The National Presbyterian - Houston Presbyterian Pilgrimage
The National Presbyterian - Houston Presbyterian Pilgrimage
The National Presbyterian The Newsletter of the National Council of Presbyterian Fourth Day Movements and the National Council of Presbyterian Cursillo July 2009 From Tubs to Trailer Em Wright, Oklahoma Presbyterian Pilgrimage Editor’s note: Em Wright joined the church triumphant on April 2, 2009. He is sorely missed for all he did for Presbyterian Cursillo/Pilgrimage. All Pilgrimage and Cursillo communities share some common challenges. One of those is what to do with the items that are used for repeated weekends and how to get them to and from the site. The Oklahoma community was started by South Carolina in 1993, and for the first 10 years of our Cursillos our collection of items that we wanted to take to the site and then save in between kept growing. This resulted in a collection of 20 gallon plastic tubs that had to be stored somewhere (in our case at the church). Cars lined up to get the tubs to training (for inventory) and then to and from the site. We were very fortunate to have a generous member who, observing the problem, bought a 16’ dual axle enclosed trailer which he donated to the program in 2003. The full dimensions of the trailer are 16’x6’x6.’ By putting a wire rack shelf about half way up on each side we are able to get 44 of the 20 gal plastic tubs arranged so that no tub has more than 1 other tub on top of it. This still leaves enough room for banners, banner stands, and mail boxes, along with other pieces of miscellaneous equipment, and an aisle where expendables for the particular weekend can also be carried. See “Trailers” on page 2 A Shared Journey of Faith Diane Burt, Florida Presbyterian Cursillo A weekend of healing and grace was experienced by all who attended this Cursillo. Friendships were made and woes and cares were placed in God’s hands. It was a time for renewal of one’s faith. Deep reverence, along with humor and fun, made for healing the negatives found in our everyday lives. God bless each person who participated in this Very special weekend. Volume 11, No. 2 Calling As at Other Times Danya M. Jordan, South Carolina Presbyterian Pilgrimage It’s such a pivotal moment of a Cursillo/Pilgrimage weekend — hearing your name during “Samuel, Samuel” and saying, “Here I am, Lord.” It’s a scripture passage we’ve heard so many times before, but on a recent weekend I noticed four words of the story I had never paid attention to before. In 1 Samuel 3, the Bible reads, “The boy Samuel ministered before the Lord under Eli. In those days the word of the Lord was rare; there were not many visions. Then the Lord called Samuel. Samuel answered ‘Here I am.’ And he ran to Eli and said, ‘Here I am; you called me.’ But Eli said, ‘I did not call; go back and lie down.’ So he went and lay down.” God called him again. “Then Eli realized that the Lord was calling the boy. So Eli told Samuel, ‘Go and lie down, and if he calls you, say, ‘Speak Lord for your servant is listening.’ So Samuel went and lay down in his place. The Lord came and stood there, CALLING AS AT OTHER TIMES, ‘Samuel! Samuel!’ Then Samuel said, ‘Speak, for your servant is listening.’” Did you notice it? The Lord came and stood there, CALLING AS AT OTHER TIMES. That phrase hit me over the head. God talks with us all the time, and we are so distracted and do not listen, or think it’s someone/something else, not God. It took Eli to prepare Samuel to really listen the next time the Lord “came and stood there” and called him. How often do we blow off the Elis in our lives and dismiss their insight? We are all just “extension cords” to God, the Power Source. Who is an Eli in your life, who can help you “plug” you into God, as the Power Source and prepare you to listen to Him calling you? The Lord is talking to you, calling your name, calling AS AT OTHER TIMES. Listen to Him, and Listen to “Eli,” so you can listen to Him. Thank God for Presbyterian Cursillo/Pilgrimage, which is an amazing vehicle to slow us down and help us hear the Lord speaking. “Speak, for your servant is listening.” In This Issue Calling As at Other Times – by Danya M. Jordan, SCPP ........................................ 1 A Shared Journey of Faith – by Diane Burt, FLPC ........ 1 From Tubs to Trailer – by Em Wright, OPP .................1 And on the Fourth Day…What? – by Rev. David Hupp ................................................... 2 Weekend Calendar ....................................................... 3 Page 2 — July 2009 And on the Fourth Day…What? Rev. David Hupp I was glancing through a newsletter from a neighboring church recently and came upon the words to a hymn by Helen Steiner Rice. Its closing lines were: But if you are searching to find the way To life everlasting and eternal day – With Faith in your heart take the path He trod, For the way of the cross is the way to God. This message, I suspect, is not terribly appealing to many of us. It speaks of the way of the cross not simply as something Jesus did, but as something we must do. It’s not a message likely to inspire a mad rush to sign up. Though there are bound to be valleys in life, we much prefer the mountain-tops. These we enjoy while the others we merely endure. Could this be the reason why, as someone once put it at a National Council meeting, we do the weekends well but the after-weekends not so well? According to a recently published book, it is the valleys rather than the mountain-tops that stimulate spiritual growth. The Shape of Faith to Come is based upon large-scale surveys of church-going Christians. One facet of it included questions regarding what life experiences were connected with one’s spiritual growth. Virtually all of the answers focused on valleys, not mountaintops. Perhaps that is because our spiritual life tends to remain unexamined, and our relationship with God left to atrophy whenever we are comfortable; perhaps only the discomfort of valley experiences is sufficient to get our attention. Christ calls each of us to a life journey that is at once infinitely rewarding and incredibly challenging; we must endure the challenges if we would enjoy the rewards. (Honesty requires me to confess that, like many of you, I would love to enjoy the rewards without enduring the challenges. Of course, I would love to eat as much as I want of all my favorite foods without ever gaining any weight, and that, too, ain’t gonna happen!) The National Presbyterian Cursillista The weekend equips us with tools to use for our spiritual journey on the Fourth Day precisely because we need them to face the challenges life sends our way. We need to be sustained by spiritual disciplines (Piety – Study – Action) and supported by the Christian community, for example, if we are to follow Jesus. The weekend should be a wake-up call that inspires us to make different choices each day of our lives. The greatest challenge we face may well be the temptation to fall right back into whatever rut we have dug for ourselves in life, as though the weekend never happened. As wonderful as the weekends are, the Fourth Day is intended to be lived between the weekends, not on them. The weekends themselves can be extremely helpful, but only if they inspire us and equip us to follow Jesus on all the days from one weekend to the next. I believe the best measure of the success of our weekends is not how people feel on Sunday, but what they’re willing to do on Monday. This applies as much to team members as to guests. Are we putting into practice the things we learned (or re-learned) on the weekend? Are we re-evaluating our lives so they will be based on what really matters most to us? Are we implementing changes so we can lead a balanced Christian life? Are we going it alone, or are we engaged with others in the Christian community as we follow Jesus? Are we seeking opportunities to share the grace of God with others in all of the many environments in which we find ourselves? Are we fulfilling our responsibility to be the people of God, giving freely of our time and talents to serve rather than finding excuses to be nothing more than spectators? Did we experience a life-changing event during those three days, or was it just a nice weekend? We all need to ask ourselves these questions, particularly those of us who have served on teams. If the weekend doesn’t change those of us who serve as team members, how can we expect it to change the guests? If we are not willing to do what is required to follow Jesus, how can we expect it of the guests? If we want to see God do great things, we must be willing to act on what we know to follow Jesus. (“If you know these things, you are blessed if you do them.” John 13:17) Having experienced God’s grace, we must, like Jesus, “with Faith in [our] heart[s] take the path He trod, For the way of the cross is the way to God.” Trailers - Continued from page 1 With careful attention to weight of the individual tubs they are arranged to keep the tongue weight of the trailer and the center of gravity within proper limits for towing, but are also arranged by functional area (Palanca Cha, Table Cha, Music Cha, etc.). Each tub is labeled by group and then by contents and a guide to where each tub is stored in the trailer is posted on the inside of trailer door. This allows us to put everything back in its correct space when we repack the trailer or when we go searching for an individual item. The trailer and its contents are insured through one of our local churches. The management of our trailer is handled by a specific individual appointed by our local council who is lovingly known as the “Trailer Cha.” That person is responsible for getting the trailer to and from weekend, training, training other drivers, controlling access to the trailer, and trailer security. Recently our council had our logo placed on both sides of the trailer so that those who saw us on the road would know “those Presbyterians are on their way somewhere to do something.” The trailer has been a real help to our operation and is something you might want to consider if you are experiencing similar frustrations. The National Presbyterian Cursillista Weekend Calendar *.eps July 2009 — Page 3 Do we have the latest information about your community’s upcoming weekends? If not, please contact John Day: or (269) 353-3822. (TBA=Moderator or Lay Leader to be announced) Alabama Georgia Alabama Presbyterian Cursillo Georgia Presbyterian Cursillo #23 September 24-27 Camp Beckwith – Jack Kimsey, moderator #24 April 8-11, 2010 Camp Beckwith – Emily McMahan, moderator Community contact: Sissy Crowe Tennessee Valley Presbyterian Cursillo #13 October 8–11 Maranatha Camp – Donnie Patterson, moderator Community contact: Keith Johnson Arkansas Arkansas Presbyterian Cursillo frmContent.aspx?PageName=Cursillo #11 October 15–18 Ferncliff Presbyterian Center – Debbie Cordell, moderator #12 April 15–18, 2010 Ferncliff Presbyterian Center – Moderator, Jeff Williams #13 October 14 - 17, 2010, Ferncliff Presbyterian Center Moderator, Peggy Leonhard Community contact: Dave Hamilton Colorado Colorado Presbyterian Cursillo #20 October 22-25 La Foret Conference Center – Kathy Upton, moderator #21 May 13-16, 2010, LaForet Conference Center - Mary Rowe, moderator #22 Oct. 21-24, 2010, LaForet Conference Center - Kent Meyer, moderator Community contact: Gail Chamley Florida Florida Presbyterian Cursillo #3 November 5-8 Christian Church Conference Center – Howard VanDenburgh, moderator #4 April 28-May 2, 2010 Christian Church Conference Center – Rosemarie Stadelman, moderator Community contact: Ann VanDenburgh (Pilgrim site) #32 August 27-30 Camp Fortson – Kemie Brown-Vansant, moderator #33 October 22-25 Camp Pinnacle – Paula Morris, moderator #34 April 22-25, 2010 Camp Pinnacle – Craig Clark, moderator Community contact: Kevin Price or Val Mote, secretary Illinois Chicagoland Presbyterian Pilgrimage #19 May 28-31 DeKoven Retreat Center – Doug Hood, moderator Community contact: Becky Beem Indiana Indiana Presbyterian Cursillo Community contact: Doug Anderson Louisiana Louisiana Presbyterian Cursillo #3 January 7-10, 2010 Wesley Retreat Center – Moderator TBA Community contact: Jani Gage Michigan Michigan Presbyterian Pilgrimage #10 (Detroit #1) September 10-13 Howell Conference Center – George Davidson, rector #11 October 22-25 Camp Henry – Rich Yeckley, rector Community contact: Dave Andrus Page 4 — July 2009 The National Presbyterian Cursillista Mississippi Texas Mississippi Presbyterian Cursillo Austin Presbyterian Cursillo Community contact: Tom McIlwain Nebraska Great Plains Presbyterian Pilgrimage #6 October 14-18 Calvin Crest Conference Center – Rector TBA #7 April 21-25, 2010 Calvin Crest Conference Center – Rector TBA #8 October 20-24, 2010 Calvin Crest Conference Center – Rector TBA Community contact: Josh Widman North Carolina North Carolina Presbyterian Pilgrimage #93 September 24–27 Camp Harrison – Cindi Hofner, rector #94 October 8–11 Camp Hanes – Larry Hooker, rector #95 November 5-8 Camp Dixie – Lauren Blashford, rector Community contact: Chip Todd Oklahoma Eastern Oklahoma Presbyterian Cursillo #17 October 7-11 Dwight Mission – Margaret Martinson, moderator Community contact: Margaret Oklahoma Presbyterian Pilgrimage #42 October 1-4 Canyon Camp – Barry Davis, moderator Celebration #27 October 16-18 Canyon Camp Moderator TBA Community contact: Sissy Tubb South Carolina South Carolina Presbyterian Pilgrimage #58 September 24-27 Bethelwoods Camp & Conference Center – Deborah Ellison, moderator Community contact: Danya Jordan #28 September 17-20 Camp Buckner – David Briggs, moderator Community contacts: Lee Weber Janice Llewellyn - Houston Presbyterian Cursillo and HAC #7 July 10-12 Cho-Yeh – James Davis, moderator #57 September 10-13 Cho-Yeh – Roland Zavala, moderator #58 November 5-8 Palacios – Joanna Schima, moderator HAC #8 January 16-18, 2010 – Ross Haskins, moderator #59 February 11-14, 2010 Camp Allen – Jim Beall, moderator #60 April 15-18, 2010 Palacios – Robin Haring, moderator Community contact: Rene Murphy North Texas Presbyterian Cursillo October 8-11 – Kerry Knox, moderator March 4-7, 2010, Kathy Greenough, moderator Community contact: Sally Rathbun Palo Duro Presbyterian Cursillo #23 November 5-8 Camp Butman – Dawn Kingsbery, moderator #24 David Baum, moderator Community contact: Beckey Lipe Virginia Virginia Eastern Presbyterian Pilgrimage #11 October 22-25 Holy Family Retreat Centre – Paul Meitz, rector Community contact: Kerry Goldmeyer Ester Sundelin, registrar July 2009 — Page 5 The National Presbyterian Cursillista James Presbyterian Pilgrimage Shenandoah Presbyterian Pilgrimage #27 October 15-18 – Lay coordinator, Catherine Fischer Community contact: Mitch Rowland #29 October 15–18 Camp Overlook – Lay coordinator TBA Community contacts: Doris Fredricksen Mary Linda Wolfe Peaks Presbyterian Pilgrimage #43 October 15-18 – Larry Hall, lay coordinator #44 April 15-18, 2010 #45 October 14-17, 2010 Community contact: Marie Haines The National Presbyterian CURSILLISTA is the newsletter of the National Council of Presbyterian Fourth Day Movements NATIONAL COUNCIL OFFICERS: Moderator: Jim Mason, North Carolina Presbyterian Pilgrimage Vice-Moderator: Beckey Lipe - Palo Duro Presbyterian Cursillo Secretary: Kerry Goldmeyer - Presbytery of Eastern Virginia Pilgrimage Treasurer: Tom Boehmer - North Texas Presbyterian Cursillo Music Director: Tom Boehmer - North Texas Presbyterian Cursillo Arkansas Presbyterian Cursillo Austin Presbyterian Cursillo Alabama Presbyterian Cursillo Chicagoland Presbyterian Cursillo Colorado Presbyterian Cursillo Eastern Oklahoma Presbyterian Cursillo Eastern Virginia Presbyterian Pilgrimage Georgia Presbyterian Cursillo Newsletter Editor: John Day – Michigan Presbyterian Pilgrimage -- (269) 353-3822 Graphic Design: Gail Drinkard - Georgia Presbyterian Cursillo Great Plains Presbyterian Pilgrimage Houston Presbyterian Cursillo Indiana Presbyterian Cursillo James Presbyterian Pilgrimage Michigan Presbyterian Pilgrimage Mississippi Presbyterian Cursillo North Carolina Presbyterian Pilgrimage North Texas Presbyterian Cursillo Oklahoma Presbyterian Pilgrimage Palo Duro Presbyterian Cursillo Peaks Presbyterian Pilgrimage Shenandoah Presbyterian Pilgrimage South Carolina Presbyterian Cursillo Tennessee Valley Presbyterian Cursillo
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