Coxhoe Chronicle - Coxhoe Parish Council
Coxhoe Chronicle - Coxhoe Parish Council
Coxhoe Chronicle Connecting the Community September 2016 COXHOE PARISH COUNCIL’S FORMAL RESPONSE TO THE COUNTY DURHAM PLAN “Q 13 Coxhoe Parish Council formally objects to option c (Sustainable Communities with Central Durham Villages). Our preference would ideally be option d (wider dispersal) or Option b (Sustainable Communities). Our principle reason for this is the feedback we have had from the responses received from the Neighbourhood Plan public meetings. These have endorsed the view that Coxhoe cannot sustain much more development than the 500 houses approved in the last year without losing our village identity, loss of green space around our village, and Coxhoe being merged with Parkhill losing our separate identities and potentially leading to a continuous urban sprawl towards Bowburn, Shincliffe, Elvet and Durham City itself. Parkhill has been linked with Coxhoe for consideration of development proposals and there is a strong risk that the 190 houses approved recently will expand to 600-800, in addition to the 150 recently approved as part of Integra 61. Coxhoe, Parkhill and Bowburn do not have the infrastructure to sustain any further development: Coxhoe Surgery is beyond capacity and at risk of curtailing its lists, Bowburn Surgery is looking for larger premises. Coxhoe School is full and planned expansion is only to cope with existing developments. Bowburn Schools are also at capacity. If all mooted developments transpire there will be a deficit of 180-300 primary places and therefore an additional primary school would be required. Additionally children from Coxhoe and Bowburn travel to 8 secondary schools with 90% paying £40 a month for travel and therefore if any further development is considered for this area it should also include provision of a new secondary school. Potential sites have been identified through the emerging Neighbourhood Plan. Q15 Call for Sites – Parish Plans 1 and 2 identified from public views that there was the scope for some development at Quarrington Hill, and indeed a recent small development has proved exceptionally popular. There appears to be a large private rented population in Quarrington Hill, and that additional houses for sale may help balance the community and make shops trading in the village more sustainable, and even introduce the scope for a doctors’ surgery. Q22 Older residents are being forced to leave Coxhoe due to unavailability of 2 bedroom bungalows. These were identified in Parish Plan 1 and 2 as a priority by residents. As part of Neighbourhood Plan public meetings sites have been identified for building bungalows for rent. Q27/28 Greenbelt provision to protect village identities and settlement boundaries should be maintained as in the former City of Durham Plan. A new secondary school / education village is needed for Coxhoe and Bowburn and surrounding villages. The strategic locations of secondary schools fits with how these villages were envisaged would decline in the 1980s and not for how they have actually developed. With development in and around Durham, Ferryhill and Chilton, places in these schools will become limited to distant communities and children from our communities will be marginalised and separated having an ongoing negative effect on community spirit and cohesion. It will be inappropriate to push money into extending these schools, when provision of a new school in our areas would lead to reduced demand and increased availability of places from more local children from new developments in closer proximity.” We circulated a leaflet to all houses in Coxhoe and invited you to give your responses directly to the County Durham Plan. We’ll keep you updated on progress, and our Neighbourhood Plan will progress once our Community Engagement Officer is in post. A Coxhoe Parish Council Publication : September 2016 Jobs – It has been a busy time for Parish Councillors since our last Chronicle, advertising, shortlisting, and interviewing for a new Clerk, Community Engagement Officer, a Youth Worker and 2 Auxiliary Youth Workers. Unfortunately, the successful candidate for the Engagement Officer withdrew for personal reasons and so will hopefully have this post filled early in October. See page 10 for details. We’d also like to thank Pauline Waterson for stepping in as locum Clerk for the last few months. Pauline’s considerable experience has been invaluable to the Council. Delivering Quality Services to Coxhoe and Quarrington Hill New Website – Our thanks particularly to Ian Forster and Lauren Crawford (Durham County Council) for moving the Parish Council’s website to a new platform. This has been a huge amount of work, but I am sure you will agree it is much easier to access our information, and in a much more user friendly format especially for mobiles and tablets. Litter Picking – We are very grateful to members of Coxhoe Community Partnership and residents who now organise regular litter picks around Coxhoe. Up until now they have had to rely on equipment supplied by Durham County Council, but the Parish Council is now in the process of purchasing equipment for volunteers to use as and when they want to in Coxhoe and Quarrington Hill. See page 6 for more details. Quarrington Hill Allotments – We are also very grateful to Tarmac and allotmenteers for their support and hard work in clearing land to extend the allotments to create an extra 6 allotments and erecting replacement fencing to the whole site. Over £30,000 of works have been done for a £2,000 investment by the Parish Council. A real triumph of partnership working. A177 Street Lighting Removal – The Parish Council, Coxhoe Primary and Barratts have objected to proposals by Durham County Council to remove the street lights from the school to the junction with Station Road. No account was taken of the safety of children walking to school, the cycle way or even that 200 houses were about to be built along this stretch with a new entrance on to the A177. We await a response form Durham County Council. Neighbourhood Plan – Progress has slowed due to resource availability, and as you’ll have seen from the front page our main focus has been making you aware of the development of the County Durham Plan and how this could affect our parish and give you the opportunity to influence that. Work on a Neighbourhood Plan will pick up when the Community Engagement Officer is appointed. Quarrington Hill Post Office to close? – Royal Mail is consulting as a result of the restirement of the existing postmaster. It proposes a mobile van as its replacement operated by the postmaster of Sherburn Post Office parking outside of the existing site. You can comment by email to or 0345 722 3344. The Parish Council have suggested that if a van is the way forward, it would be better parked at a central location such as the Community Centre car park. New Vice-Chair – Kay Simpson was elected as Vice-Chair due to the resignation of Carole Hogarth. Carole continues as a Quarrington Hill Councillor and the Council thanks her for keeping the Council going in the absence of a Clerk and positively moving forward a host of issues including the Kingswood ‘Durham Ask’, Quarrington Hill Allotments and the Quarrington Hill Village Green project amongst other issues. Keeping Coxhoe and Quarrington Hill Green - The Parish Council has been in protracted negotiations with Durham County Council to take ownership of various pieces of land around Quarrington Hill and Coxhoe in case the County comes under pressure to dispose of them for development. We think they are important to our communities, although the maintenance of them could be better, so once the Community Development Officer is in post we intend to ask residents living close by how they’d like to see 2 them improved. See pages 8 & 9 for details. School Expansion – 3 new classrooms funded and built by Durham County Council opened on time at the start of term. See page 4 for more details. We are pleased that representations made by the Parish Council on all of the recent developments have helped this essential project to proceed. Safer Travel to School – Some good news and potentially bad news. The plan below shows a proposal for an extensive 20 mph Safer School Zone around Coxhoe Primary School to protect children walking to and from school from traffic. However, at the same time planners are objecting to proposals to put a drop off/collection bay onto the current site compound area next to the new extension as it contravenes local and national planning guidance. Nevertheless this is still being investigated. Residents are more than welcome to come along to Parish Council meetings at 6:30 pm on the first Wednesday of each month to let us know their views or you can contact your local Parish Councillors as below: Quarrington Hill Telephone Email Carole Hogarth Keith Pounder Eric Thompson 0191 3771315 0191 3773611 0191 3771288 Coxhoe Telephone Email Stuart Dunn (Chair) Barbara Hepplewhite Wendy Lavelle Ron Mayo Anne Murphy A Plews Kay Simpson (Vice Chair) Colin Thirlaway 0191 3773314 0191 3771366 0191 3773673 0191 3771770 0191 3770256 0191 3778826 0191 3772596 3 Our new clerk Craig Rowbotham works part time and will usually be available Tuesday-Thursday. You will still be able contact us by phone on 07988 283287 or by email at or Coxhoe Parish Council or @CoxhoePCouncil Coxhoe Primary school building project update: The last 9 months has seen an extensive redevelopment of Coxhoe Primary school funded by Durham County Council. The need has been created by the growing size of our local community and the continued plans for expansion! The project has involved the creation of 3 new classrooms, redevelopment of some pupil toilet areas, creation of a utility area for our kitchen, replacement of all windows in the school, extension to the playgrounds and car park, widening of our main path into school and re-siting of our cycle shelter! The summer holidays has been exceptionally busy as we saw many of these areas completed. On our return after the summer holidays we have been pleased to begin to use our new classrooms and other facilities. The size of the classrooms is fantastic and the new shared areas so inviting for our pupils and staff alike. We are excited about the extra opportunities these new spaces will give us in the coming years. We also look forward to the additional warmth and energy saving that our new windows will bring as the colder days return. You will have noticed however that there are still some parts of the project and especially external works to be undertaken. As in any large building project there are always unexpected events which can prolong the build and ours has been no Kelloe exception! Perhaps also to be expected in a building originally built in 1909 – so meshing together a building Kelloe over 100 years old with new building materials and expectations brought some moments of frustration. But Kelloe we are almost there and will be pleased to say a big thank you to the fantastic DCC Building Services teams as they move to their next jobs. We hope that all the outstanding works will be completed within the month and these should cause no disruption to the day to day running of the school. Welcome to new pupils and staff: As well as our 41 new Reception pupils we have also welcomed 9 older children in KS1 & KS2, this takes our overall school population to 278 pupils. We are also pleased to welcome 3 new teachers to our school: Mrs Caygill (Assistant Headteacher & Year 6 – class 10); Mr Patterson (Year 5/6 teacher – class 9); Mr Hopson (Year 3/4 teacher – class 6); Mrs Carlson (French teacher in KS2 – 1 afternoon per week); as well our new staff we are also pleased that Mrs Hammond and Mrs Nattrass will now cover the PPA (non-contact time) for teachers in classes 1-5 (Reception and KS1). A sad farewell to Mrs Alsop: At the end of the summer term we bade a sad farewell to Mrs Alsop who retired after serving the school and countless pupils so faithfully and professionally for over 20 years. She will be greatly missed this term but I’m sure will enjoy and thoroughly deserves her retirement. Open day for new and prospective parents: If you would like to view the new school facilities or are considering applying for a place at Coxhoe Primary for your child then please come along to our next Open Evening which will be held on Tuesday 8th November from 5:50 pm until 6:30 pm. 4 Mini Police - We are very proud to be involved in a new and exciting initiative offered by the Durham Constabulary. The Mini Police was launched by PC Craig Johnson to improve the level of community engagement with young people. It was so successful that Craig has now offered several schools in county Durham the opportunity to get involved with the Mini Police. In the summer term the children in year 5 were invited to apply with a letter of application followed by an interview with Mrs Skaife and Mrs Bartle. We were both very impressed by the high standards right across Year 5 and found it extremely difficult to choose. Eighteen children have been appointed and trained by our local Police Constable Community Support Officer (PCSO) Thomas. Our team were then introduced to our school by Inspector Smart who is a governor at our school. They are superb role models for younger children within the school and have supported at a number of school events, Including the summer fair. In addition to this, they have offered support at a number of events in the local community, e.g. Sedgefield Dash and the Police Family Fun Day. As a reward for their service and excellent attitude, they have also enjoyed a visit to the new Police Headquarters at Aykley Heads. They enjoyed visiting the control room and meeting with Inspector Smart; finding out about Police Dogs and their training; seeing how the fire arms are looked after in the armoury, looking at a Police Motor Cycle and finding out how to stay safe when riding one! We were also lucky enough to have a visit from the Police Helicopter. The Mini Police explored the helicopter itself as well as chatting to the crew about their work. They worked alongside Mini Police from other local schools at this event – fantastic team building! Being part of the Mini Police provides children with opportunities to be more involved in their wider community, to develop team work and communication skills and to find out more about career opportunities within the Police Force. They are looking forward to more exciting engagements in the village during the autumn term with our local PCSO and being involved in bigger events with other Mini Police Officers in Durham. If you see them on duty in their smart uniforms, be sure to stop and have a chat with them to find out who they are helping. 5 New Website launched The Parish Council is pleased to announce the launch of its new website at the end of July 2016. The community based website has always been popular with well over 1,000 hits per month. Due to a change in the web content management system used by Durham County Council who host the website there had to be a change in how the website looked. Through the voluntary web administrator, Ian Forster, the Parish has worked with the County Council to ensure the smooth transition and launch of the new site. The new site has a much brighter and professional feel and while navigation through the site is different the site has all the previous content and more. Unlike the previous website it is designed to be read on mobiles and tablets as well as laptops and desktops. While colours and fonts have changed the site uses dark grey fonts on a white background for accessibility. New pages have been set up specifically for young people and it is hoped through the Parish Council’s new Youth team some of these pages will have the input of young people in due course. In addition the website makes it easier to contact the Parish Council. Finally the website includes links to the Parish Council’s facebook and twitter social media accounts. The Parish Council is grateful to those at the County Council who have made this possible, particularly the case officer, Lauren Crawford. Thanks also go to Ian Forster for all the additional voluntary hours he has put in establishing the new site while continuing to update the old site. Fly tipping – Do you know who is responsible? Muriel Burton has continued to organise volunteer litter picks through the Community Partnership. Although the proposed litter pick in June was cancelled due to bad weather, we had another successful litter pick on July 26th where about a dozen volunteers collected another 35 bags of rubbish. Thank you to all those people who are giving up their time to make Coxhoe better. July’s litter pick targeted the Front Street from the Village Hall to the Crossings as well as the ‘Haul’ road. This route proved challenging as one of the village ‘hotspots’. As well as copious amounts of litter there is a significant fly-tipping issues despite the close proximity to the Civic Amenity site. The County Council have been made aware of this problem and are indeed currently investigating. Do you know who is responsible? If so please inform the County Council so they can take appropriate action. Telephone 03000 2610000 Next litter pick is on Tuesday 27th September 2016. If you want to volunteer please contact Muriel on 07821 658324 or email You can find out more about volunteering opportunities, the Keep Coxhoe Clean Campaign and much more on the Parish Council’s community website 6 7 Coxhoe Parish Council takes ownership of local The Parish Council has transferred and leased various pieces of open space around Coxhoe and Quarrington Hill from Durham County Council to protect them from being sold on for development. This includes the three main areas of village green along the Front Street in Coxhoe, parcels of land around the old level crossing (the entrance to the Limes Estate), and land adjoining Bower Court adjoining the Parkhill Border. There are strong restrictions on the land to prevent the Parish Council, and future Parish Councillors from disposing of these. We are also exploring another joint ‘Durham Ask’ project with Cassop-cum-Quarrington and Cornforth Parish Councils of the Steetley Railway line shown purple with a long term plan to turn this into yet another walkway / cycle track. Land opposite the Railway Gate Land next to Tarka Land next to Coxhoe Kitchen 8 land to save it from inappropriate development Land next to Bower Court Quarrington Hill Village Green In Quarrington Hill the Parish Council has finally taken ownership of the Village Greens to preserve these as green space at the heart of the village and the extended allotments which are now complete with only one of the additional 6 plots left to let. We have also finalised the ’Durham Ask’ 30 year lease of Kingswood on both sides of the road completing our promise to residents to take ownership of these to prevent potential disposal to developers. Our thanks to Kelloe Parish Council and Kelloe residents for supporting this. Coxhoe Bottom Village Green Coxhoe Top Village Green 9 Coxhoe Parish Council welcomes Craig as our new Clerk. In late July we welcomed Craig Rowbotham as our new Clerk. Craig is an Information Systems graduate who has worked in the NHS, Local Government and Education, he gained his teaching qualification and an MA in Leadership and Management. He is a proven public sector manager who has project managed successful national and regional projects. Craig is looking forward to working and serving the local community of Coxhoe and Quarrington Hill to enable the Parish Council to achieve its ambitions. Craig is based in Coxhoe Village Hall and works Tuesday (9am-5pm), Wednesday (1-5pm) and Thursday (9am-5pm). Craig will be first point of contact for the Council and our new team. Community Young People and Childrens’ Services Engagement Coordinator - Amanda Hitchens is joined by a officer - we hope team of Parish Council workers to ensure the this vacancy will be continuance of provision of youth work in Coxhoe and Quarrington Hill as Durham County Council filled early in ends its provision as a result of Government cuts. October. Ian Thompson - Youth Worker—I have been involved in Youth & Community work for over 30 years. I have a wide range of experience in working with young people from the ages of 7 and up to 25 years of age. I have run youth clubs for 12 years and under and 13 years plus. I became a youth worker because I believe in youth and often feel they get bad press, many don’t get the life chances and experiences of their peers, much of my work in the past has been to redress this balance and give the youth of today opportunity to experience these experiences and to develop their own skills and potential. I’ve lots of experience with the Duke of Edinburgh award and for the past 13 years I’ve been positive activities and outdoor education manager in Teesside, using outdoor education and sport as a means to engage young people. Lucy Dunbar - Auxiliary Youth Worker—I’m Lucy and I am enjoying working with Coxhoe Parish Council as an auxiliary youth worker. I love getting involved in sporty games and arts and crafts with our current young people at our Friday Youth Session. I am also really looking forward to working with more young people within the community. Rachael McGregor - Auxiliary Youth Worker— I am 17 years old and studying for my A Levels as well as working as a Youth Auxiliary Worker. I particularly enjoy the challenges that go along with it, the opportunities to connect with people and also I love being involved with the range of exciting activities that we organise. My passions are drama and history but the active elements of the youth group, such as obstacle courses or the bouncy castle, are a chance to have some fun and see the young people enjoying themselves as such as I did. Parish Council delivery of youth services commences - We advised you in the last Chronicle we were recruiting a team of youth workers to continue provision if Durham County Council as expected confirmed that it would have to cut its Youth Services as part of a further £64 million of cuts it has to make by 2020 as a reduction of funding from the Government. Coxhoe Parish Council has already taken over delivery of the Quarrington Hill Monday Senior Youth session because Durham County Council’s workers left and weren’t replaced. We have also re-started the popular Friday night under 12 Youth club at Active Life Centre that closed last year and will be re-starting the over 12s session 30 September. We will also be continuing the Coxhoe Wednesday sessions in 2017 when Durham County Council withdraws from the and the also the Quarrington Hill Friday sessions. We are delighted that the Directors of Active Life Centre and the Trustees of Quarrington Hill Community Centre share our desire for these valuable services for our young people to continue on their premises. We will be moving forward with our plans to establish Youth Councils in both villages to make sure that our youth provision delivers what our young people actually want and give them a voice in their communities, and with the Parish Council. 10 Coxhoe village remembrance event Coxhoe village hall was opened in 1932 with the large hall added in 1938. It was built by public subscription and inspired by a community desire to have a permanent war memorial to the heroes who lost their lives in the great war of 1914-18. Since then an annual remembrance event has been held in the war memorial garden. Interest waned for a while but was revived about 20 years ago by Mary Egglestone with the support of the Village Hall Committee. It now attracts a large gathering and there is a new enthusiasm with more village groups and individuals involved and offering ideas. Indeed the Parish Council is investigating the erection of a Village flagpole. The Parish council have been approached with the idea of setting up an informal group to plan and organise the event so that all in the community have an opportunity to be involved. Ron Mayo and John Hepplewhite have already agreed to help out, but if you’d also like to get involved please contact the Parish Clerk and we'll set up an initial meeting. Please volunteer to keep this important community event going St. ANDREW’s Church COXHOE SHOPPERS’ SERVICES Saturday, 1st October, 10.00 to 10.30am Saturday, 5th November, 10.00 to 10.30am Saturday,3rd December, 10.00 to 10.30am WIVES’ GROUP Wednesday, 14th September, 7.00 to 9.00pm Wednesday, 28th September, 7.00 to 9.00pm Wednesday, 12th October, 7.00 to 9.00pm Wednesday, 26th October, 7.00 to 9.00pm Wednesday, 23rd November, 7.00 to 9.00pm OTHER SERVICE Sunday, 13th November, at 10.00am Wednesday, 7th December, at 7.00pm CONCERTS Thursday, 22nd September, at 7.00pm Thursday, 20th October, at 7.00pm Tuesday, 29th November, at 7.00pm OTHER EVENTS Monday, 3rd October, 9.45 to 10.30am Guest Speaker: Rev. Francis Neil Guest Speaker: Janet Barrett Guest Speaker: Sheila Henderson Wives’ Group Anniversary Annual General Meeting Julian Harrop, Collections Officer, Beamish Museum, talks about the weird and wonderful items they’ve acquired Crazy Whist Wives’ Group Christmas Party REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY SERVICE Followed by laying of wreaths at War Memorial MEMORIAL AND REMEMBRANCE SERVICE Remembering loved ones at Christmas Conducted by Rev. Christopher Wood-Archer SIXTIES CONCERT with ‘Travellin’ Band’ Tickets £4.00, including light refreshments CONCERT by ‘New Yorkers’ Singing Group Tickets £6.00, including light refreshments PRE-CHRISTMAS CONCERT Entertainment by our own members Tickets £3.00, including light refreshments CHRISTIAN AID COFFEE MORNING and sale of Harvest fruit and vegetables 11 12 13 X factor for Coxhoe entertainer aged 16! Samantha Lavery, now 16 years, was the subject of an article in the Coxhoe Chronicle three years ago She has entertained at the Coxhoe Red Lion and also at the active life centre and proved an outstanding local talent. This year she auditioned for the X Factor and provided an exceptional performance which gained her four votes and passage through to the ‘boot camp’ of this important singing competition. Coxhoe is very proud of Samantha and supports her all the way. We know you have the X Factor. Good luck Samantha. You can see Samantha’s audition on our Facebook and twitter pages. 14 New Priest for St Mary's Coxhoe and St Helen’s Kelloe - This month we welcome the Revd Alison Richardson as priest in charge of the United Benefice of Kelloe and Coxhoe and St Aidan's at Chilton. Alison was born in Yorkshire and thought she was a Northerner until coming up to live in the North East some 12 years ago! Prior to ordination Alison has undertaken a variety of jobs; serving as a commissioned officer for 12 years within the Royal Air Force Education and Training branch; working within North Wales Police as a Staff Officer before moving up to the North East to take up a leadership role with the Prison Service. Alison trained for the ministry at Durham University and following her ordination in 2009 she has served in churches in Spennymoor, the Parish of the Upper Skerne and latterly in Blackhall and Castle Eden. She says that she is delighted and overjoyed to have been selected as the new priest in charge of St Mary’s Coxhoe, St Helen’s Kelloe and St Aidan’s Chilton. She undertook a placement to Sedgefield deanery helping out a number of parishes from January to August 2016 and as a consequence worked, for a number of weeks, across the parishes to which she is now appointed. She also worked alongside the Reverend Keith Lumsden, who retired from St Luke’s Ferryhill last January, and now helps out across the 3 parishes. “The people of Coxhoe, Kelloe and Chilton have made me feel very welcome it has been a pleasure working with them and with Keith and I look forward to enjoying very many years serving as their Parish Priest.” She will move into the vicarage in Coxhoe early September with her twin 17-year-old sons. Alison begins her appointment on Sunday 18th September when she will be formally licensed at 6.30pm in a service at St. Aidan's conducted by the Right Reverend Mark Bryant, the Bishop of Jarrow. On Sunday 25th September at 10.00am, there will be a joint service of the 3 churches at St. Helen's in Kelloe. When not working Alison enjoys working her border collie dog and enjoying the company of friends (sometimes with a glass of something in her hand!!) On 6 September a new national phone number ‘105’ will be launched by electricity network operators for customers to call should they need to report or get information about a power cut in their area. Key points about this service are: Dialling 105 will put customers through to the electricity network oper- ator who manages the cables, power lines and substations that deliver electricity into homes and businesses in their area. 105 is a free service for people in England, Scotland and Wales. Customers can call 105 no matter who they choose to buy electricity from. Customers can also call 105 if they spot damage to electricity power lines and substations that could put anyone in danger. If there’s a serious immediate risk, they should call the emergency services too. 15 Coxhoe & Quarrington Hill Young People’s Page Coxhoe Parish Council has now employed an additional youth worker and two auxiliary workers. Ian, Rachel and Lucy will be working at youth sessions held in both Coxhoe and Quarrington Hill Youth Forums Are you aged between 12 and 19? Have ideas about what should happen in your village? Then join our Youth Forum. Contact details below. Coxhoe Village Hall If you have any request for Monday - Cubs 5-7pm Scouts 7pm-9pm Tuesday - Beavers 5pm -7pm Mon-Fri 9:30-11am Playgroup activities or changes to what already takes place please get in touch with us Quarrington Hill Community Centre Re-starting Friday 16th and Monday 26th September) Mon– Senior Youth Club age 12 to 19 - 6.30pm to 8pm NEW TIME Friday - Junior Youth Club age 7 to 11 - 4.30 to 6pm Active Life Centre @ Coxhoe Tuesday – Girls Group 7 till 8.30pm Wednesday - Mixed Youth Club 7.30 till 8.30pm NEW GROUPS – Friday – Junior Youth Club age 7 to 12, 5.30 till 7pm Senior Youth Club age 13 to 19 7.30 till 9pm (from 30th September) How to contact us: Contact our Parish Clerk, Craig. Tel No 07988 283287 or e-mail: ‘Coxhoe young people’ and ‘Quarrington Hill young people’ 16
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