Starting the production of cardan shafts for cars equipped with the


Starting the production of cardan shafts for cars equipped with the
A. Project Opportunity Description
А1. Project name:
(а) Short name: “Starting the production of cardan shafts for cars equipped
with the joints of equal angular velocity and driveshafts.”
(b) Full name: “Starting the production of cardan shafts for cars equipped with
the joints of equal angular velocity and driveshafts.”
(c) Summary description: Setting up the production of cardan shafts for cars
equipped with the joints of equal angular velocity and driveshafts.
A2. Progress status:
Find below the stages which have been realized in accordance with this
o all the necessary scientific and technical, research and development works
o working design documentation worked out;
o the lot of sample cardan shafts for cars equipped with the joints of equal
angular velocity and driveshafts produced and positive findings got.
A3. Organizations involved and their parts (specify contact persons, phone,
fax, E-mail address, web page, etc.)
“Belcard” Open Joint-Stock Company -object of implementation;
Republic of Belarus
230026 Grodno, 38 Schastny Street
Victor Ivanovich Kravchenko-Manager
Tel.: (8 10 375 152) 52 41 00; tel/fax (8 10 375 152) 52 41 01 (reception room);
Ghenady Alexandrovich Kostiukovich-Scientific and Technical Centre, Director
Tel.: (8 10 375 152) 52 41 18;
A4. Project description (approach, components, outputs, phases, duration,
total financing, benefits, impact, cooperation, etc.)
Within the limits of realization of the investment project one foresees setting up
the production of cardan shafts for cars equipped with the joints of equal
angular velocity and driveshafts. The project realization will require the
additional equipment of 110 units of modern equipment. Total value of the
equipment including VAT will make 24 397,1 thousand USD.
A5. Background /overall program/ related or similar projects:
“Belcard” Joint-Stock Company has been continuously updating the
driveshaft and gimbal drives design. However, the major task remains both
optimization of the serial production and working out of driveshafts of new
prospective design.
The major attention in part of raising the technical standard of the serial
driveshafts is paid to lowering the specific consumption of materials,
improving the quality of complete items, implementing of new materials and
progressive technologies.
Among the major tendencies of cooperation with automobile companies
in Russia one should point out the woks for driveshaft wheels and gimbal
drives with the joints of equal angular velocity. Based on the marketing
research done on this topic one can draw a conclusion that in case of
mastering the mass output of the joints of equal angular velocity “Belcard” JSC
will get the possibility to more widely extend the spheres of cooperation with
the leading producers of automobile facilities. That is why “Belcard” JSC has
been processing its work within limits of working off research and
development design of this shafts.
A6. Environmental impact summary:
The realization of the project does not have unfavorable ecological
A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/risk assessment:
1. Risk of insufficient demand for the goods produced.
2. Technological risks.
3. Risk of resources supply.
А8. Time period for project implementation and pay-back period
Time period for project implementation makes 9 years.
Pay-back period makes 8.7 years.
А9. Project’s branch
Mechanical engineering
В. Capital costs items (investment requirements for project )
B1. Project physical components:
В2. Capital investments,
thousand USD
Purchase and installation of equipment,
transportation costs included
20 675,51
VAT paid for realization of capital investments
3 721,59
24 397,1
С. Capital resources available
C1. Resources, grants, investments, equity /
ownership, etc., tentatively or firmly, arranged
Own resources
С2. Project cost,
thousand USD
D. Required financial assistance
D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required (loan, equity…)
To realize the project they plan to take the currency credit the value of
which equals the value of the necessary equipment to be purchased. The
reason is financing gap.
D2. Sources of finance (short
Means of investor
D3. Type of
D4. Amount,
thousand USD
Direct investment
24 397,1
Е. Demand (users) and revenues
E1. Type of users/markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable
Major users of “Belcard” JSC users are the companies of conveyer type
producing automobile, autotractor, road-building and agricultural facilities
which use gimbal drives and parts to them as complete items.
E2. Revenues (Sales)
Е3. Amount,
thousand USD
Takings from sale (deducting the taxes from
takings) for the period of realization
143 370
F. Net Income Value
F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organization,
subsidies, etc.:
Project realization assumes purchasing of new kinds of raw materials and
complete items, mainly, produced in the Republic of Belarus and Russian
Federation using of highly effective labour potential (361 people), extra charge
of sinking fund by linear method.
F3. Amount,
F2. Costs items
thousand USD
Material costs
Expenses for labor pay
Deduction for social needs
Amortization of major facilities and nonmaterial actives
5. Other expenses
6. Sales costs
53 708
23 112
8 089
13 017
2 399
100 837
G. Net Income Value
G1. Net income value
G2. Amount,
thousand USD
Net income value (E2 revenues minus F2 costs
minus taxes from the income)
30 850
Н. Project information source
H1. The form is filled in (by)
The economist of Scientific and Technical Center of Belkard JSC
Tatyana Vasylievna Ghavrylenko
H2. The company (address)
“Belcard” Open Joint-Stock Company
Republic of Belarus
230026 Grodno, 38 Schastny Street
H3. Tel.: Fax.: Email
Executive person: tel: 8 10 375 152 52 41 32
H4.Date: January, 2010
H5 Supreme organization
Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Belarus