PARK STREET THE ATRIUM/CAMBERLEY RETAIL AND LEISURE OPPORTUNITIES T H E AT R I U M - C A M B E R L E Y. C O M “ Camberley is becoming the busiest Bill’s outside of London, much busier than we were expecting. Bill’s “ Camberley is definitely an up and coming town and we’re benefiting from it every day. Pandora ” ” SOUTHERN ROAD RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL BUS STOP RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL CHARLES STREET BUS STOP ATRIUM CAR PARK 690 SPACES MAGIC CASTLE THE COURTYARD AT THE ATRIUM CHILDREN’S SOFT PLAY ESCALATORS FIRST FLOOR AVAILABLE RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL SERVICE AREA ON FIRST FLOOR SERVICE AREA SERVICE ACCESS ON FIRST FLOOR PARK STREET (PEDESTRIANISED) CYCLE SHOP NATWEST CAMBERLEY STATION MAIN SQUARE SHOPPING CENTRE 1,000 SPACES MAIN SQUARE SHOPPING CENTRE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT: TOM RABAN 020 7312 7427 VICTORIA BROADHEAD 020 3551 5610 PAUL BUGEJA 020 7312 7471 EMILY ATKIN 020 3551 5606 Misrepresentation Act 1967. Montagu Evans and Bruce Gillingham Pollard, give notice that: (i) These particulars do not form part of any offer or contract and must not be relied upon as statements or representations of fact. (ii) No person in the employment of the agent(s) has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property. (iii) Floor areas, measurements or distances given are approximate. Unless otherwise stated, any rents, or outgoings quoted are exclusive of VAT. (iv) Any descriptions given of the property cannot be taken to imply, it is in good repair, has all necessary consents, is free of contamination, or that the services and facilities are in working order. Interested parties are advised to carry out their own investigations as required. January 2015. S05739. Siren | +44 (0)20 7478 8300 | MÖBEN KITCHENS AVAILABLE ENTRANCE TO B9/B10 GLO HAIRDRESSERS BOSSY BOOTS FAMILY FOOTWEAR ST MARY’S ROAD SERVICE AREA SERVICE ACCESS