Pender Elementary eNews


Pender Elementary eNews
Pender Elementary eNews - Aug. 22
8/22/14 11:52 PM
Preschool – Mrs. Goodman
8/22/14 11:52 PM
My name is Mrs. Goodman and I am the Early Childhood Educator!
I have been teaching for over 20 years now, and I have taught
preschool for 12 years-my youngest son was in the first class I
taught here in Pender and he is a junior in High School this year!
I have a Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction with an
Early Childhood emphasis. I have always said that I have the best
job around because I love the little children! They are so full of fun
and stories; they are also full of wonder! Everything is new and
exciting to them!
My husband, Steven, and son, Aaron, and I live in Pender. We have
a corgi named Snickers and two cats named AJ and Thor. My two
older children, Jason and Amy, are married and live in San Pedro
and Eagle, NE, respectively. I have 4 grandsons and we are
expecting our first grand daughter in September!
I am looking forward to a great year in preschool as we learn and
play together!
Some of My Favorite Things:
My family
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Dogs and Cats
The color red
Sweet tea from McDonald’s
Remodeling houses
Kindergarten – Mrs. Kinning
8/22/14 11:52 PM
Hi! My name is Shauna Kinning and I am so happy to be a part of the Pender
Elementary Staff as a kindergarten teacher. I absolutely love teaching
kindergarten and I hope your child loves kindergarten as much I do.
I was born and raised here in Pender. I then attended the University of Nebraska
at Kearney and received my bachelor’s degree and later received my Master’s
Degree from Wayne State College. After graduation I moved back to Pender and I
am proud to live in such a wonderful community. My teaching career starting at
District 82 where I taught grades ranging from kindergarten to eighth grade for
three years. Then I was hired here at Pender and I am staring my 15th year in
I am married to Mark and we have two beautiful daughters. Samantha is four and
Kate is two. Both girls love animals, playing outside and gymnastics. Our family
loves spending time together!
Kindergarten – Mrs. Bargholz
8/22/14 11:52 PM
Hi! My name is Amy Bargholz and I am thrilled to be your child’s
kindergarten teacher. It’s going to be a fun year full of lots of learning
and new adventures.
I grew up on a farm outside of Howells, Nebraska. When I graduated high
school I moved to Wayne to attend Wayne State College. I majored in
elementary education and early childhood unified (combined early
childhood and early childhood special education).
This will be my fifth year teacher kindergarten at Pender. I love teaching
kindergarten and all the growing, learning, and fun we get to have! It
amazes me each year when I see how much the students grow. My
favorite subject to teach is reading. I really enjoy seeing my students grow
into successful readers and develop a love of reading.
I live in Pender with my husband, Jayme, and my daughters Ayla (3) and
Hailey (6 months). We really enjoy living in this great town. Jayme works
at Gerhold Concrete in Wayne and he also farms and has cattle outside
of Wayne.
Again, I am so excited that I get to be your child’s teacher this year.
Please never hesitate to contact me. I feel that communication is
essential for a successful education.
Classroom Phone Number:
402-385-3244 Ext. 161
School e-mail:
1st Grade – Miss Bessmer
8/22/14 11:52 PM
Greetings From First Grade!
Hello! I am Miss Bessmer the first grade
teacher. I am super excited to get things rolling this
year! This is my third year teaching first grade at Pender Public
Schools. Before coming to Pender I taught Pre-school in Bancroft for
two years.
For those of you that don’t know, I was born and raised in Pender and
was fortunate enough to graduate from PHS! From little on I knew I
wanted to be a teacher. I received my degree in Elementary Education
from UNL. I had the opportunity to come “home” three years ago and I
am so thankful for it. Not only do I get to teach in my hometown, but I
get the honor of teaching along side some of the same amazing teachers
I had growing up in school.
As far as outside of school, I love to spend time with my dogs. I have
two dogs, Miley and Londyn (pictured above), since I don’t have any
children of my own yet; I consider them my “children.” I also enjoy just
being outside, whether it is on a walk or sitting on my front porch.
Another thing that I have kind of picked up over the last couple of
years is golfing. I have improved a lot, but I have a
LOOONGGG ways to go! !
I am really looking forward to the 2014-2015 school
year. We are going to be doing a lot of AMAZING
things in first grade. One thing that I am really excited
about is the new science curriculum! It is going provide
agreat learning experiences for the students.
Here’s to another GREAT year as a Pendragon!
Miss Bessmer !
2nd Grade – Mrs. Dahlman
8/22/14 11:52 PM
Hi! My name is Mrs. Dahlman and I teach second grade at Pender Public
Schools. I started teaching in Pender right after I received my degree. I
loved it so much I haven’t left! It is so exciting to spend every school day
with second graders who are learning new things.
I moved to Thurston right before getting my job in Pender. My husband Jim
and I have 3 children who are all officially HUSKERS, meaning all are
attending the University in Lincoln. Christopher, Rachael and Rebecca have
also been my students in second grade!
This summer I got to enjoy some camping and racing. I really enjoy
watching sprint car races! I am already having a great year in second grade
with my new students. I can tell we are going to be very busy learning and
growing all year long!!
2nd Grade – Mrs. Warren
8/22/14 11:52 PM
Hi! My name is Mrs. Warren and I am so excited to be part of the Pendragon team for the
2nd year! I am THRILLED to be your teacher! I had a great experience here last year
teaching 1st grade and am more than happy to be teaching 2nd grade this year. This is
my first year teaching 2nd grade, but my sixth year teaching overall. I have taught first
grade for the last five years, so I am excited to see what this year brings!
I grew up in Milligan, Nebraska, a small town in the southeast part of the state. I am the
oldest of four younger siblings. I graduated from Doane College with a degree in
Elementary Education and Early Childhood Development. I am currently working on
my master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction. I spent my first four years of my
teaching career teaching 1st grade and coaching volleyball in Broken Bow, Nebraska.
I am married to a wonderful man, Josh Warren, who is one of the history teachers and
head football coach here at Pender. It is a great opportunity for us to be able to work at the
same school. We have one very adorable, crazy little boy. Our son, Morely, will turn 3 in
November. He is at such a fun age right now because he is so curious about everything. I
was lucky enough to get to hang out with him all summer!
I can’t wait to spend the next year learning and
growing with your child!
3rd Grade – Mrs. English
8/22/14 11:52 PM
Hello, my name is Tara English and I am your child’s 3rd grade teacher this year. I
am married to Mark English. We have 3 children; Amber is 15 years old, Evan is 10
years old and Adyson is 3 years old. They all go to school here at Pender. I am
from Walthill and have lived there my entire life. This is my 3rd year here at
Pender Public Schools. I previously taught at Bancroft-Rosalie for 8 years.
Some of my favorite things I like to do are spending time with my family and
friends, playing board games with my kids, going camping and
relaxing by a campfire. A special event that was exciting this
summer was that we got a new puppy. Our puppy’s name is
Daisy and she is a yellow lab. She is a lot of work but our
family already loves her.
I look forward to teaching your child this year. I am very
excited to get going into the school year and get some routines back in our
If you ever have any questions or concerns please feel free to call me at 402-3853244 or email me at
4th Grade – Mrs. Brown
8/22/14 11:52 PM
Mrs. Rae Brown
I am one of the 4th
Grade Teachers at
Pender this year. My
students are known as
4B. Mrs. Smith’s
students are known as
4S. All 4th graders will
have both teachers
depending on the
subject and the time
of day.
I collect used up
pencils that are
ready to be tossed
4th Grade – Mrs. Smith
Hi! My name is Mrs. Smith and I am one of the fourth grade teachers. I am
really excited to do some departmentalizing this year in 4th Grade with Mrs. Brown. I am
looking forward to a great year with some awesome students!
I went to Wayne State College and have a degree with a major in Elementary
Education and Early Childhood, and an endorsement in coaching. I also have my
Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction.
I grew up in Odebolt, Iowa and enjoy spending time with my family at the farm or
our lake house in Spirit Lake. My parents and older brother split their time between the
farm and the lake, depending on the time of year. My husband and two boys live in
Wayne. My oldest son Blake just started Kindergarten and loves learning new things.
He enjoys cars, playing games, and reading books. My youngest son Colton is in
preschool and loves getting dirty! His favorite things to do include playing farm in the
dirt, riding bikes, books, and playing trains.
This is going to be a great year of learning and exploring new things!
My Favorites
Food: Steak Oscar
Color: Red
Drink: Diet Cherry Coke
Season: Spring
Sport: Basketball
Restaurant: Olive Garden
Fast Food: Dairy Queen
Animal: Monkey
Hobby: Gardening
Summer Activities: Spending time with friends and family and being at the lake!
5th Grade – Mr. Hoffman
8/22/14 11:52 PM
Sports!Team:!NE!Huskers,!Chicago!Bulls! !
6th Grade – Mrs. Liakos
8/22/14 11:52 PM
Special Education – Mrs. Swinton
8/22/14 11:52 PM
Hi! My name is Kira Swinton and I am so excited to be one of your child’s teachers
this year. It’s going to be a fun year full of lots of learning and adventures, and I
can’t wait to see what this year has in store for us! I am looking forward to
getting to know all of you throughout the school year, but first I would like to tell
you a little about myself.
I was born and raised in Nebraska City, but my family and I have lived in Pender
since July of 2011. I graduated from Peru State College with a degree in Special
Education, and this coming May I will graduate with a Master’s degree in
Curriculum and Instruction. For the past 3 years, I have taught kindergarten-6th
grade Special Education in Walthill. This will be my first year in Pender, and I
couldn’t be more excited!!
I am married to my wonderful husband, Daniel. He has a criminal justice degree,
and works as a truancy/behavior officer for Walthill Public School. We have two
daughters, Farris (age 6) and Liberty (19 months). We are an easy-going family
that loves to fish, camp, and watch Iowa football. That’s right, I am a Hawkeye
fan…don’t judge me too harshly!
If you find that you have any questions please do not hesitate to get a hold of me
throughout the year. I am looking forward to forming a partnership with you!
Kira Swinton
Reading/Math Interventionist – Mrs. Miller
All About Me
Mrs. Audra Miller
Although the name has changed,
my love for the students and learning is the same!
As I’m sure you may have heard, Ms. Farrington got married this summer. On June 28th I
married Grant Miller. Grant is a carpenter and owns his own construction business. We are
pictured here along with our son Drew and daughter Logan.
I was born and raised in Wayne, NE. My parents are Mike and Lynn Sievers of Wayne. I
graduated from Wayne High School and Wayne State College, then taught in Texas for 9
years before returning to live in my hometown. It’s hard to believe but this will be my 16th year
as a teacher! My family enjoys camping and being outdoors as much as possible. I also like
walking, gardening, and watching movies!
Favorite Food:
Favorite Color:
Favorite Movie:
Favorite Book:
Where the Red Fern Grows