2016 Pawtucket Parks and Recreation Spring
2016 Pawtucket Parks and Recreation Spring
GENERAL INFORMATION The City of Pawtucket will not exclude anyone from participation in any program or activity sponsored by the Pawtucket Parks and Recreation because of a person’s race, color, or national origin. If anyone believes he or she has been subjected to discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin, he or she may file a complaint alleging discrimination with either the Director of Pawtucket Parks and Recreation, Slater Park Office, or the Office for Equal Opportunity, U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, DC 20240. PAWTUCKET PARKS & RECREATION _______________________________________________ PAWTUCKET PUBLIC LIBRARY 2016 SPRING PROGRAM PARKS & RECREATION, Slater Memorial Park Bookings and information 728-0500 Cindy @ ext. 251, Tracy @ ext. 252, John Blais, Director 728-0500 ext. 257 - LOOFF CAROUSEL, Slater Memorial Park 401-952-7768 (during operational hours only) Daggett Farm, Slater Memorial Park 639-4237 (during operational hours only) PAWTUCKET LIBRARY, Summer Street Susan Reed, Director 725-3714 LEON MATHIEU SENIOR CENTER 420 Main Street 728-7582 Special thanks to all of those who have a part in providing the citizens of Pawtucket and visitors to our City with quality and positive recreational programs and facilities. Download registration forms or watch for additional Pawtucket Parks & Recreation events and programs through the City of Pawtucket’s website at www.pawtucketri.com To download or view - (Click “Departments” - click on to Parks & Recreation—click on the top box “Park Flyers, Forms…”) & click the pages of interest Slater Park Pavilion—Slater Memorial Park City of Pawtucket Donald R. Grebien Mayor 2016 SPRING CLASS REGISTRATION PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Name: (please be sure to sign and date this page and submit with class registration form and payment) Address: City: Pawtucket Parks & Recreation Class Waiver State: Phone: Zip: Contact preferred (Ph/ Em) : Email: CLASS REQUEST Pay Schedule: Is based upon the day. When registering for two night classes (Zumba, Pilates,etc…), include class name after “Class # 1” & “Class #2”. If you are taking one night for a class offered on two nights, please specify which evening. Cancelled classes will be made up at the end of the session and are not subject to refund. INDIVIDUAL PRICING ONLY 1 class & each additional after 2 (unless noted) Residents = $20 Non– Residents = $25 2 class discount!! Pertains to Hi-Low Aerobics, Drums Alive, Step, Zumba, Line Dancing, Pilates, Dance Aerobics, Toning , ONLY !!! Residents = $35. Non-residents = $45. Class # 1 COST = Day: level: Class # 2 COST = Day GENERAL RELEASE I, the undersigned, understand the nature of the activity and my own capabilities and believe that I am qualified, in good health, and proper physical condition to participate in such activity. I hereby release, discharge, covenant not to sue and agree to indemnify and save and hold harmless the City of Pawtucket, their respective administrators, directors, agents, officers, members, volunteers, employees, other participants, sponsors, advertisers and, if applicable, owner and lease carrier of premises on which the activity takes place (each considered one of the Releasees, herein) from all liability, claims, demands, losses, or damages on my account caused or alleged to be caused in whole or in part by negligence of the Releasees or otherwise including negligent rescue operations and I further agree that if, despite this release and waiver of liability, assumption of risk and indemnity agreement, I or anyone on my behalf, makes a claim against any of the Releasees, I will indemnify, save, and hold harmless each of the Releasees from any litigation expenses, attorney fees, loss, liability, damage, or cost which may incur as the result of such claim. Participant’s Name (please print) level: Participant’s Signature: PLEASE INCLUDE CLASS WAIVER *SEE PAGE 26* FOR DETAILS Office Use Only Date: Total amount paid: Cash: or Check# : VETERANS’ FLAG PROGRAM The Parks & Recreation Division honors our nation’s veterans, who have passed away, through the Veterans’ Flag Program. The program offers the opportunity for families of deceased veterans to have their personal funeral flag fly over the Pawtucket War Veterans’ Memorial Scallop Shell in Slater Park. The flag would be flown for a two month period and then returned to the family. For further information about the program call John Blais at 728-0500, extension 257. ************ THE PAWTUCKET PARKS COMMISSION The Pawtucket Parks Commission is a nine member appointed advisory board involved in the care and maintenance of the City’s parks, fields and playgrounds. The commission meets at the Slater Park Office at 7:00 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month. The meetings are open to the public. The Commission welcomes comments. Visit the RI Secretary of State website (public meetings) for meeting dates and agendas. 29 Table of Contents Registration Form 1 Table of Contents 2 Class Registration Information (remember “Waiver” on page 30) 3 Evening Exercise and Dance Classes 4-6 Children’s Classes: Saturday morning 7 Slater Park Looff Carousel & Parties 8 Pawtucket Library Programs 9-17 Slater Park Paddle Boat Season Schedule 18 Slater Park Youth Fishing Derby 19 2016 City Events: Pitch, Hit & Run / Get Healthy Pawtucket Day Festival 20 2016 Bus Trips 21-22 Future Events: SAVE THE DATE 23 Slater Park Spring Events 24 Tennis Programs for Youth & Adults 25-26 Daggett House/Daggett Farm/Watercolor Society 27 Park Picnics Permits & Wedding Photos 28 Veteran’s Flag Program/Pawtucket Parks Comm. 29 CLASS WAIVER (to accompany Registration— front and back page of booklet) 30 -2- SPRING PROGAM SCHEDULE All classes begin Monday, April 4 and continues through Saturday, June 4 or until eight weeks have been offered. (exception of Drums Alive & Ballroom Dancing - see details pages 5 & 6) ***********CLASS CANCELLATIONS*********** School vacation: Monday, April 18 through Saturday, April 23 In addition to Memorial Day, May 30 ******************************************************************************************************************************** REGISTRATION INFORMATION IN PERSON OR BY MAIL: **Proof of residency must be shown to receive residency fee.** STARTS: March 16— Mondays through Fridays, 8:30 to 4:30 p.m. at the Slater Park Office All cash payments must go through the office. (Previous students do not need a registration form) MAIL-IN REGISTRATIONS must include a check payable to Pawtucket Parks and Recreation along with the participant’s name, address, phone and course title, waiver and day of preferred class to: PROGRAM REGISTRATION Pawtucket Parks and Recreation Slater Memorial Park Pawtucket, RI 02861 Get the quickest updates on City classes and events, click on to the tab “Parks & Recreation” at www.pawtucketri.com If you have any questions concerning the above, call the office at 728-0500, extension 251. 3 SLATER PARK AND VETS PARK PICNIC AREAS Permits will be available beginning Friday, April 1 at the park office. SLATER PARK is open May 7 until October 10 Site 13 with field: $25.00 residents $50.00 non-residents Sites 1 thru 12: $15.00 residents $25.00 non-residents VETS PARK (adjacent to the City Pool) Please note: open July 2 until August 11 only Sites 1 thru 6: $5.00 residents $10.00 non-residents *********************************************************** Did you also know…….. The Daggett Farm picnic area could be a great venue for your next outdoor event including kids birthday parties, BBQs, horse shoe tournaments and more… Visit Daggett Farm and consider the possibilities. Book your event from May 7th to August 28th at 728-0500 ext 251 Plus...watch for the great free summer concerts returning this summer to Daggett Farm! go to www.pawtucketri.com and click on to the “Parks & Recreation” tab for up-to-date details in addition to other City events. ********************************************* WEDDING PHOTOS Slater Park’s Marconi Garden is available for weddings and photos. Permits are available at the Park office. Photos only: $20.00 residents $25.00 non-residents Wedding and Photos: $40.00 residents $50.00 non-resident 28 Historic Daggett House Located in Slater Memorial Park, built in 1685, this home is furnished with unusual period antiques, including Colonial pewter used in the Revolutionary War and China owned by General and Mrs. Nathanael Greene and the Daggett Family. Outstanding needlework and furniture. Also, many Civil War articles including several uniforms, and pieces of the Monitor and the Merrimac. Unless noted, classes are held at Jenks Jr. High School at 350 Division Street or Agnes Little School at 60 South Bend Street The Daggett House may be rented for small parties. Call 722-6931 for details and tour information. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Daggett Farm & RIARC Greenhouse The RIARC GREENHOUSE with the URI Master Gardeners will be hosting three free classes in May. They will take place in the back garden of Daggett Farm, please stop by or call 722-2038 for info. Don’t forget the greenhouse for all of your spring flower needs!!! HI LOW IMPACT AEROBICS Includes cardio and floor work. Mondays: 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Agnes Little Cafeteria Instructor: Laurie Randall STEP CLASS Bring your own step. Located in the historic “boathouse, RIWS is one of the oldest watercolor organizations in America. RIWS offers classes, workshops and demonstrations by nationally and regionally acclaimed artists. RIWS features an art gallery, library and studio space. Gallery Hours: Tuesday through Saturday 10 am - 4 pm Sunday 1 pm - 5pm For additional information visit RIWS.org or contact Lori Estrella at 401-726-1876 *THE GALLERY IS FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC * Wednesdays: 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Agnes Little Cafeteria Instructor: Laurie Randall ********************************** LINE DANCING Don’t feel awkward at that next social event again!!! Have fun while getting exercise by learning the top line dances. Each week introduces a new line dance with no need for a partner to participate. Wednesdays: Jenks Cafeteria 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Instructor: Kathy Marshall Cost: $20 resident/$25 non-resident The following classes are conducted two nights per week. Simply choose both nights or mix and match with another $20 / night class and receive the two night discount. Please specify on your registration form. ZUMBA CLASS Tone and sculpt your body, while at the same time improving your coordination and cardio endurance. Mon & Wed: 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Jenks Gym Instructor: Stephanie Jacobsen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PILATES CONDITIONING Pilates is designed to strengthen the back, hips, and abdominal areas. Please bring mat and weights YOUTH TENNIS CAMP At the Mike Kenny Courts in Slater Park for ages 5 to 18 years old (Space is limited) CAMP Begins: June 27th to August 10th Instructional - Mon. Wed. & Fr i 5-6 yrs old: 8:30—9:30 7-9 yrs old: 9:30—10:30 10-13 years old: 10:30—11:30 14-18 years old: 11:30 – 12:30 Advanced - (ages 10-18) Tues. & Thur s. 10-13 yrs: 8:30—10 am 14-18 yrs: 10:00—11:30 am Registration begins: Sat, May 14 10:00 to 12:00 noon at the Slater Park Pavilion, located behind the Park Office & adjacent to the carousel. After May 14, registrations continue at the Slater Park Office—Monday through Friday , 8:30 am —4:30 pm Tuesday & Thursday 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Jenks Cafeteria Cost: $ 50.00 residents $ 75.00 non residents ( Must bring a can of new balls) Instructor: Molly Tierney CO-ED SINGLES & DOUBLES LEAGUES June 28 to August 4 (tentative) Boys & girls ages 14 to 18 years Starts June 28: Singles League: Tuesdays 1:00 to 2:15 Starts June30: Doubles League: Thursdays 12:00 to 1:15 Dance Aerobics involves energetic paced dance choreography. Tuesday & Thursday 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Agnes Little Cafeteria Instructor: Diane Drape ********************************************** DRUMS ALIVE starting April 12 A unique form of cardio exercise put to music. See how fun exercising can be. Visit YouTube for a prequel to this exercise alternative. Class size is limited and on a first -paid, first-served basis. Tuesdays: 7:10 to 8:10 Agnes Little School Instructor: Jordan Dunne - 5- Availability for the Singles League is 22 members Doubles League is 44 members. Cost: $40.00 per league plus a can of new balls. Directors: Sean McClelland & Nate Rebello slatertennis@gmail.com ********************************* At “SLATER PARK TENNIS” 26 ADULT SUMMER TENNIS LEAGUES The Pawtucket Parks & Recreation tennis leagues starts in early June at the Mike Kenny courts in Slater Park. Applications will be available at the Slater Park office starting April 11th, League play starts June 6th MEN’S DOUBLES - Monday evenings WOMEN’S DOUBLES — Tuesday evenings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MEN’S SINGLES — Wednesday evenings WOMENS SINGLES — Thursday evenings Cost: $40.00 residents $50.00 non-residents (first year players pay a $20 fee to be refunded at the completion of the season) Space is limited on a first come first served basis. For further information, please call the Slater Park office at 7280500, extension 251. ADULT TENNIS CLINICS Whether you are someone 18 years of age or older interested in learning the game of tennis or simply looking to brush up on your skills, this clinic may be for you! WHERE: Slater Memorial Park Tennis Courts WHEN: June 11 – July 23 (pending July 2 class) Saturday morning 9:30 am – 11 am COST: $75. / resident $85. / non-resident 6 week program (6 classes)– (rain dates will be made up) REGISTER NOW !!! – ALL LEVELS WELCOME 25 The following classes are not eligible as part of the 2 class discount YOGA Students will be taught stretches and body postures along with meditation, relaxation and breathing techniques. Bring your own mat. 7:15 to 8:30 p.m. - Agnes Little School Level 1: Mondays Level II: Thursdays Instructor: Diana Marro Cost: $35 residents - $45 non-residents BALLROOM DANCING This class will include swing, foxtrot and more!! Wednesdays: Jenks Gymnasium Beginners: 7:10 to 8:00 p.m. Intermediate: 8:00 to 8:55 p.m. Instructor: Tracy Rose Cost: $40 resident - $45 non-residents—for the eight week program starting on March 9th. Registrations received after the March 9th date will receive a pro-rated fee dependent upon date of signup. (**please note this is not outlined in the print editions of this program.) For continuous updates as well as cancellations Pawtucket Recreation Bus Trips - Slater Park Tennis Pawtucket Parks and Rec Gymnastics Slater Park Camp - Slater Park Haunted Tunnel SPRING “PET PICS” EVENT sponsored by the Pawtucket Dog Park Committee The following classes are offered for children ages 4 and older on Saturday mornings. Classes start April 4th GYMNASTICS 4 to 6 years Level 1 is an introduction to gymnastics equipment and basic skills. 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.—Jenks Gymnasium Saturday, May 14th 10 am—1 pm at the Slater Park Pavilion Start the new year off with a fresh new photo of your furry family member. Not just for dogs ~ but cats are welcome too !! (please ensure your pet is comfortable in this setting !!!) Photo with frame $7. Level II is for older children, from beginners to advanced abilities and concentrates on tumbling, bars, balance beam and floor work. ADVANCED SKILLS (must qualify) Students will be evaluated for admission to this class. 11:45 to 12:30—Jenks Gymnasium Cost for the above classes: $30.00 residents $35.00 non-residents FUN WITH ARTS & CRAFTS Create a different project each week! From 3rd to 6th graders, all learn how to make wonderful crafts out of simple materials. Saturdays: 9:30 to 10:30 - Jenks Art Room Instructor: Kathy Marshall Cost: $40 residents - $45 non-residents includes most supplies. 7 Photo only $5 All proceeds benefit the Pawtucket Dog Park GYMNASTICS II - 7 to 16 years 10:45 to 11:45 - Jenks Gymnasium (adjacent to the Dog Park an carousel) SHAKESPEARE in the PARK Saturday, May 28 2 pm at Marconi Garden—Slater Park Produced by the Walking Shadow Shakespeare Project “All the world’s a stage”…and this spring Slater Park will be the stage for William Shakespeare’s “As You Like It” produced by Walking Shadow Shakespeare Project! Featuring local actors, live music and vibrant costumes. “A fun and refreshing take on Shakespeare!!”- Stephanie Crugnola Ham Radio Day Saturday & Sunday, June 25th and 26th Slater Memorial Park—Armistice Boulevard entrance Members of the Associated Radio Amateurs of Southern New England will be participating in the national Amateur Radio Field Day exercise, June 25 & 26. Since 1933, ham radio operators across North America have established temporary ham radio stations in public locations during Field Day to showcase the science and skill of Amateur Radio. This event is open to the public and all are encouraged to attend. For more information about Field Day, contact Doug at N2rdf-at-Yahoo-dot-com or visit www.arrl.org/what-is-ham- SAVE THE DATE May 17 - Registration for Tennis Camp at Slater Park May 27 —Registration for Slater Park summer camp— Pawtucket residents only June 25—Veteran’s Park pool opens daily June 25 - Tennis camp begins July 5—Slater Park carousel opens daily and Slater Park Summer Camp begins July 5—Slater Park’s free Children’s Performances begin weekly, every Tuesday featuring acts this summer by T-Bone, Rock-aBaby and more….. July 7—Slater Park’s free Thursday Night Summer Concert Series begin weekly with musical acts including Ronnie Dee, Deluxe Edition, John Connors, Down City Band and more……. AND OF COURSE THE SUNDAY RIVERFRONT CONCERTS AT THE DOWNTOWN VETERAN’S AMPLITHEATRE BEGIN JULY 10 For continuous updates as well as cancellations. Like our “Facebook Pages” Pawtucket Recreation Bus Trips Slater Park Tennis Pawtucket Parks and Rec Gymnastics Slater Park Camp Slater Park Haunted Tunnel Slater Park Fall Festival -23- LOOFF CAROUSEL IN SLATER PARK The Slater Park Looff Carousel, adjacent to the Daggett House, is the oldest Looff “stander carousel” in the world. The carousel was built by pioneer craftsman Charles I.D. Looff in 1895 and was installed at Slater Park in 1910. It has 44 horses, 3 dogs (rare) , 1 lion, 1 camel, 1 giraffe, and 2 chariots. SPRING HOURS OF OPERATION OPEN: SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS only 11:00 a.m. To 5:00 p.m. from April 2nd (tentatively) to July 4th (starting July 5th we are open daily) BIRTHDAY PARTIES at the LOOFF CAROUSEL Birthday parties at the Looff Carousel are available beginning May 7. Parties are held during normal operating hours. The cost is $95.00 for two hours. For further information on how to schedule a party for your child, call the Parks & Recreation office at 728-0500, ext. 251 or visit the City of Pawtucket website at www.pawtucketri.com -scroll and click on to “Departments” - Parks and Recreation page offers downloadable Birthday Party registration forms and details PLANNING A SPECIAL EVENT ?? NEED A SPECIAL VENUE?? For special occasions and after hour events at the Looff Carousel, cost is $200.00 for 2 hours. Additional time after 2 hours is $100 per hour Please call 728-0500 ext 251 for any answers or suggestions you need to plan that special event 8 Seekonk Human Services Trips www.pawtucketlibrary.org Friends of the Pawtucket Public Library Annual Meeting Saturday, March 5th at 10:00 a.m. in the Library’s Woolley Conference Room New friends are always welcome! If you have been thinking about helping your library & community, join the Friends! Read more about the Friends and find their membership application at www.pawtucketlibrary.org/friends Friends of the Library Spring Book Sale Saturday, April 2, 2016 9:00am-3:00pm Open to the general public in the Campbell Auditorium International Tabletop Day 2016 Join us Saturday April 30th as the library participates in International Tabletop Day 2016. Enjoy a var iety of boar d games, card games and other activities throughout the day for the novice through experienced gamer. All ages welcome. ————————————————————————————————- Game Night for Adults On the third Monday of the month. New and experienced gamers welcome. No registration. For ages 16+. Dates: Mar 21, April 18, May 16 & June 20 Select one of the games in the Library’s collection (such as Pandemic, SushiGo, Munchkin, Carcassonne) or bring one of your own favorites to share. 9 Seekonk bus trips leave from Seekonk Human Services. A 50% deposit is required at sign up and final payment must be made two weeks prior to trip. Checks are to be made payable to the “Town of Seekonk.” For any information regarding trips please contact Seekonk Human Services (508)-336-8772. 320 Pleasant Street - Seekonk, MA 02771 Thursday, April 28 - Chicken and Slots, Twin River Casino Cost $ 54 Sight and Sound Theatre “Samson” May 10-12 (3 Days & 2 Nights) - Cost $389 = Double —$359= Triple —$529 Single Newport Playhouse Lobsterfest “Play It Again Sam” Monday, June 20 - Cost: $60 Thursday, July 14 - Best of Cost: $60 Maine Tour Thursday, September 22 - Tower Hill Botanical Garden/Old Mill Restaurant Cost: $73 Thursday, October 13 - The Buddliner Tour, North Conway, NH Cost: $88 Newport Playhouse “Nana’s Naughty Knickers” Thursday, December 8 - Cost: $54 PLEASE REGISTER EARLY AS ALL TRIP DEADLINES ARE GENERALLY 1 MONTH IN ADVANCE !!!! 22 **2016 Pawtucket Recreation Bus Trips** Offering quality bus trips throughout New England brought to you by the City of Pawtucket Recreation Division and in conjunction with the Town of Seekonk Human Services. Detailed Bus Trip Booklets (Trip description, departure times and location of departures) are available on the City of Pawtucket website or at City Hall, Slater Park & The Blackstone Valley Visitor’s Center. Friday, April 22 - Magic Wings & the Bridge of Flowers Cost $74 /$69 14 & under Saturday, May 21 - Bronx Zoo, N.Y. Cost: $84. / $78 14 & under Saturday, June 18 - Hampton Beach, Cost: $41. / $38 = 14 & under Teen Blog has all the latest news, info & programs: pawtucketlibraryteens.blogspot.com/ Anime Club 6:00-8:00pm on March 3, April 7 & May 5 Enjoy pizza and Japanese Anime with other teens. We watch all genres! Campbell Auditorium. NH Lighthouse Cruise & Stonington Vineyards Minecraft Club 3:00-5:00pm in the Library’s Learning Center Wednesday, July 20 — Cost: $104 / $99 = 14 & under Saturday, October 22 - Salem Witch Cost: $66 / $61 = 14 & under Tour Saturday, December 3 - Christmas in Kennebunkport Cost: $68 / $63—14 & under Saturday, December 10 - New York City Cost: $54 / $49 = 14 & under **departs from Warwick For further information on trips, please call the Parks and Recreation office at 728-0500, extension 251. “Like” us on Facebook: Pawtucket Recreation Bus Trips March 7 & 21, April 4 & 18 and May 2 & 16 Create your own world with others in Minecraft. Teen Movie Night Starts at 6pm on March 30, April 27, and May 25 Come and watch a new dvd release on the library’s big screen in the Campbell Auditorium. Knit and Natter 6:00pm-8:00pm on March 9, April 13, and May 11 Bring your latest knit or crochet project and take a few minutes from your busy life to unwind with other crafters. All skill levels are welcome. This program is for teens and adults. Woolley Conference Room -21- 10 2016 Pitch, Hit & Run Local Event This event is for boys and girls city-wide and participants do not need to be affiliated with a baseball organization. There is no fee to participate. Storytimes run approximately 30-45 minutes. Just drop in. No registration necessary. Older/younger siblings are always welcome at all story times. For more information, contact a Children’s librarian at 725-3714 x209 or email to childrens@pawtucketlibrary.org Mother Goose Storytime Class Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. For ages newborn to 24 months Parents and caregivers with children ages newborn through 24 months are invited for playful songs, rhymes and games followed by social time. Older siblings are always welcome. Toddler Storytime Class Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. For ages 2 & 3 years old Toddler Storytime Class is for children ages 2 and 3 with their adult caregivers. This program features stories, songs and finger rhymes and a craft. Older and younger siblings are always welcome! PreSchool Storytime Class Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. For ages 3 to 5 years old Preschoolers ages 3 to 5 years with an adult caregiver are invited to the library for stories, music, movement and other fun activities. Special guests, therapy dogs Tinker Bell and Wendy, visit each week in storyrelated costumes. Younger siblings are welcome. 11 Boys and Girls ages 7—14 years Running, Pitching , “Hitting Competition” Saturday, April 23 (raindate: May 7) 10:00 am—1:00 pm McCarthy Park (adjacent to Boys and Girls Club on School Street) All local event winners will advance to the State Event to be held at : McCoy Stadium Saturday, May 21 (raindate: May 22) State finalists have the opportunity to go to Fenway Park!!! For further information please contact John Blais at the Parks and Recreation Division—728-0500, ext. 257 or at jblais@pawtucketri.com Get Healthy Pawtucket Day A fun , informative community event of the Pawtucket School Wellness Committee , COZ and the City of Pawtucket Veteran's Memorial Park Smithfield Avenue April 30, 2016. 10 am—2pm A chance for the whole family to spend a day trying new activities and learning how to live a fun and healthy lifestyle." 20 BassBum's 29th Annual Kids Fishing Derby The annual BassBum’s Kids Fishing Derby will be returning the Slater Park Pond. Children up to ages of 14 years and older have enjoyed the excitement of this great fishing tradition at Slater Memorial Park. April 9 - from 5am to 12 noon Registration begins at 5 am $ 2. 00 per child Age groups will be 7 and under and 8 to 14. Includes free hot chocolate and hot dogs to all contestants Prizes of rods and reels along with tackle boxes will be awarded for each of the twelve largest fish by weight in each age group. You must be present to receive your award. Trophies will be awarded to the top 6 kids in each age group. www.pawtucketlibrary.org Your Favorite Children’s Programs Read to therapy dogs Tinker Bell & Wendy Tuesdays 5:30pm to 6:30pm in Caidin Room Need to practice reading or just like reading out loud? Tinker Bell & Wendy would love to hear you read! Call the Children’s Library at 725-3714 x209 to reserve your 15-minute reading spot. Free for children of all ages. Family Movie Night First Wednesday of the month @ 6:00pm Library Campbell Auditorium Children with their families are invited to watch a free movie (rated G or PG). Kids age 10 or older may attend without a caregiver. Feel free to bring your own snacks. Drop-in Crafty Thursdays with Miss Maria Artesanía para Niños con Miss Maria Second Thursday of the month from 3:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. Best for kids 5 and up. Younger kids welcome with an adult. March 10, April 14 & May 12 LEGO Club Fridays For further information,please contact Bob Brown [bbfishin58@hotmail.com] From 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm Children’s Caidin Room 19 Bring your imagination, we'll provide the LEGOs.-Megablocks & Duplos too! Just drop in! Free. No registration. 12 Children’s Library Bilingual Family Story Hour / Cuentos Bilingües en Familia (English and Spanish) Every other Saturday at 11:00am in the Caidin Room March 5, March 19, April 2, April 16, April 30, May 14 Stories, sing-along songs and crafts for children of all ages. Cuentos bilingües en Familia para niños de todas edades cada otro sábado. Sensory Autistic Spectrum Story Time Class Every Thursday, Starting March 17th 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. Library Basement Auditorium March 17, 24, 31 and April 7th Families with young children on the Autism Spectrum are invited to participate in a four week story time class. This is a weekly program that includes picture schedule, music, movement sensory activity, and fun stories! Great for families looking for a small group. Best for ages 3 - 5 year olds, but any child is welcome. Registration required. Call 725-3714 x209 or email childrens@pawtucketlibrary.org PADDLE BOATS RETURN TO SLATER PARK Brian & Gian from F & L Legacy Boating retur n with their paddle boats after an exciting summer last year. *Weather Permitting—inclement weather or heat waves may force early closure for the day. Please check the TWITTER account @FLLEGACYBOATING for updates. April 23—June 18 weekends only 11 am — 5 pm June 20—August 19 open daily 11 am - 5 pm August 22—October 2 weekends only 11 am—5 pm Children’s Day/Book Day Event El Día de los Niños/Libros Saturday, April 16th 2:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Library Basement Auditorium The cost will be $5. per person for a 30 minute ride. Cash or credit accepted. Come join us to celebrate Children’s Day/Book Day, a national holiday celebrating children, different cultures and the importance of literacy. This FREE event features stories, music, craft, free books and a special performance from the Rhythm Imaginarium: Where the imagination runs free and rhythms are easily made using buckets, cans, voices, hands, real percussion instruments and more. Best of all, no musical experience required. J ust br ing your imagination! No r egistr ation r equir ed. 18 13 www.pawtucketlibrary.org Bookmobile Schedule January 6, 2016 to June 18, 2016 Borrow movie DVDs, fiction & nonfiction books, children’s books, large print books, paperbacks, books on CD & more! WEDNESDAY: 9:20—9:50 Even Start (50 Park Place) 10:00—10:30 Cunningham Elementary (40 Baldwin St) 10:40—11:10 Varieur Elementary (486 Pleasant St) 11:30—Noon Darlington Early Childhood Center (First St) THURSDAY: 1:30—2:00 Woodlawn Catholic Regional School (Weeden St) 2:15—3:00 Potter Burns Elementary (Carter Ave) 3:10—3:40 Parkview Apartments (Parkview Dr) 3:50—4:20 St. Teresa’s Church (358 Newport Ave) FRIDAY: 9:15—9:40 Riverview Terrace (475 School St) 10:00—10:30 Dr Daycare (203 Concord St) 10:45—11:15 Pawtucket Child Development Center (Thornley St) 11:30—Noon Coats Manor (457 Lonsdale Ave) SATURDAY: 10:15—10:45 11:00—11:30 2:20— 2:45 3:00— 3:30 St. Maria Goretti Church Lot (Smithfield Ave Lot) McDonald’s (285 Armistice Blvd Shopping Plaza) Doyle Manor (300 Broadway) Corner of State St & 1st St For the latest schedule go to www.pawtucketlibrary.org Questions? Email us at bookmobile@pawtucketlibrary.org or call the Library at 725-3714 Join One of the Saturday Book Clubs for Kids! The first 15 kids who sign up will receive a FREE copy of the month’s book provided by the Rotary Club of Pawtucket. Best for kids in grades 3-5 but all young readers are welcome. March 12th Ivy and Bean Make the Rules April 9th When Life Gives You OJ May 7th Zita the Spacegirl Registration for each book begins at the previous month’s book club session at 11am in the Children’s Library. Target presents Family Book Club for Beginning Readers For kids in Kindergarten and 1st Grade and their parents Kindergartener Sessions: Sat. April 23rd at 2:30pm Sat. May 21st at 2:30pm Sat. June 18th at 2:30pm 1st Grader Sessions: Sat. April 23rd at 3:30pm Sat. May 21st at 3:30pm Sat. June 18th at 3:30pm Have a child starting to read? Want to learn how you can help them at home? This monthly program for young beginning readers and their parents enables families to participate in a full group reading of a book, a reading mini-lesson, and time for the child and parent to share the book together. Families will leave with a free copy of the session’s book, a reading activity folder, and information for parents on ways they can help their reader at home. Registration required. Call 725-3714 x209 or email rperron@pawtucketlibrary.org to sign up for 1 or more sessions Program made possible through the Early Childhood Reading Grant from Target. Bookmobile is off the road during Pawtucket Parking Bans 17 14 www.pawtucketlibrary.org April School Vacation Week Computer Workshops @ Your Library Visit the Children’s Library during April school vacation week and enjoy all of these fun programs! Music with Mr. Rowland Wednesday, April 20th 10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. Campbell Auditorium Families with young children (babies to age 7) are invited for a musical jam session. Bring a friend and get ready to sing and dance to lively tunes or play along on a rhythm instrument. You won’t want to miss a beat! iDance Academy Adaptive Dance Class for Children with Special Needs Thursday, April 21st 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. Campbell Auditorium Computer Workshops for Adults Tuesdays 6pm-7pm and Thursdays 10am-11am 60-minute hands-on classes. No registration. Drop in. Class size limited to 12 Introduction to Computers * Internet Introduction * Word Internet: Searching * Excel Email Accounts 15 Internet: Job Searching PowerPoint * Social Networking Class schedule at www.pawtucketlibrary.org or by calling 7253714 x220 or email reference@pawtucketlibrary.org Come join us for dance class specifically for children with special needs. We will explore Ballet, Jazz, Hip Hop, Tumbling and Creative Movement while improving on posture, balance and motor skills. Children of all ages welcome! Registration is not required, but recommended. Call 725-3714 x209 Hold a Chick Program Friday, April 22nd from 3:00-4:00pm Come learn how chickens are raised at Casey Farm. See eggs from humming birds & ostriches. You will be shown how to correctly hold a chick and each person will get a chick to hold! * * Clases de Computadoras en Español La Biblióteca de Pawtucket esta ofreciendo clases de computación para principiantes y avanzados. Este curso cubre clases de: Computación para principiantes (Básico y avanzado) Introducción a Microsoft Word 2007 (Básico parte I II) Introducción al uso del Internet (Básico parte I II III) Para Más Información llamar a Juan al 401-725-3714 Ext. 204 ó email jfiguereo@pawtucketlibrary.org 16
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