SPRING HOTLINE.indd - Michigan Air Conditioning Contractors
SPRING HOTLINE.indd - Michigan Air Conditioning Contractors
OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE AIR CONDITIONING CONTRACTORS OF AMERICA — MICHIGAN 5401 Baldwin Street, Hudsonville, MI 49426 | Phone: 866.269.8486 | Fax: 616.662.0064 | Visit www.miacca.org | WHAT’S INSIDE PRESIDENT’S COLUMN 3 LEGISLATIVE UPDATE 4 FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S DESK 5 HVAC LICENSE ENDORSEMENT 7 FLOW SENSING DEVICES ON FORCED FLOW BOILERS 7 SOUTHEASTERN MICHIGAN HVACR TRADE SHOW 2011 9 PHIL FORNER HONORED 12 ACCA 43RD ANNUAL EXPO 13 MIACCA ANNUAL MEETING 15 MIACCA 2011 SCHEDULE 17 MEMBERSHIP UPDATES 23 USEFUL WEBSITES Air Conditioning Contractors of America — Michigan Chapter www.miacca.org Air Conditioning Contractors of America www.acca.org Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy www.eere.energy.gov North American Technician Excellence (NATE) www.natex.org Spring Issue 2011 2 2010-11 MIACCA DIRECTORS PRESIDENT ED BARTRAM Diversified Heating & Cooling 20789 Parker Street Farmington Hills, MI 48336 Phone: 248-473-5690 Fax: 248-473-0422 Email: ebartram@diversifiedhtg.com SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT DANIEL SQUIRES Vincent’s Heating & Plumbing 2650 Oak Street Port Huron, MI 48060 Phone: 810-985-7103 Fax: 810-985-4959 Email: drs@vhpinc.com TREASURER PHIL FORNER Allendale Heating 11672 60th Avenue Allendale, MI 49401 Phone: 616-895-4949 Fax: 616-895-5020 Email: phil@allendaleheating.com IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT GARY SHELLEY Air Temp Services 5645 Academy Dearborn Heights, MI 48125 Phone: 313-292-5100 Fax 313-292-0553 Email: gshelley@airtempcomfort.com 2010-11 MIACCA DIRECTORS DIRECTORS GENE CRAWFORD Behler-Young 30158 Research Drive New Hudson, MI 48165 Phone: 616-531-4400, Ext. 3608 Fax: 248-437-3083 Email: genec@behler-young.com GARY DOTY Doty Mechanical 615 S. Waverly Road Lansing, MI 48917 Phone: 517-327-7777 Fax: 517-327-8225 Email: gdoty@dotymechanical.com TERRY HERMAN Michigan Temperature Supply 5511 Enterprise Drive Lansing, MI 48911 Phone: 517-882-2455, Ext. 30 Fax: 989-695-9789 Email: terry.h@apcoinc.com MICKEY MC EVOY Liberty Total Comfort Systems 25550 Grand River Street Redford, MI 48240 Phone: 313-255-9080 Fax: 313-255-1172 Email: wbmcevoy@sbcgloval.net EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR MARK KIDD 5401 Baldwin Hudsonville, MI 49426 Phone: 866-269-8486 Fax: 616-622-0064 Cell: 616-886-6728 Email: markk@miacca.org MIACCA STAFF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR — MARK KIDD 5401 Baldwin, Hudsonville, MI 49426 Phone: 866-269-8486 • Fax: 616-622-0064 Cell: 616-886-6728 • Email: markk@miacca.org GRAPHIC ARTIST — Michele Bekken • 616-990-0990 3 PRESIDENT’S COLUMN Greetings Fellow Contractors! As I write this column, I’m at the National ACCA Conference learning how we as contractors can improve our leadership skills and our companies. Whatever your interests, there were learning labs to add fuel or improve your business. Five Labs were setup in each specials Residential, Commercial, Refrigeration, Technical Excellence, Quality Assurance, or Business Fundamentals. We met old friends and made new one while visiting the Indoor Air Expo. Our own Phil Forner received the ACCA’s Distinguished Service Award during the annual town hall meeting. Congratulations Phil. The National Chairman, John Sedine spend a very busy year working to make sure ACCA language was in many of the “Green” initiatives. “He wanted to make sure that ACCA was the voice for contractors on these issues, because the HVAC industry is changing and the future is going to be focused on green contracting. Welcome home John. Remember the 2009 Michigan Mechanical Code is in effect and the Residential Code and Energy Code will be going into effect March 9th, 2011. The Michigan Mechanical Code books are available on the MIACCA website. West Michigan is having their Trade Show on March 15th. MIACCA will be having its annual meeting co-currently we hope you will have time for both. There will be training sessions on the different programs available in Michigan for contractors. Stop by and visit, there is no better place to talk to your fellow contactors in a non competitive environment. April 21st MIACCA will be hosting a Trade Show in Southeast Michigan look for information in this publication. Thank You for Your Support Ed Bartram, MIACCA President 4 MIACCA Legislative News For information on Legislation, contact MIACCA Government Relations Lobbyist Mark Kidd at 866-269-8486 or e-mail at markk@miacca.org Legislative Update Well the new government is in place in Michigan and things are starting to move slowly. There are 3 bills out to change the MBT for Michigan. They are HB 4001, SB 0001, and SB 0006. These bills will repeal the surcharge tax. The Governor has come out with his proposal to the MBT which is a 6% tax on corporate income. If you would like a copy of the rough draft just email me and I can send it to you. We will be watching to see what happens. All the committees have been assigned and now I will know who I need to talk to on issues that may come up. Let’s see what happens now. As I am writing this at the ACCA Convention we have been getting up dated on what is coming up with national issues. There has been changes with the EPA Energy Star program which has add ACCA’s QI standard as part of the program. The Home Energy Star program is pretty much dead and is probably something each state is going to look at adopting. I will be watching for it and see what will happen. I do know that the MPSC was looking at it last year but decided to wait till the federal government did something. The 1099 issue is still ongoing problem and hope it can be change yet this spring. Like maybe April 15??? I will wait and see. I will also be watching for any energy bills that are coming up and any rebate or tax credits. There are some programs that will allow locate municipalities loan money to make energy savings home improvements. I will keep everyone informed. The legislature is just getting settled in and I see much more activity coming up this year as they will be trying to fix the broken state. If anyone has an issue with their legislator or would like to meet them at the capital I can set it up for you. I will keep you informed. Mark Kidd ACCA BUCKS New program for all contractor members. Can be used on most all training events and social events. May be used by employees of your company. Get your membership money back — use ACCA bucks! MIACCA ACCA BUCKS This certificate is redeemable for $50 off MIACCA Events to Your Heating Company Authorized by Expires May 31, 2010 Not redeemable for cash. Value not to exceed $50. Number 5 From the Executive Directors Desk Well it looks like winter might be coming to an end soon. Spring is coming we can only hope. It has been very busy with the West Michigan Suppliers show, the annual meeting, and the Southeast Suppliers Show all coming up. I would like to see everyone make a point of attending the Annual Meeting in Hudsonville on March 15. We have joined up with the West Michigan Suppliers show to make it a great event with training and information that you can use has a sales tools to offer to your customers. More Sales!!! Southeast Suppliers show is coming up on April 21 and will have training and a lot of information. It should be a great event and a little larger than last year. Mark your calendars for all these events. As I am writing this I am attending the ACCA Convention in San Antonio Texas. If you ever get a chance to take time out of your business and attend this event. It will be well worth it and will help you in many ways in make your business more effect and more profitable. It is a brain over load. There is so much information it is hard to take all of it in. Ed Bartram and I would start at 7 am and go to after 10 at night for 4 days. It is a lot of walking, sitting and a lot of listening. It is also a great opportunity to meet other contractors from all over the United States. I cannot stress it enough but it is well worth the time and the money to go. Next year the event will be Las Vegas. Hope to see everyone from Michigan come the next ACCA Convention. I have been in Lansing a lot lately with MPSC, meeting the new legislature, and commission meetings. At the MPSC we have been going over fuel switching and how it will affect the utilities. We are also looking at if it will save any energy. I have been putting together information on the costs of make these changes in the different areas of the state. The goal of the MPSC is to write a white paper (position paper) on Fuel Switching so that there may be some credits coming from the utilities that you can offer to your customers. This could take awhile yet because nothing is moving very fast at the state. At the DELEG (the department) I have been asked to sit on a review committee to review Act 54. Act 54 is the rules on who can be and the qualifications for all inspectors. I will be focusing on the mechanical part but will be involved in all parts. There are many members on this committee from all the trades. I will see and keep everyone informed on changes. If you would like to make any commits or want a copy of the rough draft just email me and I will send you a copy. I am here to work for you and help with your concerns and issues. Please feel free to contact me or email me at anytime. Mark Kidd, Executive Director 6 7 HVAC License Endorsement Flow Sensing Devices on Forced Flow Boilers By Kevin Kalakay, Chief Mechanical Division By William Vallance, Chief, Boiler Division This article is an attempt to clarify what work you may perform under the HVAC endorsement on your mechanical contractors license. First, it is necessary to give the definition of HVAC as defined in the Forbes Mechanical Contractors Act, 1984 PA 192, which reads as follows: “Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning” or “HVAC” means the application of equipment and systems to provide air conditioning for occupants of buildings and structures. HVAC does not include the installation of portable self-contained refrigeration equipment and window-type air conditioners of not more than 1-1/2 horsepower” Since the definition states “equipment and systems,” if you possess an HVAC endorsement on your license, you may install the equipment and all components of the HVAC system including the duct, fuel piping, and the venting. An HVAC endorsement does not allow you to perform service on HVAC equipment of any type. In order to perform service work, you must first obtain the proper service endorsement for the type of service work you desire to perform. A #5 (limited heating service) or #6 (unlimited heating service) endorsement is required to perform heating service, while a #7 (limited refrigeration and air conditioning service) or #8 (unlimited refrigeration and air conditioning) would be required for refrigeration and air conditioning service. If you have any questions, you may contact the Mechanical Division at (517) 241-9325. ASME CSD-1 2006 paragraph CW-210 requires that in lieu of the requirements for low water cutoff in CW-100, a water tube or coil type boiler requiring forced circulation shall have an accepted safety control to prevent burner operation at a flow rate inadequate to protect the boiler against overheating at all allowable firing rates. Commencing July 1, 2010, on newly installed water tube or coil type forced circulation boilers, the following are acceptable safety controls: 1) A paddle type flow switch listed and/or labeled by a nationally recognized testing agency. 2) The manufacturer’s temperature differential system which senses the delta T between inlet and outlet, across the boiler, will shut off the burner when the delta T exceeds manufacturer’s parameters. The manufacturer shall provide detailed instructions for testing in the installation and/or instruction manual as required by CG-420. Probe or float type low water cutoffs are no longer acceptable on new installations of forced circulation boilers, unless they have a definitive water line as referenced in CW210(b). The division issues over 200 installation violations each quarter for non-compliance with this one code. If you are a contractor and do not possess the ASME CSD-1 code book it would be well worth the investment to purchase the book so you will have the necessary code information. Questions on these matters may be directed to the Boiler Division, (517) 241-9334. 8 9 Air Conditioning Contractors Of America Making life more comfortable for contractors and their customers SOUTHEAST MICHIGAN HVACR TRADE SHOW 2011 THURSDAY, April 21st 4:00 - 7:00 PM KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HALL, 19801 FARMINGTON ROAD LIVONIA, MI 48152 (south of Eight Mile Road) FREE ADMISSION, BUFFET DINNER INCLUDED! TRAINING Lien Law “PAY ME” 2 hours FREE to members 2 pm to 4 pm. Presented by Matthew T. Smith an attorney for Clark Hill. MICHIGAN MECHANICAL DIVISION Jon Paradine Asst. Mech . Meet and ask Question regarding Michigan Mechanical Code. 5 pm to 6 pm. FREE Recalibrate UEI Test Equipment and Test any Combustion Analyzer. Provided by R.A. Kaplan Inc. HVACR Supplier Exhibits 4 to 7 pm The HVACR industry’s leading suppliers of Southeast Michigan are all here under one roof. Send your technicians and your decision makers to compare new products and equipment. HVAC educational information has never been more important! Technician Competition - Electrical Troubleshooting The technician with the best time will receive $250 in gift certificates. The company he works for will receive a plaque to boast they have the best technician. Résumés If you are looking to hire student HVACR talent then check out the HVACR résumés from local HVAC institutions. BECOME A MEMBER OF SOUTHEAST MICHIGAN ACCA – JOIN AT THE SHOW BOOTH Member Program - As a member of Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA), we help contractors in Southeast Michigan acquire, serve, and satisfy customers. We’re a non-profit association whose only goal is the success of the Air Conditioning contracting industry. As a member you are provided with Group Insurance, Vehicle Leasing, Free Legal Advice, Continued Education, Legislative Alerts and access to Lobbying & Political Action Committee. SPONSORED BY: SOUTHEAST MICHIGAN ACCA AND MICHIGAN ACCA FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL 616-269-8486 VISIT MIACCA.ORG 10 11 Support these Sponsors WE WANT ALL CONTRACTOR MEMBERS TO USE THE SPONSOR MEMBERS THAT HELP MAKE MIACCA A SUCCESSFUL TRADE ASSOCIATION. MEMBERS BUY FROM MEMBERS GOLD APCO/Michigan Temp Carrier Great Lakes Johnstone Supply Eastern Michigan Robertson Heating Supply Company Behler-Young Federated Insurance Johnstone Supply West Michigan Williams Distribution SILVER Calverley Supply Company Online-Access Lennox Wholesale Heating Supply BRONZE Radiant Energy Systems 12 Phil Forner Honored with ACCA’s Distinguished Service Award The Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA), the nation’s largest association of indoor environmental systems professionals, has awarded Phil Forner with the association’s Distinguished Service Award. Forner of Allendale Heating Company, Inc. in Allendale, MI, was selected for his extensive volunteer involvement in ACCA. He has given freely of his time and talents and has served on many ACCA committees and task teams, has been a representative for ACCA on the International Code Council Residential Plumbing and Mechanical Technical Committee, and also served on the ACCA Board of Directors, including a term as Chairman of the Board of Directors in 2007 - 2008. Forner has played an integral role in getting the association involved in Codes and forming a code committee, as well as laying the ground work for the Standards Task Team to receive ANSI approval for many of ACCA manuals. “Phil’s contributions to ACCA truly enhance the membership experience for all contractors,” says John Sedine, ACCA Chairman. “He has been dedicated to technical excellence and moving the industry forward in a way that few other contractors have been and has raised the bar for the HVACR industry as whole.” Forner was recognized at ACCA’s 43rd Annual Conference and Indoor Air Expo, held this week in San Antonio, Texas. He was presented the Distinguished Service Award in front of ACCA contractor members at the association’s annual Town Hall Meeting. ACCA’s Distinguished Service Award is presented occasionally to an outstanding volunteer contributor to the association. The Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) is a non-profit association serving more than 60,000 professionals and 4,000 businesses in the HVACR community, who work together to promote professional contracting, energy efficiency, and healthy, comfortable indoor environments for all Americans. For more information, visit www.acca.org. Now save up to 4c per gallon through your associaton! • Online Account Management • No Cost Program • Multiple Security Options • Online Bill Payment • Accepted Nationwide at Over 6,000 Locations For more details or a complete list of locations now accepting SuperFleet, visit us at www.superfleet.net 13 ACCA 43rd Annual Conference and Indoor Expo San Antonio, Texas John Sedine, ACCA Chairman Michigan 14 15 16 17 MIACCA 2011 Schedule March 2 March 9 March 15 March 15 March 15 March 15 SEMIACCA Dinner Meeting EPA Lead Safety Certification Lien Law “Pay Me” WMIACCA Supplier Show MIACCA Annual Meeting MIACCA Board Meeting Leon’s Restaurant, Livonia Answer Heating, Freeland The Pinacle Center, Hudsonville The Pinacle Center, Hudsonville The Pinacle Center, Hudsonville The Pinacle Center, Hudsonville April 6 April 21 April 21 April 21 April 21 SEMIACCA Dinner Meeting Leon’s Restaurant, Livonia MIACCA /SEMIACCA Trade Show K/C, Livonia MIACCA Board Meeting K/C, Livonia Lien Law “Pay Me” K/C, Livonia Changing an A/C System Correctly K/C, Livonia May 4 May 19 SEMIACCA Dinner Meeting MIACCA Boad Meeting Leon’s Restaurant, Livonia Lansing June 1 June 16 SEMIACCA Dinner Meeting MIACCA Boad Meeting Leon’s Restaurant, Livonia Lansing All dates are subject to change, you will be advised when changes occur. SIGN UP ON LINE AT www.miacca.org Go to on-line store 2010 EDUCATION SCHEDULE and BOOKS March 9 March 15 March 31 April 21 April 21 **EPA Lead Safety Certification Kalamazoo Lien Law updates Hudsonville **CSD-1 Boiler ControlsC ertification - Livonia Lien Law updates Livonia **Changing an A/C System Correctly - Livonia **Courses are NATE Certified for CE.FOR MORE INFORMATION OR REGISTRATION FORM OR CALL 866-269-8486 OR EMAIL markk@miacca.org ALL ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE 18 19 BLE A L I A AV W O OLE N “ H W HE FOR T ATE” ST 20 21 ASME CODE CSD-1 2006 MANUAL $95.00 MEMBER $120.00 NON-MEMBER MICHIGAN BOILER LAW AND RULES MANUAL $10.00 MEMBER $15.00 NON-MEMBER MICHIGAN RESIDENTIAL CODE BOOK 2006 $25.00 MEMBER $25.00 NON-MEMBER MICHIGAN RESIDENTIAL CODE BOOK 2009 $86.50 MEMBER $102.00 NON-MEMBER MANUAL AND CODE BOOK PRICES MICHIGAN MECHANICAL CODE BOOK 2006 $25.00 MEMBER $25.00 NON-MEMBER MICHIGAN MECHANICAL CODE BOOK 2009 $68.00 MEMBER $84.00 NON-MEMBER MICHIGAN UNIFORM ENERGY CODE 2009 $67.00 MEMBER $77.50 INTERNATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE BOOK 2009 $62.00 MEMBER $73.00 NON-MEMBER REFRIGERATION RECYCLE RECOVERY STICKERS $0.20 MEMBER $0.40 NON-MEMBER THESE CAN ALL BE PURCHASED IN THE ON-LINE STORE AT www.miacca.org INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE 2009 $34.50 MEMBER $41.00 NON-MEMBER EPA RENOVATE RIGHT $1.00 MEMBER $1.25 NON-MEMBER ACCA MANUAL CS COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS, SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT $50.00 MEMBER $70.00 NON-MEMBER FREE DIGITAL COPIES OF THE 2009 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CODE The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has provided funds to furnish free digital copies of the 2009 International Energy Conservation Code (2009 IECC) (Reg trademark). This is a free down load and is meant to support the building energy efficiency goals of the DOE’s Building Technologies Program, as well as those found within the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. By making the code more readily available to all involved, DOE is confident that this collaboration with the International Code Council (ICC), the publisher of the IECC, will lead to greater energy efficiency in buildings. Visit ICC’s website (www.iccsafe.org/store/ pages/doeregistration.aspx) to down load your free copy of the 2009 IECC now. It will take about 5 minutes to go thru the hoops but, it is FREE. If you would like a hard copy they are available in MIACCA’s online store by going to (www.miacca.org). Get it today. 22 23 Thank you for Renewing Your Membership ALBERT HEATING AND COOLING Todd Albert, Sault Ste. Marie ALLENDALE HEATING COMPANY Phil Forner, Allendale ARCTIC AIR Inc. Michael Flesher, Royal Oak BLAKESLEE & SON, Inc. Rodd Blakeslee, Rockford CUSTOM TEMPERATURE CONTROL, Inc. Anthony Garrish, Clawson D.B.N. REFRIGERATION James Elmer, Dearborn DAN WOOD CO. Dan Wood, Portage DIVERSIFIED HEATING & COOLING Ed Bartram, Farmington Hills RIVER CITY MECHANICAL Robert Dood, Comstock Park FAMILY HEATING & COOLING Kevin Westcott, Gaylord HAVEN HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING Inc. Jack Heron, South Haven HOWELL’S MECHANICAL SERVICE Inc. James Howell, Jonesville JOHN’S PLUMBING & HEATING Inc. John Budnik, Rogers City LAKESIDE SERVICES COMPANY, Inc. Thomas Boylan, Brighton NATIONAL HEATING CO. Inc Fred Wright, Detroit PRITCHARD HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING Jason Crain, Livonia R & A HEATING AND COOLING, Inc Andrew Werhowatz, Troy RECKINGERS ENTERPRISE, Inc. Steven Krstevski, Dearborn SCHAAFSMA HEATING & COOLING, Inc. Kevin Walsh, Grand Rapids SERVICE PLUMBING & HEATING Leonard Kruchko, Waterford SLASOR HEATING & COOLING Jim Powell, Livonia VANDER HYDE MECHANICAL Kevin Vander Hyde, Grand Rapids VREDEVOOGD HEATING & COOLING Michael Vredevoogd, Grandville Membership Makes Sense Welcome to the following new members ANSWER HEATING & COOLING Jerry Kipfiller, Freeland BRUCE JOHNSON SERVICE COMPANY Bruce Johnson, Brighton LAKESIDE HEATING & COOLING Ben Petroielje, Holland TONY’S REFRIGERATION HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING Tony Buhaglar, Anchorville BRIGGS MECHANICAL Daniel Briggs, Dansville Welcome to the ACCA and MIACCA family! ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING March 15 at the Pinnacle Center 3330 Highland Drive Hudsonville, MI 49426 The meeting will be starting at 2:45pm. It is in conjunction with the west michigan suppliers show which will start at 4 pm. There are many events going on that day with training and information. Hope to see everyone there.