JOTA October 16
JOTA October 16
October 2016 Volume 80 Greater Cincinnati Amateur Radio Association, Inc. 79 years of service to the Greater Cincinnati Community Join us this month as Jay, K4ZLE will give us a recap of the St Paul Island Dxpedition Page 1! Issue 10 Next Meeting October 26, 2016 7:00PM Maple Knoll (Breeze Manor) 11200 Springfield Pike, Springdale, Ohio (Take Maple Trace Dr. off Springfield Pike) If the Main Door to the Breeze Manor is locked, please use the Communication Device located near the entrance to request entrance to the building. Save the Date Christmas Party 2017 December 14th, 6:00pm Published monthly by the Greater Cincinnati Amateur Radio Assoc. Inc. Submit ads and news to the editor Deadline: forth Wednesday of the month Editor: David Self, K8SSN 3261 Old Oxford Rd. Hamilton, Ohio 45013 tm& Reprinting, from The Mike & Key is granted to amateur radio publications provided credit is given to the original author and The Mike & Key. GCARA Officers & Committee Chairs PRESIDENT: Neal Berter, N8QFZ VICE PRES: Rick Burdick, K8WWA, (513) 554-4662, RECORDING SEC’Y: Allan M. Hale, WA9IRS (859) 525-1761, CORRESPONDING SEC’Y: Richard Pestinger, KC8RP (513) 829-8807 TREASURER: Roger Kleine, KA8MOE (513) 681-4586 REPEATER CONTROL OP: Roger Kleine, KA8MOE (513) 681-4586 HAM HELP/EQUIPMENT SUPPORT: Richard Pestinger, KC8RP 513-829-8807 HISTORIAN: Sean Connelly KD8BQA THE MIKE & KEY: David Self, K8SSN, tm& WEBMASTER: David Self, K8SSN MEMBERSHIP: Richard Pestinger, KC8RP (513) 829-8807 SCHOLARSHIPS: Rick Burdick, K8WWA, (513) 554-4662, SILENT KEY COMM: Jim Benson, W8OUU, (513) 825-1254, VE TEAM: Gary Osborne, W8XS (513) 474-0287, ARRL Great Lakes Director: Dale Williams, WA8EKF (734) 529-3232, Ohio Section Manager: Scott Yonally, N8SY (419) 512-4445, W8DZ 2M REPEATER : 145.27MHz -600 TONE: 123Hz October 26…Elections / St Paul’s Island November-February…NO MEETINGS December 14…GCARA Christmas Party March 22…TBA April 26…Annual Auction 1936 Net 1.936 MHz, Thursdays 9:00pm Net Control: Jay Adrick,K8CJY / Geoff Mendelhall, W8GNM DONATIONS TO THE GCARA may be tax deductible. Contact the treasurer for information Page 2! Subject: General Membership Meeting Date: September 28, 2016 Location: Maple Knoll Village, Breeze Pavilion Opening: 7:07PM Meeting Minutes Participants: President - Neal Berter, N8QFZ Present Vice Pres. - Rick Burdick K8WWA Present Treasurer, - Roger Kleine, KA8MOE Present Corresponding Secretary, Membership – Richard Pestinger, KC8RP Present Recording Sec. - Allan Hale, WA9IRS, Absent Meeting commenced: at 7:06 PM Call to Order: - President Berter Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call of members and guests present Introductory remarks by President Berter Neal commented that he was happy to see the turnout of members present at the Meeting. Announcements – Neal mentioned that the repeater is currently down due to the need for the county to proceed in painting the watertower. Due to that there has been established an agreement to allow the club to use to utilize the Hamilton County Repeater in the interim period. The frequency is 145.370- with a PL of 123. Financial Report – Roger was present this evening. He provided a financial report. Income for the month was $30.00 from dues payments. Expenses including the materials purchased by Rick for the general meeting included $24.31. The ending balance for the month was $3,917.93 which was +$5.69 (Yah!) for the period. Mike & Key – Neal mentioned that the meeting minutes from last month’s Picnic are contained in the current copy of the Mike & Key. Any questions? None heard. Membership – Richard was present and indicated that we still have quite a number of 2016 members who have not paid their 2016 dues as of this printing. Please support the club with your dues payments to allow us to do many of the activities that the club sponsors. Silent Keys Jim Benson was absent and when asked no one knew of any silent keys for the period, hence nothing to report this evening. Christmas Party – The GCARA Christmas Party is scheduled for December 14th at the Manor House Restaurant starting at 6:00 PM that evening. Please remember that this is an RSVP (your response for attendance kindly requested in advance!) As we draw closer to the time of the party please watch the Mike & Key for any additional details and directions as to how to make your reservations in advance. GCARA VE Session – Please remember that the last 2016 VE session is planned for December 7th. It will be held as usual at the Blue Ash Recreation Center starting at 6:00 PM. Please remember to bring 2 forms of ID including if possible one that is a photo. Why not bring in 2017 with an upgrade to your license class so that you can take advantage of added frequency operation privileges! Drawing for a Handheld Radio – Neal then with Richard conducted the drawing for the monthly handheld. Roger won again and kindly said to make another drawing from the hat for the prize. Dave Self was the lucky winner. Remember you have to be present to win! Program Rick stood up and introduced the program for the evening which was really a fact finding effort by Mr. Lou Alaimo with GIRD Systems a HF Communications firm dealing with digital signal technologies to be utilized on HF frequencies. Mr. Aliamo stepped to the podium and described his background as an RF engineer. GIRD systems does HF Communication Software development and he was interested in practical antenna setups for NVIS type communications using digital technologies. A detailed discussion then followed concerning how to establish figures for noise levels, the RF noise floor and gain measurements of individual antenna types as they apply to HF communications. Many suggestions were provided and we will probably have some members of the club assist in the development of various HF demonstrations using Digital and/or other RF technologies applicable to this type of communications technology. -We keep saying it but this month it is more true than ever, if you missed this one you really missed something special. Thank you Rick for your efforts for the club! Further Comments? Neal asked for any additional comments, (Old Business, New Business) there being none, Neal closed the meeting and all joined in general camaraderie and discussion about favorite topics. Neal wished all present a good evening. There being no additional business, Adjournment followed at 8:38 PM Respectfully submitted, Allan Hale, WA9IRS Recording Secretary Page 3! 1936 GCARA NET CONTROL STATIONS NCS FOR THE GCARA 1936 NET ARE AS FOLLO October-W8GNM, Geoff November-K8CJY, Jay December-NM4A, Bill Alternates: 1936 Net Thursday’s 9:00pm 1.936 LSB (160M) AI4XD, KZ8ZZ, WD8NKJ CO-NET MANAGERS:Jay Adrick, K8CJY & Geoff Mendenhall, W8GNM Don’t have an antenna for 160? Check with any of the above. GCARA 2017 Membership If you have not taken the time to renew your membership in the GCARA for 2016, please take the time to do so. A lot of members renew at hamfest and Since we did not have one last year, your dues may not have been pay for this year. You can use the form on page 11 or you can use PayPal to renew by click here (if reading via pdf) or go to and scroll to the bottom of the page. New members: if using PayPal, please put Name, Call address, etc in the message box or send email to Silent Keys If you know of a ham who has become a SK please contact Jim Benson, W8OUU 513-825-1254, please contact Jim Benson, W8OUU or email TM&K Editor Page 4! Member’s Mart For sale is a Hy-Gain, Discover 7-1, 40 meter rotatable dipole. Dipole is linear loaded which results in lower loss and greater efficiency. Will cover 7.0 - 10.5 mhz. Includes stainless hardware. Currently on the ground in 3 pieces for easy transportation and assembly. Pick up only. Will not ship. Currently listed for $369.00 in catalog. Will sell for $145.00. Contact Rick Burdick, K8WWA at 513-315-4661 or rick_burdick@! The estate of K8IJU, is being sold. Contact WA8ULW, Bob, 513-398-0481 IMMEDIATELY noon to midnight for the details as they currently exist and keep changing. Things are selling every day. Everything from alligator test leads to bench test equipment to Icom and Kenwood radios, keys and keyers, power supplies and more too numerous to mention. The old AM Johnson Viking 1 and Hammarlund HQ-129X equipment and Icom 751 are gone. 75 foot Rohn 45 fold over tower and triband antenna are still standing looking for a good home. You can’t buy the fold over version any more. Spread the word amongst friends and have them call me for the latest update. Feel free to give them my phone number. Send ads to tm& Ads are free to members and subject to editing. Deadline: last Monday of the month. Ads will run for two issues, unless otherwise requested. Come to GCARA Meetings and win! Last Month’s WINNER Dave, K8SSN 3 Ways to Win! • A dual band Handheld will be given away at each meeting. You must be a paid up member and present to win. • Each meeting you attend, as a paid up member, you win earn discount towards Christmas Party. Attend 7 meetings and receive 100% discount toward your meal at the Christmas party. Attend 4 meetings and receive a 50% discount. • A mobile transceiver will be given away at the Christmas Party. Your chance of winning will be determined by your meeting attendance (1 chance for each meeting attended). You must be present to win. Page 5! Should U.S. ham tests be given abroad? By Dan Romanchik, KB6NU A couple of weeks ago, I received an e-mail from a reader who wanted my opinion about a thread on the HamRadioHelpGroup mailing list. The e-mail that started the discussion was a message from an American living in Italy who wanted to take the Technician Class exam. In her e-mail, she told of her troubles finding a test session, and then when she did find one, what she perceived as “irregularities” in the testing process. Reading the thread was a little disconcerting, and I blogged about this issue ( sanction non-U.S. VEs and whether or not the FCC should even allow testing outside of the United States. I didn't see the need for conducting these test sessions or the desirability (to the U.S.) of licensing foreign nationals. I reasoned that not only was there a greater possibility of test fraud, this program could lead to foreign authorities claiming that the U.S. was meddling in their affairs. I understand why foreign national go to the trouble of taking the U.S. license exam. Some of them even buy my study guides. About a year ago, for example, I swapped some e-mail with a guy from Malaysia about why he purchased my study guide and why he wanted a U.S. license. He said that it was because a neighboring country offered reciprocal operating privileges to U.S. licensees, but not Malaysian licensees! He mentioned that he tested for the license in Thailand. This post garnered a lot of comments. Several of them took me to task for voicing this opinion and were in favor keeping the current licensing program in place. There were a variety of reasons. Basically, my Malaysian friend was using the U.S. licensing process to circumvent the Malaysian licensing process. Australians seem to do this, too. Apparently, according to one of the VKs who commented on the thread, getting a U.S. Tech license is easier than testing for an Australian Foundation license. So, some Australians get a U.S. Tech license first, then get the Australian government to issue them a VK Foundation license based on the reciprocal operating agreement between the U.S. and Australia. One of the reasons in favor of using the U.S. licensing process is that in many countries, amateur radio license exam sessions are not very frequent. Another is that they often are quite expensive. This creates an artificial barrier to getting an amateur radio license. Using the U.S. licensing system breaks through this barrier and allows many more to enjoy amateur radio. Of course, for everything to be on the up and up, the foreign authorities would have to condone the use of U.S. license tests. Apparently, this is the case in Thailand and Australia. I don't know about Italy, but I'm guessing that the authorities there don't really care about Italians obtaining U.S. licenses. Perhaps the best comment came from Thida, HS1ASC/KH6ASC. He noted that the tests in Thailand were administered very strictly, and says, "The U.S. may lose some callsigns, but what the U.S. and U.S. hams get from us is goodwill, very positive feeling. Everyone who gets U.S. license is so proud, and others look at them respectfully." Since Part 97.1(e) lists as one of the purposes of amateur radio, "Continuation and extension of the amateur's unique ability to enhance international goodwill," I'm now all in favor of offering U.S. ham tests abroad. Another reason that some outside the U.S. obtain U.S. amateur radio licenses is the challenge. That’s the reason Martin Butler, M0MRB/W9ICQ, of ICQPodcast fame, gave when I spoke to him about this recently. Are these reasons "good enough" to continue this program of licensing non-U.S. citizens? My first reaction was that no, it's not good enough, and I questioned whether or not the ARRL VEC should Page 6! What is the Difference between DX Radio and CB? Ham radio has become closer than ever before! With so many operators around the globe, this activity has turned into a real sensation over the last several decades. However, some beginners are still in search of some general ham radio info to get involved in this exciting hobby with so many interesting things to experience. Amateur radio appears actually the same day as traditional radio was invented. Developed by European and American enthusiasts, it has eventually took the global audience by storm forming an in-ternational community of so-called hams. People of various ages, genders and occupations use their DX radio stations to keep in touch with each other from the most remote parts of our planet. Some of them set up for exciting journeys to faraway lands aiming at establishing contacts from unknown areas. Such journeys are also known as DXpedtions. On the other hand, ham radio is not only about fun and entertainments. It teaches us to be respectful and ready to help in case of emergency. You may appear to be the only person with your radio station to let others know what is happening around. Beginners mistakenly think that DX is equal to CB that stands for Citizen’s Band. There are many differ-ences between them. Ham radio provides more communication modes and opportunities. At the same time, CB is not as widely spread among amateur operators as ham radio. You will hardly ever visit CB fest or competitions while ham radio contesting is a regular entertainment for both professionals and rookies in the field. Another great difference is that DX radio never deals with ad campaigns, music programs or news. It is a wide circle of like-minded people. They use various types of communication modes including the Morse code, digital data, speech, television and other informational sources. Some DX radio stations may be connected with satellites making it possible to keep in touch with the In-ternational Space Station. You will hardly benefit from a more exciting experience, won’t you? CB will never bring such great chances to send contacts even if other communication means go down. Ham radio can be used in any place you like no matter if it is a car, a boat or a spaceship. Although becoming a ham is not really hard, it comes with responsibility, devotion, passion and mutual respect. Stock News Week http:// A will is a dead giveaway. Page 7! Solution found at or scan Page 8! DX happenings… There are some changes coming to The Mike & Key. Starting next year TM&K will become a bi-monthly newsletter. This is mostly due to the lack of attendance at the monthly meetings and participation in club activities. I know TM&K is one of the well read newsletters in the Cincinnati Area, however it seems that with the internet as it is, most of the news is not news once it hits TM&K. The other problem is that meeting attendance of GCARA has dropped for 100+ to about 10. This being said it seems like a lot of work putting together a newsletter every month for 10 active members. So, the staff (which is six of the attending members) has authorized this change. Starting next year TM&K will be published in January, March, May, July, September, and November. Any comments can be sent to tm& Page 9! FCC Ham Exams GCARA: September 14, December 7, 2016 :Blue Ash Recreation Center 4433 Cooper Rd Blue Ash. Registration 6:30pm. For more information contact Gary, W8XS at WALK INS ACCEPTED 1st Saturday each month: Cincinnati (Hartwell), CRA, at Hartwell Pres. Church. Registration 8:30am; walk-in only! All licenses classes. Dale Pritchett, KC8HJL at (513) 769 0789 2nd Monday each month: Kentucky (Edgewood) NKARA, at Turkeyfoot Middle School, 3230 Turkeyfoot Rd. Registration 6:00pm. Follow the signs. Pre-registration preferred, walk-ins accepted. Lyle Hamilton, AB8SH, (513) 315 4032. Talk-in 147.255 In all cases; tests require two Ids (preferably one with photo). COST: $15.00 Webpages of Importance to Members of the GCARA Greater Cincinnati Amateur Radio Association… GCARA on Facebook….. American Radio Relay League… Great Lakes Ohio Section - ARRL… Ohio Section News… Dayton Hamvention… Shortwave listening Follow the GCARA on Twitter…@W8DZ * If reading from a pdf file, clicking on the link will take you to the webpage Page ! 10 Membersh ip Applicat JOIN or RENEW GCARA MEMBERSHIP ion GCARA membership application and information update form ( ) I enclose $15 dues per club year (Jan. 1- Dec. 31) x ( ) years = $_________ ( ) I request free student membership (licensed Hams in grades 1-12) for Jan. 1-Dec. 31. If a free Student Membership, what is your school & grade?___________ This is a ( ) new, ( ) renewed membership. Member of ARRL? ( ) yes, ( ) no ( ) My yearly dues are paid. Please enter the following changes for me: NAME ________________________________________ CALL _______________ ADDRESS*___________________________________________________________ CITY/STATE*__________________________________________ ZIP* __________ Tel. No. with A/C* (_____)________-__________ E-MAIL ADDRESS* _____________________@____________________________ My interests in and out of Ham radio: Public service; Working with youngsters; On-air operations; VHF/UHF; HF; Building; Teaching; Computers; Helping people become licensed; Repairing equipment; Helping other Hams. *Provide specified information only if it has changed since last renewal. Mail with dues payment to: Richard Pestinger, KC8RP 66 Boehm Court Fairfield, Ohio 45014 Make checks/MOs payable to GCARA to pay with PayPal go to GCARA meets the 4th Wednesday of each month Directions to GCARA Meeting location Maple Knoll (Breese Manor) 11200 Springfield Pike, Springdale, OH (Take Maple Trace Dr. off Springfield Pike) Page 1! 1 Send application and $15.00 to Richard Pestinger, KC8RP 66 Boehm Court Fairfield, Ohio 45014 If you would like your membership card mailed to you, please send a SASE with your The Greater Cincinnati Amateur Radio Association, Inc. ______________________________ TM&K Editor 3261 Old Oxford Rd Hamilton, Ohio 45013 TO CHANGE YOUR CALLSIGN, ADDRESS, PHONE OR EMAIL GO TO THE GCARA WEBSITE (link located at bottom of page) Page ! 12