Pawtucket Parks and Recreation Pawtucket Public Library Fall
Pawtucket Parks and Recreation Pawtucket Public Library Fall
GENERAL INFORMATION The City of Pawtucket will not exclude anyone from participation in any program or activity sponsored by the Pawtucket Parks and Recreation because of a person’s race, color, or national origin. If anyone believes he or she has been subjected to discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin, he or she may file a complaint alleging discrimination with either the Director of Pawtucket Parks and Recreation, Slater Park Office, or the Office for Equal Opportunity, U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, DC 20240. ******************** Pawtucket Parks and Recreation Pawtucket Public Library Fall Program 2015 AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES (ADA) The City of Pawtucket Parks and Recreation Division strives to provide handicapped accessibility. The Slater Park Carousel and Daggett Farm are both handicap accessible. Classes provided by the Recreation Division are held at Pawtucket schools which are also handicap accessible. If you are hearing impaired, the city’s TDD number is 722-8239. If you are in need of interpretive services for any programs sponsored by the Parks and Recreation Division or the Pawtucket Public Library, please call the appropriate office. THE CITY of PAWTUCKET PARKS COMMISSION The Pawtucket Parks Commission is an advisory board involved with the care and maintenance of the city’s parks, fields and playgrounds. The Parks Commission meets on the second Tuesday of each month at the Slater Park office beginning at 7:00 p.m. Meetings are open to the public. ******************************** HAVE A HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON FROM THE STAFF at THE PAWTUCKET PARKS & RECREATION DIVISION and the PAWTUCKET PUBLIC LIBRARY The Rhode Island Philharmonic at the Slater Park Fall Festival City of Pawtucket Donald R. Grebien Mayor 2015 FALL CLASS REGISTRATION PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Name: Address: City: State: Phone: Zip: Contact preferred (Ph/ Em) : Email: CLASS REQUEST Pay Schedule: When registering for two night classes (Zumba, Pilates,etc…), include class name after “Class # 1” & “Class #2”. If you are taking one night for a class offered on two nights, please specify which evening. Cancelled classes will be made up at the end of the session and are not subject to refund. INDIVIDUAL PRICING ONLY 1 class session & each additional after 2 (unless noted) Residents = $20 Non– Residents = $25 2 class session discount!! Includes to Hi-Low Impact Aerobics , Step, Zumba, Pilates , Dance Aerobics , Toning , Line Dancing, Abs and Drums Alive ONLY !!! Residents = $35. Non-residents = $45. Class # 1 COST = Day: level: Class # 2 COST = Day level: Class # 3 COST = Day PLEASE INCLUDE CLASS WAIVER (back page) WITH THIS PAGE FOR DETAILS BE SURE TO RECEIVE A COPY level: Office Use Only Total amount paid: Cash: or Check# : Collected / entered by: DAGGETT FARM Daggett Farm is a six acre working farm located in Slater Park at the former zoo. Daggett Farm offers visitors the opportunity to observe farm animals in their natural habitat and enjoy a variety of plant life native to New England farmlands. Daggett Farm is open daily from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. year round. For further information call 728-0500, extension 272. Daggett Farm Greenhouse The following classes will taught by Anna McLaughlin, Master Gardener, and will take place in the Greenhouse at Daggett Farm. Create your Own Thanksgiving Centerpiece Saturday, November 21, 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Create a beautiful Thanksgiving centerpiece with colorful live foliage, cut flowers and decorative fall accents. Cost: $25.00 Register by November 13th Decorate Your Own Holiday Wreath Saturday, December 5: 11:30 to 1:00 p.m. & 1:30—3:00 Design your own wreath with fresh greens, cedar and berried juniper, decorative holiday accents, and finish with a florist’s bow. Space is limited Cost: $30.00 Register by November 27 To register: Send in a check payable to: The Arc of Blackstone Valley, 500 Prospect St. Pawtucket, RI 02860, Attn. Anna McLaughlin along with your name, address, phone number and email or contact Anna at 722-2038. 22 SLATER PARK LOOFF CAROUSEL The Slater Park Looff Carousel, adjacent to the Daggett House, is the oldest Looff stander carousel in the world. The carousel was built by pioneer craftsman Charles I.D. Looff in 1895 and installed at Slater Park in 1910. It has 44 horses, three dogs, one lion, one camel, one giraffe, and two chariots. FALL HOURS OF OPERATION Carousel open Saturdays and Sundays in September Open Labor Day Open Columbus Day and throughout weekends in October Fridays: 6-8 Saturdays: 11-8 Sundays: 1-5 During the Slater Park Halloween festivities ** All hours are subject to change based on weather conditions Historic Daggett House Located in Slater Memorial Park, this home is furnished with unusual period antiques, including Colonial pewter used in the Revolutionary War and china owned by General and Mrs. Nathanael Greene and the Daggett Family. Outstanding needlework and furniture. Also, many Civil War articles including several uniforms, and pieces of the Monitor and the Merrimac. This house was built in 1685. The Daggett House may be rented for small parties. Call 722-6931 for details, event tours or rental information Gallery Hours: Tuesday through Saturday 10 am - 4 pm & Sunday 1 pm - 5pm. For additional information visit **THE GALLERY IS FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC “ 21 TABLE OF CONTENTS CLASS REGISTRATION FORM Page 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 2 RECREATION CLASS DETAILS Page 3 ADULT RECREATION CLASSES Page 4 NEW CLASSES ON PAGE 5 CHILDREN’S CLASSES Page 8/9 HALLOWEEN EVENTS Page 10 PUBLIC LIBRARY PROGRAMS Page 11 SLATER PARK’S FALL FESTIVAL Page 19 RECREATION BUS TRIPS Page 20 SLATER PARK VENUES including Page 21 LOOFF CAROUSEL / DAGGETT HOUSE / RI WATERCOLOR SOCIETY DAGGETT FARM & GREENHOUSE Page 22 PARKS DIVISION INFORMATION Page 23 STAY ON TOP OF GREAT RECREATIONAL PROGRAMS!!! GET YOUR SEASONAL BOOK ON-LINE….ANYTIME. at Look for the Parks & Recreation tab in the right column FALL PROGRAM SCHEDULE Monday, September 14 through Monday, November 9 All Classes run for an eight week session. Cancellations are made up at the end of the session and are not subject to refunds. CLASS CANCELLATIONS: Schools Closed Monday, October 12: Columbus Day REGISTRATION INFORMATION Please read the class descriptions closely for details regarding dates, location and costs. Not all classes cost the same amount. Pre-registration is suggested. Payments of cash or check are accepted only. - STARTS: Monday, August 17 through Fridays, 8:30 to 4:30 p.m. at the Slater Park Office or at class locations during class times(payment by check only) MAIL-IN REGISTRATIONS must include a check payable to Pawtucket Parks and Recreation along with the participant’s name, address, phone and course title, waiver and day of preferred class to: PROGRAM REGISTRATION Pawtucket Parks and Recreation Slater Memorial Park Pawtucket, RI 02861 Please also view or download from Simply look to the right of the home page screen at the Parks & Recreation tab, and view or print The desired flyers or booklet. Or for further information, call 728-0500, extension 251. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED The Parks & Recreation Division is always in need of volunteers for the many events we offer to the community. If you have an interest in supporting your community or an event, please contact John Blais @ or 401-728-05000 ext 257 -33 2015 FALL RECREATION BUS TRIPS Watch for a new book of 2016 trips this winter Thursday, Sept. 10, 2015 CRANBERRIES, CHOWDER & WINE TOUR In coordination with the Town of Seekonk Human Services Division We start our morning at A.D. Makepeace Company, which is the world’s largest cranberry grower! Here we embark on a 1 ½ hr Cranberry Bog Tour. After our cranberry excursion we are off to lunch at the award winning Lindsey’s. Enjoy your choice of yummy Roasted Turkey Dinner, Baked Stuffed Chicken or Baked Stuffed Haddock. Before we depart Wareham, we make one more stop at Hy‐Line Cruises for a scenic Cape Cod Canal 2 hour sightseeing cruise. Departs: 8 *am Return: 5 * pm Cost: $90 per person ‐ approximate time and is scheduled to change based on participation (driver’s gratuity is separate) THE BOSTON CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL Saturday, November 7 Leaves at 9:00 a.m. and returns at 7:15 p.m. **Deadline for sign-ups and payment is October 1** Get a head start on your holiday shopping , first stop at Faneuil Hall, then onto the Boston Christmas Festival for a chance to browse through an enormous selection of handcrafted gifts, Cost: $39.00 includes transportation and admission. A $5.00 non-refundable deposit is required to reserve your spot. (driver’s gratuity is separate) For further information, please call the Parks and Recreation office at 728-0500, extension 251. 20 17TH ANNUAL SLATER PARK FALL FESTIVAL SEPTEMBER 12th & 13th CRAFT VENDORS - CHILDREN’S PERFORMANCES - MUSIC LOCAL DANCERS - GREAT FOOD - 3 STAGES- FIREWORKS ART VENDORS - FARMERS MARKET and more!! R o om Satur ful of Blu es day a t 3:00 The following classes run for eight weeks, some classes are offered one night for $20 res/$25 non-res, or two nights for $35 res/$40 non-residents, Simply choose one night or mix and match and receive the two night discount. This offer applies to the classes on pages 4, 5, 6 HI LOW IMPACT AEROBICS Hi low impact aerobics combines cardiovascular exercises with muscle conditioning. Bring a mat for floor work. Mondays : 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Agnes Little School Instructor: Laurie Randall RI Philharmonic Orchestra” Pops in the Park Saturday at 5:30 had ky C c a W MUSCLE TONING CLASS Bring a mat and hand weights Mondays : 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Jenks Cafeteria Instructor: Claire Beaulieu s Band e Br a s l a m a Ho t T Provid Greys ence V baseb intage all gam e Performance times and dates are subject to change due to inclement weather. For updated information please visit FACEBOOK and “LIKE” Slater Park Fall Festival ZUMBA CLASS Latin inspired cardio/dance party. Shake and shimmy with dance steps from salsa, cha cha, samba, and meringue. No previous experience needed. Mondays & Wednesdays: 6:00 -7:00p.m. Location : Jenks Gym Instructor: Stephanie Jacobsen 4 DRUMS ALIVE A unique form of cardio exercise put to music. See how fun exercising can be. Visit YouTube for a prequel to this exercise alternative Tuesdays: 7:10 to 8:10 Agnes Little School Instructor: Jordan Dunne AWESOME ABS, HIPS AND BUNS This class target problem areas from every angle all while lying on your mat. Get a fun and challenging workout while tightening, toning and strengthening your core as well as your hips and buns. Please bring a mat and a weight. Mondays: 7:15 to 8:00 p.m. Jenks Cafeteria Instructor: Stephanie Jacobsen LINE DANCING Don’t feel awkward at that next social event again!!! Have fun while getting exercise by learning the top line dances. Each week introduces a new line dance with no need for a partner to participate. Wednesdays: Jenks Cafeteria 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Instructor: Kathy Marshall Cost: $20 resident/$25 non-resident Bookmobile Schedule August 26, 2015 to December 31, 2015 Borrow movies, bestsellers, children’s books, comics & magazines, large print, paperbacks, books on CD & more! WEDNESDAY: 9:20—9:50 Even Start (50 Park Place) 10:00—10:30 Cunningham Elementary (40 Baldwin St) 10:40—11:10 Varieur Elementary (486 Pleasant St) 11:30—Noon Darlington Early Childhood Center (First St) THURSDAY: 1:30—2:00 Woodlawn Catholic Regional School (Weeden St) 2:15—3:00 Potter Burns Elementary (973 Newport Ave) 3:10—3:40 Parkview Apartments (180 Parkview Dr) 3:50—4:20 St. Teresa’s Church (358 Newport Ave) FRIDAY: 9:20— 9:50 Dr. Daycare (203 Concord St) 10:10—10:30 Riverview Terrace (475 School St) 10:45—11:15 Pawtucket Child Development Center (Thornley St) 11:30—Noon Coats Manor (457 Lonsdale Ave) SATURDAY: 10:15—10:45 11:00—11:30 2:20— 2:45 3:00— 3:30 St. Maria Goretti Church Lot (Smithfield Ave Lot) McDonald’s (285 Armistice Blvd Shopping Plaza) 23 Doyle Manor (300 Broadway) Corner of State St & 1st St This schedule is subject to change. Please go to for the latest and most up-to-date schedule. Questions? Email us at 5 18 @Your Library ComputerWorkshopsforAdults Tuesdaysat6:30pm&Thursdaysat10:00am 90‐minutehands‐onclasses.Noregistration.First‐ come, irstservedseating.Limit12. DANCE AEROBICS Dance Aerobics involves energetic paced dance choreography . Tuesdays & Thursdays: 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Location: Agnes Little School Instructor: Diane Drape PILATES CONDITIONING The exercises involved in Pilates are designed to improve posture and reduce the risk of back injuries and increase muscle strength in the hips and abdominal areas. Computers:BareBonesIntro Word2007forBeginners Word2007forJobSeekers Word2007forResumees Internet:Career&Jobs Internet:SearchingBasics Excel2007:Basics ReviewLab:Q&A Classsizeislimitedto12participants. Questions?CalltheComputerRoomat725‐3714ext.221. Clases de Computadoras en Español La Biblióteca de Pawtucket esta ofreciendo clases de computación para principiantes y avanzados. Este curso cubre clases de: Computación para principiantes (Básico y avanzado) Introducción a Microsoft Word 2007 (Básico parte I II) Introducción al uso del Internet (Básico parte I II III) Para Más Información llamar a Juan al725-3714 Ext. 204 ó email 17 Tuesdays & Thursdays: 6:00 to 7:00 Location: Jenks Cafeteria Instructor: Molly Tierney STEP AEROBICS Bring your own step Wednesdays: 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Agnes Little Cafeteria Instructor: Laurie Randall Morning Exercise class available too... At the Boys and Girls Club on School Street LOW IMPACT AEROBICS LEVEL I This form of exercise can effectively improve your health and doesn’t require a fancy gym membership Mondays and Wednesdays 9:30 to 10:30 a.m Instructor: Carol Simoneau 6 YOGA Yoga is offered at two levels. This class promotes stress management, increases body strength and flexibility, teaches relaxation response and breathing techniques to develop a mind/body awareness connection. Please bring your own mat. Location: Agnes Little School Level I: Mondays 7:15 to 8:30p.m. Advanced Level II: Thursdays 7:15 to 8:30 Instructor: Diana Marro Cost: $35 resident/$40 non-resident Anime Club - Teens in grades 6-12 are invited to come hang out, grab a snack and watch some great Japanese anime. No registration is necessary. Library auditorium. September 10th , October 8th & November 5th from 6pm-8pm Teen Scary Movie Night– October 28th from 6-8pm. Scare your socks off just in time for Halloween! Library auditorium. BALLROOM DANCING Ballroom dancing offers lessons in swing, box step, foxtrot, and more!!! Wednesdays: Jenks Cafeteria Beginners: 7:10 to 8:00 p.m. Advanced Level II: 8:00 to 8:55 p.m. Instructor: Tracy Rose Cost: $40.00 resident/$45.00 non-residents BELLY DANCING Learn basic movements and practice to rhythmic techniques with this sensual and exotic form of dancing. Wednesdays: 7:10 to 8:10 Agnes Little School Instructor: Brenda Coitnor Cost $35 residents/$40 non-residents Hunger Games Party -November 19th from 6-8pm We're saying farewell to our favorite characters and moments from The Hunger Games just in time for the last movie in the film series Minecraft Club - September 14, October 19 & November 9 from 3-5pm Have some fun making and creating in the world of Minecraft. For teens in grades 6-12. Held in the Learning Center. Learn to program in Minecraft - September 23rd from 6-8pm Want to learn the basics of computer programming? Come learn what it takes while having fun in the world of Minecraft. Learning Center. Check out the Teen Blog website for all the latest news, info & programs! 7 16 Classes for the Kids too….. Bilingual Children’s Programs in English & Spanish Big Fiesta: Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month! Saturday, September 19th 2:30-4:00 p.m. Campbell Auditorium Come join us to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. This event features bilingual stories in English and Spanish, Latin crafts, temporary tattoos, free books, coloring contest winner announcements, light refreshments and a special performance by a Latin Dance Group. Free! No registration required. Gran Fiesta: ¡Celebrando El Mes de la Herencia Hispana! Sábado, 19 de septiembre 2:30-4:00 p.m. En el auditorio ¡Venga a celebrar el Mes de la Herencia Hispana! Tendremos cuentos bilingües en ingles y español, artesanía, tatuajes temporarios, libros gratis, anuncio del ganador del concurso de colorear, refrigerio y un baile especial de un grupo Latino. ¡Gratis! No se require registración. Bilingual Family Story Time (English and Spanish) Every other Saturday 11:00 a.m. – 11:45a.m. Children’s Caidin Room October 3rd, 17th, 31st, November 14th, 28th and December 12th A late morning bilingual story class every other Saturday with stories, crafts and sing-along songs in English and Spanish the whole family will enjoy. Cuentos Bilingües en Familia Cada otro sábado 11:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. Cuarto de Niños Caidin 3, 17 y 31 de Octubre, 14, 28 de Noviembre y 12 de Diciembre Cuentos Bilingües en Familia para niños de todas edades cada otro sábado. Cuentos divertidos, artesanía y canciones en ingles y español divertido para toda la familia. Registración es recomendada, pero no es necesario. 15 YOUTH FITNESS SATURDAYS The following classes start September 13th,and are all offered in Jenks Gymnasium. GYMNASTICS I - 4 to 6 years Level 1 is an introduction to gymnastics equipment and basic skills. 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. GYMNASTICS II - 7 to 17 years Level II is for older children, from beginners to advanced abilities and concentrates on tumbling, bars, balance beam and floor work. 10:45 to 11:45 ADVANCED SKILLS (must qualify) Students will be evaluated for admission to this class. 11:45 to 12:30 Cost for the above classes: $30.00 residents $35.00 non-residents Please be sure to view and “LIKE” For the latest updates and cool pics too! see “Pawtucket Parks & Rec Gymnastics” Children’s Library FUN WITH ARTS & CRAFTS for 3rd through 6th graders Saturdays: 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Jenks Art Room This class involves the use of a variety of materials and techniques to awaken creative minds and stimulate interest in every aspect of arts & crafts. Instructor: Kathy Marshall Cost: $40.00 residents $45.00 non-residents Join One of the Saturday Book Clubs for Kids! The first 15 kids who sign up in the Children’s Library will receive a FREE copy of the month’s book provided by the Friends of the Pawtucket Public Library. Registration for each book begins at the previous month’s book club session at 11am. Sept. 26th Grace (American Girl series, book 1) Oct. 10th Here’s Hank #2: A Short Tale about a Long Dog Nov. 7th How Oliver Olson Changed the World Children’s Halloween Party starring Lon Cerel Saturday, October 31st Get the quickest eupdates on City classes and events, click on to the tab “Parks & Recreation” at IN ADDITION, CHECK FOR PROGRAM UPDATES AND CANCELLATIONS ON THE CITY OF PAWTUCKET FACEBOOK PAGE 9 2:00pm – 4:00pm in the Children’s Caidin Room Come to the Pawtucket Children's Library and meet professional balloon sculptor Lon Cerel for a safe Halloween celebration for the whole family. Come dressed in costume, play games, and have world record holding Lon Cerel make you a balloon animal. 14 HALLOWEEN FESTIVAL IN SLATER PARK Fright Night in the Park offers a variety of Children’s Library Family Movie Night First Wednesday of the month @ 6:00pm Campbell Library Auditorium September 2nd, October 7th & November 4th Children with their families are invited to watch a free movie (rated G or PG). Kids age 10 or older may attend without a caregiver. Families are welcome to bring snacks and drinks. Read to therapy dogs Tinker Bell & Wendy Tuesdays 5:30pm to 6:30pm in Caidin Room Need to practice reading or just like reading out loud? Tinker Bell & Wendy would love to hear you read! Call the Children’s Library at 725-3714 x209 to reserve your 15-minute reading spot. Free for children of all ages. activities for children of all ages on Friday & Saturday nights in October at Slater Memorial Park ** Because these events are outdoor, times of operation are tentative based upon weather conditions See Facebook’s “Slater Park Haunted Tunnel” for the most up-to-date information For the older ones **not recommended for children 12 years or younger THE HAUNTED TUNNEL at DAGGETT FARM The Haunted Tunnel is not to be missed and surely not for the “faint of heart!” Visit the Slater Park Haunted Tunnel Facebook Page & the Haunted Tunnel at Daggett Farm as seen on YouTube for an interactive tour. Open: 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Cost: $8.00 Where: Daggett Farm in Slater Park Crafty Thursdays with Miss Maria / Artesanía para Niños con Miss Maria 2nd Thursday of every month 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. in the Caidin Activity Room September 10, October 8th, November 12th and December 10th Drop in for a fun hands-on afternoon craft the 2nd Thursday of every month. Best for children ages 5 and up but younger children are welcome with caregiver help. No registration required. Pase por la tarde para una actividad de artesanía el segundo jueves de cada mes. Mejor para niños de 5 años en adelante, pero niños pequeños son bienvenidos con la ayuda de sus padres. No se requiere registración. 13 For the YOUNGER ones... PUMPKINS IN THE PARK OPEN: 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. Cost $4 Preschool = free Across from the Carousel under the “NEW” Slater Park Pavilion Carousel will also be open until 8 pm during these events ARE YOU 15 and OLDER AND LIKE TO VOLUNTEER IN A FUN ENVIRONMENT??? —VOLUNTEER ASSISTANCE IS ALWAYS IN NEED!!! Contact John Blais @ 401-7285-0500 ext 257 or and offer your support!!! Book-A-Librarian Service: One-on-One Help Book a librarian for up to an hour-long appointment, personalized to meet your information needs. E-book and E-reader tutorials How to set up an email account Resume writing assistance and job searching Researching a topic Computer and Internet instruction Health & wellness information Call the Reference Desk at 725-3714 ext. 220 or email to to book your personalized appointment with a librarian today! Fall Book Sale Sponsored by the Friends of the Library Date: Saturday, October 24th Time: 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Place: Library Campbell Auditorium HARD COVERS: $.50 each PAPERBACKS: $.25 each or 5 for $1.00 AUDIO BOOKS, CDs, & DVDs: $1.00 each Friends of the Pawtucket Library Membership Meeting Saturday, August 29th at 11:00 am Library Woolley Conference Room If you have been thinking about helping your library and community, join the Friends! Read more about the Friends and find their membership application on the Library’s website at: 11 Children’s Library Registration encouraged but not required. Storytimes run approximately 30 to 45 minutes. Need more info? Call 725-3714 x209 or email a librarian at Mother Goose Storytime Class Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. For ages newborn to 24 months Parents and caregivers with children ages newborn through 24 months are invited for playful songs, rhymes and games followed by social time. Older siblings are welcome. Toddler Storytime Class Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. For ages 2 & 3 years old Toddler Storytime Class is for children ages 2 and 3 with their adult caregivers. This program features stories, songs, finger rhymes and a craft. PreSchool Storytime Class Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. For ages 3 to 5 years old Preschoolers ages 3 to 5 years with an adult caregiver are invited to the library for stories, music, movement and other fun activities. Younger siblings are welcome. 12
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