Carolyn Jacob, W6VNI President Hope everyone`s summer is going
Carolyn Jacob, W6VNI President Hope everyone`s summer is going
Carolyn Jacob, W6VNI President Did you buy a new radio? Did you make a really cool contact? Did you use ham radio to help someone? Write it down and send it to eNews@WARAHams.Net. Please submit articles no later than the 22nd of the month. Hope everyone’s summer is going well! August is ARRL month in Amateur Radio. WARA is happy to announce that Carl Gardenias, WU6D, Orange Section Manager for the ARRL will be our guest speaker. Our next club meeting will be held on Monday August 3, 2015 at 7:00pm at the Sizzler Restaurant in Fullerton. The membership meets for dinner prior to the meeting at 6:00pm. Carl’s presentation will deliver informative information regarding the ARRL. We hope to see you there, bring a friend. The final results have been turned in to the ARRL for Field Day 2015. WARA was able to report 223 contacts on the 4 bands we operated during the 24 hour period. We also received points for having members of Law Enforcement visit the site and for the site being in a public place. We weren’t out to collect a lot of points but we are very happy with the 750 points we did receive and report. This Field Day was the first WARA had planned and executed as a single club in more than 10 years. I again would like to thank everyone who made the 2015 Field Day weekend a huge success. Carolyn Jacob, W6VNI WARA President Michael Berchtold , K6MKL Vice President Hello everyone!!! I would like to say thank you to all the members and visitors who attended the July meeting! Even though our guest speaker was sick and could not make it, we all had a really good time. For those of you that were unable to make it, due to the short notice of the speaker not being able to attend, Carolyn Jacob, (W6VNI) and I decided to show the club members the pictures that were taken from WARA’s Field Day. After some quick thinking on how to show the pictures which were on a disc at one house and on a computer at another house, we had a streaming presentation put together in less than an hour. There were even pictures shown of our Field Day layout, which were taken from a quadcopter by Eric Berchtold, KJ6WZK. So, Page 1 of 7 everyone got to see what we had out for Field Day on 10, 15, 20, 40 and 80 meters. Thank you again to everyone that helped out with the setup, tear down, information/food booth and of course operating the radios!! Carolyn and I also submitted the information for WARA’s Field Day to the ARRL. Our guest speaker for the August meeting will be Carl Gardenias, WU6D, and is the Orange Section Manager for the ARRL. Carl will be talking to the club about the ARRL, since August is “ARRL Month”. Looking forward to what Carl has to say!! Hope to see everyone at the August meeting!!! Come and join us for dinner and to socialize at 6pm, before the meeting. 73, session at HAMJAM or better known as “HRO” Ham Radio Outlet Anaheim. We had 19 applicants and better than half of the applicants passed the test and will be getting their Technician class license. The FCC is now issuing license with the following call sign KK6VN?. The team is now looking forward to next year. The next WARA testing session will be held on August 20th 2015 at the La Habra community center, 101 W. La Habra Blvd. La Habra, CA. The testing session starts promptly at 6:00p.m. However anyone wanting to test that evening would you please arrive at the community center between 5:30 p.m. and 5:45 p.m. Until the next time, STUDY STUDY STUDY STUDY. Michael Berchtold, K6MKL Vice President of the Western Amateur Radio Association 73’s De, George T. Jacob, Jr. N6VNI FCC AND ARRL, V.E. LIAISON. ARRL V.E. LIAISON. George Jacob, N6VNI Past Pres./ Member @ Large Meeting Notice Monday, August 3rd, 2015 at the Sizzler Restaurant, 1401 N. Harbor Blvd., Fullerton, CA Time: 19:00 – 20:30 (7 – 8:30 pm) (Meet at 18:00 for dinner) From the desk of the V.E. liaison. Western Amateur Radio Association Testing Session The WARA V.E. team over the last few months has been very busy. On the testing nights we have had on the average 10 applicants to take the Technician Test element 2A and a few upgrades to General element 3A. The Extra test element 4A is much harder and more study time is required, so we do not see that many Extra’s. For the second year in a row the WARA V.E. testing team has been asked to conduct a testing Page 2 of 7 Our Guest Speaker: Carl Gardenias, WU6D Orange Section Manager ARRL Best of 73’s Kris Jacob KC6TOD Cell (562) 619-8870 Kris Jacob, KC6TOD Secretary / Treasurer August is our yearly ARRL meeting. Our guest speaker is Carl Gardenias WU6D, Orange Section Manager, Carl has been a friend to WARA for many years and it is a pleasure to have him join us. The ARRL not only reflects the commitment and enthusiasm of American hams, but also provides leadership as the voice of Amateur Radio in the USA, whether in dealings with the Federal Communications Commission, the International Amateur Radio Union, or with the general public. The ARRL is the primary source of information about what is going on in the ham radio world. It provides books, news, support and information for individuals and clubs, special operating events, all sorts of continuing education classes and other benefits for its members. Being a member of the ARRL is important for hams! The ARRL is devoted entirely to Amateur Radio. I encourage those of you who are not members to join the ARRL. 2015 Board of Directors President Carolyn Jacob – W6VNI (562) 691 – 7898 Vice President Michael Berchtold – K6MKL Secretary / Treasurer Kris Jacob – KC6TOD Members @large George Jacob – N6VNI Linda Souder – W6QE Chris Roemhild – AG6TJ Repeater Trustee Gene Thorpe – KB6CMO (714) 680 – 4258 Please remember to check into the net each Wednesday at 8:00 PM. It is great to hear from our members and guests as well. Make a reminder to yourselves to check into the net. Please join us Monday, August 3th at the Sizzler Restaurant, 1401 N. Harbor Blvd., Fullerton at the Y where Brea Blvd. and Harbor meet. The meeting starts at 7:00 pm, some of us gather for dinner around 6:00 pm … If you have any ideas for club activities, please send them to your board, the email address is This email address will be directed to each board member. eNews Editor / Webmaster John M. – AF6QK Website: Chris Roemhild, AG6TJ of the Western Amateur Radio Association receive the following letter from his District Representative. It is regarding antenna restrictions. This would be of great benefit should it pass. Page 3 of 7 July 8, 2015 Dear Chris, Knowing of your interest in amateur radio, I thought that you would like to know that I cosponsored H.R. 1301, the Amateur Radio Parity Act of 2015. I recognize the importance of volunteer amateur radio operators. They provide an essential emergency communications service to government and private relief agencies during times of national disasters. After natural disasters, ham operators provide emergency communications when other forms of communications are down. They are often the only ones who can relay messages from victims in disaster areas to loved ones in other locations. As you may know, the Federal Communications Commission has stated that there is a "strong Federal interest" in supporting effective amateur radio communications. It also found that zoning ordinances often unreasonably restrict amateur radio antennas in residential areas. The FCC created a policy to accommodate amateur radio when it comes to state and local land use policies. But this policy did not extend to private land use regulations. However, the Telecommunications Act of 1996 ordered the FCC to enact regulations to preempt municipal and private land use policies over small satellite dish antennas and TV antennas. The FCC also has stated that if Congress instructed it to do so, it would extend this policy to amateur radio. The Amateur Radio Party Act would provide this parity and uniformity in land use regulations. The existing FCC "reasonable accommodation" policy would apply to amateur radio for all types of land use regulation. If enacted, the bill would help to preserve the amateur radio community. Should you have any questions about this bill or any other concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, EDWARD R. ROYCE Page 4 of 7 Page 5 of 7 Page 6 of 7 Page 7 of 7