Summer 2000 - JRI
Summer 2000 - JRI
IN THIS ISSUE... KSIÇGIMETRYKALNEISTANU CYWILNEGO WARCHIWACH PANSTWOWE WPOLSCE [Metrical and Civil Registration Books in the Polish State Archives] Introduction by Hanna Krajewska translated by Dr. George Alexander 3 KIELCE JOURNEY by Todd Lefkowitz 1 Qpecial interest Group journal BOOK REVIEW: DEATH COMES IN YELLOW: SKARZYSKO-KAMIENNA SLAVE LABOR CAMP, by Felicja Kara y reviewed by Mark Froimowitz 1 8 BOOKS OF RESIDENTS (KSIEGILUDNOSCI) AND OTHER BOOKS OF REGISTRATION by Fay Bussgang 2 3 NEWS AND NOTES 2 • Vital Records Recorded in Other Towns • Kielce-Radom Family Finder 7 EXTRACT DATA IN THIS ISSUE 2 8 • KLIMONTÔ W DEATHS 1826-185 3 by Ronald Greene 2 A^ journo C oj^fcwisf t pu6CisFiccf ^ua covcrinjjtfic (3-u6ernias of and of the ÇKJngdom of Roland as defined fr^theboundaries as tfte^ existe^ 1867-1917 4 9 • CHMIELNI K BIRTHS 1876-188 4 by David Price 4 MAP of Kielce and Radom Gubernias 7 5 1 GLOSSARY, PRONUNCIATION GUIDE ... . 72 ...but first a word from your editor 2 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 Summer 2000 ... but first a word from our editor ^Journal ISSN No. 1092-8006 ©2000, all material this issue published quarterly by the KIELCE-RADOM Special Interest Group (SIG) a non-profit, informal world-wid e body of individuals interested in Jewish genealogical research from Kielce and Radom, two gubernias in the Kingdom of defined b y the boundaries as they existed from 1867-1917 . Unfortunately, thi s is the first issu e in which the last goal — to introduce a "new" town — was not achieved. U p until now, our fifteenth issue, we have published extracts for a never-befor e published town in each issue. Bu t as of now, there are none available. S o the extracts of Jewish vital records from LD S microfilms i n this issue are from town s for which we have previously published extracts: Chmielnik (Stopnica district, Kielce gubernia): all microfilmed birt h records covering 1876 1884; and 1826-185 3 death records from the town of Klimontôw (Sandomierz district, Rado m gubernia). ADVISORY GROUP : "Warren Blatt, Edito r Mark Froimowitz, Coordinato r There are over sixty towns in our region which have Jewish vital records on microfilm. W e have published extracts from 21 of them. I sincerely hope that we can publish extracts from the other forty-plus towns . Bu t only you can make that happen. VISIT OUR WE B PAGE In this issue we again have an assortment of articles which should be of interest to our readers: The translation of the introduction to the Polish State Archives' new inventory o f all their vital records, detailing the history of vital records-keepin g throughout Poland; a travelogue of a recent visit to Kielce; and a review of a book on the Skarzysko-Kamienna slave labor camp. Subscriptions and all administrative correspondence should be directed to: KIELCE-RADOM SIG , Mark Froimowitz, Coordinato r 90 Eastbourne Rd . Newton, MA 0245 9 e-mail: Phone: (617) 527-4036 All matters relating to research and editorial articles should be directed to: Warren Blatt, Editor 8 Bishops Forest Driv e Waltham,MA 02452-880 1 e-mail: wblatt@jewishgen.or g Dues (U.S. funds) are : $26.00 forU.S., Canad a and Mexico $32.00 for all others [add $6.00 for overseas airmail delivery instead of surface mail delivery ] I I'm often aske d "Ho w do you decide which town's extracts to run in each issue?", or more bluntly "Whe n are you going to do my town?". Th e answer to that question is, of course: "When are you going to do your town?". Whic h extracts appear in which issue is purely a function o f what we have available, created by our volunteer extractors. I n each issue, I try to archive a balance: geographically between the two gubernias; between births, marriages, and deaths; and between time periods. I also try to introduce one "new" town in every issue — a town for which we have never published extracts before. Also in this issue is an article by Fay Bussgang on a fascinating under-utilized research source: Books of Residents and other Books of Registration in Poland. Whil e the article describes these records for towns outside of the Kielce-Radom region, it is know that these records also exist for a few towns within our region. I f you have any reports, positive or negative, about the existence of such records for towns in our region, please let us know. I'd agai n like to take this opportunity to remind people of Jewish Records Indexing-Poland's "Polis h State Archives" project, t o obtain indexes of non-microfilmed Jewis h vital records of the late 19t h century. Ther e are still no Archive Coordinators for the seven archives holding the Jewish vital records for towns in Kielce and Radom gubernias. N o work will be done at an archive until someone volunteers to be the "Archive Coordinator" fo r that archive. Se e page 26 of IV: 1 (Winter 2000) issue, and get in touch with JRI-Poland to participate in this important endeavor. A t the upcoming 20th International Conference o n Jewish Genealogy in Salt Lake City, JRI-Poland will hold workshops on Sunday July 9th to train Archive and Shtetl Coordinators for this project. •s t. Summer 2000 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 Ksiçgi Mettykalne i Stanu Cywilnego w Archiwach Paristwowe w Polsce Book Notes, by Warren Blat t Ksiçgi Meîrykalne i Stanu Cywilnego w Archiwach Panstwowe w Polsce. Informator. [Metrical and Civil Registration Books in the Polish State Archives: Guidebook]. Prepare d by Ann a Laszuk . (Warszawa : Naczeln a Dyrekcja Archiwô w Paristwowyc h [Mai n Office of State Archives], 1998). Introduction by Hann a Krajewska . Editor : Aleksandr a Belerska. 46 9 + xvii i pages . ISB N 83-86643-57-9. ,„• Naczoln a Dyrokeja Archiwù- ,- i y Çcntraln y (ttrodek Infonnacjp This book, published i n 199 8 by the Polish State Archives, is an inventory of all vital records (birth, marriage and death records) in all branches of the Archives. Thi s is the Polish government's first attempt to compile a comprehensive lis t of these records , store d i n th e sevent y differen t branches of the Archives. Entirely in Polish, this book consists of a ten page introductio n describin g the history o f vital records keepin g i n Polan d (whic h ha s bee n translated into English by Dr. George Alexander for the Kielce-Radom SIG Journal, and appears on the following pages), a list of the seventy archives and thei r addresse s (page s xiv-xvii) , an d 46 9 pages of inventory, alphabetical by town. The inventories are easy to use — there are only a fe w word s o f Polis h yo u nee d to know : mojzeszowe means Jewish , an d U M Z refer t o births, marriage s an d death s respectively . Th e few othe r Polish abbreviation s use d i n the book are listed at the end of the introduction. How do the contents of this book differ from the inventories in Miriam Wiener's Jewish Roots in Poland? (reviewe d i n Kielce-Radom SIG Journal 11:2) . Firstly , thi s boo k cover s al l religious groups , while Jewish Roots in Poland covers only Jewish records. Secondly , this book is concerned only with vital records at the Polish State Archives, while Jewish Roots in Polandalso inventories those vital records less than 100 years old hel d a t th e variou s loca l Urza d Stan u Cywilnego (USC) offices. Thirdly , Jewish Roots in Poland also lists many other types of records other than vital records, beyond the scope of the Polish State Archive's inventory for this book. The on e typ e o f recor d relevan t t o ou r research which the PSA book does cover and is omitted fro m Jewish Roots in Poland i s th e 1808-1825 Napoleonic civil registration records. During thi s period , th e vita l record s o f al l religions wer e recorde d i n th e Roma n Catholi c civil registers in the Duchy of Warsaw and late r Kingdom of Poland. In comparing the entries for various KielceRadom area towns between the two books, there are difference s i n nearl y ever y case . I n mos t cases, the PSA's Informator contains one or two additional years worth of acquisitions, and more detailed information regarding gaps in the records. But thi s leve l o f detai l appear s t o var y from archive to archive. Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 4, Number 3 Summe r 2000 Introduction to Ksiçgi Metrykalne i Stanu Cywilnego w Archiwach Panstwowe w Polsce [Metrical and Civil Registration Books in the Polish State Archives) By Hanna Krajewsk a Translated from the Polish by Dr. George Alexander. Edite d by Warren Blatt. "Metryka" (in Latin, matricula) denotes a basis, a source of something. I n a more specific meaning, it was used to define entries , registries, census listings of people. Th e term "metryka" was used in several meanings: as a book for entries of births, baptisms, marriages and funerals, thus, as a metrical book, but also as a individual document, a certificate, also as a collection of old lists and formal government documents, as well a s a separate ite m i n a n office , an d eventuall y i n a n archive , for exampl e the Royal Polis h Metric a {Metryka Koronna), Lithuanian Metrica {Metryka Litewska, Lietuvos Metrika). The sprea d o f metrica l book s i n Europ e wa s speede d up , i n larg e measure , b y th e Protestan t Reformation. I t brought a need of documentation of the faithful, member s of opposing churches. However , it wa s onl y th e Tridentin e Syno d (Counci l o f Trent) , o n 1 1 Nov 1563 , that introduce d a n obligatio n o f recording Roman Catholic marriages and baptisms performed i n the parishes, i.e. of a registry of sacraments. The rules of conducting metrical records were most widel y determined by the norms of the Catholic Church. Within the decree Tametsi dubitandum, the Synod decided that marriage registry entries must include names of spouses, witnesses to the marriage as well as the day, month, year and the site of the wedding. I n books of baptisms it was necessary to give the name and surname of the child, the date of baptism, names of parents, names an d surname s o f god-parents) and , i n both cases , the name o f the perso n performin g th e baptism. In decisions of the Synod there was no mention of the need to keep books recording deaths. Th e requirement to keep a registry of deaths was introduced by the so-called Roman Ritual, issue d in 161 4 by Pope Paul V. H e also placed on parish priests the duty to keep five serie s of metrical books: those of the baptised, confirmed, married, deceased and a so-called status animarum, i e. list of parishioners (list of souls). In 1565, the Archbishop of Milan, Cardinal Charles Boromeus, in a first provincial synod in that city, decided that parish priests "should annuall y prepare a copy of the past year metrical annals and send it to the local bishop, who should take care to properly preserve these copies in his archive." The oldest metrical books in Poland come from before the decisions of the Tridentine Synod. Thes e are a result of decisions of the Krakovian bishop, Thomas Strzepinski, about keeping records of newlyweds, metrica copulatorum of the Marian Church in Krakôw in the years 1548-1585 , and th e parochial books of Bochnia from 1559. Th e obligation to maintain parochial lists of baptized and newlywed was introduced by post-Tridentine synod s held i n years 1579-1602 . Th e deciding influenc e wa s exercised b y the provincial synod in Piotrkôw in the year 1607, presided over by the Primate, Cardinal Bernard Maciejowski. H e ordered keeping in the parishes of books of baptized, confirmed, wedded, communicants for Easter, and of parochial statistics, simultaneously providin g a detailed for m fo r metrical entries. Keepin g o f death records by the Polish clergy was only required after the Piotrkow Ritual of 1631. Th e Luck Synod of 1641 ordered that the parish priest s personall y ente r th e dat a int o th e books , an d th e Syno d o f 173 3 decide d tha t fo r greate r accuracy, all pages of the metrical books have to be numbered. The state o f the metrical book s was inspected by the bishop as part of the process of visiting the parish. Gradually , ther e aros e a necessity t o safeguar d th e parochial records , either by deposition i n the bishop's chanceller y o r b y preparatio n o f annua l copie s fo r th e civi l authorities . Th e metrica l entrie s gradually achieved the status of a legal document. Th e process of chang e of the religious metrics into civil Summer 2000 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 4, Number 3 5 registration document s wit h a genera l lega l administrativ e valu e wa s a n all-Europea n phenomeno n an d occurred regardless of original denominational origin. During the French Revolution, church offices wer e secularized an d on the strength of the decree of the National Assembly of 20 Sept 1792, civil registration offices cam e into being. A decree also introduced the civil Code Napoleon of 1804, which determined the lay character of marriages, introduced civil marriage, allowed for divorces and placed all marital cases under the jurisdiction of the Common Court. region. After the partitions of Polish lands [1772-1795], the rules of keeping metrical books differed i n each Austrian are a In the Austrian region, parish priests of the Roman Catholic Church were named as civil registration clerks by the Imperial Patent of 15 March 1782. Thus , each priest, who kept civil registry, was subject to the jurisdiction o f both the church and the state authorities. The Imperial Patent of 20 Feb 178 4 conferred th e status of legal documents on the metrical religious records. Thanks to that Patent, lists of civil registratio n acts (births , weddings , deaths ) wer e combine d wit h paralle l list s o f religiou s rite s (baptisms , marriages , funerals). The data were entered in Latin, separately for each village that was a part of a parish. This was a departure from previous old Polish records, in which the entries of an entire parish were kept in one tome. The decree of the Court Chamber of 13 Jan 178 7 determined that metrical acts are from that date to be considere d a s publi c document s an d ca n serv e a s lega l evidenc e o f existenc e o f entere d notations , including facts of births, marriages and deaths. With a decree by the Governor of 6 July 1803 , new rules were introduced in the areas occupied by Austria as a result of the Third Partition. Th e next change occurred in 1907 with an edict of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Thi s edict added an additional rubric to the books, "comments". The metrical book s o f the Greek-Catholic (Uniate) faith whic h was a part of the Roman Catholi c Church, were also conducted according to the rules that were obligatory in the Catholic Church. Thes e were also written, in spite of protests by the Uniate clergy, in Latin. Thi s rule was confirmed b y a decree of the Ministry of Internal Affairs o f 1 6 Sept 1875. The Protestant Church in Austria received rights only as a result of the Tolerance Patent of Emperor Joseph II of 3 Oct 1781. Up to the time of legal recognition of the Protestant Church in Galicia, registration of it s faithfu l an d keepin g o f it s metrica l book s belonge d t o th e Catholi c clergy . Beginnin g i n 178 4 Protestants could conduct their own metrical books. In 1787 a regulation was issued, that in cases of marriage between people of different faiths , the data were to be entered in books of both faiths. Beginnin g 30 Jan 1846, Protestan t priest s ha d a n officia l righ t t o kee p metrica l book s o f bot h rites , th e Augsbur g Rit e (Lutheran) and the Swiss Rite. U p to that time, Catholic clergy were exercising supervision. Th e forms of records did not differ from those of the Catholics, but they were usually kept in German. Copie s of books were sent to the Superintendent of Archives or to the General Consistory. The Imperia l Paten t o f 1 5 March 178 2 delegate d t o Catholi c parochia l priest s th e righ t o f civi l registration clerks also in relation to non-Christian faiths, among others, Jews. Israelit e metrical books kept by the Jewish community were to have an exclusively private character. Th e Imperial Patent of 7 May 1789 introduced a new order to Jewish communitie s i n Galicia. Th e conduct o f Jewis h metrica l record s were entrusted t o the Rabbi. Th e Catholic priest s were to exercise a periodic contro l and were to confirm th e reliability of the entries. Onl y the decree of 1 0 July 186 8 conferred o n Jewish metrical records the force of legal documents. Th e above-mentioned decre e of the Interior Ministry of 187 5 transferred th e conduct of 6 Kielce-Radotn SIG JournalVolume 4, Number 3 Summe r 2000 metrical books to separate clerks, approved by the civil authorities, so-called metricants. Contro l was exerted by the appropriate administrative authorities, i.e. the district governors (Starostas). Afte r having finished all entries fo r a given calenda r year , th e metricants als o had th e duty o f providing on e of two copies o f the records to the Starosta's office . In 1891 , a complet e rearrangemen t o f Jewis h religiou s communitie s wa s finalized . Entrie s i n metrical books were performed mostl y in German and Polish. Th e headings of columns were often als o in Hebrew or Yiddish. The metrical record s of churches of different faith s gradually gained legal rights. I n sequence: the Greek-Oriental Churc h - 29 Nov 1864 , the Old-Catholi c Churc h - 1 8 Oct 1877 , the Evangelic-Brethre n Church - 30 Oct 1880 , the Hanefic Church , which was one of the branches of Islam - 1 5 Aug 1912 , and metrical records of atheistic persons - 9 Apr 1870. Prussian are a In the German areas, the keeping of metrical books first began in the 16th century. Unti l the end of the 18t h century , thes e book s ha d a n exclusivel y religiou s character . The y serve d t o kee p trac k o f performance o f religious obligations by members of a parish, making sure that these members performe d church rituals and also as proofs o f legal nature. O n 1 June 1794 , from the time of validity of the General Legal State Rights for Prussian Lands (Allgemeines Landrecht fur die preussischen Stataten), metrical books ceased t o hav e thei r exclusivel y religiou s characte r an d becam e publi c lega l documents . Regulation s obligated Catholic and Evangelical priests to maintain exact registries of births, marriages and deaths, as well as to create their exac t copies . Thes e copie s were to be sent for storag e to the courts and institution s o f jurisdiction over the locations of a given parish. Supervisio n over these obligations remained, until 1815, in the hands of royal regencies and later in Section I and later in the Division of Internal Affairs of the Regency offices. Catholi c metrical books were also subject to the supervision by the diocesan bishop. State law obligated each citizen to register births, marriages and deaths with the parish to which their living place belonged. Marriag e records were to be entered in the metrical book of the parish of the woman entering into a marital union. The obligation to register births, marriages and deaths of Jews in the years 1794-1812 was with their respective municipal town hall. Thes e registries were kept primarily for purposes of legal documentation . On 1 1 March 1812 , there appeared a decree dealing with the issue of citizenship of Jews (Edikt betreffen d die biirgerliche n Verhàltniss e de r Juden ) whic h divide d the m int o tw o groups : naturalize d an d non naturalized. T o the first grou p belonged those who had a prescribed wealth, had a stable occupation an d proper address and who also decided to accept a surname. Thus , they were entered in a list of state "citizens". From 181 2 these Jews were subject t o civil registration o f births, marriages, divorces and deaths with the municipal polic e authorities or before a landrat (in the case of residents of villages). Thi s civil registration was limited only to Jews who were naturalized. O n 30 March 1847, a regulation was issued dealing with civil court confirmations o f births, marriages and deaths of Jews and dissidents (Verordnung btr. Die geburten, Heiraten un d Sterbefall , dere n biirgerlich e Beglaubigun g durc h di e Ortsgericht e erfolge n muB) . Next , according to the Prussian Law of 23 July 1847 about civil registry of Jews (Gesetz iiber die Verhàltnisse der Juden), these functions were taken over by local courts (from 1849) . This dual form of registry (civil - i n case of Jews and dissidents, and religious - i n case of all other citizens of the Prussian State ) lasted until the second half of the 19t h century. A uniform civi l registration was introduced in Prussia in 1874 with the law "Gesetz iiber die Beurkundung des Personenstandes und die Form die Eheschliessung". Th e keeping of the civil registration was entrusted to special civil registratio n Summer 2000 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 4, Number 3 7 clerks appointed b y administrative authorities. Th e entire Prussian Stat e was divided into civil registratio n districts, formed fro m on e or several communities , depending o n the density o f population (a t leas t 150 0 inhabitants). I n urban communities several districts were formed. Mayor s or village elders served as civil registration clerks. Supervision over the clerks was exercised by regional presidents or by regional governors (law of 1 Sept 1883). On 6 Feb 1875 , a law was promulgated abou t lay registry of civil stat e i n the entire Reich (Reic h Gesetz iiber die Beurkung des Personenstandes und die Form die Eheschliessung). I t was valid from 1 Jan 1876. Thi s law completely separated civil registration of the population from churc h affairs. I t introduced an obligation to record births, marriages and deaths of all citizens, regardless of faith, in three kinds of books. Introduced also were civil weddings as having priority over church weddings. Metrica l books were usually kept in Latin or in German, civil registration books in German. After World War I, on lands which remained after 192 0 as parts of the German Reich these laws were modified somewha t by law of 1937 . Significantl y differen t wer e the acts pertaining to the marital unions ; this were kept primarily in a somewhat different registry , in the so-called family book (Familienbuch). Duchy of Warsaw (Ksiestw o Warszawskie) [1807-1813 ] Article 69 of the 180 7 Constitution introduce d the Napoleonic Code in the Duchy of Warsaw, and with it, offices an d records of the civil registration. A decree of Frederic August, King of Saxony and Duke of Warsaw, on 27 Jan 180 8 (to be valid from 1 May 1808) , created civil registration records. O n 1 8 Mar 1809, changes were introduced i n nine articles of the decree. I n principle, books were to be kept by civil clerks, but in view of the shortage of appropriately trained persons, this task was conferred o n priests. Th e subsequent decree of the Saxon King of 23 Feb 1809 required also that the priests first keep the civil records and then perform thei r religious rites. I n order to avoid conflicts tha t could occur between the duties of a chaplain and the duties of a clerk, presidents and mayors were given the right to perform civi l weddings and divorces. [Editor' s note: The Kielce-Radom region became part of the Duchy of Warsaw in 1809, and these Napoleon civil registration rules began to apply there in September 1810]. Kingdom of Poland (Krolestw o Polskie) [1815-1918 ] The above mentioned situation lasted until 1 3 June 1825 , i.e. to the time of publication of the first book of civil code for the Kingdom of Poland (Dziennik Praw [Law Journal] KP, T. 10) . A t that point, the civil registration records were combined with church metrical records (art. 71-142). Priests were supposed to perform their religious obligations first and then write up the civil record. A parish priest simultaneousl y performed th e function o f a civil clerk. O n 24 June 183 6 appeared a law about marriage (Law Journal KP, T.I8), according to which civil repercussions were assigned to civil courts, all others to religious courts. A decisio n o f the Princ e Plenipotentiar y o f 3 Oct 182 5 assigned th e keeping o f civil registratio n records for non-Christian faiths (Jews and Moslems) to mayors or their substituting clerks. Fo r Jews, there was an additional decision of the Administrative Council that rabbis, after having performed their religious rites, shoul d enter the appropriate information into a civil registry. Supervisio n of these acts remained in the hands of civil clerks. Th e entries had to be made in the Polish language. In the Russian Empire in 183 9 and in the Kingdom of Poland in 1875, the Greek-Catholic (Uniate) Church was abolished. Fro m that time forward, parishes located in these areas were converted to the Russian Orthodox (Prawoslawne). 8 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 4, Number 3 Summe r 2000 Priests as well as rabbis were obligated to keep books divided into three parts: births, marriages and deaths. On e copy of the book, considered as a duplicate (duplikat), was supposed to be closed at the end of each year and stored in the archive of the appropriate peace court. Anothe r copy, considered as the original (unikat), was to be kept on site. Thi s original was composed of three books (births, marriages, and deaths), entries were to be made until the book was filled. Both the original and the duplicate had numbered pages. Births were supposed to be recorded within eight days from th e baby's entry int o the world. Thi s obligation was not frequently observe d by Jews. Weddin g records were written up after the ceremony in the presence of two witnesses. I n cases of non-Christian weddings, a rabbi or an imam, after the performing the ceremony, went along with the newlywed and witnesses t o the civil registration clerk to register the marriage act. Divorce s and separations belonged to the jurisdiction of royal procurators. Supervision over the books of civil registration kept by the parish priest was in the hands of the dean of the church province, and simultaneously i n the hands of court authorities. Entries i n the books of civil registration wer e at first kept in the Polish language, and from Ja n 1s t 1868 in the Russian language , as per regulation o f the Organizing Committee of the Kingdom o f Poland. However, the legal rules pertaining to the form of the records remained unchanged. Inter-war period The differen t rule s existin g i n the area s of the three formerly occupie d area s persisted i n Poland during the twenty-year period between the [two world] wars. Th e rules were supplemented by decrees of the state authorities, opinions of the General Procurator's office an d by decisions of the Supreme Court. Th e Roman-Catholic Church relied on the Code of Canon law of 1917 . Th e canon Nr. 470 required that at the end of each calendar year the parish priest send a certified cop y of parish books to the bishop's curia, except for Status animarum. Thi s was done to preserve in the bishop's archive a record of baptisms, weddings and deaths, so as to be able, in cases of need, to provide the priests or the faithful wit h copies of original metrical records. Post-war period A decree of 2 5 Sept 1945 introduced (from 1 Jan 1946) a national, common, lay, non-religious civil state registry , unifor m fo r th e entir e country . Thi s lega l decre e create d ne w arm s o f th e nationa l administration - office s o f civil registration. Administrativ e offices which stored copies of civil registration books and metrical books were obliged to pass them by 15 Jan 1946 to civil registration offices (Urzad Stanu Cywilnego). These , in turn, as per further regulations, were to transfer to the State Archives metrical books older than 10 0 years. O n 8 June 195 5 (Official Journa l Nr 23 line 151 , with later changes) a new law was published dealin g wit h civi l registratio n record s (sequentia l amendments : 1956 , 1958 , 1962,1964,1971, 1975). O n 15 Sept 1955 appeared a regulation from the Minister of the Interior Nr. 193/5 5 about inventory and preservation site as well as about protection and control of civil record books (amended 27 Feb 1976 and 14Febl989). The la w of 29 Sep t 198 6 (Law J. Nr 36 , line 180 , amended Law J. 198 8 Nr 19 , line 132 ) - Law Dealing with Civil Records - composed of 9 1 articles, dealing with all forms of registry of civil registration entries. The Law became valid 1 March 1987. Detailed problems were decided by regulations of the Minister of the Interior of 14 Feb 1987 dealing with preparation of civil registration records, their keeping and control of civi l registratio n books , thei r storag e an d securit y (La w j . N r 7 line 43) an d from 1 5 Nov 1998 , by regulation o f th e Ministe r o f Interio r an d Administratio n o f 2 6 Oc t 199 8 dealin g wit h detaile d rule s o f Summer 2000 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 4, Number 3 9 preparation o f civil registration records , the means of keeping the civil registration book s and their control and securit y a s wel l a s example s o f civi l registratio n records , their copying , issuanc e o f certificate s an d extracts (Law J. Nr 136 , line 884). *** From their beginning, metrical records and civil registration record s elicited and continue to elicit great interest . Thes e registrie s ar e maintaine d equall y i n th e interes t o f th e stat e a s wel l a s i n orde r t o safeguard persona l interests of citizens. Civi l registration records serve as means of proving civil status of a given person , and they are also the basis for determinatio n o f property rights. Metrica l book s and civil registration books contain a lot of basic personal information, fo r example, about social status, age, address, profession, parents of baptized children, newlyweds and witnesses, causes of deaths of the departed (also an important source of data about general health of society). Some books contain later additional notes about weddings and deaths; in some are found unexpected news items about parish history, inventories as well as items about social customs. Al l these items and data permit conduc t o f demographic , sociologica l an d genealogica l research . Th e latte r show s a continuou s tendency to grow, leading to written requests directed to the Archives and an increasing number of users of archival working centers, searching for answers to queries about their families an d relatives. Utilizatio n of these materials is complicated by their dispersal in multiple locations. Record s from the former eastern lands of the [inter-war Polish] Republic which now form a part of Ukraine, the so-called lands beyond the river Bug (the "Zabuzariski Collection"), found their way first to the Acts of Civil Registration at the Ministry of Public Administration. Afte r dissolutio n o f tha t Ministr y i n 1950 , the y wer e assigne d t o th e nationa l Civi l Registration Office of Warsaw-Midtown (Urzad Stanu Cywilnego Warszawie-Srôdmiescie), and then in part, to the Central Archive s of Old Records (Archiwum Glowne Akt Dawnych). A larg e number o f metrical books , mainly Roman-Catholi c ones , are foun d als o i n diocesan and parish archives. Civi l registration books are stored in archives and civil registration offices. A number of metrical an d civi l records, dealing with Polish land s and Polish populations , are preserved beyon d Polis h borders, in archives in Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania and Germany. These , however, were not considered in preparation of this Infor mator (Guidebook). Preserved metrical and civil acts are proof of residence on Polish lands of many nationalities. Th e largest were Poles, Jews, Germans, Ukrainians, Lithuanians. Thes e differed amon g themselves not only by language and origin, but also by religion or faith. Becaus e of forced removals, life necessities and many other reasons, some left Polan d an d settled i n many countries. Pole s and persons born on Polish territories are dispersed all over the world. Searchin g for their roots, they turn for help to Polish diplomatic representatives and to the State Archives. In order to facilitate their searches, it was decided to prepare an Informator (Guidebook), containing a listin g o f al l metrica l an d civi l act s owne d b y the Polis h Stat e Archives . Preparatio n fo r thi s project , suggested by Hanna Krajewska, bega n in 1996 . Completio n was planned for two years. I n 1997 , workers in all state archives in which metrical and civil records are kept (a total of 70 archival locations) conducted a searc h o f parishes, religious communit y offices , civi l registratio n offices , courts , municipal office s an d private property collections . Al l participant s i n the searches , whom w e thank fo r performing a yeoman's work, often a difficult an d laborious task, are listed on the editor's page with data on places in which they conducted their searches. A s a result, thorough detailed information was obtained on the wealth of metrical collections an d thei r variety . Informatio n wa s entere d int o a compute r bas e calle d PRADZIA D [Grandfather). Th e search conducted i n 199 7 included records which were in the Archives' possession as of 31 Dec 1996 , but in some archives also included acquisitions in 199 7 up to the time of the search. I n the computer database were included the following data: name of locality in which or for which th e metrical and 10 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 4, Number 3 Summe r 2000 civil records were prepared (parishes , branches, individual villages within a parish in Galicia, sites of civil offices), th e administrativ e an d churc h supervision , religion , paris h sain t dedicatio n (primaril y whe n a community ha d severa l parishe s o f th e sam e faith) , typ e o f civi l dat a (religiou s confessions , claims , communions, confirmations, conversions, weddings, divorces, births, banns, deaths), dates of th e preserved records (usually annual but without detailed informatio n abou t lacunae), dates of annuals which had usefu l microfilm copies , dat a o n accessibilit y o f th e records , numbe r an d nam e o f th e archiv e keepin g th e documentation, nam e and number of the collection a s well as the name of parts of it, and other comments about the storage of the records. Th e search covered only original records kept in archives. I t did not include microfilms o f foreign origi n kept in some archives which cannot serve as bases for issuanc e of certificate s or certified copies . To identity localities and their topographic location as defined by their positions within administrative regions, the Informator uses the following rules: - wit h respec t t o localitie s currentl y withi n Poland , providin g communitie s an d province s (wojewodztwa) according to territorial divisions in use in Poland in years 1975-1998; - wit h respect to localities that do not exist any longer or that are currently outside of the borders of Poland, providing their administrative assignment during the period in which the records were made. In cas e o f area s tha t belonge d t o Polan d prio r t o 193 9 an d ar e no w i n Ukrain e an d Lithuani a providing districts and provinces (powiaty i wojewodztwa). In case of areas which were a part of the German Reic h an d ar e no w i n German y o r Russia , providin g district s an d regencie s (powiaty i rejencje). I n case of areas that were part of the Russian Empire, districts and gubernias (powiaty i gubernie). The following publication s serve d a s the main basi s for determinin g the official form s o f current , former and foreign names of localities and their administrative regions: - Die Wohnplàtze des deutschen Reiches, 1 Abteilung, Das Kônigreich Preufien, Berlin 1885; - Skorowidz polsko-niemiecki i niemiecko-polski miejscowosci Wojewodztwa Pomorskiego i W. M. Gdanska, Poznan 1920; - Gemeinde Lexikonfur den Freistaat Preufien, Band 1 , Provinz Ostpreufien, Berlin 1931 ; - Skorowidz miejscowosci Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej z oznaczeniem terytorialnie im wiasciwych wiadz i urzqdzeii komunikacyjnych, edited by T. Bystrzycki, Przemysl-Warszawa, 1933; - Gemeinde tend Wohnplatz-Lexikon des Reichsgaus Danzig-Westpreufien, Statistischen Landesamt Danzig-Westpreufien, Band 1 , Danzig 1944; - S . Rospond. Slownik nazw geograficznych Polski zachodniej ipôkocnej, cz . 1-2, WroctawWarszawal951; - Wykaz urzçdowych nazw miejscowosci w Polsce, Warszawa 1980-198 2 (wraz z dalszymi zmianami). The oldest metrical record in the State Archives dates from the 16th century. Thi s is a book of deaths of 153 7 of the Evangelical-Augsburg Rite, from th e parish o f Our Lady i n Gdansk. Th e majority o f the metrical and civil records date, however, to the 19t h century. Th e newest are from 1945 . Preserved hav e bee n record s o f th e followin g faith s (i n alphabetica l orde r i n Polish) : Adventis t (adwentysci), Baptist (baptysci), Christ-Catholic (chrystusowy katolicy), Christian-Catholic (chrzescijanskokatolickié), Dissident (dysydenci), Protestant (ewangelickie), Lutheran (ewangelicko-augsburskie), United Lutheran (ewangelicko-unijne), C&lv\nist(ewangelicko-reformowane), Philiton (filiponskie), Greek-Catholic (greckokatolickie), Hugueno t (hugenoci), Old-Believer s (jednowiercy), Catholic-Apostoli c (katolickoapostolskié), Musli m (mahometanskie), Moravia n (mariawickie), Mennonit e (mennonickie), Jewis h Summer 2000 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 4, Number 3 1 1 (mojzeszowe), Russian Orthodo x (prawoslawne), Roman-Catholic (rzymskokatolickie), and Old-Luthera n (staroluteranskie). Sometimes, in the metrical books kept mainly in archives of Malbork, Tczew and Gdansk, appears the term "dissidents". I t was used in the guide as a denomination, in the knowledge, however, that the ter m dissiden t wa s use d i n th e eighteent h centur y t o describ e non-Catholics , mainl y Protestants , a s determined by the Warsaw Treaty of 1768 . Apar t from the denominations listed above there also appears a term mieszane ("mixed"). Thi s refers to a negligible number of records, in which appear several faiths. I n cases in which it was impossible to determine which faith i s listed in the book, the term nie okreslone ("not determined") appears. As a histori c consequenc e o f th e takeove r o f Catholi c churche s b y Protestant s durin g th e Reformation, there is often found, besides a church of the Evangelical-Augsburg (Lutheran) Rite, a Catholic church dedicate d t o a specific saint . I n th e records , this parish dedicatio n wa s treated a s a n elemen t o f identification. I t was used generally in those localities in which there are several parishes of the same faith. In the case of existence of several civil registration offices i n the same locality, the area covered by the given office i s provided. The wor d parafia ("parish" ) appear s i n case s o f the Roman-Catholic , Greek-Catholic , Russian Orthodox an d Protestan t faith s (i n the latte r the German wor d "Gemeinde " was also translated a s parish , although it is used in historic literature also as the term for a religious community). A majorit y o f record s i s derive d fro m civi l registratio n offices . Als o qualifie d her e a s civi l registration records is the documentation created in the years 1808-1825 in the Duchy of Warsaw, Kingdom of Poland an d i n territories incorporate d int o the Russia n Empire . Informatio n abou t thos e were place d following the religious records, listed as stanu cywilnego ("civil registration"). For the purpose of this Informator we concentrated on main records attesting to the civil registration, thus on data on births, marriages and deaths. Onl y in the case of the archive in Wroclaw wer e baptism s also considered (qualifie d a s birth s wit h a n appropriat e comment ) an d funeral s (qualifie d a s death s wit h a n appropriate comment). Thi s pertains mainly to records from the 18t h century. I n publishing, however, the following wer e omitted: information o n other series of records stored in the Archives, data on alphabetical listings and indexes, and information o n the dates of microfilms owned . The arrangement of the data Entries i n thi s Informator are arrange d i n Polis h alphabetica l orde r accordin g t o th e name s o f localities for which the metrical or civil registration record s were kept. I n the same alphabetical order are placed curren t a s well a s old Polish an d foreig n name s of places used during th e tim e o f creatio n o f the documents. Descriptio n of the archival possessions are provided under the current Polish name; other names of the sam e localit y ar e given unde r the curren t Polis h name . Place s wit h th e sam e name s ar e arrange d according to the alphabetical orde r of their provinces (wojewôdztwà), and then communities. Referral s t o other places are located under the full entrie s for localities carrying the same name. I n cases of places with the same names, their administrative region (gmina and wojewôdztwo) are given. I n sorting, Polish letter s with diacritica l mark s were arranged i n accordance with the standar d Polis h alphabet . Letter s with othe r diacritical marks are treated lik e letters without such marks. I n case of parishes from the areas beyond the river Bug, where metrical records were often kep t separately for each community within a parish, the entry is first given in order of years for the entire parish and then for the specific locatio n of the parish. 12 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 4, Number 3 Summer 2000 In each entry are given: 1. Th e curren t nam e o f th e localit y (i n whic h th e registr y of civil registration data was compiled); comments in parentheses, if any; community or district (powiat) (if site of the community or district is the same as the name of the locality, then this item is omitted); province (wojewôdztwo), regency or guberni a (i f th e nam e o f wojewôdztwo , regenc y o r gubernia i s the sam e a s th e nam e o f th e locality, then this item is omitted). 2. Religion , dedication o r description o f the territory o f the civil registration office; referra l to other localities in the same parish, which are described separately; site of the parish (if registry of data of the civil registration occurred in a branch or was kept separately for individual localities); comments in parentheses, if any. Th e religious denominations are listed in alphabetical order, and at the end, civil registration records (stanu cywilnego). 3. Type s of the civil registration data (births, marriages, deaths); dates of preserved records; comments in parentheses, if any. Chronologica l series are presented according to the sequentia l number of the given archive, and within each archive according to the sequential numbe r of the collection. 4. Th e number of the archive in which the documents are stored, the number of the collection and the number of the available part of the collection. A listing of the archives with their numbers is found on page s xiv-xvi i o f the introductio n t o the Informator. I f the records are not accessible o r only partly accessible , an appropriate symbo l (* or **) appears after th e number of the collection. Fo r example, in the first entry below, in archive Nr 56, collection Nr 879, the records are not accessible. Here are two sample entries: 1. Gotogôry , pow. Ztoczôw, woj. tarnopolskie 2. greckokatolicki e 3. u : 1855,1858; M z:1858 4.156/879/0»* j 2. mojzeszow e 3. u : 1876-1881.1883-1894,1897-1900,4. U/300/0| 1903,1909,1911,1927; z:1877-1894,1902 , 1912,1924-1926 2. rzymskokatolicki e (p.rôwniezKondratôw, Upowce, Majdan Upowiecki, Mow) 3. u : 1839; M : 1755-1795,1839 4.[i/3Oi/ 3. z : 1755-1795,1827-1834,1839 4.U/301/0 2. rzymskokatolicki e (par. Gotogôry) 3. u: 1851-1875 a * 1. NowyPor t (obecniewgranicachmiastaGdaiîsk), gm. Gdaiïsk 2. ewangelicko-augsburski e — Wniebowsta.pienia (od 1832 r.samodzielna parafa) (par. Wistoujécie) 4. 10/300/37 3. u M z: 1809-1812 3. u : 1839-1840,1842-1851.1854, 4. 10/1476/0 1873-1874; M : 1838-1840,1842-1851,1854. 1873-1874; z : 1836,1839-1851,1854, 1873-1874 u M z: 1814-1815,1826-1832 4.110/149VQ 3. 2. rzymskokatolicki e — sw . Jadwigi 3. U M : 1854-1873 ; z : 1855-1873 4.|io/i434/O I | Cross-references have the following structure : Name of community (old Polish or foreign) —• actual name of locality, for example: Warnitz - • Warnice , gm. Dçbno , woj. gorzowskie —> Warnice , woj. szczecirtskie Special cross-references , create d i n cases where the records of the entir e parish di d no t survive, indicat e localities of the given parish, for which separate metrical records were kept, for example: 1. Bienice , gm . Dobra , w o j . szczecirtski e 2. ewangelicko-augsburskie (p . rôwniei Bieniczki, Glidnica, Gostomin, Mqkorzyno, Osowo, Radzim, Sienno Dolne i Gome, Slajsino, Troszczyno) Summer 2000 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 4, Number 3 1 3 The Informator, which you are receiving, is a registry of the actual state of the collections of the State Archives. It is important to remember, however, that civil registration records will continue to arrive at the State Archives. Wit h time, a repeated effort will have to be undertaken to publish information about the new collections. I n the planning stag e is a CD-ROM to contain the entire database, thus not only informatio n about the basic acts of the civil registration, i.e. births, marriages and deaths, but also about the other series of documents which are stored in the State Archives. We sincerely thank the Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation, which financed, in part, the costs of conducting the search of the archives and preparation of publication i n book form. W e also thank Dr. Andrzej Bierna t fo r participatin g i n preparation o f the project an d of the final shap e o f the publication. Particular gratitud e i s du e t o th e reviewers , Prof . Dr . Stefa n K . Kuczynsk i an d Prof . Dr . Maria n Wojciechowski fo r comment s abou t th e Informator an d suggestion s fo r changes , mos t o f whic h wer e accepted. Som e suggestions , however, althoug h meritin g attention , can only be considered i n the future. Above all, this refers t o the question o f administrativ e territorial assignment s of localities i n view of the administrative reforms of 1999. Perhap s it will be necessary to keep the data in the future based on generally available registers or on supplemental materials. Hanna Krajewska List of abbreviations and markings: p . rôwniez — p. tez — gm. — gub. — par. — pow. — rej. — woj. — U— M— Z— *— ** —record —• — patr z rôwniez = se e also branches or separate localities of the given parish patr z tez = se e also old localities, now parts of larger towns gmin a = communit y or village guberni a (ol d Russian term for province) parafi a = paris h (a religious administrative unit, usually related to a specific church) powia t = distric t ( a small state administrative area, governed by a starosta) rejencj a = a large administrative entity, mostl y in Prussia wojewôdztw o = province , a large administrative area aktaurodze n = birth s akt a maizeristw = marriage s aktazgonô w = death s record s partially available s not accessible cross-referenc e to the proper name of the locality 14 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 4, Number 3 Summer 2000 Kielce Journey by Todd Leflcowit z On a sunny and cold February morning, I left Krakôw in a taxi with my father, settin g out on a journey that, until recently, I had never envisioned occurring. M y father , Phili p Lefkowitz , wa s returning to the city of his birth, Kielce, which he left i n 1920 , at the age o f 7 . N o membe r o f his immediate family ha d since returned to Poland to explore their family roots. I was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1952, and my parents moved to Queens in 1955. A s far back a s I ca n remember , durin g frequen t famil y gatherings o n weekends , th e subjec t o f hi s hometown Kielce , an d nativ e country , Poland , would b e brough t u p b y on e o r anothe r o f hi s family members. Usually , it was accompanied by a snee r o r a rather juicy commen t i n Yiddish o r Polish. M y grandmother Sima, a jovial and rotund white-haired lad y would smile , and return to the "lukshen kugel " that sh e was inevitably involve d in preparing . O n th e wal l wa s a phot o o f m y grandfather, Tovi a (Tojwija), m y namesake, who was born in Kielce in 1883 , and died in the Bronx in 1939. Th e conversation would turn to the 1946 Pogrom, hidin g ou t fro m th e Pole s o n Goo d Friday, and other manifestations of anti-semitism. Kielce alway s seeme d t o hav e a negative cache t about it; only Uncle Sol, my father's older brother, seemed t o harbo r an y nostalgi c feelin g fo r th e place. Th e others were glad to leave memories of Kielce, and Poland, behind. Fortunately , most of the Lefkowitz famil y manage d to leave Kielce in the 1920's , avoiding the horrible fate that awaited their family an d neighbors who remained behind. Being curious , I incessantl y questione d m y aun t Rose, m y Grandma , m y Uncl e an d fathe r abou t Kielce. Despit e thei r evasiv e responses , o r perhaps becaus e o f them, I knew that on e day I would have to find out for myself. In Septembe r 1992 , I visite d Polan d fo r 3 days following a professional conference i n Paris. My drive r fro m Warsa w t o Krakô w stoppe d i n Kielce, an d afte r man y querie s o f people o n the street, w e wer e abl e t o fin d th e cemeter y i n Pakosz. I signe d th e gues t book , an d w e wer e soon on our way to visit Auschwitz/Birkenau. In Decembe r 1999 , afte r a momentar y inspiration, I phoned m y Dad, who now live s in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, and asked him if he would be interested in joining me on a trip to Vienna and on to Poland. Thinkin g I was joking, he told me he would i f I would buy the tickets. I told hi m I would, and he was caught! I n January, through an Internet search , I found Th e JewishGen website , and subsequently the Kielce-Radom SI G website. I phoned Mark Froimowitz, and he mailed me the back issue s o f th e Kielce-Radom SIG Journal, which I pored over. I ordered the relevant films from th e LDS and was soon at the FHC in Mesa, Arizona, looking for my ancestors. Thank s to the extracts o f the Kielc e birt h record s b y K R SI G workers, I was able to locat e Grandpa Tojwija' s birth record without difficulty. I read articles by Warren Blat t an d Laure n Eisenber g Davis , an d ordered Miriam Weiner's Jewish Roots in Poland, which arrive d thre e day s prio r t o ou r departure . Armed wit h thi s all-too-rapi d cours e i n Jewish Polish Genealogy, we left for Vienna on February 14. After a bumpy night rid e i n a couchette of the Vienna-Krakôw "Chopin" Express, we arrived in Krakôw Glowny Statio n a t 5:07AM . A shor t cab ride through the dark streets of Krakôw took us to our destination, the Klezmer-Hois Hotel, in the ol d Jewis h Kazimier z section . A converte d Mikveh building , i t i s no w a ver y atmospheri c hotel, with a Kosher-style kitchen and menu. I was fortunate enoug h t o discove r thi s ge m o n a n Internet search. Th e owner, Malgorzata Ornat, is a native of Kielce, and was extremely helpful to us prior to the trip (by e-mail) an d during our stay. She arrange d fo r u s t o hav e th e guid e an d translation services of Henryk Halkowski, a local expert o n th e Krakô w Jewis h commmunity , fo r our tri p t o Kielce . Sh e als o arrange d fo r th e services of a genial cab driver, who was born and grew up in Radom. Leavin g the hustle-bustle of the Krakôw morning rush hour, we were soon in the outskirts of Krakôw, and into the rolling Polish countryside. Henry k pointe d ou t th e ol d Galician/Russian Polan d boundary , jus t 3 0 minutes nort h o f Krakôw . Smal l village s an d farms rushe d by, marred by billboards and othe r Summer 200 0 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 signs of encroaching American culture. Afte r one hour's drive , w e bega n t o notic e roa d sign s fo r Jedrzejow, Checin y an d MaJagoszcz, all familia r to me fro m th e Journal . Jedrzejow , righ t o n the highway, ha d a n smal l Rynek , o r market square, surrounded by down-at-heel stores dating from the Communist era , an d som e o f earlie r vintage . Further north Checiny could be seen nestled in the hills t o th e west , wit h th e ruin s o f a fortres s towering above it. Shortly afterwards , w e were i n the suburb s of Kielce, and I could see my father's interest level perk up . Ou r ca b drive r mentione d tha t Kielc e wanted to erect a statue of Jesus in town, the size of th e Statu e o f Liberty ! W e stoppe d firs t a t Pakosz Cemetery , havin g obtaine d th e key s an d guestbook fro m a nearby keepe r I was gla d t o find m y entr y i n th e guestboo k fro m Septembe r 1992... my father added a update note on the same page. W e visite d th e monumen t t o th e 194 6 Pogrom victims , an d th e on e fo r th e doctors , nurses an d childre n fro m th e hospital wh o were shot o n th e ground s o f th e cemeter y durin g th e war. Mos t of the cemetery grounds were empty... the fe w remainin g stone s wer e erecte d int o a square-shaped enclosure. W e said Kaddish at the site, fine snowflakes driftin g dow n from th e now grey skies. Passing th e Kadzielni a ston e quarries , w e proceeded int o town. Th e main cinem a i n town was showing "Toy Story 2". Sign s for McDonalds were i n evidence . Th e city was busy, bu t had a shop-worn look to it. 15 We parke d behin d impressiv e Tow n Hal l building, whose other side fronted o n the Rynek. A red enamel plaque indicated the presence of the offices o f th e Urz^ d Stan u Cywilneg o (USC) , which wa s ou r nex t destination . Afte r a shor t wait, w e were escorte d int o the archive s office , where an attractive woman in her 20s obtained the particulars of my father's, aunt's and uncle's birth data fro m Henryk , ou r interpreter . M y fathe r looked o n wit h a mixtur e o f fascinatio n an d disquiet. Th e offices wer e well-lit and ventilated, and moder n IB M compute r terminal s wer e i n evidence. M y father' s Yiddis h nam e i s Shrag a Fivel, and we asked the USC clerk to check both names. Sh e soon retrieved the large grey Metrical books fo r 1908 , 191 0 an d 1912 . Th e book s appeared to be in sturdy condition, and she began to lea f through th e 190 8 volume. Afte r a shor t search, she showed us an entry in cursive Cyrillic for m y Uncl e Sol , wh o wa s liste d a s Zalma n Dovid (th e name s wer e i n Polis h a s wel l a s Cyrillic). Sh e then consulte d he r superior , afte r some apparen t difficult y i n locatin g m y Aun t Rose's entry . Afte r anothe r fiftee n minutes , th e senior cler k returne d wit h a triumphant loo k o n her face; apparently, although Rose had been born in 1910 , her birt h wa s no t recorde d unti l 1913 . Her entry immediately preceded that of my father; she i s recorded (i n Polish ) a s Ruchla Pesla , and my father as Feijvel. Th e clerk told my father that his birthda y wa s Marc h 10 , 1913 ; he sai d "M y mother always said that my birthday was close to Purim;" yet, for some unknown reason, it had been listed on his school registration a s December 24, 1912. M y father wa s quite please d t o have thi s long-standing myster y solved , an d wa s happ y t o learn that he would be 86 for a few more weeks, as opposed t o bein g 87 . Th e cler k offere d t o photocopy the pages for us , and charged a mere 1.50 zloty for the entire research project. 16 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 4, Number 3 Quite pleased , w e lef t th e Tow n Hall , an d proceeded o n foo t t o th e Planty , a fe w block s away. B y the bank s o f the narro w Silnic a river , the Planty was the site of the 194 6 Pogrom. Th e office a t Planty 7 is taken u p by a travel agency ; the buildin g ha s a commemorativ e plaqu e i n several language s on the exterior wall. Insid e the building, across from th e travel agency, is a small museum, wit h a replic a o f a synagogue' s Aro n Kodesh. Th e travel agency donated the funds fo r the exhibit , an d th e ke y to the roo m i s available from th e agency . W e the n walke d ove r t o th e main pedestria n street , Sienkiewicza , a livel y thoroughfare. W e soon found a McDonalds, and celebrated ou r genealogica l successe s wit h a typical McDonalds meal. Henry k was particularly impressed with the food. Th e restaurant was new and spotless , and compare d quit e favorably wit h some I'v e visite d stateside . Ampl y fortified , w e proceeded back down Sienkiewicza, stopping in a bookstore t o purchas e a moder n stree t ma p o f Kielce. I woul d lik e t o hav e spen t mor e tim e browsing, especially i n order to find a circa 1910 map and/o r boo k o f Kielce , which migh t ai d i n locating my father's old neighborhood. However , patience i s not on e of m y father's virtues , s o we walked onward , an d u p th e hil l t o th e Bishop' s Palace and Cathedral. Thes e impressive buildings occupied a hilltop which gav e the visitor a good perspective view of Kielce. Walkin g back down the hill, we headed for the Rynek, just behind the Town Hall. Th e Rynek was quite lovely, and was easily recognizabl e fro m ol d photopostcard s o f Kielce that I had seen in Miriam Weiner's book. From th e Rynek , w e walke d alon g Warszawska, headin g fo r th e ol d Synagogu e building. I n prior conversations , with my Uncle Sol, w e determine d tha t ou r famil y live d o n Starowarszawska Przedmiesce , nea r th e Synagogue; the birth records confirmed this. Th e current ma p o f Kielc e showe d neithe r a Przedmiesce o r Starowarszawsk a street . Th e synagogue i s no w th e locatio n o f th e Kielc e branch o f the Polis h Stat e Archives; i t i s on th e corner of Warszawska and Al. IX Wiekow Kielc, a busy intersection. I t is an attractive building, in decent repair, painted a robin's egg blue. Ther e is a memoria l t o Kielc e Holocaus t victim s i n a Summer 2000 garden behin d th e building . Usin g m y uncle' s description a s a guide , w e walke d nort h alon g Warszawska, turning lef t o n Przecznica. O n this street, we found only one building that looked like it might date from th e early 20th century; it was a one stor y woo d buildin g wit h a dar k brow n exterior. Al l the surrounding structures appeared to b e post-WWII . M y fathe r remarke d tha t th e area di d no t see m familia r t o him ; h e di d remember walkin g t o th e Synagogu e wit h hi s Grandfather, and that it was close to his home. H e also recalle d a n episod e whe n youn g Polis h "hooligans" attacked hi s Grandfather, pullin g his beard. The su n wa s beginnin g t o se t i n th e lat e Kielce afternoon , an d w e heade d bac k t o th e parking lot behind the Town Hall, where our cab driver was dozing behind the wheel. Satisfie d that we had accomplished almos t all of what w e had set ou t t o do , w e drov e southward s toward s Krakôw. M y fathe r fel l aslee p i n the cab , most probably ruminatin g on the mixture of emotion s that h e ha d experience d throughou t thi s remarkable day. Tha t evening, upon returning to our hotel , Malgorzata , the owner , presente d m y father wit h a book of picture postcards of Kielce and surrounding areas, mostly from the early 20th century. I was able to find two cards showing the neighborhood o f Starowarszawska Przedmiescie ; another set of cards showed the Synagogue . W e could now return home to the States with a greater feeling o f closenes s t o ou r roots ; fo r m y father , one last chance to see his birthplace and come to terms wit h hi s past. Fo r me , a rare an d uniqu e opportunity to explore my heritage in his presence. Summer 2000 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 4, Number 3 17 Photo from program for the Kieltzer-Chenchiner Relief Fund Benefit Dinner, New York, 1937. Filmmaker working on a project related to Ostrovtse (Ostrowiec) is looking to talk with people originally from there . Especiall y interested in information relate d to the inter-war period. Al l information i s valuable to me, particularly regarding the actual physical makeup of the town, the Jewish streets and areas, folksongs/nigunnim specifi c to Ostrovtse, artists/writers from there , jobs people held, relations with local Poles, and the specific Yiddish vocabulary / accent of Ostrovtse. Also looking for photos and all manner of visual ephemera from the inter-war period, especiall y depicting daily life. Pleas e contact Chana Pollack at (212) 358-7861 or send email to: < > Notice Every issue of our journal requires the mailing of about two hundred packages. I n addition, there are orders for back issues, mailings to new members and to old members who have been slow to renew their memberships, changes of address, etc. It is very easy to make a mistake in mailing this quantity of packages and we occasionally do. I f you do not receive what you have ordered or if the journal has been damaged during the delivery, please let us know and we will send you a replacement. 18 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 Summer 2000 Death Comes in Yellow: Skarzysko-Kamienna Slave Labor Camp by Felicja Karay translated from the Hebrew by Sara Kitai Book Review by Mark Froimowitz In a rural, heavily wooded area midway on the road between Kielce and Radom lies the town of Skarzysko-Kamienna, whic h was the site of a slave labo r camp durin g the Nazi occupatio n o f Poland durin g Worl d Wa r II. Whil e there were many suc h camp s throughou t occupie d Europe , they ar e no t a s wel l know n a s th e deat h camp s such as Auschwitz and Treblinka whose primary purpose wa s murder . Th e cam p a t Skarzysko Kamienna is unusual, however, in that its history has bee n documente d i n grea t detai l b y Felicj a Karay wh o hersel f wa s a n inmat e o f th e camp. Dr. Karay, who went on to complete a thesis on the camp, is currently a researcher at the Diaspora Research Institut e of Tel Aviv University. Thi s book is a translation of the Hebrew edition which was based on her thesis. The first four chapters of the book deal with what the author calls the "external" history of the camp. Tha t is, how did the camp come to be set up and how did its control evolve over time. Th e author provide s significan t an d surprisin g information regarding this, of which this reviewer was completely ignorant . First , the camp was a privately hel d enterpris e owne d b y a Germa n company called Hugo Schneider AG (Hasag) that was based in Leipzig. Th e company started out as a manufacture r o f lamp s an d late r a s a metalworks. Eight y percent of the capital stoc k was owne d b y thre e banks , Deutsch e Bank , Allgemaine Deutsche Credit Ansalt, and Dresdner Bank, with the latte r two providing members of the Hasag board of directors. The genera l manage r o f Hasa g wa s Pau l Budin who , no t uncoincidentally , wa s als o a n officer i n the S.S. Leadin g up to World War II, Budin use d hi s politica l connection s t o gro w Hasag int o a majo r supplie r o f weapon s an d ammunition t o th e Germa n military . Wit h th e German invasion and conquest of Poland, Hasag initially wo n th e righ t t o manag e man y o f th e militarily importan t plant s tha t pre-existe d i n occupied Poland, including the munitions factory in Skarzysko-Kamienna. Initially, th e Skarzysk o plan t employe d mostly Poles . Ther e were also Ukrainian s wh o worked a s plan t guard s (Werkschutz), Volksdeutsche (Poles who were ethnic Germans) who worked in the Werkschutz and in lower level administrative jobs, and German s wh o hel d th e upper leve l positions . Th e plant , however, ha d some difficulty i n controlling the Polish workers. At the same time, the Nazis were beginning their murderous plans for the Jews of Poland. Hasa g used this opportunity to establish a Jewish labor camp a t Skarzysk o i n th e Summe r o f 194 2 t o house Jew s wh o woul d wor k i n th e adjoinin g factory. However , even prior to that, a number of transports wit h Jewis h volunteer s o r conscript s were brough t t o th e cam p fo r temporar y work . The Skarzysko slave labor camp was apparently the first o f man y suc h factor y camp s (Betriebslagers) established i n the Rado m are a and throughout Poland. Jew s were, of course, not paid for their labor. However, Hasag paid the S.S. 5 zlotys/day for Jewish men and 4 zlotys/day for Jewish women. Beginning with the official establishmen t of the Skarzysko camp in August 1942, a number of transports o f Jew s from the surroundin g town s were brought to the camp through a cooperative agreement between Hasag and the S.S. which was in charg e o f th e deportatio n o f Jew s from th e region. A s Jewish worker s becam e debilitated , they would be shot in the nearby woods or sent to the deat h camps . Ne w transport s o f Jewis h workers woul d the n b e brough t i n a s replacements. Th e author estimates that by June 1943,58 transports had brought 17,210 Jews into the cam p and that onl y 6,40 8 remaine d aliv e at that time . Th e autho r als o feel s tha t on e motivation of the S.S. for the transports was the opportunity to plunder the property of Jews who would bring their valuables with them. Summer 2000 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 In Januar y 1943 , Hasag , throug h politica l maneuvering, purchased the Skarzysko plant at a bargain pric e fro m th e Germa n occupatio n authority alon g wit h othe r camp s i n Kielc e and Czestochowa. Th e Skarzysko plant now became a corporation whose shares were owned jointly by Hasag and Paul Budin, with the latter pretty much controlling the policies at the plant. A production crisi s bega n t o take shape in May 1943 due to the high mortality of the Jewish workers an d th e chroni c absenteeis m o f Polis h workers. Pau l Budi n the n arrange d fo r severa l transports of Jews from the concentration camp at Majdanek. Th e autho r believe s tha t thes e transports were purposely kept secret since there is no documentation o f them i n official records . These wer e kep t secre t du e t o politica l an d business rivalrie s amon g the Nazi leadershi p i n Poland. Whil e there are no official records , the author estimates that some 2,200 Jewish prisoners were brought to Skarzysko in July and August of 1943. Thi s was followed by additional transports of 2,50 0 Jew s fro m th e concentratio n cam p a t Plaszôw on November 16 . Betwee n November 3 and 8 o f 1943 , ther e wa s a campaig n i n whic h 42,000 Jews in the Lublin district were murdered. The autho r speculate s tha t wa s agai n du e t o rivalries among the Nazi leadership and was done to preven t the m fro m fallin g int o th e hand s o f private munitions factories suc h as Skarzysko. A typhoi d epidemi c swep t throug h th e Skarzysko cam p i n Februar y 194 4 an d cause d hundreds o f death s amon g th e Jewis h workers . This jeopardized th e outpu t o f th e factor y an d Hasag tried desperately to obtain new transports of Jews to the camp. Th e largest o f these was a transport of 500 women from the Plaszôw camp. In addition, conditions at the camp were improved slightly i n an effort t o decrease the mortality of the Jewish workers. In April 1944 , an area of the forest near the camp wa s fence d of f wit h sign s threatenin g trespassers wit h death . Hundred s o f prisoner s were taken to this area in sealed trucks into which exhaust wa s pipe d in . B y th e tim e th e truck s arrived, th e prisoner s woul d b e dea d an d thei r bodies would the n b e burned i n a crematorium. The author makes the point that these were clearly 19 not Jewish prisoners since the Nazis never made any attemp t t o hid e their murde r o f Jews. Th e area wa s investigate d afte r th e war . Fro m bel t buckles an d militar y insignia , i t seem s tha t th e murdered wer e prisoner s o f wa r o f variou s nationalities, includin g Americans , wh o ha d outlived their usefulness . In th e secon d par t o f the book , th e autho r takes u s "throug h th e gate " and deal s wit h th e "internal" aspects of the Skarzysko camp. Ther e were three levels of authority within the camp. At the highes t leve l wer e th e German s wh o wer e generally absen t excep t fo r occasiona l murder s and rapes by the more brutal sadists among them. The secon d leve l wa s th e Werkshutz wh o supervised th e cam p on a daily level . Man y of them als o ha d n o compunction s abou t rape , murder, and the extortion of money and valuables from the inmates. Th e third level was the Jewish administrators with a camp elder (lageraelteste), police {politzei), and various other functionaries . The Jewis h politzei kep t orde r withi n th e cam p and escorted the inmates to their work areas. Th e Werkshutz controlled the outside of the camp. A special unit , the Stosstrupp, committed mos t o f the mass murders of inmates after a "selection". The slave labor camp at Skarzysko consisted of thre e subcamps , Werks A, B , an d C . Th e workers a t eac h live d i n separat e barrack s wit h their ow n lageraelteste, se t o f Jewis h administrators, and wer e patrolled b y their own politzei and Werkshutz. There were a number of departments in Werk A. On e produced shell s and grenades, a second produced smal l ammunition , a thir d produce d automatic weapons , an d a fourt h manufacture d instruments of various sorts. Workin g conditions were quit e variabl e wit h som e manager s an d foreman bein g decent while others were sadists. The best place to work was the department tha t produced automati c weapon s sinc e th e Germa n manager Kur t Frietsch e promote d a relativel y relaxed atmosphere. Werk B consisted of an industrial sector and a food productio n sector . Th e former produce d ammunition for anti-aircraft guns and blank shells for th e trainin g o f Germa n soldiers . Th e wor k 20 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 4, Number 3 here was veiy arduous and the place was run by sadists. Fo r those who did not make their daily quota, beating s wer e inflicte d i n th e Tanzsaal (Dance Hall) which was filled with instruments of torture. I n contrast, the food production plant was considered to be the best possible place to work. First, Ja n Laskowski , a Volksdeutsche fro m Skarzysko who was in charge, forbade th e abuse of Jews . Secondly , th e plant , whic h produce d food for other labor camps and the German army, offered man y opportunities to obtain extra food . There wa s als o a far m whic h raise d fruits , vegetables, an d livestoc k whic h wa s ru n b y Walter Ronnenburge r wh o treated th e prisoner s well. A t least one survivor felt that there was an understanding betwee n Laskowsk i an d Ronnenburger t o us e th e far m a s a have n fo r young girls. In many ways, Werk C appears to have been the worst of the three subcamps. I n bizarre Nazi logic, the most debilitated workers were sent here. One part involved the production of shells which weighed a s muc h a s 5 7 kg . Th e wor k wa s physically demanding , involvin g th e movin g o f large number s o f heav y object s an d th e foo d ration was especially inadequat e for the required physical labor. A second part of Werk C was even worse. Ther e workers processed picri c acid and TNT for use in land and sea mines. Th e air here was fille d wit h picri c aci d whic h coate d th e workers, known as picryners, their clothes, skin, and hair until they became yellow skeletons. This is the basis for the title of the book. Yet , even in Werk C , ther e wer e bette r wor k assignment s including construction work in the forest and the "Schmitz" department, where the work was less strenuous an d th e Volksdeutsche Andrej Szent a forbade the beating of the Jewish workers. The author goe s int o a great dea l o f detail about th e characteristic s o f th e thre e majo r transports of Jews to the camp. Th e first wave of transports wa s o f Jew s fro m th e neighboring , relatively rura l are a (th e "Radom tier"). Thes e were generall y unsophisticate d shtetl Jews who preferred Yiddish and many of whom could barely speak Polish. Bein g the first group at the camp, the uppe r echelon s o f th e Jewis h cam p administrators (th e prominente) cam e fro m thi s group. Th e secon d wav e wa s from th e Summer 2000 concentration cam p a t Majdani k an d becam e known a s th e kaelniks (fro m K.L . {Konzentrationslager)). Thi s grou p arrive d dressed i n rags and paper , wit h n o possessions, and i n horribl e condition . Ther e wa s som e conflict betwee n thi s group and th e prominente since the former include d many highly educated, assimilated Jew s fro m Warsa w wh o preferre d Polish over Yiddish. Th e third wave came from Plaszôw an d consiste d o f highl y educated , relatively wealth y Jew s fro m Krakôw , man y o f whom onl y spok e Polish . Thi s grou p ha d use d their wealth to preserve themselves until now and they arrive d wit h man y possession s an d fine clothes. What was life like in the camp? Certainly , conditions wer e bette r than i n the deat h camps . The foo d ration s wer e clearl y abysma l an d guaranteed to lead to starvation. However , unlike other camps , there wer e famil y unit s includin g some children living in family quarters. For those who did not have families at the camp, there were Landsmannshaften, people from the sam e town who looked after each other. Sinc e both men and women were at the camp, there were love affair s between "kuzyns" and "kuzinkes" (cousins). Th e camp, particularly Werk A, had an undergroun d economy in which food and other goods could be bought b y thos e wh o ha d mone y o r othe r valuables. Shoemaker s made shoes out of scraps of leathe r an d othe r material . Tailor s mad e clothes for Ûie prominente, the Poles, and even the Germans. Food , letters , mone y an d othe r valuables were smuggled into the camp by Poles who riske d thei r live s fo r heft y commissions . Even as late as Summer 1944 , aid to the inmates was provided from outside by organizations such as Jewis h Socia l Relie f i n Krako w an d th e Council fo r Ai d to Jews i n Warsaw. Fo r those who had valuables, bribes could be paid to obtain better job assignments. There were Zionist groups organized at the camp such as Hashomer Hadati, Poalei Zion , an d th e yout h grou p Akiva . Th e socialist Bund had a large presence at the camp. Before thei r deportatio n from th e surroundin g towns, families would send food packages to their relatives in the camp. The relations between the Jewish inmates of Skarzysko and the Poles who worked there was Summer 2000 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 quite variable. Whil e many of the Poles did not particularly car e fo r Jews , "their " Jews , wit h whom the y ma y have had pre-wa r relationships, were different. Clearly , an important factor in the survival of the Jewish inmates was the smuggling of item s int o th e cam p b y Polis h workers . I n April 1943 , the Pole TadeuszNowak was arrested and publicl y hange d a t th e factor y fo r bringin g food and money to Jewish inmates. Th e mayor of Staszow, name d Rogler , sen t money , food , an d tobacco t o hi s fellow townspeopl e a t th e camp. There wer e instance s o f cooperatio n betwee n Jewish inmates and Poles in which the products of the factory wer e smuggled ou t int o the hands of Polish partisans . Th e righ t win g partisa n underground Armia Krajowa (AK), however, had a reputation of hating Jews and sometimes killing escaped inmate s thoug h ther e ar e als o counte r examples. 21 The book goes into great detail about many of th e character s a t th e camp . Ther e wa s th e Jewish wagon driver Ostrowiecki who delivered vegetables grow n i n Werk B to nearb y Germa n hotels. Th e other inmate s considered hi m t o be fearless. Whe n on e o f th e shee p i n Marylk a Monderer's herd drowned in a pond, Ostrowiecki volunteered to take the blame. On e of the more bizarre character s i n th e cam p i s Fel a Markowiczowa fro m Skarzysk o wh o wa s th e Jewish "commandanta" of Werk C. A t the age of 30, base d o n he r politica l skill s an d forcefu l personality, she gained complete power over the inner workings of Werk C. Sh e displayed a royal demeanor, dressed elegantly, and carried a whip. She and her relatives, whom she appointed to all key posts withi n Werk C, became known a s the "Royal Family " an d live d i n a separat e an d spacious barracks with an army of servants to look after their needs. The Sovie t arm y bega n t o approac h th e Radom district in July 1944. This necessitated the evacuation of the Skarzysko. Afte r a "selection", some 500 Jewish prisoners were murdered. Ther e was also an escape attempt by the "Royal Family" of Werk C . Th e autho r speculate s tha t Fel a Markowiczowa ha d bribe d th e Germa n commandant o f the camp to have the Werkshutz withdraw from their guard duty in order to let her and her family escape. Seeing the "Royal Family" leave, man y o f th e Jewis h politzei an d other s joined in the escape attempt for a total of 250-750 people. However , there was a double cross and virtually all of them were killed in the surrounding woods b y the Werkshutz who had hidde n there . Of th e remainin g Jewis h prisoners , 1,50 0 me n were sen t t o th e concentratio n cam p i n Buchenwald and 1,500 women to a Hasag plant in Leipzig, Germany. Anothe r 3,000 men were sent to Hasag plants i n Czestochowa. A n additiona l 1,000 me n continue d t o work a t the plan t unti l they wer e als o sen t t o Buchenwald . I n all , the author estimate s tha t a t leas t 25,00 0 Jew s ha d been brough t t o Skarzysk o and , o f these , som e 18,000 die d there . A t th e Buchenwal d camp , there were kangaroo court s i n which thos e who had abuse d thei r power , suc h a s th e polic e commander o f Werk A , an d wh o ha d bee n informers were tried and beaten to death by other inmates. A s the war came to an end, the forme r inmates of the Skarzysko camp were scattered and forced t o endur e aimles s deat h marches . Th e author speculates that perhaps 2/3 of the inmates who wer e aliv e whe n th e cam p wa s evacuate d survived to the end of the war. A s Soviet troops approached i n Apri l 1945 , Pau l Budi n ble w himself u p alon g wit h th e Leipzi g factory . I n 1948, there was a trial in Leipzig of many of the Hasag employee s fo r thei r crime s agains t th e prisoners of the camp. Remarkably, the harsh conditions of Werk C, in particular , lea d t o a flowerin g o f cultura l activities among the Jewish prisoners. There were public performances and concerts including one in which th e entranc e fe e wa s use d t o hel p th e needier inmates. Th e book contains a number of poems and songs that were composed in the camp. This culminated i n a n elaborat e performanc e i n the summer of 1944 that was even attended by the German commandant of the camp. Does this book tell us anything about ethnic hatred an d the capacit y o f people to b e cruel to each other ? Certainl y ther e wer e man y sadist s among the German managers and the Werkshutz guards. On e would, of course, expect sadist s to gravitate toward positions in which they could act out thei r depravities . However , som e o f th e Jewish police , mos t notabl y th e hea d an d hi s second i n command a t Werk A, were als o quit e cruel to their fellow Jews and former neighbors . 22 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 4, Number 3 The boo k cite s severa l anti-Nazi s amon g th e German staf f a t th e camp . Ther e wer e als o instances i n whic h inmate s riske d thei r live s to protect eac h other . Th e policema n Pfefferma n was execute d becaus e h e refuse d t o bea t th e Jewish inmates. Perhaps more paradoxical are the instances in which crue l men of all nationalities, for unknown reasons, would save someone's life. Then there were the corporate lackeys who did not have reputations as being cruel but, nevertheless, had n o proble m wit h th e murde r o f "selected " inmates. The boo k ha s grea t significanc e t o thi s reviewer. M y mother Miriam Zucker along with her siste r Shainde l an d brothe r Sholo m wer e inmates o f th e camp . Sholo m di d no t surviv e having been execute d fo r sabotage . I n growin g up, the story that I heard was that German trucks arrived one day in their hometown of Stopnica. I t was clea r t o m y mothe r tha t thi s wa s a n opportunity for survival and she did not wait to be chosen but clamored aboard with her two siblings. This turned ou t to b e correct sinc e their mothe r and younges t brothe r Ephrai m wer e murdere d soon after . M y mothe r an d aun t apparentl y worked i n Werk A wher e the y assemble d han d grenades. Whe n th e Skarzysk o cam p wa s evacuated du e t o th e approac h o f th e Russia n armies, my mother an d aunt were transferred t o the Hasag factory i n Leipzig. M y mother was so good at assembling grenades, that she was given the task o f instructing som e of the German girl s who wer e les s hand y a t the work . Ultimately , both m y mothe r an d aun t wer e free d b y th e advancing Russian troops. The book i s a difficult on e to recommend . Certainly th e subjec t materia l i s grim . On e i s struck b y the nonchalan t descriptio n o f horrible events. I n growing up, I was struck by the same casual mentio n o f terrible things b y my parent s and their friends. Perhaps , I am guilty of this as well. Thi s is a scholarly work and the author has researched man y source s o f informatio n an d documentation including Yad Vashem archives of survivor testimonies , Germa n industria l an d military records, the records of the 194 8 Leipzig trial, and previous books written on the subject . While th e autho r clearl y know s enormou s amounts about the camp, the organization of the Summer 2000 book ca n b e confusin g a t time s an d th e boo k needs to be read slowly. Ther e are some parallel descriptions of the same event in different parts of the boo k an d thes e ar e no t alway s entirel y consistent with each other. However , the book is successful a s a memorial "To all of the Jewish men and women, Slave laborers at Hasag-Skarzysko To those who survived And to those who died ... I dedicate this book to serve as a memorial Never raised to them". Literally hundred s o f name s ar e mentione d an d scores of anecdotes related about life in the camp. The book which lists for $48 was published by Harwood Academi c Publisher s i n December 1995. Ther e i s als o a soft cove r editio n whic h lists fo r $22 . I t ha s 27 3 page s includin g nin e pages of sources. Ther e are a number of helpfu l features includin g a list of abbreviations used in the book and a list of comparative army ranks in the German, British, and American armies and in the S.S. Ther e are maps, tables, and a number of documents are reproduced, including a partial, one page list of the Jewish inmates of Werk A. Ther e is an excellent and complete index which may be of interest to some members of the Kielce-Radom SIG sinc e i t seem s t o includ e al l o f th e man y names mentione d throug h th e book . Th e publisher, however, has done a rather sloppy job of editin g th e boo k whic h contain s dozen s o f typos which , i n som e places , mak e th e tex t unclear. Having neve r hear d o f Hasa g before , I wondered what had become of the company. Th e book indicate s tha t Hasa g wa s the third larges t private employe r (i f tha t i s th e righ t word ) o f slave laborers during the war. On e reference on the Interne t t o companie s tha t ha d o r hadn' t agreed t o provid e reparation s t o thei r slav e workers, an issu e that i s i n the new s currently , mentioned tha t Hasa g wa s on e tha t ha d not . However, I was unable to find any reference to the company i n Leipzig. Ther e are, however, som e companies with simila r names i n other cities in Germany and in Austria. Summer 2000 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 23 Books of Residents (Ksiçgi Ludnosci)and other Books of Registration by Fay Bussgang Considering th e enormou s amoun t o f information that can be obtained from Polish Books of Residents, i t is surprising that so little is known about the m i n genealogica l circles . M y husband , Julian, an d I discovered the m onl y b y acciden t i n 1992 o n a tri p t o on e o f th e regiona l archive s i n Poland. A t first, we thought that it was an anomaly that they existed for the town of Wloclawek. Sinc e then, we have learne d that from abou t 181 8 on, all towns and villages in the Kingdom o f Poland were required t o maintai n Book s o f Residents . Afte r World War I, the newly formed Republi c of Poland continued to mandate their upkeep. Unfortunately , not all of these books have survived, but many are simply burie d dee p i n variou s regiona l archive s where few people ever see them. What do these Books of Residents contain, and what makes them so valuable? Book s of Residents (Ksiçgi Ludnoscî) ar e hug e boun d ledger s containing genealogica l an d demographi c information abou t al l th e lega l resident s o f a community. Unlik e th e metrica l record s (birth , marriage an d death) , al l religiou s group s wer e included in the same book. For ever y membe r o f th e household , th e following data was recorded in Books of Residents: 1) nam e (maide n nam e o f marrie d women) , 2 ) names o f parent s (includin g maide n nam e o f mother), 3) date and place of birth, 4) marital status (married, single , divorced , widowed) , 5 ) officia l place of residence, 6) means of support (most often "with husband" for wife or "with parent" for child), 7) religio n (i f Jewish , mojzeszowa —Mosaic religion), 8) social status (town dweller or peasant), 9) previou s residenc e an d 10 ) note s (JJwagi—Attention). Thus, on one or two pages can be found , fo r ever y membe r o f th e household , virtually all the personal data usually seen on a birth certificate. larger communities, there was a separate volume in the serie s for eac h distric t o f the town (dzielnica). Since the book s were organized b y house numbe r (later b y address) , a ledge r containin g a n alphabetical inde x o f th e name s recorde d usuall y accompanied each series. Lik e the metrical record s in Poland, the Books of Residents were kept i n the Polish language , excep t durin g th e perio d 1868 1917, when they were written in Russian. At th e sam e tim e tha t maintainin g Book s o f Residents was mandated in the Kingdom of Poland, rules were established pertainin g to an individual' s right t o chang e his/he r plac e o f lega l residence . Theoretically, people had the right to live wherever they wished . However , an y perso n wishin g t o relocate was required to first secur e the permission of th e authoritie s i n th e plac e wher e th e perso n intended t o settle. I n addition, h e needed to get a release fro m hi s former plac e o f residence, statin g that there were no encumbrances to his move, such as debt. A s time wen t on, the rules becam e mor e complex, an d additiona l documentatio n wa s required. One of the confusing aspect s of the Book s of Residents for genealogists is that they contain only those person s wh o ha d thei r lega l residenc e i n a particular community . Sinc e changin g lega l residence was a difficult process, people often live d in a different place than where they maintained their legal residence. Thus , a person ma y have actually lived i n the city, but his legal residence, where all notations about his family wer e made in the Books of Residents , migh t hav e remaine d i n th e tow n where hi s famil y cam e from . Thi s fac t make s i t more difficult fo r us to trace our ancestors. In addition, in the "notes" column, one can find such informatio n a s the house o r town to which a person ha s moved ; whe n a daughte r marries , th e date o f marriage , a s wel l a s th e nam e o f th e husband; the date of death if someone has died; and the military status for men (in the reserves, exempt from service , etc.). In 1866 , new laws mandated the maintenance of tw o type s o f Book s o f Residents— Ksiçgi Ludnosci Stalej (Book s o f Permanen t Residents ) and Ksiçgi Ludnosci Niestaiej (Book s o f Non permanent Residents). Thus , both persons who had legal statu s in the community an d those who were living ther e withou t permanen t lega l statu s wer e entered into the record. I n Warsaw, a third type of registration boo k recorde d transients , person s visiting or doing business in the city on a temporary basis. Unlike a census, these books were maintained on a n ongoin g basi s fo r a period o f severa l year s and update d a s change s i n the famil y too k place . Every few years, not always a t regular intervals , a new serie s o f Book s o f Resident s wa s begun . I n The Book s o f Permanen t Resident s wer e maintained i n duplicate , on e cop y hel d b y th e municipal or rural community (gmina) and the other held b y th e count y (powiat). I n larg e cities , th e superintendent o f a n apartmen t buildin g als o 24 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 4, Number 3 maintained a record. Sinc e more than one copy of the Book s o f Permanen t Resident s existed , th e chances fo r surviva l o f thes e document s wa s considerably increased. O n the other hand, only one copy of the Books of Non-Permanent Residents was required, and very fe w o f these can now be found. Krakow, a t time s a n independen t cit y an d a t times par t o f Galicia , employe d a syste m o f registering it s populatio n tha t wa s mor e lik e ou r census taking . I n Krakôw' s Spisy Mieszkancôw (Lists of Residents), information wa s recorded only every ten years, and the entries were rarely updated in between. Thes e List s o f Residents, boun d i n a series of larg e volumes dating fro m 179 0 to 1920 , can b e foun d i n th e stat e archive s i n Krakôw . Records later than 192 0 are located in the municipal registry office , bu t due to privacy law s are not yet open to the public. In general, the Spisy Mieszkancôw in Krakôw contain les s informatio n tha n the Ksiçgi Ludnosci mentioned earlier. Whil e they recorded the date and place o f birt h fo r eac h membe r o f th e household , they did not enter the maiden name of the wife nor the name s o f parents , s o that on e canno t g o back another generation . Also , i n late r years , onl y th e religion an d occupatio n o f the hea d o f hous e wa s noted. I n addition, while the Spisy show how long a person had lived i n Krakôw, they do not indicate the previous place of residence. Following Worl d Wa r I , whe n Polan d wa s reconstituted as an independent country, it included within it s border s th e forme r Austro-Hungaria n province o f Galici a an d som e territorie s incorporated from Prussia, as well as land from th e former Kingdo m o f Poland. Durin g an d after th e war, the mobility of the population in this part of the world increase d greatly . Som e peopl e wer e displaced as borders shifted; other s moved to areas where they coul d find work. I t became more and more difficult t o keep track of people through their official plac e of residence. In Lôdz, to remedy this situation, a registration card called the Personnenblatt-Karta Meldvnkowa was use d betwee n 191 8 an d 192 0 tha t wa s organized b y name , rathe r tha n b y address , an d included al l residents o f Lôdz, not just permanen t residents. The information was then transferred into the appropriat e Book s o f Residents . Perhap s because o f a stron g Germa n influenc e i n Lôdz at that time, the instrumen t ha d a n alternat e Germa n name. Also , th e spellin g o f surname s wa s Germanized; e.g., Bursztajn becam e Burstein. In 1932 , a new type of population register was introduced throughou t Poland , th e Karty Summer 2000 Meldunkowe or Rejestry Mieszkancôw (Card s o f Registration / Register s o f Residents) . Thes e registration instrument s wer e include d unde r th e rubric o f Ksiçgi Kontroli Ruchu Ludnosci (Books for Populatio n Mobilit y Control) . Lik e th e Personnenblatt, thes e ne w cards/book s wer e organized b y name , rathe r tha n address , an d included all residents within a community, not only those wh o ha d thei r lega l residenc e i n tha t community. The dat a collecte d b y th e ne w type s o f registration document s giv e evidenc e o f a mor e sophisticated an d organize d society . Fo r bot h spouses, the informatio n note d was : 1 ) name and surname (t o b e writte n exactl y a s i n th e birt h record), 2 ) an y previou s marriages , 3 ) name s o f parents, including maiden name of mother, 4) date and plac e o f birth , 5 ) lega l plac e o f residence , 6 ) religion, 7 ) number on personal ID card, dat e and place issued, 8) occupation or means of support, 9) date and place of marriage (specifying identificatio n number o f marriag e document , dat e an d plac e issued), 10 ) army rank and registratio n numbe r o f husband, 11 ) nationalit y (includin g nam e an d number of document, date and place issued) and 12) address where family lived. Al l changes of address were noted eve n withi n the sam e community. For children, only the name, date and place of birth were recorded. Childre n i n the family wer e issued their own ID s an d separat e entrie s i n th e cards/book s upon becoming of age. After Worl d Wa r II , municipa l an d rura l communities continue d t o kee p trac k o f th e movement of their population, but these records are not yet open to the public. Until now, it has been very difficult t o find out which populatio n register s hav e survived , wha t dates they cover, and in what archives records from a particular town are stored. Thi s situation is soon to b e remedied , however , a s th e Polis h Stat e Archives i s preparing a book for publicatio n wit h this information . In the meantime, it is possible to write to the Polish Stat e Archive s an d inquir e i f Book s o f Residents o r othe r populatio n register s exis t fo r towns yo u ar e researching . Th e addres s is : Naczelna Dyrekcj a Archiwô w Panstwowych , ul . Dluga 6, Skr . pocztow a 1005 , 00-950 Warszawa , Poland. Yo u may write in English, but because of the ne w la w i n Polan d tha t al l busines s mus t b e conducted in the Polish language, their answer will be in Polish. ©2000, Fay Bussgang Ksiçga Ludnoéci Stalej (Book of Permanent Residents), Town of Wtoclawek Actual size of two-page spread = 21 inches x 15 inches. Not e shift i n document from Russian Languag e to Polish. MDNeWMBTe* l e l upuHCtuejiniii i c i a i oopeuisu nâai-to : eueprfc , jipyroR AOU % U T . O. , COTJACB O Ksiçga Kontroli Ruchu Ludnosci (Book for Population Mobility Control) Town of Brzeziny near Lodz ..Wzbr Hi 7. ik ksiçg i kontrol i prxyb.dogm. . ruchu ludnosc i oi>usicz,gm . BT f\ ;pt sowniaimionwedlug me 0 ) tryk t urodzenia . Dl a mç» zatek nazwisk o panien skie 1 z poprzednlego(cM A -Zawod i stanowisk o w za WOdzie, stanowia.e e glbwn e ii^dl» utrzymani a I nazwisk o panleûskl e matkl: ..£: . < ^ ^ . ^ Urodzit(a) sic : tiejsce uroozeni a (mlejscowosi, gmina , powiat wzglçdnle kraj): ; Prawn e raiejsce zamieszkania: ..^».. /&tJ- ..tffc. zfc- 4^: ^U^d?^ ! Wyznanle : f (wedlu Stan Cywiln y i imiç drugiego z maizonkow : dat a i miejsce sporza.dzenia odpowlednieg o aktv ..^•' O g rrfetrykl ) i Dowô d j (nazw a dowodu , i data Lungd wystawia-N , i Stosune k d o powszgehneg o obowiqzk u wojskowego : I a ) stopieA:woJskowy/)STA7v5 efÇ " ^WrST.Hk.'Vt \ ! b) . Mr. fll;ks. ewid.; lub aneksu wzgl. .•""o'ô u Js'/m'bli/'J " ksi^gi ewid. oficeiow wzgl . Nr. II- .< ' sty poborowe j lu b hr . reiestr u c ) P . K.U . • •• • 1MIONA Data 1 yilejsce urodzenl a JfajWWY:l~C-" • : ' . : • . "fldnotatje. [ AV\e is ^i^/.^L ¥ Druk. Z . P . A, G 4 W-wa, 26ra-w U 27 . / /a/j- IMION s hmc..^:.... Aj <4 &&/VU Dat a I mlejye ur>,dzeni a £< /A T -5wr A*of«5 0 Give n names, sequence and spelling according to birth records. For married women, maiden name and name(s) from previous marriage(s) © z Rozenkrancôw =from Rozenkranc Family © m. Brzeziny - miasto Brzeziny =town of Brzeziny hdnotacje Summer 2000 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 4, Number 3 2 Vital Records Recorded in Other Towns This is a list of towns in Kielce and Radom gubernias that did not have their own Jewish vital records register, but instead registered their events in the Jewish registers of nearby towns during certain periods. Our extractors have often discovere d the vital records of another town included i n the town that they are indexing. I n our continuing efforts to determine where our ancestors registered their vital events, I offer the following lis t of towns that have their events registered elsewhere. Compile d by Warren Blatt. - Biafobrzegi in Przytyk (1826-a t least 1845; B . had its own registers starting in 1862) - Ônielôw in Opatôw - Ilza in Sienno (1825-1850 ; I . had its own registers staring in 1850) - Kielce in Checiny (pre-1868 ; K . had its own registers starting in 1868) - Koprzywnica in Klimontôw (1826-1856; K . had its own registers starting in 1857) - Lagôw in Opatôw - Lopuszno in Malogoszcz (1826-1867; L had its own registers starting in 1874) - Stomniki in Ksiaz Wielki - Shipia Nowa in Opatôw (S . had its own registers starting in 1890) - Wachock in Ilza (1850+ ) - Wierzbnik in Ilza (1850+ ) - Wyszmierzyce in Przytyk (1826-at least 1845) Kielce-Radom SIG Family Finder In the Autumn 199 7 (Volume I, Issue 4) issue of this Journal, we published a "Family Finder" for members of our group. Thi s Family Finder was a list of our members and the ancestral surnames and towns in the Kielce and Radom gubernias that they were researching. Thi s was done for the purpose of informing others who might be researching the very same surnames and towns. Give n the number of members that we have and the way ancestors multiply at every generation, it is certain that many of our members are cousins with common ancestors. Sinc e 1997, we have added a number of new members (and lost a few). I n addition, we would hope that our older members have learned more about their ancestors and have discovered new surnames and towns to research. Fo r that reason, it may be timely to generate a new Family Finder for our group. For those of you who want to participate, please send me your name, address, email address (if you have one), telephone number, and a list of the surnames and towns in the Kielce and Radom gubernias that you are researching. Pleas e associate each surname with a specific town or towns. Onl y towns within the Kielce-Radom region should be included. A list of these towns appeared in Volume I, Issue 1 of the Journal, and is also available on our web site <>, though smaller villages within the region are not listed. W e are also aware that there may be others who are not official member s (who are reading this issue) and they are invited to participate as well. Send this information to me at <>, if you have access to email. Otherwise , you can send it to: Mark Froimowitz, 90 Eastbourne Road, Newton Centre, MA 02459-1206. Ou r plan is to publish this compilation in the next issue (IV:4), Autumn 2000. 7 28 Kielce-Radom SJG JournalVolum e 4, Number 3 Summer 2000 Extract Data in this Issue Klimontôw Death s 1826-185 Chmielnik Birth s 1876-188 The vital record extracts for this issue are 1826-1853 deaths for Klimontôw, prepared by Ronald Greene; and 1876-1884 Chmielni k births , prepared b y Davi d Price. This data has been extracted from th e civil registration records in possession of the Polish State Archives, and microfilmed b y th e Churc h o f Jesu s Chris t Latter-da y Saints (LDS) . Thes e extraction s includ e informatio n derived directl y from th e origina l registration s o n the following LDS microfilms: #0,809,129 Klimontô #0,809,130 Klimontô #1,192,418 Chmielni #1,808,864 Chmielni #1,808,865 Chmielni w 1826-183 9 w 1840-185 3 k 1876-187 7 k 1877-1878,188 0 k 1880-188 4 Klimontôw This issue contains extracts of Jewish death records from Klimontôw, a town in Ssadomierz powiat (district) ofRadomgubernia,for 1826-1853 . The Klimontôw birth and marriage records , 1826-1839 , appeared i n KielceRadom SIG Journal 111:3 (Summer 1999) . The "left behind " colum n contain s informatio n o n surviving relatives. Ofte n th e exact relationship to the deceased i s noted . Polis h word s use d i n thi s colum n include: • zon e = wife • mez a = husband • côrk a = daughter • sy n = son • oyc a = fathe r • matk a = mother • brat a = brother Do not put too much emphasis on the spelling. Ofte n the same surname is spelled differently i n the same entry. When the deceased's surname and the father's surnam e are spelled differently, which is the error? Simpl e vowel replacements are most common, and due to lack of space in this journal these have been ignored, as have Ch vs. H replacements (Chajm fo r Haim). I f two quite plausible spellings wer e use d i n th e entry , I have use d on e and given the second in round brackets, such as GRYNBAL (GRYNBLAD). If the inde x provided a different spelling than use d i n th e entry , that spellin g is given i n square brackets, such as ZWEIK [CWEIK]. I f I had reason to believe that the spelling was in error, or wasn't as easily resolved a s the previous examples, I have either put a question mar k o r adde d th e commen t "cf " meanin g "compare with", suc h LUDERMAN [c f LIBERMAN]. 3 Ronal d Greene 4 Davi d Price Square bracket s ma y als o impl y som e questio n o r conjecture on my part. I later went through and compared my extractions to the index and rechecked the entries, making corrections where I had made apparent errors. Th e indexes appear to have been compiled some years later. O n occasion they seem quite different i n spelling from the entries. I have found th e od d erro r i n th e indexe s althoug h the y ar e generally quit e accurat e an d sometime s aide d m e i n figuring out the spelling of a name. Once you have selected names that look promising I strongly sugges t yo u rea d th e origina l entrie s o n microfilm yoursel f s o yo u can' t blam e m e fo r mis readings. I woul d appreciat e hearin g i f yo u find a mistake so that I can correct my records. Since I have kept this information on a true database I ca n provid e printout s fo r selecte d name s o r provid e additional information which has been omitted from this publication due to space limitations. You may contact me at P.O. Box 1351 , Victoria, B.C. Canada V8W 2W7, or by e-mail at <>. I have adde d a n asteris k (* ) afte r a parent' s nam e when they were reported as being deceased. — Ronald Greene Chmielnik Also i n thi s issu e i s a hug e se t o f extract s o f Chmielnik births , coverin g 1876-1884 , provide d b y David Price . Thi s se t include s al l o f the microfilme d births for Chmielnik. A nice feature o f these records is that they include the maiden names for nearly all of the mothers. Extract s o f the Chmielni k marriag e records , 1876-1884, appeared in 111:3 (Summer 1999). Caution These extracts are intended to assist the researcher in selecting record s that may be o f use fo r furthe r study . There may be errors in interpretation du e to the uneven quality of legibility of the writing, the microfilming and the condition of the microfilm itself, in addition to errors in the original record books. A s always, it is prudent for the researcher, when using secondary source data such as this work, to examine the primary sourc e data for fina l verification. I t is always best for the genealogist to view the actual records pertaining to his/her family t o verif y the interpretation, and glean additional facts. — WB Summer 2000 29 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 Klimontôw Deaths 182 6 -1853 Name Akt Surnam e 1826 1 EIZENBUCH Eber 2 SZAJOWA Estera (wid. ) Jck 3 JAMA 4 TREFLEROWNA Tauba Mortka 5 HAYMAN Abus 6 ZEMEL Jcek 7 ZYNG Laja (wid. ) 8 ZLOTNIKOWA Zelik 9 MILROT Chaym Irychem 10 FAGIET Rywka (Ryfka ) 11 KRYGBER Szmul 12 WAYZAWD Jenta 13 GOLDSZTEIN 14 NUSENBAUM Feyga Krayndla 15 BARANOWNA Jcek Leyb 16 ZEMEL Malka Ryfka 17 AGATER Szyfra Abusiow a 18 ZEMEL Rochla 19 CHERSZKOWA Mortka Harym 20 KEDZIOR Chana 21 KLONFELD Eliasz 22 EPELBAUM 23 PANTER (PANTYR) Sara Chaja (wid. ) 24 JOSKOWA Izral Leyzur 25 KOFMAN Dwoyra Rayzla 26 KIMELOWNA Lewek 27 BARAN Lewek (wid. ) 28 ALEMBIKIER Lewek 29 KALINA Mosziek 30 KASSYER Cherszl 31 GOLDHAMER Sane 32 KOFMAN Dawid 33 GRYNBERG Nachman 34 KANAR Major 35 FAJERMAN 36 GUTLER [GIETLER?] Estera Szaydla 37 GRYNBAL Lewek 38 FAIERMAN Ryfka 39 AGAYSTER Mosziek 40 TREFLER 41 JARMULA Eremiasz Tobias 42 ERDFROCHT Sora Estera (wid. ) 43 DYNIA Pinkwas 44 NUDELMAN Pinkwas 45 NUDELMAN Zelik 46 GOLDHAMER Nachman Haskiel 47 KARMESSER Fayga 48 NUSENBAUM 49 MORGIENSZTERN Jcek Izral 50 KUPFERWASSER Eliasz 51 FAKTOR Leyb 52 GOLDHAMER Hercyk 53 TYSZLER Etla 54 TUCHSZERER Izral 55 ECHT Izral 56 KIENIGSBERG Giela 57 KNIBELOWNA Hinda 58 RABINEROWA Laja 59 KROKOSZ Abram (wid. ) 60 DYZINKOF Estera 61 FENSTER 62 BENIAMICZOWNA Fayga (wid. ) 181T 1 PROPE S 2 PACHTER 3 ADAMASZEK 4 CWAIK (CWEYK ) 5 HERSZKOWICZOW 6 RABER 7 TERKELTAUB 8 MIDLER Kayla Gierszon Wolf Rochla Estera Gitla Lewek Mortka Rafal Age Fathe r Mother Left behind 1 Ebe r Leyzurowicz 77 1 Mortk a Jakubowicz 3 Abraha m Moskowicz 37 Joe l Usierowicz 69 Beniami n 60 Chay m 60 Jc k Zelmanowicz 50 Jankie l 5 Kope l Joskowicz 30 BRANBERG , Berek 26 Lip a Herszkowicz 38 ORLIK,Kiw a 29 Lewe k 4 Jarmut a Lewkowicz 6 Beniami n 7 Kalma n Lewkowicz 65 Szymo n Uszerowicz 32 Hersz l Joskowicz * 6 Moszie k Berkowicz 20 EPELBAUM , Eliasz 51 Jose k Szmerkowicz * 53 Jc k Moskowicz * 56 Jose k Herszkowicz * 14 San e Fiszlowicz 6 KIMEL , Dawid 6 Muche l 80 Bere k Leyzurowicz * 7 Szlam a Lewkowicz 56 Lewe k 3 Kalma n Lewkowicz 63 Fisz l 32 Moszie k Zelikowicz 1 Lewe k Nachmanowicz 50 Abra m 3 Jankie l Joskowicz 3 Jc k Chajmonwicz 14 Majo r Abramowicz * 40 MORGIENSZTEIN , Jck 77 Aro n Abramowicz * 60 Jarmut y Szmulowic z 4 Izra l Aronowicz * 46 1 Gitma n Tobiaszowicz 1 Gitma n Tobiaszowicz 3 Kalma n Jckowicz 6 Leyzu r Herszkowicz 4 Nut a Fiszlowicz 70 Jako b Jckowicz 68 Izra l Dawidowicz(?) 4 Sysma n Herszkowicz 4 Szy i Zelikowicz 2 Abra m Jckowicz 70 Lewe k Aronowicz * 44 Aro n Lewkowicz 17 Bere k Zelikowicz 24 Bere k Abramowicz 37 JckJudkowic z 35 Libe r Moskowicz * 82 Jc k Szmulowicz * 1 Joe l Pinkwasowicz 97 - CwetlaTauba z Jck - Freyda z Abusiow Nesla z Faywlow Sora z Lewkow - 40 Szlam y Jckowicz 1 Abra m Mechlowicz 9 Moszie k Pinkasqwicz 58 Jako b Cherskowicz * 85 Chersz l Leyzurowicz 65 Leyzu r Szlamowicz 1 Bere k Herszkowicz 3 Jc k Joskowicz - Hana z Szmulow - Marya z Herszkow Golda z Moskow Ryfka z Jckow Hinda z Joskow Hinda z Joelow Séria z Simchow Syma z Berkow Hana Matysow Szayndla Lewkowicz Rochla z Berkow Giella z Moskow Ryfka z Jckow * Jecheta z Judow * Laja Wolwowiczowa * Frymeta z Abramow ZIota z Izralow Taba z Jckow Perla z Jckow * Dwoyra z Jckow Rochla z Cherszkow - Szyfry z Lewkow Chana z Szlamow Dobra z Lewkow Cwetlaz Abusiow Ita z Kunow Malka z Abramowicz Rayzla z Jokow * Dobra z Lewkow * Séria z Jckow Frayda z Pinkwas Frayda z Pinkwas Rochla z Herszkow Mindla z Abramow Fayga z Lewkow Estera Mortkow Fayga Michlowiczowa Gietla z Herszkow Chaja Ety z Lewkow Blima z Nachmanow Szaydla z Jckow Cyrla z Izralow Esteraa z Lewkow Braydla z Lewkow Ryfka z Lewkow Sora z Kalmanow Szaydla z Abramow Bayla Nachman zone Niche z Wolwow zone Szyfri z Simow zone Chaie z Eberow Herszck Bekowicz zone Gitla z Lewkow KRYGIER, Symcha zone Golde Zelik Dawidowicz Nute Fiszlowicz Location Klimontôw K K K K K K K wsi Gorki wsi Golebiôw K K Koprzywnica Nosem Szymonowicz Mortka Wolwowicz zone Gielli z Moskow PANTYR, Mosziek Lewkowicz K - K K K K K K K K K K K K K K zone Frymeta z Lewkow Lubknie zone Fryme z Abramow zone Jeté z Lewkow Bogoryja zone Itte z Kanow Cherszl Mortkowicz zone Sore z Lipow zone Zlote z Berkow K K K Rakôw K K K K K K K Ozarôw K K K zone Cypa z Jckow zone Ester z Herszkow K Koprzywnica Jozifbw(?) wsi Niedrzwice K K Leyzur Lewkowicz zone Chane z Makow meza Iser Cherszl Leyzurowicz K K K K K K wsi Rytow K K K Tyla z Herszkow Izra l Jakob K Rochma z Gierszonow ws i Nowa Wieé Tauba z Jckow K Gietla z Leyzur ws i Dmosice Estera Szlamowiczowa Koprzywnic a Pesla z Jckow zon e Sora Leyzerowiczowa K Frayda Herszkowiczowa ws i Beszyce Mindla z Abramow K 30 9 CWYBA K 10 LI D A 11 LEWKOWICZOW A 12 MAYLECHOW A 13 GURFINKIE L 14 CHERSZKOWIC Z 15 SZMULOWICZO W 16 KLEYNO T 17 ZUBERMA N 18 BOCHMA N 19 BLASE R 20 ALTANE R 21 BRAUNEROW A 22 TYSZLE R 23 KIELERMANOW A 24 EYZENBUC H 25 LAUFE R 26 MAR C 27 URMACHE R 28 AGATE R 29 NUDELMA N 30 GUT A 31 KLONFEL D 32 ERDSZTAI N 33 KORMA N 34 BINDE R 35 KOPIE C 36 GRONTHE R 37 GROSMA N 38 HIRSZMA N 39 ATO N 40 CWEI K 41 KRYSZTA L 42 ADAMASZE K 43 FEFFE R 44 45 LIBERMA N 1828 1 RAYCHMA N 2 SZERMA N 3 CZAPNI K 4 KERMA N 5 BRAUNE R 6 SZPERLIN G 7 GRYNBLA D 8 KOPIE C 9 ELFAN T 10 PUTNISZK A 11 KNEBE L 12 MAR C 13 DZIKOWE R 14 TENC A 15 GOLDHAME R 16 JAKUBOWICZO W 17 KOP F 18 GRYNBLA D 19 KANA R 20 BARA N 21 AISENSZWAR C 22 KAWEMA N 23 TYSZLE R 24 KRYSZTA L 25 KLEYNO T 26 KARA S 27 GOLDMA N 28 MAJNGARTE N 29 LEYZUROWIC Z 30 ZELIKOWIC Z 31 NUDELMA N 32 GRYNBA L 33 ZYBELMA N 34 BUGIE R 35 ZLOTNI K 36 CUKIE R Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 Summer 2000 Szlama 43 Jako b Szlamowicz Jakob (Rabbi ) 42 Jud a Nozenowicz Ita (wid. ) 75 Lewe k Urysowicz * Chaia (wid. ) 80 Maylec h Szolowicz Hil 1 Lewe k Jakubowicz Ryfka Chaia (wid.) 48 Cherszl Joskowicz * Gitla 65 Szmu l Leyzurowicz * Frymcha 8 Mortk a Wolwowicz Kalman 40 Liberma n Abrahamowicz Tema Zelda 14 Szmu l Jakubowicz 60 Mortk i Dawidowicz * Dawid 7 Jose k Abrahamowicz Ita 38 Jose k Moskowicz Siwa Rywen 2 Lewe k Jckowicz Malka 23 Lewe k Szmerkowicz Leyzur 4 Szmu l Leyzurowicz Fayga 5 Dawi d Szmulowicz Nocnym Eyzyk 7 Jankie l Cherszkowicz Cherszla Leyb 4 Jose k Jckowicz Moszick 32 Kalma n Lewkowicz Faga Laja 1 Lewe k Uszerowicz Szmerck 20 Abraha m Herszkowicz Dobra 5 Mortk a Wolwowicz Wolf 5 Ley b Cherskowicz 42 CZAPNIK , Lewek Jckow Braydla 1 Cherszk a Moskowicz Leyb 35 Jose k Dawidowicza Etla 3 Jose k Leyzurowicz Ryfka pta ] Izrael 2 Dawi d Moskowicz Pinkwas 10 Lewe k Dawidowicz 3 Sende r Szlamowicz Pinkwas 40 Lewe k Cherszkowicz Cherszla Chaja 9 Jc k Nosymowicz 42 BUGIER , Jck Tauba 64 Lewe k Szlamowicz * Simcha Malka (wid. ) 84 Joe l Matysiowicz * 68 Lewe k Abusiowicz * Szyi Estera z Zelmanow wsi Sulislawice Hana z Davidow K zone Maryan Szaydla Cyrla z Kunow * K Szprynca z Dawidow K Chaia z Moskow K Bayla z Berkow * K Rochla z Dawidow * meza ANGULMAN, Nosen ws i Konary Chaja z Aronow K Sura z Zelikow * wsi Chodkow zone Sore Kiwowa Ryfka z Herszkow Koprzywnica Szaydla z Pinkwasow zone Sore z Herszkow wsi Lazka Elka z Chasklow K Gitla Dawidow K meza Chajm Urysiowic z Estera z Jckow K Szyfra* K meza Chemie Moskowicz K Dobra z Jakubow K Fryma z Lewkow Rwyza (?) z wsi Smerdyna Szaydla z Chajmow wsi Smerdyna Sima z Berkow K Ryfka z Joskow K Aydla z Manesow wsi Smerdyna Perla z Joskow K Ruda Wolwow K Chaja z Lewkow K meza Szulim Jckowicz Itta z Pinkwasow wsi Blonie Itta z Lewkow * K meza Chajm Laja z Berkow wsi Usarzôw Syma z Izraelow wsi Sulislawice Hana z Lewkow Koprzywnica Ryfka z Pinkwasow wsi Jurkowice Fayga z Mortkow * Koprzywnica Rudla Leybusiowicz wsi Zakrzôw Chaja z Jckow meza Moszick Pinkwasowicz K Mindla Dawidowa * zone Ester Lewkowiczowa K Mozia (?) z Giszlow * K Hana z Jckow * K Berek Zelman Szulim Szulim Cherszla Jcek Abus Estera Berek Bayla Major Rayza Janklowa Izrael Rochla Moszick Pesla (wid. ) Major Szymon Estera Golda Moszick Pesla Wigdor Chajm Majo r Kayla Wolf Szmul Chaja Rochla Moszick Ber Jcek Chaja Chaja Sora Dawid Chaja Berek Jcek Chaja Chajmowiczo w Gitla Wolwowicz Laja z Szlamow • Jenta z Szmulow * Sura z Kalman Marya z Joskow Cwetla z Abusiow Laja z Joskow Sora z Lewkow * Haia z Abrahamow * Laja Nosynow Fryma z Jck Fayga z Mortkow Chaja z Majorow Sora Mortkow * 70 Jaku b Izraelowicz * 26 Bere k Lewkowicz * 73 Chaj m Szulimowicz * 46 Jc k Cherszkowicz * 68 Urys i Zawlowicz 13 Moszic k Jakubowicz 2 Jc k Chaymowicz 11 Szlam a Abrahamowicz 60 Mortk a Berkowicz * 64 Leybu s Wolwowicz 1 Bere k Abrahamowicz 28 TATAR , Josek 5 Chersz l Izraelowicz 2 Nachma n Leyb 15 Zysma n Lewkowicz 70 1 Szmu l Kiwowicz 4 Dawi d Moszkowicz 1/4 Szmu l Lewkowicz 1 Mechl a Lewkowicz 54 Joachi m Zelmanowicz 1 Wol f Jckowicz 1 Lewe k Jckowicz 1 Pinkwa s Nosymowicz 1 Mortic a Wolwowicz 14 Jankie l Mortkowicz 16 Jc k Lewkowicz 3/4 Melec h Moskowicz 54 15 Lewe k Jckowicz 2/4 Lewe k Uszerowicz 23 Lewe k Joskowicz 75 Chai m Lewkowicz * 70 Dawi d z Berkow * 22 Kope l Izraelowicz 68 Chersz l Mortkowicz Necha Lewkow Jenta z Lewkow Marya z Simkow Tauba z Jckow Braydla z Moskow * Etla Wigdorow Sora z Abramow Ryfka z Boruchow Chaja z Urysiow Hana z Janklow Marya z Moskow Mechla z Abramow Ita Michlowiczow Ryfka z Joskow Ita Michlewiczow Malka z Szmonow * Sora z Leyzurow • Hinda z Boruchow * Chaja z Lewkow * zone Marje z Szymkow zone Pesla z Lewkow zone Iede z Lewkow zone Jente z Moskow (bom in Ozarow?) meza Hune Wolwowicz zone Cyne meza Lewek Michlowicz zone Rayzli Berkowicz K K K K K K K K wsi Lukawica K K wsi Smerdyna K K K K K K K K K K wsi Zakrzôw K K K K Bulgoraice Stawisko K Bogorya K K K K Summer 2000 1829 1 KOPIOW A Gnendla 2 ALCHEMIST A Ita 3 KLO S Liberman Jakob 4 RUBI N 5 GRYNBA L Cwetla 6 EYWA R Perla Hindla (wid.) 7 JOSKOW A 8 TYSZLERO W Pesla 9 KLO S Perla Hanna 10 KRYSZTA L 11 CZAPNI K Szulim Jcek 12 TREFLE R Perec 13 SZPERLEV G 14 CHAYNMA N Rochla Eyzyk 15 KOPSZTEI N 16 GRYNBER G Rochla Jakob 17 GRYMBA L Leyzur 18 KIELBI K 19 KOMA R Lewek Bayla Fayga 20 PELCMACHE R 21 ZEITMA N Sora Wulw Uszer 22 MILRO D 23 HERSZMA N Sora 24 HEINMA N Mindla Dobra 25 ZWEI K [CWEIK ] 26 KNEBE L Brandla 27 KNEBE L Szlam Jakob 28 GREBE R Hinda 29 KENDZIE R 30 SANDLOWICZO W Laia Chaia Laia 31 REICHMA N 32 KANIE R [KANAR ] Fayga Etla 33 ERDFROCH T Leybus 34 ABRAAMOWIC Z Juda Josek 35 EYSENBUC H 36 NXJDELMA N Zelman Liberman 37 KESLE R Moszick Chaim 38 BINDE R 39 SZLISE L Kalman Mosia 40 LANGIE R 41 KÔNIGSBERC K Jakob Hersz 42 KAR P Leyzur 43 ECH T Cyrla 44 SKRZYPACK A Cyrla Hanna 45 EYSENBUC H Malka 46 PANTE R Sora Gitla 47 BEKE R Szolim Reyza 48 KROCHMALSK A 49 JAM A Laia Chaia (wid. ) 50 ZYNGOW A Moszick 51 TREFLE R 52 FAINTUC H Cherszl Wolw Wolw 53 ARWERGIE R Estera 54 TUCHSZE R 1830 1 GITKOW A (GITMAN) Sura Jcek 2 KAWEMA N Hawa 3 CWEJ K (CWEIG) Moszick 4 KAT Z 5 KIELBI K Gitla Fayga 6 CZAPNI K Jea Herszlowa 7 BRONE R 8 ECH T Aron (wid. ) Rywa (wid. ) 9 KUPERWASE R 10 PENCZYN A Malka 11 KROKO P Chajm 12 KLATC E Abram 13 JAM A Hanna Ryfka 14 KAT Z Beyla 15 FU X 16 BOXEROW A Matla 17 BUCHHOL C Moszick 18 WEINBER G Abraam Bayla 19 BERMA N Major 20 LAUFE R 21 GOLDHAME R Szmelka 31 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 36 58 6m 114 38 K K K K K 25 VA 2 65 54 70 2 1 49 10 Jck Haimowicz, 3 sons, 1 dau EYWAR, Abram Mendlowicz K [late husband was Josek Herszlowicz] K TYSZLER, Faywl Jckowicz K Jck Nachymanowicz Zakrzôw K K Ester wsi Hawidzice K CHAINMAN, Izrael K Jcka Moszkowicz, 4 sons, 2 daus. K K K K Gitli z Herszkow K Gimpel Wulwowicz, 5 childr. Koprzywnic a K Ita Koprzywnica Hanna K Eleia(?) Koprzywnica Gitla Zweik Sora Knebetow z Lip... KNEBET, Berek Abramowic z K K Gitla z Eliaszow * K Hanna K Rywka Kedzierow K Szaindla Jckowiczow K Kneidla K Szeindla Nacha K Hinda K Malka K Rywka K Chaia K Dwoyra K Bayla K Szeindla Zysi-?-ey K Zysla wsi Ulanowice Ita K meza Aron, syn Joyseph Rywla * wsi Sosmerace Haia K meza Cherszl, syn Dawid, 2 daus. Szeindla K Estera Chaia K Czertla K Kalman Izraelowicz Frayda * K Jakob Dawidowicz Ita z Moskow K Zwetla Morkowiczow* syn Mortka, corka Zwetla GOLDHAMER K Ryfka K Ita K zone Henné z Herszkow Malka K Estera 74 60 22 2 34 26 50 75 75 24 74 54 9 66 1 26 4 7 2 1 3/4 Gitman * Cherszl * Kiwy Wigdor Lewek * Szulim Chaymowicz Lewek * Lewek * Dawid * Nozen Josek * Lewek * Mortka Jakubowicz Josek Moszkowicz * Leyzur PANTER, Moszick Meylech z Pinkwas Szmul Abraamowicz Wulwa Abraamowicz Dawid Szmulowicz Szyi Zelikowicz K GITMAN, Abraham Haja* K zone Ryfre Mindla * K meza Leyb Herszkowicz Hinda Labezsow K b. July 182 9 Akt 25 Jea Kaiow K meza Jose k Jakubowicz Braydla * K meza Lewe k Szulimowicz Ryfka z Jckow * K Chaja * K Zlota Jeraelowiczow K Ryfka* meza Josek Herszkowicz ws i Gieraszowice Gitla wsi Ianowice Mindla * zone Sure ws i Gmiszowice Chaja * Frayda z Abusiow K Gitla * meza Esryl Lewkowicz, Wigdor, Chaim K b.Novl829Akt46 K Mindla Fusow K Gitla z Leyzurow * wsi Swiniare Sora z Lewkow K Hanna Wulwowiczowna K Sora Szmulowiczowna K Fryma z Lewkow K Etla Lewkowiczowey 55 75 39 59 6m 6m 26 12? 39 6m 35 3m 114 62 14 70 3m 6 5 4 24 5 5 3 16 20 8 1 6 1 5 5 7 2 20 3 4 66 8 Itla Fajermanow Chaia z Izraelow Serlia Klosow Rayzla z Mechlow Szyfra* Mindla Zelmanowicz TYSZLEROWA, Pesla Hendla * Etla* Ruda z Leybow Fayga Czapnikow Mirla Treflerow * Etla SzPerlangow Sora Lewkowicz * Hendla Sora* Zwetla z Abusiow * Gitla Rochla * Golda z Szymchowicz Hanna z Moskow * KOPIEC, Szlama Abramowicz Benicha Tobiaszowicz Maior Abram Faywlowicz * Berek Jckowicz Naftula Jckowicz ZEMEL, Abus Lewek * Moszka Josek * Aron* Jck Abramowicz Leybus Moszick Joyseph Berek Moszick WEISBROT, Josek Jck Chaimowicz Josek Chaim * Eliasz Lewek Judkowicz * Lewek Leybus Jck Leyzur Nosym Berek Abramowicz Lewek Moszick Sandla Izrael Jankiel Aron Abraam Moszkowicz [Cherszk] Dawid Lewek Boruch Joel Josek Dawid * Zelik Aron Izrael * Josek Jakob* Leybus Dawid Eliasz * Mortka Aron* Abraam Janus Jakob Leywa Leyzurowicz 32 22 PROPE S 23 TURKIELTAU B 24 KIELBI K 25 KNEBE L 26 KANEROW A 27 KIENISBER G 28 ZEYDMA N 29 ALEMBIKIE R 30 SZTERE N 31 GAN S 32 CWEY K 33 GRYNBLA D 34 KAWEMA N 35 KANU R 36 KAWEMA N 37 TENDLE R 38 TATA R 39 WAY C 40 FERBE R 41 BRAUNEROWN A 42 GORYCZANSK I 1831 1 GRYNBLA D 2 ALCHEMIST A 3 SPIR O 4 KROKO P 5 SALZBER G 6 MORGENSZTER N 7 CWEJ K 8 SZTER G 9 DZYKIE R 10 SZEINBRY N 11 ROTSZTEI N 12 WEYNFEL D 13 BAU M 14 JARMUL A 15 GOLDHAMEROW A 16 MORGIENSZTER N 17 JARMUL A 18 KOPSZTEI N 19 GOLDHAME R 20 KROCHMALSK I 21 GOLDHAME R 22 EPELBAU M 23 BUCHALTE R 24 GRYNBER G 25 KISZE R 26 MESYENBER G 27 FENSTE R 28 BINDE R 29 SZPRUN G 30 ALCEROW A 31 ARWERGIE R 32 ALCE R 33 BRONE R 34 MICMACHE R 35 MIELE C 36 FLANKRY N 37 EYZENBUC H 38 MIELE C 39 MIN C 40 AYWE R 41 EYZENBUC H 42 FERNEBER G 43 KIME L 44 KABA L 45 ALBU S 46 BUCHALTE R 47 HERSZTEI N 48 GRYNBER G 49 KANA R 50 MILRO T 51 KIENISBER G 52 SALCBER G 53 SZPERLIN G 54 MAGIE T 55 KIPERWASE R Summer 2000 Volume 4, Number 3 Ezryl Jakob Frayda Major Leyb Wolw Gitla (wid. ) Berek Abus Liber Ruchla Jcek Abraam Josek Rywa (wid. ) Major Major Lewek Josek Beyla (Bayla) Chajm Machla Eyzyk Estera z Joskow * Ita z Herszlow Ruchla z Szmulow Hana z Lipow Szyfra z Izraelow * Ruchla z Moskow * Merla z Abramow Chaja z Herszlow * Certla z Szlamow * Cyrtla z Jckow Laja z Szyzmon Margola z Pinkwasow Dwoyra z Lewkow • Vi Jankie l Abraamowic z Szaydla Herszkowey Etla Wigdorowey 1 Wol w Jckowic z Chaja z Lewkow * 29 Mortk a Szlumowic z 22 Nachma n Lewkowic z Rysa z Joskow * 48 Izrae l Herszkowic z Suna Lewkowey * 72 Cherszk a Majorowic z * Freyda Szmulowey * 4 ? Moszic k Szulimowicz Hana z Cherszkow Freydla z Herszkow 48 Jose k Lewkowicz * Muchal Berek Ruchla Braydla Jaskiel Pinkwas Jck Mozick Major Gitla Bayla (wid. ) Lewek Moszick Haja Stowa Chaja Etla Szluraa Major Jcek Major Hawa Mechel Kalman Jck Major Wolf Braydla Chaja Wolf Pinkwas Sura (wid. ) Mortka Hana JcekZelik Hana Wolf Wolf Ruchla Gitman Cypa Cywia Jeaz Abram Szaydla Lewek Sura Hendel Berek Fraydla Ruda Uszer Hinda Hana Estera (wid. ) Aron Leyb Jakob Marya Wolw 52 Zelma n z Jelmanow? 50 Tobias z Wolwowicz * 3 Joe l Boruchowicz 40 Chaj m z Iserow * 6 Hersz l Jaskowicz 6 Bere k Jckowicz 60 Leyzu r Moskowicz * 72 Aro n Berkowicz * 3 Jose k Herszkowicz 28 Boruc h Jckowicz 80 Jackl a Leyzurowicz * 6 Szy i Moskowicz 72 Szlam a Berkowicz * 52 Zyskl a Cherszkowicz 30 Lewe k Moskowicz * 1 Bere k Jckowicz 3 Zysi e Tobiaszowicz 48 Jc k z Abramow * 1 Kalma n Jckowicz 68 Ise r Lewkowicz * 71 Kalma n Zelikowicz * 62 Hersz l Lewkowicz * 48 Aro n Lewkowicz * % Lewe k Joskowicz 28 Wigdo r z Chajmow * 50 Lewe k Feywlowicz * 72 Pinkwa s Moskowicz 80 Aro n Jckowicz * 22 Lewe k Szmulowicz * 42 Ury s Zawlowicz 18 Szuli m Janklowicz 60 BRAUNER,Ury s 64 Hersz l Moskowicz * 6? Wol w Andzlowicz ? 74 Leyzu r z Hendlow * 34 Gaury l z Moskow 3 Hersz l Dawidowicz 64 Leyzu r z Hendlow * 6 Hersz l z Majorow 60 Mende l z Lewkow * 30 Majo r Herszkowicz * 66 Szmu l Braychlowicz * 6? Dawi d Pinkwasowicz 45 Szuli m Leyzurowicz * 1 Jc k Mortkowicz 52 Lewe k Jckowicz * 41 Wol w Joskowicz * 6? Moszic k Joskowicz 1 Lewe k Nachman 1 Lewe k Zelkowicz 40 Lewe k Moskowicz * 5 Moszic k Hasklowicz 8 Jose k Moskowicz 15 Urysi a Chajmowic z 36 Abra m Joskowicz 42 Chaj m * 30 Chersy l z Szlumow * 1 Gierszo n Jakubowicz 12 Bere k Abramowicz 64 Jc k Dawidowicz * 65 Izrae l Moskowicz * 1 Lewe k Szlamowicz 48 Lewe k Berkowicz * 20 Jose k Lewkow * 1 Chersz l Moszkowicz 20 Leyzu r Jakubowicz 4 Izrae l Joskowicz 72 Usze r Jckowicz * Szaydla z Zaywlow * Hana z Joskow * Hana Blimy Rysa z Lewkow * Bayla z Abramow Fayga Fryma Herszkowey * Sura z Szlamkow * Hana Wolw Kayla z Moskow SerkazWolfow* Freyda z Jckow Ryfka z Zelmanow * Ryfka z Jckow * Dwoyra z Dawidow * Feyga z Jckow Malka z Moskow Laja z Dawidow * Ruchla z Herszkow Laja z Moskow Ryfka z Jckow * Dwoyra z Lewkow * Frydla z Moskow * Dwoyra z Szachnow Laja z Cherszkow * Ryfka z Abramow * Cypa z Beniaminow Szaydla z Lewkow * Hana z Lewkow * Sora z Kalmanow Sura z Joskow Sura z Kalmanow * Liba Lewkow * Dobra z Kiwow Jea z Leyzurow * Laja z Joysepow Matla z Joelow * Jea z Leyzurow * Ida z Zelikow Bayla z Moskow * Hindla z Joskow * Nycha z Herszkow * Lala z Izraelow Ryfka z Lewkow * Hana z Andlowiczow Sura z Mortkow * Gitla z Herszkow * Rayza z Moskow Hana z Szlamow Ita z Wolwow Malki z Izraelow * Sura z Aronow Etla z Lewkow Sura z Leyzurow Sura z Chajmow * zone Malki z Isserow Berek Cherszkowicz K wsi Nustawice K K côrka Blime, syna Lewek, Szmul K Ester z Lewkow Dyna z Moskow K K K wsi Swiniare K K K K K oyca Leyzur syna Wolw, Leyb K K wsi Smerdyna côrka Sure, Hane K meza Zyli Berkowicz Mosie z Peysachow, Berek, Zysla K K zone Ryfcie, syn Liberman Szaydli Zeywlow, syn Leybus, Berek, Aron K Ruchli z Joskow K K wsi Janowice K V zone Frygi z Mendlow meza Aron Jakubowicz côrka Szaydli Blima Herszkowa K Lipska K K K wsi Swiniare wsi Byszow Szyi Zelkowicza meza Don, syna Szmul, côrka Mindla K K K K K K Cyrtla z Jckow K Hane z Zysmanow, syn a Kalman, Berek K Mandzie K Fraydli K meza Wolw Abramowicz Fradli z Jckow Cype z Joelow syna Herszl, Joel syn Lewek syna Lewek, Joysep syna Leybus, Joysep Joychwet z Herszkow Jck Lewkowicz Fraydi K K K - wsi Blonie wsi Oszolnie K K K K K K K K K côrka Ida, Ester zone Dobra z Szachnow meza Herszl Dawidowicz Blime z Dawidowicz Gieli z Moskow syna Moszick, Lewek meza Lewek Herszkowicz K K K K K K K K K wsi Gorki K K . K wsi Rybnica, gm. Gorki côrka Sury K K Summer 2000 56 KOPSZTEI N 57 KA C 58 FANKUCHE N 1832 1 FROCH T 2 ME R 3 GOLDHAME R 4 WEYNFEL D 5 KANA R 6 SANDOMIERSK A 7 MERZE L 8 NUSENBAU M 9 ENGIE L 10 KLEYNO T 11 GUT A 12 EYZENBUC H 13 GROSSMA N 14 BAU M 15 AWENU S 16 MAGIE T 17 GOLDBER G 18 KRYSZTA L 19 JARMULANK A 20 GRYNBA L 21 KALINOW A 22 OFMAN N 23 FANKUCHE N 24 KOPIE C 25 AWENU S 26 SZOLZYNGIE R 27 SALCBER G 28 KANA R 29 GIERBE R 30 KOPIE C 31 KALIN A 32 MANDOR F 33 GOLDHAME R 1833 1 KUPE R 2 TENCZ A 3 FROCH T 4 ROTSZTEI N 5 GREBE R 6 MICMACHE R 7 KIERSZENBLU M 8 SZLISE L 9 KO P 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 EYZENBUCH ALOES BRAUNER KUPER SZULMAN EYZENBUCH FAKTOR 17 ADAMASZE K 18 FROCH T 19 JAM A 20 CWEI G 21 LIPMANOW A 22 PENCZYN A 23 BRAUNE R 24 JARMULANK A 25 EPELBAU M 26 GOLDHAME R 27 KRYSMANOWN A 28 KANA R 29 GIELERMA N 30 BERMA N 31 BOX A 32 GANT Z 33 TYSZLE R 34 TUCHSZE R 35 SZNAYDE R 36 ZIME L 37 PACHTE R 38 AGATE R 39 FLIGIELMA N 33 Kieke-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 Don Izrael Matys 72 Moszic k Lewkowicz 64 Lewe k Szmulowicz * 72 Moszic k Izraelowicz Bayla Chajmow * Feygaz Szmulow * Chana z Chajmow * syn Szmul " syna Wigdor, Chaj m syna Iser, Mortka Cyna Bina Hana Mosick Szajolla Bayla Davvid Wolf Hana Herszl Hana (wid. ) Mecha Froim Szmul Moszick Brucha Gitla Major Ruchla Ryfka Izrael Sieywa Lewek Ruchla Jenta (wid. ) Muchai Chaja Zysi Dawid Szyfra Brucha Ester Aron Ber Josek Leybus 46 Jako b Lewkowicz * 58 Abu s Jckowicz * 66 Zysma n Joskowicz * 4 Mortk a Moskowicz 40 Hersz l Urysiowicz * 70 Hersz l Moskowicz * 70 Moszic k Dawidowicz 48 Pinkwa s Majorowic z 60 Jose k Jckowicz * 2 Mortk a Wolwowicz 70 Abraa m Lewkowicz * 83 Wol f Szmulowicz* 60 Izrae l Joskowicz * 1 Zelma n Herszkowicz 1 Izrae l Berkowicz 9 Urysio w Eliaszowicz 21 Hersz l Moskowicz 3 Zelma n Nosymowicz 'A Tobias z Eremiaszowicz 1 Zysma n Chaymowicz 72 Jose k Szmulowicz * 48 Szmu l Lewkowicz * 1 Mortk a Matyowicz 70 Izrae l Zelmanowicz * 1 Ezry l Berkowicz 80 Izrae l z Moskow * 12 Hersz l Jasklowicz 10 Szmu l Nachmanowicz 50 GERBER , Chajm 5 Kope l Joskowicz 6 Szlam a Lewkowicz 4 Szmu l Joskowicz 33 Jc k Kalmanowicz * Sura Wolfow Séria z Moskow * Bayla z Herszkow * Laja z Leyzurow Fryma z Jckow * Cyrtla Beniaminowicz Bayla z Herszkow * Serla z Jaskow * Blima z Moskow * Hana z Abusiow Fayga z Moskow * Bayla z Jckow * Sura z Szmulow * Hana z Jckow Hana z Mortkow Braydla z Layzurow Mosia z Nusynow Cyrla z Lewkow * Estera zHilow? Etla z Joskow Haia z Mortkow * Haja z Nosynow * Estera z Leyzurow Malka z Abraamow * Jenta z Herszkow Szaydla z Berkow * Baydla z Abraamow Marya z Meniow Dobra z Lewkow Tema z Joskow Dwoyraz Jcko w Sura z Joskow Fayga z Moskow * meza Jakob Zotkowicz syn Abus Majorowic z syn syn Hersck ncrstn. i Sora Hendla Judas Jakob Eyzyk Perla Estera Bayla Cypa Mosick Szaydla Herszl Abram Berek Herszl Anna Pinkwas Herszl Dawid Giela Estera Etla Josek (wid. ) Urys Ryfka Malka Josek Rochla z Golda Pinkwas Hanaz Haja Kayla Jcek Huna Gitla Leywa Jcek Sifra Leybus Rochla Sora 21 BRAUNER , Szaul 50 Jck * 19 Bere k 72 (no t given) 2 Lewe k 2 Wol f 39 Jck * 39 Josek * 71 Zotka * 4 Hersz l 50 [Urys ] 4 Kalma n 73 Jose k * 65 Aron * 71 Dawi d * 6 Zysma n 12 Moszic k 26 Jaku b 1 Mortk a 4 Binde t 43 Jose k * 32 Hersz l 80 Zajwl * 2m? Jankiel 9 Bere k 26 Lewe k 6 Nosy m 1 Leybu s 2 Majo r 5 Bere k 2w Froi m 26 Tobias z 52 Lewek * 35 Leyzu r 43 Simso n 2 Jam a 9m Abra m 2m Kalma n 69 Lewe k K wsi Teczynopolu K wsi Juskow zone Same K K wsi Smerdyna meza Dawid K meza Josek Gorki meza Kiwa, synow Abus, Szmul K K meza Mortka, 4 children K Hana K Marya Herszkowicz * zone Haie Kuper, Perla Szulmanowicz * zone Taube, synow Izrael, Josek zone Sorli Perla * K Gitla K Tauba K Serla K Frayda Koprzywnica Ryfka meza Pinkas Abramowicz ws i Woli Konarsky Haja* brata Matys Kzdewic e Tauba 3 synow, 1 côrka K Blima • K Serla K Zelda meza Szyi, syna Herszl K Pesla wsi Przyziwowa Gitla K Mindla Koprzywnica Haja K Giela K Hica (?) zone Brucha, côrka Szaydla K Haia* meza Menie Jckowicz, children K Golda Izraelow * zone Ester z Michalow K Etla z Lewkow zone Ester z Jakubowicz ws i Ruszng (?) Bayla z Lewkow Syria Abusiowiczow wsi Noweywzi Rochnea K Syma synow Medel, Josek, côrka Mayla K Mechla z Beniamin Fryma Gitla z Lewkowiczow Sora (not given) Hena Mirla Baya* Rayza Grynbal Dobra Szamowiczow Cerla K K wsi Kepie K K K v wsi Bystrojowice meza Jankiel Abramowicz K côrka Hane K zone Eyga ws i Urzaizow Hane ws i Btonie meza Nosen ws i Pechow K côrka Bayla ws i Smerdyna syn Szmul K zone Paje, synow Izrael, Szmul ws i Laniow wsi Byszow K K K K K K côrka Ryfka ws i Bazowie syn Szaul ws i Skwizow wsi Kepiew syn Josek Leyb Abramowicz K K synIzrael K K K syn Leybus K zone Fraydla K meza Szlama meza Zelik K K 34 KOPSZTEIN GRUNBLAT WEINBERG CYNAMON 1834 1 SALZBERG 2 FANKUCHEN 3 NUSENBAUM 4 LANGIER 5 FENSTER 6 WAYSZELBAUM 7 ADAMASZEK 8 EPELBAUM 9 CYTRYN 10 ADAMASZEK 11 ROTSZTEIN 12 GOLDHAMER 13 NUSENBAUM 14 ANTZMAN 15 MAGIET 16 KIELBIK 17 SZPRUNG 18 CWEIG 19 WAINSZELBAUM 20 WEYNGARTEN 21 GURFINKIEL 22 JAMA 23 KOPIEC 24 GOLDHAMER 25 BERGMAN 26 JAMA 27 AXAMIT 28 KLEYMAN 29 SZLISET 30 PASER 31 AXAMIT 32 RYWENBAYRYCH 33 KRAMARZ 34 HIRSZMAN 35 FAKTOR 36 KANAR 37 KOMAR 38 CZAPNIK 39 CZAPNIK 40 CZAPNIK 1835 1 ANTZMAN 2 WARSZAGIER 3 BEKIER 4 KANAR 5 TREFLER •6 KANAR 7 ANTZMAN 18 KIMEL 9 FAGOT 10 MAGIET 11 KNEBET 12 SZLISEL 13 KANAR 14 LIPINA 15 PECZYNA 16 JABTKO 17 SZEYNBRYN 18 MANDORF 19 KLOS 20 BRAUNER 21 PANTER 22 TOLPET 23 AIWEROWA 24 SZARPAK 25 TECZA 26 HIMELFARB 27 KALINA 28 HERSZMAN 29 FROCHT 30 BUCHBINDER 31 FROCHT 40 41 42 43 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 Summer 200 0 Brucha Szayndla (wid . Kayla Cyrla 1 Moszic k 54 Zamwla(?) * 1 Maylec h 1 Jako b Zendla Fayga Lewkowiz * Etla Sora synow Lewek, Berek, Aron, Abram... K Sifra Leyb Fiszel Hana Pinkwas Bayla Cypa Eliasz Fryma Jukiel Szaydla Haja Towia Haja Leyzur Golda Brayndla Jakob Hersz Berek Moszick Leyb Zelman Fayga Leybus Josek Dwoyra Nochym Giela Leybus Zaywel Dyna Leybus Szulim 6 Hersz l 18 Jud a Szapi * 52 Ley b 6w Joe l 33 Jose k * Szaj 9 Szmer k 68 Nochy m 71 Pinkwa s * 51 Hackiel * 3m Bere k 6 Majo r 6? Izrae l 1 Ury s 1 Jose k 2 Zachn y 10 Szlam a 1 Lip a 34 Sims i Enochowicz * 2 Lewe k 31 Jakob * 14 Kope l 79 Jakob * V, Jc k 70 Dawi d * 9? Leyzu r 24 Mende l * 5 Jose k 71 Bere k * 6 Leyzu r 31 Jck * 5 Lewe k 7 Ury s 40 Herszl * 46 Nachma n * 30 Abra m * 43 Berek * 50 Szuli m 4m Szuli m Bayla Merla Szaydla z Lewka Merla Ita Szaydla z Berkow Rayzla Kayla Sora Lewkowicz Fryma Jakubowicz * Rayzla Izraelowicz * Cwetla Hana Fraydla Braydla Mirla Hana Sura Herszwiczow Ruchla Liba z Judkow * Haia Laja* Tema Rayzla * Sarlka Estera * Mala Laja* Bayla Mendia * Mirla Hana* Gitla Aidla Ryfka* Ryfka* Cywia Bayla * Ryfka* Dyna* K wsi Zbiegniewice wsi Blonie zone Matli z Pinkwas. Koprzywnica meza Abram K wsi Smerdyna meza Lipa K meza Jukiel K wsi Skrypaizowe meza Szyi K dzuie RafaJa; côrka Jochfet Lewkowicz K K wsi Blonie K K K wsi Noweywsi wsi Skwigow wsi Smerdyna K meza Jck, synow Fayga, Szaydla K K zone Ita, syn Josek K K synow Zelik, Szyi K K zone Jente Szprynca, syn Mortka K K zone Marye Abusiow K K K K brataJck[Herck?] K Koprzywnica K meza Zysman, 4 children K zone Hindli, corki Mindla, Dwoyra K zone Laie, syn Abram K meza Czajma, synow Leybus, Szulim K oyca Szulim K Izrael Hycek Curtla Mindla (wid. ) Ryfka Szmul Freindla (wid. ) Ryfka [Rywka j Sztryma (wid. ) Urys Haja Fayga Sora Szmul Herszl Izrael Rywka Freyda Major Sora Estera Haja Mosick Hinda Abus Jakiel Joysep Marya Eydla Berek Mendel Sura (wid. ) 48 Herszl * 18 Jc k 36 ADAMASZEK , Pinkwas 40 Lewe k * 30 TREFLER , Wolf* 38 Nachm * 38 Lewek * 1 Dawi d 64 Berek * 38 Berek * 66 Lewe k * 2w Jose k 6m Leybus * 38 Lewek * 74 Abra m * 40 Jck * 10 Aro n 4m Szmu l 17w Berek 5 Joyze p 34 Nosi m * 30 Mortk i * 3 Abra m 34 Beniami n * 20 Jose k * 1 Abra m VA Szlam a 32 Jck * 64 Zotki * VA Dawi d 54 FROCHT , Lewek * Szayndla * Haia Fryma Haia* Laia* Gitla * Gitla * Hawa Sora* Sora* Ryfka* Hana Mindla * Bayla * Frayda * Zelda * Gitla Sora Serlia Ryfka Gitla—?—* Ciwa * Dobra Sora* Haia Ita Dwoyra Haia* Cywa* Machla Mindla zone Fraydli z Lewkowicz Ita Cyna Szlama Gitla Sora (wid. ) Cyrla Jakob Sie K K Koprzywnica meza Dawid meza Abram zone Marya syna Szlama zone Breindli meza Abram sister Mindzie zone Udli zone Gitla z Wolw meza Leyzur zone Malka zone Dase meza Aron zone Sore côrka Dase K K K K K K K K wsi Pechow K K K K wsi Gozlice wsi Brzybystawice wsi Mydlo K K K K K K K K K Teczynopolu wsi Gorki Koprzywnica K K K Summer 2000 32 BUGIE R Abram Ryfka (Rywka ) 33 GOLDMA N 34 KANA R Hil 35 SALZBER G Mosick Hana (wid. ) 36 MIELE C 37 BERMA N Mozick 38 ARWERGIE R Josek 39 MILRO T Zotka Cyna 40 FU X 41 TRELMA N Jankiel 42 WEINFEL D Hendel Mosia 43 CZAPNI K 44 GRUMBLA T Milra [Mitra?] 45 BINDE R Liba (wid. ) Jeta 46 TIEDERMA N 47 FU X Haja Sora 48 KARA S Jakob 49 KRYSZTA L Ruda Cywia Laja 50 FENSLE R 51 CYNAMO N Fiszel 52 ADAMASZE K Kasyryl 53 RYWENBAYRYC H Laja 54 GOLDFAR B Izrael Jakob Rywka Ruchla 55 RAPAPOR T 56 FERBE R Mosia 57 TYSZLE R Mortka Hana 58 GRYNBERE K 59 GOLDHAME R Mosick Szaindla 60 AWENU S Szlama 61 HERS Z Ruchla 62 SZPA C 63 ROZENBAU M Zelman 1836 Abram 1 GRÛMBLA D 2 MORGENSZTER N Heril [Herszl ] Reyzla (wid. ) 3 LEKOWICZOW A 4 GRÛMBLA D Moszick Laja 5 JAM A 6 TYSLE R (TYSZLER) Nachman Hana 7 HIRSZMA N 8 BINSZTA K Major 9 BEDE R Dawid Mortka 10 MAGIE T 11 AWENU S Haja 12 JARMUL A Jeremiasz Rachla fwid. ) 13 ME R Frayda (wid. ) 14 KNEBE L 15 MUNT Z [MINTZ ] Mânes 16 RYWENBAYRYC H Hercyk 17 APPOLE T Gitla Rywa 18 FAINTUC H 19 WOLWOWICZO W Slowa (wid. ) 20 CWEY G Szyi 21 ORLI K Michel 22 ORLI K Jcek 23 HIRSZMA N Hana Mirla Mirla 24 DANEMAR K 25 FUS A (un-named) Haja 26 ALOE S 27 MORGIENSZTER N Abram Cywia 28 KAIZO R Zelman 29 GRYNBLA D Jcek 30 GOLDHAME R Tobiasz 31 JARMUL A Rayzla 32 GRYNBA L Abram 33 ERDFROCH T Major 34 BINSZTA K Josek 35 ALTASZE R 1837 Rayza (Rayzla ) 1 WAINSELBAU M 2 KABA L (KABAT) Lipa (wid. ) Syfra 3 SZUHMACHE R Ela 4 HERSZE K Lewek 5 SALZBER G Pinkwas 6 KRYSTA L Zelik 7 TECZ A Mosia 8 TOLPE T 35 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 Haia* 30 Jck* Marya* 54 Jck* Marya 2 Szmul (*?) Tauba 39 Joskla * 66 FENDLER, Lewek * Mendia * Sora 2 Wolf Sora 2 Szal 3m Lewek Ita Mindla 3m Leyzur Sora Leyzurowiczow 58 Lewek * Perla VA Mosick Fayga * 11 Leybus * 25 GRUMBLAT, Pinkwa s *Hana* Brandla Herszkowicz * 66 Haim* Sora 27 CWEYG, Leyzur Marya 7m Kiwa Szandla 2 Zysla Haia Moskowiczow 30 Lewek * Ita Bayla 5 Joel (not given) 5m Jakob 9 38 11 3 72 4 3 5 3 3m 64 2m 15 2 75 2 20 7 50 24 28 75 3m 5w 62 46 25 50 2m 9m 56 5 42 28 7 60 ? 7 6m 60 6 VA 52 lw 5 24 48 Mosick Szymcha * Herszl Herszl Herszl * Lewek Leybus Berek Eyzyk Jukiel Haskiel * Hycka [Jcek?] Rocha Sandla * Mosa Ides Zysla* Sora Dwoyra Cwetla Laia Rywka Haia Lewkowiczow • Sora Michla * Berek Leyzor Berek Mortki Abram (not given) Haim Abram Aron* Eyzyk Tobiasz Zysman * Heril (Herszl ?) * Hersl Aby* Elli Jonas Wolf* Bendel Kiwa* Michel Leybus Herck (?) * Kiwa Mortka Berek Zaywla * Berek Berek Szmul* Jck Urys Chajm Abus* Saindla * Cuiga(?) Mindla Cywa Fraydla Blima (not given) Rachla Sora Sora z Jakubowiczow Laia Estera Ryfka* Laia* 30 Wolw 72 8 4 3 36 58 5? (not given) Hajm Szmul Szmul Nosym * Haskiel (?) * Mordki * Ida Hana* Machla K zone Sore K K K K K meza Boruch 3 côrka meza Szmul Koprzywnica meza Jck wsi Zakrzow K K K K K K K K meza Hercyk, synow Izrael 2 synow, Berek FERBER, Zysla KONISBERG K K K K K K meza Nusyn, (côrka) Hana, Cypa K wsi Smerdyna K K Koprzywnica K Koprzywnica K Koprzywnica meza Lewek zone Rayzli, 20 ws i G. Waycierzyce? zone Pesla z Jakubowicz K zone Ryfki K K K K K K K K K zone Sifra z Aronowicz dziece Czworo zone (name not given) zone, côrka (no names) meza Major Koprzywnica Koprzywnica K K K Koprzywnica meza Szmul zone Ester, syn Zysi, côrka Liba, Perl K zone Rayzli côrka Ruchli Sora (not given) Ryfka Ryfka meza Lipa, syn Wolf côrki Ruchla, Hawa Fayga * Rayza * Malka zone Ryfki, côrka Fayga 3 zone Laja, côrka Ite, Blima Ita K K K K K zone Noche, syn Nuta Ita Ita Leybusiwiczow * Ryfka Hinda * Szaindla Siéra (?)* Marya* Marya Szayndla Fayga Szaydla * Cywa Cwetla Liba* Szprynca Nacha Ruchlia Ita* K K K K K K K K K K K wsi Wayaiszyce? K Smerdyna K K Koprzywnica K Zakrzowie Slawicka K 36 9 FEFERMAN 10 BEKIER PENCZYNA WAINBERG FAINKUCHEN FAINKUCHEN TREFLER BAUM GURFINKIEL MILROT 19 BUDYN 20 HERSZTAIN 21 KLOS 22 GROSMAN 23 ARWERGIER 24 SZPERLING 25 AXAMIT 26 KRYSZTAL 181 o 18 JO I GRYNBER G 2 KALINA 3 SZPETER 4 BRAUNER 5 WORCELMAN 6 AWENUS 7 FUX 8 ZAYDMAN 9 FAINTUCH 10 GOLDFARB 11 GRYNBLAT 12 SZPRYNG 13 HERSZMAN 14 FAINKUCHEN 15 KIESLER 16 SZPETER 17 KOPFSZTAIN 18 LIDERMAN 19 ZLOTNIK 20 GRYNBAL 21 ZLOTNIK 22 ZLOTNIK 23 SZOLSYNGIER 24 RUDAS 25 FROCHT 26 EFEKTOR 27 BEKIER 28 KOPSZTAIN 29 RAYZENFELD 1839 1 WAISBROT 2 FEISZPEINC 3 GORYCZANSKA 4 WAISBROT 5 MILROT 6 PANTYR 7 EYNMACHER 8 CWAIG 9 ERDFROCHT 10 KARAS 11 FAINTUCH 12 TALER [TATER? ] 13 BAUM 14 FAINTUCH 15 GIELER 16 GOLDSZTAIN 17 ERGIET [ERGIEL? ] 18 AWENUS 19 WAYNSBROT 20 MORGIENSZTAIN 21 TRYGMAN 22 ARWERGIER 23 MORTENBAUM 24 ZELESNIACZKA 25 PENCZYNA 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 26 AWENU S Pinkwa 27 MINDELMA N Jce Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 Fayga Laja Tauba (wid. ) Marya Majer Estera Mechel Major Gitla Marya Berek Szymon Fryma Jcek Zelik Hana (wid. ) Hana Marya Sory Ryfka (wid. ) 9m Nuta 27 (not given) 73 Jck* llmMaylich 4 Mosick 4 Mordki 1 Abram 9m Jakob 10 Lewek 1 Lewek 9 Menia 4 Nochym 81 Nochym 20 Joyzep 62 Herszl 2 Joyseph 5 Leyzur 38 Borka Hana (not given) Bayzla * Etla Serla Nacha Estera Laja Haja Ita Matla Blima Nacha Rywa Sora Etta Matla Kalla* Estera Sura Randla (wid. ) Marya Haja Maria (Hana) Grundla Adler Leybus Ides Itta Giela Aron Mordka Mosick Mendia Boruch Abram Kiwa Jeremiasz Wulf Bayla Jukiel Eta Izrael Ruchla Ella (wid. ) Hinda Frayda Frayda Mordka 4 32 (not given) Kalman 30 Merszl * 3m Gierzla ? 16wKiwa 38 Berek * 28 Herszl * Zyshinda 22 Mechel * 4m Kopel 20 Leyzor 9w Mordka 68 Jck* 72 Lewek 58 Mosick * 3 Leybus 24 Jck Berek 7 Jck 32 Herszl * 8 Jck Ber 65 Abram 30 Abram* 82 Wulw* 8 Zysman 28 Pinkwas ? * 50 Szaj* 2 Abram Dwoyra Perla * (not given) Syna Ryfka* Juda Laja Marya Bayl Mica ? * Laja Szaja Ryfka Ryfka z Jckowiczow Nacha z Leyzorow Gryndla * (not given) Mendia * Lida Gierla Szprynca Laja* Grela Chaja Haja* Itta Lewkowicz * Malka Fryma Rayzli * Gitla Josek (wid. ) Zelik Krayndla (wid. ) Dawid Sprynca Mosick Hinda Laja Anzel Sura Aron Zylda Ryfka Jeremiasz Cypa Berek Nussen Laja Izrael Mortka Ryfka Uszer Szulim Moszick Branda (wid. ) Matus 80 Melich * 45 Lipa* 76 (not given) 5 Hajm Lewek 72 Juda* 14 Nochym 24 Herszl 3 Urys 3 Zysia VA Anasza? 18 Leybus 15 Herszl 8m Tancusz ? 16 Jakub 9m Jakob 85 Lewek 11 ? Eysyk 3 Hajm 28 Kopel 6m Jankiel (*?) 58 Jakob* 3 ? Gitman 60 Wigdor * 42 Herszl * Laja* Laja* (not given) Matla z Abramow Haja Malla * Bayla Tauba * Nocha Szaydla Itta Serla B—? Perla Dobra Haja Estera Hana Tyma? Marya Nacha Malka* Sora z Josek Ztaba? Mortkowicz Gitla * k8 s1 Leybus 50 Lewek * Eyzy k 1 (no t given) Laja (not given) Summer 2000 meza Abram, côrka Maja syn Matys, côrka Hana Koprzywnica Smerdyna K K Beszye(?) =yf) Keszsia " Byszow K K Koprzywnica Smerdyna syn Berek, Leyb, Nocha, côrka Dwoyra K Tecynopola côrka Maja, Latz(?), syn Rafat K Rybnica K oyca, côrka Gitla (age 15) Zakrzô w K K w. Cholerzaice K K K K [Index gives ADLER] K meza Benjamin, côrka Kraydla 8 K meza Jonas K K w. Konary Krzuiowa? dziecie Sora Kupiec? zone Haja, dziecie Major, Lida, Marja, Zelman K Leyser [syn?] Koprzywnic a zone Frayda, syn Mosiek, Szmerek K côrka Perli, Sore meza Swajs, syna Mindl? K K zone Malka Haja, syn Herszl, côrka Laja K zone Malka, syn Abram, côrka Brandi K meza Zosek, dziecie Siejwa K syn Moszick, age 38 meza Dawid 2 syn, Mosick, Szmul K K K Koprzywnica zone Fryszik?, 2 syn Herszl, Szmul Rytowi c syna Nachman, côrki Sifra, Malka K Noweywsi K zone Fryme, synow Major, Leysur, Leybus K meza Leyzer ws XV i G. Przybystowie K K Smerdyna Byszow K K K Budach zone Ryfka z Abramow K K meza Izrael, côrka Strymia? Izediawic ? zone Sora, syn Jakob, côrka Malka K Nawodzice Smerdyna zone Malka, Gorask ? Szmul, Aron, Berek, Marya & Certla K zone Mindla z Abram, côrka Cypa, Marya K Summer 2000 1840 1 URMACHE R 2 FRAYBERE K 3 MERGIE N 4 KARMESE R 5 HIRSZMA N 6 HIMELFAR B 7 HIRSZMA N 8 RAPPAPOR T 9 MITZMACHE R 10 GAN Z 11 KIME L 12 MIELE C 13 ZAYDMA N 14 BUDY N 15 KIPERWASE R 16 HIRSZMA N 17 GREBE L 18 GRUMBA L 19 GRUMBER G 20 MINT Z 21 TATA R 1841 1 OFFMA N 2 GRINBER G 3 BRAUNE R 4 ECH T 5 ZALCBER G 6 LIP A 7 KESLE R 8 MERGIENSZTY N 9 NUDELMA N 10 KOPIE C 11 GRYNBLA D 12 SIFE R [SIWER ] 13 ZLOTNI K 14 CYPLE R 15 FAGO T 16 AWENU S 17 ROTSZTY N 18 EYZENBUC H 19 LUDERMA N 20 GIDE N 21 LANCHABE R 22 ZALCBER G 23 ABU S 24 ZALCBER G 25 AGAYSTE R 26 BAU M 27 MERZE L 28 CYTRY N 29 GRUNBER G 30 KIPERWASE R 31 BRONE R 32 GORYCZANSK I 33 GRYNBER G 1842 1 ZLOTNI K 2 ZALCBER G 3 TYSZLE R 4 HIRSZMA N 5 BARA N 6 TYSZLE R 7 KLEJNCHU D 8 BURSTY N 9 SZPITE R 10 HIRSZMA N 11 SZULDMA N 12 MICZMACHE R 13 CYNAMO N 14 FANKUCHE N 15 WOLF[WEYC ] 16 BINDE R 17 ALOE S 18 G ANC 19 BUDY N 37 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 Tobiiasz Zelik Abram Leyzer Hana Hana Marya Zyndla Mendel Hawa Hana Nacha Izrael Mortka Jcek (wid. ) Ryfka Lewek Ryfka Sura Malka Lewek Jcek Szyfra (wid. ) Moszek Kyla (wid. ) 50 Joyze p 82 Hersz l 3 Pere c 36 Hersz l 45 Nusen(? ) 60 Jako b 60 52 Hersz l 52 Bere k 1 Szmu l 3w Dawi d 22 Lewe k Laia* Gitla * Syra Zlota z Izraelow Szaydla 4w Hersz l 36 HAYMAN , Mortka 7 Nut a 62 Jakob * 58 Haim * 88 Leybu s * 6 Hersz l 52 Josek * Malka z Szyow Nacha z Wolfow Ruchla Ruchla * Sura* Mala* Ides Fryma* Cywia Hernia Kalman Aron Moszek Laia Zelman Aron Lewek Bajla Fayga Moszek Wolf Laia Szaja Herszl Siwa [Sura ] Lejb Necha Siwa [Sura] Perla Hana Szmul Haja Ita Wulf Jerychem Haja Moszek Szaja Tmzra (Dwoira?) Jakob Faja Wolf Haja Izrael Leybus Urys* Zelik Szmul 6 Froim 15 Beruch * 8 Berek 42 4w Abram 5 Beruch 1 Urys 10 Jcie Ber 8 Abram 2 Berek 10 Ajzyk 6 Rafal 7 Szmul 3w Abus 4 Nucha(?) 68 Jcek* 8 Herszl 5 Jcek 4 Herszl 10 Herszl 4 Zelman 10m Abraham 90 Izrael Szachna . 3 Lejbus 48 WOLWOWICZ, Major 4 Kalman 4 Josek Moszek Chaia z Mortkow Dwoyra z Szulimow SoraRodziow*(?) Fayga Kalmanow Sora z Lunikow (?) Hinda z Zelikow Haia z Lekow Fayga Hana Cywia Blina [Blima? ] Tauba Michel Malka Haja Sura Gitla Fryma Wolf Herszl Lejzur Anzelm Estera Haim Zyla (wid. ) Joel Mortka Haia (wid. ) Dwoira 5 Jakob* 6m Szmul 48 Nachman 54 Jcek 48 Herszl * 7 Lejbus 45 Urys* 10 Nochem 2 Aenc (?) 2 Nuta 1 Izrael 12 Szlama 11 Szlama 1 Mortka 62 63 Mosze k * 58 Pinkwa s * 56 Szmere k * 34 Wolf * 18 5? 54 6 3 Sazydla Sada Braydla z Joskow Cyrla z Janklow Ruchla * (?) Merla SorazJ-?Mandia z Herszkow Perla Gdela z Mortkow Szajndla z Moskow Ruchla Laja z Abramow Cywa Dobra z Jakubow Szandla Serda z Majorow Majdla(?) Bajla z Abramow Dyna z Lewkow Bajla z Abramow Ita z Abusiow Ryfka z Szlamow Estera z Aronow Fryma Malka z Jakobow Etla (?) z Moskow Haia z Wolfow Rejzla z Zajwlow Maydla z Nusenow Sora Ita z Joskow Fayga Marya* BeterazZelmow(?) Hana* Baila z Lewkow Sura z Jckow FraydlazNusin(?) Haia z Wigdorow Nocha z Nosymow Estera z Lejzurow Nucha z Lejzurow Sura z Aronow * Haia z Aronow * Nucha * Ruchla * Smerdyna w. Szymaniwice Koprzywnica K zone Bayla K meza Urys, syn Szmul age 6 K K Mala z Berkow zone, Eremiiasz 36, K zone Certla, syn Herszl, Jankiel, K meza Szlama K K K K meza Herszl, corki Sura, Cyrla K K meza Abraam, corke Ruchla Laia K K zone Hana z Herszkow, Abram, Ryfk a K zone Szprynca z Jckow 28, syn Haim, K côrka Giela, synow Josek, Herszl, K syn Szlama 21, Smerdyna zone Dyna z Wolfow, 3 côrki(?) K iv K Zurania K K zone Ryfka z Izraelow, syn Uszer, côrka Bajla K K K K K K meza Lejbus meza Haim K K K Koprzywnica K K K K Byszowie K K K K K K K meza Abram meza Urys K zone Hana z Jckow, Herszl 15 , Haja 12,.. . K K. Mendel 17 , Aron 10 , Sifra 6, meza MortkaK Jv Kopryzwnica K K K Koprzywnica Kepia corki Blima, Sura, syn Narem (?) K zone Dwoira z Lewkow, corki Cninda,... K zone Gitla z Herszkow, corki Ruchla... K syn Szmerek meza Mortka, côrki... Koprzywnic a 38 20 BURSTY N 21 BACHMA N 22 PRYZAN T 23 KOFMA N 24 MINT Z 25 GOLDFAR B 26 GURFINKIE L 27 WEJSBRO T 28 KREME R 29 ROZENFEL D 30 ZEYDMA N 31 CYNAMO N 32 GOLDCHAME R 33 GAN S 34 BRAUNE R 35 ME R 36 MERZE L 37 GRYNBER G 38 TREFLE R 39 WENTE R 40 BARA N 41 GORZYCZANSK I 42 GORZYCZANSK I 43 KNEBE L 44 KUNIGSBER G 45 LUDERMA N 46 HIMMELFAR B 1843 1 FROCH T 2 MERDE R 3 KLO S 4 KOPSZTEI N 5 LUDERMA N 6 JAM A 7 KLO S 8 SZANBRY N 9 SPIR O 10 FLIGIELMA N 11 LIP A 112 RAWE L 13 RAWE L 14 TYSZLE R 15 RAYCHMA N 16 DORTMA N 17 EYZENBUC H 18 FEFE R 19 GRYNBLA T 20 MANDOR F 21 MERGIE N 22 KWIA T 23 KOPIE C 24 GIELO R 25 HERSZTEI N 26 BERMA N 27 RAWE L 28 GRYNBER G 29 ALOE S 30 BURSTY N 31 FAKTE R 32 ALBU S 33 EPELBAU M 34 KIPERWASE R 35 EPELBAU M 36 WINE R 37 BUCHALTE R 1844 1 PACHLE R 2 ECH T [CYNA-sic ] 3 AFFEKTE R 4 TYSZLE R 5 KIPERWASE R 6 TYSZLE R 7 KARMESE R 8 KIERSZENBLI M 9 KIME L 10 GRYNBA L 11 KIPERWASE R Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 32 Nochym 13 Jukiel 46 Zysman Tema [Fryma] (w.) 68 4 Szmul Lejb 1 Bajla Haja 36 45 Szmul 45 Leybus 4 Sora 9 Zelman 72 Szychna 5 Jcek 32 Ruchla 36 Marya Rykiel 1 Abus 68 Fayga 1 Wolf 34 Estera 58 Lewek 8 Szmul 6 Hana Rayza 16 Leyzer 74 Abram (wid. ) 42 Zelik 13 Herszl 6 Dwoyra Jcek Szmul Lejbus Golda z Nosymow Ryfka Rachla Major Zyskind Morka(?) Dawid * Moszek Abram Leybus Cwetla (?) Laia z Zysman Abram Mortka Wolf* Zysman Lewek Mechel * Nachman Nachman Herszl * Zotka Nuta Jakob Sura Berek Szmarya Szandla Jenta (wid. ) Syfra Marya Godel Marya Fayga Estera Herszl Chaim Pinkwas Szmul Liba Estera Sura Laja Ryfka Zysla Chaim Szlama Josek Moszek Chaja Moszek Fraydla (wid. ) Blima (wid. ) Gitla Jcek Laja Hana Giela Leybus Szmerek Hana Liba Itta 60 32 55 30 27 45 Leme l 3m (Berek* ) 38 3 Usze r 3 Jako b 13 Szmu l 18 Hersz l 48 Dawi d Abram 18 Izrae l 7 Mosze k 82 Moszek * 3 Szmu l 58 Szlam a • 32 Zyly(?) * 32 Jose k Major * 1 Pere c 3 Szmere k 58* Abram * 8w Noec h 24 Leybu s 2 Wol w 55 66 48 Hersz l 60 36 72 70 30 32 Eyzyk Abram Aydla Cyna Josek Simon Mena Malka (wid. ) Estera Cyrla Dawid (wid. ) Pinkwas Jankiel Leyb Moszek Hendel 70 50 Leme l 60 69 Jce k 30 Jankie l 42 Jce k 41 51 70 - 4 Eyzy k 3w HaimSzymo n 56 - Ita Haia* Sura Gitla z Majerow Mirlaz(?) Summer 2000 K Koprzywnica K zone Szajndla, syn Pinkwas 2 K synow Herszl, Zysman K K K meza Lejbus (bakalarz) K zone Rochla z Joskow, côrke Merla? K Gitla z Gierberow, Moszek, Laja [Koprzywnica] zone Rajsa z Lewkow zone Ruchla z Pinkwas,... Koprzywnic a Szayndla z Majerow Szayndla z Aloesow * meza Szmerek, Szayndla K Jachleta z Herszkow * meza Froim, syn Leybus K Maydla z Rywenow synow Eyzyk, Szlama, Leybus Usarzow a Usarzowa Bayla z Lewkow meza Abram, synow Abram, Szulim K zone Tema z Dawidow, Zelman Sloptow a K Tauba z Jckow K Chana z Wolwow K Chana z Wolwow Szayndla z Abramow Jakob, Ber, Herszl & Szandla K zone Cywia z Abusiow, 3 Synow K K Cy wia z Jckow K Hana z Jckow Syfra z Zelkow Nachy Séria z Ezrow Perla z Izraelow Estera Ruda z Nusynow Fraydla z Jckow Sura z Szlamow * Fryma z Szlamow Gnendla z Eyzorow Mirla z Lewkow * Dobra z Jakobow Hinda z Abramow * Bayla z Izraelow * Sura z Lewkow * Hinda Malka z Abramow Jenta Golda Ruda z Jckow Sura z Szmulow Haia Sura z Haimow Lida z Leybusiow Dyna z Janklow zone Sorla z Herszkow, Berek, Zolda meza Urys, Josek, Bina, Estera zone Séria z Ezrow, Malka, Jankiel, zone Laja z Serlow, syn Abram meza Abus corka Dobra meza Aron, Major & Moszek zone Fraydla, Numa, Gitla, Rayzla... syn Moszek Abram, Hinda, Etla & Sura meza Leyb, Haskiel, Abram, Szandla... meza Szmul, Syme Koprzywnica K zone Ruchla z Szulimow, Malka, Abram... K K Kaezkowla K Chaim & Abram K Dawid, Eyzyk, & Ruchla K syn Herszl K zone Golda z Joskow, syn Nochym 30 K meza Zyskind, & children K syn Jceic, Dwoyra K Szmerek & Dwoyra Laja K zone Malka z Janklow, Szpryna & K zone Kayla z Haimow, Urys, Moszek, K meza Moszek, Troja, Frayda & Tema zone Ruchla z Gierszonow Nowe y wsi meza Joyzep, Zelik, Lemel, Hinda, K zone Etla z Abramow, Zysman, Leyb K Leybus, Izrael, Marya Giela, & Malka K Chana Ryfka & Szpryna K meza Leybus, Sura Ryfka, Cywia, Hil K meza Herszl K Hana Marya, Ryfka & Szyja Smerdyn a K K zone Malka z Janklow, Mortka, Dawid K 12 SZUCHMACHER 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 10/1If TECZA [TENCZA ] GRYNBAL MER NUSENBAUM DENTMAREK KARAS KIEYSMAN KIMEL GANC GRYNBERG ANCMAN ECHT AKTOR MAGIET BOIM SALCBERG LEWA GOLDWASER CWEIG AWENUS MANDORF CWEIG GRYNBERG AYDELMAN 1343 39 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volume 4, Number 3 Summer 200 0 Gitla Nachman Leyb Izrael Ela Mendel Manes Major (wid. ) Hana Laja Jankiel Leyb Herszl Jozek Wolw Iser Herszl Manes Haja Nosym Leybus Sura (wid. ) Sura (wid. ) Glikla Sura Szandla Bendel Blima Josek Hinda Malka Jankiel Zlota (wid. ) Major 1 MERDE R Malka (wid. ) 2 ZYNGIER Jcek 3 TUSZER Szolim 4 BRAUNER Liba Hawa 5 AFFEKTER Marya 6 SPIRO Idel 7 HIMMELFARB Jarmula 8 BINDER Hawa 9 WAYSBORT Estera 10 CWEIG Giela (wid. ) 11 KABAL Szlama 12 MERZEL Golda 13 AWENUS Wolf 14 BOXERN Bina 15 BARAN Dyna 16 GROSKOP 17 FERCMAN IFERMAN] Simsia Dyna 18 SZMIT Szmerek 19 GANC Ruchla 20 WAYSBORT Mortka 21 ALBUS Wolf 22 BUDYN Herszl 23 GOLDSZTEIN Abram 24 KOP Malka 25 NUSENBAUM Dawid Herszl 26 EJZENBUCH Fajga 27 ZYLBERBERG Kiwa (wid. ) 28 KOP Gitla 29 KRAWOWNA Huna 30 LOFMAN Ryfka 31 LOFMAN Moszek 32 FERBER Zelman 33 BRAUNER Bajla Matla 34 SZULDMAN Jcie 35 HIMMELFARB Hendla 36 BRAUNER Ita 37 TREFLER Moszek 38 OFMAN 39 RYWENBAYRYCH Ita Ela 40 PELCMACHER Laja 41 INZEL Aba 42 MENDELMAN Hana 43 GROSMAN Lejzer 44 AXAMIT Cherszl Eli 45 BERKMAN 1846 Sura Gitla 1 HIRSZMAN Fryma (wid. ) 2 SANDOMIERSKI 3 LIDA Tema Ela 4 BUDYN 5 KOP Szol Leyb 30 58 - 5 2 1 70 6 1 1 75 Chaim Szymon Zysman Major 20 70 15 80 48 20 2w 55 63 2w 2w 3w 70 Jume Boruch * Urys* - Leybus Szymon Herszl Eyzyk 20 Jozek 6m Zelman - Dyna z Jakubow Matla z Cherszlow Hana z Manesow Mindla z Denow Hana z Abramow Liba z Leybus . Perla z Herszkow Estera Hana z Kalman Cypa Kayla * Brandla z Leyzerow * - Szaul Golda Szmul Jukla Jcek - Hana Rayzla Laia - 25 70 - 50 68 7w Zysman 9m Uszer 33 - 3w Moszek 3 Haskiel 10 Leyzer 70 Hendel 40 7 Izrael 27 Froim 4 Michel * 9 Moszek 50 3 Abram Aron 38 16 Josek 2 Jcek 8 Moszek 46 6m Herszl 3 Tini 6m Herszl 40 70 6m Szys 4 Berek 6m Berek 5 Zelik 2w Joyszep 2 Izrael 6m Herszl 6m Szmul 6m Symson 7 Izrael 1 Hercyk 60 2w Jukiel 6m Kopel Mendel 3 Moszek 60 3 ? Szmul 3 75 1 3 8m - Nuta Urys Menas Abram Malka Perla K K K K K meza Calel zone Chaja, Leyzer & Jcek Gitla, Marya & Josek Koprzywnica zone Fryma z Szulimow, Simerek,... K zone Sura z Mortkow meza Jcek, Cyrla Cypa zone Fayga z Janklow, Cywia., Jente, K K K K K K K K Byszow meza Izrael K w. Chodkowa K Koprzywnica zone Ryfka z Herszkow,... meza Berek, Izrael, Herszl, Hendlà... K K Eliasz Koprzywnica Smerdyna Koprzywnica K zone Rayze z Moszkow, Jure syn Abram, côrka Kraydla K zone Hendla z Dawidow, bezdzietni K zone Fryma z Jckow, Moszek, Leyzer,... K K K - zone Haja, Hana, Fayga, Wigdor, Jankiel K - côrka Perla zone Fayga, Gitla, Dawid,... Izrael = krawiec Hana Gitla Fraydla Laia* Hana Chia Tauba Tauba Haia Gitla Ryfka z Moszkow Hena Chaia * Marya Matla Dobra Laia Laia Laia z Szmulow Sysia Ryfka Chaia z Wigdorow Rudla Sura Szyfra z Abramow Cyrla Ruchla Gitla Hana z Jckow Gitla z Wolwow Ryfka z Herszkow Chana z Mortkow Malka Gitla Gitla z Elowiczow Sura z Jarmulow K K zone Tauba, Josek, Hana zone Liba z Tyszlerow, Laj a Koprzywnica zone Ides, Szes—, Moszek,... Przybystowie K w. Sloptow K K K K K K K w. DIugotice K w. Beradzu K Koprzywnica K meza Zysla, Dawid, Sora Ryfka, Abus, Szmul, Dobra K Koprzywnica Koprzywnica Koprzywnica K K K K K K w. K zone Golda z Symekow, Josek, Ryfka K w. Swmiar K K zone Mata z Iserow, syn Eli K K - K K Koprzywnica K 40 6 7 8 9 to tl 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 5J3 51 52 5l3 54 55 56 57 5$ 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 6v 68 69 70 7|1 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 LUDERMAN GARBARZ TYSZLER GRYNBAL GANTZ FANKUCHEN KWIAT BERMAN WAJSBORT MICMACHER MORGIEN GOLDMAN KATZ KOP KWIAT EPELBAUM KRYSZTAL AWENUS BINDER LACHMAN KUPERWASER AWENUS ROZENFELD AGAYSTER GURFINKIEL GOLDMAN GRYNBERG HIMMELFARB [ECHT] SZTERKMAN BRAUNER WAJNFELD SZUCHMACHER JAMA KORMAN MANDELMAN KARAS JARMULA SZPETER ORLIK K3PERWASER SZYFER GRYNBERG DZIKOWER FAJERSZTEIN ZYLBERYNG TYSZLER KLEJMAN DYNER CZAPNIK BEKIER EJZENBUCH SALCBERG KOFMAN KATZ ALABASTER BEKIER CWEIG WENTER RAYCHMAN NUSENBAUM KAWEMAN SZWAJCER WAXMAN BEJMAN AWENUS PELCMACHER TREFLER KAWEMAN HIMMELFARB MAJNGARTEN AWENUS SKRZYPACKI HIMMELFARB KOFMAN GILMAN WAJNFELD Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 Leybus Lejbus Szmul Lejb Malka Chaja Pesla Abus Jankiel Lej b Gitla Mojsi Lejzer Wolw Perec Zelik Szmul Ryfka Etla (wid. ) Mindzia (wid. ) Chana Estera Dwoyra Ita Bajla Gitla Ruchla Laja Lejbus (wid. ) Majer Berek Moszek Chaim [Chana?] Berek Wigdor Cypa Cywia Fraydla Chaj a Gitla Siejwa Mortka Abram Szymon Szlama Serla Moszek (wid. ) Szandla Chana Chaia Szyfra Hinda Malka Perla Tema Jankiel Lej b Sura Bajla Moszek Haja Rywka Kalman Cwetla Moszek Wolw Ejzyk Chaia Fraydla Matla Wolw H ana Berek Rayzla Pinkwas Laja Gitla Szmul Eli Golda (wid. ) Dwoyra (wid. ) Lejbus Josek Urys Michel Josek Chaja (wid. ) Krajndla Cypa Szyja 60 8w 3 24 1 20 2 12 2 40 40 56 45 6m - Calel Zysman Jcek Szmerek Izrael* Szmerek Berek Chaskiel - Moszek 67 Frym 56 lw Jcek 70 Moszek * 4m Moszek 20 SALCBERG, 6 Abram 64 . * 1 Abram lOw Moszek Jukiel 10 Lejbus 6m Aron 6m Lejbus 6 Idel* 2 Jcie 4 Abram 2 Moszek I Moszek 7 HaimaNusen 48 2 48 15 60 - Jankiel - Lejbus Szymon Jcek* AUA /u ADC 50 Jcek 11 Lejbus * •3 Urys J 2 Uszer 27 Herszl 2 Jankiel 25 Moszek 9 Izrael 40 KLEJMAN, Jcek * 16 Eli* 1 Szlama 60 2 VA 3 2 70 3 30 60 2 3 2 65 2 7 5 - Gitla z Lejbus Chana Nacha * Liba z Fajwlow Etla Malka z Abramow Sura* Fraydla - _* - .* Serla z Izraelow K K Koprzywnica zone Dobra z Kiwow, Gitla, Syfra, K zone Hana z Joskowiczow,... Koprzywnic a zone Gitla z Dawidowiczow, Chaim K syn Moszek Lejb, côrki Laja, Zysla Koprzywnica syn Szmerek, côrka Fryma K meza Boruch, côrka Brandla 3 K Fryma Syma Sura* Serli z Boruchow zone Gedala, Jcek & Wolw K brata Haim K Cywa Matla Liba - Sura - Malka z Noskow Marya z Gawrylow Gitla z Wolwow C-3 JJ 36 40 13 Froim 50 - Rybnica Szandla z Mendlow Fjga Nacha z Szlamow Aron Pini Lejbus 40 I 1 Wigdor 2w Nuta 2 Cherszl 63 K K K K rena z J OSKOW Dobra Mala Laia z Wigdorow Krajndia z Izraelow Sura z Ejzykow Jcek Berek Herszl 50 Symcha zone Liba Haja, Szlama, Zotka, Major,... K .* w. Nowa Mindla z Janklow Jenta * meza Lejbus, Eyzyk, Fiszel, Moszek... K Hana Gitla K meza Major K Sura Ita Ryfka z Moskowiczow K Fiszel, Moszek & Ejzyk K .* Koprzywnica Gitla z Majerowiczow Cyrla z Moszekow K Chaia * K Ita z Urysiow K Chena z Szulimow K Chaia z K [surname not given in Akt] K Chaia* Haiaz-?K Numa z Herszlow K Perla z Chandlow K Bajla z Janklow K zone Frayda z Abusiow, syn Abus... K Malka z Mortkowiczow K zone Ruchla, Hana & Sura K Mindla z Lejbusow K meza Jukiel, syn Szymon, côrka Estera K Estera * Koprzywnica syn Chaim Ele & côrka Malka K Matla * siostra Szprynca 5, stryja Lejb Szymon K Malka* Szmul Judka Abram Jcek Haim Jcek - Summer 2000 Sura Chendla Chinda Gitla Rajzla z Simsow - meza Anzelm K zone Serla z Jckow, syn Szaul K meza Major K K K K K K K K K K meza Jukla, Gimpel, Szmerek.. Koprzywnica zone Bayla, Zelman & Zelik K K w. Btonie K zone Haja, Herszl & Jukiel w . Faliszowice syn Josek, côrka Malka K K K K Jv zone Liba z Noskow, Cherszl, Cerla MalkaK Smerdyna K K zone Dassa z Berkowiczow, syn Lejbus K corki Mandzia & Ryfka K meza Abram, Izrael Major & Bajla K Peteryce zone Frayda z Jckow, Moszek... w. Kurociec Summer 2000 83 KO P 84 ROCHWERGIE R 85 GOLDSZTEI N 86 SZNAJDO R 87 OLIW A 88 FERBE R 89 BEDE R 90 EFFEKTE R 91 KIELBI K 92 FROCH T 93 ALABASTE R 1847 1 KIELBI K 2 FANKUCHE N 3 ME R 4 CZAPNI K 5 GOLDMA N 6 SNAJDE R 7 CHMIELNICK I 8 GIELE R 9 MAGIE T 10 GOLDWASE R 11 ZLOTNI K 12 GOLDHAME R 13 ZLOTNI K 14 SZPRON G 15 CHIMELFAR B 16 EFEKTO R 17 MAYNGARTE N 18 SALCBER G 19 WIZENFEL D 20 EFEKTO R 21 PACHCIAR Z 22 KAWEMA N 23 GRYNBA L 24 CHAJMA N 25 26 SZULDMA N 27 LICHTENBER G 28 KOMA R 29 HIMMELFAR B 30 BRAUNE R 31 MANDELMA N 32 FANTUC H 33 GANT Z 34 GORZYCZANSK I 35 GROSMA N 36 PANTY R 37 ZLOTNI K 38 KTPERWASE R 39 FLIGIELMA N 40 KAT Z 41 MERGIE N 42 WEJGMA N 43 GRYNBER G 44 AWENU S 45 BURSTY N 46 SPIR O 47 TYSZLE R 48 RAYCHMA N 49 BRAUNE R 50 TYSZLE R 51 TYSZLE R 52 MIELE C 53 KIME L 54 GUT A 55 SLISE R 56 GRYNBLA T 57 FANKUCHE N 58 MANDOR F 59 HIMMELFAR B 60 WAJNFEL D 61 BUCHALTE R 41 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 Szmul Bazia Jankiel Lejzer Lejbus Fiszel Sura Etla (wid. ) Josek Aydla Majer (wid. ) 40 2 Jankie l 30 70 30 1 Bere k 70 Jce k 60 30 2 Jankie l 65 - Chaim Etla Alter Rochla (wid. ) Zysman Lejb Estera Abram Golda Chaja (wid. ) Josek Jcie Ber Aba Leib Giela (wid. ) Chana Malka Jeta Josek Szymon Nuta Jakob Maior Malka Zysman Lejb Rachraa (wid. ) Etla Josek Izrael Bajla Jcie Izrael Dwoira (wid. ) Chawa Liba Fayga Moszek RUCHLA Szulim Krajndla Hana Tema Herszl Frajda Chena Ruchla Haim Ides (wid. ) Ejzyk Kalman Abram Chaja Izrael Gitla Genendla Ruchla Chercyk Abram (wid. ) Tema Abram Jcek Josek Jcie Lejb Sura (wid. ) Lejbus Noech Szmul 12 Josek * 3 Jose k 2 Zysma n 70 Mosze k 2 Bere k 36 GARBAR Z 80 30 60 3 Mortk a 60 30 42 Mortk a 33 Abra m 48 Jose k 1 Zysma n Leyb 24 2 Szmu l 1 Maio r 40 56 Majo r 40 Wigdo r 2 Izrae l Noech 70 50?2 Abra m 30 73 Jankie l (?) 3 Nuse n 12 Froi m 40 4 Jona s 14 Szmere k 1 Nachma n 12w Moszek 42 Mortk a 15 - • 1 Mortk a 18 Mosze k 40 62 1 Izrae l 2 Zeli k 2 Ejzy k 30 Mortk a 15 Usze r 2 Izrae l 38 - * 1 Zajnwe l 5 Faiwe l 70 3 Abra m 2 Ajzy k 50 64 4 Bere k 60 Matu s 50 1 Chersz l z Mejlech 6 Bere k 50 Mosze k Kajla Bajla zCherszlow Rnrhla - Bajla - Mirla Rayza Matla z Cherzykow C Sosi z Joskow Malka z Joskow Sora Ita z Lewkow Szandla z Piniow Itta z Rubinow Chaia Laia z Lewkow - K K zone Chaja z Mortkow, Mortka & Wolw K zone Chaja z Zelikow, Berke, & Lejbus K zone Nacha z Lejbus, Zotka, Szlama, zone rywka z Weysiow, Lejzer & Jcek K meza Abram, Moszek & Fajga syn Zeysman Lejb zone Mirla z Chaimow, Jcek, Chaim, ... K K K syn Lejbus V XV K K K w. Zbiegniewice Chana Bajla, Estera, Sura, Kajla, Bajl a K K ri V meza Berek, Gitla, Chaja, Josek, Chemia K K zone Dwoyra z Janklow, Marya, Sura K meza Noech GIELER, Sura, Moszek syn Josek w . Dmozice? K zone Giela z Mortkow, Cherszk... K zone Sura Szajdla z Joskow, Chaia, K Cherszk & Cywa LEDERMAN K meza Szachna SZPRONG, Chaia, Pesla K Ryfka, Gimpel & Leybus K K zone Chendla z Chaimow, Berek K K K zone Malka z Gorzyczanski, Jakob, Eyzyk K Maior & Syme K meza Wolw KAWEMAN, Jcek, Wigdor... K K Herszek & Berek K V iv K K K K Ryfka z Abramow K Ryfka Laia z Wolwow zone Gitla z Moszek, Joyzep Syzia 8, K K Zysla z Jakubow K Sura z Szajow K Hana z Lejzerow K Ruchla z Wolwow K meza Lejzer, Maie, Mosie, & Ruchla K Matla z K Ruchla K Gitla zone Jente z Jumesiow, Eli, Wolw,... K Lejbus & Zelik Koprzywnic a w. Sulistawice Perla z Szmulow w. Swini;uy Ryfka z Kalmanow K Laia z Abramow meza Chaskiel, Mortka, & Ryfka K K Perla z Izraelow K Fryma z Szlamow meza Mortka, Pinkwas, Berek, Cywia, ... K K Itta z Janklow K Sajda z Chaninow Jcek, Bayla & Mindla K K Estera z Lejbusiow K Liba z Lejbusiow K zone Marya z Wolwow, Abram zone Chana z Grynbalow, Genendla K K Cy wa z Nusenow synow Jcek, Izrael & Cherszl w . Kepice zone Fajga K Saydzi z Cherszlow K Fryma z Majorow K meza Moszek K zone Chawa z Goldhamerow, Tauba Marya, Jachet & Sura 4Z 1848 1 BUCHOLTZ Rudla [Ruchla] 2 GOLDCHAMER Aba Lejb Zelik 3 MERGIEN 4 TYSZLER Chaja Syraa (wid. ) 5 SALCBERG Fryma (wid. ) 6 LAUFER 7 FEFERMAN [FERMAN] Berek Gitla 8 KLOSEK Malka Gitla 9 LIDA 10 APOLET Bajnus Malka 11 NUSENBAUM 12 KATZ [MINTZsic ] Lejzur Chana (wid. ) 13 BEKIER Rajza (wid. ) M GRYNBLAT Moszek 115 LERER Aron [Abram ] 16 KARPEN Jcek 17 FENSTER Cherszl 18 SALCBERG Izrael 19 SZULDMAN 20 ABRAMOWICZ Chana 21 MORGIENSZTERN Ryfka 22 CWEIG Lejbus 23 ALOES Cherszl 24 LIPMAN Chana Giela 25 WENTER Szlama 26 KWIAT 27 MARC Laja 28 BERLIN Simsia [Simon] 29 TYSZLER Lejbus (wid. ) 30 CHIMMELFARB Dwoyra Zysman 31 GOLDHAMER 32 AGATER Brucha Fajga 33 KRYSZTAL Abus 34 SAS Szulim (wid. ) Moszek 35 FENSTER Kiwa (wid. ) 36 CHIMMELFARB Nuta 37 NISENBAUM 38 BINDER Cherszl 39 GRYNBAL Dyna [Dwoira] 40 NUDELMAN Ryfka 41 BUGIER Dawid (wid. ) Ruchla 42 PANTYR Chendla 43 GRYNBERG 44 DYNER Hana 45 WACIARZ Herszl 46 GRYNBERG Major 47 FENSTERSZAJBAUM Cyrla Lejbus 48 ZELIGER Mosia 49 GOLDFARB Marya 50 GOLDMAN Ruchla 51 GOLDCHAMER Malka (wid. ) 52 KIPERWASSER Sura 53 KACZOR (?) Cherszl 54 GROSMAN Lejbus (wid. ) 55 GARBARZ 56 CWAIG Lejzor (wid. ) Cherszl (wid. ) 57 GOLDFARB Moszek 58 KALINA Szaul 59 HOFMAN Jukiel 60 JARMULA 61 BEKIER Dawid 1849 1 GRYNBA L Malka Wolf 2 TREFLER Moszek 3 RAICHMAN Marya 4 LIDA 5 HOJCHMAN Szmul Szaindla 6 NUSENBAUM 7 NISENBAUM Fiszel Malka 8 DYNER 9 MERZEL Itta Rywenbajrych MER Chana (wid. ) ECHT 12 SZNAJDER Josek 13 DYNER Nisen (wid. ) 14 GRYNBLAT Fraida iï iielce-•Radotn SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 50 Mortka 9w Majora 42 - 35 60 64 4 24 38 7 Lejbus Mendel Zysi 6 Lejbus 11 Moszek 42 Dawid 75 60 60 53 43 - 60 40 Mendel 18 ERDFROCHT 50 12 6m Froim 18 . • 3 Abram 40 Josek 64 66 Jcek 10 Abram 50 15 Kalman 9 Jci 70 40 48 6m Mendel VA Moszek 29 Jankiel 30 Lewek 60 3 Lejzor 4 Uszer 3 Chaim Ojzer 1 Jcek 1 Lejbus 1 Jcek Major 1 Jcek 80 40 . * 50 60 Fajga - Estera Rayzla z Moszkow Gitla z Majorow Fajga z Cherszkow - Blima z Majerow .* Fajga z Eliaszow - - Jcy Syma z Berkowiczow Fraida * Marya z Abramow Gitla z Abramow - [Temal * Fajga z Fligielmanow Brandla Chaia Sura Hena Frayda z Jckow Chana z Lejbusiow .* .* Frajda z Elow S—sia z Elow 17 13 70 50 70 50 70 60 63 Szmul Josek - - 2m 6m 35 2 6 24 2 60 10 6m 60 7 Jojzep Faiwel Séria z Cherszlow Nacha z Michlow Menas Abram Pinkwas Maior Jcek Lejbus Zysman Szolim Berek Raizla z Cherszlow Cypa z Mortkow 60 3 - • Berek - Summer 200 0 meza Mejlech, Izrael, Szia w . Chodlowice K zone Gitla z Jckow, Abram & Mechla K K meza Chil Josek syn Idel K Brandla & Cypra K w. Kaczkowie w. Wlostowie meza Jankiel K meza Menas, syn Moszek K w. Btonie K syn Szol K K syn Izrael Szmul zone Malka z Iserow, syn Iser K zone Ita z Chaskl, Charscka w . Woli Konary zone Szprynca z Eliaszow,... Koprzywnica zone Bajla, Maior & Bajla K zone Chaia, Moszek, Aron, Wigdor... K meza Chaskiel w. Zserawice meza Alter K zone Hana z Sanow, Jana,... Koprzywnica brata Zelik K w. Zarownik brata Zelman & Nachman, siostra K K meza Jankiel, syn Josek, Major w. Smerdyna zone Chana z Moszkow, Szaul K syn Chil, côrka Cywia K K zone Szyfra z Gorzyczanski, Lejzer,... K K w. Gorki w. Zurawice zone Udes, côrka Ides K K w. Btonie K meza Simel, Moszek, Cywia meza Uszer, Lejbus, Jankiel & Jojzyp K côrka Chaja K K K K K K K meza Cherszl meza Izrael, Aron & Giela meza Kalman, syn Major Mortka, Abram & Dawid Koprzywnica w. Slabuszowice K K K K K K K Wolf Abraam K Josek & Zysla K w. Krolewice zone Ryfka, Lejbus, Laia w. Wisniowy zone Curtla z Joskow, Ezra zone Rayzla z Lejbusiow, Jarmula, K zone Rayzla z Jcicow, Abram, Jcek... K zone Tauba Chana, syn Berek meza Maior, côrka Malka Chana z Jckow meza Nisen, Eizyk & Pejsak Bina z Moszkow Matla z Rywenbajrych syn Jcek & côrka Zlota Estera z Lejbusiow * synow Eizyk & Pejsak • Cywia z Nusenow K K K K Koprzywnica w. Btonie Koprzywnica K w. Uzazow K K K K K Summer 2000 15 CYNAMO N 16 GURFINKIE L 17 ECH T 18 FINTE R 19 WINDE R 20 SZAFRA N 21 KARMESE R 22 WIZENFEL D 23 KRYSTA L 24 GRYNBER G 25 PENCZYN A 26 KOPE L 27 KARA S 28 WAINRY B 29 DYK O 30 KIESLE R 31 BINDE R 32 AGATE R 33 CWAI G 34 LEDERMA N 35 BRAUNE R 36 SZWAJCA R 37 AWENU S 38 ZLOTNI K 39 GOLDHAME R 40 ZLOTNI K 41 EPELBAU M 42 FENSTE R 43 TYSZLE R 44 RAUCHWERGIE R 45 LID A 46 SZYCHMA N 47 SZUCHMACHE R 48 WAINFEL D 49 WAINFEL D 50 AGATE R 51 GIEBE R [GIELER ] 52 BRAJDY K 53 ECH T 54 TENCZE R 55 SZWAYCE R 56 ME R 57 SIERACK I 58 TENCZE R 59 BOXER N 60 SIERACK I 61 KIPERWASE R 62 GANT Z 63 KENIKSBER G 64 WARZOGIE R 65 ZLOTNI K 66 KARA S 67 LAUFE R 68 ZEIDMA N 69 KO P 1850 1 LANCHOBE R 2 ZEME L 3 ROTSZTEI N 4 CWAI G 5 MILRO D 6 BRAUNE R 7 PANCE R 8 ECH T 9 GROSSMA N 10 HIRSZMA N 11 BURSZTY N 12 GRYNBER G 13 DYK O 14 RYWENBAIRYC H 15 KENIKSBER G 16 GRYNGRA S 17 BERMA N 18 TREFLE R 19 ROTENBER G Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 S[z]achna Lejbus (wid. ) Lema Rachma Gawryel Lejbus Chana Cypa Mejlech Szyfra Malka (wid. ) Rach[l]a Szprynca Boruch Lejbus Ruchla Chana Gitla Kalman Gitla Maior Moszek Chaia (wid. ) Izrael Baila Itta Szmul (wid. ) Berek Joel Chil Jankiel Manas (wid. ) Ejzyk Chaim Nusen Perla Jcek Major Ita Sura Szandla (w. ) Pinkwas Moszek Chaja (wid. ) Eiber (wid. ) Chaja Jankiel Itta Pejsak Gitla (wid. ) Marya Curtla Chindla Perla Herszl Krandla Izrael Beniamin Nacha (wid. ) Chaia Serla Cywia (wid. ) Sura Gitla Itta Chaim (wid. ) Rafal (wid. ) Zelik Sima Nuta Chaskiel Ruchla Nachman Maior Cywia (wid. ) Chana Wolw Eidla Cherszl 6m fin 12 1 80 6m 24 18 47 5 AO 8 8 16. JO 36 34 22 60 34 36 40 70 43 45 22 43 50 50 30 40 45 40 42 38 11 38 43 22 8 Chil Ryfka z Janklow Jojzep Mendel Eidla z Lemplow * Bajla . Marya z Szpirow Abram Etef(?) Pini Lejbus Chana z Szulimow Kopel Zyska Tema z Jckow Szandla z Awenusiow Lejb(?) Jcek \ _ ChaZLOTNIK _ Berek Abus Zelik _ _ Fryma z Micmacherov Fajga z Kalmanow JU \ 40 38 RYWENBAJRYCH 40 40 Szjmech AA ft 37 22 37 26 40 24 24 50 50 45 50 70 40 50 48 60 70 40 46 45 37 30 2 6m rn JV - RAICHMAN Lejbus Jcek Mortka Chendel I ZEIDMAN - AWENUS - Gimpel Wolw Chaskiel Abus Wolw Moszek Cherszl Lejbus * Chercyk I _ 30 50 32 Lejbus 47 - - Chinda z Eliaszow Ruchla z Lewkow \ _ - 43 Koprzywnica zone Baila z Szmerkow, & côrka Dobra K K w. Kaczkowie zone Bajla z Joskow, Jcek w . Trzykosach [Marya's father is K. Rabbi] K meza Moszek, syn Lejzor K meza Maior w . Blonie zone Chana z Mortkow, Mortka w. Swiecica K Szmul, Chorym, Berek,... w . Szymanowice K K K zone Chawa z Mortkow, Bajla.. . K zone Malka z Szulimow K meza Maior, Boruch, Lipa, & Jcek K meza Moszek, syn Jcek K zone Sima z Symow, Moszek, Estera K meza Jukiel, syn Jcek zone Dwoira z Juklow, Moszek, Ruchla K meza Name z Herszlow, Abram, Jcek,... K syn Herszl w Jaliszowice zone Chana z Mortkow, Wolw... K meza Szmul, Izrael, Jankiel, Szolim, ... meza Major Jakob, Marya Izrael, Jankiel, Szolim, Chaia & Mechel zone Gitla z Pinkwasow, Szmerek,... zone Baila Itta, Jojzep & Pesla zone Chaja z Szmulow, syn Szmul zone Bajla z Mortkow, Ide & Estera Chana, Chendla & Jenta zone Raizla z Gierberow, Tyla, Ruchla zone Szandla z Janklow meza Moszek, Zelik, Pajzla & Chja meza Cherszl, Fajga, Ruchla & Dassa syn Pinkwas Lejzor, Lejbus, Szmul & Jcek syn Cherszl meza Zysman zone Gitla z Raichmanow, Hil, Szolim, meza Szmul, Nachman, Esetera & zone Dyna z Majorow, Majo r & Marya Hil, Szolim, Fajga & Chana meza Lejbus, côrka Zysla meza Herszl, Alter, & Ruchla meza Szymon, Chana meza Dawid, syn Ry wen zone Haja z Janklow meza Jankiel, côrka Mala zone Sura z Mortkowiczow w . Blonie zone Haja z Cherszlow, Izrael & Ita K Zotka, Szlama & Chaja K meza Maior, syn Chaim Koprzywnic a meza Beniamin, côrka Faiga K Dawid, Chskiel & Chana K meza Lejzor, syn Jukiel Koprzywnic a meza Lejbus, Maior & Szprynca K Chaia, Kaila, Chendla, Siejwa & Chinda K syn Dawid w . Slabuszowice zone Faiga, Maior & Jcek K meza Jojzep, Moszek, Wolw, Chinda,... K zone Ruchla z Jckow, Mala, Marya,... K zone Gitla z Jckow, Abram, Weska?... K meza Szmul, Lejzor, Jcek, Ryfka, Ruchl K K K Szmel (?), Josek & Ruchla K meza Berek, Szmul & Ryfka Koprzywnic a zone Sura z Szmulow, Chana & Szmul K meza Izrael, Moszek, Chaia.. K zone Ryfka z Joskow, Chemicw. Zawichow 44 1851 Kielce-RadomSJG JournalVolum e 4, Number 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 AWENUS BACHMAN LAUFER DYNER BAUM TERKIELTOP BEKIER LEDERMAN LEDERMAN DYKSZTEIN WAISBORT ALDWERGIER KARMESER CWAIG KWIAT WENTER ALMACHER WAINFELD KOFMAN GRYNBERG NUDELMAN BAUM ERDFROCHT BRAUNER GANC ALDWERGIER Berek (wid. ) Szmul Laia Eizyk Chinda Dwoira Berek (wid. ) Cypa Chaia (wid. ) Mortka Ruchla Siapsia Estera Chaia Lejzor Ryflca Etla Szlama Krandla Faiga Lejbus Izrael Wolw Jcek Maior Mortka Szaja Laia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ROTSZTEIN GOLDFARB GARBARZ RYMER ROZENBAUM AKTOR TREFLER GROSMAN FLIGIELMAN GRYNBERG EIZENMAN BUDA ZONTAK CWEIG BERMAN GROJSKOP DRYKIER JAMA LEDERMAN FAIERSZTEIN BUDEN GLOSMAN BEKIER RAYCHMAN AWENUS Pinkwas Zyskind Chana Major Chaia Fayga (wid. ) Sura (wid. ) Josek Gitla Perla Mendel Liba [Lida ] Wolw Leyzur (wid. ) Sura (wid. ) Josek Chana Josek Jcek Jcek Chinda Estera Sura [Serla ] Moszek Cypa 1 GOLDFARB ZEMEL BAUM CUKIERMAN KLAJNOT KARAS KOFMAN MERZEL ZYLBERBERG HAJMAN LAUFER NISENBAUM SZULDMAJSTER CYNAMON GOLDMAN BOJMAL MINTZ PENCZYNA Szmul Szuli m Beniamin Maior Marya Mortka (wid. ) Szymon Fryma (wid. ) Lejbus Chaim Zelik Ruchla Szlama Faiga Dwoira Chaja Rajzl a Sora Lejb Lejzor (wid. ) Simsia Jocheta 1852 1853 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 70 50 40 40 30 70 30 60 4 4 4 3 3 40 1 20 lm 3 _ _ Jcek Szlama Izrael Chaskiel Jszer Moszek Szmerek Wolw* Zelik Vloszek 6m Abram Jszer 4 5 Uszer 30 40 3 leek Zainwe Szmerek 7 30 70 40 40 55 38 70 80 60 50 70 10 58 58 70 50 45 55 24 6m ..ederman 10 30 10 40 3 32 2 70 10 5 60 60 70 36 26 35 10 25 24 38 1 70 7 32 Cywia Fraida Fraidla Laia z Moszkow Malka z Echtow Malka z Tyszlerow Tema z Berkow Pesla z Fensterow Perla zChendlow* Sima z Szmulow Szandla z Ryfka* Laia z Joskow Sura z Szaiow ankiel Liba Mechla 'inkwas Szaydla A.ron Siwa Zyskind * Szandla Zelman vlaior Malka z Chaimow Chana z Wolwow Chil Laia Urys Zelik Jenta ^ejzor Dobra Summer 2000 zyn Cherszl, Szandla, & Chendla K zone Ryflca, Szulim & Ryfka Koprzywnic a meza Chil, Fajga, Chaia, Cypa, Szlama... K zone Brandla, Pesla, Chana & Perla K meza Szyie, Éidla, Laia & Lejbus K syn Cherszl w . Krulewice meza Szol K Szlama, Abus, Lederman, Chaim... K K Koprzywnica Koprzywnica ]\. K meza Jukiel, Ela, Mortka, GitlaKoprzywnic a K w. Wloztowie K K K K K w. Byszow zone Laia, Gierson, Mosie... K zone Faiga, & Izrael K K K meza Uszer zone Gitla, Kalman & Chaia K zone Szandla, Cherszl K meza Zysla, Szaia, Maior & Brucha K zone Fraidla, syn Gierszon K meza Beynus, syn Jcek Lejb K Mortka, Jenta & Serla K syn Simel K zone Braydla, Moszek, Wolw & Chinda K meza Mendel, Jukiel, Aron, Enoch... K meza Josek, Moszek, Ley bus, Uszer... K Iwaniska meza Mortka, Abus, Uszer... Koprzywnic a zone Pesla, Beniamin... Koprzywnic a syn Jankiel Koprzywnic a Chana & Zelik K zone Sima, Aron, Berek... w . Domoradzice meza Josek, Perla, Szyfra, Brandla..-. K K K wies Bazowie Koprzywnica meza Major, Szai a & Gitla Koprzywnica meza Jcek, Chajm, Pinkwas, Dawid... K K meza Herszl, & Wolw K zone Laia, côrka Dwoira K K w. Byszow w. Gorki Urys & Frajda K zone Minda, JankieJ & Chawa K Abram, Menés & Liba K zone Bina, sura & Cypa w . Uzarzow zone Dobra, syn Izrael 3 Koprzywnic a meza Berek, syn Judka K meza Alter, côrka Chawa Laia 2 w . Btonie meza Major K meza Jankiel Lejzor, Chaim... Koprzywnic a côrka Gitla age 30 K IV meza Szmul Lejbus, Perla, Josek w . Rybnic Summer 2000 45 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 Chmielnik Births 1876-188 4 FHL microfilms #1,192,418 , #1,808,864-86 5 Akt Surname 1876 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 DZABA KLAJNMAN FRYDMAN CZARKA KASSOWSKI TURSKI MAJOR BALOGURSKI GOLDSZTAJN ROZENBLUM WAJCMAN MILLER TAREK SZWARC TARNOWSKI TCHURZ CZAPNIK DIAMENT MYDLARZ RUMANY GURGEL PTASZNIK WAJZBLAT ROZENBERG BERLINSKI ZAIONC SAMENDBAUM RECHTMAN ZAWACKI ZRYCKI BELFER GOLDLIST SBERZINEK MORTYN MOSZENBERG HOROWICZ KNOBEL NAJMAN FAJNER NIRENBERG MROZEK LEWKOWICZ WISNICKI URCWAJG BEKER MALY WETRZNIK GRUSZKA LEWANDOWSKI SOLNIK LEMBERG ZUNSZAJN ROZENSZTAJN DRESNAN NAJGAUS NAJGAUS PLUCIENNIK WAJNBERG SKURA DYZENGAUS KASZERMAN LANGWALD OTREMBA WISNICKI PASTERNAK NOZIC Given Name Parents Gerszla Blima Rajzla Frimeta Ruchla Szifr a Cyrla Liba Tabla Liba Lejzor Laja Szifr a Liba Abram Aron Malka Fajwel Jakob Izrael Gerszel Abram Chaja Dyn a Perla Tauba Rywka Maria Welka Chana Loca Jankel Abram Josek Josek Chawa Rywka Moszek Mendel Sura Golda Maria Blima Chaim Dawid Gerszla Malka Boruch Fajgla Tauba Josek Fajgla Ciwi a Szmul Zelik Majer Szimon, Hana SAKOWSKI Moszek Lejb, Gitl a MILNER Pinkus, Ruchla Nacha FELEGER Izrael Mortka, Rochl a RAKOWSKI Moszek Hersz, Malka Krajdla LEWKOWIC Z Herszel, Cyw a Krajdla BURSZTY N Zelik, Sur a Marya BALOGURSK I Mendel, Rochla RUBINSTAJ N Herszel, Jochweta WANTRAC H Herszel, Perl a Dwojra EGE R Moszek, Kajl a Zelda KRAWEC Moszek Berek, Fajgla Mindl a RUMANY Izrael Hersz, Kajla Zeld a CHLJEB Mortka, Malka SWIGARSKI Herszel, Gitl a ZLOTNK Bencyan, Brucha MINSKI Lejbus, Rochl a BRONEWSKI Moszek Nuta, Dobra BIRENBAUM Jona, Bajla DZIORA Majer, Han a Fajgla KAMENCHO R Abram, Sur a Gitla NEWIDOMK I Herszel, Brandla HERSZBERG Enoch Elja, Rochl a KENZKI Majer, Haj a Bajl a TAUBENBLA T Lejzor, Hind a FINKELSZTAJ N Moszek, Bas a JOSKOWICZ Szmul, Mala MARKOWICZ Tobiasz, Rywk a KAMINSKI Szmul Hersz, Sura Laja ZLOTN K Josek, Bajla ABRAMOWIC Z Szija, Szandl a DZIORA Icek, Haja MAL Y Nuta, Rajzla Brandla LEWKOWIC Z Jankel, Rywka ZELKOWICZ Jankel, Marya Cylka MENDELOWICZ Wolf, Doba Rywka LEMBERG Hajm, Haj a Mary a SZTRAUC H Hersz Berek, Fajgla Krajdl a GOLDRU D Haskel, Hana PTASZNIK Abram, Rajna BRAUMA N Mordka Szosl, Haja URBAJTE L Herszel, Bajla AJZENBER G Pinkus, Ciwa SZIEB Fajgla Judka Icek Gerszla Dawid Estera Maria Szmul Fajwe l Moszek Chana Rywka Blima Uren Chaja Sur a Matla Nacha Dawid Chaja Brandl a Gimpel Dawid Mindla Dawid Moszek Josek Fajgla Estera Ruchla Chaja Josek, Hana Laja BUGAJSK I Josek, Malka WAJNBERG Berek, Laja DZAB A Berek, Hana LEWKOWICZ Wolf, Haja TARNOWSK I Berek Lejb, Ester a Laja GERTNE R Boruch, Hana KAUFMAN Machel, Frajdla ROZENBLU M Moszek, Hana Cina HAIMOWIC Z Josek, Estera MENDROWSK I Majer, Gitl a Dyna GOLDBERG Majer, Gitl a Dyna GOLDBERG Berek, Haja Laj a ROZENCWAJ G Lejb Hersz, Gnendl a GUTMAN Szmul, Haja WASERMA N Izrael, Brandla GOLDLIS T Abram Dawid, Liba WAJCMAN Hajm Josek, Sura LERNER Markel Hersz, Majtla RUCIZK I Herszel, Rajcla RAJCWEL D Machel, Hana Blima MKULOWSKI Nusin, Zlota Szprinca ZETELNYK Blima Szmul, Rajzl a BLIOGURSK I FAge MAge 22 40 22 29 22 20 20 34 . 19 29 19 36 32 30 20 37 24 42 29 36 24 24 38 60 34 36 24 42 36 24 31 30 38 50 32 26 35 19 21 40 28 36 54 37 26 30 25 21 30 30 36 40 61 21 21 26 33 30 40 26 36 24 26 40 46 22 30 22 24 19 20 18 26 20 18 28 17 35 25 28 18 36 22 32 26 33 22 20 30 40 24 36 28 37 30 24 31 30 30 22 28 30 34 19 20 20 27 32 25 . 26 24 . 20 28 30 30 38 40 20 20 23 28 28 40 23 36 23 26 29 40 Kielce-Kadi om bid Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 to 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 WAJNRYB NOZIC TCHURZ ROZENBLUM FELBLUM JUTRZENKA CHABER CHLEEB OGNEWICZ DYZENGAUS MENDROWSKI FINKELSZTAJN KLAJNPLAC GOLDBERG OPATOWSKI GORLICKI MERNIK BALOGURSKI LEWENSZTAJN TCHURZ KLIOSKA GORLICKI ROZENBERG HERSZKOWICZ RUBINSZTAJN SZYDLOWSKI OGNEWICZ JUTRZENKA AJSZENKER MONCARZ PLUTNO GOLDRUST TCHURZ ZERENCKI FERSZTER SZLAMOWICZ SOLNIK CHMIELNICKI SLABOSZEWSKI OKSENCHENDLER LADOWSKI OSSJA ZERNICKI MENDLEWICZ MYDLARZ JAKUBOWICZ SWICZARCZIK GORLICKI SWICZARCZIK SWICZARCZIK GUTMAN ZILBERSZTAJN KAMELCHORN CINOMAN WIERNIK KIERSZENCWAJG MORTYN ZILBERBERG EPSZTAJN STOPNICKI KWASNEWSKI PASTERNAK FAJNER APELBAUM SZTERN MBKULOWSKI LAMET BEKER ERLICH GOLDBURT CHMIELNICKI PACHOL ZERNICKI Abram Nusyn Rajzla Gnendl a Szmul Moszek Laja Pinkus Sura Estera Zajwel Machel Nusyn Icek Bajla Fajgla Tabla Fajwel Haja Frajdla Liba Tabla Mordka Dwojra Mindla Golda Fiszel Lej b Malka Chinda Szandla Chaim Abram Chaja Sur a Jachweta Rywka Laj a Szprinca Sura Icek Herszel Lej b Gnendla Brandla Laj a Elsonora Leontin a Rajzla Mordka Abram Chaim Myrla Sura Icek Tauba Chaim Ecyk Abram Icek Sura Zelman Josek Cejwa Icek Rojza WulfLejzor Ruchla Maria Gerszel Chana Frajdl a Myrla Sora Mortka Chaim Abram Maje r Fajgla Moszek Lej b Fiszel Szaj a Josek Moszek Josek Szaja Szmelk a Dawid Moszek Frajdla Berek Poltiei Szlama Icek Chaja Frajd a Chanina Ruchla Wolf Lejb, Rajzla Laj a PASTERNA K Geszel Moszic, Hana PACANOWSKI Icek, Estera WILNER Abel, Bajla Mirla NAJGAUS Majer Icek , Haja HOJNO W Szimon, Ruchla ZEJBERLIC Izrael Nuta, Hana MINSKI Berek, Rajcla GOLDLIS T Machel, Brandla LEWCOW Abram Josek, Blima POZATKOW Izrael, Haja FINKELSZTAJ N Sana, Rajzla ZONO W Szimon, Bazis LEWOSKI Gercek, Rochl a POTOK Icek, Estera KOZLOW Nuchym Dawid, Ruchla ROTENBERG Moszek, Ester a Sura LEWKOWICZ Kuna, Rochla MENTLJK Moszek, Rochl a LAMENSZTER N Pejsak, Gitl a ROZENBERG Szlama, Tajbla KRAWCO W Nuchym Dawid, Ruchl a ROTENBERG Herszel, Hana BESENDORF Sana, Cyrla WAJNSZTAT Aron, Rywka LUKOWICZ Josek, Blima Fajgla SLEDENKO W Majer, Sur a Marya NAJFELD Moszek Aron, Rywka JUTRZENKOW Josek, Rywka SMOLARZ Lejb, Zeld a MAJERKOW Andzel, Frajdla FRYMERMA N Szimon, Mindla Haja ZYLBERSZTAJ N Hajm Dawid, Laja BUGAJSK I Kalma, Fajgla Haw a WAJNZAJM Moszek Hil, Klara NOWAKOW Zelman, Gitla MANELOWICZ Szimon, Cyrla CYMROT Morkda Szija, Ester a Malka FRYDMAN Lejbus, Rywk a ABRAMOW Rafal, Hana Idesa KWASNEWSKI Wolf, Paja KAMINSK I Juma, Perla Krendla BOKLOW Herzel, Bajla Dwojra JAKOROW Lejbus, Sur a KUGMOW Moszek Kiwa, Rywka PAPLAK Szmul, Hana MASARZ Ejnoch Elja , Marya Fajgla TCHUR Z Kopel, Ryfka PRAWERMA N Berek, Fajgla WAJNBER G Berek, Fajgla WAJNBER G Herszel Eliaszewicz, Rochla PACHEZAK Simcha, Rywka PTASZNJK Szimon, Malka ROZENBLUM Ejzyk, Sur a Itla KOBILKOW Moszek, Sima BUGAJSKI Wolf, Fajgla HELFMA N Majlich, Malk a Marya MYDLARZ Icek Wolf, Sur a GUTMAN Rabbi Lejbus, Drajzl a MORGENSZTAJ N Lejzor Jankel, Sura PRAWER Dawid, Haja Ruchla WAJZAJGROW Herszek, Cyw a PTASZKEWICZ Haskel, Hana PTASZNJK Lejzor, Czark a LITMAN Lejzor, Cyrl a NAPARSTEK Ejzyk, Han a GOLDBLUM Szmul Abram, Hana CZARNA Moszek, Szajndla Rywka ZMIDEK Juma, Idla KWASNEWSKI Herszel, Sora Rywka KASSOWSKI Moszek, Hawa NOWAK Berek, Rywka Idesa LADOWSKI Fiszel. Hana FRYDMAN Summer 2000 30 28 35 33 38 28 25 20 22 27 45 50 50 40 30 32 26 23 32 36 24 40 31 25 50 32 37 23 52 25 40 42 19 34 20 20 36 37 26 30 30 28 24 40 26 45 36 40 36 25 22 40 40 38 22 36 . 20 23 42 38 44 26 38 24 40 38 23 23 19 40 29 20 23 23 31 42 43 20 30 45 28 29 23 22 29 24 32 30 23 22 32 24 33 38 18 30 19 30 36 24 26 28 24 24 36 26 42 29 36 35 21 22 36 40 36 22 36 36 36 20 23 40 35 40 36 23 36 26 22 20 19 38 24 20 20 22 21 40 38 20 24 Summer 200 0 140 KRAKOWSKI 1877 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 WAJNBERG FAJNKUCHEN WAL WAJSBORT WAJSBORT SZENKER JUDIS WARGA SOLARZ BUJAK FAERSZTAJN KLAJMAN BORUCH LEWKOWICZ CHMBELNICKI RYMOR TCHURZ SZYDLOWSKI ICKOWICZ KWASNEWSKI CZARNUCHA DAJTELBAUM LEMEL KOPEK WAJSBLAT FEFER RECHT WISNICKI STRAJWON CYTRIN ZONSZAJN CECERSKI DYZENGAUS SKURA SZYZCKI KACZINSKI WAJCMAN WULFOWICZ EJZENBERG SZULMAN MENDROWSKI MYDLARZ PLESZEWSKI ZYLBERSZTAJN MIODOWNIK GOLDSZTAJN KANICKI SZTERENFELD LIOBKA GOTLYB GDALEWICZ GDALEWICZ PISKURIS BIRENBAUM MENTLIK RUBIN RUBIN LEWENSZTAJN GOLDBERG LEWKOWICZ ZYLBERBERG JAROS WYGODNY KESEL MORTYK STOPNICKI ZINGER WARSZAWSKI WARSZAWSKI PISKURIS 47 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 Kielce-l Simcha Jankel, Sura Bajla IGELN K 38 3 Liba Uszer Simcha Sura Rochla Sucher Chudesa Jakob Josek Laja Chaja Icek Uryn Abram Lejbus Rywka Fraj a Abram Ejnoch EIj a Gerszel Berek Nuchim Bencian Rywka Szija Fiszel Arj a Szmul Chendla Estera Abram Mortka Szaja Zysman Josek Boruch Uszer Malka Lejb Beniamin Estera Laj a Mindla Laj a Udesa Danal Aron Icek Moszek Estera Frajdl a Ajdla Abram Kiwa Abram Jakob Aron Nuchim Berek Lejzor Josek Dawid Ejzyk Szija Jakob Jankel Chaim Szandla Nesla Bencian Zelik Abram Szimcha Fajgla Ester a Dyna Chenoch Frajdla Gitl a Chaja Bajl a Majer Abram Majer Abram Icek Mordka Chana M. Icek Chil Sima Jankel Berek, Malka Haja WOLCMA N Abram, Hana Majtla PYSTERMA N Berek, Rywka Majtla ROZENCWAJ G Josek Majer, Laj a ISEROWSK I Alter, Pesla Laja DOBRECK I Herszel, Tauba Etla LANGWALD Szmul Jakob, Perla MEDOWNK Simcha, Sur a Ryfka BEKE R Moszek Josek, Sor a TASEM Wolf, Hana DZABA Josek, Itla BLUMENSZTAJN Abram, Sora TARKELTAUB Alter, Sura Laja FAJNSZTA T Mordka, Mandla NOZIC Mejer Zisl, Zlota BRAKOWSKI Szmul Zelman, Dobra Rochla HERSZKOP Moszek, Hana KESEL Hajm Hersz, Sura KUGEL Abram, Samcha LABUSZEWSKI Efroim Moszek , Frajdl a LEMBER G Pinkus, Perla MIODOWNI K Simcha Mendel, Perla BOCHMAJER Kalma, Marya SZTAJNFEL D Aba Nuta, Sora CHMIELNECKI Mosek, Brucha OZAROWICZ Szmul, Rywka KOCHEN Aron Berek, Hana JICARZ Judka, Ita Szprynca ZELAZNJJC Majer, Rochl a PTASZNK Dawid, Tauba Cejwa CYMRO T Machel Hersz, Marya STRAUS Lejbus, Sur a BUGAJSKI Hajm, Blim a ZAIONC Aron, Hana Laja MENTLIK Zelman, Zlot a Idesa ELIASZOWICZ Lejbus, Rajzla FRYDBER G Abram, Hana Cejwa ROZENBERG Lipa Zelik, Perla Etla PUTERMAN Wolf Lipa, Rochla Laja GROJSMA N Dawid, Mary a GORLICKI Manel, Marya Ruda CICZHER Josek Lejb, Rajzla FRYDMA N Moszek Lejb, Ester a CHELE R Icek, Haja Perla FRYDMAN Enoch EIja, Mindla Haja KWASNEWSK I Mordka, Sor a Hindla KASSOWSKI Majer, Taub a Cyrla PTASZNJK Moszek, Basa SZTERENFEL D Szmul Liobka, Hana Haja CZAPN K Majer, Taub a ORBACH Szmul Fajwel, Bajl a Perla ICKOWICZ Szmul Fajwel, Bajl a Perla ICKOWIC Z Haskel, Pesla ZAIONC Szmul Aron, Cejw a OSSIAKA Izrael Moszek, Entla ELFANT Rubin, Hana Laja MENTLI K Moszek Rubin, Rajzla NAPARSTE K Berek, Marya Rykla PONARANCBLUM Abram, Sora ZRYCKI Pinkus, Hana Sima PLUCIENNK Mosek, Estera Doba ZLOTNIK Dawid, Perla JAKUBOWICZ Abram, Fajgla KNOBE L Lejbus, Hana WAJNBERG Icek, Fajgla WAJZE R Jankel, Ruchla AJDLER Mosek Hajm, Sur a Szajdla GOLDBLU M Icek, Sur a Ryfka SZNEE R Szmul Hajm, Laj a PASTERNA K Fajwel, Mindl a ICKOWICZ 33 25 22 24 40 40 25 20 25 42 56 20 23 35 26 22 36 38 50 45 25 20 33 26 23 37 30 25 30 20 21 20 20 20 24 30 32 26 23 32 38 28 40 40 37 23 38 39 24 19 32 32 36 36 24 37 40 30 32 31 32 40 23 39 27 40 38 42 40 40 6 30 24 20 29 38 30 25 20 25 24 32 19 23 33 23 22 20 36 30 40 23 19 33 19 20 35 26 22 25 18 18 18 18 22 23 30 28 25 22 30 36 26 36 40 35 18 36 37 25 19 33 33 24 32 24 37 36 28 30 30 30 32 22 36 25 28 36 35 38 26 4S 71 72 72.5 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 MAZERMAN KLIOSKA AWELSZTAJN FINKELSZTAJN AWELSZTAJN EDWABNY SLEZINGER RAFALOWICZ SZTRAUCH OZAROWICZ DYZENGAUS FRYDMAN WALDBERG HERCBERG SKURA ELINCWAJG KOPEK DZIORA WINCIKSZTAJN SZWARC ROTZENMERLER KWASNEWSKI NIZINSKI SZTERENFELD KLAJNMAN DIAMENT WYGODNY WYGODNY SWICZARCZIK BRANSZTETER DIAMENT ICKOWICZ NAPARSTEK ICKOWICZ CYTRINBAUM DRLSOWESKI URBAJTEL CYTRINBAUM DIAMENT MOSZENBERG KAUFMAN GOLDBERG PRZENDZA SOLARZ HALCMAN DIAMENT ZADEK BLAJBERG CHMEELNICKI FRYDENBERG SOBKOWSKI KWASNEWSKI MIODOWNIK SLEDZIONKA STOPNICKI GOLDBLAT BLIOGRAND NAJMAN SZMULEWICZ MENTLIK KORENBLUM KLARMAN KOLOMB MINSKI GRYNGRAS FELEGER ELIASZEWICZ JUDIS TEFLEWICZ SWICZARCZIK MYDLARZ CZARNA GOLDBERG Chaja Sura Margules Towe Berek Kiwa Berek Towe Kiwa Chena Sura Rywka Chaja Chaim Josek Szajndla Jakob Mosek Sura Rywka Idesa Wulf Berek Pesla Rochla Lejzor Aba Aron Bajla Ruchl a Szlama Gersz Malka Myrla Chana Josek Chaskel Chaim Jochen Hana Moszek Golda Szmul Mindla Abram Wulf Sora Mindla Rywka Gerszel Mendel Chaim Szlama Icek Aron Machel Izrael Icek Chil Chaim Perla Mindla Kopel Icek Aron Ajdla Jankel Sura Laja Lejbus Szlama Chaim Perla Ruchla Laj a Cypa Brandla Sura Chil Judka Josek Nuta Abram Izrael Maje r Nachma Cejwa Malka Szprinca Uszer Itla Chaja Sur a Lipa Ruchla Szandla Abram Sura Rywka Chaja Szurtl a Fajgla Berek Szlama, Laja FRYDMA N Simcha Boruch, Cyna BULWA Nusyn, Estera Ruchla BULWA Lejbus, Laj a FINKELSZTAJ N Nusyn, Estera Ruchla BULWA Szimon, Frajda ZMIDE K Wolf, Hana PEPERMAN Moszek Machel, Frajdl a Szandl a DIAMENT Szaul Hersz, Sur a Frajda ROZENSZTAJ N Izrael, Bajla BLIOGRIN D Mandel, Ruchla GOLD Hajm, Kajla Tabla DIAMENT Moszek, Rochla JAKUBOWICZ Abram Gdalewicz, Hana MUZYKANT Aron, Lana Laja MENTLI K Gabriel Boruch, Haja Laja PLESZEWSK I Wolf, Ruchla LEDERMA N Herszel, Sur a Brandla RYDEM Machna, Gitl a BOCHMAJER Juma, Sur a Laja OSAKA Chil, Hawa SKLAR Simcha, Fela Sura KRYSZTAL Berek, Jachwet ZAWADSK I Szmul Mendel, Rajzla AJZENBERG Moszek Lejb, Gitla MBLNER Jankel, Perla FRYDMAN Izrael, Laja BLANK Izrael, Laja BLANK Abram Lejzor, Ester a RAJCH Kalma, Sora HERSZKOWICZ Elja Jokel, Malka Krajdla ROZENCWAJ G Icek, Dyna JOSKOWICZ Ejzyk, Blim a TENENBAUM Abram, Rochl a Laja ZYLBERBER G Icek, Haja FLINKE R Fajwel, Han a WARSZAWSKI Jankel, Hana GUTMAN Szydla, Estera Gitla ROZENBLUM Hersz Mendel, Raszka WAJNTAUB Icek, Rywka SMECHLER haskel, Bajla NITKA Berek Lejb, Zysla STOPNICKI Zelik, Blima SZAJNBERG Izrael, Hana OSKA HERSZEL, Hana ROZENCWAJG Dawid, Rajzla Machl a WARSZAWSKI Hajm Jona, Wolca FRYDMAN Elja Hajm, Rywk a LERNER Berek, Rochla Rejla SMALKA Boruch Josek, Ajdla FRYDBER G Jojzen, Han a Bajla BORKOWSKI Zelek, Zlota WARZAG Abram Icek, Gnendla BULWA Ajzyk, Fajgl a Brandl a MINKOWSKI Szlama, Gnendl a ARCHIND Majlich, Han a Hindla SOWOW Icek, Rykla ABRAMOWICZ Szimon, Temerla GERTNE R Ksyl, Hana Sura BAKALARZ Szija Jakob, Hana DIAMENT Dawid, Laja LINCBER G Szmelka, Mindla Haja JAROS Lejbus, Haja Bajla GOLDFAR B Mosek Majer, Sor a Dyna SUKLA Szimcha Boruch, Wolk a NAJMAN Abram, Mindla PLUCIENNIK Mendel, Blima JAKUBOWSKI Mendel, Sura Etla KLARMAN Izrael Hersz, Estera KWASNEWSKI Lejzor, Ester a RAJCH Lejbus, Alta Cywa SWICZARCZIK Szaja, Han a Itla CZAPNJK Mosek, Haja Sor a DZABA Summer 2000 30 19 25 27 25 25 38 22 40 41 44 42 27 42 20 19 36 24 36 22 23 40 28 26 40 24 40 40 40 32 34 35 42 26 39 40 28 26 23 40 36 40 26 42 43 42 24 26 25 40 40 37 44 30 36 35 28 38 32 36 21 26 25 40 20 42 29 30 40 39 22 38 22 19 24 26 24 22 36 21 38 40 40 40 25 36 22 22 32 24 35 22 22 36 21 26 30 25 20 20 40 28 35 42 26 . 36 26 20 20 38 35 36 27 40 40 30 25 25 24 24 30 37 30 28 32 35 27 27 36 30 30 18 24 25 36 20 40 27 30 40 36 29 40 Summer 2000 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 AJZENBERG MILLER GLIKSMAN FRYDMAN ELIASEWICZ GOTFRYD LEMASZNIK RUBINSZTAJN PODOLSKI SZPINER DZADEK SZTRAUCH DYRENFELD PRAWER GLIOZMAN BULWA GORLIKOWICZ BLANK GROZBERG SMOLARZ GORISELNIK ROZENBERG ZADEK ASPIS ZISMAN ZALCBERG ZALCBERG FAERSZTAJN BERLINSKI DYZENGAUS GOTLYB KALINSKI SZYDLOWSKI BRUM RYDELNIK MORTYK RUMANY DIAMENT NOZIC FRAJTMAN LEWKOWICZ ZRYCKI BOGUCHWAL RAJMAN KAUFMAN FELEGER KUPFERBERG EPSZTAJN MALY TAUBENBLAT SOBKOWSKI KLAJNMIC ROTENBERG GOLDSZTAJN CHMIELNICKI GOLDBORT SOLARZ KAUFMAN UDLER GORLICKI ROZENSZTAJN DIAMENT KAMIC PANSKI GOLDSZTAJN JUTRZENKA 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 1878 1 KUN MORTYN 2 KLEPCARZ 3 FRYDMAN 4 KORENBLUM 5 49 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 Kielce-i Gitla Rywka Nachma Gela Chana Ruda Liba Chena Chaim Simcha Jacheta Liba Izrael Chaske l Fajgla Frajdla Jakob Josek Abram Lajb Gerszel Chaja Perl a Gela Abram Izrael Nuta Chindla Laj a Abram Chindla Laj a Moszek Icek Perla Estera Nacha Kaima Rubin Lejzor Lipa Icja Abram Icek Fajgla Chenoch Jide? Chawa Abram Lejzor Sru! Szmul Brandla Szmul Maje r Estera Frajdla Lew Icek Temerla Abram Maria Blima Maria Dobra Chawa Izrael Mosek Chil Chana Rojza Szlama Josek Boruch Szmul Gersz Tajbla Gerszel Icek Mendel Lejb Srul Lejbus Laja Josl Lejbus Salomoja Laja Dwojr a Chaim Moszek Kalma, Sora Rywka NOZIC Wolf, Klara FRAJMAN Herszel, Dobra Gela BALOGURSKI Moszek, Fryme t SZYDLOW Hajm Haskel, Fajgla DYZENGAU S Minkus, Etla Laja BROM Wolf, Bajla CYMRO T Sucher, Hinda MACHTYGER Abram Aron, Malka MOSZKOWICZ Hajm, Rajzl a KOLOM B Berek Hersz, Haja SZWARC Haskel, Rywk a Laja MENTL K Abram Szaja, Frajdl a Malk a WAJCMA N Mendel, Szifr a LIOBK A Elja Wolf, Sora Laja WYGODN Y Icek, Frajdla RUTMA N Herszel, Sor a Mindla WAJCMA N Kalma, Nachyma SWINTOWSKI Abram, Rywka Rochla ZLATKI Lejbus, Machl a ROZENBLU M Berek, Rywka GOLDSZTAJ N Hercyk, Rywk a DRUKARS Z Josek Wolf, Pesla OKSENHENDLER Lejbus, Szajdl a MANE S Lejzor, Sur a SZTERENFELD Sucher, Han a HERSZKOW Sucher, Hana HERSZKOW Haskel, Marya TATARKOW Moszek Elja, Gitl a SZYDLOWSK I Hajm, Blim a ZAJTMAN Zelman, Haja SZYDLOWSK I Lejbus, Gold a TARGOWNK Kiwa, Haja Sur a PASTERNAK Lejbus, Han a SZTAJN Icek, Rywk a Tauba SZLACHT Herszel, Rajzla Fajgla SZASK T Jozef, rywk a Fajgla ZYLBERBER G Wolf, Marya MOSZKOWIC Z Abram, Brandl a Laja SKROBACK I Mosek, Haja CECERSK I Zysman, Kajla Szajdla SZTRU M Szimon, Dwojra Brucha KANERACUKE R Aron, Liba SALSKICZ Uryn Jankel, Malka MJERNK Icek, Hana Laja BLAC H Aba, Fajgla Haw a PASTERNAK Fajwel, Laj a Rywka LEMBERG Rabbi Lejbus, Celk a Drajzla MORGENSZTER N Alter, Blima BORKOWSKI Majer Wolf , Dyna PATUMAN Berek, Gitl a KRUK Szimon, Basa LEWANDOWSK I Szlama, Gold a PFJSOKOW Majer Jankel, Mandla FUKS Manel, Szajdla Frajdl a JARO S Abram, Hana BLANK Jona, Hana Idesa PLESZEWSKI Mosek, Ester a Laja KANGU S Josek, Alta KLAJN Kopel, Ryfka PRAWERMA N Moszek, Han a Cylka HAJMLOWICZ Lewek Wolf, Mindla LIOBKA Majer Mordka , Ruchla Bajla SOLOMKO W Ewa ZYLBERSZTAJ N Kiwa, Kajdla SZTAJNBER G Moszek, Ryw a JUTRZENKA 23 35 42 19 20 38 40 20 37 20 38 30 41 27 22 44 36 42 33 48 26 38 46 25 28 36 36 48 23 23 25 40 20 30 48 30 38 31 22 35 30 42 23 23 40 31 22 40 42 40 36 27 32 25 38 42 33 40 38 37 44 31 31 . 21 26 24 36 40 19 20 36 36 22 33 22 30 38 40 28 20 34 30 32 30 38 24 26 32 20 25 32 32 40 22 20 20 43 20 32 40 21 24 34 20 30 20 38 22 22 27 30 20 40 25 40 28 35 22 32 36 40 30 32 32 37 30 36 24 35 19 24 Josek MichusI Frajdla Blima Nacha Laja Zelik, Estera ZELJKA Josek, Sura CUKER (died) Majer, Kajl a ROTENBER G Hajm Josek, Mindla WAJNGER T Herszel, Brandla BROJTMAN 26 52 30 42 40 26 32 24 25 36 50 6 GOLDLIS T 7 CIE L 8 OGNEWIC Z 9 DAWIDOWIC Z 10 NUTKOWIC Z 11 HERSZKOWIC Z 12 OPATOWSK I 13 GARFINKE L 14 LIDERMA N 15 GOLDBLU M 16 NOWA K 17 LI S 18 LI S 19 LANTMA N 20 MYDLAR Z 21 BRZISK I 22 LEWENRAJC H 23 ZAJ F 24 CIE L 25 CIE L 26 JOJNEWIC Z 27 KUR D 28 ZERNICK I 29 SZTERENSI S 30 GARFINKE L 31 CZARN A 32 ZAION C 33 SOLOWIC Z 34 LEWKOWIC Z 35 GLIOZMA N 36 KANICK I 37 CIECIERSK I 38 HOROWIC Z 39 DAWIDOWIC Z 40 LIOBK A 41 ROZENBER G 42 ZELAZN Y 43 ZONSZAJ N 44 WAJNCWAJ G 45 WAJNBLA T 46 ROZENBLU M 47 TCHUR Z 48 ROZE K 49 SKURNI K 50 BALOGURSK I 51 GOLDSZTAJ N 52 FRYDMA N 53 FRYDMA N 54 KNOBE L 55 KANTO R 56 NAJCHAU S 57 GUTMA N 58 MINSK I 59 POLPE N 60 GUZ Y 61 NAPARSTE K 62 LONDI N 63 WAJNBER G 64 GUZ Y 65 ZMIDE K 66 PRZENDZ A 67 PTASZNI K 68 MILLE R 69 FELMA N 70 MIKULOWSK I 71 UDLE R 72 PRZEDNOWE K 73 SKUR A 74 LffiERMA N 75 BULW A 76 EJZENBER G 77 MASAR Z 78 GUTMA N Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 Boruch Icek , Haja MAL Y Szajndla Kopel , Krejsla SZIFF Chawa Szajndla Machel , Brandla LEWKOW Szimon Dawid Ejnoc h EIja, Sor a BILCZEWSKI Abram Icek Lejbus , Zlot a Hana SANDAL Majer Herszel , Szprinc a NOZINSKI Abram Icek Hajm , Fajgl a PRAJ S Brandla Herszel , Cywa Malka SZTAJN lea Jankel , Haja Laja LEDERMA N Eliasz Moszek , Hana Laja FAERSZTAJN Ewa Szlama , rochla MENDELBAUM Basa Gela Hers z Lejb, Fajgla Hana MENTLK Szija Hers z Lejb, Fajgla Hana MENTL K Malka Szimo n Zyndel, Machalka SWICZARCZK Cyrla Mose k Kiwa, Rywka PATLDC Fajgla Szmul , Sura WARSZAWSKI Pora Laja Mosek , Brucha LECHSZTRAJC H Itla Zajf , RyfkaJUDKOWIC Z Fajgla Lejbus , Machel a MOSZENBERG Rykla Ury n Abram, Fajgl a GONCAR Z Rajzla Szaja , Han a Pesla AJZENLIOST Naftula Hers z Lejb, Ryfk a PIMBAU M Moszek Jankel , Ryfka TARNOWSK I Chana Ajdla Boruch , Udla RECHT Moszek Lejb EIja , Rochl a ROZENSZTAIG Fajwel Izrae l Mortka, Rochl a TANDETNIK Pesla Rochla Herszel , Szia ROZENCWAJG Josek Aron Wolf , Laja GRYNBER G Nuchym Icek , Gitla LAJTMAN Szandla Glikla Fajwel , Ester a GUTMAN Fajgla Majer , Taub a Cyrla PTASZNIK Chaja Laj a Szmul , Hana ROZENBLUM Estera Chaj a Wolf , Ryfka Dobr a LEMBERG Ruchla Jona , Sor a HERCSZTOK Gecel Josek , Perla ZAJLEWICZ Rajzla Glesm a Szmul , Ruda KRUK Lejbus Herszel , Gitla Perla RUBINOWICZ Gitla Motel , Fajgla ROZENBLU M Uszer Berek Ice k Aron, Hana Szmcha RAPOPORT Minachim Dawid Henoc h EIja, Ruchl a KELENSKI Nuta Ice k Szaja, Frajd a FRYDMA N Sura Blima Mosek , Hana KESEL Izrael Mortka , Haja URBAJTE L Josek Idel Mose k Jankel, Laja WAJNBER G Abram Mendel , Ruchla RUBENSZTAJ N Szmul Szulim , Sura BORUSZOWSKI Rochla Temerla Szuli m Hersz, Ajla GOLSZTAJ N Szulim Josek Szuli m Hersz, Ajla GOLSZTAJ N Laja Munys , Haja SMAL Y Lejbus Josek , Laja GUTMA N Liba Tauba Majer , Gitl a Dyna GOLDBERG Chana Maria Abram , Rochla ROZENCWAJ G Gitla Rubin , Liba BIRBAUM Chaim Majer Berek , Sajgl a Ryfk a MENTL K Josek Jutka , Pesla GUZY Chena Ciwia Wolf , Sura SYLMAN Lejzor Gers z Gerszen , Cipajra GUTMA N Sura Herszel , Gnendl a GUTMAN Gitla Dawid , Fajgla GOLDBER G Szajndla Jankel , Estera Rejla ROZENBLUM Abram Majer , Hindl a OTREMBA Sura Rywka Herszel , Fajgla DIAMEN T Estera Maje r Berek, Fajgla Mindla RUMAN Jochen Josek , Fajgle Liba BLANK Perla Ajzyk , Han a GOLDBLUM Wulf Zelman Ejnela , Ruchl a GUZY Sura Jako b Berek, Fajgla MINSK I Berek Abe l Lejbus, Rochl a ROTER Moszek Lejbus , Ester a Golda GORLICKI Bajla Dwojr a Kalma , Haja Jochet BERKOWICZ Josek Ice k Wolf, Sura Gitla MORAWECKI Abram Zelman , Mindla URYNOWIC Z Dawid Hajm , Dwojr a LILENBAU M Summer 2000 33 30 24 28 50 22 24 26 40 25 19 40 40 38 40 28 32 33 38 23 28 32 40 21 24 30 23 26 50 34 36 35 28 52 40 30 40 34 34 26 35 36 40 26 40 32 30 30 42 44 23 30 25 28 23 22 20 32 36 36 42 25 20 40 22 22 21 22 36 40 20 25 26 33 28 23 27 40 20 24 24 30 20 32 32 36 38 28 33 30 36 23 28 22 37 20 22 30 25 25 38 27 34 24 36 30 24 40 32 28 22 35 22 30 24 . 30 30 30 40 43 22 28 24 27 23 22 19 30 30 30 40 24 20 28 20 20 20 24 32 38 19 24 26 Summer 200 0 79 CYMERMA N 80 CHLIEB A 81 RYDELNI K 82 CIECIERSK I 83 SZWAR C 84 TYZO N 85 DRUKAR Z 86 MOSZKOWIC Z 87 PACHO L 88 SOLAR Z 89 KASSOWSK I 90 BLAN K 91 GORLICK I 92 BELFE R 93 RUBI N 94 ELIASZEWIC Z 95 TREMBECK I 96 NUTKOWIC Z 97 PERMA N 98 CHMIELNICK I 99 MEDZIOGURSK I 100 DZIOR A 101 DYZENGAU S 102 NAJMA N 103 LEWENSZTAJ N 104 BDRENCWAJ G 105 KASSI R 106 ROZENBER G 107 SWICZARCZI K 108 LADOWSK I 109 ZYLBERBER G 110 WAJNRY B 111 STASZEWSK I 112 FREVŒRMA N 113 FAJWE L 114 BIRENBAU M 115 KRIKSZTAJ N 116 ZMJDE K 117 KANTO R 118 SZAJ N 119 KLARMA N 120 MILLE R 121 PASTERNA K 122 KNOBE L 123 MYDLAR Z 124 BELFE R 125 MAL Y 126 GOLDSZTAJ N 127 HOROWIC Z 128 DZADE K 129 NAPARSTE K 130 MORTY N 131 WECHNT K 132 WAJCMA N 133 KANTO R 134 WISNICK I 135 BORENSZTAJ N 136 GOLDBER G 137 LEMBER G 138 JICAR Z 139 SZPER A 140 WAJNBER G 141 MACHTYGE R 142 EJZENBER G 143 GLAZMA N 144 BRZISK I 145 MONCAR Z 146 IGELNI K 147 PACHO L 148 ROZENBER G 149 KAUFMA N 150 MENDLEWIC Z 151 TCHUR Z 51 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 Estera Ita Jutka , Laja MILLE R Chaim Majer Berek , Rajzla GOLDLIS T Josek Mendel Izrael , Haja Sur a AJTMAN Wulf Abra m Josek, Frajda LEWENSZTAJ N Moszek Szimon Juma , Sora Laja SOSKE L Nyson Hajm , Gold a BELFER Gitla Rajzla Icek , Gitla Rajzla BELFE R Wulf Gersze n Dawid, Laja LEME L Majer Abram Berek , Rywka Idla LADOWSKI Judka Mosek , Ruchla Ita GANSIOR Pesla Mariem Mose k Hersz, Malka LEWKOWICZ Izrael Szaja , Sur a Perla BLANK Ruchla Kopel , Ryfka PRAWERMA N Mos Berek Szaja , Szajdl a DZIOR A Fiszel Rubin , Rajzl a NAPARSTE K Aba Ejzyk , Ryfk a FRAJTMA N Berek Gerszon , Gitla ROTENBER G Myrla Nuta , Dwojra FAJE K Malka Szajndla Mosze k Dawid, Sora Brandla TAFLEWIC Z Chil Jakob Izrael , Perla DZADE K Izrael Berek Hil , Tauba Frajdla DZADE K Tyla Wolf , Zysla BIALOW Szlama Moszek Abra m Josek, Blima PLATKOW Kalma Pajsach Hers z Ber, Frajdla Kajdl a GOLDRU T Rywen Lejbus Nuchym , Mindla TOMBLAT Mindla Mendel , Racha LEWENSZTAJ N Rywa Abel , Doba SOLIOWEC Szmul Herszel , Hana BESENDORF Nusyn Majlich , Malk a CYMRO T Sura Blima Josek , Pesla ZRYCKI Kiwa Szimon , Cark a MENDROWSKI Bajla Lej b Wolf, Rajzla Laj a PASTERNA K Josek Majer Izrae l Aron, Sura TANDETNK Machel Moszek , Hind a KRUCKI Alter Taube Fajwel , Ruchl a Laja MOSZENBER G Ida Wulf Szmul , Nycha BIRNBAUM Chaja Sur a Jutka , Szajdla Laj a GRANE K Simcha Hejzyk , Bajl a Ide s KUROW Szlama Moszek Kanto r Gerszen, Sur a Brandla GORLICK I Gersz Lejb Mende l Majlich, Han a TIP OS Jankel Icek Josek , Rajzla Szyfr a DIAMEN T Maria Gerszel , Krajdla MAJEROWIC Z Szifra Josek , Blima NOZIC Dawid Hajm , Haj a Marya SZTRAUC H Aba Jona , Bajla DZIOR A Maria Kalma , Sura RYCKA Majer Josek , Malka WAJNBER G Josek Boruch Herszel , Jochwet WAJNRYCH Ryfka Lejbus , Gdic a GOLDSZTAJ N Moszek Jose k Majer, Han a KLAJMAN Ryfka Ezra , Misa RAWIN Chaja Zelik , Bajla GOLDBER G Cherszla Abram , Bajla RAKOWSK I Mindla Mosek , Kajla Zelda PRAWER Dawid Wolf , Udla OSZYLOW Nacha Jutka , Ita Szprinca ZELASKI Chaja Josek , Sura MKULOWSKI Chana Gitla Jako b Pinkus, Haja Paja SZAJNCHORE N Josek Gersz Abram , Ita DZIORA Zisman Szmul , Hana FEFERMAN Chaim Gdala Fisze l Majer, Bas a KLARMAN Sura Frajdla Lejzor , Estera WOLFOW Szlama Szau l Icek, Bajla ORBAC H Majer Wol f Lejzor, Rochl a Laja GROJSMA N Manela Szlama , Frajdla MANELIOWIC Z Majer Chi l Jankel , Jofa GLAJ T Abram Szmul , Frama Drala SZYDLOWECK I Pesla Szymon , Malka SZTRAM Chana Laja Abra m Nuchym, Mandza Golda WEERNJK Malka Szlama , Blima AKSIMENT Machel Haskel , Bajla NATE K Frimet Lewek , Hana HAJMOW Lejzor Pejsak , Gitla ROZENCWAJ G 30 32 20 23 24 40 28 25 22 27 24 28 38 24 40 54 27 21 28 23 22 30 32 35 23 28 34 35 36 26 26 30 20 24 24 38 26 24 23 26 20 27 38 26 37 34 26 20 28 24 22 30 30 34 23 26 24 20 32 40 36 32 36 33 35 35 24 23 36 19 31 25 26 27 24 34 40 24 24 20 30 36 30 30 32 40 40 45 25 36 40 25 22 40 23 32 44 30 19 25 40 37 30 30 26 30 38 38 26 36 37 40 22 30 23 23 30 32 30 30 38 30 18 24 38 34 27 28 27 33 37 38 25 24 37 21 30 26 34 27 24 35 42 24 38 36 52 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 152 SKUR A 153 NIRENBER G 154 LEWENSZTAJ N 155 WAJDBER G 156 MASAR Z 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 KLAJNFENDE L KAUFMA N GERTNE R ZYLBERSZTAJ N TARKELTAU B ROZENBER G RUMAN Y 164 RAKOSINSK I 165 KLARMA N 166 SOLNI K 167 SZENCICK I 168 WISNICK I 169 SLABOSZEWSK I 170 BEKE R 171 GROJSMA N 172 HERSZKOWIC Z 173 HERSZKOWIC Z 174 ZYLBERBER G 175 ZYLBERBER G 176 WAJSMA N 177 BIRENFA S 178 KESE L 179 AJNSZENKE R 180 PINCZEWSK I 181 SOLAR Z 182 KASZERMA N 183 KUKELK A 184 GROJSMA N 185 GOLDLIS T 186 LffiERMA N 187 NAJMA N 188 SZN1CE R 189 GOLDBER G 190 BULW A 191 MYDLAR Z 192 TARNOWSK I 193 WAJCMA N 194 GUTMA N 195 PASTERNA K 196 BROWARNI K 197 RECH T 198 FEDERMA N 1879 No t on microfilm 1880 1 BEKE R 2 CZARNECK I 3 KAUFMA N 4 WARSZAWSK I 5 KRYGSZTAJ N 6 MENTLI K 7 GOLDSZTAJ N 8 SOLAR Z 9 WAJCMA N 10 CYMERMA N 11 TANDETNI K 12 MOSZKOWIC Z 13 BELFE R 14 GUZ Y 15 HERSZKOWIC Z 16 LADOWSK I 17 ROZENBLU M 18 ZERNICK I 19 ZYLBERSZTAJ N 20 GOLDBER G 21 JARO S 22 GUTMA N 23 PRZENDZ A Frajdla Bas a Aron , Lana Laja MENTLIK Ryfka Ruchl a Jankel , Estera Laja PASTERNA K Brandla Jako b Moszek, Szyfr a GOLDSZTAJ N Chindla Hajm , Dobr a WALDBERG Zelik Kalma , Frajdla Paj a MENDE L Cywa Abram , Blima KARSZENBAUM Machel Zajwel , Frajdl a WAJCWAL D Ryfka Mose k Zysman, Hana Cyrla GUZY Chindla Laja Simcha , Ryfka PTASZNJK Fajwel Kalma , Hawa Golda RAJTER Frajdla Majer , Ester a Fajgla ROTENBER G Szimon Majer , Han a Fajgla KAMENCHU R Rochla Tolca Mortka , Hana Etla KLARMAN Liba Dawid , Fajla KLARMA N Majer Szmu l Szimon , Cyrla CYMROT Zelik Mosze k Icek, Szajdla ROZENCWAJG Estera Herszel , Jocheta PUTERMAN Majer Lejbus , Ryfk a ABRAMO W Ruchla Mosze k Berek, Szajndl a Ryfk a ZMJDEK Dwojra Ryfka Szmu l Jakob, Ruchla Laja MILLE R Chaim Majer Herszel , Rajzla WUJCZKOWIC Z Sender Herszel , Rajzla WUJCZKOWIC Z Ejbor Sender , Haja EJZENBER G Zelik Sender , Haja EJZENBER G Aron Besr Majer , Mindl a CHLIEB Kalma Mortk a Berek, Malka SMOLARZ Nuchym Szulim , Etla WAJCMAN Jankel Josl, Estera Ryfka SMOLAR Z Izrael Chi l Gabriel , Elka GOLDWACHE R Tauba Dawid , Haja Sora SZWARC Majer Janke l Abra m Dawid, Liba WAJCMAN Boruch Boruch , Sura Laja MALY Wulf Lejb Mosze k Icek, Alta FISZLEWICZ Ryfka Majlich , Han a Hinda SOWO Malka Szmu l Lejb, Hwuma MORTYN Wigdor Dawid , Pesla WEZOW Chana Gitla Mosze k Lejb, Sora Dwojra BORSTOW Cyrla Hercyk , Haja POTO K Lejbus Abela Ksy l Majer, Hind a UDLER Cyrla Mosze k Kiwa, Rywa PAPLAK Moszek Gerszen , Gitl a ZLOTNJJC Maria Szmul , Frajdla WOLCKOWIC Z Dawid Hajm , Dwojr a LILENBAU M Tauba Dawid , Rywkl a MYDLARZ Srul Chil Zelik , Cyrl a CHJLEWIC Z Moszek Josek Aro n Besr, Hana Ajdla RECH T Eliasz Cina Eliasz , Mindla FAERSZTAJ N Kiwa Szmu l Wolf, Ruchla MANELEWICZ Gersz Lejb Ajzyk , Haw a Fajga ZYLBERSZTAJ N Szmul Zanwel Aron , Hindla WLOCH Blima Machel , Mindla MAJEROWICZ Jakob Mosze k Judka, Szajndl a GRANKO W Majer Berek , Mmdl a EPSZTAJN Lejzor Mache l Kiwa , Kejndla SZTULBER G Izrael Lej b Mosze k Josek, Sora TASLOW Mendel Jankel , Marya ZYLBERSZTAJ N Golda Ejzyk , Sor a Itla KOBYLKA Zachariasz Majer , Ester a AJZENBERG Alter Lejzor Gerszo n Dawid, Laja DRUKARS Z Wigdor (father?) , Malka DZIORA Gerszel Ice k Wolf, Ryfk a WARSZAWSK I Josek Dawid , Ajdla WYROBNDC Rykla Wolf , Laja KAMINSKI Rywen Dawid (father?) , Hana Laja MENTLE K Josek Abram , Krajndla GORLICK I Icek Moszek Hi l Awner, Perla Itla GOLDBLUM Perla Abra m Josek, Elka Laja ZRYCKI Ksyl Dawid , Perla Laja JAKUBOWIC Z Gerszon Abram , Rochla WAJNRYB Szimon Zelik , Blima SZAJBER Summer 2000 22 25 36 35 27 42 27 44 25 49 33 36 49 30 28 21 35 39 26 38 37 37 36 36 25 19 19 40 28 37 30 36 26 40 20 40 40 42 40 40 36 36 30 45 24 20 34 26 28 36 27 40 25 33 28 32 39 30 28 20 22 37 25 31 30 30 35 35 26 20 19 38 19 - 25 36 28 30 36 20 38 36 36 36 38 30 30 28 30 23 18 28 23 30 22 27 28 35 23 28 24 47 20 26 . 23 36 38 38 24 37 24 40 39 30 25 23 21 26 36 20 29 24 34 18 25 24 22 35 36 38 23 35 21 40 37 22 32 30 Summer 200 0 •- - 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 CYTRINBAUM SZTERN BLANK MYCMACHER WAJNBERG BRAJTMAN GLAZMAN GOLDBERG FINKELSZTAJN PISKURZ BLANK MIODOWNIK URCWAJG PASTERNAK RYDELNIK CYMERMAN GORZELNIK NAPARSTEK KAMINSKI SMOLARZ FELEGER ZAIONC GRINGRAZ JOSKOWICZ RYKOSINSKI MALINAK ZALCBERG JANKLEWICZ BERLINSKI CIECIERSKI LERNER GUZY ASPIS EJZENBERG PRAWER GLIKSMAN SAMBURSKI SZTRUM KLARMAN GOTFRYD BLIOGRAND FIRSZTENBERG SZTERENSIS WYGODN1 GELBORT GELBORT MAPPA URBAJTEL WECZNEK MYDLARZ GRINBAUM CHROBERSKI TARGOWNIK GOLDBERG RAJMAN EJZENBERG PIWKO MAPPA WISNICKI KORENBERG BRUTMAN GITLIN BRUM CIECIERSKI APELBAUM SZPER ZALCBERG SOLARZ ZRYCKI JOSKOWICZ MALINAK GORLICKI FERSZTER 53 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 Dawid Bencian Gelja Josek Lej b Malka Eremjasz Fajgla Lib a Szimela Uszer Izrael Majer Mache l Rubin Syma Brucha Dawid Fajwel Malka Rajzl a Hana Chawa Lejwa Josek Judka Mortka Tauba Mendel Gecel Nuchim Bajla Nach a Hana Maria Lejbus Jankel Dawid Izrael Nut a Szmerl Alter Dawid Szmul Fajwe l Szandla Szifr a Fiszel Zachariasz Szmul Gercel Abram Mortka Nuta Jakob Pinkus Frimeta Paltiel Maria Icek Dawid Dawid Pinkus Dawid Izrael Chaim Rajzla Laj a Itta Chinda Frajd a Abram Szaj a Icek Estera Szandla Josek Gersz Szia Fajwe l Hana Laj a Abram Jakob Icek Szija Moszek Chil Aria Wolf Jankel Josek Chinda Abram Gersz Frimeta Pinkus Szmul Zelik Gecel Abram Aron Salka - ~ 8 Szmeria, Estera Gitla ROZENBLUM Lejzor, Cyrl a NAPARSTEK Lejb, Frymet a LEMBERG Abram Jakob, Mindla JOSKOWICZ Lejb, Bajla ARCHIT A Moszek Dawid, Fajgla GOLDBER G Elja Wolf, Sora Laja WYGODNY K Ejzyk, Haja Bajla GOLDFAR B Sana, Rojz a ZUNOW Haskel, Pesla ZAIONC Berek, Szprinc a HERSZKOWIC Z Szraja, Haw a Pesla GINSBERG Szmul, Rajzla BALOGURSK I Cudek, Marya Liba GOLDSZTAJ N Izrael Mordka, It a ZAWADSKI Judka, Sor a Laja MILLE R Moszek Josek, Sor a MACHTYGER Wolf, Sor a SYLMAN Herszel, Hana ZYLBERBERG Mortka, Marya Fajgla KLAJMA N Abram Icek, Mindla PLUCIENNI K Moszek Mendel, Liba PICEL Simcha boruch, Welka NAJMAN Hajm Josek, Haja Pesl a SZIFRA Mortka, Han a Itla KLARMAN Jankel, Estera SERCAR Z Hil Nuchym, Kajla Rywka KWASNEWSKI Abram, Cielw a ROZENBERG Moszek Elja, Gitl a SZYDLOWSK I Szmul, Hana ROZENBLUM Dawid, Dwojra GRYNBER G Icek, Sor a KAMINSKI Lejbus, Hinda Szajndla MAPP A Szlama, Gitla Marya DIAMENT Mortka, Szifr a ZYSMA N Majlich, Haj a EDELSBER G Lejbus, Brandla SAMBURSK I Izrael Lejbus, Frymet a FRYDMA N Josek, Rajzl a Szifr a DIAMEN T Judka, Hana LIS Icek, Cym a ABRAMOWICZ Alter, Sor a BLANK Majer, Ester a IGELNDC Szmul Jakob, Sora EGER Lejbus, Ester a MLYNARCZK Majer, Sor a Riwa DYRENFELD Moszek, Dwojr a GURFINKE L Jankel, Bajls PRAJS Abram, Bajla RAKOWSK I Lejbus Jankel, Alta Cywa SWICZARCZK Elja, Haj a Idesa WAJCMAN Moszek, Rochl a Sora LEWKOWICZ Majer, Rywk a FISZMA N Abram, Sora ZRYCKI Srul Jankel, Malka Haja MIERNI K Lewek Mynys, Welka CYMROT Izraell, Gitla MOSZENBERG Szlama, Frajda It a MAPPA Herszel, Jochwet PUTERMA N Ejnoch Elja , Pesl a ASPIS Herszel, Alta GURGEL Zimel, Haja Perla SZYDLOWSK I Abram, Ruchla BERENCWAJG Lejbus, Pesl a GORLICKI Lejzor, Cark a LIPMAN Szaul Zelik, Sora Marya EDELSBER G Sucher, Hana GERTNER Izrael, Hana OSSIA Motel, Dwojr a CUKE R Nusyn, Sora WISNICKI Jankel, Estera CERCAR Z Hajm Wolf , Haja Perl a WILNE R Moric Joachim, Klara NOWAK 30 38 50 40 30 24 24 36 36 35 23 32 60 40 40 38 37 28 40 32 23 23 40 38 48 30 20 37 28 40 45 45 25 45 33 24 40 40 26 25 42 26 46 49 26 23 21 20 28 40 36 38 27 42 27 21 50 24 40 27 24 28 26 33 44 40 40 43 46 20 30 43 28 32 36 45 40 28 21 23 35 33 26 20 30 36 38 38 30 34 30 37 33 22 24 38 37 38 28 19 35 26 36 28 36 23 41 32 20 38 38 25 24 36 26 36 28 26 22 20 19 24 36 30 37 26 39 26 23 47 22 24 27 23 30 23 36 43 36 38 41 35 21 28 38 22 54 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 KOPLOWICZ OWSAN JAKUBOWICZ ZRYCKI SKURA RYDELNK LANDO DIAMENT OTREMBA DAWIDOWICZ SUCHECKI ROZENBLUM ROTENBERG GOLDSZTAJN EDWABNI GUZY MYDLARZ KANTOR UDLER OWSAN SZTRAUCH OPATOWSKI ROZENBERG BRZISKI CYMROT ZELAZNIK SMOLARZ ROZENBLUM WAJNRYB KORENBLUM RAFALOWICZ OSTROWECKI SZTRAUCH FELMAN JUTRZENKA HERSZKOWICZ TAUBENBLAT SWICZARCZIK WALDBERG RECHTMAN LEWKOWICZ KAUFMAN GLAJT ZMDDEK ROTENBERG PASTERNAK LEWENSZTAJN GOLEMBIOWSKI BRZISKI NAPARSTEK TARKELTAUB BERENCWAJG WAJCMAN CHMIELNICKI LIBERMAN WERDIGER ZERNICKI SZPIRA NAPARSTEK WYGODNI LEMBERG PRZEDNOWEK MENTLIK CHMIELNICKI BRZIZKI TAUBENBLAT MINSKI WAJNGOLD BRUM KAUFMAN GUTMAN LEMBERG KANICKI Rochla Laj a Gerszon Poltyel Izrael Berek Idesa Fajgla Itl a Dawid Bajla Chaj a Izrael Estera Szandla Ryfk a Bajruch Gitla Fajgla Szandla Ryfka Mandza Fajgla Zysman Fajwel Jankel Jakob Szandla Szmul Gimpel Aba Cima Majer Szaj a Mindla Gitla Jakob Aba Ejnoch Beniamin Majer Blima Chaj a Sora Chaj a Abram Josek Calel Wolf Abram Icek Estera Ita Josek Chawa Laja Sapsa Kiwa Josek Boruch Ryfka Rajzl a Ryfka Ruchla Sora Laja Icek Lejbus Estera Laj a Dwoira Rochla Szmul Motel Izrael Lejbu s Maria Ryfk a Moszek Rajzla Laj a Ryfka Dobra Dawid Josek Idesa Abram Urin Abram Jerichem Rajzla Gitla Fajgl a Lejzor Jakob Josek Abram Frimeta Nuta, Dwojr a GOLDSZTAJ N Mortka, Frymeta GRYNSZPAN Szulim, Hana MACARZ Josek, Bajla ABRAMOWIC Z Lejbus Abela, Rachola RAJTER Izrael Lejzor, Haj a Sor a ZAJTMAN Mortka, Ester a RUBEN Nuta, Rajzl a TARGOWNJ X Hersz Marek, Majtl a STROZOSK I Ejnoch Elja , Sor a BLICZEWSKI Hajm, Henc a DIAMENT Icek Szaja, Frajd a FRYDMA N Icek Moszek, Haja PRAJS Beniamin Hersz, Haja Majtla SZYDLOWSK I Szimon, Frajdla MANELEWIC Z Dawid, Fajgla GOLDBER G Jona, Bajla DZIOR A Wolf, Idl a OSSIA Josek, Alta WISNICKI Zelman Moszek, Cyw a PAPERMAN Haskel, Ryfka Laj a WISNICKI Hajm, Fajgl a PRAJ S Gercyk, Ryfk a LEWKOWIC Z Szmul, Sora WARSZAWSKI Mortka, Gitl a GOLDBERG Kalma, Fajgla Haw a WAJNCAFT Lejbus, Machl a ROZENBLU M Abel, Bajla NAJGAU S Lejb Wolf, Rajzl a PASTERNA K Herszel, Brandla BRAJTMAN Moszek Machel, Frymeta DIAMENT Boruch Machel, Laja KNOBE L Szaul Hersz, Sor a Frajda ROZENSZTAJ N Moszek Jankel, Frymeta SZTRAUCH Szimon, Ruchl a ZYLBERSZMIT Icek Josek, Sor a REMBESZEWSKI Majer Wolf , Dyn a WAJCMAN Machel, Pesl a Rojza OKSENCHENDLE R Moszek, Rochl a JAKOBOWICZ Manel, Fajgla BIRENBAU M Pinkus, Hana Cyma PLUCIENN K Moszek, Ester a Haja KALMU S Lejbus, Kajl a Szandla MYDLARZ Jaker, Ester a Rejma ROZENBLUM Zysman, Kajla Szandl a SZTRUL Josek, Blima NOZIC Nuchym, Mindla TAUBENBLAT Lejbus, Lib a Frymeta LADOWSKI Jankel, Jochwet GLAJT Wolf, Sor a CYLMAN Jankel, Hindla KAMINSKI Moszek, Szajndl a BIMCZEWSK I Szmul, Frajdla WUCKOWIC Z Moszek Josek, Mirla ZYLBERSZTAJN Herszel, Brandla BORSZEWSKI Mendel, Ryfka TAUBENBLA T Herszel, Bajla SKUR A Fiszel Majer, Bas a Mala KLAJNER Izrael, Estera TAUB Lejbus, Hind a ZYLBERBERG Aron, Itla ROTER Jankel Berek, Fajg a MINSK I Hersz Lejb, Laj a MENTLI K Manela, Szandla JAROS Majer Wolf , Sor a Blima SAMETBAND Nuchum, Haja Fajga CZAPN K Jozef, Hana TARGOWNEK. Josek, Blima Gitla GRYNSZPAN Icek, Marya WAJCMA N Haskel, Bajla ZITKO W Berek, Cyn a SZYDOWNYK Jankel, Hana KAUFMAN Majer, Taub a Cyrla PTASZNDC Summer 2000 23 19 19 20 38 40 42 24 36 23 27 24 19 25 37 28 33 22 24 25 38 42 42 38 41 36 28 40 32 22 32 52 55 36 43 24 22 37 21 35 25 40 26 34 57 37 42 22 36 38 18 20 35 27 32 20 25 24 36 36 24 37 40 35 29 36 30 21 30 33 30 35 32 22 20 35 20 34 24 40 26 33 30 33 38 23 20 25 30 21 39 35 28 29 24 40 19 23 20 28 42 25 20 20 24 26 . 24 23 25 23 32 43 20 33 30 28 23 39 18 20 18 25 40 23 18 20 20 25 33 20 22 20 22 30 42 18 39 37 25 40 39 24 38 38 36 Summer 200 0 55 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 170 SYLMA N Dawid Abram 171 ROTENBER G Ryfka Izrael 172 MIKULOWSK I Fajgla Ejzyk 173 DRZEWECK I Icek Hil 174 JUTRZENK A Icek Moszek 175 NAJCHAU S Abram Mortka Majer 176 FRIMERMA N Gerszel Moszek 177 KANTO R Icek Berek Gerszon 178 SZYDLOWECKI Abram Icek Haj 179 WffiRNI K Maria Laj a Hajm 180 MOSZENBER G Tabla Jankel 181 WISNICK I Rajzla Judka 182 FRYDMA N Kiwa Fajwel Aba Szimo 183 RAKOWSK I 1881 1 LEWENSZTAJ N Izrael Nut a Pinkus 2 TARNOWSK I Icek Hersz 3 LEWENSZTAJ N Izrael Nuchem 4 SKUR A Icek Gaskel Lejbu 5 FINKELSZTAJN Josek Lejb 6 SKUR A Lajzor Josek Aron 7 BLAN K Bajla Dwojra Haskel 8 ZELN I Hana Pesla Jozef 9 BRANDSZTETE R Szifra Cryl 10 BLITENSZTAJ N Fajwel Abel 11 SKOROCKE L Itla Hersz 12 BORENSZTAJ N Moszek Josek 13 KANARE K Josek Gdalja Mortka 14 GERSZENCHOR N Josek Dawid Rubin 15 BURSZTY N Berek Wol 16 OKSENCHENDLE R Abram Mortka Rafal 17 ICKOWIC Z Laja Icek 18 MYDLAR Z Bajla Taub a Lejbu 19 RUBI N Gersz Lipa Moszek 20 MONCAR Z Ruchla Fajgla Szmirl 21 BUSKOWODA Perla Laja Izrae 22 AJDLE R Izrael Moszek Jose 23 PASTERNA K Szandla Rajzla Szmu 24 PASTERNA K Estera Jankel 25 LEWENSZTAJ N Gitla Berek 26 GOLDBLU M Abram Dawid 27 ZYLBERBER G Izrael Jankel Szimon 28 WAJSBOR T Moszek Josek 29 PACHO L Lajbus Abra 30 KESE L Izrael Zyse l Szulim 31 SMAL A Estera Lejzor 32 GOLDBLA T Icek Pejsach Majlich 33 SOLNI K Gitla Szimon 34 SZAJ N Fajgla Baz a Zelik 35 MYDLAR Z Rochla Majlich 36 BIRFA S Zelman Mortk 37 WAJNRY B Ryfka Chenc a Lejbu 38 JALOWE C Chaja Cyrl a Josek 39 LADOWSK I Chaja Perl a Josek 40 HERSZKOWIC Z Szandla Cyrla Hersz 41 DAJTELBAU M Brucha Szimch 42 CHENCINSK I Mortka Fajwel 43 GROJSMA N Rajzla Szmu 44 ZYLBERSZTAJ N Nachma Josek 45 DYZENGAU S Gersz Lajb Izrael 46 SAPSIOWIC Z Mirla Efroim 47 TCHUR Z Zysel Zelman 48 LEMESZNI K Perla Wolf 49 BEKE R Mindla Chaja Moszek 50 ZAION C Wulf Berek Mosze 51 SKORZHEWSK I Bas Bencian 52 WYGODN I Gela Izrael 53 STOPNICK I Szija Dawid 54 GORLICK I Tabla Hil 55 MASAR Z Machel Zelman 56 SZPIR A Rywa Mortk 57 ROZENBER G Majer Szlama , Haja LEWENSO N , Sora Fajga PASTERNA K , Han a GOLDBLUM , Ester a JUTRZENKA , Ryfk a JUTRZENK A , Gitl a Dyna GOLDBER G , Hinda KRUCZSKI , Sora Brandla GORLICKI m Hersz , Pesla Haja , Ryfk a GLDCSMAN , Marya Cylka MENDELCWAJG , Ita Szprinca ZELAZK I , Sor a Szandla OGNEWIC Z n Icek, Blima ICKOWICZ , Laja WERMA N , Gitl a ZLOTNK , Hinda TARGOWNK s Abel, Ruda CUKER , Laj a FINKELSZTAJ N , Lana Laja MENTLI K , Szandl a KEFEL , Golda Laja KRAKOWSK I , Haja KATARINARO K , Nacha Paja PACZURL A , Ryfka Laj a PZEZNICK A , Sor a MIKULOWSKI , Malka MOSZKOWIC Z , Ryfka DIAMEN T f Ojzer , Dyn a CZARNA , Han a Idesa KWASNEWSKI , Dyna JOSKOWICZ s Jankel, Alta Cywa SWICZARCZK , Rojz a NAPARSTE K , Frymeta Rejla SZYDLOWSK I l Dawid, Entla WYROBNJK k Icek, Rachla Fajga ICKOW l Jakob, Golda SKURA , Ryfka WAJCBOR T , Rejl a POMERAN C , Mari a CATOWA , Czark a Szandla , Laj a SZEROWSK I m Nuchem, Mandla Golda WIERNI K , Itla WAJCMAN , Fajg a CZARN A , Han a Hinda SOWOW , Cirl a CYMROT , Marya Séria GUZY , Gitl a GUZY a Berek, Malka SMOLAR Z s Pinkus, Perla Cylka ORBACH , Ita Laja KAMENAR Z , Pesl a Matla ZRYCKI , Sora Mindla WAJCMAN a Mendel, Perla BUCHMAJER , Cyp a BUCHMAJER l Jankel, Rochla Laja MILLE R , Pesl a SZTYLER , Brandla GOLDLIST , Sor a TARGOWNK , Chena KESEL , Bajla CYMRO T , Szandl a Ryfka ZMIDE K k Mendel, mindla Haja PLUCIENN K , Hinda BESENDORF , Laja BLANK , Laj a ZUNSZAJ N , Sora KASZA , Mindla HERSZKOWICZ a Hersz, Gitl a HERSZENCHOR N , Blima 24 20 26 25 26 24 25 36 38 20 22 22 25 24 26 20 22 60 35 24 19 33 26 23 28 25 40 30 21 36 30 24 29 36 31 24 23 40 26 32 44 35 29 47 22 40 34 42 42 33 45 25 24 21 27 50 20 30 28 22 38 42 27 27 22 23 21 38 30 30 22 23 30 40 43 36 60 45 30 25 32 47 25 22 30 22 40 20 35 30 25 19 38 24 33 45 33 20 39 18 36 30 41 40 28 44 20 23 19 27 40 24 26 27 20 32 40 26 21 20 27 20 26 28 30 23 22 28 34 40 32 36 40 28 24 30 26 26 24 28 20 36 56 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 KALMUS SOLNIK ZYNGER KLAJNCHENDLER GLIOZMAN KWASNEWSKI ELENCWAJG MYDLARZ NAJMAN LffiERMAN WAJSMAN CZARNA ELIASZEWICZ KORENBERG MENDROWSKI STASZEWSKI JAROS SKURA LEWKOWICZ KLAJNPLAC ZYLBERBERG BOMS DIAMENT ROZENBERG FIRSZTENBERG LADOWSKI ZLOTNIK ZLOTNIK WAJNTRAUB SWICZARCZBK RUBIN WULCIKOWICZ MOSZENBERG HERSZKOWICZ RECHT RECHT MALOT SZTRAUCH GORLICKI CZARNOBRODZKI TAFLOWICZ WAJCMAN RYCHTER DIAMENT ROTENBERG ROTENBERG PASTERNAK KOSLOWSKJ CHLIEB GOLDSZTAJN MONCARZ ZRYCKI TREMBECKI SZCZERBA DIAMENT LEMEL SZNYCER ZONSZAJN OZEROWSKI MASNIK MINSKI SOBKOWSKI SZULCMAN KLARMAN MLYNARCZIK NIZHNICKI SYLMAN MERSZAJN NOZIC WULFOWICZ KLIOSKA PACHOL WAJCMAN Tabla Ryfka Gesel Bajla Brandla Izrael Estera Fajgla Szaja Golda Estera Laja Nechum Chaja Bajl a Dwojra Mortka Gerszel Josek Berek Moszek Hanina Hana Rajzl a Mindla Moszek Mindla Sura Hana Elja Abram Abram Gitla Icek Welka Wulf Abram Majer Uszer Gytla Brajndl a Icek Mindla Abram Wulf Ginana Tajbla Chaim Zelman Todrys Sura Szajndl a Jakob Icek Elja Mariasz Fajgl a Dawid Icek Gitla Aron Jakob Zysel Lejzor Nyso n Josek Besr Chawa Ryfk a Pawel Brandla Alta Estera Chicla Rochla Laj a Gercla Brandla Josek Chaim Rywka Szajndl a Mindla Nacha Icek Gersz Fajwel Icek Besr Nacha Rajzla Malya Blima Mortka Majer, Ruchl a Basa SOLNIK Jankel, Hana ZYLBERBERG Jakob Hajm, Perl a ZYSMAN Abram, Blima KERSZENBAUM Fajwel, Ester a GUTMA N Efroim Moszek , Fajga LEMBER G Boruch Josek, Rochla Laja DZIOR A Moszek Kiwa, Rywa Dwojra PAPLA K Szija, Rajzl a WAJCMA N Moszek, Laj a PAPLA K Majer, Mindl a CHLIEB Szaja, Han a CZAPNK (father?), Ryfk a Rochl a FRYDMAN Moszek, Hana OSSIA Manel, Marya Ruda CYGALER Izrael Aron, Sura TANDETNK Abram Moszek, Sura MANDEL Lejbus, Hana OGNEWICZ Majer, Fajg a SOLAR Z Szimon Mortka, Baza LEWOWSKI Lejzor Berek , Wita MOSZENBERG Nuchem Matys, Nisla SYLMAN Moszek Hersz, Brona DIAMENT Andzel, Estera Frajdla SPICICK I Alter, Sor a BYMK Szmul Fajwel, Sur a Blima DRZEWECKI Majer, Ester a FRYDMA N Lejzor, Rajzl a CER B Moszek, Fajgl a WARSZAWSK I Majlich, Malk a CYMERENK Ejnoch, Temerl a MOSZKOWICZ Mortka, Ryfka PISKUR Z Icek, Ryfka TAJCHNE R Moszek, Dwojr a Fajga SZENASK I Lejzor, Hudes a RECHT Lejzor, Hudes a RECHT Josek, Malka WAJNBER G Ogizer, Merla WISLICKA Szlama, Kajla Szandl a MIODOWNIK Majer, Hindl a GROJSMAN Izrael Hersz, Estera KWASNEWSKI Majer, Malk a MACHTYGER Lejbus, Gumcz y GOLDSZTAJN Wolf, Mindla LIOPKA Szlama Lejb, Golda Ryfka ROTENBER G Moszek, Haj a PRAJS Abram, Blima MILLER Moszek Hersz, Malka LEWKOWICZ Icek Aronowicz, Szprinca ELIASZEWICZ Hersz, Jochweta WAJNRAJC H Hil, Alta Sura WAJSBORT Icek Lejb, Hana Bajla KLAJNE R Gerszon, Marya Gitla ROTENBERG Lipa, Ryfka ZAB Icek Josek, Pesla SWICZARCZJX Kalma, Marya SZTAJNFEL D Moszek Lejb, Sora Dwojra FUK S Machel, Frajdla ROZENBLU M Lejzor Hersz, Ryfka Itt a MAPPA Hersz, Rajzla Fajg a NEWADOMIC H Rubin, Liba BIRENBAUM Jozept, Hana Bajla BERKOWSK I Dawid, Marya GORLICKI Szmelka, Hindla Haja JAROS Lejbus, Frajd a Laj a FIG Szimon Icek, ruchla Fajga ICKOWIC Z Alter, Ruchl a Maytla NAPARSTEK Szlama, Laca FRYDMAN Abram, Brandla Laja SKROBACK I Lipa Zelik, Perla PUTERMAN Simcha, Cypa BULWA Izrael Wolf, Frymeta BEKERMAN Moszek, Kajl a Zelda PRAWER Summer 200 0 30 22 28 36 36 40 22 40 28 38 28 23 34 42 24 26 22 42 30 26 40 40 40 27 38 50 24 22 28 24 28 42 40 21 21 36 34 35 28 36 48 37 35 37 23 38 25 40 40 32 32 30 49 30 31 40 36 24 42 27 53 40 30 25 23 21 35 26 30 22 20 40 28 22 28 35 35 38 20 38 26 36 27 22 40 36 40 22 25 20 40 28 26 38 36 47 26 18 24 26 20 28 26 21 40 40 26 26 38 26 34 24 36 47 35 37 35 24 36 24 36 30 30 28 30 32 26 35 36 34 26 36 26 50 36 28 24 23 20 26 24 28 20 18 38 Summer 200 0 57 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 131 JAKUBOWIC Z 132 GOLDMA N 133 PALK A 134 DZAB A 135 DZAB A 136 BLOC H 137 BIRENCWAJ G 138 RYDELNI K 139 GODFRY D 140 SZTRAUC H 141 PINCZOWSK I 142 FAERSZTAJ N 143 HERSZKOWIC Z 144 NOZI C 145 RECH T 146 PASTERNA K 147 OPATOWSK I 148 KERSZENBAU M 149 BERNBAU M 150 BERNBAU M 151 KANTO R 152 AJDLE R 153 KRAJCE L 154 LIOFTSZPRINGE R 155 NAJMA N 156 AJSZENKE R 157 ZYLBERBER G 158 SWICZARCZI K 159 GUTMA N 160 KWASNEWSK I 161 KUKULK A 162 CYTRDVBAU M 163 AJZENBER G 164 GOLDBER G 165 MEDZIOGURSK I 166 MEDZIOGURSK I 167 STOPNICK I 168 FRAJDMAN ? 169 SLABOSZEWSK I 170 FRYDMA N 171 TCHUR Z 172 ZERNICK I 173 SKUR A 174 WAJNBER G 175 MENTLI K 176 SZWARCMA N 177 ZELBERSZTAJ N 178 GOLDBLA T 179 WERDIWE R 180 FUK S 181 MENTLI K 182 BALOGURSK I 183 DYZENGAU S 184 GLIKSMA N 185 WAJNBER G 186 ZLOTNI K 187 DZALOSZICK I 188 ZMIDE K 189 WAJNBER G 190 WISNICK I 191 GODFRY D 192 JOSKOWIC Z 193 NAJMA N 194 GUZ Y 195 FELENGE R 196 ROZENBER G 197 LEWENSZTAJ N Chaim Jankel , Rochla Laja KAL P Kiwa Hersz , Hana ROZENCWAJG Szlama Herszel , Marya OZSA Mendel Ejzyk Szimon , Golda ROZENCWAJG Lajbus Szlama , Gitl a CIEL Izrael Majer Moszek , Gitl a BRAM Moszek Mendel , Rochl a LEWENSZTAJ N Jukel Izrae l Mortka, Ita ZAWADZKI Judka Lajbus Pinku s Boruch, Etla Laja BRAM Abram Szmu l Zelik, Fajgla ROZENKRAN C Brajndla Aba , Hawa PASTERNAK Aron Moszek , Dwojr a HAJMOWIC Z Majer Nusyn , Sora NLAKY? Majer Nusyn , Zlota ZETELNA? Abram Moszek Aro n Berek, Hana JICAR Z Bajla Dawid , Rykla MYDLARZ Zelman Icek , Estera KOCHEN Jakob Abram , Cyrl a KERSZENBAU M Abram Fajwel , Dwojr a FELDMA N Samsa Fajwel , Dwojr a FELDMA N Sura Rajzla Josek , Rochla NASLER Szmul Dawid Haskel , Estera Bajla DZIOR A Szlama Hil , Alto KANAREK Kalma Herszel , Brandla KUPER Laja Dawid , Bajla Marya Bencian Josl , Ryfka Estera SMOLAR Z Chindla Laja Ice k Wolf, Dwojr a SZTARKMA N Eliasz Szlama , Ryfka SWICZNJ K Gecel Hajm , Dwojr a LJLENBAU M Chaja Ita Lejbus , Sur a Rajzla CYMRO T Szimon Wulf Boruch , Sur a MALY Szajndla Mary a Izrael , Frajdla Malka MACHTEGER Tauba Majer , Haj a KWASNEWSK I Icek Gersz Hercyk , Haj a POTO K Gerszel Hil , Tauba MEDZIOGURSKI Berek Haskel , Rajzla ROZENCWAJ G Fiszel Janke l Lejzor, Sur a PRAWER Menka Menka , Haja CIECIERSK I Liba Lejbus , Ryfk a ABRAMO W Dawid Majer , Ester a Malka MENTLIK Ruchla Frima Pejsak , Gitl a ROZENBAUM Dawid Abram , Krejdla GORLICK I Bajla Szmul , Haja WASERMA N Sura Ryfka Dawi d Lejbus, Ruchl a Laja TCHUR Z Moszek Chi l Josek , Perla TAUBENBLA T Abram Nuchem , Hana Kajla ENOC H Szmul Gersz Hi l Awner, Perl a Ella GOLDLIST Hana Frajdla Majer , Taub a DRBACH Chaim Hi l Szija, Mindla SZTRAUC H Sura Chinda Jozef , Ryfk a Ester a CHOLEWIC Z Moszek Szmu l Jakob, Hana DIAMEN T Szapsa Kuna , Rajzla MENTLI K Icek Majer , Perl a Hinda BJRENBAUM Aron Dawid , Hawa MOSZENBERG Chaja Zysma , Rajzla SWICZARCZI K Abram Lejzor , Rajzl a CZERB A Gerszla Mana , Cypa Majtla MORTKOWIC Z Sura Ryfka Moszek , Ita Laja DZIOR A Ita Fiszel , Malka Haja KOSZERMA N Szaul Dawid , Rajzl a WAJNBER G Ruchla Ejnoc h Elja , Mindla ZUNSZAJ N Abram Icek Mortka , Han a Pesla MYDLARZ Chaim Dawid , Pesl a Brandla HERSZKOWIC Z Jochim Dawid , Fajga GOLDBER G Josek Abra m Icek, Mindla PLUCEENNIK Tauba Szimon , Hana MENTLIK Rajzla Moszek , Brucha LEJCHSZTAJN 36 44 25 26 31 20 37 38 42 50 36 40 27 45 40 43 34 25 24 24 20 25 24 32 36 40 40 60 38 23 40 40 45 43 40 27 32 36 40 40 36 26 32 30 21 20 40 23 24 30 40 36 30 21 23 24 52 50 25 22 23 45 40 40 25 20 36 23 40 26 22 26 20 31 38 40 30 32 38 22 40 30 40 32 24 22 22 19 22 20 30 35 38 22 42 37 21 38 42 43 30 37 27 30 34 38 36 30 24 30 44 20 20 31 20 30 31 36 35 31 19 20 26 45 40 22 20 22 43 38 37 24 20 36 1 BRAN D 2 ROZENBER G 3 ICKOWIC Z 4 LI S Sura Maria Maje Kiwa Menasza Fajgla Ciml a Abram Maria Szlama 31 23 30 21 20 20 25 19 1882 r Hil , Rajza BURSZTY N , Mindla Haja MENDROWSK I , Rochla Laja ZYLBERBER G , Estera Frajdla LIS 58 5 KONENBER G 6 HERSZKOWIC Z 7 LI S 8 NIRENBER G 9 JOSKOWIC Z 10 ZYLBERSZTAJ N 11 ZONSZAJ N 12 DAWTOOWIC Z 13 SZMULEW1C Z 14 GROSBER G 15 SMOLAR Z 16 ZYNGE R 17 KRAWCZI K 18 CIE L 19 PRZHECHACK I 20 PODOLSK I 21 MORTY N 22 ZAION C 23 MIODOWNI K 24 TANDETNI K 25 SZPE R 26 FAJKAR Z 27 KO N 28 BROWARNI K 29 GOLDLIS T 30 BULW A 31 SWICZARCZI K 32 MOSZKOWIC Z 33 BALOWON S 34 BALOWON S 35 DZIOR A 36 DIAMEN T 37 LIBERMA N 38 MENTLI K 39 SZMULEWIC Z 40 MICELMACHE R 41 TEMPELCHO R 42 WAJNBER G 43 BLAN K 44 DIAMEN T 45 GURSK I 46 SOLAR Z 47 KANARE K 48 SKUR A 49 SMOLAR Z 50 MKULOWSK I 51 LIOBK A 52 SKORECK I 53 ZMIDE K 54 HERSZKOWIC Z 55 ROZENBLU M 56 ROZENFAR B 57 KOTE K 58 CUKE R 59 GOLDLIS T 60 WAJ L 61 WAJCENBER G 62 ZMIDE K 63 DRUKAR Z 64 SZLEZYNGE R 65 BUCHE R 66 BUCHE R 67 ROTE R 68 LADOWSK I 69 GUZ Y 70 APELSZTAJ N 71 FINKELSZTAJ N 72 FEDERMA N 73 CHMIELNICK I 74 WYGODN Y 75 WYGODN Y 76 MALICK I 77 WARSZAWSK I Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 Aron (father?) , Haw a MOSZENBERG Hana Sora Kiwa , Hena ASPIS Szmul Gersz Szija , Rywk a Frajdla Caw a Jankel , Ester a Laja PASTERNA K Miernich Zachar i Moszek , Estera Frajdla NOZI C Nusyn Majer Mendel , Knajndla TARGOWN K Jakob Dawid Hersz , Mapa SZTROS Nacha Abram , Hawa FRYDMAN Rajzla Icek , Fajga Ajdl a WAJNCWAJ G Jochen Abra m Mendel, Ryfka Ruchl a ZLOTNK Perla Mortka , Taub a Fajgla KALMA N Pinkus Chaim Mortka , Laj a FRYDMA N Ruchla Laja Mosze k Enoch, Rajzla EJZENBER G Dawid Lejbus , Machla MOSZENBERG Szimon Wulf Moszek , Sur a BURSZTAJN Gerszon Josek Abra m Aron, Malka MORDKOWICZ Gerszel Majlich , Malk a Marya MYDLARZ Cyrla Herszel , Etl a ROZENCWAJG Bajla Pesl a Dawid , Laja WOLCHENDLE R Josek Majer , Ester a EDELBERG Gitla Szos l Zelig, Sura EDELBERG Bencian Nuchu m Dawid, Frajdla WAJNBER G Chudesa Zelig , Estera ZELDC Kalma Zelig , Cyrl a CHILEWICZ Ajdla Dawid , Dwojr a LORBERBAU M Szajndla Rajzla Ksyl , Hinda Frymet UDLER Laja Mosze k Menasz, Sura SWICZARCZ K Jankel Gerszo n Dawid, Laja DRUKAR Z Chena Abram , Pesla SWICZARCZ K Sura Abram , Pesla SWICZARCZ K Szmul Zajwel Wigdor , Hana Zysla BALA Szlama Juma Mortka , Tolc a Laja DZIOR A Moszek Mortka Ice k Noech, Ester a TANDETN K Josek Symcha Janke l Besr, Hana EPSZTAJN Mortka Ksyl , Hana Sura WAKSLAR Chaim Gersz Abra m Jankel, Mindla JOSKOWICZ Sura Jako b Rywen, Blima Rajzla KESE L Szapsa Josek Boruch , Sura Szajndla KAMENAR Z Chaim Szaja , Sur a Perla BLANK Josl Zelma n Dawid, Majtla DZIOR A Jankel Majer , Sor a PASCZERMAN Chaskel Mosze k Josek, Sura TASMA Hana Ruchla Hersz , Laja PAPLAK Lejbus Majer Icek , Cerkla MARGULES Gerszel Abram , Pesla FUKS Wulf Ejzyk , Han a GOLDBLUM Brandla Szmul , Hana Haja CZAPN K Rajzla Hersz , Ryfka Laj a RZEDNICK I Sura Szprinca Ejzyk , Paml a Udesa SKURA Josek Hersz , Rajzla WOJCINOWIC Z Estera Herszel , Perla EGER Fajgla Mirl a Haskel , Ryfka EJGER Chendla Rochla Ab a Nucha, Sora CHMIELNICKI Chaim Pinkus , Dwojra DZIORA Ejzyk Gers z Nusyn , Brandla PION Ruchla Berek , Ryfka Ejtl a ROZENCWAJ G Laja Lejzor , Ester a CIECIERSKI Perla Dawid , Sur a Gitla WALDBERG Jochwet Icek , Golda BELFER Dawid Wulf , Haca PELERMAN Chaskel Jankel , Hana URENCWAJG Dyna Jankel , Hana URENCWAJG Fajgla Josek , Hana Tabla SZENKER Etla Fajwel , Ruchl a Laja MOSZENBER G Rywka Judka , Pesla GUZY Abram Nusyn , Ester a Ruchla BULWA Abram Jankel , Ruchla LIOBKA Elie Berek , Sura MENTLIK Izrael Szij a Berek , Rywa SMALY Abram Simch a Mortka, Laja KAMINSK I Icek Simch a Mortka, Laja KAMINSKI Szlama Pinkus Jakob , Liba Genendla SZILDENKAU B Nusyn Dawid Josek , Ryfka SZIFE R Summer 2000 30 21 28 54 23 28 29 26 36 32 40 21 42 25 39 38 26 34 23 42 35 34 27 27 35 40 32 40 40 32 19 28 31 35 40 21 25 30 38 30 31 21 21 19 27 30 48 26 40 25 22 31 33 21 30 36 36 38 40 38 38 21 37 30 30 20 32 28 42 42 23 40 19 28 20 20 40 20 26 26 20 30 30 39 18 40 23 38 36 24 30 20 37 34 35 27 26 35 38 30 38 38 30 19 27 30 36 36 19 18 30 37 34 30 23 19 18 27 30 40 29 35 24 21 24 30 18 27 30 24 37 38 36 36 20 37 28 27 20 30 28 42 42 22 38 • , * * > • • -î Summer 2000 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 WAJCMAN GLIOZMAN LIOBKA CYTRINBAUM CYMROT CIEL SMIETANA STOPNICKI WALDBERG CHMIELNICKI JUTRZENKA BAKALARZ MAJEROWICZ MORTYN BYK CYTNICKI ZERNICKI TASMA GOLDLIST LUKOWICZ GORZHELN1K BELFER CYNAMON TCHURZH LAJTMAN GOLDLIST GOLDSZTAJN SZTERENFELD KRIKSZTAJN SZYDLOWSKI GUTMAN BERMINSKI FERSZTER LEMBERG GORLICKI PASTERNAK DIAMENT SKROBACKI WAJSMAN HERSZKOWICZ / ZILBERBERG ROTENBERG ELENCWAJG GOLDSZTAJN DIAMENT WAJCENSTER FRYDMAN SUCHENNIK PLESZOWSKI RAJMAN NUSYNBAUM KERSZENBAUM BESENDORF JOSKOWICZ GOLDLIST GOLDSZTAJN BULWA WENGER CAPA GORLICKI DIAMENT DIAMENT PICEL SZPIRA PTASZNIK GRYNGRAS ABELOWICZ KLAJMAN ORZHEL GOLDSZTAJN KASZERMAN NIRENBERG ZALCBERG - 59 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 Szulam Fajgla Malka Chinda Golda Abram Abram Gecel Szandla Chena Bencian Zelik Josek Sura Rywka Maria Pesla Maria Laj a Chawa Josek Pinkus Izrael Rafal Gers z Gercel Laja Dawid Let Icek Genendla Fiszel Ruchla Laj a Lewi Szija Rubin Maria Mendel Maje r Mortka Hana Naftula Tauba Szmul Josek Moszek Aron Kalma Dawid Icek Gerszla Jakob Dawid, Marya ZYLBERSZTAJ N Szlama, Frajdla MANELOWIC Z Rachmil, Haja Ryfk a GOLDBER G Szmerla Dawid, Hana Ruchla BOGUCHWA L Icek, Ryfka Dwojr a RECHTMA N Kopel, Krejsla SZIFE R Icek, Cyrl a OBIRNAK Jankel, Ruchla AJDLER Hajm, Dobr a WALDBER G Majer Zysla , Alta BRONOWSKI Moszek Aron, Ryfka JUTRZENK A Szija, Szajndl a DZIOR A Moszek, Malka GOLDFAR B Icek, Fajgla WAJZE R Alter, Sura Rajzla MENTLI K Szija, Malka CHOJNOW Herszell, Bajla SKUR A Jakob, Myrla Ejtla WALDERMA N Moszek, Estera Hana RECHTMAN Majer, Haj a Marya FAWIS Z Moszek, Sur a MACHTYGER Kalma Hersz, Sura ZRICKI Judka, Sura Laja MILLE R Bencian, Brucha MINSKI Szimon, Machla SWICZARCZK Icek, Haja MALY Jankel, Hana GORLICKI Herszel, Perla SZTERENFEL D Moszek, Szajndla Laj a GRANE K Lejbus Zelman, Sura Hana LIBUCIC Abram, Rochla WAJNRJB Mortka Elja, Gitl a SZYDLOWSKI Moszek Hil, Klara NOWAK Jankel, Szifra REMBESZEWSK I Kopel, Ryfka BRAWERMA N Icek Wulf, Sura PASTERNAK Elja Nochem , Malka ROZENCWAJ G Josek, Sura Marya SMALY Abram Dawid, Estera PRACOWNK Josek, Myrl a BUGAJSKI Scharia Abram Estera Sura Szandla Aita Hana Rajzla Estera Rywka Elka Markel Frajdla Abram Szmul Perla Basa Pesla Pidla Josek Chaja Perl a Chena Estera Szlama Gersz Hana Tauba Josek Berek Jocheta Motel Maria Ejnoch Jankel Chena Boruch Wulf Mortka Krajdla Tabla Ruchla Ita Ruchla Brandla Szmul Chaim Aron, Laja PTASZNI K Gabriel, Haja Laja PLASZEWSK I Efroim, Cyn a HENIK Moszek Nuta, Dobra BURSZTAJN Nachem, Ejtla BOCHMAJE R Haskel, Estera WISNICKI Majer, Loce n JOSKOWICZ Moszek Lejb, Estera CHELE R Cryl, Hana JOSKOWICZ Izrael, Sura Nysla NAPARSTEK Kiwa, Rochla IGELNK Herszel, Hana Nusyn, sura WISLICKI Icek, Haja MALY Majer Jakob, Szajndla FUK S Icek, Fajga RUTMALO W Urys, Zelda HERSZKOWICZ Hajm, Gold a Itla KWASNEWSKI Izrael Szlama, Hana GORLICKI Haskel, Malka WAJSBORT Haskel, Malka WAJSBORT Jankel, Golda PLUCIENN K Fiszel Majer, Bas a Mala KLAJNER Herszel, Brandla DIAMENT Mortka, Golda HERSZKOWICZ Mendel, Hana Cylka OSTROWSKI Moszek Lejb, Gitl a EJZYKOWICZ (father?), Ester a Rywka PUKET Jona, Hana Rochla GUTMA N Ejnoch Elja, Hana SZYDLOWSKI Szmelka, Hana Estera PELCMA N Hil Nachym, Kajla Rywa KWASNEWSKI 24 41 40 36 40 35 24 37 40 32 29 30 27 34 22 42 37 35 31 35 24 27 28 30 29 27 37 28 24 50 24 40 37 32 24 40 30 36 21 25 27 38 30 30 32 38 22 38 20 50 28 27 30 40 40 24 23 36 23 38 38 25 23 39 . 35 20 24 35 36 28 24 28 36 22 36 19 30 28 21 23 25 30 40 22 25 48 26 20 32 46 22 25 27 40 28 29 26 25 25 37 42 32 33 - 20 23 24 30 38 22 20 44 26 19 28 39 23 24 26 33 24 26 27 24 24 36 36 36 25 20 27 28 24 22 28 25 24 20 21 42 50 - 35 60 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 150 BIRENCWAJG 151 WAKSMAN 152 MENTLIK 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 ZYLBERGERG WAJNGOLT KERSZENBAUM LANGWALD LANGARTEN ROZENBERG SZYDLOWSKI LEWKOWICZ FRYDMAN MENDROWSKI KACZINSKI ROZENBLAT BESENDORF ZYNGER MENTLIK SLEDZIONKA JAROS SZULMAN LEWKOWICZ MAPPA KWASNEWSKI GARFINKEL SZTERENFELD STOPNICKI WARSZAWSKI GOLDSZTAJN BIRENBAUM KANTOR TARNOWSKI KACZINSKI KATZ AJZENBERG ROTENBERG CHABERSKI SWICZARCZIK MAJEROWICZ ROZENBERG LAMTT WAJNGOLT NERENBERG GOLDBERG PISKURZ PASTERNAK DIAMENT DIAMENT KPEPCARZ CYMROT GORLICKI LADOWSKI ZITMAN GOLDBERG MORTKOWICZ KAUFMAN BRAJTMAN GOLDBERG PRZHENDZA TARKELTAUB MENTLIK DREWKANI ZMIDEK PELERMAN CYTRINBAUM ROZENBERG CYTRINBAUM ZRYCKI TAUBENBLAT JOSKOWICZ WALDBERG LEWENSZTAJN LEWENSZTAJN Rubin Szamsa Sura Dwojra Aron Aron Moszek Chi ! Icek Lejzor Szandla Chaim Majer Kiwa Joma Lejzor Dawi d Mindla Chaj a Abram Dawid Perla Josek Jonas Lejzor Jankel Pinkus Moszek Lima Sura Estera Fajgla Laj a Szandla Awner Icek Berek Icek Josek Szandla Fajwel Gerszo n Gitla Tabla Dawid Lej b Rywka Macha Rojza Frimeta Simcha Fajwel Jochweta Chaja Rywk a Izrael Lejzor Chercka Fajgla Chaj a Izrael Zajla ? Abram Josek Mosek Lejzor Sora Ksyl Mosek Jankel Moszek Chil Gerszla Estera Perla Izrael Berek Kanarek Pesla Chaim Zalka Hana Szandla Ksyl Rykla Dydis Rywka Mindla Laj a Mindla Chaj a Josek Szprinca Pinkus Chaim Cerla Moszek Chil Nuta Izrael Chalma Laja Izrael Ksyl Mendel, Ruchla LEWENSZTAJ N Josek Szosl, Ajdla DZIORA Lejzor Elja , Mas a FEDCHENDLE R Moszek, Ester a Doba ZELAZNDC Josek, Blima GRYNSZPAN Abram, Cyrl a KERSZENBAUM Hajm Josek , Sur a LERNER Hersz Mendel, Rywa NOZIC Machel, Rywka CIE L Aron Jona, Sur a Gitla KAUFMA N Lejbus, Szandl a Rywka LEWKOWIC Z Josek, Mindla WAJNGARTE N Jankell, Perla LIS Lejbus, Frajdl a FRYDBER G Enzel Lejbus, Sur a BALOGURSKI Herszel, Hana Hajm Jakob , Perla ZISMA N Lis, Ester a Laja WAJZAF T Ejzyk, Fajgl a Brandl a MIKOWSKI Dawid, Perl a JAKUBOWICZ Josek, May a BAUMSZTAJ N Pinkus, Hana Sima PLUCIENNK Szmul, Estera DZADE K Zelik, Zlota WARFAGER Szimon, Hinda Laja SLERENGE R Hersz Josek, Ajdl a Ester a ZAJFMAN Dawid, Krandl a KOPECKI Machel, Mindla MAJEROWICZ Mortka, Hinda KASSOWSKI Aron, Bin a MINSKI Gerszon, Sur a Brandla GORLICK I Herszel, Gitla ZLOTNJK Wolf, Han a JOSKOWICZ Szlama, Tauba Fajgla ZLOTN K Szlama, Gitla Marya DIAMEN T Izrael, Sura Fajgla PASTERNA K Moszek, Ruchla Sura CHOLEWIC Z Ejnoch Elja , Fajtl a TCHUR Z Les, Kajla WAJNRAJC H Hercyk, Rywka DRUKARSZK I Szmul Abram, Hawa CZARN A Lejbus, Sur a KORZUCH Abram, San a BRUMAN Pinkus, Haja SZAJNSZTAJ N Fajwel, Mindl a ICKOWIC Z Abram, Blima MILLER Jankel, Perla WALDBER G Jankel, Perla WALDBER G Majer, Kajl a ROTENBER G Dawid, Taub a Szejwa CYMRO T Nuchym Dawid, Ruchl a ROTER Urys, Sur a Ajdla ROZENBLU M Kiwa, Rejwk a Haja SYLMA N Dawid, Marya Laja CHMIELNICK I Moszek Aron, Rochl a Hawa MORTYN Icek, Hana Laja BLOC H Mosek Dawid, Fajgl a GOLDBER G Majer, Sur a Rywka DYRENFEL D Zelik, Blima SZAJBER G Hajm, Han a KALINSKI Rachmel, Sor a BULWA Izrael, Sura GUZY Jaker Zachariasz , Ester a Rajzla ROZENBLU M Moszek Dawid, Sur a Brandla TEFLOWIC Z Szmerla, Estera Gitla ROZENBLUM Moszek Hajm, Cyrl a ROZENFEL D Szmerla Dawid, Hana Ruchla BOGUCHWA L Motel, Dwojra KANDELCYKE R Nachym, Haja Fajgl a CZAPNICK I Hajm Josek , Haj a Pesl a SZIFE R Mosek, Rochl a JAKUBOWICZ Berek, Rejl a POMERAN C Jakob Mosek, Szifr a GOLDSZTAJ N Summer 2000 40 22 19 38 26 25 43 20 40 20 36 50 26 34 32 46 29 40 48 40 31 38 21 44 42 25 28 27 28 22 36 37 30 30 42 23 40 28 20 40 27 25 28 38 50 38 26 26 50 25 31 36 22 24 28 48 26 25 38 36 24 22 41 33 33 21 32 52 24 38 36 36 41 37 20 20 36 21 24 40 18 36 19 40 30 22 34 19 39 28 36 35 37 32 36 19 46 32 24 32 20 23 20 36 32 24 22 40 23 35 26 20 38 26 21 25 36 40 38 25 25 36 23 30 30 19 25 28 33 23 20 36 20 20 30 32 33 20 31 40 22 39 35 35 37 Summer 200 0 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 OWSAKYL ROTENBERG DIAMENT BALOGURSKI DRZHEWECKI LEWENRAJCH OKOWITA SOLARZ KLARMAN BLANK SZMULEWICZ MENTLIK EJZENBERG BLANK CEECBERSKI ROTER ZYLBERSZTAJN ZYLBERBERG SERCAROZ EJZENBERG EJZENBERG RYDELNIK MYDLARZ DAJTELBAUM MALICKI KORENBLUM TARKELTAUB ROTENBERG KERSZENBAUM KERSZENBAUM SANDAL CHENCINSKI FIRSZTENBERG ZERNICKI ZYSMAN KOBYLKA SOLARZ GOLDRUT GUTMAN BRZfflSKI FEJDERMAN CZARNA GERSZKOPF MENTLIK WYGODKI GOLDBERG GURGEL GOLDBERG CHLEEB MENDLOWICZ BIRENBAUM TCHURZ KORENBERG WYGODKI PLUCIENNIK WAJLA MORTYN OGNEWICZ GRYNBAUM MONCARZ KLARMAN ZYLBERBERG SKURA KANTOR KNOBEL PISKURZH GRYNGRAS MEDZIOGURSKI BERENFAS DREZNER BRZHISKI PASTERNAK KORENBLUM 61 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 Kielce-Raa Majer Gerszla Naftula Rubin Moszek Szmul Zajwe l Estera Cywa Estera Sura Chaim Szlama Rywka Pesla Szandla Cywia Brandla Maria Jankel Gela Izrael Judka Lej b Gitla Liwa Szlama Fajgla Chaw a Moszek Lejbu s Curtla Mortka Cymla Abram Abram Berek Rochla Josek Frajdla Gela Zelda Szandla Hana Fajgla Josek Boruch Aron Jakob Icek Ita Nusyn Srul Wulf Chinda Frajd a Szimon Jaka Lejzor Jakob Josek Estera Fajgl a Sura Tabla Mosek Szimon Mortka Zanwel Smolarz Sura Laj a Chawa Perla Ajdla Chaja Bajl a Rachla Golda Golda Rajzla Minda Golda Estera Ruchla Szmul Chejnoc h Fajgla WulfGersz Gitla Temerla Rywka Sura Liwa Nuchym Rochla Estera Hana Curkla Laj a Rywka Chaskel Basa Mortka Boruch, Frymet GRYNSZPA N Szmul, Ruchla Szajndla RACHCMA N Wolf, Mindla LIOBKA Icek, Sura STOPNICKI Fajwel, Han a Fajgla WARSZAWSK I Eliasz, Wit t LIS Izrael Jankel, Majtla ROZENFEL D Dawid, Haj a Sura SZWAGER Dawid, Fajgl a KLARMA N Szmul, Malka Rajzla KAC Szosl, Brandla EJZENBER G Berek, Mindla EPSZTAJ N Mendel, Majtla PRZECHACK I Haskel, Szajndla KUFZE L Abram Josek, Frajdl a LEWENSZTAJ N Icek, Haja Sur a ZAIONC (father?), Gold a Nacha BRANTSZTETE R Berek Kalma, Ruchla CHELLE R Mosek, Gnendl a SZTRAUC H Wolf, Ruchla Laja GROJSMA N Wolf, Ruchla Laja GROJSMA N Lejzor, Haj a Sur a ZAJTMA N Majlach, Gitl a GUZY Simcha Mendel, Perla BOCHMAJER Jakob, Liba Gnendla MANDEL Herszel, Brandla BRAJTMAN Kalma, Hawa Golda RAJTER Mosek, Cyrla URBAJTEL Icek, Blima KERSZENBAUM Icek, Blima KERSZENBAUM Josek, Rykl a GRYNSZPAN Fajwel, Cyp a BOCHMAJER Hajm Lejbus, Taub a GELLER Pinkus Fiszel, Hana Rochla FRYDMAN Juma, Krusa? Perla WAKS Herszel, Idesa GRZEBINARZ Izrael, Hana OSSIA Alter, Sor a Etla NUSYNOWIC Z Judka, Hinla GUTMAN Hajm Lejb, Kajla Frymet KOSSOWSKI Mortka, Han a MIODOWNK Majlich, Szandl a MORTYN Ejber, Cywi a ROZENBAUM Izrael Moszek, Entla ELFANT Abram, Fajgla KNOBE L Ejnoch, Haj a Bajla ZMIDE K Abram, Sura Gitla NEWADOMSK I Lejbus Kalma, Haja Dob a PERELMAN Josek, Laja FRYDMA N (father?), Frajdla SKUR A Fajwel, Dwojr a FELDCMA N Hajm Dawid , Rajzla PAGURE K Motel, Hana OSSIA Izrael, Laja BLANK Berek, Hana Laja ROZENCWAJ G Berek, Rywk a Majtla ROZENCWAJ G Mosek Lejb, Tauba Fajgla ZLOTN K Machel, Brandla LEWKOW Elja, Haj a WAJCMA N Lejbus, Zlot a MAJEROWICZ Moszek Hajm, Gitl a OTREMBA Moszek, Gnendl a SZYDLOWSKI Lejbus, Han a OGNEWICZ Josek, Ruchl a KAESYER Hajm, Haj a Mary a SZTRAUC H Haskel, Pesla ZAIONC Berek, Bajla DZIOR A Alter, Marya CHMIELNICK I Mortka Berek, Malka MENDLEWICZ Herszel, Tauba BYK Jankel Wolf, Jochwet GLAJT Berek, Bajla Malka GIBOROWICZ Gecel, Haja Myrla MORTYN 22 29 35 38 33 30 45 40 33 27 26 40 20 24 40 38 . 30 32 29 29 26 25 24 24 42 45 24 31 31 25 25 32 33 33 32 42 50 27 24 25 26 25 38 29 38 37 24 37 . 26 34 34 48 36 32 25 32 37 39 27 23 25 19 35 36 37 31 24 30 36 27 24 24 22 34 36 32 30 40 37 33 20 22 40 22 22 37 37 24 30 31 28 28 25 25 25 23 36 36 23 26 26 20 25 33 33 33 33 40 40 27 24 24 23 24 37 25 37 33 26 38 24 24 23 38 27 33 30 21 30 33 33 24 22 23 20 24 28 36 30 28 38 33 23 22 62 296 297 298 299 300 1883 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 Summer 2000 GUZY ZLOTNIK Chil Besr Pejschach Szprinca Rywka Szmelka Majer, Tererl a GORLICKI Lejzor, Rajzl a CZERBA Manel, Sura Etla KLARMAN Moszek, Hindla KRUCZE K Hajm Wolf , Haja Perl a WILNER 24 26 34 27 44 18 26 30 20 40 DIAMENT ZALCBERG GUTMAN BLIOGRYND FRYDMAN FRYDMAN Icek Sura Dawid Zysl Berek Dawid Estera Leta Idesa Chena Etla Josek Chawa Mosek Jona Laja Syma Estera Hana Fiszel Lej b Hana Tauba Chinda Brandla Hana Mirla Szimon Hana Szandla Curtla Josek Chinka Icek Blima Zryl Lejbus Jakub Hana Laja Icek Mortka Lersz Nuta Estera Mindla Berek Ajdla Malka Fiszel Elka Chaja Icek Fajgla Rywk a Dwojra Gerszla Wulf Chaim Tauba Estera Brandla JankelJosek Gerszla Mosek Peria Cylka Nuta Szlama Sapsa Sura Brandla Golda Curkla Mosek Mosek Lejb Jukel Jukel Bajla Chawa Chaim Abram Mortka Icek Lejzo r Judka Majer Sau l Mosek Lejb, Pesla ZYLBERBERG Josek Wulf, pesla OKSENCHENDLE R Berek, Cyp a MIODOWNIK Icek, SimaABRAMOWICZ Moszek, Nisla TARNOWSKI Moszek, Nisla TARNOWSKI Zelik, Estera ZELKOWICZ Zelik, Estera ZELKOWICZ Zelik, Estera ZELKOWICZ Szmul Haskel, Sura PAGURSKI Wolf, Cyrla GLKSMAN Icek, Cyw a ASPIS Osip, Laja LEBERMAN Berek, Majla Ajdla MLOTEK Mosek Hajm, Sur a Ryfka NOZI C Jankel, Idesa DLURSKI Izrael Hersz, Kajla Zelda CHLIEB Wolf, Jochwet KONIK Pinkus, Ruchla Nacha FELEGER Icek, Haja MALY Majer, Ruchl a SIECZKOWSK I Szlama, Mindla Haja ZYLBERSZTAJ N Wolf, Sur a SYLMAN Nuchym Hil, Hana Kajla ERLICH Lejbus, Brandla ZYLBERSZTAJ N Dawid, Marya Mindla GORLICKI Majer Lejb , Rywka LEJBA Zimel, Haja Perla SZYDLOWSKI Herszel, Hana Malka KELERMAN Lejbus Abel, Rachla RAJTER Szmul Dawid, Hana Golda KLAJNPLAC Majer, Taub a Cypa PTASZNK Herszel, Szprinca ROZENSKI Wolf, Ruchl a GROJS Lejbus, Laj a FINDELSZTAJ N Icek, Pesl a SWICZARCZK Szlama SZULMAN, Rywka CHETLE R Zelik, Perla Ita MOSZENBERG Lejbus, Hinda ZYLBERBERG Izrael, Laja FINKELSZTAJ N Abram Moszek, Pesl a MENDEL1 Mortka Symcha, Laja KAMINSKI Mosek, Rajzla SANDA L Szmul, Blima BORKOWSKI Moszek Nuta, Ruchl a KOBYLKA Moszek Nuta, Ruchl a KOBYLKA Icek, Ruchl a MOSZKOWICZ Nuta, Rajzl a TARGOWN K Aba Zaba, Gela Zelda JOSKOWICZ Mortka, Malka MOSZKOWICZ Urys, Fajgl a PRAJ S Kalma, Fajga Haw a WAJNCAFT (father?), Dyn a Bajla PAGUREK (father?), Estera DYZENGAUS (father?), Malka SLEDZIONK A Herszel, Sura Mindla WAJCMAN Abram, Rywka KLAJNER Jama Hersz, Mindla TARNOWSKI Mosek Ejnoch, Rajzl a EJZENBER G Dawid, Laja JANKLEWIC Z Hil Lejbus, Sur a Mandla PLESZOWSK I Lejb Wolf, Rajzla Laj a PASTERNA K Gerszon, Marya Gitla ROTENBERG Ejnoch Elja , Sur a BILCZEWSKI Tobel, Rywka KAMINSKI Haskel, Rywka Laja WISNICK I 40 52 20 44 34 34 31 31 31 60 41 39 27 36 29 27 40 40 30 40 36 18 32 35 35 31 31 31 42 38 40 25 36 30 19 40 36 30 40 35 29 20 38 36 42 30 25 44 22 40 27 38 34 32 32 23 25 42 28 47 44 50 42 42 29 27 27 34 30 38 25 35 31 19 36 34 42 30 22 38 25 40 26 36 32 29 29 23 24 39 28 47 24 30 38 38 26 20 26 24 30 32 34 21 44 30 20 20 19 42 20 38 30 38 35 38 JAROS FRIMERMAN GORLICKI KON KON KON PAGUREK WAJCMAN SYLMAN MIODOWNIK BYRMAN EJZENBERG SKROBACKI TARK GOLDSZMYD FRYDMAN GOLDLIST SIECZKOWSKI GOLDRUT NAPARSTEK SZWARCMAN PASTERNAK DOBRA MACHTYGER GUTMIN LISGARTEN SKURA STOPNICKI KANICKI HERSZKOWICZ ROZENCWAJG FINKELSZTAJN DIAMENT SZULMAN GURGEL WYGODNY MENDROWSKI JAROS WYGODNY GOLDBERG MALY WAJSER WAJSER CHETLER DIAMENT ZABA KANAREK TANDETNIK ZELACNIK RUBIN DYZENGAUS DYZENGAUS HERSZKOWICZ ZYLBERBERG GOLDBERG KRACZIK KORENBLUM HERSZENCHORN WAJNRYB TREMBECKI DAWIDOWICZ RACHTMAN SZTRAUCH 33 22 22 22 44 24 42 31 38 37 38 Summer 200 0 67 SZTRAUC H 68 MENTLI K 69 PASTERNA K 70 UDLE R 71 ZERNICK I 72 SZULMA N 73 SZULMA N 74 WECZNI K 75 IGELNI K 76 KOTE K 77 KLAJMA N 78 KLAJMA N 79 KWASNEWSK I 80 KWASNEWSK I 81 MYDLAR Z 82 GOTFRY D 83 FRYDMA N 84 FRYDMA N 85 RYKOSEVSK I 86 KLARMA N 87 OSSI A 88 OSSI A 89 OSSI A 90 CZARN A 91 WALDBER G 92 WALDBER G 93 TANDETNI K 94 TANDETNI K 95 TANDETNI K 96 LEBERMA N 97 DIAMEN T 98 GLIKSMA N 99 JOSKOWIC Z 100 NYGU S 101 NYGU S 102 CYMRO T 103 MYDLAR Z 104 BRU M 105 DAWIDOWIC Z 106 BORENSZTAJ N 107 DIAMEN T 108 MYDLAR Z 109 MYDLAR Z 110 ZAION C 111 SKURNI K 112 WAJNRY B 113 DIAMEN T 114 EDWABN Y 115 SZTRAUC H 116 KLOSK A 117 NAJFEL D 118 KLOSK A 119 EPSZTAJ N 120 MONCAR Z 121 MONCAR Z 122 KLAJMA N 123 KLAJMA N 124 MENTLI K 125 MENTLI K 126 GLAJ T 127 TARGOWNI K 128 TARGOWNI K 129 EDELBEBUR G 130 EDELBEBUR G 131 PINKU S 132 KANTO R 133 OSSI A 134 OSSI A 135 LEWKOWIC Z 136 GUZ Y 137 KOSSOWSK I 138 SZTRAUC H 139 SZTERENZI S 63 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 Abram Fiszel Ojzer , Myrl a WISNICKI Tauba Basa Szmu l Jakob, Hana DIAMENT Pinkus Jankell , Rywka WAJSBORT Wulf Zelman Mosze k Jankel, Tauba Laja ROTENBER G Chena Hersze l Mortka, Bajla SKURA Hana Cywia Haj m Hersz, Haja Klara JOSKOWICZ Lipa Haj m Hersz , Haja Klar a JOSKOWICZ Zelman Abram , Bajla RAKOWSK I Udla Dyna Szimon , Malka SZTRUMPF Szachna Chaim Ab a Nuta, Sora CHMIELNICK I Estera Abram , Sura TARKELTAU B Gerszel Abram , Sur a TARKELTAUB Hana Sura Fajwel , Frajdl a Zeld a SZTAJNBERG Lejzor Gisze l Fajwel , Frajdl a Zeld a SZTAJNBER G Brucha Nuchy m Lejb, Rajza Bajla TAJCHOL C Ruchla Judk a Lejbus, Han a Marya LIS Szaja Blima Herszel , Ajdla Sora GOLDSZTAJ N Brandla Fajgla Herszel , Ajdla Sora GOLDSZTAJ N Chinda Mortka , Hana Itla KLARMAN Abram Ejnoch Jona , Dwojra WAJNTRO B Hana Rajzla EIja , Elk a HELFMAN Chinda EIja , Elk a HELFMAN Gersz Motel EIja , Elk a HELFMAN Rywka Szaja , Han a CZAPNIK Gitla Hana Dawid , Wolc e DIAMENT Beniamin Dawid , Wolc e DIAMENT Cymela Urys , Fajgla PRAJ S Jankel Urys , Fajgla PRAJ S Josek Urys , Fajgla PRAJ S Sima Don , Rywka HODES Szlama Haskel , Malka WAJSBORT Irael Mosek Dawid , Hawa MOSZENBERG Ojzer Szaj a Dawid , Malka MLYNARZ Chil Dawid , Rajzla Machl a WARSZAWSKI Brandla Dawid , Rajzla Machl a WARSZAWSKI Tauba Basa Mortka , Gitla GOLDBERG Mosek Ejzyk Zelik , Sura Marya BALOGURSKI Itla Czarna Pinkus , Rywka SZTER N Frajda Jachweta Ice k Josek, Basa Laja ELIASZEWIC Z Lejzor Dawi d Szmelka , Gela Malka LEWENSZTAJ N Boruch Hers z Mendel, Rajkl a WAJNTRAU B Mosek Wulf Zelman , Malk a MYDLARZ Rojza Zelman , Malka MYDLARZ Maria Mendel , Lib a Laja PICEL A Laja Mosze k Jakob, Laja WAJNBER G Ruchla Lejbu s Pinkus, Perla Cylka AURBACH Dawid Jankel , Perla AJZENBERG Giter Chil Szimon , Frajda MANELEWIC Z Bajla Zelda Gerszon , Hana Bina WAJNBERG Wulf Zelman Szimch a Boruch, Cypa BULWA Mejlich Jose k Berek, Marya Liba GOLDBERG Mandla Szaja , Cyp a BULWA Alter Rabb i Lejbus, Drejzl a MORGENSZTER N Moszek Lejbus , Zlot a Fajgla MAJERKOWIC Z Abram Aron Lejbus , Zlot a Fajgla MAJERKOWIC Z Calel Icek Lejbus , Malk a Laja RAKOWSK I Szimon Josl Lejbus , Malka Laja RAKOWSK I Calel Hers z Lejb, Laja MENTLI K Estera Hers z Lejb, Laj a MENTLI K Lersz Nusyn Lejbus , Kajla Laja ZELK A Lejbus Mosze k Hersz, Rykla MINSKI Szmul Mosze k Hersz, Rochla KALMOWICZ Liba Ruchla Noech , Malka Gitla MANDELMA N Perla Chycl a Noech , Malka Gitla MANDELMA N Szlama Mache l Josek, Perl a FELMAN Gerszel Wolf , Idl a OSSIA Dawid Beniamin , Perl a Krusa WAKSMA N Jakob Zysman Beniamin , Perla Krusa WAKSMAN Wulf Zelman Herszel , Bajla AJZENBER G Zelman Ice k Wolf, Rywka WARSZAWSKI Abram Josek Mose k Hersz, Malka LEWKOWICZ Abram Icek Ury s Fajgla ROTENMA N Maria Brandla Boruch , Fajgla RYKOSINSK I 35 37 23 25 30 40 40 31 38 32 26 26 37 37 30 32 35 35 42 25 25 25 25 26 32 32 30 30 30 24 25 21 28 45 45 24 28 43 25 33 30 25 25 25 31 23 21 36 25 35 32 9 53 52 52 26 26 28 28 24 40 40 26 26 44 44 34 34 40 30 26 42 23 28 36 23 24 28 37 37 27 32 25 25 25 38 38 34 29 34 34 31 30 24 24 24 25 31 31 28 28 28 23 27 21 28 36 36 24 20 43 22 21 28 24 24 23 30 23 18 33 22 26 36 26 46 30 30 26 26 30 30 25 32 24 25 25 40 26 32 32 40 27 27 36 22 64 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 SZTERENZIS BRAJTBURG KRAKOWER NIZINSKI DYRENFELD GOLDBERG ERLICH BRZISKI SOLARZ ZYLBERBERG SZENKER GARBARZ OTREMBA CIECERSKI GRYNGRAS LADOWSKI MIODOWNIK CHELMAN SZTRAUCH DAWIDOWICZ DAWIDOWICZ ZYSMAN ZYSMAN BUGAJSKI SMOLARZ KUKELKA WYDOWINSKI DIAMENT DIAMENT ZUNSZAJN HERSZKOWICZ CIEPA ZYLBERBERG MORSZAJN SZTERN GARFINKEL LIOBKA WIERNIK BUGAJSKI KORENBERG KORENBERG GORLICKI GORLICKI TATARKA TATARKA TATARKA LIBER LIBER PTASZNIK PTASZNIK SOLNIK / JACARZ SUCHNIK KAUFMAN BYK SUCHECKI ROZENTAL DIAMENT JACARZ GOLEMBIOWSKI ZANDPEREL OPATOWSKI UDLER UDLER RYKOSINSKI MYDLARZ GOLDSZTAJN LAMENT STRUZ STRUZ GROSMAN LAJTMAN TISON GUZY Jakob Josek Szaja Pesla Jukel Ruchla Ruchla Pesla Moszek Aron Bajla Josek Lejb Zelik Lersz Wulf Rywka Szmul Aba Majer Berek Moszek Jankel Malka Chaja Rajzla Ejzyk Liba Ruchla Gerszel Jankel Cylel Lejzor Giszel Ester Rywka Mandla Matla Golda Chindla Szlama Rochla Nison Wulf Szandla Laja Rajzla Szala Chaja Chinda Malka Sora Josek Hana Sura Estera Frajdl a Hana Rajzla Dwojra Abram Berek Rochma Szimon Abram Icek Zisla Laja Froim Josek Rajzla Motla Brandla Josek Szlama Daw id Chena Boruch Chaja Itla Zelda Sura Fajgl a Szimon Chersz Symcha Blima Lejbus Moszek Nuta Liba Sura Szprinca Malka Wulf Szmul Estera Sura Pesla Szlama Zelik Boruch, Fajgla RYKOSINSK I Andzel, Frajda Laj a GRANE K Jankel, Sura Bajla IGELNJX Berek, Jochet ZAWADSKI Szaja, Frajd a Malk a WAJCMAN (father?), Sur a PAPLAK Juma, Ides a KWASNEWSKI Wolf Majer, Sur a Blima SAMETBAND Jojna, Hindla PLESZEWSKI Sucher, Hana GERTNER Lejbus Elja , Fajgla Sur a GOLDMAN Bajruch, Bas a DZOREWECKI Hersz Marek, Majtla MORAWEC Szmul, Hana ROZENBLUM Szimcha Boruch, Welka NAJMAN Josek, Pesla Majtla ZRYCK I Dawid, Hawa Laja WULFCHENDLE R Szlama, Haja Cypa ARCHTT Szimon Lejb, Frimeta PALERMAN Juma, Sor a HERCSZTOK Juma, Sor a HERCSZTOK Majer, Hind a GOLDSZTAJ N Majer, Hind a GOLDSZTAJ N Nuta, Cywa GURSKI Abram Mortka, Pesla FUKS Boruch, Sura Laja MAL A Icek, Kajla ZYLBERBER G Jakob Icek, Perla FRYDMAN Jakob Icek, Perla FRYDMAN Machel Hersz, Marya SZTRAUS Nusyn, Sora NICHKI Abram Tobel, Marya Mandla STRUZ Icek Wolf, Dwojra Cyp a SZTERMAN Szlama, Loca CHMŒLNICKI Jonas, Cyrla KOCHEN Lejzor, Han a SWICZARCZK Herszel, Ruchla Gitla RZEZNJX Hajm, Rywk a GLKSMAN Nuta, Cejwa GRANCK I Ejnoch, Pesl a ASPIS Ejnoch, Pesl a ASPIS Chil, Sura KASZA Chil, Sura KASZA Joachim Hersz, Estera TCHURZ Joachim Hersz, Estera TCHURZ Joachim Hersz, Estera TCHURZ Kalman, Perla WAJNBERG Kalman, Perla WAJNBERG Moszek Szaja, Haj a Blima KORNBROT Moszek Szaja, Haj a Blima KORNBROT Jakob, Hana ZYLBERBERG Wolf, Sur a KLIOSKA Moszek, Estera Haja KALMU S Alter, Sor a Rajzla MENTLJK Hajm, Henc a DIAMENT Boruch, Sor a ZERNICKI Haskel, Malka WAJSBORT Szmul, Hana FEFERMAN Szmul, Liba Frimeta LADOWSKI Boruch, Marya Laja HERSZKOWIC Z Hajm, Fajgl a PRAJ S Josek, Alta GIMPLER Josek, Alta GIMPLER Mortka, Hana Etla KLARMAN Jojna, Bajl a DZIOR A Herszel, Jochwet WAJNRAJCH Berek, Haja Tabla ZMEDEK Majer Fiszel , Marya Fajgla KRYSZTA L Majer Fiszel , Marya Fajgla KRYSZTA L Moszek Icek, Alta FISZELEWIC Z Sima, Machla Zidel SWICZARCZK Hajm, Gitl a WISNICKI Josek, Brucha Laja ZYLBERBER G Summer 2000 23 20 22 20 47 36 43 . 42 36 38 42 20 22 27 37 38 30 28 36 39 57 57 23 23 28 21 38 25 30 30 28 28 48 40 36 44 21 30 23 34 30 30 24 24 36 36 36 27 27 26 26 25 21 38 45 30 21 25 30 42 21 30 40 40 42 42 42 20 32 32 33 38 35 37 42 20 22 26 30 37 28 27 33 29 41 41 22 22 27 20 40 24 32 32 26 22 40 20 28 40 19 24 30 30 24 34 24 24 34 34 34 26 26 25 25 29 20 37 43 30 23 27 28 41 20 30 39 39 31 40 34 21 33 33 25 40 20 20 45 42 28 42 32 38 40 Summer 2000 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 BEKER JUTRZENKA RAJCH NOZIC HERSZKOWICZ MINSKI SAPSEWICZ SAPSEWICZ SZWARC SZWARC LANDAU LANDAU GUTMAN GUTMAN CHENIK BLANK BORDLEWSKI BRUM BRUM MENTLIK EJZENBERG GOLDBERG DZIORA OGNEWICZ MONCARZ DIAMENT TARGOWNIK TARGOWNIK ELENCWAJG SAPSEWICZ SAPSEWICZ KAUFMAN KAUFMAN KAUFMAN PASTERNAK SOLNIK BRZISKI ZALCMAN KOPKA KOPKA KOPKA KOPKA SKURA WAJNCWAJG WAJNCWAJG WAJSMAN MENDLOWICZ MASARZ KOSSOWSKI CHENIK BOGUCHWAL BOGUCHWAL SKRZIPEK AJSZENKER NAJMAN GRANEK GRANEK SZTRAUCH DZABA DZABA MONCARZ PASTERNAK SLEDZIONKA PACHOL MIERNK MIERNIK WAJCENBERG SKURA CIECIERSKI LEWENSZTAJN FERETER WAJSBORT SWICZARCZIK 65 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 Kielce-1 Kiwa Samuel Ita Jochweta Szmul Basa Maria Szandla Hana Laj a Estera Szandla Malka Sura Cyrla Hana Alta Hana Fajgl a Szmul Bajla Estera Moszek Chil Majer Jukel Moszek Fajgla Zajwel Szlama Icek Chaja Sur a Mejlich Josek Besr Eliasz Abram Szaj a Moszek Wulf Mendel Tabla Chaja Fajgla Lejzor Frajdla Fajgla Zelda Efroim Manela Abram Srul Pesla Ruchla Rajzla Perenc Lejzor Liba Chaja Sor a Lejzor Dawid Lejzor Estera Malka Maria Litla Rajzla Elja Golda Pesla Fajgla Estera Estera Ita Sora Maria Izrael Bajla Boruch Fajwel Lejzor Pinches Mejlich Szandla Szimcha Chinda Litla Sura Laj a Hana Gitla Daniel Chena Malka Rajzl a Moszek Berek, Mandl a Rywka ZMIDEK Moszek Aron, Rywk a KOTRZENKI Izrael, Haja Rywka ZYNGER Abram, Brandla Laja SKROBACK I Icek Josek, Sur a REMBESZEWSKI Jojzef, Han a TARGOWNIK Lejbus, Brandla FRYDMAN Lejbus, Brandl a FRYDMAN Mortka, Gitl a OLIWA Mortka, Gitla OLIWA Gerszon, Cypor a GUTMA N Gerszon, Cypor a GUTMA N Hajm, Mary a SOBKOWSKI Hajm, Mary a SOBKOWSK I Moszek, Sura ZLOTNK Berek, Szprinca HERSZKOWIC Z Judka Lejbus, Cylk a OKOWITA Szmul, Tauba Rajzla KATERENAR Z Szmul, Tauba Rajzla KATERENAR Z Eliasz, Estera Laja WAJNZAF T Szlama, Gitla DIAMENT Jakob Dawid, Marya Laja CHMIELNICK I Aba, Frajda Bas a JAROS Moszek, Taub a KAMINSKI Hil, Alta Sura WAJSBORT Lejb Wulf, Mindla LIOBKA Majer, Rywk a FISZMA N Majer, Rywk a FISZMA N Herszel, Haja Laj a PLESZEWSK I Efroim Sapsa , Sur a SWICZARCZIK Efroim Sapsa , Sur a SWICZARCZIK Mortka, Pesl a Laja GORZELNI K Mortka, Pesl a Laja GORZELNI K Mortka, Pesl a Laja GORZELNI K Jankel Szmull, Golda SKURA Szimon, Cyrla CYMROT Szmull, Sura WARSZAWSK I Icek Szaja, Brandl a GUTMAN Wolf, Ruchla LEDERMAN Wolf, Ruchla LEDERMAN Wolf, Ruchla LEDERMA N Wolf, Ruchla LEDERMA N Lejbus Abel, Idesa AURBACH Abram, Rywka RUBINSZTAJ N Abram, Rywka RUBINSZTAJ N Majer, Mindl a CHLŒB Jakob Szmul, Ajdla BAKALAR Z Zelman, Mindla ARONOWIC Z Wolf Perec, Estera Fajgla JOSKOWIC Z Lejzor, Rywk a EJZENBERG Aron, Liba Haja SOLOWIC Z Aron, Liba Haja SOLOWIC Z Nuta, Rajzla Brandl a LEWKOWICZ Josl, Rywka Estera SMOLARZ Dawid, Bajla Marya PLUCEENNTK Beniamin, Dwojr a Gitl a ZYNGER Beniamin, Dwojra Gitla ZYNGER Rachmil Wolf, Estera POZNER Szlama, Gitl a CIEL Szimon, Golda ROZENCWAJ G Mortka Szmul, Frimet Rejla SZYDLOWSK I Ejzyk, Itl a SMOLARZ Ejzyk, Fajgl a Brandl a ILKOWSKI Abram Nuchym, Mandla Golda WIERNK Moszek Josek, Sor a Hana NIRENBERG Moszek Josek, Sor a Hana NIRENBERG Urys, Hana RAJTER Lejbus Abel, Sura Laja GAMME R Icek, Blima Haja MIODOWNJK Nuchym, Mindla TAUBENBLA T Moriz Joachim, Klara NOWAK Josek Majer, Laj a ISEROWSK I Abram Jankel, Hawa KUGEL 30 30 22 28 29 32 25 25 40 40 27 27 37 37 28 27 40 30 30 40 43 26 29 43 34 37 34 34 27 38 38 35 35 35 26 33 37 20 38 38 38 38 42 27 27 28 37 36 19 36 30 30 42 42 40 40 40 48 34 28 33 27 52 30 28 28 36 42 21 28 34 29 38 28 32 19 26 27 27 24 24 30 30 20 20 30 30 26 26 40 30 30 38 42 27 22 43 32 39 33 33 . 36 36 36 36 36 27 33 35 19 32 32 32 32 40 22 22 27 36 33 22 35 28 28 40 38 30 43 43 49 28 24 33 27 35 30 27 27 34 33 20 28 26 29 36 66 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 286 SWICZARCZK 287 DYZENGAUS 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 GOLDBERG NAJMAN KERSZENCAJG LADOWSKI GELBURT GEFTER GEFTER ZUNSZAJN KCHOWEL PRZEDNOWEK MLYNARCZIK ZRYCKI SYLMAN ZYLBERBERG WAJNBERG PACHOL DYRNGAUS CIELS CIELS WAJSER WAJSER OGNEWICZ OGNEWICZ KANAREK CZARNA ASPIS KWASNEWSKI AJDLER KESELP SOBKOWSKI FEDERMAN PION MYDLARZ NERENBERG BESENDORF ZELACNIK MENDLOWICZ LIS LIS TURSKI TURSKI TURSKI RUMANY RUMANY GUZY STASZOWSKI WYGODNY MENTLIK WAJNBERG WAJNBERG MILLER MILLER SWICZARCZIK CHMBELNICKI ZRYCKI ZRYCKI WULFOWICZ MIODOWNEK ZERNICKI UDLER AJDLER MALI GURGEL SKORECKI SKORECKI WERTCHAIM SAMBURSKI WJERNIK BLUM LEWENSZTAJN TATARKA Abram Jankel, Hawa KUGEL Machela Liba Majer, Hind a Perla BIRENBAUM Gitla Jankel Dawid, Marya CHMIELNICK I Mendel Herszel, Haja Brandla KOSSOWSKI Estera Wolf, Fajgla HELFMA N Josek Szmul, Sora Blima DZEWECKI Ma Lejbus, Ester a MLYNARCZIK Abram Lersz Alter, Ita JURA Dawid Alter, Ita JURA Chinda Rajzl a Machel, Frajdla ROZENBLU M Hajm, Haj a Marya SZTRAUCH Laja Rajzla Motla Jankel Berek, Fajgl a MINSKI Abram Lejbus, Frajd a Laj a FIGA Ruchla Mortka, Dwojra Brucha KANDELCYGER Icek (father?), Itk a Ruchla SYLMA N Aron (father?), Ruchl a Laja TCHUR Z Moszek (father?), Ruchl a Laja TCHUR Z Moszek Hersz Mendel, Estera Sora FRYDMAN Rajzla Han a Icek Boruch, Fajgl a Nisl a SZTERN Lejbus, Machla MOSZENBERG Gerszla Chena Machel, Perla MOSZENBERG Golda Nuta, Haja Rachla KOBYLKA Dyna Nuta, Haja Rachl a KOBYLKA Laja Moszek, Tauba KAMINSKI Chindla Laj a Moszek, Tauba KAMINSKI Gerszel Moszek Aron, Haja Rochla MORTYN Estera Rochla Majlich, Szajndl a MORTY N Lejbus, Hindla Szajndla MAPP A Abram Lers z Moszek, Tajbla SUKN K Lejbus Menachim Cimach Haskel, Bajla DZIOR A Hana Bajl a Szulim, Etia WAJCMAN Szimon Jojzept, Haw a BORKOWSKI Hersz Dawid, Marya Brandla LEWENSZTAJ N Chinda Rajzl a Haskel, Haja CHLIE B Rywka Maria Josek Lejb, Rajzl a FRYDMA N Fajwel Abram, Rejza BREMAN Chena Jakob, Sura PASTERNA K Tauba Basa Moszek, Fajgl a CYMRO T Elia Jakob Szmul, Ajdla BAKALARZ Wulf Hersz Lejb, Laja Fajgla MAPP A Mandla Rywka Hersz Lejb, Laja Fajgla MAPP A Hersz, Cywa Krandla BURSZTYN Hana Icek Hersz, Cywa Krandla BURSZTYN Chinda Hersz, Cywa Krandla BURSZTYN Josif, Rywka Fajgla HERSZKOWIC Z Hana Cywia Josif, Rywka Fajgla HERSZKOWIC Z Szlama Icek, Sura KAMINSKI Cymla Izrael Aron, Sur a TANDETNDC Litla Mortka, Tauba OPATOWSKI Moszek Aron Jukel Besr, Haw a FEFER Szosl Zelik Malka Lejbus, Haj a Bajla GOLDBERG Lejbus, Haja Bajla GOLDBER G Dawid Herszel, Liba Krandla MAJEROWICZ Fajgla Laj a Dawid, Rajzla SZTERENSI S Sura Estera Lejbus Szija, Ruchl a Laja JOSKOWIC Z Cypora Berek, Ruchla Rejla SMALY Ruchla Frajdl a Icek Lejbus, Hana Bajla KNELE R Icek Lejbus, Han a Bajla KNELE R Boruch Dawid Dyna Lipa Zelik, Perl a Enta PUTERMAN Chaim Moszek, Sura Laja MKOLOWSKI Blima Doba Abram, Krandla GORLICKI Laja Josek, Alta GJMPLER Majer Mortk a Josek Icek, Ruchla Fajgla ICKOWIC Z Uszer Josek, Malka WAJNBERG Chaja Sur a Hajm, Mary a APELBAUM Zajwel Herszel, Rywka Laja RZEZNICK I Zelman Herszel, Rywka Laja RZEZNICK I Lipa Moszek Hersz, Haja KORPEK Jakob Izrael Lejbus, Brandla SAMBURSKI Cymla Hajm, Rywk a GLKSMAN Lejbus Nusyn, Sur a WISNICKI Hana Rajzl a Nuta, Nacha OSSIA Rywka Joachim Hersz, Estera TCHURZ Summer 200 0 38 40 27 24 40 38 32 26 26 39 36 29 27 54 57 20 44 20 43 43 43 43 28 27 28 24 26 25 54 38 42 35 39 35 20 35 46 46 29 29 29 45 45 39 30 40 37 34 34 32 38 21 34 38 38 32 20 30 40 28 36 23 47 47 20 39 24 32 29 35 36 38 26 22 38 25 32 25 25 38 36 25 30 36 42 40 31 40 20 42 18 39 39 43 43 32 27 30 26 25 23 44 38 40 38 27 31 19 33 46 46 24 24 24 33 33 35 38 35 36 31 31 34 36 24 35 33 33 30 19 29 38 25 33 23 48 48 19 40 25 30 30 34 "'•<-*"»? 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 SZTROJWONS GORLICKI SZTROJWONS SZTROJWONS WAJNGOLD KLARMAN HERSZENCHORN ELIASZEWICZ RAPAPORT LEWENSZTAJN EGERA NIZINSKI LIOBKA ROZENBERG FINKELSZTAJN KAUFMAN WAKSMAN GOTLYB CHABER CHABER KASZA STOPNICKI MILLER MILLER GUTMAN TCHURZ WISNICKI GOLDBERG MOSZKOWICZ CIESLA MORTYN ROTER LEWENSZTAJN EJZENBERG EJZENBERG FRYDMAN FRYDMAN FRYDMAN GDALEWICZ GDALEWICZ GDALEWICZ GDALEWICZ Pesla Cipa Chaim Jona Moszek Fajgla Gerszel Rochma Lerszla Pinkasa Tauba Chinda Moszek Isser Szaja Dawi d Machel Lejbus Jakub 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 SZPER ROZENFARB WYGODNI JACARZ CZARNECKI PACHOL EJZENLIOST ZERNICKI GUZY GUZY KLEPCARZ MENDLOWICZ SŒCZKOWSKI FELEGER WUJCIKEWICZ MORTYN FRYDMAN PIWKO LEMBERG LEMBERG WAJSMAN MAPPA CHMIELNICKI Chaim Chil Ruchla Zelik Moszek Szimon Jona Urin Mortka Dawid Lej b Cyporia Chawa Entla Rojzla Josek Berek Ejnoc h Perla Szlama Elia Gerszla Estera Brandla Etla Malka Judka Elia Moszek Dawid Fajgla Laj a MICENMACHER WAJCENBERG WAJCENBERG LERNER Estera Machela Mindla Josek Jankel 1884i ZYLBERBERG 1 MILLER 67 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 Kielce-R Summer 2000 Chuna Josek Cywia Laja Chawa Frimeta Ejnoch Fajwel Golda Jakob Zysman Izrael Laja Josek Srul Zelman Szimon Lej b Brandla Fajgl a Estera Maria Berek Lejwa Icek Blima Zelman Lejzor Estera Laj a Cyma Zysla Sura Cyrla Erlchem Dawid Sura Moszek Berek Majer Dawid, Ruchla PTASZN K Izrael Szlama, Hana Majer Dawid , Ruchl a PTASZN K Majer Dawid , Ruchl a PTASZN K Josek, Blima GRYNSZPA N Szaja, Dwojra GERSTNE R Rubin, Rywk a DIAMENT Moszek, Machla KLAJMAN Szlama Ejzyk, Tob a ERANRAJCH Moszek, Brucha LECHTGITER N Lejbus, Hawa ZELACN K Lejbus, Ruchl a LIS Szmul, Hana Haja CZAPN K Kalma, Rajzla GURGEL 1 Jankel, Ruchla LIOBKA Jakob Aron, Hindla Brandla WLOC H Josek Josl, Ajdla DZIORA Majer, Taub a AURBACH Nuta, Hana MINSKI Nuta, Hana MINSKI Jankel, Estera ZYLBERBERG Ksyl, Sura BUGAJSKI Wolf, Klara FRYDMAN Wolf, Klara FRYDMAN Lejzor, Hana Rajzla WAJNBER G Beniamin, Brucha MINSKI Dawid, Rajzla WAJNBER G (father?), Haj a POTO K Gerszon, Laja Jachwet DRUKARZ Nuchym, Marya Sura WAJCWELD Moszek, Taub a Fajgla ZLOTN K Josek Hersz, Hana Tabla SZENKER Berek, Marya Rejk POMERANC/BLUM Moszek, Ita EJZENBERG Moszek, Ita EJZENBERG (father?), Brandl a KELERMAN (father?), Brandl a KELERMAN (father?), Brandl a KELERMAN Szmul Fajwel, Bajl a Perla ICKOWICZ Abram, Hana MUZYKAN T Abram, Hana MUZYKANT Abram, Frajda GROSBER G 36 49 49 49 Berek Kelman, Ruchla CHELLER Szosl Zelik, Sura EDELBERG Haskel, Ryfka EGE R Abram, Fajgla KNOBE L Szmull, Hana FEDERMAN Uszer, Marya Chaja HOROWIC Z Berek, Riwa Idesa LADOWSKI Jankel, Fajgla CERB A Hersz, Bajla SKUR A Moszek Jojna, Dwojr a Fajgla KLIGER Moszek Jojna, Dwojr a Fajgla KLIGE R Majer, Kajl a ROTENBER G Lejbus, Ester a Hana HOJNA Szaja, Frajdl a RAPOPOR T Abram, Mindla PLUCIENN K Mortka, Rywk a PISKURZ Lejbus, Sur a Rochla KOPEL Machel, Marya LIBERMAN Izrael, Gitla MOSZENBER G Jankel, Szifra REMBESZEWSK I Jankel, Szifra REMBESZEWSK I Abram Dawid, Estera PRADOWNI K Szlama Pinkus, Frajdla It a MAPPA Izrael, Perla DZADEK Wolf, Klara FRYDMAN Abram Jankel, Mindla JOSKOWICZ Hajm Hersz, Mandla GOLDKOWSKI Hajm Hersz, Mandla GOLDKOWSK I Ejnoch Elja , Rajzla Fajgl a LERNE R 31 33 24 30 33 35 28 24 30 30 30 53 45 25 24 30 29 23 43 31 31 59 28 30 41 43 47 47 26 32 3 32 32 25 27 50 24 22 37 54 50 32 22 22 25 24 28 40 40 55 21 40 40 47 28 27 . 36 35 27 25 37 29 29 . 2 32 32 23 26 42 22 22 38 46 27 35 22 20 26 23 27 32 32 50 20 29 29 44 27 26 28 32 30 23 24 35 28 28 24 24 24 38 30 30 23 32 33 22 29 33 30 28 26 28 28 28 36 44 26 23 25 24 24 45 32 32 30 29 28 40 40 41 41 25 68 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 LERNER CHERCBERG CHERCBERG CHERCBERG CHERCBERG CHERCBERG CHERCBERG KWASNEWSKI GUZY KANAREK ELIASZEWICZ TCHURZ TCHURZ OWES LEWENRAJCH DIAMENT KAUFMAN KLAJNER ELIASOWICZ KASNEWSKI KWASNEWSKI MANSKI KWASNEWSKI FELMAN ROZENBERG MERSZAJN SZTRAUCH SZTRAUCH GORZELNIK DIAMENT BILCZEWSKI BILCZEWSKI BLITENTAL BLITENTAL KERSZENBAUM NAJFELD SZAJN APELBAUM ROZENBERG ICKOWICZ BIRENCWAJG GLAJT TAUBENBLAT KAUFMAN GOLDBERG KAUFMAN RECHMAN DIAMENT HERSZKOWICZ GURGEL JAROS GOLDLIST GOLDLIST 83 DZALOSZICKI 84 DZALOSZICKI 85 RYDELNIK 86 RYDELNIK 87 RYDELNIK 88 WENGER 89 BORENSZTAJN 90 CHLIEB 91 TREMBECKI 92 WALDBERG 93 MEDZIOGURSKI 94 MIKOLOWSKI 95 BRZISKI 96 BRZISKI 97 NUSYNOWICZ 98 APELSZTAJN 99 ZERNICKI 100 SZTERENFELD 101 ZYLGER 102 PRAWER Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 Brandla Etla Estera Cylka Majer Mache l Jankel Dawid Rubin Chaja Gold a Szandla Perla Ejzyk Moszek Mortka Moszek Hana Chaja Sura Rywka Lejbus Fajgla Judka Sapsa Abram Jankel Maria Szandla Laja Chaim Manasza Basa Sura Rywka Zysla Mirla Fajgla Chawa Entla Hana Szandla Malka Golda Ajdla Fajga Szosl Gersz Judka Chawa Maria Elia Lejzor Icek Sora Gersz Nusyn Rywka Machla Icek Estera Hana Lejzor Izrael Rajzla Fajgla Chendl a Mindla Mortka Fiszel Szlama Boruch Dwojra Ruchla Brandla Machla Ruchla Abram Mortka Lejzor Zysman Hana Rojza Mala Blima Alta Rajzla Rojza Tauba Cyrla Sora Dwojra Malka Lejb Wulf Cywia Myrla Fiszel Blima Ejnoch Elja , Rajzl a Fajgl a LERNE R Moszek, Sur a KAC Moszek, Sur a KAC Moszek, Sur a KAC Moszek, Sur a KAC Moszek, Sur a KAC Moszek, Sur a KAC Dawid, Haja Ruchla WAJZAJGER Dawid, Fajgla GOLDBER G Herszel, Laja PAPLA K Hajm Haskel, Fajgla DYZENGAU S Szulim, Ruchla WARSZAWSKI Pejsak, Gitl a ROZENBERG Herszel, Pesla SWICZARCZJX Ejzyk, Hum a ZYSMAN Elja Jukel, Malka Krandla ROZENCWAJG Szimon, Ita Basa GORLICKI Majer, Gold a LEWENRAJCH Mendel Lejb, Blima JAKUBOWICZ Mendel, Frimeta PRAWER Fajwel, Frajd a Zeld a SZTAJNBERG Rubin, Liba SUKNK Efroim Moszek , Fajgla OTREMB A Lejbus, Marya SZTRAUCH Herszell, Hana BESENDORF Szlama, Liaca FRYDMAN Mendel, Frimeta PRAWER Zelik.ZlotaWARCYGER Berek, Rywka KRUKA Hersz Mendel, Rajka WAJNTRAU B Jankel, Hana BERENCWAJG Jankel, Hana BERENCWAJG Abel, Nacha PAGUREK Abel, Nacha PAGUREK Kiwa, Ruchla ZMIDEK Josek Berek, Marya Liba GOLDBERG Zelik, Marya GUZY Lejzor, Czark a LIPMAN Szlama Zelman, Blima SAMETBAND Abram, Ruchla Laja ZYLBERBER G Moszek Arja, Szajndl a BILCZEWSK I Moszek, Rochla KLIOSKA Nuchym, Haja Fajgla CZAPNJ K Zajwel, Frajdla WAJCWEL D Abram Josek, Elka Laja ZRYSK I Haskell, Bajla NITKA Lejbus, Perl a GERTFRAJN D Zelman, Majtla DZIOR A Kiwa, Gnana ASPIS Abram, Sura Gitla KEWADOMA Sender, Estera SWICZARCZK Icek, Haj a MALY Nusyn, Brandla PION Berek, Estera Laja JAKOBOWICZ Berek, Estera Laja JAKOBOWICZ Izrael Majer, Gitl a WARSZAWSKI Izrael Majer, Gitl a WARSZAWSKI Izrael Majer, Gitl a WARSZAWSKI Aron, Zelda HERSZKOWICZ Josek, Sura MIKOLOWSKI Josek, Laja FRYDMA N Jakob Szlama, Myrla KIRSZENBAUM Hajm, Dob a WALDBERG Izrael Haskel, Fajgla ROZENCWAJ G Abram Ejzyk, Hana Cywa GOLDBLUM Lejzor Jakob , Rojza HELFGOT Jaker, Szajndl a HOFMA N Nusyn, Sur a WISNICKI Nusyn, Ester a BULWA Fiszel, Haja Rochl a FRYDMAN Moszek, Basa SZTERENFELD Jakob Hajm, Perl a ZYSMAN Mortka, Szifra LIOBK A Summer 2000 26 30 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 23 28 22 38 25 32 40 20 28 55 28 38 36 44 26 43 38 27 46 34 31 35 35 38 38 34 33 30 46 37 36 27 22 29 32 28 42 34 38 23 43 23 36 26 22 22 26 26 26 29 37 36 26 43 28 27 22 50 24 36 34 29 30 37 25 32 32 32 32 32 32 . 39 26 27 21 35 24 34 42 19 26 46 26 37 35 46 25 42 35 26 42 28 31 35 35 37 37 30 38 35 45 36 33 26 18 27 30 . 40 21 36 21 35 26 35 22 21 21 26 26 26 25 35 36 27 24 28 26 22 42 26 35 35 30 21 36 Summer 2000 69 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 103 BRU M Estera Laja Abrara , Ruchla BIRENCWAJG 104 KWASNEWSK I Hana Bajla Jankell , Hana KESEL 105 FEDERMA N Szimon Jona Berek , Sur a MENTLIK 106 BRANTSZTETE R Rajzla Kalma , Sora HERSZKOWICZ 107 SMOLAR Z Jochweta Moszek , Rochl a Ita GECEL 108 DZIOR A Sora Rywka Wolf , Hana Zysla BALY 109 WAJCMA N Moszek Dawid , Marya ZYLBERSZTAJ N 110 LADOWSK I Josek Fajwel , Ruchl a Laja MOSZENBER G 111 ZYLBERGER G Rajzla Sender , Haja AJZENBER G 112 ZYLBERGER G Cywia Sender , Haja AJZENBER G 113 SMAL Y Moszek Lejb Alte r Bencyan, Laja BRUTMA N 114 KATZ1NAR Z Chaja Brandla Abra m Josek, Mary a Fajgla JOSKOWIC Z 115 RYNSK I Ruchla Moszek , Jakob, Estera JUTRZENKA 116 KACZINSK I Nuta Wolf , Hana JOSKOWICZ 117 BOGUCHWA L Boruch Mortka Mosze k Dawid, Rajzla RYN T 118 HERSZKOWIC Z Abram Herszel , Rajzl a WUCJXOWGO S 119 LEWKOWIC Z Majer Pinkus , Hana PLUCIENNI K 120 SWICZARCZI K Abram Manasza , Sura SWICZARCZI K 121 HERSZKOWIC Z Rubin Dawid , Ajdla JAKUBOWICZ 122 OSTROWECK I Fajgla Boruc h Machell, Laja KNOBE L 123 OKSENCHENDLE R Ruchla Rafal , Ides a KWASNEWSKI 124 WAJCENBER G Pesla Lejzor , Ester a CIECERSKI 125 KALMU S Efroim Maje r Mortka, Basa SOLNJK 126 MENTLI K Ejzyk Jochen , Pesla TAUBENBLA T 127 ZRYCK I Sura Rywka Lejzor , Lib a OGNEWICZ 128 CYTRINBAU M Ita Laja Szmere l Dawid, Ruchla Hana BOGUCHWAL 129 MENTLI K Frajda Eliasz , Estera WAJNZAF T 130 SZTERENFEL D Chuna Hers z Josek, Ajdl a Ester a ZAJFMAN 131 BUGAJSK I Ita Boruch , Rywka SZYDLOWSKI 132 DIAMEN T Jankel Nuta , Rajzl a TARGOWNT K 133 MAPP A Chendla Moszek , Dwojr a GARFINKE L 134 MASAR Z Doba Zelik , Sura SZTRAUC H 135 MIODOWNI K Moszek Jakob Ejnoc h Elja, Mendi a Haja KWASNEWSK I 136 EJZENBER G Sura Paja Fiszel , Gitla KAUFMAN 137 WUJCIKEWIC Z Mar Icek , Gitla WAJNGARTEN 138 WUJCIKEWIC Z Dawid Icek , Gitl a Wajngarte n 139 GOLDLIS T Chaim Gersz Moszek , Ruchl a KUKELK A 140 GOLDLIS T Blima Moszek , Ruchl a KUKELKA 141 TANDETNI K Sura Majer , Ester a EDELSBER G 142 ZAION C Judka Lejb Herszel , Itl a ROZENCWAJG 143 WAJSBER G Jakob Icek Zysel, Rajzla SWICZARCZI K 144 NAPARSTE K Malka Ezer , Mas a LINCWEL D 145 FRYDMA N Chenca Haskel , Estera WISNICK I 146 PLUCIENNI K Syma Berek , Hana Laja ROZENCWAJ G 147 KASSI R Dawid Icek Abel , Dobra SOLOWICZ 148 PODETOLSK I Zysa (father?) , Rywk a PODETOLSKI 149 PODETOLSK I Chaja (father?) , Rywk a PODETOLSKI 150 ROZENBER G Estera Machla Josek , Nacha POLTANSKI 151 GOLDSZTAJ N Bajla Alte r Benjamin, Majtl a SZYDLOWSK I 152 NOZI C Chawa Szandla Berek , Malka SWICZNK 153 MYDLAR Z Nuchym Moszek , Frimet a OWES 154 MYDLAR Z Szlama Dawid Moszek , Frimet a OWES 155 BRUTMA N Szia Herszell , Alta Cypa GURGEL 156 ZLOTNI K Moszek Hers z Lejb, Bajl a Pesla PASTERNA K 157 SWICZARCZI K Laja Ejnoc h Elja, Fajgl a TCHUR Z 158 FAJKAR Z Lersz Nusyn Nuchy m Dawid, Frimeta WAJNBER G 159 SZAJBE R Towia Ksyl , Malka MILLER 160 STOPNICK I Szmul Jankel , Ruchl a AJDLER 161 WERDYGE R Mendel Hi l Szija, Mindl a SZTRAUCH 162 WAJCMA N Chaja Gitl a Abram , Hana Cejwa ROZENBER G 163 NERENBER G Chinda Pesla Szmalka , Ester a Sura PELCMA N 164 CHMEELNICK I Cywia Lejbu s Haskel, Mandla PASTERNA K 165 GOLDBER G Blima Fajgla Icek , Bina LIOBKA 166 BIRENBAU M Frajdla Uryn , Bina MINSKI 167 RECHTMA N Bajla Manel , Fajgla BIRENBAU M 168 MENTLI K Rywka Szmu l Jakob, Hana DIAMENT 169 PASTERNA K Icek Berek , Bajla Malk a HERSZOWICZ 170 GRANS K Szia Cheszel Benjamin , Dwojr a Gitla ZYNGER 171 GRANS K Chaim Icek Beniamin , Dwojr a Gitl a ZYNGER 172 ICKOWIC Z Lejbus Ejzyk Majer , Sor a SZWARC 173 KASZERMA N Etla Abra m Dawid, Liba WAJCMAN 174 KASZERMA N Szia Cheszel Abra m Dawid, Liba WAJCMAN Hana Ruchla Lejbus , Rywk a BLANK 175 WYGODN I 40 23 32 38 32 40 27 33 40 40 2 25 22 30 27 42 43 42 41 24 40 22 37 24 22 37 35 27 24 29 25 25 33 30 34 34 36 36 25 28 30 38 25 35 43 . 40 25 25 35 35 26 30 30 36 24 40 26 40 26 20 23 20 59 40 29 42 42 34 36 36 21 27 28 25 36 32 38 26 30 37 37 22 23 22 24 22 37 40 34 36 22 38 37 38 25 22 36 34 26 23 23 24 24 28 27 29 29 36 36 22 32 28 36 27 33 41 28 28 40 22 24 36 36 26 32 30 35 22 28 23 35 24 19 22 20 32 38 28 42 42 30 30 30 26 70 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 dom SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 WYGODNI BRZISKI RECHT RECHT FRYDMAN LEMBERG DREZNER SZTERENFELD SZTERENFELD CHETLER PRZECHACKI SKROWBACKI ABRAMOWICZ SOLNIK ROZENBLUM LEBERMAN LIBERMAN LERNER KAUFMAN SZNAL GUZY ROZENBERG BERENCWAJG WALDBERG BALOGURSKI ZYLBERBERG RECHTMAN OWSANI PYLARZ ROZENBLUM DRUKARZ PERELMAN PASTERNAK DZALOSZICKI GOLDBERG GELORMAN ZRYCKI PASTERNAK LIOBKA GOLDBERG PELCMAN WAJCMAN SZYDLOWECKI SZWARC SZWARC MIKOLOWSKI GERTNER SLEDZIONKA ARONOWICZ GOLDBERG WINCYKSZTERN KOHEN BORENSZTAJN SZWARCMAN SZNYCER FELMAN MEDZIOGURSKI SWICZARCZIK SWICZARCZIK SWICZARCZIK SWICZARCZIK SWICZARCZIK STOPNICKI SZENKER SLEZYNGER Jochen Lejbus, Rywka BLANK Moszek Mendel Jankel Wolf, Jochwet BLAJT Hana Ajdla Lejzor, Idl a RECHT Chudesa Lejzor, Idl a RECHT Josek Kalma, Itla BERMANSKI Majer Jankel Boruch, Hana KAUFMAN Lejbus Jona Hajm Szlama, Hana Fajgla ZAJ D Sora Herszel, Perla ZYSMAN Lipa Herszel, Perla ZYSMAN Aron Berek Icek, Ruchla MOSKOWIC Z Frimeta Lejbus, Rejm a BLIOGRIND Estera Chinda Josek, Sura Marya SMALY Jankel Matel, Hana Cypa LEWKOWICZ Rywka Rachmil, Marya Dwojra AJZENBERG Fajgla Herszel, Perla Dwojra EGE R Chaim Motel, Fajgla Laj a PAPLA K Majer Ice k Motel, Fajgla Laj a PAPLA K Rochla Laj a Dawid, Dwojr a GRYNBER G Pesla Icek, Hana Laja BLOC H Lejzor Aba, Laja GOZDINSK I Jankel Judka, Pesla GUZY Lejbus Manasza, Mindla Haja MENDROWSK I Efroim Jako b Mandel, Rochla LEWENSZTAJ N Gabriel Hajm, Dob a WALDBERG Dawid Kuna, Rochla MENTLJ X Mortka Szimon, Czarka MENDROWSKI Ojzer Tobiasz, Rywka KAMINSKI Abram Nuta Mortka, Frimeta GRYNSZPAN Abram Nuta Jonas, Hana Itla SZULMAN Moszek Lej b Icek Szaja, Fajg a FRYDMA N Estera Hana Icek, GoldaBELFO R Majtla Chaw a Moszek Dawid, Sur a Brandla TEFLOWICZ Gela Icek, Blima TCHURZ Sapsa Majer, Ester a JAKUBOWICZ Lejzor Moszek, Rajcla SANDA L Fajwel, Ester a DAWIDOWICZ Sura Basa Estera Hana Mortka, Dwojra KANDELCUKER Fajwel Josek, Blima NOZIC Rachmil, Haja Rywka GOLDBERG Efroim Jose k Brucha (father?), Ester a Marya GOLDBERG Chaim Szaj a Nusyn, Marya GOLDRUST Szandla Lejbus, Ruchla Laja MIODOWN K Chena Majtl a Hajm Hersz , Pesla Haja MffiRN K Chaskel Mortka, Gitla OLIWA Krandla Mortka, Gitla OLIWA Icek Sander, Malka FRYDMAN Genoch Jojna Alter, Frimet a PELFMA N Tabla (father?), Sor a Mandla SLIEDZIONKA Lejzor Icek, Szprinca MENDLEWIC Z Beniamin Ejzyk, Haj a Bajla ZMIDE K Lejzor Machna, Gitla BACHMAJE R Chaja Liw a Aron, Estera Hana SZPIRA Josek Dawid Lejbus, Sur a SZPIRA Ruchla Nuchym, Hana Kajla ERLICH Sender Moszek Lejb, Sora Dwojra FUKS Szlama Maje r Moszek Jakob, Frimeta SZTRAUCH ^Alter, Mary a CHMIELNICKI Gersz Berek Sora Hajm Szija , Gitl a NOWOMIENSKI Szandla Hajm Szija , Gitl a NOWOMIENSKI Smul Hajm Szija , Gitl a NOWOMIENSKI Hajm Szija , Gitl a NOWOMIENSKI Moszek Idesa Hajm Szija , Gitl a NOWOMIENSKI Rywka Lejzor Jankel, Sora PRAWER Moszek Aron Herszel, Tauba Itla LANGWALD Estera Chaj a (father?), Hind a Laja SLEZINGE R Summer 2000 21 41 24 24 34 40 24 24 24 27 24 22 50 49 27 42 42 50 50 33 37 26 38 45 42 30 32 25 27 41 36 35 24 20 44 42 50 28 46 40 31 40 41 41 44 25 44 40 43 22 21 23 48 27 35 45 45 45 45 45 35 50 - 26 30 26 26 28 38 25 26 26 26 25 24 42 40 22 40 40 34 35 30 35 26 36 42 40 32 30 26 27 41 30 35 24 18 24 36 45 26 46 22 46 30 27 37 37 43 23 28 41 38 36 23 20 23 36 26 33 42 42 42 42 42 34 . 30 71 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 4, Number 3 Summer 2000 Kielce and Radom Gubernias with powiat (district) divisions, 1867-191 7 Warszawa Gubernia Siedlce Gubernia .Drzewica O p O C Z n O .Gielmo Gniewoszow w Granicà Przysucha Zwolen Kazanow "Ciepielôw Piotrkôw Gubernia Sienrro Sole c Tartôw Bodzentyn • i Wtoszczowa Lublin Gubernia Ostrowiec Kunôw Cmielôw Ozarô w Slupia Nowa "Secemin Lelow Szczekociny Pienchmoa Jedrzejow Chmielnik Bogoria Klimonto w sedziszôw wodzista w PihCZOWrBusko-Zdroj Dziatoszyce Wislica» Stomniki ? Proszowice* 'Skalbmierz Stopmca Pacanôw HowyKorczyn Galicia, AUSTRIA Kalisz\Warszawa Krakow Kingdom of Poland, with Kielce and Radom gubernias shaded. Glossary akta Polish vital records, often see n as a column heading in vital record indices and extracts, to denote the record numbers document of intent to marry alphabet used for the Russian language: bann Cyrillic FHC FHL gubernia HIAS Hilfs Farein JORI-PL landsman LDS matronymic monogenetic obwôd palatinate patronymic polygenetic powiat USC wojewôdztwa LDS (Mormon) Family History Center, branch library LDS (Mormon) Family History Library, in Salt Lake City, Utah geographic/political subdivision of the Russian Empire, similar to a province, which applied to the Kingdom of Poland from 1844 until World War I Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society help union o r ai d society Jewish Records Indexing - Poland , a database on JewishGen someone who originated in the same village prior to immigration (pi.: landsleit) Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, commonly used to denote the Mormon Family History Library, identification b y mother's given name surname from a single progenitor; all bearers of the surname are related district, subdivision of gubernia geographical/political subdivision of pre-partition Poland, similar to a province identification b y father's given name surname originating from multiple progenitors; all bearers of the surname are not related district, subdivision of gubernia Urzad Stanu Cywilnego = Civil Records Office, where vital records less than 100 years old are usually stored in each town geographical/political subdivision of the Kingdom of Poland until its inclusion in Russia's gubernia system in 1844, and again following World War I through the present Polish Pronunciatio n Guid e Polish Alphabet : a ^ b c c d e ç f g h i j k l l m n n o o p r s s t u w y z z z c ch,h c, cz, ci s, sz, si z, zi, rz =t s =k h =c h =vsh =z h 3= Ç = j= dz = 1= w= om, on em, en y j w V
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