Delhi - The Pioneer
Delhi - The Pioneer
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The Prime Minister, attired in a white T-shirt, white trousers and a scarf for the celebrations at majestic Capitol Complex, also stressed that yoga is “not a religious practice” and called it “people’s mass movement.” Noting that yoga has become a major economic activity worldwide, Modi said that it gives health benefits on “zero budget”. Among all the methods of preventive care, yoga is cheap and available to all, he said. An avid yoga practitioner, the Prime Minister performed most of the ‘asanas’, along with thousands of participants, clad in blue-and-white-coloured Tshirts and black trousers, bending and stretching in sync with the English and Hindi instructions to a background score of Indian classical music being played over loudspeakers at the venue. Full of zest and zeal, the yoga enthusiasts, specially A D6?D6I ?:7EJ F40C74A <0G"&'2 <8=!&2 ?Pac[hR[^dShbZh 20?BD;4 B05A820=F><0=74;3 F8C7C!2A3AD6B0C8680 =Tf3T[WX) 0B^dcW0UaXRP] f^\P]P[[TVTSc^QTP] X]cTa]PcX^]P[SadV_TSS[TafPb PaaTbcTSPccWT8]SXaP6P]SWX 8]cTa]PcX^]P[0Xa_^acfXcW #ZV^U ]PaR^cXRf^acWC!Ra^aTfWX[TWTa =XVTaXP]PRR^\_[XRTfPb]PQQTS Ua^\1daPaXX]3T[WX>UUXRXP[bbPXS Pa^d]S _\^]<^]SPh28B5 b[TdcWbSTcTRcTSbdb_XRX^db \^eT\T]c^UPU[XTaXST]cXUXTSPb 1T[X]SP5#!fW^fPbc^caPeT[ c^0SSXb0QPQP ?! 68AA84=3B50BC05C4A A09=0C7E8B8CB78< =Tf3T[WX) CWaTTSPhbX]c^WXb _a^cTbcPVPX]bc3T[WX2WXTU <X]XbcTa0aeX]S:TYaXfP[19?<? <PWTXbW6XaaX^]CdTbSPhT]STS WXbUPbcd]c^STPcWPUcTaD]X^] 7^\T<X]XbcTaAPY]PcWBX]VW bW^fTSd_PccWTbXcTP]S\PST P]P__TP[c^WX\ ?! =6>BF8C7C 2A083C> 14F8C78=;>:?0;0<18C =Tf3T[WX) 8]^aSTac^ZTT_P RWTRZ^]cWTUd]SX]V^U=6>b ^aVP]XbPcX^]baTRTXeX]V\^aT cWP]C Ra^aTPb6^eTa]\T]c VaP]cP]SS^]PcX^]bPQ^eTC [PZWUa^\PQa^PSWPeTQTT] Qa^dVWcd]STacWTP\QXc^UcWT ;^Z_P[ 003700AC>14;8=:43 F8C720BC424AC85820C4 =Tf3T[WX)CWT2T]caTWPb PbZTSP[[BcPcT6^eTa]\T]cbc^ [X]Z0PSWPPafXcWRPbcTP]S S^\XRX[TRTacXUXRPcTbc^QTXbbdTS c^bRW^^[bcdST]cbPb_Pac^UP UXabc^UXcbZX]SX]XcXPcXeTQhcWT 2T]caTCWTBcPcTbWPeTQTT] c^[Sc^T]bdaTcWPcbdRW RTacXUXRPcTbPaTXbbdTSfXcWX]% SPhbcX\Tc^cWTbcdST]cbfWT] cWThPaTbcdShX]VX]2[PbbE^a 2[PbbE888 ?$ different Connaught Place A came alive on Tuesday as thousands of people performed X]cTa]PcX^]P[ \RJD GD\ shortlisted to perform yoga at Capitol Complex, started lining up around the spruced up complex around 3 am on Tuesday. These included Defence forces personnel, ITBP personnel, Punjab Armed Police personnel, Punjab University students, schoolchildren and the elderly. Many top-notch politicians ?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SXcPZTb_PacX] P\Pbbh^VPTeT]c^]cWT!]S8]cTa]PcX^]P[ H^VP3PhPc2P_Xc^[2^\_[TgX] 2WP]SXVPaW^]CdTbSPh ?C8 and top bureaucrats from the region also sat on mats to perform asanas at the one-hour long event that was closely followed across the world. Kicking off the event, the Prime Minister urged people to embrace yoga for better physical and mental health saying “Iss Jeevan mein Yoga ko Jeevan ka Hissa baniye.” “Just as the mobile phone is now part of your life, make yoga too a part of your life,” Modi, while addressing the gathering, told the yoga enthusiasts. Continued on Page 4 asanas between 7 am and 7.45 am at Inner Circle and radial roads of the Capital’s commercial hub to mark the second International Yoga Day. The usual buzz of activity in the area was replaced by chants of “Om”. The event, jointly organised by Ministry of AYUSH and New Delhi Municipal Council, began with a yoga programme of Jnanasindhu School for blind from Karnataka, followed by a martial arts performance by CISF women commandos. Around 250 CISF commandos, including women commando, demonstrated on ‘Pekiti Tirsia <hb_TRXP[cWP]Zbc^P[[cW^bTfW^^aVP]XbTSe^[d]cTTaTSc^^aVP]XbT83H! %_a^VaP\\TbCWTXa TUU^acbPaTPS\XaPQ[T ?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SXcfTTcb B834;867CB <0A:4CB 0=:8C0D?037H0H?A8H0=:0 B70A<0 Q =4F34;78 5a^\_TaU^a\X]V²PPbP]Pb³X]bdQiTa^ cT\_TaPcdaTPcBXPRWT]c^STbTacX]APYPbcWP] P]SfPabWX_bcWTPa\TSU^aRTb\PaZTScWT 8]cTa]PcX^]P[H^VP3PhPRa^bbcWTR^d]cah>eTa U^da[PZW_Tab^]]T[Ua^\cWT0a\hP[^]T _PacXRX_PcTSX]cWTTeT]cb 2^d]cah³b[PaVTbcQ^aSTaVdPaSX]VU^aRT1B5fX[[ b^^]bT]SP (_Tab^]]T[bca^]VR^]cX]VT]c c^VTc²PSeP]RTS³caPX]X]VX]h^VPTgTaRXbTbP]S bZX[[bQhAP\STePcWXbUPRX[XchX]7PaXSfPa ?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SXfW^Y^X]TS^eTa "_T^_[TWTaTU^acWTbTR^]S8]cTa]PcX^]P[ H^VP3PhRT[TQaPcX^]bUaTT[h\X]V[TSfXcWcWT _PacXRX_P]cb^Q[XVX]VcWT\fXcWbT[UXTbP]S cP[ZX]VQaXTU[hfXcWcWT²SXehP]Vb³ ?=BQ =4F34;78 onfronted by the rising number of willful Income Tax (I-T) defaulters, the department has asked its officers not to shy away from invoking the rare provisions of arrest, detention and auctioning of attached assets of the accused. Now defaulters face rigorous imprisonment for a period between three months and three years and a fine as the Central Board of Direct Taxes, in a strategy paper for the current fiscal, has directed the I-T department to use this provision, used rarely till now, stated under Section 276C (2) of the I-T Act. The I-T department has also decided to block Permanent Account Number (PAN) of default entities for any activities, get their LPG subsidy cancelled and take measures to ensure that they are not sanctioned loans. C The I-T department has a designated official to execute these rare powers, called the Tax Recovery Officer (TRO) within its establishment. “The machinery of the TRO should be strengthened by providing more infrastructure and manpower. The TROs should be further trained specifically for their work in order to increase their effectiveness. In respect of non-compliant defaulters, the provisions of arrest and detention as per the provisions of Rules 73 to 81 of Schedule II should be invoked by the TRO. Stringent action can be taken in suitable cases, including use of the provision for prosecution under Section 276C(2) of the Act,” it said. The strategy papers act as a guiding light for the taxman for the financial year, 2016-17. It has asked the supervising authority to monitor TROs’ work, “especially in the area of attachment and sale of property to ensure that the attached properties are sold within one year.” “The role of a TRO comes at the fag end in a tax evasion case when the demand raised by the department gets converted into wilful default. A TRO executes his power of arrest and detention when there is a chronic default. Continued on Page 4 remained clear throughout the event. Addressing the gathering, Venkaiah Naidu said, “Yoga is not a religion. It is a way of life for a healthy mind in a healthy body.” Western countries had adopted “yogic traditions to heal themselves”, he said urging Indians to make yoga a part of their lives and make it a people’s movement. He, along with other dignitaries, later joined the yoga enthusiasts for the 45minute yoga practice. Apart from Connaught Place, the AYUSH Ministry organised the event at six other locations — Lodhi Garden, Nehru Park, Talkatora Garden, Swarn Jayanti Park in Rohini, Yamuna Sports Complex in Patparganj and District Park in Dwarka. Continued on Page 4 A4;0C43A4?>ACB)?!% ! 0[PaVTVa^d_^UT]cWdbXPbcb^UH^VPP]S P]RXT]c2WX]TbT\PacXP[PacCPX2WXc^^Z_PacX]P °9dVP[QP]SX±TgTaRXbTbPccWTXR^]XR6aTPcFP[[ <^aTcWP] %_aTV]P]cf^\T]X]6dYPaPc³b APYZ^cRXchR[PX\c^WPeTbTcP]Tf6dX]]Tbb aTR^aS^]cWT8]cTa]PcX^]P[H^VP3PhQh _TaU^a\X]VPb_TRXP[ZX]S^U²_aT]PcP[³h^VP 0f^\P]PSe^RPcTX]CP\X[=PSdRaTPcTSP ]Tff^a[SaTR^aSU^aR^]cX]d^db_TaU^a\P]RT ^Uh^VPPbP]Pb^aTgTaRXbTb >eTa $_T^_[TX]R[dSX]V& SX_[^\Pcbc^^Z_PacX]8]cTa]PcX^]P[H^VP 3PhRT[TQaPcX^]bPcbTeT]eT]dTbX]cWT ]PcX^]P[2P_XcP[ :EUVWRf]eVcdWRTV$jcC: 6DOPDQ.KDQUDSSHGIRU RdUVaee`X`Sjcf]VS``\ µUDSHGZRPDQ¶DQDORJ\ 7D[HYDGHUV¶DVVHWVWR JRXQGHUKDPPHU FDQ¶WDYDLOEDQNORDQ RUUHJLVWHUSURSHUWLHV Kali’, a Filipino martial art. Urban Development Minister M Venkaiah Naidu was the chief guest at the event and Lt Governor Najeeb Jung and BJP MP Meenakshi Lekhi also participated. Celebrities like international wrestler Sangram Singh and Miss India 2014 Koyal Rana were also present at the function. The level of excitement was palpable as people started turning up well before the dawn on the three radial roads of the Connaught Place. While the NDMC made all the arrangements for the event, several organisations — including Patanjali Yogpeeth, the Art of Living, Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vidyalaya and the Delhi Police — helped in making it a grand success. Besides, unlike the first edition, the weather god also showed support as the skies ?4Hd]Rad_`eZTV `_RTe`cdVV\Z_X Via]R_ReZ`_Z_hVV\ C=A067D=0C70Q <D<108 ?C8 4YZ_RW]ZaW]`ad`_ :_UZR¶d?D8SZU 064=284BQ 14898=6 ollywood actor Salman Khan on B Tuesday came in for a stinging criticism from various quarters for his “insensitive”, “irresponsible” and “callous” comment that he felt like a “raped woman” after a gruelling shoot of a wrestling bout for his forthcoming film “Sultan”. While women activists staged protests outside his Bandra residence in north Mumbai, activists and twitteraties condemned his “insensitive” remark and demanded an apology from him. Taking suo motu cognizance of Salman “irresponsible and callous” remark, the National Commission for Women (NCW) shot off a letter to the actor seeking his explanation in seven days and also warning him that he would be summoned before the commission if failed to provide a satisfactory explanation. In an audio recording of the interview that he gave to a Bollywood website as part of the promotion of “Sultan”, he said the shooting of ?T^_[TcPZT_PacX]H^VP3PhPcAPbWcaP_PcX1WPeP]X]=Tf3T[WX^]CdTbSPh hina, which has been C opposing India’s NSG membership bid, on Tuesday wrestling bouts was so gruelling that he felt like a “raped woman” while he would walk out of the ring after the shoot. “While shooting, during those six hours, there’d be so much of lifting and thrusting on the ground involved. That was tough for me because if I was lifting, I’d have to lift the same 120-kilo guy 10 times for 10 different angles. And likewise, get thrown that many times on the ground. This act is not repeated that many times in the real fights in the ring... When I used to walk out of the ring, after the shoot, I used to feel like a raped woman. I couldn’t walk straight,” the actor said in the interview. However, moments later, the actor appeared to regret his statement. “I don’t think I should have...,” he said. Continued on Page 4 for the first time said the “door is open” for discussions on the issue but took a swipe at the US for backing India, saying it was one of those who made the rule against the entry of non-NPT countries into NSG. Beijing’s statement comes a day after it said the NSG was divided over admitting India and the issue would not figure in the agenda of the NSG plenary in Seoul this week. The US has appealed to the member countries of the 48-member bloc to support India’s bid for membership. Beijing maintained that it was the US which laid down the rules of non-signatory countries of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty not being allowed membership of the bloc. Chinese Foreign Ministry, however, asked the 48-member NSG to “stay focussed” on whether the criteria should be changed on entry of non-NPT countries into the elite group. “I have not seen the US statement supporting India. But the US is one of those who made the rule that non-NPT countries should not join the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG),” Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying told a media briefing. “The relevant rule was made on the principle that NPT was the cornerstone of the NSG,” she said. Continued on Page 4 Related reports on P4, 5 ,OOHJDOFRQVWUXFWLRQE\&53)FKRNHV'HOKL¶VJUHHQOXQJ ^W]\SS` TgR[dbXeT B0?=0B8=67Q =4F34;78 iolating the crucial 1996 V judgment of the Supreme Court of India, two top security agencies, the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) and National Intelligence Grid (NATGRID), which is the integrated Intelligence grid, have started massive “illegal” construction in Ghitorni area of the southern ridge. Under the Forest Conservation Act, 1980 (FC Act), use of forest land in protected areas (PAs) requires prior recommendation of the Standing Committee of the CWT2T]caP[ATbTaeT?^[XRT5^aRTP]S=PcX^]P[8]cT[[XVT]RT6aXSWPeTbcPacTS\PbbXeT ³X[[TVP[´R^]bcadRcX^]X]6WXc^a]XPaTP^UcWTb^dcWTa]aXSVTD]STacWT5^aTbc 2^]bTaePcX^]0Rc ('cWTdbT^UU^aTbc[P]SX]_a^cTRcTSPaTPbaT`dXaTb_aX^a aTR^\\T]SPcX^]^UcWTBcP]SX]V2^\\XccTT^UcWT=PcX^]P[1^PaSU^aFX[S[XUTP]S_aX^a TgT\_cX^]Ua^\cWTBd_aT\T2^dac National Board for Wildlife and prior leave of the SC. As per para 4.4 of the guidelines of FC Act, it has been decided that if a project involves forest as well as nonforest land, work should not be started on non-forest land till approval is given by the Central Government for release of forest land. According to environmentalists, geologists and activists, the southern ridge acts as the green lung of the national Capital. Moreover, any type of pucca construction on forest reserve area not only offsets the ecological balance, but the construction impacts the groundwater table also. However in this case, the Department of Environment, Forest and Wildlife, the Government of National Capital Territory, on August 11, 2014, allowed both the agencies to construct on reserved forest land without putting this infor- CWT?X^]TTa eXbXcTScWT R^]bcadRcX^]bXcTfWXRWXb $ Z\Ua^\cWT6WXc^a]X<Tca^ BcPcX^]P]S^QbTaeTScWPccWT \PbbXeTR^]bcadRcX^]XbV^X]V mation in public domain. Meanwhile, people have come out against the construction work on the southern ridge. KTS Tulsi, former Addition Solicitor General (ASG) of India, and member of the Rajya Sabha said, “To start construction without the permission of the Supreme Court is contempt of court.” The construction site, Andheria Mode, falls under the southern ridge and as per a judgment dated March 13, 1996 in the case of MC Mehta vs Union of India, KTS Tulsi, who was the ASG then, had assured the SC that the CRPF would vacate the area occupied by the Training Camp and no construction would be done in future. According to sources, around 305 trees have been felled while only seven have been planted. Sanjay Parikh, Senior Advocate and Environmental Lawyer, is likely to file a case against the agencies after courts reopen after the summer break. Continued on Page 4 RP_XcP[! =4F34;78kF43=4B30H k9D=4!!! % 8ZccZV_Ud$URjR_dYR_ ),5DJDLQVWPHDW30¶VEHKHVW&0 E2?<6CD42>+<V[cZhR]dRjdYVde``U]Z\VRc`T\RXRZ_de>`UZ `_CR[_ReY¶daVcdfRdZ`_ BC055A4?>AC4A Q =4F34;78 he BJP Member of Parliament T from East Delhi Maheish Girri, who was on an indefinite hunger strike for the last three days outside Delhi Chief Minister Ar vind Kejriwal’s residence, ended his fast on Tuesday after Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh showed up at the site and persuaded him. Girri had been on anshan outside Kejriwal’s residence since Sunday in protest against the CM’s allegations that he was involved in the murder of New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) official MM Khan in Jamia Nagar’s Johri Farm. The Home Minister promised Girri an impartial enquiry into Kejriwal’s allegations in the May 16 Khan’s murder case. “I have come here to request Maheish Girriji to end his fast,” the Home Minister said. Girri said, “I challenged Kejriwal for a debate and it has been three days and he didn’t turn up so it’s their loss. I’m going to end my hunger strike today.” The Union Home Minister and Delhi BJP chief Satish Upadhyay offered juice to Girri and ended his anshan. After ending the strike, Girri tweeted and challenged CM Kejriwal for a debate on Wednesday. “Hello @ArvindKejriwal, I will come for a debate by end of day tomorrow. Your Time. Your Place. Your People. PS: pls do bring all the proofs.” Rajnath asked Girri not to get distracted by these tactics of political mudslinging. “Police in its investigation has not found anything against 19?<?6XaaXQaTPZbWXbUPbcX]cWT_aTbT]RT^U7^\T<X]XbcTaAPY]PcWBX]VWP]S^cWTa19?[TPSTabX]=Tf 3T[WX^]CdTbSPh6XaaXfPbUPbcX]VU^acWT[PbccWaTTSPhbX]_a^cTbcPVPX]bcP[[TVPcX^]bQh2<0aeX]S:TYaXfP[ cWPcWTfPbX]e^[eTSX]cWT\daSTa^U=3<2^UUXRXP[<<:WP]^]<Ph %X]>ZW[P AP]YP]3X\aXk?X^]TTa him in the alleged murder of MM Khan. He should not be disturbed by the allegations levelled due to political malice. Everywhere in society people are praising the moral courage and the works of Maheish Girri. It is necessary that Maheish Girri should disregard the allegations levelled due to political malice and concentrate on human service,” said Singh. Addressing the workers at the venue, Satish Upadhyay said, “We should thank Maheish Girri for his fight against Arvind Kejriwal who has become a symbol of falsehood and forgery. The workers of Delhi BJP are with Maheish Girri. This hunger strike of Maheish Girri will be the beginning of the end of empire of falsehood of Kejriwal.” While continuing his protest, Girri performed yoga outside Kejriwal’s residence on International Yoga Day. After reports about deterioration in Girri’s health surfaced on Monday night, Union Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan and Delhi BJP chief Satish Upadhyay, MPs Pravesh Verma, Vijay Goel, RP Singh, former Mayor Harsh Malhotra, former MLA Pawan Sharma, Subhash Sachdeva, Jitender Singh Shunty, etc and senior leaders came to meet Girri on Tuesday. Addressing the workers, Harsh Vardhan said Delhi is passing through a phase of anarchy and if this does not end soon then there will be constitutional crisis in Delhi. “Maheish Girri should continue his fight against the mis-propaganda of Kejriwal Government but should end his hunger strike in view of precious human life,” said Vardhan. On Monday, BJP leaders, including Rajya Sabha member Subramanian Swamy and Manoj Tiwary also visited the spot and supported Girri. Tuesday claimed he stood like a “rock” against Narendra Modi’s “misdeeds” and alleged that the FIR linking his Government to the multi-crore water tanker scam was filed at the former’s behest. Kejriwal claimed “an FIR was registered against me under the directions of PM Narendra Modi.” The FIR, however, does not mention either Arvind Kejriwal or Sheila Dikshit. Making a brief yet agressive statement to the media, Kejriwal dared Modi to lodge “as many FIRs and get as many CBI raids conducted against me as he can,” asserting such “coercive” methods would not “scare” him or the Aam Aadmi Party into silence. The Chief Minister wondered why Congress president Sonia Gandhi’s son-in-law Robert Vadra was not being acted against, contrary to the pre-poll rhetoric of the BJP. He also questioned the Centre’s “inaction” against Sonia in the AgustaWestland scam. Mentioning that the FIR is false and nothing will get out of it. Kejriwal questioned, “Why Modiji is conducting false CBI raids? PM has threatened all others through false FIRs and raids. He wants to break me down, but whatever he will do, I will be standing like a rock. Whenever there is a Dalit or a farmer will face atrocities, I will be standing with them.” Delhi CM also said, “Modiji, I am not a Rahul Gandhi or Sonia Gandhi that you can scare me. I am not a Robert Vadra that you can ATP[c^aZX[[TSX]1WPYP]_daPUXaX]V*b^]RaXcXRP[ B>DE8:<8CA0Q =4F34;78 45-year-old man was killed and four others, including A his son, were injured in northeast Delhi’s Bhajanpura chowk area on Tuesday morning when four men in a car opened fire at them. According to a senior police official, the incident occurred around 8.15 am when four men in a car (Maruti Swift) waylaid the father and son, who were on a motorcycle. The father, Kailash Gupta, who was a property dealer succumbed to his injuries while his son, Rajan Gupta, in his 20s, is critically injured and admitted at Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital. Police claimed to have identified the men but did not disclose their identity as it might hamper further investigation. Kailash stayed in Harsh Bazaar area near to the place of the incident. As a routine, Kailash and his son had gone to a nearby park for morning walk. After finishing their exercise, CP]ZTaXaaTVd[PaXcXTb R^]cX]dTSSdaX]V00? 6^ecP[[TVTb19? aking on Prime Minister Narendra Modi yet again, Chief T Minister Arvind Kejriwal on 0=:8C0B70A<0Q =4F34;78 3^Rc^abTgP\X]TX]YdaTS_Tab^]bX]bTc:PX[PbW6d_cP they stopped at a juice shop before heading home. “Right then four unidentified men in a white Maruti Swift slowed down at shooting range in front of them and two of them held out guns and started shooting at Kailash and his son,” said a official privy to the investigation in possession of the CCTV footage of the area. “The assailants waited till they saw Kailash collapse on the ground but then started their car when Rajan started screaming in pain. When they could not shoot Rajan anymore they started shooting indiscrimi- nately all around in order to create panic,” said the official. While the accused were on a shooting spree, one bullet hit the leg of a rickshaw driver identified as Ramlaxman(50), who was sitting in a tea shop. Another passerby, identified as Banwari (40) also received bullet injuries to his left thigh and fell down. The assailants then pulled their weapons inside the car, picked up speed and hit another person Javed (34), when they saw that he was running away. All the three were taken to GTB Hospital for treatment, said police. A police source said the suspicion is on Sunil Pehlwan, who is another property dealer and had a long standing rivalry with Kailash regarding a plot of land in Bhajanpura. “In December 2014, Sunil Pehlwan had murdered Vishal Gupta, who was the eldest son of Kailash, regarding the same property dispute. An FIR had been lodged against Pehalwan then. Our full suspicion lies with him but cannot say anything till we have any evidence,” said the source. Speaking to The Pioneer, Karan Gupta, another son of Kailash said, “My father’s birthday is on June 23 and we had planned a family lunch. My mother Sonam became unconscious on hearing the news of my father’s death.”“We have registered an FIR at Gokalpuri Police Station against the accused under Sections 302, 307 and 34 of IPC and further investigations are on,” said the official. Kailash is survived by his wife Sonam and two sons. he Delhi BJP on Tuesday claimed the tanker irregulariT ties continued even during the Arvind Kejriwal Government. “Kejriwal Government not only tried to save former Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit in the DJB water 2WXTU<X]XbcTa0aeX]S:TYaXfP[fXcWWXbST_dch<P]XbWBXb^SXPPSSaTbbTbP?aTbbR^]UTaT]RT X]=Tf3T[WX^]CdTbSPh ?C8 tanker scam but also permitted work by the same contractors who >`UZ[Z:R^_`eRCRYf]8R_UYZ`cD`_ZR8R_UYZeYRej`fTR_ were working during her regime,” Delhi BJP chief Satish Upadhyay dTRcV^V:R^_`eRC`SVceGRUcReYRej`fTR_YRgVR alleged. Leader of Opposition in dVeeZ_XdVTcVeUVR]hZeY^VEYV>`UZ8`gVc_^V_eU`Vd_¶e Delhi Assembly, Vijendra Gupta WZ]VTRdVdRXRZ_deCRYf]`cD`_ZR8R_UYZ`cGRUcRSfeZe questioned on the motive of the AAP Government and CM Arvind eRcXVed^VJ`fTR_T`_UfTeRd^R_jcRZUdR_URd^R_j Kejriwal who did nothing on the 7:Cd:hZ]]UZVSfehZ]]_`ee`]VcReVWcRfU fact-finding report and sit over it ¯27845<8=8BC4A0AE8=3 :49A8F0; for 11 months. The question is why he did not act on the report for the have a setting (secret deal) with me. Delhi’s Anti-Corruption Branch 11 months,” said Gupta, adding the The Modi Government doesn’t file (ACB) chief MK Meena said besides ACB should probe this angle. cases against Rahul or Sonia probing former Delhi CM Sheila Gandhi or Vadra but it targets me. Dikshit’s role in the tanker scam, defence sector to FDI jeopardising You can conduct as many raids and Kejriwal may also be quizzed for “sit- the country’s security, then I will as many FIRs. I will die but will not ting over” a report by an AAP raise my voice. If BJP leaders are Government-ordered fact-finding seen siding with the killers of an tolerate fraud.” “Why wasn’t any CBI raid not committee that found the alleged honest officer MM Khan, then I ordered against Vadra, Sonia or irregularities. He said he will raise his will raise my voice,” he said. A case was registered on Rahul? But FIR and raids are con- voice against Modi “shielding” Shivraj ducted against me. This indicates Singh Chauhan, Vasundhara Raje, Monday by ACB in connection that even Modiji also believes that Anandiben Patel, who he alleged with the alleged C400-crore water his fight is directly against me,” were involved in the Vyapam scan- tanker scam allegedly against then Kejriwal said. “Modi has tried to dal, controversy over former IPL boss CM Sheila Dikshit. Meena said two complaints intimidate people with raids, false Lalit Modi’s immigration application related to the alleged scam include cases and threats. But I am stand- and a land scam respectively. “I will raise my voice if you help Dikshit and Kejriwal. Both will be ing like a rock — I won’t bend, Vijay Mallya flee the country with questioned, said the police officer, break or back off,” he added. His attack came a day after C7,000 crore. If you open the who reports to the Centre. ;?F¶dTV_ecR]]ZScRcj _`hcV_R^VURWeVc 3C2^SVU\Rc BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 awaharlal Nehru University on Tuesday gave a go ahead to the renaming of the university’s central library as BR Ambedkar Librar y following demands from the ABVP. The ABVP which is locked in an ideological battle with the Left-backed groups on campus had in April also demanded a statue of the architect of Indian Constitution be installed there. The university’s library committee approved the proposal which was on Tuesday placed before the Executive Council, the statutory decision making body of the university. “The proposal was placed before the council today and was approved unanimously to rename the central library as BR Ambedkar Library,” an EC member said. The Left-groups active on campus had termed the ABVP’s demands “ironic” alleging that “it’s weird on one hand the Government is terrorising students who pursue Ambedkarite politics, while its student wing on the other hand is hell bent upon appropriating Ambedkar”. J 6$IULFDQZRPDQKHOGDW,*,$ ZLWKQDUFRWLFZRUWKRYHUCFU BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 n a major drug haul, officials of the Delhi Iapprehended zone unit of Narcotics Control Bureau a 42-year-old South African woman with over 14 kilo extremely fine quality Methaqualone, estimated to be valued at more than C2 crore, at IGI Airport in the national Capital on the intervening night of Monday and Tuesday. According to a senior official, the woman identified as Belinda Faurie, has been shuttling frequently between India and South Africa, with this being her eighth visit to India since October, last year. Her accomplice, Obiefoka Friday Okeke (32), with whom the lady used to stay while being in India was later arrested from his rented accommodation in Sant Nagar in Burari at the outskirts of Delhi. Okeke, who was found to be in possession of a Nigerian Passport, used to pick and drop her at the airport whenever the lady visited India. “NCB had received a very concrete information about one and half months back that one Belinda Faurie was regularly visiting India from South Africa to procure the consignments of drugs. Based on this concrete information, a Look Out Circular had been opened against her name at all ports by the NCB about one month back,” said Rohit Sharma, Zonal Director, NCB Delhi Zone. <0=9D<?B>55=>8305;H>E4A 30B=0908;8=<0C470=6BB4;5 Noida: A-50-year-old man committed suicide by jumping from Mahamaya flyover at the busiest Noida-Greater Noida Expressway in Sector-44, Noida on Tuesday. He was rushed to a nearby hospital but later succumed to his injuries. The deceased has been identified as Devender Bajaj, a resident of Rani Bagh of North West Delhi. Staff Reporter 6WPiXPQPS) 0]X]\PcTbTaeX]V[XUTcTa\X]3Pb]P YPX[R^\\XccTSbdXRXST^]<^]SPh]XVWc?^[XRT bPXS1PQ[^^PaTbXST]c^U0Qd_dafPbU^d]S WP]VX]VX]cWTc^X[TcQhWXbc^fT[7TfPbadbWTS c^6^eTa]\T]c<<67^b_XcP[fWTaTS^Rc^ab STR[PaTSWX\Qa^dVWcSTPS1PQ[^^P]SWXb Qa^cWTafTaTPaaTbcTSX]!#Qh=XfPaX_^[XRT P]SbT]cT]RTSc^[XUTcTa\X]! U^aZX[[X]VcWTXa ]TXVWQ^da B?BX]VW :_eVc_ReZ`_R]J`XR5Rj+GZdfR]]jZ^aRZcVUTYZ]UcV_afeZTZ_X`_TR\V 2XcX]VX\_^acP]RT^Uh^VPX][XUTP]Tg_TacbPhb h^VP^]SPX[hQPbXb\PZTb^]T\T]cP[[hbca^]V ?A8H0=:0B70A<00=:8C0 D?037H0HQ =4F34;78 “sea of humanity” came together in the national A Capital on Tuesday to make the second International Yoga Day a great success. While foreigners and diplomats practiced yoga at various locations in the city, a group of blind children from Karnataka showcased yoga and wowed the audience. Also, the women soldiers marked their strong presence on the historic day. Shivanad N Kelur, the yoga instructor for these blind students at a Karnataka-based school said, “Our school helps blind children to learn physical exercise. We emphasise more on yoga as it keeps one mentally and physically fit.” According to Kelur, yoga has increased the memory and concentration for these blind children. Vimshi Kabadar, 13, a blind child who performed solo yoga postures, said, “I have been doing yoga for many years and I feel good doing it.” Citing the importance of yoga in life, Kabadar said yoga on daily basis makes one mentally strong and makes one see the world through the mind. “We understand things better now,” he added. These children have performed yoga at various platforms across the nation. Eightyear-old Laxmi Niayyar said, “I feel so energised when I do yoga and I want to make my career as a yoga trainer.” It is for the first time she has showcased yoga talent outside her hometown. While many blind students narrated the importance of yoga for the healthy mind and soul, the differently-abled children were nowhere less to highlight the awareness and importance of yoga for staying fit. The women soldiers also marked their strong presence at Connaught Place. On one hand, the women team of CISF proved that there is no dearth of measures for tackling eve teasers through a martial art form, around 200 newly recruited lady constables from the Delhi Police also proved how important yoga has become part of their routine life. The women commandos, who are largely undercover, showed how things like a dupatta, hair pin, footwear, and a small wooden rod can be helpful in defending oneself. Also, the commandos stressed on the importance of staying fit and healthy for a common woman. The elite team of CISF women commandos displayed Pekiti Tirsia Kali, a martial art ;c6^eTa]^a=PYTTQ9d]V_PacXRX_PcTbX]P\Pbbh^VPbTbbX^]Pc2^]]PdVWc?[PRT 3T_dch2<<P]XbWBXbW^SXPcPZTb_PacX]8]cTa]PcX^]P[H^VP3PhRT[TQaPcX^]bX]=Tf3T[WX^]CdTbSPh originally from Philippines. These undercover women combatants have been trained in the century-old martial art technique which is a closequarter unarmed combat skill used to take on multiple opponents at one time by using obscure objects usually worn on the body. These female commandos are posted in Delhi Metro and respond to any misbehaviour, aggression or violence against women passengers or others, and also keep a similar profile and task at the Indira Gandhi International Airport (IGIA). “We have been doing yoga daily for the past three months and it’s a part of our training now,” said Yamamuri, a recruit originally from Arunanchal Pradesh. Total 196 lady constables selected from across the country reached Connaught Place early in the morning and performed yoga. Kajal from Daman and Diu who has been in Delhi for the past three months said that she is happy that now yoga has become such an important part of her life as she begins her day with it which has made her more focused. Deepali, who hails from Delhi’s Shahdara said, “To keep us healthy, yoga is most important for women. Indeed, yoga AP]YP]3X\aXk?X^]TTa can also help women to get the self defense,” said Deepali. Tulika, a resident of Assam is a women constable at Delhi Police, said, “It is an amazing experience to be at World Yoga Day celebrations for us as it essential for a healthy mind and body.” Meanwhile, diplomats, along with their children, from 40 countries including Afghanistan, Russia, Sri Lanka, Japan, Mexico, Ghana, Belgium, Singapore, China and others participated in the event and said yoga is a popular exercise across the globe which has maintained the soft connection with India. ?C8 D=8E4AB8C84B9>8=8=3808=?A02C828=6H>60?>BCDA4B CWT8]cTa]PcX^]P[H^VP3PhfPbRT[TQaPcTSPRa^bbcWTTSdRPcX^]P[X]bcXcdcTb^UcWT]PcX^]P[2P_XcP[X]R[dSX]V 9PfPWPa[P[=TWadD]XeTabXch3T[WXD]XeTabXchP]S9P\XP<X[[XP8b[P\XPBcPcTD]XeTabXcXTb[XZT1A0\QTSZPa D]XeTabXch3T[WXP]SBaX6dadBX]VW8]SaP_aPbcWPD]XeTabXchP[b^WT[S_a^VaP\\Tbc^RT[TQaPcTcWTSPh^] H^VP^]CdTbSPh<^aTcWP]&\T\QTab_TaU^a\TSH^VPfXcWcWTCbWXacX\_aX]cTSfXcWcWT8]cTa]PcX^]P[ H^VP3PhP]S9PfPWPa[P[=TWadD]XeTabXch[^V^X]PH^VPUd]RcX^]PccWTePabXch^]CdTbSPhCWTd]XeTabXch RT[TQaPcTScWTTeT]c^eTacWTfTTZT]SUa^\9d]T & 8=38A060=3788=C4A=0C8>=0;08A?>AC24;41A0C4BH>6030HF8C75;84AB CWT8]SXaP6P]SWX8]cTa]PcX^]P[8680Xa_^acRT[TQaPcTS8]cTa]PcX^]P[3Ph^UH^VP^]CdTbSPhfXcWcWTU[XTab P]SPXa_^acR^\\d]XchP\XSUTae^daP]ST]cWdbXPb\CWT3T[WX8]cTa]PcX^]P[0Xa_^ac?;X\XcTS380;P 6<A[TSR^]b^acXd\X]Pbb^RXPcX^]fXcWBfP\XEXeTZP]P]SPH^VP0]dbP]SWP]PBP\bcWP]P\D]XeTabXch ^aVP]XbTScWXbd]X`dTTeT]cBcPacX]VPc%P\cWTRT[TQaPcX^]X]R[dSTSePaX^dbh^VPbTbbX^]bP[^]VfXcWH^VP aTbTPaRWST\^]bcaPcX^]P]SS^Rc^aR^]bd[cPcX^]U^ah^VPcWTaP_h8?aPQWPZPaPAP^24>380;X]PdVdaPcTS cWTH^VP3Ph]TPacWT_^_d[Pa²BdahP=P\PbZPa³bcPcdTPccWTCTa\X]P["3^\TbcXRST_PacdaTPaTP C870AA>78=8908;B8=<0C4B60C74A8=A42>A3=D<14A5>A8H3 0aTR^aSVPcWTaX]V^U^eTa _aXb^]TabP]SbcPUU^UCXWPa_aXb^]R^\_[TgP]SA^WX]XSXbcaXRcYPX[^] CdTbSPh_TaU^a\TSePaX^dbPbP]Pb^]cWT^RRPbX^]^U8]cTa]PcX^]P[H^VP3Ph°CXWPa2T]caP[YPX[P]SSXbcaXRc YPX[A^WX]XY^X]TScWTRT[TQaPcX^]U^acWT!]S8]cTa]PcX^]P[H^VP3PhfXcWPaTR^aS_PacXRX_PcX^]^U^eTa X]\PcTbP]SbcPUU±PbT]X^aCXWPa^UUXRXP[b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·VZLOOQRWEHKHOGUHVSRQVLEOHIRUDQ\NLQGRIFODLPPDGHE\WKHDGYHUWLVHUVRIWKHSURGXFWVVHUYLFHVDQGVKDOOQRWEHPDGHUHVSRQVLEOHIRUDQ\NLQGRIORVVFRQVHTXHQFHVDQGIXUWKHUSURGXFWUHODWHGGDPDJHVRQVXFKDGYHUWLVHPHQWV 3ULQWHGDQGSXEOLVKHGE\&KDQGDQ0LWUDIRUDQGRQEHKDOIRI&0<.3ULQWHFK/WGQG)ORRU/LQN+RXVH%DKDGXU6KDK=DIDU0DUJ1HZ'HOKL DQGSULQWHGDW-DJUDQ3UDNDVKDQ/WG'6HFWRU1RLGD83(GLWRU&KDQGDQ0LWUD$,5685&+$5*(RIC(DVW&DOFXWWD5DQFKL%KXEDQHVZDU1RUWK/HK:HVW 0XPEDL$KPHGDEDG6RXWK+\GHUDEDG%DQJDORUH&KHQQDL&HQWUDO.KDMXUDKR'HOKL 7HOHSKRQHV(3$%;/XFNQRZ2IILFHWK)ORRU6DKDUD6KRSSLQJ&HQWUH)DL]DEDG5RDG/XFNQRZ7HOHSKRQHV B63>7=<33@j<3E23:677E32<3A2/G j8C<3 $ " ]Tfb# =4F34;78kF43=4B30H k9D=4!!! % :_UZRd?D8SZUeYhRceVU dfTTVddWf]]jT]RZ^dAR\ ?C8Q 8B;0<0103 akistan has “successfully” blocked India's bid to gain P membership of the NSG, Prime Minister's advisor on foreign affairs Sartaj Aziz on Tuesday told Parliament. Pakistan has a strong case to gain Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) membership on merit and non-discriminatory basis, Aziz said in a statement. “We have been making successful efforts against India's Nuclear Suppliers Group membership,” he said. His remarks came ahead of the key meeting of the 48nation NSG this week in Seoul when it will take up the applications of India and Pakistan. Aziz also told lawmakers that Pakistan was not being isolated and its official foreign policy was being tuned to the new alignments in the world. He said Pakistan would continue to follow the policy of non-interference in affairs of other countries. He said foreign policy was geared for the protection of national interests and nuclear assets. Aziz said that Pakistan's political role would increase after becoming full member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation. He said Pakistan enjoyed historical relations with the Muslim world which were based on common religion and recent visits by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Muslim countries will not affect Pakistan's ties with them. Earlier, opposition parties blamed the Government for failing to safeguard national interests saying Pakistan was being isolated in the region and demanded a review of its foreign policy I_WQjUb_ReTWUdXUQ\dX From Page 1 Insisting that the ancient practice does not belong to one person, community or the country but to the whole world, he said that yoga is for both believers and non-believers and there is no need to create any controversy over it. “Some people do not understand yoga… It helps in getting mukti (salvation) from health issues,” said he in an attempt to de-link the belief among some that yoga was a part of Hinduism. Under attack from Opposition that such yoga programmes amount to interference in religious freedom, the Prime Minister said that yoga is not a religious activity. “It is not what you will get from yoga but what is important is what you will give to yoga and what all (ailments) will it rid you of,” he added. During his address which lasted for over 20 minutes, Modi urged those pursuing yoga to focus on the subject of diabetes before the third event of the UN-recognised day is celebrated next year. “Yoga can control diabetes if not eliminate it. This should be the main focus for the whole year,” said he while expressing concern over rising number of diabetic patients. The Prime Minister, who arrived here on Monday night, was welcomed with thundering claps and cheers from the large crowd as he started his address from the dais. Soon after addressing the gathering, Modi climbed down from the podium to join the participants and straight away went to meet ‘Divyangs’, a nomenclature given to the differently-abled by him. About 150 ‘Divyangs’ were assisted in performing yoga asanas at the Capitol Complex. Modi also took a short break to inspect the poses of his fellow yoga enthusiasts, before settling down on a mat and joining them. More than 30,000 people of all ages, 10,000 each from Chandigarh, Punjab and Haryana performed yoga asanas on pink and blue coloured mats during the event. 8[[TVP[R^]bcadRcX^]Qh2A?5 From Page 1 “After analyzing the scale of construction in the reserved area, I will file a case in Delhi High Court against the agencies,” said Parikh. He is the representative of various environment cases involving the southern ridge in court. The Pioneer visited the construction site which is 1.5 km from the Ghitorni Metro Station and observed the massive construction under the tag of M/S Ahluwalia Contracts Ltd. According to the site engineers and CRPF jawans present there, the construction is being done by the CRPF and NATGRID. “This construction project belongs to NATGRID, under the Ministry of Home Affairs and the CRPF and the contract is with National Buildings Construction Corporation Ltd,” said a site engineer who shared the information on the condition of anonymity. However, when asked about the ongoing constructions in the “green lung” of Delhi, the CRPF’s official spokesperson did not reply to specific queries despite several reminders. Even the officials of Forest Department, Delhi Government are not responding on the matter. Environmentalist and activist Anil Sood said that the Delhi ridge is the green lung of the city and protects Delhi from the hot winds of the desert of Rajasthan. It is also responsible for earning Delhi the tag of the world’s second most bird-rich capital city. “Ongoing construction is destroying the forest and water catchment areas leading to the present environmental When the yoga session ended, Modi walked past scores of volunteers who wanted to shake hands with him and take selfies. His security had a hard time keeping the excited crowd away from him as he also interacted with the children after the session. Punjab and Har yana Governor Kaptan Singh Solanki, who is also Chandigarh’s Administrator, Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal, Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar, city MP Kirron Kher were among those who share dais with the Prime Minister at the mega event. Unprecedented security arrangements were in place around the venue in Chandigarh’s high-security zone of Sector 1 for more than 24 hours. The entire complex was sealed off by paramilitary commandos. The Capitol complex was divided into eight blocks where 500 master trainers along with their team members performed asanas. Several LED screens were also put up at the venue. mess in the Capital city where the water table has depleted to an alarming level,” said Sood. “A series of low hills extending in two branches to cradle the city, the ridge also contains the city’s densest forest cover. It serves many valuable ecological functions, protecting Delhi from the dust of nearby Rajasthan, lowering the ambient temperature, cleaning the air, sheltering flora and fauna, and - perhaps most importantly - filtering and preserving groundwater in a parched city,” said Gopal Krishna, Environmentalist and activist. Incidentally, the status of NATGRID as an Intelligence agency is sub-judice at present. According to Press Information Bureau statement- 2015 “The NATGRID has not been declared as Intelligence agency as yet.” 8]SXP]fPaWTa^Tb W^]^daTSX]D: SXVXcP[PaRWXeT BcdST]cb^U=PcX^]P[1P[1WPfP]_TaU^a\Pbh]RWa^]XbPcX^]^Uh^VPSP]RTP]S \dbXR^]cWT^RRPbX^]^U8]cTa]PcX^]P[H^VP3Ph^]CdTbSPhX]3T[WX 6^ecc^\XcXVPcTX\_PRcb^UfXST]X]V =7 &^]:Pa]P[P1XaSBP]RcdPah ?=BQ =4F34;78 he Centre has moved forward to mitigate impacts on T Wildlife in Karnala Bird Sanctuary (KBS) in Maharashtra for the widening of part of Panvel-Indapur section of the National Highway-17. This section constitutes the direct connectivity from Mumbai to Goa and the highway stretch passes for about 1.5 km length within the Karnala Bird Sanctuary under Thane wildlife division of West Mumbai Wildlife Circle. The total length of the project is 84 km, and the total project cost is C943 crore. The State Government endorsed the proposal of widening the highway within the sanctuary, says that this may also smoothen the traffic and reduce the fuel emissions from recurring traffic jams that are otherwise harmful to the birds and other wildlife. The KBS is covered with moist mixed deciduous forest and falls in the Western Ghat bio-geographic zone. The sanctuary is particularly rich in climbers and as many as 11 species are recorded from KBS. 6DOPDQ.KDQ UDSSHGIRU From Page 1 Known for unending controversies, Salman was cornered on social media and other forums, as the NCW threatened to summon him if he failed provide an explanation for his remark in seven days and women activists singled him out for his “inhuman” rape analogy. Like always in the past, Salman’s scriptwriter Salim Khan was quick to come to his son’s defence and apologise for the actor’s remark. “Undoubtedly what Salman said is wrong, the simili (sic), example and the context. The intention was not wrong. Nevertheless I apologise on behalf of his family, his fans & friends. Forgiveness is to pardon the unpardonable or it is no virtue at all. To err is human, to forgive divine. Today on Int’l Yoga Day, let’s not run our shops on this mistake,” Salim Khan said in a series of tweets put out during the day. However, excepting an expression of a mild regret that London: Britain has launched a new digital archive telling the inspiring stories of war heroes, including six Indians, as part of the UK Government's centenary celebrations to mark World War I. As many as 175 men from 11 overseas countries were awarded Britain's highest award for valour, the Victoria Cross (VC), during the war. These included six soldiers from undivided India who fought in the war as part of the British Indian Army and honoured in a commemorative plaque presented to India back in 2014. PTI ?0:B2>=24A=B>= 8=380=A>;48= 05670=8BC0= >E4A4BC8<0C43)DB Washington: Pakistan's concerns on India's role in Afghanistan are “overestimated”, a top Obama Administration official said on Tuesday and warned that the country will not have a “bright future” unless it takes action against terror groups like Afghan Taliban and the Haqqani network. “India has been a supportive partner for Afghanistan. It has provided a limited amount but important military assistance (to Afghanistan),” the Special US Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, Richard Olson, told a Washington audience at the Atlantic Council, a top American think-tank. PTI Among mammals, three species of primates (common langur, bonnet macaque and rhesus macaque) are there in the sanctuary, besides existence of barking deer, wild pig, jackals, hyaena, jungle cat, squirrel, porcupine and Indian hare. With an investment of C59 crore on the project, the NHAI aims to make the stretch a tourist attraction and also to decongest the road thronged by thousands everyday. “NHAI has approved an estimate of C58.16 crore to mitigate impacts on wildlife in Karnala Bird Sanctuary (KBS) for widening of part of Panvel-Indapur section of NH-17. This section constitutes direct connectivity from Mumbai to Goa,” said Road Transport and Highways Ministry official. The highway stretch passes for about 1.5 km length within the KBS under Thane wildlife division of West Mumbai Wildlife Circle. The major mitigation measures being adopted by NHAI (National Highways Authority of India) include four wildlife passages in the 1.5 km sanctuary stretch. Besides, seven box culverts are also being provided. From Page 1 At least 100 Resident Welfare Associations identified by the Ministry also hosted Yoga Day events. At Nehru Park, approximately 2,000 people turned up for the event. Among those who were present were nearly 70 diplomats from 35 countries, including Japan, Sri Lanka and United States, according to an official of AYUSH Ministry. Thousands of police personnel too celebrated Yoga Day in all districts of Delhi Police. The Delhi Government held a separate event at the Chhatrasal Stadium which was presided over by Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia. President Pranab Mukherjee too celebrated the Day with 1,000 people partic- ipating with him at the Rashtrapati Bhavan. Fifty-seven Union Ministers across the country joined the masses to celebrate the day. Around 200 officials and employees of the Civil Aviation Ministr y and Airports Authority of India (AAI), including Secretar y R N Choubey, performed various Yoga asanas at the lawns of the Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan. Gurgaon-based carrier SpiceJet participated in the exercise with 40-crew members undertaking a 10-minutes session on board. Doctors at the AIIMS, including its director MC Misra, also marked the day. “Yoga is a way of life and it should be part of every one’s life. Yoga keeps several health complications away if done regularly with dedication,” said Misra. The participants also included many non-medical staff of AIIMS. had come from him soon after he made the “insensitive” remark during an interview given to a Bollywood website, the actor had not apologised for his remark till the evening. Not unexpectedly, Salman was at the receiving end of a fierce attack from women activists and twitteraties who minced no words in castigating the actor for his “insensitive” and “inhuman” remarks. Taking suo motu cognisance of the actor’s “insensitive” remark, the NCW shot off a letter to him asking for his explanation in seven days and warning him that in the event of his failing to provide a satisfactory explanation, he would be summoned before the commission. Talking to mediapersons, NCW Chief Lalitha Kumaramangalam described the actor’s remark as “irresponsible”, “callous” and it showed and showed the actor’s “regressive mindset”. “The commission has taken suo moto cognisance. We have sent him a letter asking for explanation in seven days. We have said that he should give a public apology,” NCW Chief said. “It’s not only a wrong statement, it’s very irresponsible and callous for a man whose fame and wealth is based on the adoration of his female fans...He has extrapolated patriarchal mindset...”I think this is not the first time that he has made statements that the public gets angr y about,” Kumaramangalam said. The NCW chief said if the actor failed to give a satisfactory response, he would have to appear before the commission. Interacting with mediapersons in Mumbai, BJP spokesperson Shaina NC said, “Salman Khan should apologise. It might be a slip of tongue. There is no rationale to it....Whatever the logic, Salman should apologise for the statement. The actor’s analogy is wrong... This isn’t about Salman’s fan following but about a self-respecting man respecting women” Salman was ridiculed on the social media for his comment. One of the twitteraties wrote, “Kindly remove humanitarian from your bio @BeingSalmanKhan. There cannot be anything more inhuman than using raped woman analogy. SHAME” “@BeingSalmanKhan don’t know if you know this but rape is not what they show in Hindi films. You owe an apology to for your comment. #salman,” another person wrote on the social media. “I know Salman Khan has fans. But if his female fans are ok with his ‘I felt like a raped woman’ then I’ve just lost faith in the world,” a woman twitter user wrote. Another twitter comment went thus, “Salman Khan should keep his mouth zipped. Each time he opens it he puts his foot into it. Pathetic rape analogy”. Meanwhile, coming to the defence of Salman, filmmaker Subhash Ghai said that the actor’s remark had been “misrepresented” and that “he (Salman) is just a child and I know he respects women like anything.” “It is very disgusting translation by someone. He just said one thing that it is a human agony he went through. The deepest human agony is when a woman is raped. He was talking about a metaphor....He is just a child and I know he respects women like anything,” Ghai said. &DSLWDOEX]]HV ZLWKµ2P¶ 3XY^QV\Y`V\_`c_^ From Page 1 Hua made the remarks in response to a question on US asking members of the nuclear trading club to support India’s application. Later talking to Indian media, Hua said while discussions are going on among the NSG members, the admission of new members is not listed in the current plenary meeting in Seoul. “The door is open. The room is there. We never said we are against who (a country). We did not target any countr y, India or Pakistan,” Hua said. China for its part cares about non-proliferation treaty (NPT) as criteria for admission of the new members into the NSG, she said. “This is the core of the international non-proliferation. If the non-proliferation regime is changed how we can explain the Iranian nuclear treaty,” Hua argued. “We just had a treaty with Iran. We have North Korean issues there...So this concerns the core issue whether NPT and non proliferation system could be impacted by this,” she said. Reiterating what she said on Monday, Hua stated, “According to my understanding, it (entry of new members) is not on the agenda of the NSG meeting in Seoul.” “The door is open for the admission of the non-NPT members. It is never closed. It is open. But the members of the NSG should stay focussed on whether the criteria should be changed and whether nonNPT members should be admitted into the NSG,” she said. On US’ backing for India’s NSG bid, Hua said, “We care about rules. US just sets the rules. This is not an issue between China and India but (about) the pillar for non-proliferation system,” she said. Amid China’s opposition, the US has given a fresh push to India’s NSG membership bid by asking members of the elite club to support India’s entry into the grouping during the ongoing plenary meeting in Seoul. “We believe, and this has been US policy for some time, that India is ready for membership and the United States calls on participating Governments to support India’s application at the plenary session of Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG),” White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters. While majority of the elite group members backed India’s membership, it is understood that apart from China, countries like Turkey, South Africa, Ireland and New Zealand were not in favour of India’s entry into the NSG. China maintains opposition to India’s entry, arguing that it has not signed Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). However, it has been batting for its close ally Pakistan’s entry if NSG extends any exemption for India. Pakistan applied for NSG membership, a week after India submitted its membership application. India has asserted that being a signatory to the NPT was not essential for joining the NSG as there has been a precedent in this regard, citing the case of France. India is seeking membership of NSG to enable it to trade in and export nuclear technology. India is looking at 63,000 MW energy requirement through the nuclear programme by 2030. 8=B7>AC <4CA>54434A1DBAD=B >E4A:8;;B%H40A>;3 =Tf3T[WX)0bXghTPa^[SQ^hfPb ZX[[TSPUcTaWTfPbWXcQhPb_TTSX]V <Tca^UTTSTaQdbX]FTbc3T[WXb 9P]PZ_daX^]<^]SPh\^a]X]VCWT Q^hfPbbcP]SX]VPcPQdbbc^_]TPa DccP\=PVPa2W^fZfXcWWXb \^cWTaP]SfPXcX]VU^aPQdbfWT] cWTPRRXST]cc^^Z_[PRTPa^d]S "P\0_^[XRT\P]_Pca^[[X]V cWTPaTPadbWTScWTX]YdaTSQ^hc^P ]TPaQhW^b_XcP[fWTaTS^Rc^ab _a^]^d]RTSWX\STPS 6I1?>;824;0D=27?8=: 0DC>B5>AF><4= 6WPiXPQPS) CWT6WPiXPQPS_^[XRT [Pd]RWTS_X]ZPdc^bTgR[dbXeT[hU^a f^\T]_PbbT]VTab^]CdTbSPh 0ccWTcX\TU[PVVX]V^UU_X]ZPdc^b cWT6WPiXPQPSBB?:B4\\P]dT[ bPXScWPcX]cWTUXabc_WPbT!Pdc^b PaTQTX]V[Pd]RWTS 8CSTUPd[cTab UPRT"haA8 5a^\?PVT CWPcXbfWhfTbTTcWTbT _a^eXbX^]bWPeTQTT]aPaT[h X]e^ZTSX]cWT_Pbc1dc]^f\^aT PRcX^]^]cWXbUa^]cfX[[QT d]STacPZT]PbSTUPd[cbPaT QTR^\X]VP\T]PRT]^f±P]8C ^UUXRXP[Tg_[PX]TS CWTX]bcadRcX^]bP[b^\PZTXcR[TPa c^cWTCA>cWPcX]RPbT^U [X`dXSPcX^]^UPbbTcbcWTaTbW^d[S QT°_a^\_c[^SVX]V^UcWTR[PX\± fXcWcWT^UUXRXP[[X`dXSPc^aP]S R^]bcP]c\^]Xc^aX]V^UcWTRPbTX] ^aSTac^VdPaScWTX]cTaTbc^UcWT aTeT]dT^acWTST_Pac\T]c 8cWPbP[b^QTT]SXaTRcTSPb_Ta cWTbcaPcTVh_P_TacWPc bd_TaeXb^ah^UUXRTab°\PhX]bcadRc± cWTCA>^acWT0bbTbbX]V>UUXRTa ^UPRPbTc^\^]Xc^aRPbTbfWXRW PaTQTX]VWTPaSX]cWT3TQc ATR^eTahCaXQd]P[b3ACb CWThCA>bW^d[SXcbPXS R^]bXSTa[^SVX]V^UR[PX\b^U ^dcbcP]SX]VST\P]SX]bdRWRPbTb QTU^aTcWT3AC°0cP]h[TeT[^UP STUPd[cRPbTcWTST_Pac\T]c³b X]cTaTbc^UVTccX]VcPgTbXbbd_aT\T P]SWT]RTcWTCA>XbQTX]V SXaTRcTSc^_dabdTcWTRPbTbd_c^ cWT[TeT[^U3ACbc^^6TccX]V aTeT]dTP]SSdTcPgTbUa^\P] T]cXchXbcWTd[cX\PcTPX\^UcWT8C ST_Pac\T]c1hdbX]VcWTbT]Tf bcaPcTVXTbcWTST_Pac\T]cP[b^ T]bdaTbcWPcPbca^]V\TbbPVT V^Tbc^P[[bdRW_T^_[TcWPccWT cPg\P]fX[[]^c[TcXcV^TPbX[h±cWT ^UUXRXP[bPXS CWT8CST_Pac\T]cWPbP[b^ STRXSTSc^Q[^RZ?Ta\P]T]c 0RR^d]c=d\QTa?0=^USTUPd[c T]cXcXTbVTccWTXa;?6bdQbXSh RP]RT[[TSP]ScPZT\TPbdaTbc^ T]bdaTcWPccWThPaT]^c bP]RcX^]TS[^P]b0b_TaPbcaPcTVh _P_TacWTcPg\P]fX[[Q[^RZ?0= X]bdRWPfPhcWPccWTbTSTUPd[cTab PaT]^cbP]RcX^]TSP]h[^P]b^a ^eTaSaPUcUPRX[XchQh_dQ[XRbTRc^a QP]ZbPbcWTbP\TXbQ^d]Sc^ QTR^\T]^]_TaU^a\X]VPbbTcb °<X]Xbcah^U5X]P]RTRP]QT bdVVTbcTSc^fXcWSaPfUPRX[Xch[XZT ;?6bdQbXShfWXRWXbSXaTRc[h RaTSXcTSc^cWTQP]ZPRR^d]cb^U cWTbPXSSTUPd[cTab±XcbPXSPSSX]V cWPccWXbbcT_fX[[PRcc^ SXbX]RT]cXeXbTcWTSTUPd[cTab CWTcPg\P]P[b^_a^_^bTbcWPccWT XST]cXcXTb^UbdRWQ[^RZTS?0=bQT RXaRd[PcTSc^cWTATVXbcaPa^U ?a^_TacXTbfXcWPaT`dTbcU^a]^c P[[^fX]VP]haTVXbcaPcX^]^U X\\^ePQ[T_a^_TacXTbfWTaTbdRW ?0=bPaTX]e^[eTSBdRW STUPd[cTab³X]U^a\PcX^]WPbP[b^ QTT]aTR^\\T]STSc^QT RXaRd[PcTSPRa^bbcPg^UUXRTbb^ cWPccWTXaPRcXeXcXTb[^P]b^acWT 6^eTa]\T]cbdQbXShRP]QT _[dVVTSR^d]cahfXSTCWT ST_Pac\T]cWPbP[b^STRXSTSc^ bdQbRaXQTc^cWT2aTSXc8]U^a\PcX^] 1daTPd;X\XcTS2818;SPcP^]P _^bbXQ[T_Ph\T]cQPbXbc^RWTRZ ^dccWTUX]P]RXP[PRcXeXcXTb^U STUPd[cTabP]Sd]STacPZTPRcX^] PVPX]bccWT\U^aaTR^eTahP]S UaTTiX]V^UPbbTcb ]PcX^]$ =4F34;78kF43=4B30H k9D=4!!! % ?D8SZU+;RZdYR_\Rc^Rj gZdZeDV`f]W`cWZ_R]afdY ?=BQ =4F34;78 5^aTXV]BTRaTcPahB9PXbWP]ZPa BDB7<0BF0A090=3 908B70=:0A70E4144= 4=60643F8C7C74#' <4<14A6A>D?8=6C> 2>=E8=24C74<5>A 8=380³B20=3830CDA4 from Ministry of External Affairs, Amandeep Singh Gill, in-charge of Disarmament and International Security division, is already in Seoul to garner support and explain India’s case during the official-level session of NSG, that began on Monday. The Foreign Secretary is watching the situation very closely and, depending on the feedback from the official-level meeting of NSG, he may travel to Seoul to give a “final push” during the crucial plenary on Thursday and Friday in the South Korean capital. China is the main oppo- nent to India’s application and has hyphenated Pakistan’s application with India, seeking its entry too in the NSG if New Delhi was inducted. China is using the clause on Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) to block India, since New Delhi is not signatory to treaty. China has also been protesting against the 2008 waiver India has. India has asserted that, being a signatory to the NPT is not essential for joining the NSG, citing the precedent of France. India is seeking NSG membership for ease of trade and export of nuclear technology. oreign Secretar y S Jaishankar may lead a delF egation of Indian officials to Seoul for the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) meeting, where India’s application for membership will be discussed on June 23-24. India is engaged in hectic lobbying for the last several months, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself making a pitch for safety of radioactive materials during the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington in March this year. Modi also made a lastminute tour to Mexico and Switzerland to seek their support. Both these nations had raised objections to the NSG waiver given to India in 2008. Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj and FS Jaishankar too have been actively engaging with the 48-member grouping to convince them for India’s candidature. Senior official 8]SXP³b_[TPU^a \T\QTabWX_c^ QTSXbRdbbTS ^]9d]T!"!# It is believed Modi will personally seek Chinese President Xi Jinping’s support for India’s case, when he travels to Tashkent for Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Summit on June 24. On the other hand, USA and Russia are some of the countries that have thrown weight behind India and arecampaigning for it. NSG regulates global trade in nuclear technology and its membership is expected to open up the international market for India, which plans to shift to nuclear power for its ambitious energy generation programme. India has set an ambitious target of generating 63,000 MW of nuclear energy by 2030. The NSG looks after critical issues relating to nuclear sector and its members are allowed to trade in and export nuclear technology. Membership of the grouping will help India significantly expand its atomic energy sector. 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However, the court had acknowledged there is much force in India’s arguments to strike out Pakistan’s claim. India had challenged GBP 35 million in a bank account in the name of the High Commissioner of Pakistan on 20th September 1948. The money was transferred from Nizam-e-Hyderabad by an agent for the newly formed Pakistan. However, the Nizam of Hyderabad, which later became part of India, claimed that the money transfer was done without his authority and sought return of the entire amount. Interestingly, the same court in March 2015 had directed Pakistan to pay 1,50,000 Pounds to India as legal fees in the 67- year-old Hyderabad Funds case involving the Nizam’s money, while terming Pakistan’s behaviour as “unreasonable”. “In the pre-trial judgement in a case pertaining to the monies from the erstwhile State of Hyderabad lying in a UK bank since late 1940s, an English court has dismissed Pakistan’s application invoking limitation against India’s claim to the monies. The judgement states that Pakistan’s application for summary disposal of the claim in her favour must fail. The costs for the failure of this application of Pakistan will be awarded to >`67UcRWeda`]ZTje`]VgjXcVV_eRi 2P[[c^bPUTVdPaS U^aTbc[P]S ?=BQ =4F34;78 he Environment Ministry has come out with a draft T National Forest Policy (NFP), that proposes the levy of green tax, while calling for safeguarding forest land by exercising restraint on diversion for non-forestry purposes like mining and industrial projects besides practicing responsible eco-tourism in protected areas to ensure safety of wildlife. The new policy, aims at converting “one-third of the country’s total geographical area under forest or tree cover through scientific interventions and enforcing strict rules to protect the dense cover. It would replace the present policy framed in 1988. The present draft policy prepared by the Bhopal-based Indian Institute of Forest Management (IIFM), has been put up in public domain seeking feedback from experts, civil society, environmentalists and other stakeholders by June 30. A new policy will come out after going through suggestions of these people and the best of them will be incorporated in the new policy. The policy stated that the budget of the forestry sector should be appropriately enhanced so that the objectives enshrined in this policy can be achieved. Investments on infrastructure and livelihood support for the forest dependent communities and forest management would be stepped up as they are equity enhancing and need to be given utmost priority. Environmental cess, green tax, carbon tax etc may be levied on certain products and services for facilitating ecologically responsible behaviour, garnering citizen’s contribution and supplementing financial resources,” the draft NFP, which has been put in the public domain for feedback from stakeholders, said the policy. Referring to the contentious issue of diversion of forests for mining and industrial projects, the draft policy said, “Forest land diversion projects related to mining, quarrying, construction of dams, roads and other linear infrastructure needs to adopt special caution. Use of state-ofthe-art technology which causes minimum pollution and damage should be promoted.” The draft policy also called for developing “sound ecotourism models” with the focus on conservation while supplementing the livelihood needs of local communities. India. The legal action in the matter, currently sub-judice, was initiated by Pakistan in 2013. Pakistan’s subsequent application for discontinuance of the case was rejected by the same court in 2015. India was also awarded substantial costs against Pakistan at that stage,” official spokerson for Ministry of External Affairs Vikas Swarup said on Tuesday. However, Pak spokesperson Nafees Zakaria said: “The Judge accepted that there was good evidence supporting Pakistan’s claim to the monies, which needed to be fully considered at a trial.” )',ZRQ¶WDIIHFW'HI 3URFXUHPHQW3ROLF\2IILFLDOV ³FX[[^_T]^__^acd]XcXTb U^a8]SXP]\TSXd\ b\P[[bRP[TX]SdbcaXTb´ ?=BQ =4F34;78 he Government’s decision to allow 100 per cent FDI in T Defence manufacturing will not impact Defence Procurement Policy (DPP)2016 and will not affect the local industry. Instead, inflow of funds will create more jobs and investment opportunities for Indian medium and small scale industries, Defence Ministry officials said on Tuesday. Clearing the air on opening up the Defence sector in a big way to foreign players, announcement for which was made on Monday, the officials said, that as per DPP 2016, priority is accorded to Indian designed, developed and manufactured weapon systems. In fact, the 100 per cent FDI will help ‘Make in India’ policy gather momentum and ultimately make India a hub for Defence production, they said. Elaborating upon this aspect, the officials said in case foreign investors want to tie up Indian industry under the 100 per cent and 74 per cent FDI categories, the vendor will have to include 60 per cent ³?aX^aXchc^8]SXP] STbXV]TSSTeT[^_TS P]S\P]dUPRcdaTS fTP_^]bhbcT\b´ indigenous content for manufacturing the weapon system. This will ensure that the fledgling Indian industry gets hold of cutting edge technology and best international practices in this field. Moreover, such weapon systems produced here, likely to be bought by the Indian armed forces, will also reduce the import cost, thereby cutting down the overall price of the finished product, they said. In case, the foreign investor wants to invest 100 per cent FDI, set up its own manufacturing base and does not want to source Indian product, they can do so and export the weapon system subject to No Objection Certificate(NOC) from the Government, officials said. Highlighting the implications of allowing 100 per cent FDI, they said permission will be given on case to case basis given national security issues involved with Defence manufacturing. Moreover, the opening up of the sector will especially help the medium and small scale entreprensurs as they will get access to international market through foreign investors. Admitting the fact that the Indian industry lacks the required skilled manpower and knowledge of producing worldclass Defence systems, given the complexities and high capital investment, officials said 100 per cent FDI will establish the required eco system for Defence manufacturing and generate jobs. Giving the example of China, they said the eastern neighbour allows 100 per cent FDI and the investors take advantage of cheap labour and export the finished product, as China has its own well developed Defence industry and need not import. However, in case of India, the local industry, including private and public, is lagging behind and therefore the Chinese model cannot be implemented here. ;X]Z0PSWPPafXcWRPbcTS^\XRX[T RTacXUXRPcTb2T]caTSXaTRcbBcPcTb ?=BQ =4F34;78 n order to prevent misuse and delay of grant of scholarships to students belonging to IScheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes, the Centre has asked the State Governments to link Aadhaar with caste and domicile certificates to be issued to school students. The States have been told to ensure that such certificates are issued within 60 days’ time to the students, when they are studying in Class V or VIII. The development assumes significance as there have been complaints of delay in grant of scholarship to students belonging to SC/STs. People have often complained of harassment allegedly by Government officials in getting caste and domicile certificates issued. “The State Governments may also try to get the information of students, fed into the meta data to be made online and may link it to Aadhaar enabled data, if feasible. Sincere efforts be made to issue these certificates along with Aadhaar number,” reads Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) released by Personnel Ministry on issuance of caste and certificates in schools. The main objective of issuance of caste or tribe certificate is to facilitate access of bona-fide candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the reserved posts and services under the State or Central Governments and secure admission in educational institutions and get other facilities. “The concerned revenue or State Government authorities would scrutinise or verify the documents and issue the relevant certificates preferably within a period of 30-60 days,” it said. The responsibility of issuance of residency and caste certificate is with the State Governments and Union Territories. To avoid difficulties faced by SC and ST students, it has been proposed that ‘caste or tribe certificate’ and also the domicile certificate may be issued to such students and only a residence certificate may be issued to students other than SC or ST all over the country, while they are studying in Class V or VIII, as part of an annual exercise. 8=B7>AC 90E034:0A20;;B >=:4A0;02< =Tf3T[WX) 4]eXa^]\T]c <X]XbcTa?aPZPbW9PePSTZPa RP[[TS^]:TaP[P2WXTU<X]XbcTa ?X]PaPhXEXYPhP]^]CdTbSPh P]SWT[SSXbRdbbX^]b^] ePaX^dbXbbdTbR^]RTa]X]VcWT BcPcTX]R[dSX]VcW^bT^U BPQPaX\P[PP]SFTbcTa]6WPcb QTbXSTbcW^bTR^]RTa]X]V fX[S[XUTP]X\P[R^]U[XRcbP]S PUU^aTbcPcX^] >E4A #;0=C8@D8C84B 3>2D<4=C43 =Tf3T[WX) >eTa #[PZW P]cX`dXcXTbWPeTQTT] S^Rd\T]cTSX]cWTR^d]cahQh cWT=PcX^]P[<XbbX^]^] <^]d\T]cbP]S0]cX`dXcXTb =<<02d[cdaT<X]XbcahbPXS ^]CdTbSPh1TbXSTbSPcP^U " $[PZWb^U1dX[c7TaXcPVTP]S BXcTb17BP]SP]cX`dXcXTb WPbQTT]d_[^PSTS^]Xcb fTQbXcT°0c^cP[^U #&# P]cX`dXcXTbWPeTQTT] S^Rd\T]cTSP]SSPcP^U" $ [PZWb^U17BP]SP]cX`dXcXTb WPbQTT]d_[^PSTS^]=<<0 fTQbXcT±cWT<X]XbcahbPXSX]P aT[TPbT=<<0fPb[Pd]RWTSX] !&c^_aT_PaTP=PcX^]P[ ATVXbcTa^]0]cX`dXcXTbQh S^Rd\T]cX]VP]cX`dXcXTbUa^\ SXUUTaT]cb^daRTbX]Pd]XU^a\ U^a\Pc 2186A8;;B7?2<´B B>=8=3020B4 =Tf3T[WX) CWT218^]CdTbSPh `dTbcX^]TSEXZaP\PSXchPBX]VW b^]^U7X\PRWP[?aPSTbW2WXTU <X]XbcTaEXaQWPSaPBX]VWX]P RPbT^UP[[TVTSSXb_a^_^acX^]PcT PbbTcb218b^daRTbbPXSBX]VW P__TPaTSQTU^aTcWT_a^QT cTP\cWPc`dTbcX^]TSWX\^] cWTSXUUTaT]RTX]cWTR[PX\b \PSTQhEXaQWPSaPP]SWX\ 3daX]VWXb`dTbcX^]X]VX] R^]]TRcX^]fXcWcWTRPbTTPa[XTa cWXb\^]cWEXaQWPSaPBX]VW WPS_dccWT^]db^UTg_[PX]X]V cWTPbbTcb^UWXbfXUTP]S RWX[SaT]^]cWT\7Xbb^] EXZaP\PSXchPWPSR[PX\TS SdaX]V218³b?aT[X\X]Pah 4]`dXahcWPcb^\T^UWXbPbbTcb fTaTPR`dXaTSUa^\\^]Th _a^eXSTSQhWXbUPcWTa 3DQHOWRIUDPHSROLF\WRWDFNOHJHQHWLFGLVHDVHV 0A270=09H>C8Q =4F34;78 fter sleeping over the Delhi High Court order for nearA ly two years, the Union Health Ministry has now finally set up a panel to frame a policy aimed to tackle rare genetic diseases like Progeria, that causes premature ageing or Lysosomal storage disorders such as Gaucher’s diseases. Headed by Dr IC Verma, Head of Genetic Department, Delhi-based Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, the panel is entrusted with identification of rare diseases, whose treatment is available and categorise them on the cost of their treatment and efficacy. “The panel will prepare list of rare diseases and provide a broad categorisation on factors such as availability of treatment, efficacy and cost involved. The panel will also suggest guidelines ³CWT_P]T[fX[[_aT_PaT[Xbc^UaPaT SXbTPbTbP]S_a^eXSTPQa^PS RPcTV^aXbPcX^]^]UPRc^abbdRWPb PePX[PQX[Xch^UcaTPc\T]cTUUXRPRhP]S R^bcX]e^[eTS´ B><4A0A438B40B4B P0\h^ca^_WXR;PcTaP[BR[Ta^bXb P2hbcXR5XQa^bXb4QbcTX]0]^\P[h P5PRc^aG883TUXRXT]Rh P5P]R^]X0]T\XP P5aXTSaTXRW0cPgXP P6PdRWTa3XbTPbT P7XabRWb_ad]V3XbTPbT P7d]cX]Vc^]3XbTPbT P<d[cX_[T4]S^RaX]T=T^_[PbXP Ch_T PC^daTccTBh]Sa^\T PFTVT]Ta6aP]d[^\Pc^bXb PFTX[3XbTPbT PI^[[X]VTa4[[Xb^]Bh]Sa^\T Pe^]FX[[TQaP]S3XbTPbTbTcR for tackling rare disease,” said sources in the Health Ministry. It was in April 2014, Delhi High Court, among other things, suggested the Centre and the States to develop a policy for tackling rare diseases and promoting orphan drugs(for such diseases). It also suggested setting up a separate CSR/charitable entity wherein donations can be received, while the Ministry of Corporate Affairs could consider providing extra credit for donation in certain sectors such as health. However, advocate Ashok Aggarwal felt that it was not sufficient. He said, “health is a State subject, but no State has so far enacted any legislation for the Right to Health. The subject of health should be brought in the concurrent list of the Constitution. The Right to Health must be made a fundamental right and the Centre should enact a central law on the right to public health”. “While States are apathetic to health subject and Centre washes its hands off the health subject, it is the patients who are at the receiving end,” he added. “If the cure of a disease is available and the patient is not in a position to afford it, it becomes the duty of the State to bear the cost of treatment. More so, in the cases of the patients suffering from rare diseases that are fatal,” he said. Rare diseases are usually detected after six months of a child’s birth. Aggarwal noted that it is only after the court’s intervention that Employee’s State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) has been providing free treatment to children suffering from rare genetic disorders. “What about those who are not approaching the court?” he asked and stressed on creating awareness among patients about their rights. He said, the Government should extend similar aid to all patients of treatable rare diseases. Manjit Singh from Lysosomal Storage Disorders Support Society (LSDSS) said that Government must make special budgetary provisions for treatment of rare disorders. LSDs occur in about one in 5,000 live births. The treatment includes Enzyme Replacement Therapy (ERT) and Bone Marrow/Cord blood transplantation. =4F34;78kF43=4B30H k9D=4!!! % ]PcX^]% "'!!acVX_R_eh`^V_dVe8fZ__VddcVT`cU :RUOGKDVUHDOLVHGLPSRUWDQFH RI\RJDVD\V$VVDP &0 C=f^\P]RaTPcTb h^VPf^a[SaTR^aS housands of people particQh_TaU^a\X]V ipated in yoga across the T State on Tuesday to mark the PbP]PbU^a$&Wab 2nd International Day of Yoga, =0H0=30E4Q 60=378=060A ore than 1,600 pregnant women in Rajkot set a new Guinness record on the International Yoga Day by performing a special kind of prenatal yoga on Tuesday. By successfully doing prenatal simultaneously, the pregnant women in Rajkot broke a world record set by around 900 pregnant females by taking part in Group Yoga. Confirming the development Rajkot District Collector Vikrant Pandey said that the Yoga performance of pregnant females was done under the observation of over 100 doctors and guidance of Yoga trainers from Haridwar in Uttar Pradesh. According to Pandey, the attempt would be done seriously to popularise pre-natal Yoga for the benefit of pregnant ladies. “Criterion of Guinness book of world records were followed in order to create new world record. It required participants who would have pregnancy of at least 12 weeks. Against the requirement of 30 minutes session, the pregnant ladies in Rajkot performed Yoga for 47 minutes. All the essential approvals were taken M 0=D?B70A<0Q 6DF070C8 ?aTV]P]cf^\T]_TaU^a\h^VPSdaX]VP\Pbbh^VPTeT]c^]bTR^]S8]cTa]PcX^]P[H^VP3PhX]APYZ^c^]CdTbSPh from Guinness administration. We will send videography and other important document to register females of Rajkot as new record holder,” said the collector. Meanwhile over 1.25 crore people voluntarily performed Yoga across the State including Chief Minister Anandiben Patel and Governor OP Kohli in Gujarat on Tuesday to mark International Yoga Day. Yoga performances were organised at over 40,000 dif- ferent locations in the State. The main function was organised at GMDC Ground in Ahmedabad where nearly 70,000 people assembled to perform Yoga at around 6.30 in the morning. The Chief Minister and Governor were also did Yoga at the venue. On this occasion, CM Patel said that as a result of Yoga Day celebration people across the globe connected with the feeling of brotherhood. Praising Prime Minister Narendra ?C8 Modi, she said that because of PM Modi’s effort, people world over come to know about the power of Yoga and its benefits. Nearly 8000 school children created ‘Yoga human chain’ on the tune of ‘Sare Jahan Se Achcha Hindustan Hamara’ at the GMDC ground. Yoga was also performed at the tallest mountain of Gujarat – Mount Girnar, UNESCO’s world heritage site Rani-ki-Vav, State’s only hill-station Saputara and other interesting places. Chennai: On the second International Yoga Day, a woman advocate in Tamil Nadu created a new world record for continuous performance of yoga asanas or exercises. KP Ranchana, 34, an advocate by profession and a martial art student, set a record of continuous performance of asanas for 57 hours. “I didn’t feel tired performing the asanas since June 19 morning. After I completed 57 hours on International Yoga Day I felt ‘why it all came to an end’. From tomorrow onwards, it is going to be work as usual,” Ranchana, who hails from the temple town of Kanchipuram, around 75 km from here, told IANS. “It was my mother's braveness, father's patriotism and my guru's guidance I was able to perform this,” she added. Ranchana broke the world record set by Uttam Muktan of Nepal who performed yoga for 50 hours and 15 minutes in December 2015. IANS which was observed in different places of the State including the Capital, sub-divisions, block and panchayats. Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal participated in the yoga event at his home constituency at Majuli River Island along with State Health and Education Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma, Lok Sabha MP Kamakhya Prasad Tasa and thousands of people including schoolchildren. Sonowal said that his Government would take up a slew of initiatives to make Majuli a spiritual centre and a cultural hub. “Yoga helps to build not only healthy body and stable mind but also moulds our personality. For inculcating discipline, punctuality and grooming of personality, the world has realized the importance of Yoga,” said the CM while addressing the people at the Majuli College Field in the Island. 1X_PbWP1PbdPSSbbcPa _^fTac^H^VP3Ph :4BCDAE0BD:8Q 14=60;DAD nformation Technology city Bengaluru responded in a Imajor way to the call of International Yoga day on Tuesday. Chief Minister Siddaramaiah, Union Ministers HN Ananatha Kumar, DV Sadananada Gowda, film actress Bipasha Basu bended to the twists and turns of Yoga along with thousands of people from all walks of life at Kanteerava Stadium in Bengaluru. Apart from this, thousands of people from all walks of life, including children, in Bengaluru woke up early on Tuesday and performed Yoga exercises across the city under a cloudy sky, marking the second year of the International Yoga Day. Though a normal working day, the annual event made young and old, men and women flock to neighborhood parks and playgrounds, while hundreds assembled in the famous Cubbon Park and Lalbagh botanical garden to perform various Yoga asanas (exercises) on mats. “I have been practicing yoga since the past two years under a trainer to be fit physically and mentally. Though I am 68 years old and diabetic, daily yoga exercises are helping me withstand the stress and strain that comes with duties and responsibilities of being a Chief Minister,” Siddaramaiah said in Kannada. vailing upon UN to observe June 21 as International Day of Yoga,” he added. The Chief Minister said that the country is witnessing a surge on various fronts due to bold and innovative initiatives of Prime Minister Modi. “The country is on the path of development and the people are reaping the fruits of development as the present Central Government is committed, responsive and peopleoriented one,” he said adding the Prime Minister Narendra Modi is trying his utmost to secure a pride of place for India among the comity of nations. DR_d\cZedY]`\Rd Rej`XRVgV_eZc\ >RciZde>Z_ZdeVc 8CRXch1T]VP[dad fPZTbd_c^ cfXbcbP]Scda]b Extending his Government’s support to the global event, the CM had directed State-run and private schools and colleges to hold Yoga class daily so that it could become a life-long habit for the younger generation. “From experience I can assure you that one-hour yoga daily keeps us fresh, active and stress-free for the rest of 23 hours in a day. It is a free exercise with healthy rewards for life. As Yoga is a universal practice, it can be done by all irrespective of religion, caste, creed and nationality,” Siddaramaiah asserted. Celebrity Bipasha Basu demonstrated forms of Yoga postures to make the audience repeat them. State Ministers KJ George, UT Khader and TB Jayachandra and senior officials of the State health and education departments participated in the event. Similar events were organised across the State and in one of them Former Chief Minister and BJP State President BS Yediyurappa also joined the people in the mat performing simple yoga postures. Several organisations, including IT companies and NGOs too held yoga exercises with a large number gathering in different venues in the city. The Day of Yoga (IDY) was celebrated at various Army Units in Bengaluru. At the Headquarters Karnataka and Kerala Sub Area the Yoga was conducted by Colonel Anjani Kumar in which a large number of Officers, JCOs and Jawans participated. “The State Government is wholly committed towards making Assam a developed and prosperous State in the country. For making Assam a developed State, we have to be disciplined, punctual and hard working. Sri Sri Sankaradeva and Sri Sri Madhabdeva tried to bring about major transformation in the State through Yoga. We have to follow their ideals to attain our avowed goals,” he said. Sonowal also heaped praise on Prime Minister Narendra Modi and said that it is a matter of pride for 125 crore Indians. “Our Prime Minister deserves encomiums for pre- :TaP[PY^X]b F^a[SH^VP3Ph EA90H0A09Q :>278 he State Government, hundreds of institutions and T thousands of people joined the B^[SXTab_TaU^a\h^VP^]!]S8]cTa]PcX^]P[H^VP3PhX]BXPRWT]^]CdTbSPh ?C8 International Yoga Day celebrations in Kerala on Tuesday but the spirit of the event at the State capital, Thiruvananthapuram was marred a bit when Marxist Health Minister KK Shailaja openly objected to the recital of Sanskrit Shloka at the Statelevel programme. “In a secular country, Yoga also has to be secular. Believers have the right to start Yoga with prayers to God. But there are people who are not believers and they have a right to practice Yoga too. They should be able to adopt their methods to achieve concentration,” the Health Minister said while inaugurating the event. The CPI(M) Minister, who is also in charge of Social Justice, did take part in the Yoga programme but she did not cross her fingers or recite the Shloka when it was in progress while her predecessor in the Health Ministry, VS Sivakumar of the Congress, was sitting next to her. She reportedly told Sivakumar about her view on the matter. After the programme, Shailaja reportedly sought explanation from State officials on why it was necessary to include the Sanskrit Keertana in the World Yoga Day programme. The officials had replied that the programme was scheduled as per the Common Yoga Protocol of the Ayush Department, reports said. However, after her conduct triggered a controversy with the Congress and BJP reacting sharply, Shailaja offered an explanation saying that she had not questioned any State official. “I hold nothing against those recite Keertanas. But the programmes connected with a public programme should be acceptable to all. Even the Prime Minister says Yoga is not religious,” she said. Stating that the position adopted by Minister Shailaja over the Yoga Day celebration was condemnable, State BJP president Kummanam Rajasekharan said this would cause anxiety among the people. “Why had she responded like this? Whom was she trying to appease with such words? She should know that Yoga has no religion,” he said. Reacting to the Minister’s comments on the World Yoga Day event, former chief minister Oommen Chandy of the Congress, during whose tenure the first World Yoga Day was observed in the State, said, “Beginning functions with prayers is part of our culture. Such a controversy wouldn’t have come up if it was a month ago (when he was in power).” Various Government and private institutions, hospitals and voluntary organisations also organised different programmes on the occasion across Kerala. Union Minister for Environment and Forests Prakash Javadekar led the BJP’s State-level Yoga Day programme in Thiruvananthapuram in which Kummanam Rajasekharan and other leaders took part. ;PaVTcda]^dcX]9PX_da D]X^]<X]XbcTa^U8]U^a\PcX^]P]S1a^PSRPbcX]VAPeX BWP]ZPa?aPbPS_TaU^a\bh^VPP[^]VfXcW^cWTabPc 6P]SWX<PXSP]X]?Pc]P^]CdTbSPh ?C8 B^[SXTab_TaU^a\h^VP^]cWT!]S8]cTa]PcX^]P[H^VP3PhPc?P]V^]V[PZTX];TW^]CdTbSPh ?C8 Yoga Day was observed at SMS stadium here Iwithnternational Chief Minister Vasundhara =8<ZcR_3VUZ ]VRUddY`hZ_ AfUfTYVccj Raje and Union Minister Uma Bharti taking part in a programme. The hour-long event at the stadium saw a large turnout, with MPs Ramcharan Bohra and Om Mathur, as well as State Cabinet Ministers and officials taking part. A large number of people also performed ‘asanas’ outside ?C8Q ?D3D274AAH t Governor Kiran Bedi led the second International L Yoga Day celebrations in the Union Territory but Chief Minister V Narayanasamy and his ministerial colleagues gave the event a miss. Bedi took part in a mass yoga demonstration attended by 6,000 school and college students, officials and NCC volunteers and performed as many as 40 different asanas lasting nearly 90 minutes from 6.30 am on the Beach Road here. Narayanasamy, heading the Congress Government, and his ministerial colleagues, scheduled to participate in the yoga day celebration, were conspicuous by their absence and visited Yanam to participate in some other Government functions there. ?C8Q 908?DA APX[fPh<X]XbcTaBdaTbW?aPQWd_PacXRX_PcTbX]Ph^VPbTbbX^]P[^]VfXcW 0]SWaP?aPSTbW2<2WP]SaPQPQd=PXSd^]cWT^RRPbX^]^UcWT8]cTa]PcX^]P[ H^VP3PhPcEXYPhPfPSP ?X^]TTa_W^c^ the venue where big screens were installed. On the occasion, Bharti lauded Prime Minister Narendra Modi for getting June 21 recognised as International Yoga Day. “PM has united the world with yoga. I would ask every one to make Yoga a daily practice which can help in keeping us healthy,” she said. She, however did not perform ‘asanas’ due to health reasons and only did breathing exercises while seated on a chair. D]X^]<X]XbcTaD\P1WPacXP]SAPYPbcWP]2WXTU<X]XbcTaEPbd]SWPaPAPYT _PacXRX_PcTX]8]cTa]PcX^]P[H^VP3PhRT[TQaPcX^]bX]9PX_da^]CdTbSPh ?C8 ]PcX^]& =4F34;78kF43=4B30H k9D=4!!! % >VYS``SR¶dV]VTe`cR]eVdeZ_2_R_e_RXe`URj BXSSPaP\PXPWXV]^aTbaTQT[b :7DAB7443F0=8Q BA8=060A he security arrangements have been finalised for the T crucial by-poll in south Kashmir’s Anantnag Assembly constituency where Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti is facing her first electoral test after assuming power in the embattled State two-and-half months ago. Officials said that men and machinery; and the polling material have reached all the 102 polling stations in the constituency, that witnessed a string of violent incidents during the past three weeks. As many as 52 polling booths have been categorised as hypersensitive while the rest are in the sensitive category. Mehbooba has extensively campaigned in the constituency during the past few days mostly addressing road shows and holding closeddoor meetings with the prospective voters. On Tuesday she skipped the in-session assembly where demand for grants for her own depart- ments was scheduled. A senior Minister who tabled the demands in the House said that the CM was not keeping well. Mehbooba took oath as Chief Minister on April 4 and is required to become member of one of the two houses of J&K legislature within six months. She is currently Lok Sabha member representing south Kashmir constituency comprising Anantnag, Pulwama, Shopian and Kulgam districts. She chose to contest bypoll from the Anantnag segment that fell vacant after the demise of her father and former Chief Minister Mufti Muhammad Sayeed. The Congress has repeated its candidate Hilal Ahmad Shah, who gave a tough fight to late Mufti in 2014 assembly polls when the constituency with 83,574 votes saw total 39.73 per cent turnout. Shah was defeated with a margin of 6,000 votes as he polled 10,955 votes against Mufti’s total of 16,983 votes. This time around, 84,081 voters have been registered <471>>10<D5C8 27>B4C>2>=C4BC1H ?>;;5A><C74 0=0=C=06B46<4=C C70C54;;E020=C 05C4AC7434<8B4>5 74A50C74A0=3 5>A<4A2<<D5C8 <D70<<03B0H443 B7470B4GC4=B8E4;H 20<?086=433DA8=6C74?0BC54F30HB>= CD4B30HB74B:8??43C740BB4<1;HB4BB8>= F74A434<0=35>A6A0=CB5>A74A>F= 34?0AC<4=CBF4A4C01;43 (42,924 male and 41,156 female) in the constituency but the turnout is not expected to be too high due to recent incidents of violence in the area. The Opposition, National Conference, has repeated its candidate Iftikhar Misgar. However, he has not been able to create an impression among the electorate. The NC lost its powerful contender Mehboob Beg shortly before the 2014 elections when he withdrew his nomination in favour of late Mufti. Beg is now the chief spokesman of the ruling PDP. The Congress has vigorously campaigned for its candidate who boasts his role in helping out local people during the devastating floods of September 2014. The JKPCC chief Gulam Ahmad Mir camped in the town for the entire campaigning period to boost his party candidate. He even introduced famed actor Raj Babbar and former skipper of Indian cricket team Muhammad Azharuddin to campaign for Shah. However, the security concerns will be paramount to the electorate when they decide to hit the polling booths on June 22. In the first week of this month, militants struck at two places in and around Anantnag constituency and killed three Border Security Force (BSF) men and two police personnel. The Hizbul Mujahideen outfit also circulated posters in the area warning locals to desist from voting for the “Indian stooges”. Even as Mehbooba is considered favourite in the bypoll, the situation in the area has given many a sleepless nights to her and her poll managers. If the turnout on Wednesday does not become too impressive, it will be a major cause of worry for the incumbent Chief Minister. nursing student, a poor Dalit girl hailing from Malappuram district in Kerala, has been admitted to the Government Medical College Hospital in Kozhikode with severe burn injuries in her throat and esophagus after her seniors in a private nursing college in Gulbarga, Karnataka, allegedly forced her to drink bathroom cleaner as part of ragging. Doctors at the hospital were quoted as saying that the 19-year-old Dalit girl from Kalady, Edappal in Malappuram district was in a very serious condition and would not be able to have normal food for at least the next six months. Presently the girl is being fed food in liquid form through the tube inserted through her neck. According to the victim, the leaders of the group of seniors who ragged her brutally were two Keralites, one from Kollam and the other from Idukki, both third year students. The incident is said to have taken place on the night of May 9 and it was other fellow-students who had taken the girl to a nearby hospital. “It was severe torture they had inflicted on me,” the victim told newsmen at the Kozhikode hospital, adding that there were eight seniors in the group. “They forced me to drink bathroom cleaner. Other students made me vomit the solution and I vomited blood. I haven’t been able to have any food for the past 42 days,” she said. “She can’t eat or drink anything. She can’t even swallow the saliva. She has to spit it out. I don’t know when she will be able to drink at least some water,” said the girl’s mother A while relatives said that the doctors at the hospital had suggested shifting her to some specialty hospital for continued treatment. The ragging victim also said that the senior students used to insult her by calling her a Dalit with references to her family background. As per reports, the Karnataka Police had not been able to record her statement as she was unable to speak for the five days she was at the Gulbarga hospital undergoing treatment. The girl had spent four days in the ICU and one day at the casualty section of the Gulbarga hospital but she was brought her back to Kerala as there was no improvement in her condition. She was admitted to a hospital at her native place, Edappal, but the doctors there advised the relatives to shift her to the Medical College Hospital in Kozhikode. According to the victim, the senior students had tortured her had threatened her of dire consequences if she revealed anything about their involvement. They were still studying in the same college without any problem, said relatives of the girl, adding that the college authorities had not bothered even to enquire about the matter. It is also said that the senior students who had subjected her to brutal ragging had videographed the incident and had been making jokes over it. The Dalit girl had joined the private nursing college in Gulbarga by remitting a fee of C75,000 which was part of a C4lakh loan she had availed for her studies. State SC-ST and Backward Classes Welfare Minister AK Balan said the Government would bear all expenses of the treatment. :4BCDAE0BD:8Q 14=60;DAD arnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah, who is facing K an internal rebellion over reshuffle of his Ministry, has chosen to ignore the dissidence but said he was confident of convincing the dropped colleagues who were on a warpath with him. Siddaramaiah on Monday after violent protests by the supporters of sacked Ministers across the State said he would convince them. He specifically said he would ignore the remarks made by actor turned politician MH Ambareesh from Mandya, the heart land of vokkaliga politics where he compared Chief Minister to Hitler. He said on the sideline of a function in Bengaluru that he can’t react to such statements wasting time. ‘‘Leave it. I will speak to him. I cannot be waste time reacting to such statements,” he said. 5HGUHVVWKH JULHYDQFHVRI PDVVHV63 WHOOVOHDGHUV BQWWY^W* 4Q\YdWYb\ V_bSUTd_TbY^[ RQdXb__]S\UQ^Ub ?=BQ :>278 R^]UXST]c^U\^[[XUhX]VcWT\ ?=BQ ;D2:=>F ith the Assembly polls around the corner, the W ruling Samajwadi Party has =PVPbPSWdb\PaRWc^:P\PZWhPcT\_[TPWTPS^UcWT0\QdQPRWX\T[PX]6dfPWPcX^]CdTbSPh ?C8 @43\TaVTbfXcWB? bP]b<dZWcPa0]bPaX ?=BQ ;D2:=>F on - tu r n e d - p ol it i c i an D Mukhtar Ansari’s party Qaumi Ekta Dal with two MLAs, merged with the ruling Samajwadi Party in Lucknow on Tuesday. The merger was announced by senior SP leader Shivpal Singh Yadav at a Press conference in the presence of the QED chief Afzal Ansari and his brother Sibgatullah Ansari. Mukhtar Ansari is in jail for his alleged role in the murder of BJP MLA Krishnanad Rai and is undergoing trial in a CBI court. The Samajwadi Party, however, chose to distance itself from the don-turned-politician saying that the entire QED has merged, while it itself barred Mukhtar, who is an MLA from Mau. Welcoming the QED into the party fold, Shivpal Yadav said, “The SP welcomes the home coming of the QED. The merger would immensely help the SP to strengthen its mass base in east UP and help the party in retaining power in the 2017 Assembly polls.” “The merger will prevent the division of minority votes in several east UP districts. I will soon visit Ghazipur where lakhs of supporters of the QED will join the SP. Afzal Ansari has been associated with the SP and was a party MP from Ghazipur Lok Sabha seat,” Yadav added. Replying to a question the SP leader denied that Mukhtar Ansari has also joined the SP and claimed that the party was consistent on not having any link with leaders with tainted background. During the Press conference, neither SP leaders nor QED leaders made a mention of Mukhtar Ansari. Till now in Agra jail, Mukhtar is reported to have been shifted to Lucknow jail after the decision of the merger. Endorsing Yadav’s statement, QED chief Afzal Ansari said, “I have been working for the SP since 1994. But certain political compulsions led me to create the QED. Now with conditions changing, the party has been merged with the SP.’’ FPa]TS2T]caT^U!]S PccPRZ^]?PcWP]Z^c PXaQPbT)?Pa[_P]T[ <>78C:0=370A8Q 90<<D ore than four months after visiting Pathankot airbase M in February 2016, Chairman of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Home Affairs P Bhattacharya on Tuesday claimed that soon after visiting the airbase in the wake of the January 2 terror attack, they had warned the Union Government of another attack, following which a high alert was sounded in the area and the security of the strategically-important airbase was beefed up. Interacting with media persons here in Jammu after completing a visit to border areas of RS Pura, Bhattacharya, a Congress MP, claimed that after they raised an alarm, the Centre had alerted the security agencies and conducted comprehensive searches in the area to prevent another strike. In the same vein he hastened to add, the airbase has been secured now. “How they were hiding there, it is not my business to find out. But as we got this information from villagers, it was very clear to us that they were hiding somewhere,” he said. The Parliamentary Standing Committee had earlier visited areas along the Indo-Bangladesh border in North East, and the International Border with Pakistan in Punjab and Rajasthan. Bhattacharya also batted for formation of a commission to address the issues of soldiers deployed along the International Border. He said, We interacted with BSF jawans and noted their hardships before forwarding the same for action by the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Foreign Ministry.” He said, the villagers had raised the issue of awarding adequate compensation for land, early settlement of cases, safe shelter and community bunkers, ambulance facilities etc. “We have noted down their grievances and will forward them to Home Ministry,” he added. directed its district leaders to gear up for redressal of grievances of the masses. State-in-charge Shivpal Yadav has asked all party MLAs, MLCs, chairmen of district panchyats, district/city presidents to meet people twice a week on Saturday and Sunday. Directing SP district units, Yadav said that the leaders in each district should hear problems of the people and take follow-up action. He said that a five-member delegation of district leaders should meet the DM and SPs for disposal of complaints received every week on Monday. Yadav said that complaints to be solved by State Government be referred to the Chief Minister’s Office and Ministers concerned. “Besides, in-charge of each Assembly segment be informed of the directions issued by the party and common people be apprised of the arrangements for redressal of their grievances,” Yadav said. Another senior leader and Power Minister DK Shivakumar downplayed the rebellion in the party and said it remained a family and disgruntled legislators who were either dropped from the Cabinet or others who were unhappy that they were not accommodated. “The rebellion will cool down within two days. We are all friends and Congress leaders in the State are like family members” he said. “There was pressure on Chief Minister to reshuffle the cabinet and this has happened now under the guid- ance of the Congress high command,” he added. Meanwhile MH Ambareesh who has been sacked from the Ministry said he was not a ‘chappal’ (slipper) to be thrown away when not required, adding that he had his own popularity and knew how to handle the same. He also said he would not take back his resignation. Ambareesh not only challenged Siddaramaiah but also indicated that he has been in touch with other parties. Ambareesh said Siddaramaiah should have called him and asked him to give a chance to somebody else. “I am also a three-time MP. I was a Union Minister and I worked with him for three years. You must call us and say Ambareesh give the chance to somebody else. I would have happily given. I have no interest in power. I am satisfied because I work to my heart,” he added. &DWKROLFSULHVWKXUW LQDWWDFNLQ$VVDP 0=D?B70A<0Q 6DF070C8 n a rare incident in this part of the country, a Catholic Ipriest was attacked by unidentified assailants in Udalguri District in Assam’s Bodoland Territorial Areas Districts (BTAD), police said on Tuesday. The unprecedented incident took place at a church located near Bhairabkunda in Udalguri District of northern Assam on Sunday night. Police said that an unidentified assailant attacked Father Sushil John Soren who was returning to his hostel room after evening prayers in the church. Fr. Soren was shifted to a local hospital immediately but later shifted to a hospital in Guwahati for better treatment. His condition is stated to be alright now. “The incident took place around 9 pm on Sunday when the victim was returning to his hostel room located not far away from the church. According to his statements, he was seemingly followed by the assailant. Although the assailant attacked him with a knife, Fr. Soren resisted leading to a scuffle,” said Udalguri Deputy Commissioner, Sadhana Hojai. “Fr Soren, who used to be a footballer in the past also overpowered the assailant and shouted for help. The assailant, however, managed to escape after injuring the victim,” Hojai said adding that the district administration as well as the Assam State Commission for Minorities had already taken the matter seriously and police have been asked to book the culprits immediately. ^_X]X^]' =4F34;78kF43=4B30H k9D=4!!! % gggTQY\i`Y_^UUbS_] aRaVchZeYaRddZ`_ :_UZR_]ZSVcR]ZdReZ`_#! %HFRPLQJWKHPRVWRSHQHFRQRP\IRU)', WTD]X^]6^eTa]\T]c^]<^]SPh^_T]TSd_]X]TZThbTRc^ab^UcWTTR^] ^\hU^aU^aTXV]SXaTRcX]eTbc\T]c538PbPbfTT_X]V\^eTU^afT[R^\ X]VWdVTX]eTbc\T]cU^aPdV\T]cX]VcWTR^d]cahbTR^]^\hCWXb\^eTbh\ Q^[XbTb cWT Sh]P\Xb\ aTU[TRcTS Qh cWT =PcX^]P[ 3T\^RaPcXR 0[[XP]RT =30 6^eTa]\T]cWTPSTSQh?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SXfW^Xbb_TPaWTPSX]VP _PaPSXV\bWXUcX]aT[^RPcX]VcWT]PcX^]³b_[PRTX]cWTRWP]VX]VV[^QP[aT[PcX^]b ?aTRXbT[hcWXbbTR^]S_WPbT^U[XQTaP[XbPcX^]a^[[TS^dcQhcWT6^eTa]\T]cST\^] bcaPcTbXcbR^\\Xc\T]cc^TR^]^\XRaTU^a\bP]S^_T]]TbbST\P]STSQhcWT TR^]^\h8]UPRccWXbaTU^a\_PRZPVTbXV]P[bP]SaTPbbdaTbcWTX]eTbc^abcWPc cWTRdaaT]cSXb_T]bPcX^]X]=Tf3T[WXXbVXeX]Vc^__aX^aXchX]TPbT^US^X]VQdbX ]TbbX]cWTR^d]cah5dacWTacWXb\^eTf^d[SP[[PhcWTUTPab^UU^aTXV]X]eTbc^ab ^]RTPVPX]fW^PaT\^aT^a[TbbbZT_cXRP[PQ^dccWT\dRWPfPXcTSTR^]^\XR aTU^a\b^UcWT=30fWXRWfPbQPS[haTT[X]Vd]STacWTUX]P]RXP[\TbbRaTPcTS QhcWT[PbcD]XcTS?a^VaTbbXeT0[[XP]RTD?06^eTa]\T]c CWT6^eTa]\T]cWPbU^RdbbTS^]STUT]RTRXeX[PeXPcX^]P]SU^^S_a^RTbb X]VbTRc^abP]S\^eTSPfPhUa^\cWT]TTSU^a_aX^a6^eTa]\T]cP__a^eP[U^a d_c^&#_TaRT]c538X]Qa^f]UXT[SX]eTbc\T]cX]_WPa\PRTdcXRP[X]SdbcahCWT STUT]RTbTRc^a]^fVTcb538QTh^]S #( _Ta RT]c d]STa cWT 6^eTa]\T]c P__a^eP[ a^dcT CWT \^bc X\_^acP]c Pb_TRcWTaTXbcWPccWT]Tf_^[XRhWPb S^]T PfPh fXcW cWT R^]SXcX^] ^U PRRTbbc^²bcPcT^UcWTPaccTRW]^[^Vh c^ P[[^f _Ta RT]c 538 X] cWT STUT]RT bTRc^a CWT ^_T]X]V X] cWT STUT]RTX]Sdbcah\PhaTbd[cX]\PY^a U^aTXV]T]cXcXTbbTccX]Vd_bdQbXSXPaXTb X]cWTR^d]cahCWTPeXPcX^]bTRc^afXcW _TaRT]c538fX[[]^f_Ta\XcU^a TXV]PXa[X]Tabc^bTcd_S^\TbcXRPXa [X]TbfXcW^dccWTWT[_^UP]8]SXP]_Pac ]TaCWTbWXUcX]cWTPeXPcX^]X]Sdbcah fX[[ _dc c^ aTbc cWT R^]ca^eTabXTb Pa^d]S^f]TabWX_P]STUUTRcXeTR^] ca^[0[b^cWT]Tf\TPbdaTbfX[[WT[_ U^aTXV]PXa[X]TbU^Rdb^]cWTRdbc^\Tab P]SR^\_TcXcX^]aPcWTacWP]fPbcX]V cX\T^][TVP[P]SaTVd[Pc^ahXbbdTbfWXRWfTaTaPXbX]Vd]]TRTbbPahUTPabX]cWT X]SdbcahRXaR[TbPQa^PS0bXcWPbQTT]STRXSTSc^_Ta\Xc _TaRT]c538d]STa cWT6^eTa]\T]cP__a^eP[a^dcTU^acaPSX]VX]R[dSX]VeXPTR^\\TaRTU^aU^^S _a^SdRcb\P]dUPRcdaTS^a_a^SdRTSX]8]SXPf^d[SV^P[^]VfPhc^aTe^[dcX^]XbT cWTbTRc^a5X]P[[hfXcW _TaRT]c538X]_WPa\P\PhfXc]TbbcWTX]cT]bXUX RPcX^]^U\TaVTabP]SPR`dXbXcX^]bQh\d[cX]PcX^]P[R^a_^aPcX^]bfWXRWfX[[PccaPRc PbXiTPQ[TP\^d]c^UX]eTbc\T]cX]cWTbTRc^a <PaZTcTg_TacbWPeTfT[R^\TScWTRWP]VTbX]538_^[XRhWXVW[XVWcX]VcWT P[[^fP]RT^U538X]U^^S_a^RTbbX]VPbP_^bXcXeTbcT_U^aUPa\TabCWT^_T] X]V^UcWT538S^^abfX[[Q^^bcT\_[^h\T]cVT]TaPcX^]PbcWXbfX[[TeT]cdP[[h QaX]V WdVT X]eTbc\T]cb Ua^\ [PaVTa UPa\b X] \PY^a X]SdbcaXP[ bTRc^ab CWT 6^eTa]\T]cWPbQaP]STSXcPbPaPSXRP[aTU^a\\TPbdaTX]538fWXRWfX[[_a^ eXSTX\_TcdbU^acWTTR^]^\hX]RaTPcX]VY^QbU^a\X[[X^]b^Uh^d]V_T^_[TFXcW cWTbTRWP]VTbX]538\PY^abTRc^abfX[[QTd]STaPdc^\PcXRP__a^eP[a^dcT8c bTT\b8]SXPXbP[[bTcc^QTR^\TcWT\^bc^_T]TR^]^\hX]cWTf^a[SP]SXcfX[[ W^_TUd[[hd][TPbWP]TfaPh^UW^_TU^aS^\TbcXRP]SU^aTXV]X]eTbc^ab C D`]gZ_XC`YZ_XjRac`S]V^ 1RWDSULRULW\IRU$XQJ6DQ6XX.\L*RYHUQPHQW XcWcWTR^\\T\^aPcX^]^UF^a[SATUdVTT3PhTPa[XTacWXbfTTZ^]T^U cWT_[P]Tc³b\^bc\PaVX]P[XbTSR^\\d]XcXTbcWTA^WX]VhP<db[X\b^U <hP]\PaPaTQPRZd]STacWTX]cTa]PcX^]P[b_^c[XVWc¯P]SP[^]VfXcWcWT\ b^Xb0d]VBP]Bdd:hX=^QT[?TPRT?aXiTfX]]TaP]ScWTFTbc³b6aTPc7^_T U^a3T\^RaPRhX]cWTb^dcWTPbc0bXP]]PcX^]6XeT]cWTP[\^bcbPX]c[hWP[^cWPc WPSQTT]QdX[cPa^d]SBdd:hXTb_TRXP[[hQhcWTFTbcTa]?aTbbXcfPbcPZT]U^a VaP]cTScWPcfWT]bWTR^\Tbc^_^fTabWTfX[[QaX]VaT[XTUP]SbdRR^dac^cWT [^]VbdUUTaX]V A^WX]VhPb fW^ U^aVTc PQ^dc aXVWcb P]S QT]TUXcb PaT QPaT[h PRZ]^f[TSVTSQhcWT<hP]\PabcPcTP]Sa^dcX]T[h_TabTRdcTSQhb^RXTch7^fTeTa ^eTacWT_PbcR^d_[T^UhTPabPb<hP]\PaWPbQTT]caP]bXcX^]X]VUa^\\X[XcPah ad[Tc^PST\^RaPRhP]SBdd:hXWPbQTT]bcTPSX[hX]R^a_^aPcTSX]c^V^eTa]P]RT _a^RTbbTbXcWPbQTR^\TR[TPacWPcbWTfX[[]^cQTc^TX]VcWTX]cTa]PcX^]P[R^\ \d]Xch³b[X]T^]cWTA^WX]VhPXbbdTBdd:hXWTabT[UWPbbPXSb^X]Pb\P]hcTa\b P]ScW^dVW\P]hWPeTTg_aTbbTScWTXaSXbP__^X]c\T]cPcWTaaTUdbP[c^U^[[^f cWTbRaX_cbWTaT\PX]bd]\^eTS8]! !fWT][PaVTbRP[TeX^[T]RTTad_cTS QTcfTT] 1dSSWXbcb P]S A^WX]VhP <db[X\b[TPSX]Vc^cWT\Pbb\XVaP cX^]^UcWT[PccTa^dc^U<hP]\PaBdd :hX \PX]cPX]TS P STPUT]X]V bX[T]RT FWT]cWTaTfPbQ[^^S[TccX]VPVPX]X] ! 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Last week, the maxim was ably demonstrated by the Army Brigade at Kasauli while organising a strategic seminar on terrorism, the brainchild of veteran Lt Gen Kamal Davar. Assembled at the picturesque Kasauli Club were renowned specialists in the trade like Ajay Sahni, Lt Gen Vijay Kumar Ahluwalia, Manoj Joshi and myself. Collectively they brought to the table the knowledge and experience of combating militancy, insurgency, terrorism and Left-wing extremism (LWE). In this day and age, the scourge of terrorism heads the charts of threats and challenges to mankind. The 13th century assassins, recalls Marco Polo in his travels along the Silk Road to meet the great Mongol, Kublai Khan, were terrorists “drugged and manipulated to do their masters’ bidding” — much like contemporary terrorists. The Americans spearheaded the international response (crusade) to 9/11 with the ‘global war on terrorism’, soon tweaked it to ‘US military engagement/commitment overseas’, and now call it ‘combating violent extremism’. The focus of the terrorism seminar was on key aspects of India’s internal security. The good news: Despite forecasts of doom and gloom, a chart on fatalities due to terrorism between 2005 and 2016 displayed at the seminar showed a dramatic decline in figures, from 1,739 in 2005 to 174 in 2015 in Jammu & Kashmir. Across the board, there is a sharp drop in insurgency in the North-East (717 to 273) and in LWE (717 to 251). Islamic extremism and Hindutva extremist figures have dropped from double to single digits. The Islamic State, which is losing ground in Syria and Iraq, has made no headway in India. We were told that in the country with the second largest Muslim population in the world of 183 million, only 23 Indians had joined the Islamic State of whom six had been killed in Syria. Two years after the declaration of the Caliphate, all-India figures of Muslims who are in the Islamic State net are 25 arrested, 30 detained and 35 deported. The communal situation in the country is also on the mend W since the demolition of the Babri Masjid and the 2002 Gujarat violence, though it is still sensitive and vulnerable. Overall, statistically atleast, the internal security scenario is looking up. This, it was noted, was in conformity with the end of the era of World Wars and the arrival of the most peaceful period in recent history — a claim not in sync with popular perception. The LWE picture is more promising than in the past mainly after the wake-up call on April 6, 2010, when 76 Central Reserve Police Force personnel were killed in Chhattisgarh. 2009 and 2010 were the most violent years with fatalities rising to 997 and 1,180 respectively. Of the 640 districts, the Maoist-affected ones have dropped from 239 to 106 districts, of which 39 are critically affected. This is a significant reduction in the Maoist hold of the mainly rural, tribal and Dalit population with low human development indices. The centre of gravity of LWE is in the Bastar belt which accounts for 60 per cent of the violence. Notably, several myths have been created around the Maoists 9^TYQdbYUcd_]QY^ dQY^YdcXUWU]_^iY^ C_edX1cYQ@Q[YcdQ^ bUZUSdcdXYcQ^T`b_ dUSdcYdcY^dUbUcdc @Q[YcdQ^@ @bY]U =Y^YcdUbc6 6_bUYW^ 1VVQYbcµ1 1TfYc_b ±CQbdQZ1jYj 8=38070BC> 8=CA>3D24<>A4 3H=0<8B<8=8CBDB4 >55>A244G7818C8=6 BCA0C46820=G84CH 0=3DA64=2H8= 340;8=6F8C7 8=BDA64=284B0=3 C4AA>A8B<=>F0H B7>D;3C740A<H14 BD2:438=C> 345DB8=6;45CF8=6 4GCA4<8B< about the Red Corridor from Pashupati in Nepal to Tirupathi in Andhra Pradesh. Also, there are no Maoist Liberated Zones as claimed. Liberated regions are those which are not contested by the State and have their own administrative machinery, which is not the case. These counterclaims are valid only on account of terminological in exactitude though Government has admitted there are large tracts of areas in Bastar where the Indian flag is rarely flown. Following the 2010 Chhattisgarh ambush, the State panicked and called in the Army to carry out a typical psy-ops by deploying troops for training in the heart of Maoist land. In July 1971, two Army Divisions and the elite Parachute Brigade were launched in West Bengal to subdue the resurgence of Maoist terror which had the subsidiary effect of ensuring a Congress electoral victory. While the Army should assist and train paramilitary forces, it must not get involved in operations. The fundamental question posed at the seminar was: The longevity of the Naxal movement which started in 1967. The resident B>D=318C4 9gQcS_^VYTU^dQR_ed ]ib_\UY^AP\P] APVWPe!RUSQecU 1^ebQW;QcXiQ`gQc RUXY^TdXUSQ]UbQ 1Sd_b ±>QgQjeTTY^CYTTYaeY expert felt that the Maoists may be forced to end their campaign when its costs begin to exceed the gains and start to hurt the movement. He felt that by 2020, the Maoists will splinter into a number of smaller units indulging in extortion and criminal activities. P Chidambaram, as Union Home Minister in 2010, had put the Maoist’s expiry date at three to five years whereas his Home Secretary, GK Pillai, extended their shelf life by five to 10 years. Another question posed by a speaker was: Why was it that India had managed to resolve only one insurgency in the last 60 years? The insurgency in Mizoram (and Tripura) was resolved by a mix of military and political means with the Army creating an environment conducive to political resolution. The speaker said the tardy pace of resolving insurgencies was due to ‘strategic passivity’ while another speaker attributed it to Índia’s infinite patience — strategic patience — by placing the lid on violence and trying to tire out the insurgents. A connected comment referred to the state’s ‘strategic reluctance’ to resolve the political problem due to the nexus between local politicians and insurgents. The basic problem though is with India’s policy on use of force — minimum, proportionate and applied in good faith. In the 21st century, only the Khalistan terrorism in Punjab and Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam terrorism in Sri Lanka have been defeated militarily. It would be difficult to replicate military victories such as these, elsewhere. Even if it was achievable, India has disavowed a military solution. The constant underlying violence are ‘root causes’. These are grievances that led to violence in the first place, which have to be addressed for political reconciliation. In the end, terrorism of whichever hue will be neutralised only by overcoming the ideology of hate and defeating the motivation and military capacity to prosecute it. For greater effect, India has to introduce more dynamism in its use of force, exhibiting strategic anxiety and urgency in resolving insurgencies and dealing with terrorism. No way should the Army be sucked into defusing LWE. Without resolving the internal security problems urgently, India cannot tap its full potential for growth and development. That is the simple message from the Kasauli Strategic Studies Cell. CQ\]Q^;XQ^cX_e\T Q`_\_WYcUV_bXYc bQ`UbU]Qb[9d ]YWXdXQfURUU^Q c\Y`_Vd_^WeUDXUbU Yc^_bQdY_^Q\Ud_Yd 2:@cc`_[Uc`Ubc_^ ±CXQY^Q>3 ;4CC4ABC>C74438C>A 6beYdVe\fYcYd Sir — This refers to the editorial, “Act East, with Thailand” (June 20). Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chano-cha’s recent visit will enhance India’s ties with the island-nation. It can also pave way for greater access and partnerships across south-east Asian region. India’s Act-East Policy will receive a shot in the arm once the India-Myanmar-Thailand trilateral highway agreement is operationalised. Greater access to the countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and freedom of navigation in the South China Sea are our strategic imperatives. India can also take a leaf out of Thailand’s successful tourism policy, besides promoting trade and defence exchanges. Isha Shah New Delhi @b_]_dY^Wi_WQ Sir — This refers to the editorial, “Celebrating Yoga Day” (June 21). It is heartening that yoga will be encouraged in schools under the new education policy. Given that present times are marked with cut-throat competition, animosity and violence, this policy EYVcVT`f]UYRgVSVV_ RSVeeVcViZeW`cCR[R_ C WXbaTUTabc^cWTQaPX]bc^a\Ta°ATgXc¯>>5B^WTPacQaTPZX]V±9d]T !>dcV^X]VATbTaeT1P]Z^U8]SXPA186^eTa]^aAPVWdaP\APYP]Xb ^]T^UcWTeTahUTf6^eTa]^abfW^WPbT]Y^hTS]PcX^]fXST_^_d[PaXch^] PRR^d]c^UPR^d_[T^UX]U[dT]cXP[PbfT[[Pb_aPV\PcXRbcaXSTbWTc^^ZSdaX]V WXbcT]daTX]cWTX]cTaTbc^UcWTR^d]cahbTR^]^\hAPYP]bPRd\T]fPb^] SXb_[PhfWT]WTU^aTc^[ScWT!&!'UX]P]RXP[R^[[P_bT[^]VQTU^aTWTWPS cPZT]^eTaTeT]PbWXb_TaU^a\P]RTSdaX]VWXbcWaTThTPacT]daTWPbQTT]P__aT RXPcTSP\XSPUTfTgRT_cX^]b^USXbPVaTT\T]cb 0[[fPbV^X]V^]fT[[d]cX[PUTfe^XRTbRaXcXRXbX]VWXbfPh^Uf^aZX]V fTaTaPXbTSUa^\RTacPX]`dPacTabPVPX]bcAPYP]³b²^]TThTSZX]VaT\PaZU^a cWT8]SXP]TR^]^\hCWXbSTb_XcTWXbQ^]PUXSTX]cT]cX]R^\_PaX]VXcfXcWcWT SX\X]XbWX]VV[^QP[TR^]^\XRbRT]PaX^7^fTeTabdRW_^[XcXRP[P__^X]c\T]cb b`dPaT[hWX]VTb^]cWTad[X]VaTVX\Tb_[TPbdaTQdccWTbXcdPcX^]d]STafWXRW WTXb[TPeX]VXbaTP[[hd]_P[PcPQ[TP]SR^d[SWPeTQTT]PeTacTS 0iWPa0:WP] AP\_da was much-needed. This reminds me of the period when dharam shiksha was practised in schools before independence. That period was intended to promote, among school children, respect for every religion and brotherhood among all. However, religious intolerance is a stark reality today. It is time the Ministry introduces such periods in schools to promote harmony and brotherhood right from childhood. CK Sardana Bhopal 3XQ^WY^WYTU_\_Wi Sir — This refers to the editorial, “Find best man for the job” (June 21). It rightly implies that a Rightwing Government like the BJP has got a chance to rule on it’s own alone nationally. The Congress, alongwith the Left, has always been ignorant of the natural growth of conservatives’ view point in academic and professional fields. Former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi appointed Leftist leader Nurul Hasan as the Education Minister in the 1970s, and the latter filled the gaps in the intellectual and academic fields with his cronics. He filled in all professional fields with his Leftist-minded thought. The traditions developed by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Rajendra Prasad and Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, during the freedom movement about ancient Indian culture (which was called conservative false backward and non-progressive by Leftists) was to be ignored by Indian intellectuals. Conservatives were called ‘Hindimedium’ people. PN Saxena Via email 5^TS_^db_fUbci Sir — In an attempt to express the ordeals he faced in shooting, Bollywood actor Salman Khan, during the shoot of Sultan, said that he felt like a raped woman walking out. Khan’s comparison is definitely in a poor taste. To cover up his mistake, he has said that he was misquoted. But the audio tape has ample of evidence to suggest that he said what he has been quoted as saying. Instead of treading the path of denial mode, he should tender an unconditional apology and close the issue. The controversial remark need not be taken too far since it serves no national interest. KV Seetharamaiah Hassan BT]Shh^daUUTTSQPRZcc^) [TccTabc^_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\ "aSThT( =4F34;78kF43=4B30H k9D=4!!! % @?9>D2>D=C4A@?9>D 8fX[[QaX]VP_aXeX[TVT\^cX^]PVPX]bccWT SXbcaXRcPdcW^aXcXTbU^a]^cX]eXcX]V\Tc^ 6^eTa]\T]cUd]RcX^]bX]\hR^]bcXcdT]Rh °2^]VaTbb<? :0=C8;0;17DA80 :ccVgVcdZS]VRTe`WZ_e`]VcR_TV 58ABC 2>;D<= 8WPSQTT]X]U^a\TSQhcWTSXbcaXRc PdcW^aXcXTbcWPccWThX]eXcTSh^d 1WdaXPc^cWTUd]RcX^]bPcAPc[P\ °D]X^]<X]XbcTa 70AB7E0A370= 344?0:B8=70 HYRe2^VcZTR^fde U`RWeVc@c]R_U` 8cXbXa^]XRP[cWPcPRWP\_X^]^UST\^RaPRhP]SP]d_W^[STa^UcWTSXV]Xch^UcWT2^]bcXcdcX^]bdRWPbBhP\P?aPbPS<^^ZTaYTT bW^d[SWPeTQTT]STcPX]TSR^]UX]TSP]ScWa^f]c^STPcWP[Xcc[T^eTaPhTPaPUcTacWTU^a\PcX^]^UUaTT8]SXPbUXabc?Pa[XP\T]c I 8c³bcX\TU^acWTDBc^Yd]ZcWT1X[[^UAXVWcbcWT^]TcWPc VXeTbX]SXeXSdP[bcWTaXVWcc^ZTT_P]SQTPaPa\bPbXcXb ]^fQTX]VdbTSQh]TfTaX\\XVaP]cbc^bTcc[TbR^aTb QT[XTeTXcfX[[cPZTP[[^UdbPVaTPcSTP[^UcX\Tc^R^\Tc^ cTa\bfXcWcWTbW^RZX]VcaPVTShcWPcWXc>a[P]S^[XZTPCbd]P\X ^dc^UWT[[CWTaTfX[[QT\P]hUP\X[hP]SUaXT]SbSXaTRc[hPUUTRc TSfW^fX[[_a^QPQ[h]TeTaQTPQ[Tc^S^b^U^aP[^]V[^]VcX\T XUTeTa1dccWXbXb]^ccWT^][hcaPVTShd]U^[SX]VPbX]P[[[XZT [XW^^SfTfX[[P[b^QTPfXc]Tbbc^cWTUPRccWPcWd]SaTSb^U cW^dbP]Sb^UX]]^RT]c\T]f^\T]P]SRWX[SaT]fX[[P[b^QT X\_PRcTSTXcWTaQTRPdbT^UcWTR^X]RXST]RT^UQXacW^aaT[XVX^db _aPRcXRTbcWTh\PhWPeTX]R^\\^]fXcWcWT_Ta_TcaPc^a^UcWXb WTX]^dbRaX\TCWTXa[XeTbWPeTYdbcV^ccWPc\dRWWPaSTaTb_T RXP[[hXUAT_dQ[XRP]P]SDB_aTbXST]cXP[W^_TUd[3^]P[SCad\_ fTaTc^UX]P[[hWPeTWXbfPh 5^acWTVT]TaP[_dQ[XRXcXb^U[Xcc[TR^]bT`dT]RTc^STQPcT fWTcWTacWXbPccPRZbW^d[SQTR[PbbXUXTSPbPcTaa^aXbc^dcaPVT ^a]^cBdRWPSTQPcTXbaTSd]SP]cQTRPdbTQhP]hSTUX]XcX^] dbX]VeX^[T]RTc^UaXVWcT]^aZX[[_T^_[TfWPcTeTaQTcWT\^cX ePcX^]RP]]^cQTcTa\TSP]hcWX]VT[bTQdccTaa^aXb\aTVPaS [Tbb^UfWTcWTacWXbSTUX]XcX^]R^X]RXSTbfXcWW^f6^eTa]\T]cb RPcTV^aXbTbdRWPRcbFWTcWTa>\Pa<PcTT]fPbPYXWPSX^aP aPeX]V[d]PcXRXb^U[Xcc[TX\_^acP]RTP]SRWP]VTb]^cWX]V CWPcX]P]T[TRcX^]hTPa_^[XcXRbfX[[^eTafWT[\cWT]PaaP cXeT Xb c^ QT Tg_TRcTS Pb TPRW RP]SXSPcT fX[[ S^ P[[ WT ^a bWT RP]c^\PZTcWTQTbc^UcWTbXcdPcX^]W^fTeTaRh]XRP[cWPc\Ph b^d]SPbcWPcXbcWT]PcdaT^UcWTQTPbc CWTaTU^aTCad\_bRP[[U^aDB?aTbXST]c1PaPRZ>QP\Pb aTbXV]PcX^]Xb]^cd]Tg_TRcTScW^dVWWTZ]^fbPbfT[[PbP]h Q^ShT[bTcWPcX]bdRWRXaRd\bcP]RTbP°[^]Tf^[U±PccPRZ^UcWXb ]PcdaTXbfT[[]XVWX\_^bbXQ[Tc^U^aTbTT[TcP[^]T_aTeT]c8c XbX]STTSaTU[TRcXeT^UcWT_^[XcXRP[R[X\PcTcWPcSTb_XcTcWTT]^a \Xch^UcWTcaPVTSh]TXcWTaRP]SXSPcTXbX]P_^bXcX^]c^R^]ST\] TgXbcX]VVd][PfbcWPcP[[^fTS<PcTT]cWT^_cX^]c^[TVP[[h_a^ RdaTcWTfTP_^]bWT_dcc^bdRWSTPS[hdbT 8cWPb^UcT]QTT]bPXScWPcWXbc^ahaT_TPcbXcbT[UcX[[h^d[TPa] Ua^\XcP]ScWPccadXb\W^[SbV^^STeT]X]cWXbRPbT8cXbcX\T U^aP[[0\TaXRP]bfWPcTeTacWTXaXST^[^VXRP[_^bXcX^]c^Yd]Z cWTBTR^]S0\T]S\T]cc^cWTXa2^]bcXcdcX^]cWT^]TcWPcVXeTb X]SXeXSdP[bcWTaXVWcc^ZTT_P]SQTPaPa\bCWXbXb]^[^]VTa &( fWT]cWXb1X[[fPbPS^_cTSP]SfXcW^dcbTaX^dbU^Rdb^] T]PRcX]V Vd] R^]ca^[ [TVXb[PcX^] bdRW caPVTSXTb PaT Qdc ^][h \^\T]cbPfPh CWXbbW^^cX]VWPbQTT]U^[[^fTSQhP]^cWTaPcPbW^__X]V \P[[YdbcSPhb[PcTaCWTbPScadcWXbcWPcfXcWTUUTRcXeTVd][Pfb X]_[PRTbdRWPcaPVTSh\Ph]^cWPeTQTT]_aTeT]cPQ[TQdcR^] bT`dT]RTf^d[SRTacPX][h]^cWPeTQTT]b^W^aaT]S^dbCWTaTP[ XchXbcWPcfXcWbdRWRPbdP[cXTbTeT]cWT\^bcfT[[caPX]TSX]UP]cah QPccP[X^]fX[[QTaT]STaTSW^abSTR^\QPcU^aPbdQbcP]cXP[_TaX ^S^UcX\T FTbW^d[SP[b^aT\T\QTacWPccWTBTR^]S0\T]S\T]cfPb QPbTS^]TPa[XTaaXVWcbfWXRWfWX[TX]cWTXabcPcTS_da_^bT\Ph WPeTQTT]c^_a^eXSTX]SXeXSdP[bcWTaXVWcc^bT[USTUT]RTfPb [XQTaP[[hdbTSQhR^[^]Xbcbc^VaPQ[P]SUa^\cWT]PcXeT0\TaXRP]b 8cfPbP[b^PcPcX\TfWT]cWTU[TSV[X]V0\TaXRP]AT_dQ[XRd]STa 6T^aVTFPbWX]Vc^]fPbSTT_[hX]e^[eTSX]PfPaPVPX]bccWT ]PcXeT0\TaXRP]8]SXP]caXQTbc^VaPQcWTXaWd]cX]VVa^d]SbTPbc ^UcWT<XbbXbbX__XAXeTa8cXbXa^]XRP[cWPccWT1X[[^UAXVWcbP]S ST\^RaPcXRX]bcXcdcX^]bcWPcT]bdaTcWTXaTUUTRcXeT]TbbfWXRWTPa [XTaP[[^fTSbTcc[Tabc^dbTU^aRTPVPX]bccWT]PcXeTbP]S^RRd _hcWTXa[P]SbXb]^fQTX]VdbTSQh]TfTaX\\XVaP]cbc^cWadbc cWTXaQT[XTUbbTcc[TbR^aTb^aVXeTeT]cc^cWTXa_aTYdSXRTb4`dP[Xch QTU^aTcWT[PfRP]WPeTd]X]cT]STSR^]bT`dT]RTb B^W^fS^TbcWXbcaPVXRT_Xb^STWPeTP]haT[TeP]RTU^adb. FTfX[[S^fT[[c^aT\T\QTacWPcSTb_XcTbcaXRcVd]R^]ca^[[Pfb X]cWXbR^d]cahfWXRWP[[^fb_^bbTbbX^]^UP[XRT]bTSfTP_^] d]STaeTahbcaXRcVdXST[X]TbfTPaT]^cUaTT^UT]ST\XRdbT^U Vd]bc^PbbTac^]TbaXVWcb0bcWTaTRT]c<PcWdaPT_Xb^STWPb bcPaZ[hQa^dVWc^dcXcXb]cYdbc[Pfb^]cWTQ^^ZbcWPc\PccTa QdccWTXaX\_[T\T]cPcX^]P]ScWPcXb^]TPaTPX]fWXRWfTWPeT QTT]bPS[h[PRZX]V CWTfaXcTaXbP\X[XcPaheTcTaP]P]SR^]bd[cP]cfXcWcWT >QbTaeTaATbTPaRW5^d]SPcX^] n a short life of 52 years, Syama Prasad Mookerjee strode many worlds and in each left his indelible and inimitable imprint. By the time he died on June 23, 1953 — a lonely and unattended death in detention in Srinagar — Mookerjee had already crossed many landmarks and initiated political interventions that would eventually alter the course of independent India’s political history. His determination to reject the ‘abharatiya’ direction of national growth which aimed to make Bharat “a carbon copy of the West” and which ignored the “best in Bharatiya life and ideals” and failed to “harness the enthusiasm created by freedom to the task of realisation of the great potentialities of the country” saw him launch a movement in the final phase of his life, for creating an alternative political narrative and vision that would, through a series of trials, tribulations and struggle assume the centrestage of our political life. A conservative in the widest and most democratic sense, Mookerjee displayed, throughout his life, a profound commitment to and sensitivity towards India’s civilisational values, its civilisational knowledge-pool and sought to remould, re-state and situate these in India’s struggle for emancipation and in its quest for re-building a new life after political freedom was won. His articulations always possessed three dimensions — the local or the regional, the national and the international, and in each he sought to define and situate the Bharatiya dimension or layer. Naturally, for those infatuated with communism, socialism and fascism whose primary task was always to denigrate and propagate against civilisational India such a stance was inexplicable as well as unacceptable. Contrary to what some have projected, a profound sense of identity with India’s fundamental unity and a deep recognition of its diversities exemplified Mookerjee’s outlook and approach, it was this diversity in oneness that had to be preserved, perpetuated and safeguarded, as he noted, in his address to one of the sessions of the Hindu Mahasabha, of which he was the Working President from 1940-1944, “India according to its tradition and history has remained the home of followers of diverse religions, faiths and creeds. All ultimately being assimilated in the mighty stream of Indian culture and civilisation. This unity amidst diversity has been the keynote of Indian civilisation. Indian history gives us many examples, of unique achievements in arts, literature, religion, social and political advancement when unity was the dominant note of Indian life.” He was not, as he told his communists colleagues in Parliament, like those “who do not believe that India is nation but is a combination of separate nationalities.” Of course for a majority of those who have calumnised the contribution of Mookerjee, diversity and diversities have always been seen as convenient fireiron for promoting class conflict and unrest. They have always denied the wielded unity of these diversities that civilisational India has always signified. 8 0=8A10=60=6D;H 2PaSRPaahX]V R^\\d]Xbc_Pach WXbc^aXP]bfW^ ]XQQ[X]VP]S UTPbcX]V^]^UUXRXP[ S^[TbWPeTc^X[TSP [XUTcX\Tc^YdbcXUhcWT bdQeTabXeTa^[T^U R^\\d]XbcbX] 8]SXPbUaTTS^\ \^eT\T]cWPeT ^UcT]caXTSc^UP[bXUh <^^ZTaYTTb[TVPRh P]S\X]X\XbTWXb R^]caXQdcX^]bc^^da ]PcX^]P[[XUT^ac^ _^acaPhWX\PbP UPbRXbc\PY^aXcPaXP] fW^Qa^^ZTS]^ SXeTabXch^U^_X]X^] P]S^U_da_^bT The first act of intolerance and of fascism that spewed disdain towards our democratic framework was when a personality of his stature — one who, while leading a then fledgling party in Opposition, commanded the acceptance of leaders cutting across party lines, one who as member of “Free India’s first Cabinet” drove himself to reverse India’s de-industrialisation and displayed a complete faith in the fundamental principles of India’s Parliament and its Constitution — was tricked into a confinement from which he emerged dead. But what is fascinating and can inspire those who wish to truly undertake a study of Mookerjee’s life and contribution towards the consolidation and preservation of Indian nationhood and its democratic spirit are the various dimensions and aspects of his contributions, aspects and contributions which are defined by an undiluted and selfless patriotism and an ineradicable faith in the Constitution of India. Card carrying communist party historians, who, nibbling and feasting on official doles, have toiled a lifetime to justify or whitewash the subversive role of communists in India’s freedom movement have often tried to falsify Mookerjee’s legacy and minimise his contributions to our national life or to portray him as a fascist majoritarian who brooked no diversity of opinion and of purpose. The reality as seen in Mookerjee’s own life was quite the opposite. A deep study and dissemination of his life and works in order to dis- pel the myths and the shadows of false propaganda and duplicitous historical research is the need of the hour. Interestingly, even in his last movement in support of the Praja Parishad’s demand for the full integration of the State of Jammu & Kashmir in India, Mookerjee displayed a most catholic parliamentary spirit and approach, continuously emphasising that what was required was the settlement of the issue through dialogue and a mutual understanding. While Nehru displayed obduracy and Sheikh Abdullah an ambivalent opportunism, Mookerjee continued to remain steadfast in his demand for a constitutional approach to the issue. Facts have often been obfuscated for political expediency, as for example, it has hardly been pointed out that in one of his first letters to Nehru on the topic, Mookerjee wrote, “please do not overlook that a good number of Muslims in Jammu have also joined the movement” (for complete integration). His true constitutional sense and adherence to constitutional values in free India saw him repeatedly call for dialogue, as when he told Parliament and asked the Prime Minister to let them meet Sheikh Abdullah, “we would have liked to have met Sheikh Abdullah and others in a friendly way and explained our point of view to them. We want to come to an agreement, an agreement which will make it possible for India to retain its unity and Kashmir to retain its separate existence from Pakistan and be merged with India.” His determination for upholding the sov- 5DLOZD\V¶FKDQJLQJVWHUHRW\SHV 1aX]VX]V Sh]P\Xb\ \^STa]XbPcX^] P]S f^aZ TcWXR c^ 8]SXP] APX[fPhb APX[fPh <X]XbcTa BdaTbW ?aPQWd Xb UPbc aTSdRX]V[TcWPaVhX]8]SXP³bQXVVTbc_dQ[XRbTRc^ad]XcQhT]bdaX]V\X]X\d\6^eTa]\T]cP]S\PgX\d\V^eTa]P]RT he Indian Railways is on a path of modernisation and infrastructural development in a big way. This primordially requires that corruption is fixed at zero to ensure that not only ‘ease of doing business’ is enhanced but also to bring due and utmost diligence at all levels. Transparency in working is increasingly being viewed by the railways as one of the primary tools to not only address persistent complaints and accusations against service delivery in the public, but also to ensure that role of discretion is wrested out of both decision-making as well as service delivery ends. In this direction, the railways has taken some path-breaking steps in the field of attaining transparency in its entire functioning. Railways handles approximately 25,000 works tenders annually, thereby involving an expenditure of above C35,000 crore per year for T maintenance/upgradation of existing assets and creation of new assets for a huge railway network of about 66,000 kilometers. From simplification of administrative procedures to ensuring accessibility of procedures through publication of the procedures on the organisation’s web-portals, the railways has been reiterating its commitment to transparency in its decisionmaking systems and in various implementation processes, more predominantly in its material management segment. Some of the recent noteworthy initiatives of the railways to transform the way it engages with citizens, businesses and other stakeholders by creating information and communication technology based interfaces are mentioned below. Inter alia, the main upsides of e-governance includes building in a responsive environment; making the ‘ease of doing business’ for all stakeholders including start-ups, entrepreneurs, financial lenders hasslefree and efficient services besides primarily alleviating the concerns of the common man so that his voice is not lost to corruption. Union Minister for Railways Suresh Prabhu has always assigned highest importance to the eradication of corruption and has been emphasising on transparency, efficiency and productivity in the functioning of the Indian Railways. A marked beginning was made when the Indian Railway E-Procurement System (IREPS) was rolled out in headquarters of Zonal Railways and Production Units in 2011-2012 for procurement of goods. Transparency in public procurement being a thrust area of the Government, the Indian Railway has expanded IREPS to cover all divisions, depots and workshops in 20152016. In the 10 months of current financial year (from April 2015 to January 2016) alone, 2.35 lakh stores tenders have already been published in IREPS, which marks a whopping 90 per cent increase over the same period in 2014-2015. The system today has more than 29,000 vendors registered on the system. In order to bring transparency and efficiency in works contracts of the railways, Prabhu recently inaugurated and launched the Works Module of IREPS expanding the ‘e-tendering to all type works contracts'. E-procurement has not only resulted in complete transparency but has also reduced transaction costs and distance barriers but has enabled start-ups, entrepreneurs, micro and small-scale industries engage effectively in procurement process of railways. As a major IT initiative, system of online applications was introduced for exams undertak- en for recruitment of Group ‘C’ officers. Moreover, online examination was also introduced through Railway Recruitment Boards. This has brought transparency and certainty into recruitment process for better efficiency and substantial savings in cost and resources. The facility of e-catering is another good initiative taken by the railways where users have a very transparent system available to book their meals for delivery at their respective seats. Prabhu has also decided to set up an independent regulator to bring in transparency in tariff determination, in benchmarking performances and to ensure a level-playing field for the private players. The multi-fold speed increase of online ticket purchase through the new generation e-ticketing and automatic elimination of multiple booking through fake ids are some of the initiatives taken to increase ereignty of “Free India’s” Parliament was paramount, he told the Prime Minister on the Floor of the House, “There cannot be two Sovereign Parliaments in India” and why should Abdullah be “afraid of accepting the Sovereignty of this Parliament of Free India.” His objective in making this demand was without blemish, as when he argued, during one of the last discussions regarding the motion on Kashmir, “We must be able to show that India is not only in theory, but also in fact, a country where Hindus, Muslims, Christians and everyone will be able to live without fear and with equality of rights. That is the Constitution we have framed and which we propose to apply rigorously and scrupulously.” His criticism of policies, Mookerjee argued, was, therefore, never prompted by “some narrow, sectarian, communal motive”, it was rather “the fear that what you are doing may lead to the ‘balkanisation’ of India, may lead to the strengthening of the hands of those who do not want to see a strong United India.” It was thus supremely ironical, an epochal tragedy of Himalayan proportions, that a champion of Parliament and an upholder of the dignity of the Constitution such as him, should have been detained, confined and thrown to death within a little over a year after the formation of free India’s first Parliament. Indeed a colossal, lamentable and irreversible act of intolerance... (The author is Director, Dr Syama Prasad Mookerjee Research Foundation, New Delhi) WKLQN QRZ 344?0::D<0A970 ease of getting e-tickets online. Envisaged to make real-time information accessible, handheld terminals also enables the railway to obviate inequities in on-board accommodation allocation. Occupancy chart can be viewed on hand-held terminal device to dispense with the manual preparation of foodchart/occupancy chart. Prabhu has also strengthened its social media tools in a big way. Its presence on Twitter is enormous and widespread. Leading from the front, Prabhu a Twitter-savvy user has directed General Managers and Divisional Railway Managers of railways open their individual Twitter handles. While bringing dynamism, modernisation and work ethic together to the railway, Prabhu is fast reducing the degree of lethargy in the biggest public sector in the country by ensuring minimum Government and maximum governance. F TbXcbX[T]c[hP]SfPcRWcWT f^a[SPa^d]SdbCWXbWPb cPZT]P[XUTcX\Tc^[TPa]8c bTT\b^][hcWT^[SPaTPQ[Tc^bXc ]Tgcc^^]TP]^cWTaP]S]^cbPh P]hcWX]VP]SbcX[[UTT[R^]cT]c CWTh^d]VQaPbWP]SX\_PcXT]c \dbcP[fPhbQaTPZcWTbX[T]RT8c XbPfPbcTU^abX[T]RTXb_daT BX[T]RTXbW^[h8cSaPfb_T^_[T c^VTcWTaQTRPdbT^][hcW^bTfW^ PaTR^\U^acPQ[TfXcWTPRW^cWTa RP]bXcfXcW^dcb_TPZX]VCWXbXb cWTVaTPc_PaPS^g °=XRW^[PbB_PaZb CWT=^cTQ^^Z \^]Th =4F34;78 kF43=4B30H k9D=4!!! % >]TSTeT[^_\T]ccWPcR^d[S bWXUcX]eTbc^abT]cX\T]cXbcWT d_R^\X]VaTUTaT]Sd\X]cWT D]XcTS:X]VS^\0D:e^cTc^ TgXccWT4da^_TP]D]X^]R^d[S WPeTbXV]XUXRP]cTR^]^\XR aT_TaRdbbX^]b 5434A0;A4B4AE4 2708A90=4CH4;;4= 2EJJ 6B?= 7?FD CWTaTfX[[QT\^aTP]S\^aT R^\_TcXcX^]X]PeXPcX^]bTRc^a CWPcXbcWTbXV]P[cWPcXbV^X]V ^dcFXcW!!_TaRT]cVa^fcWaPcT 8cWX]ZXcXbPWdVT\PaZTcU^a P]hQ^Shc^R^\TP]SX]eTbc 28E8;0E80C8>=B42A4C0AH A=27>D14H 6RIW%DQN¶V1LNHVK$URUDUHVLJQVVD\VFDQ¶WEHµ&(2LQZDLWLQJ¶ ?C8Q C>:H>=4F34;78 ndia-born Nikesh Arora, touted as heir-apparent at IS oftB ank, on Tues day announced a surprise resignation from the Japanese conglomerate saying he can’t be “CEO-in-waiting past his sell-by date” as the current chief Masayoshi Son wanted to continue for 5-10 years more. The 48-year-old former Chief Business Officer at Google decided to call it a day as his 58-year-old boss Son said he was planning to quit at the age of 60 but felt he was “still a bit too young”. The development inter- estingly came just a day after Arora getting a clean-chit from a special committee set up by SoftBank to look into the allegations against him from some shareholders about his conduct and qualifications. He was also reportedly criticised by a SoftBank investor for pumping huge money in India and one of the investment went through rough weather in a reality business based web portal. Arora, who has been instrumental in SoftBank’s investments in Indian entities like Snapdeal, Ola, Grofers, Housing.C om and O yo Rooms, said he intends to <PbP!R^]cX]dT! QT24>U^a$ hTPabaTb_TRccWPc ;TPa]cP[^c2[TP] RWXcUa^\Q^PaS PUcTacWa^dVW aTeXTfCX\TU^a\T c^\^eT^] 5>A<4AB>5C10=:27845 1DB8=4BB>55824A=8:4B70A>A0 focus more on Indian startup ecosystem going forward. The exit of 48-year-old Arora, who was hand-picked by Son two years ago to suc- 'HYHVKZDUWRVWHSDVLGHIURP H[HFXWLYHUROHLQ,7&LQ)HE =4F 34;78) Diversified m aj or I T C on Tu e s d ay announced t h at YC D e ve s hw ar w i l l qu it i n Fe br u a r y a s E x e c ut i v e Chairman and CEO, posts he held for 20 years, and become a non-executive chairman. The announcement t h at 6 9 - y e a r- o l d Deveshwar will hand over the baton to a “youthful leadership” was made in a notice to shareholders for their upcoming annual general meeting on July 22. Deveshwar joined ITC in 1968 and a s s u m e d of f i c e a s Executive Chairman in January, 1996. His reapp oi nt m e nt a s a Director and also as Wholetime Director and Chairman for a period of five years with effect from February 5, 2012 was approved in the company’s AGM in July, 2011. At the meeting, the company will seek the shareholders’ nod to appoint him as a Non-Executive Director and Chairman for a period of three years with effect from February 5, 2017. In the notice to the shareholders, tobacco to hospitality conglomerate said D e v e s hw a r has expressed “his desire to shed the executive role” and “put in place a youthful leadership at the helm in the longer term interest of the company”. “Deveshwar will complete his present term on February 4, 2017. This AGM will be his last as Chief Executive Officer of the company,” ITC said. At the request of the No m i n at i o n & Compensation Committee and the Board, recognising the need for orderly transition, he has agreed to provide guidance and mentor- ship to the new executive m a n a g e m e nt , t h at i s planned to be put in place, as Non-Executive Chairman on expiry of his current term. Last year the company had announced changes in senior positions, includi ng t he e l e v at i on of Sanjiv Puri as president of its packaged goods business, taking charge as Executive Director while B Sumant took ov e r a s P r e s i d e nt FMCG. W h e n D e v e s hw a r took charge at the helm in mid-90’s, ITC was confronted with formidable challenges with diversification efforts either failing or languishing. The company’s reve nu e w a s l e s s t h a n C5,200 crore and Profit Before Tax (PBT) was C452 crore. Today it has grown ten-fold to C51,582 crore and PBT has grown 33 times to C14,958 crore, ITC said. He led the transformation of ITC known mostly as a cigarette maker to a diversified group with presence ranging from FMCG, hospitality, paperboard and packaging, IT and agri business. ?C8 ceed him and is among toppaid executives globally, also coincided with one of the most profitable deals of SoftBank. 7VU¶dJV]]V_+FD VT`_`^jWRTVd µT`_dZUVcRS]V f_TVceRZ_ej¶ 05?QF0B78=6C>= ederal Reserve Chair F Janet Yellen said on Tuesday that the US economy faces “considerable uncertainty” from slower domestic activity and from a possible British vote to break with the European Union. Pointing to recent slower hiring and investment domestically, and to the risk that a pro-Brexit vote will send shock waves through global markets, Yellen signaled that the Fed has become less optimistic about US growth over the short term and will proceed with great caution on plans to raise interest rates. She said in testimony to the Senate Banking Committee that US growth has picked up noticeably in the second quarter from the sluggish pace at the beginning of the year. Nevertheless, she said economic growth has been uneven and clear downside risks remain a threat. “Considerable uncertainty about the economic outlook remains,” she said in prepared testimony. Arora will remain in an advisory role at SoftBank for a year, the company said in a statement. Son said he would continue as CEO longer than earlier planned, but credited Arora with playing a pivotal role in deal to sell a majority stake in Supercell Oy that valued the ‘Clash of Clans’ developer at $10.2 billion. “I was thinking of handing over my job as CEO when I turn 60, but thought maybe I’m still a bit too young, and still have energy to continue,” Son said adding Arora whom he recruited two years ago will step down to pursue a different path. Arora in a series of tweets said, “Masa 2 continue 2 be CEO for 5-10 years, respect that. Learnt a lot. Clean chit from board after through review. Time for me to move on.” In another tweet, he said he didn’t want to be CEO in waiting “past my sell by date”. He did not comment on his next move. “This will allow me to think about my next move,” he said. The Banaras Hindu University-graduate wouldn’t be reappointed COO and President at tomorrow’s shareholder general meeting. S on, w ho founde d =4F34;78)Domestic institutions including State-run behemoth LIC saved the day for Indian markets on Monday, as overseas investors pressed sell-button amid ‘Rexit’ jitters to take out over C3,700 crore from Indian markets -- the highest single-day outflow so far this fiscal. Life Insurance Corp, one of the most active institutional investors, is believed to have pumped in C99 crore to purchase shares of 6-7 bluechip firms, while mutual funds also turned heavy buyers with a net purchase of shares worth C459 crore and debt securities worth C1,215 crore during the day. The hectic buying by domestic institutions, as also by some top-shot brokers in their proprietary accounts, was in sharp contrast to heavy selling of stocks by foreign portfolio investors, retail investors and even the NRIs. As per the depository data released on Tuesday, FPIs were net sellers to the tune of C2,837 crore in Indian markets during Monday’s trade -- the first trading session after the much- celebrated RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan’s surprise announcement over the weekend that he would not take the second term after end of his current three-year tenure on September 4. The net outflow by FPIs in equities stood at C528 crore, while in the debt market they were net sellers to the tune of a whopping C2,310 crore. Their overall net outflow at C2,837 crore on Monday was highest for a single day since March 29, while their equities net outflow was also maximum in about a month since May 25. The data released by markets regulator Sebi on Tuesday showed that mutual funds bought shares worth C1,462 crore and sold C1,003 crore on Monday, resulting in a net purchase worth C459 crore. For debt market, they were net buyer of shares worth C1,215 crore. As per the data from stock exchanges, all DIIs put together made a net inflow of C724.06 crore in equities, which was more than the net outflow due to sell-off by FPIs -- thus helping the stock markets move higher. However, the debt markets were not that lucky as sell-off by overseas investors there turned out to be higher. While there was no official comment from LIC on queries about its purchase of shares on Monday, sources there said that the state-run insurer pumped in C99 crore to buy shares of 6-7 GURSPDVNWHFKLQFRUUHFWO\7UDL RZQORFDOFDUULHUVD\V&KRXEH\ Idea are using call drop masking technology or RLT incorrectly in Mumbai, telecom regulator Trai said on Tuesday. “Most of the operators have focused on network improvement. However, usage of RLT (ie time-out period for releasing the call ) by Aircel, Vodafone and Idea is incorrect and needs to be addressed immediately,” the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India said in its Mumbai drive test report. According to sources, telecom operators are using RLT to mask call drops. With the help of this technology, a call remains connected even if a consumer moves to poor network coverage area for which he is billed. However, industry body COAI has denied allegation stating that the so called ‘call drop masking technology’, is actually a network parameter called, Radio Link Time Out (RLT) feature, which is a part of the GSM standards and is used globally. ?C8 =4F34;78)Relaxed FDI norms will ensure increased competition in the “huge” domestic aviation sector but foreign airlines will never be allowed to fully own a domestic carrier, a top government official said on Tuesday. In a significant reform measure aimed at bolstering the country’s high growth potential civil aviation sector, the Government has allowed foreign entities, except overseas carriers, to own up to 100 per cent stake in local airlines. Besides, 100 per cent Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has been permitted through the automatic route in brownfield airports. “There will be more and more competition (in aviation sector). That is the signal that is going out,” Civil Aviation Secretary RN Choubey told the news agency about the relaxed FDI norms and their long-term impact. “With 22 per cent growth rate I think it is a huge market for anybody to come and invest,” he said. India’s domestic traffic has been growing in double digit since last 21 months owing to a host of factors including low fuel prices, ease of doing business and capacity augmentation by the domestic carriers, among others. Driven by low fares, domestic air travel witnessed an increase of around 21.63 per cent in number of passengers last month as compared to holders while some others questioned his compensation and qualifications. He received $135 million pay package including a joining bonus in 2014-15, and was paid $73 million last year. SoftBank, burdened with $80 billion debt, has been on a selling spree in recent weeks. This month, it sold $10 billion worth of shares in Alibaba as well as most of its shares in Japanese gaming company GungHo Online Entertainment in a deal valued at about USD 685 million. It also announced sale of its stake in Finnish game maker Supercell. ?`CViZeZ^aRTe07`cVZX_Wf_Ud e``\`feC#)$(Tc`cV`_>`_URj $LUFHO9RGD,GHDXVLQJFDOO )RUHLJQDLUOLQHVFDQQHYHUIXOO\ =4F34;78)Leading operators Aircel, Vodafone and SoftBank in 1981 and built it from a computer software distributor into one of Japan’s largest telecommunications and investment holding corporations, said Arora’s exit had nothing to do with shareholder criticism of his track record and qualifications. Hired in 2014 after his over 10-year stint at Google, Arora was promoted to president in June last year. While at SoftBank, he spent nearly $4 billion investing in startups around the world in a hunt for a break-through technology company capable of driving future growth. Some of his deals were, however, criticised by share- blue chip companies. The stock exchange data further showed that retail investors, while trading as clients of brokerage firms, were net sellers to the tune of about C125 crore -- a figure much higher than their average daily figure. The NRIs, who are not very active in Indian markets, also sold shares worth a net amount of C4.35 crore, but the brokerage firms in their proprietary accounts were net buyers to the tune of more than C25 crore -again higher than their daily average figure. The data shows a contrasting trend to the traditional pattern of foreign investors being net buyers on a day when the benchmark stock market indices like Sensex and Nifty close with gains. FPIs are estimated to own over 20 per cent shares of all the listed shares available for trading in the country, while the holding of DIIs is just about 7-8 per cent. This ensures that the FPIs remain in a much stronger position to drive the movement of the Indian stock markets. Marketmen said that the domestic institutions could have been pressed into hectic buying in select high-weightage stocks to counter the impact on index values due to heavy selling by foreign investors amid concerns *DVRXWSXWDW(VVDU¶V5DQLJDQM FRDOEORFNFURVVHVPPVFPG ?=BQ =4F34;78 ssar Oil on Tuesday said gas output of its Raniganj E coal-bed methane (CBM) May 2015. According to an analysis conducted by the ministry, air fares declined by 18.1 per cent in the February-April period of this year over the same period of 2015. While 100 per cent FDI has been allowed in airlines, the limit for foreign carriers remains at 49 per cent. “Foreign airlines will not be allowed to invest more than 49 per cent. A foreign airline will never get to own a (Indian) airline,” Choubey said.Interestingly, the relaxation in FDI norms came less than a week after the muchawaited new civil aviation policy was unveiled, wherein the government scrapped the contentious 5/20 international flying norms for domestic airlines. Under the 5/20 norm, only carriers that have been in operation for at least five years and having a fleet of minimum 20 planes were allowed to fly overseas. The requirement of five years operational experience has now been done away with. Currently, there are three local airlines where overseas carriers have significant stakes. Singapore Airlines owns 49 per cent stake in Vistara while Malaysia’s AirAsia Berhad has 49 per cent shareholding in AirAsia India. Gulf carrier Etihad Airways is a 24 per cent stakeholder in full-service airline Jet Airways. Unveiling the reform measure, the Government on Monday said that for NRIs, 100 per cent FDI would continue to be allowed under the automatic route. “However, foreign airlines would continue to be allowed to invest in capital of Indian companies operating scheduled and non-scheduled airtransport services up to the limit of 49 per cent of their paid-up capital and subject to the laid-down conditions in the existing policy,” it had said. With regard to airports, the Government has permitted 100 per cent FDI in brownfield projects through the automatic route. ?C8 relating to Rajan. Stocks and rupee yesterday opened with an early morning plunge but equities bounced back to score a 241-point rally as Rexit jitters got blunted by a new wave of FDI reforms, hectic buying by institutions, talking-up by influential marketmen and easing Brexit worries. Rupee, however, could not be saved of its morning blues entirely and ended 23 paise down at C67.31 against the US dollar, although intervention by RBI in the forex markets helped its partly recoup the losses. The Indian currency had plunged almost one per cent or 61 paise to a low of C67.69. Stock market benchmark Sensex plunged to as low as 26,438 points in pre-open trade between 0900-0915 hours, down nearly 200 points from its previous close, but early morning buying orders helped limit the opening loss at 178 points. After touching a low of 26,447.88 in opening trade, the Sensex recovered sharply to scale an intra-day high of 26,885.49 points before finishing at 26,866.92, showing a gain of 241.01 points or 0.91 per cent. The Sensex, however, moved lower on Tuesday and closed 54 points down at 26,812.78. ?C8 block in West Bengal has crossed 1 million standard cubic meters per day, the first Indian unconventional hydrocarbon field to achieve the mark. Essar Oil, which has so far invested C3,300 crore in the CBM block, is targeting to reach peak output of 3 mmscmd in 2017-18 fiscal year. “Raniganj (East) Block in West Bengal has become India’s first CBM (Coal Bed Methane) asset to cross the 1 mmscmd production milestone. This makes Essar the country’s largest unconventional gas player,” the company said in a statement. Essar had started test production from the block in 2011. As per 2016 NSAI ( Ne t h e r l an d s S e we l l & Associates, Inc.) report, the proven, probable and possible gross CBM reserves in the Raniganj (East) Block is estimated at 1.09 trillion cubic feet. The Block has an additional resources in the ‘contingent’ categor y of around 270 billion cubic feet. “We are targeting 1.8-1.9 mmscmd of production by the end of current fiscal and by mid of 2017-18 fiscal we should be producing peak output of 3 mmscmd,” the c omp any ’s CEO-E&P Manish Maheshwari said. In the last 12 months, the average well productivity has more than doubled, he said adding the company has planned a capex of C500 crore for CBM exploration and production this fiscal. “Essar has commenced supply to Matix Fertilisers for its pre-commissioning activities at the rate of 150,000 scmd. Besides Matix, the CBM gas is being supplied to industrial consumers in the catchment area of Durgapur,” the statement said. The price of gas is as per government notified rate is $3.06 per million British thermal unit at present. “There are tremendous opportunities in the domestic unconventional hydroc ar b on s e c tor. The Hydrocarbon Exploration Licensing Policy (HELP), which was announced by the Government in March 2016, recognises this potential in contributing towards national energy security,” Maheshwari added. An independent study put s i n - pl a c e s h a l e g a s resources of around 8 Tcf underneath the CBM play in the Raniganj (East) Block, the statement said. Besides Raniganj (East), Essar has four other CBM bl o ck s i n clu d i ng i n i n J h ark hand and t wo i n Odisha. Essar has approached the government for permission to further explore shale formations the CBM block. \^]Th =4F34;78kF43=4B30H k9D=4!!! % jca^l >]cWT^RRPbX^]^U8]cTa]PcX^]P[ H^VP3Ph7^dbX]VP]SDaQP] 3TeT[^_\T]c2^a_^aPcX^] 7D32>^aVP]XbTSPfTTZ [^]VH^VP_a^VaP\\TbU^aXcb T\_[^hTTbX]R^[[PQ^aPcX^] fXcW8B705^d]SPcX^]CWT 8B705^d]SPcX^]cPdVWc³D_P H^VPc^cWT_PacXRX_P]cb P\XSbc\P]h^cWTah^VP TgTaRXbTb2<37D32>3a< APeX:P]cWPRcXeT[h_PacXRX_PcTS P]STg_[PX]TS^]cWTQT]TUXcb^U h^VP<^aTcWP]! 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There are three models to calculate charges at airports - single till, double till and hybrid till. International Air Transport Association’s regional vice president for Asia Pacific Conrad Clifford said the draft civil aviation policy stated that tariff at ‘all future airports’ will be calculated on a hybrid till basis. However, the final policy states that ‘future tariffs at all airports’ will be calculated on a hybrid till basis. “It contradicts one of the stated intentions of the NCAP - to make flying affordable,” he said. “We will be approaching the Civil Aviation Ministry to clarify the seemingly minor change in the wording, which has a major impact on the airport charges landscape in India,” Clifford said. Even as he termed the final aviation policy a step in the ‘right direction’, Clifford said, “We are concerned with the way the policy on hybrid till was written.” In the single-till model, both aeronautical and non- aeronautical charges are taken into account for fixing landing and parking charges. In the doubletill model aeronautical charges are calculated taking into account revenues from aeronautical and non-aeronautical charges on the basis of collections from non-aeronautical. f^a[S ! =4F34;78kF43=4B30H k9D=4!!! % X]cTa]PcX^]P[ \RJD GD\ ?C8Q D=8C43=0C8>=B nderscoring yoga’s message of promoting harU mony, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Tuesday asked citizens across nations to commit to unity regardless of ethnicity, faith, gender and sexual orientation. “On this International Day of Yoga, I urge everyone to embrace healthier choices and lifestyles and to commit to unity with our fellow human beings, regardless of ethnicity, faith, age, gender identity or sexual orientation. Let us celebrate this Day — and every day — as members of one human family sharing one common, precious home,” Ban said in his message for 2nd International Day of Yoga which is being commemorated across the world on Tuesday. Ban called for equality @_J`XR5RjT`^^Zee`f_Zej+ F? TYZVW among humans irrespective of their nationalities and sexual orientation assumes significance in the wake of the tragic shooting last week in Orlando in which 49 people were killed and over 50 injured when 29-year old Omar Mateen opened fire in a popular gay nightclub. The UN chief’s message for yoga day was read out by veteran Indian diplomat and currently his Special Adviser on Myanmar Vijay Nambiar during a special panel discussion organised here by India’s Permanent Mission to the UN on the eve of yoga day. Ban said that the ancient physical, mental and spiritual practice of Yoga originated in India and is now practised in various forms around the world. “Yoga balances body and soul, physical health and mental well-being. It promotes harmony among people, and between ourselves and the natural world,” he said, adding that the United Nations General Assembly had proclaimed June 21 as the International Day of Yoga in recognition of its “universal appeal”. He noted the second observance of the International Day of Yoga highlights the important role healthy living plays in the realisation of the Sustainable Development Goals, adopted last year by all 193 United Nations member states. Ban highlighted that as an exercise, yoga has multiple benefits and can help cultivate healthier lifestyles in current times when physical inactivity is linked with a number of noncommunicable diseases, such as cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. “Practising yoga can also help raise awareness of our role as consumers of the planet’s resources and as individuals with a duty to respect and live in peace with our neighbours. All these elements are essential to building a sustainable future of dignity and opportunity for all,” he said. Meanwhile, renowned spiritual leader and Isha Foundation founder Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev said that yoga is H^VPCPX2WX ³YdVP[QP]SX´\PaZb h^VPX]2WX]P ?T^_[T_TaU^a\h^VPPbcWThVPcWTaPccWT P]RXT]cbc^]TRXaR[TBc^]TWT]VTSdaX]V cWTBd\\TaB^[bcXRTcWT[^]VTbcSPh^U cWThTPaX]FX[cbWXaT^]CdTbSPh 0? India’s gift to the world. “We must understand that yoga is not an Indian (thing). If you want to call yoga Indian, then you must call gravity European,” Sadhguru said at a panel discussion organised by India’s Permanent Mission to the UN. Beijing: A Yoga-Tai Chi “jugalbandi” at the iconic Great Wall was among the many events held in China on Tuesday to mark the second International Day of Yoga as thousands of enthusiasts of the ancient Indian spiritual discipline participated in the celebrations. The Indian Embassy in association with Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, hosted yoga events at different places in the run up to the second UN International Yoga Day. A large group of enthusiasts of Yoga and ancient Chinese martial art Tai-Chi took part in a “Jugalbandi” exercises at The Great Wall. Counselor Culture of Indian Embassy Vanaja K Thekkat and Indian Yoga teachers along with senior officials of the CPAFFC attended the event. :44dV_eV_TVd W`c^Vc4`_X` GA3V^SRe`") jVRcdZ_acZd`_ CP[XQP]PccPRZQdbTbX] #&!!:D:Df]ecRd\Z]]VUZ_hcVde7R]]f[RY`a 0UPQSdRc%_T^_[T I 0? Q C74706D4 =4C74A;0=3B he Taliban on Tuesday ambushed a series of buses T and cars in southern he International Criminal Court has sentenced T Congolese former vice-presi- Afghanistan’s Helmand province, forcing people out of the vehicles and abducting around 60 passengers, an Afghan official said. The insurgents later said they released all but 27 of those abducted. According to Mohammad Ismail, a district police chief in Helmand, the attack happened in Gareshk district. The Taliban forced the buses and cars to stop at gunpoint, he said, adding that it’s not known where the Taliban took the abducted passengers. The abductions come amid stepped-up Taliban attacks as part of their summer offensive. The insurgents frequently target buses carrying civil servants, or those perceived to be working for the Kabul Government. On Monday, a Taliban suicide bomber killed 14 Nepalese security guards in an attack on their minibus in the Afghan capital. And in dent Jean-Pierre Bemba to 18 years in prison for murders, rapes and acts of pillaging committed by his troops in the neighboring Central African Republic in 2002 and 2003. Presiding judge Sylvia Steiner said on Tuesday that Bemba will get credit for the eight years he has already spent in ICC detention since his arrest in May 2008. Bemba, a former Congolese senator and vice president, was the commander of the Movement for the Liberation of Congo when he was asked in 2002 and 2003 to send troops by CAR president Ange-Felix Patasse to provide support during a civil war. 0?Q 1067303 0?Q :0=3070A late May, a suicide bomber struck a minibus carrying court employees during morning rush hour, also in Kabul, killing 11 people. The Taliban also claimed that attack. In Tuesday’s attack, Abdull Ghafoor Tokhi, the Helmand transportation director, said the Taliban “stopped couple of buses and around 15 other vehicles on the main highway and searched them all” suggesting they were looking for someone or something specific and had enough time to go through all the vehicles. Helmand police chief Gen Aqa Noor Kentoz said Afghan security forces launched an operation to find the abducted passengers. He said it was too early to say how many government employees were among those travelling in the attacked buses and cars. Taliban spokesman Qari Yusouf Ahmadi later in a message to the media confirmed the group was behind the assault and said the insurgents still hold 27 of the abducted but freed the others. 3T[PhX]STR[PaX]V ³\T[cS^f]´R^eTad_ PS\Xcb9P_P]dcX[Xch Tokyo: The utility that ran the Fukushima nuclear plant acknowledged on Tuesday its delayed disclosure of the meltdowns at three reactors was tantamount to a cover-up and apologised for it. Tokyo Electric Power Co. President Naomi Hirose’s apology followed the revelation last week that an investigation had found Hirose’s predecessor instructed officials during the 2011 disaster to avoid using the word “meltdown.” “I would say it was a cover-up,” Hirose told a news conference. AP the US-led coalition, Iraqi special forces took control of the neighborhoods of al-Shurta and al-Jughaifi, special forces’ Brig Gen Haider al-Obeidi told The Associated Press. He said Iraqi military engineers were clearing the streets and buildings of left-over bombs. Teaming up with paramilitary troops and backed by the US-led coalition, Iraqi Government forces launched the large-scale Fallujah operation in late May. On Friday, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi declared vic- raq’s Government forces on Tuesday dislodged the ISIS group from two northern neighborhoods of Fallujah as an Iraqi military commander claimed the month-long offensive to recapture the city had left 2,500 ISIS militants dead. The announcements came just days after the Government had declared the liberation of Fallujah, the last bastion of the ISIS group in the sprawling western Anbar province. With aerial support from tory after special forces entered the city center, capturing government buildings and the central hospital. Then, Iraqi commanders said 80 per cent of the city was under their control, though clashes were still underway in its northern parts. In an interview with the local al-Sumaria TV, the counterterrorism forces’ chief in the Fallujah operation, Lt General Abdul-Wahab alSaadi, said about of 2,500 ISIS fighters have been killed in the offensive. 4YZ_VdVWZdYZ_X µcfdV¶e`deR\V T]RZ^dRjd :_U`_VdZR_?Rgj ?PZBT]PcT_P]T[ :cR_8V_hRc_d >i3TUaTRadXcb STR[PaTbU^aRTS U^aRTSc^aP_T 3RYcRZ_`gVc R^]eTabX^]^U7X]Sd ^`gVRXRZ_de TPRW^cWTa)?a^QT VXa[bd]8b[P\XR 05?Q BH3=4H 05? Q 90:0AC08=3>=4B80 Pakistani Senate committee on Tuesday declared the forced conversion of Hindu girls to Islam as un-Islamic and appealed to the Government to adopt a comprehensive mechanism for the protection of women belonging to minority communities. “Forced conversion of girls to Islam is against the teachings of Islam and also a violation of law in the country,” said Senate Standing Committee on Religious Affairs’ Chairman Hafiz Hamdullah. He said that religion is a personal matter of every individual, and an individual can not be converted by force, the Dawn reported. Leader of House in the Senate Raja Zafarul Haq also stated that compelling anyone to convert is against the teachings of Islam. “We are already under observation from human rights organisations due to growing incidents of force conversions,” Haq added. ndonesia’s Navy said on Tuesday that poaching by Chinese trawlers in its waters was a “ruse” to stake Beijing’s claim to fishing grounds, after the latest clash in the South China Sea. The confrontation on Friday near Indonesia’s Natuna Islands was the third such skirmish in the area this year between Chinese and Indonesian vessels, as tensions mount in the waterway over Beijing’s growing assertiveness. Indonesian warships fired warning shots at a group of foreign vessels allegedly fishing illegally and detained a Chinese-flagged boat and seven crew. China protested after the clash and said one fisherman was injured. Jakarta has said none of the detained crew were hurt. The commander of the Indonesian navy’s western fleet said he suspected the incursions were “structured”, indicating the Chinese Government had “given its blessing”. I ?C8 Q 8B;0<0103 A DYZRT]VcZT 05?Q C47A0= leading Iranian general has warned Bahrain it is fanA ning armed rebellion and “will pay the price” after a crackdown on its Shia majority saw the community’s spiritual leader stripped of his nationality. The warning from General Qassem Suleimani, head of the elite Revolutionary Guards’ overseas operations arm, the Quds Force, came after Washington too strongly criticised the move by its Gulf Arab ally. “Surely they know that the aggression against Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim is a red line... That will leave no option for the people but to resort to armed resistance,” Suleimani told State media on Monday. Bahrain’s rulers “will pay the price and it will have no result but the destruction of this bloodthirsty regime,” he added. It was a rare public pronouncement from Suleimani. eenage recruits into the Australian military were T forced to rape each other, often as part of brutal initiation practices, a public inquiry into child sex abuse heard on Tuesday. The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sex Abuse has already examined churches, sports bodies and the entertainment industry with its focus now on the Australian Defence Force. The spotlight is on two former training establishments used from the 1960s to 1980s — HMAS Leeuwin in Western Australia where junior naval recruits were trained, and an army apprentice school at Balcombe in Victoria state. Counsel assisting the inquiry Angus Stewart said the commission had been contacted by 111 people about incidents of child sexual abuse within the ADF — and 50 of these involved either Leeuwin or Balcombe. 6;>14 CA>CC8=6 BF434=C>@D4BC8>= 0BB0=648=;>=3>= 4<10BBH7834>DC ;^]S^])BfTSXbWPdcW^aXcXTb WPeTfaXccT]c^cWT4RdPS^aTP] U^aTXV]^UUXRTX]D:bTTZX]VP \TTcX]VfXcWFXZX[TPZbU^d]STa 9d[XP]0bbP]VTPbWTQTVP]WXb UXUcWhTPaW^[TS^dcX]cWT 4RdPS^aP]T\QPbbh E8>;4=C?A>C4BCB A>2:05A820´B20?8C0; ?aTc^aXP)ETWXR[TbfTaTc^aRWTS P]Sa^PSbfTaTQPaaXRPSTSfXcW a^RZbP]SQda]X]VchaTbX] B^dcW0UaXRP³bRP_XcP[?aTc^aXP ^]CdTbSPhX]eX^[T]c_a^cTbcb ^eTaPSXb_dcTS\Ph^aP[ RP]SXSPcTU^ad_R^\X]V \d]XRX_P[T[TRcX^]b 50C74A74;35>ACAH8=6 C>:8;;8=C4AB4G101H 1TXYX]V)0\P]X]2WX]PWPb QTT]PaaTbcTSU^acahX]Vc^ZX[[ WXbRWX[ScWaTTcX\TbPUcTaWT RP\Tc^Z]^fcWT]TfQ^a]fPb P]X]cTabTgQPQh¯Q^a]fXcW Q^cW\P[TP]SUT\P[TVT]XcP[b 6D=2>=CA>;183 508;B8=DBB4=0C4 FPbWX]Vc^])CWTDBBT]PcT WPbSTUTPcTSPbcaX]V^UVd] R^]ca^[\TPbdaTbX]R[dSX]V^]T PX\TSPcTg_P]SX]VQPRZVa^d]S RWTRZbU^aX]SXeXSdP[Vd]bP[Tb PQ[^fc^aTU^a\TUU^acbX]cWT fPZT^UcWT>a[P]S^\PbbPRaT B8=37278459DBC824´B B>=013D2C438=?0: :PaPRWX)CWTb^]^UcWT2WXTU 9dbcXRT^UBX]SW7XVW2^dacWPb QTT]PQSdRcTSQhd]XST]cXUXTS Pa\TS\T]WTaTX]?PZXbcP]³b [PaVTbcRXchP]STR^]^\XRWdQ P]S_^[XRTWPeTSTcPX]TSUXeT _Tab^]bX]cWXbR^]]TRcX^] 46H?C2>DACF>=´C68E4 8B;0=3BC>B0D380A0180 2PXa^)0]4Vh_cXP]R^dac^] CdTbSPh`dPbWTSP 6^eTa]\T]c³bQ^aSTaSTP[fXcW BPdSX0aPQXPc^WP]S^eTacf^ bcaPcTVXRATSBTPXb[P]Sbc^cWT 6d[U]PcX^]cWPcWPSb_PaZTS _dQ[XR^dcaPVTX]cWTR^d]cah CWT4Vh_cXP]0S\X]XbcaPcXeT 2^dacad[TScWPccf^Xb[P]Sb CXaP]P]SBP]PUXafWXRWfTaT d]STa4Vh_c³bR^]ca^[U^a^eTa% hTPabbW^d[SaT\PX]d]STacWT 4Vh_cXP]b^eTaTXV]ch PeT]dTb " =4F34;78kF43=4B30H k9D=4!!! % 4YR_XVe`VUfTReV n the wake of digitisation and advancement in technology, that is transforming the eco-system of education, the need to reform the ageold education policy of India grabbed a lot of attention from plenty of people. It was on October 31, 2015, when the Ministry of Human Resource Development kick-started the movement and set-up the committee headed by TSR Subramanian, former Cabinet Secretary, to draft the New Education Policy (NEP). A formal note that was released by the Ministry stated: “The National Policy on Education was formulated in 1986 and modified in 1992. It has been the guiding document for over 29 years for the policies of the Central Government in the education sector. Almost three decades have passed since then, and significant changes have taken place in our country and the world at large. New technologies have transformed the way in which we live, work and communicate; the corpus of knowledge has vastly expanded and become multi-disciplinary; and research has become far more collaborative. In this context, the education sector needs to gear itself towards the global and national demands of the 21st century.” Of late, the drafting committee submitted the report to the Ministry which is now going through the threepronged consultation process. “We’ve submitted the report to the HRD Ministry and now it’s their property. On the basis of the feedback and experts’ opinions from the field experiences, empirical research, stakeholders and many others, the Ministry will formulate the final policies and officially release it. So far, the policy has not been released officially, thus I’m not authorised to talk on this,” JS Rajput, former chairman NCERT, who is also a member of the draft committee said. I CWTSaPUc^U=Tf4SdRPcX^]?^[XRhbdVVTbcb[P]S\PaZaTR^\\T]SPcX^]b cWPcPX\bc^aTeP\_cWTbhbcT\P]SX\_a^eT`dP[Xch^UTSdRPcX^]X]cWT R^d]cah1dcTg_TacbUTT[cWPcc^X\_[T\T]cXc^]P[PaVTbRP[TfX[[QTP RWP[[T]VTB0=644C0H030E cT[[bh^d\^aT Like we have the All India Management Association, a common entrance exam for admission in Bschools and NEET II for all the medical programmes, similarly this recommendations aims to establish National level entrance exam platform for admission in UG courses across the universities. “The suggestion to hold a national level SAT-like test for all students who have passed Class XII is a valuable one and needs to be implemented without delay. It’ll streamline the system of entry to colleges and universi- ties across the country. Currently too many examinations, too many formats and criteria not only cause much stress and hassle to students but also put students of certain Boards in a disadvantaged position,” Dr Prashant Bhalla, president, Manav Rachna Educational Institutions, says. Q 7^[SX]VcTPRWTabWTPS\PbcTabPRR^d]c PQ[TU^a[TPa]X]V^dcR^\Tb*cWTXaRPaTTa_a^ VaTbbX^]fX[[QT[X]ZTSc^cWTXa_TaU^a\P]RT “In the rural areas, teachers don’t come to the school and they appoint an ad-hoc teacher who has only studied till Class XII. As a result, the performance of the student goes down. To implement this recommendation, the challenge would be how to change the lethargic mindset of the teachers and students and leave no loopholes in the system for the people to cheat or scam. To deal with this, a centralised examination system is required where students can give exams in a different centre amidst an independent surveyor and examiners,” Bansal says. C40274A<0=064<4=CBHBC4< Q CWT2T]caTBcPcTbW^d[SY^X]c[hU^a\d[PcTcaP]b _PaT]c \TaXcQPbTS VdXST[X]Tb U^a aTRadXc\T]c ^U cTPRWTab_aX]RX_P[bTcR Q ATRadXc\T]c fX[[ ^][h QT S^]T Qh X]ST_T]ST]c cTPRWTaaTRadXc\T]cR^\\XbbX^]b Q CTPRWTabbW^d[SQT\PSTPRR^d]cPQ[TU^acWTXa_Ta U^a\P]RT Q CWTaTfPaSP]S_d]XbW\T]cbcadRcdaT^UcTPRWTab ]TTSbc^QTR[^bT[h[X]ZTSc^R^]cX]d^dbPbbTbb\T]c ^UbcdST]c_TaU^a\P]RTP]ScTPRWTaTeP[dPcX^] Q 5^aTgXbcX]VcTPRWTabR^\_d[b^ahcaPX]X]VTeTahUXeT hTPabbW^d[SQTcWT]^a\ Q 2^\_d[b^ah[XRT]bX]V^aRTacXUXRPcX^]U^acTPRWTab X]6^eTa]\T]cP]S_aXePcTbRW^^[bbW^d[SQT\PST \P]SPc^ahfXcW_a^eXbX^]U^aaT]TfP[TeTah hTPab Q 2^dabTb^]cWTdbT^U82CPbP]PXSU^aT]WP]RX]V cWTcTPRWX]V[TPa]X]V_a^RTbbbW^d[SQT\PSTP_Pac ^UcWTRdaaXRd[P^UcTPRWTab³caPX]X]VR^[[TVTb A45>A<8=6082C4=24AC=D4?0D62 Q CWT\P]SPcTb^UD62P]S082C4bTcd_d]STaSXU UTaT]c[PfbbW^d[SQTaTeXTfTSX]cWT[XVWc^UcWT_a^ _^bTS ]PcX^]P[ WXVWTa TSdRPcX^] _a^\^cX^] P]S Singh Indraprastha University at the Dwarka campus. Inaugurated by the vice-chancellor of the university Prof Anil K Tyagi; pro-vice chancellor Prof Pushplata Tripathi; registrar SK Tanwar; director, Students Welfare Prof CS Rai and other senior officers and faculty members were present on the occasion. Rhythmic yoga was performed by a student of the university. Adva Q <X]X\d\bXg_TaRT]c^U63?U^aTSdRP cX^] India spends less than 4 per cent of GDP on education, a figure lower than the average spending on education in the developing world. By allocating a minimum of 6 per cent of GDP to the education sector, one wonders how the distribution of money would take place. “Six per cent of GDP is huge but from where the Government will get it, is a big question mark. Even if they implement this, the other expenditure will get affected. In the coming two years, I don’t think the Government would be able to shell out that much for education. Public-private-partnership can help in dealing with the challenge. Government can motivate people to establish university, school etc and then support them in the running of the schools,” Bansal says. Q 2^\_d[b^ah[XRT]bT^aRTacXUXRPcTU^acTPRW TabQPbTS^]P]TgcTa]P[cTbcTeTah hTPab Talks around the need for improvement of quality of teaching in schools has been the hot debate in seminars but nothing much has been done so far on that front. “Time and again surveys have shown how Indian school children are ill-equipped to read the texts or solve Maths problems of even junior grades. The committee’s recommendations to make Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) compulsory for recruitment is welcome; so is the recommendation to make teacher certification compulsory and renewable based on independent external testing as this will ensure quality of teachers. However, we need more interventions to address the issue of teacher absenteeism in Government schools which is a rampant problem degrading Government school education,” Bhalla says. The only concern is that duration of the TET is said to be too long. “Ten years is a long time period. There is no point if you don’t have the exam at the National level. If you have it at State or district level, the corruption will crop up and the entire system will get spoilt. It has to be tested in the interval of two ?dXUbbUS_]]U^TQdY_^c \P]PVT\T]c0Rc Q =24AC]TTSbc^U^RdbbWPa_[h^]X]RaTPbX]VcWT `dP[Xch^UbRW^^[TSdRPcX^]P]SaTSTbXV]XcbcTgcQ^^Zb X]P\P]]TacWPccTPRWTabQTR^\TUPRX[XcPc^abT]R^da PVTbT[U_TTa[TPa]X]V Q CWTaTbW^d[SQT_TTaaTeXTfb_TaX^SXRP[TgcTa ]P[aTeXTfb^UcWTf^aZ^U=D4?0 Q FWT]cWT]Tf^eTaPaRWX]VWXVWTaTSdRPcX^]\P] PVT\T]c[PfXbT]PRcTScWTD620RcbW^d[SQTP[[^fTS c^[P_bT Q BcP]SX]V4SdRPcX^]2^\\XbbX^])<X]Xbcah^U7A3 aT`dXaTbcWTPbbXbcP]RT^UPWXVW`dP[XchcWX]ZcP]ZX] cWTU^a\^UPbcP]SX]VTSdRPcX^]R^\\XbbX^]c^bcdSh T\TaVX]VRWP[[T]VTbTeP[dPcTX]cTa_aTc_^[XRXTb _a^VaP\\Tb_a^eXSTX]U^a\PcX^]VdXSP]RTc^cWT \X]XbcahUa^\cX\Tc^cX\T A43D242DAA82D;D<;>03 Q =TTSc^aTSdRTRdaaXRd[d\[^PSPe^XSa^cT[TPa] X]V 3HUIRUPHUVDZDUGHG he second International Yoga Day recently was celT ebrated at the Guru Gobind Experts feel that to come up with IES looks impossible in the near future and will require years of effective planning, strong unit and notifications from the Government of India. “Conceptually this is a good idea but the big question is how are you going to execute this? Are you going to have an administrative office from a non-teaching background or an educationist on board. Educationists in India are not around the age of 50. Are you going to have young people or the elders? What is going to be the criteria to recruiting them, hierarchy, job profile etc? The entire education system is amalgamated with bureaucracy. How are you going to amalgamate it is going to be the big challenge. “Before putting the education services on the line of Civil Services, we must have a commission who is working at all the national, State and district levels. Education cannot be competitive. Thus there should be educationists in their panel who should develop the right module and reforms of education in specific areas after analysing the social, economic and geographical features of the region,” Bansal says. This recommendation comes in conflict with the fundamental rights in the Constitution of India that gives special status to the religious schools. “We have a clause in our Constitution — Article 28, 29 and 30A — which gives special status to the religious schools. It signifies that Government will neither aid them nor will they interfere in their day-to-day religious affairs. These Acts are related to the Fundamental Rights. As per this recommendation, amending the RTE Act for these special schools will be difficult. How are they going to amend the rights will be an issue and constitution amendment will be needed for that,” Bansal asks. Q 2[PbbGTgP\X]<PcWT\PcXRbBRXT]RT bW^d[SQTPccf^[TeT[b¯?Pac1PcPQPbXR [TeT[ ?Pac 0 Pc P] PSeP]RTS [TeT[ >][h cW^bTfW^fP]cc^bcdShBRXT]RTPUcTa2[Pbb G]TTSc^cPZTcWT?Pac0TgP\ Q =PcX^]P[[TeT[cTbcU^abcdST]cbfW^WPeT _PbbTS2[PbbG88U^aPS\XbbX^]c^ePaX^db d]STaVaPSdPcTR^dabTb Q CWT bTccX]V d_ ^U P] 8]SXP] 4SdRPcX^] BTaeXRT Q 0\T]SX]VcWTAC40Rcc^X]R[dST_aXePcT d]PXSTSaT[XVX^db\X]^aXchbRW^^[b_a^eXS X]V UaTT TSdRPcX^] c^ RWX[SaT] Ua^\ TR^ ]^\XRP[[hfTPZTabTRcX^]b :4HA42><<4=30C8>=B The biggest challenge lies in the implementation of this policy in all education Boards uniformly all over the country. “Class X can be considered as a gateway to the career of the student. The introduction of Part A and Part B will be very helpful in filtering the students in admitting them in a course in which they are best at. But to implement it, you’ll have to bring all the Boards on one platform and then apply the changes as every Board has their different modules of teaching and curriculum,” Amit Bansal, head, FIITJEE NCRP, opines. years instead of 10 years. There should be provision that if a teacher is failing repeatedly two times, their licence should be barred,” Bansal says. yogic aasnas were performed by National players of Yoga, Naveen and Sandeep. Aarekh Goyal, Swami Vivekanand Rastriya Yoga Sansthan, Bangalore gave a powerful performance on yoga postures and its benefits. A promotional film Yoga Protocol was also screened on the occasion by the Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India. The best performers were also given mementoes BcdST]cPfPaSTSQh?a^U0]X[: by the university on the occaChPVXeXRTRWP]RT[[^a^U8?d]XeTabXch sion. Q 2^\_[TcT^eTaWPd[^UTgP\bhbcT\fWXRWcTbcb^][h a^cT\T\^ah Q ?TaU^a\P]RT^UPbcdST]cbW^d[S]³cQTYdSVTS^][h QhcWT1^PaSaTbd[cb Q 0[cTa]PcT\TcW^S^UdbX]VbRP[TSbR^aTbP]S_Ta RT]cX[TbbW^d[SQTX]ca^SdRTS Q 0bbTbb\T]c RP_PRXcXTb X] 21B4 P]S BcPcT TgP\ 1^PaSb]TTSc^QTbcaT]VcWT]TS Q 2[PbbG1^PaSTgP\X]<PcWbBRXT]RTbW^d[SQT X]cf^[TeT[b)?Pac0PcWXVWTa[TeT[P]S?Pac1Pc[^fTa [TeT[BcdST]cbfW^fXbWc^R^\_[TcTcWTXabcdSXTbPc 2[PbbG]TTSQhRW^XRTc^P__TPaX]?Pac1^][h 78674A43D20C8>= Q ?a^RTbb^UbT[TRcX^]P__^X]c\T]c^UE2bW^d[S QTST_^[XcXRXbTSS^]T^]\TaXc Q 0RRaTSXcPcX^]bW^d[SQT\PST\P]SPc^ahU^aP[[X]bcX cdcX^]b^UWXVWTaTSdRPcX^]X]R[dSX]VcTRW]XRP[TSd RPcX^]\TSXRX]TbPVaXRd[cdaTQ^cWX]_dQ[XR_aX ePcTbTRc^ab 2^d]bT[[X]VbTbbX^] T Q ATbcaXRcX]V_^[XcXRP[PRcXeXch^]RP\_db Tb P]S S^X]V PfPh fXcW bcdST]c Va^d_b QPbTS^]RPbcTaT[XVX^]^a_^[XcXRP[_PacXTb P]SfPa]PVPX]bc[TccX]VRP\_dbTbcda]X]c^ ²_^[XcXRP[PaT]Pb³ The recent political activities in some universities have lead to some disturbing environment and to serious security and law and order situations. This prompted the members to incorporated this in the draft. “The aim of introducing the political activities in colleges was to introduce the leadership qualities to the students who can rule India in the future. Twenty years back, political influence on the student leadership in college politics was too much. The main aim of having leaders in college has gone into a different tangent. Now they have become centres for flexing muscles for the political parties. The only solution is that we must not allow any kind of political activities in universities and school. They should make strict norms on which activities should be allowed and which are not; outside campaigning, student unions should be abolished, etc,” Bansal says. Q <P]SPc^ah U^a cTPRWTab c^ PccT]S caPX]X]V _a^ VaP\\TbX]cTPRWX]VR^\\d]XRPcX^]bZX[[b Q CWT c^_ _TaU^a\Tab 2[Pbb G88 R^d[S QT ^UUTaTS bRW^[PabWX_bU^aUXeThTPaX]cTVaPcTSR^dabT[TPSX]V c^b_TRXP[XbPcX^]X]b_TRXUXRbdQYTRcbc^T]bdaTcWTh T]cTacWT_a^UTbbX^] Q ATVd[Pc^ahaTVX\TU^aWXVWTaTSdRPcX^]bW^d[SWPeT cWTRP_PRXchbT]bXcXeXch^QYTRcXeXchP]SSXbRaX\X]PcX^] c^STP[fXcWSXUUTaT]cX]bcXcdcX^]b^USXUUTaT]c`dP[Xch Q 0=PcX^]P[5T[[^fbWX_5d]SSTbXV]TSc^bd__^accWT cdXcX^]UTTb[TPa]X]V\PcTaXP[P]S[XeX]VTg_T]bTbU^a PQ^dc [PZWbcdST]cbTeTahhTPabW^d[SQTRaTPcTS Q ATbcaXRc_^[XcXRP[P]S^cWTaSXbcaPRcX^]b^]RP\_dbTb 4SdRPcX^]P[ X]bcXcdcX^]b bW^d[S ]^c QT P[[^fTS c^ QTR^\T_^[XcXRP[PaT]Pbc^bTcc[T]PcX^]P[aXeP[aXTb Q 8c Xb TbbT]cXP[ c^ UX]S aXVWc QP[P]RT QTcfTT] UaTT b_TTRWP]SUaTTS^\^UPbb^RXPcX^]VdPaP]cTTSQhcWT 2^]bcXcdcX^]fXcWcWT_aX\Pah_da_^bTU^afWXRWcWT d]XeTabXcXTbWPeTQTT]TbcPQ[XbWTSc^T]PQ[TcWT_da bdXc^UTSdRPcX^] Q C^aTbcaXRccWT_TaX^S^UbcPh^UbcdST]cb^]RP\_dbTb cWTaTbW^d[SQTPSTQPcT^]cWT]TTSU^acWTbcdST]cb c^ PRWXTeT cWT \X]X\d\ QT]RW\PaZb U^a bRW^[PbcXR _a^VaTbbc^_aTeT]ccWT\XbdbT^URP\_dbUPRX[XcXTb he Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI), together with Ministry of AYUSH XcWcWTPS\XbbX^]bX]Ud[[bfX]V<P]PeAPRW]P celebrated International 4SdRPcX^]P[8]bcXcdcX^]b^aVP]XbTS?WhbXRP[ 2^d]bT[X]VU^a4]VX]TTaX]V?a^VaP\\TbU^acWTbcdST]cb Day of Yoga on June 21, 2016. Ua^\9d]T! ^]fPaSb Talking about the iniBcdST]cbPb_XaX]VU^aPS\XbbX^]X]T]VX]TTaX]V tiative, CS Mamta Binani, bcaTP\RP][^^Zd_cWTXaaP]Z^]cWTaT[TeP]cfTQbXcT president ICSI said: “Yoga P]SR^\TU^a_WhbXRP[R^d]bT[[X]VPb_TacWTSPcTb[PXS provides a holistic S^f] approach to health and 2P]SXSPcTbbT[TRcTSU^acWT_WhbXRP[R^d]bT[X]V^U 1CTRW_a^VaP\\Tb\PheXbXccWTRP\_dbUa^\')"P\ over all well-being. It helps us discover the sense of c^!_\CWThWPeTc^QaX]VfXcWcWT\cWT]TRTbbPah oneness with ourselves and S^Rd\T]cbPb[XbcTSX]cWTfTQbXcT8cXbPQb^[dcT[h the nature. As governance \P]SPc^ahU^acWTRP]SXSPcTbc^P__TPaX]_Tab^]U^a _WhbXRP[R^d]bT[X]VU^aPS\XbbX^]QTU^aTcWTPS\XbbX^] professionals, we pledge to further bring wellness to R^\\XccTT our lives adding to be a 5^a\^aTSTcPX[b[^V^]c^)Wcc_)\aTXPRX] F AE?D5?6D8541I 3^]´ccaPX]PRWX[Sc^[TPa]Qh U^aRT^aWPabW]Tbb*QdcSXaTRc cWT\c^XcQhfWPcP\dbTbcWTXa \X]Sbb^cWPch^d\PhQT QTccTaPQ[Tc^SXbR^eTafXcW PRRdaPRhcWT_TRd[XPaQT]c^U cWTVT]Xdb^UTPRW °?[Pc^ FX]S^fb ! % D?4B44488 WTD]XeTabXch^U?Tca^[Td\ CP]S4]TaVhBcdSXTbD?4B 3TWaPSd]X]eXcTbP__[XRPcX^] U^aD?4B4R^]^\XRb 4]caP]RT4gP\ D?4B444TgP\X]PcX^] U^aPS\XbbX^]c^Xcb <PbcTa^U0acb<0 _a^VaP\\TX]4R^]^\XRb fXcWb_TRXP[XbPcX^]X] 4]TaVh4R^]^\XRbU^acWT bTbbX^]! % 4;86818;8CH 0[[cWTRP]SXSPcTX]cTaTbcTSX] cPZX]VPS\XbbX^]X]cWXb _a^VaP\\T]TTSc^WPeTP STVaTTX]1PRWT[^a^U0acb10 4R^]^\XRb7^]b^abW^d[S WPeTR^\_[TcTSP10_a^VaP\\T fXcW4R^]^\XRb1PRWT[^a^U 2^\\TaRT12^\1PRWT[^a^U CTRW]^[^Vh1CTRWUa^\P aTR^V]XbTSd]XeTabXchX]bcXcdcT fXcWBcPcXbcXRb<PcWT\PcXRbPb ^]T^UcWTbdQYTRcb B4;42C8>=?A>243DA4 CWTbT[TRcX^]^URP]SXSPcTbfX[[ QTS^]T^]cWTQPbXb^U\PaZb ^QcPX]TSX]cWTT]caP]RT TgP\X]PcX^] ?0?4A?0CC4A= CWTc^cP[SdaPcX^]^UcWT TgP\X]PcX^] Xb#$\X]dcTbfXcWP c^cP[^U!\PaZbfXcW]^ ]TVPcXeT\PaZX]VCWTRP]SXSPcTb fX[[QTcTbcTS^]cWTU^[[^fX]V c^_XRb) Q 6T]TaP[4]V[XbW) ATPSX]V R^\_aTWT]bX^]eTaQP[aTPb^]X]V eTaQP[PQX[Xch Q 0]P[hcXRP[;^VXRP[ ATPb^]X]V Q @dP]cXcPcXeT)3PcP X]cTa_aTcPcX^]P]SSPcPbdUUXRXT]Rh Q 6T]TaP[4R^]^\XRb) <XRa^TR^]^\XRbP]S<PRa^ TR^]^\XRb 8<?>AC0=C30C4B CWTTgP\X]PcX^]XbbRWTSd[TSc^ cPZT_[PRT^]9d[h"CWT[PbcSPcT c^P__[hXb9d]T"5^a\^aT X]U^a\PcX^][^V^]c^ Wcc_)fffd_TbPRX] 1E>28=B>;0A4=4A6H Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI), New Delhi, invites admission to three-year Bachelor of Vocational (BVoc) in Solar Energy course for the academic session 2016-17. The course has been approved by the University Grants Commission under DDU Kaushal Kendra Scheme attached to the Department of Physics, JMI. There are 50 seats in the course including all reserved categories, as per JMI rules. The course aims at providing the graduates of higher education system to have adequate knowledge and skills for employment and entrepreneurship and to also fulfill the emerging needs of the economy. This course provides an opportunity of exiting the course after completing one year with a diploma (having NSQF Level 5), after completing two years with an advance diploma (having NSQF Level 6) and after completing the three years with BVoc degree (having NSQF Level VII). The candidates belonging to the following categories will be eligible for admission in this course: Q Students, who have already acquired NSQF certification level IV in the industry sector belonging to Solar Energy Q Students who have acquired NSQF certification level IV but may like to change their sector and pursue vocational course in Solar Energy. Q Students should have passed 10+2 level exam (or equivalent) without any background of vocational training and secured 50 per cent marks at the 10+2 (or equivalent) level. Besides, they must have also secured at least 50 per cent marks in Physics and Mathematics separately at the 10+2. The admission will be on merit. Last date to apply is July 15. The first list will be displayed on the JMI website after July 25, 2016. 3868C0;<0A:4C8=6 NIIT has launched their first interactive live, online course in Digital Marketing. The batch will start on June 26, 2016 onwards and the last date of registration is till June 25, H^VP3PhRT[TQaPcTS 2B<P\cP1X]P]X_aTbXST]c82B8RT[TQaPcX]V8]cTa]PcX^]P[H^VP3PhfXcW cWT82B8\T\QTabX]=Tf3T[WX 2016. The programme is offered in association with Digital Marketing Institute (Ireland) and will be available online for the first time. It is the 37th batch of the Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing (PDDM) which is designed for marketing, product, advertising and sales professionals who want to build a career in Digital Marketing. It covers search engine optimisation, search engine marketing, social media marketing, analytics, email marketing and mobile marketing. For more information, visit <0A:4C8=6 The Indian School of Business & Finance (ISBF), an affiliate center of the University of London, invites applications from the students for admission in three-year full-time undergraduate honours degree programmes in BSc Economics, BSc Economics and Finance, BSc Economics and Management and BSc Business and Management. The last date to apply is June 30, 2016. The student will have to go through iMET (ISBF Maths English) entrance exam. IB and A-Level students are exempted from the entrance exam. Selections are made on the basis of a personal interview. Applicants, who have passed the Class XII exam conducted by CBSE/ISC/State Board/IB/ GSCE A-Levels (by May 2016), are eligible to apply. Candidates applying for BSc Economics and BSc Economics and Finance need to have proof of competency in Mathematics (equivalent to Class XII). For other programmes, candidates should be able to competent in Maths (equivalent to Class X). Scholarships are also given for meritorious and deserving students. For more information, log on to healthy nation and practice yoga each day.” ICSI regional councils and chapters organised a one-and-a-half-hour yoga session in the morning for its members and students of respective area across India. Around five lakh ICSI stakeholders benefitted through the hour and a half long yoga session where the common yoga protocol shared by Ministry of AYUSH was shared with all ICSI offices pan-India for conducting of Yoga sessions. PeT]dTb # =4F34;78F43=4B30H9D=4!!! % 251C@?BD B0D<8;<09<D30A cP[ZbPQ^dcP[[cWT_^bbXQ[T RPaTTa^__^acd]XcXTbX] b_^acbU^aP]h^]TfW^ fP]cbc^\PZTPRPaTTaX] cWXbUXT[S S SPORTS COACHING: Coaches give instructions about the rules of the games, planning and precision in movements, observe players and offer criticism and corrective methods. Trained coaches are in great demand. This job could be either at schools, clubs or at coaching academies for the state or national players. Players from State teams may also do a Diploma in Sports Coaching from the National Institute of Sports (NIS) at Patiala for becoming coaches. FITNESS SECTOR: Career opportunities in this field are that of fitness instructor, personal trainer, fitness consultant, fitness specialist, physical therapy assistant, health and lifestyle coordinator. In order to be a fitness instructor, you need to complete a certification from NIS, or six-month or one-year diploma in fitness management from any recognised institution. domestic and international levels. Various institutes in India have set up sports management courses with the aim of training individuals in different aspects of the field. All successful and well-known players have their own personal managers or agents who keep a track of their clients’ schedules, look after activities such as their career progression, business promotion and even media and public relations. SPORTS JOURNALISM: Those with good communication skills can take on sports commentary or sports journalism, working with television, newspapers or magazines that have a sports column or programme. Sports channels have commentators, presenters, producers and directors. SPORTS PHOTOGRAPHY: Sports photographers are also in demand, particularly for major sports events. They cover sports for newspaper and magazines, television channels and websites. To become a sports photographer, one needs to SPORTS MANAGEMENT: Sports management is about planning, supervision and organising activities related to sports at \PbcTa³bX]QdbX]TbbPS\X]XbcaPcX^]<10Xb]^cYdbcP 0`dP[XUXRPcX^] STVaTT Qdc P _Pbb_^ac c^ ^]T³b _a^UTbbX^]P[STeT[^_\T]c7TaTPaTPUTfaTPb^]bcWPcfX[[ R[TPah^daR^]UdbX^]bPQ^dc_dabdX]VcWXbSTVaTT 8] ST\P]S) CWT `dP[XUXRPcX^] R^]cX]dTb c^ QT X] ST\P]SU^aXcXbeP[dTSQhT\_[^hTabPa^d]ScWTf^a[S CWXbXbTeXST]cQhcWT_a^YTRcTSX]RaTPbTX]cWT]d\QTa^U T\_[^hTab WXaX]V \^aT <10 VaPSdPcTb cWP] TeTa 0RR^aSX]V c^ P bdaeTh R^]SdRcTS Qh cWT 6aPSdPcT <P]PVT\T]c 0S\XbbX^] 2^d]RX[ 6<02 X] ! # TeTah ]X]T X] R^\_P]XTb fWXRW X]cT]STS c^ WXaT <10 RP]SXSPcTb bPXS cWTh f^d[S QaX]V ^] Pb \P]h ^a TeT] \^aT_T^_[TX]! $cWP]cWThSXScWThTPaQTU^aT 1TccTa_a^b_TRcb) 0]<10VaPSdPcT\PX]cPX]bWXVWTa RWP]RTb^U^QcPX]X]VP]SW^[SX]VPWXVW[TeT[\P]PVT\T]c study Mass Communication or a photography courses. SPORTS MEDICINE AND PHYSIOTHERAPY: Adequate medical care is necessary for prevention and control of injuries. Sports physicians, orthopaedists, chiropractors and sports and fitness nutritionists are emerging careers in India. Sports physicians are trained for prevention, recognition, diagnosis and treatment of injuries and first aid. Chiropractors do not believe in using drugs or surgery. They treat the injured athlete with heat, water, diet and massage therapy. Orthopaedists treat injuries to the bones and muscles. Sports physiotherapy is an option for those interested in sports and medicine. It is the specialised branch of physiotherapy which deals with injuries and issues related to sportspersons. A degree in physiotherapy must be completed for this. SPORTS PSYCHOLOGISTS: They study the psychological and mental factors that affect and are affected by participation and performance in sport, exercise and physical activity. It deals with improving performance by managing emotions and minimising the psychological effects of injury and poor performance. To become a sports psychologist, you need to do Master’s in Physical Education or MSc in Sports Psychology. _^bXcX^]8cXbTbcX\PcTScWPc&_TaRT]c^U<10VaPSdPcTb f^a[SfXST PaT bT]X^a \P]PVTab ^a Q^PaS SXaTRc^ab 8] ! $ PRR^aSX]V c^ cWT DB 1daTPd ^U ;PQ^da BcPcXbcXRb 1;BcWTWXVWTbcVa^fcWX]cTa\b^UbP[PaXTbP]S]d\QTa ^U Y^Qb Xb _a^YTRcTS X] cWT UXT[Sb ^U 8]U^a\PcX^] BTRdaXch 7d\P] ATb^daRTb 5X]P]RT <PaZTcX]V 8]U^a\PcX^] CTRW]^[^VhP]S>_TaPcX^]baTb_TRcXeT[hCWT6<02! $ aT_^acP[b^bPhbcWPccWTST\P]SXb_a^YTRcTSc^QT\^bc X]cWTDBU^[[^fTSQh0bXP;PcX]0\TaXRPP]S4da^_TX] T]TaVhP]SdcX[XcXTbbTRc^a <^aT^eTacWTPeTaPVTbP[PahU^aP]<10VaPSdPcTXb bdQbcP]cXP[[hWXVWTacWP]cWPc^UPVaPSdPcTfXcWPaTVd[Pa \PbcTab³ `dP[XUXRPcX^] 5^a <10 VaPSdPcTb cWT PeTaPVT bP[PahaP]VTbUa^\&c^ !_TaP]]d\ =Tcf^aZX]V ^__^acd]XcXTb) FWX[T bcdShX]V P] <10 ]bdaP]RT^aPRcdPahbTRc^aXb Applications are invited for Internships with the UN Global Compact in its New York office. Applicants must be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate degree programme (bachelor or second university degree, or higher) at the time of application and during the internship. Eligibility: Applicants must be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate degree program (bachelor’s or second university degree, or higher) at the time of application and during the internship; or under some circumstances, appli- sports and fitness nutritionist knows food, understands the science of energy cycles, can accommodate the likes and dislikes of the athlete and propose the right diet. They are employed by professional players, private and public undertakings, health clubs etc. You need to complete a certificate or diploma in nutrition from a recognised institution or university in order to become a sports nutritionist. This certification or diploma can be done after graduation in any discipline. SPORTS ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY: Sports engineering involves anything that entails a combination between technology and sports. So, the design of a running shoe, the traction, the interaction with the biomechanics of movement, how it helps minimise injury to the athlete etc would just be one small part of sports engineering. The aim is to help sport move forward with the help of different innovations. There are undergraduate courses in sports technology which give students a basic grounding of the science, engineering, design etc used in this industry. With immense benefits of sports and large manpower requirement in the sports sector in India, promoting sports as a career is a positive idea for children from all walks of life. Today some of the smartest young minds are engaged in sports and sports related activities and it looks like the trend will continue to grow in the coming years. SPORTS NUTRITIONIST: The BCD3H24=CA4B The NIIT has announced the 17th National Scholarship in Nigeria to reward meritorious students desirous of building successful careers in the knowledge economy. Scholarships will also be offered for futuristic cuttingedge programmes in digital transformation under digiNxt series — digiNxt MMS, Big Data, Java Enterprises Apps with DevOps, Digital Marketing apart from Revolutionary MMS and other programmes. Important date: The annual scholarship test will be held on Saturday, July 16, 2016, across the country. For more information, students can visit FXcWT]TaVhQTR^\X]V P]X\_^acP]caTb^daRT 00;>:034B7<D:7 cT[[b?A0:A8C8A>H PQ^dccWTePaX^db [TPa]X]V_a^VaP\\Tb U^acWXbbTRc^a Q What is the importance of energy ports and fitness is a rapidly expanding industry, offering many career opportunities. There are multiple career options in sports and playing professionally is only one of them. Apart from playing, there are a number of departments and specialisations within the domain of a particular sport in which one can establish their career. According to the National Skills Development Corporation (NSDC) Skill Gap report on sports, there is huge potential for the growth of the sector in India. Below are a few alternate sports careers: TEACHING PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Physical education is an important subject and a major part of holistic education in schools and colleges. In order to become a Physical Education teacher, one needs to complete a degree called BPEd (Bachelor of Physical Education). This one-year course can be done after graduation in any discipline. There are some institutions which offer a three or four-year BPEd programme that follow norms prescribed by National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) or University Grants Commission (UGC) or any other competent body. µ?VVUe`dacVRU V_VcXjVUfTReZ`_¶ cants may have graduated within less than one year to commence a UN internship. How to apply: Those interested in pursuing an internship with the UN Global Compact must submit an online application at the UN Careers website. Candidates are strongly recommended to pay attention to the job opening number to make sure that their applications reach the UN Global Compact Office. Please notify the Global Compact Office ( Application deadline: The application deadline for Summer 2016 is June 29, 2016. University College Dublin, Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School invites applications for GMAT EMBA scholarships. Eligibility: Must have been admitted to (have applied for, been interviewed and offered a place on) the EMBA programme before they can be considered for any of the above scholarships. Open to exceptional Irish residents and international candidates who possess a GMAT of 700 or above. How to apply: There is no separate application process. All successful applicants are automatically considered. These scholarships are merit based. Application deadline: The last date to apply for this scholarship is June 30, 2016. 8Pb^dVWcPUcTaUXT[ScWPc^][h WPb[X\XcTS]d\QTa^U _a^UTbbX^]P[bX]ePaX^dbPb_TRcb ^UcWXbUXT[S0_PacUa^\RPaTTa ^__^acd]XcXTbPePX[PQ[TfXcW;82 P]S6T]TaP[8]bdaP]RT 2^\_P]hT\_[^h\T]cXbP[b^ ^_T]X]cWTR^a_^aPcTbTRc^a bc^RZQa^ZX]VUXa\bUX]P]RT R^\_P]XTbbWX__X]V R^\_P]XTbTcR7TaTPaTPUTf _[PRTbfWTaT^]TRP]bcdSh) Q <PWPabWX3PhP]P]S2^[[TVT ^U0acbBRXT]RT2^\\TaRT <d\QPX2^dabT) 1PRWT[^a^U 2^\\TaRT1P]ZX]V 8]bdaP]RT Q 8]SXP]8]bcXcdcT^U5X]P]RXP[ <P]PVT\T]c885< <d\QPX2^dabT)2TacXUXRPcX^] X]8]bdaP]RT<P]PVT\T]c Q 9h^cXa\^hBRW^^[^U <P]PVT\T]cBRXT]RTb :^[ZPcP2^dabT) 1PRWT[^aX] 8]bdaP]RTAXbZ<P]PVT\T]c Q <PSaPbBRW^^[^U 4R^]^\XRb 2WT]]PX2^dabT) ?63X_[^\PX]0RcdPaXP[ 4R^]^\XRb Q 8]bcXcdcT^U8]bdaP]RTAXbZ <P]PVT\T]c7hSTaPQPS 2^dabTb) EPaX^db_^bcVaPSdPcT _a^VaP\\Tb CWTfaXcTaXbR^U^d]STaP]S24>4SdB_^acb <8=38C ^]T QTR^\Tb P _Pac ^U P VaTPc ]Tcf^aZ ^U _a^UTbbX^]P[b P]SR^\_P]XTbfWXRW_a^eXSTbPQd]SP]c^__^acd]XcXTbc^ R^]cX]dP[[h d_SPcT P]S RWP[[T]VT ^]TbT[U CWTbT cWX]Vb c^VTcWTa _a^eXST P] X]SXeXSdP[ fXcW P VaTPc ^eTaeXTf ^U QdbX]Tbb PRa^bb cWT f^a[S P STT_ d]STabcP]SX]V P]S RTacPX] aTRT_cXeT]Tbb c^ cWT b[XVWc RWP]VTb ^U cWXb T]eXa^]\T]cCWXbch_T^U^eTaeXTfP]SbT]bXcXeXchXbeTah WPaSc^PRWXTeT^cWTafXbT0bP]<10bcdST]c^aVaPSdPcT cWTbTX]bXVWcbR^\TfXcWcWTcTaaXc^ahP]SPaTVaTPcPbbTcb ]^c^][hc^cWTbcdST]cQdcP[b^c^P]h_^cT]cXP[T\_[^hTa 4\TaVX]V caT]Sb P]S UdcdaT) 5^a cW^bT fXcW <10 STVaTTbcWTUdcdaTW^[SbVaTPc^__^acd]XcXTbX]R[dSX]VP RWP]RTc^bTRdaTY^QbPccWTd__TaaP]Zb^UQdbX]TbbTb TeT] P] ^__^acd]Xch c^ QTR^\T bdRRTbbUd[[h bT[U T\_[^hTS CWTY^QbfWXRWfTaT_^_d[PaPQ^dcPSTRPSTQPRZPaT \PZX]VPR^\TQPRZB^\TTbcPQ[XbWTS<10bdQYTRcb¯ \PaZTcX]VUX]P]RTbcaPcTVhP]ScTRW]^[^Vh¯R^]cX]dTc^ QT X] ST\P]S =Tf ^]Tb cWPc WPeT T\TaVTS X] cWT _Pbc R^d_[T^UhTPabX]R[dSTPeXPcX^]QaP]SX]V[dgdahV^^Sb b^RXP[ bTRc^a WTP[cWRPaT TSdRPcX^] W^b_XcP[Xch _a^YTRcb P]S T]TaVh CWT [PcTbc aT_^acb bPh cWPc b_TRXP[XbPcX^] X] \PaZTcX]V Wd\P] aTb^daRT \P]PVT\T]c _a^YTRc \P]PVT\T]c P]S bd__[h RWPX] \P]PVT\T]c fX[[ QT cWT \^bcX]ST\P]S0RR^aSX]Vc^cWT1;BcWTaTfX[[QTP!% _TaRT]cX]RaTPbTX][^VXbcXRba^[TbQhcWThTPa!! CWT a^[Tb ^U ^_TaPcX^]b aTbTPaRW P]P[hbcb 8C 8=1 1A845 3C743D20C8>=B4AE824 The DTH provider Tata Sky has launched an educational service, Tata Sky Classroom, in association with Tata ClassEdge. The interactive service aims to take education to a whole new paradigm by making concept learning in Maths and Science interestingly easy from within the comfort of one’s home. This service will be available to all subscribers and is intend- ed to benefit children from Classes V to VIII with lessons mapped to their syllabus. It will assist in tutoring young viewers in an engaging manner with animated video content providing fundamental understanding of core concepts. Available at C 99 per month, the year-round schedule for each class will encompass the syllabus as per the NCERT. 2>=E>20C8>=24A4<>=H Accurate Institute of Management and Technology organized its third convocation ceremony for 2016 at its campus. The chief guest was Shekhar Dutt, retired IAS officer and former Governor Chhattisgarh who gave PG diplomas to the students of 2012-14 and 2013-15 batches. The event started with Dutt lighting the lamp, followed by Saraswati Vandana sung by students. Also present at the occasion was CL Sharma, chairman, Accurate Institute of Management and Technology who said that every student should work towards strengthening the social and economic status of the country. Speaking at the event Dutt said: “Discovery and innovations have together changed education and there is need to adapt to the changing format.” 6D834>=58=0=24<0=064<4=C The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants is addressing the financial literacy skills gap with a new guide for anyone starting their own business, new to financial management or simply seeking to improve their knowledge. The guide, Financial Management and Business Success-A Guide for Entrepreneurs, is designed to help small businesses under- and why does it need to be addressed? Energy transforms life. It improves quality of life. Electricity helps reduce poverty, improves health (especially for women and children), increases productivity, enhances educational opportunities, improves the standard of living and promotes environmental sustainability. At Schneider Electric, we believe that access to safe, reliable, efficient and sustainable energy is a basic human right. India is currently one of the biggest energy consumers in the world and demand for energy is only expected to grow in future. Q What about sustainable energy? We have an energy paradox. On one hand, by 2050, the energy demand in India will be almost four times that of today’s demand, due to the twin challenges of access to energy and the megatrends of urbanisation, digitisation and industrialisation. However, during the same timeframe, we have to reduce our carbon intensity by four times to avoid significant irreversible damage to our planet. Therefore, it’s important to use energy efficiently and shift toward lower-carbon fuels by devising methods and solutions to achieve and maintain optimum energy procurement and utilisation. This will mitigate the ill effect. Q Is there a lack of energy education? Despite the importance of the issue, two-thirds of the energy efficiency potential remains untapped and there has been a lack of energy efficiency education. For sustainability, most of the information currently available is technical and geared towards professionals with little content for the general businessperson or homeowner. But they are taking decisions about energy use on a daily basis. Our Energy University online was launched for this. Q In which fields can a specialist in energy management work? Professional education and certification can distinguish one from peers in fields like IT, engineering and facility management. Our courses are for everyone — homeowners, managers or even students. Q Tell us about the programme? stand the importance of financial literacy and guide them through basic elements. The guide stresses the importance of business planning at every stage of business life, helping to assess and identify opportunities directly, and avoid mistakes through applying correct financial knowledge. It features quotes, case studies and statistics supporting skilled financial management. 0P[^Z003 3TbW\dZW 6T]TaP[<P]PVTa4]TaVh4UUXRXT]Rh6[^QP[ >_TaPcX^]bBRW]TXSTa4[TRcaXR Our e-learning programme aims to educate people from various industries on a range of solutions and approaches that best utilise and manage energy needs. We also offer an industry-recognised Professional Energy Manager certification in conjunction with the Institute of Energy Professionals. The elearning modules in 13 languages have already been taken by almost 5 lakh users worldwide, with 43,000 registrations and 36,000 courses undertaken from India. Companies across the globe are using our 350 courses to educate their employees for making smarter choices for managing energy. These are free courses. Q Who are the target students? The target groups for Energy University are mainly electricity users — engineers, facility managers, electricians, contractors, IT professionals, energy managers, builders, manufacturers etc. But we target professionals across segments. Q What is the reach and advantage of the programme? At present, 7.8 lakh plus courses have been taken by 5 lakh plus professionals in 180-plus countries. These figures demonstrate the need for and the lack of information available in the world. Q What more do you think needs to be done to spread awareness? People should be made aware of key challenges as well as solutions. We are seeing an increasing level of IT-OT convergence (Internet of Things and Operational Intelligence). Integration of smart grids, distributed generation and efficient demand has driven this. With energy use becoming visible through meters, consumers have real power over their energy bill at the end of each month and can take effective decisions about their energy use. It is also important that the Government should take initiatives to inform and educate people about how everyone can do their bit. \P]PVTab \P]PVT\T]c P]P[hbcb UX]P]RXP[ P]P[hbcb 7A b_TRXP[Xbcb X]U^a\PcX^] bTRdaXch P]P[hbcb X] aTb_TRcXeT ^aVP]XbPcX^]b fX[[ bTTZ b\Pac _a^UTbbX^]P[b fXcW b_TRXP[XbTS<10STVaTTb 4eT]\P]PVT\T]cbRW^^[bd]STabcP]ScWPcRWP]VTb X] cWT V[^QP[ TR^]^\XR T]eXa^]\T]c \TP]b P RWP]VT X] fWPccWThcTPRWP]ScWT\TcW^S^[^VhcWThPS^_cc^caPX] bcdST]cbCWTRdaaXRd[d\^UPV^^SbRW^^[\dbcU^Rdb^] STeT[^_X]V[TPSTabWX_P]ST]caT_aT]TdaXP[bZX[[bP[^]VfXcW P fXST aP]VT ^U b_TRXP[XbTS T[TRcXeTb fWX[T X]R^a_^aPcX]V d]XeTabP[ STgcTaXcXTb [XZT QXV SPcP P]S V[^QP[ R^\\d]XRPcX^]b CWTPdcW^aXb:T]c3CW^\Pb0bbXbcP]cE? 8]cTa]PcX^]P[?a^VaP\\Tb<Xbb^daXBcPcTD]XeTabXch 8C24AC85820C8>=?A>6A0<<4B Manipal ProLearn has partnered with CompTIA, a global provider of vendor neutral IT certifications, to offer three programmes. CompTIA certifications are not bound to a specific technology, like Microsoft, Cisco or VMware. These certifications give candidates a solid foundation of essential knowledge and skills, and help them advance their careers. The three programmes are: A+: Teaches computer technology fundamentals, such as PC installation, configuration of mobile devices and common functions in networking, email, security as well as safety procedures and prohibited content. Security+: Deals with computer security areas. It covers industry wide topics, including communication security, infrastructure security, cryptography, access control, authentication, external attack and operational and organisation security. IT fundamentals: An entry-level certification that tests students’ knowledge of PC components and functions, compatibility and basic technology. It’s ideal for anyone considering a career in IT or working in an allied field that requires a broad understanding of IT. ?A834>58=3800F0A3 chairman, Children’s Film Society, was also present as a special guest. Speaking at the event, Grace Pinto said: “We thank all our stakeholders for their support and encouragement. The Ryan Group will continue to empower the youth around the world. We will continue our endeavours to spread quality education to children across the nation.” Grace Pinto, MD, Ryan International Group of Institutions was given the Pride of India: Maharashtra Award for her contribution to education. In a ceremony held in Mumbai, the award was given by actor Dharmendra. The other personalities to be awarded were Kareena Kapoor Khan, Zoya Akhtar, writer Amish, Sajid-Wajid and Kabir Bedi. Mukesh Khanna, 43G1DB8=4BBB4A84B EdX’s new X Series on Fundamentals of Business Management seeks to provide latest knowledge about the fastchanging business environment and help learners develop core business and management skills. Through these courses. one can develop proficiency and skills associated with accounting, finance, marketing, operations, strategy and HR. Taught by IIMBx, the series focuses on developing these core competencies across management disciplines with the following six courses that can be taken in any order: Introduction to People Management — July 28, 2016; Introduction to Business Strategy — quarter 3, 2016; Introduction to Corporate Finance — quarter 3, 2016; Introduction to Marketing Essentials — quarter 3, 2016; Introduction to Operations Management — self-paced; Introduction to Accounting — Part 1: Basics of Financial Statements – archived Today’s business professional must be competent to make the right decisions and develop strategies in a global context. This requires sound understanding of key concepts of primary business management functional areas. b_^ac $ =4F34;78kF43=4B30H k9D=4!!! % CWTUX]P[PdSXcX^]QTVX]b BPRWX]6P]Vd[h;Pg\P]X]cTaeXTfWXVW_a^UX[TRP]SXSPcTbU^a8]SXP³bRWXTUR^PRW_^bc 5RURT`_WZUV_ee`Rg`ZU4YRaaV]]dRXR ?C8Q :>;:0C0 ntrusted with the responsibility of picking India's next chief coach, former captain Sourav Ganguly said that he will not "mess up" as he did once when he recommended Australian Greg Chappell's name in 2005. Ganguly and Chappell shared a frosty relationship during two turbulent years in country's cricket, a time when one of India's celebrated captain was removed from the top job. "I once had an opportunity to select the coach. I thought I messed it up in 2005 (during Chappell's recruitment). I have been given that opportunity again. I had taken an interview (Chappell) once and it did not go off well," Ganguly said during the launch of his book 'A Century Is Not Enough'. Ganguly hoped that the Cricket Advisory Committee will do it correctly. "Hopefully, we will do it correctly this time, whoever it is... Luckily, I've got support in Sachin, VVS, the BCCI secretary (Ajay Shirke) and the president (Anurag Thakur). Together, we will pick the right person," said Ganguly. Ganguly accepted that being the coach of the Indian team did cross his mind a couple of years back. "To be honest, two and half years ago, I was thinking myself whether I would want this job. Now today, I'm selecting one. That's how life is. I have not given interview, hopefully I will give (the interview) one day..." "In life nothing is guaranteed, nobody knows what will happen one or two years later. Nobody thought I would be president of CAB and hosting a World Twenty20 final. That's how life is, and you have to deal it." The former skipper said that he spent a sleepless night on Monday on the eve of coach's interview, somewhat similar to the feeling before his Test debut against England at the Lord's in 1996. "Yesterday night, I was not getting sleep when everyone was sleeping. I saw it (his hundred at the Lord's) on YouTube — a 12-minute video — and I fell asleep after that. I felt happy." "I am a normal human being, who wanted to do well in a profession, which I loved the most. That afternoon (at the E 5A><;45C) APeXBWPbcaXP]SC^\<^^ShX]PUX[T_W^c^ .XPEOH6KDVWUL0RRG\PDNH SUHVHQWDWLRQVIRUFRDFK VMRE ?C8 Q :>;:0C0 ndia's prolonged search for a new cricket coach reached its final stage on Tuesday with a highIprofile Cricket Advisory Committee (CAC) inter- 201?aTbXST]cP]S\T\QTa^U1228bPSeXb^ah_P]T[B^daPe6P]Vd[hR^\TbX]:^[ZPcP^]CdTbSPhPUcTacPZX]VX]cTaeXTfb^UCTP\8]SXPR^PRWRP]SXSPcTb ?C8 Lord's) made me believe if I work hard, I've got it in me to play for next 10 years. "When I got my first Test hundred at the Lord's, I still remember the press conference. The first question was, 'you answered your critics, what do you have to tell about that?' But the first thing that came to my mind is that I belonged at this level." 3030B380AH When Sourav Ganguly wielded the willow, he could effortlessly loft spinners into stands and now one can expect similar fireworks from one of India's most celebrated captains who is writing a book based on his times in the Indian dressing room. Famed for his never-say-die attitude, the mercurial left handed batsman has collaborated with senior journalist 3TeT]Sa^X]RWTb R[^bTac^AX^QTacW ?C8Q 10:D0I4A10890= ormer Commonwealth Games gold-medallist Manoj Kumar (64kg) and Sumit Sangwan (81kg) stood just one win away from making the cut for Rio Olympics after advancing to the quarterfinals of the International Boxing Association's (AIBA) World Qualifying Tournament, here on Tuesday. While Manoj got the better of Bulgaria's Ismetov Ayrin Smetov 2-1, Sumit stormed past Sandagsuren Erdenebayar of Mongolia 3-0. Both of them will have to win their quarterfinal bouts on Thuursday to be assured of an Olympic berth. Manoj was the first to take the ring and he rallied to beat Ismetov in his pre-quarterfinal contest. The Indian fought back after losing the opening round against an aggressive rival. Sumit, on the other hand, hardly broke a sweat to out-punch Erdenebayar in his prequarterfinal bout. Late Monday night, Vikas Krishan (75kg) also advanced to the pre-quarterfinals with a 3-0 win over Japan's Takahashi Makoto. F Gautam Bhattacharya for his first book 'A Century Is Not Enough', which is expected to hit the stands soon. Publishers have dubbed the narrative as "frank, colourful and completely inspiring." In the book "Ganguly talks us through the challenges of a cricketer, the hard times and the battles he has faced and shows us what it truly means to be a champion," they said. Ganguly himself is delighted to open the new innings. "I am extremely delighted to associate myself with Juggernaut and jointly we expect to deliver a great book," he said in a statement. The life and career of the 43-yearold Kolkata born cricketer affectionately known as 'Dada' has for most people embodied success and achievement. After blazing into international ?C8Q 70A0A4 :_UZRgd KZ^SRShV rejuvenated India will have their nose ahead when they A lock horns with Zimbabwe, left bruised and battered after a 10wicket thrashing, in the seriesdeciding third and final Twenty20 International here on Wednesday. India entered the series on the back of a 3-0 whitewash of Zimbabwe in the preceding ODI series, but suffered a shocking two-run loss to the hosts in the opening T20 last Saturday. The visitors got their act together in the second game and inflicted a crushing defeat on Zimbabwe. India stayed alive with a win in the second game and would now look to seal the issue in their favour with another convincing victory. Led by veteran skipper Mahendra Singh Dhoni, this young Indian side would take heart from ;8E4>=C4==4CF>A: k #)"?< 8]SXP]QPcb\P]<P]STT_BX]VW[TUcaPXbTb WXbQPcPUcTabR^aX]V$X]!]SC! 0? Monday's performances by Barinder Sran, Mandeep Singh, KL Rahul and also Jasprit Bumrah. While young seamer Sran returned the best figures by an Indian on debut, Mandeep struck a fluent half century and Rahul too E894=34A7>?4 C8C;4 1>DCB BC ?70B4 C82:4CBB>;3>DC NEW DELHI: CWTTPVTa[hP]cXRX_PcTSF1>0bXPcXc[T Q^dcQTcfTT]bcPa8]SXP]Q^gTaEXYT]STaBX]VWP]S 0dbcaP[XP]:Taah7^_TWPb_a^eTSc^QTPWXcfXcWcWT UP]bfW^WPeTVaPQQTSP[[cWTcXRZTcbcWPcfT]c^] bP[TX]cWTUXabc_WPbTCWTUXabcP[[^RPcX^]^UcXRZTcb c^ bTT F1> 0bXP ?PRXUXR bd_Ta \XSS[TfTXVWc cXc[T R^]cTbcQTX]VWT[SPcCWhPVPaPYB_^acb2^\_[TgX] 3T[WX ^] 9d[h % fPb b^[S ^dc X] [Tbb cWP] cf^ fTTZb cWT Q^dcb _a^\^cTab ¯ 8>B 1^gX]V ?a^\^cX^]bWTRWP\_X^]bWX_fX[[UTPcdaTPc^cP[^U bTeT] UXVWcb X]R[dSX]V cWT \PX] TeT]c ^U EXYT]STa CWT UXabc _WPbT WPS PQ^dc " _TaRT]c ^U cWT c^cP[ RP_PRXch^UcWTbcPSXd\d_U^abP[TP]ScWTcXRZTcb fTaTb^[S^dcX]Ydbc !SPhbCWTbTR^]S_WPbT^U bP[TbfX[[bcPacUa^\9d]T!" bXV]X]V ^U cWaTT S^\TbcXR _[PhTab X]c^ cWTXa b`dPS U^acWT7Ta^8B;! %9PRZXRWP]SBX]VW0XQ^a[P]V :W^]VYTT P]S 1^XcWP]V 7P^ZX_ WPeT bTRdaTS cWTXa b_^cX]cWTcTP\U^[[^fX]Vbca^]V_TaU^a\P]RTbX] cWT [TPVdTb CWT !#hTPa^[S 8]SXP fX]VTa 9PRZXRWP]S BX]VW _[PhTS U^a BP[VP^RPa 52 X] cWT ! $ %8;TPVdTbTPb^]BX]VWfPbP[b^bT[TRcTS Pb cWT 8]SXP] 8;TPVdT ?[PhTa ^U cWT HTPa ! # $1^XcWP]V7P^ZX_Z]^f]U^aWXbSaXQQ[X]VPQX[Xch CWT!$hTPa^[SfX]VTaXbPbTc_XTRTb_TRXP[XbcfW^ Xb _a^[XUXR S^f] cWT fX]Vb P]S P[b^ P] TgRT[[T]c _[PhTaX]RT]caP[\XSUXT[S0XQ^a[P]V:W^]VYTTfW^ WPbcWTPQX[Xchc^_[PhPRa^bbcWTQPRZU^daPbfT[[Pb X] cWT STUT]bXeT \XSUXT[S _^bXcX^] PSSX]V c^ cWT cTP\b STUT]bT :W^]VYTT WPb bTeT] P__TPaP]RTb U^a 8]SXP P]S fPb _Pac ^U cWT B055 2WP\_X^]bWX_ fX]]X]V8]SXP]cTP\X]! $ % 3H=0<>BA4C08=270:A01>ACHB86=;4F8B 2>??4;;C>;403:4A0;01;0BC4AB <D<108B86=902:8270=3:7>=6944 MUMBAI: <d\QPX 2Xch 52 WPeT P]]^d]RTS cWT 2QWQ^gY^!cd `Y^[RQ\\]QdSX ?C8Q :>;:0C0 ohammad Shami grabbed a match haul of seven wickets to help Mohun Bagan beat M Bhowanipore Club by 296 runs in India's first-ever 5^a\TaRaXRZTcTa?aPeX]0\aTR^\Tb^dc^UPRXch W^cT[X]:^[ZPcP^]CdTbSPhPUcTaVXeX]VWXb _aTbT]cPcX^]QTU^aT1228bCWaTT\T\QTaPSeXb^ah _P]T[c^bT[TRcWTPSR^PRW^UCTP\8]SXP ?C8 8=38008<C>4=3I8<C>DA8=BCH;4 B8=6;4B NEW DELHI: 3T[WX3h]P\^b52WPeTaT]TfTScWTXa R^]caPRc fXcW <^Wd] 1PVP] \XSUXT[STa B^deXZ 2WPZaPQ^ach P]S bXV]TS WXb cTP\\PcT :TP] ;TfXb U^a cWT d_R^\X]V bTPb^] ^U 7Ta^ 8]SXP] Bd_Ta ;TPVdT X] P \^eT PX\TS Pc bcaT]VcWT]X]V cWTXa \XSUXT[S FXcW <^Wd] 1PVP] B^deXZ f^] cWT 8 ;TPVdTX]! $P]ScWT5TSTaPcX^]2d_X]! %7T WPbQTT]PU^aRTc^aTRZ^]fXcWX]cWT\XSUXT[SfXcW WXbQaP]S^UT]TaVhP]SPcW[TcXRXb\B^deXZXbfXST[h aTVPaSTS Pb P] TgcaT\T[h WPaSf^aZX]V _[PhTa P]S WXbWXVWf^aZaPcT_Ta\PcRWXbP_a^^U^UcWPc;TfXb Tg_aTbbTSWXbVaPcXcdSTQhbcPcX]V8P\V[PSc^Y^X] cWT3T[WX3h]P\^baP]ZbP]S8f^d[S[XZTc^cWP]Z cWTR[dQU^aVXeX]V\TcWT^__^acd]Xchc^bW^fRPbT \hbZX[[bX]8B;"8P\W^_X]VU^aP[^c^Ubd__^ac Ua^\cWTR[dQP]ScWTUP]b Test debut by scoring a century at Lord's transformed the Indian team under his captaincy, broke Australia's unbeaten streak in Test cricket and taking India to the 2003 World Cup final. And yet alongside this success have come tremendous challenges and hurdles, more so than to any Indian cricketer of his generation. The book dwells on What drives a champion to keep on? How did Ganguly stay motivated and focused? And what made him never, ever give up? Publisher Chiki Sarkar said, "Ganguly is one of India's greatest captains, and one of the most interesting cricketers we have ever produced. We believe 'A Century Is Not Enough' will become a book that readers — and not just cricket fans — will turn to again and again." viewing former India captains Anil Kumble and Ravi Shastri among a host of other candidates. Three-member committee including Sachin Tendulkar (via video conference), Sourav Ganguly and VVS Laxman, interviewed as many as seven candidates in a marathon session during which the candidates gave insight on their individual roadmaps for Indian cricket. While Kumble appeared for the interview in person, Shastri, who is out of the country, appeared for the interview via Skype. Among the foreign applicants, former Australian players Stuart Law and Tom Moody also gave their presentations via video conference. Interestingly, a high profile candidate like Sandip Patil was not called for the interview while former India players Lalchand Rajput and Pravin Amre got the opportunity to make their case. "I was not invited for an interview," Patil, who is currently the head of national selection KOCHI: :TaP[P1[PbcTab^]CdTbSPhP]]^d]RTScWPc U^a\Ta 4]V[P]S X]cTa]PcX^]P[ BcTeT 2^__T[[ fX[[ [TPScWTcTP\X]cWT]TgcTSXcX^]^UcWT7Ta^8]SXP] Bd_Ta ;TPVdT 8B; ! %CWT P__^X]c\T]c ^U 2^__T[[ R^\Tb R[^bT ^] cWT WTT[b ^U cWT R^]b^acXd\ ^U 2WXaP]YTTeX 0ZZX]T]X =PVPaYd]P 0[[d 0aeX]S P]S =X\\PVPSSP ?aPbPS Y^X]X]V BPRWX] CT]Sd[ZPa Pb R^^f]Tab ^U :TaP[P 1[PbcTab2^__T[[fPbcWTU^aT\^bcaXVWcfX]VTa^U WXbVT]TaPcX^]Z]^f]U^aWXbb_TTSP]Sf^aZaPcT 7T f^] S^\TbcXR W^]^ab U^a <P]RWTbcTa D]XcTS fXcW"!!P__TPaP]RTbP]S$"V^P[b8]SXP]Bd_Ta ;TPVdTWPb[PXSPbca^]VU^d]SPcX^]X]Xcb[Pbccf^ bTPb^]b]dacdaX]V`dP[Xch8]SXP]U^^cQP[[0[b^Xcb d]X`dT U^a\Pc VXeTb P] ^__^acd]Xch c^ 8]SXP] _[PhTab c^ _[Ph P]S R^\_TcT PVPX]bc X]cTa]PcX^]P[ cP[T]c [TPa]X]Vb cWPc fX[[ bcaT]VcWT] cWT a^^cb ^U U^^cQP[[X]8]SXP2^__T[[bPXS 0VT]RXTb contributed handsomely to guide the team home with plenty of overs to spare. Bumrah was a perfect ally for Sran, picking up three wickets. The knock was Mandeep's maiden half century in this format. The young Turks would like to have another good outing before heading home. The team lost its plot a bit in the first game and according to Mandeep, it stuck to basics in the second T20, and the result was there for all to see. India will take confidence from the fact that this was their first 10wicket win in a T20 international. The experienced campaigner that he is, Dhoni would however not take the beleaguered hosts lightly and advise his younger committee, told PTI. Amongst other foreigners, Andy Moles, an Englishman who has coached New Zealand national and Afghanistan in the past, also gave his presentation via video conference. The Committee is expected to submit its report to the BCCI secretary Ajay Shirke by Wednesday and the final announcement is likely to be made by the BCCI president on June 24 on the sidelines of the Board's Annual Conclave in Dharamsala. "We are not interviewing anymore candidates. The process will end today," said Sourav Ganguly. "We have interviewed around 10 candidates and each of them have made their presentations. We are expected to finalise our choice by today and will submit our report to the BCCI secretary," Ganguly said. "The process is over. We have interviewed 10, of which three — Kumble, Rajput and Amre— were here physically. I can't say anything more than this. We will convey our decision soon. We have been asked to interview in the interest of the BCCI and we did just that. I can't reveal anything else. You are free to speculate," Ganguly added. teammates to guard against complacency, irrespective of the margin of victory in the previous game. "I emphasised we needed to run hard, push the fielders and in a shorter format it's always important to sneak in those quick runs," Dhoni had said after Monday's win. As far as Graeme Cremer's Zimbabwe are concerned, they would hope to end, what was a forgettable series for them, on a positive note. Skipper Cremer spoke about the side losing wickets at regular intervals. "We started well but we lost wickets at regular intervals, just couldn't get going. It was disappointing, we thought the pitch misbehaved a bit but getting all out for 99 isn't good enough. We still have one more game to go," Cremer said after his team's miserable outing with the bat. pink ball four-day match under lights at Eden Gardens here on Tuesday. India pacer Shami followed up his five-wicket haul in the first innings with a 2/82, while part-time seamer Vivek Singh was the wrecker-in-chief in the second essay with a 5/32 to bundle out Bhowanipore Club for 199 in 48.3 overs. Mohun Bagan thus won the Cricket Association of Bengal Super League final which was conducted with pink kookaburra ball under lights to get Eden 'ready' for India's proposed first day/night Test against New Zealand in October. "I'll prefer pink ball any day, hope this pink ball match prospers. The best thing is you got to bowl only one session under sun. Then the ball starts doing the talk once the lights are on," Shami, who was adjudged man of the match, said. "I got reverse swing in the first innings. I think if the condition is dry, the ball will reverse. The seam usually does not remain intact after 40 overs but it's not the case with the pink ball." Resuming the day at 132 for six, Bhowanipore's innings on the final day lasted less than an hour with Singh cleaning up the tail dismissing Ravikant Singh who edged one behind the stumps. Having recovered from a knee surgery, Shami is eyeing a Test recall in the four-Test West Indies series next month. b_^ac % =4F34;78kF43=4B30H k9D=4!!! % BD?4A5;>?B A^]P[S^I[PcP]WPeTUPX[TS\XbTaPQ[hPc4da^bb^UPaQdcRP]cWThRWP]VTcWTXaU^acd]TbX]UX]P[Va^d_\PcRW. 6DQWRVEDFNVPLVILULQJ5RQDOGR BfTST]ThT8QaPRPSPQaP\PVXR 0?Q 0;;80=IA8E84A0 0?Q ;H>= nderwhelming through two goalless games, Cristiano Ronaldo has another chance to shine. The Portugal forward has failed get his team going at the European Championship, even missing a penalty late in the 0-0 draw against Austria. But Ronaldo and his teammates still have a chance to reach to the round of 16 when they face Hungaryon Wednesday at Stade de Lyon. "This isn't the first time this has happened in his career," Portugal coach Fernando Santos said. "In the past he has gone two or three matches without scoring, and then he would suddenly score a lot of goals, and I am completely convinced that this will happen." Ronaldo, his nation's all-time leading scorer with 58 goals, came to France as the undisputed star of Euro 2016. Only Sweden striker Zlatan Ibrahimovic merits a mention when it comes to matching Ronaldo's attacking talent, scoring totals, or — for better or worse — larger-then-life personality. 2aXbcXP]^A^]P[S^WPbU^d]SXcSXUUXRd[cb^UPaX]4da^bU^a?^acdVP[ 0? But the 31-year-old become the first player to score in four Ronaldo has yet to produce different European Championships. the goals he scores with After wasting 180 minutes, he may only such apparent ease while 90 minutes left to add that playing for Real Madrid, ;8E4 >=B>=HB8G k ()"?< have achievement to his long list of which just over three weeks ago won the awards, which includes three Ballon Champions League title. Instead, he showed his d'Or trophies. childish side when he belittled Iceland's defenGroup F leader Hungary looks like sive tactics after they held Portugal to a 1-1 draw the perfect opponent for Ronaldo to uncork his in their opening match. scoring potential. But so did Iceland and Austria, Ronaldo then blew a chance to get back on only for him to err on all of his 22 shots. course on Saturday, when he sent a spot kick off And Hungary has gained in confidence from the post with only 11 minutes remaining against a strong start to its first major tournament in 30 Austria. years. The Hungarians have four points from He said after the match that while he was their opening 2-0 win over Austria and 1-1 draw proud to have surpassed Luis Figo's national team with Iceland. record with his 128th appearance for Portugal, Portugal is in third place with two points, he was disappointed by how he reached the milethe same as second-place Iceland. Austria, stone. "Obviously I'm a bit sad, because this waswhich plays Iceland at the same time on n't the way I wanted to break this record," Wednesday in Saint-Denis, is in last place with Ronaldo said. "The most beautiful way would one point but is still in conhave been to win, and we couldn't, we drew. So tention for a spot in the it was not how I envisaged it." AdbbXP]UP]bfTPaX]VcaPSXcX^]P[^dcUXcbRWTTaUa^\cWTbcP]Sb Ronaldo also had to postpone plans to QTU^aTcWT\PcRWQTcfTT]AdbbXPP]SFP[Tb^]<^]SPh 0? round of 16. U 9f_XRcjgd A`cefXR] 50=50A4 8cP[XP]cTbc *HUPDQ\WRSJURXS U^a8aT[P]S G 0?Q ?0A8B 0?Q ;8;;4 o stay in the European Championship, T Ireland must do something it hasn't done in more than two decades — beat Italy in a competitive match. Any other result in Wednesday's final Group E game at Stade Pierre Mauroy will send the Irish home. And even a win doesn't guarantee advancement following a 1-1 draw with Sweden and a 3-0 loss to Belgium. No such :eR]jgd :cV]R_U worries for Italy, ;8E4 >=B>=HB8G k !)"0< though, as coach Antonio :TV]R_Ugd 2fdecZR Conte led his team to two ;8E4 >=B>=HB8G k ()"?< straight wins to secure first place in the group. Belgium could also finish with six points by defeating Sweden, but UEFA rules would still rank Italy higher based on its 2-0 win over the Belgians last week. Apart from the top two teams in each group, the four best third-place teams will also advance. In the last 16, Italy will face the runner-up from Group D, likely Croatia or the Czech Republic, in Saint-Denis next Monday. Participating in a European Championship for the third time after 1988 and 2012, Ireland has yet to make it past the group stage. Ireland's last win over Italy in a major competition came at the 1994 World Cup. ermany pounded Northern Ireland on Tuesday but could only manage a 1-0 win that still ensured the world champion topped its group at the European Championship and advanced to the round of 16. Defied by the woodwork and standout Northern Ireland goalkeeper Michael McGovern, Germany had only Mario Gomez's 30th-minute goal to show for its dominance. Germany topped Group C with seven points and will now meet a third-place team in the next round. McGovern ensured his team, which ended the group with three points following its victory over Ukraine, can still advance as one of the best third-placed teams. Under the convoluted tiebreaker system being used at Euro 2016, goal difference could be key. A chant of "We're not going home" at the final whistle from noisy, boisterous green-clad Irish fans who filled one end of the Parc des Princes suggested they think there will be at least one more match to see possibly at the same venue on Saturday against Wales. The fans had McGovern to thank. McGovern stood strong to defy Thomas Mueller and Mario Goetze twice when they had one-on-one chances, and pushed away a late Gomez header. Mueller also struck the goal frame twice in the first half, as Germany fired 26 attempts on goal compared to Northern Ireland's two. <PaX^6^\TiRT[TQaPcTbWXbV^P[ 0? Four times in the first half alone, Mueller seemed set to strike. A post repelled a diving header, the crossbar sent back a right-foot shot, McGovern blocked one shot, and another was skewed wide of goal. ?>;0=303E0=24 Without much help from star striker Robert Lewandowski, Poland has made it into the knockout round of the European Championship for the first time. Poland cemented its place in the last 16 with a 1-0 win against already eliminated Group C opponent Ukraine. 7bYddi2bYdccQY\Y^d_\Qcd!& 0?Q B08=C4C84==4 and had lost its three previous matches against England. gamble by coach Roy Hodgson failed to pay off on Monday as his reshuffled A England side drew 0-0 with Slovakia and C7A448=C7A445>A10;4 failed to top its group at the European Championship. England still qualified for the knockout stages. But the result at the Stade Geoffroy Guichard meant England was leapfrogged at the top of Group B by Wales, which could now face an easier opponent after Gareth Bale helped his team beat Russia 3-0. Hodgson made six changes from the 21 victory over Wales and left captain Wayne Rooney on the bench. Although they failed to break the stalemate, his players kept the pressure up throughout the game and managed 30 shots while Slovakia rarely played in England's final third. "Finishing second is a disappointment," Hodgson said after his team finished the group stage with a win and two draws. "But we are still in the last 16 and who is to say the team we will play will be that much in three games as Wales overwhelmed Russia 3-0 on Monday to reach the knockout stages of the European Championship for the first time. Playing in its first major tournament since the 1958 World Cup, Wales defied expectations to win Group B ahead of England and send Russia home with an impressive counterattacking display that rested on more than just the talents of Bale. "I've never seen a better performance from any Wales team than I saw tonight," Wales coach Chris Coleman said. "As a nation geographically we are small but if you judge us by passion you could say we were a continent tonight." Because England could only draw 00 with Slovakia, the result meant that Wales topped the group with six points, one more than England. C>D;>DB4)Gareth Bale made it three goals 6PaTcW1P[TRT[TQaPcTbWXbV^P[^]<^]SPh]XVWc 0? stronger? You just don't know. The way we are playing, I am not frightened of anybody." England created chances but failed to turn them into goals against a very defensiveSlovakia side that can still advance as one of the four best third-place teams.Slovakia has four points, with England on five and Wales with six. Russia returns home with one point. Slovakia had never kept a clean sheet in six previous games at a major tournament Ibrahimovic is heading to Nice under presZlatan sure to perform. One of football's biggest personalities, the 34-yearold Sweden striker needs to step up against Belgium on Wednesday with his team almost certainly needing a win to progress at the European Championship. DhVUV_gd 3V]XZf^ To do that, the Swedes ;8E4 >=B>=HB8G k !)"0< must score goals after failing to get a single shot on target in either of their two games so far. "Zlatan is one of the greatest forwards I have ever met," Sweden coach Erik Hamren said. Sweden's opening 1-1 draw against Ireland was a major disappointment, and while the performance against Italy was better, the Swedes didn't force a single save from goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon. The level of individual talent in Belgium's team is not in doubt, but its teamwork is. The opening 2-0 loss to Italy was partly redeemed when the Belgians beat Ireland 3-0 on Saturday with two goals from Romelu Lukaku. Beating the Irish was the minimum, however, for a team with the weight of expectation that Belgium carries. After players such as Kevin de Bruyne and captain Eden Hazard failed to shine against Italy, a convincing win against Sweden would help ease fears that team has underachieved. Qualification is almost a certainty if Belgium can avoid losing. A win guarantees second place in the group, while a draw could be enough unless Ireland beats Italy. I;0C0=C>@D8C05C4A4DA>B Zlatan Ibrahimovic says he will retire from international football after the European Championship. Ibrahimovic says "the last game for Sweden in Euro will be my last game with Sweden, so I hope it will not be tomorrow." Even if Sweden loses and fails to qualify for the knockout stages, Ibrahimovic says he would not be disappointed with his international career. He says "I'm very proud to be captain of Sweden and what I achieved." He added he "will not participate in the Olympics" in Rio de Janeiro.