Reflection - St Eugene College
Reflection - St Eugene College
TERM ONE, WEEK 5 26TH FEBRUARY, 2015 Dates to Remember: Wednesday, 4th March OP Information Evening Friday, 6th March P-5 Disco Tuesday, 10th March College Open Day 9am—11am The countdown is on! There is only 143 days until our 25th anniversary celebrations begin! Make sure you mark Saturday, 18th July in your calendars! Station Road PO Box 598 Burpengary Q 4505 P: 07 3491 4600 F: 07 3888 5151 E: pburpengary ABSENTEE LINE: 3491 4646 Reflection A Lenten Prayer God of compassion, God of mercy, You do not condemn us when we lose our way. Your love transforms our brokenness. Break open our defences with your healing gaze That we may return to you in confidence with all our hearts. Amen. From the Leadership Team Thanks We would like to express our sincere thanks to all of the parents, students and staff who assisted us last Friday. We rarely if ever choose to operate in a limited capacity at St Eugene. The deluge, however, forced us to call stumps early that day. It is a combination of three factors. Amazing rainfall (300+mls of rain) a king tide and a dam release of water that takes us to the point of limiting our services. In the end there was no road access to the west of the College. The prospect of keeping the kids here for the duration becomes very unappealing and the danger that parents would endure to retrieve their kids make the position untenable and it is safer to call it early rather than late. Will the College itself ever flood? The answer is no. In the building of these facilities we spent an enormous sum on elevating and flood proofing our buildings. The majority of houses in Burpengary would be well under before the island that is our College would be in danger. Our ovals however were as deep as two metres as the creek burst its banks and the water backed up. So the day was inconvenient and miserable for us all. We do remain grateful that no lives were endangered or harm taken. Life is good. Have a good week Mark Shakhovskoy P-12 Head (Senior Years) Dear Parents, Carers, Staff and Students Java Partnership Trip 2015 On Holy Thursday, four staff and six senior students will be travelling to Central Java to begin St Eugene College’s partnership with two sisters schools. The schools are SMK Yos Sudarso College at Sidareja and Jeruclegi. Father Charlie visited St Eugene’s a couple of years ago, impressing on us the diversity of the Oblate family throughout the world. In fact, he was so impressive that this partnership was born. More news to follow as the countdown to departure begins. “Even Socrates, who lived a very frugal and simple life, loved to go to the market. When his students asked about this, he replied, "I love to go and see all the things I am happy without." Jack Kornfield After the Ecstasy, the Laundry God bless Alana Osborn P-12 Head (Senior Years) Making Learning Visible – Literacy Improvement St Eugene College has been fortunate to be invited to be involved in a literacy improvement strategy as part of Brisbane Catholic Education’s Delivering Excellent Learning and Teaching strategy. We are currently gathering relevant baseline data to inform our work which in the most part involves the normal class activities and diagnostic procedures conducted across the College. In addition, students in Yrs 3-10 will participate in a Progressive Achievement Test for Reading (PAT R). These will be completed during an English lesson sometime in the next month. PAT R is an online, multiple choice reading comprehension which takes up to 40 minutes. No preparation is required for this comprehension task. PAT R will be administered again in October this year which will help us (along with other class data and NAPLAN) to determine the ways in which expected and effective literacy practices are contributing to learning progress for our students. During the course of a little over a week, the St Eugene Team will live with host families and spend days in the schools. We will also be helping to teach English each day. Marisa Dann Acting P-12 Head Following this visit, we will be supporting teachers and students from these two communities to come in Term 3 and stay with our families here in Burpengary and surrounds. Our dream is to continue this partnership for many years. PREP ENROLMENT 2016 The purpose of this mutually beneficial project is to increase understanding between the communities and to build relationships with our nearest neighbour. These schools were built and are supported by Oblate priest Father Charlie Burrows who has lived in this area for over 40 years. Romo Carolus as he is known, spearheads a sustainable development programme in the region which has included building roads, dykes, schools, a maritime academy, and establishing banks. Cont/... It is that time of the year again where we ask that if you have a child that is eligible for Prep in 2016 that you put an application form in to start the enrolment process. A child starting Prep in 2016 must turn 5 before the 30th June 2016 to be eligible. We also require a copy of your child’s Birth Certificate and Baptism Certificate, and there is also a $110.00 enrolment fee that is now payable with all applications. We will be interviewing May, so if you or someone you know has a child of Prep age, please make sure to put an application in as soon as possible. Thank you Jo Morris Enrolment Officer College News APRE NEWS First Week of Lent – Project Compassion: Eric and Ma from Fiji Twenty-five years ago, married couple Eric and Ma worked hard, but their farm was unprofitable. They had a very limited income and diet, until they took a training course at the Tutu Rural Training Centre (supported by Caritas Australia). Using the skills they learnt there, the couple have built a successful family life, and a thriving farm that provides them with a sustainable source of income. JUNIOR YEARS - STUDENTS OF THE WEEK—23rd February, 2015 Congratulations to the following students for their fine efforts: Sophie Biermann Prep White Olivia Randall Prep Gold Imogen Gilbert Prep Blue Isabella Chantler 1 White Lachlan Bailey 1 White Angelique Takacs 1 Gold BUD Music Ministry BUD (Believe Understand & Do) Music ministry was formed to enable younger members of the Parish to participate in the ministries for the celebration of Mass. Presently the focus is mainly on the participation in the music ministry for the 5.00pm mass on the first Sunday of the Month at St Eugene Church Burpengary. Max Lane 1 Gold Lucy Spencer 1 Blue Makayla Jones 1 Blue Hannah Biermann 2 Gold Letisha Davies 2 Blue Cullen Ireland 2 Blue Practice is generally held on the 1st Sunday of the month starting at 4.00pm prior to the Mass. St Eugene College students who are interested in participating in BUD Music Ministry (singing or playing an instrument) may contact Sharon Flux Ph: 3888 1768 email: Connor Jones 3 Blue Ryan Warner 3 Blue Reise Beil 3 White Jhett Stoodly 3 White The next BUD Mass is on Sunday 1st March at St Eugene Church Burpengary. Practice begins at 4.00pm for the 5.00pm Mass. If you are interested in joining us, you are very welcome to turn up for the practice at St Eugene Church at 4.00pm on Sunday 1 st March. Matthew Short 3 Gold Courtney Redman 3 Gold Sophie Dransfield 4 Blue Jack Richmond 4 Blue Dean Spencer 4 White Coopa Dawson 4 Gold Jessica Hurd 4 Gold Phoenix Malone 4 Navy Year 9 – 5 March Jessica Jackson 5 Blue Year 3 – 19 March Jessica Mullins 5 Blue Year 7 – 26 March Kamryn Patterson 5 White Year 1 – 30 April Olivia Bell-Young 5 Gold Year 8 – 7 May Sharlyse Somerville 5 Gold Year 2 – 14 May Elizabeth Hurd 6 White Harrison Brown 6 White Your donation to Project Compassion helps people in isolated areas of Fiji gain the skills they need to grow food for life. For more information go to Year Level Masses Families are welcome to join us as we celebrate our year level masses with the parish community. Masses take place on Thursdays at 9:00 am in St Eugene de Mazenod Church in Springfield Drive. Here is our mass roster for years 1-9 for the first semester: Year 4 – 28 May Year 5 – 4 June Year 6 – 18 June Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist The St Eugene de Mazenod parish has advised that the date for the celebration of the sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion is Saturday 25 July. The parish will send further details out early in term 2. ALISON BATES (P-12 APRE – JUNIOR/MIDDLE YEARS) College News EUGREENIES GARDEN We have been helping in Eugreenies garden from the start of the year. We’ve learnt about all the fruits and vegetables that are in the garden. Mrs. Fletcher and Ms. Fowler have been very helpful by teaching us everything we need to know about the garden and how to do the important jobs very carefully. Last week was very exciting because we got to make fresh lemonade from our own lemons. It was a bit sour so we added a little bit of sugar to sweeten it. The big kids loved it but we weren’t so sure. Also we got to take home lots of vegies and herbs that we harvested. We love working in Eugreenies garden and our big brother, Zac does too. Keilah and Tahlia Year 2 SPORTS NEWS 12 Years Girls Netball Trials Where: Netball courts, Apex Park Caboolture. When: Wednesday 4th March, 3:45pm – 5:00pm What: Running shoes, visor, water bottle. Who: Girls who are turning 12 years old 10 & 11 Years Boys Rugby League Trials Where: St. Eugene College When: Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th March, 3:45pm – 5:15pm What: Jersey, shorts, socks, footy boots and protective gear. Water bottle 12 Years Boys Rugby League Trials Where: Caboolture Snakes JRLFC –Morayfield Rd. Caboolture. When: Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd March, 3:30pm – 4:45pm What: Jersey, shorts, socks, footy boots and protective gear. Water bottle 12 Years Boys AFL Trials Where: Caboolture East State School, 44 Manley St. Caboolture. When: Thursday 26th February, 3:30pm – 4:45pm What: Boots, water bottle. Who: Boys who are turning 11 & 12 years old Boys Soccer Trials Where: Bribie Island State School, (1st Avenue Bribie Island) When: Wednesday 25th and Thursday 26th February, 4:00pm – 5:30pm What: Boots, shin pads, long socks, water bottle. Who: Boys who are turning 10, 11 & 12 years old Year 6 Gala Day This Friday all year 6 students will be attending sporting gala days against other schools in the Caboolture District. All information has been sent home, here is a list of the venues if parents are interested in coming along to watch. Boys soccer and Rugby League- Petersen Rd. Rugby Union and Touch fields. MRS. COLLIER - JUNIOR SPORTS CO-ORDINATOR St Eugene College offers fantastic new equestrian program! For many, horses and horse riding has long been a dream but for most this opportunity has not been available … until now! Girls Softball – Lindsay Rd. Hockey fields. Girls AFL – Burpengary sports fields, Findlay St. District Trials Please see Mrs. Collier if you are interested in attending any of the following trials: 10 & 11 Years Girls Netball Trials Where: St. Peter’s Catholic Primary School Caboolture. When: Monday 2nd March, 3:30pm – 5:00pm What: Running shoes, visor, water bottle. Who: Girls who are turning 10 & 11 years old “Myself and nine lucky Year 10 & 11 students from St Eugene College have been chosen to participate in an Equestrian Studies program with well-known local equestrian coach, Lee Taylor of Taylord Training. We’ll travel to the Taylor Training facilities at Toorbul on Wednesday afternoons where we will undergo a series of workshops and riding lessons for the duration of the semester. Our knowledge ranges from beginner to experienced. All the students who are participating in this program can’t stop smiling … we are all feeling very blessed to be given such an awesome opportunity which is different from the normal interschool sports. We cannot thank Lee and Mrs Cosgrove enough!” Elizabeth Elliott (Year 11) College News YOURTUTOR WEEKLY TIP #5 FROM THE PARISH Quick Tips for Parents: When your child asks for your help with a Chemistry question while you’ve got dinner on—remember, help is only a few seconds away...There’s a lot going on in households after school, even without driving to appointments, music or sport lessons. Yourtutor is on demand help from the best local teachers and tutors. Activate now at: Once activated, you can log in whenever you have a question. From 3pm— 10pm, Sunday to Friday. “On the Road Together” - Copies of Archbishop Mark Coleridge’s Lenten Pastoral letter are available in the foyer for you to take home and ponder throughout Lent. PAT BEGGS - P-12 AP (SENIOR YEARS) LIBRARY NEWS Accelerated Reader This is an online reading programme our college subscribes to for our year 5-7 classes. The students reading ability is assessed online at the Accelerated Reader (AR) website and given a Book Level which they use to borrow books from our label with clear AR stickers and a colour code for the reading level on the spine. Currently, there are 30,000 books on the online database. Students can read books from home or any other library but need to check on to see if the book is on AR and has a Book Quiz. Once students read the book, they go online and do a Book Quiz (comprehension question) and get immediate results plus a very detailed report on their work. It’s a brilliant programme with many of our students absolutely relishing the challenge and being very busy reading and doing book quizzes in the library at all breaks. Parents can get involved by going online and entering their child’s User Name and Password plus their email address to get constant feedback on their child’s progress. You could also contact the library for your child’s User name and Password on 34914605 or We are very fortunate to be one of the few schools in Qld to subscribe to AR due to costs but it is definitely worthwhile. World Book Online This will make research so much easier for all our students doing research assignments. Log-in Details: User ID: stec (school use); steh (home use) Password: s4505 Burpengary Library Author VisitIf you are aged 8-16 years old come and hang out, be inspired, share stories and writing experiences with Tristan Bancks! Chat about everything creative and pick up useful writing and filmmaking tips.. Hang out with Tristan: Thursday 26 March Burpengary Library 3.30pm. Booking is required. More info on: Chess Lessons These are held every Thursday, 3:15-4:15pm and are taught by a qualified teacher and chess adjudicator at a cost of $10 per lesson. Next Tuesday, March 3rd, our Secondary (yrs 7-12) chess players will be competing in an Interschool Chess Tournament at Anglican Church College, South Brisbane. Our primary (P-yr 6)students will compete at Nundah State School on Thursday, 12 th March. Any student who is familiar with chess rules is welcome to put their name down in the library for possible selection. JANICE CHILCOTT—TEACHER/LIBRARIAN Lenten Devotions Wednesday 8:30am - Stations of the Cross - Christ the King Church Friday 7:00pm – Stations of the Cross - St Eugene Church Tuesday 3rd March – A Day of Prayer & Adoration 8.00am to 6.00pm - St Eugene Church Saturday 21st March – Lenten Retreat – 9.00am St Eugene Church The organisers for the Anzac Memorial being built in Burpengary would like to make contact with family or direct descendants of the following people who will be included on the Roll of Honour. J Donald, S Munro, Thomas Lee, Jo H Turnbull, Frank L Rowe, Arthur Henley, Alfred Dobson, George B Williams, Christian Munro, David H Uhlmann, Wallace W Brown, William C Wallin, Charles Munro, Tho Turnbull, Terence E Lee, Edw C Munro, W J Turnbull, Fredrick Gall, John A Turnbull, John R Uhlmann, Alexander W Gall, Sidney G Bourke, Anthony Bourke, A A Lubke and Harry Page. You can contact David Milne on 0427 388 457 if you have any keepsakes or stories that you would like to share. THE ST EUGENE FAIR PREPARATIONS ARE UNDERWAY. THIS YEAR IT WILL BE HELD SUNDAY 19TH JULY FROM 10.30AM to 3.00PM. We are seeking donations of new unused items that we can include in our raffle prizes. Yours in Christ and Mary Immaculate, Fr David TUCKSHOP NEWS Next Week’s Roster commencing 2nd March: Monday Cath Stratford Tuesday HELPER NEEDED Wednesday HELPER NEEDED Thursday Jo Arthur & Liz Garrard Friday Leone Keen Remember the easiest way you can order is online at PAULA PORTER - TUCKSHOP CONVENOR UNIFORM NEWS Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8.00am to 10.00am Tuesday & Thursday 2.00pm to 4.00pm FLEXISCHOOLS ( is still a fantastic and easy way to order. Please keep in mind delivery to class is currently 3 days at this stage. The items will be placed in your child’s teacher’s pigeon hole for distribution. Kind Regards ANGELIQUE—UNIFORM CONVENOR Date: Friday 6th March Where: Rodrigo Hall, St Eugene College Cost: $5.00 Time: 5.30 – 7.30pm includes entry, food (sausage sizzle) and popper Parents please note that if you have any children who are in Prep – Year 3 then you need to remain on the premises with your children. This Disco is only for children from St. Eugene College. In order to ensure that we are able cater for the correct numbers, we ask, where possible, for tickets to be prepurchased. Someone from our team will visit your child’s classroom to sell tickets from Monday, 2nd March. Tickets are always also available at the door. ST EUGENE PARENTS AND FRIENDS Who is the P & F and what do they do? Parents, guardians and interested people from within the college community are able to be members of the St Eugene College P & F. The P & F assists the college by participating in decision making, promoting interaction between home and school, providing resources to the college, funding to students for approved sporting, academic and cultural pursuits, planning and organising functions approved at P & F meetings. Responsible for the organisation, implementation and running of “Just One Thing” volunteer program. When do we meet and What do we discuss? Once a month, at 7pm on the 2nd Wednesday of each month (during school terms only). Each committee member gives a short report relevant to their role, progress of any projects, funding requests are considered, the Principals give a report on activities in the college and general matters which concern the student body as a whole. P &F Annual General Meeting The AGM is being held on Wednesday 11th March 2015 at 7:00pm in the College staffroom. Please consider taking on one of the following positions as our P & F needs YOU! P&F Committee Positions for 2015 – chairs the meetings – takes minutes & collects mail – banks money, pays bills -ordinator – runs Mothers’ and Fathers’ Day stalls -ordinator – sends college events to newspapers – takes on president role in their absence – newsletter P & F section -ordinator & team – runs discos -ordinator – responsible for Just One Thing -ordinator – applies for grants Position Descriptions are available from College website at What support will I get if I take on a position? All positions have a role description folder detailing what is required of the position, how the P & F operates and documentation from previous members giving ideas/forms etc on their position. Previous committee members are also willing to offer assistance. P & F Events planned for 2015 – – In 2014 the P & F Provided Funding for who rt s rt hades For further information, please contact the P & F via email on
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