The Amplifier


The Amplifier
The Amplifier
Tar River Amateur Radio Club
Vice President
VE Director
Newsletter Editor
October 2014
Robin Keller, WA4WPD
Bruce Batchelor, N4XUN
Les Zavadil, W4FRA
Fred Winner, KE4LXW
Bill Thomas, N2BT
Les Zavadil, W4FRA
W4DCG Yahoo Group
Next Meeting
Tar River Amateur Radio Club meets on the
second Monday of the month. The October meeting
of the Tar River Amateur Radio Club will be held
Monday, October 13, at the Red Cross Office, 326
S. Franklin Street, in Rocky Mount. The meeting
will start at 6:30 p.m. Talk-in on WA4WPD
repeater: 145.290-, PL Tone 107.2.
2014 VE Exam Schedule
Bill, N2BT
The Tar River Amateur Radio Club, Rocky
Mount, NC, will hold ARRL/VEC Amateur Radio
Exams in 2014 as follows.
Dec. 6
Walk in candidates are welcome.
preregistration required.
Exams will start at 10 a.m. and will be held at:
The Braswell Memorial Library
727 N. Grace Street (corner of Grace and
Peachtree Streets)
Rocky Mount, NC 27804
Please bring the following items when attending a
testing session.
- Photo identification (drivers license)
- Social Security Number
- Original amateur radio license
- Copy of amateur radio license
- Test fee of $15 payable to ARRL/VEC
(checks preferred)
For further information visit our club website
at or contact:
Bill Thomas N2BT
VE Team Coordinator
Rocky Mount, NC
President’s Corner
Robin, WA4WPD
October . Wow, another year has past.
I just finished the CW WW RTTY contest.
Played at it mostly. Did 120 contacts, Thirty five
different countries. It would have been easy to get
DXCC. All bands were open to DX. I got Japan and
South Africa on 10, 15 and 40. I'll wait for the results,
see how close to the bottom I am.
It's time to decide where we want to eat for
Christmas. We usually do December's meeting at a
restaurant. Come with ideas.
This is the month to get everything ready for
contest season. I still have to get to 40 meter loop on
my SteppIr. Also plan to get new wires up for 75/80
and 160. Might try an all out effort for November SS.
See ya at the meeting.
Upcoming Hamfests
Oct. 12 – Maysville, NC
Nov. 8 – Conway, SC
Nov. 16 – JARSFEST, Benson, NC
Fellow TRARC members,
Just a reminder that the 2014 dues are
now due. $15.00
You may mail to me at :
Fred Winner
8972 Lancaster Store Rd
Castalia, NC 27816
or bring to next meeting on October 13, 6:30
pm in Tarboro.
Thanks for supporting your club, Fred
October 1 - 8
DX/NA YLRL Anniversary Party
Oceania DX Phone Contest
New Jersey QSO Party
California QSO Party
Fall VHF Sprint - 432 MHz
October 9 - 15
10-10 Sprint
Arizona QSO Party
Pennsylvania QSO Party
October 18 - 22
10-10 Fall CW QSO Party
Iowa QSO Party
New York QSO Party
W/VE Islands QSO Party
South Dakota QSO Party
Illinois QSO Party
School Club Roundup
October 25 - 31
CQ WW SSB Contest
Haunted Lighthouse QSO Party
DX Info
{TNX to various ARRL email newsletters and ARNL}
RWANDA, 9X. Gordon, K7TRB is QRV as
9X0VA until October 11. QSL to home call.
CAPE VERDE, D4. Francisco, EA7FTR is
QRV as D44KS until October 10 while on business
here. Activity is in his free time on 40 to 6 meters
using SSB and RTTY. QSL via EB7DX.
will be QRV as FO/DF1YP from Moorea, IOTA
OC-046, from September 13 to October 9. Activity will
be mostly on 20 meters using SSB for 2 to 3 hours a
day. QSL to home call.
KUWAIT, 9K. To celebrate the naming by the
UN of Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber
Al-Sabah as a Global Humanitarian Leader, special
event station 9K9GHL is QRV until October 6. QSL
via 9K2QA.
ST. MAARTEN, PJ7. Ed, WA1ZAM will be
QRV as PJ7PL from the Royal Palm Beach Resort in
Cole Bay, IOTA NA-105, from September 21 to
October 15. Activity is holiday style on the HF bands
using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL direct to home call.
GABON, TR. Alain, F6CTL is QRV as
TR8CA. His length of stay is unknown. QSL via
VIET NAM, 3W. Bruce is QRV as 3W3B
from Da Nang on the HF bands using CW and RTTY.
QSL via E21EIC.
CHINA, BY. Operators Zhang, BA3AX,
Wang, BA3CE and Lu, BD3AEO will be QRV as
BA3AX/2, BA3CE/2 and BD3AEO/2, respectively,
from Juhua Island, IOTA AS-151, from October 2 to 5.
Activity will be on 20 to 10 meters. QSL via BA3AX.
NAURU, C2. Stan, LZ1GC will be QRV as
C21GC from September 28 to October 14. Activity
will be on the HF bands using CW, SSB and RTTY.
QSL to home call.
BAHAMAS, C6. Phil, G3SWH will be QRV
as C6AYS from New Providence Island, IOTA
NA-001, from September 30 to October 10. QSL to
home call.
Mathias, DJ2HD and Gerd, DJ5IW will be QRV as
E51HDJ and E51XIW, respectively, from Rarotonga,
IOTA OC-013, from September 30 to October 6.
Activity will be holiday style on the HF bands using
CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL to home calls.
YB9/HA3JB as part of the International Police
Association Expedition until October 7. Activity is on
the HF bands using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL to
home call.
VANUATU, YJ. Members of the Quake
Contesters will be QRV as YJ0X from October 3 to 15.
Activity will be on the HF bands, including 6 meters,
with two stations using CW, SSB and RTTY. This
includes an entry in the upcoming Oceania DX contest.
FIJI, 3D2. Aki, JA1NLX is QRV as 3D2YA
from Mana Island, IOTA OC-121, until October 9.
Activity is on 30 to 10 meters using mainly CW, but
with some SSB and digital modes as well. QSL to
home call.
GUYANA, 8R. Alex, W1CDC is QRV as
8R1A during October. Activity is holiday style on 80
to 10 meters using CW. QSL to home call.
NEPAL, 9N. Toshi, JA8BMK is QRV as
9M7BM from Kathmandu during October. Activity is
holiday style on the HF bands. QSL to home call.
TONGA, A3. Lee, VK3GK is QRV as A35RT
from Eua Island, IOTA OC-049, until October 13. He
is here working for a humanitarian project on the island,
but hopes to participate in both Oceania DX contests
during his spare time. QSL via VE3GK.
Melanie, AB1UH are QRV as TX5Z from Raivavae
Island, IOTA OC-114, until October 13. Activity is on
80 to 10 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK with
a focus on 80 and 40 meters. QSL to home call.
ST. MAARTEN, PJ7. Operators EI5GM,
EI9FBB, J69DS and MM0NDX may be QRV as PJ7PK
from Guana Key of Pelikan, new IOTA NA-247, from
October 6 to 10. Activity will be on 40 to 10 meters.
They may also be active from Sint Maarten as
PJ7/home calls. QSL via operators' instructions.
BRAZIL, PY. Operators Diego, PY3PDG,
Luiz, PU3KTM and Sadi, PU3SSC are QRV as
ZY3WTS from Fortress Dom Pedro II, Cacapava
South, until October 5. Activity is on 160, 80, 40, 12
and 10 meters using SSB. QSL via PU3SSC.
SEYCHELLES, S7. Kasimir, DL2SBY will be
QRV as S79KB from Mahe, IOTA AF-024, from
October 4 to 9. Afterwards, he'll be QRV from Praslin
from October 9 to 18. QSL to home call.
QRV as SV5/DL3DRN from Rhodos, IOTA EU-001,
until October 9. Activity is holiday style on the HF
bands using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL to home call.
CRETE, SV9. Andreas, DL9USA is QRV as
SW9AG until October 10. Activity is holiday style on
the HF bands. QSL to home call.
WEST KIRIBATI, T30. A group of operators
are QRV as T30D from the Southern Tarawa Atoll,
IOTA OC-017, until October 15. Activity is on 160 to
6 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY with four stations
active at all times. QSL via DL4SVA.
TURKEY, TA. Eugene, RD8X is QRV as
TA4/RD8X from Belek until October 5. Activity is on
the HF bands using CW. QSL to home call.
MICRONESIA, V6. Nobuaki, JH0JHQ is
QRV as V63XP from Pohnpei, IOTA OC-010, until
October 6. Activity is generally on 17 and 12 meters.
This includes an entry on the Oceania SSB DX contest.
QSL to home call.
G3SWH and Georg, DK7LX are QRV as VP5/G3SWH
from Grand Turk Island, IOTA NA-003, until October
9. Activity is on 80 to 10 meters using CW with two
stations. QSL via G3SWH.
VANUATU, YJ. Members of the Quake
Contesters are QRV as YJ0X until October 15. Activity
is on the HF bands, including 6 meters, with two
stations using CW, SSB and RTTY. This includes
being an entry in the Oceania DX SSB contest. QSL
via ZL3PAH.
IZ1MHY will be operational as 5H1MD from
Zanzibar Island between September 28th and October
10th. Activity will be on 20 through 6 meters using
CW, SSB and the Digital modes. QSL via home call,
the bureau or direct. See his listing on for
more details.
KC9W, will be active stroke HH5 from Haiti
between January 11th and February 3rd, 2015. His
operations will be on 160, 80 and 40 meters using CW
only. QSL direct via KC0W.
PY2WAS will be operating as C6AAS from
Cable Beach in the Bahamas from October 4th to the
8th. This will be a holiday style operation concentrating
nighttime on 30 through 10 meters using CW and SSB.
QSL via PY2WAS either direct or via the bureau.
DJ7RJ and DJ2CW will be operating stroke as
FR from Reunion Island starting September 30th.
Activity will be on 160 through 10 meters using CW
and SSB with one operator there only through October
8th and the other remaining on the island through the
30th. QSL via each operator’s home callsign.
Four operators will take to the airwaves from
The Gambia using the call C5X from January 15th to
the 26th of 2015. Activity will be on 160 through10
meters using CW, SSB, RTTY and some PSK. Logs
will be uploaded daily to ClubLog and Logbook of the
World. The QSL manager is for this operation will be
FK8IK has announced that his trip to the
Chesterfield Islands and other Islands on the Air
locations that were scheduled for November will not be
taking place as planned. This is because the sailboat he
was planning to use for transportation is no longer
available on these dates. No new schedule has been
AA9A, will be operational as PJ7AA from Sint
Maarten between February 18th and March 16th of
2015. Activity will be on 40 through 10 meters using
CW and SSB. QSL via AA9A or electronically using
Logbook of the World.
JH3AZC, JH3QFL and JR3GWZ will be will
be active as V63AZ, V60O and V63GW, respectively,
from Pohnpei Island Micronesia between October 10th
to the 14th. Their operation will be on 80 through 6
meters using CW, SSB, RTTY and JT65. They also
plan a 2 meter moonbounce operation while there using
the callsign V60EME. QSL via each operator’s home
F4HAU has announced that he will activate
several African islands during the month of October.
These include Reunion Island operating stroke FR from
October 9th to the 24th. This will include a side trip to
Rodrigues Island from the 13th to the 17th where he
will be heard operating stroke 3 B 9. QSL as directed
on the air.
N7OU will once again be operating as
E51NOU from Rarotonga in the South Cook Islands,
between October 13th and November 9th. Activity will
be on 160 through 10 meters using CW only. Operation
will be in his spare time as work allows. QSL via
DL7VOA will be operational as J34O from
Grenada between November 22nd and December 6th.
Activity will be holiday style, mainly on CW with the
possibility of some SSB during his evening and
nighttime hours. QSLs for J34O are by the Bureau or
direct to DL7VOhA.
N7XR reports on his Web page that the
VQ9XR operation from Diego Garcia has been delayed
but that sometime in October looks possible. Activity
will be focused on 160 through 10 meters using CW
and RTTY with some SSB. QSL via NN1N direct only.
No bureau or electronic QSL’s will be accepted for this
Members of the Radio Club Argentino will
activate the special prefix and callsign AY4E from the
Argentine exclave Martin Garcia Island in Uruguayan
waters between October 16 and the 19th. Operations
will be on 160 meters through 70 centimeters using
CW, SSB, and the some digital modes. QSL to LU4QQ
direct or LU4AA via the bureau.
DL3DRN will be on the air stroke SV5 from
Rhodos Island through October 9th. Activity will be
holiday style, mostly on the HF bands using CW, SSB
and RTTY, QSL via his home callsign, either direct or
via the Bureau.
KD6XH will be operational from Samoa as
5W0XH between October 23rd through the 28th.
Activity will take place before, during and after the CQ
World Wide DX SSB Contest which is slated for
October 25th and the 26th. QSL via his home callsign.
K5KUA be on the air stroke 5 from Galveston
Island between November 14th and the 16th. Activity
will be on CW only as time permits. QSL via his home
callsign, direct or by the bureau. An online log search
will be available on ClubLog.
VK6MH who also holds the call sign
GM4AWB will be active as VK0MH from Macquarie
Island between this November through April of 2015.
No other information is available at this time.
has announced that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
have agreed to allow an amateur radio operation from
Navassa National Wildlife Refuge. This, to occur
within the next 18 months as coordinated with the
agency’s work flow.
According to a press release, over the past year,
the KP-5 Project had numerous meetings with various
levels of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service management.
As with the Desecheo operation in 2009 the service has
requested proposals for the amateur radio operation
from those individuals and groups that have already
applied for such a Special Use Permit in the past.
The KP-5 Project says that it will be submitting
a proposal and hoping to be selected. Updates will be
posted at (OPDX)
BERMUDA – K2HVN will be active stroke VO9 from
Bermuda from November 3rd to the 10th. He plans to
operate 17 and 20 meters using CW and SSB and 30
meters on CW only. While not a truly rare location, this
operation marks the first DX adventure for K2HVN and
we know that you will join us in wishing him all the
best. And if you do make contact, please QSL via his
home address. (OPDX)
LOTW – K1IED who is the QSL Manager for United
States Antarctic stations KC4AAA, KC4AAC and
KC4USV says that all three are now using Logbook of
the World. K1IED notes that logs from the past two
years, as well some that are older have already been
uploaded. Also some other older logs could be
uploaded in the future as well. (OPDX)
FEBRUARY 2015 – PA0RRS will be active as
9M2MRS from Penang Island Malaysia between
January 1st and February 3rd of 2015. He currently
plans to operate 30 through 10 meters CW, RTTY and
PSK with SSB only on request. QSL via his home
callsign, direct, via the bureau or using the OQRS on
ClubLog. (OPDX)
Voodoo Contest Group has been invited to operate at
the 2014 CQ World Wide DX CW contest from
emerging Multi-Multi contest station being assembled
by 9K2HN in northern Kuwait. According to the
announcement, the visiting club members are expected
to arrive at the station on November 22nd and will
operate before the contest with particular emphasis on
the lower bands. The Voodoo Contest Group is a band
of United States and United Kingdom hams dedicated
to winning the CQ World Wide CW Contest each year.
QSLs for the 9K2HN operation will go via instructions
on (AA7A, Southgate)
OCTOBER 9TH – DK7LX and G3SWH will be on the
air as VP5 stroke G3SWH from Grand Turk Island
through October 9th. Activity is on 80 through 10
meters using two stations with wire antennas and
operating CW only. The Islands on the Air website
indicates that contact with Grand Turk is needed by
over 60 percent of participants in the I-Oh-T-A
program. The operators say that they hope to provide an
on-line log search facility but this is subject to the
availability of a good Internet connection. (OPDX)
Chilean DXpedition Team will be active as XR2T from
Damas Island between October 8th and the 12th. The
main aim of this DXpedition will be to work the
greatest possible number of unique callsigns, thus
offering a possibility lower power and QRP stations to
make contact. Operations will be on 40 through 10
meters using mainly SSB, CW and the Digital modes.
QSL via CE3OP, direct or by the bureau.
APPROVALS – Some news from the ARRL DXCC
Desk. ARRL Staff Liaison Dave Patton, NN1N reports
that A52JR, 4W/HB9FLX, 4W/N1YC and 4W/PE7T
have all been approved for DXCC credit. If you have
had cards for these operations rejected in a recent
application, please send an E-mail to the ARRL DXCC
Desk at dxccadmin (at) arrl (dot) org and you will be
placed on the list for an update. (ARRL)
NC Section News
Greetings to all Hams across North Carolina
from Karl W4CHX, your ARRL NC Section Manager!
CAMPAIGN – As we enter Fall 2014, the grassroots
campaign in support of HR 4969 Amateur Radio Parity
Act continues. As a reminder, there 2 parts to the
grassroots campaign: letter-writing by individual ARRL
members; and, small group meetings with Members of
Congress or their staff, at or through their district
offices. The goal of the grassroots campaign is to gain
co-sponsors for the Bill.
In the ARRL News item dated September 24th,
it was reported there are now forty-seven (47)
co-sponsors for HR 4969.
This includes 2
Representatives from North Carolina: Mike McIntyre
(D-NC-7); and, Walter B. Jones, Jr. (R-NC-3). It was
reported that ARRL President Kay Craigie, N3KN
emphasized that HR 4969 is still being considered and
ARRL members still need to contact their
Representatives to request support of the Bill by
becoming cosponsors.
Please see,
-recess for more information and additional comments
from ARRL President Kay
Craigie, N3KN on HR 4969 and the grassroots
Important information regarding the HR 4969
grassroots ca mp a i g n c a n b e fou n d at You are encouraged to
monitor the news section of the ARRL website for
updates. Also, please consider subscribing to the
ARRL Legislative Update, which can be done via Edit
Email Subscriptions on your ARRL website account.
Thanks for all that
you are doing for the HR 4969 grassroots campaign!
(October 18-19) – For 2014, Jamboree-on-the-Air
(JOTA) will be held on the weekend of October 18th
and 19th. According to Bill Morine, N2COP, Assistant
Section Manager and ARRL Public Relations
Committee Member, JOTA is officially the largest
event in Scouting, even larger than the national and
world jamborees for three reasons: 1) it’s worldwide
and not just US; 2) it includes all branches of the Boy
Scout movement, meaning Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts,
Sea Scouts, Venturers, etc; and, 3) it includes Girl
Scouts. Boy Scouts estimates 500,000 to 700,000
people get on the air for JOTA. There is the NC JOTA
group on Yahoo Groups for those in North Carolina
who want to exchange information. For additional
i n f o r m a t i o n ,
s e e and For information on
the K2BSA Amateur Radio Association, see Thanks to Bill Morine, N2COP
for his assistance with this article!
100th anniversary of the ARRL is still being celebrated!
The W1AW Centennial QSO Party is still “on the air”
and consists of two main activities: 1) portable
operation of W1AW in each state and most territories;
and, 2) The Centennial Points Challenge which is the
accumulation of points from qualifying contacts made
throughout 2014. For further information on the
W1AW Centennial QSO Party, see
to include more information in the Newsletter on DX,
John Scott, K8YC of Mooresville, a member of the
Carolina DX Association, was contacted to gain his
perspective on topics for a series of DX articles. John
K8YC commented that an article on techniques for
working DX would be the place to start and that
information might help individuals trying to work the
W1AW/portable stations. Here is John’s article:
Whether you are a ragchewer with friends, a
community service operator, an ardent DXer, or a
dyed-in-the-wool con tester, working the
W1AW/portable stations offers great fun and a
challenge. If you decide to participate, you will hone
your listening skills, really get to know
your rig, and get a taste of working DX and contesting
while you are earning the Worked All States (WAS)
award in an operating environment, which is less
intense than a full-fledged contest or DX pileup.
There is still time to make QSOs with states
that can be hard to find and here is the best part: your
fellow hams in those states are working hard to make
sure you can put their state into your log! A bonus is
that all QSOs are being uploaded to Logbook of the
World (LoTW) very
shortly after the W1AW/portable operations in each
state complete their week on the air. Why not end up
with a WAS award at the end of 2014?
Amateur radio operations rely on acute
listening skills regardless of whether an operator has an
interest in community service communications, DX, or
contesting. Below, a few tips are provided to assist you
in getting that elusive station in your log in short order.
It is assumed that you know how to operate “split” with
your rig, because many of the W1AW/portable stations
are doing just that. Remember, you’ve gotta find ‘em,
to work ‘em!
If you are not pursuing DX regularly, you may
not be aware of the DX spotting networks or clusters,
which are available online. The best known cluster is
probably DX Summit in Finland, see
By navigating to this open website, you can see “spots”
aggregated from all over the world by merely clicking
on the “DX Spots” tab. Using information filters, you
can restrict the listings to “50/HF spots”, “HF/CW
spots”, or “Band Spots”, which focus on a particular
band and/or mode. If you only need a QSO with a
certain state (or DX entity) on a particular band, the
latter choice is where you want to be. By using the
“Search” tab, you can determine, for example, when a
W1AW/portable station has been on the air for a
specific band and mode – say, 80m CW – so that you
can plan the best time to make that QSO. Using the DX
spotting networks or clusters sure beats the old DX
mantra of: listen, listen, and then, listen. Now, you can
work ‘em like a pro!
Okay, you now know where your target is, so
jump in, right? Nope. While spinning the knob and
listening for DX or the W1AW/portable stations may
have been ameliorated by clusters, the really successful
operators know that once they know where their target
station is, this is when the listening really starts. First,
did the cluster identify the station’s call sign correctly?
LISTEN to check that out. Is the station being operated
simplex or split? Didn’t hear too many callers when
LISTENing? Maybe now is the time to call! Oops, the
operator just gave his/her call sign and said “….QRZ,
up 5”, which means, “please call, I’m listening up 5
kHz.” If the mode is CW, it will probably be “….599
TU UP 1”, which means, “<my signal report>, thank
you, I’m listening up 1 kHz.” So, now you know
he/she is operating split “up” somewhere. Better
LISTEN to determine where the pileup (those calling)
has gathered. There it is: about 5 kHz above the
operator’s transmission frequency.
How is the target station working the pileup?
Time to LISTEN a bit more. Here are some things that
have been heard in the past: 1) the operator is listening
up, 3 to 6 kHz, alternating from the top frequency to the
bottom frequency from call to call; 2) the operator is
moving up 1 kHz each call to the top and then starting
over at the bottom; 3) the operator is bouncing around
randomly (your best bet is to pick a clear frequency,
stay put, and hope the operator comes to you); 4) the
pileup is sitting at either the top or bottom of the range,
but the operator is working the few callers who are
calling in the middle of the range; 5) the operator is
picking up callers who are calling up, 6.5 kHz, even
though the operator says he/she is working up, 3-6 kHz
(What gives? Answer: do what works!); 6) the operator
is picking up callers who are repeating their call signs
once “in their head” before transmitting resulting in
their signal, or part of their signal, being “in the clear”
as the pileup noise wanes; 7) the operator is working
up, 1 kHz, on CW, but even with a sharp filter, the
operator seems to be working callers who are about 90
Hz higher or lower than the zero beat frequency of the
group. Understanding these patterns can help you
determine the frequency to select within the range of
split operations, which will maximize your chances of
completing the QSO.
There are other things to be learned, which will
also assist your efforts in making the QSO. Once again,
LISTEN. Is the station working “by the numbers”, i.e.,
accepting calls from stations with a certain number in
the call sign? Or, from a certain geographical area, e.g.,
working stations from North America, only? What is
the target station’s calling pattern? LISTEN to
determine when the best chance is to have the operator
hear you. Does the operator seem to ignore callers who
“tailgate”, i.e., call while the QSO is still being
completed? You don’t want to make the operator mad!
Oh…. it seems like the best time to call is right after the
operator has given a signal report, sent thank you, and
provides his/her call sign.
Okay, it’s time to jump in! You’ve tuned your
rig using a dummy load or at least you’ve tuned it well
away from the pileup in an unused portion of the band.
Your rig is all set with the proper split frequency and
you know the correct VFO is being used. Now, call
with your full call sign and have some fun!
On crowded bands, a really big pileup can lead
to some inappropriate, even rude, operating styles,
which are unbefitting of the traditionally polite way of
“doing things” in amateur radio.
DXers have
established a DX Code of Conduct to set behavior
standards for DX
operations. A complete listing of the DX Code of
Conduct, and the reasons WHY each element of the
Code is ideal, can be found at All amateur radio
operations will benefit if the DX Code of Conduct
becomes part of our operational practices.
Thanks to John Scott, K8YC for contributing
this article!
5-14) – The following report was received from Philip
Jenkins, N4HF regarding the NC Mountain State Fair
and Special Event Station, N4F:
N4F – that’s a wrap! N4F, the Special Event
Station at the NC Mountain State Fair near Asheville
officially ended on Sunday, September 14th. Nearly
1,350 QSOs were completed during the 10 days of the
Fair on 40, 20, 17, 15, 10, and 2 meters. QSL
information is on Additionally, the visitors
tent was quite busy – especially on Saturday, September
13th – answering non-ham visitors’ questions,
demonstrating some facets of ham radio, and passing
out information on upcoming licensing classes. Like
last year, we had people come by who had never heard
of ham radio (but are now interested), and those who
had always wanted to get their license, and hams who
have been inactive for a few years and were amazed by
the technology changes, and hopefully for whom that
spark was reignited. The members of the Road Show
ARC would like to GREATLY thank Cleveland County
ARS, Haywood County ARC, and Blue Ridge
(Henderson County) ARC for each taking one
weeknight to man the tent, operate N4F, sign up
prospective licensees for their upcoming ham classes,
and recruit new members for their respective clubs. No
way could The Road Show ARC do this alone! We
would also like to show our appreciation to those who
came to help out individually with day-to-day
operations at the Fair and with set-up and break-down.
We had several prominent visitors/operators, including
Bill Perkins, KB4KFT, President of the Atlanta Radio
Club and Gary Pearce, KN4AQ, of HamRadioNow.
Very special thanks go to Icom and Elecraft for
supplying radios for the event, and TenTec for
providing kits for our rig repair/construction workbench
in the tent. We’re already making plans for next year,
so come join us for the madness – and fun!
Thanks for Philip Jenkins, N4HF for providing
this report!
For further information, see
or contact Phil N4HF at
CHAMPIONSHIPS (September 8-12) – It was just
reported on the ARRL website that a member of
Amateur Radio Direction Finding (ARDF) Team USA
medaled in the 17th ARDF World Championships
earlier this month in Kazakhstan. Vadim Afonkin,
KB1RLI, of Boston, MA, took home a silver medal in
the men’s age 40-49 category in the 2 meter
competition. In addition to Afonkin, Team USA 2014
included Ruth Bromer, WB4QZG, of Raleigh, NC;
Jennifer Harker, W5JEN, of Austin, TX; Ken Harker,
WM5R, of Austin, TX; Joseph Huberman, K5JGH, of
Raleigh, NC; and, Leszek Lechowicz, NI1L, of
Bridgewater, MA. For further information, see
Congratulations to Ruth Bromer, WB4QZG and Joseph
Huberman, K5JGH of Raleigh for being named to
ARDF Team USA 2014; and, thanks for your
dedication, hard work, and achievement in amateur
radio direction finding!
(September 17-24) – The W1AW/portable operations
returned to North Carolina on September 17th at 0000
UTC (September 16th, Tuesday, 8:00 PM EST). Nate
Moreschi, N4YDU of Youngsville, team leader, and
approximately 30 operators from NC were on the air for
the next 7 days. When W1AW/4 in North Carolina
operations were concluded on September 23rd at 2359
UTC (7:59 PM EST), the team had made more than
35,000 QSOs! A complete report will be included in an
upcoming Newsletter. Thanks to all hams that were
involved in the W1AW/4 operations this year!
Technician licensing class, September 18 to October
30, 2014, sponsored by The Road Show Amateur Radio
Club, Inc.
Manteo (NC), Technician licensing class,
September 24 to October 29, 2014, sponsored by the
Outer Banks Repeater Association (this class was not
listed when the last Newsletter was distributed)
Raleigh (NC), Amateur Extra licensing class,
October 4-November 1, 2014, sponsored by the Raleigh
Amateur Radio Society.
Skyland (NC), General licensing class,
November 6 to December 18, 2014, sponsored by The
Road Show Amateur Radio Club, Inc.
To find upcoming classes, go to
note that a licensing class sponsored by your club or
organization will not be listed on the ARRL website
unless you register your class. ARRL Registered
Instructors may list upcoming classes on the ARRL
For further information, see
Also, please let me know if your club is sponsoring a
licensing class. Thanks!
following media hits and reports are included in this
month’s newsletter:
This press release was received from Johnston
County ARES: “Four Oaks, NC, 8/16/2014. With
generous help from the Carolina 440 UHF Link System
Johnston County ARES has completed the installation
of a county-wide VHF Winlink system. The system
allows sending and receiving of email using Amateur
Radio and covers all of Johnston County and parts
of the surrounding Counties. It consists of two fixed
and one mobile Winlink gateway, two packet nodes
located at commercial repeater sites, and several
transportable clients.” Thanks to Robert German,
KB4RGC and Michael Callam, KD4UJC for providing
this press release! And,
please accept my apology for the delay in publishing
this information.
On the 58th Annual Shelby Hamfest, see
On the 58th Annual Shelby Hamfest, see
On the 58th Annual Shelby Hamfest, see
On Bike MS: The Historic New Bern Ride, see
On Prepper Camp in Saluda (NC), see
On Camp Butler (Alleghany County, NC) and
amateur radio, see
On amateur radio and Raleigh (historic article),
Thanks to Gary Pearce, KN4AQ; Paul Jones,
K4VCF; Bill McDowell, K4CIA; Cliff Fox, KU4GW;
and, Hank Montgomery, K4HM for providing this
AUGUST, 2014 – QNI (total check-ins): 2,513; Total
messages passed: 527. Station Activity Reports (SARs),
total number: K4IWW 295, WK4WC 161, WB4ZIQ
158, AK4RJ 140, W2EAG 121, W4DNA 117,
KC4PGN 70, KF4OCU 55, W4TTO 53, KW4EMG 49,
KJ4JPE 38, KE4AHC 35, N2RTF 24, WB4Y 21.
Public Service Honor Roll (PSHR), total
number: KW4EMG 285, W4DNA 160, WB4ZIQ 150,
K4IWW 130, WK4WC 130, KJ4JPE 118, W2EAG
110, AK4RJ 100, W4TTO 100, N2RTF 96, KF4OCU
75. Thanks to Dave Roy, W4DNA, Section Traffic
Manager, for providing this information!
SILENT KEYS – We regret to report the
passing of Perry Milton Davis, Jr, KQ4XM of New
Bern; and, Alfred Ray (“Al”) Waters, N4ARW of
Washington. Please note it is not possible to post
information about amateur radio operators that have
become Silent Keys without
confirmation via a copy of an obituary or death
11: Uwharrie Mountain Festival, 1400Z-1800Z,
NC4MC, Troy, NC, sponsored by Montgomery
Amateur Radio Society. 14.250 14.030 7.250.
Certificate. Donald L Grady, KG4ZRH, 120 Woodline
Dr, Troy, NC 27371.
Recently, it was learned that Alamance ARC
and Bladen ARS operated Special Event Stations in
September. Please accept my apology for not listing
those, and any other, Special Event Stations in the
Special Event Stations listings are based on
what appears on the ARRL website, see
consider listing your Special Event Station at least 60
see Also,
let me know if your club is sponsoring a Special Event
Station. Thanks!
Maysville Hamfest, Maysville Hamfest Association,
Maysville, NC, email:
November 16: JARSFEST 2014, Johnston
Amateur Radio Society, Benson, NC, see
QUA* – In September, I attended the 58th
Annual Shelby Hamfest/ARRL NC State Convention in
Shelby (8/30-31); and, traveled to the NC Mountain
State Fair in Fletcher (9/7) to see the amateur radio
booth and Special Event Station, N4F. Those events
were outstanding!
Congratulations to the participating clubs and their
members for a job well done!
Also during September, I visited and made
presentations at two clubs – the Brightleaf ARC in
Greenville (9/9) and the Cary ARC (9/25). I always
enjoy interacting with amateur radio operators at
hamfests, club meetings, and special events. In
addition, to seeing colleagues and
meeting new friends, it gives me an opportunity to learn
more about their community and local activities.
In closing, please do not hesitate to contact me
if you have any questions or want to provide input on
our Section.
I can be reached via email at or via cell phone. Thanks for
everything you are doing for amateur radio! 73, Karl
Bowman, W4CHX, ARRL North Carolina Section
Manager, (919) 669-6068 (cell)
In closing, please do not hesitate to contact me
if you have any questions or want to provide input on
our Section. I can be reached via email at or via cell phone. Thanks for
everything you are doing for amateur radio! 73, Karl
Bowman, W4CHX, ARRL North Carolina Section
Manager, (919) 669-6068 (cell)
*QUA is an international Q signal (prosign)
meaning, “Have you news of _____?” In the absence
of a question mark, QUA means, “I have news of
----------------------ARRL North Carolina Section
Section Manager: Karl F Bowman DVM, W4CHX
AuxComm in Wilson County
Wilson County Auxiliary Communications
(AuxComm) has recently developed field-deployable
(VHF/UHF only) units that include the following
equipment: Yaesu FT-7900 VHF/UHF Radio, Signalink
USB, Laptop, and Power Supply. These units will
provide local communications to and from the EOC for
activated Amateur AuxComm Operators. These units
will be capable of various Voice and Data modes
allowing the operator the flexibility they need in an
emergency including the ability to transmit voice,
forms, lists, emails, etc. Winlink 2000 Packet mode is
currently NOT implemented in these units, but might be
added in the near future. The equipment contained in
these units is relatively low-cost and easy to duplicate.
The use of standard VHF/UHF Radios, Computers,
and free Narrow Band Emergency Messaging Software
(NBEMS) provide a low cost-of-entry into the
AuxComm program for interested volunteers to operate
from their local community. More information and
training will be provided soon! For additional
information feel free to contact Chris Tripp (KK4VYL),
via email:
The 9/11 "NEVER FORGET" traveling exhibit
will be on display at the "Black Creek Heritage Day
Festival" on October 11th. This is a tool to educate
America's youth about the historic events of that day.
The memorial provides interactive education; including
artifacts, news and video recording and live tours from
FDNY heroes. The 53-foot-long "Tunnel to Towers"
tractor-trailer features an 1,100-square-foot memorial to
the firefighters and police officers who lost their lives
trying to save people inside the World Trade Center.
Wilson AuxComm. attended the annual
"Experimental Aircraft Assoc. #1047" on September
20th and set up a amateur radio display with a
mini-field day, get on-the-air for the public. Several
Boy Scouts received credit towards their radio merit
badge. The weather was perfect which accounted for
the largest attendance of people, aircraft and Corvette
automobiles in many years. Thanks to supporting
"h ams",
N4 UCO-Tom, KK4VYK-Chris,
KE4EGM-Derick, KU4VE-Dutch, WD4IDA-Carl,
WN4Z-Arch, KK4LHZ-Phil, N4PLC-Phil and
Wilson County AuxComm
2 Meter Nets
Tuesday: 146.880 2115
The 146.880 repeater is negative offset, no
tone and the 146.760 repeater is negative offset
with a 131.8 tone.
Wilson Co. AuxComm Net:
The WC AuxComm Net is held the first
Thursday of each month at 1915 on the 444.900+
(no tone) repeater.
"Code Red" Events
Black Creek Festival
October 11
Center Street
Community Safety Day
October 25
Forest Hills Road
Ham Gear for Sale or Trade
If you have any ham gear or other
electronic gear to sell or trade, send a copy of your
ad to
For Sale:
PDC3-HD 25.00
DIAMOND X-200 2M/440 VERT 75.00
IC-706 MKIIG HF/2M/440
KENWOOD AT-120 Antenna Tuner 30.00
$ 400.00
(ALL prices are negotiable )
For Sale: Rohn SSV free standing tower. 120
feet. Base is 6N. Triangular rack on top for
antenna mount. $3,000.00 negotiable.
Contact Robin at 252-459-9345 leave message or
mail to: .
For Sale:
This is a silent key and I told the son I
would help him sell them. I did a little checking on
the internet and believe I have come up with a
reasonable price for each. If you disagree, please
let me know .
FT- 857D HF/VHF/UHF rig
SEC-1235 30 amp Power supply $100.00
IC -PS15 20 amp Power supply
DIAMOND MX-62M splitter
MFJ-941E tuner
G5RV + coax ( HD )
$ 75.00
Fred Winner, KE4LXW,