Reflection Term 4, Week 2, 16th October, 2014 Dates to Remember: LISTENING...


Reflection Term 4, Week 2, 16th October, 2014 Dates to Remember: LISTENING...
Term 4, Week 2, 16th October, 2014
Dates to Remember:
Thursday 16th October
Year 6 for 2015
Information Evening
Friday 17th October
Term 4 Fees Due
Yr 6-9 Dance Night
Monday 20th October
Pupil Free Day
Please listen to me,
Hear what I am saying,
Not just the words coming from my mouth,
For I can talk and really say what I mean,
Words can be a cover-up, a mask,
So listen carefully.
My heart speaks, pay attention,
It takes courage to share with you,
And let you see me as I am.
Friday 24th October
Blood Donation at
Girls Night In
It takes time to drop the facade,
So stay quiet and listen,
Listen with more than your ears,
Listen until I’ve said what I ache to say.
If you rush me with good advice,
And tell me not to worry,
I’ll clam up.
I’ll think you don’t really understand.
I’ll sink into myself,
And hide. So please Accept my problems and take a share,
Don’t push me aside as if it doesn’t matter.
Be here and cry with me,
And the I'll know you’ve truly listened,
And heard my heart and understood,
Then I will be comforted.
St Eugene de
Mazenod Church
Sunday: 9.30am &
Christ the King Church
Saturday: 6.00pm
Sunday: 7.30am
Station Road
PO Box 598
Burpengary Q 4505
P: 07 3491 4600
F: 07 3888 5151
E: pburpengary
3491 4646
From the Leadership Team
A big welcome goes out to Desy
Visnu, our friend from the parish of
Cilacap. Desy arrived on Monday
morning and is pictured at the airport
with the first of her host families,
staff member Teresa Mochon. Desy
will be with us till January next year
working in classes enhancing her
English and setting up our liaison
with our friends in Java. We look
forward to a long and fruitful
missionary partnership with Cilacap.
I was thrilled to be with our elevens last week as the quality of
our leaders in Yr 12 next year came to the fore. The two days
we had with our 11s at Coolum forged an engagement with
leadership for them all whether they be ‘badged’ or general
positions and augurs well for our future. The process for
discernment of our leaders in Yrs 12, 9 and 5 has now begun in
earnest with the Captains speeches on Tuesday. (We have 21
Yr 11s vying for these positions….what a richness of talent to
pick from!). The roles allocated to our Captains and Ministry
Leaders will be announced at the Celebration of Excellence
Evening on Thursday November 13.
Monday October 20 is a pupil Free
Day for all schools in Queensland set
aside for inter and intra school
moderation. Our P- 6 teachers and 712 teachers are both here, working in
separate groups undertaking different
moderation tasks. School Officers are
also here doing up skilling to enhance their role in the college.
The admin and office staff members are the only ones out and
about at another school.
Don’t forget the 6-9 Dance Night on Friday (October 17). The
dancing feet go wild from 6.00pm to 9.00 pm. Tickets are
available at the door and cost $5.00. On the following Friday,
October 24 we have the cancer fundraiser Girls Night In. Hope
you can come. Please see all the details on the back page of
the newsletter.
On Thursday afternoon next week, our Yr
2/3 Choir, Yr 4-6 Choir and our Yr 7-12
Vocal Group are performing on centre
stage in the Queen St Mall. If you work in
town drop in and be amazed at their
talent! The Vocal Group is performance
bound to Christ the King en route.
I love the courage of the year elevens as they responded to the
challenge of leadership for the College in 2015. With a limited
number of badged positions, the price of offering to serve is to
risk the failure of not securing a position. In fact, less than half
the candidates will be successful. The process of offering yourself for service has many blessings and also the pain of disappointment when hopes are not realised.
The blessings come in the form of self-discovery. That your gifts
and talent are real and that you can make a difference. That it
takes courage that you never knew you had to stand up and be
different to the other 80% of your grade. And then finally to
discover the avenues for servant leadership that is not motivated by a badge but by the purist of motives, the selfless love
of your fellow beings. It is based on the great message of Jesus, that the love of your God and neighbour are the very cornerstone of human existence. It is our purpose and destiny; it is
what ennobles us and gives life to our world.
Leadership extends far beyond the senior grades. By their simple being in year twelve, all of our seniors are leaders. The
younger folk look with wonder at the older kids and seek to
emulate them in word and deed. Their classroom interactions
with their buddies, their kindness in the playground, their participation in sporting endeavours and social occasions, their
community service and fundraising initiatives, all mark them as
visible signs of hope for our community. The failure of not stepping up results in the crushing of the trust that the younger
grades so readily give.
It is a great responsibility and we are thrilled with the evolution
of this group of young men and women who are approaching
their final year of education with hope and trust. We wish them
all success as they are courageous in taking on the final hurdles in this stage of their lives.
CTJ Day—all staff
Melinda Mitchell at Hervey Bay presenting the
Hidden Histories PD until Thursday
Lauren Ironside at Mentoring Workshop Period 6
May your week be filled with blessings.!
Blessings and regards
Laurel Connolly is Manager of the Regional
Secondary Athletics Team for the Queensland
State Championships for the next 4 days
Jeanette Wardlaw at Autism Training Sensory
Detective Workshop
From the Leadership Team
World Mission Month
Throughout October, Catholic Mission, the international mission
aid agency of the Catholic Church, will turn its focus to Jamaica.
Often veiled behind a façade of tropical beaches, opulent resorts
and crystal clear water, Jamaica is a country deeply troubled by
violence and crime. Families live in constant fear; desperate for
peace and security. While also coinciding with Anti-Poverty Week,
World Mission Month is accentuated by the globally celebrated
World Mission Sunday on 19 October and Children’s Mission Day
on 22 October.
Congratulations to the following students
for their fine efforts:
Clara Perry
Prep Blue
Ria Binder
Prep Blue
Lachlan Bailey
Prep Blue
Ashton Rugg
Prep Blue
Christian Richmond
Prep Gold
Caleb Nichols
Prep Gold
Darcy Jones
Prep Gold
Nash Nagof
1 Blue
Casey Carnell
1 White
Bethany Hall
1 Gold
Harrison Pearson
2 Blue
Hunter Hatchman
2 Blue
Zander Yates
2 White
Esme Oldknow
2 Gold
Luca Nykvist
3 Blue
Shanice Chandler
3 Blue
Cody Elderidge
3 White
Erin Tyler
3 White
Chanuka Ranasingke
3 Gold
Aailyah Dipple
3 Gold
Connor Dunsdon
4 Blue
Sophie Diver
4 Blue
Jye Abberley
4 White
Hayden Helander
4 Gold
Robert Knox
5 White
 23 October – Year 8 & 9
Alyssa Sulzberger
5 White
 30 October – Year 7
Elizabeth Hurd
5 Gold
Jordan Wight
5 Gold
Catholic Mission Deputy National Director Peter Gates says advocacy efforts, especially freeing children in immigration detention,
are also a priority in World Mission Month: “One child held and
harmed in mandatory detention is one too many. While we—and I
include myself—debate these issues, hundreds of children suffer
appalling treatment in what is called ‘our care’,” he says. “We as
Australians can do better.”
For more information on World Mission Month, please visit
During October, World Mission Month, St Eugene College community will ‘Sock it to Poverty’ by participating in the ‘Socktober’ campaign, including awareness and fundraising activities with a sock
On Friday 31 October we will be
having a ‘Crazy Sock Day’. Students are able to wear crazy socks,
not necessarily just on their feet.
They are invited to think of creative ways to wear socks – as belts,
ties, scarves, for example. Participation is by way of a gold coin
donation in aid of Catholic Mission.
Year Level Masses
All families are warmly welcome to join us for our year level
masses. They are held in St Eugene Church, Springfield Drive
(near the Junior end of the College). These masses will take place
at 9:00 am on the following Thursdays:
 6 November – Year 2
Junior Assemblies
Parents are always welcome at our Junior Assemblies, which will
take place at 9:00 am on the following Tuesdays. The class prayer
roster for the remainder of the year is as follows:
 21 October – Year 1 White
 28 October – Prep Blue
 11 November – Prep Gold
 18 November – Prep White
College News
A small group of Year 9 and 10
French students and a number of
staff had a taste of paradise when
they spent the first week of the
September holidays in Vanuatu.
The educational and cultural tour
offered the students studying
French an invaluable opportunity to
engage in the French language and
many aspects of its culture.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Grandparents/Parent/Carers
Support Group
We would like to offer Grandparents/
Parents/Carers of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students the opportunity to come together for a yarning session on a regular basis. It will be really
informal where you will have the chance
to yarn with other Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander families over a cuppa
about shared experiences while supporting each other. Interested families please make contact with your
Participation Officer’s Danita Martin and Renee Parter.
Friday 24th October at
10.30am – 12pm
St Eugene’s College
138 Station Road, Burpengary
by Thursday 16th October, 2014.
For more information contact:
Danita Martin or Renee Parter on
(07) 3490 1769
or email
Fogs Careers Expo
FOGS (Former Origin Greats) Careers
Expo was held on September 18.
Students started the morning with a
greeting from former origin great,
Kevin Walters and then viewed an
inspiring film documenting a variety
of indigenous people's journey to
reach their goals to achieve great
success in their chosen fields.
Students had the opportunity to meet and talk with
various training organisations, Universities and current and former NRL and
Origin stars. It was a great
chance to get some inside knowledge from employees of the Army,
Airforce, Queensland Ambulance Service and TAFE also. Students
also participated in painting message sticks and boomerangs.
Melinda Mitchell
Support Teacher Yrs 6-12 - Indigenous Education
34914600 ¦
Each day presented the students with new and exciting experiences in which they participated with enthusiasm and an eagerness of discovery.
Our many memorable experiences included a visit to Montmartre
Secondary Catholic College, set in a magnificent tropical landscape, where our students spent time in various classes as well as
sharing a typical cooked lunch with the local students.
A number of tours showcased the unique features of an extremely
beautiful island -pristine swimming holes, beaches with exquisite
marine life, the simple and humble lifestyle of local villages and
the natural beauty of the hills and waterfalls.
The students embraced many aspects of the local inhabitants
including their local cuisine which varied from the villages to the
resort to the infamous French restaurant where they all bravely
tried the well prepared and delicious “Escargots”, (yes, snails!).
It was refreshing to see the students be daring and adventurous
and embrace a people and culture with a rich and diverse history,
so very different to our own.
We have all returned with many stories to tell and many memories
which we will carry fondly with us into the future.
Filomena Olsen
Last September holidays,
11 students from Year 9
to Year 12 represented St
Eugene College at the
Champion Basketball
School of Queensland
Tournament. The team
recorded 4 wins from 7
games to record a very
commendable 18th out of
30 teams. It is testament
to the enthusiasm and
passion for the game that
the team have already started recruiting players for next year and
committed to training for the 2015 tournament with lunchtime
practices and scrimmages. St Eugene College is very proud of the
efforts of the following players Michael Keys (Yr12), Reilly Smith,
Gillan Fiorin, Jack Chapman, Robert Reeves, Jacob Pratt, Joel
Santangelo, Jesse Duncan (all Yr10), Jayden Buckingham, Harrison Thurtell and Jesse Van Den Bos (all Yr9). And we wish them
luck next year at the CBSQ 2015 Tournament.
College News
We all arrived home from Camp CATEE armed with amazing
memories to last a lifetime! Some highlights of our trip included
some very successful busking around the streets of Darlinghurst,
seeing the brilliant and hilarious Strictly Ballroom at The Lyric
Theatre, performing the team's showcase near Circular Quay, and
of course the wonderful workshops. Watch out for Justin Welfare
onstage in years to come..... He was up on stage, dancing with the
cast in the Strictly Ballroom finale!!
YABBA Book Awards
Seriously, and without exaggeration, all 17 of our
students did themselves
and our school community
so very proud throughout
the entire trip. They received countless compliments and accolades for
their talents, passion and
behaviour and we are extremely blessed to share in the lives of
these kids. They gave wholeheartedly of themselves in every single
section of the camp. These 17 individuals have absolutely epitomised what Camp CATEE was dreamed up and designed to do in
the first place!
Sincere thanks to Cathy and Jess Masotti, Ashleigh Stewart, Nicky
Rose, Megan and Nahum Kozak, Teresa Roveda, Allan Masson
and Justin Welfare for their tireless support, passion, expertise
and commitment right throughout the tour. We had many, many
laughs and your generosity and brilliance was evidently loved by all
the kids and is sincerely appreciated. What a crew?!! Memories for
a lifetime.
Sincere thanks too, to all
Leadership, Admin and
school staff here at school
for all the support, patience
and assistance that went
on over the last few
months. We could not have
done it without you. It goes
without saying that we
missed Denis like anything
while we were away. We
know he was with us in
spirit all the way and we
thank him sincerely for his ongoing, passionate support of all the
immersion opportunities we aim for at our school. A special thanks
to Cathy Masotti for her incredible leadership and passionate support right throughout the camp.
As we congratulate the 17 artists named below and enjoy the long
lasting memories of their brilliance, we also feel inspired by them as we look forward to next year’s Camp CATEE!
Sam Halpin, Bittany Gaskill, Sidney Shorten, Shannon
Kamilus, Courtney Lombe, Katie Davis, Brenna Dransfield,
Jordan Harris, Stephanie Dyer, Bridget Russell, John-Paul
Mills, Ben Lamb, Ashleigh Parker, Elizabeth Elliot, Rebecca
Hicks, Madeleine Pinna-Mc Vinish and Kairo Lavia.
Has your prep to year 9 child voted yet? Voting closes Wednesday,
22nd October at There will be
more details in last week’s newsletter!
Author Visit for Year 6 Gold
This prize was won by Charlotte Stones (6Gold) who came second
in a recent story writing competition. The author is Samantha
Wheeler who has two books published and is working on her 3rd
one. Samantha will talk to the class about writing and give the
class many words of encouragement in their own writing. Thank
you Charlotte!
Roald Dahl Show
This Wednesday after lunch in the church,
some year 1, 4 and 5 classes are attending a
Roald Dahl performance where excerpts of 4 of
his books will be performed with some student
help. The teachers are using the show as a
means of launching their students’ reading of
all Roald Dahl books. The books being featured
are “Charlie & the Chocolate Factory”, “The
Twits”, “The Enormous Crocodile” and “James and the Giant
Peach”. Parents are welcome to attend plus your support after the
event would be very valuable. You could read some Dahl books
aloud or encourage your child to read them alone. Our library
holds multiple copies of all his books as they are so popular and
well-recognised in the world of children’s literature.
Local Libraries Closure
Unfortunately the Kallangur Library closes today and Narangba
closes on Oct 31. This is sad news but unless we use our local
libraries well, they can’t survive.
Will be held in late November (18-21) with many books at very
cheap prices to enable our students and families to stock up on
Christmas gifts and holiday reading.
Chess tuition occurs every Thursday from 3:15-4:15pm for any
students at any level of chess playing. Cost for the term is $90.
Chess Players WantedWe are gearing up now for the Chess Age Championships at Nundah State School on Tuesday, Oct 28th for prep to year 12’s. Any
student who is familiar with chess rules is welcome to leave their
name with library staff for consideration. A letter with more details
will be given to successful students asap.
College News
As an extension of the Music Program, St Eugene College has
been offering Music tutoring sessions in a Music Excellence Program which aligns with the Australian Music Examinations Board.
Volunteer Roster
Recently, Aleisha Cadoo in Year 12 sat her Grade 3 A.M.E.B Theory
of Music Exam with outstanding results, achieving over 90% and
being awarded Honours. Aleisha is to be congratulated on her
outstanding result!
Mandy Bein
Linda Cadman
Tutoring is held Thursday afternoons in H2 from 3pm until 4pm
Nicky Rose Secondary Music Teacher
A big congratulations goes to Samuel Fiorin
(Year 8) and Michael Robie (Year 8) who successfully completed their Surf Rescue Certificate over the school holidays and have already
started patrolling Woorim Beach at Bribie.
Well done boys!
Roster for week commencing 20th October 2014:
Leiza Dunlop
Leanne Camerlengo & Amanda Bradley
Online Ordering
Another way you can order is online at
Follow the instructions online, and your child’s order will be printed
at the tuckshop and delivered to their class for children in grades
1 to 5. Children in grades 6 to 12 who order on FlexiSchools need
to pick their order up from the senior tuckshop.
Monday, Wednesday & Friday
8am to 10am
On Sunday 9th November 2014 St Eugene College is holding a
“UNIQUE SNAPZ” Family Portrait fundraiser. This is a great opportunity to support our organization whilst at the same time you will
receive memorable portraits of your family.
If you have not already made your booking, could you please do so
as soon possible. If you need another flyer with the details and an
order form please contact Debbie Turner on: 0431 016 141 or
ask at your organizations office. We will confirm your appointment
time after your reply has been returned.
Debbie Turner
Skoolbag Update
Apples latest iOS 8 update has affected various functions in the
Skoolbag app. We are aware of these issues including push notifications not working, and to rectify this we are currently updating
the apps with a new version. Please note that the issue does not
effect users who are still running iOS 7.
Tuesday & Thursday
2pm to 4pm
Uniform Try-ons 2015
Appointments for Year 9 students going into Year 10 for 2015 will
be on 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th January 2015 between 9am and
2pm. Please telephone the College to book an appointment.
For Year 5 students going into Year 6 for 2015 please note that
there is only a slight change to uniforms. The boys change to a
formal zip up navy short (these are in cm for sizing ) and long navy
socks. The girls can no longer wear the formal dress and need to
add a tie to their blouse. You can pop in during normal opening
hours to purchase these items, or order via
For current Skoolbag customers your app will be upgraded to
2.6.0 version. You can expect the update will be ready for
download within the next 2 - 4 weeks. If you have any more questions, please email for more information.
Student Services
Now that winter has ended the lost property box
is full of jackets and pullovers. All named articles
have been returned but the box is still full!
Please check that your student has taken their
jacket/pullover home.
Our parish will conduct the annual
World Mission Month appeal this
weekend (October 18/19). The proliferation of appeals being conducted in
parishes has created some confusion.
The recent Archdiocesan Catholic
Campaign raised money to support
the ‘internal’ ministries of the Archdiocese. This current World
Mission Month appeal asks you to be generous to support the
global missionary work of the Church, in more than 160 countries,
including Jamaica (the focus for this year’s appeal). Thanks for
responding so generously, whenever and however you are asked.
6.00 – 9.00pm