July-2 - Washington Amateur Communications


July-2 - Washington Amateur Communications
The W.A.C.O.M. Ham
Washington Amateur Communications
Fox Hunt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Field Day . . . . . . . . . . . .2, 3, 7, 11
PA Proclamation . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
County Proclamation, Traveling
Hams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Items of Interest . . . . . . . . . 4, 8, 9
Publicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Train Trip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-14
Operating Events . . . . . . . . . . .15
Hamfests. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Presidents Message
The WACOM Field Day Event again this year was enjoyed by all.
This year we tried something much different with a camping
background and a more personal approach and all
had a great time.
Field Day started this year with a personal touch by club
members just talking and exchanging ideas about Amateur
Radio around a picnic setting. We had plenty of family members
attend to see what we enjoyed about this great hobby
we all enjoy.
We had plenty of visitors this year with over 75 signing in on
our sign in sheet. This year we had Scouts from Claysville to
Division ARRL Directors attend... To people from the area just
stopping by and asking about amateur radio.
President: Bud Plants, N3TIR;
Vice President: Kevin Beatty,
This was a true club event and I want to thank everyone who
helped in every way and took the time out of their busy
weekends to make Field Day 2010 such a great time.
Hope to see you all at Field Day 2011
73 ,
Bud, N3TIR
Secretary: John Quigg, N3GHR
Treasurer: Norma Plants, N3YJJ;
Board of Directors
Director: Adam Quigg, NZ3S,
Director: Jim Burtoft, KC3HW;
Director: Dave Demotte, N3IDH;
Webmaster: Joe Caldwell, N3XE;
Editor: Jacque Gosselin, N3ZEL
The next General Membership meeting will be held ON
Please plan on attending the July 2010 General Meeting
for WACOM July 1, 2010 7:30 P.M.
Welcome Bill Steffey NY9H to our meeting he will explain ECHO
LINK and how we can add it to the wonderful experience
of Amateur Radio.
I know there is a lot of questions what it is and how to use it.
Bill will try to answer and explain what it does and
how to use it at our stations.
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The W.A.C.O.M. Ham
The Fox Hunt
From Adam, NZ3S dated June 6th:
I wanted to tell you that the Fox Hunt test went well. The group came with
in 25 feet of the the Fox. We came to the conclusion that the antennas
might need some more attenuation. So hopefully when we do this again we
will be able to save little Timmy the harmonica player. In attendance were
me NZ3S, Bud N3TIR, Larry K3VX, Bill W3WH and dog, and Carol
From Adam, NZ3S dated June 7th:
Just wanted to let you know that Larry K3VX and Bud N3TIR were unable to find an attenuator at
the last hamfest so the regular Fox Hunt is being postponed for a least 30 days. Any questions
please let me know.
From Bud, N3TIR dated June 7th:
The Fox Hunt is going to be delayed 30 days due to configuration of HTs and another Club wanting
to join in. We should get a firm date soon from Adam. The Fox worked perfect and the antennas also
but the HT's need more attenuation.
The Club this year took a different
Approach to Field Day 2010 . We had a
camping approach and all had
a great Time.
All photos this page courtesy of Bud Plants, N3TIR
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The W.A.C.O.M. Ham
ARRL Field Day
▲ Ken, AA3GM, enjoyed the event after
being deployed overseas for the past 6
months. Ken made a all-time high contact
count during Field Day and had a great
time working CW.
▲ Joe, N3XE, and Bill, NY9H, with Bill Edgar, N3LLR,
ARRL Atlantic Division Director
All photos this page courtesy of Bud Plants, N3TIR
Loren WA3WZR at work with his Drake
TR-4 (an old style tube radio) and key.
Fay, KA3VOM, Jim, NW3H, Bill, NY9H, and Bud,
N3TIR, enjoy some conversation.
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The Run For Alex
The W.A.C.O.M.
W.A.C.O.M. Ham
On June 5th the Run For Alex 2010 was held in Bentleyville. Providing communications for the
event were, from left to right: Loren McCullough, WA3WZR; Joe Furjanic, WA3WMB; Jim
McNutt, NW3X; Steven Cady, KB3SVX; Norma Plants, N3YJJ; Dave DeMotte, N3IDH; Bud
Plants, N3TIR; and Bob Ketzell, KB3IN. Thank you, our Volunteers.
▼ Classified Ad ~ Classified Ad ~ Classified Ad ~ Classified Ad▼
I have two items for sale that will be sent to the Somerset Hamfest if no one comes forward to
purchase them earlier.
First is a very slightly used Icom 718. Currently this HF transceiver is priced at R and L for
$619.95 plus shipping. I would like $560.
Also I am selling a new, never assembled Cushcraft A14810S 10 element 2M Yagi..
price is 124.95 plus shipping at R&L. I'd like $110 for this antenna. Thank you.
Stephen KB3SVX
Fearless Freep [f_freep@hotmail.com]
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The W.A.C.O.M. Ham
The W.A.C.O.M. Ham
Page 6
Bud, N3TIR, holding the
Proclamation from Washington
County presented to Washington
Amateur Communications Inc.
June 17, 2010. This Proclamation
officially recognizes and
designates June 21-28, 2010 as
Amateur Radio Week in
Washington County.
From Left: Larry Maggi, Bud
N3TIR, Diane Irey and Bracken
Burns, Washington County
Traveling hams
Submitted by Blanche “Barb” Bender, KA3VXR [ka3vxr@msn.com]
My OM, Richie W3SYY, and I took off on a wonderful adventure riding the rails across the country and
back again. We boarded Amtrak in Johnstown, PA, the morning of May 18 and 3 days and 2 nights later
(with several hours layover in Chicago) we detrained in Flagstaff AZ.
We had our H.T. and repeater handbook with us so several hours out of Chicago as we approached
Galesburg IL we punched in the local repeater frequency and I sent out my call asking if anyone would
like to chat with KA3VXR "Amtrak portable". Immediately Jeff, KB9NJR, came back and I learned he
was ALSO "Amtrak portable" and was in the next car behind us! We made arrangements to meet in the
dining car for dinner and the three of us were seated at a table for four. Since there was an empty seat
a lone woman was seated with us. After a short conversation we learned she was ALSO a HAM - Gerry
Long, KJ6DPV, from San Diego CA. What a coincidence for four hams to meet that way!!! Although we
tried other repeaters across the country we didn't have much more luck. It seems that by the time we
found out where we were and punched in the local repeater frequency we were out of range.
Once we arrived in AZ, we spent the next several days with our son and his wife who live in Clarkdale,
AZ, and our daughter from Coppell, TX, who joined us in exploring Sedona, Clarkdale, Jerome, many
Indian ruins and the Grand Canyon. Every view was grander than the previous!
Soon we were back on the train and three nights and three days later we arrived in Seattle, WA, where
we were met by our two sons who took us all over Seattle sightseeing.
A week later we boarded Amtrak again and after three nights and two days we arrived back home in
PA. We had a grand time traveling by train. The sleeper roomette was small but comfortable and they
fed us royally!!! The porters and waiters were very congenial and we met many lovely people along the
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Field Day 2010
The W.A.C.O.M. Ham
▲ Ed, N3ZNI, and Jacque, N3ZEL, operated 1E from their
▲ Joe, WA3WMB, also had a personal high in
QTH using N3ZEL’s call. Ed finishes up the event after
returning from doing fireworks shows. Photo courtesy
Jacque, N3ZEL.
contacts with over 500 plenty of cw and was able
to catch some sleep during the second shift at
1:00 A.M.
All photos this page courtesy of Bud Plants, N3TIR
except where noted.
Jim, KC3HW, Mr & Mrs Jeff Briggs from
Washington, PA (thinking about joining our
ranks) with Wiley, KD8JNJ.
▼ Dennis, K3PSP, enjoyed Field Day
sitting and talking about plans coming to the
79 repeater.
The W.A.C.O.M. Ham
Items of Interest
Page 8
HOME QTH ON JUNE 22, 2010 AT 7:30 P.M.
Night of Nights will be held on 12 July 2010.
Night of Nights is the annual event of the Maritime Radio Historical Society, commemorating that sad day on
12 July 1999 when what were thought to be the last commercial Morse messages in the US were sent. However the reports of the demise of commercial Morse were exaggerated. By the next year the MRHS had restored enough of ex-RCA station KPH to hold the first Night of Nights. Since then the event has expanded to
include the return to the air of not only KPH but KFS and KSM, the station of the MRHS. Other coast stations
typically join us on the air. In the past these have included WLO and KLB. This year we hope that at least two
US Coast Guard stations will be on the air as well.
Night of Nights is a public event. You're invited to join us at the RCA receive site in Point Reyes, CA. Special
visits to the transmitter site can be arranged for "true believers". Wherever you are you can tune in to the
event at 5:01pm Pacific time/0001gmt as we pick up the thread and keep the faith with all the radiotelegraph
operators who came before us.
More details will be posted as Night of Nights draws near.
If you would like to receive information about Night of Nights and other MRHS activities directly just send an
email to radiomarine-subscribe@yahoogroups.com .
VY 73, Richard Dillman
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The W.A.C.O.M. Ham
The cruise is Saturday, July 24th at 6:00pm. Gateway Clipper Fleet. $49.00/person. Includes
dinner, music, 2 1/2 hour cruise. Cash bar. Make check payable to Skyview. Mail to Skyview at:
Skyview Radio Society
2335 Turkey Ridge Road
New Kensington, PA 15068
Please spread word to other WASH/WACOM and anyone else. .
Hope yens can make it!
Bob, WC3O
Picnic pavilion is reserved for the WACOM picnic on
Friday, July 9, 2010.
The location is: South Strabane Fire Dept. #1,
1696 E. Maiden St., Washington Pa.
The picnic will start at 6:00 p.m.
More info at the membership meeting.
There will be an Exam Session on July 15, 2010, in Room 103, at the
Washington County Building, 100 West Beau Street, Washington, PA 15301.
The session will start at 6:30 p.m. Help is always needed, so all VEs are
encouraged to attend.
If you want to come and get licensed or get an upgrade, please contact
Jacque, N3ZEL at 724-746-9235 or n3zel@arrl.net
Walk-ins are welcome, but we appreciate your letting us know to expect you.
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The W.A.C.O.M. Ham
Amateur Radio Publicity
The Intelligencer / Wheeling News-Register http://www.theintelligencer.net
Our thanks to Deb, KD8KAC, for submitting this article.
More Than Just a Hobby
EMA director says ham radio operators save lives
By IAN HICKS Staff Writer
POSTED: June 23, 2010
As Belmont County Emergency Management Director Dave Ivan can tell you, amateur radio - or
"ham radio" - operators aren't just people who like to play with toys. They often can save lives.
This weekend, the public can get a glimpse of "hams" in action during the American Radio Relay
League's annual Field Day, during which ham operators will construct emergency stations in parks,
shopping malls, schools and backyards around the country, using mainly emergency power
Locally, these activities will be on display at the Belmont County Emergency Operations Center,
located at 68331 Bannock Road, west of St. Clairsville; and at the Calcutta Walmart. Ivan said the
ham operators will be at the center for 24 hours, from 2 p.m. Saturday through 2 p.m. Sunday.
"The whole concept is to make as many contacts around the U.S. as we can," he said. Ivan said
emergency response agencies rely on the all-volunteer "hams" to be their eyes and ears during
times of severe weather and other disasters, often providing early warning of events like flash flooding. "I utilize them a lot for keeping an eye on the creeks for me," said Ivan.
He noted during the September 2004 flood, ham radios were employed to ease the heavy volume of
communications, freeing up the county's 911 system for first responders.
Ivan said while ham operators are termed "amateurs," most of the time they are quite professional in
their actions. "They do it for the fun of it, plus they enjoy helping people," he said. And, Ivan added,
they could be called upon to fill a very important role if the county's 911 system fails. "If our 911
system would go down, they are our backup," he said.
According to Ivan, interested visitors to the Field Day centers may get the opportunity to try the
hobby out for themselves. "We can get those people on the radio," he said, though he noted a
license from the Federal Communications Commission is required to operate ham radios.
In 2009, more than 30,000 new people obtained licenses to become ham radio operators.
There are more than 682,000 "hams" nationwide and about 2.5 million around the globe.
The W.A.C.O.M. Ham
Field Day 2010
Page 11
Cubs Scouts from Claysville
Pa Pack 1031 they made a
40 meter vertical and made
contacts using the same.
Jim, KC3WH, on the GOTA Station with James
Eldred, N3TIR’s (Bud) grandson. ►
Jim, KC3HW, and Dillion White make a
40 meter Antenna
Dave N3IDH and Dillion and Chase cut the 40 meter
vertical to use for their station.
The W.A.C.O.M. Ham
Page 12
August 12-14, 2010
Arranged by Bob Mente, NU3Q
For ease, any mention of ―Bob‖ refers to Bob Mente NU3Q
These are all the details for the trip:
-This is a multi club event. You do not need to be a member of any amateur
radio club or a member of anything to come along. This is a fun trip for all.
-To get on the train you will need photo ID.
-We will be staying at the hotel for two nights. We have a special deal with
the hotel.
-The hotel is right across the street from the train station in Hartford.
-The rental car company is located in the train station in Hartford.
-We will be renting vans and cars to travel from Hartford to Newington.
-We will have access to operate W1AW. Bring your Amateur Radio license.
-Our visit to ARRL HQ will be on Friday August 13th at 9 AM.
-Once you have made your arrangements PLEASE let Bob know so that he knows how many vans/cars to reserve.
-You will pick up your train tickets at the AMTRAK station you will depart from the morning of the trip.
-You can also catch the train from Greensburg, or any other train station along the way (points east of Pittsburgh) that
works best for you.
Details: Parking
There is no place to park at the train station in Pittsburgh! There is a parking lot at 12th and Smallman Street (near the
Heinz History Center) for about $6.00 a day where we can park. It is approximately a three block walk to the train station.
The Pittsburgh Amtrak train station is located at 11th and Liberty, across the street from the Pittsburgh Transportation
Details: AMTRAK
You can also call 1-800-USA-RAIL
Or you can go on-line
Go to www.amtrak.com
The abbreviation for Pittsburgh is PGH
The abbreviation for Hartford, CT is HFD
Departing date is August 12th
Returning date is August 14th
You can leave ―Time‖ at the default (Anytime) because there are no choices to pick from.
Click on ―Round Trip‖.
Select the number of adults, children and infants from the appropriate drop down boxes.
Click GO.
(Continued on Page 12)
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The W.A.C.O.M. Ham
Details: The outbound trip
You will see the following choices for the outbound trip:
Choice 1: 30 Capital Limited - 148 Northeast Regional
Choice 2: 42 Pennsylvanian – 94 Northeast Regional – 494 Shuttle
Choice 3: 42 Pennsylvanian – 148 Northeast Regional
We are going to CT via the third choice – 42 Pennsylvanian – 148 Northeast Regional. Please be at the Pittsburgh Amtrak Station by 6:30 AM (if that is your point of departure), otherwise be at your departing Amtrak train
station approximately an hour BEFORE the train is scheduled to leave the station.
The 42 Pennsylvanian leaves Pittsburgh at 7:20 AM and arrives in Philadelphia (30th Street Amtrak station) at 2:50 PM.
Our connecting train to Hartford (148 Northeast Regional) leaves Philadelphia at 5:00 PM and arrives in Hartford at 9:20
PM. I am selecting this route to allow for enough time to meet our connecting train to Hartford in case of any track issues
along the way and for those who want to do some quick sightseeing in Philadelphia during the layover.
Details: The return trip
You will see the following choice for the return trip:
143 Northeast Regional – 43 Pennsylvanian
Our departing train will be the 143 Northeast Regional – 43 Pennsylvanian. That is the only choice for our return
trip. We need to meet at the Amtrak train station across the street from the hotel no later than 6:15 AM.
The 143 Northeast Regional leaves Hartford at 7:08 AM and arrives in New York City (Penn Station) at 9:50 AM. Our
connecting train for home (43 Pennsylvanian) leaves Penn Station at 10:50 AM and arrives in Pittsburgh at 8:05 PM.
At the bottom of the page there is a space for any discounts such as AAA or AARP. Take advantage of these
discounts - there are instructions.
The rest of the steps are pretty cut and dry— billing and such. I just did my tickets and it came to $288.00 round trip for
two adults with my AAA 10% discount.
Details: Hotel
We will be staying at the Holiday Inn Express Downtown Hartford. Their direct phone number is 1-860-246-9900 to
make reservations. You will need to make the reservations. Ask for the “Skyview Deal” (this is the same name as last
year). I talked to a gal by the name of Alison Oliver but they all should know about the deal.
The room rate is $110.00 per night discounted from a normal room rate of $125 to $139.00 per night. We have 10
rooms reserved with king size beds. If we need more rooms, the hotel will try to accommodate us based on
room availability.
We will be staying the nights of August 12th and 13th.
They have a continental breakfast. We will be heading back to Pittsburgh on the morning of Saturday August
14th. The hotel is across the street from the train station.
Details: Rental cars
We will need to drive from Hartford down to Newington, which is about a 20 mile drive. We will be able to rent 7 passenger vans. By the head count for the train I will call ahead and make sure we have enough vans/cars for our needs. I already have one van reserved and can get more if needed. Please keep in mind that I need to give the rental car company adequate notice should we need more than one van. The cost for a 7 passenger van is approximately $106.99 with
my AAA discount. Again, the rental car company is right in the train station. The money for each van/car rented will be
split up between the people riding in each van/car.
(Continued on Page 13)
The W.A.C.O.M. Ham
Page 14
Details: XYLs and non-hams
For those folks that are not interested in the ARRL aspect of the trip, they will have the opportunity to spend the day doing whatever it is that they work out amongst themselves. I have been told that there are some large malls and outlets in
the Hartford area. There will be lots of time to work this out on the train ride. Anyone interested can research this on the
web. I also have the AAA CT Tour Guide as well.
Details: ARRL HQ
We will be going to ARRL HQ on August 13th – Our tour is scheduled for 9 AM. If our group is too large for a
single tour they will split us up into two tours and stagger our times to work W1AW. You can have QSL cards
checked and deliver cards to the outgoing QSL bureau as well.
Do not forget to bring a copy of your license – you will need your license to operate W1AW!
We will have Friday night free to do anything that we decide. We can split into groups if we want to do different
things. We can talk about this on the train as well.
Details: Responsibility
Bob is not a travel agent. All information is to the best of his knowledge. Bob is not responsible for the trains being
on time, breaking down, or any bad information given to him by people at the hotel, AMTRAK, the rental car company or
ARRL. Even though you need to tell the hotel people that you want the ―Skyview Deal” this is not a Skyview event. By
traveling on this trip you travel at your own risk.
Details: Trains and Train Stations
I called Amtrak to inquire about electricity and Internet service. Since we are traveling coach, there may (or may not) be
any electrical outlets available on the train – it depends on the whether the particular train has any outlets in the coach
section. At this time, there is NO Internet service available on the Pennsylvanian and Northeast Regional lines. At both
the Philadelphia and Penn Stations, there is WiFi Internet service available inside the station itself.
We are bound to have a great time on this trip! Looking forward to our travels together. If you have questions, comments,
dirty jokes, etc., please feel free to e-mail or call me:
Bob Mente
305 Ewing Road
Carnegie, PA 15106
(412) 279-9016
73 DE NU3Q
Happens all the time, newsletter editors hit feast or
famine— and are scrabbling for news. Be warned—
if news doesn’t continue to come in we will be printing
photos and stories of dogs—and cats— who join us in
our hobby. So keep the news coming! Thank you….
and thanks from the Editor’s dog who hates cameras!
The W.A.C.O.M. Ham
Operating Events
Page 15
This is a message I received about two new operating events for Pennsylvania. Enjoy.
John Rodgers, N3MSE — W. Pa. Section Manager
Two New PA Events Encourage Hams To Get On The Air
A new Pennsylvania FM Sprint and a new Pennsylvania county hunter award have been announced by the
Holmesburg Amateur Radio Club (HARC) of Philadelphia.
The Pennsylvania FM Sprint will be held on Saturday February 26, 2011 from 7 - 11 PM. Hams will exchange a contact number and zip code on 6 meters, 2 meters, 222 MHz, and 440 MHz using FM simplex frequencies.
Participants should check their local band plans for usable simplex frequencies. Calling frequencies should
not be used. Also be considerate of operators involved with a QSO and not participating in the contest.
There are categories for individual and club stations as well as rover and portable stations. Awards will be
offered in Eastern and Western Pennsylvania as well as out of state participants.
This is believed to be the first statewide FM Sprint in the country. In the past few years there has been a
growth of FM simplex contest activity in Pennsylvania. According to Rich Shivers, AB3EO, Sprint coordinator, the Sprint will give you the opportunity to see how far your signal will travel without the use of a repeater.
It can be a learning experience and a fun, fast contest with equipment that most hams have. HARC has sponsored the Delaware Valley Simplex Contest for several years.
In addition HARC is now sponsoring the Pennsylvania "67" Challenge.
This county hunter certificate is open to all amateurs. Hams can use any band or mode to make a 'real time'
contact with Pennsylvania's 67 counties. Hams may work towards the Challenge by working 20, 40, 60, or 67
counties and receive a certificate at each of the four levels. Endorsements are available for individual bands
or modes. All contacts must be made from the same county.
Besides HF contacts, Bob Josuweit, WA3PZO, explains that repeaters, D-STAR, Echolink, and IRLP modes
are valid contacts as long as a radio is used by both operators. Modes that store and forward messages are
not considered valid contacts.
QSL cards will include paper or electronic. Log Book of the World Records will also be accepted. This will
open the Challenge to all hams regardless of license class or type of station.
HARC is encouraging all hams to get on the air. Complete rules and information on both events can be found
at the Club's website www.harcnet.org. Questions or comments can be directed to the Club call, WM3PEN at
Atlantic Division News
June 13, 2010
Bulletin 2010-08
Please note that this seems to provide more leeway in working all the Pennsylvania counties than
does the award sponsored by the PA QSO party.
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The W.A.C.O.M. Ham
* July *
11: North Hills ARC Hamfest-Northland Library Grounds-300 Cumberland RoadPittsburgh, PA
More Info: http://www.nharc.org-Phone:412-760-7055-Email:nharchamfest@hotmail.com
Talkin: 147.09 Mhz
Somerset County PA Hamfest-Somerset County Tech Center-281 Technology
Drive- Somerset,PA Talkin: 147.195/443.25 MHz-VE Testing Available 10 am
More Info: http://www.k3smt.org
* August *
22: Skyview Radio Society Hamfest/W.Pa. Section Convention- Skyview Radio Society
Grounds, 2335 Turkey Ridge Road-New Kensington, PA-Talkin: 146.64 MHz (PL 131.8 hz tone)
More Info: 412-860-0046/Email: kg3f@arrl.net--http://www.skyviewradio.net
* October *
3: Monessen ARC MARCFEST 2010 Hamfest-Blaine Hill VFD-Elizabeth, PA-Talkin:
147.225/443.350 MHz More Info: Http://www.w3csl.com-Phone:412 287-8291-EMail:
* November *
7: WACOM Hamfest-Washington County Fair Grounds-2151 North Mail Street-Washington,
Talkin: 145.49 Mhz More Info: 724-484-0207/Email: n3tir@arrl.net
Ham Toons courtesy of
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The W.A.C.O.M. Ham
There is an organization for you. It’s called the Young Ladies Radio League
Come join other Lady Hams and enjoy the fellowship.
See all we have to offer at
www.qsl.net/ylrl/index.html or contact Jacque,
N3ZEL at n3zel@comcast.net
Quarter Century
Wireless Association Inc.
Have you been a radio amateur for 25 years or more?
Were you originally licensed 25 years ago or more, even if not continually?
Well then please join us at the Quarter Century Wireless Association, Chapter 6 quarterly
luncheon at Rocky II's. Located on PA Rt. # 51, just north of McKees Rocks,
in Stowe Twp. at the Fleming Park bridge.
Join our members who are like you, the foundation of amateur radio.
There is much we can learn from them and from each other. And it's fun too.
No reservation necessary.
Contact Jacque, N3ZEL at n3zel@fyi.net for information