EDI - Emirates Driving Institute


EDI - Emirates Driving Institute
MAY 2010
CovEr Story
EDI ranks among
the Top 10 CIOs
in the Middle East
for EDI Vehicle Tracking
& GPRS System
A proud moment for EDI – Amer Ahmed Belhasa, Managing Director of Emirates Driving Institute receives the DAST award from His Highness Shaikh Hamdan bin
Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Dubai Crown Prince and Chairman of Dubai Executive Council. H.E. Mattar Al Tayer is also present at the grand occasion.
EDI - Winner of Dubai Awards
Emirates Driving Institute and its
Management team is proud to have
won the award of the “Top 10 CIOs in
The Middle East” for the project of the
EDI Vehicle Tracking and GPRS system
More on page 2..
EDI Opens at
For Sustainable Transport (DAST)
in the Special Needs Category
mirates Driving Institute (EDI) has
been successful in winning the 3rd
place in the category of Special Needs
Transportation Category at the 2nd Edition of
the prestigious Dubai Awards for Sustained
Transport (DAST).
bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Dubai Crown Prince
and Chairman of Dubai Executive Council,
presented the award to Mr. Amer Ahmed
Belhasa, Managing Director of Emirates
Driving Institute (EDI) at a glittering function
on February 11th 2010.
His Highness Shaikh Hamdan bin Mohammed
EDI had nominated their Disabled Driver
Training Program in this new Special Needs
Category, introduced in April 2009. This
program at EDI, in cooperation with Road
and Transport Authority (RTA), Rashid
Hospital, Arabian Automobiles Nissan and
a leading Swedish company has initiated
the first Disabled Driver Training Program
in Dubai for people who are unable to drive
More on page 2...
participates in
the 10th Dubai
Motor Show
More on page 6…
A concept that integrates play with learning
would surely be a tremendous success, both
with children and parents alike! The 20th
January of this year saw the inauguration
of an Emirates Driving Institute outlet for
kids in the newly established children’s
nation called KidZania at the DUBAI MALL.
More on page 11..
EDI is Dubai’s
Best Driving
More on page 2…
EDI Donates Defensive Driver Training Course
to Bus Drivers of AL NOOR Training Centre
Delegates visit
goods, amusement rides and a large food
court took centre stage.
Emirates Driving Institute participated
in the event by providing safety
demonstrations to visitors. All the
coupons that were collected through the
demonstration of the roll over car exhibit,
EDI soft car and the “Mama I’m Home!”
Road Safety Tool Kit went towards the
development of the training centre.
The course voucher was presented by Mr. Peter Richardson to the Director Ms.
Isphana Al Khatib (Al Noor Training Centre) in the presence of the bus drivers.
DI participated for the second time in
the Al Noor Family Fun Fair on the 26th
of February 2010.This fun filled event was
organized at the Al Noor Training Centre
for Children with Special Needs in Al Barsha
to raise funds for the centre. Myriad events,
activities, games and stage shows were
organized, and colourful displays of assorted
EDI distributed Goody Bags to the children at the MBC Charity Breakfast
Anything is possible …
an opportunity is all it takes
Your monthly contribution can be
that opportunity
Here at Al Noor we’re in it for one reason: To help.
We’re a non-profit organisation, working under the
Ministry of Social Affairs, and we’re dedicated to
the nurturing and development of the special needs
community of Dubai.The training programmes we
offer are heavily subsidised, making them more
accessible to more people, so we can reach out
Emirates Advanced Driving- a division
of Emirates Driving Institute- presented
all the bus drivers of Al Noor Training
centre with free Defensive Driver Training
Vouchers. “The drivers of Al Noor are
responsible for transporting these young
children from home to school and back.
This training will enable them to be
safer on the roads and more vigilant,
by applying the EAD methodology while
driving”, beamed Mr. Peter Richardson,
General Manager Training and Operations
at Emirates Driving Institute, while he
presented the vouchers.
orking with children has always
been EDI’s top priority. On 6th
December, a special event was organized
at the Grandeur Hotel, for the very special
children of the Al Noor Training Centre
and Dubai Autism Centre.
This program for children also provided
EDI a valuable opportunity to interact
with the little ones and promote road
safety among them, through the child
friendly “Mama I’m Home!” lecture
series. The impetus of the “Mama I’m
Home!” campaign is aimed at curbing the
increasing incidence of road accidents
involving young children. This campaign
attempts to educate tomorrow’s drivers
today on the importance of safe and
responsible driving.
The children were given take-home bags
with “Mama I’m Home!” kits and Edi soft
cars and carried home the message of
road safety.
Esteemed visitors to EDI’s Safety Hall
DI was greatly privileged to have had a
group of Swedish Driving Instructors
and Instructresses visit their premises.
The delegates were received by Mr.
Peter Richardson, the General Manager
(Technical and Operations) and Mrs.
Fatima Raees, Marketing Manager. These
honoured guests were taken on a guided
tour of the in-campus facilities.
They were highly impressed with EDI’s
state-of-the art services and training
equipment. They expressed their
appreciation of the efficient training
methodology, especially the newly
developed Disabled Driver Training
Heriott Watt
University visits
Visitors from Heriott Watt pay close
attention to a tyre safety demonstration
by EDI
DI conducted safety demonstrations for
the Transportation Department and other
of the Heriott Watt University,
and gave them valuable insight into safety
norms on the road and Defensive Driving
tips. Seat belt usage was stressed upon
as the single most effective safety tool in a
vehicle. All the delegates went home with
more awareness on topics like tyre safety,
head restraints & child seats, and it is to be
hoped that they will keep these tips fresh in
their minds every time they are behind the
and help as much of the community as we can. But
training is expensive, and with no regular funding,
we’re left to raise the money ourselves. That’s
where you come in – your contribution, however
big or small, can make a huge difference, and the
money you give could be the opportunity achild has
been waiting for.
For more information on Al Noor Training Centre or to make a contribution call +971 4 323 4993, fax +971 4 341 7275, visit www.alnoorspneeds.ae
You can also send your contribution directly to: Al Noor Training Centre for Children with Special Needs, PO Box 8397, Dubai, UAE
Please, dig deep, give what you
can and help make a difference –
you could change a life forever.
To make a contribution call +971 4 323 4993
or visit www.alnoorspneeds.ae
Buckling - Up - The Dividing
Line Between Life or Death.
certainly need to stop.
Understanding child safety within your
Until the age of seven, children’s bones
are still forming, which means they must
be protected from the force of an accident.
Babies’ skulls are extremely flexible and
even a small impact can result in significant
deformation of the head and brain. Also,
an infant’s rib cage is still elastic, and any
impact to the chest can damage the heart,
lungs and other internal organs. At this age,
the pelvis is unstable and cannot withstand
the forces from the use of regular seat-belts
featured in your car. Therefore, appropriate
child restraints are essential to reduce the
risk of injury.
It is essential for you as a parent to make
sure that you use the right restraint for your
child’s age and size. There are different seats
available and the selection of the appropriate
one is crucial in ensuring that your child is
effectively protected.
EDI Seat Belt Convincer Demonstration at the BMW Safety Event held at Dubai Creek
Do’s & Don’ts for You to Remember
To make it simpler, there are a few do’s and don’ts that, if you always remember,
can help protect you and those traveling with you:
oad safety continues to grow as a
serious public health issue around the
world and never before has it been more
important for everyone to take action and
help improve the situation.
According to the WHO, road traffic accidents
kill more than 1.2 million people and injure
more than 50 million worldwide every year.
These figures are alarming and they are
expected to grow over the next coming
years. How can you play a role in making
the situation better?
Car safety is everyone’s responsibility
A split-second is all it takes. Just a momentary
lapse in concentration or judgement that
results in a terrifying collision. It needn’t be
your fault, as no one can predict it, yet you
need to ensure that all steps are taken to
protect you, your family, and all passengers
within your vehicle. It is not about how
skilled a driver you are but, rather, whether
you are a responsible driver.
BMW Group Middle East believes that
everyone should be fully aware of how best
to protect themselves and their children
against the dangers posed by driving. We
all have a role to play-the government,
automotive makers, and the public at large.
This is what led us to partner with the Health
Authority - Abu Dhabi and Dubai’s Road &
Transport Authority and EDI, Dubai – to
launch a campaign that helps make you
understand the seriousness of the situation
and what necessary action you can take to
improve it.
While you cannot always prevent accidents,
you can help reduce the risk of injuries in the
event of a collision. In the UAE, 29 per cent of
all road deaths involve car passengers. This
statistic could easily be reversed if drivers
insisted on all passengers wearing seatbelts or being restrained appropriately. This
can prove to be the dividing line between life
or death.
Importance of Buckling-Up
Without a doubt, the simplest way for drivers
and passengers to stay safe is to buckleup every time. Over 70 per cent of drivers
travel with their children or their families,
according to a survey conducted by BMW
on road safety within the GCC. However,
37 per cent of these admitted that they did
not use seat-belts all the time in the front of
the vehicle, while a staggering 86 per cent
disclosed that they do not use them at all
while sitting in the rear of the vehicle.
When it came to protecting children, the
results were even more unsettling. While
94 per cent of respondents said that it was
important for children to use restraints, 37
per cent confessed that their children didn’t
use them. In fact, most admitted to holding
their children in the arms of a passenger,
an extremely dangerous practice that you
DO lead by example – educate
your kids on the importance of
buckling-up by doing it yourself
DON’T drive unless every
passenger in your car is using
appropriate restraints
DO insist that all passengers are DON’T drive with rear seat
appropriately restrained in your passengers unrestrained
DON’T hold your child in your
DO make sure you use the right arms anywhere in your car. Your
restraint system for your child, child needs to be in an appropriate
as use of the wrong one could restraint in the rear of your car
put your child at a higher risk of
DON’T give in to your child
injury or death
complaining about discomfort of
DO ensure that all children the restraint – their safety is your
under the age of 12 are properly ultimate responsibility
restrained in the rear of the car
DON’T use an adult seat belt for
and not the front
children. They should be using
DO understand that the safety appropriate
of your child is solely your designed for children
responsibility – always ensure
they are properly restrained
If you keep these points in mind and apply them every time you get into your
vehicle, you will help make a difference and improve the safety of the UAE’s
roads. ‘Stay Alert. Stay Alive’ is all we are asking of you.
P.O. Box: 20948, Dubai, UAE Tel: 04-263 1100 Ext: 479/476 Fax: 04-261 3595, Email: edi@edi-uae.com, Website: www.edi-uae.com
All those left behind Campaign
olvo cars ME, along with their partners
Emirates Driving Institute in Dubai and
MENARSP launched a new safety initiative
to inspire safer roads. The “All those left
behind” road safety campaign aims at
raising awareness and reducing car related
fatalities. The campaign explores the
experience of loss felt by a victim’s loved
ones when this kind of tragedy occurs. Over
the years Volvo has become synonymous
with motor safety, and EDI has also become
acknowledged as a major influence to road
safety in the UAE.
memory of a loved one can be shared and
those left behind can seek some solace and
support from others.
As a token of appreciation to all those who
have shared their stories on the website, EDI
will be gifting Defensive Driving vouchers,
which will keep them safe on the roads.
EDI also partnered with Volvo Trading,
Dubai, to promote awareness of road
safety norms- particularly seatbelt
usage- at the Festival City Centre, Dubai,
from the 15th to the 17th of October
2009. The simple act of wearing a
seatbelt, when neglected, results in
needless loss of life or injury.
EDI supports this campaign as it focuses
on the emotional consequences of fatal
accidents which shatter the lives of those
left behind; consequences which are the
true price for a life lost. We urge people to
do their part in supporting this campaign
by sharing and listening to the experiences
of others.
A website www.allthoseleftbehind.com, has
been launched by Volvo to garner the stories
from the general public. This helps people
recognize the real human cost of road
tragedies, share their stories and promote
responsible driving in their community. The
Roll-Over Car Demonstration at the Dubai Festival City Mall
Safe Driving Campaign at Higher College of
Technology Fujairah Men’s College
he Dubai Public Traffic Prosecution
Department and EDI combined to offer
a theoretical and practical 5-10 week course
for all new male Foundations students. This
initiative arose from a Memorandum of
Understanding signed between the Higher
Colleges of Technology and the Dubai
Prosecutor’s office in 2007 to improve
the standards of driving of HCT students
and make them more aware of the legal
consequences of poor driving.
Richardson, General Manager of EDI,
stated that he considers EDI’s sponsorship
and participation in the Safe Driving
Campaign as an “important corporate social
A student from HCT-FMC trying out our Seatbelt Convincer Demonstration
During the initial phase, Emirates Driving
Institute conducted a safety demonstration
Your Safety: It’s up to you!
on the 4th and 5th of October with the help
of their safety exhibits- the Roll-over Car
and Seat Belt Convincer- to allow students
to experience a roll-over in a car and the
effect of sudden braking at 10kph, both
when wearing a seatbelt.
EDI later provided instructors and cars for
their intensive one-day Defensive Driving
Course in Arabic to all students, at a ratio of
two students to one instructor. The students
who undertook the program received a full
Defensive Driving Course pack with a course
guide book, a workbook, DVD, child-safety/
tyre-care booklets, tyre pressure gauge and
car stickers. Certificates of completion were
issued to all successful students.
P.O. Box: 20948, Dubai, UAE
Call Centre: +971 4 263 1100, Fax: +971 4 261 3595
Email: ead@edi-uae.com, Website: www.edi-uae.com
EDI participates in the 10th Dubai Motor Show
Contd. From page 1…
Emirates Driving Institute, Dubai’s
premier Driving Institute, underscored
the importance of road safety during the
10th Dubai Motor Show organized at the
World Trade Centre Convention Hall in
Dubai. EDI’s campaign “Seat Belt Saves
Lives; Always Buckle Up!” spoke about
the merits of seatbelt usage, pointing out
the fatal consequences of not using the
ames and educational fun for the whole
family were packed into three fun filled
days, the 4th to 6th December, during the
At the venue, EDI offered delegates the
opportunity to experience the 360° rollover car that vividly demonstrates the
safety afforded by the use of seatbelts
during a rollover collision.
There was a high level of interest
shown in the rollover car and seat belt
safety demonstrations. Delegates who
experienced first-hand the simulated
effects of a rollover collision will surely
carry home the message of the vital
importance of the simple act of buckling
up in a car.
As Mr. Peter Richardson, General Manager
(Technical and Operations) pointed out,
“Our focus is on the use of seatbelts; as
they are the single most effective piece
EDI at Abu Dhabi Medical
EDI at the Abu Dhabi Medical Congress exhibiting its adapted training vehicle.
tringent seatbelt laws were introduced
in the UAE in 1999, but many people
are still unaware of the very real dangers
posed by not buckling up.EDI uses every
opportunity to spread awareness on this
vital fact, at various exhibitions and public
venues. The recent events at the Barbican
Turbo Car Show and the Abu Dhabi
Medical Congress gave Emirates Driving
Institute the opportunity to promote their
“Seat Belt Saves Lives; Always Buckle
Mother, Baby,
and Child ’09
Up!” campaign. This event was held at
the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre
in Abu Dhabi.
Delegates were offered the opportunity
to experience the 360° roll-over car,
demonstrating the effectiveness of
seatbelts during a rollover collision.
Visitors to the Congress were much
impressed by EDI’s Disabled Driver
Training Vehicle, which was on display.
of safety equipment in a vehicle. The
message from EDI –that everyone
travelling in a vehicle should “Buckle Up”
for the safety of all- is loud and clear, and
our demonstration helps to graphically
emphasize this point.”
Mother, Baby and Child Show. This annual
event was organized at the Convention
Centre Halls of the World Trade Centre by
The Media Event.
As always, EDI participated in the show and
conducted Safety Demonstrations with the
Rollover car and Child Seats. The ‘Mama,
I’m Home!” campaign Road Safety lectures
were conducted every evening for the little
ones, and they understood the all important
message of road safety.
Emirates Driving Institute at
the Gulf Traffic Exhibition ’09
From Right to Left: Major General Mohammed Saif Al Zafeen (Director, Gen Dept of
Traffic, Dubai Police), Mr. Peter Richardson (EDI GM, Tech and Opr) , Mr. Adil Tamimi
(EDI HR Manager), and Mrs. Salma Arnaout (EDI Administration Manager)
heightened awareness of safe driving
by participating at the Gulf Traffic 2009
Exhibition which was officially opened on 6th
December 09 by Major General Mohammed
Saif Al Zafeen Director, General Department
of Traffic, Dubai Police.
Gulf Traffic is acknowledged as the Middle
East’s premier traffic and infrastructure
show. It is a comprehensive showcase of
essential products and services that are
vitally important to governments who face a
wide range of transportation challenges.
EDI was delighted to be able to contribute
to this cause and to use the Gulf Traffic
Exhibition as a way to spread the message
of road safety to the driving community.
Stand Up, Take Action 2015
rom October 16th to 18th, millions of
people across the globe called on world
to eradicate extreme poverty and
Bus Drivers’ Picnic
– National Day
achieve the Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs). The aim of the “Stand up & Take
Action” Challenge for 2009 was to focus
attention on the issue of extreme poverty
and hunger.
EDI’s staff and employees organized a
Stand up Day in support of this noble
cause on 18th October at the EDI Head
Office in Al Qusais, Dubai. The campaign
saw phenomenal enthusiasm from all the
employees including driving instructors and
the senior management personnel.
The Pledge was read by Mr. Peter Richardson
(General Manager, Technical and Operations)
and was also translated into Urdu and
Arabic for the better understanding of the
multi lingual staff working at EDI. There
were around 300 instructors present during
the “stand up” moment.
A Charity Box was also been placed at the EDI
premises for the collection of food, clothes,
books and toys for the underprivileged, and
the proceeds were handed over to the Red
Crescent Society, to be distributed among
impoverished people.
Unanimous support from EDI for this worthy cause!
Emirates Driving Institute celebrates
38th UAE National Day Celebrations
EDI Transportation Department on a
picnic to Hatta.
EDI strongly believes in the adage that
a happy work force is a productive
work force! In keeping with this, the
Transport Division of Emirates Driving
Institute including the Transport
Supervisor scheduled a group picnic
to the Hatta Mountains (Wadis) on
the national day holiday. They had a
splendid time enjoying the hot water
springs in Hatta.
EDI – Breast Cancer
Awareness Day
Salma Arnout and Fatima Raees with Dr
Latha Bimal from Unicare Medical Center,
and all the EDI ladies
EDI staff enjoy a sweet bite on the occasion of UAE National
uch gaiety and solidarity marked the
38th UAE National Day celebrations
on 2nd December at the EDI Head Office
in Al Qusais.
The EDI senior management and staff
members geared up to promote the
spirit of togetherness in the context of
Mrs. Salma Arnaout (EDI Administration Manager) with the
RTA Lady Examiners
this very important day. The institute was
decorated tastefully with UAE National flags;
and two Arabic tents were pitched inside
the ladies section and the gents section of
the institute’s buildings offering visitors
glimpses into the rich history, heritage and
culture of the emirate.
The primary goal of this campaign was to
educate women about early breast cancer
detection, diagnosis and treatment. A
lecture, followed by a video, on Self Breast
Examination was conducted by Dr. Latha
Bimal from Unicare Medical Centre at the
Ladies Section Lecture Room.
EDI distributed pink ribbons and a pocket
size self-examination leaflet to all the ladies
who attended the lecture.
Now, sign up for a course at Emirates Driving Institute
and enjoy access to whopping discounts at some of the
most popular retail stores across UAE!!
For more details, Call 00971 6 5753338 / 5758272 NOW!
Gourmet traditional fare was there for
the asking!...with an impressive display
of traditional Arabic cuisine including
Al Khebees, Al Betheith, Al Khemier,
Al Chebab and other delicious dishes,
in a lavish spread for the staff and
st of November marked the beginning of
the first Emirates Driving Institute Breast
Cancer Awareness campaign in association
with Burjuman and Unicare Medical Center.
This campaign was organized by the EDI
management as a development program for
the dedicated ladies section staff.
Participation with
Harley Davidson
Stay safe on your Harley bike – An eager Al Hajjar Participant
he much awaited annual Al Hajjar Rally
was organized in Ras Al Khaimah in
the Khatt Springs Area, UAE, for all the
members of the Harley Owners Group
(HOG). EDI was there with its safety
equipment and message of “Always
Buckle Up!” EDI partnered with Harley
Davidson to provide valuable Corporate
discounts to Harley Davidson for
Motorcycle Training.
The Harley Garage Party was an allladies night, where all aspects of EDI’s
partnership with the prestigious Harley
Davidson group were discussed in
detail. The ladies in the group exchanged
notes and generally had a splendid time
together. Way to go, ladies!
EDI Cricket Team and Dubal
EDI Cricket Team with Mr. Peter Richardson (EDI General Manager - Technical and
Operations) at the friendly match with DUBAL
Bouygues Batiment
International celebrates Road
Safety Day
American University Dubai – H.E.A.L.
Engineers at Buoygues volunteer to participate in the seatbelt convincer demonstration
EDI catches them young! …with a safety demonstration for the students of the
American University, Dubai, organized by the H.E.A.L Committee of the college.
he 22nd of October 2009 was a day
devoted to road safety by the Buoyges
Batiment International team. The engineers
from this leading construction company
were empowered with a specialized training
session on safety norms by the EDI team,
as part of their global safety management
SIGN UP with us today! And let your fascination
for Desert Driving be a safe, and enjoyable, one!
Call us on +971 4 263 1100 today for more details NOW!!
P.O. Box: 20948, Dubai, UAE
Call Centre: +971 4 263 1100, Fax: +971 4 261 3595
Email: ead@edi-uae.com, Website: www.edi-uae.com
Dubal Campaign for Road Safety
Impaired Vision Demonstration
EDI Management, Dubal CEO, and Dubai Police at the Dubal Safety week inauguration.
DI participated in the DUBAL Road Safety
Campaign at their Jebel Ali plant. It was officially
inaugurated by Mr Abdulla Kalban (President &
CEO of DUBAL) on 14th February 2010.
DUBAL organized a Family Day for their staff on 20th
February 2010 during the Safety Week wherein EDI
conducted Road Safety Lectures for the children who
attend the campaign.
A brainchild of EDI, the unique “Seat Belts Save
Lives; Always Buckle Up” Campaign was promoted
at the DUBAL Safety Week. All the staff actively
participated and gained valuable insight into the
safety mechanisms in a car. A mock-up car exhibit,
exhibiting potential dangers inside and outside a
vehicle, was showcased. Employees discussed
and wrote down their observations, which then
went towards a lucky draw.
“There has been a fantastic level of interest and support
shown in our roll car and seat belt convincer safety
demonstration. We firmly believe that a reduction in
road traffic accidents can only be achieved by improving
the current skills level and knowledge of the driving
population. Our focus is on the use of seatbelts, as they
are the single most effective piece of safety equipment
in a vehicle - all too often though, they are neglected
resulting in needless loss of life or injury,” said Mr.
Peter Richardson, Emirates Driving Institute General
Manager (Technical and Operations).
Emirates Driving Institute participates in the DEWA HSE WEEK
DI partnered with DEWA during their
Health, Safety and Environment (HSE)
Week to emphasize on Road Safety and
in particular the use of seatbelts from
the 27th - 29th of December at their
Offices in Hudaiba and near Grand
Hyatt, Dubai.
Mr. Mansoor Ali (DEWA Manager - HSE Training) on the Family day of DEWA Safety
WEEK with the Safety Team of Emirates Driving Institute.
After the launch of the new Defensive Driving
Course in August 2009, Emirates Advanced
Driving (EAD) has seen a slew of signups
for this vastly improved course. Personnel
from many organizations and corporates
have taken this course, and have been full
of praise for what they have gained from the
training imparted.
Corporates have told us that they have
experienced an overall reduction in accident
statistics. This course recognizes the fact
that delegates are experienced drivers and
does not teach them how to drive but teaches
them to THINK differently about their driving.
EAD also offers Defensive Driving Courses
for other vehicle categories like Heavy Bus,
Truck, Forklift and Motorcycle.
EAD is thus now firmly established as the
market leader in Defensive Driving Training
across all classes of vehicles.
Defensive Trainer Mohammed Ameen Shah with delegates from ESAB Middle East.
Defensive Trainer Nazar Hussain conducting a F-L-O-WE-R Check for the delegates of Akal General Transport in
Jebel Ali
Defensive Trainer Mohd. Faisal with the delegates from EHL
Management Services.
“I thought I was a good driver until my
blindspots were pointed out.. Since
completing the course, I have not made
a lane change without thinking of my
trainer Mr. Hussein’s advice.”
- Matthew Chung
The National, Abu Dhabi
“If every driver in the Middle East was
required to renew their license by
attending a refresher course like this,
may be we wouldn’t have some of the
worst accident statistics in the world.”
- Tom Bird
Editor, Car Middle East Magazine
“The solution comes from Emirates
Driving Institute, which offers a fourhour Defensive Driving Course aimed
at creating safer drivers. The course,
featuring lectures and driving practice, is
for license holders like myself who are
looking to stay safe on these manic roads.
It’s a shame the course is voluntary and
not required of every driver in Dubai.”
-Laura Chubb
Timeout Dubai Magazine
“My friends who wouldn’t let me drive
their cars can now stop giving me grief,
as I am officially an ‘Advanced Driver’
post the EAD Defensive Driving Course..
To a great extent, your safety really can
be up to you.”
-Alex Westcott
Sub Editor/Writer, Friday Magazine
Defensive Course
Time and again, EDI recieves accolades in the form of
honest testimonials which reinforces its belief in the
quality education it provides on the principles of Safe
Driving. Shown here are words of praise by some
of the esteemed companies in UAE - Masafi, United
Utilities, and Total Lubricants.
Your Safety: It’s up to you!
P.O. Box: 20948, Dubai, UAE
Call Centre: +971 4 263 1100, Fax: +971 4 261 3595
Email: ead@edi-uae.com, Website: www.edi-uae.com
Emirates Driving Institute Opens at KidZania
Contd from Page 1…
KidZania is a dedicated city where
children work, learn, play and even earn,
spend and save money. This awardwinning edutainment concept promoting
the physical and intellectual growth
of children through professional roleplays is much acclaimed throughout the
world. The EDI Driving Institute inside
Kidzania is the only Driving School,
where children simulate adult role play
and are taught basic safe driving rules
before passing a driving test. At EDI, in
KidZania children use specially designed
state-of-the-art simulator technology
to learn basic safe driving rules before
being awarded their first driver’s license.
Emirates Driving Institute is proud to
have become a part of KidZania and
is associated with leading brands like
Emirates Airlines, HSBC, ENOC, DEWA,
McDonalds, Coca Cola and so on to offer
children a unique learning experience.
KidZania where children are taught basic
safe driving rules before obtaining their first
driver’s license as a part of the process at
KidZania. At EDI in KidZania, children use
specially designed state-of-the-art simulator
technology to learn driving. They can then
rent a car to drive on the KidZania road
network and even on the race track.
“This simulator was developed specifically
for the purpose of offering a unique
learning experience to children.” said Peter
Richardson, General Manager, Technical
and Operations, Emirates Driving Institute.
He also added, “It will help children in
understanding that there is a process
involved in being allowed to drive on the
roads; it requires time and effort to obtain
the knowledge and skill before enjoying
the freedom of owning a car and driving it
anywhere a car will take you.”
Emirates Driving Institute (EDI)
represents the only driving school in
EDI has consistently been
the top choice for many
A-list personnel, and
recently we were honored
to be the instructors
for famed Brazilian
Football coach Mr. Edson Gonzaga Alves Filho (BRAZIL) with football managers, Edson
Gonzaga Alves Filho
Mr. Mr. Khalid Halboub, EDI Test Department In-charge.
and Alcinay Wanderley
De Miranda Filho. We
enjoyed being associated
with them, and trust that
they will both drive home
the winning goal to road
safety as well !
Mr. Kathem Al Saher is felicitated by the EDI Managing Director
Amer Ahmed Belhasa
EDI was proud to play host to the true legend of Arabic music, Mr. Kathem Al
Saher. The famed singer, composer and poet chose none other than EDI to be
the facilitators for his driving license in the Middle East. We are honored to
have been able to serve this living legend.
Football coach Mr. Alcinay Wanderley De Miranda Filho (BRAZIL)
with Mr. Khalid Halboub, EDI Test Department In-charge.
Dhs 65/- per Class
(for Manual & Auto)
Dhs 80/-
(for Manual & Auto)
* Light Motor Vehicle Friday extension classes will be at Dhs 100 & 105 per class for manual and automatic respectively.
JOIN NOW OR CALL US ON : 04 263 1100