Labour Market Information


Labour Market Information
Labour Market Information
What is Labour Market Information (LMI)?
LMI is a compilation of detailed information about the Canadian workforce and occupations,
including wage rates, training requirements, working conditions, trends and growth projections.
LMI can also include employment / unemployment rates, job creation and layoffs and new
business information.
Using Labour Market Information
Details of the labour market and specific occupations can be studied before making a career
path decision and plan.
Where do I Find Labour Market Information?
Yellow Pages
Ministry of Education web site
Local Training Boards
Colleges & Universities
Chambers of Commerce
Business Development Offices
Internet Searches
Friends, Family, Neighbours
Labour Market Challenges and Hints
The labour market is a place where workers and employers seek each other out. Like the rest of
our economy, matching a worker to a job is based on the simple principle of supply and
Hint - Do your homework and find out where you fit into the marketplace. As a worker you are
on the supply side and it’s up to you to find a suitable match on the demand side for your skills
and experience.
Hint - Look for ways to make the new world of work ‘work’ for you. There is growth in selfemployment, contract work and casual or temporary employment.
Labour Market Information
Labour Market Myths and Realities
Myth - There are no jobs out there
Reality - An estimated 4% of jobs are always available due to retirements, deaths, resignations,
terminations, promotions, transfers and extended leaves of absences because of sickness or
maternity leave.
The proportion of available jobs not advertised is approximately 80%.
Be sure to use the hidden job market in your search. Including, but not limited to friends, family,
neighbours, co-workers (current and former) clubs / groups you are involved in, cold calling,
informational interviews, volunteering, academic and training settings and classmates.
Print Sources of Labour Market Information
National Occupational Classification
Job Futures
EnviroCareers – A Guide to Careers in the Environment Sector
Quinte Area Labour Market Reviews – Human Resources and Skills Development Canada
Ontario Labour Market Bulletin
Quarterly Labour Market and Income Reviews
Annual Labour Force Trends – Quinte Region
Labour Force Survey – Statistics Canada
Everybody’s Business – Lennox and Addington County Business Issues
Business Directories
Who’s Who Resource
Phone Books and Yellow Pages
Online Sources of Labour Market Information
Job Futures
Ontario Job Futures
National Occupational Classification
Labour Market Information
EnviroCareers – A Guide to Careers in the Environnent Sector
Labour Market Information – Government of Canada
Labour Force Survey – Latest Release
Online Business and Chamber Directories
Can be located using your favourite search engine