post show report - SourceDirect at ASD
post show report - SourceDirect at ASD
POST SHOW REPORT March 1-4, 2015 NEXT Show Date August 2–5, 2015 Las Vegas Convention Center March 2015 POST SHOW REPORT SO URC E DI R E C T Exp o Date March 1-4, 2015 Sho w Esta b l i sh e d August 2013 Venue Las Vegas Convention Center, Nevada q uick fac t s a b o u t s ou rc e d i re c t Þ24,500 sq. ft. double from March 2014 Þ222 exhibiting companies from 14 countries Þ7,628 unique attendees Þ67 countries attending Þ84% of attendees finalize, authorize and/or recommend purchases Þ59% of attendees are executive management, owner/partner, merchandiser, or sourcing director/manager Þ54% of attendees source a minimum of 600 pieces/item and up Þ36% of attendees currently source direct from a manufacturer March 2015 POST SHOW REPORT HI GHL I G H T S S ou r ci n g s e mi n a r s Seminar tracks were located on the show floor and focused on sourcing, logistics, importing, etc. from industry experts. fAC T ORY m atch ma k in g se rvice We provide a matchmaking service on the show floor to help align buyers with the right suppliers. This is a great opportunity for exhibitors to highlight their company and product lines to buyers who are looking to source directly from factories. By providing the necessary materials (company info, brochure, product line sheets etc.) pre-show, our experienced sourcing team will be able to match the right buyers to you. a L I B A B A Tr a d e A s sura n ce Progra m Take the stress out of trade. Alibaba introduced their Trade Assurance Program at the March 2015 Show. Through the Trade Assurance Program, buyers can have the peace of mind that if their product quality or delivery time do not meet expectations, the buyer will be covered and their payment will be protected. March 2015 POST SHOW REPORT what at t en de es s a i d “I highly recommend retailers looking to purchase large volume to shop SourceDirect at ASD. The show is very inviting and the [SourceDirect] team was very helpful in our search of new products for the store. Though we walked the entire floor, we first connected with a SourceDirect team member at the Factory Matchmaking service desk. She was very helpful in matching us with vendors on the floor. The show was well merchandised by country and easy to navigate. [The Show] had a good amount of vendors from various countries including China, Taiwan, India, Mexico, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc. I found great prices on a selection of products for our business. Great sourcing show if you’re looking to source direct from factories.” – Thomas S., Buyer, Disneyland Resort “[March 2015] was my first SourceDirect show. I own an online store and was looking to source wrist bands and travel kits direct from the manufacturer. I was able to find 4 great new vendors on the floor! Everyone [show management & vendors] were all very professional and helpful. I had a great experience at the show.” – Maria P., Owner, Miracles in Bloom “We were very happy with our experience at the [August 2014] SourceDirect show. We had put a program to do more direct importing and SourceDirect was an excellent chance for us to make new contacts. We found new vendors and will probably order from at least four factories within the next few months. The Matchmaking service was incredibly helpful. It allowed us to focus on vendors which were more likely to be relevant to our lines of business therefore saving us time and frustration. We are a College Book Store that typically attends Book Store tradeshows. At the other tradeshows, we do not see companies like the ones at SourceDirect; all in one place making it very convenient to shop. We were pleasantly surprised to find a number of vendors who could do small quantities at very good prices. We are definitely planning to attend SourceDirect at ASD again!” – S. Miller, General Merchandise Buyer, The Duck Store at the University of Oregon March 2015 POST SHOW REPORT 45,000+ total attendees 2,600 exhibiting companies 95 Countries ATTENDING 50+ years in business C o -loc at e d Ev e n t ASD Market Week – The largest general merchandise event in North America ASD n e t sq ua r e f ootage March 2015: 650,000 sq. ft. Sho w O r ga n i ze r q u i c k fac t s ASD has over 45,000+ attendees! 50+ years in business. Two shows annually in Las Vegas, Nevada 98% of attendees have purchasing authority VIP Retail Buyer attendance up 24% 9 shows in one from March 2014 ASD March & August: ASD ranked ASD March was one of the Gold 100 #20 and #22 in 2014 of largest trade show 50 fastest growing shows - Trade Show Executive in 2014 - Trade Show News Network in 2013 - Trade Show Executive March 2015 POST SHOW REPORT THE P O WER O F a s d ma rk e tw e e k Held twice a year in Las Vegas, Nevada for more than 50 years, ASD brings the widest variety of merchandise together in one efficient consumer-goods trade event. Ni n e S hows I n O n e general store Newest luggage shoe parlor March 2015 POST SHOW REPORT ATTE N DEE pr o f i le Ö Importers Ö Chain Stores Ö Distributors Ö Exporters Ö Wholesale Companies Ö Buying Groups ASD hosts several buying groups each show. Buying groups are groups of collective retailers that represent hundreds of retail stores. ÖNational Retail & International Chains Ö ASD 2,600+ Exhibitors ÖSourcing Agents Ö Mass Merchants s am pl i n g o f b uy i n g g r ou p s 1000+ hospital gift shops 120 store memberships Association for Hospital Volunteer Resource Professionals Fills nearly two million feet of retail space and 360 million dollars in retail sales. 77 stores 150+ members representing U.S. gift shops AHVRP Coach House Gifts 7,000 stores in 44 States Family Dollar 350+ stores Ideation 3,000 college stores NACS (National Association of College Stores) Represented in the US, Canada, and 34 other countries. Sierra Pacific Crafts Southwest Buying Group 300+ department stores in Mexico Waldo’s Merchandising Services National retailers, drug stores, supermarkets and wholesale distributors Sourcing Edge Supplies men’s, women’s and children’s apparel, accessories, home goods and other items to the wholesale industry. March 2015 POST SHOW REPORT ASD ov e r a l l A t te nda n c e Attendees who currently source/import direct from factories 33% of attendees said they currently import direct from factories overseas. Europe Africa Central America & Caribbean South America 2% 8% 13% 8% Southeast Asia 12% South Asia 17% 86% East Asia 54% of attendees are looking to source over 600 pieces/items. 3600+ pieces 1200-3600 pieces 600-1200 pieces 20% 46% 300-600 pieces 13% 21% March 2015 POST SHOW REPORT ASD ov e r a l l A t te nda n c e 45,000 total attendance 2,600+ exhibiting companies retai l c h a n n el typ e s r e p r e s e nte d at a s d Non Retail Buyer Importer/Distrubutor 6% 20% 74% Retailer Other Internet/Catalog 20% 25% 55% Physical Store/ Brick & Mortar March 2015 POST SHOW REPORT Do mest i c at t en da n c e ASD remains a national show compared to many other regional events. 41% attendees West 30% 15% attendees attendees 14% attendees Central Mountain East 2 1 3 To p s tat es i n atte n da n c e 1. California 5. Utah 9. Illinois 2. Nevada 6. Florida 10. Michigan 3. Texas 7. New York 4. Arizona 8. Washington March 2015 POST SHOW REPORT sam pl e o f R e ta il s tore s Annual Sales Volume of Over $50 Million March 2015 POST SHOW REPORT AS D m A R C H 2 0 1 5 S a mp li ng of RE TA I LE RS Annual Sales Volume of Over $50 Million 911 PC MEDIX, LLC 99 CENTS ONLY STORES 99 FOUR SHORE LLC A GACI LLC A.C. MOORE A.C. MOORE ARTS & CRAFTS INC. ACE HARDWARE ACERO INOXIDABLE AJLIQUIDATION&WHOLESALE AKSU HOME DEPARTMENT STORES ALTAR’D STATE AMERICAS KIDS AMERIMARK DIRECT APPAREL CONCEPT INC ART.COM INC ARTES IMPORTS INC ASHLEY & BETSY BRIDAL WHOLESALE ATHENS IMPORT & EXPORT ATID S.A BARGAINLINE BARGARN BARN INC BARSTOW STATION BBR WARDROBE CONSULTING BEALLS OUTLET BEST PRICE BIG APPLE COMICS & CLLCTBLS BIJOU MEXICO SA DE CV BIX BA ACCESORIOS BLAYLOCK MARKETING LLC BLUE STAR GROUP BOOK BYSTANDER LLC BOSCOVS DEPARTMENT STORE LLC BOZZ USA BUEN DETALLE DISTRIBUIDORA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS & REPAIRS LTD. CAESARS ENTERTAINMENT CALENDAR HOLDINGS LLC CALIMAX CANADIAN TIRE CORPORATION CARIBBEAN RETAIL VENTURES INC CARLOS FEDERSPIEL & SA CASA CROTON CASEY’S GENERAL STORES CATCHOFTHEDAY.COM.AU PTY LTD CEC ENTERTAINMENT CEFCO CELESTIA GROUP CHANNEL CONTROL MERCHANTS CHEAP AS CHIPS CHRISTMAS TREE SHOPS CICLON DE SALDOS DE TIJUANA CITITRENDS INC CITY CENTRE COMMERCIAL CO KSCC COMERCIALIZADORA DAX SA DE CV COPPEL COUNTRY JUNCTION CURACAO DAISO CALIFORNIA LLC DARICE, INC. /PAT CATAN’S DD’S DISCOUNTS DELTA SONIC DISTRIBUCIONES DIVERSAS SA DE CV DOLLAR TREE STORES INC DONNATELLA PERFUMES INC DORIANS DOWNEAST WHOLESALERS ED LEWIS METAL DETECTORS EDEN BLEU COSMETICS EIFFEL TOWER RESTAURANT EL MACHETAZO EMPRESAS CURBELO DURAN ETAILZ, INC. ETRONICS EVENT NETWORK INC FAMILY FARM & HOME FARCOMED FARMACIA ARROCHA FARMACIA LECHUGA FARMACIAS ARROCHA FARMACIAS MAYS FCNQ FHC ENTERPRISES LTD. FIVE BELOW INC FLYERS ENERGY LLC FORMAN MILLS INC FORWARD ENTERPRISES FOUR SEASONS HOTEL FRAGRANCENET COM FRANCESCA S COLLECTIONS FRANCESCA’S HOLDINGS CORP. FRANCIA JEWLERY FRED S STORES INC FREDS INC FRIEDMAN S HOME IMPROVEMENT G & D CASH SERVICES GABRIEL BROTHERS INC GENERAL CUSTOM WOODWORKING GERLANDS CORP GIANT TIGER STORES LIMITED GOODWILL EASTER SEALS MN GOODWILL INDUSTRIES OF NORTHERN NEW ENGLAND GOODWILL NCW GORDMANS INC GREAT CANADIAN DOLLAR STORE GREEN ENVY SOILS GRIS ROSA GROCERY OUTLET GROUPON GOODS GROUPON.COM GRUPO SIGAL HABAND COMPANY HAMRICKS INC HARDCORE ELEGANCE HARLOW INC HARMON GROUP HARMON STORES INC HARPS DISTRIBUTION CENTER HATILLO HKK HEARTLAND AMERICA H-E-B HIGH’S OF BALTIMORE LLC HIMALAYAN CRAFT HOBBY LOBBY STORES INC. HOBO HOMES R US HOWARD TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS IDELLE MANAGEMENT CO JAB TRADING INDUSTRIES JACKSONS FOOD STORES JERRY S HOME IMPROVEMENT JERUSALEM DUTY FREE S A JEWELRY IS FUN JJR GROUP JNK WHOLESALE JOHNSON SMITH COMPANY KADIMA S A LA MARINA LA MARQUESITA LATAM LEADS LEBLANCS FOOD STORE LEE VALLEY TOOLS LEONARDO MANAGEMENT CORP. LONDON DRUGS LTD LOVE INC LTD COMMODITIES INC. MAD MAX INC MAKRO STORE MARCAS PROPIAS INTERNACIONALES MARDEN S MARICRUZ NOVELTIES MARSHALL RETAIL GROUP MARVIN’S MASQUERADE FUNDRAISING MEDALLION REALTY INVESTMENTS MEPCI FASHION MGM RESORTS INTERNATIONAL MI BARQUITO MICHAEL ANTHONY MORONGO CASINO MS MACHINERY & PARTS MY CHEMIST AUSTRALIA NATIONAL STORES, INC. NATIONAL WHOLESALE LIQUIDATORS NEW WORLD IGA NEW WORLD LTD NEW YORK NEW YORK HOTEL & CSNO NEWCOMB OIL/FVE STAR NOMORERACK.COM, INC. NORMANS GIFTS NORTH COAST LEATHER NOVEX S A OCEAN STATE JOB LOT INC. OFFICEMAX MEXICO OLD TIME POTTERY OLLIES BARGAIN OUTLET INC OPERADORA FUTURAMA S A DE C OVERSEAS INTERNATIONAL GROUP OVERSTOCK.COM PARTY CITY PENNYWISE COSMETICS PEOPLES DRUG MART PINE COUNTRY GIFT SHOP PITCO FOODS PITUSA STORES PLAY IT AGAIN SPORTS PRINCESS AUTO LTD QUEBEC INC. QUIK STOP MARKETS INC R.L. JORDAN OIL CO RADHA EXPORTS PTE LTD RAINBOW APPAREL COMPANIES RBK ENTERPRISES RED APPLE STORES INC. RENEES LE JUNQUE DESIGN RETEX LLC ROBINSONS SUPERMARKET CORP. ROSS STORES, INC SAM MOON GROUP SAPP BROS TRAVEL CENTERS SBAR S INC SBLOGISTICS SCHNUCK MARKETS SCIENTIFIC GAMES SEARS GUATEMALA SEARS HOMETOWN & OUTLET STORE SEARS OUTLET SEDESCO, INC. SELECTUS SEVENTH AVENUE, INC. SHOE STATION SHOPPERS WORLD SILATRADE SAS SMOKE THIS PAYSON SOLARAY LLC SPARTANNASH STANDARD RESTAURANT SUPPLY STAR WORLD SUPER 99¢ OUTLET SUPER FARMACIA MI BOTICA SUPER MERCADO BELTRAN TACOMA GOODWILL INDUSTRIES TARGET CORPORATION TARGET S.A. TASER INTERNATIONAL TELCO STORES THE ANGEL’S FASHION THE DONEGER GROUP THE NORTH WEST COMPANY THE PANTRY, INC. THE PAPER STORE INC THE PARADIES SHOPS THE PHONE DEPOT THE POKEMON COMPANY INTL THE SPORTSMAN’S GUIDE - 1 THE TJX COMPANIES INC THE VERMONT COUNTRY STORE TIENDAS CHAPUR TIENDAS COMERCIAL MEXICANA TINY PRINTS TJX CANADA TOWERE ENERGY GROUP TRANS WORLD ENTERTAINMENT TRS TRS TRADING UNISUPER UNITED FASHIONS OF TEXAS UNO PLUS URBAN RESEACH CO.,LTD VALUE DRUG MART ASSOCIATES VENO BUSINESS SOLUCTIONS WALGREENS WATER STREET RETAIL WEDDING PAPER DIVAS WESTLAKE HARDWARE WOODCRAFT SUPPLY LLC WOOT ZIYA WHOLESALE ZULILY March 2015 POST SHOW REPORT AS D m a r c h 2 0 1 5 S a mp li ng of I mp or te rs /D is t r ibut o r s Annual Sales Volume of Over $10 Million 24 DISTRIBUTORS INC 3D INDUSTRIES 4EVERYWARE STOCKLOTS BV 4WHOLESALECORP.COM A-1 DISTRIBUTORS AARESS DISTRIBUTION JLT ABALINE PAPER PRODUCTS ABASTECEDORA DE OFICINAS S A ACCESORIOS LUCERO ACK ACME INT’L LLC ACTION IMPORTS LP ACTUA INTERNATIONAL AFB INTERNATIONAL AJ WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS INC AKSHAR DISTRIBUTION COMPANY AL MASHGHOONI TRADING CO. LLC ALUTRADE CO.LTD AMERICAN HIFI ANEW INT’L CORP ANGEL TRADING LTD ANNIE ANTHROX APACHE TRADING INC APEX BRANDED SOLUTIONS APPLIANCE WORLD ARIZONA CUT FLOWER CO ASHISH USA INC ASIAN PROSOURCE ASSOCIATED FOOD STORES COM AUDIO PLAZA BAMBOO54 INC. BAO KHANG NGUYEN CO., LTD BARNES PAPER COMPANY BD DISTRIBUTORS INC BEAUTY GALLERY BEE SALES CO. BELL TRADING, INC BEST UNDERWEAR LINE INC BIN BAKAR INTERNATIONAL BIO HAZARD INC BLUESKY LLC BOOKS ARE FUN BROADWAY ENTERPRISES, INC. BROADWAY PERFUMES CABEAU INC CALHO CALIFORNIA CENTURY CALIFORNIA IMPORTS LLC CAPITAL CITY DISTRIBUTING CAPITOL DISTRIBUTING CB DISTRIBUTORS INC CBS MANUFACTURING GROUP CFC OF GA CH WHOLESALE CHAMPION PRODUCTS CORP CHELALA WHOLESALE CORP CHEMILINES GROUP CITY STAR CENTRAL MARKETS CLAAX COL HARRY E WORSTELL AUCTION CO COLCHAS Y COBERTORES DEL CENTR COMERCIALIZADORA ASHUNI COMERCIALIZADORA MICHELLE, S.A. DE C.V. COMMONWEALTH WHOLESALE CORP COMTRON INTERNATIONAL COSMETICS GALLERY INC COSMO IMPORTS CREACIONES MARY CREATIVE SOURCING GROUP INC CRM TRADING CROSS RUBINSTEIN INC DAKOTA DRUG INC DARIELLE DARRELL HARP ENTERPRISES DAS INC DAVKA ENTERPRISES PTY LTD DEARBORN WHOLESALE DEL ESTE TRADING DENNIS FOLAND INC SURESHOT DENVER WHOLESALE FOODS DEROSA SALES DESYPLAS DGM SALES CTO DIALECTIC DISTRIBUTION DILIMPORT DIMONT LLC DIPAK DISCOUNT TRUCKLOADS DISCOUNT WHOLESALERS DISTRIBUIDORA G DE P DOLLAR ENTERPRISE DOLLARDAYS INTERNATIONAL INC DOS AMIGOS DOVESTER TRADING N.V. DS DOMINATION DULCYTAS SB CA DUNE VAPOR GROUP INC EASTERN JEWELRY. EDDIE S HANG-UP DISPLAY LTD EL REY DEL ALUMINIOS S A EMBASSY GOVERNMENT SUPPLIER EMMECO INC EMOTION BEAUTY SUPPLY ERMEK PRODUCTS LTD ESI ENTERPRISES INC ESP PTY LTD ESSENZIALE LUXURY GROUP ET VIDEO EVEREST EVERGREEN EXCELLENT STORES LTD EXPORT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FAB WHOLESALE FACTORY DIRECT FASTENING “FDF FANTASTIC FASHION WORLD INC FAZAL ENTERPRISES FILMART FIRST AMERICAN BRANDS INC FLAT RIVER GROUP LLC FLOWER FACTORY, INC. FORMA ITALIANA FORNEY INDUSTRIES, INC. FOUR SEASONS GENERAL MERCHANDISE FOXDANCH INDUSTRIES CO LTD FRAGRANCE UNLIMITED GALAXY ENTERPRISES PTE LTD GAMO BEAUTY GAZEBO FASHION & FRAGRANCE SRL GEO F. NOVEY, INC GEORGIA WHOLESALE GLOBAL BEAUTY CORP GLOW INDUSTRIES GMA FASHION JEWELRY GNS TRADING GOLDEN STELLA INC GOOD-TIME ACTION GAMES GRACE BEAUTY GREAT AMERICAN BEAUTY GROUP SALES INC GRUPO GARDEA GRUPO OLGAMI SA DE CV GTS H&H WHOLESALE SERVICES INC HACKNEY SERVICE MERCHANDISERS HAIR MOTION INTL HEADLINES MARKETING GROUP HEMISPHERE WORLDWIDE SALES IN HERZFELD S HINDA INCENTIVES HI-WAY DISTRIBUTING HOUSTON CASH N CARRY NORTH HUB INCORPORATED ICM DISTRIBUTING ICON EYEWEAR ID BEAUTY IMAGINE THIS IMAGO TRADING LLC IMPORT. RUBI IMPORTACIONES NAVY INNOVATION SUPPLIER INSIGHT TRADERS L P INTERNATIONAL BEAUTY INVERSIONES CRISTALDE PLATA LLC INVERSIONES PARNA S.A. IX CORPORATIVE SA DE CV J J DISTRIBUTORS LLC J&K DISTRIBUTORS JACK’S WHOLESALE JAD IMPORTS JAMS JAMS MARKETING JIMPIEL JJR MARKETING PTE LTD JL INTERNACIONAL SA JOHNSON WILSHIRE, INC JOIA TRADING INC JONG IE NARA JOYAS KARIZZIA JOYERIA KRONOS JUGUETIMAX JURAKAN INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION KAREWAY PRODUCT INC KCAA ENTERPRISE INC DBA BRANEX KDI KELLI S GIFT SHOP SUPPLIERS KERUSSO KEYMART KITTRICH CORPORATOIN KN TRADING INC KNOCK OUT INCENTIVES KOBOR CORPORATION KSG DISTRIBUTING L.J.WILLIAMS LTD LA 1 WHOLESALE LLC LA LAGUNA IMPORTACIONES LAWLESS FURNITURE & VARIETY LEGACY ATHLETIC LIBERTY DISTRIBUTORS LIPERCITY LUCKY TRADING, INC. LUXURY GOODS CONSULTANT LUXURYPERFUME COM/SMOKE4LESS LYNCO DISTRIBUTION INC LYNCO PRODUCTS M BRUCHIM & SONS LTD M&F WESTERN PRODUCTS M&G WHOLESALE MADISON PULASKI MALANI ENTERPRISE MARISSAS STORES MASTER TOYS & NOVELTIES, INC MAXEL MAYFLOWER DISTRIBUTION CO MAYOREO DE CALZETA_Z MBM TRADING MEYERS SUPPLY MIAMI PERFUNE JUNCTION MILITTI SALES & PROMOTIONS MILLS SUPPLY, INC MITSUI BUSSAN INTER-FASHION MNB VARIETY IMPORTS MOD TEXTILE & PERFUMES INC MODA DESIGNS, INC. MODA LAB,EIRL MODERN HOUSEWARE IMPORTS INC MONTROY SUPPLY CO MOREB WHOLESALE MOTENG MOUNTAIN MAN NUT & FRUIT CO. MWI NANDANSONS INTERNATIONAL, INC. NANNICOLA NANSON OVERSEAS PVT LTD NAOMI S NATIONAL ENTERTAINMENT NETWORK NATIONAL SALES CO NAVAJO MANUFACTURING CO NETI NEW DIMENSIONS NEW ENGLAND TECHNOLOGY INC NFW MARKETING INC. NOVEDADES EREND NOVELTY EXPRESS NUTRAGROUP INC NWT ENTERPRISES LTD NYB INTERNATIONAL INC NYC 1664 INC OCEANA INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD OK SUPPLIES OPEN CENTER OREGON TRAIL PAMANIS PANASYSTEM CORPORATION PARFUMANIA PERFUMES & COSMETIC PARFUMS EL MAGNATE INC PARTYBAKE INSIGHTERS INC PAYPLUS CORPORATION PD IMPORTACIONES PERFUME DISTRIBUTORS INC PERFUME INTERNATIONAL PERFUMERY PTY LTD PETREY NOVELTY PHOENIX SALES & DISTRIBUTION INC. PIRAMIDE INTERNACIONAL PREMIER DISTRIBUTORS LLC PREMIUM WHOLESALE PRESTIGE FRAGRANCES INC PRIDE PRODUCTS CORP PRIME DISTRIBUTORS PROACTIVE DISTRUBTION PRODUCT HUNTERS INC PROMOTIONAL ALLIANCE PROVEEDORA DE OFICINAS PUGS HOLDINGS LLC QUALITY FRAGRANCE GROUP QUALITY SALES & DISTRIBUTION QUESTER USA ENT INC RAINBOW COSMETICS MANCHESTER LTD. RAINBOW DELL RAY INC RAINBOW MART, INC. RED IMPORTADORA, S.A. DE C.V. REDEMPTION PLUS REEVES BOOMLAND & DIST RH DISTRIBUTORS RISKCASA SRL RISONA INC PERFUMES/COLOGNES SAM`S DIRECT MARKETING SANDOL DBA BETHEL INTERNATIONAL SANDY S CRAFTS SANYA INTERNATIONAL CORP SAVVY LINE SCENT SENSES SEC SELECT SALES SERVICIO GLOBAL SESSIONS SPECIALTY CO SHAIR SALES LTD SHERALVEN ENTERPRISES LTD SHILOH STABLES & TACK, INC SHYE WORLDWIDE SIMEX TRADING AG SKYMOUNT JAPAN LIMITED SM BROTHERS INC SNAREZ IMPORTS SOC IMP JPT LTDA SOUTHCO DISTRIBUTING COMPANY SOUTHERN TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS SPARKLES GIFT & PARTY SPORTSLINE DISTRIBUTORS STAR WHOLESALE SUPPLY STARLIGHT NAIL SUPPLIES, INC SUNRISE WHOLESALE SUPERIOR AUTO EXTRAS TACTICAL INNOVATIONS INC TAJ DISSTRIBUTIONS TEXAS WHOLESALE THE BROTHERS TRADE THE POKÉMON COMPANY INTERNATIONAL TIME SQUARE INT’L TOPICZ TORLAN DISTRIBUTION INC. TRADEWINDS INTERNATIONAL TRANSPAC GROUP TRI GATEWAY EXPORTS TWI WATCHES TYLER C-STORE WHOLESALE U.A.A. INC. ULTIMO ESTILO INC UNCS UNION SUPPLY CO UNITED WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS UNIVERSAL WHOLESALE INC UNME GROUP INC VA TRADERS MARKET PLACE VALDIE INC VALUE DRUG COMPANY VAN CAEM PRESTIGE VARIETY WHOLESALERS INC VEEKAY INTERNATIONAL VERNON SALES INC VIVA WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE TRADING INC WHEELER TRADING WILD WEST MUNCHIES WONA TRADING YIN’S COLLECTION CORP YOUSCO TRADING LLC March 2015 POST SHOW REPORT perc e n tag es o f the tota l i nte r n ati on a l a ud ie nce 95 countries attended. 15% Other Countries 36% Mexico 23% Central/South America, Caribbean Territories 26% Canada March 2015 POST SHOW REPORT S am pl i n g o f I n t e r n ati on a l R e ta i l e rs - D e pa r t me nt S t o r e s Bodesa - La Marina No. of Stores: 7 Department Stores, 1 Boutique, 55 Furniture Stores Annual Sales Volume: $50 Million Type of Store: Department Store Coppel No. of Stores: 1071 in Mexico, 14 in Argentina, 14 in Brazil Annual Sales: $ 6.2 Billion Type of Store: Department Store Super San Francisco De Asis No. of Stores: 44 locations Annual Sales: $240 Million Type of Store: Convenience Store Grupo Todo A Dollar No. of Stores: 34 Annual Sales: $20+ Million Type of Store: Dollar Store EDUVIE SA de CV y POVISA SA de CV No. of Stores: 12 Annual Sales: $12 Million Type of Store: Specialty Store (Apparel and Accessories) Grupo Merco No. of Stores: 20 locations Annual Sales: $1.9 Million Type of Store: Grocery/Supermarket March 2015 POST SHOW REPORT ex hi b i t o r pr o f i l e Exhibit Participation March 2015: 222 Exhibitors from 14 Countries Exhibit Participation March 2014: 115 Exhibitors from 7 Countries March 2015 Countries Represented: • Hong Kong • Bangladesh • Taiwan • South Korea • Mexico • India • Nepal • Germany • Pakistan • Brazil • Canada • USA • Turkey • China Exhibitor Product Categories: STYLE VARIETY Apparel & Footwear Affordable Footwear, Fashion Apparel, Lingerie, Fashion Hosiery, Resort, Blanks, T-Shirts, Swim/Cover Ups, Work Wear Consumer Electronics Cases, Covers, Ear Buds, Fans, Headphones, PDA, Tablet, & iPhone Fashion Accessories, Speakers, Watches Fashion Accessories Bangles, Belts, Bracelets, Earrings, Eyewear, Furnishings, Gloves, Handbags, Hats, Headwear, Jewelry, Leather Accessories, Luggage, Necklaces, Scarves, Tote Bags, Umbrellas Style & Beauty Cosmetics, Color Care, General Beauty Enhancement, Hair, Lips, Lotions, Skin Care, Nails GIFT Gift & Handicrafts Art, Candles, Clocks, Crystal, Decorations, Figurines, Gifts, Gift Bags, Gift Wrap, Holidays, Lighting, Office Accessories, Party Supplies, Picture Frames, Special Occasion, Stationery, Tchotchke Outdoor Athletic Accessories, Balls, Bats, Boards, Camping, Caps, Clubs, Exercise, Gloves, Hiking, Sporting Goods, Tactical Knives, Shoes, Uniforms Toys Games, Novelty, Plush, Toys Volume & Variety Chain Store, Discount Variety Products, Dollar Store, Promotional, Seasonal Business Services Website, Advertising, Point of Purchase, Store and Business Services. Miscellaneous Adult Novelties, Energy Drinks, Smoking Accessories HOME Home & Garden Bath, Bedroom, Ceramics, Glassware, Home Décor, Hard Goods (Pots/Pans/Utensils), Home Textiles, Hospitality, Linens, Plastic Goods, Table Top, Throws March 2015 POST SHOW REPORT W HAT E X H I B I T O R S S A I D “We had an incredible show. We were so busy from day one. We made about 40 orders and are in talks with a hotel chain in San Diego to do private label in their souvenir stores. All in all, great show. We already signed up for August! Keep up the good work!” - Jose L., Adorote (Mexico) “Great show. We made several contacts and got really good feedback from our products, which are brand-new in the market. The team was amazing as to bring us buyers directly to our booth. Even Wal-Mart showed up! We are very excited and are planning on coming back in August.” – Matthew C., Evo Brazil (Brazil) “Really good show. We were impressed at the amount of buyers coming to us. We had been told about the matchmaking initiatives but never really believed it until coming here. We made a large order with a company from Canada and are following up with US buyers for smaller and medium orders. We are planning on returning in August.” – R., Cinturones Marquez (Mexico) March 2015 POST SHOW REPORT b es t b o o t h awa r d s A winner was chosen from each section of the show to be awarded for their creative booth designs. The Wi n n er s Globos Payaso - SourceDirect De Novo - Fashion & Accessories Fifo - General Store Creme Shop - Health & Beauty Susu Nana - Cash & Carry, Jewelry Lotus - Smoke iWorld - C-store Paper Mart - Gift & Home Big Mouth Toys - Toys & Novelties March 2015 POST SHOW REPORT see yo u at th e n e xt s how ! August 2–5, 2015 Las Vegas Convention Center Contact us M a r k e t ing S ale s David Pennes International Sourcing Group Show Director Tel: +1.323.817.2246 Linh Vu Marketing Manager Tel: +1.323.817.2229 Stephen Stagliano International Business Development Manager Tel: +1.323.817.2227 Pamela Thompson Attendee Development Specialist Tel: +1.623.544.0371 Winnie Liu International Business Development Manager Tel: +1.213.430.2300 Dean Cechvala Show Coordinator Tel: +1.323.817.2245 ex ecut i v e Karalynn Sprouse Executive Vice President, Merchandise Group & International Sourcing Tel: +1.323.817.2244 Camille Candella Vice President of Marketing Tel: +1.323.817.2221
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