NL- April-May-2015 - esc
NL- April-May-2015 - esc
NEWSLETTER April / May 2015 Meal at Caffé Bellini, rue de la Barre 5, 1003 Lausanne (slice of pizza + drink CHF 15) - 7pm - Movie Club Bellini - entrance free - 9 pm Wednesday 1st April Since the end of last year the cellar beneath the restaurant Bellini in rue de la Barre has become host to a rather original Ciné Club. Every Wednesday evening the MCB (Movie Club Bellini) offers the possibility to discover a quality film free of charge. The film proposed on 1st April is ‘The Pervert’s Guide to Ideology’ (144 mins.) - a British documentary written and presented by the Slovene philosopher and psychoanalyst Slavoj Zizek. Guided visit in English to the mosaics in Orbe Lunch in a local restaurant - details to be advised later Saturday 25th April - 3 pm The Roman Mosaics of Orbe consist of eight magnificent mosaic floors that decorated a Gallic-Roman estate dating back to the year 170 and constitute the most beautiful collection of Roman mosaics north of the Alps. The latest excavations, dating to the turn of our millennium, unearthed a ninth mosaic, which is currently being restored. We shall have a guided visit, in English, of this exhibition, which will be paid for by the club and free to members, who will pay only the entrance fee. Guests are welcome and will pay the entrance fee plus CHF 5 towards the guide. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM) At the “Café Vaudois “, Place de la Riponne 1, Lausanne Monday 11th May 2015 - 7 pm Our 2015 AGM is coming up and we shall be delighted to welcome as many of our members as possible to this meeting. Your ideas and suggestions are crucial to the running of our club, and any comments you may have are not only important but also very welcome. Once again, we shall be meeting downstairs at the Café Vaudois in Lausanne. We will stay on afterwards for a meal, and the aperitif is, as ever, on the club! You will find detailed information and Agenda on page 3 of this Newsletter. Happy Birthday to : Date Ilze Condemi Brenda Rüttimann in May Event Wednesday Meal and film at Caffé 1st April Bellini, Rue de la Barre 5, 1003 Lausanne –slice of pizza + drink CHF 15 The Pervert’s Guide to Ideology’ (144 mins.) Time Booking 7 pm With Chantal (021 648 09 18) or Ilze (079 745 35 92) by 30th March 9 pm Saturday 25th April Guided visit in English to 3 pm the mosaics in Orbe preceded by lunch in a local to be restaurant advised With Ilze (079 745 35 92) or Chantal (021 648 09 18) by Tuesday 21st April Friday 1st May Monthly Get-Together at the From 6 Mövenpick Bar - Ouchy pm No booking necessary - just come along Monday 11th ES&ASC AGM at May “Café Vaudois”, Lausanne followed by dinner 6.45 pm for 7 pm With Heinz (079 231 86 70) or Janet (021 791 14 42) by Monday 4th May Sunday 31st Visit to the Salt Mines in May Bex - price: adults CHF 20 Lunch venue to be determined Time to be advised With Gaby (021 311 44 36) or Heinz (079 231 86 70) by Monday 25th May Last minute Late Last-minute info to be passed afternoon on by email or phone Possible cinema evening Lausanne / Vevey Please note that as 3rd April is Good Friday and the start of the Easter weekend, our April get-together at the Mövenpick is cancelled. See you there again in May! PAGE 2 Visit to the Salt Mines in Bex - Sunday 31st May Lunch venue to be determined - Time to be advised The Salt Mines – a History of White Gold: For centuries the ownership of salt mines meant wealth and power. The salt deposits at Bex, discovered in the 15th century, are still mined today. The salt mines are accessible to visitors; a museum depicts the mining of salt from 1684 to the present. Between 200 and 60 million years ago, the present Rhône Valley was a shallow sea. The salt deposits of Bex in the Canton of Vaud are derived from the salt of this sea. A labyrinth of passages and tunnels, over 50 kilometers long, today yields 30,000 tons of salt per year. On a visit to the museum and the mine, visitors see the various techniques of salt mining from the year 1684 to the present and the history of this white gold. A small mine train takes visitors into the subterranean world and to the restaurant located in the mountain at a depth of 400 metres. Price: adults CHF 20. Official invitation to our Annual General Meeting (AGM) Monday 11th May 2015 – 7 pm at Café Vaudois Agenda 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Opening of the meeting – welcome and apologies for absence Approval of the minutes of last AGM Report about the life and running of the club Treasurer’s Report Auditor’s Report The appointment of an auditor for the current financial year of the club Election of committee members Proposals from the committee and/or members of the club Any other business Remarks ✦ ✦ if you have any proposals, please send them by Monday 20th April, by email to or by regular mail to Heinz Fischer, Ch. de ChampRond 34 ter, 1010 Lausanne. At the same time, please let us know whether or not you are coming by Monday 4th May so that we can reserve accordingly at the restaurant. Remember you need to be a paid-up member to vote at the AGM. PAGE 3 Other dates to put in your diary (April) ★ Wednesday ★ ★ ★ ★ 1st April - Soup & cheese lunch at the Fellowship Centre of the Scots Kirk, Av. de Rumine -12h30 - Soup/cheese/dessert/coffee for CHF 10 per head. Just turn up. Cully Jazz Festival - 10th to 18th April. Thursday 23rd April - St. George’s Quiz Night – Village Players at the CPO – bar opens 7.30 pm . Until 25th May - Hermitage: de Raphaël à Gauguin – Trésors de la collection Jean Bonna. Wednesday 29thApril - 12h30 - English-speaking soup & cheese lunch in Goumoëns – details with Ilze. Other dates to put in your diary (May) ★ 1st May to 20th September - Lavaux Express ‘Train des Caveaux’ - 6.30 pm - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Dep. Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, CHF 25 (includes tasting of 3 wines + souvenir glass) + daily departures April to Nov. from Lutry or Cully Until 17th May - Tulips in Morges Wednesday 6th May - 12h30 Soup & cheese lunch at Fellowship Centre. 10th May to 22nd June - Irises at Château de Vullierens Friday 15th May - 8-9.30 pm Village Players at Théâtre de l’Espérance, Geneva - A one-act play: ‘In the Middle of Nowhere’ by Chris Hemmens. This performance is a practice-run for the FEATS competition to be held in Hamburg in May. 21st to 24th May – 8 pm ‘Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?’ – VP spring production - bar opens 7.30 pm. Wednesday 27th May - 12h30 English-speaking soup & cheese lunch in Goumoëns – details with Ilze. Committee Members (email address : first Committee members’ tasks: Secretarial: Janet Boksanyi (021 791 14 42) Accounts: Heinz Fischer (079 231 86 70) - Events: Ilze Condemi (021 646 86 80), Gabriele Tornay (021 311 44 36) and Chantal Pineau (021 648 09 18) - Website: Georges Klimek (021 728 25 94).
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