Reflection - St Eugene College
Reflection - St Eugene College
Term 3, Week 5, 14th August, 2014 Dates to Remember: Reflection Friday, 14th August Holy heart of the Universe, you call us to dream, Feast of the Assumption Queensland Catholic Colleges Music Festival Friday, 22nd August Soiree to imagine, to yield to your grace, your pressure from within to evolve. Help us to see that all we are has come about through the 13.7 billion year unfolding of your grace. Help us to grasp the reality that the entire history of the universe has prepared us to be the ones who enflesh your imagination in the material world. May we celebrate who we are as we celebrate who you are, and may we dare to imagine that we are grace itself. Amen St Eugene de Mazenod Church Sunday: 9.30am & 5.00pm Christ the King Church Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 7.30am Station Road PO Box 598 Burpengary Q 4505 P: 07 3491 4600 F: 07 3888 5151 E: pburpengary ABSENTEE LINE: 3491 4646 From the Leadership Team Dear Parents and Friends Congratulations to all the young people from St Eugene’s, Christ the King and children from other schools in our parish who received the sacraments of First Eucharist and Confirmation at three masses on Saturday afternoon. What a lovely celebration of our parish faith and community! The P-12 Soiree is on Friday, August 22. It’s a 6.00pm start. From 6.00pm to 7.30pm all year levels from Prep to 5 will be performing in the hall. All students in the Junior School are expected to attend. The year level items on our multi-cultural theme will be interspersed with items from performing arts groups and individuals in Yrs 6-12. Adult entry is $2.00. Children and performers are free. This is of course a bargain entry fee as the talent on display is worth ten times the ticket price. The money will go to enhancing the performing arts expertise of our students at Camp CATEE in Sydney in the September holidays. Following the Concert there is good food to be had (and drinks) at various venues with smaller ensembles and groups displaying their talent and entertaining you. This is a night to get the gloves and tiaras out, a night to dress up and play ladies and gentlemen! Or you can go fancy dress and come in your ordinaries! Soiree is a French word describing a night of food, drink and entertainment. So appropriate given that St Eugene is from France and his mantra of ‘leaving nothing undared’ celebrates the gifts and talents of the students of St Eugene College in a Soiree! Following the Careers Expo and the Yr 10 Parent Information Night last Wednesday, our Yr 10 students and their parents meet with Senior School staff this week and next to select their subjects and plot their learning future. From Yrs 6 to 10 we have been working on exposing our students to the opportunities available to them in subjects in the academic and vocational arena. Crunch time is now when students need to pick their career pathway. In the first week of term we held a parent information night to inform and consult with parents on the curriculum in our Personal Development and Sexuality Program. This program is being delivered in all year levels from Prep to 12 this term. Parents at this meeting asked for assistance in the ‘how’ of talking to their kids about sex and sexuality in our Christian/Catholic context. Jennifer Mason is leading a parent workshop to deliver this on Friday August 22 from 1.30 to 2.30 in the Staff Meeting Room, located in the Tempier Admin building. A wonderful opportunity offered to you by our Assistant Principals Religious Education, Alison Bates and Peter Ivers. This weekend is a big one for our Music students in the Queensland Catholic Colleges Music Festival at Villanova College and St James’ Coorparoo. On Thursday night the Concert Band and Guitar Ensemble are competing. Friday sees our Yr 2/3 and 4/5/6 Choirs, Concert Band A and String Orchestra take to the Stage. The big weekend concludes with our Vocal Group, Stage Band and Instrumental Ensemble going for gold on Sunday. Sunday also sees our Senior Drama students competing in the Drama Eisteddfod at Beenleigh. Lots of Kids! Lots of Talent! Sing, play and act up a storm guys! We pray for St Eugene’s continued guidance as we dare to seek personal and college excellence in our learning, doing and living. Wonder and independence and usefulness… Thirty four years ago Karen and I started an adventure in parenthood. We hoped for three things as we engaged with the kids who we thought were on loan to us from a higher creative power and that we had responsibility for a few short years. Like all parents we really hoped that we would not stuff up this privileged and magnificent gift. Firstly we hoped they would learn a sense of wonder from us. To learn that the world was a marvellous beautiful place that could delight and enchant them and give them opportunities that we couldn’t imagine. Adventures were the rule of childhood with holidays, play and a neighbourhood that was to be explored and experienced. Doing the dishes with Dad and learning to count in five languages is one of the happy memories they tell me today. They thought it was fun. We tried to instil independence knowing that in a few short years they would be old enough to strike out on their own , in living arrangements, work and play. This was a tough adventure, letting go with enough of a leash that we knew could result in hurt, disappointment and mistakes made. Each of my three children has left us in tears at various times with the result of foolish choices and unforeseen catastrophes. Finally we wanted them to emerge from their childhood with enough wonder and confident independence to become useful in our society. Which job didn’t matter, the fact that they would want to work and be useful did. They have all started meaning ful occupations and are content. I am proud of my kids. As a grandad I love the way that they play with their kids, looking with them with wonder through a magnifying glass at those amazing ants, or dancing with them in sheer and exuberant joy. I reflected and spoke to these thoughts at a daughter’s wedding last year and this week I am the proud new grandad of Dylan weighing in at a healthy 8lb8ounces. I am learning again the circle of life as I look in wonder at new independence and usefulness. As an educator it has been my privilege to see all these things emerge in a generation of young men and women at various colleges. I know that I am one of the most blessed and lucky people on this planet to be a contributor to this most marvellous miracle called life. Have a great week! MARK SHAKHOVSKOY P-12 HEAD (MIDDLE/SENIOR YEARS) PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT NEXT WEEK Monday Tuesday Blessings and regards Wednesday DENIS ANTHONISZ - PRINCIPAL Thursday Ashleigh Stewart and Sarah Ralston doing Observations in St Eugene classrooms Brenda Todd and Stephanie Canham at REAP course for rest of week Alison Bates, Luke McKenna, Peter Ivers, Denis Anthonisz and Cathy Masotti at Catching Fire Guiding Lights Retreat today and tomorrow Denis Russell doing observations at Brisbane Grammar Tony Fraser at Biology Panel Training College News APRE NEWS Upcoming Year Level Masses Each of these masses commences at 9:00 am. Families are always very welcome to attend – We’d love to see you at our Eucharistic celebrations. Year 6 – 21 August Year 1 – 4 September Year 5 – 11 September Masses for the Feast of the Assumption – 15 August Thursday 14th August 7pm St Eugene Church Friday 15th August 9am Christ the King Church Friday 15th August 12 noon St Eugene Church Friday 15th August 7pm St Eugene Church The year 4 and 5 classes will be attending the mass at 12 noon. Other students and families are also welcome. Personal and Social Development Parent Information Session There will be a session for parents and caregivers with Jennifer Mason (Life Works in Progress). This session is designed to give parents and caregivers support and confidence in having conversations with their own children about aspects of growth and development, including sexuality. The session will be held in the staff meeting room on Friday, August 22, commencing at 1.30pm. The Assumption of Mary On Friday, the Church will celebrate the Feast of the Assumption. The Assumption of Mary is a key Catholic teaching. Although it was held to be true by Catholics since at least the fourth century, it was only defined as Catholic teaching by Pope Pius XII in 1950 in the encyclical, Munificentissimus Deus (The most bountiful God). Whilst not universally held by all Christian churches, it is worth noting that a number of other churches do accept this teaching. Essentially, the Church's teaching on the Assumption of Mary states that, upon her death, Mary was assumed into Heaven (CCC #966). Prior to declaring infallibly that this was the teaching of the Church, Pius consulted the worldwide Church in a process that began in 1946. It was on the basis of this consultation that the teaching was given. For many Catholics, the Assumption poses at least two key questions. First, why did it take until 1950 for this to be declared a teaching? Second, what is the ongoing significance of this teaching for Catholics today? To deal with the former question first. Although most Catholics believed the teaching for centuries, nobody had actually declared it a teaching and, therefore, part of what is known as the "Deposit of Faith." From this perspective, the timing for the teaching in the years immediately following the Second World War was incredibly significant. As the full horror of World War II began to sink in (e.g. atrocities in Nazi Germany, dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima), many Christians and people of good will began to reflect on the sacredness of human life. They wanted to affirm the dignity of the human person in an era when mankind (and I use the term deliberately) had the power to wipe itself from the face of the earth. Against this background, the teaching on the Assumption came at a time when the Church wanted above all else to reaffirm belief in a loving God who intervened in dramatic ways in human history (note the title of Pius’s encyclical, “The bountiful God”). Now to answer the second question. Some Catholics today wonder about the Assumption. They struggle to see its ongoing relevance in the world of the early twenty-first century. Yet, I argue that the teaching is as important for us today as it was when it was first proclaimed sixty-four years ago. The nuclear threat of the midtwentieth century has subsided somewhat (apart from nuclear power plants and tsunamis). In our day, though, we also face the possibility that we will annihilate the planet through climate change. Furthermore, in our consumer society, we see people treated as little more than commodities (e.g. Human trafficking, pornography, people smugglers). In short, we live in a world where many people are NOT treated with the most basic dignity that our humanity demands. For this reason, I suggest that reflection on the Assumption of Mary is highly relevant to our age. It reminds us of a loving, bountiful God who never abandons the world. It reminds us of the sacredness of ALL human life. Finally, it reminds us of our obligation as Christians to live by the fundamental teachings of Catholic social justice that guarantees persons their dignity as humans loved by God. Mass times for the Feast of the Assumption appear earlier. A special Mass will be celebrated at 12.00pm (noon) in the Parish church. As a Holy Day of Obligation, all students are encouraged to make an effort to attend Mass. In Middle and Senior Phase, students will be given the opportunity to attend Mass at midday (subject to subject requirements. Peter Ivers and Alison Bates (P-12 APREs) CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to the Year 8 and Year 9 boys AFL teams and the Yr 9 boys Soccer team for making the District Grand Final this Thursday. Also to the Year 10 boys Basketball team who will play in next week’s Senior Grand Final. Good luck boys and great work on displaying the college spirit. Last week a large number of students from Year 5 through to Year 12 competed at the South District Athletics Carnival at Apex Park over four days. A number of students who performed very well will now go onto the Regional level to represent the District. Training will continue each Wednesday and Thursday afternoons leading up to the carnival on the 9th and 10th of September. We wish them all the very best. Further congratulations also go to the following students: Flynn Coomer (3 Gold) competed in the Pokémon National Championships in Sydney, and at the end of the season he is ranked 8th in the Junior division in Australia. Hayley Calleja (5 Gold) recently competed in the Sunshine Coast Junior Regionals for gymnastics and has now qualified to compete at the Queensland State Gymnastic Championships in September. Ruby Gilbert (Year 10) recently won the Junior division (13 17 year olds) of the 2014 Homestead Youth Talent Expo (a country music competition). This is one of the largest Youth competitions in the state. She took out 1st in Country rock, 2nd in Australian Country, duet and instrumental. She also took out 3rd in vocal solo and also won best dressed. Because of her wins, she will be competing at the 2014 Queensland Country Music Champion of Champions, held in November. College News ACADEMIC AWARDS JUNIOR YEARS—STUDENTS OF THE WEEK—12.08.14 Congratulations to the following Middle/Senior students on their recent outstanding academic achievements. They were awarded to students who got a majority of A’s in their first semester Report. A celebratory lunch is around the corner... Year 6 Lucy Burr, Riley Lawrence, Talitha Lee, Thomas McInnes, Laura McKay, Natasha Pravidur, Kaitlyn Spiteri, Jessica Stevens, Charlotte Stones. Year 7 Lucas Browne, Brady Colvin, Tahleia Garrard, Lisa Green, Daisy McCartney, Emma Perak, Michael Pimm, Hannah Poetschka, Laura Poetschka, Zahra Ramm, Aaron Take, Jessie Whiting. Year 8 Danelle Bacalso, Denby Batista, Imogen Beech, Madeline Blake, Janne Catalan, Alexandra Constantinou, Tiahna Davies, Benjamin Elliott, Aneena Karakombil, Benjamin Lawrence, Eliza Mann, Emily Payne, Lauren Pravidur, Charlotte Scott, Tyler Short, Tyler Tevita, Catherine Williams. Year 9 Lachlan Bramley, Nicholas Dramac, Alisha Fagg, Con- stance Grafos, Benjamin Morris, Zena Morrison, Benjamin Poetschka, Sophie Preston, Paige Reberger, Conrad Tyler, Kaitlyn Weldon. Year 10 Zoe Burr, Oliver Campbell, Khia Chagas, Jack Chapman, Emma Davis, Bryce Devlin, Gillan Fiorin, Thomas Lynam, Samuel Medved, William Miller, Robert Parker, Jacob Pratt. Year 11 Rebecca Argent, Tameka Bridge, Katie Davis, Brenna Dransfield, Caleb McDowell, Devon Patterson, Bridget Russell, Antony Tatkovic. Year 12 Monique Bramley, Emily Dalton, Brenna Devlin, Brittany Ely, Samuel Halpin, Jasmine Hutch, Caitlin McBride, Jasmine Pratt, Georgia Robinson, Sidney Shorten, Sarah Spierings. PARISH NEWS Congratulations to all of our students who participated last Sunday in completing the sacraments of Initiation in our parish. Monsignor Peter Meneely led the celebration of three Masses where our young people received the Sacraments of First Eucharist and Confirmation. Congratulations to the following students for their fine efforts: Ryan Ellis Prep Blue Isabella Chantler Prep Blue Phoenix Gordon Prep White Isobel Condon Prep Gold Chloe Richards Prep Gold Addison Osburn 1 White Maddison Buckley 1 White Layla-Marie Sneath 1 White Zayde Calder 1 Gold Ella Wellington 1 Gold Cameron Dutton 2 Blue Shania Volange 2 Blue Jhett Stoodly 2 White Sofie Monostori 2 White Amy McIntosh 2 Gold Sarah Whittred 2 Gold Calleigh Dransfield 3 Blue Alice Buchanan 3 Blue Kamryn Roche 3 Blue Brodie Byrnes 3 Blue Lachlan Davidson 3 White Cathal Halpenny 3 White Bailey Percival 3 White Ethan Hunter 3 Gold Maddison Walker 4 Blue Mason Buckely 4 White Daniel Gibb 4 White Stephanie Dunn 4 Gold Lucas Butt 4 Gold Jordan Buckley 5 Blue Rory Hope 5 Blue Harrison Brown 5 Blue Lewis Camerlengo 5 White Ella McCormack 5 White Declann Geraghty 5 Gold Fay Ryan-Toner 5 Gold College News BEACON NEWS Last Thursday four of our Year 10 boys attended Holcim Quarry’s Experience day. The quarry was in full operational mode, which gave all participants the opportunity to see this thriving industry in action. Students were able to interact directly with staff who provided invaluable information about entry level employment opportunities. A special thanks to Beacon for organising this event and for their ongoing support of our students. Look out for future opportunities to engage in industry experience events. Teresa Mochon - Year 10 Co-ordinator HOSPITALITY NEWS The St Eugene’s Hospitality department has had a very busy week showcasing our talented students. On Wednesday, 300 guests enjoyed Grandparents’ Morning tea with lamingtons, fruit platters and muffins, Beacon Speed Interviewers an afternoon tea, Careers Expo Guests cheese boards, and Year 10 Parents, platters for their information evening. Additionally, year 10 students completed delicious checkerboard cakes with chocolate ganache decorations and Year 11 and 12 students produced mouth watering Mexican BLT rolls. There is always something worth checking out in the Hospitality department! May your kitchen be as warm as your hugs, Mrs Byrne ATSI NEWS QATSIF SCHOLARSHIPS – INDIGENOUS STUDENTS IN YEARS 10 AND 11 IN 2014 To be considered for a QATSIF 2015-2016 Scholarship, students must: be a person of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent who identifies as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, and is accepted as such by the community in which they live be an Australian citizen and resident of Queensland be enrolled at the school completing the application in 2015 have current school attendance of 85% or more be under age 35 actively supports school activities which enhances his/her Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural identity demonstrates willingness to fully participate in the life of the school and be a worthy role model for other students intend to undertake and complete their Queensland Certificate of Education during the school years 2015-2016 and has the ability and confidence of the school to obtain the QCE by Year 12 Graduation currently be achieving A-C in Mainstream English and a C or higher in other subjects Please note that it is the school who must apply on behalf of enrolled eligible Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Students. Applications from students or parents will not be considered. Please either see Ms Mitchell or email your interest in applying for this scholarship for your child DUNLEA RESOURCE CENTRE Remember our aim is to have every one of our students read (anything!) for at least 10 minutes every day of the week. The Reading Hour This will be celebrated nationally on Tuesday evening, 19 August. St Eugene’s Bookweek Will be held from 25-29th August. The library will be in full decoration and a Bookfair will be held in the library for the week for students and families to browse and purchase new, quality books at bargain prices. The Bookweek Parade This is optional for Preps to year 5 students and will be held at the Junior Assembly on Tuesday, August 26 where children dress up as their favourite character or to suit this year’s theme, “Connect to Reading” or any style. Students need to come to school dressed in costume but must change into their normal uniform of the day immediately after the parade. Students go to their class to be marked off the roll and then assemble at the library with their uniform change ready for the parade. Parents are definitely welcome to join in the fun with us. Children’s Book Council of Australia Book Week The national date is from Saturday 16 August - Friday 22 August whilst our college will celebrate it a week later (Aug 25-29) to suit our busy calendar. This year’s theme is Connect to Reading ~ Reading to connect. Connect to reading is about enjoying the experience of exploring story, and travelling to other worlds. Reading to connect, has a broader social meaning, suggesting that reading assists in creating a bond with others. Within the world of the contemporary child, this is also relevant as they read books and they read to connect through a variety of media. For bookings go to: http://booklinksinc.files.wordpress. com/2014/08/sharingstories-poster-booking-form.pdf Chess News Last Thursday, 28 students ranging from year 1’s to year 7’s attended the Brisbane North Inter-School Chess Championships at Nundah State School. This has been our largest team ever and we had many newcomers who played brilliantly. There were over 300 students from many schools competing over 7 games with short breaks in between. Our students aim of the day was to play their best, be good sports and beat their former PBs (personal best score so far). Most students achieved all three of these goals and 7 students won a High achievement ribbon: Haiden Badellino 2G, Kyle Croghan3B, Jayden Spiteri 4B, Patrick Scott 6W, Joshua Anderson 7B and Elyssa Paulsen 7N. Michael Pimm won 6 of his 7 games and was awarded a medal. One of our teams also achieved a third position overall. The next inter-school Chess Comp will be held in Term 4 and any student from prep to year 12 who knows Chess rules is welcome to join the team. Please leave your name with library staff as soon as possible. Chess tuition continues every Thursday in the library from 3:154:15pm at a cost of $10 per lesson. All students of all ages and experience levels are welcome to join. Janice Chilcott - Teacher/Librarian Around the World... Friday, 22nd August in Rodrigo Hall from 6.00pm onwards Formal Concert (6pm–7.20pm) All Prep—Yr 5 & Yr 6-12 year levels in a variety of performances Performances in the hall & other venues Food and beverages available for purchase Entrance $2/adult and students are free! Bands Choirs Drama Dance Enjoy the talents of our brilliant performers!
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