
August / September 2015
Swiss National Day Meal at La Pinte, Sauvabelin then going
on to enjoy the fireworks from above the Chalet Suisse Saturday 1st August - 8 pm
«La Pinte à Fromage», dear to the hearts of many Lausannois,
has recently been taken over by David Balsamo, well known to
our club as for a number of years he ran the Brasserie de la Forêt where we have
enjoyed several Christmas parties. At la Pinte he continues to offer a cuisine based
on cheese and local products, including «filets de perche».
Tea party at Rosemary and Paul’s in Echandens
followed by a visit to the Morges Observatory for some
‘star-gazing’ (clear skies permitting) - Tuesday 4th August
5 pm
Summer Tea Party at Echandens You are all welcome to come
and partake of an English Tea chez Paul and Rosemary Bissegger, at La Maison
Bleue, Ch de la Gravière 1, in Echandens, on August 4th.
It is hoped to go on to the Observatory (on the roof of the Gymnase de Morges) for a
spot of star gazing afterwards, but this will, of course, depend on the weather.
Please sign up with Janet or Ilze if you would like to attend, before Aug. 1st if
possible, so that Rosemary knows how many teapots are needed!
Summer raclette party at ‘Château Hoegarts’ in Grandvaux
Sunday 30th August - 12h
It wouldn’t be summer without our summer party! Jacqueline and
Phillip have asked us to continue this now long-standing tradition and
we propose getting together over a raclette, as we did last year. The
club will provide cheese, potatoes, gherkins etc., and guests are
welcome to complete the buffet with drinks, desserts, viande séchée
Please let Ilze or Heinz know by 24th August if you are coming and what you plan
to bring. You may alternatively make a contribution of CHF 10 towards costs. We shall
also hold one of our auctions, so think about what you could offer. Remember, one
person’s (new) unwanted gadget may well be another’s ideal gift! Past items have
included bottles of wine or spirits, perfume, a chess set, a meal at someone’s home
and even services such as gardening and ironing.
to :
Denise Gamage
Adamina QuincheEisses
Ana-Maria Iancu
Josiane Zahler
In August
Colin Gamage
Isobel Munro
Marianne Bogard
Nina Jeanneret
in September
1st August
Meal at restaurant “La
Pinte”, Sauvabelin, then up
above the Chalet Suisse to
watch fireworks along the
8 pm
Contact Ilze (079 745 35 92) or
Eva (079 322 70 05) latest by
24th July
4th August
Tea party at Rosemary &
Paul’s in Echandens
followed by a possible visit
to the Observatory in
5 pm
With Ilze (079 745 35 92) or
Janet (021 791 14 42) by
Saturday 1st August
Friday 7th
Monthly Get-Together at the From 6
Mövenpick Bar - Ouchy
Summer raclette party at
30th August ‘Château Hoegarts’ in
No booking necessary - just
come along
From 12h With Ilze (079 745 35 92) or
Heinz (079 231 86 70) by
Monday 24th August
Friday 4th
Monthly Get-Together at the From 6
September Mövenpick Bar - Ouchy
No booking necessary - just
come along
Sunday 6th Brunch at “La Ferme aux
September Saveurs d’Autrefois”,
With Heinz (079 231 86 70) or
Gaby (021 311 44 36) by
Monday 31st August
12th or
«Journées du Patrimoine
2015» - Guided visit at one
of our well-known
10 am
Programme not yet available Details as soon as possible
Brunch at La Ferme aux Saveurs d’Autrefois, Cretegny, Rue de la Poste 5
1136 Bussy-Chardonnay - Sunday 6th September - 10 am - Price CHF 37.We had to postpone this outing last year but we’re trying again, so
join us for brunch at the farm, where we can enjoy a large range of
local produce including cheese, ham, rösti, pâtés, desserts, bread
baked in a wood oven, and various soft drinks including oldfashioned lemonade and home-made iced tea and apple juice. The
terrace is covered and can be closed in the event of bad weather, and
heating is provided if necessary – but bring a jacket just in case!
Booking with Heinz or Gaby latest by 31st August, but earlier if possible. We will
reserve for 10 people, so first come, first served…
About one of last outings: visit to Salt Mines, Bex, 30th May 2015
Saturday 30 May dawned clear and bright as 8 members of the Club met in Bex for a
day's visit to the Salt Mines. We began with lunch at Le Plan, a crêperie in Bex which
served tasty and interesting variations on the crêpe scene, and ate out under vines in
cool shade. A short ride away was the entrance to the mines, where we had a
booking, and joined others on the mini train into the heart of the mines. A short
preliminary talk gave us a picture of the history of the mines, first discovered in the
16th century. Our guide took us deeper into the mines and gave us a clear account of
the various ways of retrieving the salt, and the hard work involved for miners before
the days of labour-saving devices. We were intrigued to discover that to-day, only
two men actually do the digging - other staff are involved in preparing the salt for
sale, packaging and dispatch. Altogether it was an interesting day - we retraced our
steps and took the small train out into the sunlight where we visited a shop which
sold various types of salt and other mementos, and had a welcome drink before
heading back to Lausanne. For an excursion with a difference, the Salt mines of Bex
come highly recommended - thanks to the organisers for a pleasant and interesting
Other dates to put in your diary (August)
★ Wednesday 5th August
- 12h30 - Soup & cheese lunch at Fellowship
★ Sat. 8th & 15th August – 3 pm to 5 pm Mauricette’s group is telling more
tales (in French) at Sauvabelin - (Mauricette is there on both dates but
s t o r y - t e l l i n g o n 1 5 t h ) . h t t p : / / w w w. l o r e i l l e q u i p a r l e . c h / h t t p : / /
w w w. p a t r i m o i n e . v d . c h / fi l e a d m i n / g r o u p s / 4 1 / p d f / g u i d e - p a t r i m o i n e immateriel-2015.pdf
★ Wednesday 26th August - 12h30 - English-speaking soup & cheese lunch
in Goumoëns – Details with Ilze.
Other dates to put in your diary (August)
★ Monday 31st August
- 8 pm - “Sérénades d’été au Parc Mon-Repos” by
Sinfonietta de Lausanne.
★ Till end August - Marché folklorique, Vevey.
★ Every Thursday till 6th September- ‘Afterwork cruise’ – dep. Ouchy 6.10
pm, returning at 8.20 pm. CHF 20.- /first class/2 drinks and snacks. http://
★ Till 20th September - 6.30 pm - Dep. Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays –
Lavaux Express ‘Train des Caveaux’ - CHF 25 (includes tasting of 3 wines +
souvenir glass). Also daily departures April to Nov. from Lutry or Cully
Other dates to put in your diary (September)
★ Wednesday 2nd September - 12h30 Soup & cheese lunch at Fellowship
★ 8th to 12th September - English theatre – ‘The Encounter’ by Simon
McBurney - at Théâtre de Vidy - ‘A strange and mystical tale, inspired by
Loren McIntyre’s journal during his stay in the Amazon. Through an audio
journey, where spectators will be requested to wear headsets, McBurney
explores human consciousness and carries us into an intimate world of sound.
An incredible theatrical experience created at Edinburgh Festival in 2015.’
★ Wednesday 30th September - 12h30 - English-speaking soup & cheese
lunch in Goumoëns – Details with Ilze.
★ Till 22nd November - «Matisse en son temps» – Fondation Gianadda,
★ Till 25th October -The Fondation de l’Hermitage presents a major
retrospective of the work of Marius Borgeaud (1861-1924), one of the most
important figures in early 20th century art in the canton of Vaud.
Committee Members (email address : first
Committee members’ tasks: Secretarial: Janet Boksanyi (021 791 14 42) Accounts: Heinz Fischer (079 231 86 70) - Events: Ilze Condemi (021 646 86 80),
Gabriele Tornay (021 311 44 36), Chantal Pineau (021 648 09 18), Eva Gasser (079
322 70 05) and Cynthia Gunn (021 558 83 74) - Website: Georges Klimek (021 728
25 94).