The Amplifier
The Amplifier
The Amplifier Tar River Amateur Radio Club President Vice President Secretary Treasurer VE Director Newsletter Editor November 2014 Robin Keller, WA4WPD Bruce Batchelor, N4XUN Les Zavadil, W4FRA Fred Winner, KE4LXW Bill Thomas, N2BT Les Zavadil, W4FRA W4DCG Yahoo Group Next Meeting Tar River Amateur Radio Club meets on the second Monday of the month. The November meeting of the Tar River Amateur Radio Club will be held Monday, November 10, at the Red Cross Office, 326 S. Franklin Street, in Rocky Mount. The meeting will start at 6:30 p.m. Talk-in on WA4WPD repeater: 145.290-, PL Tone 107.2. 2014 VE Exam Schedule Bill, N2BT The Tar River Amateur Radio Club, Rocky Mount, NC, will hold ARRL/VEC Amateur Radio Exams in 2014 as follows. Dec. 6 Walk in candidates are welcome. No preregistration required. Exams will start at 10 a.m. and will be held at: The Braswell Memorial Library 727 N. Grace Street (corner of Grace and Peachtree Streets) Rocky Mount, NC 27804 252-459-9345 252-823-1463 252-446-7816 252-459-4332 252-442-6131 252-446-7816 Please bring the following items when attending a testing session. - Photo identification (drivers license) - Social Security Number - Original amateur radio license - Copy of amateur radio license - Test fee of $15 payable to ARRL/VEC (checks preferred) For further information visit our club website at or contact: Bill Thomas N2BT VE Team Coordinator Rocky Mount, NC (252)-442-6131 Email: THIS NEWSLETTER MAY BE REPUBLISHED OR REPRODUCED BY CLUB MEMBERS IN WHOLE OR IN PART IN ANY FORM WITHOUT ADDITIONAL PERMISSION. President’s Corner Robin, WA4WPD November. Time to get ready for sweepstakes. First. I checked Ribeye's, they are open on Mondays. So December's meeting will be at Ribeye's in Nashville. Second. The D-Star repeater is up. The 440 works fine. VHF still has a few issues. And, the gateway is not up. Hopefully these issues will be resolved soon. This will be the the topic for November's meeting. In January we will program Red Cross radios for it. It's easier once you see a few live demos. I participated in the CW WW contest. Bands were in good shape.. Even with the solar flares (or maybe because of them) 10 meters was open for world wide contacts. In one hour I got eastern Europe, Japan, Northern Africa and South America. It really was nice. Upcoming Hamfests Nov. 8 – Conway, SC Nov. 16 – JARSFEST, Benson, NC 2015 Feb. 7 – FROSTFEST, Richmond, VA Feb. 7 – Charleston, SC Apr. 4 – RARSfest, Raleigh, NC Sept. 5 – Shelby, NC 2015 TRARC DUES Fellow TRARC members, Just a reminder that the 2015 dues are now due. $15.00 You may mail to me at : Fred Winner 8972 Lancaster Store Rd Castalia, NC 27816 or bring to next meeting on November 10, 6:30 pm at the Rocky Mount Red Cross Office. Thanks for supporting your club, Fred Contests Nov. 7 - 12 Worked All Europe DX Contest - CW 10-10 Fall Digital QSO Party Kentucky QSO Party Nov. 15 - 19 ARRL November Sweepstakes Nov. 20 - 26 LZ DX Contest Nov. 27 - 30 CQ WW CW Contest Full Day of Hell - Digital DX Info {TNX to various ARRL email newsletters and ARNL} ZAMBIA, 9J. Zambian amateurs are currently using the prefix 9I50 to commemorate the country's independence 50 years ago. In addition, Brian, 9J2BO is QRV as 9I50BO. QSL via operator's instructions. PHILIPPINES, DU. Michael, W6QT is QRV as DU3/W6QT from Luzon Island, IOTA OC-042, until March 2015. Activity is on 40 to 10 meters. QSL to home call. TAJIKISTAN, EY. Nodir, EY8MM has been active on 30 meters using CW around 0030z. QSL via K1BV. JAPAN, JA. Members of the Ome Amateur Radio Club are QRV as 8J150ZYG until December 31 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the town Ome. QSL via bureau. MINAMI TORISHIMA, JD1. Take, JG8NQJ is QRV as JG8NQJ/JD1 until mid December in his spare time while working at the weather station here. Activity is on the HF bands using CW. QSL direct via JA8CJY. INDIA, VU. Sarath, VU3RSB is QRV with special event call sign AT2HFI until November 10 during the Hamfest India. Activity is mainly on 40 and 20 meters. QSL direct via VU3RSB. QSL via VU2NSL. SENEGAL, 6W. Sigi, DL7DF will be QRV as DL7DF/6W from Somone from November 1 to 13 while on vacation. Activity is holiday style on 160 to 10 meters using CW, SSB, SSTV and PSK31. QSL to home call. ALGERIA, 7X. Garti, 7X2RD, Noury, 7X2JV, and Abder, 7X4RJ will be QRV with special call 7U60AR during all of November. Activity will be on 40 to 10 meters using all modes. QSL via 7X2RD. NEPAL, 9N. Toshi, JA8BMK is QRV as 9N7BM until November 20. Activity is holiday style on the HF bands, with a focus on 160 and 80 meters. QSL to home call. NIUE, E6. Alan, VK4WR and Graeme, VK4FI will be QRV as E6RQ and E6SG, respectively, from Alofi, IOTA OC-040, from November 2 to 9. Activity will be on 40 to 10 meters. QSL both calls direct via VK4FI. GUADELOUPE, FG. Special event station TO10RR will be QRV from November 2 to 16 during the 10th Route du Rhum, a 3000-mile regatta for single-handed sailors between St. Malo France and Pointe-a-Pitre Guadeloupe. QSL direct via FG8NY. TROMELIN ISLAND, FT/T. Seb, F5UFX, Michel, FM5CD, Flo, F5CWU, Franck, F4AJQ, Fred, F5ROP and Vincent, F4BKV are QRV as FT4TA until November 10. Activity is on 160 to 6 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY with five stations active. QSL direct via F1NGP. ITALY, I. Special event station IY1EY will be QRV from November 1 to December 31 to commemorate Marconi's experiments from his Elettra yacht between 1919 and 1936. Activity will be on all HF bands using CW and SSB. QSL via IK1QBT. SVALBARD, JW. Alexander, UA3IPL is QRV as JW/UA3IPL from Spitsbergen Island, IOTA EU-026, for four months. Activity is on the HF bands using CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK31 and JT65. QSL direct via RW6HS. BELGIUM, ON. Members of club station ON4HRT are QRV as ON1418HRT during the month of November to honor the memory of World War I victims. QSL via bureau. BRAZIL, PY. Special event station PS43GPB will be QRV from November 1 to 10 during the Grand Prix Brasil F1 Race, Interlagos Circuit from Sao Paulo. Activity will be on 20, 17, 15 and 10 meters using SSB. QSL via PS7AB. ANTARCTICA. Oleg, ZS1ANF, Slava, RD3MX and Alex, UA1PAW are QRV as RI1ANR from Novolazarevskaya Base, IOTA AN-016, until March 2015. Activity is on 160 to 10 meters using CW and SSB. QSL via RK1PWA. SEYCHELLES, S7. Bigi, DE3BWR and Heli, DD0VR will be QRV as S79VR from Mahe, Praslin, and La Dique Islands, IOTA AF-024, from November 3 to 30. Activity will be on 20 to 10 meters using CW and SSB. QSL via DD0VR. NAMIBIA, V5. Sebastian, OE3SZA is QRV as V5/OE3SZA until November 11. Activity is on the HF bands using SSB and QRP power. QSL to home call. ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS, VU4. Krish, W4VKU, Chetz, VU3DMP and Pai, VU2PAI will be QRV as VU4KV from Campbell Bay, IOTA AS-033, from November 3 to 13. Activity will be on the HF bands with two stations. QSL via W4KVU. ZIMBABWE, Z2. Chris, PA2CHR, Lins, PA3CMC, John, ZS6JON, and Paul, ZS6NK will be QRV as Z21CHR, Z21CMC, Z21EME and Z21NK, respectively, from November 1 to 8. This is an EME DXpedition and will be QRV on 6 and 2 meters, and 70 and 23 cm. QSL via PA3CMC. F4HEC will be active as JD1BOX from Chichijima Island Tokyo Prefecture, between December 4th and the 12th. Reports indicate that he is one of very few European operators to ever receive a JD1 callsign. Operations will take place on 80 through 10 meters using SSB only. QSL via F4HEC, by the bureau or direct. JR3MVF, F5RPB, ET9ESZ and DJ6US will be operating as V84YL from Darussalam, Brunai starting on November 5th and running through until the 10th or the 12th. Their activity will be on all High Frequency bands using CW and SSB. QSL via DJ6US either direct or via the bureau. N7OhU should be operating as E51NOU from Rarotonga in the South Cook Islands. He plans to be there through November 9th operating 60 through10 meters in his pare time using only CW. QSL direct via N7OhU. F6ICX will be active as 5R8IC from Saint Marie Island between November 3rd and December 12th. Operation will be holiday style on all HF bands operating mainly CW, with some SSB, RTTY, and PSK63. QSL via his home callsign as listed on Logs will be uploaded to ClubLog and Logbook of the World. DK9PY will be operational as 6Y6N from Jamaica between November 26th and December 17th. Activity will be holiday style on the High Frequency bands using a Yaesu FT-857 into an inverted L antenna. QSL via his home callsign, direct or via the bureau. G3RWF is heading back to Southern Africa for a 5 week holiday. He will begin operation in Lesotho as 7P8NH between December 11th through the 14th. Listen for him on the higher bands on CW only. QSL via G3RWF. CE5WQO will be active stroke CE0Z/CE5WQO from Juan Fernandez Island between November 19th through the 27th. This will be a holiday style operation using CW, SSB and the digital modes on 160 through 10 meters using. QSL via KA3LKM with two International Reply Coupons. DG1BH is reported to be operating stroke 5B from Cyprus and will be there through November 9th. Activity will be QRP holiday style using a FT-817 on 20 meters on PSK and some SSB. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau. KL7SB will be active from Raratonga as E51RAT between late November and early December. He will operate only as time permits but is definite for November 29th and 30th. QSL via NI5DX. KK6BT will be operational as TX5W from Raivavae Island in the Austral Islands group between January 5th and the 11th of 2015. His operation will be on 40 through 10 meters including 17 and 12 meter bands, operating exclusively SSB. His primary objective is to work as many amateurs in Central and Northern Europe as possible. QSL information will follow shortly. A multi-national team of operators from Belgium, The Netherlands and Greece will be active likely using the call EP6T from Kish Island in January 2015. Reportedly, it took nearly 3 years of negotiations and a reconnaissance trip by ON4HIL, to Tehran which finally resulted in obtaining a legal license to operate with a team of ten people for fourteens days. The group plans to have at least four stations on the air around the clock for at least 10 days. Activity will be on 160 through 10 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. More information will as well as a Web page for this DXpedition will be available in the near future. PG5M has announced that he will be operational as CE0Y stroke PG5M from Easter Island between November 23rd to the 28th. This will be a holiday-style operation with further details forthcoming. QSL via his home callsign direct, via the bureau. Members of the 9M2SE Malaysian Special Expedition Team will be active from Pangkor Island between 0800 UTC on November 7th and 0100 on November 9th. Activity will be on 40 through 10 meters using SSB and CW. No QSL information was provided in the announcement. UA3IPL will be active as stroke JW from Spitsbergen Island for 4 months starting October 30th. His operation will be on the High Frequency bands using slow speed Morse, SSB, RTTY, PSK31 and JT65. QSL via RW6HS direct. G8OFQ will be active stroke HC8 from the Galapagos Islands from July 1st to September 30th of 2015. Operations will be on 160 through 6 meters but no times or modes have been mentioned. QSL via HA3JB MARCUS ISLAND THROUGH MID DECEMBER – JG8NQJ plans to operate portable JD1 from Marcus Island in the Minami Torishima group from mid-October until mid-December. Activity will be limited to his spare time concentrating on 17 meters but he does plan to also use 15, 10 and 12 meters as well. All of his airtime will be CW only. QSL via JA8CJY direct or via the bureau. (OPDX) GUATEMALA OPERATION JANUARY TO FEBRUARY 2015 – VE7BV will once again be active stroke TG9 from Guatemala between January 22nd and February 17th of 2015. He plans a holiday style operation on 20, 17 and 15 meters using CW and SSB. QSL via his home callsign, direct, by the bureau or electronically using Logbook of the World. (OPDX) ZD9 TRISTAN DA CUNHA OPERATION CANCELLED – The Italian DXpedition Team has announced that its ZD9TT DXpedition to Tristan Da Cuna originally planned for September 2014, but later postponed until September 2015 due to transportation issues, has now been canceled. The group also says that it will no longer advertise its plans in advance and that it regrets that this decision might affect the plans of other teams. However, it feels compelled to adopt this policy due to the course of events. (OPDX) VIETNAM BY KM0O NOVEMBER 25 TO DECEMBER 24 – KM0O will be operational as 3W3O from Vietnam between November 25th and December 24th. His main activity will be the CQ World Wide DX CW Contest on November 29th and 30th but expect him to be on 160 and 80 meters before and after the contest. QSL to KM0O direct, via the bureau or electronically using Logbook of the World. (OPDX) TENERIFE FROM DECEMBER 9 TO JANUARY 8 – IK1PMR and PA3LEO will be on the air signing portable EA8 from Tenerife Island between December 9th of this year and January 8th of 2015. Activity will be on 160 through 6 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via HB9FKK or each operators home callsign direct or via the bureau. Electronic QSL’s go via Logbook of the World or direct e-mail. (OPDX) DXCC APPROVED FOR E30FB ERITREA – The ARRL has announced that last the September 17th to the 22nd E30FB from Eritrea sponsored by the Foundation for Global Children has been approved for DXCC credit. This was the operation by JH1AJT reported on extensively in past Amateur Radio Newsline reports. (OPDX) NAVASSA ISLAND DXPEDITION ANNOUNCEMENT – The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service has notified the KP1-5 Project that they will be the team to activate Navassa Island (KP1) in January 2015. The DXpedition will be a maximum of fourteen days. The exact dates in January will be determined by USFWS mission requirements and weather windows. Our experienced team of fifteen is complete and is ready for the challenge. The weeks ahead will be extremely busy as the team has less than 90 days before the DXpedition comes on the air. January is the month of minimum bird nesting activity and this is the primary reason USFWS is asking that the operation be completed during that month. However, the weather is unpredictable in January and because Navassa is surrounded by cliffs, this may preclude a safe landing by boat. For safety reasons and in order to maximize our time on the Island and on the air, a helicopter operation is planned. Navassa is over 100 miles (160 km) from the nearest helicopter staging point and as many as ten round trips will be required at the beginning and end of the operation. Obviously, this means that there will be a significant cost for activating this #1 ranked DXCC entity. In the next few weeks, we be working with USFWS and as details firm up, we will issue periodic press releases. Check our webpage, for more details of the operation and how you may financially support this DXpedition. The KP1-5 Project team has committed to fund 50% of the total costs. We are hopeful the DX community at large will fund the remainder. NC Section News Greetings to all Hams across North Carolina from Karl W4CHX, your ARRL NC Section Manager! HR 4969 AMATEUR RADIO PARITY ACT OF 2014 AND THE ARRL GRASSROOTS CAMPAIGN – As we enter late-Fall 2014, the grassroots campaign in support of HR 4969 Amateur Radio Parity Act continues. As a reminder, there 2 parts to the grassroots campaign: letter-writing by individual ARRL members; and, small group meetings with Members of Congress or their staff, at or through their district offices. The goal of the grassroots campaign is to gain co-sponsors for the Bill. There are now forty-seven (47) co-sponsors for HR 4969, including 2 Representatives from North Carolina: Mike McIntyre (D-NC-7); and, Walter B. Jones, Jr. ( R - N C - 3 ) . P l e a s e s e e -act-of-2014-co-sponsors-swells-before-congressional -recess for more information and additional comments from ARRL President Kay Craigie, N3KN on HR 4969 and the grassroots campaign. Important information regarding the HR 4969 grassroots campaign can be found at Please monitor the news section of the ARRL website for updates. Thanks for all that you are doing for the HR 4969 grassroots campaign! ARISS: APPLY NOW FOR SPACE STATION HAM RADIO CONTACT OPPORTUNITIES – The Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) program has announced that the application window is open for proposals from formal and informal educational institutions and organizations to host an Amateur Radio contact with an ISS crew member. The deadline for proposals is December 15th. Educational entities may apply individually or in concert with other institutions or organizations. ARISS anticipates that ham radio contacts with the space station will take place between May 1 and December 31, 2015. The ARRL website has more information about the ARISS program, including details on expectations, audience, proposal guidelines and application form, and the dates and times of informational sessions. ARISS is a cooperative educational initiative of the ARRL and AMSAT, in partnership with NASA and other international space agencies. For further information and related links, see ow-for-space-station-ham-radio-contact-opportunities PROMOTING REPEATERS THAT AIR THE ARRL AUDIO NEWS – An email communication was forwarded from ARRL Media and Public Relations Manager Sean Kutzko, KX9X indicating that he would like to start promoting repeaters that air the ARRL Audio News. If you or your club would like to have your repeater added to the list of ARRL Audio News repeaters, see for further information. Thanks to Steve Ewald, WV1X, ARRL Field Organization Team Supervisor for providing this information! NOMINATIONS OPEN FOR ARRL INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN AWARD – The nomination period is open for the ARRL International Humanitarian Award for 2014. For further information on this award, see For information on all ARRL awards, see Please consider nominating a deserving candidate for an ARRL award. Thanks! TWO NEW ARRL-AFFILIATED CLUBS IN NORTH CAROLINA SECTION – Congratulations to the newest ARRL-affiliated clubs in the North Carolina Section! The Carolina Amateur Radio Club has 27 members, it is based in Lincolnton, and is our first ARRL-affiliated club in Lincoln County. The Carolina ARC meets most Thursday nights at 6:00 PM. More information can be found at The Hampstead Hams – NC4PC has 18 members and it meets on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 8:00 AM at the Hampstead Public Library. For more information, see Thanks to Tim Slay, N4IB, Affiliated Club Coordinator and Assistant Section Manager, for providing this report! THE GEEK FEST 2014 (11/13) – THE Geek Fest 2014 is an annual event held at Central Piedmont Community College (Matthews), which pays tribute to the “geek” in everyone. The event is focused on teaching and motivating students and the public by examining the innovative technologies used by everyone daily. W4BFB – Mecklenburg Amateur Radio Society will be participating by having a two-table setup with many types of amateur radio equipment on display, along with brochures and information packets. The club members are planning on having a packet station up-and-running, using the call sign NC4DP; and, an HF digital station, using the call sign W4BFB. For more information on THE Geek Fest, see or Thanks to Charles Comerford, KK4HOK for providing his report! NAVASSA ISLAND (KP1) DXPEDITION APPROVED FOR JANUARY, 2015 – The KP1-5 Project has been notified by the US Fish and Wildlife Service that their proposal to activate Navassa Island (KP1) has been approved for January, 2015. This is great news for DXers worldwide since Navassa Island is very high on the priority list of “most wanted” DX entities. For further information, see on-to-activate-navassa-island-kp1-in-january-2015 and W1AW CENTENNIAL QSO PARTY – The 100th anniversary of the ARRL is still being celebrated! The W1AW Centennial QSO Party is still “on the air” and consists of two main activities: 1) portable operation of W1AW in each state and most territories; and, 2) The Centennial Points Challenge which is the accumulation of points from qualifying contacts made throughout 2014. For further information on the W1 A W Cen ten n ial Q S O P arty, see W1AW/4 IN NORTH CAROLINA (September 17-24) – The W1AW/portable operations returned to North Carolina on September 17th at 0000 UTC (September 16th, Tuesday, 8:00 PM EST). Team leader Nate Moreschi, N4YDU of Youngsville and 36 operators from NC were on the air until September 23rd at 2359 UTC (7:59 PM EST). Here is the report from Nate N4YDU on their operations: “….. (The) official QSO count was 36,635. We operated on all HF bands as well as 6M and 2M using SSB, CW, RTTY, PSK and JT65. We also ended up with 138 total countries for the week. The big modes were SSB with 17K QSOs, CW with 14,700 and a little more than 4K for RTTY. We also logged more than 2,200 JA QSOs. We often had to work split to control the pile-ups. The NC operators did a fantastic job of managing the intense pile-ups and helping people who had specific requests for a band or mode. It really was a great event and produced some very exciting moments for all. It was an honor to celebrate the ARRL Centennial and we are all thankful for the opportunity. The League has done a fantastic job with this event – too bad we have to wait another 100 years! 73, Nate/N4YDU” There were 37 operators of W1AW/4, including James Atkins W4UX, Karen Wetherill WA4CR, Robert Cole N4KQ, Dan Atchison N3ND, Robert Barts N4GU, Ken Boyd K4DXA, Cameron Conover III AJ4TW, Lou Dietrich N2TU, Forsyth Amateur Radio Club W4NC, Bill Garwood N4GBK, David Hockaday WB4IUY, Javier Henderson K4JH, Howard C. Hoyt WA4PSC, Howard N. (“Howie”) Hoyt N4AF, Robert Katz K4OV, Brian Kuebert N4UEZ, Edward Kuebert K5EK, Tony Lewis KG4TAH, Tucker McGuire KK4UNZ, Nyles McKeithan KS4S, Irv McWherter K3IRV, Laurie Meier N1YXU, Bruce Meier N1LN, Carl Moreschi N4PY, Nate Moreschi N4YDU, Christopher Price WW4CP, Jack Ritter W0UCE, Will Roberts AA4NC, Eric Sossoman K4CEB, Wayne Starnes Jr KU4V, Marc Sullivan W4MPS, Michael Thurman KB7NLA, Charlie Vaughan K4UWH, Cliff Wagoner W3ZL, Richard Weinbaum KK4RR, and Dick Williams W3OA. Thanks to all operators for everything they did to make the W1AW/4 operations successful; and, thanks to Nate Moreschi, N4YDU for providing this report! JOTA: JAMBOREE-ON-THE-AIR (October 18-19) – The following communication was received from Janice Hopkins, KJ4JPE, Public Information Officer: “To all, JOTA 57 was a busy day along the Crystal Coast. Onslow Amateur Radio Club, New Bern Amateur Radio Club, Carteret County Amateur Radio Society, and the Pamlico Amateur Radio Society took part in the 57th JOTA. Wonderful weather and smiling faces, what a combination!” In addition, Janice KJ4PJE provided a link to a m e d i a h i t , s e e perators-link-on-global-airwaves-1.389020/ It is known that several other hams and/or clubs participated in JOTA, but reports on those operations have not been provided. If you or club participated in JOTA, it would be appreciated greatly if information on your JOTA station could be forwarded to me. Thanks to all hams and clubs that participated in JOTA; and, thanks to Janice Hopkins, KJ4JPE, Public Information Officer, for providing her report! PPD BEACH2BATTLESHIP FULL AND HALF IRON DISTANCE TRIATHLON (10/25) – Last weekend, the PPD Beach2Battleship Full and Half Iron Distance Triathlon was held in Wilmington. Assistant Section Manager Bill Morine, N2COP was a volunteer at the event and here is his report: “45 Hams turned out to help with the 7th annual Beach 2 Battleship (B2B) iron distance triathlon in and around Wilmington on Saturday, October 25th. The race is one of only 25 iron distance triathlons in the U.S., and is now ranked by athletes as the second best triathlon in the U.S. and fifth best in the world. Iron distance means a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride and a full 26 mile marathon totaling 140.6 miles. 1,000 athletes running the full course get 17 hours to complete the race; there were also 1,200 half triathlon (70.3) mile participants. The B2B is North Carolina’s longest, continuous public service event because COMMS run uninterrupted for 18+ hours over six FM repeaters and a dedicated APRS digipeater. B2B COMMS are run as an Incident Command Structure (ICS) exercise. Special thanks to the Wilmington VHF Association, Azalea Coast Amateur Radio Club, Hampstead Hams, and ARES groups from New Hanover, Pender, Brunswick and Wake counties, and to COMLs Bob Kiehlmeier, WA3IRG; Stephen Russ, NI4SR; Wayne Pearce, KI4WDY; and Dwight Danner, W4DCD.” Thanks to Bill Morine, N2COP, Assistant Section Manager, for providing this report! WESTERN BRANCH ARES/AUXCOMM FALL MEETING (10/25) – The Western Branch of ARES/AUXCOMM met in Morganton on Saturday, October 25th. Approximately 35 hams attended the event, which featured a presentation by Tom Brown, N4TAB, Section Emergency Coordinator, on ARES and Auxiliary Emergency Communications (AUXCOMM) activities in NC; and, VIPER training. Tom N4TAB reported that, for the period ending September, 2014, there were 199 reported public service events and 6,238 reported service hours by hams in NC. He commented that many public service events are conducted under the ICS model. Tom N4TAB also stated that the reported numbers probably do not account for the many public service events conducted outside the ARES environment by clubs and other entities. Allan Sadowski, AH6LS, and 3 VIPER technicians from the North Carolina State Highway Patrol (NCSHP) conducted a training session on the State-wide VIPER communications system. After a short presentation, all attendees participated in a hands-on exercise, using hand-held VIPER transceivers provided by the NCSHP for this meeting. For further information on VIPER, see,001148 Thanks to Paul Robinette, KD4OZI, Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator, for coordinating the Western Branch Meeting; Tom Brown, N4TAB, Section Emergency Coordinator, for providing the information in this article; and, Allan Sadowski, AH6LS and the North Carolina State Highway Patrol for their assistance with VIPER training! FSD 157: PUBLIC SERVICE ACTIVITY REPORT – Ever wondered what is the equivalent dollar amount of time and equipment, which Hams donate to public service events? It’s more than you think, and shows what a valuable resource we are when we give back to the community. ARRL form FSD-157, the Public Service Activity Report, documents in terms of money the total donated to specific events. For labor costs, you can use the latest published rate of $21.40 per hour for North Carolina found at In calculating the cost of equipment, FSD-157 uses the full, unamortized cost of equipment used, both what is owned personally by each operator and the costs of repeaters. Supporting a local race or charity event can equate easily to thousands of dollars. Try documenting recent past public events your club supported by completing a FSD-157 form, which can be found at: port These reports are enormously helpful when dealing with government officials who want to see the benefits which Amateur Radio brings to communities. Thanks to Bill Morine, N2COP, Assistant Section Manager, for providing this report! LICENSING CLASSES – Skyland (NC), General licensing class, November 6 to December 18, 2014, sponsored by The Road Show Amateur Radio Club, Inc. For further information, contact Bill Van Nuys, N4OOC via phone at (828) 551-3779 or email at To find upcoming classes, go to Please note that a licensing class sponsored by your club or organization will not be listed on the ARRL website unless you register your class. ARRL Registered Instructors may list upcoming classes on the ARRL website. For further information, see Also, please let me know if your club is sponsoring a licensing class. Thanks! MEDIA HITS AND REPORTS – The following media hits and reports are included in this month’s newsletter: George Huffman, KD4MXA of Salisbury appeared on Ham Nation, Episode 167, see Thanks to Ralph Brown, WB4AQK for providing this information! Janice Hopkins, KJ4JPE, Public Information Officer, provided the following report: “To all, Sunday Oct. 12th will go down in history! The Maysville Hamfest had its first VE session run by the Onslow Amateur Radio Club's VE crew headed by David Wager, W4JKU and OARC President Dobie Hoffman, KK4MGK. OARC and Maysville Hamfest graduated its youngest Ham – Joshua Bean who just turned 11 years old. We are all proud of Joshua as is his Father, Loy Bean, KN4SA. Also upgraded to General was Tom Skirving, KK4SUD, who was very happy also!” Thanks to Janice Hopkins, KJ4JPE, Public Information Officer, for providing this report! And, congratulations to Joshua Bean, KM4FEA and Tom Skirving, KK4SUD! By the way, check out Joshua’s entry at QRZ.COM, see Michael Callum, KD4UJC was interviewed on WARZ TV 34 about amateur radio and JARSFEST, see Thanks to Michael Callum, KD4UJC for providing this information! On the Pilot Mountain to Hanging Rock Ultra M a r a t h o n , s e e 64793/Race-draws-from-15-states On the recent solar flare, see 26/solar-flare-knocks-out-some-radio.html#.VFIpRSj 9q20 On Hurricane Hugo and Iredell ARES in 1989 ( h i s t o r i c a l a r t i c l e ) , s e e or-storm-s-arrival/article_0ac9bbd2-425c-11e4-9b1e001a4bcf6878.html On Joshua Bean, KM4FEA receiving his Technician class license, see ives-technician-class-license-1.393154/ Thanks to Janice Hopkins, KJ4JPE, Public Information Officer, for providing this information! NTS SECTION TRAFFIC REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER, 2014 – QNI (total check-ins): 2,748; Total messages passed: 553. Station Activity Reports (SARs), total number: K4IWW 333, W2EAG 135, W4DNA 131, AK4RJ 105, WB4ZIQ 102, KC4PGN 86, WK4WC 86, KF4OCU 78, KJ4JPE 56, W4TTO 50, KE4AHC 39, KW4EMG 33, N2RTF 18 Public Service Honor Roll (PSHR), total number: W4DNA 160, KW4EMG 148, KJ4JPE 140, WB4ZIQ 140, K4IWW 130, WK4WC 120, W2EAG 110, AK4RJ 100, W4TTO 100, N2RTF 83, KF4OCU 80. Thanks to all stations for participating in NC Section traffic activities and to Dave Roy, W4DNA, Section Traffic Manager, for providing this information! SILENT KEYS – We regret to report the passing of Lewis D. Barnes, KI4MGO of Vanceboro; Curtis Maxton (“Mack”) Clark, W4EIF of Garner; James Bernice Evans, K4PRJ of Kinston; and, Harold J. Harbert, KE4ONS of Taylorsville. Please note it is not possible to post information about amateur radio operators that have become Silent Keys without confirmation via a copy of an obituary or death certificate. SPECIAL EVENT STATIONS – November 8-9: Warbirds over Monroe, NC4UC, Monroe, NC, sponsored by Union County Amateur Radio Society, will be in operation at the Charlotte-Monroe Executive Airport with the callsign, W4W, for the Warbirds over Monroe Airshow – a truly unique air show that focuses on history. For more information, see or Thanks to Charles Comerford, KK4HOK for providing this report! As of October 27th, there were no Special Event Stations posted on the ARRL website that will be operating in NC during the next 6 months. Recently, it was learned that several Special Event Stations were operated in the NC, which were not posted on the ARRL website. Special Event Station listings in this newsletter are based on what appears on the ARRL website, see Please consider listing your Special Event Station at l e a s t 6 0 d a ys b e f or e t h e e v e n t , s e e Also, please let me know if your club is sponsoring a Special Event Station. Thanks! UPCOMING HAMFESTS – November 16: JARSFEST 2014, Johnston Amateur Radio Society, Benson, NC, see April 4, 2015: 43rd Annual RARSfest/North Carolina State Convention, Raleigh Amateur Radio Society, Raleigh, NC, see September 5, 2015: 59th Annual Shelby Hamfest/Roanoke Division Convention, Shelby Amateur Radio Club, see It is not too early to apply for ARRL-affiliation of your club’s 2015 hamfest! For more information, see QUA* – As you can tell from the Newsletter, there were many events going on in our Section during September and October! I want to thank everyone for providing capable and effective support for these public service and amateur radio-related activities! In October, I visited and made presentations at two clubs – the Johnston Amateur Radio Society in Garner (10/16) and W4BFB – Mecklenburg ARS in Charlotte (10/28). I have attended the outstanding hamfests sponsored by these clubs, so the invitations to attend their meetings and interact with their club members were appreciated greatly. Thanks! In addition, I attended the Western Branch ARES/AUXCOMM Fall Meeting in Morganton (10/25). I would like to thank everyone that made room in their busy schedules to attend the Western Branch Fall Meeting. Please note that similar meetings are in the planning stages for the Central and Eastern Branches. Stay tuned! I look forward to seeing everyone at JARSFEST 2014 in Benson on Sunday, November 16th. In closing, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or want to provide input on our Section. I can be reached via email at or via cell phone. Thanks for everything you are doing for amateur radio! 73, Karl Bowman, W4CHX, ARRL North Carolina Section Manager, (919) 669-6068 (cell) *QUA is an international Q signal (prosign) meaning, “Have you news of _____?” In the absence of a question mark, QUA means, “I have news of ____.” ----------------------ARRL North Carolina Section Section Manager: Karl F Bowman DVM, W4CHX AuxComm in Wilson County Wilson Co. AuxComm. attended the two final events for 2014. The Black Creek Heritage Festival was a phenomenal success with the added 9/11 "Never Forget" traveling exhibit. Over 2,500 attended and enjoyed a nice fall day. AuxComm set-up a mini field day and gave citizens a chance to get-on-the-air. Demonstrations with WL2K and FLdigi were a huge eye opener for the quests. Four Boy Scouts received their radio merit credit. The annual Elm City Festival and Car Show was a success and the radio demonstrations drew a large crowd. Two Boy Scouts received their radio merit credit and since it was the WW CQ SSB contest weekend, we made 137 contacts from Central Europe, which our guests were very impressed. Many thanks, to Les-W4FRA of Rocky Mount and Rodney Dancy the Wilson County Community Preparedness Coordinator for their support. The 2015 event schedule will be posted in December. Wilson County AuxComm 2 Meter Nets Tuesday: 146.880 2115 Skywarn The 146.880 repeater is negative offset, no tone and the 146.760 repeater is negative offset with a 131.8 tone. Wilson Co. AuxComm Net: The WC AuxComm Net is held the first Thursday of each month at 1915 on the 444.900+ (no tone) repeater. **** 2015 "Code Red" Events TBD Ham Gear for Sale or Trade f you have any ham gear or other electronic gear to sell or trade, send a copy of your ad to For Sale: HAM RADIO GEAR FOR SALE MFJ-906 6 MTR TUNER 30.00 MFJ-564-B IAMBIC CODE KEY 40.00 MFJ-1276 PACKET-PACTOR 50.00 KANTRONICS PACKETCOMM 3 25.00 ASTRON RS35M PWR SUPPLY 100.00 PARADYNAMICS 3 way COAX SWITCH PDC3-HD 25.00 HUSTLER HF VERT 4-BTV 100.00 HUSTLER HF RESONATOR RM75 40.00 DIAMOND X-200 2M/440 VERT 75.00 IC-706 MKIIG HF/2M/440 500.00 KENWOOD AT-120 Antenna Tuner 30.00 AEA ‘THE MORSE MACHINE’ $ 100.00 ALINCO DX70TH $ 400.00 (ALL prices are negotiable ) Fred Winner, 252-459-4332, For Sale: Rohn SSV free standing tower. 120 feet. Base is 6N. Triangular rack on top for antenna mount. $3,000.00 negotiable. Contact Robin at 252-459-9345 leave message or mail to: . For Sale: This is a silent key and I told the son I would help him sell them. I did a little checking on the internet and believe I have come up with a reasonable price for each. If you disagree, please let me know . FT- 857D HF/VHF/UHF rig $650.00 SEC-1235 30 amp Power supply $100.00 IC-730 HF RIG $225.00 IC -PS15 20 amp Power supply $100.00 DIAMOND MX-62M splitter $45.00 MFJ-941E tuner $100.00 Fred Winner, KE4LXW, 252-459-4332,