Local Offer Live - Greenfields Specialist School for Communication
Local Offer Live - Greenfields Specialist School for Communication
news SPECIAL NEEDS INDEX SNIX SNIX Welcome… to the Spring edition of SNIX NEWS, a newsletter for children with special educational needs or disabilities and their families. ISSUE 55 Spring 2015 If you need further information or details about any article in this or any other issue of SNIX NEWS please email: localoffer@northamptonshire.gov.uk SNIX NEWS is compiled by the Local Offer Team. Local Offer Live The Local Offer is now producing the SNIX newsletter and this is our first edition. We have included articles about Early Years, sports, activities, information for parents, news and training. In the last edition we promised you news about the search functions on the Local Offer to make it easier to find what you need and we are really proud to be able to announce that this is now found on: www.northamptonshire.gov.uk/ localoffer Please have a look at the website and let us know what you think by using the links on the feedback page, or with the “rate this page” on every page or by using the online form or by e-mailing us. We use social media a lot, and know that lots of you follow us already, but please tell your friends, follow us on Twitter, and like us on Facebook: We aim to inspire and amuse as well as inform. Welcome SummerPlayschem es & Acti vities News PAGES 2 –3 The Local Offer Team One Page Profile How to support us: • Get involved We are: • Tell us about your service A service for children and young people aged 0-25 years with Special Educational Needs and Disabilties • A single point for information on services and provisions available to children, young people, their families and professionals • Tell us what you want • Give us feedback • Tell other people about our service Information Advice Support Service for SEND in Northamptonshire •Does your child have a Statement of SEN? •Do you want to know how the law around SEN has changed? •How will these changes affect you and your child? • Easy to understand and easily accessible What’s important to us: • Created with and for young people, parents and professionals •Consulting with children, young people, parents and professionals •Receiving feedback on the service •Creating an accessible portal that’s easy to use/understand •Spreading the word about what we do •Our information is trustworthy and reviewed regularly Find out more about the system for transferring Statements of SEN into the new EHC system. Booking is essential – please choose a session and contact us to book your place before Monday 16th February 2015. Email: Phone: Website: bcolby@northamptonshire.gov.uk 01604 636111 www.npps.info When booking, please indicate which of the following sessions you would like to attend. Abbey Centre, Northampton NN4 0RZ Tuesday 24th February Registration/Coffee 9.30am Session 10 – 12am Daventry Leisure Centre, NN11 4FP What people like and admire about us: •Information all in one place •Easy to understand and easily accessible •Friendly and approachable team Monday 2nd March Registration/Coffee 12 noon Session 12.30 – 2.30pm Tithe Barn, Wellingborough, NN8 1AH Tuesday 3rd March Registration/Coffee 6pm Session 6.30pm – 8.30pm Corn Market Hall, Kettering, NN15 7QA Wednesday 4th March Registration/Coffee 10am Session 10.30am – 12.30pm Free School Applications in the County The Secretary of State for Education has decided that the following Free School applications within our authority should proceed to the next stage of the process (pre-opening stage): Wootton Park School is a 4-19 mixed, nonfaith school due to open in September 2016 and grow to full capacity of 1,260 by 2022; Daventry Special Academy is a 4-18 special school for pupils with profound and multiple learning difficulties, severe learning difficulties and autistic spectrum disorders. The school will open with 65 FTE in 2016 and grow to capacity of 175 FTE in 2019. Green Oaks Academy Special School is a 3-18, mixed, non-faith school for pupils with autistic spectrum disorders, Asperger’s syndrome and severe learning difficulties. The school is due to open in September 2016 and grow to full capacity of 100 in 2022. Next steps The pre-opening stage is the period between the approval of free school applications and when the free schools open. During this phase, the free school proposer groups will finalise plans, develop policies and undertake a statutory consultation. News SummerPlayschem es & Acti vities News PAGES 4 –5 Information Advice and Support Service for SEND in Northamptonshire (Previously Northamptonshire Parent Partnership Service) is an impartial and confidential service which gives free information, advice and support about matters relating to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. The service operates at arms length from the local authority and clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) through independently trained staff. The service is for parents or carers of children aged 0-25, and young people up to 25 with special educational needs and/or disabilities. You can self-refer or with your permission someone else can refer on your behalf. As a result of the changes young people (aged 16-25) can ask for support separately from their parents or carers if required. •Individual casework which may include support with meetings and contributing to assessments and reviews •Help with writing letters •Help with understanding and interpreting information and applying it to your situation What information and advice can the service give us? •Help when things go wrong, including resolving disagreements and providing support to manage mediation, appeals, exclusions, and complaints on matters related to SEN We offer information, advice and support about any issue related to special educational needs and disability including: •Information about other services or sources of support locally or nationally •Local policy and practice •Advice through parent/carer support groups, youth groups or training events •Northamptonshire’s Local Offer •Educational support as well as health and social care matters •Access to an Independent Supporter if required for support with an Education Health and Care Plan •Statements/Education Health & Care Plans •Personal Budgets and personalization Is there any other support available? •Additional information about these topics is available on our website. Independent Supporters (IS) are an additional resource, independent of the Local Authority, to help families navigate the new Education Health and Care (EHC) planning process. Core Assets have been commissioned through Government funding to work with local stakeholders to provide the service in Northamptonshire until 2016. You can find out more about Core Assets and this work on their website: What kind of support is available? We give practical, factual and impartial information advice and support to enable you to participate fully in decisions about education, health and social care. This may include: •Advice and support by telephone or email www.coreassets.com/what-we-do/ independent-support-service/ Independent Supporters can help young people and their parents/carers in a range of ways including accompanying families to meetings, explaining the role of the Local Authority in the process or supporting with the transfer of existing SEN statements to the new system. They aim to work with families to find the best solution. Getting Involved A key principle of the SEND reforms is that families are at the heart of decision making about both their own individual situations as well as strategic planning and decisions about the services that support them. Northants Parent Forum Group (NPFG) is an independent parent-led group formed and run by volunteers to represent the views of all families of children and young people up to aged 25 with special education needs and/or disabilities in Northamptonshire. They support by empowering parents in effective participation with partners in Education & Social Care within Northamptonshire County Council, Health partners throughout Northamptonshire and other local organisations to positively improve services for children and young people. They would love to hear from you if you feel that you want to get involved by participating directly in this work or just by registering for their newsletter to keep yourself updated – you can get involved at the level that you want to. www.npfg.co.uk or phone 07745 249094 Please contact us if you wish to find out more or access an Independent Supporter. Contact us Telephone: 01604 636111 Website:ww.npps.info Email: contact@npps.info Information Advice and Support Service for SEND in Northamptonshire Springfield Cliftonville Northampton NN1 5BE News SummerPlayschem es & Acti vities News PAGES 6 –7 Shooting Stars Group The Shooting Stars Group held their Annual General Meeting on 25th September 2014 at Greenfields School and Sports College in Northampton. They called it The Big Meeting. The group formally reported on their work over the last year and this is an extract from the Chairperson’s report. “The role of the group is to produce work and make decisions on what could be done to help those with reduced mobility and other special needs in Northamptonshire. As a group, we make it our responsibility to say what we think should be done to help young disabled people living in Northamptonshire , and make sure the facilities are suitable to them. Ever since we all met in 2011, we’ve done many things together and we have produced many impressive pieces of work. Some examples include; To be honest, I just enjoy the group as a whole, having laughs and fun, working and using teamwork to make changes. • Making Newsletters • Supporting County Council staff interviews • Mystery Shopping • Visiting Grendon Hall It’s a really nice group, where friendships can be encouraged further. Hopefully some of you think its a good idea for young people to join this group, we’d be more than happy for more young people to join our Network, and it can give young people experiences and confidence.” • Attending training including Young Inspectors • Training and Easy Read Training • Attending other meetings like ; • Children’s Rights meetings, • Shadow Board Meetings • Inspections on public places, like local libraries and leisure centres Josh Armand Shooting Stars Group Chair Core Assets Core Assets Children’s Services has been commissioned by the Council for Disabled Children to deliver Independent Support to young people and their families in partnership with local Information, Advice and Support Services (IASS), previously known as Parent Partnership Services (PPS), Local Authorities, and Parent Carer Forums (PCF). Independent Supporters are an additional resource, independent of the Local Authority and other professionals, to help families navigate the new Education, Health and Care (EHC) assessment and planning process during: •Education Health and Care needs assessments How can an Independent Supporter help parents and/or young people? •Help to understand the Local Offer and local referral processes •Help to understand the EHC needs assessment process and timescales •Act as a named contact throughout the EHC assessment and planning process •Help to express their views in relation to the EHC process •Transfer of Statements of Special Educational Needs to an EHC Plan •Liaise across a range of services to help gather and interpret information required for an EHC plan •Transfer of Learning Difficulty Assessments (LDA) to EHC Plans •Help to understand personal budgets An Independent Supporter is a time-limited resource available during the EHC assessment process and their support ends when an EHC Plan is finalised or if it is decided that an EHC Plan is not necessary. Independent Supporters are there to offer support that is tailored to the needs of individual parents and young people. This support may be offered through face to face contact and/or via telephone or email, and attendance at meetings with you. Although they may give advice and support, Independent Supporters cannot make decisions for you or attend meetings in your absence. •Signposting back to the Information Advice Support Service when the issue is outside the remit of an Independent Supporter In order to access an Independent Supporter (for the parent/carer, the young person or both) please contact: Information Advice Support Service for SEND in Northamptonshire Springfield, Cliftonville, Northampton. NN1 5BE Tel: Email: 01604 636111 contact@NPPS.info An Independent Supporter will be allocated as soon as possible and you will be contacted by them directly. News SummerPlayschem es & Acti vities Six Things you might not know about your local Library Plus. Your local library is a vibrant community hub tailored to the needs of local people. It is a safe place with lots to offer. If you haven’t been in a library for a while the range of services might surprise you. 1) As well as books, large print, audio books and DVDs we offer E-Books, E-Audio, E- Magazines, E-Library, E-Music for free to library members (including virtual members who do not use libraries in person.) 2) All Northamptonshire Libraries are open 1pm – 4pm on Sundays. The Central Library is open from 11 am – 4pm. We are open when our customers need us every weekend. 3) FREE Wi-Fi is available in every library for all to use at all times. We also offer use of our PC’s (FREE on Fridays). Our Customer Advisors are happy to help you get online. You can access the “Local Offer” website for free at any time and print outs from the site are also free. 4) Our Libraries are now called ‘LibraryPlus’. Our services include, Concessionary Bus Passes and help with online Blue Badge applications. We also deal with many hardship enquiries signposting customers to the correct help and support and library staff have been trained by the Citizen’s Advice Bureau to provide assistance for anyone worrying about debt problems. 5) We have many volunteer roles on offer in our libraries. We understand that volunteering can offer work experience, build confidence and change lives. By getting involved at your local library you can help us to deliver great services to your community. 6) Some of our libraries have regular job clubs supporting jobseekers to write CVs, complete job applications and prepare for interviews. We also offer free workshops and drop-in sessions for anyone looking to become self-employed and set up a new business through our award-winning Enterprise Hubs. More information on what is offered at your local library can be found on our webpage below or why not visit, we’ll be really pleased to welcome you. www.northamptonshire.gov.uk/libraries News PAGES 8–9 Sport SummerPlayschem es & Acti vities Sport PAGES 10–11 Sporting Opportunities for Disabled People I’m Graeme Wilson and I am the Disability Development Officer for Northamptonshire Sport. In this role my aim is to get more disabled people and those with a visual and or hearing impairment in the county participating in sport/physical activity on a regular basis. All of this work is a legacy of the 2012 Paralympics in London which demonstrated to the world exactly what disabled people are capable of as opposed to what they can’t do which is sadly so often the case! There has been a slight and steady increase in levels of participation in sport/physical activity by disabled people in England since London 2012! However recent research by The English Federation of Disability Sport showing the gap in participation levels between non – disabled people of whom 60% currently participate in any sport/physical activity at least once a week compared to only 20% of disabled people is a very worrying one! The same research however also shows that 70% of those disabled people who are currently inactive would actually like to participate in some regular sport, or physical activity. However one of the main reasons that these disabled people and their families/Carers said that they didn’t participate in anything was that they weren’t aware of any opportunities available to them. This is a key area that I’d like to target for improvement in Northamptonshire as if people don’t know sports/ physical activity sessions are happening then they’ve got no chance of participating in them, finding they enjoy them and wanting to do more. The SNIX newsletter has been a key promotional resource that I’ve used to promote opportunities to young disabled people and their families/Carers and encouraged other partners to do the same. I’m hoping that with Northamptonshire County Council’s Local Offer team taking on the running of SNIX it will only help to improve this great resource. Therefore look out for information about sporting opportunities in this and future editions of SNIX as well as the other Local Offer online platforms. I’m extremely proud of the number of sport and physical activity opportunities available to disabled people of all ages and impairments in Northamptonshire. They cover everything from mainstream opportunities to multi-sport clubs who cater for all, and impairment specific opportunities such as Wheelchair Basketball for those with a physical disability and Goalball for those with a visual impairment to name just two. Sport and physical activity are a very powerful tool through which so much can be achieved. Aside from the obvious physical benefits there is also the social and mental wellbeing as well as breaking down of social barriers. I’m extremely keen to see more disabled people in Northamptonshire benefit from all of these things and many more besides but can’t do it alone! Therefore if you’d like more information about what’s available around the county then please contact me: • either by phone on 01604 367953 • or email gwilson@northamptonshire.gov.uk. Daventry Disability Forum The Daventry Disability Forum was setup by Everyone Active in July 2013 to discuss district wide opportunities to provide sport and physical activity for less-abled people. The forum is an open meeting and includes representatives from local sports clubs, schools, Northamptonshire Sport, local councillors, youth clubs and parent support groups, amongst other organisations. The group has been setup to discuss current opportunities for disabled sport, what further opportunities can be provided, and advertising opportunities to the local community. The forum would welcome more groups and organisations to be involved in the meeting and the next meeting will be held on: Discounted Swimming Lessons for Adults A new scheme to offer discounted swimming lessons for eligible adults in Daventry has been launched by Everyone Active at Daventry Leisure Centre. The aim of the scheme is to increase the amount of adults taking up swimming lessons in the area. It is open to adults claiming benefits, in social housing, with mental health problems or learning disabilities. Participants will receive qualified coaching on their stroke technique as well as being able to swim to improve fitness. Funding for this scheme has been provided by the Swimathon Foundation and is supported by the Amateur Swimming Association. Councillor Alan Hills, Community, Culture and Leisure Portfolio Holder at Daventry District Council, said: “Swimming is a fun and healthy activity, so it’s really pleasing to be able to offer these discounted lessons. Hopefully it will encourage many more people across Daventry District to take up and enjoy swimming.” Thursday 5th March 2015 at Daventry Leisure Centre from 10.00 am-11.30am. Lessons available for customers to book will be as follows: Tuesdays 10.00-10.30am- Adult Beginners 10.30-11.00am- Adult Improvers Wednesdays 6.00-6.30pm- Adult Beginners 6.30-7.00pm- Adult Improvers Anyone interested in joining the scheme will need to speak to Louise Lawrence, the Swim Lesson Manager at Daventry Leisure Centre and will need to bring some from of identification that demonstrates their entitlement to the discount. To book onto the course please contact the leisure centre on 01327 871144. Sport SummerPlayschem es & Acti vities Clubs & Activities PAGES 12 –13 Clubs & Activities Summe r Playschem es & Acti vities Clubs & Activities PAGES 14 –15 Cinemas Odeon – Kettering Vue – Northampton Cineworld – Northampton Facilities: Facilities: Facilities: •CEA Card accepted •Guide dogs welcome •Hearing loops •Designated car park spaces for blue badge holders •Level access to the box office, refreshment stand and ticket machines •Ramped access to main concourse, waiting area and screens. •Fully accessible washroom •Wheelchair bays in all screens •Disabled Access •Assistance dogs welcome in all Vue cinemas. •Lift and escalator access from street level •14 designated car park spaces for blue badge holders •Two sets of accessible toilets •All screens are located on flat level •Full wheelchair access throughout the cinema and into all theatres. •Induction loop at our counters •Lowered counter available •Lowered automatic ticket machines available •CEA Card accepted •CEA Card accepted •Automatic front doors •Disabled parking spaces •Wheelchair access •Disabled toilets •Guide dogs welcome Screening Types: Autism Friendly Screening - at over 95 ODEON cinemas across the UK. Autism friendly films are special screenings of children’s films - Lights are left on low; the sound is turned down; Trailers and adverts are not played; It’s ok for people to move around during the screening and make a bit of noise. http://www.dimensions-uk.org/support-services/autismcare/autism-friendly-screenings/ Hearing Impaired and Visually Impaired Screenings: Audio description dialogue track where the action, scene changes and the actors body language is described in addition to the dialogue. This is played via a lightweight headset. Subtitled performances are available and Infra Red headsets also available to improve your hearing of the film soundtrack. Please enquire at the cinema Box Office. Disability and Accessibility Helpline – 0800 138 3315 or text phone 18001 0808 1560 609 Screening Types: Autism Friendly Screenings; Autism friendly films are special screenings of children’s films - Lights are left on low; The sound is turned down; Trailers and adverts are not played; It’s ok for people to move around during the screening and make a bit of noise. Autism friendly films are screened at this cinema at 10.00am on the last Sunday of every month. Social stories can be downloaded for all Vue Autism friendly films. http://www.dimensions-uk.org/support-services/autismcare/autism-friendly-screenings/ Hearing Impaired and Visually Impaired Screenings: Subtitled (ST) and Audio Described (ADesc) films are available at this cinema; for details please call: 08712 240 240. Every auditorium is equipped with Infra Red technology to provide hearing assistance; for headsets to utilise this facility and Audio Description, as mentioned above, please contact a member of staff. Audio description is for visually impaired people and describes what is happening in the film. They can also still hear the soundtrack and dialogue of the film. Screening Types: Autism Friendly Screenings: Cineworld host an Autism Friendly Film at 11:00am on the 1st Sunday of every month, at over 70 participating cinemas across the UK. These are special performances of recently released films which have subtle changes to the cinema environment that means people who have sensory differences may have a more positive experience than they would in a traditional cinema setting. Changes include the lights being kept on at a low level, the sound being turned down and there are no trailers or advertisements - just the film. http://www.dimensions-uk.org/support-services/autismcare/autism-friendly-screenings/ Hearing Impaired and Visually Impaired Screenings: Audio description performances for the sight impaired are available at certain cinemas. Subtitles for the hearing impaired are available at certain performances. Hearing loops (either infra red or induction) are installed at all our cinemas auditoria. Please check with the box office which facility is available. Type Talk calls are available on our telephone booking service. For more information please contact our Disability and Accessibility Helpline on: 0800 188 4044 between 10am – 10pm. Clubs & Activities Summe r Playschem es & Acti vities Early Years PAGES 16 –17 Autism Concern Activity Days and Youth Clubs Do you have a child with an autistic spectrum disorder? Looking for social groups and activity days for evenings and weekends? Autism Concern runs days where children and young people are supported according to their needs. Saturday Clubs A wide variety of activities including arts and crafts, sports, sensory play days, cooking and much more For young people aged 8 – 18 with ASD Venue: Kingsthorpe Grove Primary School, St David’s Road, Kingsthorpe, Northampton, NN2 7QL Time: 10:00 – 15:00 Cost: £10 per day Go 4 It Youth Groups Senior Go 4 It (13-18 year olds) and Junior Go 4 It (8-12 year olds) run on alternating Tuesday nights in Northampton A wide ranging variety of activities whilst being supported by autism specialist staff These groups then do trips out in the holidays; past excursions have included the Leicester Space Museum, the London Eye and the Harry Potter Studios Time: 18:00 – 20:00 Cost: From £3 To register your child on the appropriate scheme contact us on: 01604 239404, email: Marieanne@autismconcern.org or visit: www.autismconcern.org for further details. Autism Concern, Suite 39 – 42 Burlington House, 369 Wellingborough Road, Northampton, NN1 4EU Deafconnect Giggles The Deafconnect Tinnitus Support Group meets at 2pm on the following dates in 2015: Giggles Play is a non profit social enterprise set up to provide sensory & soft play for children with additional needs. We are inclusive, for the whole family. There is no age limit for children with special needs and are also great for all children up to five yrs old. No pre-booking required. £5 admission. 9th February 13th April 8th June 10th August 12th October 14th December Admission is £1.50 for members £3.00 for non members to help with refreshment and administration costs. New members are always welcome. We are set up and run by parents and people with experience of children with additional needs and are mobile so you need to check out our website or Facebook to see where we will be on different days. We are open every Saturday and Sunday and school holidays too. Coffee Mornings 10am-1pm on the first and third Wednesday of the month. Not just a coffee morning but an opportunity to meet other members of the Deaf, deafened, hard of hearing, and local community, have a chat and enjoy homemade cakes. We welcome everyone who wants to come and join us. www.gigglesplay.co.uk www.facebook.com/giggles.play Why not give it a try? Come along bring a friend and make some new ones at the same time. Spencer Dallington Community Centre, Tintern Avenue, Northampton NN5 7BZ 07817006817 or 01604 589 011 Ducklings Thursday mornings 9.45–11.30am At Kingsley School, Churchill Way Pre-school group - for children with additional needs Alternate land and water sessions Call Kingsley School on: 01536 316880 or email: Ali Everitt on alisone3@kingsley.northants.sch.uk Land Session Activities: •Sensory Toys •Cause & Effect Toys •Use of our Therapy Room which includes trampette, swing tunnels etc •Soft Play Room •Creative Activities •Natural Material Play •Hello Singing Session •Access to the Foundation Department and all the activities on offer in the department including the ‘nest’ covered outside area •Playground Play (in warm weather) •Parachute Activities Swimming Sessions: •1/2 hour session in our Hydrotherapy Pool •Small group of children with their parent/carer •Water Songs •Water Toys Both groups join together for drinks and snacks before saying goodbye Early Years / For Parents Summe r Playschem es & Acti vities For Parents PAGES 18 –19 Children’s Centre Services In October 2013 Northamptonshire County Council’s cabinet agreed to re-organise how children’s centre services in the county are delivered. This was to ensure consistent delivery of support for young families across the county, to increase access to children’s centre services and to improve outcomes for young children. The new model has two main elements: Libraries The Northamptonshire County Council LibraryPlus service will provide the enhanced universal services part of children’s centre services for children under five and their families, including: • • • • quick connection to a range of information and advice, resources and support to access further children’s centre services, children’s centre registration services, universal activities such as stories, song and rhymetimes etc. recruiting and co-ordinating volunteers for children’s centre services. This will take advantage of the council’s existing 36 library facilities and resources (including seven days a week opening), improving access to children’s centre services. Commissioned children’s centre services – the children’s centre services that are delivered by external organisations will continue to support the delivery of some universal services to all families (such as health services and Job Centre Plus advice) but will primarily focus on activities for families who need extra support or ‘early help’. This will enable more resources to be used in supporting families with higher levels of need. Contracts were tendered in ten procurement lots covering ten geographical areas. Nine of the contracts have been awarded as follows: Daventry District – Action for Children Pre-school group for children with additional needs Call: 01536 316880 or email Ali Everitt on: alisone3@kingsley.northants.sch.uk An informal support group for all parents/carers of disabled children. Advice and information guides Did you know that Contact a Family has an extensive range of resources packed full of useful advice? They’re free to download or parents can get a free print copy by calling the free-phone helpline: Kettering Borough – Action for Children 9.30am-5pm on 0808 808 3555. Northampton Central – Action for Children We meet every second Tuesday 9.30-11.30 at PLACC Spinney Hill Road Northampton NN3 6DW Call Cindy Baylis on 07428610871 www.time4support.org We have a group on Facebook which is a very good way for parents/carers to share information and find support in their area: https://www.facebook.com/ groups/191625904220388/?ref=br_tf Northampton East – Action for Children Northampton North – Spurgeons Northampton West – Spurgeons South Northamptonshire – Action for Children Borough of Wellingborough – Action for Children Corby Borough - A contract for the Corby Borough area was not awarded and will be re-tendered in the coming months. Service level agreements with existing providers will be extended in the meantime. Do you look after a child or young adult with an Autistic Spectrum Disorder? Every Monday during term time from 1.30-2.30pm, at Kingsley School, Churchill Way 0808 808 3555 Monday-Friday, Children Embraced) at Kingsley School Time 4 Support East Northamptonshire District – Spurgeons A.C.E. (Autistic Stay ‘n’ Play Contact a Family We are a new Parent Support group in Kettering and we offer help, support, information and friendship to make life easier for you and your child. We provide speakers, information evenings, private 1-1 consultations with the Autism Outreach Team and we want to know what we can provide for YOU! We meet on the 2nd Tuesday in every month at: Kingsley Special School, Churchill Way, Kettering. NN15 5DP. 7.30 – 9.30pm 2015 Dates: Jan 13th, Feb 10th, March 10th, April 14th, May 12th, June 9th, July 14th For more information call or text your details to: 07756523728 (If no reply, leave a message and we will get back to you) Everyone welcome, we look forward to seeing you. Face 2 Face Face 2 Face is an expanding network of local befriending schemes, providing emotional support to parents whose children have been recognised as having a special need or disability. Local schemes recruit and train volunteer parents, who themselves have disabled children, to act as “befrienders”. Befrienders are able to share and empathise with new parents because of their own emotional experiences, and support them to make positive adjustments to their child’s disability. Each befriender is carefully trained and supervised by a professional Face 2 Face coordinator, who is always on hand to offer support and guidance. If you would like to meet a befriender please contact... Diane, on: 07528 365429 or email: Diane.Rayner@Scope.org.uk or Nicola.Corazzo@Scope.org.uk For Parents / Traininges & Acti Summe r Playschem vities Support for Carers Support for Carers include: Autism Concern’s Family Support Team • Holistic therapies • Gym membership • Carers’ Cafés • Carers’ Support Groups • Carers’ Lunch Clubs • Carers’ Choir Autism Concern’s Family Support Team can advise and support parents, carers, professionals and people about the autism spectrum. It is not necessary to have a diagnosis to access our services, which include: How to find out more about the services we provide for Carers in Northamptonshire as well as Lutterworth and surrounding area’s, please contact us by one of the following ways: General Enquiries Tel: 01933 677837 Carers’ Support Line Tel: 01933 677907 Email: carers@northamptonshire-carers.org Website: www.northamptonshire-carers.org Carers’ Support Line • Emotional support • Behavioural advice • Signposting to community services • Understanding autism spectrum conditions • Support with filling in benefits forms and applications To contact the Family Support Service: email: iag@autismconcern.org The Carers’ Support Line provides a confidential service to support the needs of Adult, Parent and Young Carers. The service can be accessed by Carers, professionals or anyone with a Carers related enquiry or issue providing: or call: 0808 808 9090 (free from landlines) • A listening ear and emotional support • Signposting and referral to other organisations • One-to-one telephone support • Access to Northamptonshire Carers services and support • Information and access to Carers’ Assessment • Information and access to Peer Support Charity number: 1062611 Apprenticeship and Job Fairs 2015 Horizons in partnership with Connexions will be holding seven Apprenticeship and Job Fairs across the county in February/March to help match young people with local employment and training opportunities. The events are aimed at 16-19 year olds including this year’s school and college leavers and young people currently unemployed and looking for work or training. The events provide a unique opportunity to visit career stands and talk to employers, training providers and colleges about their opportunities all in one place. Young people can also take part in a series of brief three-minute interviews with our Speed Networking. Training PAGES 20–21 Training SummerPlayschem es & Acti vities Training PAGES 22 –23 Autism Training Sessions (No diagnosis necessary) Autism Concern is pleased to announce our new training programme for 2015 which is being released across the county, starting in Northampton and Wellingborough in January through to April. Each session costs just £9.50 per person and can be bought online at www.autismconcern.org/training or by calling 01604 239404. If you book 5 sessions you will get one free. Northampton The Doddridge Centre, 109 St James Road, St James, Northampton, NN5 5LD An Introduction to 123 Magic Dealing with Challenging Behaviours An introduction to the behaviour management technique known as 123 Magic which encourages children to stop unwanted behaviours and start appropriate behaviours, this programme encourages an autism friendly approach. Find out what challenging behaviours are, why they might occur and how to support someone displaying challenging behaviour effectively. Sensory Sensitivities in Autism Writing Social Scripts Find out more about what sensory sensitivities are and how they affect someone with autism. Learn useful strategies and approaches for sensory stimulation and how that can help your child. Learn more about what social scripts are, why they are a useful tool for communicating with people on the autism spectrum. You will learn about what formats are best used and for what situations. Autism Awareness - What is Autism? Mon 19th Jan Autism Awareness - What is Autism? Weds 28th Jan Autism Awareness - What is Autism? Mon 26th Jan Tues 3rd Feb Sharing Your Child’s Diagnosis With Them and Others Dealing With Challenging Behaviours Thurs 29th Jan The Importance of Visual Structure and How To Implement It Autism Awareness - What is Autism? Encouraging Emotional Awareness in People With Autism Writing Social Scripts Thurs 5th Feb 09.30 – 11.30 19.00 – 21.00 09.30 – 11.30 Weds 4th Feb Tues 10th Feb 09.30 – 11.30 Weds 11th Feb parents/carers of under 10’s) The Importance of Visual Structure and How to Implement It Learn how to encourage your child to play and interact by understanding what social impairments are and how they can manifest themselves. You will learn skills and tips to help your child play and foster relationships. Here you will learn about the importance of visual schedules to somebody on the autism spectrum, ideas for different formats which will empower you to go on and make your own resources. Autism Awareness - What Is Autism? (£5 per person) Sharing Your Child’s Diagnosis with Them and Others This is an opportunity for parents and carers to learn about autism and how it affects those on the autism spectrum. We will discuss autism theory and then what you can do as a parent or carer to support your child effectively. After your child has been diagnosed it can often be difficult to know where to turn, what to do next and what the implications in the future might be. This course will help answer those questions as well as give tips as to how to share an autism diagnosis with your child. Social Interactions and Relationships (For parents/carers of over 10’s) Encouraging Emotional Awareness in People with Autism Learn how to encourage your child or young person to interact by understanding what social impairments are and how they can manifest themselves. You will learn skills and tips to help your child or young person foster relationships. This session will enable you to understand how to help someone with autism process their emotions, what emotions mean and how to deal with them. 09.30 – 11.30 09.30 – 11.30 19.00 – 21.00 Mon 2nd Feb 09.30 – 11.30 19.00 – 21.00 Mon 9th Feb Social Interactions and Relationships (For parents/carers of over 10’s) Sensory Sensitivities in Autism Social Interactions and Relationships 09.30 – 11.30 (For parents/carers of over 10’s) Weds 25th Feb Facilitating Play and Social Interaction 09.30 – 11.30 (For parents/carers of under 10’s) Tues 3rd March The Importance of Visual Structure and 09.30 – 11.30 How To Implement It Weds 4th March Sharing Your Child’s Diagnosis With 19.00 – 21.00 Them and Others Tues 10th March Dealing With Challenging Behaviours Thurs 12th Feb Facilitating Play and Social Interaction (For parents/carers of under 10’s) An Introduction To 123 Magic Mon 23rd Feb Dealing With Challenging Behaviours Thurs 26th Feb An Introduction To 123 Magic Mon 2nd March Emotional Awareness Thurs 5th March Writing Social Scripts Weds 11th March An Introduction To 123 Magic Mon 9th March Sensory Sensitivities in Autism Thurs 12th March Facilitating Play and Social Interaction (For parents/carers of under 10’s) Sharing Your Child’s Diagnosis With Them and Others Dealing With Challenging Behaviours 19.00 – 21.00 Tues 24th Feb 09.30 – 11.30 19.00 – 21.00 Facilitating Play and Social Interaction (For TESCO The Community Room, Victoria Park, Turnells Mill Lane, Wellingborough, NN8 2EF Tues 27th Jan 19.00 – 21.00 The child or young person in your care does not need to have a diagnosis of autism Wellingborough Tues 17th March Sensory Sensitivities in Autism 09.30 – 11.30 09.30 – 11.30 19.00 – 21.00 09.30 – 11.30 19.00 – 21.00 09.30 – 11.30 19.00 – 21.00 09.30 – 11.30 19.00 – 21.00 Weds 18th March Encouraging Emotional Awareness in 19.00 – 21.00 People With Autism Tues 24th March Writing Social Scripts Mon 16th March Weds 25th March Social Interactions and Relationships 19.00 – 21.00 (For parents/carers of over 10’s) Tues 14th April An Introduction To 123 Magic Mon 23rd March 09.30 – 11.30 09.30 – 11.30 Weds 15th April Sensory Sensitivities in Autism Tues 21st April Facilitating Play and Social Interaction (For parents/carers of under 10’s) The Importance of Visual Structure and How To Implement It 19.00 – 21.00 09.30 – 11.30 Weds 22nd April 19.00 – 21.00 09.30 – 11.30 Thurs 19th March 19.00 – 21.00 09.30 – 11.30 Thurs 26th March 19.00 – 21.00 Thurs 16th April 19.00 – 21.00 Mon 20th April 09.30 – 11.30 Thurs 23rd April 19.00 – 21.00 The Importance of Visual Structure and How To Implement It Emotional Awareness Social Interactions and Relationships (For parents/carers of over 10’s) Writing Social Scripts Sharing Your Child’s Diagnosis With Them and Others If you book 5 sessions you will get one free For further details on what the courses entail and to purchase your tickets please Visit our website www.autismconcern.org/training Or email iag@autismconcern.org Or call 01604 239404 Information SummerPlayschem es & Acti vities Editorial Note: The Local Offer Team reserves the right to edit any submitted materials. The articles printed and views expressed are not necessarily those of Northamptonshire County Council. Items are correct to the best of our knowledge, but we do not take any responsibility for any errors in information provided to us for inclusion. Deadline Dates Should you wish to advertise your organisation, submit a personal story or place an article in the SNIX newsletter – please note our deadlines: We will be advertising the holiday schemes in the summer edition and Christmas events in the Autumn edition... Summer edition deadline 24th April 2015 Autumn edition deadline 11th September 2015 SNIX NEWSLETTERS Local Offer and Co-Production Feedback and co-production is really important to the Local Offer. Did you like what was in this new SNIX newsletter? What would you like to see in the next one? Do you go to a group and you want to show off what you have done recently? Do you need new members? Please let us know. Send us some of your photos or articles for publishing as long as you have permission if there is a child or young person in it. Making Ourselves Heard organised a conference in London before Christmas. EPIC, the group of young people who advised the government on the changes to the Children and Families Act that affected special educational needs and disabilities told Northamptonshire’s Local Offer that in their opinion it is really important to publish information about the Local Offer in a printable format that can be distributed. The new SNIX newsletter is going to fill that gap. Our Local Offer is already too big to print, and it would be out of date immediately, but the SNIX newsletter will be more manageable. Tell us what you want to see in it and we will find out the information for you. If you would prefer to have your SNIX newsletter sent to you by e-mail, please let us know by e-mailing LocalOffer@northamptonshire.gov.uk with SNIX in the subject line and your name and we will send them by e-mail in future. You will get it quicker! I look forward to hearing from you with your comments on this SNIX newsletter, the Local Offer, and I hope to see your successes and achievements in the next SNIX newsletter. Please “Like” our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter and use our forms on the website to tell us what you like and don’t like about the Local Offer and SNIX Kathy Forsdyke, Local Offer Manager You can access a limited number of back issues of Snix News on our website: www.northamptonshire.gov.uk/snix If you would prefer to have your SNIX newsletter sent to you by e-mail, please let us know by e-mailing: LocalOffer@northamptonshire.gov.uk with SNIX in the subject line and your name and we will send them by e-mail in future.