NO MORE webinar 7.8 PUBLIC VERSION.pptx


NO MORE webinar 7.8 PUBLIC VERSION.pptx
7/8/13 How You Can Use the NO MORE
Tools and Assets Polling Question In what ways have you
heard about NO MORE
or used NO MORE in
your work?
1 7/8/13 Webinar Agenda:
1. Overview of NO MORE campaign
2. How you can access NO MORE assets
3. Overview of NO MORE’s social media tools and techniques
4. Overview of NO MORE PSA campaign
5. How you can co-brand the PSAs and use in your community
6. How you can leverage the NO MORE assets in your work
Our Idea
NO MORE is the first overarching, powerful, visual symbol to express support
for ending domestic violence (DV) and sexual assault (SA) in our society.
2 7/8/13 Our Hope
The symbol will be worn and displayed by both influencers and members of the
public to express their commitment to this cause.
It will also be used by the many organizations working in the field of DV/SA in
their efforts to generate awareness, education, prevention, and funding.
Building the NO MORE Grassroots Movement
Many major domestic violence and sexual assault organizations in the U.S. are
behind NO MORE. They all agree that with this symbol we can take a tremendous
step toward gaining the visibility, funding and support for these issues that the
agencies working to prevent them desperately need and deserve.
3 7/8/13 NO MORE Corporate Partners
We are lucky to have corporate partners who donate time or resources to
support NO MORE.
NO MORE exists to support the work of DV and SA groups – our
donations page links to organizations doing important work in the field.
NO MORE Day | March 13, 2013 Twilight actress Ashley Greene speaks at NO MORE Day in the Dirksen Senate Office Building Senator Mike Crapo (R-­‐Idaho), co-­‐sponsor of the Violence Against Women Act 4 7/8/13 NO MORE Day | March 13, 2013 Mariska Hargitay, Joyful Heart FoundaSon’s founder with AVorney General Eric Holder Vice President Joe Biden And Mariska Hargitay Building Strategic Partnerships: Indiana Says NO MORE 5 7/8/13 NO MORE Night with the Washington Wizards
March 13, 2013
NO MORE Week | June 16-22, 2013 •  Father's Day activities
•  NO MORE webinars
Casa de Esperanza
Break the Cycle
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Futures Without Violence
6 7/8/13 National Campaign, Year One | Highlights •  NO MORE Week (June 2013)
•  NO MORE PSA Campaign Launch (September
•  Domestic Violence Awareness Month (October
•  NO MORE Teen Social Media Push (February 2014)
•  NO MORE Anniversary Event (March 2014)
•  Sexual Assault Awareness Month (April 2014)
How You Can Access
the Online Assets
7 7/8/13 How to Access NO MORE Activation Kit 8 7/8/13 Social Media
What social media platforms
do you use to promote your
services or programs?
•  Twitter
•  Facebook
•  Instagram
•  Vine
•  Pinterest
•  LinkedIn
•  Youtube
9 7/8/13 Social Media Pla\orms Twitter:
Pinterest (New):
Instagram (New):
Social Media Techniques Tweet with and follow these hashtags:
#EndSA #EndDV
Share your tweets:
Tag @NOMOREorg so we can promote your work and
10 7/8/13 Social Media Techniques Get your audience involved with calls to action
–  Say NO MORE in the NO MORE gallery
–  Download the free NO MORE Activation Kit
Social Media Techniques Use
NO MORE Activation Kit to co-brand your campaigns
with NO MORE symbol
–  Cover / Header Image
–  Profile Picture
11 7/8/13 Social Media Be creative! We Want to Promote Your Work Do you have activity you want mentioned on
the NO MORE Twitter and Facebook?
Contact Rachel Haas
12 7/8/13 Public Service
Campaign 13 7/8/13 NO MORE PSA Campaign
•  The Cast – Already Captured
Ali Wentworth
Amy Poehler
Andre Braugher
Andrew Rannels
Blair Underwood
Blythe Danner
Camryn Manheim
CCH Pounder
Charlie Watts
Chris Canty
Chris Meloni
Christa Miller
Christine Quinn
Courteney Cox
Dann Florek
Danny Pino
David Marciano
Debra Messing
Gail Abarbanel
KaDee Strickland
Kelli Giddish
Kiernan Shipka
Linda Fairstein
Lisa Leslie
Marcia Gay Harden
Maile Zambuto
Maria Bello
Mariska Hargitay
Megan Hilty
Nia Vardalos
Patti Giggans
Peter Hermann
Ronnie Woods
Samantha Ronson
Shohreh Aghdashloo
Stephanie March
Tamara Tunie
Tate Donovan
Tim Gunn NO MORE PSA Campaign
•  The Cast – Expressed Interest and/or Confirmed
Andy Garcia
Ann Curry
Brian Williams
Carlos Santana
Chuck Schumer
Cindy Crawford
Cyndi Lauper
Christiane Amanpour
Dana Delaney
Daniel Dae Kim
George Stephanopoulos
Jemima Kirke
Jon Stewart
Julianna Margulies Julianne Moore
Katie Couric
Mario Batali
Mary J. Blige
Mary-Louise Parker
Matt Bomer
Nicole Kidman
Sarah Silverman
Sheryl Crow
Sophia Bush
Susan Sarandon
Zoe Saldana 14 7/8/13 NO MORE PSA Campaign
•  Campaign Assets
Video for Broadcast
Video for Digital
Additional Assets
–  Over 10 hours of B-roll and Electronic Press Kit/Q&A footage to
be made available to select media outlets and for behind-thescenes video(s) to be distributed online.
NO MORE PSA Campaign
How do we realize the vision?
NO MORE fear of the issues.
NO MORE ignorance about the issues.
NO MORE leaving it to others to find answers.
NO MORE blaming survivors.
NO MORE silence.
NO MORE standing by and doing nothing.
Perpetrators of this kind of violence rely on the fact that a campaign like this won't
materialize, won’t coalesce. Raping and molesting and abusing and dehumanizing are far
easier if the movement to end those crimes is fractured, if society is afraid to speak out, if
we all hope the problem will somehow just.... go away.
To all of that, we say: NO MORE.
Together, we can end domestic violence and sexual assault.
15 7/8/13 Polling Question How would you fill in “NO MORE ______”? 16 7/8/13 NO MORE PSA Campaign
Please note: These images for the PSA were removed. 17 7/8/13 Please note: These images for the PSA were removed. Please note: These images for the PSA were removed. 18 7/8/13 Please note: These images for the PSA were removed. Please note: These images for the PSA were removed. 19 7/8/13 NO MORE PSA Campaign
Please note: These images for the PSA were removed. 20 7/8/13 Play PSA video clips
Polling Question What are your iniSal reacSons? Any feedback (posiSve, negaSve, and/or suggesSons) would be greatly appreciated! 21 7/8/13 NO MORE PSA Campaign
•  July/August 2013: Share and co-brand with DV/SA
•  September 2013: Launch campaign
•  2013/2014: Public service campaign on TV, radio,
billboards, in print
•  Continue to build through social media
How to Access and Co-brand PSAs 22 7/8/13 NO MORE PSA Campaign:
Field Activation
•  Campaign creative to be made available to the field
by late summer
Stock video/digital, print, out of home and web banners
Customizable (for co-branding) print, out of home and web banners
Request form for assets in additional sizes or formats
TBD – radio and other additional assets
•  Organizations will need to agree to a few terms and
conditions to access online download portal
Primarily designed to protect the cast
No corporate co-branding without written request and approval
Best efforts to share information on placements
Transfer/sharing of assets does not change ownership of creative
NO MORE PSA Campaign:
•  Final creative will be designed to accommodate
brands from non-profits in the field
•  PSD files will be available for all stock creative,
additionally sized/formatted creative can be
•  Currently identifying resources for approved vendors
who can customize the creative while maintaining
the design integrity of the campaign
23 7/8/13 NO MORE PSA Campaign:
Co-Branding Samples
NO MORE PSA Campaign:
Staying Informed
•  If you’d like to receive email updates about the PSA
campaign and the exact timing of the creative
release, please email your Name, Organization and
contact details to:
24 7/8/13 How to Leverage the NO MORE Tools
and Assets in Your Work Use NO MORE to Help Generate New
Awareness, Funding, and Supporters for
Your Work
•  Host a local [insert your city] Says NO MORE Day
•  Encourage local businesses and community members to
participate by
•  Wearing NO MORE pins (purchase through
•  Placing signage on their locations with NO MORE and local agency
•  Tweeting with a designated hashtag (i.e. “STLsaysNOMORE”)
•  Host a Twitter Chat
•  Start a Thunderclap
25 7/8/13 Use NO MORE to Help Generate New
Awareness, Funding, and Supporters for
Your Work
•  Ask local business to host a “NO MORE Night” where 10% of
their proceeds will be donated to your agency
•  Create a Facebook event to invite members of your network, local
organizations, local public figures, and individuals to patronize the
establishment during that night
•  Continue to drive awareness by creating a message and hashtag on
Twitter that tells people where to go and how to get involved and
request your network to retweet and share
•  Post signage at the location during “NO MORE Night”
•  Have greeters hand out postcards branded with the NO MORE symbol
and your website, so they can visit and donate
•  Approach your local newspaper to see if they can attend events and
report on the partnership, and how others can get involved
Thank you! Any questions?