, and skating). From football to golf, walking to athletics, swimming to climbing and cycling to horse riding... in this region, all individual and team sports find room for expression or for competition at the highest level. That is not to forget the many hiking paths, cycle and mountain-biking tracks, bridleways and roller-skating areas. A showcase for the Olympic Movement and the only one of its kind in the world, the Olympic Movement attracts 200,000 visitors a year. With many interactive technologies. 51 City of sport Badminton Name Map Address Phone Internet Information / opening hours Badminton Lausanne Association F7 Ch. du Viaduc 12, Prilly-Malley +41 (0)21 624 22 21 www.badmintonlausanne.ch Open 7 days a week Boat hire and water-skiing Aloc-Boat Sàrl C11 Pl. de la Gare 3 +41 (0)79 353 65 53 www.aloc-boat.ch Boat hire, wakeboard, wakesurfing, water-skiing, banana boat Ciels Bleus A11 Pl. du Vieux-Port +41 (0)76 366 39 49 www.cielsbleus.ch Boat hire, water-skiing school, wakeboarding Pedalino D6 Ch. du Camping 13 +41 (0)79 733 34 34 www.pedalino.ch Boat hire, pedalos, water-skiing, wakeboarding Piedsdansl’o A11 Pl. du Vieux-Port +41 (0)76 396 77 86 www.piedsdanslo.ch Boat hire, pedalos, rubber rings, wakeboarding, water-skiing K17 Rte de Cojonnex 95, Chalet-à-Gobet +41 (0)21 784 14 36 www.lausanne.ch/sports Mountain bike course 10km / 20km / with obstacles.From the end of November to the end of December, Mon-Sat from 11.30 to 20.00 C11 Service accueil, Pl. de la Gare 5a +41 (0)51 224 21 62 www.rentabike.ch Mon-Fri: 8.30-18.45. Sat, Sun, public holidays: 9.00-12.00/14.00-18.30 Bowling international D6 de Lausanne-Vidy Rte de Chavannes 27d +41 (0)21 626 36 37 www.bowling-lausanne.ch Restaurants and games area Bowl-Bar Flon Rue des Côtes de Montbenon 22 +41 (0)21 552 10 30 www.flonbowling.ch Restaurants and games area www.lausanne-olympique.ch Open from late September to second half of March Bicycle Centre sportif de Mauvernay Bicycle Rent a bike Gare CFF de Lausanne Bowling D11 Curling Curling Club LausanneOlympique 52 B10 Ch. des Pêcheurs 7 +41 (0)21 617 60 31 Golf Name Golf Club de Lausanne Map Address Phone Internet Information / opening hours Rte du Golf 3 +41 (0)21 784 84 84 www.golfsuisse.ch 18 holes, open from April to December Ch. du Chalet 11, Vers-chez-les-Blanc +41 (0)21 784 38 25 www.golfpraroman.ch Open from mid-March to early December K17 Rte de Berne 304, Chalet-à-Gobet +41 (0)21 784 14 34 www.manege-chalet-agobet.ch School, courses and events B8 Av. Gustave-Doret +41 (0)21 616 17 64 buvette@minigolflausanne.ch Open from March to October www.minigolflausanne.ch Centre intercommunal de glace de Malley SA F7 Ch. du Viaduc 14, Prilly +41 (0)21 620 65 00 Patinoire de la Pontaise G11 Rte des Plaines-du-Loup 11 +41 (0)21 315 49 35 www.lausanne.ch/patinoires Open from November to mid-March Patinoire de Montchoisi B12 Av. du Servan 30 +41 (0)21 315 49 62 www.lausanne.ch/patinoires Open from mid-October to mid-March Patinoire du Flon D11 Esplanade du Flon +41 (0)79 637 64 17 www.flon.ch K17 Golf de Pra Roman FG7 Horse riding Manège du Chalet-à-Gobet Minigolf Minigolf de Bellerive Ice skating www.espacemalley.ch Open from mid-October to mid-March Organisation of events for 200 to 10,000 people Free from early november to late february www.lausanne.ch/patinoires Running routes Centre sportif de Mauvernay, Zurich parcoursvita K17 Rte de Cojonnex 95, Chalet-à-Gobet +41 (0)21 784 14 36 www.zurichparcoursvita.ch (CHF 1.–) and lockers available at sports Centre sportif de Mauvernay, Parcours mesurés de course à pied K17 Rte de Cojonnex 95 chalet-à-Gobet +41 (0)21 784 14 36 www.lausanne.ch/sports Zurich parcoursvita Vidy, Parc Bourget D5 Centre sportif de Vidy +41 (0)21 315 49 20 Av. Pierre-de-Coubertin 9 www.zurichparcoursvita.ch 2.1-km circuits Ecole de voile d’Ouchy B10 Ch. des Pêcheurs 7 +41 (0)21 635 58 87 www.ecole-de-voile-lausanne.ch Courses, hire sailing trips Ecole de voile de Vidy C6 Port de Vidy +41 (0)21 617 90 00 www.ecoledevoile.ch routes of 3.1 km. Showers centre. Open all year round from 7.00 to 22.00 3.1 km, 7.5 km and 12 km. Shower (CHF 1) and lockers available at the sports centre. Open all year from 7.00 to 22.00 Sailing Open from April to October 53 City of sport Skateboard Name Map Adress Phone Internet Information/opening hours Skatepark Association La Fièvre E9 Av. de Sévelin 36 +41 (0)21 626 37 93 www.fievre.ch Skatepark indoor and outdoor H4 Ch. du Chêne 7, Renens +41 (0)21 634 10 00 www.alcatraz-squash.ch 5 courts, bar, snack meals. From CHF 24.–/h per court Aquasplash Renens G4 Av. du Censuy 36, Renens +41 (0)21 632 73 52 www.aquasplash.ch Open from early May to early December Piscine couverte de Mon-Repos D13 Av. du TribunalFédéral 4 +41 (0)21 315 48 88 www.lausanne.ch/ mon-repos Closed from early July to late August Piscine couverte de Pully B15 Av. des Collèges 13, Pully +41 (0)21 721 36 69 www.pully.ch Open from early September to mid-May Piscine de Montchoisi B12 Av. du Servan 30 +41 (0)21 315 49 62 www.lausanne.ch/ montchoisi Open from mid-May to mid-September Piscine de la Fleur-de-Lys I7 Sentier de la Fleur-de-Lys 2, Prilly +41 (0)21 625 15 66 www.prilly.ch/piscines Open from late May to early September Piscine de Pully-Plage A17 Ch. des Bains, Pully +41 (0)21 728 33 20 www.pully.ch Open from mid-May to early September Piscine de Bellerive - Plage B9 Av. de Rhodanie 23 +41 (0)21 315 48 60 www.lausanne.ch/bellerive Open from mid-May to early September Lausanne-Sports Tennis G10 Rte des Plaines-du-Loup 7 +41 (0)21 646 13 50 www.lstennis.ch 8 clay courts (incl. 4 covered in winter) and 2 training walls Montchoisi Tennis Club B11 Av. de l’Elysée 15 +41 (0)21 616 36 25 www.montchoisitc.ch 7 clay courts Tennis Club Stade Lausanne C8 Av. de Rhodanie 53 +41 (0)21 616 38 00 www.tennislausanne.ch 19 clay courts incl. 8 covered in winter Restaurant open to the public Squash Alcatraz Squash Renens Swimming Tennis Waterskiing, wakeboarding and windsurfing Line Up Surf Shop 54 A17 Rte d’Ouchy 5, Lutry +41 (0)21 791 78 38 —— New: 1- and 2-seat kayak rental OffAxis A17 Port du Vieux Stand, Lutry +41 (0)79 353 70 32 www.offaxis.ch Wakeboarding, wakesurfing, water skiing, SUP and hire of MasterCraft boats Surf Shop Water Center C1 Av. de la Plage 1, Préverenges +41 (0)21 802 16 16 www.surfshop.ch Windsurfing, wakeboarding, wakesurf stand-up paddle boarding, pedalos, canoes Ski Nautique Club Lausanne & Wakeboard K17 Ponton: Quai d’Ouchy Est (in front of the tour Haldimand) —— www.sncl.ch —— City of healthcare F or the past three centuries, Lausanne has enjoyed worldwide renown as a city benefiting from very high-quality healthcare, from the excellence of its medical specialists and from prestigious medical research centres. This welcome for visitors now manifests itself through a centre of healthcare and well-being, combined with a medical engineering centre, providing fertile ground for the organisation of many international conferences in this field. Based on this reputation, Lausanne has constructed a set of infrastructure capable of meeting the needs of all. Patients can choose between various institutions, ranging from the Vaud University Hospital (CHUV) to luxury private clinics, via hospitals, maternity units and outpatient centres. Lastly, in response to the general concept of welfare, many institutions have appeared offering alternative medicine, paramedical care and relaxation and welfare facilities like the prestige spas of the city’s three five-star luxury hotels. 55 City of healthcare Medical care Name Map Address Phone Internet Information / opening hours Centre de la main CHUV EF13 Av. Pierre Decker 4 +41 (0)21 314 25 50 www.chuv.ch/cpr Emergency Mon-Fri: 07.30-18.00 Nights and weekends at the CHUV (Rue du Bugnon) Centre Médical d’Epalinges -> K17 Rte de la Corniche 1 Epalinges +41 (0)21 525 80 00 www.vidymed.ch Open Mon-Fri: 7h-21h Sat-Sun: 9h-21h Clinique Bois-Cerf B11 Av. d’Ouchy 31 +41 (0)21 619 69 69 www.hirslanden.ch/ lausanne Visiting hours Mon-Sun: 9.00-21.30 Clinique Cecil D10 Av. Louis-Ruchonnet 53 +41 (0)21 310 50 00 www.hirslanden.ch/ lausanne Visiting hours Mon-Sun: 9.00-21.30 Clinique de La Source F11 Av. Vinet 30 +41 (0)21 641 33 33 www.lasource.ch Mon-Fri: 7.00-21.00 Sa-Sun: 9.00-21.00 Clinique de Montchoisi B12 Ch. des Allinges 10 +41 (0)21 619 39 39 www.montchoisi.ch Visiting hours Mon-Sun: 10.00-20.00 CHUV – Centre Hospitalier Univer- E13 sitaire Vaudois Rue du Bugnon 46 +41 (0)21 314 11 11 www.chuv.ch Accident & Emergency: 24-hour service Centre médical du Valentin E11 Rue du Valentin 32 +41 (0)21 321 23 33 —— Open Mon-Fri: 7.00-23.00 Sat-Sun: 9.00-21.00 Centre Médical de Vidy D7 Rte de Chavannes 11 +41 (0)21 622 88 88 www.vidymed.ch Open Mon-Fri: 7.00-23.00 Sat-Sun: 9.00-23.00 Centre médical de la Source F11 Av. Vinet 30 +41 (0)21 641 25 25 www.vidymed.ch Open Mon-Fri: 7.00-21.00 Sat-Sun: 9.00-21.00 Hôpital de l’Enfance F9 Ch. de Montétan 16 +41 (0)21 314 84 84 www.hopital-enfance.ch Emergency 24/24 Hôpital ophtalmique Jules-Gonin E10 Av. de France 15 +41 (0)21 626 81 11 www.ophtalmique.ch Emergency 24/24 Policlinique médicale universitaire E13 Rue du Bugnon 44 +41 (0)21 314 60 60 www.pmu-lausanne.ch Emergency 24/24 Permanence PMU – Flon Notfallservice D11 Bâtiment Les Mercier A +41 (0)21 314 90 90 Voie du Chariot 4 www.pmu-lausanne.ch Mon-Sat: 7.00-21.00 Sun: 10.00-21.00 On-call dentists Central switchboard for doctors: 0848 133 133 (Mon-Sun: 8.00-22.00) On-call doctors Central switchboard for doctors: 0848 133 133 (24 hours per day) On-call veterinary surgeons Practices in Lausanne have answering machines giving the telephone number of the daily on-call vet 56 Duty chemists Name Map Address Phone Internet Information / opening hours Pharmacie 24 SA C12 Av. de Montchoisi 3 +41 (0)21 613 12 24 www.pharmacie24.ch Open Mon-Sun: 8.00-24.00 Pharmacie Metro Flon D11 Pl. de l’Europe 5 +41 (0)21 318 73 10 www.metro-flon.ch Mon-Thur: 7.00-21.00 and Fri: 7.00-22.00 Sat: 8.00-22.00; Sun: 8.00-21.00 Pharmacie Sun Store à la Gare D11 Pl. de la Gare 9 +41 (0)21 324 20 20 www.sunstore.ch Open Mon-Sun: 7.00-23.00 Call 1811 for information or consult local newspapers Wellness centres Beau-Rivage Palace Spa et bien-être A11 Pl. du Port 17-19 +41 (0)21 613 33 33 www.brp.ch Body Black Gym F7 Ch. du Viaduc 12, Prilly +41 (0)21 624 22 66 —— Centre de Soins Dr Burgener D12 Rue du Midi 12 +41 (0)21 329 03 05 www.drburgener.com Equilibre Fitness B12 Av. de Montchoisi 15 +41 (0)21 617 12 44 www.equilibre-fitness.ch Fitnessparc Malley F7 Ch. du Viaduc 1, Prilly +41 (0)58 568 31 00 www.fitnessparc.ch/malley Fitness Richemont D11 Rue du Petit-Chêne 18 +41 (0)21 323 20 12 —— Fit Point Bugnon Rue du Bugnon 4 +41 (0)21 311 25 35 www.fit-point.ch Fit Point Marterey D12 Rue Marterey 5 +41 (0)21 312 71 71 www.fit-point.ch Holmes Place D12 Rue de la Mercerie 12 +41 (0)21 310 47 70 www.holmesplace.ch Keops Club Fitness SA E7 Ch. du Martinet 28 +41 (0)21 624 24 10 www.keops.ch Lausanne Palace & Spa D11 Rue du Grand-Chêne 7-9 +41 (0)21 331 31 31 www.lausanne-palace.com Let’s Go Fitness Lausanne F11 Rue de la Borde 30bis +41 (0)21 648 17 00 www.letsgo-fit.ch Let’s Go Fitness Le Flon D11 Rue de Genève 7 +41 (0)21 312 05 00 www.letsgo-fit.ch Let’s Go Fitness Saint-François D12 Pl. Saint-François 1 +41 (0)21 323 30 30 www.letsgo-fit.ch Let’s Go Fitness Grancy C11 Bld de Grancy 14 +41 (0)21 624 21 00 www.letsgo-fit.ch Silhouette Fitness E11 Rue du Valentin 32 +41 (0)21 320 56 76 www.silhouettelausanne.ch Universal Fitness D11 Rue du Clos-de-Bulle 5 +41 (0)21 320 16 70 E13 www.fitness-universal.ch 57 high class www.sabina.ch cabaret- resto - bar Ouvert 7/7 De 21h30 au matin. Legendary Cabaret depuis plus de 45 ans. Réservations +41 (0)21 312 09 20 Rue du Grand-Chêne 7 1003 Lausanne Nightlife C lubbing has played a key role in the entertainment industry in Lausanne since the 1990s. The proliferation of bars, discos, lounges, concert halls and other musical showcases lay on a nightlife bearing ready comparison to that of the major European cities. Certain spots have therefore acquired fame beyond the Swiss borders, two examples being the Mad Club and D! Club, which occupy first and second place respectively in the top 5 Swiss clubs in 2014. Over recent years, Lausanne nightlife has been given a further boost with the development of the Flon district, which has become THE trendy district of the city with its restaurants, bars, discos and fashionable cafés, its boutiques, its multiplex cinema and its art galleries. The “Pyjama Service” offers 30 or more bus and train departures from the city centre to more than 40 towns and villages. RELATED LINKS: www.tillate.ch/lausanne – www.events-gallery.ch - www.gaymap.ch - www.gaystreet.ch 59 Nightlife Principal bars Internet Name Map Address L’abc D11 Passerelle du Grand-Pont +41 (0)21 351 51 40 www.barclub-abc.ch Les Brasseurs D12 Rue Centrale 4 +41 (0)21 351 14 24 www.les-brasseurs.ch Café de Bourg D12 Rue de Bourg 51 +41 (0)21 311 67 53 www.le-bourg.ch Captain Cook D12 Rue Enning 2 +41 (0)21 323 00 55 —— Friend’s Café D11 Pl.de l’Europe 6 +41 (0)79 448 50 55 —— Happy Days D12 Rue Saint-Pierre 3 +41 (0)21 324 06 06 www.happydays.ch Le Colony Lounge-Bar D12 Av. du Théâtre 2 +41 (0)21 311 39 07 www.le-colony.ch Le Comptoir E12 Rue de la Barre 1 +41 (0)21 311 68 40 www.barlecomptoir.ch Legends Sport bar D10 Rue des Côtes-deMontbenon 20 +41 (0)21 311 29 55 —— Les Boucaniers D12 Av. du Tribunal Fédéral 2 +41 (0)21 320 02 02 www.lesboucaniers.ch L’Escalier D11 Escaliers du Grand-Pont 1 +41 (0)21 312 32 30 —— L’Etoile Blanche D12 Pl. Benjamin-Constant +41 (0)21 351 24 60 www.etoileblanche.ch Ta Cave C11 Rue du Simplon 35 +41 (0)21 525 77 07 www.tacave.ch The Great Escape E12 Rue Madeleine 18 +41 (0)21 312 31 94 www.the-great.ch Les Gosses du Québec C12 Av. de la Gare 22 +41 (0)21 323 28 28 —— Phone King Size Pub D11 Rue du Port-Franc 16 +41 (0)21 340 69 77 www.lekingsize.ch Le Lapin Vert E12 Ruelle du Lapin-Vert 2 +41 (0)21 312 13 17 www.lapinvert.ch MGM A10 Rue du Lac 14 +41 (0)21 616 38 81 www.mgmcafe.ch Movida E10Pl. Chauderon 5 11 +41 (0)21 329 11 12 www.movida.ch N20 D11 Pl. de l’Europe 7 +41 (0)21 311 44 27 www.n20-bar.ch Punk Bar D11 Pl. de l’Europe 9 +41 (0)21 312 77 12 www.punkbar.ch Satellite E2 EPFL – Centre Midi +41 (0)21 693 32 76 www.satellite.bar Sidewalk E12 Pl. du Tunnel 9 +41 (0)21 323 80 08 www.tunnel9.ch White Horse B11 Av. d’Ouchy 66 +41 (0)21 616 75 75 www.whitehorse.ch Non-exhaustive list 60 Discotheques Name Map Adress Phone Internet Information Buzz Bar & Club D12 Rue Enning 1 +41 (0)21 323 40 41 —— House, R’n’B, latino Chauderon 18 E10 Place Chauderon 18 +41 (0)21 311 95 30 www.chauderon18.ch 100% Hits Chic Club D11 Rue Centrale 5 +41 (0)78 920 67 62 —— R’n’B, house, latino D! Club D11 Pl. Centrale +41 (0)21 351 51 40 www.dclub.ch House, electronic Le Darling E9 Galeries Saint-François A +41 (0)21 312 76 12 www.my-darling.ch Night pub Jagger’s D12 Rue Etraz 1 +41 (0)76 339 89 92 —— Rock Kiss Club F12 Rue de la Borde 3bis +41 (0)79 449 57 60 —— Latino, R’n’B MAD Club D11 Rue de Genève 23 +41 (0)21 340 69 69 www.madclub.ch Electro, house, disco on 5 level Mica Club D12 Pl. Saint-François 12 +41 (0)21 351 10 40 www.micaclub.ch Progressive House, Party tunes La Ruche E11 Rue de la Tour 41 —— www.la-ruche.ch Electronic La Rumba Club E11 Rue de l’Ale 15 +41 (0)21 311 43 36 —— Latino, 100% Hits Vinyl Club E12 Pl. du Tunnel 9 +41 (0)79 230 88 20 www.tunnel9.ch Electronic, house, R’n’B Le XIII siècle E12 Rue Cité-Devant 10 +41 (0)21 312 40 64 www.le13esiecle.ch Bar, dancing for students Xoxo Club D10 Rue des Côtes-deMontbenon 20 +41 (0)21 624 84 28 www.xoxoclub.ch Latino, House, R’n’B Ze code D12 Pl. Saint-François 12bis +41 (0)21 351 10 50 www.zecode.ch 100% Hits - 80’s to now ! D11 Rue du Grand-Chêne 7 +41 (0)21 312 90 20 www.brummell.ch —— e Cabarets Brummell Cabaret Paradou E11 Rue Saint-Laurent 11 +41 (0)21 323 50 97 —— —— Night-Club Le 7 E8 Av. de Morges 177 +41 (0)21 624 58 62 —— —— Théâtre Cabaret Voyage DE13 Rue Edouard-Payot 2 +41 (0)21 311 38 40 —— —— Non-exhaustive list Le MGM c’est Miami Beach sur le Leman A l’étage, une terrasse vous réserve une vue imprenable sur le lac. Le lieu idéal pour vous détendre et vous restaurer, aussi bien la journée que le soir. Du dimanche au jeudi: fermeture à 1h00. Vendredi et samedi: fermeture à 2h00 Rue du Lac 14 | 1006 Lausanne | Tél. 021 616 38 81 | Fax 021 616 38 31 61 Gay and lesbian bars, clubs and restaurants Name Map Address Phone Internet Le Saxo D12 Rue de la Grotte 3 +41 (0)21 323 46 83 www.lesaxo.com GT’s Bar D10 Av. de Tivoli 5 +41 (0)21 311 28 58 —— Rainbow Inn Guesthouse D10 Av. de Tivoli +41 (0)21 311 69 69 www.rainbowinn.ch Pink Beach – Sauna D10 Av. de Tivoli 9 +41 (0)21 311 69 69 www.pinkbeach.ch Pin-Up Bar D12 Rue Marterey 31 +41 (0)21 311 33 33 www.pinupbar.ch Sauna New Relax D12 Galerie St-François A +41 (0)21 312 66 78 www.newrelax.ch Sauna Top Club E12 Rue Bellefontaine 6 +41 (0)21 312 23 66 www.topclub.ch MAD Game boy D11 Rue de Genève 23 +41 (0)21 340 69 69 www.madclub.ch Trafick Cruising Club D10 Av. de Tivoli 22 +41 (0)21 320 69 69 www.trafick.ch Non-exhaustive list Some major events in 2016 JANUARY 2016 16.01.2016 «11st Vidy cross-country». Parc Bourget, Lausanne-Vidy. www.cross-lausanne.ch 17.01.2016 – 24.01.2016 Spectacles du Béjart Ballet Lausanne (BBL). Opéra de Lausanne. www.bejart.ch or www.opera-lausanne.ch FEBRUARY 2016 01.02.2016 – 06.02.2016 «44th Prix de Lausanne», international competition for young dancers. Théâtre de Beaulieu. www.prixdelausanne.org 12.02.2016 – 14.02.2016 «DHS Swiss Table Tennis Open Lausanne», international table tennis tounament. Vallée de la Jeunesse. www.sttopen.ch MARCH 2016 12.03.2016 – 20.03.2016 «Habitat-Jardin», home and garden show. MCH Beaulieu Lausanne. www.habitat-jardin.ch 17.03.2016 – 20.03.2016 «12nd Lausanne property Show». Place de la Navigation, Ouchy (under canvas). www.lesil.ch APRIL 2016 08.04.2016 – 16.04.2016 «34th Cully Jazz Festival». Cully. www.cullyjazz.ch 62 21.04.2016 – 24.04.2016 «Mednat Expo et Agrobiorama Expo», natural medicine and bioagriculture show. MCH Beaulieu Lausanne. www.mednatexpo.ch 22.04.2016 – 24.04.2016 «Euro Floorball Tour Messieurs», Four-Nations Tournament in Floorball. Rink Malley. www.swissunihockey.ch 23.04.2016 – 24.04.2016 «Lausanne 20K», 35th staging of the fun run in the city. www.20km.ch 29.04.2016 – 01.05.2016 «32nd Lausanne Carnival». City centre. www.carnavalausanne.ch MAY 2016 04.05.2016 – 05.06.2016 «Luna Park», spring fun air. Place Bellerive, Ouchy. 15.05.2016 «13rd Lake Geneva Cyclotour», a cycle tour around the lake. www.cyclotour.ch JUNE 2016 08.06.2016 – 12.06.2016 Spectacles du Béjart Ballet Lausanne (BBL). Théâtre de Beaulieu. www.bejart.ch Mid-june to mid-september 2016 «Lausanne Estivale 2016», some 450 free events and activites troughhoutthe summer. www.lausanne.ch/estivale 25.08.2016 «Athletissima 2016», international meeting athletics in Lausanne. Stade Olympique de la Pontaise. www.athletissima.ch 26.08.2016 – 27.08.2016 «3x3 Lausanne Masters», stage of the FIBA 3x3 World Turn of Basket. City centre. www.3x3worldtour.com 25.06.2016 – 26.06.2016 «Women Sport Evasion Sport relaxation for women». Stade Pierre-de-Coubertin, Lausanne-Vidy. www.womensportevasion.ch JULY 2016 05.07.2016 – 10.07.2016 «45th Festival de la Cité Lausanne», drama, music, jazz, dance, etc. In the city. www.festivalcite.ch AUGUST 2016 20.08.2016 – 21.08.2016 «23rd Triathlon de Lausanne». Lausanne-Ouchy. www.trilausanne.ch 29.10.2016 – 30.10.2016 «Lausanne Marathon 2016», cours along the banks ok Lake Geneva. www.lausanne-marathon.com NOVEMBER 2016 02.11.2016 – 06.11.2016 «29th JazzOnze+ Festival Lausanne». Casino de Montbenon. www.jazzonzeplus.ch SEPTEMBER 2016 21.06.2016 «Fête de la Musique», in various rooms, streets and squares across the city. www.fetemusiquelausanne.ch 19.10.2016 – 23.10.2016 «15th Lausanne Underground Film & Music Festival». Various locations. www.luff.ch 02.09.2016 – 04.09.2016 «Equissima Lausanne 2016», National Equestrian meeting. Manège du Chalet-à-Gobet. www.equissima.ch 10.09.2016 – 19.09.2016 «Comptoir Suisse 2016», 97th national fair. MCH Beaulieu Lausanne. www.comptoir.ch 10.11.2016 – 12.11.2016 «Metropop Festival 2016». Salle Métropole. www.metropop.ch 18.11.2016 – 24.12.2016 «Bô Noël Lausanne Christmas Market». City center. www.bo-noel.ch 18.11.2016 – 31.12.2016 «5th Festival Lausanne Lumières». Centre-ville. www.festivallausannelumieres.ch 15.09.2016 – 19.09.2016 «BD-FIL - 12nd Lausanne Cartoon Festival». Various places. www.bdfil.ch 16.09.2016 – 18.09.2016 «Label Suisse», music festival 100% Swiss. Place Centrale, Place de l’Europe and various clubs. www.labelsuisse.ch 24.09.2016 «Museum Night» events and happenings in the museums. www.lanuitdesmusees.ch 24.09.2016 «2nd Festival International du sport universitaire». Place de la Navigation, Ouchy. www.fisu.net 29.09.2016 – 12.10.2016 «Cirque Knie» circus. Place Bellerive, Ouchy. www.knie.ch OCTOBER 2016 16.10.2016 – 20.10.2016 «36th Olympic Week». Olympic Museum and surroundings. www.olympic.org 19.11.2016 – 27.11.2016 «47th Antiques Show». MCH Beaulieu Lausanne. www.salondesantiquaires.ch DECEMBER 2016 02.12.2016 – 04.12.2016 «4th Lausanne Billard Masters». Casino de Montbenon. www.lausannebillardmasters.ch 10.12.2016 «11st Christmas Midnight Run», foot race in the centre of Lausanne. www.midnightrun.ch 16.12.2016 – 22.12.2016 Spectacles du Béjart Ballet Lausanne (BBL). Théâtre de Beaulieu. www.bejart.ch Non-exhaustive list, subject to change 63 Index Accommodation Animals Badminton Bars Bicycle Boat hire Bowling Cabarets Cafés-theaters Care & Health Car parks Care hire Cinemas Clinics Clubs Culture Curling Cybercafés Dance Dentists Emergency Events 2016 Fishing Fitness Galleries Gay & lesbian General information Golf Green city Horse riding Hospitals Hotels (HL) Hotels and guesthouses Ice skating Internet Lake Geneva Lausanne Estivale Lausanne Tourisme Leisure Lost and found Luna Park Miniature train ride Minigolf Money 19-23 42 52 60 17, 54 52 52 61 39 55-57 18 18 34 56 62 33-39 52 10 34-35 56 11 62-63 45 57 35 62 8 53 47-49 53 56 20-21 22-23 53 11 45 43 9 41-45 10 43 45 53 10 Museums Music Nightlife Observatory Panoramic stroll Parking Parks and gardens Pharmacies Post offices Public holidays Publics transport (tl) Reduced mobility Rent a bike Restaurants Road information Roller skating Running courses Sailing Shopping and markets Skateboard Sport Squash Stage Summary Swimming Taxis Tennis Theaters Tight budgets Tobacco Top ten Tourist information Transport Useful Information Useful telephone numbers Veterinary Viewing points Walks Water-skiing Welcome Wellness centres Windsurfing Wakeboarding Your benefits LAUSANNE WELCOME / Edition 2016 / Publisher: Lausanne Tourism & Bureau des Congrès – av. de Rhodanie 2 – P.O Box 975 CH-1000 Lausanne – +41 (0)21 613 73 73 – Fax +41 (0)21 616 86 47 – www.lausanne-tourisme.ch – E-mail: editions@lausanne-tourisme.ch. Design: Newcom Partners, Lausanne. Publicity: Susan Karadémir, Delphine Foiret, +41 (0)21 695 95 87. Assistant Editors: Nicole Seira, Nathalie Roux. Printing: PCL Presses Centrales SA, Renens. Photography: © Cover: Régis Colombo – www.diapo.ch. Inside pages: Catherine Gailloud; Vincent Bailly; mano; Hugues Siegenthaler; Amélie Blanc; Gregory Batardon; David Picard; Régis Colombo – www.diapo.ch; Hotel Royal Savoy; OTV, Schweiz Tourismus/Siffert; Muris Camo; Elmedina Shureci; François Bertin; CIO/Lydie Nesvadba; CGN SA; Agence de presse ARC; Sébastien Staub; F. Beaud Cedotec; Rita Scenzy; Laurent Kaczor; stramatakis; Jonathan Viey; 20 KM de Lausanne 2015. Printed in Switzerland. 64 36-37 37 59-62 43 45 18 49 57 11 8 12-13, 16 16 52 25 18 45 43 53 27-29 54 51-54 54 38 3 54 17 54 38 43 8 30-31 9 15-18 8 11 56 45 42 52 1 57 54 54 4-7 Vos Hôtels - Restaurants et Centres de Conférences aux portes de Lausanne Lausanne / Vennes A1 METRO P+R 143 chambres, un restaurant avec terrasse, un espace fitness, un centre de conférences pouvant accueillir de 6 à 300 personnes. www.aquatis-hotel.ch T +41 (0)21 654 24 24 Lausanne / Crissier A1 98 chambres, un restaurant avec terrasse, un espace fitness, 3 salles de séminaire pouvant accueillir jusqu’à 90 personnes. www.discovery-hotel.ch T +41 (0)21 805 44 00 OYSTER PERPETUAL GMT-MASTER II IN 18 CT WHITE GOLD Lausanne 1, Rue de Bourg | bucherer.com