University of Illinois Archives - University of Illinois Urbana
University of Illinois Archives - University of Illinois Urbana
MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS June 17,1970 The June meeting of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held in the Faculty Lounge, Illini Union, Urbana, Illinois, on Wednesday, June 17,1970, beginning at 9:30 a.m. President Earl M. Hughes called the meeting to order and asked the Secretary to call the roll. The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Howard W. Clement, Mr. Ralph C. Hahn, Mr. Earl M. Hughes, Mr. Russell W. Steger, Mr. Timothy W. Swain, Dr. Earl E. Walker. Mr. Donald R. Grimes, Mr. Theodore A. Jones, Governor Richard B. Ogilvie, Mr. Ray Page, and Mr. W. Clement Stone were absent. Also present were President David D. Henry; Executive Vice President and Provost Lyle H. Lanier; Chancellor J. W. Peltason, UrbanaChampaign campus ; Chancellor Joseph S. Begando, Medical Center campus ; Chancellor Norman A. Parker, Chicago Circle campus; Dr. Eldon Johnson, Vice President of the University; Mr. Vernon L. Kretschmer, Associate Director of Physical Plant Planning and Construction ; Mr. C. E. Flynn, Assistant to the President and University Director of Public Information; Mr. John W. Metzger, Associate University Counsel ; Mr. George H. Bargh, Executive Assistant to the President; and the officers of the Board, Mr. H. 0. Farber, Comptroller; Mr. R. R. Manchester, Treasurer; and Dr. Earl W. Porter, Secretary. 931 932 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 BUSINESS PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY The Board considered the, following reports and recommendations from the President of the University. PRESIDENT’S REPORT President Henry presented a report on selected topics of current interest, copies of which were distributed at the meeting, and a copy was filed with the Secretary of the Board. ILLINOIS EQUAL OPPORTUNITY LAW FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM President Henry called attention to the Illinois Equal Opportunity Law Fellowship Program which will enable disadvantaged students to study law at the University of Illinois under the plan developed in cooperation with Trustee Stone? Banks in Chicago and Urbana-Champaign are collaborating with the W. Clement and Jesse V. Stone Foundation of Chicago in providing funding and loans for the program which will begin in September, 1970. The Foundation will provide up to $500,000 for the program, while the participating banks will arrange for approximately $l,OOO,OOO in federally guaranteed student loans. PROPOSAL F O R FALL ELECTION RECESS (1) President Henry presented a proposal of the Urbana-Champaign Senate that the academic calendar at Urbana be modified in the fall of 1970 to provide “an election recess” of seven and one-half calendar days. The Undergraduate Student Association had asked to make a presentation on this subject on an emergency basis and Mr. Hughes recognized Miss Cathy Morrison who spoke briefly in support of the Senate proposal. Chancellor Peltason presented a statement outlining the arguments for and against the proposal and Professor Marion Benfield, Chairman of the Senate Committee on the Academic Calendar, spoke in support of the recess and answered questions during the course of the discussion. President Henry then presented a memorandum in which he analyzed the proposal and recommended that the Board of Trustees not approve it. (The memoranda from the President and Chancellor and an excerpt from the minutes of the Urbana-Champaign Senate pertaining to this proposal are presented below.) During the discussion, the Board approved a request to address the Board from a member of the Ad Hoc Committee of Student Observers, Mr. John Adler. Mr. Adler spoke in support of the proposal and to the points raised by the President in his statement. On motion of Mr. Swain, the Trustees approved the recommendation of the President -that the proposal not be approved. June 17, 1970 To THE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES : I bring to your attention, with the knowledge of the University Senates’ Con- ference, an action of the Urbana-Champaign Faculty Senate which proposes an “election recess” from October 28, 1970, to November 4, 1970. A statement from Chancellor J. W. Peltason is attached. Over the years, through courses in political science and government, through sponsorship of the Citizenship Clearing House, the legislative internship program and in other ways, faculty members, officers, and departments of the University have stressed the importance of broad citizen participation in the affairs of government, including the election process. Many faculty members have served local, state, and national government agencies as advisers and some have stood for election. It is a natural and timely corollary of this historic position that in a period ’See minutes, Board Meeting of December 17, 1969, page 729. 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 933 of intense interest @ public issues on the part of young people, consideration should be given to modifying the University calendar to provide a recess in the preelection period (without significantly altering the total number of school days) just as other recesses have been scheduled chiefly to accommodate the personal interests of large numbers of students when no educational objections have been interposed (Christmas and Easter, f o r example). There must be a clear distinction, however, between personal accommodation and institutional policy. The interest of some individuals t o be involved in political activity should not be translated into a general institutional arrangement for that purpose, which is imposed upon the entire community, unless the action meets certain conditions outlined below. I do not endorse the resolution of the Urbana-Champaign Senate for the following reasons : The action is hastily formulated in the context of institutional mobilization of political activity rather than based upon a systematic measurement of the preferences of the vast majority of students, faculty and staff as to their yielding holidays at Thanksgiving and Christmas in exchange for the October-November period. When the calendar at a major institution is altered, many lives and conveniences are affected. The earliest a complete canvass of students could be conducted would be at the September registration. At that point, a change, even if favored, would be too abrupt to avoid disruption of student and family plans and commitments, employment schedules, and carefully balanced finances for economically disadvantaged students. Furthermore, there is insufficient time to rearrange contractural obligations affecting employees a s well as students. This applies to residence halls, food service, building supervision and other services, and to student finances. I would have no objection to a calendar recess at the time of year proposed if there were adequate time for planning, if the large majority of students favor it and the objections by those who may not favoi it are carefully considered, if the institutional costs are fully analyzed and budgeted and if the action is framed in such a way and at such a time as to avoid any implication of corporate political action or any appearance of institutional support or opposition to any election issue. For the forthcoming election, I would urge those students, faculty, and staff who wish to be involved in preelection activity to do so as individuals. I recommend that the Board of Trustees not approve the action proposed by the Urbana-Champaign Faculty Senate as described in this report. DAVIDD. HENRY Attachments President June 15, 1970 PRESIDENT DAVIDD. HENRY 364 Administration Building At the June 1 meeting of the Champaign-Urbana Senate, the Senate Com- mittee on Academic Calendar proposed a fall recess of seven and one-half calendar days from Wednesday, October 28, to 1 :OO p.m. on Wednesday, November 4, 1970. The Senate has recommended approval of that proposal. Due to the fact that the proposed recess would interrupt schedules already established f o r Semester I, 1970-71, I am taking the liberty of forwarding this proposal for your consideration in advance of other June 1 Senate business in order that you may consider it a t an early date. The proposal for a fall recess falls within the historic tradition of arranging academic calendars in general accord with the broad expression of student desires and needs. The Academic Calendar Committee acted to recommend this recess in response to a petition signed by more than 4,000 students, and after receiving recommendations for the recess from a large number of recognized student campus organizations of all types, including the Graduate Student Association and the Undergraduate Student Association. As you know, the spring term already has a vacation of comparable length; the proposed fall rece?s would act somewhat to balance the fall and spring academic schedules by providing a somewhat comparable break from classes in the earlier semester. 934 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 The recess itself has been constructed in such a way that there appears to be no major educational disadvantage to its existence. The original number of academic days scheduled for the fall term is to be reduced by only one and one-half days, the other fall recess days being taken from already-scheduled recesses (Thanksgiving and Christmas). In spite of the above arguments on behalf of the proposed fall recess, several comments regarding the undesirability of the recess are in order. It is our understanding that the student petition was generated by a laudable desire to become involved in the established political processes immediately preceding fall elections; there is, however, some genuine question as to the desirability of official recognition by the University of political activity-in this way or in any other. I t may be argued that there are already mechanisms available to students who wish to become involved in the election process, which mechanisms provide for periods of absence for such activity, with accompanying consideration for academic credit as independent study or some similiar arrangement. While the petition generating this proposal was indeed signed by a large number of students, there remains considerable doubt as to the extent this petition is generally reflective of student consensus; it seems clear that some sampling procedure might better provide us with the type of student attitudes which should be considered in this matter. Finally, there is question of the nature of the campus atmosphere in which this petition was prepared. During the month of May (at the time petition signatures were being secured), the level of emotion on this campus was high; although many members of the academic community became deeply involved during that month with the political issues generating much of that emotion, the desirability of altering the fall semester schedule as a result of a document generated during those days seems open to some question. In view of the points raised in the above discussion, Chancellor Peltason feels that he must forward this recommendation of the Senate to you without his unequivocal concurrence. While the points noted in favor of the proposal argue rather strongly for its adoption, the arguments marshalled against the fall recess seem equally strong. Therefore, the Chancellor has asked that I send this proposal to you without specific recommendation for adoption or disapproval. DAYTONS. PICKETT Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Excerpt from Minutes, Urbana-Champaign Senate, June 3,1970 Professor Marion Benfield, Chairman, Urbana-Champaign Senate Committee on Academic Calendar, moved that the Senate adopt a modified calendar for the Fall Semester of 1970-71 to provide an election recess of seven and one-half calendar days, from Wednesday, October 28, 1970, to 1:OO p.m. on Wednesday, November 4, 1970. Professor Benfield stated that the Committee believed that students should be encouraged to organize their efforts and work within the political structure. He said it was agreed that the most appropriate way to register disagreement with political policies was to work for and elect other representatives. H e stated that this action would not mean that the University was taking a political stand. The only thing it does is to encourage students to involve themselves in the political process. Professor Benfield said that the recess could be kept within the scheduling range by shortening the Thanksgiving vacation by one and one-half days and the Christmas vacation by two and one-half days. Professor J. S. Dobrovolny spoke against the motion. H e said the time for the recess would do nothing to strengthen the election. He stated that preparations for elections in the fall would begin in the summer and that to begin campaigning the last seven days before the election would be ineffective. Several persons spoke in the favor of the proposal. A substitute motion was made that the Senate poll all the students and find out what the majority of students want to do. The motion was seconded. Professor Benfield replied that the Committee had received a petition signed 19701 935 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS by 4,000students requesting the Committee to consider the election recess.’ The Committee had also received requests from several other student organizations. Professor Robert Eubanks spoke against the substitute motion. H e said that he believed the issue. shpuld be met now and that he did not believe it was feasible to poll students at this time. The question was called and upon vote the substitute motion was defeated. A hand vote was then taken on the main motion which passed by a vote of 102 to 90. STATEMENT FROM THE “FACULTY FOR RESISTANCE- POLITICAL SCIENCE” (2) The President of the University presented the following memorandum to the Trustees on this subject which he asked he read aloud at the meeting. June 17, 1970 To THE MEMBERSOF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES : Members of the Board of Trustees have requested information concerning a mimeographed circular, entitled Faculty for Resistance, Political Science Section, and signed by fifteen members of the Department of Political Science at the Urbana-Champaign campus. A copy of the circular is attached. (Editor’s note : The memorandum is printed below.) The memorandum, undated, came to my attention in early May and has been the subject of a number of news reports and editorials since that time. The following points are drawn from letters and reports supplied by the office of Chancellor J. W. Peltason : 1. Professor Phillip Monypenny, Head of the Department, promptly on the appearance of the circular “rebuked the pretenses and inferences of this document” to the members of the group and expressed “doubts about its tone and content.” He also made clear that “all new courses must he approved by the Department, the L.A.S. College, and the Campus Senate. Changes in established courses should come after reflection, consultation, and approval.” He further indicated that in relating the context of courses to current problems and crises indoctrination should not be substituted “for efforts to encourge thought.” 2. On May 21, Dean Robert W. Rogers asked Professor Monypenny for a report on the matter indicating he did so because what was suggested in the document “is so inconsistent with the proper responsibilities and obligations of faculty members.” 3. The response by Professor Monypenny indicated that the discussions sponsored by the signers of the circular were related to the issues raised in the period of campus protest in early May and that regular classes and topics were resumed in the last two weeks of the semester. H e added, “The permanent members of the department whose names appear on the list are among the most conscientious teachers and scholars we have, and they will not lend themselves to any adulteration of the content of their courses or to any abuse of the classroom as a forum for influencing student opinion rather than for providing an opportunity to learn and think.” 4. Dean Rogers wrote t o Chancellor Peltason on June 11, 1970, as follows: “After consultation with the Executive Committee of the College, I write concerning the memorandum of the ‘Political Science Section’ of the group that styles itself ‘Faculty for Resistance. We considered the memorandum along with subsequent statements by Professor Monypenny ; and we believe that several points should be made : 1. The original memorandum which was undated was issued on either Tuesday or Wednesday, May 5 or May 6, at the time efforts were being mounted to establish the protest action that was labelled a ‘strike.’ On May 7, as soon as the original document was called to his attention, Professor Monypenny sent to the Faculty of his Department a statement regarding the document itself and reminding the Faculty of the limits of their responsibilities. This ’ A letter frm the sponsors of the petition was presented to the Trustees at the meeting - on June 17, 1970. 936 BOARD O F TRUSTEES [June 17 document, in our view, is a clear, straight-forward statement of the obligation to separate instruction and advocacy. 2. After the week of May 11, the regular classes were resumed by all members of the Political Science faculty, as Professor Monypenny stated in his letter of June 4; and the topics covered in these courses were those pertaining to the announced subject of the courses. 3. W e are confident that courses taught by members of the department in the fall will be taught in the spirit of Professor Monypenny’s statement to his colleagues of May 7, that indoctrination is . .. a form of political repression which should have no place in a department . . .’ “Along with Professor Monypenny I find the revolutionary rhetoric employed in the original memorandum inconsistent with the spirit of objectivity and dispassionate inquiry that should characterize a university. The fact that it is a species of inflammatory discourse all too common among faculty and students on university campuses doesn’t make it more acceptable. It is particularly unfortunate when it serves, as in this case, only to increase hostility to higher education on !fie part of those who assume that educated men will say only what they mean. 5. Chancellor J. W. Peltason has endorsed this letter and has asked Dean Rogers to send a copy to each person who signed the original document. Further, he indicates that “this matter will receive our continuing attention.” DAVIDD. HENRY President Following discussion and general expressions of disapproval of the statement on the “Faculty for Resistance,” the Trustees received the report, and, on motion of Mr. Swain, requested the administration to seek written retractions of the statement from the signatories by the next meeting of the Board of Trustees. Faculty for Resistance Political Science Section The lesson of recent political events is now obvious. Official actions of established authorities, revealed by the constantly expanding slaughter in Vietnam and Cambodia, the systematic elimination of black militants in the United States, the murder of four students and the wounding of many more by the National Guard at Kent State University, and the shattered body of Mr. Edgar Hoults in our own community, have delivered a message which is clear, present, and very dangerous. The most important political phenomena for Americans today are the war in Southeast Asia, official racism at home and abroad, and the rapidly rising level of repression in the domestic political arena. At the outset official repression took relatively mild forms. Political dissent at the 1968 Democratic National Convention was met by police clubs and tear-gas. Yesterday, four young protestors were silenced by a barrage of bullets. And, the President of the United States, whose policies and political associates have raised the level of repression to its present heights, has the unmitigated gall to pretend to extend condolences to the parents of the slain students while indicating that dissent, rather than his own vicious policies, was the culprit. I t is very clear that things are not going to stop at these recent events. A President who considers campus protestors to be “bums,” as well as a local police chief who supports the use of “dum-dum” bullets, have made political dissent in the United States an extremely dangerous activity. And under these repressive conditions, protest must pass over to resistance. As professional political scientists, we believe that the right of open and effective dissent must be protected at all costs. Therefore, we have agreed to orient all of our courses to the problem of political repression and resistance to the abuses of official authority. By rotating ourselves through each others classes in order to provide technical assistance to students seeking to protect themselves against the 19701 937 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS encroachments of a criminal regime, we hope to intellectually arm a resistance force which is the only possible hope for overcoming our present societal madness. ROBERT BYARS BERNICECARROLL STEWEN Cam FRED COOMBS STEPHEN DOUGLAS BELDEN FIELDS LOUISGOLD DIANNEGOTTHUL J. TERRY IVERSEN PHILIPMERANTO STUART S. NAGEL MICHAELPARENTI SUSAN RIGDON Jo ANNWATSON GEORGE T. Yu The Graduate Students in Political Science have voted to support this statement. MEMORIAL TO HOMER J. LIVINGSTON Mr. Clement presented the following: e The members of the Board of Trustees note with sadness the death of Homer J. Livingston on May 9, 1970. At the time of his death, he was chairman of the Executive Committee of the First National Bank of Chicago. Mr. Livingston’s achievements in banking, civic and business affairs are well known to us all. In addition to his long service as President of the First National Bank, he served as a member of the National Bankruptcy Conference, as member and President of the Federal Advisory Council of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and as President of the American Bankers Association and the Association of Reserve City Bankers. In recognition of his many services to the University, including membership on the Illini Union Fund Committee whch was instrumental in the construction of the Medical Center Illini Union and Student Resident Hall, this Board conferred a Trustee’s citation on him in December, 1968. Today, we reaffirm our appreciation of his services as a valued counselor and friend of the University and we express our deep sense of loss to his many friends and to his family. At the conclusion of the reading of the memorial, all present stood in silent tribute. T h e memorial was adopted and ordered spread on the minutes. AWARD O F CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT CERTIFICATES (3) The Committee on Accountancy recommends that the certificate of Certified Public Accountant be awarded, under Section 5 of the Illinois Accountancy Act of 1943, as amended, to the following candidates who have presented evidence that they are holders of valid and unrevoked Certified Public Accountant certificates obtained by passing a standard written examination in another state o r territory of the United States and who qualify in all other respects under this provision of the law : Stute from. Which Certificate Name Address Was 0 b tained Wilmette, Illinois New York EDMUND ALDOAMBROGI Barrington, Illinois Maryland ROBERTDONALD COOK Berwyn, Illinois Indiana DWAYNE EDWIN ENNIS Paducah, Kentucky Texas JOHN LANEPECK Evansville, Indiana Indiana JAMES LEONARD ROACH Wilmette, Illinois Louisiana RHYNE ARTHURCLIFTON I concur. On motion of Mr. Steger, these certificates were awarded. 938 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 APPOINTMENTS TO THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS CITIZENS COMMITTEE (4) I. submit the following nominations for appointments to the University of Illinois Citizens Committee for a period of three years ending January 1, 1973. DANW. BANNISTER,President, Horace Mann Educators, 216 East Monroe, Springfield, Illinois 62701 EDWARD F. BLETTNFX,Vice Chairman of the Board, The First National Bank of Chicago, One First National Plaza, Chicago, Illinois 60670 WILLARD BUNN, JR., President, Springfield Marine Bank, 114 South Sixth Street, Springfield, Illinois 62701 HAROLD E. COUNCIL,Farmer, Rural Route 4, Princeton, Illinois 41354 RAYMOND M. DEFOSSEZ, Vice President and General Counsel, CNA Financial Corporation, 310 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60601 LARRY ELLIOTT, Farmer, Rural Route 2, Sheffield, Illinois 61361 PARKER S. GATES,Chairman of the Board, Gates Radio Company, Second and Hampshire Streets, Quincy, Illinois 62301 NEIL R. GAZEL, Director of Public Relations, Beatrice Foods Co., 120 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois 60603 MARTINHEPNER,Farmer, Rural Route 3, Kewanee, Illinois 61443 ORSONP. HILL,Farmer, Creston, Illinois 60113 RUSSELW. JOST, Physician and Surgeon, 107 East Fourth Street, Waterloo, Illinois 62298 HARRY ADRIANLANSMAN,Executive Vice President, Kemper Insurance, 320 Hastings Road, Highland Park, Illinois 60035 LANNINC MACFARLAND, JR., President, Law Bulletin Publishing Company, 34 North LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois 60602 MRS. RALPHC. MORGAN, Homemaker, Rural Route 2, Rossville, Illinois 60963 ROBERT B. LAMKIN,Farmer, Watson, Illinois 62473 JACOB B. NAUMER, President, DuQuoin Packing Company, P.O. Box 186, East Cole Street, DuQuoin, Illinois 62832 JOHN E. PLESKO, General Manager, DAILY LEADER, 318 North Main Street, Pontiac, Illinois 41764 ROBERTV. PRATHER, Business Executive, General International Corporation, 1019 South Sixth Street, Springfield, Illinois 62703 HENRY REGNERY, Chairman of the Board, Henry Regnery Co., 114 West Illinois Street, Chicago, Illinois 60610 G. WALLACE RICH, President, The First National Bank of Cobden, Cobden, Illinois 62920 G L E " C. RITTENHOUSE,Sales Manager, Rittenhouse, Inc., 119 North Sixth Street, Petersburg, Illinois 62675 JAMES R. ROHM,Sales Manager, United Air Lines, 310 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60604 WILLIAMC. ROWLAND,President, General Telephone Company of Illinois, 1312 East Emoire Street. Bloomington. Illinois 61701 RALPHSALZMAN, Farmer, Ashto;, Iliinois 61006 DAVIDC. SCHIVER, Farmer, Rural Route 1, Casey, Illinois 62420 D. G. SCHUMACHER, Editor, Champaign-Urbana Courier, 111 North Race Street, Urbana, Illinois 61801 LELAND SHAPER. Retired. P.O. Box 116. Thebes. Illinois 62990 FRANK M. SHAGPERT,Piesident, Shappert Engineering Co., Blaine and Menominee Streets, Belvidere, Illinois 61008 ELMER E. SMITH, President, Second National Bank, 27 Vermilion Street, Danville, Illinois 61832 NEIL P. STEWART, President and General Manager, Stewart Truck and Equipment Co., 1204 South Galena Avenue, Dixon, Illinois 61021 HARVEYLOUIS STUMPF, Farmer, Route 1, Valmeyer, Illinois 62295 PETER A. TOMEI, Attorney, Isham, Lincoln and Beale, One First National Plaza, Chicago, Illinois 60670 WILLIAM R. WATSON, Assistant Factory Manager, Steel Fabrication Division, Caterpillar Tractor Company, 600 West Washington Street, East Peoria, Illinois 61611 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LLOM WENDT, Edi.tor and Publisher, C-o Chicago, Illinois 60611 939 Today, 441 North Michigan Avenue, On motion of Mr.Swain, these appointments were approved. ADVISORY COUNCIL O F LIBRARIANS, G R A D U A T E SCHOOL O F LIBRARY SCIENCE, URBANA (5) The Dean of Library Administration recommends the following appointments to the Advisory Council of Librarians for terms of three years beginning September 1, 1970. Public Libraries HENRYR. MEISELS,Director, Corn Belt Library System, Bloomington, to succeed Miss Gertrude E. Gscheidle, Librarian, Chicago Public Library, Chicago, whose term is expiring. (The other representative of Public Libraries is Lester L. Stoffel, Executive Director, Suburban Library System, Western Springs, whose term will expire in 1971.) College and University Libraries SHERMAN ZELINSKY, Dean of Library Services, Danville Junior College, Danville, to succeed Robert M. Lightfoot, Jr., Director, Cullom-Davis Library, Bradley University, Peoria, whose term is expiring. (The other representative of College and University Libraries is Clyde C. Walton, Director of University Libraries, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb whose term will expire in 1971.) School Libruries MRS. MARGARET DEES, Coordinator of Libraries, Urbana Community Schools, Urbana, to succeed Miss Maxine Stevenson, Director of Library Services, Alton Community Unit School District No. 11, Alton, whose term is expiring. (The other representative of School Libraries is Miss Mary Ann Swanson, Head Librarian, Evanston Township High School, Evanston, whose term will expire in 1971.) Special Libraries MRS. ANN M. SEIDMAN, Technical Librarian, Research Library, A. E. Staley Manufacturing Company, Decatur, to succeed Mrs. Charlotte L. Anderson, Librarian, Deere and Co., Moline, whose term is expiring. (The other representative of Special Libraries is Miss Ruth Nielander, Librarian, Lumbermens Mutual Casualty Co., Mutual Insurance Building, Chicago, whose term will expire in 1971.) I concur. On motion of Dr. Walker, these appointments were approved. APPOINTMENTS TO THE FACULTY (6) The following new appointments to the faculty of the rank of Assistant Professor and above, and involving tenure, have been approved since the previous meeting of the Board of Trustees. Positions in the University are classified in the following categories and are designated in the budget by the symbols indicated: A-indefinite tenure; Pindefinite term appointment for part-time service only; B -two years; D - one year; E-nine months from the beginning of the academic year; F-one-year appointment ending other than August 31; G- special tenure; Q - initial term appointment for a Professor or Associate Professor; T - terminal appointment, accompanied with or preceded by notice of non-reappointment ; W -one-year appointment subject to special written agreement; Y - twelve months’ service required instead of two semesters; X -percentages opposite X .are for the academic year; full-time summer service is indicated by “S’; 1-7-indicates the number of years of service which will be credited at the end of the contract period toward completion of the probationary period relating to tenure. Figures following a symbol indicate percentage of time if the appointment is on a part-time basis (e.g., D75 means one year on three-fourths time). 940 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 Chicago Circle 1. EDWARD P. FRIEDMAN, Assistant Dean of Liberal Arts and Sciences, on 50 per cent time, and Assistant Professor of Sociology, on 50 per cent time, beginning September 1, 1970 (D,l), a t an annual salary of $13,000. E. HOCKINGS,Assistant Professor of Anthropology, beginning Septem2. PAUL ber 1, 1970 (4), a t an annual salary of $lZ,OOO. 3. DAVIDCALHOUN LEEGE,Associate Professor of Political Science, beginning September 1, 1970 (A), at an annual salary of $18,000. 4. GUENTHER T ETZ,Assistant Professor of Art, beginning September 1, 1970 (3), a t an annual salary of $1 1,500. Medical Center 5. CONWELLH. ANDERSON, Assistant Professor of Anatomy, School of Basic Medical Sciences, College of Medicine, beginning September 1, 1970 (lY), at an 6. annual salary of $14,000. JOHN ALEXBOSWICK,JR., Professor of Surgery, College of Medicine, on onefourth time, beginning January 1, 1970 (PYZS), at an annual salary of $S,ooO. Urbana-C hampaign 7. ROBERTH. ENNIS,Professor of Philosophy of Education, beginning September 1, 1970 (A), at an annual salary of $25,000. 8. LAWRENCE E. JONES,Assistant Professor of Psychology, beginning September 1, 1970 ( l ) , at an annual salary of $12,000. Assistant Professor of Microbiology, beginning September 1, 9. JORDAN KONISKY, 1970 (l), at an annual salary of $13,000. 10. PATRICK R. LAUGHLIN, Associate Professor of Psychology, beginning September 1, 1970 (A), a t an annual salary of $15,500. 11. WILMAS. LONGSTREET, Assistant Professor of Secondary and Continuing Education, for the academic year 1970-71 (W), at an annual salary of $12,000. 12. THOMAS F. MCGUIRE,Assistant Professor, Police Training Institute, Division of University Extension, for the period from June 1, 1970, through August 31, 1970 (G), at an annual salary of $14,800. 13. L. DANIELMETZ,Assistant Professor of General Engineering, beginning September 1, 1970 ( l ) , at an annual salary of $11,500. 14. JACK B. MOLDEN,Associate Professor, Police Training Institute, Division of University Extension, beginning June 15, 1970 (QY),at an annual salary of $15,850. 15. THOMAS W. O'ROURKE,Assistant Professor of Health Education, Department of Health and Safety Education, beginning September 1, 1970 (1). at an annual salary of $12,000. 16. ROLAND L UTHERRUHL,Assistant Professor of General Engineering, beginning September 1, 1970 (l),a t an annual salary of $12,000. 17. FREDERICK A. SCHLIPF,Assistant Professor of Library Science, Graduate School of Librarv Science. beginning 1. 1970 (1). at an annual - SeDteinber _ salary of $13,000. 18. DAVIDSEIGLER,Assistant Professor of Botany, beginning September 1, 1970 ( l ) , at an annual salary of $11,500. 19. PETER S HAW,Assistant Professor of Psychology, beginning September 1, 1970 ( l ) , a t an annual salary of $11,400. 20. JACK E. THOMAS, Associate Dean with rank of Assistant Professor, College of Education, beginning July 1, 1970 (DY,lY), at an annual salary of $18,000. 21. CONSTANTIYE TRAHIOTIS,Assistant Professor of Psychology, beginning September 1, 1970 (l), at an annual salary of $11,500. 22. MERLINC. WITTROCK,Professor of Educational Psychology, beginning September 1, 1970 (A), at an annual salary of $21,000. ZERNICH,JR., Assistant Professor of Art, beginning September 1, 23. THEODORE 1970 (I), a t an annual salary of $14,000. - , I Visiting Staff 24. RICHARD A. BROWN,Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology, Chicago Circle, on two-thirds time, for the spring quarter 1969-70 (E67),a t a salary of $Z,OOO. 19701 941 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 25. KEVIN W. HINCE,Visiting Professor in the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations, Urbana, for the period from July 1, 1970, through August 31, 1970 (DY), a t a salary of $2,500. 26. CHIA-WEI WOO, Visiting Associate Professor of Physics, Urbana, for the academic year 1970-71 (D), at a salary of $16,000. Administrative Appointment 27. DONALD C. NEVILLE, Campus Director of Planning and Construction, Medical Center, beginning September 1, 1970 (DY), at an annual salary of $22,000. On motion of Dr. Walker, these appointments were confirmed. HEADSHIP OF THE DEPARTMENT OF SPANISH, ITALIAN, AND PORTUGUESE, CHICAGO CIRCLE (7) The Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Chicago Circle, has recommended to the Chancellor at the Chicago Circle campus the appointment of Dr. Brian Dutton, presently Professor of Spanish, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, as Professor of Spanish on indefinite tenure and Head of the Department of Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese, beginning August 16, 1970, on an academic year service basis at an annual salary of $24,000. Professor Audrey Kouvel has been Acting Head of the Department since September 1, 1969. The nomination of Professor Dutton is supported by the Consultative Committee for the Headship of the Department' and by the faculty of the Department of Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese. The Chancellor and the Dean of the Graduate College approve the recommendation. The Executive Vice President and Provost concurs. I recommend approval. On motion of Ah-. Hahn, this appointment was approved. HEADSHIP O F THE DEPARTMENT O F PHYSICS, URBANA (8) The Dean of the College of Engineering has recommended to the Chancellor a t Urbana-Champaign the appointment of Dr. Ralph 0. Simmons, presently Professor o f Physics, as Professor on indefinite tenure and Head of the Department of Physics beginning September 1, 1970, on an academic year service basis, at an annual salary of $26,500. The appointment of Professor Simmons will fill the vacancy which will be created by the retirement of Professor Gerald M. Almy. The nomination of Dr. Simmons is made with the advice of a search committee' and after consultation with members of the faculty of the Department of Physics and the Executive Committee of the College of Engineering. The nomination is supported by the Dean of the Graduate College. The Chancellor a t UrbanaChampaign has approved the recommendation. The Executive Vice President and Provost concurs. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Swain, this appointment was approved. Professor Gerald M. Almy, the retiring Head of the Department of Physics, was in attendance in his capacity as Vice Chairman of the Urbana Senate Council. President Henry took note of his presence in the room and asked that he stand and be recognized. 'Audrey Kouvel, Professor of Spanish and Acting Head of the Department of Spanish Italian, and Portu uese, Chicago Circle, Chairman; James Corn ton Assistant Professor d Spanish Chicago 8 r c l e ; Lee Jennings, Professor of German, Cf&aio Circle; Anthony Passuariell;, Professor of Spanish and Head of the Department. of Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese, Urbana; ohn Wolf, Professor cf History and Associate in the Center for Advanced Study, Chicago d r d e 2 Harry G Drickamer Professor of Chemical Engineering in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences &e College df Engineering, and in the Center for Advanced Stud Chairman. John Bardeer;, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Physics and in the Center Advanced Study; William J. Hall, Professor of Civ$ Engineering; Dillon E. Ma other, Professor of Physics; Thomas A. O'Halloran, Jr., Associate Professor of Physics; Charyes P. Slichter, Prcfessor of Physics and in the Center for Advanced Study; Jere+ah D. Sullivan, Associate Professor of Physics; Albert Wattenberg, Research Professor of Physlcs. t& 942 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 HEADSHIP OF THE DEPARTMENT O F FIXED PARTIAL PROSTHODONTICS. MEDICAL CENTER ( 9 ) The Dean of the College of Dentistry has recommended to the Chancellor at the Medical Center campus the appointment of Dr. Valdemars Janis Jekkals, presently Assistant Professor of Fixed Partial Prosthodontics at the University of Pennsylvania, as Associate Professor of Fixed Partial Prosthodontics on indefinite tenure, and Head of the Department, beginning July 1, 1970, on a twelve months' service basis, at an annual salary of $23,500. This appointment is to succeed Dr. Fred N. Bazola, who retired effective April 1, 1968. This nomination of Dr. Jekkals is made with the advice of a search committee' and after consultation with all members of the faculty of the Department of Fixed Partial Prosthodontics of the rank of assistant professor and above. The nomination is supported by the Dean of the Graduate College. The Chancellor at the Medical Center approves the recommendation. The Executive Vice President and Provost concurs. I recommend approval. On motion of Dr. Walker, this appointment was approved. ESTABLISHMENT O F THE PEORIA SCHOOL OF MEDICINE WITHIN THE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE, MEDICAL CENTER, AND APPOINTMENT OF A DEAN (10) The plan for the reorganization of the College of Medicine, approved by the Board of Trustees on July 23, 1969, and endorsed by the Board of Higher Education on November 4, 1969, authorizes the establishment of semi-autonomous schools within the College of Medicine, each with its own dean. The first such schoolThe Abraham Lincoln School of Medicine -was established on January 1, 1970, by action of the Board of Trustees on December 17, 1969. As a further step in the implementation of the plan of reorganization, the Executive Dean of the College of Medicine, with the concurrence of the Chancellor at the Medical Center, has recommended that another semi-autonomous school be established at Peoria, Illinois, as of July 1, 1970, and that it be named the Peoria School of Medicine, College of Medicine, University of Illinois. The Executive Dean of the College, with the concurrence of the Chancellor, recommends the appointment of Dr. Nicholas J. Cotsonas, Jr., presently Professor of Medicine in The Abraham Lincoln School of Medicine on indefinite tenure, as Professor of Medicine, Peoria School of Medicine on indefinite tenure and Dean of the Peoria School of Medicine beginning July 1, 1970, on a twelve months' service basis, at an annual salary of $4S,OOO. The nomination of Dr. Cotsonas is made with the advice of a search committee' comprised of representatives from the faculty of The Abraham Lincoln School of Medicine and the community of Peoria. The Executive Vice President and Provost concurs in these recommendations. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Swain, establishment of this school was authorized and the appointment was approved. ESTABLISHMENT O F DEPARTMENTS O F FAMILY PRACTICE. MEDICAL CENTER (11) The Medical Center Senate has approved a recommendation from the College of Medicine for the establishment of Departments of Family Practice within the clinical schools of the College of Medicine as appropriate. Public Act 76-1942 requires the teaching of the general practice of medicine Ro6ert B. Underwood, Professor of Prosthodontics and Head of !he Department of Prosthodonticg, Chainnqn; Charles R Berg, Profesyr of Dentistry in Operative Dentistry; William L. McDaniel, Associate Professor of Perlodonbcs; Dale R. Eisenmann, Assistant Professor of Histology. * Richard M. M y w Deputy Executive Dean College of Medicine Chairman. R. E. Condon Professor of ur iv The Abraham llncolh School of Medicine: W. H. gastman, Presideh Peoria M e d i e &ci&y* R. A. Harvey, He$, Department of Radidpgy, The Abraham Lincoln h m o l of Medicine; P. Naughton Associate Professor of Medimne, The Abraham Lincoln School of Medicine. C. Rowboth&,, Peoria business leader; L. D. Rutherford, thirdyear medical student; T. w'. Van Arsdale, President, Bradley University. 4: 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 943 in all medical schools established and maintained by the state of Illinois. Establishment of Departments of Family Practice will provide an organizational structure by which the College of Medicine will seek to implement a comprehensive program of undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education for family (general) practice. The University’s Budget Request f o r Operatwns-Fiscal Year 1971 included an item of $342,000 f o r the establishment of the Department of Family Practice. Although the Health Education Commission approved the entire amount requested ($34Z,p), the Board of Higher Education at first approved only $171,000 (within the initial guidelines set by the Governor). Subsequently, the Board approved the remainder ($171,000) f o r inclusion in a supplemental budget for the health fields. Appropriation bills covering the entire amount have been approved by the Illinois General Assembly and sent to the Governor. The University Senates Conference has indicated that no other Senate jurisdiction is involved. The Chancellor a t the Medical Center campus and the Executive Vice President and Provost concur. I recommend approval subject to further action by the Board of Higher Education. On motion of Dr. Walker, this recommendation was approved. PROPOSAL FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT O F A CENTER FOR ADVANCED COMPUTATION. URBANA (12) A Center for Advanced Computation as a special unit of the Graduate College is proposed at the Urbana-Champaign campus. The Center will carry on and promote interdisciplinary, problem-oriented research for which the application of unusually powerful computers represents a significant resource. There are several classes of problems of broad national import for which a computer of unprecedented capacity, such as the ILLIAC IV, may provide a unique mechanism for model-building and a hitherto unavailable resource for data handling. With the computer scheduled for completion during this calendar year, the focus of activities on the ILLIAC IV project will shift from computer design and development to the application of the computer to problems as varied as numerical weather prediction, natural resource allocation, large-scale agricultural planning, and multidimensional hydrodynamic calculations. Such problem-solving activities are not in the mainstream of computer science; they call for strong and continuing interaction between and among computer designers and programmers and the experts in the various disciplines and fields of application. Interdisciplinary research of this type, which requires major access to a completely new computational facility and involves the participation of key academic staff in many departments and colleges, can best be accomplished in a Center for Advanced Computation. Proposed Organization and Administration The Center is to be organized along the general lines of other special units in the Graduate College. General policy and guidelines for operation of the Center within the stated mission will be established by a policy committee reporting to the Dean of the Graduate College and appointed by him after consultation with the deans of colleges with special interests in the activities of the Center. The Director of the Center, appointed after consultation with the policy committee, would implement policies and objectives with the assistance of a steering committee made up of active participants in the program. While professional support personnel with appointments in the Center wil1 contribute to any of its projects, research programs in the Center will normally be under the research leadership of academic staff associated with other departments, either on the basis of joint appointments or of less formal collaborative arrangements. Although it would involve and support graduate students in many graduate programs, and will stimulate new interdepartmental programs, the Center would not propose to assume a departmental instructional role or to establish degree programs under its jurisdiction. Objectives and Graduate Research Mission of t h e Center The central mission of the Center will be to carry on and promote interdisciplinary graduate research on a broad array of problems for which unusually powerful computers will provide unique capability. 944 BOARD O F TRUSTEES [June 17 To implement these objectives, the Center would have access to computational facilities, in particular the ILLIAC IV which constitutes a significant national resource. The Center will also provide a physical and intellectual environment for encouraging interdepartmental research activities. Budgetary a n d Staff Implications Operation of the Center and support of research activities would involve a staff of approximately thirty academic personnel together with a technical and clerical nonacademic staff of comparable size. Financial support would be provided initially under federal (largely Department of Defense) sponsorship, which would support a widely diversified program of graduate research. State funds would be requested to support the operation of the Director’s office and certain associated research activities. State funds amounting to $28,700 have been allocated for FY 1971. This proposal has the approval of the Graduate College Executive Comm!ttee, the Research Board, the Senate, the Chancellor, and the Executive Vice President and Provost. The University Senates Conference has advised that no further Senate jurisdiction is involved. I concur, subject to further action by the Illinois Board of Higher Education. On motion of Mr. Swain, this proposal was approved. THE REQUIREMENT OF AN ADVANCE DEPOSIT O N TUITION AND FEES (13) At its meeting on January 18, 1961, the Board of Trustees approved the collection of a nonrefundable deposit of $30 from all new undergraduate students (except foreign students living outside the United States a t the time of application) seeking admission to the University for a fall term. On January 15, 1964, this requirement was extended to include new graduate students and new students in the College of Law. Furthermore, it was extended to include continuing students (i.e., those currently registered who wish to register for the following term) with certain exceptions. The Board‘s action of January 15, 1964, however, provided “that the Office of Admissions and Records be authorized, in cooperation with the Business Office : to establish for each campus the semesters or sessions for which the depqsit on tuition and fees is required beginning with the first semester of 1964-65. . . . Under this authorization, several exceptions and variations have been introduced from time to time, as conditions affecting applications and subsequent enrollment have varied. The three campuses differ considerably in respect of such conditions, and experience with the administration of the nonrefundable deposit has led to the recommendation from the University Committee on Fees’ that each campus be allowed to establish the categories of applicants for which the nonrefundable deposit would be required, in accordance with the special conditions prevailing at a given time. It should be noted that since the advance-deposit plan was adopted, a nonrefundable fee of $15 is required of all applicants for admission or for readmission to the University. This requirement meets in part one of the main purposes of the nonrefundable tuition deposit, namely the screening out of individuals who are unlikely to register if admitted. I concur in the recommendation that the Chancellor at each campus be authorized to establish for his campus the categories of students and the sessions (quarters or semesters) for which the nonrefundable deposit of $30 on tuition and fees would be required. O n motion of Dr. Walker, this recommendation was approved. CHANGES IN STUDENT TUITION (14) The appropriations from the University Income Fund, as passed by the General Assembly, are based on an increase in the rate of resident tuition by $150 a Lyle H. Lanier, Executive Vice President and Provost, Chairman; Herbert 0. Farber, Vice President and Comptroller- Joseph S: B ando, Chancellor at the Medical Center campus; E. Eugene Oliver, Director of t f ~ eUniversity 8ffice of School and College Relations; Norman A. Parker, Chancellor at the Chicago Circle campus; Jack W. Peltason, Chancellor at the UrbanaChampaign campus. 19701 945 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS year, beginning with the first quarter or semester starting after January 1, 1971, and a further increase in nonresident tuition of $300 a year, beginning in September, 1970, beyond the $100 increase approved by the Board of Trustees on October 16, 1968. Similar increases were proposed for all other institutions of higher education. I n order to meet the income projections, I recommend that the following tuition schedule be adopted, effective on the dates indicated : Range I Range IT Range 111 Range I V Illinois Residents Semester, February, 1971. .. . . . $198 $38 $137 8 76 Quarter, January, 1971.. . . . . . 132 92 50 25 Eight-Week Term, June, 1971. . 99 69 38 19 Nonresidents $236 Semester, September, 1970. .. . . $627 8430 287 Quarter, September, 1970.. . . . . 418 15 7 Eight-Week Term, June, 1971. . 314 215 118 19 The semester rates are charged at the Urbana-Champaign campus during the regular academic year. The quarter rates are charged for all terms at the Chicago Circle and the Medical Center campuses, and for any eleven- or twelve-week summer program at the Urbana-Champaign campus. The eight-week-term rates are charged for the regular summer session at the L’rbana-Champaign campus. . $;5” On motion of Mr. Steger, this recommendation was approved. REVISION OF REGULATIONS CONCERNING PRE-EMPLOYMENT HEALTH EXAMINATIONS (Revision of The General Rules Concerning University Organization and Procedure) (15) On December 11, 1969, the Executive Vice President and Provost appointed a special committee’ to review the pre-employment health examinations and related procedures being followed at the three campuses. Section 26(m and n) of The General Rules Concerning Univrrsity Organization and Procedure states that such examinations shall be “in a form prescribed hy the Director of the University Health Services. . . .” With the decentralization of administrative organization under the chancellorship system, the Health Service at each of the three campuses is headed by its own Director. The task of the special committee was to review existing procedures and to recommend appropriate changes in Section 26(m and n) of The General Rules in the light of the change to the chancellorship system. The committee’s report has been received, and the following changes in Section 26(m and n) are recommended (deletions are crossed out and additions to the text are in italics) : “(m) All employees of the.Universify, unless excepted by the President, are required to .~ 1 . ’ p with the position that being The in which this evidence is sought. form is to be presented will be prescribed by the Director of the Health Service at each campus. Employees securing a rating of ‘Unemployable’ may not be employed, except on approval of the President. As deemed necessary by the Directors of the Health Services, new employees are required to be immunized against communicable diseases. Employees of the University whose duties require them to handle food products shall be subject to periodic medical examinations given under the supervision of the Directors of the Health Services, and no individual shall be employed in duties of this nature who shows evidence of any comnlunicable disease. J. W Briscoe Vice Chancellor for Administrative Affairs, Urbana-Champaign campus, Chairmnll* honald J: Caseley Vice Chancellor, Medical Center campus; Marvin J. Colbert, DireFtor hf Health Services, Medical Center campus; Laurence M. Hursh,. Directqr of Health Services Urbana-champaign campus. Edward K. Isaacson, Staff Physician, Chicago Circle campus; ’Alfred P. Maurice, Associate‘ Dean of Faculties, Chicago Circle campus. 946 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 “(n) Failure on the part of an employee to take any required physical examination, or to present evidence of freedom from tuberculosis or immunity to smallpox, to do so, shall serve to make the after being notified University employment contract inoperative and salary payments shall cease.” The Chancellors at the three campuses endorse the proposed changes, and the Executive Vice President and Provost recommends their adoption. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this recommendation and the proposed revision in The General Rules Concerning University Organization and Procedure were approved. ADDITION TO THE GENERAL RULES CONCERNING UNIVERSITY ORGANIZATION A N D PROCEDURE: SECTION 35 (16) The University Council on Libraries has approved a recommendation from the Committee on Historical Manuscripts and University Archives that the organization and functions of the University Archives be recognized by inclusion in The General Rules Concerning University Organization and Procedure. At present, the Urbana campus has the most extensive and well-defined archival program. Chicago Circle is developing its collection of university materials as well as a large collection of non-university manuscript materials. The Medical Center is limited by lack of space, but is establishing the bases for retention and collection of records and will take control of materials when space is available. In the reorganization under the chancellorship system, the status of the University Archives was not dealt with specifically. It is the consensus of the Council that the archival program on each campus should be autonomous from any other, each headed by one archivist on each campus. Therefore, I now recommend that the following section be added to the General Rules : University Archives SEC.35 (a) The University Archives, a division of the library under the direction of an Archivist on each campus, is the depository for records having research or historical value and includes records transferred to its custody. The University Archives also includes professional and personal manuscripts of members of the academic and administrative staffs and records of faculty and student organizations that may be given to the University for preservation and use. (b) Records produced or received by any agency or employee of the University in the transaction of University business become University property. For the prirposes of this paragraph, records shall be defined as including all documents, correspondence, accounts, files, manuscripts, publications, photographs, tapes, drawings, or other material bearing upon the activities and functions of the University or its officers and employees. No University records shall be discarded or destroyed except upon the prior approval of the Archivist pursuant to a finding and recommendation by the administrative unit involved that such records have no further administrative value. The Archivist shall withhold the approval of any such action until he is satisfied that the records involved have no value for other administrative ofices and that they need not be retained for legal reasons, as determined by appropriate officers. Where appropriate, the Archivist may arrange for the transfer of records to the University Archives as an alternative to destruction. (c) The archives of the General Offices of the University shall be under the jurisdiction of the Archivist a t the Urbana-Champaign campus. O n motion of Dr. Walker, this recommendation and the proposed addition to The General Rules Concerning University Organization and Procedure are approved. DESIGNATION OF UNIVERSITY OFFICERS FOR FACILITY SECURITY CLEARANCE (17) Oficials of the United States governmental agencies have requested the Board of Trustees to designate by formal action the trustees and officers of the Board 19701 947 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS who do not require access to classified information and who therefore shall not have the authority and responsibility for negotiation, execution, and administration of contracts with the United States of America and its agencies and all of the duties and responsibilities pertaining to the protection of classified information. The following resolution is offered in the form requested by the agencies and its adoption is recommended. Resolution WHEREAS, it has been brought to the attention of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois with its principal office and place of business in the City of Urbana, State of Illinois, that in connection with a Facility Security Clearance, the Chief Executive Officer and those other officers or officials who are specifically and properly designated by action of the Board of Trustees in accordance with the institution’s requirements as the managerial group having authority and responsibility for the negotiation, execution and administration of User Agency contracts and delegated all of the duties and responsibilities of the Board of Trustees pertaining to the protection of classified information are required to be cleared by the Department of Defense; and WHEREAS,if because of this delegation the board will not be in a position to affect adversely the performance of classified contracts, other officers or trustees who shall not require access to classified information in the conduct of the University’s business and who do not occupy positions that would enable them to affect the university’s policies or practices in the performance of classified contracts, are not required to be cleared, provided the Board of Trustees by formal action affirms and makes a matter of record in the organization’s minutes of that executive hody, that RESOLVED : The following named officers, officials and trustees shall not require, shall not have, and can be effectively excluded from, access to all classified information in the possession of the university and do not occupy positions that would enable them to affect adversely the university’s policies or practices in the performance of classified contracts or programs for the User Agencies : TITLE NAME OGILVIE, Richard B. PAGE, Ray TONES. Theodore A. .STEGER, Russell GRIMES, Donald R. HAHN. Ralnh C. STONE, W: Clement, Sr. WALKER, Earl E. MANCHESTER, R. R. Governor of Illinois Superintendent of Public Instruction Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Treasurer CITIZENSHIP us us us us us us us us us Be I t Further Resolved: The following officers of the Board of Trustees and of the University of Illinois be and hereby are designated as the managerial group having the authority and the responsibility for the negotiation, execution and administration of User Agency contracts and all of the duties and responsibilities pertaining to the protection of classified information : President, Secretary, and Comptroller of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois; and President, Vice-president and Comptroller, Executive Vice President and Provost, and University Counsel of the University of Illinois. On motion of Mr. Clement, the foregoing resolution was adopted. DEDICATION O F CERTAIN NATURAL AREAS A S N A T U R E PRESERVES (VOLO BOG A N D WAUCONDA BOG) (18) The Board of Trustees a t its regular: meeting held on October 16, 1967, authorized the execution of Articles of Dedicatlon of Volo Bog, Wauconda Bog, and other properties as nature preserves within the meaning of An Act in relation to the acquisition, control, maintenance, improvement, and protection of State parks and nature preserves, approved June 26, 1925, as amended. That action directed that the Aiticles of Dedication provide for retention of University responsibility for the care, supervision, and control of the premises and that the dedication be limited to a period not in excess of twenty-five years. 948 BOARD O F TRUSTEES [June 17 The law requires the approval of the Illinois Nature Preserves Commission and the State of Illinois Department of Conservation for the dedications h u t such approvals were not forthcoming. After further negotiations with the Illinois Nature Preserves Commission, the State of Illinois Department of Conservation, and the Illinois Chapter of the Nature Conservancy, from whom the University acquired title, it has been determined that with respect to Volo Bog and Wauconda Bog the following actions be recommended : a. That The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois dedicate both \ 7 ~ l ~ Bog and Wauconda Bog as nature preserves in perpetuity and without qualification. b. That concurrently The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois join in an instrument with the Nature Conservancy conveying title to the premises to the State of Illinois Department of Conservation, subject to the reverter rights presently held by the Nature Conservancy under the terms of the deed from the Nature Conservancy to The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. The President of the University, with the concurrence of appropriate administrative officers, recommends that the Vice President and Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board be authorized to execute Articles of Dedication and conveyances of title to these properties as outlined above. On motion of Mr. Swain, this recommendation was approved. APPROPRIATIONS FOR NONRECURRING EXPENDITURES Chicago Circle (19) The Chancellor, on behalf of the Chicago Circle Committee on Nonrecurring Appropriations, recommends the following appropriations from the : Chicago Circle General Reserve College of Education $ 20 OOO School of Physical Education, equipment .......................... College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Department of Chemistry, equipment ................................ 30 OOO Department of Physics, equipment ................................. 50 000 Department of Geological Sciences, equipment. ..................... 20 000 Department of Biological Sciences, equipment. ..................... 25 000 Department of Psychology, equipment. ............................. 30 OOO Physical Plant Department Renovation of sixth floor of University Hall : 102 000 From F Y 1970 funds ............................................ From FY 1971 funds ............................................ 13 M#) Total, Chicago Circle General Reserve.. .......................... $290 OOO Urbana-Champaign The Chancellor, on behalf of the Urbana-Champaign Committee on Nonrecurring Appropriations, recommends the following appropriations from the : Urbana-Champaign General Reserve College of Fine and Applied Arts Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, equipment. ............... $ 30 OOO School of Music, equipment.. ...................................... 30 000 College of Liberal Arts and Sciences School of Life Sciences, equipment.. ............................... 20 000 Total, Urbana-Champaign Gemral Reserve.. ...................... $ 80 000 The Executive Vice President and Provost and the Vice President and Comptroller concur. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Hahn, these appropriations were made by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Hahn, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Steger, Mr. Swain, Dr. Walker ; no, none; absent, Mr. Grimes, Mr. Jones, Governor Ogilvie, Mr. Page, Mr. Stone. 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 949 REQUEST TO ILLINOIS BUILDING AUTHORITY TO CONTRACT FOR PAINTING FOR UTILITIES BUILDING. PHASE 111 ADDITION, CHICAGO CIRCLE (20) The President of the University, with the concurrence of appropriate administrative officers, recommends that the Illinois Building Authority be requested to award a contract in the amount of $14,889 to S. hieltzer & Sons Decorating Co., Chicago, the low bidder for field finish painting for the Utilities Building, Phase 111 Addition at the Chicago Circle campus, and proceed to procure this work for the University. This work is part of the project for Chicago Circle, Phase I11 construction which :he Board, on July 26, 1967, requested the Illinois Building Authority to provide. The Authority will finance the construction and lease the facilities to the University for rental payments for which the state appropriations are available. Jurisdiction of the land has been transferred to the Authority. It is also recommended that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board be authorized to make, execute, acknowledge, and deliver such instruments of transfer, conveyance, lease, contract, and other documents as are necessary to provide for the carrying out of the foregoing project by the Illinois Building Authority, and that the resolution submitted herewith be adopted to implement the official action requested. Resolution Be I t , and I t Hereby Is, Resolved by The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a public corporation of the State of Illinois, that the Illinois Building Authority be, and it hereby is, requested to award to S. Meltzer & Sons Decorating Co., 2671 North Lincoln Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, a contract for field finish painting for the Utilities Building, Phase 111 Addition at the Chicago Circle campus for the sum of $14,889.00 and proceed to procure this work for the University. Be I t , and I t Herrby Is, Further Resolved by The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a public corporation of the State of Illinois, that the Comptroller and Secretary of this public corporation be, and they hereby are, authorized to make, execute, acknowledge, and deliver, in the name and on behalf of this corporation, such instruments of transfer, conveyance, lease, contract and other documents as are necessary or appropriate in order to provide for the carrying out of the foregoing project and facility by the Illinois Building Authority. On motion of Mr. Swain, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ape, Mr. Clement, Mr. Hahn, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Steger, Mr. Swain, Dr. Walker; no, none; absent, Mr. Grimes, Mr. Jones, Governor Ogilvie, Mr. Page, Mr. Stone. EXERCISE OF OPTIONS TO RENEW CONTRACTS FOR ANNUAL ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE SERVICE, CHICAGO CIRCLE (21) On May 20, 1969, the University received bids for annual elevator maintenance service for Fiscal Year 1970 at the Chicago Circle campus. The contract documents provided that the UniversiQ will have the option to renew these contracts annually through June 30, 1975, and with the further provision that if the annual options are exercised that unit prices for metal and metal products will be adjusted by the appropriate index published by the United States Department of Labor, and that unit prices for labor be adjusted on the basis of the percentage change in the preceding year's wages. On June 18, 1969, the Board of Trustees authorized the awarding of these contracts to the low bidders. In addition to these contracts, bids were received on February 3, 1970, and on March 5, 1970, for elevator maintenance service for Phase I11 buildings which were activated after the above original contracts were awarded. These minor contracts did not require Board approval and were executed by the University. These contracts contain the same option renewal and escalation provisions as the original contracts f o r annual elevator maintenance service. The Physical Plant Department and the Purchasing Division have determined that it would be more economical to exercise the option for renewing the existing contracts for elevator maintenance service than to solicit for new bids. Accordingly, the President of the University, with the concurrence of appropriate administrative officers, recommends that subject to funds being made avail- 950 BOARD O F TRUSTEES [June 17 able, the options held by the University be exercised to renew the above contracts for elevator maintenance service for the Chicago Circle campus for Fiscal Year 1971, with the unit price adjustments as follows: Unit cost Pricc for Original Contract Adjustmmts F Y1971 Group A Reliance Elevator Co.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $37 800 00 $3 071 25 $40 871 25 Group B 6 C Haughton Elevator Company, Div. of 7 9.52 51 7 291 20 661 31 Reliance Electric Co., Toledo, Ohio.. ....... Group D 1 344 00 107 23 1 451 23 Montgomery Elevator Co.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Group E 7 500 00 601 50 8 101 50 Gregory Elev. Maint. Co.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Group F 4 200 00 343 89 4 543 89 Gallaher & Speck. ....................... Group G 334 07 4 414 07 4 080 00 Gallaher & Speck. ....................... $62 215 20 $5 119 25 $67 334 45 Total ................................. Funds have been included in the proposed operating budget of the Physical Plant Department for FY1971. On motion of Dr. Walker, this recommendation was approved by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Hahn, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Steger, Mr. Swain, Dr. Walker; no, none; absent, Mr. Grimes, Mr. Jones, Governor Ogilvie, Mr. Page, Mr. Stone. CONTRACTS FOR CONTRACTORS' FEES FOR MINOR REMODELING AND NEW CONSTRUCTION, FY1971, AT CHICAGO CIRCLE AND MEDICAL CENTER (22) The President of the University, with the concurrence of appropriate administrative officers, recommends award of the following cost-plus contracts for minor building alterations, repairs, and new construction work for the period July 1,. 1970, through June 30, 1971, at the Chicago Circle and Medical Center campuses, the award in each case to be to the lowest bidder. Per Cent Per Cent Per Cent for for for Labor M&erial Contracts General-Erik A. Borg Company, Skokie. ... 8 30 8 Electrical -Gerson Electric Construction Co., Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 28 10 Plumbing-G. F. Connelly Co., Inc., Chicago 8% 31% 8% Heating, Refrigeration, and Temperature Control- The Nu-Way Contracting Corp., Chicago ................................ 10 35 5 Ventilation and Distribution Systems for Conditioned Air- Admiral Heating and Ventilating, Inc., Hillside. ............... 9 38 5 These contracts will be for work which does not justify the cost of preparing separate drawings and specifications and of separate bidding procedures on each project estimated to cost less than $ZS,OOO. The several contractors bid on percentages to be added to the actual cost of material, labor, and subcontracts, and the awards recommended are to the lowest bidders. The work will be done as ordered by the Physical Plant Department and will be paid for on the basis of the actual cost of each job plus contractors' fees. Sub- 19701 95 1 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS mitted herewith is a report of the Office of Physical Plant Planning and Construction, including a schedule of bids received, showing the fee percentages to be added for work to be executed under these cost-plus contracts, a copy of which is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. No assignment of funds is requested and each job will be covered by a contract change order charged against funds allocated for the project. It is further recommended that the Vice-president and Comptroller be authorized to approve change orders under these contracts up to $25,OOO on each project. On motion of Mr. Swain, these recommendations were approved by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Hahn, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Steger, Mr. Swain, Dr. Walker; no, none; absent, Mr. Grimes, Mr. Jones, Governor Ogilvie, Mr. Page, Mr. Stone. CONTRACTS F O R REMODELING IN BURRILL HALL. URBANA (23) The President of the University, with the concurrence of appropriate administrative officers, recommends award of the following cost-plus contracts based on percentages bid for contractors’ fees for remodeling ten rooms in Burrill Hall, for the Department of Physiology, the award in each case being to the low bidder. Per Cent for Material Estimated Per Cent Fee PayPer Cent for mantsana! Subcon- Eguifiment for tracts Labor costs Total Estimated Payments General -Skoog Construction Company, Champaign . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 23 2 $1 897 00 $20 097 00 Electrical -Remco Electrical 4 739 64 Corporation, Champaign 6 26 10 645 64 Plumbing- Willis Thomas & W. C. Thomas, a partnership doin business as Thomas blumbing 5 747 60 & Heating Co., Urbana. . 16 31 0 1 387 60 Heating, Piping, Refrigeration and Automatic Temperature Control Systems- David W. Reichard Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc., 1 761 64 42 0 569 64 Urbana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Ventilation and Distribution Systems for Conditioned Air - David W. Reichard Plumbing & Heating Co., 1 275 00 0 375 00 55 Inc., Urbana.. . . . . . . . . . 15 Funds for this work are available in an appropriation made by the Board of Trustees on April 15, 1970. Submitted herewith is a schedule of bids received, a copy of which is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. On motion of Dr. Walker, these contracts were awarded by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Hahn, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Steger, Mr. Swain, Dr. Walker; no, none; absent, Mr. Grimes, Mr. Jones, Governor Ogilvie, Mr. Page, Mr. Stone. CONTRACTS FOR REMODELING IN DAVENPORT HALL A N D STOCK PAVILION, URBANA (24) The President of the University, with the concurrence of appropriate administrative officers, recommends award of the following cost-plus contracts based on 952 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 percentages bid for contractors’ fees for remodeling the meats commissary in Davenport Hall and slaughter house facilities in the Stock Pavilion a t the UrbanaChampaign campus, the award in each case being to the low bidder. Estimated Per Cent Fee PayPer Cent Per Cent for ments and Total for Subcon- Equipment Estimated for Material Labor tracts Costs Payments General -Barber & DeAtley, Inc., Urbana.. . 2 . 9 $2 168 55 $11 418 55 24 25 Electrical-G. L. Wilsky, a n individual, doing business as Downtown Electric, Urbana.. . . . . . . . . . . 16 0 60 80 340 80 26 Plumbing- Willis Thomas & W. C. Thomas, a partnership, doing business as Thomas Plumbing & Heating Co., Urbana. . 16 33 0 426 40 1 991 40 Heating, Piping, Refrigeration & Automatic Temperature Control Systems- David W. Reichard Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc., Urbana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 42 5 468 00 2 368 00 Funds for this work are available in an appropriation made by the Board of Trustees on April 15, 1970. Submitted herewith is a schedule of bids received, a copy of which is being filed with the Secretary of the Board €or record. On motion of Mr. Swain, these contracts were awarded by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Hahn, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Steger, Mr. Swain, Dr. Walker; no, none; absent, Mr. Grimes, Mr. Jones, Governor Ogilvie, Mr. Page, Mr. Stone. CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF OUTDOOR FIRING RANGE FOR POLICE TRAINING INSTITUTE, DIVISION O F UNIVERSITY EXTENSION, U RBANA (25) The President of the University, with the concurrence of appropriate administrative officers, recommends award of the following cost-plus contract based on percentages bid for contractors’ fees for construction of an outdoor firing range f o r the Police Training Institute of the Division of University Extension at the Urbana-Champaign campus, the award being to the low bidder. Estimated Per Cent Fee PayPer Cent Per Cent for ments and Total for Subcon- Equipment Estimated fm Material Labor tracts Costs Payments General -Barber 8. DeAtley, Inc., Urbana.. . 2 . 9 24 2 $7 755 00 $74 755 00 Funds for this work are available in an appropriation made by the Seventysixth General Assembly for the Police Training Institute. Submitted herewith is a schedule of bids received, a copy of which is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. On motion of Mr. Hahn, this contract was awarded by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Hahn, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Steger, Mr. Swain, Dr. Walker; no, none; absent, Mr. Grimes, Mr. Jones, Governor Ogilvie, Mr. Page, Mr. Stone. 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 953 CONTRACT FOR OPERATION OF THE VETERINARY MEDICINE DIAGNOSTIC LABORATORY, URBANA (26) Since 1956 the Illinois Department of Agriculture has operated a diagnostic laboratory for animals, housed in facilities provided by the College of Veterinary Medicine on the Urbana-Champaign campus. The laboratory is designed to serve a n i d s owned by citizens of the state and to advance the field of veterinary medicine through research and public service. The University has received approximately 30 per cent of the services rendered through the provisions of clinical material necessary for teaching. To compensate for services thus received, the University has shared the cost of operating the laboratory t o the extent of approximately 30 per cent, by providing released time of professionals and technicians to assist in the diagnostic work. The Director of the Department and the Dean of the College propose that during 1970-71, and possibly in future years, the University assume responsibility for the administration and operation of the laboratory and that the Department pay the University $198,000 (approximately 70 per cent of the operating costs) for the year ending June 30, 1971. The transition in administration of the laboratory will take place during the first six months of the year in order to permit an orderly transfer of responsibilities, and the University will cooperate with the Department in opexating the laboratory during this period. The support from the Department ($198,iuK)) will be reduced by any costs incurred by the Department during the transition period. Implementation of the proposal is subject to the availability of funds. The Chancellor a t Urbana-Champaign and the Vice President and Comptroller recommend that authorization be given to enter into an agreement with the Illinois Department of Agriculture as outlined above. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this recommendation was approved. CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PARKING FACILITIES AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-WILLARD AIRPORT (27) The Department of Aeronautics of the State of Illinois has agreed to provide costs not exceeding $ZOO,aoO to provide certain auto parking facilities, perimeter fencing, drainage, and incidental items at the University of 1 llinois-\f‘illard Airport as defined in their Project 70A-12-503. The Board of Trustees on December 17, 1969, authorized the University to enter into a “Limited Agency and Participation Agreement” with the Department to implement the project. In accordance with the terms of the Agreement, the Department has prepared specifications for the project and has secured sealed bids. The low bidder on the project is the Champaign Asphalt Company, Champaign, Illinois, with a bid of $179,455. In accordance with the terms of the Agreement, the Vice President and C o m p troller and the Director of the Institute of Aviation recommend that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board be authorized to execute the construction contract with the Champaign Asphalt Company. I concur. O n motion of Mr. Swain, this recommendation was approved. TRANSFER OF JURISDICTION OF PROPERTY TO ILLINOIS BUILDING AUTHORITY FOR CONSTRUCTION OF LABORATORY-OFFICE COMPLEX BUILDING, URBANA (28) The Seventy-sixth General Assembly of the State Of Illinois has declared to be in the public interest a Laboratory-Office Complex Building for the Department of Registration and Education to be used by the State Geological and State Natural History Surveys. By state law the scientific surveys are administered by the Department of Registration and Education and the Board of Natural Resources and Conservation but are housed in University of Illinois buildings. On October 16, 1968, the Board of Trustees authorized an agreement with the Department of Registration and Education for the construction of this building on a site reserved for the Surveys in the area south of St. Mary’s Road and west of South First Street Road in Champaign, and which provided that the University 954 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 would transfer jurisdiction of the site to the Illinois Building Authority, and the Authority has now requested this transfer. Accordingly, the President of the University, with the concurrence of appropriate administrative officers, requests the adoption of the following resolution to authorize the transfer of jurisdiction of the site for the Laboratory-Office Complex Building requested by the Illinois Building Authority. (The Instrument of Transfer will be available for inspection at the Board meeting.) Resolution WHEREAS, the Seventy-sixth General Assembly of the State of Illinois has declared it to be in the public interest that the Illinois Building Authority construct, on behalf of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a LaboratoryOffice Complex Building at the Urbana-Champaign campus of the University of Illinois; and WHEREAS, f o r that purpose it will be necessary for the Illinois Building Authority to acquire jurisdiction of the real estate upon which said building will be located; and WHEREAS, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a public corporation of the State of Illinois, with its principal office in Urbana, Illinois, has been requested by the Illinois Building Authority to transfer jurisdiction of said real estate for the construction of said building. Now, Therefore, Be I t and I t Is Hereby Resolved by The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois at its June 17, 1970, meeting, as follows: That the Comptroller and the Secretary of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois be and they are hereby authorized to execute, acknowledge and deliver, in the name and on behalf of this corporation, an instrument of transfer of jurisdiction to the property described in the attached document entitled “Instrument of Transfer” which said form of Instrument of Transfer is, by this reference, incorporated in and made a part of this Resolution. On motion of Mr. Clement, the foregoing resolution was adapted by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, R4.r. Hahn, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Steger, Mr. Swain, Dr. Walker; no, none; absent, Mr. Grimes, Mr. Jones, Governor Ogilvie, Mr. Page, Mr. Stone. Date : ................................................. 1970 I.B.A. Project No. 76-36 Construct Laboratory-Office Complex Building Department of Registration and Education and University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Campus Instrument of Transfer In accordance with the provisions of “An Act to create the Illinois Building Authority and to define its powers and duties,” approved August 15, 1961, as amended, and Resolution No. 70 IBA 26, adopted on the 20th day of May, 1970 by the lllinois Building Authority, a body corporate and politic of the State of Illinois created under said mentioned Act, requested the transfer of jurisdiction of certain described real estate to the Illinois Building Authority. Now, Therefore, the undersigned The Board of Trustees of The University of Illinois, a body corporate and politic of the State of Illinois, does hereby transfer jurisdiction of the following real estate to the Illinois Building Authority, to wit: Situated in the State of Illinois, the County of Champaign, in the SEG, N E 1/4 of Section 24, Township 19 North, Range 8 East of the 3rd. Principal Meridian and being more fully bounded and described as follows : Commencing at a stone monument, being the Southwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 24, Township 19 North, Range 8 East of the 3rd. Principal Meridian, Champaign County, Illinois; thence east 187.39 feet to a point; thence north 1433.19 feet to the True Point of Beginning, also being the Southwest corner of the Natural History Geological Survey Building; thence South 89’15‘30” East 121‘7” to a point; thence North O”44’30” East 72‘0” t o a point; thence South 89O15’30“ East 72’0“ to a point; thence North O”44‘30” East 133’7” to a point; thence North 89”15’30“ West 19’6” to a point; thence North O”44’30“ 19701 UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S 955 East 65'24/2" to a point; thence South 89'15'30" East 13'6" to a point; thence North O"44'30" East 66'4" to a point; thence North 89"15'30" West 72'3" to a point; thence North O"44'30" &st 54'0" to a point: thence North 89"15'30" West 68'0'' to a point; thence .South o"44'30" West 54'0'' t o a point; thence North 89"15'30" West 34'6" to a point; thence south O"44'30"West 46'4" to a point; thence South 89"15'30" East 28'2" to a point; thence South 0'44'30'' West 5 0 ' 0 to a point; thence South 89"15'30" East 31'0" to a point; thence South O"44'30" West 75'2g" to a point; thence North 89"15'30" West 72'0" to a point; thence South O"44'30" West 145'7" to the True Point of Beginning and being a part of the SE 1/4, N E 1/4, Section 24, Township 19 North, Range 8 East of the 3rd. Principal Meridian, Champaign County, Illinois. Being the site upon which the Illinois Building Authority is to construct and complete a Laboratory-Office Complex Building for the University of Illinois and the Department of Registration and Education of the State of Illinois at the UrbanaChampaign Campus of the University of Illinois. In Witness Whereof, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a body corporate and politic of the State of Illinois, has caused this instrument to be executed by its Comptroller, pursuant to due authorization of its Board of Trustees, and its seal to be hereunto affixed and attested by the Secretary of The Board of day of .....................~.., Trustees of the University of Illinois, all as of the .................... 1970 _ _-. This instrument has been executed in several counterparts each of which may be considered as an original. THEBOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS By ..................................................................... Comptroller I hereby approve the foregoing transfer Attest : as being advantageous to the State of Illinois and in the public interest. Secretary Dated ..................................... ......., 19......... (Seal) .......................................................................... Governor, State of Illinois Approved as to form and content: .......................................................................... For Counsel €or The Board of Trustees ol the University of Illinois EMPLOYMENT OF ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER FOR PARKING STRUCTURE, CHICAGO CIRCLE (29) The President of the University, with the concurrence of appropriate administrative officers, recommends the employment of Conrad Associates, Chicago, for complete architectural and engineering services, including the required supervision, for the proposed parking structure at the Chicago Circle campus at a fee of 5 per cent of the actual cost of construction. Funds for professional services through the completion of working drawings in the amount of $lOO,OOO are available on an interim basis from the Rust Estate. The estate will be reimbursed when revenue bonds are sold by the University to finance the total cost of the project. The Advisory Committee on Architectural and Engineering Services and the Buildings and Grounds Committee have approved the selection of this firm. The State Board of Higher Education will be requested to approve this project as a "Noninstructional Facility." On motion of Mr. Steger, this recommendation was approved by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Steger, Mr. Swain, Dr. Walker; no, none; absent, Mr. Grimes, Mr. Jones, Governor Ogilvie, Mr. Page, Mr. Stone. Mr. Hahn asked to be recorded as not voting. 956 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 DISCONTINUANCE O F CLAYTON EXPERIMENT FIELD (30) In 1910 the Village of Clayton, in Adams County, conveyed twenty acres of land to the University of Illinois as an Agricultural Experiment Field, with the provision that if the University ceased to use it for such purpose for two years, the land would be transferred to the Village of Clayton for use as a public p r k . The type of research now being done by the Department of Agronomy requires larger tracts of land, and consequently, some of the small experimental plots are being phased out. No research has been conducted a t the Clayton Field since 1967. State law now limits reverter clauses to a period of forty years, so the provision in the deed transferring title back to the Village of Clayton is no longer valid. Consequently, the Village of Clayton has sought legislation (H.B. 3605) authorizing the Board of Trustees to convey to the Village of Clayton the following property : Twenty (20) acres off the West end of the North half of the Southwest Quarter of section number thirty-five (35) in Township number one North, range five (5) West of the Fourth Principal Meridian, situated in the County of Adams, in the State of Illmois. The University has not opposed this bill, since it will carry out the commitment made by the University in 1910 in accepting the donation of the property. I recommend that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board be authorized to convey by quit claim deed all right, title, and interest in this property to the Village of Clayton, subject to approval of the legislation proposed. On motion of Dr. Walker, this recommendation was approved. MODIFICATlON OF CHANGE ORDER-LEASE/ACQUlSlTlONS (31) On October 15, 1969, and April 15, 1970, the Board authorized the acceptance of proposals of the IBM Corporation for change ordersgin the University’s lease agreements which would permit the University to purchase two Model 360/50 C P U systems located at the Urbana-Champaign and Chicago Circle campuses with payments to be made, subject to availability of funds, in accordance with scheduled paymrnts over a five-year period. In a re-evaluation of the purchase agreements with the IBM Corporation, it has been determined that the University can effect additional savings of approximately $57,000 by immediate purchase of the two systems rather than continuing the five-year payment schedules. The President of the University recommends, with the concurrence of the Executive Vice President and Provost and the Vice President and Comptro!ler, that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board of Trustees be authorized t o modify the purchase agreements with the IBM Corporation, and to execute such contracts and change orders or other appropriate documents as may be necessary, to vest title in the University on or before June 30, 1970, for the two Model 360/50 CPU systems located at the Urbana-Champaign and Chicago Circle campuses in amounts not to exceed $399,010.96 and $300,125.02, respectively. The President further recommends appropriations from the General Reserve of $399,010.96 for Urbana-Champaign and $300,125.02 for Chicago Circle. On motion of Mr. Swain, these recommendations were approved by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Hahn, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Steger, Mr. Swain, Dr. Walker; no, none; absent, Mr. Grimes, Mr. Jones, Governor Ogilvie, Mr. Page, Mr. Stone. CONTRACT FOR VENDING SERVICES, CHICAGO CIRCLE (32) The Vice President and Comptroller recommends the award of a contract to Tri-R Vending Service Company, Chicago, Illinois, for vending rights to sell food, beverages, tobacco products and allied items at the University of Illinois a t Chicago Circle, for a period of five years beginning July 1, 1970, a t an estimated annual commission to the University of $101,992, subject to renewal annually a t the option of the University until 1980. I concur. O n motion of Mr. Hahn, this contract was awarded by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Hahn, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Steger, Mr. 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 957 Swain, Dr. Walker; no, none; absent, Mr. Grimes, Mr. Jones, Governor Ogilvie, Mr. Page, Mr. Stone. CONTRACT FOR VENDING SERVICE, MEDICAL CENTER (33) The Vice President and Comptroller recommends the award of a contract for yending service for the University of Illinois at the Medical Center to ARA Services, Inc., Chicago, at an estimated annual commission to the University of $48,479.27. The proposal provides for vending service for a period of one year from July 1, 1970, through June 30, 1971, subject to annual renewal for an additional four years ending June 30, 1975. I concur. On motion of Dr. Walker, this contract was awarded by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Hahn, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Steger, Mr. Swain, Dr. Walker; no, none; absent, Mr. Grimes, Mr. Jones, Governor Ogilvie, Mr. Page, Mr. Stone. ROYALTY AGREEMENT WITH CINE-PROBST. INC., SUBSIDIARY OF CYBERN EDUCATION. INC.. MEDICAL CENTER (34) The Dean of the College of Dentistry and the Chancellor at the Medical Center campus recommend authorization of an agreement between The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and Cine-Probst, Inc., subsidiary of Cybern Education, Inc., granting an exclusive license to Cine-Probst, Inc., to reproduce, publish, sell, market and distribute programmed instruction materials including visual and audio training aids developed by the College of Dentistry under an agreement with Cine-Probst, Inc., as follows : Lesson Set : Living Skull a Dynamic Basis for Radio-Graphic Interpretation In addition to royalties of 5 per cent on domestic sales and 2% per cent on foreign sales, the materials will be supplied to the University at reduced prices. Inasmuch as this agreement covers the second in a projected series of instructional materials,' the agreement contains a provision for adding to its scope further instructional materials ordered by the University through the identification of a purchase order number. I t is recommended that such extensions be approved by the Chancellor at the Medical Center without further referral to the Board of Trustees. This arrangement has been approved by the Executive Vice President and Provost and the Vice President and Comptroller. I concur. On motion of Dr. Walker, authority was given as recommended. REVISION OF EQUIPMENT USAGE GRANT AND LEASE FOR THE COMPUTER-BASED EDUCATION RESEARCH LABORATORY, URBANA (35) On February 18, 1970, the Board of Trustees authorized the execution of an equipment usage grant proposal and lease arrangements with Control Data Corporation in connection with a program of research and development in the PLATO program in the Computer-based Education Research Laboratory at the UrbanaChampaign campus. Under the arrangement, the University will receive a Control Data 6400 computing system for five years at a reduced rate and Control Data will be granted certain preferred positions as far as licenses and royalties are concerned. The agreements between Control Data Corporation and the University are inter-related with license agreements being negotiated by CDC with the University of Illinois Foundation for the hardware and software developments used in the PLATO system. Negotiations have continued and the terms of the equipment usage grant and lease between the University and Control Data Corporation are substantially as approved by the Board of Trustees at its February meeting except that : (1) the University .will now acquire title to the leased system upon the sale of twenty - *The Board of Trustees, on July 23, 1969, approved the initial agreement with Cybern Education, Inc., for four lesson eta. 958 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 PLATO teaching systems utilizing Control Data computers, or upon the sale or lease of PLATO teaching systems utilizing Control Data computers having at least 20,OOO remote teaching terminals, whichever first occurs, and (2) the University will undertake to provide Control Data Corporation a license on all hardware and software improvements in the P L A T O system that are conceived in the Laboratory during the next five years. The documents have been revised and tendered to Control Data Corporation upon the express condition of the Board of Trustees taking formal action to ratify and approve the transaction reflected by the documents, which are on file with the Secretary and available t o the Board of Trustees for examination. The University’s obligation under the documents is also conditioned upon the approval by the Governor of the University’s appropriation bill (S.B. 1360) as passed by the Senate and House of Representatives. Under the original licensing proposals to the Foundation, Control Data Corporation was to be given a license t o make and sell P L A T O teaching machines, but royalties would have been paid only after thirty P L A T O systems had been sold or leased. As a result of subsequent negotiations, the proposed license agreement would now provide that royalty payments will begin after 40,OOO terminals have been sold. The change from thirty systems t o 40,OOO terminals on a royaltyfree basis is desirable since any one system could have as few as 250 terminals or as many as 4,000 terminals. The original licensing proposals were to be for a five-year period with automatic renewals. The revised proposal provides for the licenses to continue in effect for one year, with automatic annual renewals for the full lives of the patents, unless Control Data Corporation terminates. The Executive Vice President and Provost and the Vice President and Comptroller recommend that the Board of Trustees authorize the revisions in the proposal for equipment usage grant and lease arrangements with Control Data Corporation as outlined above, thereby ratifying and approving the transaction reflected in the documents tendered to Control Data Corporation by the University. The effectiveness of the transaction would continue to be subject to the approval by the Governor of S.B. 1360 and the successful completion of appropriate licensing agreements by the University of Illinois Foundation. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this recommendation was approved. PURCHASES (36) The President submitted, with his concurrence, a list of purchases recommended by the Directors of Purchases and the Vice President and Comptroller. The list of purchases was presented in two categories : purchases from appropriated funds (i.e., from state appropriations to the University) and purchases from institutional funds. The latter term designates funds received hy the University under contracts with the United States government, contracts with private corporations and other organizations, funds from foundation grants, and grants from corporations and other donors, and University revolving funds authorized by law. The total amounts of these purchases were : Recommended from Appropriated Funds ........................ $ 488 221 43 Recommended from Institutional Funds ......................... 1 083 845 % Grand Total ............................................... $ 1 572 067 39 A complete list of the purchases, with supporting information, including the quotations received, was sent to each member of the Board in advance of the meeting, and a copy is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. On motion of Mr. Swain, the purchases recommended were authorized. COMPTROLLER’S REPORT OF P U R C H A S E S APPROVED (37) The Vice President and Comptroller also submitted a report of purchases approved by him on recommendation of the Directors of Purchases in amounts of $5,000 to $7,500. A copy of this report is filed with the Secretary. This report was received for record. 19701 959 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS COMPTROLLER'S MONTHLY REPORT O F CONTRACTS EXECUTED (38) The Comptroller's monthly report of contracts executed was presented. Medical Center New Contracts With Whom Enviro-Md. Inc. A-113 Purpose Feasibility of establishing a radiation therapy center in the Medical Center district of Chicago Chunge Orders W i f h Whom presbyterian-St. Luke's Hospital United States Army DADA 17-69-C-9110 Total Evaluation of the marmoset as a laboratory animal in tumor virus research Antiradiation drugs-synthesis of merceptoamidines With Whom Fries Walters Company Purpose Contractor's fees for minor remodeling and new Simpson Construction Company Told W i f h Whom United States Army: DAAH-01-70-C-0888 DABE-29-70-C-0012 DARE-29-70-C-0014 United States Department of Health. Education. and Welfare: OEG-0-70-2291(603) OEG-0-70-3196(606) OEG-0-70-3889(453) OEG-0-70-551l(314) United States Department of the Interior-Office of Saline Water 14-30-2631 United States Navy N00019-50-C-0231 United States Office of Civil Defense DAHC-20-70-C-0346 Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Purpose Amount to be Paid Lo fh8 University $ 15 948 8 000 23 948 $ Amounl to be Paid by 'he Univnsrfy $ 8 745 construction: Hospital Addition Building Contractor's fees for minor remodeling and new construction: General Hospital Hospital Addition- Cobalt room Hospital Addition-Rooms 315-316 7400 io i65 6 423 8 Urbana-Champaign New Contracts Purpose Study of effects of a boundary layer on axisymmetric base pressure in transonic and supersonic flnw ..-.. Instructional training. meals and lodging for 418th Civil Affairs Company, Kansas City, Missouri Instructional training, meals and lodging for the 307th Civil Affairs Company, St. Louis, Missouri 32 731 Amount fo be Paid Lo fhe Universirr S 20 370 11 976 18 162 Fellowship for training of workers with handicapped persons Physical education and recreation for the handicapped "Upward Bound" program College library resources program Diffusion, convection and membrane transport 313 000 Research program on fracture control of adhesive joints Conduct civil defense conferences, training courses. and emergency operations simulations 39 855 Behavior of tunnels and excavations in rock and soil 23 OOO 89 803 25 167 55 999 70 308 354 000 $1 021 640 Tofal Chunge Orders W i f hWhom United States Atomic Energy Commission: AT(ll-1)1198 Amounf to be Paid lo the University 8 24 900 Purpose Understanding the nature of materials. predominantly solids Amount to be Paid lo the Uniwsify $1 452 000 960 With wkon, AT(l1-1) 1199 AT(ll-l)1683 United States D e w t m e n t of Health.Education, and Welfa: OEC3-7-0707064118 OEG5-9-230306oOJ5 United States Navy: NW14-67-A-0305-04 N0001467-A-0305-0016 ToJol With W h Dean Evans Company BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 PUTMSK Studin, of rainout of radioactivity in Illinois Relationship of structural and regulatory controlling the ability of cells t o exist under dificrent environmental conditions 71 207 35 750 Establish a national coordinator center for the 166 095 National LaboratoIy in Early Childhood EduCation Critique of research studies in music education Research on radio frequency spectroscopy Micromechanical mechanisms in organic solids Purpose Contractor’s fees for minor remodeling and new construction: Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, a 175 30 OM) 31 790 81 795 017 Amounl lo be Paid by Uu Uniunsify 2 6000 Summary Amount t o be paid t o the University: Medical Center Urbana-Champaign. ~ ~ t d ............................................................ ....................................................... ................................................................... Amount t o be paid by the University: Medical Center ............................................................ Urbana-Champaign ................... ............................ Told .............................. ............................ 8 48 848 2 816 657 22 865 505 $ 32 731 2 38 731 6000 This report was received for record. INVESTMENT REPORT For t h e Month of April, 1970 Report of the Finance Committee (39) The Finance Committee reported the following changes in investments of endowment funds: Higginson Fund Purchase: Per Cent $5 OOO Chesapeake & Ohio Railway 8% per cent Equipment Trust Certificates due 3/1/82...................... 8.50 3 5 000 00 Pool Sales: 3 54 000 Associatesdemandnotes.. ............................ 3 54 OOO 00 194 O OO Commercial Credit demand notes.. .................... 194 000 00 337 shares DuPont common stock. .......... 36 564 50 2/9 share Royal Dutch Petroleum 208 11 Purchases: 1 OOO shares Del Monte common stock.. 200 shares General Electric common st ................ 14 900 00 1 OOO shares Gulf States Utilities common stock. ....... 24 125 00 50 shares IBM common stock.. . . . . 200 shares Minnesota Mining & Mfg. ... 21 300 00 200 shares Polaroid common stock.. . ... 19 275 00 500 shares RCA common stock........................... 15 437 50 20 shares Standard Oil of New Jersey common stock. . . . . . . 90000 1 OOO shares Transamerica common stock.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 625 00 200 shares Xerox common stock. ......................... I8 050 00 .. 19701 961 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Report of the Comptroller The Comptroller reported the following changes in investments of current and unexpended plant funds, which he has been authorized to make: &strict& Group Cuwent Funds Per Cent purchases: $ 500 000 Genesco note due 5/25/70.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.21 1 OOO OOO Bell 8z Howell note due 7/1/70. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.42 1 OOO OOO 275 OOO 1 000 000 1 000 000 1 000 OOo 300 000 1 000 000 8494 809 03 979 604 17 Avco Delta note due 7/3/70.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.30 979 236 11 First National Bank of Chicago working capital 8.40 270 084 37 acc. due 7/14/70.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ammo Credit note due 8/4/70.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.21 974 000 00 B-W Acceptance note due 8/17/70.. . . . . . . . . . . . 8.24 971 111 11 Clark Eq. Credit note due 9/1/70.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.36 971 336 81 Liberty Loan note due 9/3/70.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.36 291 401 04 Arkansas Louisiana Gas note due 9/8/70.. . . . . . . 8.13 968 500 00 Construction Funds Faculty Center Building Purchase: Per Cent $500 000 Jim Walter note due 1/22/71., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.65 469 531 25 This report was received for record. APPOINTMENTS TO NONACADEMIC POSITIONS F O R 1970-7 1 (40) Since the amount included in the FY 1971 budget for salary increases was reduced by the Governor in his budget from the amount approved by the Board of Higher Education, and since the final amount to be appropriated was not determined until late in the legislative session, it was not possible to start preparation of the internal operating budget until seven weeks after the originally scheduled date. Therefore, the budget will not be ready for consideration by the Board until about the middle of August. Appointments and changes in salaries and wages for the nonacademic staff become effective July 1. In order to prepare the July payroll, authorization of payment of salaries and wages proposed for the nonacademic employees for F Y 1971 is needed at this time. The President of the University requests authorization to put into effect, as of July 1, the nonacademic salaries and wages finally recommended for inclusion in the F Y 1971 budget. Continuation of these salary and wage scales will be subject to final approval by the Board when the budget is submitted in August. On motion of Mr. Swain, authority was given as requested. LEASE OF 1 1 15 WEST OREGON STREET, URBANA (41) The President of the University, with the concurrence of appropriate administrative officers, recommends that the Board oE Trustees request the University of Illinois Foundation to enter into a lease of a portion of the lower level (2,135 square feet) of the property at 1115 West Oregon Street, Urbana, for an instructional laboratory for the Department of Dance, a t a n annual rental of $6,000 for the period beginning July 1, 1970, and extending until June 30, 1972, and at an annual rental of $5,400 f o r the period beginning July 1, 1972, and extending until June 30, 1975, and that the Foundation sublease the space to the University at the same rental on an annual basis. Funds f o r minor remodeling and for rental and operation until June 30, 1971, are available in the operating budget of the Department of Plant and Services. Funds required f o r annual renewals of the sublease and for operation costs after that date will be requested in the budget of the Department of Plant and Services on an annual basis. On motion of Mr. Hahn, this recommendation was approved by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Hahn, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Steger, Mr. Swain, Dr. Walker; no, none; absent, Mr. Grimes, Mr. Jones, Governor Ogilvie, Mr. Page, Mr. Stone. BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 CHANGE ORDER-LEASE-COMPUTER DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE. URBANA (42) The usage of computers f o r education and research centrally located in the Department of Computer Science has grown rapidly over the past several years, The current configuration of leased IBM computer equipment devoted to central computer services for education and research throughout the University is falling seriously behind in view of the rapidly growing use of the computer in these activities. This has resulted in deficiencies and a deterioration of services, especially during three heavy periods of use which occur in July-August, OctoberNovember, and April-May. These operational deficiencies have been called to the attention of the IBM Corporation, who has examined the operations and made a proposal which involves alternate equipment configuration and a change in the program system presently used. These changes should double the present capacity of the 360/7S model computing system. The equipment changes recommended involve an increased rental of $13,665.50 per month. (Current rental of this system totals $72,271.50 per month.) The President of the University recommends, with the concurrence of the Executive Vice President and Provost, the Vice President and Comptroller, and the Dean of the Graduate College, that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board of Trustees be authorized to modify the lease agreements with the IBM Corporation, and to execute such contracts and change orders or other appropriate documents as may be necessary to secure the rental of the equipment needed to meet the demands of educational and research computer services as outlined above. Funds are available in the regular operating budget generated from charges to those departments using the computer. On motion of Mr. Swain, authority was given as recommended by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Hahn, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Steger, Mr. Swain, Dr. Walker; no, none; absent, Mr. Grimes, Mr. Jones, Governor Ogilvie, Mr. Page, Mr. Stone. DEGREES CONFERRED The Secretary presented for record the following lists of degrees conferred on candidates at the Chicago Circle, Medical Center, and Urbana-ChamDaign campuses on the dates indicated, in accordance with the authoriiati’;n of the Board. Summary Chicago Circle Degrees Conferred September 8,1969 Graduate College Doctor of Philosophy .............................................. Master of Arts ..................................................... Master of Science .................................................. Total, Graduate College. ......................................... College of Architecture and Art Bachelor of Architecture. .......................................... Bachelor of Arts.. ................................................. Total, College of Architectwe and A r t . . ........................... College of Business Administration Bachelor of Science. ............................................... College of Education Bachelor of Arts.. ................................................. College of Engineering Bachelor of Science ................................................ College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Arts.. ................................................. Bachelor of Science. ............................................... Total, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.. ....................... 1 21 16 (38) 9 9 (18) 63 8 4s 180 65 (245) 19701 963 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS School of Physica! Education Bachelor of Science ................................................ . 10 Total. Degrees Conferred at Chicago Circle September 8.1969 427 Degrees Colzferred December 15. 1969 Graduate College Master of Arts ..................................................... 12 Master of Science .................................................. 16 Total. Graduate College .......................................... (28) College of Architecture and Art Bachelor of Architecture ........................................... 13 Bachelor of Arts ................................................... 17 Total. College of Architecture and A r t . ........................... (30) College of Business Administration Bachelor of Science ................................................ 68 College of Education Bachelor of Arts ................................................... 21 College of Engineering Bachelor of Science ................................................ 34 College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Arts ................................................... Bachelor of Science ................................................ Total. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences ......................... School of Physical Education Bachelor o f Science ................................................ Total. Degrees Conferred at Chicago Circle December 15. 1969 ...... Degrees Conferred March 23. 1970 Graduate College Master of Arts .................................................... Master of Science .................................................. Total. Graduate College ........................................... College of Architecture and Art Bachelor of Architecture ............................................ Bachelor of Arts ................................................... Total. College of Architecture wad Art ............................. College of Business Administration Bachelor of Science ................................................ College of Education Bachelor of Arts ................................................... 19 College of Engineering Bachelor of Science ................................................ 77 College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Arts 181 Bachelor of Science ................................................ 45 Total. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences ........................ (226) School of Physical Education Bachelor of Science ................................................ 10 . Total. Degrees Conferred at Chicago Circle March 23. 1970 ......... 419 Degrees Conferred Juw 14. 1970 Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters .......................................... 1 Doctor of Laws .................................................... 1 Tot&. Honorwy Degrees ......................................... (2) Graduate College Doctor of Philosophy 1 Master of Arts 17 ....... ................................................... ............................................... .................................................... 964 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 .................................................. Master of Science Total, Graduate College.. ........................................ College of Architecture and Art Bachelor o f Architecture. .......................................... Bachelor of Arts.. ................................................. Total, College of Architecture and A r t . . ........................... College of Business Administration Bachelor of Science................................................ College of Education Bachelor of Arts ................................................... College of Engineering Bachelor of Science................................................ College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Arts.. ................................................. Bachelor of Science................................................ Total, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.. ...................... School of Physical Education Bachelor of Science.. .............................................. Total, Degrees Conferred at Chicago Circle June 14, 1970.. ......... Medical Center Degrees Conferred September 6,1969 College o f Dentistry Bachelor of Science................................................ Doctor of Dental Surgery.. ......................................... Total, College of Dentistry.. ...................................... College of Medicine Doctor of Medicine. ............................................... College of Nursing Bachelor of Science. ............................................... College of Pharmacy Bachelor of Science................................................ Total, Degrees Conferred at th.e Medical Center Sepfentber 6, 1969.. Degrees Conferred December 13,1969 College o f Dentistry Bachelor of Science. ............................................... Doctor of Dental Surgery.. ........................................ Total, College of Dentistry. ....................................... College of Nursing Bachelor of Science. ............................................... College of Pharmacy Bachelor of Science................................................ Total, Degrees Conferred at the Medical Center December 13, 1969. . Degrees Conferred March 21,1970 College o f Nursing Bachelor of Science................................................ College of Pharmacy Bachelor of Science................................................ Total, Degrees Conferred at the Medical Center March 21, 1970.. ... Degrees Conferred June 12,1970 Honorary Doctor of Science.. ................................................ Graduate College Doctor of Philosophy ............................................... Master of Science. .................................................. 25 (43) 32 36 (68) 141 79 136 613 230 (843) 26 1,337 52 5 (57) 1 14 2 74 I 2 (3) 11 1 - 15 5 2 7 1 29 36 19701 965 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS ....................................... Master of Science in Nursing Total. Graduate College .......................................... College of Dentistry Doctor of Dental Surgery .......................................... College of Medicine Doctor of Medicine ................................................ School of Associated Medical Sciences Bachelor of Science in Medical Art .................................. Bachelor of Science in Medical Record Administration Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology. ......................... Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy ........................ Total. School of Associcrted Medical Sciences College of Nursing Bachelor of Science ................................................ College of Pharmacy Bachelor of Science ................................................ Total. Degrees Conferred at the Medical Center June 12. 1970 ....... ................ ...................... 14 (79) 84 193 4 13 20 25 (62) 69 137 . 625 Urbana-Champaign Degrees Conferred June 20. 1970 Honorary 1 Doctor of Fine Arts ................................................ 1 Doctor of Science .................................................. 1 Doctor of Letters .................................................. Total. Honorary ................................................. (3) Graduate College 240 Doctor of Philosophy .............................................. 28 Doctor of Education ............................................... 3 Doctor of Musical Arts ............................................. Master of Arts .................................................... 231 Master of Science .................................................. 423 25 Master of Uusic ................................................... Master of Education ................................................ 192 Master of Social Work ............................................. 94 Master of Fine Arts ............................................... 11 Master of Television ............................................... 1 8 Master of Architecture ............................................. Master of Accounting Science ...................................... 22 22 Master of Business Administration .................................. 6 Master of Commerce ............................................... 2 Master of Extension Education ..................................... 3 Master of Landscape Architecture 16 Master of Urban Planning .......................................... 17 Advanced Certificate ................................................ 2 Certificate of Advanced Study in Librarianship ....................... Total. Graduate College ........................................... (1,346) College of Agriculture 280 Bachelor of Science ................................................ College of Engineering 344 Bachelor of Science ................................................ College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Arts ................................................... 995 Bachelor of Science ................................................ 635 Total. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences ........................ (1,630) College of Law 104 Juris Doctor ....................................................... College of Education Bachelor of Science ................................................ 213 ................................... 966 BOARD O F TRUSTEES [June 17 College of Commerce and Business Administration Bachelor of Science.. .............................................. College of Communications Bachelor of Science................................................ College of Fine and Applied Arts Bachelor of Architecture.. ......................................... Bachelor of Arts .................................................. Bachelor of Fine Arts.. ............................................ Bachelor of Landscape Architecture. ................................ Bachelor of Music ................................................. Bachelor of Science. ............................................... Bachelor of Urban Planning ........................................ Total, College o f Fine and Applied A r t s . . ......................... College of Physical Education Bachelor of Science.. .............................................. College of Veterinary Medicine Bachelor of Science................................................ Doctor of Veterinary Medicine.. .................................... Toful, College of Veterinary Medicine. ............................ Total, Degrees Cmferred ut Urbane-Champaign June 20,1970. ...... 263 146 84 2 92 13 15 56 CHICAGO CIRCLE Degrees Conferred September 8, 1969 GRADUATE COLLEGE Degree of Doctor of Philosophy In Chemistry SIDNEY F. BOSEN,B.S., George Washington University, 1963 Degree of Master of Arts In English CATHARINE ELIZABETH DOLAN, B.S., 1936 JOANN MARIEFARRELL, A.B., Mundelein College, 1967 CONSTANCE CASSIDY MAHAFFEY, B.A., Roosevelt University, 1968 MAUREEN LEEMCCORMACK, B.S., Loyola University, 1967 MICHAEL PATRICK PIJRCELL, A.B., 1%7 In History BRIANC. BOLAND, A.B., 1967 STANLEY AWYSIUSGALLAS, JR., A.B., 1968 BLANCHE GLASSMAN HERSCH, B.A., Brooklyn College, 1946 EUGENE STANLEY PERSHA,B.A., University of Minnesota, 1%5 kB.,1968 WINFRIED ADOLFSEELIG, THOMAS PHILLIP STEPHEN, A.B., 1968 KATHRYN LOUISEWILSEY,B.A., Scripps College, 1968 I n Mathamtics DANIELLEANNJANMNCK, B.A., Rosary College, 1964 In Psvcholoav -DOUGLAS MELVIN~ C E L LJOHNSON, B.A., Blackburn College, 1964; M.A., I-oyola University, 1967 CONSTANCE S. CAMPBELL, B.A., Duke University, 1963 SUSAN MERYL KORNBLUM, B.A., Cornell University, 1963 CAROLP. PETERSON, B.A., Washburn University, 1965 ROBERT WARNER %TZJZ, B.S., 1%6 HUBERT HOBBS REHM, B.S., East Carolina College, 1964 RICHARD EARL TESSEL, B.A., University of California, 1966 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 967 In Sociology RICHARD SCHLEY COHEN,B.A., Northwestern University, 1967 WILLIAMLEEERICKSON, B.A., Morningside College, 1963; B.D., Concordia seminary, University of Minnesota, 1964 ANNCAIL LEVICKSMITH,B.A., 1966 Degree of Master of Science In Biological Sciences ROBERT CHARLES HOLSEN, JR., B.A., Wittenberg University, 1967 In Energy Engineering HWANG-CHENG CHIU,B.S., Taiwan Cheng Kung University, 1965 In Mathematics NORMAN WAYNE ANDERSON, B.A., North Park College, 1967 JANET LEECHIEN,B.S., Taiwan Normal University, 1963 SHYAM JOHARI,B.S., University of Jodhpur, 1965 KAI-JAUNG PEI, B.S., Taiwan Normal University, 1966 MARJORIE KEANEOLSON,B.S., Roosevelt University, 1968 B.A., Saint Olaf College, 1966 GAILELISETVERBERG, MARGARET MARYURBAN, B.A., Saint Joseph College, 1968 JAMESE DWARD ZAJICEK,B.S., 1968 In Mechanics and Materials CHEUKHONLEE,B.S., 1968 SAMUEL Lru, B.S., 1968 In Physics ANTHONY MOMOSE, B.S., Loyola University, 1957 JOEL NELSON HOFSLUND, B.S., University of Chicago, 1965 COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE AND ART Degree of Bachelor of Architecture In Building Technology KENNETH JOHN KUNESH JAMESDAVIDMARTINA In Design YORAM BRACINSKY ALEXANDER PETER POR MARTINPAULSEXTON JAMES EDWARD COLLINS ADRIANDEVAUN SMITH BENMATTSON CHARLES JOHN FRANKLIN PADOUR Degree of Bachelor of Art In Design DENNISJOSEPHPATERNOSTER ROCHELLE IDABASS JOHN CARMELO SAPIENZA, Honors WILLIAM JOSEPH GRABINSKI SANDRA JEANWOZNIAK PAUL MITCHELL IDEC RUTHPATRICIA KOVAL In Plastic m d Grabhic Arts LY&A MOEHLINC ROSCRKE, High JOAN M A R I E EVANCHUK Honors COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Degree of Bachelor of Science I n Accounting JAMES SHANNON DISTASIO COLLIN DAVIDALPERT MARKBENNETT HIRSCH CHARLES JOHN BVRKOT THOMAS WAYNEKOEPPL BRUCEALFRED CAMPBELL A u w DIAMOND, Honors with JOHNH. KUNATH DARRYL THOMAS EDWARD LUKASZEWSKI Distinction in Accounting 968 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 PETER JOSEPHTAGLIA ALLANRAYUOND MAJCA MICHAELTHOMAS WALSH PAUL AUGUSTMERKEL DOUGUSRAYMOND WILKIEL RUSSELLYOSHIOOKASAKO KARENLYNNWORKMAN POZDOL WILLIAMWALTER WILLIAMJ O S E P ~ SIDLAUSKAS In Economics MICHAELJOSEPH HARTZ PETER WALTER ANDJELKOVICH THOMAS FRANKLIN MICHELBACW JAMESALLANBURIC PHILLIP SAMUEL SLOANE JAMES LAWRENCE EDGAR LARRY ROBERT TANNKEIMER THOMAS FRANCIS FITZGERALD In Finance DENNIS JAMES GRANT,Honors with DANIELSTANLEY SOBCZYNSKI CHARLESDAVIDZIS, Honors with DisDistinction in Finance tinction in Finance FRANK NICHOLASMARAPFINO WILLIAMBRIANQUINN In Management EUGENE MALANCA JAMES WILLIAMCURLEY LANCE EDWARD PERRIN WILLIAM JAMES HIBBLER BRUCEJOSEPHSIRCHIO ROBERT H OWARD ALANDAVIDSLIVINSKI RUSSELL LESTERJANES ARTHUR JOHN SOLVERSON ROBERT THOMAS JOSTES ANDREW JOSEPH TARICO WILLIAMEUGENE JOYCE DALEALANTHEISS JOHNZIEDONISKEZBERS ROBERT WILLIAMLAFRENIER In Marketing EUGENE JOSEPH KUCHARCZYK SIDNEY HOWARD BASKIN DRISCOLLPERSSON TIMOTHEE GENEJOSEWBLAKE JOSEPH PICKARD,Honors with DistincCHARLES LAWRENCE BRUMM THOMAS JOHN CZAPKA,Honors with tion in Marketing RONNBECK RALPHTHOMAS High Distinction in Marketing DAVIDMICHAELSHANAHAN MARKJ. GORDON EDWARD WALINSKI CRAIGNORMAN JORGENSEN, Honors with TIMOTHY Distinction in Marketing DAVIDJOSEFWWEAVER,Honors with Distinction in Marketing BRIANEDWARD JOYCE In Quantitative Methods GARYMICHAELRoss JILL POMEROY CHRISTIANSEN JERRY GORDON LANCLEY,Honors with High Distinction in Quantitative Methods COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Degree of Bachelor of Arts In Elementary Edzccation JOZWIAK KALCK,Honors GERALDINE LINDAMARIECONNOLLY PRUDENCE SHINN GRACE MARYAhv DELANEY, Honors JOANNE MARIEZDEBSKI COIDMBAMADELINE DICIOLLA,Honors DIANEMARIEZIELINSKI,Honors JUDY ELAINEGINSBURG, Honors CLAUDA A NNGRAFTON, Honors COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Degree of Bachelor of Science In Engineerhg RICHARD ADAMCZEWSKI CHESTER HARRY JOE ABELMAN HENRY B ARAN STUART GORDONABRAMS 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS BAUR MEL BERGER, High Honors ALANJAYDAVIS THOMAS DECHANT JOSEPHANTHONY DILORIO EVANGELOS PANAGIOTIS DIMOPOUL~S ALLENEWGENE DREWS BARRYLEE GILBERT, High Honors LAWRENCE WILLIAMGLAUM HARITOS GEORGE JOHN ALBERT HUGHES,Highest Honors JOHN IVASHCHENKO EDMUND PETER KAWA,Honors STEPHEN JAMES KENDZIORSKI MARKJOHNKLEIX’ RICHARD KUZINSKI LESTERPAUL LASKOWSKI RICHARD LAP-CHEELEUNG THEODORE JOHN LOUZON STEPHEN FRANCIS MACHON, JR. JOSEPH FRANCIS MORRISON, JR. ERNEST DONALD CORWYN 969 CLIFFORD ALANNELSON ROBERT FRANK NOVAK,Honors SEPPOBERLE THOMAS DANIELOSTROWSKI,JR. KENNETH NEIL OTTERBACHXR PHILLIP PARTIPILO, Honors CASIMIRHENRYPIROG HERMAN JOSEF REGERT ANTHONY REJXRIS,Honors I11 WILLIAMJOHN SCHADE KENNETH WILLIAM SEATON LOUISAARONSHORR EARL SMITH GREGORY THOMAS EDWARD SWIERK DONROBERT TAYLOR THOMAS JOSEPH TRAKSZELIS GFORGEMARTINVETH THOMAS EDWIN WACHTOR, High Honors JUSTIN THADDEUS ZAMIROWSKI NORMAN STANLEY ZAREMBA COLLEGE O F LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES Degree of Bachelor of Arts In the Administration of Criminal Justice RAMONC. ANDERSEN LEONCABOTSMITH ROBERTA CECELIADORF OLIVERMAXWELL SPURLOCK MICHAEL ROCHOWIAK EDWARD ROXALD JOSEPH SZYMANSKI MICHAELJAYROVELL,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences In Liberal Arts and Sciences JOSEPH PETER AIELIQ JAMESCHARLFSCRIMMINS, Honors in RUSSELLSTUART BAIM Liberal Arts and Sciences JUDY BOKSENBAUM BAKSHY,Honors in ELIZABETH ANNCRONIN CAROLMARGELLICURRY Liberal Arts and Sciences KENNETH HOWARD BARRY MARILYN K. DANTICO ALBERT LEROYBENNETT E DMUND DESSIMOZ RICHARD LYNNDINITZ, Honors in LibNANCYAGNESBENSON,Honors in Lib- BARBARA eral Arts and Sciences eral Arts and Sciences with DisJOHN WALTER DOUARD tinction in German H. DUBOW MAYNARD PETER LEOBIEGEL MARGARET GALAYDA BONKOWSKI, Hon- HERBERT DUPREE ors in Liberal Arts and Sciences CATHERINE DUQUE FISHER ROBERT EMLYN EDWARDS JOHN THADDEUS BOZEDAY RONALD EDWARD BRANDT MARYDELORES ENGLISH ROBERT EDWARD FANTER SUSAN NAOMIBREYER KEITH NOELFAUST PATRICIA ANNEBURKE TERESA FAY PAULERICBUTLER,Honors in Liberal MARGARET Arts and Sciences with Distinction JUNE DIANEFERCUSON RICHARD HAROLD FORD in Sociology CHARLENE CALHOUN ALEXANDER ALBERTGAIRABETOFF DAVIDGARBAR PASQUALE CANTARELLI PERICLES BASILGEORCES CHVAL JUSTINEKOVIC HARLEY ELLIOT GOLD ELIZABETH ANN CIARDULLO SUSAN GOLDBAUM ROBERTDENNISCLAESSENS, Honors in LESLIE KATHRYN KRISTAKG~MBIS,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Liberal Arts and Sciences JOHN GEORGECOOK, Honors in Liberal GOMM LYLEGEORGE Arts and Sciences RICHARDLEEGORDON MARCIAANNCOOPERMAN ANITA MARIEGOREY JOEL COPLON 970 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 JAMES CERISTOPHERPAWELSKI DCORNBOSG ouwms THOMAS JOSEPH PESTKA LAWRENCE RAYGRWB MATTHEW WILTON PETERS,Honors in OLEASTEPHEN HANOWSKYJ Liberal Arts and Sciences MARGUERITEMAYHAYES ROBERT RONALD PETERS WILUAM CHARLES HEHR DELWINROBINPETERSON LEE ALLANHIRSCH ELIZABETH ANNPIEZA ANNEJEANETTE HOFFENKAMP LAURA ROSEMARY PILARCZYK MICHAELSTANLEY HOLEWINSKI RUTHANN HERMSMEIER PCJGUE WILFRED HORN RAYARACHELPOLATSCHEK ROBERT SAMUEL HORWITZ, Honors in JAMES FRANCIS POLINSXI Liberal Arts and Sciences PRISCILLA FRANCF.S POMAZAL LINDAJOANNE HOSEK LISAELIZABETHPOPP,H onors in LibJAMS ASHLEYHUDSQN, JR. eral Arts and Sciences SHELDON RAYHIJROVITZ ROBERTA ISHII, Honors in Liberal Arts RICHARDALANPROVANCAL CHRISTINEANNPRZYBYW and Sciences PENELOPE IRENE CHRISTINE ITNER LYNNEPULLEN BEVERLY JOHNSON JACKSON JULIUS CONSTANTINE RINGUS, Honors in JAMES THOMAS JACKSON Liberal Arts and Sciences RALPHRIVERA LESTERERWIN JACOBSON, JR. CARMELO RODRIGUEZ WALTERIRVING JONES PHYLLIS CASTLERODRIGUEZ, Honors DAVIDL. JUDY ALFREDGREGORY RONAN JUNE AKIKOKAITA RICHARD ROSENTHAI. FRANCIS EUGENE KAZEMEK,Honors in ROBERT MICHAELRALWROUSE Liberal Arts and Sciences WILLIAMGEQRGE SACK LAWRENCE KEILLOR ANTHONY SALVATORE ALFRED SAMBATARO ELIZABETH WALLERKESSLER DANIELMATHIASSAMPSQN RALPHARNOLD KETCHUM RONALD DAVIDSANFIELD, Honors in KARENDOROTHEA KETELS Liberal Arts and Sciences JOHN WARNER KLOEPFER, Honors in ELAINE LYNNSCHAIN Liberal Arts and Sciences JANET SCHEK MICHAEL ALLANKOLAR EDWARD Lours SCHUR ANNAHELEN KOZAK JOYCE SCHWUCHOW MARTINALBERT KREMER ILENEDIANASHRAER LESTERPAUL KREYER BEVERLY KOLODNY SIFZEL, Honors in ELLEN JEAKNE KROZELL BENJAMINROBERT KUGLER Liberal Arts and Sciences P A U L LOUIS SKALUBA JAMES JOSEPH KULA DIANELEE SLIWA MARLEEN JOYCE LAKIN DUSHANKASTEVANOVICH, Honors in CAROL GRIFFINLAWREXCE Liberal Arts and Sciences JUDITH ROBERTA LESLIE BOBBY JEAN STONE JACK BERND LEVIE NIJOLEONASTRAVINSKAITE GORDON H ERMAN LEWANDOWSKI JOSEPH JOHN SZYMASSKI JILLMANSCHOT LEWIS SUSAN ~ T R E M B TORSBERG IAK JACK LOVEJOY WILLIAM LAWRENCE TROBAUCH JANET ELIZABETH MANNING ROBERT JOHN UHE MARIONKATHLEEN MASON MARYFRANCES MCAULIFFE,Honors in DAVIDALANWARNKE GRACE W ATANABE Liberal Arts and Sciences MARCFRANCHOT WEISS VICTORLEEMICHELS ADELESECKUS WELLS R~~ON NADINE A MITCHELL AKNSYDELL WILSON CAROLELIZABETH MOSELEY LESZEK-AUGUST WOLKOWSKI, Honors in WAYNEARTHURMUNDAY Liberal Arts and Sciences ELAINE GAILNACHMAN WILLIAMJEROME ZAKAVEC MICHAELTHOMAS OHALLORAN ROBERT LEEPALAZOLA, JR. I n the Teaching of English THOMAS PHILIP KAISER BARBARA ROSEHALL BETSYA. LUCSAY KATHLEEN MARIEJAYCOX, Honors in CAROLE D. KALLANSTRTJDE RAGAIN Liberal Arts and Sciences GAIL BOOICHOUTJONES,Honors in Lib- CAROLANNEWILLIAMS JOYCE ZIMMERMAN era1 Arts and Sciences JEAN 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 971 In the Teaching of French NORMADEBIASIOHUIZENGA, Honors in IRISLIEBENSTEINWAITZ, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Liberal Arts and Sciences In the Teaching of German PATRICIA CLANCY DAVIS,Honors in IRENE RUENNE,Honors in Liberal Arts Liberal Arts and Sciences and Sciences CHERYL A NN O'MEARA Honors in Liberal HORSTSCHLIESSKE, MARGARET KOCZIAN RICE, Honors in Arts and Sciences Liberal Arts and Sciences In the Teaching of History EDWARD BOYD SCARLETT HALLTHOSS SHARON GAILJUNTUNEN ROMELLE F. WINTERS JENNIFER POND NEIS In the Teaching of Political Science JEROME JOHN CWIOK I n the Teaching of Sociology SHARON JEAN DICKSON In the Teaching of Spanish JOSEPHINE CATHERINE FORTUNATO PAMELA STERNHENDRICKSEN JEAN ANNHEJTMANEK JOSEPH Degree of Bachelor of Science In Chemistry JAMES ADOLPH BRADSHAW THOMAS Lours PETRIE PETER SIMONELLIS CRYSTAL ANNVERPLANKE WELLINGTON LEE In Liberal Arts cmd Sciences IMREGEDRGEALMASSY, Honors in Lib- NICHOLAS BELITCHE KOURUKLIS NANCYHAHNLANCE eral Arts and Sciences HAROLD LEVINE JOHN LELAND BAKER MANUEL G. LIRISTIS MAURICE FELIX BENDER MARIEPEARL LOCKHART ROBERT FREDERICK BENNIT LYNNMADENJERG, Honors in JOELBERNSTEIN,Honors in Liberal Arts BARBARA Liberal Arts and Sciences and Sciences with Distinction in JOHN ANTHONY MERSKIN Mathematics JOHN DAVIDNEMETH PAUL CLARENCE BISCEGLIA ERNEST MICHAELPIHL, JR. ROBERT F RAXK Bosco ALANCARLRIETESEL FRANK J OHN BRAJE MARTINSTEVEN ROBIN STANTON KEITHDFLANEY MICHELERABENSHEJL. ROBERT H OWARD FOX CHARLES MICHAELSICHER ANDREW FURIO CRAIGALANSMORYNSKI FREDERICK WILLIAMGEBAROWSKI JERRY LAVERN WALKER JACQUELINE MARIEGORKA EUSKEL WANE LUCINDASMITHHAIL, Honors in Lib- ARLENE STAXLEY FRED WATSON eral Arts and Sciences GERARD RAYMOND WEIS, Honors in LibMARTHA GOJDASHARR eral Arts and Sciences with DistincARTHURFRED HIRSCH,Honors in Libtion in Mathematics eral Arts and Sciences HERBERT M. ZINSER GEORGE JAMES JILEK 111 JOHN DERMOTKELLY,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences In Physics RAYMOND JOHN DAGENAIS BARRY BERK,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JOHN DAVIDDEHAAN ALETAOZINEDORSEY JAMES CACIOPPO DONALD JOHN FLAMMANG LAWRENCE RAYMOND CECCHINI,Honors ROGER in Liberal Arts and Sciences GERHARD CLEMENT HOFFMANN 972 BOARD OF TRUSTEES EDWARD MAJEWSKI, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum EDWARD MICHAELMASLOWSKI KASTYTISJOHN MILLER JEROME [June 17 ALBERT REITSMAIII SIENICKI, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum JAMES JOSEPH In the Teaching of Biological Sciences ROMAN GEORGE JANOWSKI In the Teaching of Geography SUSAN REBUCK In the Teaching of Mathematics ELLEN KATHRYN BIEBEL RUTHHOLLINGSWORTH HEACOCK PATRICIAJUDITH BLUS,Honors in Lib- PHYLLIS ORLANDA TATE,Honors in era1 Arts and Sciences with DisLiberal Arts and Sciences tinction in Mathematics ANDREA LEE VASSILOS, Honors in LibCIZ LOISMILDRED era1 Arts and Sciences with DisWILLIAMEUGENE DIVYAK tinction in Mathematics In the Teaching of Physics JAMESCHRISTIAN SLAVICEK SCHOOL OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION Degree of Bachelor of Science In Physical Education PHYLLIS JOYCE LUNKLEY PATRICIA JEAN BFXJAMIN, Honors JUDITH CLARIE BRINKMAN JAMES MICHAEL NJZSEN JOHN RICHARD GARRITANO, Honors RICHARD ALANPRIZANT CLAUDE ROBERT JAY WEICH ANTHONY LAVORATO MILTONEDWARD LFXNERT RONALD LEE WIDSTRAND Degrees Conferred December 15, 1969 GRADUATE COLLEGE Degree of Master of Arts In English JAMES GEORGE GANNON, Ph.B., Loyola University, 1951 SYBIL MARTHA SOSIN,A.B., 1968 RADHASRINIVASAN, B.A., Annamalai University, 1960 In History EUEN WBENANDERSON, A.B., 1967 ARTHUR LEECARLSON, B.A., Illinois College, 1965 ROBERT CHESTER CUDEK,A.B., 1968 DEREK LESLIEHACKETT,B.A., University of Lancaster, 1968 FRANK JOSEPH HAJEK, States Examination, Masaryk University, 1947 MOSHEJACOBIUS, A.B., 1967 ROBERT MATHEW MACALA, B.A., Bowling Green State University, 1964 In Mathematics HANELL PETERSON,B.A., North Park College, 1968 CHERYL In Psychology TERRY RICHARD SANDERS, A.B., 1968 Degree of Master of Science In Biological Sciences KENNETH ROBERT GROH,B.S., 1967 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 973 RAYALANKIPNIS,B.S., 1967 JAMESFISHER V ANKENNFX,B.A., Wesleyan University, 1966 In Chemistry ARTHUR ELIOT SIEGEL,B.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1966 In E w r g y Enginee&g KARTIKCHANDRA MAJUMDAR, B.S.C., Bangabasi College, 1957 In Mathematics BRUCE MICHAEL JACOBSON, B.S., 1967 RICARDO ANIBALLOSADA, B.S., Universidad Nationale de Colombia, 1964 PATRICK PASCHAL MCBRIDE, B.S., University of Nebraska, 1968 In Mecluqnics and Materials WILLIAMEDWARD DILLON,B.S., 1968 GEORGE P. FESTAS,B.S., 1968 B.S., 1968 WILLIAM JOHNHAWES, RONALD KULAK, FRANK B.S., 1964 DEMETRIOS NICHOLAS MARAS,B.S., 1968 In Physics NEELAM BHALLA, M.Sc., Agra University, 1967; B.S., 1969 STEPHANIE A. HARPER, B.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1965 SIRAJMUJTABA KHAN,B.S.C., S i d University, 1959 COLLEGE O F ARCHITECTURE A N D ART Degree of Bachelor of Architecture In Building Technology JOSEPH RAYMOND KRUSINSKI JAMESTHOMAS MCNALLY In Humanities FRED HOWARD ZINKE In Design EVAANIFLABUCHOWSKI JAMES STANLEY LOVEALL THOMAS ANDRE FORMAN DANIELSTEVEN SACAN DANIELGANNELLO DONALD SHAPIRO SALVATORE EDWARD EUGENE HALE CHARLES SMITH DAVIDLEWISJACOBOWSKI MARVIN SEYMOUR ULLMAN Degree of Bachelor of Arts In Art Education JANETTE RAECOWAN BARBARA RAIFF I n Design KLEIDON LEROYHAROLD JEAN BAUCHMAN NANCY CAROLLYN MATIMALDRE LEEGOLDMEIER JOHN PHILIP MAYER CHERYL STENSLIK HUPPENTHAL In the History of Architecture and Art DONNAJILL HERWITT, Honors with IRENE CHARLOTTE NIEBAUER ANNEWENDELL, Honors with Distinction in the History of Archi- KATHLEEN High Distinction in the History of tecture and Art Architecture and Art CARLA JEAN KACHMAR In Plastic and ROBERT ALANBEMI KATHLEENMARYBRADLEY, Honors with High ‘Distinction in Plastic and Graphic Arts Graphic Arts LOIS F m m , Honors with Distinction in Plastic and Graphic Arts LINDAULENHILLIS LINDAANNHIRSCH 974 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Degree of Bachelor of Science In Accounting HARRY WILLIAMARDINGER THADDEUS ADAMKLICHOWSKI JOHN LYNNATWOOD, Honors with Dis- EDWARD CARLKOLACZEWSKI tinction in Accounting LEOLEONARD KOMOSA JAMES HERBERT BENNETT STEVEN MESSNER CINDYLOUISEBROUGHTON WILIJAMCOLEMAN SOLAR LEONRICHARDDAVIDSON JOHN BRIANTATSHonors with DisROBERT PAUL DELCIELLO,Honors with tinction in Accounting HARVEY IRVING WEINSTEIN Distinction in Accounting RICHARD PETER DELEVITT JOHN GEORGE WIEDEMANN JOSEPH ANTHONY GIRALAMO, JR. JAY STEVEN ZABEL,Honors with DisGRAFF tinction in Accounting MARTINHAROLD In Economics JOHN LEROYMORAN MICHAELJOHN BILAS DENNISLEEOLEKSY,Honors with DisJOHNCHARLESCONTA IRENE ANNADURBAK tinction in Economics HALKENTEVERETT STANLEY SIMON OSTROWSKI, JR., Honors ALANJEROME GOLDBERG with Distinction in Economics PAUL ALANHARTMANN JOSEPH LEONPIERCE RICHARDCHARLESKLEIN, Honors with CLAUDIO RICCI,Honors with Distinction in Economics Distinction in Economics LAURENCE KOZA EDWARD SIMON CASIMIRTHOMAS JOHNHENRY LINK PHILLIP SUSSMAN In Finance JAMES THOMAS KUPFERER MARKSCHNEIDER, FORREST Honors with Distinction in Finance GLENNROBERT TILLES JOHNANTHONY BRANKLINE, JR. HARRY CHERKASKY RICHARD ALLENHELFAND ROBERT CARROLL KING ARLENEBURNSKOLE Itz M a n a g e w n f RICHARD W AYNEPENDLETON JOHNJOSEPH PETRZILKA MATTHEW JOHNPOSKONKA MICHAELRYAN DALECARLSCHIMAN GERALD RICHARD VANEYNDE JOSEPH JOHN WALSH DAVIDS. YEH STEVEN PHILLIP BALTA DAVIDTHOMAS BARENBRUGGE FRANK CESARIO JOSEPH ANTHONY DE LOPEZ ERIKJOHAN GODVIK MARSHALL HENRY HVTH,JR. WAYNECHARLES LANCE LEOJOSEPH MCANDREWS PETER PHILPALLAS CLARAAVERXIOU IRAHOWARD BAYGOOD ROBERT JOSEPH BYRNES HERBERT LEONDUBIN JEFFREY CRAIGHODCSON In Marketing WILLIAMALEXANDER LAASE RICHARD ALLENRYSDON TERRY STEVEN TARGOS, Honors PHILLIP GEORGE ZACK COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Degree of Bachelor of Arts In Elementmy Education CHERYLRUDSTROM BUCKO,Honors MARIONVIRGINIAGIELCZEWSKI, Honors KATHRYN JAMES CHILIS,Honors LESLIEJANE GREENFIELD MARYSUE CHINSKY NANCYB R U M L ~JARVIS, E Honors KATHLEEN ELSA DUNKER,Honors MARLENE SUEKALUZXA, Honors 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LINDASUELAWSON,Honors RONNAKALMAN LEVY DOROTHYMOROWCZYNSKI DIANEMARSHANEUMAN,Honors MIRIAMPINKUS LINDAJEAN PRAFKE, Honors Honors LINDALEAPRUSAK, 975 LOUISEQUICLEY RENEELYNNRABIN,Honors EUZABETH REICH ROUSE,Honors ANNETTESALTZMAN CATHYLYNNSCHLOCKEB CAMILLEANN TROINELLO, Honors JOAN O F ENGINEERING Degree of Bachelor of Science In Engineering KESTUTISANDRIUS MACIULAITIS THOMAS PETER ANDRIACCHI MARKHILLARD CHERTOW RALPHWILLARD MORRISETT JAMES EDWARD NEURAUTER. High JAMES ALANDAUER ROBERT CHARLES EICHLER Honors VERNON PETEREINHORN, Honors STEVEN JOSEPH OEFFLINC FEINSTEIN WALFRED ALLENOLSEN BARRY WILLIAMCHESTER PFISTER MICHAELANTHONY FEXRARO KARLISPLIUKSIS,JR. ROBERT BERNARD FULL JAMES RICHARD RUP PETER MICHAELGARITE EARLLEROYRuss, JR. MOSHEGOLD GEORGE DIMITRYSAVITZKY DAVIDEUGENE HANN JOSEPH WALTER SBARBORO ROBERT CHARLES HARDING JAMES OTTOSCHAEFER JAMES ANTHONY HOMOLY RICHARD JOHN SCHMIDT JEROME ROBERT KACZOROWSKI RANDY WILLARD VANLEEUWEN YONGDCKIKIM WALTERGEORGE WELNHOFER ROBERT CHRISTIAN KINSINGEX I1 RICHARD KOWITCH MITCHELWROBLEWSKI WTLLIAM HARRY KRAJCER COLLEGE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES Degree of Bachelor of Arts In the Administration of Criminal Justice RICHARD JOHNSKROCKI ANITAJOYCE ROGERS In Liberal Arts and Sciences CATHERINE FRANCES DOMBROWSKI DAVIDRICHARD ABERMAN JOHN JOSEPH DUDA DENISMCGEEALLEN KENNETHHAROLD ELLISON ROBERT GARYANDERSON RAYMOND CARLELM MARTINHOWARD ARFA FRED ENTESARI JOSEPH BENSHCKIF KENNETH MARKGAILESTRIN ALLENBARRY BERMAN PATRICIA GARVINEVEY GEORGE C. BOURBOULAS K A ~ L E EMARY N FALLON BARBARA BAIERBOYER JANET WAARALA FARNSWORTH CAROLJEAN BROWN ROSEMARY ELLFXFERMIN MARGARET BROWN TUCKER JEROLD ELLIOT FLEISCHMAN WALTERWILLIAM CALLAHAN JUDITH ANNFORSYTHE DAVIDMANUELCASTANEW GERALD WILLIAM Fox SHIN HSING CHEN DAVIDEMILFRANO KATHLEEN ELIZABETH COAKLEY RANDYBURDETTE COPPOCK, Honors in MICHAELNORIOFURUTA BARBARA ANNEGARBELMANN Liberal Arts and Sciences CAROLE O LNEYGIESEKE ELSACoss Honors in Liberal MARINESHLAU CUNNINGHAM, Honors G. GIGI GILMARTIN, Arts and Sciences in Liberal Arts and Sciences THOMAS WILLIAMGLYNN,Honors in SHOUSHIC A. DACDICIAN Liberal Arts and Sciences LINDAJANE D a MONTE STUART MORTON GOLD . DENWIDDIE VIRDELLA EDWARD GOVAS KENNETH DIANNELEEDICKSON 976 BOARD OF TRUSTEES PAMELA A. GRASSMA”,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences DAVID ALANGRFB LINDAJo HARLAN LEONARD ROYHARRIS SANDRA LEEHEIM,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Spanish JOHN IGNATIUS HETMAN,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences DENISE HIRSCH BETTYTARVER HCKG WILLIAM EUGENE HOWELL MINA MIN Hsu, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Sociology NADAJAKOVLJEVIC PEGGY ANN JEFFRIS,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Spanish MARYANNJUSZCZYK JOHN H. KAHO HANFORD MYLESKIRKEY KARENKNOXKOMALA PAULCARYKOVICH,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences MICHAELJOSEPH KOZA THOMAS PETER KRAVCHUK HELENH. KUBITZKI ELIZABETH ZAHLERKWKUL JOHN B. LASHBROOK DAVIDWILLIAM LEFLY JANE PAUSHTER LESERMAN, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences BRUCELUDWIG LEVIN LAUREN SONIA LEVY JERRY WILLIAMLEWIS JOHN HENRY LEWIS IRENE LUBALEWYCKY EDWARD IANLISS ROBERT PETER LIVAS DANIELWILLIAM LUCSAY HEBMAN DANIELMADNICK,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences ROGERDEAN MAINA MARYJANE MCFADDJZN CHRISTINEMIKULA IGOR MILETIC THERESA MAE MOLGREN,H onors in Liberal Arts and Sciences GAILKOROUSMOLZAHN, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JACOB JOSEPH MOROWITZ KARENROCHELLEMORRIS,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Spanish JAMES ARCHERMORRISSETTE MARIELOUISEMYHR DAVIDWALLACE NANBERG NG’AND’A NJIRAINI GLENNSTERLING NOMVRA ROBERT CHARLESOWENS [June 17 SAMUEL R. .PAYTON ARDENJOY PEBL BETTYJEAN PINIOTES SANDRA LEEPOKETT, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences ALANMITCRELPORETT ALEXPOSNER THOMAS MICHAELPRITZEN JAMES ALEXANDER PRYDE JOHN MICHAELPUSKAS, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences ARLINEJOAN RAISER DORIANREED,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences STEPHEN HARRINGTON REED WILLIAM CONRAD REITZ, JR. PAULINE ELAINE RICCI JAMES WILLIAM ROEDER HANSMIGUELROMAN ANDREA MERYLROTMAN JOSEPH JUDE ROTTMAN, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences KATHERINE ROSELINRUSDORF CORDELIA R YAN SALLY A NNSHILLCUTT HARVEY SIETSEMA PETER GEXJRGESIKORA JERRY MICHAEL SJOSTROM ARNOLD BRIANSLETTEBAK STEPHANIE Jo SOBO RONALD JOSEPH SPEISER WILLIAMJOHN STAMOS JOSEPH EMANUEL STEINER, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences RUTHELLEN STONE STEPHEN ANTHONY STUMBRIS LORETTA FENNELLY SUBIA LINDASUTTER CALVINARTHURSWABACK RICHARDDAVIDTAYLOR, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences LINDAANNTOLLNER SYLVIA FOSTER T o m GUINEVERE MARIATRICE PAULEUGENE TURNER,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JACK DAVIDVACCA LINDAMARIEVANNEVFL JANICE MURIELVERNIE DAVIDALLENWECHSLER RICHARD CHESTERWISNIEWSKI WOJCIK WALENTINA WOJTIUK,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences MARYGRENSWOODS STEPHEN LANEWRIGHT DONALD VERNWYSOCKI BRENDA ANITAYELVERTON CAROLYT LAVERNE YOUNG MICHAEL FREDERICK YOUNG JOAN MARIEZAHUMENSKY JONATHAN STANLEY ZIOMEK JOHN JOSEPH , 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 977 In the Teaching of English MICHAELENE MARYMCCARTHY ELAINESCHICKMURPHY, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences in Liberal Arts and Sciences MARYJEAN MUSINSKI KENDONJAMES CONRAD ANGELO MICHAELONOFRIO, Honors in GAIL ZAHAVAFARR, Honors in Liberal Liberal Arts and Sciences ELLENANNE O'SUZLIVAN,Honors in Arts and Sciences FRANCES DIANEF o w r c ~ Liberal Arts and Sciences NAOMIFROEMKE GIBST, Honors in Lib- YVONNE PERKINS eral Arts and Sciences FREDELL POWDIN PREWITT DOROTHY MORGAN MARGARET GULL JUDITH VESELYHERNANDEZ REITZ, Honors in LibMARYSIGMAN PATRICIAALICE KLINGER,Honors in eral Arts and Sciences Liberal Arts and Sciences WAGNER, Honors in CLAIRECATHERINE CAROL ANITALEE,Honors in Liberal Liberal Arts and Sciences Arts and Sciences PHILIP EDGAR WALSH ANDRFA,BETH LIPKIN LAVERNE NANCYYOUNG HELENBETTYLIPSON,Hofiors in Liberal Arts and Sciences In the Teaching of French ROSETTACUCONATO, Honors in Liberal FRANCIE MARGARET KITE, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Arts and Sciences FLORENCE DOLORESBASIL GRINNE IRENE BULAVA SHARON HAUTAU CALLAGRAN, Honors In the Teaching of History PETROHILOS ANTHIAPANAGOFOULOS HARRY RAYMOND ALBIN MARJORIE SUEBOWBIN CAROLE PRIANOS RICHARDANDERSONIVES,Honors in NORMAN HALRUTHERFORD MICZAELJOSEPH TESSNEX Liberal Arts and Sciences GERALD EDWARD MAPES In the Teaching of Political Science PHILLXP UNGER MURRAY In the Teaching of Sociology OLEHVOLODYMYR SAJEWYM LESLIEANNFREEBURG In the Teaching of Spartish BACOSRE~~POULOS, Honors in MARYELIZABETH ARRIAGA, Honors in ELAINE Liberal Arts and Sciences Liberal Arts and Sciences TERESA DE JESUS Fbo JUANITA LUQUEKASA,Honors in LibHonors in eral Arts and Sciences with Dis- SHIRLEYANN WELTMAN, Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Spanish TIMOTHY JAMES PENT=, Honors in tinction in Spanish Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Spanish In the Teaching of Sbeech MELANIEMARTHA ZOMBEK Degree of Bachelor of Science In Chekstry EDWARD WILLIAM SKEPNEK ROBERT JAMES ARNOLD ELLIOT EMANUEL KATTEN ALE MARCARITA VASAITIS ROBERTSHIGENOBU YAMAUCHI JAMES LESLIE REED In Liberal Arts and Sciences ANTHONY CARMEN ADDUCX Ross WILLIAMEETKEN ALLAN OLIVER BALDWIN,Honors in ROBERT JAMES BRADLEY NANCYBRYKBUSCHMANN Liberal Arts and Sciences FANNY LANDSMAN CALIHMAN VIRGINIAMARIEBASS 978 BOARD OF TRUSTEES MIRIAMFAITH CHOM~SH EZEKIEL HENRY CORBIN, JR. GARYROBERT DE CALUWE LAWRENCE ABRAHAM ENGELHART WALKER FEIGHTNER LAWRENCE MARKGOODMAN [June 17 MILTONMARTINPLACKO, JR. AURELEARL POPE CAROLYN PRICE,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JW.E REYES,JR. KEITH JOHN ROST MARTINHENRY RUBIN FREDERICK ARTHURSCHAEDEL,Honors in Liberal ?Gts and Sciences with Distinction in Mathematics SCHELEWITZ MARYMARGARET LINDAELLEN SIMS GARYSLAVIN ZAPHIRIAGRIVAS,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences MERRILYWETEIERBYGULLQUIST,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences BARBARA GAIL KANKI,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences BARBARA MARIAKASPRZYCW RICHARD IRVING LAW, Honors in Lib- JULIAN SMOLEN eral Arts and Sciences with DisSUSAN SPALTER tinction in Mathematics EILEENCRAMER TROUTT SUZANNEMORITZTURNER,Honors in LAWRENCE CASIMER LEBDA Liberal Arts and Sciences JAMES LOEWE ROBERT HARMON HENRY LODKHOFF, Honors in DENNISTOSHIAKI UERARA Liberal Arts and Sciences GARYLEE WANDTKE MERCEDES ROSARIO MESIA MAURICERALW WASSERSTROM, Honors CHARLES FREDERICK MEYER,JR. in Liberal Arts and Sciences JUDITH THERESE NEWMAN,Honors in RONALD ALANWEISNER CHARLES EVCENE WILLIAMS Liberal Arts and Sciences MICHAEL STUART OLSHANSKY In Physics JOHN JOSEPH BOZOVSKY In fhe Teaching of Biological Sciences BARBARA BARBAKOFT, HOLSTEIN Honors In Liberal Arts and Sciences THOMAS JOHN KITE In the Teaching of Geography PATRICIA MARYSOWA In the Teaching CHRISTINEA. COLUMBUS, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Mathematics KARENSUSAN CRUISE ANTHONY MILOSCH JOSEPH ERMAN of Muthemtics HECKMYER GAIL PROPP SANDRA RTJBINLEFF,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Mathematics LOUISE WHITMER MELINDA SCHOOL O F PHYSICAL EDUCATION Degree of Bachelor of Science In Physical Educatwn STEPHEN WILLIAMBOUDRO EDWARD JOHN MCQLFILLAN JAN CAILLE PAULEDWARD MIX ERNEST FASANO JAMES ALBERT NASIOPULOS, Honors RONALD ARMAND ANTHONY GRAUPERA, Honors GERALD CARLRITT LINDALou SMITH YVONNE ALEXISKNEELAND DONNAMAXINESPAGAT STEVEKOTIS WILLIAM MIMAELKURCAN ARTHUR MICHAELWILDNER,Honors JOAN MARIELILEK Degrees Conferred March 23,1970 GRADUATE COLLEGE Degree of Master of A@ In English MARYMARGARET NELLIS, A.B., Miami University, 1962 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 979 In G e r m FRED L. BOGER, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1966 In History C. DEAN,B.A., Ottawa University, 1965 ROBERTMICHAELLEWIS,B.A., Corpus Christi College, 1% RICHARD HAROLD NYSTROM, A.B., 1967 PETER ROGERSHERGOLD, B.A., University of Hull, 1968 DONALD E. WALDEN, A.B., 1951; B.D., Garrett Biblical Institute, 1955 ZDENKO ZLATAR, B.A., DePaul University, 1968 JAMES In Sociology MARGARET PRUITT CLARK,B.A., Beloit College, 1965 Degree of Master of Science In Biological Sciences JAMESSTEPHENBURNS,B.S., 1968 In Chemistry DALMACIO JR., B.S., Mapua Institute of Technology, 1962 A. AGDEPPA, LUISITOA. TOLFXTINO, B.S., University of the Philippines, 1967 I n Eiiergy Engineering AKUPAM BAGCHI,B.Eng., Calcutta University, 1966 PERICLES SPYROS KORONAKIS, B.S., 1968 Ho-TIEN SKU,B.S., National Taiwan University, 1966 .4UGUST PIVORUNAS, A.B., 1967 In Geology In Mnthemutics GORDONBECKMAN, B.S., Eastern Michigan University, 1967 RONALD ENGBIN LIM, B.S., University of Malaya, 1968 RAYMOND WEIS,B.S., 1969 GERARD In Mechanics and Materials JOSEPHSTANDARD, B.S., 1964 ROBERT STFIN, B.S., 1968 In Physics THOMAS KAMPWIRTH, B.S., University of Texas, 1964 ROBERT JOHN JACK COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE A N D A R T Degree of Bachelor of Architecture In Design JAMES ALANMASTRO DUNCAN ARTHUR FRANK Degree of Bachelor of Arts In Design JACQUELINE DERUCKI L~THIAN DANIELJOSEPH BENNETT ROBERT PETER SPARKOWSKI JOSEPH WILLIAM EISNER HELENELIZABETH FREETLY, Honors JOHN FRANK THOMAS with Distinction in Design In Phstu and Graphic Arts BARBARA KROSCHER LEWIS,Honors with LINDASEYMOUR BARBIAN Distinction in Plastic and Graphic JILL BETTEEPSTEIN FRIES Arts NOREEN DOROTHY PETER FRANCIS HYNES In the History of Architecture and A r t PAULA ANDREA WIERCINSKA 980 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Degree of Bachelor of Science In Accounting WILLIAMTHOMAS ALDIS WILLIAMARTHURLECHNER DONALD JOHN BIEWENGA DENNISROBERT LHOTAK THEODORE EDWARD CESARZ DENNISPATIUCK MOYLAN, Honors with SHARON DIANECHESNEX Distinction in Accounting DIXON MICHAELANTHONY JOSEPH WILLIAM PARRILLO,Honors MARILYN GRACEDOMAGALA with Distinction in Accounting MARTINHENRY FRIEDMAN JACQUELINE ANNTRACZ GEORGE ALBERTGOYETTE BILLJAMES VRANAS RONALD BARRY WALLACE PAUL Foss HARMAN,JR. DONALD JULE JEROME In Economics HAROLD ALBERTRICE EDWARD JOSEPH BIEN In Finance HALINA JEDRZEJOWSKA BIELOWICZ SHAWN KEVINBLACKWELL MARTINTHOMAS DEGLIN FRED SANFORD HYDE CHARLES ARTHUR LASCH ROBERT M. LAURINE OBERLANDER LMN ISRAEL WILLIAM JOSEW SHANAHAN STANLEY TAKAMI JOHN GARWWD WELLS In Merutgewmt JAMES DARGIS JOHN ANTHONY PARTACZ GERALD WALLACE HALLGUSTAFSON PAUL EDWARD SCHRINER EDWARD MICHAELJAVOR,JR., Honors JAMES GORDON SOMERVILLE, Honors with Distinction in Management with Distinction in Management GEORGE WALTERSTENDELL JOHN KAPPEL,Honors RICHARD PAULROBERT MAZURE DAVID ALLENYVRKO In Marketing ALVYDAS JONAS JONIKAS CARLROBERT ANDERSON RICHARD JOHN ARENDT PHILIP BRUCELUBOV JEFFREY WILLIAMATKINSON JAMES LAWRENCE MCNELLIS RONALD O’BROCHTA FRANCIS MICHAELJOHN BURICA ARTHURHARRY NICKOLAS DANIELPALADINO GOLDENBERG RONALD RAYMOND GUSE JOYCE M. STOLOFF COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Degree of Bachelor of Arts In Elementary Education LM MISKAWITZ ADAMS JEANNE BONNEYMACDONALD JUDITHANNBELOSKY, Honors ROCHELLE ELLEN MARKS,Honors LEGERTHA T. BUTLER SANDRA ENENSTEIN MILLER,Honors KARENMARYCLARK,Honors KARENJEANNEVMANN, Honors NANCYKOVALSKY COHN,Honors KATHLEENANN O’MALLEY Honors ARLENEMARCIAPELLER, CELESTINEJOHNSON DECUIR RUTHMACHALEK FAKO,Honors PAULA EISAMAN SCHROTH, Honors ELAINE SHIMKIN CAROLYN MARYGREENE CAROLE JOANNE CARLEY JEROME, Honors ANNEJANETWEITZMAN, Honors ALICEJEANETTE KRAJ, Honors MARYWONG,Honors COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Degree of Bachelor of Science In Engineering MUHAMAD ALI ABU-DABBOUSEH JAMES BRUNO ALWIN,High Honors DENNISROGERANDERSON, Honors MOHAMMAD JAVAD ALAVI 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS ROYEDWARD ANDEXSON, Honors ANTHONY ANGELLO STANLEY BABO RONALD WAYNEBENNETT,Honors GARYLEEBIALKOWSIU WILLIAMJOHN BIKSACKY, JR.,Honors RONALD ANDREW BISKUP DANIFLPETER BROWN, High Honors MICHAEL A LANBROWN PHILIPSALVATORE CALI ROBERT LEECLARK BRIANLEEGOLEY MERLEMOFFITTDAVIS,JR., Honors CRAIGWILLIAMDEAN,Honors VINCENT NICHOLAS DICOSOLA KENNETH W AYNE DORUSHKA ANTHONY STEVEN DRACIC JEFFERY ALANDRYJANSKI, High Honors RODGER WALTER EKENBERC JOSEPH WILLIAM FALOUT GARY PHILLIP FUKAYAMA JEROME JOSEPH GAP,Honors WALTER WILLIAMGRWHALA JAMES E DWARD HANSEN G. DANIELHATCHER, JR. MICHAEL E DWARD HIRONS GARRYCHARLES JAMES STUART GEORGE KLAUD LAWRENCE ALBERT KOBB HOWARD ROLAND KOSTER JAMESEDWARD KOZA CHESTER THOMAS LADEWSKI LAWRENCE JOHN LAM PAUL KON-KWAN LAM MICHAEL JOSEPH LEWANDOWSKI TERRY RUSSELL~ K E Honors , LAWRENCE ALEXANDER LOZIUK JOSEPH 981 JR., Honors JOSEPHLOUISMADEJCZYK, SARFARAZ MAHMOOD EMANUEL MARTINEZ. JAMES EUGENE MCDERMOTT THOMAS EDWARD MCEWAN, Honors RICHARD LOUISMITTON,Highest Honors JOSEPH MWLAY KIVANC ORENCIL, Honors VERNHENRYOSTROW JOHN JOSEPH PASKVAN STEVEN JOHN PATTERSON FRITZ H ERBERT PETZOLD MANSWET CHRISTOF RAC RONALD JOSEPH RAK LEORAKOWSKI, JR. RICHARD JOSEPHREPA GABRIEL DELSOCORRO RIN~NENO PAUL H OWARD ROSENBERG, JR. CHARLES FRANK SALAMON DENNISSCHIFFER GEORGEPRESTON SHALLCROSS, JR. THOMAS STEVEN SKUSE, JR. STEPHEN SLOBIDSKY THOMAS OWENSTEINKE DAVIDALANSTRIETER BAYKAL TATJSOGLU RICHARD THEODORE THOMPSON RICHARD OTTOTIMMEL ARTHUR Lours TODESCO AUSTINPATRICK TORNEY, Honors RALPHTHOMAS VISCARIELLO FREDFBIC BREITWALSH DONALD LESTERWEIS FREDERICK BENJAMIN WRIGHT,High Honors EMMANUEL P. YOUKHANA HERBERT ZIVKOVIC COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS A N D SCIENCES Degree of Bachelor of Arts In the Administratwn of Crimilzal Jwtice FRANK ANTHONY DE LA PAZ RICHARD STEVE NEEDHAM DEMETRIOS WILLIAM DRES In Liberal Arts and Sciences GLORIA ELIZABETH BURGER, Honors in LiberaI Arts and Sciences with Diseral Arts and Sciences tinction in Sociology LAWRENCE JAMES ARNETT MICHAEL O'DONNELL BURKE MARYCECELIA BALSAMO JAMES MORTON CALLAHAN ELLEN MARIEBALSEWICH JOHN PATRICK CANNINO, Honors in LibHELENE FERN BENSON eral Arts and Sciences with DisJANICE ANNBENSON tinction in Sociology JON DOWLASBENTON NETTIECLEOPATRA CHODERIS ANNMARIEBISMAYER NIJOLEJTJNEVICIUS CIJUNELIS WILLIAM ARTHUR BLESSING JUDTH HELEN CLARK SUSAN KELL~GG BOBY MARYPENNINGTON CLOUGH LINDA LOUISEBOETTCHER DAVID TERRY COHEN PHYLLIS GALEBRANDNER KATHERINE BURCK COLLINS WILLIAM FRANCIS BROWN JOHNBOLESLAW CZARNECKI MICHAELBUDKO, JR. SUSAN LYNNARNBERC, Honors in Lib- 982 BOARD OF TRUSTEES THE~DORE DALI WAYNE MARKDAVIDSON CAN~ACE MARIEDENSMORE IRENE AMBRAZIEJUS DE PINTO MARTHA LOUISEDIX ROBERT VINCENTDUBACH MAESUEEDWARDS REGGIELEE EZELL ILYSE YOUNGFELKER. Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences CAROLANNFINEGAN CHERYLHABER FISHER,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JUDITH ANNEFISHMAN MICHAELGEORGE FRANZAK JOAN CAROL FUDALA SWART HARRIS GALESBURC JANICE L~UISE GALLOWAY LINDAMARCIGOODMAN PETER STEPHEN GREGORY CATHYLYNNHARANO DARLENE A NNHEBEL PENNY HERMAN JE4"E MUSKE HOESLEY,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences BRUCEHOWARD HOFFMAN BONITAANX HOLMBERC JURATE VICTORIA JAGFZA DONNATHERESE JANECZKO, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JOSEPH LEWIS JOHNSON ESTHER KACHKA LOISLAPHAMKAVANAGH EDWARD AXTHONYKAZEMEK,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences PATRICIA ANNEKELLY,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in Speech ROSEANN KFLLY RICHARD DENNISKING LILLIANVANGEEM KIRKWOOD, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences KARENSUEKLEEHAMMER MARTHA KRUMKOBAYASHI BARBARA G. KOPSIAN JEANNE SUSAN KOWALSKI,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences KARENMORTENSEN KRAFT,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences VERONICA LET, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences NICHOLASGEORGELIALIOS, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JAMES LISKA LAWRENCE STEVEN MARKLISSNER ANAPATRICIA LOPEZ RONALD WALTER LOSEW TORRICELLI MAGETT JANICE MARY ANN MAJKA CHARLES HOWARD MANKOFP EDWARD MATTHEWMARX ANNEMARIEMASTRO JOSEPH RICHARD MATOUSH [June 17 MAUTER,Honors in ROBEXTWALTER Liberal Arts and Sciences KATHLEEN J o MAYFIELD MARYCATHERINE MCPOLIN ALICEANNEMEADE EILEEN BAKERMEADORS DIANEMADUAINEMELTZER CYNTHIAELLEN MICA ALEXGARYMICHAELS EUGENERALPHMORRISSEY ROBERT MUSIALOWICZ NABOR BRUCEFRANCIS PETER LORKULA NAIGOW NANES RENASCHNITZER MARYLOUISENESBITT MARSHA MARYNILSEX NORWOOD DENNISSTANLEY MARCIAANN NUESKE,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences HFXRYFRANK NYKAZA CHARLES JOSEPH ODISHW PALMER CARMEN CARTMAN CHARLENE GRICUSPASCIAK JOEL SCOTT PENZICK ILENE BONNIEPERSKY ALANRICHARD PIERZCHALSKI CARLOS POBLET DIANELYNNPROFITA RALPHREED RETARAERECO GARYDEARHEA RODGERS,Honors in CARLAFRANCES Liberal Arts and Sciences JANET LORETTA RUBAS BONSIE SHAYARUBINOFF,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences ELLEN ANITASAKEN J E A NSCHWBERT SUSAN SHARON L YNNSCHUMACHER DONALD H ENRY SECEL LOUISANTHONY SERRA EMILALEXANDER SGARBOSSA LEAHRUDERMAN SHAPIRO BEVERLY ELAINE SHWKLEY GREGORY THOMAS SILKA, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences PHILIPSLOAN ALICEPHILLIFS SMITH,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences RONALD ROYSMITH KATHRYN SNOW MARILYNTANGER SNYDER,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences LESTERPAUL SOLODYNA VALERIESPARKIS JANIS MARILYN STEHLIK DONALD E MANUAL STELLATO LINASTEPoVY CYNTHIANANSTERN PATRICIA SCOT TIVERIOS, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JOHN EMMETT TOLIN I11 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 983 DICK VALCARENGHI, Honors in JUDITHJACQUELINE WERNER, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Liberal Arts and Sciences RICHARD R. VALDEZ HENRY JOHN WEST KARENSUEVESELY KATHRYN HANNAH WIJWJW, Honors in VILLANUEVA ALBAILLIA Liberal Arts and Sciences ANTHONY MICHAELVIRCILIO JEANNE CHERYL WILLIAMS CAROLMAEWARD JAMESCHARLES WILLS,JR. ELAINERENEE WARSHELL,Honors in NANCYLOUISE YUKTONIS Liberal Arts and Sciences with Dis- EDWARD DANIELZEHR tinction in Sociology EMILY ZIELONKA MARLENE In the Teaching of English MARTHAJANE FRANZEN, Honors in LINDANANAKO OYAMA, Honors in LihLiberal Arts and Sciences eral Arts and Sciences RENEEKARENGERBER, Honors in Lib- ELYSEGILBERT PERLIK eral Arts and Sciences LOUISEPETRUZZINI, Honors in Liberal LYNNMESSERGREENWALD, Honors in Arts and Sciences Liberal Arts and Sciences JOHN PINES DAVID KARENTIETEMA HELFAND,Honors in GAYLEMARGARET SILVER Liberal Arts and Sciences BARBARA SIMON MARLENE ANNKREV,Honors in Liberal MARGARET ANNE VANDERSALL, Honors Arts and Sciences in Liberal Arts and Sciences SHERRY MARLANARODICK, Honors in CHERYL LYNN WISNESKI Liberal Arts and Sciences JOHN In fk Teaching of French THERESE MARIEDYJAK,Honors in Lib- NICOLEVILAIRWALSH,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences eral Arts and Sciences with Distinction in French In the Teaching of History LINDAVOGT DENMAN KATHYKOPANROUPAS NANCYJOSEPHINE DOODY,Honors in FRANCES VIRGINIASNIEGOLSKI SOYKA JOHNRONALD Liberal Arts and Sciences DEWELLYN ETHYL ROEPENACK, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences In the Teaching of Political Science JOYCE SCHULTZ RHEINHEIMER, Honors LEROYTHOMAS BOYCE FUTRIS in Liberal Arts and Sciences VALERIE CHRISTIRE JANET KUHNS,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences In the Teaching of Sociology TERRY STUART WEINER, Honors in LibMARYLOUISEFINNEGAN eral Arts and Sciences In the Teaching of Spanish LANDELIUS PESCE LUCILLESUSAN GRIECD, Honors in Lib- ANNAMARIE eral Arts and Sciences with Dis- DAVIDALYNNSPECTOR LINDALOUISETRUJILLO tinction in Spanish In the Teaching of Speech BESSIEBESTOLARIDES DONNAGADENDIEHL NANCYALISONCARY,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Degree of Bachelor of Science In Chxmistry ROBERTJOSEPH BWGIO,Honors in Lib- JOEL JAMES GALANTE,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Higheral Arts and Sciences with High est Distinction in the Curriculum Distinction in the Curriculum SZAJER GERALD BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 In Liberal Arts mtd S c h c e s NANCYLAWSADAM,Honors in Liberal LINDAJEANKELLY,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Arts and Sciences MARYKELLY BARRYPHILIPATLAS,Honors in Lib- MARGARET CHARLES E. KROON eral Arts and Sciences ANTHONY MARANTO IRWIN KENNETHBENOVITZ, Honors in CHARLES Honors in MARXOWITZ, Liberal Arts and Sciences with Dis- Mom EZEKIEL Liberal Arts and Sciences tinction in Psychology JAMES JOHN MARSZALEK JOSEPH PAUZ BIGGINS ROBERTNEIL BLOCK,Honors in Liberal JEFFREY ELLISMIRIPOL SANDRA ANNMURRAY Arts and Sciences ALLENOWL= SIMABLUE,H onors in Liberal Arts and PAUL CATHRYN DIANE PORCELLI, Honors in Sciences Liberal Arts and Sciences DANIELGERARD CLAIR,Honors in LibROBERT ALLENPRISCHMAN eral Arts and Sciences PAUL THOMAS ROZMAREK GEORGE STEPHEN FAKO HARRY RVBINSTEIN,H onors in Liberal THOMAS PATRICK FARRELL Arts and Sciences RAYMOND JOSEPH FINCH CHARMAINE SCHTJRR HILL, Honors in WILLIAMJOHNSCHNELL PETR SKALNIK LiberaI Arts and Sciences JOSEPH STALMACK JOYCE ELLEN HOFMAN, Honors in Lib- RICHARD TINKLER eral Arts and Sciences with Dis- WILLIAMPRATT WENDYMARICETEICHMAN tinction in Biological Sciences SUSAN MARYHOLLEY,Honors in Lib- ALMAVAITAITIS JAMESWALTERWISNIEWSKI,Honors in eral Arts and Sciences Liberal Arts and Sciences In Physics ROMAN JOSEPHKOPERSKI DONNAMARIERUBERTICCHIO In the Tewhing of Mathematics JOHNTOKUNORI NISHIMURA,Honors in BARBARA ANNBRAND Liberal Arts and Sciences SUSAN MARIEDZIEKAN,Honors in LibJANYCE JASEN O'TOOLE,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences DIANELYNNE MATEJA,H onors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Mathematics eral Arts and Sciences LINDAANNEWECINC In the Teaching of Physics ANALIAMOREL,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences SCHOOL O F PHYSICAL EDUCATION Degree of Bachelor of Science In Physical EducafioN ANDREW J o m SCHNEPF STEPHEN GONZALU DOROTHY JEAN LYONS MARIONSTANLEY MAVEC JAMES WALTERREES VERNONPAUL SCARPELLI, JR. JOHN SCRRAMMEL ROBERT LEROYTHREATTE HALWHITE,JR. DONALD WILLIAMYOST Degrees Conferred June 14,1970 HONORARY JOHN Degree of Doctor of Humane Letters HOPEFRANKLIN Degree of Doctor of Laws PAULHOWARD DOUGLAS 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 985 GRADUATE COLLEGE Degree of Doctor of Philosophy In Mechanics and Materials PET= ALBERTTUSCHAK,B.A., Dartmouth University, 1959; B.M.E., Thayer School of Engineering, 1962; M.M.E., University of Delaware, 1965 Degree of Master of Arts In English ADELAIDE AULSTER BITTNER,B.A., Rosary College, 1965 LAWRENCE A.B., 1969 JOHN BOMMER, SHARON KITCHHALE,B.A., Westmont College, 1965 WILLIAMJOHN HILTON, A.B., 1967 JUDITHA. OGRON, B.A., Northeastern Illinois State College, 191% RUTHANNPHILLIPS,B.A., Barat College, 1967 SMITH PYLE, A.B., 1968 NORMA JANE ZAKRZEWSKI, A.B., 1969 In German MEHRA,A.B., Bridgewater State College, 1967 MARLISHELENE INGEBORC WALLNER SMITH,B.A., University of Wisconsin, 1942 ROSLYN GEANYECE THEOBALD, B.A., Carleton College, 1968 JUDITH In History MALOFFK ATZ,A.B., University of Michigan, 1968 In Philosophy DENNISIRWIN COUZIN,B.S., California Institute of Technology, 1963 J OHN SCHNETTLER, A.B., 1968 ROBERT GARYPAULTIMIN,B.A., Duke University, 1969 In Sociology ANDREW ROJECKI,A.B., 1968 KATHRYN BROOKE STENGEL, B.A., Miami University, 1967 Degree of Master of Science In Biological Sciences LYDIAZ. BOHORQUEZ, B.S., Oregon State University, 1968 FLORA,B.S., State University College at New Paltz (New York), MARILYNSALLY 1967 CHARLES GOOD,B.S., 1968 DONNA JEANKERRIGAN, B.S., Loyola University, 1968 LENORE PEREIRA LEWIS,B.S., Marquette University, 1968 MICHAEL ALANMILLAY,B.A., Wittenberg University, 1967 In Chemistry DOROTHY CLOVE BARRON, B.S., 1968 GARYRUD~LPH DYRKACZ, B.S., DePaul University, 1968 SHARLIN EI-LANLIAW,B.S., Tamkang College of Arts and Sciences, 1968 WILLIAMFRANK MYSZKOWSKI, B.S., 1968 CHIN-LUNGYEH,Tamkang College of Arts and Sciences, 1965 In Energy Engineering HENRY MICHAELDOMANUS, B.S., 1968 CHRISTOPHER H. S. TING,B.S., 1964 In Mathematics PEGGY FUJINAKA ABBRUSCATO, B.S., 1967 PETERJAMES ATMNSON,B.S., Bristol University, 1968 THERISEBERSINBUTSEN,B.S., Western Illinois University, 1966 986 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 TOBIAS ENRIGHT, B.S., 1969 GEORGE JOHN POLLI, B.S., American University, 1964 MARIUSK E S ~ I PRAPUOLENIS, S B.S., 1968 ALANDONALD SHEALL,B.S., 196& In Mechunics and Matericrls NANCYANDERSON HOLMES,B.S., 1968 HANNA Q.LUBBAT,B.A., American University of Beirut, 1960 MILANVELEBIT,B.S., 1965 In Physics JAMESHUGHABBOTT, B.S., 1968 JACK RICHTER, B.S., 1969 COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE A N D ART Degree of Bachelor of Architecture In Building Technology EDWARD LYNNKARIKOMI ROBERT WILLIAMLENKE ROBERT PAUL KOLOSOSKI JOHN NICKSIGALOS JAMESJOHN LAUKKANEN WAYNE J AMES SKALA In Design EDWARD HENRY CARLSON RICHARD DEMOTTEMARKER B. CASTRO ALFONSO MARSHALL, JR. KENNETHBYRCHUM GORDON CRABTREE MARSHALL THOMAS MARKFRANCIS HAROLD LEONARD CRANE,Honors with JOHN RUSSELL NAUGHTON ALLENTHEODORE OLSEN Distinction in Design STEVEN ANDREWGETTLER HENRYKENSHIOZAKI STEVEN GRIGG JAN C. OZIMKIEWICZ JERRY WILLIAM HAMEN FREDERICKA MCNESSROSENCREN, HonSHARON MARIEJASNOCHA ors with Highest Distinction in FRANK JOHNSON Design KHADIGEH KIA KOJORI EDMUND LARRY SADLEIR krARvIN SIDNEYKROUT,Honors with ROY RICHARD WELLS VERNON ANTHONY WILLIAMS Distinction in Design In Structures SERCIO MIGUELANGEL JOHN WILLIAMSORCE,H onors with LAWRENCE Highest Distinction in Structures JOHN DRISCOLL JOHN THOMAS SNELL Degree of Bachelor of Arts In Design JOSEPH JAMES OHEARN ROBERT DANIELALLEN MARLENA A. CHANDLER ANNE ELZASO'JCEEFE, Honors with BRUCEDOUGLAS CHRISTENSEN High Distinction in Design Jo CAROLE DORF WAYNEHENRY OLENICK DANIELJOSEPH PETEREK HENRY CHARLES KLUCK FRANCIS SPAGNOLO ROBERT LEVINE RONALD B ARRY EDWIN BENTLYWATTS,JR. MARYWASIKMARCHUK In the History of Architecture and Art BENNETT GERALDALBERTHOWARD, Honors with GAILELIZABETH LESLIEJEANNE BRONIARCZYK Distinction in the History of ArchiURSULAELFRIEDE CONRAD, Honors with tecture and Art ANTHONY KRATOVIL Highest Distinction in the History ROBERT A N D R E A LANCER of Architecture and Art RUSSELLCLARENCEGESCHKE,Honors MARYCATHERINE RZECZKOWSIU, Honors with Distinction in the History with Distinction in the History of of Architecture and Art Architecture and Art SARAHJANE STANLEY MARIONREGINA WHITE 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 987 I n Plastic and Graphic Arts DOUGLAS BRITTONHANSON FREDERICK BENJAMIN NAP~LI BARBARAJACKSON HAZARD, Honors DIANELYNNPRONITES with Highest Distinction in Plastic and Graphic Arts KEITH PATRICK LOWMAN ALMA MILLERMATHEWS,Honors with Highest Distinction in Plastic and Graphic Arts JULIANNA MURANYI, Honors with Distinction in Plastic and Graphic Arts RONALD ROBERT R ALW HEIDIELIZABETHSTOETZEL JEANETTE GENEVIEVE SYPRZAK RICHARD Szoc WERNER, Honors with ZELDAWOLOCIC Distinction in Plastic and Graphic Arts JAMES SEIKI YANACISAWA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Degree of Bachelor of Science In Accounting MILLER HUGHFREDERICK GREGORY REGANBARR JAMESFRED MOMMSEN STEVEN MARCBAZER FREDMARKBRODY,Honors with High THOMAS DENNISMORAN SANDRA LOUISEMOSCINSKI Distinction in Accounting SUSANMARIEMOSCINSKI,Honors BRUHN WILLIAMEDWARD TIMOTHY JAMES NILLES KARENBOOKNISDAVARE ROBERTJOHN O'BRIEN, Honors with GARYWILLIAMDESANTI Highest Distinction in Accounting JAMESJOSEPH DUBINSKI ROBERT ADAMOSTROCA FRAXK JOSEPH FRANCIS KEVIN JOEL OSWALD,Honors with JAMESJOHN GATZIOLIS Highest Distinction in Accounting SHELDONGRAD,Honors with DistincWIJ-LIAMCHRISPANOS tion in Accounting LEONARD HARVEY Pomwcm, Honors GRUBICH KENNETHEDWARD with Distinction in Accounting ROBERTELMER JESWEIN,Honors with MARCLEEROSENBERC Distinction in Accounting LAURENCENEAL SALASCHE,Honors CYNTHIA LOUISEJEZIORSKI with Distinction in Accounting ANTHONY WILLIAM KALANT, Honors HENRY SKIBA, JR. RICHARD JAMES ARTHUR LEIDEGER BARBARA ANNSLAMAR NORMAN LOUISLEOPOLD CRAIGLEE LEVIN, Honors with Dis- DAVIDMARKSTEIN THOMAS RUSSELL THEIS tinction in Accounting JOSEPH WILLIAMTRAXLER FRED 0. MARCUS WEISSEC GARYALANMEDNICK, Honors with Dis- BRUCEEDWARD STEVEN JOHN ZOLLER tinction in Accounting In Economics LORRAINE DOSTAL,Honors with Highest DANIELWORTHMINSTER O'LEARY MICHAELPATRICK Distinction in Economics SAIDIBRAHIM GHUSEIN KEITH ROBERTOSHER, Honors with Distinction in Economics HARKABUS ALLANFRANCIS DENNISK m JEROME ELMER REITER ARTHUR GEORGE ROSENFELD JAMES NICKOLAS KOTZAMANIS FAYEZ SHARIF SUHWEIL THOMAS TERRANCE KUBIC THOMAS ALLENMARTIN I n Fimunce SIMON ENRIQUE LUISAMICH ANTHONY N. FRATTO STEPHEN ARTHURBARRY,Honors with JAMES REIDGIW, Honors with Distinction in Finance High Distinction in Finance JAMES ROBERT BARTNICK JAMES GLENN,JR. ROBERT JOHN MICHAEL CLIFFORD RICHARD LEEGRADT JOSEPHPATRICK CORRICAN STANLEY JOSEPH GREY JAMES MICHAELDANZ, Honors with JAMES JOHN HUSARIK Distingtion in Finance GERALD ALANIRWIN WILLIAMROBERT JOHNSON THOMAS JAMES DEMAY PATRICIA LUCILLE DOHERTY STEFAN LEXUER DONALD WAYNE LOTTON WILLIAMTHOMAS FERCHLAND 988 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 REDICAN WILLIAMJOSEPHMALLOY, Honors with DANIELROBERT RISKE, Honors with DisDistinction in Finance MARYSHELLY tinction in Finance PATRICK WILLIAMMCAULIFFE RENEDE MARISNORCART JOYB. TENNENBAUM MICHAEL WILLIAMURBUT DENNISCHARLESOAKES CHARLES CRAIGO'CONNOR HOWARD PHIL WEIL, Honors with Highest Distinction in Finance OHN MARIAN PIETRON ERNARD FRANCIS RAJKOWSKI i n Mmgement MARYELIZABETH MATHEIS SHERWIN ZACHARY ADLER MICHAELJOEL MCELHATTAN, Honors DOMINICSAMUEL CARBONE, JR. JAMES CARRINGI with High Distinction in ManageDONALD RAMIRO M. CHIRIBOCA ment CRAIGJOHN CIEPLY DENNISLAWRENCE MCGUIN TIMOTHY STANLEY CZEREPKOWSKI, Hon- JOSE RAMONMEDINA ors with Distinction in Management ELLIOTT K. NELSON EDWARD DORSEY JAMES JOHN OSTARELLO, Honors with Distinction in Management RONALD FREDERIC FISCHEL ARTHUR JAMESLAWRENCE JODLOWSKI JOHN SCHMAKEL E DWARD SIMON ROBERT NORMAN KNOEBEL BARRY WILLIAMKORDA, Honors PAMELA MARIESLECHTA, Honors with ANNETTEHELEN Distinction in Management K ~ I K STEPHEN ALANLEVY,Honors with Dis- HENRYEDWARD SZACHOWICZ, JR., Hontinction in Management ors with Distinction in Management STEVETWARDOSZ DONALDMARIANO,Honors with Dis- RUSSELL RONALD GEORGE ZEMONT tinction in Management H in Marketing CARLRAYMOND BIRNS ALFRED ITTNER KENNETHSTEPHEN JOHN EDWIN BLUM,Honors KORMANAK, Honors ALAN BRUCEBOYER with Distinction in Marketing GEURCE MICHAEZMARGALSKI MICHAELHOWARD CALDWELL DONALD WILLIAMMCKIBBEN MICHAUPATRICK CASEY ELIZABETHPAPE,H onors with High JOHN THOMAS COSTELLO Distinction in Marketing ERNEST CRAFT CHARLES RAYMOND DAUKSA ANDREW JOHN PINTER DENNISMICHAELRIVAS ROBERT JOHN DUFEK,Honors RONALDWILLIAMSCHIRMLX, Honors FIORE BARRY RICHARD CHRSTINETHERESA JOSEPHEDWARD GRIFFIN SOBOLEWSKI, Honors with Distinction in Marketing SHARON Imm HAFFRON, Honors with KENNETH RICHARD TEAGUE High Distinction in Marketing WILLIAMHARRIS KEVINBARRIE TYNAN DONALD JOHNHERMANEK JOYCE LILLIAN WEIR FRANK MARION WYSASKI RALPHHENRYHOYDN In QzrcmfifativeMethods DAVIDNEILA m PHILLIP SOLIMMERGLUCK BRUCEHENRY ERFER ROBERT JOSEPH PRANTIS, Honors COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Degree of Bachelor of Arts In Elementary Education DONNABRAZISABRIGNANI BARBARA KAYCARBRNOCH AGNM BETTYT. PILAFAS BARBARA CARMICHAEL, Honors KATHLEEN PHOEBE DEANBAKER A NNECARR DIANESTANICH BAUER, Honors NAHCY JANE CHANDLER MERYLFREDA BECKER BARBARA COHN,Honors SANDRA LOISCOHN BARBARA GALEBLAHUSIAK HELENE SUSAN BLUMSACX, Honors SANDRA A. COSTULAS BERTHANNA BRINAS,Honors CATHERINE MARGARET DANIELSON BARBARA MERLEBRODSKY KATHLEEN MARYDEAN 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS MELINDADIANEDE CEAULT SARAH ANNDECKER, Honors KARENANNDENNING,Honors BETTEK. DESALVO, Honors GERALDINE ROSEDUDIAK, Honors MARGARET MARYD u r n MARGARET LUCILLE FITZGERALD ROSEMARIE FORNEK, Honors SUZANNE ELIZABETH GRIFFIN KATHERINE RIEBELHANSEN LUTRICIA HARDAWAY, Honors KARENANNHARLA KATHLEEN MAEJOHNSON, Honors LINDACAROL JOSEPH,Honors MARIANNE JURCENSEN ANNEPATRICIA KAPKA,Honors PATRICIA KMIECIAK BARBARA LEEKNOP,Honors KARENKREMESEC LAURAMARCIA LEVINE,Honors SANDRA LARSON LEWIS, Honors ARLENE J OAN LIGHT,Honors LINDALou LOSTUMO CAROL J UNE MACNAIR JOHN ANDREW MADEJCZYK, Honors NANCYCLAREMAJCHER,Honors KATHLEEN DELIAMARTIN,Honors ESTHERSHARON MASSARSKY, Honors LYNNEBETHMICHAEL,Honors KATHLEEN MARYMIKRUT,Honors CAREN LAVENDER MIONASTER 989 MORRISSEY CLAIRELOUISE CHRISTINE MARIEMYSZCZAK DONNAMARIENOTO,Honors JEANIE HARRIET NOWAK, Honors REGINAKAUNAS OLIVER,Honors DOROTHY AGNESPASSANANTE ROSALYN M ARYPERROXE MARSHAALLYSON POTTER, Honors COLLETTE PRZYBYCIEN, Honors GWENDOLYN RAYBURN GAIL RUTKOFFSCHIPP MARYTHERESE SCHOTT,Honors BARBARA JEAN SCHULTZ DEBORAH LEE SECAL,Honors SUSANA. SEYMOUR BARBARA LYHNSLOTNICK JANE ANNSLOWIKOWSKI DONNADOROTHY SOLECKI, Honors DEBORAH Honors LYNNSTANLEY, CAROL CHRISTINE STLASKE CAROL A NNSTRATMAN JOANNE RUTHSYNCHEPF SANDRA HAAR TAMILLOW JOANNE RAEVECE,Honors DIANNEKEENWADLER ELFRIEDE K ATHARINA WAGNER, Honors TAMRA LYNNWOLFF,Honors CYNTHIAJOYCE ZEMAR', Honors RITAMARIEZUBE,Honors CAROL FRANCES ZWIT COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Degree of Bachelor of Science In Engineering GEORGE WALTER EDWARD ADAMS,JR. EDWARD DYKAS,High Honors GREGORY GFDRCEANDERSON, High ALLENKENTERICKSEN Honors ROBERT JOSEPH FABSIK JOHNROBERT FEEMAN CLIFFORD D ANBARON ROBERT W AYNEBEENING FRANK ROYFLEET 111 JOHN LOUISBERNARDI DONALD HUEYFORSYTH, Honors ROBERT EDWA4RDBERND, Honors STEVEN CHARLES FRIEDMAN MARTINANTHONY BERNDL PAUL SEWELL GALEN JAMESEARL WILLIAM OWENGARTLAND, Honors BERRY ROMEOESHAYA GEORGE JEROME JOHN BOBER RICHARD WILLIAM G L D I N G E R TIMOTHY ANTHONY BOBIC CH.4RLES OMER BRASHER JXMIL HAIDER JAN BRDICKO, High Honors JAMES HAO CECILJAMESBUCKNER Jo BRIANHARRIS JONAS BUTVILA ALBERTLEWISHENDRICKS, High DONALD Honors JOSEPH BYRON, Honors FRANCISCO GERONIMO CAVAZOS HELMUT ROLF HILLER,High Honors PHILIPEDWARD HODUR STAHLEY JOHN CHMUXA CALVINHONG,Honors HENRY AWAICHUNC KEVINMARTINCOLOSIA THERESA MARIEHORTON WILLIAM CHARLES COOK JOHN HVRLEY EMILIO MANUELP. D E L G A D ~ JOHN JAROSLAV JANDA, Highest Honors EDWARD ANTOINEDELORIA JOSEPH PAUL JENKOT EUGENE DERAMUS LAWRENCE THAYER KALEK KALLIS ANTHONY DRAB DAVIDEDWARD RONALD PETER DUDEK,Honors JAMES ALLENKARLOVSKY ALLENMORRISKATZ RONALD MARCDVORKIN 990 BOARD OF TRUSTEES PAULTHOMAS KINSELLA, JR. KOKAT JAMES DONALD KOTARA JOHN EDWIN KOWALSKI JOHN PETER KOZIOL KIT PAUL EDWARD KRAUSS CEZARY KRZYMOWSKI STANLEY JOSEPH KUPER JAMES CULLENLABELLE,High Honors STEVEN WAYNE LANDAUER LEDNARD P AUL LASKOWSKI RENEM. LAURENS JOSEPH JOHN LULA DANIELWILLIAMLUNA JOHN CHESTER MALINOWSKI HERAND MARTIROSSIAN JOSEPH MATRISOTTO ROBERT PATRICK MATTIS GREGORY LOUISMAXWELL JOSEPH MAYXA, High Honors RONALD PAUL JOSEPH MCCARREN MICHAELJOSEPH MCLAUGHLIN JEROME MEYERHOFF High DENNISJUSTIN MIKALAUSKAS, Honors WILLIAM MILLER ROBERT GEORGE MONASTER, Honors JOSHUA B. MOOREHEAD DANIELFRANK MORAVEC, Honors EUGENE BRENDON MORIARTY JOHN R. MORTON CHARLES MICHAELMRAKUZIC VICTORM. NAKAWATASE EDWARD RICHARD NETZEL,Honors CHARLES MICHAELNORTHROP GERALD MITCHELLOLES BRYONGFDRGEPADERA, Highest Honors JOHN ARMAND PALLANTI, Honors GREGORY LEOPARMA ROBERT LEE PATTON STANLEY JOHN PAWLOWICZ JAMES EDWARD PAZAK KENNETHALLENPETERSON WILLIAMTHOMAS PIENTA JOHN JOSEPH [June 17 STANLEY PIETRZYK RONALD LEEPILTZ ERNEST JEAN PONSOLLE ROBERT HOWARD RANDALL, Highest Honors LASZLONANDOR REPAY ALI REZAREZAIAN, Honors ANDREW CHRISTOPHER ROZYLOWICZ, Highest Honors RICHARD B RIANRIBENSTEIN ROBERT EMMET RUSSELL DAVIDMARVINSACKS THOMAS ELMER SAHLIN JAMES PATRICK SAUSEN ROGERWALTERSCHALK, Highest Honors ANTONPETER SCHEDL, JR. ROBERT ALFREDSCHRACE GLENNRANDALL SCOTT,JR. SHAHROKH MOHAMMED GEORGE SHOW-HONG SHEN MICHAELDENNISSILVERMAN WALTERWESLEYSLOAN,Honors PHILIPSMOLINSKI TERRY LEOSMOLYNSKY JEROME BRUNO SOBIERAJ GREGORY GEORGE STAROSTKA ROBERTGEORGE Honors STERGIOS, RONALD MICHAELSTERKOWICZ ROYR. STEWART MAKOTO JEFF SUGANO, High Honors SURMA RONALD CHARLES WILLIAM MILTONTEIGLER RALPHLAWRENCE TOBLER RICHARD DANIELTURNER WILLIAM CHRISTOS TZAVOS J AMES VANSPANKEREN RICHARD RICHARDCHARLES W ARNER JAMES EDWARD WERNER, Honors DENNISLEE WIDEMAN JACK ROBERT WILCOX RICHARD LAIRDWILSON GARYMICHAELWODEK JAMES ALLENZYCH COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES Degree of Bachelor of Arts In the Adwinisfration of CrinZinal Jmtice JOSEPH GREGORY BISCEGLIA, Honors in MARCARAMMILLER Liberal Arts and Sciences with Dis- STEVEN DONALD MWPHY tinction in the Curriculum WILLIAMJENNINGS O”EILL, JR. PATRICIA ELAINE BCOZE JAMES ANTHONY PALMISANO DENNISWAYNEBUCHE JAM= RICHARDSKRZYPEK JOHN STANLEY BUDZYNSIU JOHN MICHAEL THOMAS KEVINJAMES CAFUS THOMAS F. WALSH GARYEDWARD ERDAKOS JAMES FRANUS WALWER,Honors in DANIEL FRANCIS GALLAGHER, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JOHN JOSEPH WARD,Honors in Liberal Liberal Arts and Sciences DANIEL JOHN GFSTY Arts and Sciences BARRIEMARKYACHER JOE PASCAL MAYO 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 991 In Liberal Arts and Sciences SILIS ABUBAKR JOELLEN RAEBOLDEN, Honors in Liberal GERALD JOSEPH ACCETTURA Arts and Sciences LYNNE BEATRICEADAMS,Honors in MICHAEL PATRICK BOLTON Liberal Arts and Sciences PATRICIA ANN BOMHER, Honors in LibXARY ELIZABETH ADAMS eral Arts and Sciences with DistincPATRICIA JOANN ADAMS tion in Speech JOHN HARRYALEXANDER, Honors in WILLIAMCARLETON BOREM Liberal Arts and Sciences GREGORY LEE BORUCKI DANIELARTHURALLEGRETTI PATRICIA ANNBRAY SUSAN ANDERSON CAROL MARILYN JEAN BRISSETTE MARGARET EILEENANDERSON RADMILABRODICH,Honors in Liberal SHARON COOK ANDERSON Arts and Sciences with Highest ANNA HANSON ARMAGAST, Honors in Distinction in English Liberal and Sciences HENRY CHARLES BROMANN LYNNEBETH ARON JACQUELINE REEDBROWN DONALD ANTHONY ARQUILLA JEAN BROWN CAROL RICHARDWILLIAMAVEMARIA,Honors LORINEBROWN in Liberal Arts and Sciences with MARILYN ANNEBRUSHERD Distinction in English REIDARBRYNJELSEN GREGORY ALLENBACHMAN JOHN FRANCIS BUCHER BAIN, Honors in Liberal RUTHIRMA ALANEUGENE B uuow, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Arts and Sciences SALLY BAKER JOSEPH JAMES BURKE,Honors in LibHOLLYGERTRUDE BALOW eral Arts and Sciences JAMESEDWARD BALSEWICH BARBARA ANNEBURKEPILE ELAINEMARYBANACH BARBARA JEANBCSCH ELAINE BUSHKIN LESLEE RAYMOND LOUISBANAS,Honors in LibLARRY R AY BUTCHER eral Arts and Sciences HELEN ADELECAHNMANN, Honors in RICHARD WALTER BAR Liberal Arts and Sciences TERRANCE CHARLES BARBA BURTON J OHN CALLOWAY ARTHUR JOSEFW BARLOW BARTGET RONALD WILLIAM DONALD JOSEPH CAMERON H ~ DSCHLADITZ E BARTHEL,Honors in JOHN KARLCAFOS BELINDA MILES CHEN Liberal Arts and Sciences ROBERT JAMES CHENNELL ROGERLEONARD BASH LOUISECHIDESTER,Honors in ILENEAPPLEMAN BASS,Honors in Lib- PATRICIA eral Arts and Sciences Liberal Arts and Sciences LEONARD PETER ANDREW BATTERMAN JOHN CIAPAS JOHN CIESLAK RONALD CHARLES BAUMANN CHARLES THOMAS JOSEPHCISAR KARLWALTER BAWRUCKER ELIZABETH J ANE CLAPP MARGARET ANNEBEAUCHAMP JAMES EDWARD CLAUSEN LINDAMARIEBEIREIS DORISCLIFTONBELL,Honors in Liberal PENNY PAGANIS CLEMMONS Arts and Sciences with High Dis- BARBARA JOYCE CoHm tinction in Anthropology DONNAANNCOHEN JEAN COLE NANCY BEVERLY A NNBENFORD MARYELLEN MICHAEL KEVINBENNETT CONLEY JOHN COOK,Honors in Liberal YVONNEANN BEREZECKI,Honors in EDWIN Liberal Arts and Sciences with DisArts and Sciences with Distinction in Chemistry tinction in Spanish COOK GAIL MARY BERG,Honors in Liberal MARYHELEN MICHAELCOOLAHAN, Honors Arts and Sciences with Distinction PATRICK in Liberal Arts and Sciences in Spanish NORMAJEANNE COOPER, Honors in LibETTABETHBERMAN eral Arts and Sciences MICHAELSTEVEN BERNS BRANDT COTOVSKY EPPLER BEUKEMA MARJORIE JOHN JAMES COTROMANES ANATOLE BILYJ TIMOTHY COTTER LQRALEE BLAIS, Honors in Liberal RICHARD DALECOWEN Arts and Sciences BONNIE JEAN BLYTH JOHN RICHARD BOKINA LINDASUECox EILEEN CHAPMAN CRANE 992 BOARD OF TRUSTEES WOODROW MARVINCUNNINGHAM JOHN WILLIAMCZARNIK LAWRENCEJOHN CZEPIEL, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences BOHDANCZERWINSKYJ BOHDANNA CZORNIJ ISAAK DANIEL BARBARA MARIEDAVENPORT SUSAN GADENDAVILISON BARBARA DOLORES DEBS BILLGEORGE DEMITROFWJLOS VIRGINIARIEBI DERIKRAVA JANIS RAEDINNING GRECORY PAUL D~RWARD WILLIAMEVANS DOUXAS, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences ALBERTWILLIAMDRANTZ CYNTHIAANNDREW MARLENEJANET DRUSKA,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences THOMAS JOSEPH DUDAK RFSA LYNNDUDOVITZ DUFFY ANNPATRICIA ARDYTHLORRAINE DUHATSCHEK, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences LORRAINE CHFSSTINEDULIAN EARNEST LEEEASTON LUUISEMARIEEDELBLUT ROYDAVID EDCREN KATHLEEN M ARYEKLUND JANEENDLER LINDAKATHLEEN E NG CHRISTINEMARIEESTES STEPHANIE h'fARIE EVANS JOHN THOMAS EVRARD, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences DEANDAVISFALK,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Anthropology WILLIAM ROBERT FANG EUGENE FARMILANT, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences CAROLANNFECZKO JOHN GEORGEFEELY, JR., Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences PATRICK WILLIAMFEGAN PAUL CHARLES FEIL NANCYHELEN FELDMAN WAYNE FELKAMP SANDRA DALE FINKELSTEIN,Honors in JOHN Liberal Arts and Sciences LOWRYFISCHER PAULFITZMAURICE ALLAN FLETCHER, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in History GERALD PAUL FONTECCHIO DANIELRICHARD FORMELLER CYNTHIAKRAJENTA FORTINO SYLVIA LORRAINE FRANCIS WIILLAM LEROYFRAYNE SUSAN JOY FREEMOND STEVEN ALANFRENCH JEANNE JAMES [June 17 MARKFRELERICK FRIEDMAN STEPHEN FULLMER ALAN~ ~ I C H I RFURUTA O JAMES BARRY GALLAI WILLIAM LEE GAMLIN,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences KAYKILWPGANSER MICHAELPETER GARIPH) SUSAN M ARYGARTNER, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences SUSANELIZABETH GAUL, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences ARTHUR MELVINGELMAN RAYMOND VICTORGERARDI LYDIAMCKINLEYGLEES LARRY M. GLICK JANICE J. GOLDMAN JOANNE THERESE GOLIO,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences SWSANCLAIREGONZALEZ,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences ANN J. GRAHAM,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in History MELVILLE A. GRAY,JR. JOHN MARKGRECO SHARON ANNGREEN,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences GROSS,Honors in MICHAEL EDWARD Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in Speech KIM DEBORAH GRUNEWALD ROBYNDANAGUEST,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Speech CLAUDIAMCENTEEGUNTHER,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences HAROLD LUDWIG GUENTHER ROCELIOGUERRERO k fARIE GUSTEK DARLENE JANICE MARIEHAJOST RAYMOND HALL CHRISTINE MARIEHAhlERLAK BRUCEDAVIDHAMMERSTONE STEXEN ERNEST HANSEN WAYNE GORDON H ANSLIK ROBERTERNEST HANSON,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences MORMANHOWARD HARELIK DENNISWAYNEHARKINS HOWARD ROBERTHARTMAN, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Sociology GEORGEANNE HASTO KARENRUTHHAUCE RICHARD DAVIDHAZLETT ROSETTA H EARD WILLIAM JOSEPH HEFFRON NEILSAMUEL HEIN, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences ROBERTABERNICEHERCHE, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences HERNANDEZ CAMILLE JAMES 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS NEALRAYMOND HERST ARNOLDRICHARDHIRSCH, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences HLAVACEK NANCYWROBLASKI STEVENLorns HLUPIC CRAIGRICHARD HOBSON JERALD HOWARD HOEHNE,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Geography JOSHUA PHILIP HOFFMAN CHARLES ALLANHOMOLKA KEVINANTHONY HOULIHAN VIRGINIAMARYHOUREN PHYLLIS ANNHOUSER TONIA. HOWARD MICHAELFRANCIS HRITZ, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences ELIZABETH HUBBARD MARILYN PAUL MICHAELHUMMEL JAMES EDWARD HUSSEY FRUMAN CECIL JACOBSON, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in History JACQUELINE PENNY J AKUS RONALD A LANJANUS ALBERTJASHUNSKY, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JOHN JASIUNAS SCOTTBRUCE JEFFERSON RONALD STEVEN JESSELSON ARKOLDJOSEPH JIRASEK,JR. NELS KENNETHJOHNSON,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Anthropology ARTHURRALPHJUNCWIRTH, JR. JAMES ROBERT J UNTUNEN CHARLESJOSEPH KALISKI, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences PATRICIA DIANEKALUO KAYLYNNKALLMEYER PAMELA KAMIN MARTINPETER KANCIUS MARJORIE JANICE KANE MORRISKAPLAN CONSTANCE Lou KAPPAS ABRAHAM K ATZ CRAIGNORRISKATZ MARTINJAMES KENNEDY,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences J EAN KENNY CAROL FRED M. KETO ORPHA HAMILTON KIDD, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Sociology ANTHONYHENRYKIERNA,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences ZENOPETER KIERPIEC BONNIELEEKINSINGER WILLIAMKIRK ERICAKARPKLEIN,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences SANDRA KAYKLINE 993 LAWRENCE TOSHIO KODANI, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences KOWALCZYK MARYFEENY MICHAEL CHESTERKOZY JR., Honors in MICHAELJOHN KRAMER, Liberal Arts and Sciences WILLIAMGEORGE KUCZERPA, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences LINDALOUISEKUPPINGER THOMAS KUSAR CHARLES NORMAN ANTHONY KWAK SCOTT LAMBE ALANGWRGELANGOWSKI NANCYANNLATZA CHARLES BERNARD LAUER,JR. LYNETTE ANNLAWSON GERALDINE MARIELEAHY BELA LASLO LEBENYI, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences CONRAD STEPHEN LEHFELDT JOSEPH WILLIAMLENZ,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences STEVEN K. LEON JAMES ROLLINLEONARD JEFFREY WALTER LERCH SYLVIA ELINOR LESSMAN STEPHEN MARTINLETRAUNIK EDWARD MARVIN LEVY PHYLLIS BETTELEVY,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences BARBARA AGNESLINDUSKA CATHERINE LINK HINRICKS SULTANA LXSHA MARYDIANELISOWSKI,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Speech DARLENE ANNLITTLE MARJORIE MADARASZ LODGE ROBERTJEFFERY LOEB,Honors in Lib- eral Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Chemistry LOFTUS JOHNTHOMAS BEVERLY A NN LONG,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences DONALD W. LUCEK HARVEY J A Y LUSTBERG GEORGE ARNOLD LYNN CHRYLL MARIEMADKM KALMAN KIRBYMAJFX MARGARET ROSEMAKER,Honors in Lib- eral Arts and Sciences EMILIO GIACOMO MANCUSO MARGARET MARYMANION,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences SHIRLEYSUSAN MANN DOROTHY JAKUBOWSKI MARKS,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences EVAWILMA MARMORSTEIN SUZANNE LEEMARTIN DARCYALANAMARXHAUSEN, Honors m Liberal Arts and Sciences CHRISTINEMARGARET MATTENHEIMER 994 BOARD OF TRUSTEES ANNEMARIEMATTI, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences CAROLYN ONDERDONK MAYER OEL HENRY MAYER OHN BJORNMCCAULEY ELIZABETH AYERSMCGAUGHEY, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences MICHAELBRUCEMCGHEE, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences GLADSTONE CARTER MECHER TIMOTHY MERBITZ CHARLES PHILIP LEONARD MERKEL,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences ANNMERRIMAN TIMOTHY LEE MICHEL PATRICIA YVONNE MILLER LEONARDJOEL MILLMAN,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Chemistry STEPHEN ALBERTMILZ DEBORAHANNE MITTNER, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences W I L L I A M STEWART MOIR RICHARD HENRY MORRIS THOMAS SUEY MOY ARTHUR HAICMUGALIAN S H A R O N LEE hfUNN WILLIAMM U ~ G E S KATHLEEN ANNMWRPHY SHARON ANNMUSZYNSKI MICHAELBRUCENADLER KENNETHJAMES NANNINI,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences SAMUEL NAYLoR VI PATRICIA ANNNEIL THOMAS FRANCIS NELSON,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences RONALDA. NIED, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences RAMONA MARIENIGGEMANN ELLENMARIENORTON, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in History NOWAK DIANNEELIZABETH THOMAS EUGENE NUGENT ~ ~ I C H A E LJAMES O’BRIEN, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences THOMAS MICHAELO’BRIEN,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in English THOMAS JOHN O’BROCHTA JAMES EDWARD O’HALLORAN RONNETTE C. O’HERRIN MARYANNEO’LEARY MARY PATRICIA OtROURKE MICHAELJOHN O’SHEA,H onors in Liberal Arts and Sciences FAITH PAMELA OTIS, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences RAYMOND FRANCIS PACELLI T WAYNE STEPHEN PARKS LESLIEPAULA PASSIN MICHAELALFREDPAULS [June 17 MARKDAVIDPEARLSTEIN GEORGIA MARIANPECH Ex~mDIANEPECHTER SIMON PELLAR,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences PENNY ELLENPERRY,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences PAULA ANNEPETERS JOAN MARY PETERSON JACQUELINE PETERSON LAWRENCE CAESAR PETRILLO CHARLES MICHAELPHILLIPS MICHAEL ANTHONYPICCATTO, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences BARBARA ANN PIEROG PHYLLIS FERN PIUNTI TERESA MARY PLUCINSKI,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Chemistry MARSHALLPOLAKOFF, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences STEVEN JAY POLEN,H onors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Psychology GILDADANIELLE POLIAKINE MELODY LEE POREMSKI I N A BRENKER PORTH ELAINEK. POSTLEWAITE THERESA BERNICE POWELL GERALD ALVINPRICE,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences PRITCHARD, Honors in ANNE HARLEY Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in English F R A N K ANTHONY PROIETTI ORYSIA IRESE PROTYNIAK PETER JOHN PULW ROBERTFRANCIS QUINN, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences R. RAnIcE RICHARDDEHARRAFF,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences DAVIDEFREN RAMIREZ ARCILLAFAYE R APER RALPHhIICHAEL RAPoWRT JEANNE SHELBY RASCHE ELYSEJUDITH RASKY,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Philosophy MAUREEN REILLY ELIZABETH JAME5 CARL REISER MARILYNJOANRITTER,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences REGINALOUISEROCHE BELLEARDENROCHMAN SASCHA ROCKOMANOVICH C. ROGERS ROBERT MARYANNROKUSEK ELLENANN ROMANOFSKI, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JOSEPH ROBERT ROSENBERG ROBERTMAYNARD ROSENBERG, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JANINE 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS MARKLESLIERoss WENDYHOFFMAN ROTHWELL SANDRA KAYEROYSTER CHARLES ANTONRZFFA MARY RUGGIERO,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Sociology RICHARD L EERYAN ADAMGEORGE SALWINSKI KATHLEEN LINNEASCANLAN JOELSCHAFFER, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Anthropology BARRY ROBERT SCHAKNER WILMAMARGARET SCHARRER FRIEDRICH MICHAELSCHIED WILLIAME. SCHIERER RUDOLPHSCHILLI, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences PHILIPDANIELSCHLAK ROBERT S IDNEY SCHNEIDER DONALD N ORMAN SCHROEDER JOEL HARRIS SCHWARTZ ROBERTGEORGESCHWARTZ, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences EUGENE SERVILLO I1 ELIZABETHANNE SEXTON,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JAMES S H A W H A N GARRETT MARGUERITE SHERIDAN, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JUDITH ANNSHLENSKY DEXNISMICHAELSHMIGELSKY GUYLEESIEBOLD LUXANA PAXICHEEP SKULFONE, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences DOUGLAS A. SLANSKY, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences OLIVERWARREN SLAUGHTER WILLIAM ROBERT SMITH MARGARET MAESMOLINSKI JAXICE LEE SOLAVA BARBARA JESILOW SPEAR DIAXEJ U D Y SPECIAL JAMES PATRICK SPIDALE LINDAEILEEN SFOONER JOANNE SROCZYNSKI TERRENCE MICHAELSTAFFORD KENNETHJEROME STALL,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences THOMAS CHRISTOPHER STAMOS STARKUS, Honors in KRISTINAIRENE Liberal Arts and Sciences THOMAS DAVXD STEELE PEGGY ANNSTINCLEY BARBARA LYNNSTORC PETER JOHN STUDL PAMELA ELLENSUBA MARGARET SUE SUSAN SUNDMAN RIMANTAS .KAZMIERAS SVITRA 995 PETER AUGUSTPAULSWEDERS DENNISGEORGE SWENSON KATHLEEN MARIESWIAT THOMAS ANTHONY SWIECA CAROL LILLIANSYKORA, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in English MARJORIE LYNNSYNAKIEWICZ LISA LUBATARANUCHA JOANN ELIZABETH TELLERS DORRIE LOUISETHOLKE,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences ALANJOSEPH THOMAS JAMES ANTHONY THOMAS,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences SHARON LYNNTHOMAS DAMON ARTHUR THOMPSON MARYEVELYN THOMPSON MICHELLE MARIETOBOLSKI PATRICIA CAROLTOREN,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences TIMOTHY ROHDAN TRUSEWYCH, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Russian GERALD JOHN TURKOWSKI MILTONEDWARD UPSHAW SUSAN C. VANSCHOOR ROCHFLLE VICTOR FREDERICK PHILIPVINSON,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Geography TERRY STEPHEN WALIGORA JOHN WITT WALLACE NORMAJ. WARNER, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences GEORGIA A NNWAYDA FLORES JEAN WEBB DAVID RUFUS WEINLAND MICHAEL B. WEINSTEIN,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences WEINTR AUB ALANSEYMOUR NAXCYLEE WEISS, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences THERESE BARBARAWEISS, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences ~~ICHAEF L REDERICK WELLS,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences CLAUDIA L YNNWHEELES HELEN SIMMS WHITFIELD JANIS MARIEWIEDL,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences WILLIAM WIEGANDT ROBERT SHARON RAEWILCOX DAVIDALLENWILLIAMS ELIZABETH DORE WINKLER BARBARA BARTLEY WITHEROW, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences DANIELMICHAELWLODARCZYK, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences LINDADALEWOLOSHIN EDWARD WORKMAN GAYLORD 996 TEM YASUI STEVEN FREDERICK YPLLEN DENNISSTANLEY YORK JESSICA BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 R. ZICCARULI,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences LAWRENCE GREGORY ZIM RAYMOND ANTHONY ZMUDA, JR. JOHN EDWARD ZUR,JR. JANET KRISTINA SELENEZAEAS, Honors in Libera! Arts and Sciences TIMOTHY MARKZEGLIN In the Teaching of English MARYELIZABETH ALTMAN,Honors in DJXETRIA IAZETTO Liberal Arts and Sciences NANCY JANE KASPER DIANE GORDON BLOCK,Honors in Lib- BARBARA EWAANNAKOZINSKA eral Arts and Sciences JANET CAROL MOOSE THERESA BRAZIONIS CEPUTIS, Honors in SUSAN MCDOWELL Moss Liberal Arts and Sciences JUDITH RUTH NETTERSTROM DIANALYNNCLARKE, Honors in LibMAUREEN THERESE OCONNOR eral Arts and Sciences FRANCIS JOSEPH PIHA KATHLEEN JOAN COOK,Honors in LibGERRYPATRICIA QUINN, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences eral Arts and Sciences with DisSUSANNE DENNIS tinction in English RENATE REISTER, Honors in Liberal NICK PASQUALE DIVITO TERESA ELIZABETH DOUGHERTY Arts and Sciences LINDA LEE DREWS,Honors in Liberal SHIRLEY JOHNSON RYAN Arts and Sciences ELLENSIEH, Honors in Liberal Arts CYNTHIAJOAN FIJOLEK,Honors in Liband Sciences with High Distinction in English eral Arts and Sciences LUCJA 2. SZCZODROWSKI, ANNETTE ELIZABETH FORD Honors in LYNNJOYCE FRIEDMAN, Honors in LibLiberal Arts and Sciences GLORIA ANNWALTON eral Arts and Sciences VIVIAN EMILY GIST DIANESUEWEINGART, Honors in LibJANET ENGGOLLBERG, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in History eral Arts and Sciences In the Teaching of French SALLY JESS ANDERS KATHLEENMARIEO'DONNELL,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with JUDITH ANN CLARK, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Distinction in French GAIL MARIEGORSKI, Honors in Liberal CAROLANNOTMANOSKI, Honors in LibArts and Sciences eral Arts and Sciences ADELAJ. HAMIELEC RENEEJOYCE SIMON, Honors in LibVIVIANELIZABETH KYROS eral Arts and Sciences PATRICIA LYNN NASRALLAH, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences In the Teaching of Geography THADDEUS FRANCIS GRANDYS, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences In the Teaching of German Tm LAWRENCE BARTLETT HANS PETER L APP ROYLEEBRITTON DEBORAH LORETTA MOELLER, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences OTTILIE ELIZABETH DONG, Honors in RUTH ANN SCHAMT, Liberal Arts and Sciences Honors in Liberal LINDAROSEH ~ Y Arts and Sciences THOMAS CHARLESKUCHVALEK, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences In the Teaching o f History RICHARDWILLIAMBASCIANO,Honors JOANNE DONOHUE CURRAN in Liberal Arts and Sciences RONALD WALTER DEUTSCHER NANCYJOSEPHINE ~ D YHonors WILLIAMBOYCZUK , in Liberal Arts and Sciences Lours JOSEPH BROCCOLO ANNE JOYCE BURIAN,Honors in LibSUSAN MARIEDRESDEN EDWARD THOMAS EBEL era1 Arts and Sciences MARSHABOEHMLER CHRISTIANER, Hon- JOHN PATRICK FARENO ors in Liberal Arts and Sciences KATHLEEN THERESE FIELD 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 997 LARRYEDWARD HAYS,H onors in Lib- PAULINE NICHOLS eral Arts and Sciences JUDITH ANNNICKEL,Honors in Liberal MARLENE HELEN HISBEL Arts and Sciences SYDNEY HELFAND HOLLANDER hJICHAEL PATRICK NOLAN BARRY JOEL ISSACSON SUSAN J ANET PROSSE~ KACHIROUBAS WILLIAMPUSTOW THERESA TERFSAJWLIA KASPBZYCIU,Honors in DIANE MARYROEHonors in LibLiberal Arts and Sciences eral Arts and Sciences MARYANN KOEPP,H onors in Liberal LEON DONALDSHKOLNIK, Honors in Arts and Sciences Liberal Arts and Sciences ELIZABETH JOSEPHINE LVTSCHAK RONALD ROYSMITH JOHN ALLENMCELROY, Honors in Lib- GILBERT VICTORSTRITAR BARBARA ANN STUMPF, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences ROBERT BENJAMINMIJANOVICH,Honors eral Arts and Sciences in Liberal Arts and Sciences JEFFREY MICHAEL TRUE,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences PHILLIP JOHN NAYLOR In the Teaching of Political Science ANNPETKUS BARBARAANN BENJAMIN,Honors in MARGARET PHILIP MICHAEL RALEIGH Liberal Arts and Sciences JERRYPHILIPP ROSENBERC, Honors in JOHN A. CASELLO Liberal Arts and Sciences STEPHENCOLMAN C UN" FRANCES SCHWARZMANN MICHAELROYDALE,Honors in Liberal JOANNE Arts and Sciences CHRISTINE SLIZOWSKI SUEARLEEN STANKOW PETER JOHN DONNELLY M ARKZ I N D ~ L ALLANJOHN LINDRUP, Honors in Lib- STEVEN eral Arts and Sciences In the Teaching o f Sociology JACK JAY HOFFMAN, Honors in Liberal MARYBOEHMER ALLEN Arts and Sciences GEORGE PETER BARTNIK, Honors in LibJANE CAROL MOTHA eral Arts and Sciences KARENHELENSCHNEIDER, Honors in DIANEMARIECANTALUPO Liberal Arts and Sciences MARYBURBAN DAHL ILACOHNGOLDBERG In the Teaching of Spanish JOSEPHINE L. CEASE,Honors in Liberal MARYOBERLELDGIUDICE, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Arts and Sciences JANEJARVIS GLICK,Honors in Liberal PILAR ROSAMACALTAO Arts and Sciences with Distinction MARYJEANNETTE MARTELL, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences in Spanish CAROLTWEDTHARVEY, Honors in Lib- RIGINAONAPRUSAS, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction eral Arts and Sciences in Spanish KENNETHSTEWARTHIBBELER,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences STEPHEN J. SOBALLE EMMET WALSH,Honors in LibPOLAKIBRIT,Honors in Liberal Arts ROBERT and Sciences with Distinction in eral Arts and Sciences with DisSpanish tinction in Spanish LEWISEARL WILLIAMS In the Teaching of Speech JOAN ROCHOWIAK,H onors in JOANMARIEBARTUSEK, Honors in Lib- PAMELA Liberal Arts and Sciences eral Arts and Sciences JEANETTE MARIE ESWSITO, Honors in MARCIASUESHANIN PAULCHARLES SHEDD, JR. Liberal Arts and Sciences Degree of Bachelor of Science In Chemistry AUGUST JAMES CWIK JOHN PAUL ADAMEK GLENNWILLIAMBREDFELDT, Honors in ALANDAKOFF,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Chemistry in Chemistry LAWRENCE CLIFFORDDEBOLT DIANECHRISTINE CAPMAN 998 BOARD OF TRUSTEES COMER DWYER PAULSTEVEN FACUNA, Honors in Lib- JOHN eral Arts and Sciences STEVEN FEINBERG,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Chemistry STEVEN MATTHEWHASSUR,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Chemistry GREGORY FRANK HILLSTROM ANTHONYROBERTKAMPF, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences TERRY ALLENKOSOBUD, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Chemistry GREGORY DEANLYON KENNETH WAYNE MUELLER FREDERICK FRANCIS PISZKIEWICZ. JAMES [June 17 STEVENJOHN RETTIG MARK ARNOLDSHERMAN,Hor.ors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Chemistry BEVERLY A. SMITH,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Chemistry RITA EMILY STAVA RALPHEUGENE SVETIC, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Chemistry JURATE MARIAVALENTA ROBERTJOSEPHWOODS,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences LINDAMADELINEYODUAL,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Chemistry PAUL ANTHONY ZIELINSKI I n Liberal Arts and Sciences JAMES JOSEPH ABBOTT JEFFREY KENTABRAHAM AGOSTINO ANTHONY ALONZO, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences EDWARD GEORGEALTMAN,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences NORMAN JAMES AKDREKUS, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JR. LOUISJOSEPH BARNES, EMMANUEL NICHOLASBARRON, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Mathematics JERRY BAUER,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences IRENE ANNEBLEKYS RICHARD JOHN BRAUN,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences RICHARD LORNEBREAKENRIDGE KRISTINNATASHA BREYER THOMAS PATRICK BURKE. Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences BETTYTINGCHIN TANET SAUYINGCHIN. Honors in Lib* eral Arts and Sciences JAMES EDWARD CONGDON JAMES EDWARD COUGHLAN JOHN THOMAS CURIN DANIELRAYMOND DALACH DENNISJOSEPH DANIEL ALEXCORNEL DEJONG DEPTUCH ANNAIRENE EDWARD JOHN DIDOMENICO IRENERACHAELDIRESTA, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences DENNISFRANCIS DORSEY DONALDFRANCISDOYLE, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences ROBERT RICHARD DUDA RICHARDJOHN DUSLAK,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Psychology ROBERTJOSEPH DUSLAK,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences TERENCE GEORGEDUTTON,H onors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Psychology LAURIEANN ERNST,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences RONALDBRUCEEYTCHESON, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences FERGUSON APRILYVONNE DANIELEMARGOT FICHTNER,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences ROBERTGEORGEFINNIGAN,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences BERRY LEEFox DAVIDRoss FRANK,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences PHILIP E DWARD GAGNARD GEORGE EMILGAJNAK,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences FRANCES MAYGAVIGAN, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences CECILIAANTOIKETTE GAYNES,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JUDITH GEIGER GARYM. GILLIS DANIELL E ~ N A RGLOWSKI D ROSALIEGREENGOLDMAN PHILIPBROOKS GOULD CHARLESARTHURGRAESSLE, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences MARGARET MARYGRAHAM MARYCIELAKGRZESKOWIAK MARYELLEN HEBDA,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences MICHAELDAVIDHORN ROBERTJOEL HOWARD, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences BARBARA Jo INENDINO REGINA NANCYJENRICK,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences BASSAMJAMIL JODY RONALD ALLJZN JONES WILLETTA DORENE JONES MARTINJACK KADZIELA SHELDON KAHN HRAIRK. KELESHIAN 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS KEVINFRANCIS KENNEDY ABRAHAMKERN, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences AUDREYANN KICK, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences FLORENCE ANNKIKTA MARGARETM ARYKINNALLY, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences BARBARA LEE KIRCHICK, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Psychology ELIZABETH KORNECKI TERESA KORZENKO MICHAEL ALLENKOZLOWSKI KENNETH LEOKUBOS KURAITIS VYTENISPETRAS CAROLEM. LACHMAN, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Mathematics DONALD GARY LAMBE VYTAUTAS LAUCIUS SUSANMARIE LEAHY JOIIN DONALD L YON M . MADRAK, Honors in Liberal SHARON Arts and Sciences ROBERT PAULMATZ .ALAN MAYES RICHARD ANDREW ROMAN MELNYK HOWARD MENDELSON, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences DONALD JULIUS MEYER GEORGE ALANMILAUSKAS ROBERT A LANXIILLS JOEL J. MINTZES,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Biology SUSANF. MIODUSZEWSKI NATHANIEL MORGAN EDWARD JULIA MOY SAUNAYIM MOY DAOUD MOHAMMED NABHAN ALLENHAROLD NELSON MARSHA VIVIAN NEWMAN JANET ELIZABETH O'BRIEN KAREN MARIEOGORZALEK MYRONSTEPHAN OLIJNYK,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences DAVIDLESTEROLMSTED, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Mathematics JUDITH ANN ORLANDINI,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences LINDALou OYER MARIOJOSEPH PARISI CHARLESJOSEPH PASSO, JR., Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JAMES JOHN PAWLIK DEVAWHN KENNETH PEACE JOHN THOMAS PENWLA,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JOAN FINE PETZOLD FRANCES PIVORUNAS, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences BOIIDAN MARIANPLESHKEWYCH STEVEN JAY POLEN, Honors in Liberal 999 Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Psychology GABRIELLA PONTARELLI AARON LEE PORTER RALPHTERRY POTKIN,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences LYNDAJEAN POTZUS FRANK JOSEPH PREROST RICHARD LLOYD PRESTON ANDREW PUDZIANOWSKI, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences LARRY RICHARD RABE BARBARA MARYRABIEJ BRUCE ALLENRADEBAUCH THOMAS KEVINRESK,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences NANCY L YNNRIECER ROGER S TUART RITZLIN,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences GORD~N ROHR ROBERTAMERIGO ROSELLINI,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences TERRY A. ROSENBERG LEWISEDWARD ROSS JOHN CHARLES ROUBIK, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Biology DOROTHY RYBACZYK MARTINNATHANSACHMAN, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Honors in EDWIN KENJI SAKAMOTO, Liberal Arts and Sciences FRANK GREGORY SALVATINI MITCHELL KEITHSANDERS NORMAN R. SCHEDIN WILLIAMJOHN SCHILLER,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JACK GORDON SCHWARTZ PETER THOMAS SENATORE, JR. SHABAN GEORGE GERALD MARTINSHKOLNIK RICHARD GENESIEPKOWSKI NEAL T E R R Y SILVERSTEIN, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences PAMELA SUESKAAR WALDEMAR JOHN SMIELIAWSKAS, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences THOMAS MICHAELSMILEY,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences FRONSE WAYNE S M I T H ELBERT BOHANNON SMITH KRISTINAOLYMPIASODEIKA MICHAELDAVIDSPECTOR ROBERT WALTER S T A N E K COSTELLO CORNWALLIS STOKES,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences EARL J AY STRASSBERGER SUMATI SUBBARATNAM WILLIAMFRANCIS SULLIVAN, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Chemistry LECH SZEWCZYK, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Mathematics MARYJANE TAMMEN ZOO0 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 M I ~ E TANNURA L WILLIAMFRANCIS WEINE~ RUTH MAKEPFACHWENGER PAUL EDWARD TIEGS RICHARDSTANLEY TRYNDA RINA YUFX WONG, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction ADEU FELICE TYSON THEODORE EDWARD UIUEJA I11 in Mathematics SYLVIANOERVANBERSCHOT SOPHIEMARIE WOROBEC, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JOHN ROBERT VEcq Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences THOMAS G ~ R G WOROBEC, E Honors in RANDALLMICHAEL V m , Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with DisLiberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Biology tinction in Mathematics JOSEPH STANLEY WROBLEWSKI,Honors GEDRGEMICHAELVOGL,Honors in Libin Liberal Arts and Sciences eral Arts and Sciences WILSONWILLIAM YONAN ALANEDGAR VOGT MICHAEL ALAN ZURAKOV,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences ROBERT SCOTT WATERS GLENNWEINER In Physics SECHAN,Honors in LibSTEVENPAULAHLEN,Honors in Lib- NEIL HOWARD eral Arts and Sciences with Diseral Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Physics tinction in Physics THEODORE THALASSINOS KONRAD ANTON ANIOL, Honors in Lib- NICHOLAS eral Arts and Sciences FRANK JACK VARW GERALDTHOMAS CUZELIS,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences In the Teaching of Biological Sciences PATRICIA ANNTINOR GERALDFRANK BOKOWY In the Teaching of Chemistry KARIN MARIETTA SCHLOEGL In the Teaching of Geography SUSAN ANNSTOCKMAL, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences In the Teachina o f Mathematics ANNEHUGHES ANITAKOLBBLOCK,Honors in Liberal DEBORAH KOLAR,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction GAYLESMITH Arts and Sciences in Mathematics SUSAN MARIEBROWN,Honors in Lib- MARYANN KUCA,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction eral Arts and Sciences in Mathematics LINDA SUSAN COLOMBO, Honors in LibHonors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Dis- NICHOLASS. LABOVSRY, eral Arts and Sciences tinction in Mathematics HELEN MERLE RICHARD ALAN DREZNER,Honors in SALLY DONALD BURKMURRAY, JR. Liberal Arts and Sciences NANCYJANE PALUMBO, Honors in LibMICHAELJOSEPH DUELLMAN eral Arts and Sciences PHILIP VICTOR FOURNIER ADELINE A NN GRISOLANO, Honors in MARCIALOUISETHARP WAYNE MICHAELZAGE,Honors in LibLiberal Arts and Sciences eral Arts and Sciences with DistincPATRICIA ANN GUSTAFSUN, Honors in tion in Mathematics Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Mathematics JAMES - SCHOOL OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION Degree of Bachelor of Science In Physical Education JAMES Rocco DAMSTINO, Honors ALTENBACH SUSANNE PATRICIA IRENE DARROW BRZOZUWSKI SUSAN HELEN VERNONCHARLESDREHER BOBBE SUSAN GHN RICEIARDR. FAHEY CLARA MAECUNNINGHAM 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS WALTER JOHN FILIPOWICZ LARRY W. FREY JAMESMICHAEC GEIGER DIANEBARBARA HOLWROWSKI LYNNMARGARET JONES,Honors GEORGEHENRYGAMER DENNISWILLIAMLYNCH ARNOLD MANDELL, Honors KATHLEEN ALICEMARCY 1001 ROBERT JAMES MATHEWS DONALD NORMAN MENDRO MARYANNMUDRA THOMAS LYLEPLUISTER GERALD CHARLES SCHERBER KAREN KATHERINE SCHRAMM JOEL JOHN SIMONE ROBERT E. TWARDY JEAN WOJDULA, Honors MEDICAL CENTER Degrees Conferred September 6,1969 COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY Degree of Bachelor of FREDERICK JR. CLAYTON ALBERT, JAMESLEEARMSTRONG STEPHEN MICHAEL BLAIN,B.S., 1967 JERRY BROOKS ALEXANDER LINDEL BROWN STEVEN B URCARD KENNETH JAMESEVANS ROBERT ALLANFLORENCE KENNETH ALLANGERSTEIN WALTERTHEOPHILUS GUNRAJ WAYNE JOSEPH HARKNESS JEFFREYMARTINHENKIN,A.B., Lake Forest College, 1967 JAMESHAROLD ISAACSON, A.B., Miami University, 1967 WALTER JOHNJAGODZINSKI WALTERGERALD JANIS, B.S., Elmhurst College, 1967 RXER NILS JANSSON, A.B., Augustana College, 1967 DAVIDSTUART JOHNSON, A.B., Lewis College, 1967 THOMASFRANCIS KAINEG, Honors; B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1967 THOMAS JOSEPHKING,JR., B.S., 1967 JIMMYMICHAEL KLEE MARTINLAPIDUS CHARLES ANTHONY LOGIUDICE JOHNAKTHONY MAGUIRE, A.B., Knox College, 1966 DAVID LEEMELING DENNISJOEL MILLER,A.B., 1967 MICHAEL ROYALMINTZ,B.S., Muhlenberg College, 1967 Science in Dentistry STEPHEN MUMFORD ROBERT JOHNSCOTT PAIGE,JR. ROBERTJOSEPHPARTAK, B.S., Valparaiso University, 1967 THOMAS LOWELL PEACOCK WARREN RICHARD PETERSON JAMESROBERT PONSLER THOMAS EDWARD RESNICK RICHARD ALLENROTHERMEL, A.B., St. Olaf College, 1967 MICHAEL PATRICK RYAN MARTINBARRY SANDERS WENDELL ALLENSARGENT, A.B., North Central College, 1965 JAMES CHARLES SCHARDT MICHAEL Y ALESCHWARTZ, A.B., 1967 IRWIN MICHAEL SEIDMAN, B.S., 1967 BOBC. STONE ROBERT POHLPLATZ THORNTON WAYNEGERALDTHORPE, B.S., Utah State University, 1965 JORDAN JAY TILDEN, B.S., Roosevelt University, 1% SUEELLENTRAPP KENNETH THOMAS TRIGGER THOMAS JACOB WAUEN CHRISTOPHER WENCKUS, STANLEY A.B., Ripon College, 1967 ROBERT MERLEWILLARD, A.B., Illinois College, 1965 VERNON ROBERT WILLERT, JR. RICHARD ALLEN WILSON JOHX FRANCIS WONDERLICK, B.S., 1967 Degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery ROBERT CARLAHLERS, B.S., 1967 VICTOR KLASSEN,D.D.S., University Federal of Parana, 1958 B.S., 1966,1967 DENISDAVIDANDERSON, LEONRAYMOND KELLEHER, B.S., 1965, PETAR MILENKOVIC, D.S., University of 1967 Belgrade, 1961 COLLEGE OF MEDICINE JOSEPH Degree of Doctor of Medicine WILLIAMBRUCKMAN, B.S..1963 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 COLLEGE OF NURSING Degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing LYDIAMARTHAFISCHEB CARROLL I m m ~SIMPSON MIURR ROSEMARY CATHERINE JOAW cbgso Jo ANN Pore, Honors JUANITA E S T ~Dmt R RUTHEWINE SCHUIT, High Honors PATRICIA ANNEKIDDOO BARBARA JEANPARKER SMUMACRAEB DOROTHY MAYLANUZA NANCYJo NIXONSCHWABAUER CAROLEELIZABETH BABTLETTMACKAY, SHARON EILEEN STANTON B.S.N., Wheaton College,1968 VIRGINIAANN SHANKS WENX, High DORLEEN YVONNE BAILN MCCANN Honors COLLEGE OF PHARMACY Degree of Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy KATHLEEN SANTA ROSEALBANESE ALANNEWTONTAYLOR Degrees Conferred December 13,1969 COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY Degree of Bachelor of Science in Dentistry WILLIAMGARRY DOBRIN Degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery HENRY D EANSABERMAN, B.S., 1964 DONALD NEWTONTUCK,J R. COLLEGE O F NURSING Degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing KATHLEEN LOUISE SHAW BRANDT MARYLOUISE LYNCH KATHLEEN WILSONMAXSON, Honors HELEN JOYCE CLEMENS ANNMCK~LLIP JOAN ELAINE SWINEHAMEB EDWARDS KATHLEEN CIIRISTAHFLLAOLTMANN JUANXTA SHARON GOY SPALTEHOLZ ERIKABRIGITTEKALIS EVELYN GREENWOOD TOCH, Honors JEANNE FRANCES LAWLER COLLEGE OF PHARMACY Degree of Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy GARYJAMES NOLAND Degrees Conferred March 21,1970 COLLEGE O F NURSING Degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing MARJORIE A NNBOYINK SUESCHOTT Honors CAROLYN DYSTRUP, JEANNE FRANCES KNOWLFSDEBATTY, Sm ELLEN MORRIS K AYZIND,High Honors Honors ROBERTA COLLEGE OF PHARMACY JACK Degree of Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy BLKICHMAN JOSEPH JAMES RUIZ Degrees Conferred June 12,1970 HONORARY DEGREE Degree of Doctor of Science WARRENHENRY COLE,B.S., M.D. 19701 UNIVEFSITY OF ILLINOIS GRADUATE 1003 COLLEGE Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Zrr Anatomy ANNIELAURIE GRIFFITH,B.S., Roosevelt University, 1965 WAYNE ANTHONYKRUEGER, B.S., M.S., John Carroll University, 1963, 1967 EDWARD JAMES MOTICKA, A.B., Kalarnazoo College, 1966 RICHARD HERMAN ZESCHICE, B.S., 1964 In Biological Chemistry ANTHONY MICHAELADAMANY, A.B., Rockford College, 1962; M.S., 1%7 THOMAS HARRISON CLAWS, B.S., Wheaton College, 1964 RICHARDWILSONGRAY,A.B., North Central Coliege, 1964; M.S., 1967 CHARLES LAWRENCE HARRIS,B.S., 1966 ROBERTCHWNC-YING HSU,B.S., National Taiwan University, 1958 ; M.S., VanderbiIt University, 1967 A.B., Blackburn College, 1963 DAVIDHARTWARNOCK, In Chemistry (Pharmaceutical) SOU-YIECHU, B.S., National Taiwan University, 1964 NORMAN LEROYHINES,B.S., 1963 JOHN In Microbiology LEBNARDVICE, B.S., Loyola University, 1963 ; M.S., 1965 I n Pathology THOMAS ABRAHAM VICTOR,M.D., 1964 In Pharmacology TAYLOR HACKETT, B.S., 1964 I n Pharmacy WALTERF. STANASZEK, B.S., M.S., 1962, 1966 In Physiology WILLIAM J AMES BUCKLEY, B.S., Loyola University, 1965 PAULA BERNARDINE COPACK, B.S., himdelein College, 1964 CARYNGROSSBERG Durn& B.S., Roosevelt University, 1965 GABRIEL MARCELGAWTHIER, C.E.S., Grenoble University, 1965 GERALD L ANEGOTTLIEB, B.S., hl.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1962, 1964 LOIS JANE SKAGERBERC HELLER,A.B., Albion College, 1964; M.S., The University of Michigan, 1966 CHANTAL LAW,A.B., University of California, 1966 JEFFREY LEVETT,B.S., University of Durham,. 1960, 1961 B.S., Indiana Institute of Technology, 1961 ; ANTHONYNICHOLASMWCCXARDI, M.S., Case Institute of Technology, 1965 LYNNGEORGINE NEQWIN, LORENZEN B.S., North Park College, 1965 RICHARD JOSEPH REINHART, A.B., B.E.E., University of Delaware, 1964 JOHN LEONARD SEMMLOW, B.S., 1964 RALPHSTROMBECK, B.S., D.V.M., 195.2, 1954 DONALD JOHN Degree of Master of Science In Anatomy ROBERTPENROSE BARBER, A.B., Millikin University, 1967 In Biological Chemistry ZENAIDANATNIDADOANDASAN BONGAARTS, A.B., Barat College of the Sacred Heart, 1967 PAUL ZUNG-YINGHAN,B.S., 1966 RONALDSINCLAIR NOHR, A.B., Linfield College, 1962 ; hI.S.T., Portland State College, 1967 1004 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 In Chemistry (PhwrmKewticaJ) NOAHARARI,B.S., Technion Israel Institute of Technology, 1965 In Histology (Dent&) CHARLES EUGENE HAWLEY, A.B., The Johns Hopkins University, 1957; D.D.S., University of Pennsylvania, 1962 STUART ALANKLEIN,D.D.S., 1969 GEORGE ROBERT RIVIERE,A.B., Drake University, 1%; B.S., D.D.S., 1966, 1968 Ilt Medical Psychology LAWRENCE JAY FINE,B.S., The University of Wisconsin, 1968 In Microbiology LOURDES RIVEROVALENZUELA ALBERS,B.S., Philippine Union College, 1961 EDITHBOCIAN, MAUREEN A.B., University of California, 1966 MING-YIHsu CHOU,B.S., National Taiwan University, 1967 FRANCIS DARCY DORIGAN, B.S., Loyola University, 1955 KATHLEENMARIEERICKSON, B.S., 1967 THEODORE RAYJOHNSON, A.B., Augsburg College, 1968 TERRANCE JOSEPH MAWC,B.S., 1967 MARAYART MANCKORKKANOK, B.S., University of Medical Sciences, 1965 ELLENMILLER,B.S., 1966 CAROLSUSAN SCHUFFLER, B.S., 1968 ANGELINA B.S., University of Santo Tomas, 1966 LEETAN, RONALD DAVIDWISE, B.S., 1967 In Oral Pathology Sow-YEH CHEN,B.M.D., National Taiwan University, 1965 In Orthdontics LOUISMATTHEW ANDRIA, B.S., D.D.S., 1952, 1954 JAMES BYRON BERKE,B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1963; B.S., D.D.S., 1966, 1968 EDWARD JOEL JOHN, B.S., D.D.S., 1960, 1962 BRUCE WALTER WISNER,D.D.S., Marquette University, 1966 In Pathology EBRAHIM AMIRMOKRI, M.D., Tehran University, 1961 1% Phurmacognosy STEPHEN RICHARDBONOMO, B.S., 1969 In Phurwucology MICHAELBUSSE,B.S., Bradley University, 1966; M.D., 1969 ROBERT VICTORWACHS, A.B., Northwestern University, 1966 JOEL In Pharmacy ROBERT SAUL LEVINSON. B.S., 1966 In SzGrgery ROBERTMICHAELBARONE, B.S., Georgetown University, 1962; M.D., State University of New York, 1966 WILLIAMHIATTHART,A.B., DePauw University, 1963; M.D., 1967 RONALD LEENICHOLS. M.D.. 1966 VICTORS~HOENFELD,-A.B., LAWRENCE Princeton University, 1963; M.D., George Washington University, 1967 ALBERTKALES STRAUS, A.B., Harvard College, 1963; M.D., Northwestern University, 1967 Degree of Master of Science in Nursing MARIANRUTHBAEDER, B.S.N., University of North Dakota, 1%8 LORNAKAYMILL BARRELL, B.S., The University of Minnesota, 1955 CHARLESARTHUR BOMBERGER, B.S.N., Wayne University, 1956 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1005 BRENDA JEAN BRICCLE FORSTER, B.S.N., 1968 DOREEN ELIZABETH MULREANY HARRIS, A.B., Mount Holyoke College, 1%3; B.S., Columbia University, 1965 JUDY ANNJACOB HASELHORST, B.S.N., 1966 GLORIAANN MARTINHENDERSON, B.S.N., Northwestern University, 1952; B.S., Elmhurst College, 1953 ARLENE MILLERKAHN,B.S.N., 1963 SHIRLEY ANNKOERNER, B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1965 SHARON LORRAINE LIMN, B.S., Fort Hays Kansas State College, 1960 ROSEMARIENAVARRO, B.S., Saint Xavier College, 1966 ANNETTE ALDERMAN PICKENS, B.S., Northwestern State College, 1955 PATRICIA KENYON PORZEMSKY, B.S., University of hfissouri, 1964 ANNWALSH,B.S.N., Southern Illinois University, 1964 ARDITH COLLEGE O F DENTISTRY Degree of Doctor VANHEISSACKERMAN JOHN LEWISADAMS, B.S., 1968 KENNETH LOUIS A Q ~ N O JAMES FRANK ARIENT WAYNE EDWARDBARNHISEL,A.B., Monmouth College, 1966; B.S., 1968 JEFFREY NORTHRUP BECK,B.S., 1968 HARRY RAYMOND BEGLEY, JR, STEPHEN PAULBELCHER, B.S., 1968 NEALROBERT BENHAM WILLIAMREIP BENNETT, B.S., 1968 GERALD MICHAEL BIUE, B.S., 1968 LARRY WAYNEBIGGS,B.S., 1968 LARRY NEALBILLINGS DONALD KEITHBURDEN HOWARD CHARLES ALLAN JEANMARTIALCORRIVEAU, A.B., University of Virginia, 1965; B.S., 1967 JOHNGEORGE CRAWFORD, B.S., 1968 JACK LEECROCKER CUBBON, B.S., 1968 HENRYTODD WILLIAMDUNCAN DOWNIE TERRANCE MICHAELDOWNS ROBERT WILLIAMEVANS,JR., B.S., 1966 DAVIDSTANLEY EVASKUS MICHAEL JOSEPH FRANZEN RICHARD ALANGILBERT, B.S., 1968 PAULLEEGLICK,B.S., 1968 STUART LEEGOLDBLATT DOUGLAS VAN GRIN, A.B., B.S., 1966, 1968 STEVEN ALANGRIFFIN,B.S., 1968 B.S., 1968 BRUCE CURTGRONNER, LARRY DONALD HALL,B.S., 1968 JOHN JOSEPH HANCK, B.S., 1965, 1968 ROBERT JOSEPH HANEY WILLIAMMACKHANG, Honors HEMPHILL, B.S., 1968 JAMESSTUART STEPHENRICHARDHERTZBERG, B.S., 1968 STANLEY COTTHESS,B.S., The College of Emporia, 1963; B.S., 1968 ROBERT LOUISHOCHSTETTER, B.S., 1968 DAVIDHORBERG EDWARD JEROME JAMES,A.B., Drake Universitv. 1966: B.S.. 1968 STEVEN KAHN' of Dental Surgery EDWARD KALSBEEK, B.S., 1968 EDWARD ROLAND KEHR.TR. DAVIDLEEKELSHEIMG KENNETH EDWARD KONIG,JIL, B.S., 1968 DONALD GEORGE B.S.. 1968 KREHL. LESLIELANCE LAGERQUIST. RICHARD EDWARD LEEDS,B.S., 1968 MICHAELSTEWART LERMAN, B.S., 1967, 1968 RONALD Luzzo FRANCIS DANIELJOHN MACKEY, B.S., 1968 JAMESJAY MANGLE,B.S., Iowa State University, 1966; B.S., 1968 JOHNMICHAEL MARSHALL, JR. BRUCE ALLANMASON, B.S., 1968 STEPHEN ANDREW MILLER,B.S., 1968 JOHNFREEMAN OIKEEFE,B.S., 1968 RICHARD EMILOLSON TERRY JONORTMAN ALLENCURPHEY OWEN,B.S., University of Wisconsin. 1964 ZENON MICHAELPRANE, JR., B.S., 19 MICHAEL LEEPRIMACK, B.S., 1966 ALLANNASHRANZ RICHARD LELAND REICH, Honors; A.B., University of Oregon, 1965; B.S., 1968 THOMAS MICHAELSCHULEIN, B.S., 1968 STUART MICHAEL SCHWARTZ, B.S., 1966, 1968 JOHN NELSONSCOTT,A.B., Southern Illinois University, 1966; B.S., 1968 BERNARD FRANCIS SLAUGHTER, with Honors; A.B., Southern Illinois University, 1965; B.S., 1968 SMITH ROBERT BERNARD WILLIAMSTANASZEK, B.S., The Citadel, 1951 JAMES JOSEPH SWIATEK, B.S., 1968 TELATNYK, B.S., 1968 GEORGE ARRICK TEMPLE RICKPOWER ROBERT GEORGE THOMAS, JR., B.S., 1968 GILBERT STEVEN UNATIN WILLIAM FRANCIS VANCE 1006 BOARD OF TRUSTEES KEXNETEJ. VEUSMAN, B.S., 1959 DANADANGUOLE VITKUS VINCENTCOSIMOVIVIRITO, B.S., Northe m Illinois University, 1966 LAWRENCENORMANWALLACE, B.S., 1966,1968 [June 17 RUSSELLEDWARD WALTERS, JR., B.S., 1968 FREDERICK Lours YOUNG, A.B., Elmhurst College, 1965; B.S.. 1968 WILUW RICHARDZIMMERMAN, B.S., 1968 COLLEGE O F MEDICINE Degree of Doctor of Medicine PHILIPWARREN ALBRECHT, B.S., 1967 TATKUEN CHOI, B.S., 1966 JEFFREY LYNNALEXANDER, A.B., North- FREDERICK WILLIAMCHURCH,JR., B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1966 western University, 1966 TERRY COPPOLETTI, B.S., 1967 JUDITH MARY WENZELANDERSEN, A.B., RICHARD JAMES ROBERT Cox, B.S., University of Rosary College, 1965 RAYMOND HALLANDREW,B.S., 1966 Notre Dame, 1966 CARLARTHUR ANDREWS, B.S., Wheaton LYNNRAOULDALE,B.S., 1967 MARIANSUSAN DALSEY,B.S., UniverCollege, 1966 sity of Michigan, 1966 IRISKLAWIRARONSON, B.S., 1966 JR. DOMINICK DAMBROSIO, BARRY CRAIGASHKINAZ, B.S., 1968 DENNIS,A.B., DeCHARLESLEROYBARBEE,A.B., Mac- RICHARDFERRIS Pauw University, 1966 Murray College, 1966 ARTHUR DETRANA, A.B., 1967 FREDERICK ALLANBARBER, A.B., Grin- FRANK RUSSELL BURKSDIETERICH, A.B., Knox nell College, 1966 College, 1965 STEVEN MARKBARDOLPH, B.S., Calvin RICHARD ANTHONY DIRRENBERCER College, 1966 WILLIAMDIXON,A.B., 1966 MICHAFL MYERS BARTLESON,A.B., DONALD DOLIN,B.S., 1967 EDWINHOWARD Northwestern University, 1966 STEVEN DRUCK,A.B., WashWILLIAMWHITTLER BAUMCARTNER NORMAN ington University, 1967 JAMES JOHN BEIER, A.B., St. Mary's IRAEICER,B.S., 1967 RODNEY College, 1966 CHARLES FACAN, B.S., Loyola WILLIAM RICHARD BELTZ, Honors; MICHAEL University, 1966 A.B., University of Missouri, 1966 R YANFARMER, A.B., Southern RICHARDALBERTBERGSRUD, A.B., Au- TERRY Illinois University, 1966 gustana College, 1965 JAY FINE, B.S., University BERLINER, LAWRENCE MARILYNKAYEWALTHERS of Wisconsin, 1968 B.S., Western Illinois University, THOMAS LYMANFINNECAN, B.S., Loy1967 ola University, 1966 OSCARBETANCOURT STEVEN PETER BLEIWEISS B.S., Loyola DAVID LEON FISHMAN, RXCH.4RD ALANBLOOM, B.S., University University, 1966 STEWART DALEFORDHAM, B.S., 1966 of Michigan, 1966 RICHARD HENRY BOLT,A.B., Hope Col- JEFFREY ELIOTGALPIN,B.S., 1968 JON EDWIN GELSEY,A.B., Northwestlege, 1965 ern University, 1965 PHILIP DAVIDBONOMI STEPHEN DARWIN BOREN HARVEY ALLENGERSH DARRYL ALANBOUFFARD, B.S., 1966 RICHARDBRUCEGILMORE, A.B., Northwestern University, 1966 ROBERT EARLBOYDI11 THOMAS EDWARD BREWER, A.B., 1%6 PAULGANNON GODFREY, B.S., MassaBARRY DAVID BROWN, B.S., 1967 chusetts Institute of Technology, 1966 HOWARD STANTON BROWN,B.S., R w MICHAELSTEPHEN GOTTFRIED,A.B., sevelt University, 1966 Northwestern University, 1966 STEPHENJAMES BRUBAKER, A.B., MiROYMICHAEL GULLN ami University, 1966 NADINECECILEBRUCE,B.S., College of JOHN CURRYGu", JR., A.B., Earlham College, 1966 St. Francis, 1964 MARKALFRED BULLOCK, B.S., Univer- VERNALOUISEGUSTAITIS,B.S., DePaul sity of South Dakota, 1968 University, 1%5 JACK MARTINBULMASH RALPH LESLIE HAGEN,A.B., NorthDAVIDWILLIAMBURKE,B.S., 1966 western University, 1964 RALPHVICTORCABIN,B.S., 1968 PAULZUNC-YINGHAN,Honors; B.S., WILLIAMEDWARD CARSKADON, JR., B.S., 1966 1%2 19701 1007 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS FRANK JOSEW HARM, B.S., Northern LAWRENCE ORINMARTIN,B.S., Bndley Illinois University, 1967 University, 1966 TBOMAS.JAY HART, A.B., Milkkin Uni- JAMESBRIANMARTINS,Hanors; A.B., versity, 1%5 North Park College, 1966 FREDRICX ALANHASEMAN, A.B., 1% LILLIANMARLENE McCoy, B.S.,West- ROBERT SCOTT HELLER,B.S., 1967 JOHNCRAIGHENDRICKS MARKHEYMANN, B.S., City Callege of New York. 1963 ALLENHLOUSEK DONALD DAVIDCHRISTIAN HOHN,High Honors; B.S.. 1%4 ROGER NE~L-HoLT,A.B., Duke Univer- sity, 1961; MA., New School of Social Research, 1963 JOHN CHARLESHUNTER,B.S., Beloit College, 1966 DWAIN CLARKILLMAN,A.B., Lincoln Christian College, 1965 SAMUEL GREGORY JACOBSON, High Hon- ors; A.B., 1966 PAULNICHOLASJACQUIN,B.S., Michi- gan State University, 1966 DANIELMARION JANIGA,B.S., Loyola University, 1966 RONALD JAMESJANKOWSKI P AUL J ENSEN, A.B., Augustana DONALD College, 1966 ROBERTEDWIN JOHNSON,A.B., De- Pauw University, 1966 WALTERCARLJOHNSON,A.B., North Park College, 1966 DANIELCASIMIRKARNICKI EDWARD STEPHENKARP, A.B., Grinnell College, 1966 PAULMARTINKENTOR,B.S., 1966 BARRY MARTINKERMAN, High Honors; B.S., 1967 GEORGE KIMMERLING JAMES HAMILTON KING, A.B., Knox College, 1966 JAMES KARLKLOTTER, A.B., St. Mary's College, 1966 ROBERT ALLENKOOKER JOHN ROGERKRUEGER, Honors; A.B., Monmouth College, 1963 EUGENEKENT LAMBERT, A.B., North Central College, 1966 JOACHIM LEHMANN, B.S., De- JUERGEN Paul University, 1966 ROBERT L EROY LEIBOWITZ, Honors JACQUELINE RUTH LEVITT,A.B., University of Chicago, 1962 RAYMOND CASIMIRLEWANDOWSKI, JR., A.B., Gustavus Adolphus College, 1966 LIEBERMAN,B.S., RICHARDSHELDON University of Wisconsin, 1966 ROBERT STEVENS LONG,B.S., M.S., 1961, 1964 MARKWILLIAMLUNDE, B.S., 1966 PETER TODMAGNUSSON, B.S., 1965 .I- ern Illinois University, 1968 RICHARDCARSUNMCFAUL, B.S., Iowa Wesleyan College, 1966 DANIEL MELBER,A.B., University of Michigan, 1966 WILLIAMHOWARD METZGER, B.S., 1 W STEVEN MICHAELMEYER WILLIAMMICHAELMILLER,A.B., 1%7 ROBERTADAMMINOW, A.B., Northwestern University, 1966 JACKMORGAN, B.S., 1967 WILLIAMALLENMOROWITZ, B.S., 1967 RICHARDSALISBURY MORSE,B.S., 1964 JOHN EDWARD MURPHY,A.B., 1968 JAMES ERICNAGEL, A.B., Southern Illi- nois University, 1966 RAYMOND HAROLD NOOTENS,B.S., 1966 REBECCA M AYNORRIS,B.S., Alma Col- lege, 1964 TAMES EDWARD OBERHEIDE. B.S.. University of Denver, 1966 THOMAS CHARLESOCHELTREE,A.B., University of Notre Dame, 1966 SHELDON ORLOFF,B.S., University of Michigan, 1966 DENNISJAMES PETROFF WILLIAMJOHN PIERCE, B.S., Loyola University, 1966 DALE MARSHALL PLAPP, A.B., North Central College, 1965 DAVIDMARKPLAYER, B.S., 1966 POCUE, ROBERT MCELROY B.S. 1966 PATRICK DAVIDPOOLE, A.B., Southern Illinois University, 1966 MARVIN LEE PRIMACK GEORGE STEPHAN PROCUK RICHARDPHILIP PUCKETT,A.B., South- ern Illinois University, 1966 NICHOLAS PULLOS, A.B., Northwestern University, 1966 RICHARD J ONRAFWTR, High Honors PERRY RANDOLPH, A.B. SouthROBERT ern Illinois University, I%E: ROBERT H ENRY REEDER, B.S., 1966 HOWARD JOELREINGLASS BENJAMINVICTOR REZBA,B.S., Mc- Kendree College, 1964 STEPHEN FRANCIS RICHARDSON STEVEN ROYRNOSIN ROBERTWARRENROSENBAUM,B.S., Loyola University, 1966 ROBERTLEE ROSENPELD, A.B., Wash- ington University, 1%6 DAVIDBARRY ROSENFJELD, A.B., Brandeis University, 1966 RICHARD LEE ROTTMAN RICHARD PAUL RUBENSTEIN, Honors . I - 1008 BOARD QF TRUSTEES ROBERTOWENRWER,B.S., 1%7 MICHAELGEORGERYAN,with Honors; A.B., University of Notre Dame, 1966 MARKJULES SCRAFFNER, A.B., Knox College, 1966 QRRIN MERRILL SCHEFF,B.S., The University of Wisconsin, 1966 SHARON IRENE SCHNITTKER, B.S., 1966 LEWISSEEDER, A.B., 1968 DANIELSTEVEN SELXNGES RICHARD CHARLESSENELICK JOHN CWUDESHAFFER, B.S., 1%7 MARCSIDNEY SHINDERMAN, B.S., Roosevelt University, 1966 GREGORYIRA SHORR,Honors; B.S., University of Michigan, 1966 DREWMERRITSIEBEN,A.B., 1967 EDWARD SNEIDER, A.B., WashRONALD ington University, 1966 STEWART SOKOL DONALD STUART VICTORSOSTRIN, B.S., 1967 SPENCER, B.S., 1966 JOHNPAUL DAVIDWARREN STEIN MICHAEL ROBERT STEIN,A.B., 1 W ALANJ. STERN, A.B., Oberlin College, 1966 MARKALLENSTERN GARYRIPLEYSTIERS RONALDJEAN SWARSEN, A.B., Northwestern University, 1966 JAMES RICHARD SYMON, B.S., 1968 EMMA ELIZABETH TAO,A.B., Washington University, 1966 JEFFREY SPENCER TENNANT, B.S., 1966 TENNER EDWARD ROBERT DIETZTETIK [June 17 DEANALANTHOMPSON,B.S., 1965 ARA GARABED 'TILKIAN,Honors; B.S., Amwican .University of Beirut, 1966 MIQIAELJOHN TUETH, R.S.. St. Benedict's College, 1966 STEPHEN READVEACH,A.B., Southern Illinois University, 1965 LARRY ALANVONBEHREN, B.S., 1966 PATRICIA ANNEPIERCE VON BEHREN, B.S., 1966 ROBERTVICTORWACHS,A.B., Northwestern University, 1966 WILLIAM HERBERT WALDMAN,A.B., Johns Hopkins University, 1966 PAULKARLWEGEHAUPT, A.B., Augustana College, 1966 MARTINLEONARD WEINHOFF, Honors ROBERT STEWART WEINSTEIN, B.S., 1967 JAMESMICHAEL WEISSMAN, A.B., 1966 RALPHJOSEPH WESSEL,B.S., 1968 B.S., 1966 GARYCBARLESWILLIAMS, CHARLES EDWARD WILSON,A.B., Duke University, 1966 DANIELPAUL WINDSOR, A.B., 1967 WINSTON MICHAELSAMORS TERRANCE LEE WISEMAN,B.S., Valparaiso University, 1966 KENNETHFREDWOERTHWEIN, A.B., Princeton University, 1964; M.S., 1967 RICHARD G. YAGOL, B.S., 1%7 JERRY LEEYON,B.S., 1967 JON DAVIDZOLTAN, Honors; A.B., The University of Rochester, 1967 ALBERTJOHNZUSKA,JR., A.B., Northwestern University, 1966 SCHOOL OF ASSOCIATED MEDICAL SCIENCES Degree of Bachelor of Science in Medical Art DAVID COPPOLA THOMAS DEANSIMS,Honors LUCYMARIANNE VASILE GARYJOHN NELSON Degree of Bachelor of Science in DIANEJOY ALEX KNOKEAMATAYAKUL MARGRET RANDJAMES BAIRD BRIDGES LINDASUSAN PEGGY A NNCAMPBELL DARLENE CHANSKY SUSAN JEAN CHENOWETH, A.B., Northwestern University, 1969 Medical Record Administration LINDAGAYCHITTENDEN PATRICIA A NNGACA J EAN LWRS MARILYN CYNTHIAMARIAMILAN,A.B., Northwestern University, 1969 ELLEN BETHNAIDITCH ROBERTA ELISSAWOLFE, A.B., University of Massachusetts, 1962 Degree of Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology DIANELYNNANDORF MARIALYNNEKIBLER IRENE MARYKRIISA, Honors MADELYN BLOCH,Honors SUSAN GAILBOSTROIU RUTHLALISH, GEORGETTE Honors BEVERLY J ANE BOWERS JOAN MARIEMALLIN ELLEN BARBARA BURNS SHEILAMARYMATSON LINDALOUISEDE MARCO NANCYANNELIZABETH PIERCE RENEEMARLENE FILAS,Honors SUSAN MARYREMAFEDI DEBORAH FAYGOLDBERC SUSAN BARBARA RUBINS 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1009 BARBARA L YNNRUBY,B.S.,1959 MARGARETA NNSTACK PAMELA KAYWALGREN,High Honors Honors CAROLYN JEANZACHARY Degree of Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy RANDILAINEANDERSON LYNDA EILEENL m , Honors SHARON ANNMOOREBELLUCCI AMYWAI-PINGLUK KAREN EMMA GNRAD MARGO ELLENMANSFIELD HELENCAROL MEILAHN Cox GLORIAJEANG N N A R I N O PERRY MELANIEFITZGERALD THOMAS ELLEXSON CATHERINE Lou RICE BETHADINAHGOLDSTEIN ARLENEBARBARA RICH JANICEMARIEHAMARIK LYNNELLENSCHRADER HARRILYN MICHELEHART ELIZABETH SHARPE REBECCA DUTTON LEEJOCHA CAROLE PEGGY SUSAN SHERMAN SALLY ANNKUNDEKANNAKA SHEILA FAYE BOVILSKY URY JEANETTE MARIEBERINGER KRODEL, VICICH JUDITH GLADYS ANDREALEEZASLAVSKYWEITZBERG Honors KUNA,Honors MARYLYNNSNOW JEAN WONC GWENDOLYN COLLEGE OF NURSING Degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing LYNNATKINSON NANCY NADINENEWCOMER MOORE. FAYNORETTA ATWCOD Honors JANE BASSO BARBARA SUSAN MAYUMI NARIMATSU JOEA MARIAELLISBIERCHEN KARENANNNAUYALIS JEAN BLUME, Honors JEAN MARIE PATTERSON BARBARA MARY LOUISEQUINN BOWERS JEANNE MARGUERITE PAULSON JOYCE ANNPAWLIK ELEANOR JANEBUSSERT NANCY RUTHPOGUE LOISELEANOR CLEMEXS ALLIDAH VELMAPOOLE ROBERT LEROY Cox,JR. SUZANNE LOUISE DEPALMA PORTER PATRICIA ANNDAMLER JUDITHELAIKE DRAKSLER KATHRYNANNE ZELLARSREDLINGER, Honors JOAN SCHUELKE FRITCH DRUCK ELLISON TERESA LYNNROMANO SHERYL LYNNPISZCZEK ROSEBROCK LINDAKAYPATRICK MICHELLELESLIEENSLIN SUSANLYPT RUBIN MARIEDIANNEFOCHTMAN JOANNE RYSIEWICZ PAULINE SINDY BEAGOLDMAN DONNAMARIERZEMINSKI ELIZABETH ANNGROENDYKE NATALIE J EANNE SAMOLINSKI JEANNE PATRICIA GROSS MARYCECILESCHAUB GLORIA JEAN HANNA CHERYL ANNSCHLATTER JILL ANNBERGQUIST HEDMAN CRYSTAL KAYEWHITESCHUETT JANETMARYHOPPENRATH KATHLEEN ANNSIMONIK ELANARUTHHORWITZ LYNNISABELLE SIVERTSEN LORAYNX ANNETTE WARBER HREJSA RUTHANNSMITH OLIVIARUTHJOHNSON MAXINEHARRIET TINTSPUNT BARBARA EILYN KAISER CAROL JEAN SZAFLARSKI NANCY HELENKOTLARZ LINDARENEETSCHAPPAT JUNEKRAWCZAK JULIEANNETUPLER MARGARET ANNELECH LYNNMARIEVERBRUGCHE SANDRA JEANNE LEE,A.B., 1967 WEEKS JEAN KOMOROWSKI CAROL LUCHSINGER LOISMARIE KRONHOLM WEST KARENELAINE UANITA SUEMCCARTY MARYCHRISTINE WICKLEIN ILEEN RITAM C W E R N ALICEJANE W-OZNIAK PATRICK JAMES MCLAIN RUTHANNWRIGHT NANCY JANE MEADOWS ELAINEROSEWUSTMANN MARGARET ANNMERGES, Honors DALESUSAN YASSINGER JUDITH i COLLEGE OF PHARMACY Degree of Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy DALIAREGINA BAKAITIS CYNTHIA ANNAuav G. F. BARTELS, A.B., 1964 ROBERT IDADARLENE ApmNI, Honors 1010 BOARD OF TRUSTEES GREGORY ROBERT BKHREXS GARYBILLINGSLEY LUCIOJESUS BLANCO,B.S., Institute of Matanzas, 1953; D.Ph., University of Havana, 1950 FRED CHAI(LESBLUYHACEN, JR. MICHAELCHARLESBOLSONI PATRICIA ALICEBOVEE GEORGE WILLZAM BRWK ALLANINCEBROWN DANIELALANBROWN EDWARD JOHN BUCZYNSKI PAUL ALANBUTLER WILLIAM CACINI,JR., Honors PATRICIA EARLENA CAMPBELL PATRICK JOSEPH CARROLL LINDASUSAN &HEN, Honors NORMAN &CHARD &HEN WALLACE JACKSONCROSS 111, B.S., Colorado State University, 1966 NANCYLYNNDAILEY JOEL MARVIN DOLIN,Honors g;iyE+g;;RIs MARKSTUART EDELHEIT ARTHURWILLIAMENGLISH,B.S., University of Oregon, 1967 WILLIAM JOSEPH FEINBERG, B.S., 1966 FOERSTER KENNETHARNOLD MARTINALLANGANAN,Honors IRENA JACINTA GLAMBA JOSEPH WILLIAMGLOUDEMAN, JR. ANDREA LOUISEGRABOW DANIELCHARLES GRAGIDO FRANK RAYMOND GREIFENSTEIN RICHARDZEIS GUMM, Honors; A.B., Southern Illinois University, 1967 RICHARD GUNGLER CARLMARTINGUSTAFSON MICHAELHACKMAN MICHAELALANHARRIS DONALD WILLIAM HAYDEN RICHARD JOSEPH HOLLY EVA KAREN BORMANNHUMM, High Honors STEVEN MARKHUMM,Honors JAMES HUNT TERRY DALEJOHNSON LOUISBERNARD KADUCAK LOUISJOSEPH KASPER THOMAS o s m KAZIKIEWICZ THOMAS ~ O S E P HKELLY,JR. ROBERT RONALD KENNEDY EDITHEIBENKERESZTES-NAGY FRANCIS KLODA GEORGE RONALD LEEK m LARRY EDWARD KORELC ARNOLD LEWISKOTOWSKY JERRY ROBERT KRBEC RICHARD JOHN KREJSA CHRISTINEELAINE KUJAWA ROBERT LEONARD KUNKA JON DONALD LAGER L OHN EDWARD LANDA ORMAN HOWARD Lms LEESMAN ANNETOLAN GLENDAVIDLEESMAN CHARLESEDWARD LEWIS LOUIS JOSEPH LICOS ELLIOT STUART LINSKY TIMOTHY KING-LUND Loo WOODSON EDWARD MABRY,JR WILLIAMROGERMAGRUDER RONALD MANDEI, STEVEN INACAROLBORMANN MARTINEK,High Honors JAMES RUDOLPH MARTINEK ANNAMARIEMEIER THOMAS MENROY MIL.LS ROBERT MARTINMOBUS JOHN ALLENNAGEL DENNISEDWARD NETTENSTROM DAVIDALANNEWBERG THOMAS ANTHONY NOVORYTA EDWARD OHDE PHILLIP JOSEPHEDWARD PAWELAK FRANZ RICHARD PETERSON JOHNWESLEYPETTICREW EUGENE PFEIFER,B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1967 LYSLERICHARD PIETSCH PAUL L oms PLUTA,High Honors CARLO JOHNRAMPA,B.S., 1965 MICHAELCLAYTON RAMSDEU JOHNHOWARD REINERTSON, A.B., Ripon College, 1964 DENNISLAWRENCE REISS MARTINHAROLD RESSLER RICHARD ALLENRHEIN JOHN ROCKS ROBERT JOHNALFREDROMANKIEWICZ LAWRENCE CHARLES ROSENTHAL VITOJOSEPH SBLENDORIO KENNETHSCHAEFER PATRICK GEORGE SCHLEICH PHILLIP DIOSCHLIEM DAVIDALANSCHOO STEVEN CHARLES SCHUMANN SHARON MARIESCHWAGER, High Honors ROBERT LEROY SHAPIRO THOMAS ROBERTS SHARPE STEPHEN SHEININ GEOFFREY PATRICIA LOUISESHINNICK,Honors LEESTEVEN SIMON,Honors JOHNEDWARD SINGLETARY JOEL FRANKLIN SIVILL AVERY LOUIS SPUNT ROGERALANSTANCL GEORGE WILLIAMSTRATTON TIMOTHY AMES SULUVAN WILLIAM ENRY TAYLOR,JR. LAWRENCE GUNNAR THOMPSEN THOMPSON WILLIAMLAWRENCE THOMAS ALANTHYER,High Honors CHRISTOFHER FRANKLIN VAUGHNS PATRICZA ANN NORMAN VAUCEINS JOLEEN FRANCES VIDIC ft 19703 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS KWOKHUNGWAN RICHARD DEANWARTICK SHOSHANA SUZANNE WEINBAUM SEYMOUR WEITZBERG WUTER CAROLE VERONICA ROBERT CHARLES WICKEY WICOFF JAMESDONWAN ANTHONY STEPHEN WIECZOREK, JR. 10.11 MICHAEL BRUCEWILLIAMS DONALDG ~ R G WILSON, E B.S., Roosevelt University, 196 TIMMY JOE WITSMAN HENRY YEEHAYWONC JAY ALANYUSKO ZATO WILLIAMANTHONY URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Degrees Conferred June 20,1970 HONORARY Degree of Doctor of Fine Arts MAXABRAMOVITZ, M.S. Degree of Doctor of Science W. HOLLEY, Ph.D. ROBERT Degree of Doctor of Letters W. MCNFJL LOWRY, Ph.D. GRADUATE COLLEGE Degree of Doctor of Philosophy In Accmfitancy YOUSEFAWADEL-ADLY,B.Com., Cairo University, 1961; M.B.A., Indiana University, 1966 JAMES OLE WINJUM, B.Bus.Adm., M.S., University of Minnesota, 1960, 1961 In Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering ANDREW KLAVINS, B.S., M.S., 1963,1968 In Agricultural Economics SURE~H CHANDRA BIRLA,M.Sc., Agra University, 1957; M.S., 1967 RAMON JANSUYCRUZ,JR., B.S.A, University of the Philippines, 1959 RAMASHANKER MISRA,B.S.Ag., M.S.Ag., Agra University, 1949, 1951; Assoc., Indian Agricultural Research Institute, 1957;M.S., 1963 GENTILROJAS,Econornista, Universidad del Valle, 1964; MSc., Ohio State University, 1965 JAMESALTONWELLS,B.S., M.S., University of Kentucky, 1949, 1951 IANROBERT WILLS,B.Agr.Sc., M.Agr.Sc., University of Melbourne, 1962, 1966 In Agricultural Engineering PETER DALEBLOOME,B.S., M.S., 1%5, 1969 JAMESCLARENCE CONVERSE, B.S., M.S., North Dakota State University, 1964,1966 WALTER CECILHAMMOND, B.S., Universit of Georgia, 1962; M.S., 1964 JAMESKENTMITCHELL, B.S., M.S., Iowa &ate University, 1957,1964 In Agronomy MARVINEUGENE BAUER,B.S.A., M.S. Purdue University, 1965,1967 JAMES EDWARD BEUERLEIN,B.S., M.S., University of Tennessee, 1965, 1967 HAROLD DEANCOBLE,B.S., M.S., North Carolina State University, 1965, 1967 BHAGWATI PRASAD DUBEY,M.Sc., University of Jabalpur, 1%1 LEONROBERTFOLLMER, B.S., Western Illinojs U-versity, 1964; M.S., 1967 SEYED REZAGHORASHY, B.S.Agr, M.S., Universi of Nebraska, 1965, 1967 S R EDARSHAN ~ RAI, B.Sc., M.Sc., Banares Hindu%niversity, 1961,1963 In Animal Science FRED JOSEPH KARSCH,BS., Juniata College, 1964; M.S., University of Maine, 1966 JAMES WILLIAHNOVEROSKE, A.B., A.M., Indiana University, 1963, 1964 1012 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 I n Anthropology DEANEDWARD ARNOLD,A.B., Wheaton College, 1964; A.M., 1%7 LORETTA KAYFOWLER, A.B., Smith College, 1966 THOMAS PERKINS MYERS, B.A., Beloit College, 1963 WILLIAMWESLEXPILCHER, B.A., Portland State College, 1963 In Biology BETTYJSHIDA KIRK,B.A., Reed College, 1957; M.S., University of Rochester, 1965 In Biophysics SWAMINATHAN JAYARAMAN, B.Sc., M.A., University of Madras, 1958, 1961; LL.B., University of Bombay, 1965 FARRAR MANGEL, A.B., 1963 WALTER In Botany KARENLOUISEJOHNSON, A.B., Swarthmore College, 1963; M.S., 1965 In Business PEGGY ENGELHARDT ANDERSON, B.S., MacMurray College, 1962; M.S., 1964 VEERAVAT KANCHANADUL, B.S.Com., B.S.B.A., M.P.A., Thammasat University, 1959, 1959, 1962; M.B.A., University of Hawaii, 1965 SAADIA HAFEZMONTASSER, B.Com., Cairo University, 1961; M.B.A., University of Michigan, 1965 In Chemical Engineering DAVIDLARUEBONDURANT, B.S.G.E., University of Oklahoma, 1966; M.S., 1968 MINGFANG, B.S., 1965; M.S., Pennsylvania State University, 1966 RICHARD ALLENGRIEGER, B.S.E., University of Michigan, 1965; M.S., 1968 ANASTASIUS JOHN KARABELAS, Dipl., National Technical University (Athens), 1963; M.S., 1967 Yomc YUELKIM, B.Sc.Eng., Seoul National University, 1964; M.S., 1968 GEORGE JOSEPH KLEIN,B.Ch.E., Villanova University, 1966; M.S., 1968 B.S., Oregon State University, 1965; M.S., 1968 GARYDEANSUMP, In Chemistry TERRY GORDON BURLINGAME, A.B., University of California (Riverside), 1965 DIANEDAVENPORT, B.S., Oklahoma Baptist University, 1965 MICHAEL BENJAMIN GARRETT, A.B., University of California, 1963 JAMES EVAN HOUSE, JR., B.S., M.A., Southern Illinois University, 1958, 1961 ELLIOT DALEJACKSON, B.S.. Emory and Henry College, 1964; M.S., 1966 ANAMASIULIS JONAS,B.S., University of Illinois (Chicago), 1966 RICHARD WILLIAMLAWER,A.B., Knox College, 1965 JAMES DOUGLASMCCULLOUGH, JR., B.S., University of California (Los Angeles), 1963; M.S., San Diego State College, 1965 CHARLES DONALD OLSON,B.A., University of Minnesota, 1965; M.S., 1967 WARREN B.S., California Institute of Technology, 1965 JOSEPH PEASCOE, THOMAS GARRISON SANDERS, B.A., Williams College, 1963; M.S., 1965 SHEL~ON ARTHUR SCHAFFER, B.S., University of California, 1965 SHIER, B.Sc., University of Waterloo, 1966; M.S., 1968 WAYNETHOMAS JOHN THATCHER, B.S., Drexel Institute of Technology, 1965 DIXONARTHURROGER THOMPSON, B.Sc., University of Alberta, 1964 HAZEL A NNETOMS, B.S., 1966 RICHARD NOBLE WATSON, B.S., Southern Methodist University, 1965 In Civil Engineering WILLIAMDOUGLAS BERG,B.S.C.E., M.S.C.E., Purdue University, 1964, 1967 OWENSINCLAIR CECIL111, B.S., Carnegie Institute of Technology, 1963; M.S., 1964 MANOUTCHEHR HEIDARI, B.S., M.S., 1963, 1966 ROBERTPETER KASSAWARA, B.S., Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, 1966; M.S., 1968 In Commwrications THOMAS PATRICK CALLANAN, A.B., Fordham University, 1962; A.M., 1963 JOHN STEPHEN HADLEY, B.S., Texas Christian University, 1963; M.S., 1967 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1013 EDWARD WILLIAM LAKNER, B.A., University of Colorado, 1964 LAWRENCE %WAYNE NOGLE, B.S., A.M., 1962,1964 SIDNEY PAUL ROBINOVITCH, B.A., University of Manitoba, 1963 LARRY RICHARD SMITH,B.S., Illinois State University, 1959 In Comparative Literature GRAEMEDOUGLAS COLVILLE TYTLER,B.A., M.A., Oxford University, 1957, 1963; A.M., 1967 In Computer Science DANIELEWELL ATKINS111, B.S.E.E, Bucknell University, 1965; M.S., 1967 RICHMONDBAUGH,B.S., Michigan State University, 1965; M.S., 1967 CHARLES In Dairy Science BHASKER GOPALKATPATAL, B.V.Sc., University of Saugar, 1954; M.V.Sc., University of Madras, 1961 CHILECAMPALLI ADINARAYANA REDDY,B.V.Sc., Sri Venkateswara University, 1962; M.S., 1967 RONALDCLARENCEWESTER, A.B., Clark University, 1962; M.S., 1969 LINDASHUN-WAN CHANCYu, B.S., Taiwan Normal University, 1966; M.S., 1968 In Economics VUDAYACIRI NAGABHUSHANAM BALASUBRAXIANYAM, M.A., University Of Mysore, 1959; A.M., 1968 KEITHHERBERT JOHNSON, B.S., A.M., 1963, 1964 LANNY EVAN STREETER, A.B., Oberlin College, 1962; M.S., 1964 ROBERT JAMES THORNTON, B.A., Xavier University, 1965; A.M., 1967 NORMAN CHARLES WALZER,B.S., Illinois State University, 1966; A.M., 1969 In Educatim GERALD ALLENCURL,B.S., Illinois State University, 1954; M.S., 1957 B.S., Illinois State University, 1960; M.S., 1963 ROBERT K EITHHANSON, EVELYNHUNTHAUGHT,B.S., M.A., Northern Illinois University, 1961, 1965 HENRY CLARENCE JOHNSON, JR., A.B., Canterbury College (Indiana), 1951; B.D., Nashotah House (Wisconsin), 1957 FREDA IRENE OSTHOFF,B.S., Baldwin-Wallace College, 1950; Ed.M., 1961 PEASE, JR., A.B., Ed.M., 1955, 1959 DAVIDWARD JOHNVINCENTPETERSON, A.B., Ed.M., 1959, 1962 SERMCHITR SINHASENI,B.A., M.A., Chulalongkorn University, 1955, 1959; A.M., 1964 GRAEME HENRY WATTS,B.A., University of Sydney, 1966; A.M., 1969 THOMAS DANIEL YAWKEY, B.S.Ed., Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 1963; M.Ed., Duquesne University, 1966 - In Electrical Enoineerino JAMESMURNANE DAVIS,B.S., M.S., 1966, 1967 BRUCEGENEDE LUCISH,B.S., M.S., 1965, 1968 HARVEY ALLENFINKELSTEIN, B.S.E.E., University of Pennsylvania, 1966; hf.S., 1968 EUGENE GOWAN111, B.S., M.S., 1964,1966 JERRY LEE HANSON, B.A., St. Olaf College, 1954; B.S., United States Air Force Institute of Technology, 1%1; M.S., 1962 HARTMANN, B.Eng., M.S., Instituto Tecnol6gico de CARLOSRICARDOPEIXOTO Aeroniutica, 1963, 1966 JOHN PATRICK HAYES,B.E., National University of Ireland (Dublin), 1965; M.S., 1967 ROGERLAVERNE JOHNSON, B.S., M.S., 1965, 1966 J LJNCLING, B.S.E.E., Iowa State College, 1959; M.S.E.E., KENNETHCORNEAL United States Air Force Institute of Technology, 1964 MARVEL, B.E.E., M.S.E.E., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1963, ORIN EDWARD 1965 STUART MICHAELMELZER,B.E., Cooper Union, 1965; M.S., 1967 WILLIAMDOOLEY PETTY,B.S., United States Military Academy, 1962; M.S., 1968 J OHN PISTERZI, B.S., M.S., 1961, 1962 MICHAEL 2014 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 EDWXN MARTINSCHAEFEB 111, B.S., M.S.,1%5, 1966 LAVERNEARTHUR SCHLIE, B.S., M.S.,1965,1966 SHARAD C ~ ~ A N DSETH, R A B.E., University of Jabalpur, 1964; M.T&., Institute of Technology, 1967 DONALD ROBERT WILTON,B.S., M.S., 1964, 1966 Indian In English THOMAS PETER ADLER, A.B., M.A., Boston College, 1964, 1966 ANN DRYSDALE PARSONS, B.A., University of Cambridge, 1958; A.M., 1966 EDWARD CLARENCE WRIGHT, A.B., Dartmouth College, 1963; A.M., Harvard University, 1964 In Entomology P ~ I MICHAEL P Fox, B.S., M.S., University of Kentucky, 1963, 1965 INDER PRAKASH KAFGOR, B.Sc.Ag.(Hons.). University of Delhi, 1957 DONALD EDWARD KUHLMAN, B.S., M.S., 1955, 1966 ROBERT FLOYDRANDALL,A.B., Kalamazoo College, 1962 In Finance PAULALLANRANDLE,B.S.. M.B.A., University of Utah, 1965, 1967 In Food Science MICHAELTHOMAS DANZIGER, B.S.Chem.E., M.S., Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, 1962, 1967 VERNON LEEPORTER, B.S., M.S., 1940, 1949 SUDHAKAR PUNDLIR SHANBHAG, B.Sc.(Hons.), Karnatak University, 1965 ; BSc. (Tech,), University of Bombay, 1966; MS., 1969 In French DIANELWINGSTON BUTTURFF, B.A., University of Pennsylvania, 1963; A.M., 1966 JACQUES FRAN~OIS LOUIS MALET,B.S., Memphis State University, 1963; A.M., 1967 TRAIL, AB., A.M., 1956, 1966 GUYTHOMAS In Geograbhy FERDINAND GOFF, B.S.Ed., M.S.Ed., Illinois State University, 1958, 1959 BRUCEWAYNESMITH,B.A., New York State College (Potsdam), 1965; A.M., 1967 JAMES In Geology CIIANG-LULIN, B.S., National Taiwan University, 1962; M.S., Washington State University, 1967 BRUCEALLENMASTERS, B.S., Valparaiso University, 1959; M.A., University of California, 1962 C. PRASADA RAO,BSc., M.Sc., University of Mysore, 1960, 1961 OWENLISTERWHITE, B.Sc., University of Melbourne, 1958; M.A.Sc., University of Toronto, 1961 THOMAS RAYMOND WORSLEY, B.S., College of the City of New York, 1965; M.S., University of Tennessee, 1967 WILLIAMHERBERTWRIGHT111, A.B., Middlebury College, 1965; A.M., Indiana University, 1967 In German LOWELL ALLENBANGERTER, A.B., A.M., Stanford IJniversity, 1966, 1967 HERIBERT BREIDENBACH, Ph.B.. Philosophisch-Theologische Ordenshochschule, 1945; M.A., Northwestern University, 1955 In History ROGER DEANBRIDGES,B.A., M.A., State College of Iowa, 1959, 1963 HENRY LAMAREATON,B.S., A.M., 1959, 1963 HERMAN WILLIAMMAST111, BA., University of Kansas, 1963; M.A., University of Hawaii, 196.5 DONALD EUGENE SHEPARDSON, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1%1; A.M., 1964 JAMES .ROIIERT WEGS,B.S.Ed., Western Illinois University, 1963; M.A., Northern Illinois University, 1966 In Library Science LE MOYNEW. ANDERSON, B.S.L.S., B.A., University of Minnesota, 1948, 1948; M.S., 1951 1970J UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1015 WUAM SHERMAN BEBNER,B.A., M.A., University of Minnesota, 1961, 1962 WILLIAMHEUSSMAN, B.S., Concordia Teachers College (Nebraska), 1950; M.A., University of Denver, 1953 BARBARA O L S a swm, B.A., Colorado State University. 1956; M.S., 1959 JOHN In Linguistics JON- ELINOR GUS, B.A., University of Texas, 1966; M.A., University of Cali- fornia (San Diego), 1968 In Marketing SAMUEL MABRY GILLESPIE, B.S., M.S., 1956, 1966 JOHNTAYLOR SIMS,JR., B.S., M.B.A., Texas Technological College, 1961, 1963 In Mathematics HENRYLOUISAFRICK,A.B., Columbia University, 1964; A.M., 1966 JOHNDAVIDBLANTON, A.B., PbL., M.S., St. Louis University, 1953,1954, 1955 MICHAELMELVIN BRADY,A.B., University of California, 1%1; A.M., 1966 PETER ROBERTEISEMAN,B.S., University of California, 1966; M.S., 1%7 LONNIE ROTHFAIRCHILD,B.A., Swarthmore College, 1965; A.M., 1966 PATRICK JOHNFLEURY,A.B., Brown University, 1964; A.M., 1965 HAROLD RANDALL JOHNSON, B.S., College of Idaho, 1963; A.M., 1965 JOHN CRONAN KIEFFER,B.S., University of Missouri (Rolla), 1967; M.S., 1968 JOHN LAWSON LEWIS,B.S., M.S., Kansas State University, 1965, 1966 WILLIAMPAULMECH,B.A., Washington State University, 1964; M.S., 1965 GRACEGEIST ORZECH,A.B., Bamard College, 1961; M.A., Cornell University, 1965 JOSEPH RAYMOND ARNOLDSTRUTT,S.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1962; M.S., 1966 RIHOTERRAS,B.S., University of Maryland, 1965; A.M., 1967 PETER CHARLESTROMBI, B.S., Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 1%; M.S., 1966 WEN-JIN WOAN, B.A., National Taiwan University, 1962; M.S., University of Wisconsin, 1967 In Mechanical Engineering DEANGRAHAM DOORNINK, B.S.(M.E.), B.S.(Agr.), University of Wisconsin, 1964, 1964; M.S., 1966 ALBERTFAYHOUCHENS, B.S.M.E., Purdue University, 1961; M.S., 1963 JOHNDONALD MCGEACHY, B.Sc., MSc., Queen's University, 1953, 1962 &CHARD LEROYSHELL, B.S.M.E., University of Iowa, 1961; M.S.M.E., University of Kentucky, 1963 In Metallurgical Engineering DHRUBA JYOTI CHAKRABARTI, B.E., University of Calcutta, 1962; M.S., 1965 NORRISALFREDDAHLSTROM, B.S., M.S., 1966, 1967 DAVID GRIFFITTFRANKLIN 111, B.S., M.S., 1965, 1967 ERICJAMES HAYES,Associateship, University of Strathclyde, 1%3; MSc., McMaster University, 1965 In Microbiology SHODDER GALLAGHER, B.S., Drexel Jnstitute of Technology, 1964; M.S., 1967 USHARANJAN RAY,BSc., MSc., University of Calcutta, 1963, 1965 BRUCECLAYTON STRNAD, B.S., Fenn College, 1965; M.S., 1967 In Mining Engineering CELIACHUNG-LAND CHOW,B.S., Taiwan Provincial Cheng Kung University, 1962; M.S., University of Detroit, 1965 TUKREL RADHAKISHIN T HAKUR, B.Eng., University of Madras, 1963; M.S., 1967 In Musicology KARINSWANSON PENDLE, A.B., University of Minnesota, 1961; M.Mus, 1964 MARILYNN J EAN SMILEY, B.S., Ball State Teachers College, 1954; M.Mus.. Northwestern University, 1958 In Nzrclear Engineering THOMAS JAMES DOLAN,B.S., M.S., 1961,1965 PAULEDWARD ROHAN,B.S., University of Detroit, 1965; M.S., 1966 BRUCEWALTONSPENCER, B.S., M.S., 1964, 1965 JOAN 1016 MAXI) OF TRUSTEES [June 17 In NutritMnal Sciences GARTHBERCAN, B.S., 1966 ROBERT JOSEPHREBER,B.S., 1963 In Philosophy GERALD WADELILJE, B.A., University of Oregon, 1961; A.M., 1964 MICHAELD. ROOT,B.S.B.A., Northwestern University, 1963; M.A., Roosevelt University, 1%6 In Physical Education ROBERT DICKSON BRATTON, BSc., George Williams Callege, 1959; M.S., University of California (Los Angeles), 1961 LORAHIATT DONOHO,B.A., Olivet Nazarene College, 1953; M.S.Ed., Southern Illinois University, 1962 ALANDAVIDGREENBERG, B.S., M.S., 1963, 1965 CHARLES EDWIN HARTWE, B.S., Springfield College, 1955; M.S., 1956 WILLIAMLYNNHOTTINGER,B.S., Pennsylvania State College (Slippery Rock), 1956; M.S., 1958 JOSEPHADESOLA LAOYE,Dipl., Loughborough College, 1961; M.P.H., University of Michigan, 1966 GRECC MALCOLM McKELvm, B.A., B.P.H.E., Queen’s University, 1954, 1954; M.S., 1965 SANDOR MOLNAR, Dipl.P.E., University of Otago, 1960; M.S., 1967 NANCYKAY PARKER,B.S., 1960; M.S.P.E., University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 1962 B.A., University of Western Ontario, 1956; A.M., University GARTHALANPATON, of Michigan., -1963 .. ALI TOOSHI, h . , Tehran University, 1959; Dip]., Loughborough Training College, 1963; M.S., Southern Illinois University, 1965 JAMES In Physics JOHNERNSTASHMAN, B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1965; M.S., 1966 STEVEN BERNARD BOLTE,A.B., Thomas More College, 1964; M.S., 1965 WILLIAMDENNISHYATT,B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1964; M.S., 1966 COLINELLIOTT JONES, B.S., Carnegie Institute of Technology, 1963; MS., 1965 JOSEPH EDWARD LANG,A.B., Thomas More College, 1964; M.S., 1965 STEVEN CHARLES PIEPER,B.S., University of Rochester, 1965 JOSEPH EMILE ROBICHAUX, JR., B.S., M.S., Louisiana State University, 1964, 1967 SAMUEL LOUIS SEGLER, B.S., Baylor University, 1964; M.S., 1966 WILLIAMTURLAY STACY, B.S., Oregon State University, 1965; M.S., 1967 In Physiology BARRY, JOHNEDMUND A.B., Boston University, 1965; M.S., 1967 STEPHEN SHEPARD GOLDMAN, A.B., Northeastern University, 1964; M.S., 1966 PETER MICHAEL SPOONER, B.S., Bates College, 1964; M.S.,1966 PETER VERNON TICCHELAAR, A.B., Calvin College, 1963; M.S., 1966 In Plant Pathology EUGENE ROBERT TERRY, B.Sc., MSc., McGill University, 1964, 1966 In Political Science RONALD F. BARTEL, A.B., A.M., 1964, 1967 MYUNCCHEY,LL.B., Seoul National University, 1962; A.M., 1967 SUSAN KAY WELCEI, A.B., A.M., 1965, 1966 In Portuguese DAVIDPAULLAWS,B.A., M.A., Brigham Young University, 1967, 1968 In Psychology GFDRGEJAMES ALLEN,B.S., College of the Holy Cross, 196.5; M.A., Boston College, 1966 JON STEWART ALLEN,B.A., University of Akron, 1965 BARBARA AUTREYHALLBLAYLOCK, B.A., M.A., William Marsh Rice University, 1951, 1953; M.A., Uruversity of Texas, 1963 SHFXLA LEEBRENMAN, A.B., Brooklyn College, ‘962 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1017 LAWRENCE JAMES CRABB, JR., B.S., Uninus College, 1965; A.M., 1969 MELVINMYRONHOFFMAN, B.S., Northwestern University, 1960 MELISSA.GALLOWAY &PLAN, B.A., University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 1964; A.M., 1967 FRANK DEANPAYNE,A.B., University of California, 1965; A.M., 1968 RONALDGLENNSMITH, B.A., University of Chicago, 1961; A.M., 1%7 In Sociology DAVIDLEEHARVN, A.B., A.M., 1961,1966 JERRY MIDDLETC~N LEWIS, B.A., Cornell College, 1959; M.S., Boston University, 1963 FRANK GEORGESAMUEL% B.S., M.S., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1%3, 1965 In Spwish MARTHAPALEY DE FRANCESCATO, Profesorado, Instituto Nacional del Profesorado Secundario (Argentina), 1956; A.M., 1959 MODESTO MARIODIAZ,B.A., Colby College, 1962; A.M., 1964 MARVINALAND’Lwm, B.A., Brooklyn College, 1965; A.M., 1967 GUILLERMO ROJAS,B.A, M.A., North Texas State University, 1%3, 1965 In Speech DANIEL STARLEY BEASLEY, B.A. (Spch.), B.A.(Psych.), University of Akron, 1966, 1966; A.M., 1968 JEROME MOSELEY BIRDMAN, B.S., TempIe University, 1956; A.M., 1957 RAYDEANDWRIN, B.A., Harding College, 1963; A.M., 1965 JAMES NORRIS TALLEY,B.S., East Tennessee State University, 1961; A.M., 1965 RICHARD ERICTOSCAN, A.B., Purdue University, 1963; A.M., 1%5 ANNE ST. CLAIRWILLIAMS, A.B., Duke University, 1950; A.M., University of North Carolina, 1952 In Theoretical a d Applied Mechanics JAMESCLYDEHICKMAN, B.S., M.S., 1965,1967 ROBERT PHILLIP HUBBARD, B.S.M.E, Duke University, 1965; M.S., 1967 RAY NORMAN NITZSCHE,B.S., M.S., 1967,1968 In Veterinary Medical Science GORDONDAVID PAINE, M.R.C.V.S., Royal Veterinary College (London), 1950; D.T.V.M., University of Edinburgh, 1959; M.S., 1968 GAYLORD EDWARD SHAW,B.A., Graceland College, 1962; M.S., 1966 DEOKI NANDAN TRIPATRY,B.V.Sc.&A.H., Uttar Pradesh Agricultural University, 1964; M.S., 1967 In Zoology RONALD JAMES BROOKS,B.Sc., M.Sc., University of Toronto, 1963, 1966 JAMESRICHARDKARR,B.S., Iowa State University of Science and Technology, 1965; M.S., 1967 CURTISJAMESSWANSON, B.A., North Park College, 1964; M.S., Northern Illinois University, 1966 EARL GRAVESZIMMERMAN, B.S., Indiana State University, 1965; M.S., 1967 Degree of Doctor of Education I n Educatwn ELEANOR YOUNG ALSBROOK, A.B., Kentucky State College, 1944; B.S.L.S., Atlanta University, 1946; M.Ed.,C.A.S., University of Louisville, 1965, 1968 EDWARD TWEET ANDERSON, B.S., M.S., Illinois State University, 1961, 1964 THOMAS HUGH ANDERSON,A.B., Antioch College, 1963 ;A.M., 1968 CHARLESTAKE~HI ARAKI,Ed.B., University of Hawaii, 1957; M.S., 1960 HOWARD MARTINBERS,A.B., A.M., 1%3, 1964 RICHARD MASONBUNKERB.S.Ed., Farmington State Teachers College, 1959; M.Ed., University of b n e , 1965 CAROLNow BURLIEN,B.S., Lewis and Clark College, 1958; M.M., 1967 JOHNMCTAWARTBUSTARD, B.S., Ed.M., 1%0,1%3 BENJAMINDAVIDC m m s , B.S.; Central State ColIege (Ohio), 1%2; Ed.M., 1966 1018 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 SAM= CALVZN DAVIS,A.B., Shaw University, 1950; M.S., 1%5 ARTHUR LEONARD GILLIS,B.A., M.A., Roosevelt University, 1964,1965 FUCZURD WILLIAM GRIFFITHS,B.S. M.S., Illinois State University, 1955, 1962 ROBEBT COLEHARRIS,A.B., M.A., $an Jose State College, 1956, 1%3 ALFREDROLAND HECHT, B.S., 1956; M.A., Northwestern University, 1959 EDWARD SIDNEY JENKINS,B.S., Southern University, 1947; M.Ed., University of Nebraska, 1955 BRUCEBIRKKELLY, B.S., Southeast Missouri State College, 1962; Ed.M., 1965 ALFREDSOREN KOLMOS,B.Ed., Wisconsin State College (Whitewater), 1957; Ed.M., 1961 MOORE,B.S., Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 1955 ; M.Ed., BARRYEJJWARD University of Pittsburgh, 1961 STANLEY DOUGLAS PATTERSON, B.S., M.Ed., Auburn University, 1964, 1967 JACOBO FELIX PINO, B.A.. Western New Mexico University, 1961; M.S., Oregm College of Education, 1964 THOMAS ANDREW PLAIN, B.Ed., Chicago Teachers College, 1953; M.Ed., De Paul University, 1959 STANLEY ARLINRUMBAUGH, A.B., Wheaton College, 1963; Ed.M., 1%7 KATHLEEN RUNCHEY, B.A., Western Michigan University, 1962; M.Ed., University of North Carolina, 1967 DONALDEVANSAMSON, B.A., Central Washington State College, 1957; M.Ed., Western Washington College of Education, 1962 THOMAS EARLSEARSON, B.A., Hastings College, 1965 ; Ed.M., 1966 KATHRYN WATFORD SMITH, B.S., Alabama College, 1942 ; Ed.M., 1966 STANLEY SPENCER SMITH, A.B., Augustana College, 1941; M.S.Ed., Western Illinois University, 1953 EDWIN WILLS VERNON, BSAgr., MSEd., Purdue University, 1952, 1960 Degree of Doctor of Musical Arts CHARLESALLENANDERSON, B.S., Juilliard School of Music, 1959; M.M., Sherwood Music School, 1961 THEODORE DREXELLUCAS,A.B., M.A., San Diego State College, 1963, 1964 ROBERTMAXNEWELL,B.Mus., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1961; M.Mus., 1963 Degree of Master of Arts In Anthropology JOHN RICECOLE, A.B., Columbia University, 1%8 NIRADANZICER, B.A., Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1967 SHFXRIE TRAVIS ETZKORN, A.B., 1969 SUSAN FERN MANDIBERG, A.B., Qberlin College, 1968 In A d Education MARILYNN MARCIADAVIS,B.A., Concordia Teachers College, 1965 ; B.F.A., 1968 GAYCATHERINE GINGHER, B.A., Clarke College, 1964 SHARON RENEE PETERSEN, B.F.A., 1969 SUZANNE MARIESTIEGELBAUEB, B.S., Nazareth College (New York), 1969 MICHAEL HOWARD STUCIUIARDT, B.S., Western Michigan University, 1965 In Comparative Literature COLSON PEDERSEN, A.B., 1968 ASELACONCEPCIONRODRIGUEZ-SEDA, B.A., University of Puerto Rico, 1968 JANE In Dafice ANSLEY, B.F.A., Southern Methodist University, 1967 RENEEBINZER,B.A., College of William and Mary, 1968 IRIS AMY RIFKIN,B.A., City University (New York), 1966 JANIS I n Economics HUGEBEZDJX,B.A., Northern Illinois University, 1%7 ROGER DONALD THOMAS McDovclu~,A.B., Ripon College, 1966 THOMAS WALTEB MI=, A.B.. 1968 MITCHELL BRIANSHERMAN, B.S., Brooklyn College, 1968 STANLEY CARLSON STEVENS, B.S., Iowa State University, 1964 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1019 I n Education THOMAS ANDRE,B.S., University of Massachusetts, 1967 CAROLJEAN SCHWARZWALDER ARAWAY, B.A., Western Washington State College, 196.5 TERRYGQRDONCOLBERT, A.B., 1% ALANKEITH L ~ K EB.S., , Mankato State College, 1966 PAMWCHARLE~ RUBOVITS, A.B., Mt. Holyoke College, 1965 In English CAROL ANNABRAMS,A.B., 1%8 ANNCHRISTINEBAXTER, A.B., MacMurray College, 1%8 F o ~ Y CRICEURD E BENNETT, B.A., Olivet Nazarene College, 1969 ROBERT RAYMOND BENSEN,A.B., 1968 JOEL PITKIN BOWMAN, A.B., 1965 JANEM c F w WISEMAN BROWN, A.B., Duke University, 1968 ELSA KIRKCAMPBEU,B.A., Dickinson College, 1968 JANE CAFSAGNO CLARK, B.A., University of Colorado, 1968 GERALD OTIS DUNGAN, B.A., Aurora College, 1968 DONNASTINE GIVENS,A.B., Gettysburg College, 1968 MARILYN ANNGRAS,B.A., Carroll College, 1968 DIANELOUISEGRAY,B.A., Agnes Scott College, 1968 SANDRA FRENSKO HEITZMAN, A.B., 1968 MARYARLENE HUNT,B.A., St. Xavier College, 1968 SUSAN HARTMAN KESSLER, A.B., 1968 NILI ABRAMOVIZ B.A., Hebrew University, 1964 LEVY, LINDARUTHMAHIN,B.A., North Central College, 1969 LAWRENCE MCCAFFERY, FLORIAN B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1968 TERRENCE JOHN MCFARLAND, A.B., 1968 KATHLEEN CULLICAN MEYER, B.A., Saint Mary’s College (Indiana), 1968 LOISELIZABETH MILLER, B.A., Greenville College, 1968 GERALD LEE PETERSON, A.B., 1969 MARILYN PAWLAK PINSCHMIDT, B.S.Ed., Massachusetts State College (Lowell), 1964 WOLFGANG MAXSCHWARZKOPF SYLVIA ANNETTE SEGLER, B.A., Texas Christian University, 1966 Jo DONNASPERRY, B.A., Illinois State University, 1967 DIANEMARIE STURGEON, B.A., Northern Illinois University, 1968 PATRICIARAE WALD,A.B., 1968 MARYCATHERINE WHITMORE, A.B., Augustana College (Illinois), 1969 In French JAMES GEORGE BEAUDRY, B.A., St. Mary’s College, 1949; M.A., Lava1 University, 1956; L.Th., D.Th., University of Montreal,.1956, 1960 BONNIELAURIEBENNETT, A.B., University of Michigan, 1965 MAUREEN TERESA DORLE, B.A., Mundelein College, 1964 LENAOHANNESKUPELIAN, A.B., 1967 ILONA N INALEKI, A.B., 1968 CATHERINEANNEMAJDIAK,B.S., M.A., Western Reserve University, 1954, 1958 PATRICIA Cox MARTIN,B.A., Bradley University, 1967 MARKEDWARD WOLFF, B.A., Loyola University (Illinois), 1968 In Geogruphy POLUNA, B.A., Rooswelt University, 1968 RONALD ROBERT CHARLES GILBERTSCHMIDT, B.A., Sonoma State College, 1968 In German VIRGINIA MAECOOMBS, B.A., Denison University, 1968 MARYLOUISE HILLS,B.A., Monmouth College, 1968 LEONIEAVGUSTINE M a x , A.B., 1%9 THOMAS GEORGE PEARSON, B.A., Saint Mary‘s College (Minnesota), 1967 VIRGINIA LEETHEISEN, AB., University of Michigan, 1968 In History BROOKRESON B.A., Western Washington State College, 1968 WILLIAMEDWARD MICHAKLJOSEPH DIETZ,B.A., &ox College, 1968 102% BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 WILLIAMWAYNEGARTON, A.B., Simpson College, 1959; M.S., 1960 HASS,A.B., 1940 CARLFREDERICK JES-HANC LM,B.A., Taiwan Normal University, 1968 HELEN CHOULIN, B.k, National Taiwan University, 1967 RAYMOND CIZIN-JUANG LIN, B.A., National Taiwan University, 1960; M.S., Atlanta University, 1964 GANYE MAR, B.A., City University.(New York), 1969 LINDAMARCABET NEHAUS,B.A., Quincy College, 1969 JOHN FREDERICK Osm, B.A., Lemoyne College, 1968 WILLIAMFRANCIS RUSH,B.S., Loyola University (Illinois), 1965 LENAMARYSALBEGO, A.B., 1969 FRANCIS MICHAELSTACKENWALT, B.A., University of Oklahoma, 1968 DONNAVOORHORST THOMAS, B.A., Denison University, 1968 ELEANOR LOUISE TURK,B.A., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1957 In H w Economics ROSANNE CER~Y B.S., , Eastern Illinois University, 1969 JAMCE LYNN ~ D E M A C HA.B., E R , 1968 In Labor and Industrial Relatwns STUART HARVEY BERGER, B.A., Queens College, 1968 ALPRED EDWARD DANSEREAU, JR., B.S., Saint Joseph‘s College, 1968 JAMES BRUCEKIRK,B.S., 1968 HERMAN MONTELL KLEMICK111, B.S., 1969 DANIELASUKWO OFFIONC,B.A., Tougaloo College, 1969 MAKOTO OKTSU,B.Econ., Keio University, 1962 GLENNCURTISRIKER,B.A., Monmouth College, 1968 DOUGLAS J EROME RODEL,B.A., St. Paul Seminary, 1965; M.A., College of St. Thomas, 1968 I n Lafin BARBARA SUEHAYES, A.B., 1969 KZIREN MOSES STEINBECK,A.B., 1966 In Mathematics ROBERT O M BANTA,B.S., Western Illinois University, 1966 PAMELA JEAN BELL, A.B., Marymount College (Kansas), 1966 MARTIN CAPLAN, A.B., University of Pennsylvania, 1962 B.A., State University of New York (Potsdam), 1969 GAYLEJEAN CARROLL, JULIA TSE-YEECHEN,B.Sc., University of Hong Kong, 1955 NANCYGWENCROTTS, B.S., Grand Canyon College, 1968 KENNETH ALVIN ERKFITZ,B.S., University of Michigan, 1%5 P~ILLIP ALLENFERCUSON, B.M.Ed., M.Mus., Indiana University, 1948, 1950 SWY A” FOSTER, B.A., Immaculate Heart College, 1966 CAROLYN MATTILA HOIBYCH, B.A., Rockford College, 1967 A.B., Cornell University, 1952 RONALD EDWINHUENERFAUTH, DAVIDLEONARD JOHNSON, A.B., Augustana College (Illinois), 1969 WASYLKORYTOWSKI, B.S.Gen., B.Ed., University of Manitoba, 1%5, 1968 THERESE LUSKIN,B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1966 CHARLENE WILLIAMEDMUND MCGAVERN, B.A., University of South Florida, 1966 PARLIN, B.A., University of Rochester, 1969 LINDAMARIAN JAMES WILLIAMPENDERCRASS, A.B., Cornell University, 1969 PAMELA ANNPOTUSKY, B.A., Montclair State College, 1966 JEROME MORRISROFTELD, B.A., University of California, 1969 WILLIAMJOSEPH ROHA,A.B., Earlham College, 1969 SISTER ELIZABETH CULVER, B.S., Brescia College, 1965 KOKITAMASFIIRO, Ed.B., University of Hawaii, 1955 LOWELLKENNETH THOMPSON, B.S., Concordia Teachers College, 196.5 ALBERTCHIA-SHENC Wn, A.B., University of Michigan, 1969 ELBERT BERNARD WHITE, B.S., Mississippi Industrial College, 1966 PET^ MICHAEL W O T T ~ GB.A., , St. Mary’s College, 1969 IDRISMAN-SHINC YEUNG,B.S., 1969 I n Political Science JOHN MICHAEL DAVIS,A.B., University of California, 1%9 JAMES LEONARD EDSTBOM,B.S., Illinois Institute of Techndogy, 1%9 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1021 DAVIDLEELEMONS, B.S.,Illinois State University, 1965 PETE^ WARREN ROULHAC, B.A., Fisk University, 1%9 SHELDONSIEGEL, A.B., 1965 HOWARD FREDLAURENCE WILLIAMS, B.A., University of Nevada, 1968 In Psychology KENNETHMICHAELALVARES, A.B., Indiana University, 1966 RODGERKEITHBUFFORD,B.A., King‘s College (New York), 1966 WILLIAM JOSEPH CROSSLAND, B.A., Trinity College, 1967 A.B., University of Michigan, 1%7 STEVEN ALLANFISHER, WILLIAM EDGAR GRAMLING, B.A., University of Texas (Arlington), 1967 ROBERT ALLENJOHNSON, B.A., Trinity College (Connecticut), 1966 DAVIDIANLEWIN,B.A., University of Colorado, 1966 LINDA DEANRHYNE, B.A., University of North Carolina (Greensboro), 1968 JArncE GOUSESHEES+ A.B., Washington University, 1967 RONALD L EESHEESE,B.A., Wabash College, 1967 RICHARD SHIKLAR, B.S., City College (New York), 1967 In Public Administration HYOCKCHUN,B.P.A., Yonsei University, 1962 WILLIAMCHARLES DIXON,B.A., Loyola University (Illinois), 1968 ANNABELLE LEWIS PATTON, B.A., Mills College, 1947 JR., B.S., University of Cincinnati, 1967; M.U.P., 1969 CARLVERNONPATTON, In Russian SUZANNE ELIZABETH BESTBRUNO, B.A., Harpur College, 1968 GARYLEEDAVIS,B.A., Indiana University (Penn), 1%8 CHERYL LYNNEFINCH,B.A., Northern Illinois University, 1968 SERGIU FISCHMAN, Dipl., Pedagogic “Maxim Gorki,” 1963 MARIEMa-CHU LOUISGIES, A.B., University of Michigan, 1958 STEPHEN ALLENHATHAWAY, A.B., 1965 CARLALBERT HOOK, B.A., Gannon College, 1967 CAROL TERESE KEMMITT, B.A., Emmanuel College, 1968 ROSEMARY LEONARD NELSON, B.A., Wells College, 1% NOLENJOYCE PROVENZANO, B.A., Principia College, 1967 KATHLEEN SARAHSPAULDINC, A.B., 1954 LOISWRIGHTWOODRUFF, A.B., 1967 In Social Sciences JACQUELINE WEINBERC DAVIS,A.B., 1968 ROBERT KENNETHDRENDEL,B.S., Bradley University, 1965; M.S., Indiana State University, 1967 THOMAS WILIJAMSMITH,A.B., 1968 In Sociology B.S., Wayne State University, 1960 WILLIAM JAMES HAGA, SEIKO ITOH,B.A., Konan University, 1964 KAY ROWANLIVENGOOD, B.A., Ohio State University, 1968 HARLAN LYNNMUELLER, A.B., 1968 DENNISADAMRYBA,B.A., Doane College, 1968 PRAKASHCHAND SHINGI, B.A., M.A., University of Poona, 1964, 1%7 MOHANLAL GRANVILLE SMITH, B.A., Kalamazoo College, 1960 REGAN In Spanish ALICELONG ANDE~SON, B.A., University of Iowa, 1967 V I ~ O JULES R BONADEO, A.B., 1968 SUZANNE BROTMAN, A.B., 1969 MARIACARMEN CRUZ,Dr. Filos. Let., Universidad de la Habana, 1948; M.Mus., Kansas State Teacher’s College, 1969 REYNALDO LUISJIMENEZ-SANCHEZ, A.B., 1969 CANDACE JEAN Mom, A.B., 1969 MIWKO NONOYAMA, B.A., Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 1957 Villanueva University ZOILAGARCIAROMERO, SISTER MARGUERITE WENDELL,B.S., Alverno College, 1955 1022 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 In Speech VOIZAOLSONARNOLD, A.B., B u r y College, 1968 SIWIAMIRANDA DE MORAES, Lic., Federal University of Ceara, 1967 CABOL MCNAMARA EGAN, B.S., Northwestern University, 1966 RUTHMILDRED H m , B.S., 1969 DIANNE LO-A HAMILTON, B.S.H.S., Ohio University, 1969 B.S., 1969 NANETTE RUTH HOLMES, LYNNE THOMAS PHILPOTT, B.S., 1969 SHARON LYNNSCHILBE, B.S., 1969 CAROL Lou TOROK, B.S., 1966 JANET THOMPSON UMBERGER, A.B., 1968 EDWARD JOHN ZAGORSKI, B.A., Illinois State University, 1966 In the Teaching of English DAVID W ~ A BROSI, M A.B., Augustana College (Illinois), 1969 BONNIELmr BUTLER,B.A., Purdue University, 1969 JANET DANIEL HEMPSTEAD, A.B., Rosemont College, 1966 GRETCHEN WESTPATTON, A.B., Villa Madonna College, 1967 LEWISSLOAN, BARBARA A.B., 1950 JAMES JOHN STEVENS, B.A., Monmouth College, 1963 In the Teaching of English as a Second Language KATRLEEN SARAH CALLARAN, B.Ed., Mary Rogers College, 1951 JANE CAMILLE COMPO,B.A., Marquette University, 1963 GLENNDAVIDDECKERT,B.A., Houghton College, 1961; A.M., Wheaton College, 1964; B.D., Trinity College, 1965 NOBUYUXI INOUE,B.A., Meiji Gakuin University, 1964 ROBERT FRANK MAF~E, A.B., 1968 PAMELA ANNMCCOLLUM, A.B., 1968 KEE DUK PAIK, B.A., Dong-A University, 1960; M A . , Yonsei University, 1961 &PO TAUNO RONTY,Filos. Kand., University of Helsinki, 1966 ESTEREDENSANTOS DE CASTRO, Prof. Ingles, Instituto del Profesorado Juan XXIII, 1966 AMYDAHSUN SEETOO,B.A., National Chengchi University, 1968 CARMEN MIREYAVIRCILIOCABALLERO, Prof. de Inglis, University of Chile, 1967 In the Teaching of French LEOLADOLLYALEXANDER, B.A., Andrews University, 1962 SHARON EPSTEINDRAZNER, A.B., 1968 LYNNELOUSEHUNTZICKER, B.A., Northwestern University, 1968 DIANNEELIZABETH KELLER, A.B., 1967 GTHLEEN THERESA GLY" KUSMANOFF, B.A., Southern Illinois University, 1966 LINDABANNISTER MEYER,B.S., Southeast Missouri State College, 1965 DIANASTEPHANIE TOSCHAX, A.B., 1969 In the Teaching of S~ciaSStudies CAROL ELAINEBURGER, B.A., University of Maryland, 1969 PATRICIA MARYCONDON, A.B., 1968 JERRY ALLENDAVIS, B.S., 1968 ROBERT LOUISHOVDE, A.B., 1967 JEROME MEYERS, B.A., DePaul University, 1966 CHARLES DIANEMARIEPOERIO,A.B., 1969 ALAN JAY SCRAPS, A.B., 1968 JOYCE CAROLSORENSEN, B.S., 1969 LINDA OSUCHOWSK~ STODDART, A.B., 1969 ARNOLD MICHAEL YOUNG,B.S., 1969 In the Teaching o f Speech SHIRLEY ANNGRIFFIN, A.B., 1968 BRUCELEO PAGNI,A.B., 1965 JOY LOUISEPETERS, A.B., Augustana College (Illinois), 1969 In Theafre josEW MICHAEL BALTz, B.A., University of Washington, 1%7 DAVID LESLIECARTER,B.S., Indiana State University, 1968 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1023 FREDW~CK CHALFY,B.A., Harpur College, 1%9 CARLHAROLD EBNST, A.B., 1965 ROBE~T GAINER,A.B., City University (New York), 1964 B.A., Rosary College, 1958 MARYJANE GLEASON, SALLIE MITCHELL,B.A., Midland College, 1961 FRANKLOUISTOWRANGEAU, JR, B.A., Elmhurst CoIIege, 1968 &EX HARRY URBAN, B.A., Southern Illinois University, 1%5 Degree of Master of Science In Advertising DAVIDDUANECROUSE, B.S., 1966 NORAHM ~ L I N T O CGRADY, K B.S., 1966 BETTEJANE HURST,A.B., 1%2 YUM-JEKIM,LL.B., Sung Kyun University, 1963 BETTY CAROLE MCCLAIN,A.B.J., University of Georgia, 1967 JOSE GALANC MIRANDA, Litt.B., University of Santo Tomas, 1966 MARKDAVIDSIEGEL,A.B., 1969 DAVIDLAWRENCE WOLKEN, B.S., 1969 In Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering HAROLD KERZNER, A.B., Northeastern University, 1963 ROBERT EDMUND ROSS,B.S., University of California, 1952 In Agricultural Economics JAMESBERNARD KLIEBENSTEIN, B.S., Wisconsin State University, 1969 ROBERTEDOUARD LOCEAIS, Dipl., Institut National Agronomique, 1964 LEEMOORE, B.S., Ohio State University, 1968 CHARLES GERARD JEAN-MARIENEAU, Ing.Ag., Institute Technique de Pratique Agricole, 1968 KATARSINGH,Agra University, 1961 RICHARD LEONTRIMBLE, B.S., University of Missouri, 1968 JOHN EDWIN W ILLIAMS, B.S.A., Purdue University, 1961 In Agricultural Engineering RICHARD J OHN GODWIN, B.S., National College of Agricultural Engineering, 1968 CARLOSA RTURO AMM RODRIGUEZ AYA, Ing.Civ., Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 1966 I n Agronomy HENRYROGERBOERMA, B.S., Illinois State University, 1968 SILVIOADALBERTO CODASFRIEDMANN, Cert., Universidad Nacional de Asuncion, 1966 C B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1967 JOHN~ I A HOUGHTON, AURORA TRAPANI RUBEL,A.B., Washington University, 1967 B.S., 1969 DUANE NELSONSOMMERVILLE, In Animal Science WILLIAMLEE BRAMAN, B.S., Purdue University, 1969 TEOFILO ANDREDE COSTACRUZ,Dipl., Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 1961 TERRELLlORGAN HILL,B.S., Brigham Young University, 1968 DAVIDWESOLOSKI, B.S., Millikin University, 1962 GEORGE In Architectural Engineering JAMESROLLACROUCH, B.Arch., 1969 YUNG-FUHHUANG, B.S.E., Taiwan Cheng Kung University, 1965 DAVIDLEEJAROL, B.A., 1966 RONALD EMORY WALKINGTON, B.Arch., 1964 In Astronomy VICTOREUGENE BROQUARD, B.S., 1969 JIU" In. Biology WONC HUANG, B.S., National Taiwan University, 1965 1024 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 I n Botmy AUGUSTO D E ALBERTIS GONZALEZDEL RIECO,Agr.Eng., Universidad AgrariaLa Molina. 1%3 ROBERT WILLIAMELIAS, B.S., 1964 ELDON HENRY FRANZ, A.B., Grinnell College, 1966 BWJAMINBERNARD KUTSCHETD, B.S.,1968 DUANJS MICHAELMEZGA, BS, Kent State University, 1967 VALERIE ANN PAAPE, B.S., 1967 In Chemical Engineering IRAKUHLMAN, B.S.C.E., Purdue University, 1968 MYRON GYANENDRA B.E., Birla Institute of Technology and Science, 1969 SINGH, MICHAEL A LANTORREST,B.S., Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, 1968 JAMES ANDREW ZBORAY, B.S., Newark College of Engineering, 1968 JORGE In Chemistry ALANRICFIARD BRANFMAN, A.B., Rutgers University, 1968 MEI YAOCHENG,B.S., National Taiwan University, 1968 CYNTHIA ANNCOWGILL, B.S., Maryville College (Tennessee), 1968 RONALD WILLIAMCRANE,B.S., Midwestern University, 1968 JOANCAROL FROEHLICH,A.B., Augustana College (Illinois), 1969 EDWIN STANLEY IRACKI, B.S., King’s College (Pennsylvania), 1968 FRANCIS KENICHIITO,B.S., University of Hawaii, 1966 HA SUCK KIM, B.S., Seoul National University, 1967 GENC HSIUNG LEE,B.S., National Taiwan University, 1968 LOWRY, B.S., Lafayette College, 1968 JAMESDOUGLAS WILLIEB. LUNSFORD, B.A., Wayne State University, 1967 KATHLEEN RILEYLYNN,B.S., College of William and Mary, 1967 ARLENE ROSEMARY M m z , B.S., Mundelein College, 1968 BRUCE ANDREW MORRISON, B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1965 CAROL SANFQRD NORRTS, A.B., Whitman College, 1968 JON TIMOTHY O’CONNOR, B.S., St. John Fisher College, 1968 JOHNKENNETH ORRELL, B.S., Manhattan College, 1968 DANIELFRANCIS O’TOOLE, B.S., Eastern Michigan University, 1968 CHARLOTTE ANNFORD OTTO,B.S., Universi of Washington, 1968 JAMES WILLIAM PICKETT, B.A., Blackburn gllege, 1968 B.S., Wheaton College, 1968 ROBERT ALLENRAMSEY, LOUETTE ROBINSON, B.S., Towson State College, 1968 CHARL~S LEETURNBOUGH, JR., B.A., Monmouth College, 1%9 PATRICIA GUERITEY WESTON, A.B., Douglass College, 1957 ROSEMARIECHARLOTTE ZABINSKI, B.S., Loyola University (Illinois), 1968 In Civil Engineering RAMIROARELLANO-ABARCA, Ing.Civ., Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 1969 ROBERT WINSTON BALDINGER, JR.. B.S., United States Military Academy, 1965 RONALD ANTHONY BROWN,B.A.Sc., University of Toronto, 1969 LARRY ALVINCOOPER, B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1967 CARROLL HILTON DUNN,JR., B.S., United States Military. Academy, 1966 GEORGE BRIANESTES, B.S., University of Maine, 1963 FARAMARZ FARAHATI, B.S.C.E., Chicago Technical College, 1964 ROBERT MICHAEL GALLEN, B.C.E., Villanova University, 1964 JORGE GARCIAREYES,Eng.Civ., University of the Andes, 1968 HOWARD CLYDE H ANNA, B.S., Pennsylvania State University, 1953 H%CTORDAVIDHERN~NDEZ, Ing.Civ., Universidade de El Salvador, 1969 HANWANT RAI JAIN,B.S., 1958 SEUNG JAI KIM, B.S., Seoul National University, 1963 JAMES HENRY LYLES,B.S., Norwich University, 1963 IRWIN JAYMATTEN, B.S., 1969 RONMEDEANMORRIS, B.C.E., University of Louisville, 1969 TADAHIKO ONO,B.S., United States Military Academy, 1965 ANILKUMAR PURI, BSc., University College (Nairobi), 1969 NORMAN LLOYD SAKAMOTO, B.S., University of Hawaii, 1%9 KWESI ABBEYSAM,B.Sc., Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, 1965 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1025 TERRY WAYNESTURM,B.S., 1969 JEROME FRANCIS THIBEAUX, B.S., University of Southwestern Louisiana, 1968 LYNNC. WEBSTER,B.S., Purdue University, 1962 THOMAS WILLIAM WELLS, B.S., University of Florida, 1965 HUGHEDGAR WILLIAMS,B.A., University of Cambridge, 1965 In Coniputev Science HAROLD RICHARDBECKER, B.A., Colgate University, 1968 AMNONBRACHA,B.Sc., Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, 1967 NURIT BRACHA, B.A., Hebrew University, 1965 JAMES CHEH-MINCHOW,B.S.,M.S., 1966, 1967 FLECK, A.B., Ripon College, 1966 RUTHANNPOTTS ROBERT LEROY MERCER, B.S., University of New hlexico, 1968 DOLORES \VEST, B.S., 1969 MARILYN I n Dairy Science CORINE R YANANDERSEN, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1967 In Ecoiioiitics A m MAWULI,B.Sc., University of Ghana, 1965 EMINEO L G ~B.S., , Middle East Technical University, 1968 JOHN ROBERT STODDEN, B.S., Bradley University, 1967 In Education FREDRICK BOURNS,B.S., B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1965, 1965 JANTORN BURAXABANWTE, B.A., Ottawa University, 1961 ANTHONYMATHIASENGELS, B.S., University of Maryland, 1957 SHIRLEY EUNICE ENGELS,B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1966 RONALD LOUISHAGERMAN, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1965 I RENE QUINN,B.S., St. Mary College (Kansas), 1968 KATHRYN WILLrAM I n Electrical Engiiieeriizg OLADELE BOLARINWA AJAYI,B.S., University of Rhodc Island, 1968 NESTORGARDIAXO ANGULO,Ing.Elec., Universidad de Los Andes (Venezuela), 1966 WARREN BARRYBELFER,B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1967 FRANK ELLWOOD BELL 111, B.S.E., Princeton University, 1968 SAMMY LEEBERRY, B.S., Arizona State University, 1968 CHARLESRUSSELLBERTHOLD, B.S., 1966 STEPHENJAMES BRUNO,B.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1968 THOMAS BURTCANNON,B.S., University of Colorado, 1969 SUBRAMANYAM B.E., University of Madras, 1962; COIMBATORE CHANDERSEXARAN, M.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology (Kharagpur), 1963 JORDAN RIANCOHEN,B.S., University of Massachusetts, 1968 WILLIAMARTHWDAVIS,B.S., 1969 DONALD ARTHURDRESCH,B.S., 1960 NICHOLAS MATTHEW ESSER,JR., B.S., Michigan State University, 1968 JOHNFRANCIS FOSTER,JR., B.S., 1961 PAULCHRISTIAN GILPIN,B.S.E.E., Purdue University, 1966 WAYNE HASSLER, B.S., 1969 KERRY MICHAEL PAUL HoFnuN, B.S., St. Louis University, 1968 DAVIDWILLIAM KELSEY,B.S., Michigan State University, 1967 RONALD GUSTAVMARTIN,B.S., 1967 CAULBUS MCBRIDEB.S.. Southern University. - . 196f hfASOV0 MOSTAFA~I, 1968 GODAVARISH PANIGRAHI. B.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology, 1968 DENNIS ANDREW REYNOLDS,B.S.E.E., University of Arkansas,-l969 IULIO RUGFLES.B -.S -..IJniversitv of North Dakota. 1967 DANIELHAROLD SCHAUBERT, B:S., 1969 YOCENDRA SINGH, B.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology, 1568 ARUNASGEORGESLEKYS. B.A.Sc.. University of Toronto, 1968 TA~EMOTO, B.s., Univiersity of Hawaii, 1969 KENNETKTSUYOSHI ~ T E P a E NMAURICE TAYLOR,B.S.. 1968 DAVIDEDWARD THOMPSON. B.S.E.E., University of Arkansas, 1968 as., ----I I 1026 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 ANIL BHASKAR TOLE, B.Ehg., University of Jabalpur, 1964; M.Eng., Indian Institute of Science, 1966 (Posthumously) ALANKEWTWINSLOW, B.S., University of Washington, 1969 In E n t o w l o g y MICHAEL HENRYDIEM,B.A., Amherst College, 1962; M.A., University of Kansas, 1%8 NORMAN DALEPENNY, B.S., Iowa State University, 1968 In Finance B.S., 1969 WILLIAM VICTORKESSKER, JAMES GERALD LEBLOCH,A.B., 1969 SETHMOFFIT,B.S., Purdue University, 1969 GEORGE THOMAS B.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1969 EDWARD ODMARK, B.S., 1964 ROGER BRUCESWIFT, SEIICHI YABE,B.A., Keio University, 1962 I n Food Scirticr DAVIDALANKUNTZ,B.S., 1968 DONALD RICE, Dipl., Borough Polytechnic, 1967 RAYMOND I n Forestry ROBERT W AYNE FLORENCE, B.S., 1969 DENNISWILLIAM JUNG,B.S., 1969 RICHARD LEESMITH, B.S., 1961 DENNISDALEWORTHEN, B.S., 1965 In Geology SERCIO NERTAN ALVESDE BRITO,Cert., Our0 Preto Federal Mining School, 1961 MILTONAssrs KAKJI,Geologo, Universidade de S5o Paulo, 1962 JAMES EDWARD ROGERS, JR., B.S., Western Illinois University, 1967 B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1963 MICHAEL LEROYSARGENT, ALANFRANCIS SKRZYNIECKI, R.S., university of Toledo, 1966 In Home Ecoizonics B.S., 1969 VICTORIA ELLENCOOMBER, DAVIS.B.S.. 1967 DONNAPIERCE DELORIS PERCY JONES:B.S.; 1969 MARYMARGARET KRUGER, B.S., Colorado State University, 1968 SCHNITTGRUND, B.S., 1969 KARENPENNELL MARIECHRISTINE NELSON SPROUZ, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1968 In Horticulture WAYNE HAROLD CARTER, B.S., Pennsylvania State University, 1950 JERRY L YMAN WILLIAMS, B.S., 1962 In Industrial Engineering WILLIAM CHARLES STONE,B.S., 1969 YAKUBINIS, B.S., 1969 JOHNEDWARD I n Journalism FENWICK ANDERSON, B.A., Arizona State University, 1969 JOEL LAMAR BUSSERT,B.A., Valparaiso University, 1967 RUTHBOTZJONES,B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1939 JUDITH MARGARET KELLY,A.B., 1966 JEREMIAH ALLENRANGE, B.S., 1966 SUSAN H ENRY RUTHERFORD, B.A., University of Connecticut, 1969 DOLORES WIRZ,B.S., University of Wisconsin (Milwaukee), 1961 ELENORE NEILWOLINSKY, B.S., 1969 HOWARD In Library Science LOUISE ADAIR,B.F.A., 1968 DONNALEEBESSANT, B.S., Illinois State University, 1962 MARYROEHRSBISCHOFF.A.B.. Universitv of Missouri. 1969 BARBARA CUNNINGTON BUCHMAN, A.B., 1965 JEAN 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1027 EDITHLOUISE BURY,A.B., Wheaton College, 1969 RUTHBRILLCARTER, B.S., A.M., University of Cincinnati, 1959, 1961 LINDAELAINECHAPEK,B.S., 1969 LYNNEHARRIET COCHRAN, B.A., University of Denver, 1968 BARBARA JOAN Cox, B.A., Case Western Reserve University, 1969 ELISABETH BAMMANDAVIS,B.S., 1954 ELIZABETH FAUST ENGMAN, B.S., M.A, Loyola University (Illinois), 196.5, 1968 ROXANNEWHITSONFREY,A.B., Carthage College (Wisconsin), 1% VIRGINIA CASKIEGILLHAM, B.A., McMaster University, 1962 MARYLOUGOETHE, B.A., College of Saint Teresa, 1969 DOROTHY LORRAINE GRAF,B.A., Concordia Teachers College, 1967 MARYELLYN GROEZINGER, B.S., Illinois State University, 1967 NANCY GAYLEGROVESTEEN, B.A., Western Illinois University, 1969 JEAN HAHN, B.S, Eastern Illinois University, 1969 KAROL LINDALEEHARRIS, A.B., 1%9 CYNTHIAALICEHILKER,B.A., Denison University, 1969 MARY JOSEFOWICH HUFF, A.B., University of Michigan, 1950 JEANANNICKES,B.A., Universit of Kentucky, 1965 MARIEMARTUCCI KASCVS,A.B., &ortheastern University, 1966 BETHCLARICE KAWSKI,B.A., Bemidji State College, 1962; B.S., Moorehead State College, 1963 MICHAELDAVIDKILLIAN,B.A., East Texas State University, 1967 CAROL UNGLEONG, Dipl., Shanghai Foreign Language Institute, 1959 CHARLES FREDERICK LORTON, B.A., Southern Illinois University, 1969 JAMES MORRISMARTIN,B.A., North Texas State University, 1965 MARYMARGARET MCCORMICK, B.A., Clarke College, 1969 ROBERT ARTHURMCCOWN,B.A., St. John's University, 1961; M A . , University of Iowa, 1963 SANDRA LEE MEYER, B.S., 1969 LARRY DONALD MILLSAP, B.Mus., University of Kansas, 1967 RUSSELL DONALD MINICH,B.A., McMurry College, 1960 SALLY MAE MOFFITT,B.A., University of North Carolina (Greensboro), 1966; M.A., University of Virginia, 1968 CHRISTINE ANNENELSON,B.A., &ox College, 1969 CLARENCE JR., B.A., University of New Mexico, 1969 NELSON, CAROLYN RENTSCHLER, B.A., Montclair State College, 1969 FELICIALINDARODRIGUEZ, B.A., Butler University, 1%9 HELENMACDONALD ROSENBERGER, B.A., University of Texas, 1967 SCHALLER, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1969 ROBERTA ELIZABETH LINDARUTHSCHNEIDER, B.A., 1968 CATHERINE JEAN S C H ~ TB.S., Z , 1969 SISTERMARYJOHN OSBORN, B.A., St. Ambrose College, 1966 LINDAAGNESSMITH, B.A., Hanover College, 1967 JEROME RICHARD STEGMAN, B.A., University of Oklahoma, 1964 AWELLA LOUISETAYLOR,B.A., College of the Ozarks, 1951; &LA., Vanderbilt University, 1961 CAROL OSMON WOLF,B.A., University of Denver, 1968 In Management WILLIAM PATRICK C CAR THY, B.S., Villanova University, 1961 In Marketing ADELINA ISABEL BEATO,Lic., Universidad Catolica hladre y Maestra, 1967 PAUL B.S., 1968 HERBERT HUPFER, WILLIAMBERNARD LOCANDER, B.S., 1966 In Mathematics SHARON RICHARDSON BELDEN,B.S., Greenville College, 1968 &WARD BROWN, B.S., Illinois Institute of Technolo=, 1966 ROBERT CHARLES WEI-YUANCHA,B.S., New Asia Coll.ege, 1968 PRABHAT CHANDRA, B.S., M.A., Patna U"iy+y, 1960, 1962 ANNESY CHOA,B.S., University of thephilippines, 1966 MARYLINDADEISS,B.S., College of Saint Francis, 1969 HEIDI FUMIKO ETO,B.S., 1969 JESSE L FUNCHES, B.S., Jackson State College, 1969 1028 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 GARYLEEHENSLER, B.S., University of Oklahoma, 1968 BERNARD HILCER,B.S., 1969 CHRISTIANRICHARD HIRSCH,JR., B.A., University of Iowa, 1966; M.A., Creighton University, 1969 ALANTHOMAS JYLKKA, A.B., 1969 KALNINS,B.S., Aquinas College, 1968 VALDA THOMAS CHARLES LAYMAN, B.S., DePaul University, 1968 VERAJEAN LUTTRELL,B.S., 1969 JOHNRAYMOND MCKENNA,B.S., Ohio University, 1969 CAROLJANE MITCHELLB.S., University of Wisconsin, 1969 BYUNGSo0 MOON,B.S., Utah State University, 1969 DOROTHY A NNMUSE,B.S., 1%9 ABDWL Azrz Yousm MUSTAFA, BSc., M.S., University of London, 1957, 1967 HOWNGEENG,B.Sc., B.Sc. (Hons.), University of Singapore, 1967, 1968 TEVDORA Nco, B.S.,Ohio State University, 1969 ROBERT EDWIN OLSON,B.S.. 1970 GORDONDALEPHILLIPS,B.Sc., University of Calgary, 1969 KAMLESH SAXENA,B.Sc., MSc., University of Lucknow, 1965,1967 B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1968 ERICLEESCHINDLER, MARKANDREW SMITH,B.S., Indiana University (Pennsylvania), 1969 ALLENLEESTARR, B.S., North Dakota State University, 1969 JAY BARRY TURETT, B.S.,Carnegie Institute of Technology, 1969 MICHAEL LEOWALKER, B.S., 1%9 PYNGWANG,B.S., National Taiwan Normal University, 1966 LESLIECHARLES WILSON,B.A., University of Oregon, 1969 JAMES I n Mechanical Engineerkg WALTER EUGENE BROOM, JR., B.S., 1968 ROBERT M~UIAMDAWSON, B.S., 1968 P R ENARAIN ~ ~ KAFUOR, B.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology (Kharagpur), 1960 WALTER KWANT,B.S.,1969 WILLIAMHOWARD MILLER,JR., B.M.E., hlarquette University, 1968 ROGER EUGENE MOTT,B.S.M.E., Iowa State University, 1965 RICHARD JAMES OXFQRD, B.S., 1964 BIRNEYTERRENCE PEASE, B.S., United States Naval Academy, 1963 JOHN EDWARD SCORAH, B.S., University of Missouri, 1963 JAMES EUGENE SHAHAN, B.S., 1968 ALANLEIGHTHFLIN,B.S., United States Military Academy, 1956 JOSEPH Tw-KIM WONG, B.S., 1%9 ROBERT PAUL Z IMMERMAN, B.M.E., University of Minnesota, 1964 In Metallurgical Engineering LARGE, ROBERT DYSART B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1966 RICHARD MAH,B.S., 1968 PRAFULLA CHANDRA PANIGRAHY, B.S., Utkal University, 1959; B.Sc.Eng., Ranchi University, 1964; XTech., Indian Institutc of Technology (Kanpur), 1968 HSING-CHUNG YEH,B.S.E., Taiwan Cheng Kung University, 1967 I n Microbiology RICHARD H ENRY BALTZ,B.Sc., Ohio State University, 1966 B.A., University of Hawaii, 1968 GAILMICHIEOKUMURA, LYNNSORENSEN RIPLEY,B.S., Michigan State University, 1968 SHIRLEY SOON-YUE YAU,B.A., University of Oregon, 1968 In Music Education CLARETHA ANTHONY, B.M.E., Jackson State College, 1966 BARBARA BECK~~EYER, A.B., 1969 JOHN MAHINBURLEY, B.M., Fort Hays Kansas State College, 1969 THORNLEY M o s s , B.S., 1969 ELEANOR MARIONETZEL,B.M., Alverno College, 1966 LARRY LEWISFARR,B.Mus., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1969 SANDRA GAILGuI", B.S., George Peabody College for Teachers, 1964 ROBERT JOHN HIORNS, B.A., Luther College, 1966 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1029 JAMES LEON JARRETT, A.B., Olivet Nazarene College, 1965 PATRICIA FORT JOHNSON, B.S., 1965 KATHLEEN NATALIEKEENAN, B.S., State University of New York (Potsdam), 1965 JANKAYKEISTER,B.S., 1968 EVELYN ELAINE L a y , B.S., Southwest Missouri State College, 1967 PHYLLIS J EAN LEIFSON, B.A., St. Olaf College, 1964 JAMES HENRY LEONARCZYK, B.M., DePaul University, 1966 JAMESLEE LINDER,B.S., 1968 DAVIDSTANLEY LINGEBACH, B.Mus.Ed., Madison College, 1968 DIANEELIZABETH MANN,B.S., 1969 CAROLE JEAN MITTS,B.S., 1969 KARENK W s MURPHY,Mus.B., Oberlin College, 1968 JOHNM c D o w ~ uPATTON 111, B.S., 1969 NORMA LEWISRAYBON, B.S., 1964 VALERIE MARYS U ~ O B.Mus., R, DePaul University, 1967 RICHARDWAYNEVANDAMENT, B.S., 1959 LORRAINEWILSON WEBER,B.Mus., University of Wisconsin, 1938 In Nwclear Engineering FRANCIS PAUL CARDILE, B.S., University of Notre Dame, 1969 GERARD PATRICK CAVANAUGH, B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1969 JAMESANTHONY GABALA, B.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1964 HOWARD JAMES HALLIDAY, JR., B.S., United States Naval Academy, 1969 ROBERT B.S., Michigan Technological University, 1969 JOHN HAMMERSLEY, WILLIAM PENDLETON LANPHEAR IV, B.A., Albion College, 1969 BRUCEBRIANPALAGI,B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1969 GERALD DEANPINE,B.S., 1969 CHARLES WILLIAMSCHROEDER, A.B., Augustana College (Illinois), 1969 ERNESTLEROYWRIGHT,B.S., 1969 In Nutritional Sciences KATHLEEN SYETSAO,B.S.D., Fujen Catholic University, 1967 In Physical Education SANDRA FRY ASHMAN,B.S., 1966 ALFREDDALY,B.A., University of Adelaide, 1967 BARBARA CLAIREFISH, B.S., Southern Connecticut State College, 1968 MARTINNORMANHOLE, Dipl., Loughborough College of Education, 1964 JAMES ALVINPETERSON, B.S., University of California, 1966 TEENAGAILTANNER, A.B., Morehead State University, 1969 JERILYN ANNTATJE, B.S., Illinois State University, 1966 JOHANNES JAYVAN HOFF,A.B., University of California, 1964 WALTERHENRY WASHINGTON, B.S.E., South Carolina State College, 15'66 JOHN In Physics RICHARD GARYADAMS,B.S., 1969 RICHARDGEORGE ALLEN,B.S., 1969 FINNODDVAR ANDERSEN, Cand. Mag., University of Oslo, 1960 RICHARD ALANBANJAVIC,B.A., Johns Hopkins University, 1969 MARSHALL ALLENBowm, B.S., Western Illinois University, 1969 ARTHURLEEBOWLING, JR., B.S., College of William and Mary, 1969 LYNELLEARLINE CANNELL,B.S., 1969 PAULMORRISCHAMPION,B.S., Iowa State University, 1968 TERENCE JOHNCROOKS, B.Sc., University of Canterbury, 1968 JON RALPHEID,B.S., Purdue University, 1969 JESSF FATJCHZER 11, B . k , State College of Iowa, 1969 DAVIDMARTINFOLLSTAEDT, B.S., Texas T e e o l o g c a l College, 1%9 JAMES HENRY GIBBONS,B.S., Georgetown Uruversity, 1968 DOUGLASSEYMORE GOODMAN, B.S., Southwestern (Tennessee), 1969 HARDY 11, A.B, Princeton University, 1969 WILLIAM HAROLD RICHARDIVAN KNIGHT, B.S., Indiana University, 1969 WALTERST.CLAREKNODLE,B.S., 1968 GARYSHANNON KOVENER, B.S., Indiana university, 1968 1030 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 PRLLIP ROYKRICK,B.A., Monmouth College, 1969 Gomz JOHN LIEBISCH, Vord.Dipl., Technische Hochschule Miinchen, 1968 JOHN HUBERT LYNN,B.S., Tulane University, 191%; M.S., College of William and Mary, 1968 HARRY MICHAELMACKSEY. B.S., University of Michigan, 1968 B.S., New York University, 1968 MELVINJ. MUCHNER, JOHN THEODORE M-N, B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1969 LYNNMILLER,B.A., University of Iowa, 1969 ROBERT LAWRENCE B.S., 1969 JAY NODULMAN, SOKRATES THEODOROS PANTELIDES, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1969 LARRY Lours RABIDEAU, B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1963 MYRON ARTHUR SHEAR,A.B., Harvard University, 1969 LAWRENCE RICHARD B.S., St. Procopius College, 1969 SIMPSON, LAWRENCE NORMAN SMITH,B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1968 RICHARDOHN WALLAT, B.S., Pennsylvania State University, 1968 THOMAS {OSEPH ZWOLINSKI, B.S., Seton Hall University, 1968 In Physiology JUANITA BROOKS, B.A., Agricultural, Mechanical and Normal College, 1967 DAVIDWILLIAMJENSEN, B.S., 1969 FREDERICK LANG, B.A., Antioch College, 1966 STEPHEN LEEPEARL. B.S., Roosevelt University, 1966 RONALD BRUCESHIMKUS, B.S., 1968 DIANEKAYWAICAT, B.S., 1%5 In Radio ansad Television B.S., 1968 In Recreation m o p TOROS BAVOUGIAN, B.S., 1969 BAVOUGIAN, B.S., 1969 MARILYN LAMDEN THOMAS HENRY BROWN, B.S., 1969 JOHN ROBERT DITAMORE,B.S., Purdue University, 1963 MARYSUSANNE EAGLESON, B.S., Butler University, I964 DALEC ~ A ~ L HEINRICH, ES B.A., Eureka College, 1970 RImm EDWIN ISRALOWITZ, A.B., Rutgers University, 1969 WALTERBURTONKINNEY,JR., B.S., State University of New York (Cortland), 1969 JR., B.B.A., Baylor University, 1953 ELMOBLAIRMERONEY, T E ~ EANN ~ E RETONDO, B.S.,1969 RONALDPAULREYNOLDS,B.S., State University of New York (Cortland), 1%9 EDDIE LEERUSSELL,B.S., 1969 EDWARD LEESOLOMON, B.S., University of Massachusetts, 1968 PHILLIP JOSEPH STELLA, In Swtitary Engineertng EDWARD SCHWING, B.S., Kansas State University, 1967 In Speech Correction SHARON LYNNECox BARRON, B.A., Albion College, 1968 JAMES I?& statistics DARRELL BOBECK, B.A., Millersville State College, 1969 SUMAN SINGH, BSc., M.Sc., University of Lucknow, 1966, 1968 JAMES In the Teaching of Biological Sciences and General Science RICHARD PETER ARSENTY, B.S., 1967 MARTHA CROPPER, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1968 MARIBETHROANEGIEBELHAUSEN, B.S., 1969 C~ARLES DAVIDGINSBERG, B.S., 1966 CAROLDIANNEHILFIKER, B.A., Florida State University, 1968 ANASTASIA BARBARA LAMBESIS, B.S., 1967 GEORGETTE MARTHA NEMECEK, B.S., 1968 SINCLAIR, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1955 MARILYNHARRIS 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS CATHYALETASKI", B.S., Eastern Illmois University, 1967 CAROLYN B.A., Blackburn College, 1965 JANE WARD, VIVIAN LEEWARD,B.S., 1968 In the Teaching of Earth Science JOYCEMARIESAMIA, B.A., Marquette University, 1%7 In the Teaching of Geography ERICDANIELCHRISTIAN, A.B., 1967 I n the Teaching of Mathematics MARYFRANCES DAVIS,B.S.. Saint Louis University, 1966 B.S., 1969 PATRICIAJEAN FATTEN, THERESA ANNGREINER, B.A., Fort Wright College, 1965 JENNIE MASAKO H AMADA, Ed.B., University of Hawaii, 1969 BONIPACIA MARZAN MATUTINA, B.S., University of the Philippines, 1952 EDDIEBANKSMAYS,B.S., Lane College, 1961 In Theoretical and Applied Mechanics WILLIAMLEEBRUCKNER, B.S., United States Naval Academy, 1969 CHARIESFREDERICK GEBHARDT, B.S., 1928 WILLIAMJAMES KEPPEL,B.S., University of Arizona, 1968 PAUL CHI-KINGLAM,B.S., Purdue University, 1969 ROBERT KENTLEVERENZ, B.S., 1968 MICHAELHENRY MACKIN, B.S., University of Notre Dame, 1968 WAYNE VANCENACK,B.S., Rose Polytechnic Institute, 1969 HOWARD LOUISROSENMAYER, B.S., 1969 JAMESSTUART SCHMOHE, B.S., 1968 STEPHEN ROBERT B.S., Loras College, 1965 SCHOENING, JOHNMEREDITH SCOTT, B.S., 1966 JAMES VESELY,B.S.M.E., Purdue University, 1967 RICHARD In Veterinary Medical Science DOUGLAS CONRAD HOEFLING, D.V.M., Iowa State University, 1967 In Zoology ROBERT PARKER GIVENS, A.B., Gettysburg College, 1968 JOYCE KAZUYO ONO.B.A., University of Hawaii, 1968 JOHN EDWARD PARNELL, B.S., Rochester Institute of Technology, 1968 EULAEVELINA POWERS, B.S., Stillman College, la68 GRACECHIEH-HENC Yu, B.S., Fujen Catholic University, 1968 Degree of Master of Music CAROLYN ANNBILLINGS, B.Mus., Salem College (North Carolina), 1968 THOMAS JOSEPH BURSON, B.M., B.M.E., Bradley University, 1967, 1967 ELOISE PORTER CALDWELL, A.B., Occidental College, 1967 KAY CUMMINS, B.M.E., University of Colorado, 1968 MARSHA QUESENBERRY DARCY, Mus.B., Oberlin College, 1968 GREGORY RUSSELL DAVIS,B.Mus., 1969 JOHN FREDERICK DEPPE,B.Mus., 1968 LOISMARIEHOFFMAN, B.Mus., Alverno College, 1968 MARYBETHHORNBACHER, A.B., Hope College, 1968 REBECCA B.Mus., Indiana University, 1968 ANNEHRUBY, PHYLLISANNTILTON HURT,B.Mus., University of Kentucky, 1961 HYBLOOM, B.A., Ohio State University, 1964 KENNETHHARVEY BRENDA ELTRINE KEE, Mus.B., Oberlin College, 1966 COLETTE MONICAKLASIC,B.M., Alverno College, 1968 JAMES DONALD KNAPP,JR., A.B., 1962 JO ANNL~EFFLER LACQUET, B.Mus., 1968 JEANCROWLEY MARSHALL, B.Mus., 1968; B.A., University of Idaho, 1968 EDWARD LLOYD MARZUKI, B.Mus., 1966 DUCEPAYNE,B.M., Northwestern University, 1968 MARGARET 1031 1032 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 EZRA ROSFELD, B.Mus., Bethany Nazarene College, 1953 PIERRE MICHELRmz, B.S., M.S.,1961, 1%2 CHERYL KAYSIEDFWIOP, B.Mus.EcL, Illinois Wesleyan University, 1968 PAUL BLACKWELL STEWART, B.M., B.Mus.Ed., Indiana University, 1965, 1965 DAVIDKENNETH STIGBERC, B.A., University of Connecticut, 1964 EARLWITMER,B.Mus., University of British Columbia, 1965 ROBERT JOHN Degree of Master of Education HAMILTON ADAM,JR., B.A., University of Minnesota, 1966 REDITHFAYE ADKISSON,B.A., olivet Nazarene College, 1965 ESTHER REFUGIO AEREGUIN, B.S., Saint Xavier College, 1952 HERBERT ATWOOD, JR., B.A., Macalester College, 1948 IDABELLE AUGSPURGER, B.A., Monmouth College (Illinois), 1965 SUSANDENGELBAKER,B.S., 1967 MARYELIZABETHBANE, A.B, 1965 CAROLREYNOLDS BARKLEY, A.B., Milligan College, 1966 NEALEKINGBARTEE, B.S., 1969 BELL,B.S., Western Illinois University, 1965 MARILYNEGNER MARTHA SCOTT BERGLAND, A.B., Mount St. Scholastica College, 1967 ROBERT FENCL BERGMANN, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1964 MARIANDOROTHY BERK,B.A.. St. Xavier College, 1963 JOYCE ELAINE BOHREN, B.S., Indiana University, 1966 NITA RUTHBOZARTH, B.S., 1967 LYNNEKATHLEENBEADY,A.B., 1968 THOMAS KARLBROCK, B.S., 1969 PATRICIA RUTHBROH,B.S., Beaver College, 1969 DONALD EUGENE BRYANT, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1966 PHILLIP LAW~ENCE BUTTON, B.S., Illinois State University, 1964 MARTHA DAVIS CAMP,A.B., 1966 FLOWERETTE CASSELLE,B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1964 CORENE JESSE €'UGH CHAPMAN 111, B.S., Carson-Newman CoIlege, IW7 MARY~ L I CHASE, N B.S., 1966 SAM YUEN CHIN,B.S., Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn,1968 CAROL A NNCHIFQLLTTI, B.S., Indiana University (Pennsylvania), 1969 J A N I ~CYNTHIACOHEN,A.B., 1966 COLETTE FRANCES COREIN,A.B., 1969 MARIONAULTCox, A.B., 1968 DOROTHY TEAN DABKOWSKI. B.S.. 1964 PHILIPT&RIEDANIEL,BS'., Pennsylvania State College (Cheyney), 1969 BARBARA ROSEDANIELS,A.B., 1969 AVISJANE HIGDON DAVIS,A.B., University of Redlands, 1968 TUDITH MOODY DAVIS.A.B.. Universitv of Alabama. 1963 MARSHALL GENEDENNIS,B.S., Illinoi; State U n i v e h y , 1966 DAVIDROYDEVRIES, B.A., Hope College, 1962 KREMER DEVRIES,A.B., Hope College, 1963 RV~H LOISEVELYN DICKERMAN, A.B., Wheaton College, 1967 ROBERT HOWARD DYRFNMIRTH, B.S., George Williams College, 1965 JANICE DELORES EDWARDS, AB., 1968 LOIS DRAGER ELLINGWOOD,B.S., 1969 MARGARET ANNENCELBACH, B.S., Indiana University (Pennsylvania), 1969 SUZANNE &GELBERG, A.B., 1968 GLORIAELIZABETH A.B., 1969 EZAN, ELISSA ANN FEICKERT, B.S., 1966 DANIELALVESFERREIRA, B.S., 1966 SUEFILIPPI, CHARLYNE B.S., Northwestern University, 1969 SUSANKopnrvrc~FORD, A.B., 1968 LOISINCUSFREEMAN, A.B., MacMurray College, 1960 THOMAS ELLSWORTH GAMBLE, B.A., Northwestern University, 1964 JANICE OLBRICH GERDEMANN, B.S., 1946 WILLIAMROBERT GZESE, B.E., Wisconsin State University (Whitewater), 1965 MELBABERYLENE GOFF,B.S. Southern Illinois University. 1964 IRISGLAZER GOLDEN, B.S., Idorthwestern University, 1964 MORRISWILLIAM GOOCR, B.S., 1950 JOHN 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1033 DALTON KENTGRAY,B.S., Cornell University, 1952 LOISNIEMOELL~ GUTHRIE,B.S., Valparaiso University, 1966 WESLEYRICHARD HABLEY, B.S., 1968 ROSALIEHUNTHALTON,A.B., 1951 PEGGY HODGE HANEY,B.Sc., Ohio State University, 1966 RUTHARLENEHARMS,B.S., Illinois State University, 1966 JAKE JERRENTHA HARRIS, B.S., Tennessee Agricultural and Industrial University, 1962 WILLIAMDALESHARTT,B.S., Illinois State University, 1964 B.S., 1969 MARYLou HAWKINS, HAYDEN, RICHARD CHARLES B.S., 1967 RICHARD DALEHEINSEN,A-B., 1967 DAVIDFLOYD HENDRIX, B.S., North Central College, 1967 WANDAFANTER HESSELBERTH, B.S., Illinois State University, 1963 ROBERTA NICHOLSON HICKMAN, B.S., West Texas State University, 1958 JACK ALANHIGGS,B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1964 CAROLE A NNHIGH,B.S., Millikin University, 1965 MARYANNEHJGHTOWER, A.B., 1969 JOHN JOSEPH HILBURGER, A.B., 1968 ELLENZIMMERMAN B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1950 HOOKER, LINDAOSTEMAHOVDE, B.S., 1966 EMILALPHONSE HUNCKLER, B.A., Aurora College, 1949 ROSAMUND ASHWILLHUSER,B.S., 1960 B.S., Northwestern University, 1967 MARILYN MC CANNIMBODEN, JAMES WALTER INGERSOLL, B.S., Iowa State University, 1963; B.D., Chicago Theological Seminary, 1967 MARYJOANNJENKINS,B.A., Blackburn College, 1968 JULIAGROHJOHKS, B.A., Juniata College, 1950 BONITAALTAJOHNSEN, B.S., University of Omaha, 1963 GLENDA VURSELL JOHNSON, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1966 ARLENE RITA KALLMAN, A.B., Wheaton College, 1966 MARYSMITHKERSEY,B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1950 JOHN ROBERT KLEBERG, B.S., Michigan State University, 1962 GEORGE WESLEY KLEIN, B.A., Michigan State University, 1964 JOSEPH ANTONY KOPTA,B.S., M.D., University of Oklahoma, 1958, 1962 MARYLEEKOREY,A.B., College of New Rochelle, 1968 TERRIANNKRAMER, B.A., University of Denver, 1969 MARYKEASCHDK K YBA,B.A., B.Ed., University of Saskatchewan, 1960, 1967 H AYES LABISKY,B.S., 1963 MARTHA FRANKLIN P A U L LAMBERT, B.S., United States h4ilitary Academy, 1964 HENRY SALVADOR LA ROCCA,B.S., Loyola University (Louisiana), 1958; M.S., M.D., Tulane University, 1962, 1962 LINDALEELEASMAN, B.S., 1968 LEEPER,B.S., Greenville College, 1964 EDWINHAROLD WAYNE GEORGE LEIGHTY,B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1966 JOHNSON LEONARD, B.S., Rhode Island College, 1966 MARION HELENBROOKS LILLY,A.B., Harris Teachers College, 1964 DWIGHTERICLINK,B.A., Trinity College (Illinois), 1961 GARRY CHARLES LINN, B.S.Ind.Ed., Purdue University, 1965 RAFFLABLOCHMALINA,A.B., Washington University, 1964 BOBBIEDENNYMANNING, B.S., 1969 CAROL A NNMARKESE,B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1967 MARYJEAN MCCANN,A.B., 1968 CAROL ELIZABETH MCCARTHY, B.S., Indiana University, 1969 LEONAELIZABETH MCCLURE, B.A., University of Denver, 1961 LAVONNE MCGUIRE,B.A., University of Northern Iowa, 1955 WENGER KATHLEEN MICHELEMCKAIG,B.A., University of South Florida, 1968 THERESA MCKENZIE,B.A., Xavier University (Louisiana), 1957 CYNTHIA MARILYNKAYMERTEN,B.S., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1966 JOYCE LYNMOSSBERG METZGER, B.S., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1966 MARILYN JOAN MICHAL,B.S., 1963 JOAN NORMA MIDBOE,A.B., University of Chicago, 1957 ETHELBERRYMINCEY,B.S., Pennsylvania State college (Cheyney), 1953 . 1034 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 ANSLEY MITCHACK, B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1967 MOCK,A.B., 1968 WAYNEKENNETH JOYCE ANNMOON, A.B., 1968 CAROLYN V I MORIMITSU,B.S., 1969 GENEFRANCIS MORMAN, B.S., Illinois State University, 1967 JOANNELIZABETH MUNDT,B.S., Western Illinois University, 1962 JOAN MURDOCK, A.B., 1961 MARGARET MARIANMASER NEEDLE,B.A., University of Chicago, 1961 VERNON TEDNEUHAUS, B.S., 1968 GARYEDWARD NICHOLSON, B.S., Illinois State University, 1966 JANICE GERALDINE NICHOLSON, B.A., Agricultural, Mechanical and Normal College, 1969 LYNNNORDENTOFT NICHOLSON, B.S., Illinois State University, 1967 WILMALUCILLEO'BRIEN, B.S., 1%8 GRETCHEN PAALMAN, A.B., Hope College, 1968 MERVINGENEPETERS, B.S., 1968 JOSEPHINE GOZDECKI PETRUCELLI, B.S., 1966 JOANNEFISHERKELLER PETRY, B.S., 1951 SANDRA LYNN PIERCE, B.S., 1969 CAROL A NNPIKE, Ph.B., DePaul University, 1966 CHIER-MIN PING,B.A., Tamkang College of Arts and Science, 1964 ROBERT CARROLL B.S., McPherson College, 1958 PITTMAN, ISABEL RAYMUNDO POBLETE, B.A., Philippine Women's University, 1968 SHARON POLLACK, B.S., 1969 PATRICIA TROWBRIDGE PROCTER, B.A., University of New Hampshire, 1968 ROGERMCHARRY QUINLAN,B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1%7 DONNA MAERIECHMANN, B.S., 1965 JOAN ROBERTS, B.S., Loyola University (Illinois), 1965 ERNESTLINTONROBINSON, B.A., University of British Columbia, 1949; B.Ed., University of Alberta, 1966 JANICE MARIEROLLS,B.S., Illinois State University 1965 MARGIE PALOIAN ROSS,B.A., Roosevelt University, 1965 HUBERT EUGENE SARVER, B.S., Illinois State University, 1959 JEROME ARTHUR SAWTELLE, A.B., 1969 SCHAEFER, ROBERT ANDREW A.B., 1968 LORETTA ZIMMERMAN SCHROWANG, B.S., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1958 DALENORMAN SCHUMACHER, B.S., University of Arizona, 1964; M.D., 1969 SANDRA LYNNSCOTT, A.B., 1969 MAURINE DIANESELL, B.S., Wisconsin State University (Eau Claire), 1954 MARIAASINSEVILLANO, A.B., 1967 SHOKOSHIMADA,B.A., Tokyo Gakugei University, 1965 EUGENE SIGLEB, B.S., Illinois State University, 1966 LEONARD SHARON HAZEL SILVERMAN, B.A., Queens College, 1968 STUART HOUSESILVERMAN, B.A., University of Massachusetts, 1969 SISTER HELENTHERESE FEDORKO, B.S., Villa Maria College, 1958 SISTER TERESA LOGAN, B.A., Incarnate Word College, 1967 ELLEN DOROTHEA SMITH,B.S., 1969 JOHNWESLEYSMITH,B.S., Iowa State University, 1966 PAULA LUCILLE SMITH,B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1968 BARBARA B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1956 ANN SMOLTZ, JUDITH WINTERS SMOOT, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1965 GLORIAJEANSMULEVITZ, B.A., Purdue University, 1968 SUSAN MARIESTAMPF,B.A., University of Iowa, 1966 JEFFREY STILL,B.S., 1966 MICHAEL SUSAN ANNSTOVER, B.A., Northern Illinois University, 1967 CAROLE SUERIDDLESUMMERVILIX, B.S.,1964 FABIAN JOSEPH TASSON, B.S., Northern Michigan University, 1963 TEMPLE, BA., Iowa Wesleyan College, 1967 VICTORHARRISON VIRGINIA LEIGH TEMPLE, B.A., Iowa Wesleyan College, 1967 MARYKATHLEEN TOOHEY, B.A., University of California, 1965 VARNER, B.S., Illinois State University, 1965 LARRY NORMAN ALLANFRANK VOGELSANG, B.S.Ed., Eastern Illinois University, 1965 ILVA EDELENWALKER,B.A., University of Oklahoma, 1949 B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1969 LESLEYLUUISEWALKER, JAMES 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1035 SARAH MCCORDWASfnNCTON, B.S., Tuskegee Institute, 1964 MARGARET KATHRYN WATT, B.S., 1969 DIANEWEISMAN,B.S., 1969 B.S., 1969 DEBRANAOMIWEISSMAN. SUEJUELWELLS,B.S., Southwest Texas State College, 1964 WILLIAMJOHN WELSH, B.S., Loyola College, 1968 JAMES RONALD WHITAKER,B.S., Indiana University, 1%9 CAROL LARSON WIEKHORST, B.S., University of Arizona, 1968 MOORE DARLEAN WILLIAMS.B.S., Grarnbling College, 1964 DENNISROGER WILLIAMS,B.S., 1968 ETHELMARIEWILLIAMS,B.S., 1967 MARYWELLER WILLIAMS, B.A., College of St. Francis, 1966 FLORENCE CALDER WILLIAMSON, B.S., 1964 DIANNESHARON WISSE, A.B., 1967 CONRAD ZIERDT111, B.S., 1968 HENRY JACQUELINE Degree of Master of Social W ork ELAINEANDREA BECKER, B.A., 1967 THOMAS PHILLIP BRENNAN, B.A., St. Gregory University, 1946 DENNISDURWORD BROWN, B.S., Western Michigan University, 1967 WILLIE BROWN,JR., B.S., Agricultural, Mechanical and Normal College, 1961 ALANDAVIDBUSCH,A.B., 1968 DIANEMARIACASTLE, B.Ph., Northwestern University, 1967 DIANEMAZZARI CLARKE, B.A., Salve Regina College, 1968 JAMESBENEDICT COONEY, JR., B.A., Loras College, 1965 BENNIEKATHRYN CRAIGHEAD, B.S., Abilene Christian College, 1965 B.S., Nazareth College, 1946 HELENMARYCUNNINGHAM, PATRICK ALMOND CURTIS,A.B., 1968 PAGE MARGARET DAHL,B.S.. Chicago Teachers College, 1966 ELIZABETH ANNDORSEY, B.A., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1968 ANNDOSCHER, B.S., Maryville College, 1965 ANDREALORRY EIMER,B.A., Elmhurst College, 1967 SANDRA LEEEISENRERG, B.A., North Park College, 1968 PATRICIA ANNERICHSEN, B.A., Roosevelt University, 1966 PAULA NESSJX FIAKPUI,B.S., 1968 KATHLEEN M ARYFLAHERTY, B.A., University of Colorado, 1965 MICHAELRAYMOND FORD,B.A., Mt. Carmel College, 1965 JULIEANNFULMER, B.A., Michigan State University, 1968 JANETMARIEGAMBLE, A.B., 1968 RHODA GARB,B.A., Roosevelt University, 1967 SUZANNE KAREN LYNNGRAIS,B.A., Whittier College, 1966 MARYJOYCE GRIFFIN,B.A., Quincy College, 1967 RITABERLIANT GROSS,B.S., 1942 JOSEPH ROBERT HACALA, B.A., Loyola University, 1968 JEANKERNHARRIS,B.A., University of Wisconsin, 1967 AMELIAMARIEHAYES,B.A., Southern University, 1968 HEATH,B.A., DePaul University, 1966 ALDENROSCOE RUTHANN HEINECKE,B.A., Valparaiso University, 1967 JAMES ARTHURHOGAN, B.A., St. Mary of the Lake Seminary, 1966 KATHLEEN MCBRIDEHOGAN, B.A., Rosary College, 1968 PATRICIA LYNNHOUGH,B.A., Phillips University, 1968 LOIS JACOBS, B.S., 1968 KAY JOHANSEN, B.D., McCormick Theological Seminary, 1963; B.A., Northweste m University, 1959 B.S., 1952 DIANNEMATHRE JOHNSON, HUGHEDWARD JONES,B.A., College of Emporia, 1965 B.A., University of Chicago, 1968 ANGEUAMEILINCKAPFWER, VIRGILROGER KEITH,B.A., University of Missouri, 1967 DANIELKENDRICK, B.A., Agricultural, Mechanical and Normal College, ALFRED 1966 BETTYANN KEXWIN,B.A., Nazareth College, 1965 JEAN THOMAS KIMBALL,B.S., Northwestern University, 1941; LL.B., John Marshall Law School, 1947 1036 BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEBIDELFEUQUAY KIRK, B.S., University of Cincinnati, 1959 [June 17 MARSHALL ALANKLEIN,A.B., 1965 EVELYN ELENBOGEN KOPPEL, B.A., 1964 MARYANN DIEFENBACH KRIEGLSTEIN, B.S., hlundelein College, 1967 SUSAN BARBARA KRUSE,B.A., Western Michigan University, 1965 CYNTHIAJEAN LIVINGSTON, B.A., University of Michigan, 1961 MARYZONOLA LOKCSTRETH, B.A., Nebraska Wesleyan University, 1962 JOHN MCINNES, B.S., 1%7 LARRY JUDITEI HAIG MENGEL, B.S., Purdue University, 1956 SANDRA JEAN MILLER, B.A., Quincy College, 1965 BERNARD NEIL MILSTEIN,B.A., University of Arizona, 1962 EDITHO’CONNOR, LORRAINE B.A., College of St. Francis, 1966 L~RAINE HARRIS PATINRIN,A.B., 1955 VYTAUTAS B.A., Roosevelt University, 1965 PRAPUOLENIS, BERNARD BALGRIM RAGOONANAN, B.A., DePaul University, 1967 HOWARD WILLIAMRATTNER, B.F.A., School of the Art Institute, 1962 INASUSANA REDD,B.A., Michigan State University, 1964 ANN RFXDY, MARGARET B.A., Northwestern University, 1967 WILLIAMDEGEN REIWITCH,A.B., 1968 MARVIN DALEROELOFS, B.A., Calvin College, 1965 JANET O’DONNELL ROSEN,A.B., Emmanuel College, 1964 JOSEPHINE TODES ROSENTHAL, B.A., Northwestern University, 1959 JOSEPH ANTHONY RUGGERIO, B.A., Western State College, 1%7 SASKILL, B.S., Mundelein College, 1967 ARLYNE DAVIDANDERSON SATTAZAHN, A.B., 1965 EDNA BIEHLSCHEIN, A.B., 1968 ELISEMEN, A.B., 1968 VICTOR NANCY JANE SHEVICK, B.A., University of Wyoming, 1968 CANDACE SINOW,B.A., University of Wisconsin, 1968 KRAMSCHUSTER SISTER MARYADRIAN DAVIS,B.S.N., DePaul University, 1964 SISTER KATHERINEELIZABETH HEFFERNAN, B.S., St. Louis University, 1946 LAWRENCE B.A., Ohio State University, 1966 SKOLNIK, HOWARD RONALD RIMANTAS SLAVENAS, B.A., University of Arizona, 1965 BEVERLY SUESMITH,B.A., DePaul University, 1968 DENNISGEORGE SMITH,B.A., University of Oklahoma, 1967 DOUGLAS EDWARD SFROUSE, B.S., George Williams College, 1966 SWANSON, B.A., Northeastern Illinois State College, 1968 MYRAEDELMAN SHERREE ANNESZILI,B.S., Marquette University, 1964 CHARLESMELVINTHOMPSON, B.A., Phillips University, 1968 SALLIE DOBSON TROY, B.S., Mt. Mercy College, 1939 DEBORAH GOLDSTEIN TUCKER, B.A., Northwestern University, 1%7 PATRICIA GAMBLE UTIGARD, B.A., Wheaton College, 1968 ANITAROCHELLE VARON, B.A., Roosevelt University, 1967 JAMES VASKI+ B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1961 RONALD LINDSAY D. WATSON, B.A., Northwestern University, 1961 WILLIAMCHARLESWAX, B.A., University of Nebraska, 1961; B.D., McCormick Theological Seminary, 1965 HELENE WENDYWEISBACH, B.S., Roosevelt University, 1967 LYNN MARION WELTER,B.A., Rockford College, 1964 T ILSON,B.S, Miami University, 1966 NANCYE ~ J S E RW MELBAGOODMANWOLFF,B.A., DePaul University, 1968 MARTHA SUEYONIKUS,B.S., 1965 Degree of Master of Fine Arts In Design LARRY SPENCER BELL,B.Arch., 1967 EUGENE LELANDBOTHUN, B.A., Colorado state University, 1965 In Paiating and Printmaking RUTHENIXFASH, B.F.A., Oklahoma State University, 1965 FRANCES MIRIAMFORREST, B.A., Idaho State College, 1968 BEATRICE NETTLES,B.F.A., University of Florida, 1968 WILLIAM ROGERPONTE,A.B., Brown University, 1966 19701 JAN UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1037 IRENE TENENBAUM, B.F.A., University of Tennessee, 1968 ROCHELLEANN TONER,B.A., University of Northern Iowa, 1962; A.M., 1967 In Sculpture KEH-YI HSIEH,B.F.A., School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 1968 MICHAEL MALEYLEIGHTON, B.A., Knox College, 1964 SAMUEL DAVIDWILEY,B.F.A., University of Florida, 1968 JIM Degree of Master of Television GLENARTHURSALE,JR., B.S., John Brown University, 1968 Degree of Master of Architecture SHIRLEY WANGCHEN,B.S.E., Taiwan Cheng Kung University, 1964 ERNEST HEDRICCLAY,B.Arch., 1969 PVRNIMAGUPTA,B.Arch., University of Roorkee, 1968 GARYDALELYNN,B.Arch., Kansas State University, 1969 MERVYN KEITH MILLER,B.Arch., University of Newcastle, 1966 WILLIAMALLENOKAZAKI, B.Arch., Washington State University, 1969 WALLACE LEE SCOTT,B.Arch., Southern University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, 1966 0. THOMAS HAROLD SELLAND, B.Arch., North Dakota State University, 1965 Degree of Master of Accounting Science SUNDAY EMMANUEL AKINYEMI, B.S., 1968 COLINKELLYBRUMMET, B.S., 1969 HARVEY CITERMAN, B.S., 1968 EMMETT BUNCHDAY,B.S., 1969 WILFRIDPHILLIPS DEETH,B.Com., University of Toronto, 1935 ROBERT BENNETT B.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1968 FLOYD, FRANZ JOSEPH ALBERT 111, B.S., 1970 JOHN HOBART GRAVES, B.S., 1969 KENNYSCOTT HUGHES,B.S., 1965 EDWARD JOHN KROEGER, B.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1969 WILUAME. MASON,B.S., 1969 HOWARD DEANNICHOLAS,B.S., 1969 DAVIDKUMAR PALIT,B.S., 1962 JOYCE VERONICA PAL-, B.S., 1969 SHENG-DEB PAN,B.A., National Taiwan University, 1962 JOHNNYV. PARANILAM, B.Com., &f.Com., B.Laws, University of Calcutta, 1954, 1957, 1959; M.B.A., University of Detroit, 1966 KENNETH JOHN RYLKO, B.S., Saint Joseph College (Indiana), 1969 ROBERT BRUCETOWNER, B.S., 1969 JOHNMARTINWACHOWICZ, B.S., 1968 KARENCHING-SHEN Tso WANG,B.Com., Soochow University, 1966 JEFFREY MESIROW WESTON,B.S., 1969 DANIELJOSEPHZIMMERMAN, B.S., 1969 Degree of Master of Business Administration ARMEDBELKAOUI,Dipl., Institute of Higher Commercial Studies, 1967 PATRICK ARTHUR DUFFY, B.S., 1963 DOUGLAS CRAIGELLINCTON, B.S., Iowa State University, 1967 EVGENEEMELUWA EZIRE,B.S., M.S., 1966, 1967 TIMOTHY ANDREW HAYES, A.B., University of Michigan, 1968 ORINLEEIRELAND, B.S., 1969 GARYREUBENKLJZIBER,B.S., 1968 ROBERT CHARLESKRAMP, B.S., 1960 ALANBINGLEE,A.B., Hunter College, 1967 LOWELLLEONLEFEBVRE, JR., B.S., 1962 JOHN HERBERT MARKS,B.M.E., Marquette University, 1965 NORMAN EDWARD MAYER, B.S., 1960 THOMAS CHRISTOPHER MCALLISTER, JR., B.M.E., Marquette University, 1962 RONALDDUANEMEYER,B.A., Wartburg College, 1968 1038 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 DONALD JOSEPH OLSZEWSKI,B.A., Aurora College, 1968 JAMES ROBERT PWILPOTT, A.B., 1968 STEPHEN ALEXANDER SMITH, B.S., 1968 JAMS EARL THOMPSON, B.S.,Northern Illinois University, 1967 RACHID TOURKI, Dipl, Ecole Nationale des Ingenieurs des Travaux Ruraux, 1965 JEROME E D ~VOLK, D B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1968 RONALD F RANKWEBER,B.S., 1960 GEORGE BACHWIEGAND, B.S.I.M.. Purdue University, 1968 Degree of Master of Commerce NORMAN ALLENKANE, B.S., 1969 JAMES EDWARD KOENIC, B.S., 1969 ROBERT ALFRED LAFLEUR, B.S., 1969 JOHN WILLIAM LOVEJOY, B.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1961 NAHIN,B.S., Drake University, 1968 MARKPHILLIP GEORGE JOHN SLEZAK, B.B.A., Loyola University, 1969 Degree of Master of Extension Education DAVIDEDWINAKIN, B.S., I968 WALTEREUGENE GRIFFITH, B.S., 1960 Degree of Master of Landscape Architecture FRASER, B.S., Utah State University, 1967 WILLIAMEUGENE GEORGE HERBERT PICKELS, B.S., Texas A and M University, 1964 RODERICK ALLENWIBERG,B.S., Utah State University, 1967 Degree of Master of Urban Planning GREENSLADE AKIN, B.A., Principia College, 1968 KARENELLENBLUME, A.B., University of Michigan, 1966 DAVITFRESKO, B.S., Robert College, 1967; M.S., 1969 BORISISAAC KATZ,B.S., University of California, 1949 ALANCARLLILLYQUIST, B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1963 CHARLESTHOMAS MCCAFFREY, JR., A.B., St. John’s Seminary, 1964 THOMAS ALEXANDER MCVEIGH,JR., B.A., College of the Holy Cross, 1966; M.S., 1969 WILLIAMROBERT MEE,JR., B.Arch., University of Miami, 1968 MERVYN KEITHMILLER, B.Arch., University of Newcastle, 1966 RAFFAELLA NAKETTI, Dott., Universita’ Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 1967 KARLRUDOLF PETERS, Dipl.Ing., Technische Hochschule Hannover, 1966 HANSJORG RONALD LOUISROAKS,A.B., Ed.M., 1966, 1969 EDWIN BERKYRODGERS, B.Arch., Miami University (Ohio), 1967 RUPPECK, B.Arch., XILArch., 1964, 1966 MAXPAUL JAMES BRUCE SMITH, B.U.P., 1968 SHARON CHENG-YOONG YIN, B.S.E., Taiwan Cheng Kung University, 1965 JOY Advanced Certificate In Education RICHARD DONALD BERG,B.S., MS., Stout State University, 1955, 1956 OSEPH KINGSLAND BIERBAUM, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1963; Ed.M., 1967 ABGARET COOCAN BLANFURD, B.S., Ed.M., 1963, 1965 ROSAFLOWERS BROOKS, B.S., Tuskegee Institute, 1957; Ed.M., 1962 LUELLA ROSECOBB,B.S., Ed.M., 1952, 1957 JAMES ARTHUR DEYOUNG, B.S., Ed.M., 1963, 1965 WALLACE CLARENCE DRALLE, B.S., Western Illinois University, 1960; M.A., DePaul University, 1967 RICHARDSCORSE ENO, B.S., State University of New York (Oswego), 1953; M.Ed., St. Lawrence University, 1959 LEOCARLJOHNS, B.A., Juniata College, 1950; M.Ed., Pennsylvania State University, 1953 JAME O’BRYAN KAFKA. B.S., Millikin University, 1959; Ed.M., 1964 L 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1039 JOSEPHPATRICK LAVITE,A.B., Ed.M., 1961, 1966 FIFIELD MCKEAGE,B.Ed., Keene Teachers College, 1951; M.S., State UniGEORGE versity of New York (Oswego), 1963 ROLAND WENDELL MEYER,B.S., EXM., 1950, 1955 AUBREYALLENMONTCOMERY, B.A., Blackburn College, 1949; M.S., Southern Illinois University, 1950 JUDITH SHIFWXKPENDERGRASS, B.S., Ed.M., 1966, 1967 RUTH MCDOWELLWILLIAMS,A.B., Tougaloo College, 1946; M.A., Atlanta University, 1949; M.Ed., Illinois Teachers College, 1962 In Music Edacation JAMES CHRISTOPHER Moss, B.A., Carroll College, 1965 ; M.S., 1969 Certificate of Advanced Study in Librarianship JOHNEDWARD BELL, A.B., Rooseveit University, 1958; A.B., M.S., 1964, 1966 CAROLYN WELLERTHIESS, B.A., Georgetown College, 1963; A.M., Indiana University, 1966 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Degree of Bachelor of Science In Agriculture KENNETH WAYNEALLERS STEPHEN CHARLES FAHR,Honors DOUGLAS WAYNEFEHR JUDITH ANNANDERSON RICHARD J OHNFELTES RAY ARNOLD KENNETH KENNETH DAROLD FINKLE, Honors RONALD ALANAYERS THOMAS BOYDFOGERSON, JR. EARLENA SUEBABCOCK NEIL MILANFOTZLER GARYLEE BALKE ROGER WILLIAMFRANCIS JAMESRICKARD BAXTER JOSEPHWILLIAMFUNK STINEBEEM RICHARD LARRY WINFRED GLECKLER PETER BENITZ,Honors AMYLEE GOODWIN ROBERT GENEBIDNER J E R RA YLANGREENE JACKIE WALTER BIGGS JUDITHLYNNGRECC JERRY LEEBIRD FREDERICK PETER GUENGERICB, High LARRY GENEBLUNIER,Honors Honors TIMOTHY J OEBOONE,Honors LUISANTONIOGUERRON Honors RANDY GEORGE BRIDSON, HENRYELMERHAHN WILLIAMROLAND BRITT JOHNMICHAEL HARDINGER JEFFREY DEANBROOKS DAVIDMERLEHARRISON SANDRA MILLERBROOKS,Honors WARREN FRANCIS HARSHBARCER JAYRANDY BROWN LEONSANFORD HEATON ROBERT JOSEPHBROWN S. HUNTHENDERSON FREDERICK BUSSE DONALD BRUCEWILLIAM HENRIKSON RANDYEUGENE BYERS CARLEUGENE HERBERT,High Honors JOHNLAWRENCE CANTLIN GARYLEE HEUSEL ROBERT L. CARDONI KENXETH JAY HIESER DONALD LAWRENCE CARLSON, Honors LARRY JAMES HODEL COOPER BRUCEELWOOD HOEPXER JOSEPHHAROLD CRADDOCK LEIGH HOWARD THOMAS ROBERT HOLMES JOHNDWAYNE DAMERON WILLIAMJOHNHOLSTINE,Honors RICHARD J OHNDAVIDSON ELDODEANHOUSEHOLTER DAVIDGORDON DE HART ALBERT GEORGE HULTING ALLENJOHNDIETZ Honors JOHNT HOMA S HUNDLEY, GARYEUGENE DILLOW LEROYGENEINSKEEP RONALD WAYNEDOYLE CARLPHILLIP JOHNSON PHILIPJEROME DUFFY LARRY LAVERNJOHNSON ROBERT GENEDvrs, Honors WILBERTDEANKAESEBIER DWYER,Honors JAMESFRANCIS JOSEPH KALW HENRY EARLEY,Honors DAVIDEUGENE JAMES DANIELKILLEY ROGER R AYEBERT GARYMICHAEL KITLEY,Honors CHARLES STEPHEN ERLANDSON GARYLEROYKNOBLETT,Honors JAMESIVAN ETHRIDGE 1040 BOAaD OF TRUSTEES HELENSUSAN KNOX,Honors RICHARDELDON KOONCE JOHN HERBERT LAESCH,Honors JOHNDAVID LAFFEY PAUL LANDHEER WARREN PHILIPPAUL LARSON DALEALLENLAW,Honors RANDALL ARTHUR LEEPER RICHARDGENELEFRINGHOUSE HOWARD DEANLEMAN LARRY GENELOMAX, Honors DOUGLAS HAROLD LONG DAVID LOR~C LUDEWIG E MICHAELKENNETH MABBITT MICHAELCHARLES MANHART MICHAELLEROYMANNING JOSEPH STEPHEN MARIXICH ROBERT LEWISMAUPIN TERRY ROLAND MCCAULEY RAYMOND THOMAS MCCRACKEN TERRY LEEMCDANIEL DAVID ALLENMCGEE,High Honors PATRICK JOHNMCMULLEN, Honors WILLIAM MEERS EDWARD DAVID WESLEYMIES,High Honors MILLER JAMES J ONATHAN RALPH ARLEN MILLER RONALD LEESL ON ROE, Honors DALEMOORE ROLLAND JAMS ALLENNEILSON GARRY LEWISNIEMEYER PHILIPBRANSON O’BRYAN GREGORY LYNNOLSON, High Honors WILLIAM F R A NO’NEIL, ~ S Honors JAMES EDWARD PASTROVICH DONALD DEANPAUL GARYLYNNPERKINSON PRENTICE GAILPATRICIA JAMES W ARREN RANDELL TERRANCE WILLIAM RATHGEBER, Honors JOHN RICHARD REED HAROLD FRANK REETZ,JR. LYLEVIC~OR RIDDLE EARL EDWNRINGGER, Honors DAVID BRYANT ROBERTS JERRY WAYNE RODCERS LARRY WAYNE ROETTGER, Honors ROGER L YNNRUTHERFORD WILLIAMALLEN RUTLEDGE [June 17 DANNY LYNNSCHICK ALLANLEE RAYMOM SCHICKEDANZ JOHNLAWRENCE SCHNEIDER S T E ~ WALAN N SCHROEDER JAM=DONALD SCOTT PAULEDWIN SEPP,High Honors SHEARER PAULSCOTT SAMUEL RAYSIMMONS ALLEN SIMMS DAVID ROBERTE. SISLER VERNE ALLEN SISSON ROBERT GEORGE SLAYMAKER GEORGEKENTSMITH MORRISLEESMITH RICHARD DARRELL SMITH STEVEN ALLEN SMITH RICHARD LEOSOMMERS CHARLES WESLEY SPECHT THOMAS RAYSTAHL CRAIG ALLEN STEVENSON JOHNELDON STOLL MACSTONE HERBERT CAROL EDWARDS SUTHERLAND LYLEDUANE TALLON, Honors DALERYLAND TAMMEN, High Honors DWIGHT LEETHOMAS JEFFREY WAYNE TOCK SCOTT CLYDE TREES,High Honors CALVIN EDWARD TWENHAFEL GERALD LEEUNDERWOOD, Honors RICHARDMARKVARNOLD JAMES ALFRED VERPLAETSE GEORGE ANDREW WACASER, JR. PHILIP LEEWAGENKNECHT JAMES EDWARD WALTER, Honors DAVID ALANWARNER, HONORS DORAL MORRISWATTS RONALD J OEWEBER, Honors CHARLES BRACE WEEKS RODNEYALANWELLER GEORGE DAVID WIENRANK, High Honors CHARLES KENNETH WILLOUGHBY CHARLES ROBERT WISE JOHNRICHARD WISHOP ALLENWOERNER JAMES ROBERT EUGENE WOLF WOLFF DALEFRANKLIN GARY OWEN YOUNG JOHNCHARLES ZUBER In Dairy Technology BOLLINGJIR, DEANHERMAN High Honors KEITHVINCENT GRENNAN In Flon’culture JOEDEXTER BALSLEY In Floriculture und Ornamental Horticulture BRIDGETV I ~ O R IGALLAGHEX A JOHN LESLIE BARTLXY MARKQUINNKEISTER WILLIAM KENTBONNETT In Food Science LEEKINNEY DONNA LAREN MARKHANOVER High Honors DIANESUEKINNEY, 19701 UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S MARKALANAYERS JAMES EDWIN BAUCAMAN MARLINLYNNBOWLES DAVIDEARL BRIDGES CAREYROTHROCK CRIST 1041 In Forestry RANDALLDAVIDSHEPARD THOMAS ALLENSTRIKER LYNNLEESULLIVAN JONASVYTAUTAS SVARAS MARTINDONALD TIMMERWILKE JOHNLAWRENCE TROTH,High Honors EVERETT WAYNE TROW3RIDGE DUANE DAVIDWALKER DOUGLAS CRAIG WALLACE LLOYD CROCKETT EMMONS SAMUEL MAULDING RICHARD DOUGLAS HANE CHARLESFREDRICK MATEER JOHN RAYMOND PIEKARSKI In Home Economics PAULA THERESA KRETCHMER KATHLEEN A NNAHERN PATRICIA LORRAINE LAMB CATHY ANDERSON ZWICKERLAMOREUX MARILYN MARSHASUEANDREWS CYNTHIA A NNLEWIS MARTHAJANEAULT KARENDIANNE LEWIS MARLYSMCCLELLAND BIDNER DORISHARTTER LIONBERGER EDITHCOWEBLOCK KATHRYN FAYE MCDERMOTT KATHLEENANNBOWLER KATHARINE S a McKEE GLORIAJEANBUCK NANCY LYNNMILLER DONNA LYNBURGENER CONSTANCE GEIGER MUELLER LYNN CARLSON CHERYL THERESA MARIEORLOWSKI LINDABARRETT CARR MARYDIANEGIFFIXORRIS LINDARUTHCHRISTIANSEN PATRICIA ELLEN PARWNS DONNA High Honors JOYCE COVERT, KATHLEEN DOROTHY PETTAY DIANEMAXINE DAVIS CYNTHIA A NNRANEY PATRICIA A NNDECOURSEY RENEEHOPEREYNOLDS DIANEMARIEDEPCZENSKI MARGARET JANEROE RUTHSOLTWEDEL ~ R I N C E R KATHLEEN ANNSANDERS CATHERINE SYPHERD ELIAS LAURA EILEEN SCHMIDT, High Honors ROBERTA JEANEPPSTEIN,Honors LETTYANNSHAPIRO SUEFARK, High Honors JANET DEBORAH LYNNSHOLLENBERGER, NANCY JOYCE FOIT, Honors Honors NIELA ELTA FORTINO PATRICIA ANNESIMS,Honors FRAN MARIEFRIEDERICH VICKIEJo Sum ELIZABETH ELLENGOETZ SUSANS m m SMOOT ALANA MARIEGORSKI CAROL PATRICIA TUCKER LOISBEANHAAS MARYANNURISH BEVERLY KAYHALL JANICE COLEEN VAUGHN IDAMAEPEARCE HAMLEY LENORA ANNWEWNER LINDALOUISE HANFLAND SUSAN OSTROWSKI WIERSEMA PATRICIA Lou HANSON LINDA RAE YAEGER JACQUELINE SUEISOME MARCIALOUISE YENERICH PATRICIA ANNJOHNSON MARCIAELEANOR ZARKO VI-ORIA L o w s KREIMEIER In Home Economics Education JUDITH LYNNMILLER HELENLOUISEABEU, Honors ST-M HARRIETCROWLEY KATHRYN ANNEATON,Honors JANICE KENNEDY TRONC FAYE EILEENKRUM ROBERTA JEANE LARSON, Honors In Ornamental Hwticufure GREGORY ROMAN STACK GENEDAVID Sms JERRY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Degree of Bachelor of Science In Aeronautical and Astrmutical Ettgitteeving LESUEALLEN BRAUN BRUCE CARLB E C11,~ High Honors MICHAELWARDCALDWELL RICHARD HILLBERRY RAYMOND JAMES CTJ'RTS JAMES BRIANBOLHUIS 1042 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 KAZIMIRREYNOLD DARZINSKIS HAYMEIXNER,JR., High ROBERT LARRY ERNEST DAVIS Honors WILLIAMGEORGE DURTSCHI HAROLD CLIFFORD MERRIL. L, JR JAMES EDWARD ELLIOTT JOHN MELVINMIZE STEVEN RUSSELLF A L ~ N E B RAYMOND CHARLES MUELLER JAMES RICHARD FLOOD Highest GUSTAVADOLPHNYSTROM, JAMES DANIEL FORBES Honors GARYDEANGARRISON LEONARD WAYNEOBERC CARLLEEGEHRT,High Honors JAMES ADELBERT OGLE111, High IVAR GJETNES,Highest Honors Honors RANDALL PAUL HELM THOMAS EARLE RAINEY ERIKHERNES, High Honors DAVIDWILLIAMREPETTO GLENNDAVIDHITT,Honors EARLWAYNEROSENBERC CHARLES THOMAS ONES LAWRENCE KENTSMILEY THOMAS DANIEL ENNEDY ALLANJOEL STERNSTEIN, Honors JEFFRFY LAURENCE KINER RONALD EUGENE SUTER MICHAEL K ono, JR. R. JEFFREY SWANDER EDWARD RANDOLPH LAMARSH DAVIDLEEVENFIUIZEN LAVIN LESLIEPATRICK STEPHEN PAUL WHEELER RAYMOND JOSEPH LEVER SAMUEL JOHNSTON WINFREY ROBERT GEORGE LINDQWST ROBERT DANIALWRONKIEWICZ, High DAVIDPAUL LIPPY,Honors Honors JAMES MARTIN MATSON GERALD LEEZIELINSKI KEMMCGEHEE RICHARD In Agricultural Engineering WILLIAMTHOMAS ANNISS DONALD ROBERT PORTER DWAYNE DENNIS DIETZ DANIELGAYROLEY,Highest Honors KENNETH ALLENKESSLEX DAVIDRAYROLEY,Highest Honors GARYLOUISKUNZ,Honors LEESUTTON RONALD JERRY WAYNE LEONARD PHYLLIS KAY WHITLOCK ROBERT CARLLONG DANIEL CHARLES WITHROW BENJAMIN LEEMCCASH GARYOWENYOLING HERBERT ALLENMYERS,Highest Honors In Ceramic Engineering BARRYSCOTT BISSELL RODERICK HENRYSCHUTT WALTER H. DENNHARDT, JR. JAMES RICHARD STEVENSON, High VIVIANBROSEY GERNAND Honors JAMES FREDRICK PAUTZ GENELEROYTHOMAS CHARLES WILLIAMPELMAN JAMES LAURENCE VAKOC d In Civil Engineering DOUGLAS WALTER AHMER PEDRO JOSEHELLER KENNETH JOHN ALIJNGTON &WARD ALAN HEXSTREET, High CECIL WARREN ALLISON, High Honors Honors DOUGLAS KENNETH JAMES BELOVARAC WILLIAMHIESTAND GERALD ROLAND BERNER THOMAS MARCUSHOLTZ ROBERT BURTONHUNNES RALPHORLAND BOSSERT CARLSON DAVIDHAROLD GALELEON JAMISON DANIELJOHN CASSIDY ROBERT STANLEY JOHNSON DOUGLAS JOSEPH CHIDLEY JOSEPH MATTHEW KAISER,Highest PHILLIP W AYNECOCHRAN Honors TIMOTHY ERNEST D ~ E R PATRICK TIMOTHY KANE THOMAS MCDONALD DUNN,Honors CHARLES HENRY LANCMAN, Highest JON JEF-FREY EDWARDS Honors STEPHEN MARKMAGINCOLFUR HELGI EYFELLS ALLENMAGNER ROBERTJOSEPH FEIST, Highest Honors EDWARD KENNETHC. MALTEN FORDHAM MARKEVERETT Louis DOUGLAS MCALLISTER WILLIAM ROBERT GAFSNEII P A U L CLIlTON MCLAUGHLIN LANCEROBERTGREENING o m MILROYHAMMAN JOHN FRANCIS MILBRAND, High Honors LAIR EUGENE HANSEN THOMAS EDWIN MITCHELL H 1970J UNIS'ERSITY OF ILLINOIS RANDALLLEEMONROE VICTORCABLMULACEK BRUCEALLAN OBAN JAN OMHOLT-JENSEN, High Honors RICHARDGILL PARKINSON, Honors TSOMASWAYNE PUDDICOMBE WILLIAM WOODRANDOLPH STEXEN EWING READ,Highest Honors WALTER CHARLES REISSIC,High Honors THOMAS LEERO~CETTI STEVEN WILLIAM RYDEN CHRYSILISMARIERYMAS In Electrical CHARLES BANDFRANCIS KENNETHVERNBARTO JOHNPHILLIP BELDEN, High Honors ROBERTEUGENE BOMM JOHN EDWARD BOWERS LEEMURRAYCLARK DONALD EDWARD CROWSON JOHNDOUGLAS DAY KENNETHDOUGLAS DOWNS I1 JERRY LYNNFALK RICHARD EDWARD FRANCKOWIAK DONALD WAYNE GIGER,High Honors MERLELEEGILMORE, High Honors RONALD ANTHONY GORSHE JOHNDAVID HANCOCK, Highest Honors MICHAEL EUGENE HARRIS STUART RANDOLPH HEMPHILL, Highest Honors HENRY HERBERT HICKMAN PHILLIPSTANLEY HUBER, Honors DAVID T HOMAS JAEGER, High Honors MARTINMINCTAKJER,High Honors JOSEPH MARIONJOHNSON RICHARD LYLEJOHNSTON LESTER OGDEN JONES WILLIAM HSIAKAO MARTINDAVID LEVIN HAROLD JAYLEVINE FREDRICK ALLEN LOEW CHARLESHENRY L UDMER, High Honors WILLIAM CHI-WAILUI PHILIPFRANCIS LULEWICZ RICHARDALANMARSHALL,High Honors RICHARD HARVEY MATHEWS ROBERT JIRO MAZAWA RICHARD KEMMCGEHEE RONALDRAYMOUTVIC MICHAELMATTHEWNAUCHTON 1043 LEEBRIANSCHMIDT JAMES JAYTHOMPSON CHERYL ANNTRAPP DENNIS L YNNUNZIQCER DONALD F ~ . YUZARSKI,Honors ALANPAUL VONDEROHE DAVID EDWARD VOSECKY MARKFISHER WASHBURN ROBERTCHAPMAN WEBBER THOMAS JOHNWENNER, Honors GARY PAUL WILLMAN Engineering RALPH SAMUEL NICKSARLIAN MACDIROBERTORFALI EDWARD LOUIEOSTERTAC, High Honors PHILLIPIRVINOVERMYER, Highest Honors ROBERT J AMES PANOZZO RODNEY THOMAS PARKS JOANC. PERZ GARYALLANPETERSON THOMAS DAVID PETTY, Honors JAMESWILFRED High Honors PLEWA, PRIEGNITZ, ROBERT ARTHUR High Honors BARRY WILLIAM Highest ROGERS, Honors DAVID MARTINROGERS, Honors JAMES PHILIPRONEY GERVESE JOHNROUNDCOUNT GEORGE RUGE NORMAN RICHARD MICHAELSCHATZ CHARLESMILTONSHEAFF, Honors MINDAUGASANTHONY SIMKUS GERALDALLENSMITH HARRY SUE,High Honors J E F F R WILUAMS EY SWITZER MARICUST m s ROBERT EDWARD TERRY DAVID LEETHOMAS, High Honors JAMES EARLETRULOVE DAVID EARLUNGER WILLIAM WALLACE WALKER DONALD WAYNE WALSEMANN ROBERT DEEWARD,Highest Honors NEDMONTGOMERY WEBBER, JR. EDGAR ELZIEVANWINU) DONALD JAMES WUEBBLES, High Honors MARKSTEVEN ZAR In Electrical Engineering and Computer Science RICHARD PAUL CUPLIN, High Honors LARRY FREDERICK ALTENBAUMER HAROLD KEITHDIETER DALERUSSELL ANDREWS FREDOLIN MAYNARD DOLL ROBERT LOUISBACON DEANEDWARD EASLER JACK LOUISBLEVINS ROGER High Honors ALANFARMER, RICHARDPAULBLUMBERG, Highest Honors PATRICK FITZHENRY, High Honors ROGER JAMES FORSE, High Honors RODNEY LOUISBUSSELL ALLENHERSEE STEPHEN KIN CHUW C H W G 1044 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 BRIAN HUNGTAKLEUNC DAVIDLEROYHINCII,Highest Honors WILLIAM LITTLEIV, Highest Honors DAVID SU-MING Ho, High Honors JOHNFINLEY HOWAW FRANK LEOPOVSE ROY%NEST HUNNINGHAUS, High WILLIAM BENJAMIN SMALE, JR. EUGENE JOSEPH WAGNER Honors ROGERALLANH m , Highest Honors JOHN WANZEK, Honors STEPHEN CLETUS J AMES WELSM GARYALANJUHL JOHN W E S ~ WILLIS, Y JR. ROCER STEVEN KILTY DANIEL JAMES KOCEER SIKKEEYUEN,High Honors In Engilreering Mechanics EUGENE FURKERT PHILLIP ALANRICHARDS RICHARD STEPHEN WILLIAMHIBBARD JAMES ROBERT TOMAMICHEL PAWLYARRINGTON, Highest Honors KNIRSM JAMES ROBERT OWENKEHAULANI PXUSKI, Honors SHINZO YOSHIMURA BOHDAN THOMAS I n Enginemkg Physics ALANSPENCE ROBERTSON, Highest ALVINBARSHEFSKY GEORGE JERRY BLANAR Honors JOHN MILTON ELSTON RYDER, DAVID ALLEN High Honors DALEALLANGARDNER, Highest Honors RANDY JACK SMITH, High Honors MARKLAND THAYER GATES JAMES DALESPINHIENE JAMES ALLEN High Honors HEDRICK, DENNIS RAYSUHRE CHARLES BRADLEY HERSHEY CHESTER SHAUGHN SULLIVAN, Highest THOMAS ANDREW HILL Honors DAVIDLEFMAHACHEK T High Honors ERICS ~ TTANGMAN, DAVID LEEPORTFX DAVIDF WALTER JEFFREY OWEN WILLIS,Highest Honors In General Engineering JOHN DAVIDCOCERAN PAUL STEPREN LITHERLAND, Highest GEORGE Honors %WARD CONWAY, Highest JOHNGREGORY LOWER Honors CURTISLYNNCRAMER EARLSANDERS MOLDOVAN JOHN ROGER CRAWFORD J E F F RMICHAEL EY MORRIS RICHARD LEKDAVPHINAIS MICHAELJOSEPH MULLEN DONALJJ MARKNEWELL WESLEY ROBERT DAVIS,JR. RICHARDTHEODORE GRANROTH IZIM OKEREN ROBERT PAULHOFFMAN DENNIS LEEPOLHILL SAMUEL CRAIGHOPWOOD STEVE Z. WEISS ALLANYORX BRUCE &CRARDEDWIN K~NNENBERG WILLIAMFREDERIC Yomc JOHNPHILLIPLAMB RIQIARDJOSEPH LEO In I n d d r i a l Engineerkg LAWRENCE ROBERT KUJOVICH RONALD WILLIAM ANDERSON DAVIDMITCHELL ROBERT ANDREWMCBWTH BARR DONALD WILLIAM PICCOTT JOSEPH ANTHONY C I ~ RICHARD PRICE KENTON LEONARD LEEGILLAN JOHNRUSSELL SCHROEDER CLAIRE DEYOUNG HEISS GREGORY LEEKACHNEE E~WAR GEORGE D SCHUMACHER, JR. LARRY WABXEN Kom, Highest Honors TERRY SIMS ELDON In Mechmicai Engineering BRUCE HOWARD B~ECKENFELD SANCHEE HONC RICHARDEDWARD JASS ROBERT WILLIAM BRUCE RICHARDGLENN JONES CHARLES ROBE~T COOPER JAMES CALVIN KEILER, High Honors GREGORY NICHOLAS DOHRN RANDYKLOCKNER CHARLES THOMAS DONALD DUNLAP LEEFRANKLYN KRAMER THOMAS GIBBS RONALD JEFFERY Scon GORSUQI AZADMALEXS~IAN ROBERT JOSEPH MARJANCIK HAROLD GREEN KENNETH DENNIS DEANHELSTROM MELVIN MILLER 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1045 ROBERTEDWARD MUISE JOHN CLARENCE SHOOP FRANKLIN NELSON, JR. DENNIS WILLIAM TERRY RONAL.D DALENEVINCER DONALDEUGENE THOLL, Honors LANCEWILLIAM NICHOLSON LE GIA TRINH ARTHUR RAYPAINE,H onors JAMES JOSEPH TUCKER JOHN WAYNE PARKER HARRY WILSON VANAKENI11 LEONCURTIS P E T E E W N JAMES MICHAEL VANAUWELAER, LEEWALTER REISINCER,Highest Honors Honors ROBERTJOHN WEEKS MICHAEL GORDON RYBAK DAVIDFRANCIS WHEELER CHARLES LEE SCHAIDLE,Highest Honors In Metallurgical Engineering MICHAELHAFFORD BISBERG DAVIDCARLNICHOLS SAVERXO ANTHONYD'AGOSTINO ROBERTDAVIDPORT PRESTON LEEGALE LAWRENCE EDWARD SCHMIDT RONALD WALTER KRUZIC JOHN COLLEGE O F LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES Degree of Bachelor of Arts I n Home Economics PATRICIA ANN TALMADGE, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences In Liberal Arts and Sciences WAYNE CHARLES ABRAMSON STEVEN CHARLES BARNARD GWRGIAANNBARNES BETTEANNADANIYA MALCOLM DUNCANHAYWARD BARNES, STEVENGEORGE ADLER High Honors in Liberal Arts and ALBERS NANCYELIZABETH Sciences CAROLJEAN ALESANDRINI MCBEATHBARR GREGORYSTEWART ALEXANDER, High ANDREW Honors in Liberal Arts and Sci- PORTER LEONBATTLE PALMATIER BEARDEN ences with Distinction in English FRANCES JANIS GAYBEARE THOMAS ELMER ALLENSWORTH, JR. JOHN RUSSELL BEBERMAN MARGARET ANNALTGILBERS JOHN STEVEN BECKETT STEVEN AMADO RICHARD BEER ELIZABETH ANNEAMBERC,High Hon- JOAN LOUISE HELENHARTRAY BEERS ors in Liberal Arts and Sciences ABBIEWILLARD BEIMAN, High Honors JOSEPHPAUL AMBRE in Liberal Arts and Sciences SHARON K A Y AMBROSE SCOTT BELL,High Honors in GREGORY JOAN AMOROSI BARBARA Liberal Arts and Sciences LANIMISANDERSON PHILLIP BE" SHARON ROSEANDERSON, High Honors HOWARD in Liberal Arts and Sciences with ALICE BERNICEBENNETT,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Distinction in Anthropology PETER BERNER GREGORY JOSEPH ANGEL RONALD LOTZBERSCHE CAROLRENEE ARCHAMBAULT, Honors GERALD ROBERT WELLS BESSEI11 in Liberal Arts and Sciences RAYMONDSTEVEN BIAL, High Honors PATRICIAANNARIENT in Liberal Arts and Sciences MICHAEL ALAN ARKES, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with NEIL DAVIDBLACKRAN ANNLESLIE BLAIR Distinction in Sociology DIANNASUEBLAND JEAN AWIL ELEANOR RONALDPHILIPBLOCK,High Honors IVARROLAND AZERIS in Liberal Arts and Sciences with H AROLD BAITS ROBERT Distinction in Finance KARENKAYBALSON ELAINE JOYCE BLOMGREN MICHAELHENRY BALTER MICHAEL GEORGEBOBIS LINDADIANE BANKS PATRICIAANN BOHLEN TERRY ALLENBAREN JAMES JOSEPH BOIN KELLYMICHAELBARMANN 1046 BOAXD OF TRUSTEES ALANSHERMAN BOOKMAN MARYDAPPERBOONE,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences BARBARA Boom ANN WILSONBORYK,H igh Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in French JOHNPIERRE BOUXSEIN BARBARA LYNN BOVA,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences PAMELA SUSAN BOWEN DAVID PAUL BOWER AMYLUEHUSAYKO BRADY NEZVIAMOOREBRADY BONNIEHRAINEBRAIMAN RANDALL PETER BRATU,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Anthropology MARYJANE BRENNE JOHNEDWARD BRIGS, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences ANTHONY MICHAELBRITSKY WILLIAM ALLANBRITTIN RAYMOND JAMES BRODERICK HOLLYCHARLENE BRODSKI BENNIEDREWBROWN, JR. CAROL L YNNBROWN JANE CARROLL BROWNE CATHERINEALICEBRUNS CATHERINE RUTHBUCK MARGARET ANNBUERCKHOLTZ JANICEFITZGERALD BULTAS, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences KENNETHDALE BURGE,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Latin CLAIRE WEINGLASS BURKE WALTER R AY Buss MARIEBUTLER HELENEMARIEBYRNES EILEENJo CALL MARTHAANNCALLANAN ANTHONY BETTEPYCOURT CAMERON DAVIDBATESCAMPBELL, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences BLANTON THANDREUS CANADY SHELDON ALANCAPWN RICHARD PETER CAREY NANCYANNECA~LINO. High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences EVELYN LOUISECARLSON, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences MARYVIVIANCARLSON SANDRA RAECARLYLE DIANEMARGARET CARMEN MARGARET MARYCARVER DONNASCKUETTE CASE RICHARD THOMAS CASSON ANTHONYFRANCIS CATALANO MARYKUZERA CAVE ROBERTALLEN CENTER,with Distinction in Finance MARTINHENRY CHAKOIAN, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences [June 17 GILCHRIST CHAMBERLIN GLQRIASNOWDEN CHANDLER OHN CHARLES CHANDLER €3 AVID PETER CEIARBONNEAW LINDACAROLYN CHRISTIE JOHN HENCCHU PAUL RICHARD CICERO PETER PXCQUET CLARK,with High Dis- JANE tinction in Political Science ROBERT JORDAN CLARK, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences CAROL A NNCWRY CRAIGALANCLINE FRED ALLENCOAD THOMAS PEARSALL COLBERG. High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Political Science CAROL A NNCOLLIER SHELLEY WOODCORDULACK, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the History o f Art JOHNWILLIAMCORLEY ANNCLARKSON CORNWELL STANLEY AMES CORNWELL, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences DANTHOMAS COSGROVE SUSAN ELIZABETH COSTELLO ELLENMARYCox JERRY MICHAEL CRANK DAVIDEDWARD CREDICOTT JERRYEARLCRISEL,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Political Science KENNETH RICHARD CROOKS MARGARET ELIZABETH CUSACK MARGARET SUEDAGGITT LAWRENCE DALKOFF BRIDGET I ONADAVIS,High Honors it1 Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Sociology PAMELA KAYDAVIS STEVEN DONALD DAVIS ELIZABETH A NNDAYTON PAMELA ANNDELABAR k 2 i A E L JOSEPH DELANEY SUSAN MARIEDENIS,High Honors i n Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in History RONNIEMIKEDENNARD CHERYL A NNDENNIS TERESA ANNDESCH ROBERT CLYDE DETTNER SAMUEL ARTHUR DEVORE SUSAN DICKER SARAJANE DICKEY LINDAMARGARET DIEDRICH DARLENE PATRICIA DIEHL WALTER JAMES DONAT PATRICIA ANNDORDAN DORISANNDORNBERCER 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS MARTINJAY DRELL, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences MARYBETH DUELLO, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences MARKLEEDUGAN WILLIAMTHOMAS DURKIN ALANEarns LARRY LINDALARUEE~KRARDT MICHAEL GEORGE EDWARDS ELIZABETH EGGERS CHRISTINE RUSSELLRAYMOND EGGERT JAMESECCLESTON WILLIAMRICHARDELLIS111 TIMOTHY LYNNEMERSON PATRICIA CAROLENGELHARD SUSANS C H A N BENLOW A~ WILLIAMRICHARDENLOW WILLIAMLOWELLENSZER LARRY EUGENE EVANS IRENE GOLDBERG EZRING,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences RONALD KENNETH FARK THOMAS ARTHUR FARRINGTON, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences J O H NCHRISTIANFEICKERT MARKBARRY FEIERBERG SUSANFENDER ROGER ALAN FERRIS, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Political Science LINDAMARGARET FIESELER RONALD H OWARD FILLER, with Distinction in Political Science JUDITHELIZABETH FINERTY CARLTHOMAS FINKBEINER,JR. MARTINDILLONFISHER SCOTTMORRIS FISHER,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JOHNJOEL FLAKE JANICE ELAINE FLORA, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences MICHAEL COLINFLYNN JAMES MICHAEL FOLEY FRANK SPURGEON FOSTER I11 KATHLEENZOEFox LARRYTHOMAS FRANTZ,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in History JOHNALPHONSEFREEHILL ANDREA JOAN FRIEDMAN,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences APRILMARIE FRITSCH,with Distinction in Russian ROBERTDEAN FRYE, H i h Honors in Liberal Arts and Iciences with High Distinction in French ALANLEE FULKERSON JOHNFRANCIS FYALKA BRENDA JOYCE GAINS MONICASUZWNNE GANT ROBERT EDWARD GARDNER DONNAJEAN GARFINKEL,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences 1047 DANEWILLIAM GARRETT STANLEY JAMES GASTON URANIA FLISABETE GENTRY JOHN MARTIN GEORGE,JR., High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in History JEFFREY LAWRENCE GERSTEN ALANROBERT GINCOLD, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Finance ANTHONY JOHN GINIOTIS MYRONGLASSMAN JAMES RUSSELLGLICK DAVIDALANGOEDDEL ROBERT C. GOL~BERG JAMES NORMAN GOLDMAN BARBARA ANNGOLDSTEIN NELLIELAISAHNGONG MARYMARTHAGOODWIN PHYLLIS SUZANNE GOREN,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences ~ I A R I A NELIZABETH N Goss, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in American Civilization ROBERT ROYGOWER PAULLYONSGRACE RICHARD THEODORE GRANROTH FRANCINE NICOLEGREEN DEBORAH N ANGREENFIELD GERALDINE ALICEGRENNAN ROBERT LEROYGRIFTIN KARENJEANNE GROOM LINDAKAYGRUBE HOWARD OLIVER GRUNDY ELIZABETH A NNEGUAGLIARDO RICHARDLOUISGUALANO,with Distinction in Political Science ERIC SCOTT GUSTAFSON, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Music JANET ELAINE GUTHRIE,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences THOMAS WALTERGUTOWSKI THOMAS WALTERGUTOWSKI ALLANDAVID GUTSCEIE WILLIAMGRANTHAAG STEVEN DIXONHACKETT LYNNHADLEY SUSAN RUTH HAGAN,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JAMES LOWELL HAIGH KIM ALANHALL JOEL DAVIDHALPER JOHN MILROY HAMMAN BONNIELOUISEHANDLEY JEANNE TINSLEY HANNA MARYANNEHANNIBAL DONWILLIAM HANSEN hfARK RALPHHARJU SUSANKAYHARKINS JAMES SUTTIEHARKONEN, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences 1048 BOARD OF TRUSTEES hfmffa JANE HARMS, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in French WILLIAMHENRYHARRIS,JR. ROGER R AYMOND HARRISON H~~arss ALANGREGORY LYNNCAROL HARTMANN, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences ALANHARMY GREGORY CLIFFORD BLUXOME HAWLEY111, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences High Honors ROBERTPAULHAYNES, in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in English LEONARD KEITH HAYS,JR. WILLIAM ROBERT HEBRANK PATRICIA KATHRYN HEIDKAMP SARA ELIZABETH HEIKOFF, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences ALANLEE HELLMAN, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences SANDRA JEAN HELLSTEDT STUART RANDOLPH HEMPHILL, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences EUGENE BURRELL HENIIEB~ON CAROL ELIZABETHHWDRICKSEN VIRGINIAL E A " HENKE DONALD JANESHERNANDEZ, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Sociology NANCY JANEHESSE JAXE DARLENE HETLAND JOANNE K AYHEUMAN EARLDE LA MONTEHEVERLY I11 NANCYMCCANNON HEVERLY JUDY ANNHICKOK JOHNANSONHILLIARD,JR., High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in h4athematics NANCYLEEHINDS NAOMIHIRSCH,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences CANDACE KAYHOFFMANN MICHAELJOSEPH HOGAN, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences GARYJAY HOLAWAY PHYLLISJANE HOLMEN,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in English CAROLJEAN HOLMSTROM, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences ROBERT WALLACE HOLT,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences HOWARD HENRY HOLTZMAN, with Distinction in Political Science THOMAS JOSEPH HOMER t- MICHAELLYNNHORSLEY MICHAELALLANHORVICH SUWN LOUISEHOTOVEC MARTINTHOMAS HOUGHAW DENNISEDWARD HOWARTE [June 17 SUEHOYEQMAN JOSEPHJOHNHRVOL RAYMOND LEEHUFF, with Distinction in Political Science KENNETH ROWLAND HUGHES JUDITH LYNNHULSEBERG, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in English ELIZABETH LYNNHULT STEPHEN HAMILTON HYNDMAN GARYJAMES IFFT, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences STEFAN~A VICTORIA ISAACSON JOHNARTHUR JACKANICZ PATRICIA LYNNJANECEK ROBERT LOUISJANEGA DAVID DEANJANES CARLA GUBITZJANKOWSKI TADEUSZ WIESLAW JANUSZEWSKI THOMAS LEE JARVIS ELIZABETH ANNEJE"INGS, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in English KATHLEENNEILJOHNSON,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences KENNETH ALVINJOHNSON hf CKINLEY ALFRED JONES ROBERT WILLIAMJON= 111, with Distinction in Political Science ALPHONSO JOSEPH RAYMOND BERTHA JOSHEL MARJORY DAVID CARLTON JULIAN J OHN JUREK KENNETH ADRIANNE BETTEKAHN SUSAN MARCIAKAHN,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences CAROLYN ANNEKALINA,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JOANNE HARRIET KALNITZ MICHAEL BRENTKANARISH JOYCE KANTER JORJ.4 NEUPERT bPPES LLOYD HOWARD KASPER SUSAN KASSLY CAROL RODNEYMITSUOKAZAMA,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences PATRICIA ANNEKEARNEY BYRONKEIL, High Honors in EDWARD Liberal Arts and Sciences PAMELA SUEKELLEY RICHARDEDWARD KELLY SUSAN MARGARET KELLY SUZANNE KELLY SUSAN MARYKENNEFICK GEORGE JOHNKERCHNER SALLY TACKLE KERLIN,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in English SANDRA S w KERRICK KESSLER JOYSANDRA FRANCES KING MARGARET RICHARDCARLKIRBY SUSAN PAMELA KIRK JANICE 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LEE KIRKPATRICK, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences CARLINE MARIEKIRTZ BRADLEY KJELL PRYOR ROBERT KRAVE KJELLANDER, JR. KATHRYNANN KLOC DENNISCHARLES KMIEC JOHN HOVELL KNIERXKG, JR. MARKVENARD KNIGHT PAMELA JAMES KNIGHT,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JAMES ROBERT KNIRSCH DAVIDP A U L KNISKERN STEPHENG. KOHN SUSANMARYKOLWS SCOTTALDENKOPEL,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences ANNEDOUGLAS KORB,with Distinction in Anthropology JOSEPH PAUL Kosm DENNISCHARLESKOSTAL PAUL JOHNKOSTEL JON WASON KOZUCH GREGORY AARONKRAFT JOANNE MARIEKRASKA LUCYELLENKRON Lours K U ~ N CLYDE MARGARET KUHN ALISON MARYCHRISTINEKIJPJACK MICHAJXKIEVEKURMAN LESLIESPENCER LAREAU,with Distinction in Anthropology JOSEPH EDWIN LAROCQUE LARSEN PATRICIABARBARA LINDAANNLARSON,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences ALICEELIZABETH LATHROPE PENELOPE LAU~STED PETER KENNETHLAWRENCE, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JANET KAYLEAVER TIMOTHY JOHN LEE, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences TRACY ALANLEE KARENGRAYLEEBRICK CAROL b U X S E LEEN DONALD DUANELEO LERMAN HELENSUSAN BARBARA ANNLESSER CLAUDIO MARIOLEVATO BRONNAGAINERLEVIN,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Sociology DARRYL ADAMLEVINE ROBERTMILESLEVINE,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences SUSANCAROLELEWANDOWSKI, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences MICHAELFRELIERICK LIENESM, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in Political Science PATRICIA 1049 THOMAS ERNESTLINDLEY, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences MICHAELDALELINICK PAUL TURNER LIVELY, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences STEVEN JOHN LOGAN PATRICIA JOLENE LOGSDON NINAM. LORAND MAUREEN LOWENTEAL DANIELNATHANLUBER SUSAN TROTTER LUCK ELMER KOONMUNCLUKE CHERYLANNLUNDGREN TERESAANN LUNING, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in German JAN ALANLUPINEK,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences KENNETHLYNCH RICHARD NANCYMARGARET LYTLJJ KEITH DONALDMACLAURY, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences HOWARD RAYMOND MADDUX, JR. SANDRA KAREN MADSEN LARRYDENNISMAJERQK DENNISLEEMAKI LINDAJOY MAKI, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JOEN DAVIDMALCOM RONALD MARTINMALL SUSAN MANUS,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences ANDREA FAYMARGOLIN PAUL NICHOLAS MARKEZICH ELIZABETH MARTEN DAVIDJOHN MASON PAULGEORGEMASON,JR., High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in French JOHN LYNN MATRAS KENNETHSTUART MATTHEW GEORGE J AMESMCALPINE JOAN PATRICIA ~ ~ c ~ ~ U L I FHonors F E , in Liberal Arts and Sciences WILLIAMROBERTMCCARTHY THOMAS ERWIN MCCRAW MARYFRANCES MCDONNELL JOSEPH MCGRATH MATTHEW COLLEENLOUISE MCGUIRE, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences STEPHEN CHARLESMcGmRE JAMES ARTHURMCGURX,with Distinction in Political Science HUGH EUGENE MCINTOSH PATRICI!R ~ MCKEOWN, H High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences MARY JEANNETTE MCMAHON, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences ROBERTA VILIMEK MCMAHON JUDITH MARYMCWILLIAMS, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JAN 1050 BOARD OF TRUSTEES WILLIAM DALEMEIER LUIS MENDOZA, Honors in Lib- JORGE eral Arts and Sciences RONALD HOWARD MEREL NANETTEMARYMETSKAS,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences GERTRUDE ANNEMIHALKO WILLIAMCHARLESMILES LINDA ANNMILLER STEPHEN WILLIAMMILLS JUDITH E L L FMILTON ~ DEBORAHMAEMINSTER DONALD ALBERT MIZOCK SUSAN ELIZABETH MOLLOY,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences ANNAMARIEMOORE RANDALL SCOTT MOORE IRVING JACK MORGAN DANIELMORRISMOSKOWITZ DAVIDGUY MOY MARKALBERT MOYER DONNA LOUISE M U ~ L E R Honors in ARTHURBOYD MUIRHEAD, Liberal Arts and Sciences THOMASINA MAEVEMULLARKEY ROBERT LEE MULLINS RAYMOND JAMB MULROONEY PAUL THOMAS MIJNCZI,H igh Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in German STEVEN BARRY MUSLIN KEVIN MILTONM Y L E ~ BERNARDMICHAEL NEZWEEM,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Political Science LINDA ANNNELSON ROBERT CURTISNELSON GAYCLAIRENEUBERCER DAVIDIRANEWMAN, with High Distinction in Political Science JOHN ROBERT NEWTON KAREN SUENICHOLS JOHN DEANNICHOLSON, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Political Science NICRSARLIAN RALPHSAMUEL GARYJOHN NICKUM MARILYN ANNENIEDER,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences LISTONORLANDO NILES CHRISTOPHER NOFFKE PAUL JOHN MICHAEL NOLAN LINDASUE NORBECK,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences STEVEN BRADLEY Now ALANFRANK Nuoo CHRISTINEANNENWITALL HAROLD O'Gmoa AmSUSAN CAROL ODCFIODHICKY ALICE ELAINE ODELL,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences [June 17 RONALDTAYLOR OEHMKE, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences ARTHUR BRIANOCREN MICHAELCHARLES O'HARA RUTHLILLIAN OLDHAM MILESWILLIAM O ' h U G H L I N 111, High Honors in Liberal A+. and Sciences with High Distinction in English J. SCOTTOLSON JAMES EDWARD O'MALLPN GARYDAVIDORLINSKY RICHARD WRAYOsco~n CAROL LYNNOSTERBUR LYNNERUTHANN OSTPELD LENORES. OSTROWSKY DENNISJOHN OTMASKIN STEPHEN ROBBINS PACEY JANE ANNPAGE ANNA PAHUCHY, with Distinction in Russian LINDAYING-ZEPAN DONALD JAMES PARTH, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences POLA NECRIPATTERSON RUTH ANNPELC NELSONEDWIN PELLETIER DANNYJOEPENNELL KEVINDONAL PEPPARD AARON WILLIAM PERCEFULL, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in English MARCANTHONY PERILLI MADELINE PERLOW JANICE R. PERKINS PERRIER NORMAN WALTER PFEFFERLE RAYMOND PHILIPAITIS GREGORY ROGER MARTINPIEFER WILLIAMFORREST PIRTLE SUSAN PLATZ JEFFREY MICHAEL PLESKO PATRICIA MARIEPLIKAITIS PATE STANLEY PLIKAITIS ERNESTO GIOANNICELESTINO PODACROSI, with Distinction in Anthropology LANNIEAARON POLLANS JEFFREY MICHAEL POLON RICHARD EARL PORTER Jo ANNPOTENZIANI HERBERT AARON POTISH SARAH LYNNPOWERS TIMOTHY SCOTT POWERS STEVAN RICHARD PRIMUS EDWARD BRUCEPRITZKER, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences RICHARDKEPLEYPRUETT, High Hon- ors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in General Biology NANCYJEAN PRZYBYLSKI JUDITH LEE PURCELL, with Distinction in Geography STEPHEN BRUCEQUBECK,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS JUDITHKISSELLRADELL,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Music KATHLEEN WINIFRED RAFPERTY STUART LEERALSKY PATRICIA WILSONRAMSEY BARBARA LEERANCE MARILYNRANDAZZO JUDY ELIZABETH RANK STEPHEN JAY RAW ILENESUERATTNER,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JEROLD SCOTT RAWSON LOISANNRECTOR,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JOHN HARVEY REID MILDREDLACKOVIC REINSCHMIDT RUTHELLEN REVZEN JEFFREYCARLTON RHODES PAULRICHERT, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences PATRICIA JEAN RICKETTS PEGGY ANNRIEMER MAUREEN JULIA RILEY AVAJOANROBERTS LOISKRAFTROBERTSON, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences ARTHURCHRISTOPHER ROBINSON GUY CECILROBINSON DANIELPATRICK ROGAN, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences MICHAELJOHN ROSBOROUGH KARENNADINEROSENBERG CHARLES NELSONROSS WILLIAMZENONRoss GERALDLEE ROTH, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences MARILYNN JOYCEROTHSCHILD,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Sociology RICHARD RAYROUSE RICHARD PHILIP ROVETTO WILLIAMTHOMAS ROWLAND, with Distinction in Anthropology MARLENE SUERUBIN PATRICIA KAY RUBIN,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences MADELEINERUEKBERG, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JOHNDAVIDRUEMMLER, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences ALICE GRACE RYSDON CRAIGALLEN SAGER ANN SCHELLXFIMIDT SALAMINI, High Honors in Liberal Arts and SCIences GARY LEONSAMFORD DONNA MARIESASSMANN MICHAELLEE SAYRE,with Distinction in Philosophy ROBINO”EIL SAYRE MARVIN B. SCHAAR, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences 10.5 1 JANISGAILSCHECTMAN JANE FRANCFS SCHEUBER PAUL LOUIS SCHLESINGER DAVIDVALSCHLINK CHARLES MILTON SCHNEIDER JOAN SCHOONEIOVEN MARCEL JOHN ARTHUR SCHRANK THOMAS RALPHSCHREXNEB STEVEN NORMAN SCHRENZEL JERENE CAROLSCHROEDER, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences SUSAN VALSCHUMACHER MARCIAANN SCHUNK, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in French WILLIAMARTHUR SCHUWERK, JR. JOHNTHOMAS SCOTT PAUL DOUGLAS SCOTTON WALTER GARFIELD SEABOLD, JR. WILLIAMHARRY SEIBOLD LINDASUESHEAR ROBERT STUART SIEGLER,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences DANIELJOSEFTI SIMEONE ROGER MITCHELL SIMON GENEVIEVE A NNSIMONICH DAVIDROBERT SIMONS DAVIDMARTINSINOW, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Political Science and with Highest Distinction in Speech ROBERTA JEAN SIX CLAIRESKAPERDAS WILLIAMGEORGE SKEL.TON LINDAMAYSKOLNIK MARILYN SCHELLING.SKONECZKA CHARLES SLAMAR, JR. JACQUELINE DEE SLNE ROBERTA ANNSLIVICEN, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Sociology DEBORAH VALENTINE SLIZ,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences STEPHEN JACOB SLOAN, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences ANDREW JONATHAN SMITH,High Honors in Liberal Arts and. Sciences with Distinction in Russian Language and Area Studies GREGORY DEANSMITH, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Hi.ghest Distinction in Political Science LOWELL VINCENTSMITH RICHARD SIMPSON SMITH, JR. SUSANNAH ANTOINETTE SMITH, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences TIMOTHY OHREASMITH,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in History LINDALEESNELL RHONDA SUESNELSON,Honors in Lib- eral Arts and Sciences 1052 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 INARUTHSNYDER PATRICIA ANNTIMMONS REBECCA SUESNYDER WILLIAM ROBINTODD ROBERTNOEL SODIKOFP,Honors in ERNEST JOSEPH TONELLI, JR. Liberal Arts and Sciences MARYDOYLE TORGERSON LOTHAR ERNST SOUWON CHARLESROBERTTORMAN, with DisTOBY FRIEOL SONNEDXAN, with Distinctinction in Finance tion in Anthropology TRAUGHBER ARLIEEUGENE Jo ANN%SNOW SUSAN ELIZABETH TREBBE ELIZABETH M U E ~ ESPANNAUS R OHN GEORGE TUREK,JR. DALEHARLEY SPITLER ERNARD CHARLES TURNER HOPEBROWN SPRUANCE JAMES EDWARD TURNER JAMES GREGORY STAAS, High Honors in LESLIE JOSEPH URBAN Liberal Arts and Sciences GARYALLENVAIL CAROLYN ANNSTABILE RUSSELLJAMES VANDENBROUCKE, with MARYJOSEPHA STACEURSKI Distinction in Rhetoric JANE ELIZABETH STACCS LESLIEWEEKSVANLANDINGHAM BIRWCE STANKUS SYLYIA LESLIE WEEKS VANLANDINGHAM MARILYNXDIANNESTARK, High Hon- CAROL ELIZABETH VAUGHN ors in Liberal Arts and Sciences BEVERLY ANNVELKOVRH with High Distinction in English ROBERT ALANVERVILLE GREGORY ALBERT STARR STEPHEN JOHNVOGEL,Honors in LibJOHN STEFANEC RICHARD eral Arts and Sciences THOMAS ALBERT STEGEMAN ANTOINETTE KATHERINE VOGET,High ARNOLD BRUCESTEIN,High Honors in Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Liberal Arts and Sciences with with High Distinction in French High Distinction in History BEVERLY Voss EILEEN SANFORD MARKSTEIN,Honors in Lib- RONALD PHILLIPVOSS,High Honors in eral Arts and Sciences Liberal Arts and Sciences JOANHILARY STEINBERG JAMESJOSEPHVOYT,Honors in Liberal JOEL LARRY STEINBERG, High Honors in Arts and Sciences Liberal Arts and Sciences AMES ARTHUR VROMAN CRAIGRUSSELLSTEPHEN IZABETH MARIE WAGNER ROBERT MONTELL STEPHENSON, Honors GENEEDWARD WAGNER, JR. ROBERT HEWITTWAGNER in Liberal Arts and Sciences SHERYL GAYE STERNBERG, Honors in LAWRENCE EDMOND WAGONER MARTHA RHOADES WAXELEY Liberal Arts and Sciences MILLARD STEWART KATHARINE I LEANAWALKER,Honors KATHLEEN LYNDA JEANNE STEWART in Liberal Arts and Sciences SUSAN L YNNDEMoss STICE ROBERT DOUGLAS WALSH DANISEELLENSTOCKBARGER LINDAMARYWARGO MACDALENA MARIESTOECKER DIANAHALEWATERS ALVINARDWAY STOKES LINDA MIGNANOWEERS, Honors in DAVIDBRIANSTOLMAN Liberal Arts and Sciences J EAN STRATTON SUSAN JOAN WEIDEMIER,Honors in BEVERLY SHIRLEY DABRINGHAUS STRICKER Liberal Arts and Sciences JAMES CURTIS STROTHMANN MEDAREBECCA WEINTROB,High HonSTINSON WEIMER STROUP, High Honors ors in Liberal Arts and Sciences in Liberal Arts and Sciences with HARVEY ALANWEISS JOHN C. WELCH Distinction in Political Science STEVEN AARONSULTAN, with Distinc- MARYWELCH,High Honors in Liberal tion in Finance Arts and Sciences ROBERT WILLIAMSUTIS MARTHA ANNWENDEL,High Honors in MARYELIZABETH SWR Liberal Arts and Sciences with DisJOEL BRETTSUTTON, Honors in Liberal tinction in Sociology Arts and Sciences DENNIS CRAIG WERNER WILLIAMMICHAELSUTTON GALEKOZBERG WESTON THOMAS CRESAPSWIGERT NANCY HOCHSTADTER WESTON MARSHAJO TANENBERG, High Honors RICHARDDUANEWEYHRICH in Liberal Arts and Sciences ROBERT STEPHEN WHALEX DONNA R AETAYLOR JOHN THOMAS WHATES DAVIDSTANLEY TERRILL RICKALANWHITE S m JEPFBEY TILDEN ROCER LEEWHITE,High Honors in LibGEORGE WILLIAMTIMBERLAKE eral Arts and Sciences H ~ 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS WILLIAMFREDRICK WHITE SUELYN ANN WHITTINCTON DAVIDPAUL WICKUM BRIANLANE WIDAMAN RICHARDWILLARDWILBERG, JR. MARCIALYNN WILDER LARRY JAMES WILLIAMS MARKB. WILLIAMS, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences NANCYCAROLWILLIAMS KATHRYNANN WILLIS,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences MARTHA FRELS WILZBACH ROBERT WALTER WINKLEBLACK CAROLYN RAEWINTERS 1053 LINDACAROLWOJDWLA SUSAN CHARLENE WOOD,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in English WILLIAMFRANCIS WOODS 111 ARLEENTERESA WE" CABWTA HELAINE WRIGHT DONALD CRAIGYACOE,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences ALLANIRWIN YANNOW JAMES ORVILLE YOUNG,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences IRWIN LARYZALCBERG ALISONLOUISE ZELLER JAMES PATRICK ZWK I n the Teaching of. English RACHELHARDINGER ANNETTEMARIE ANGLESANO SUSANANDRIETTE ARIEW KRISTINE ORCUTT HARRISON, High LANAPATRICIA AUIUEMMO Honors in Liberal Arts and SciBETTYJANE BAIR, Honors in Liberal ences CHARLA BERYLHATHAWAY Arts and Sciences MARY ANNE BEER,Honors in Liberal MARYLOU HEDSTROM Arts and Sciences CATHERINES UE HIERONYMUS, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences TOBY STANGLE BERKUN JULIE ADAIRHuss BONNIEAVIS BERNSTEIN JEANNE MILDREDJEFFREY, Honors in KARENMARGARET BETZ JEANNE MARIEBOWMAN Liberal Arts and Sciences CYNTHIAROBERTA BRADLEY PEGGY MARIEJOHNSON, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences TERRY LYNNEBRYANT SUSAN MARZETTE JUNOR BARBARA ANN CASTAGNO SUSAN MARGARET KAZMERCAK KAREN RUTHCLEMENS BEVERLEY JANIS KLEIN, Honors in LibPATRICIA ANNCOUGHLIN eral Arts and Sciences CAROLYN CRABTREE LOUISE HOPEKURTZ GFBRGEWILLIAMDAY,Honors in Lib- BRENDA PHYLLIS CHARLENE LARSON eral Arts and Sciences CONNIEGOKENLAWLER LINDALOUISE DELL ROBERTA A NNLESHT NANCYANN DREW LINDASUE DUNKER,Honors in Lib- MARTHAMARYMALEK,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences eral Arts and Sciences MARIANNEMARCINEK, Honors in LibPEGGY CORBINEISENSTFZN eral Arts and Sciences JANE MARIE EWAN, High Honors in CAROLANNMARIN Liberal Arts and Sciences JOHN MARQUIS GERALDINE RAE FEHST, Honors in Lib- ROBERT ANNEELEANOR MATUSZEWSKI eral Arts and Sciences KATHERINE MARYMCGRATH DIANESHARON ISRAEL FINGER LAURIE JO MCMAHON, High Honors in DRUCILLA SANCHEZ FINKBEINER,High Liberal Arts and Sciences Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences MICHAELEDWARD MCNETT,High HonDO~YNA JEAN FREEMAN ors in Liberal Arts and Sciences MARGARET MARYGILLMAN with Distinction in the Curriculum MAVISGERALDINE GOLDMAN CANDACE LYNNMOELLER CAROL LEEGORE BARBARA BUNKER MOORE SUSANKEMPEGREGG jOHN ARTHUR NESBIT MARLENE LYNNGROSSMARK A NN NOONAN,Honors in MARIMYRAGURSKY,Honors in Liberal MARGARET Liberal Arts and Sciences Arts and Sciences High Honors in SHARONELIZABETH HALL, Honors in DORISJEANNE POOLE, Liberal Arts and Sciences Liberal Arts and Sciences SUSANKATHERINE HALLER, High Hon- KATHYANNETTERASSI, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences ors in Liberal Arts and Sciences OLAFREID, Honors in Liberal with High Distinction in the Cur- FRANK Arts and Sciences riculum JOSEPH REILLY THERESA MARIEHAM,Honors in Lib- ROBERT eral Arts and Sciences 1054 BOARD OF TRUSTEES PAMELA JANERICHARDSON,High Hon- ors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum SUSAN RUTHRIECER KARENELSENSTEIN ROBINS,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences ELEANOR FLORENCE ROSELLINI, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences ELLENROSENFELS MARCIA JOAN RYHERD RUTH MIRIAM SACKHEIM, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences DAYLE SAINSBURY LINDAKAYSCHAUBLE LINDAJOANN SCHILLING CHJCRIELYNN SCHOFIELD, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences VICKI SHEREOS CON5TANCE MARIE SHUMWAY LINDALEGNERSHUMWAY SHARON LEE SISKIND,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences [June 17 POLLYBOWMAN STAUTH DEENA ELIZABETH STOLLBERG, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences BOBBIEJEAN SUSIE JANIS ELLEN TOMASEK FRANCES TRAUSCH PATRICIA LOUISE TRIPP LUCINDALOUISETURSMAN, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences PAMELA JANE TUTTLE LEILAANN URBANEK, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JOYCE KAY WEBER, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences PAMELA INEZWEIDNER,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences GRACEELLENWELCH,H onors in Liberal Arts and Sciences MARYGRACEWELLS CHERYLANNWILLIAMS BEVERLY ANNEWOLFF JEANNE In the Teaching of French SUSAN CARRIEAPPEL SHARON J OYCE KUSHXER,Honors in SUSAN ELLEN BRAINERD, Honors in LibLiberal Arts and Sciences DEBORAH JEANNE MAY eral Arts and Sciences SANQRA LYNNBRUSKI SUZANNE VIRGINIAMILLER,High HonCONSTANCE JANE CLAYFOOL ors in Liberal Arts and Sciences MARYANNEERDE, High Honors in Lib- DEBORAH A NN NITEKMAN eral Arts and Sciences with High SHANNON MARIENOBLE,High Honors Distinction in the Curriculum in Liberal Arts and Sciences with ADRIANNE M AYFISHMAN, Distinction in the Curriculum High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with NANCYANN PALMATIER Distinction in the Curriculum INGE AMBROS REMBE K.4THLEEN ELLENHASBACH, High Hon- NORMASOFOSCHRENZEL ors in Liberal Arts and Sciences DEBORAH LOUISESPIEGEL MAIULYN JOHNSON HOLT, Honors in MARILYNRITTENHOUSE WAGNER APRIL KATHLEENWASH, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences LINDAJULIA JACHIMEK Liberal Arts and Sciences DONNALOUISE KIME, Honors in Lib- JUDITH LEEWEHRLE SUSANNE WILT eral Arts and Sciences NIKY LYNNKRAUSZ,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum In the Teachin:g of Gernznn LINDA LOUISENIELSEN,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum BARBARA RUTH NIEMANN,Honors in ELIZABETH Liberal Arts and Sciences FARR HUDSON GUDRUN REIMANN SUZANN FAYE HUNTER, Honors in Lib- DAGMAR GISELAKLUGESEVERINO, High Honors eral Arts and Sciences ROSEELLEN KUEHLINC in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum KATHYALESANDRINILUTZ, Honors in KAETHE QUITTING WILBER, High HonLiberal Arts and Sciences ors in Liberal Arts and Sciences SUZANNE MARIEMEINHEIT with High Distinction in the Curriculum WALTER SCOTT CLAUSEN SUSAN CHRISTINECUSICK KARAJEAN GONTERMAN MARTHALOUISE HISER 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1055 in the Teaching of Latin KATHRYN EICHMAN KATHLEEN LOUISE SHANNON, High SHARON MARIEHENSCHEN Honors in Liberal Arts and SciLINDALEE PRATER ences with Highest Distinction in URINC WILLIAM SCHROEDER the Curriculum CAROL DENISESTEWARD LINDAKELLEYWELCH WILKES MARYLINDA PAMELA In the Teachina - of Social Sfudies RICHARD LEIGHADAMS DENNISWEELEONG GLENPERRY TRACEY LEEALLEN LITTLEFIELD SHERYL A NNANDERSON DIANESUELOEB BARBARA KAYLOEBACH MAVIS ANNRADIBATES NANCYANN BAUER,Honors in Liberal DONNAJOYCE LUDEWIG,High Honors Arts and Sciences in Liberal Arts and Sciences LAURENANN LUNDIN, Honors in LibSARIJOHANNA BENNETT WAYNE CHRISTOPHER BOHLEN, Honors eral Arts and Sciences in Liberal Arts and Sciences MARYRUTHJARBOE MCCALL SHARON L YNNBURGESS, Honors in Lib- JOYCE MADELYN MCDONNELL CHERYLMARY MICHAELS,Honors in eral Arts and Sciences TOBY BURSTEIN Liberal Arts and Sciences MARYCATHERINE CAMPBELL ORVILLE D EANMICKELBERRY PAMELA CLAIREMILLER LINDAMARIECASTLEMAN MAUREEN DOLORES ~~UDRON SHARON LINDACLARK ANNCAROLYN CURTIS JOANNMASSAOGnm, Honors in LibCYNTHIA LOUISECYBUL eral Arts and Sciences ANNOUTTEN DONITAINEZDECKER, Honors in Lib- TFRESA eral Arts and Sciences SITSAN LOUISE PATTERSON, Honors in STEPHI:N RALPHDEWALT Liberal Arts and Sciences CAROL ELAINEPIEPER,High Honors in NANCY EISNER SHERIJARVAENGLER,Honors in LibLiberal Arts and Sciences D ~ V ISUE E RAKER eral Arts and Sciences MARLYSKENNARDREED, Honors in SUSANFALK Liberal Arts and Sciences CAROLE LYNNFERRY MARY JANE FRICKE LfARION I’ATRICIA ROSS JORJA CAROL FRITZEN,Honors in Lib- TERRY BI. SAGER eral Arts and Sciences STEVEN PAUL SANAZARO COONSGIACOMINI KATHLEEN SHARON BETHSAUDEK STUART GOLD LANAROENSCHULTE RUSSELL MADALYNRAEGRAFF SUSAN L YXNSCDTT ANNSHALLENBERCER ANNAGREISDORF, High Honors in Lib- PAMELA SUSANELIZABETH SMITH,High Honors eral Arts and Sciences in Liberal Arts and Sciences WANDAJEAN HAMILTON,Honors in GREGORY JAMES SPRINGER Liberal Arts and Sciences CAROLLYNNSTEVENS, H onors in LibANNRITA HANSON eral Arts and Sciences KRISTI MCMILLINHARRIS,Honors in JERILYN KAYSTROHECKER Liberal Arts and Sciences ROBERTAJILL THOMPSON, Honors in JAMES JAY HILST,H igh Honors in LibLiberal Arts and Sciences eral Arts and Sciences JANETTE LORETTA TORSAN CAROL A NNJOHNSON JILL MARIEWALTZEK, High Honors in JAMESCHARLES KANTOR Liberal Arts and Sciences with DisGARYALANKNOKE,Honors in Liberal tinction in the Curriculum Arts and Sciences HELEN MARIEWITORT JANICEA NN KOPP SUSAN WROBLE KATHRYN CLAIREIRENE KRAFT In the Teaching of Spanish High HonDistinc- JACQUELINE ANNBRADFORD, ors in Liberal Arts and Sciences tion in the Curriculum with Distinction in the Curriculum MARNAANN BERMAN,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with JOANLOWISECOWAN High Distinction in the Curriculum IDAPANKODOLLINS JANETANN BEAUDWAY, with 1056 BOARD OF TRUSTEES ANNEPSTEIN BARBARA EILEEN EVERHART, H i h Honors in Liberal Arts and Eciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum KATHERINE JOANNE FEIGEE, High Honors in Liberal Arts e d Sciences with High Distinction m the Curriculum SHERRY LYNNGEHRKE,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum DOROTHY CAROL GINGERICR, Hi h Honors in Liberal Arts and Eciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum PATRICIA GAYEGORDON SUSAN MARGARET GREEN KATHERINE ANNJURCZAK M A R Y ELLEN KELLY MARGARET ANN KNOPP,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum JANE [June 17 ELAINEMARIE KOWALSKI,with Dis- tinction in the Curriculum MARYEDNA MCMAHON ELENA CINTAIARESNIK, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum VALERIEGAESCEIOO NANCYELIZABETH SIXSMITH, with Distinction in the Curriculum JOY SOROL NANCY PATRICIA ANN SPERLJNC DEBORAH K AY KOLDITZVERA, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum DIANELOUISEWALLACE SUSAN WALLERSTEIN MARYLOUISEWILEY,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences EILEEN MOLLIEZEITZ, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum I n the Teaching o f Speech SUSAN IRISLEPINSKY,High Honors in ROXANNE SUEANGELINI Liberal Arts and Sciences with JUDITH ANNBARTH High Distinction in the Curriculum ROSANNF. M w BRANDS GAILMAXWELL SUSAN JEAN BRINKMAN LINDASUSAN MEISTAS ADELINEELINORDICKEY JANET CHRISTINE MESSMER MIRIAMAVISDOLGIN JAYE PATRICIA HEWITT LYNNEMARCIANEWMAN PATRICIA LEEOSTROWSKI DAVIDRAYJOHNSON CHERLYNNE JOAN THOMPSON K.ERBER THERESA THIGPFS BARBARA JEAN LAZ, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum In Theatre Art JESSICA MARGRIT HAHN F~ST AERESE BANYS IRENE JOANLEETON UDY EILEEN BARTLETT AURIE WILLIAMS BARTOLINI,High YOLANDA MARIE SMITH STITT Honors in Liberal Arts and Sci- JAMESSTEVEN ences ROBERTA LEATHORNBURG GARYNORMAN BAUGH ANITALOUISEWORBY !i Degree of Bachelor of Science In Chemical Eltgineering RICHARD CHALON AIKEN,High Honors HARLAN JAMES RICHARDS, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in the CurricDistinction in the Curriculum WILLIAM ARTHUR SCHNEIDER,High ulum OHN MORGAN GUCCIONE Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the DWARD CHARLES HAUN BARRY KENNETH HECRMAN Curriculum GEORGE CARL KINSTEDT,High Honors LORENBENNETT SCEIREIBER, High Honin Liberal Arts and Sciences with ors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Distinction in the Curriculum with Highest Distinction in the DONALD E ARLLEARY Curriculum PAUL MCDONALD STIFEL JOHN ROBERT LECOMTE ROBERTMILLER,High Honors TERRY WILLIAMTIMM, High Honors SIDNEY in Liberal Arts and Sciences with in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum High Distinction in the Curriculum DAVIDRICHARD Now k 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1057 I n Chemistry TERRYJOHN BURKHARDT MEXKZL,High HonROBERTRAYMOND ANNE LOUISE CAHILL,Hi h Honors in ors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Liberal Arts and &ences with with Highest Distinction in the Highest Distinction in the CurCurriculum riculum PETER BERNARD NAVIN,Honors in LibLINDACHAO eral Arts and Sciences FRANKLIN GEORGE PATER TIMOTHY EDWIN CUMMINGS GARYGASTONDEGRANDE,High Hon- SUSAN CAROLPATTERSON, High Honors ors in Liberal Arts and Sciences in Liberal Arts and Sciences with with Highest Distinction in the Highest Distinction in the CurCurriculum riculum LAWRENCEBARRY SCHWARTZ,High STEPHEN ELLIOTT DOMINICK Honors in Liberal Arts and SciDAVIDLEE ERBES, with Distinction in the Curriculum ences with Highest Distinction in JOYCE KAREN GORDON the Curriculum PETER GARNHYDE MARYLOUISE SEIBERT RICHARDLOUIS KLOBWHAR, High Hon- WILLIAMCLAYTONSTRATTON,High ors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curwith Highest Distinction in the riculum Curriculum BARRY WARREN JIM I. MCCLURE,High Honors in LibSUFRIN CHARLES M ACVANVALKENBURG, High eral Arts and Sciences JAMESKEITH MCKECHNIE,High HonHonors in Liberal Arts and Sciors in Liberal Arts and Sciences ences with Distinction in the Curriculum In Geology JAMESCARLENCSTROM In Home Economics HELENANNEBOJANOWSKI MARILYNJEAN SCHUMM, High Honors CAROL DORIS OWEN in Liberal Arts and Sciences JANEELIZABETH SCHRIVER,High Hon- ors in Liberal Arts and Sciences In Liberal Arts and Sciences LINDAHOPEBECKER LEONARD JOSEPH ADRIGNOLA, JR. ELLIOTTDAVID B m w s LEWISGRANTALLEN STEVEN PAWL BEILSTEIN RONALD STUART ALPERN RICHARD PAUL BEIN DAVIDRAYANDERSEN STEPHEN MARKBELER ROBERT ALTONANDERSON GEORGE AUGUSTUS BELIESON RONALD DAVIDANDERSON JOSEPH PAUL BELMONT, JR. THOMAS CARLANDERSQN EDWIN HOWARD BE” SUSAN KCFHLMAN ANDREWS ELIZABETH A” BENNETT MORRIS DAVID APPLEBAUM LELANDNATHANBENSON,with DistincRoss ALANAREND tion in Physiology THOMAS SCOTT ASBURY LAWRENCEBERBAUM,High JOHNGEORGE Asmom, High Honors in MICF~AEL Honors in Liberal Arts and SciLiberal Arts and Sciences ences with High Distinction in CATHERINE MAE BACH,Honors in LibPsychology eral Arts and Sciences PAMELA PAGE BETTS BRUCEDONALD BADENOCH NOVAMACBICKELL MICHAELDANEBAIRD DONALDMERLEBIRD,High Honors in PETER ALANBARDWICK Liberal Arts and Sciences ROBERT KNIGHTBARGER MARILYNGAILBARRETT THOMAS CHARLESBIWER PALMER BLAIR SUSAN LORRAINE BARRY,High Honors KATHERINE JACK BENJAMIN BLAKEMAN in Liberal Arts and Sciences MARKBLOCK MURRYALAN BASS, High Honors in NORMAN RICHARDALANBLOCK,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Liberal Arts and Sciences GLENNAUBRYBAUM,Honors in Liberal BARBARA A” BODY Arts and Sciences HAROLD GLENNBECKE~ 1058 BOARD OB TRUSTEES DAVIDALAN B~DZNICK, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Honors Biology NEAL R~CX~A R D BOLNKCK ULIE EILEEN BONAS € AI VID HENRYBOBDEAVX, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JAMES PAULRORGSTEDE,H onors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JAMES ALBERT -KEY EDWARD MICHAELBoss WILLIAM JAMES BOSTROM RICHARD DANIELBRAND AIAN DAVIDBREXTOWICH GERARD MARTINBREITZER KIRK PALMER BRFSEE E V I N LELAND BRODE, JR. BARBARAEAN BROOKMAN CEMRLESEROY BUCKLES, JR. REX WARRENBULL,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences KENNETH ALLENBURMAN STEPHEN DALEBURROWS, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences SHARON LEEB ~ Y JAMES MARTINBUTLER F m ~C n HAR= BYERLY DONALD LAWRENCE CALEBAUCH ETHELYN MILDRED CALLION JEFP~EY ROBERT CANHAM MICHAEL ALANCANTRELL, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences CHRISTINA ANNECAPERELL JAMESFERDINAND CARAVELLI, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences SHARLENE HELENCARLSON FRANKLIN DEANCARR,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences RONALD FLOYD CARR MARKJAMES CATLETT JAMES SHIN-SIN CHANG 1 JERROLD CHERNOW ANDREA JOYCE CHESZEK GEORGE MIN CHIN RICHARD YINCCHIN JOHN HADLEYCHRISTIANSEN, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Astronomy CHURCHILL GARYRICHARD MARYLYNN CIPRIANO DONALD WAYNECOATS STEVEN RAYCOLWELL LOUISECOON CAROLYN DAVIDMARTINCOOPER ROBERT BERNARD COOPER JOHN THEODORE COTTINGHAM, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences SUSANLOUISECOURTNAGE, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences CRAMER CUXTISLYNN EDWARD WILLIAMCRONAU CHARLES GREGORY COLEERSON ROBERT EDWARD CURRIE [June 17 CARLABARRCUTLIP KE”EIH Josm Czw~arnnx. High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in Chemistry ROBERT BROUGF~TUN DAGGETT STEPHEN ALUN DAHL DIANELYNN DAMOS,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Psychology JAMES ROBE~T DAMOS ROBERT BRUCEDANLEY LANAELAINE DARR WILLIAMARTHURDARR, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences MARYTHERESE DASSOW ERNESTEDMUND DAVIS JEANANNDAVIS LINDENGLENNDAVIS WILLIAMCEULDAVIS,JR. MICHAELTHOMAS DAY,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences DIANEMARIEDE BRUYCKERE WILLIAMMICHAELDENNIS MICHAEL ROBERT DEWAN JOHN DIEHL ROBERT Lours JAMES DIZIKES DIANEFRANCES DONASH MICHAEL WILLIAMDRAKE LILLIANBALAZS DUDKIEWICZ MICHAEL CLAIBORNE DUVAL ERICLEE DYER,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Zoology RUTHLYNNEDELMAN CAROL SHARON EGEL,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences RANDALL BRUCE EHLERS HAROLD DAVIDEICHINCER JAMES GEORGE EKEBERC ALLENRUPERT ELLIOTT SHARYN GAILELLMAN MARYKAYEMERY RONALD JULES EMRICH VICTORJOSEPH ENCHELMAYER ALANLINDSAY ENGELBERG, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Physiology STEPHEN CHARLES ESKER LARRY WILLIAMEVERS JOHN HOUSTON EWTON, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences DIANNELYNNFAFOGLIA ROGERALANFARMER, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences BRADLEY THEODORE FEDOROW CHRISALLAN FERRILL MICHAEL BRUCEFINGER WENDY LYNN F i N K ROBERT COE FINLEY111, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JOAN CLARE FINNO WILLARD JOHN F I S ~ E R DAVIDELON FISHER 19701 DAVIDSCOTT FISHER S a m CL~NICK FLEISCHMAN. High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences STEPHEN FLISS LINDAS U Z A N N E FOLJ~X MICHAEL CHARLESFORCADE JOHN MICHAFZ JOE FOSTER WIJLIAM EDWARD FOWE JOHNPETERFRANK JANET KRISTINE FREDLUND, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JAY DAVID FREIDIN JOHN RICHARDFREY,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences KENNETH JAMESFRIEDLANDER MARKSTUART FRIEDMAN KENNETHFRJELICH, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JAMESAKIRA FUJII EUGENE FUNK FREDERICK JOHN GAEBLER I11 Sw ZANEGALBRAITH CECELIA CATHERINEGASS MICHAELJ. GAST,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Psychology RALF ERVIN GAUEN,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences MARYCAROLGEARY,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences PAULGEDZ DRUSILLA BURNHAM GEISSAL RICHARDLEE GEISSAL,JR., Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences LAWRENCE RYANGENI LOWELL I ANGERBER, with Distinction in Physiology JOHN GUYGERSICH CLAREROBERTGIEGERICH, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Honors Biology EILEENFRANCES GIERSCH DONALD LEE GLICK, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Actuarial Science SUSANGAILGLOWACZ GARYJOSEPHGOLDBERG, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences BARBARA MAXINEGOLDMAN, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in Honors Biology RICHARDLAWRENCEGOODMAN CRAIGLours GOODWIN PATRICIA CHENOWETH GRABNER JOHN ALLISONGREAGER I1 MARYALICE GREDE,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences EDWIN JAY GREEN MARGARETTE BERTHA GREEN RANDEEJo GREEN THOMAS PATRICH GREEN, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in Chemistry JAMES 1059 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS CHARLJS GLENGRISWOLD, Ja. JUDITHKAYGROOME DANIEL JOSEPEGRUNLOH ROBERTKIM GUWTHER,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences PATRICIA ANNEG U R ~ JOHN ANDREW GUTCSELL KATHRYN MARIE GYURE CHRISTYCAROLHABECOST SANDRA LEE HAHN DENNISGENEHALL LYNNEILEEN HALLSTEIN MICHAELHAMILTON JUDITH ANNHANDZO MILDRED SARA HANNO,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences LAWRENCE ALANHANOVER ERIC JOHN HANSEN SUSAN MARYHAKSON JAMES JAY HARMS, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences BERNARD ELTON HARTT DAVIDRAYMOND HARVEY, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences RICEIARD EDWARD HECTOR JOHNMARSHALL HECC MARKJAMES HELMINIAK PENNY A NNHENDRICKSON DANNYGENEHENSLEY,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences GEORGE DONALD HERBERT ARNOLD J AY HERBSTMAN JOHN WHITTON HERM, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences RICHARD SCOTTHEWS JAMES LEROY HILLMAN,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in Actuarial Science MARKEDWIN HILLS SANDRA LOUISE HINSLEY,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences NANCYELLEN HIRSCH GAILDARAHODES BARBARA MARIEHOFFMAN DONALD LEEHOFFMAN JACQULINE DAVISHOFFMAN, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JAMES EDWARD HOFFMAN ROBERT STEVEN HOFFMAN GEORGELEE HOLUB, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Lours ALLENHOLUB MICHELECARYN HONIGBERG RONALD BERNARD HOPKINS DOYLEJACKSON HORNE CAROLYN FAYE HOUFEK JAMES &WARD HUMPHREY CONRADIBER, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences SUSAN JEAN JABLQNSKY LYLETHOMAS JACKSON, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences MABYPATRICLA JACKSON 1060 BOARD OF TRUSTEES DAVIDJACOE MICHAELAUSTINJAMERSON TERENCEJANICIU JOSEPH GREGORY JEMSEK ROBERT WILLIAM JENKINS EDWARD NORMAN JOHNSON JOHNXIN ERNESTMCCABE LINWOOD JARED JOHNSON RAYMOND EARLE JOHNSON, JR. TERRY DUANEJOHNSON DAVIDA. JORDANI MICHAELJOSEPH KAMINSKI ELLISKARLIN ROBERT DEEANNKARLINC L L O HOWARD ~ KASPER, with Distinction in Zoology KATHLEENDEEKATOVICH JAMES G~WRGE KATSENES SANFORD KATZ ROBERT RODGER DENEAN KELLEY BARBARA ELISEKELLNER,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences SUSAN ELAINE KELLY FREDERICK MICHAEL KEROFF PAMELA KARENKIDD,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences MICHAELE JOYKIEFER CYNTHIAJOYCE KIRCHHOFP, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences KIRKPATRICK BRWCELEONARD CATHYJ. KLEIN MARYJo KLINGEL CARLAMILLERKLOPFENSTEIN JOSEPH WILLIAM KMOCH JANE LEROYKNEEDY, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences KNISKERN DAVIDPAUL DENNIS LERm KNUDSON, with High Distinction in Honors Biology DIANEMORROW KOHALMI, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences EARLROBERT KOPRIVA,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences STEVEN DALEKOTTEMANN, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences BARBARA LYNN KRAMER, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JEROME RICHARDKRAUT, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JOHN ROBERT KRECER MARYANN HAGENKRECER, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences LINDAJEAN KRESCA,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JOANNE AMALIAKRESL,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences KURTALLENKRUEGER JANE VERONICA KUCESKI DANIELALLENK r n ~ m GEORGINERITA LALJSH, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Mathematics and Computer Science MIMI YINLAM JOHN [June 17 PHILIPEDWARD LANE,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences MARKHARRINGTON LATCH JAMESWILLIAMLATEER STEVEN ERROL LAVENDER BARBARA LOVISELAW LAWLER,Hi h Honors in DEL EDGAR Liberal Arts and tciences with High Distinction in Physiology ROBERT LAWRENCE LAWTON, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences PAUL F. LAZARUS STEVEN GARYLEHMANN,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Actuarial Science LAURENCE JOSEPH LENSKI SUELEPPER,High Honors in CAROLYN Liberal Arts and Sciences BARRYARTHURLEVINE,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Mathematics and Computer Science JOHN ISAAC LEVY LLOYDBERNARD LIFTON,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences EDWARD SHELDON LINN, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in General Biology PETER WARDLIPPINCOTT DAVIDHANCQCK LLOYD SUSAN ANNELOMBARDI CHARLES WILLIAMLONGWELL, JR. DENNISEDWARD LOPATIN SUSAN ALICELORENZ EVALUDEN,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JANICE KATHLEEN LUNDAHL DEBORAH MAELUNDCREN FRANCES SUSAN MAEIJA,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Honors Biology JAMES Lours MAGILL EDWARD LEOMARCOTTE CHERYL JAYNE MARKSTROM FRANK MARTE DAVIDSTUART MARTIN,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences MARTINDALE DIANESHERRY DOUGLAS JAMES MATHISEN, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JOANNMATORY BRADLEY KARLMATTEN JOHN MICHAELMAVZEY CECILIAGAYMCCANE,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Mathematics JAMES WILLIAMMCNAYARA JOHN MICHAEL MCNURNEY JOHN W A L .M ~ ~ L MICEIAELJOSEPH MEIRINK OSEPFI ANTHONY MEISENBACH L I IWARD RONALD MELLICK MARIANNE RUEMELVIN 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS THOMAS GRANTME" KATHYA" MIL^^, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences MARIANNEMILEWSKIY CARLA SUZANNE MILLER,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences DIANEMARYMILLER JEF~REY LEE MINOR BARBARA LEEMITCHELL DANCHARLESMITCHELL THOMAS EVANS MITCHELL, JR. JOHN LOUIS MOLINAR JOSEPH MOMENT NORMAN MICHAEL MARKMOON &CHARD MICHAEL MORCHAT JAMES ALANMORGAN DAVIDJOHN MORIARTY ROBERT H ARRY MORTIMORE MARYCATHLEEN MURPHY MURRAY WILLIAMFRISBY NACCARATO ELISEFRANCINE JAMES BURTNACHMAN, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences ROBERTA JOYCENAVICKIS ROGER CHARLESNEELY EDWARD NEKOLA CHARLES PATSY Jo NELSON MARTINANTHONY NEMECEK LWDWIG WOLFGANG NEMETH JOSEPHJOHNNEFOTEI1 FREDERICK SCOTT NEUMEYER DAVIDR. NEWTON MICHAELALLEN NEWTON,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences LARRYANDREWNIELSEN,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences ROBERT ARTHUR NORTH JOAN MARY OGDEN,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences TERRY MICHAELO'HARA KATHLEENMARIEOHMAN HAROLD MARTINOLSON EDWIN OLSON,High Honors in ROBERT Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in Mathematics ANTHONY CHARLES ORNATEK JOSEPHFRANCIS PAONE STEVENDALEYPAUGH JOHN CLAUDEPEARSON,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences RICHARDLEE PEARSON,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences KEVINDONALPEPPARD MARYFRANCES PEPPLE KEVINPATRICK PERKINS DANNIEWALTERPETRUNAS GEOFFREY DUDLEY PHILLIPS RITAELIZAPIACENTINI JUDYIRENEPIEKARZ, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences DAKOTA ARCHIEP I ~ N S &YE ELIZABETH PISTOEXUS, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JANE PLUNK MARTHA 1061 DENNISLEE POLHILL GLENNMICHAEL POLIN,H igh Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences EDWARD JAY POUYE~. High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in General Biology STEVEN ALAN P O R T S GREGORY Lours POTEMPA ALPHONSEJOHN PRANAITIS, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences BERNARD BERYLPRITZKER, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Honors Biology CARIBS MANUEL PUIG, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in Mathematics SUSAN ANNQUICKSTAD LINDALOUISERADER MEENAKSHI RAJAGOPALAN LARRY BRWCERAPPAPORT JOHNWILLIAMREIMANN GARYJOHN RENZAGLIA JAMESCARLTON RICHARDS BRUCE COMFTON RICHARDSON,Hiqh Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Honors Biology BRUCE COMFTON RICHARDSON,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JANET ELIZABETH RICHERT,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences ROBERT ALANRINKEMA DEBRALYNNRIPPINCER,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences PAULA ESTHER ROBBINS LAURA LOUISEROBINSON REEDMARSHALL R o m , High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Mathematics SANDRA JEANNE RONSPIES JAMES WILLIAM ROSEN, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Psychology LINDAGAIL ROSENBERG, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in Mathematics and Computer Science ALFRED NELLOROSSI HELEN ROTHMAN SHERWINMICHAEL RUDMAN,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences MARGARET MARYRYAN JOHNCRAIGRYJ-ANDS LOUISEOLUNDRZECHUZA CARLBYRONSAINTEN GARYSCOTTSAIET, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences SUSAN FRANCES SAVAGE GEORGE DENNIS Scmmm DOUGLAS WILLIAM S ~ H E M S K E DAVID SCHIMEL,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences SUSAN f(AY SCHLUCKEBIER 1062 BOAIU) OF TRUSTEES MARILYNKAYSCHYALZ ALLANTHOUS SCHMIDT ROBERTRICHARDSCHMITT, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences STEVEN MICHAEL SCHMITZ HAROLD LAWRENCE SCHRAMM, JR. CHARLES FREDERICK SCHWARTZ EILEENMILLER SCOTT, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences TIMOTHY RALPE SCOTT, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences THOMAS SEWELL CHARLES KENNETH MARKSHANOFF TERRY HARLAN SHAPIRO SHARON ANNSHEPARDSON JIMHERBERT SHULL STEVEN LESLIESILVER, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences 111, High GEORGE HASKELLSIMMONS Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JAMES WILLIAMSISLOW CHRISTINE ALICESLIVON, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Mathematics and Computer Science JANICE BATISTA SLONKOSKY CRAIGP. SLUTZ STEPHEN ARNOLD SMITH, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Geology MICHAEL LEE SOCOL,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences GRADINE SOMMERFIELD TERRY BONITAJEAN SORENSEN, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JACKMARVINS~STRIN FRANKSPIEGEL, GEORGE JR. CHERYLSur. SPIELMAN, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences SUZANNE ROBINSPRIETSMA, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences LARRY DEANSTAHLY MARILYNVICTORIA STANEK CATHERINE MARYSTANKO ALANJOSEPH STEIN MARLENESTEINER WILLIAM JOSEPH STEINKAMP FRANCINE CAROL STERNBERC BRUCE E DWARD STEWART TERRY GENESUKENIK. High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences PATRICIA Lou SULLIVAN PHILLIP ROGERSUMMERFIEW) JEFFREY PERCY SUNDBERG ROGERDWAYNE SURBAVGR PAUL JOEL SUSSMAN, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences MILLICENTLEESUTHERLAND WILLIAMLEVINSUTKER JOANMARGARET SWANSON ROBERT CALVINSWARINGEN MARK SAMUEL TAKACISHI, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences [June 17 WILLIAM TANNER, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences High Honors JAM= WILLIAMTANXER, JAMIS in Liberal Arts and Sciences FLY” ANTHONYTAYLOR DALEROBERT TENCATE TEBLIZZI LAURA MARIE MARILYNFAYTHERIOT WILLIAMEARL TOMPKINS, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Hi hest Distinction in Chemistry SUSAN %ARI TONON DAVID RALPHTROST JOYCE ELAINE TUCKER JANANNTURCZYN ROBERT KEITHUNCLAUB, JR. DAVID CARLVANDE BUNTE RAYVANDE LARRY GEFST JEFFREY LYNNVANDERSTEEG DAVID LEEVENHUIZEN LURETTA High HonKATHRYN VINCKE, ors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in Mathematics and Computer Science PATRICK ANTHONYVOGEL,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences ALEXANDER VUCKOVIC FRAN LEEWAGHORN RITAANNEWAKAT JOHNWALKER, JR. WILLIAM JAYWALKER JAMES NEALWALLACE RONALD WILLIAM WALLER GEORGE ROBERTWARING,Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JANEANN WEBSTER, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in Mathematics KARENSUEWFZNBERGER VALERIE JEANNE WEISSHAPPEL DOUGLAS WHELPLEY PAUL CHARLOTTE LANIERWHITE DONNAJEANWILDE,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences THOMAS HAROLD WILKINSON THOMAS HAROLD WILKINSON AUGDEN FREDWINDELBORN LARRY JAMES WINKLEMAN BECKY GAILWINTER TRACY LEONWISE ROGER HUNG WAI WONC THOMAS RAYYATES DENNIS LAINEZALUSKY JOSEPH THOMAS ZANT LINDAKAYZAPF DAVIDALLAN ZEGERS ARTHUR F RANK ZEMANI11 JOSEPH EDWARD ZERWEKH PAUL J AYZL~TNIK ANNZORDAN BARBARA JERRILYN ANNZULEGER, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1063 I* Physics STEPHENALANBERMAN, High Honors DONALD RAY JOHNSON in Liberal Arts and Sciences with CHARLES DAYTONKEYES,with D i h c Highest Distinction in the Curtion in the Curriculum riculum ALBERT JOHN KLUN JOSEPHANTHONYBLANCO,High Hon- LUDWIGEDWARD KOLMAN,with Disors in Liberal Arts and Sciences tinction in the Curriculum JAMES NELSONCHRISTMAN, High Hon- STEPHAN RAYMOND KIJRTZ,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences ors k Liberal Arts and Sciences JR. with Distinction in the Curriculum WILLIAMJUHN CROISANT, , Hon- STEVEN SEESUN LAI WILLIAMGILBERT~ R E R High JOHN LAUA ors in Liberal Arts and Sciences DOUGLAS MANIS with Highest Distinction in the LYNNDORSEY RODNEY VAILMCCORMICK Curriculum ROESKE,JR. ALANWAYNEHOFFMAN, High Honors FRANKLIN High in Liberal Arts and Sciences with ROBERTWALTERTURKOWSRI, Honors in Liberal Arts and SciHighest Distinction in the Curriculum ences with High Distinction in the MICHAEL JAMES HOLM,High Honors Curriculum in Liberal Arts and Sciences with ERICWILLIAMWEISS Distinction in the Curriculum JOHNVINCENT WERNER In Speech Correction BERNADETTE ANDERSON JENNIFERVALENCIAHUBBARD, High JOANEVELYN BELDIN Honors in Liberal Arts and SciJOYCE CAROL BOOKSHESTER ences with Distinction in the CurMARCIA RUTHCHAPMAN riculum ATHANASEA NANCYCONSTAN CHARLEYNE KAMENEAR JUDITH ANNLEDuc PAMELA J ANEERNEST KARYNR. GITLIS, Honors in Liberal KATHLEEN BECKER NISSAN LAVERNE SEAMAN MARGUERITE Arts and Sciences PEGGY A NNHARDT In the Teaching of Biology PAULACATTANDERSON, Honors in Lib- MARIELILETTEJEZIK,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Diseral Arts and Sciences tinction in the Curriculum BARBARA ANNBOMBACH ARTHA HA ANN Boy=, High Honors in VERA SHIRLETTE JEZIK,Honors in LibLiberal Arts and Sciences with eral Arts and Sciences MARGO KOMORN Distinction in the Curriculum RAESUSAN ANTHONYWAYNE BRIELER PEKALA ANN ARTHUR PELZ KAREN SUECARLSON MICHAEL JOSEPH POSTULA, High HonHELENKAY COLLINS ors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JOANMARIEC~URVOISIER EDWARD LEE DUCKROW,Honors in with Distinction in the Curriculum ROBBINS, High Honors MARYSNYDER Liberal Arts and Sciences in Liberal Arts and Sciences with PAULETTE ARLAYNE GLUT Distinction in the Curriculum FREDRICK WILLIAMHAHN,JR. NORMAN VICTORHORLER BONNIE RUTHSHILLING CARLENE LENORE DORAN HOUGEN, High RICHARD CARTER STRASSMAN Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum I n the Teaching of Chemktry ERIC ESTESRICBTER,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum In tk Teaching of Geography JANEANNMEYER SHARON HEIMBURGER PEABODY In fhe Teachitzg of Mathmatics BONO BAR-, Honors in Lib- MEWLANE WILLIAMEDWARD BURD eral Arts and Sciences JUDITH JEAN 1064 BOARDOFTRUSTEES WILLIAM CARLBURKE, JR. SALLY MARCIACHARMAN PATRICIA ANNCOLLINS JOANN CRAFT [June 17 PECCY LEENELSON R-, High Honors CYNTHIAELAINE in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum JUDY ANNROZMARIN SANDRA NICKLASSANDEEN, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences LARRYDAVIDSERENE MARLENE JOY SHAPIRO JOHN ALLANSTONE, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum NANCYELIZABETH THIEL, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in the Curriculum THOMAS EXCELL THOMPSON LINDALOUISEWATTS,with Distinction in the Curriculum LINDADIANNEWEIPERT,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum MARTHAJo DAGUE,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum RONALD ALANDAWSON JAMESROBERT HALL HAROLDBEERSHARTMAN I1 MARGARET ELIZABETH KIBURZ,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum JEAN CAROLKOPP, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences CONSTANCE ANN KOZIKOWSECI, High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JANE LARRICK, BARBARA High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JAN BERRYLEV,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum I n the Teaching of Physics EMILKENNETH MOSNY,High Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum COLLEGE O F LAW Degree of Juris Doctor DAVIDNATHANIEL ADDISON, B.A., Flor- JOHN ROBERTDELAMAR,A.B., 1967; ida Amicultural and Mechanical Honors JAMES ROBERT DORSEY, A.B., 1967 university, 1967 DYSTRUP, B.S., 1967 CHRISTIAN WAYNEROBERTANDERSEN. B.A., Har- ANDREW STRICKLAND EARLY, JR., B.A., NORMAN vard College, 1967 LOUISE ANFINSON. B.S., 1967 CAROL American University, 1967 BRUCECARLERICKSON, A.B., 1967 WILLIAMWINTERAUSTIN,B.S., 1967 DONALDJOSEW ERICKSON,JR., B.A., ORAJAMES BAER11, A.B., 1967 STANLEY BYRONBALBACH,JR., B.A., Lake Forest College, 1968 NICHOLASROSOLINOFALZONE,A.B., Rice University, 1967 ; Honors PRESCOTT ELLm BLOOM,B.A., Williams College of the Holy Cross, 1967 ROYCE JAY FICHTE,B.S., Southern College (Massachusetts), 1964 Illinois University, 1967 RICHARDCHARLES BOLLOW,B.A., Brown University, 1967 Lows STEPWEN GASPEREC, B.A., UniTOW FIRMAN BORDEN.B.A.. Greenversity of Notre Dame, 1967 COSTASJOHN GEKAS,B.A., University ville College, 1967 JWITH CASSBORDEN, B.S.. 1966 of Chicago, 1967 NATHANGILKERSON, f o m CHARLESBRADY,B.A., Marquette GEORGE JR., B.S., University, 1%7 1%7 A.B., 1966 JOHN MARTIN BRUNDERMAN, A.B., Aug- LYNNEMYERSGORDON, NORMANJAMESGORDON,A.B., 1967 ustana College (Illinois), 1967 GRAM, B.S., 1967 BRIANSTEWART ROBERT LESLIEBYMAN, A.B., 1967 ROBERTSON WAYNEHARVEY, A.B., 1965 CARLSON, A.B., 1967 BRENTFEILING BARRY STEVEN CARNOW, B.S., 1970 HARDIN WILLIAM HAWES,B.A., NorthWILLIAMFRANCIS CONLON, A.B., Indiwestern University, 1967 LEWELLYN WESTCOTTHICKS,JR., B.A., ana University, 1967 JR., B.A., DANIELVINCENT~ONSIDZNE, Northwestern University, 1967 RICHARD GALEHIGGERSON, University of Denver, 1967 B.A., SouthLours JAY DAVIS,B.S., 1967 ern Illinois University, 1967 ROBERT GEORGE DAY,JR., B.A., Wabash JOHN H. HIX,JR., B.A., University of College, 1967 Chicago, 1967 - 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS THOMASJAMES HOLDYCH, B.A., Rock- ford College, 1%6; Honors EVAN HOUEY,B.S., 1967 GRADY BRUCEBRADSHAW HOWAT,JR., A.B., 1%7; Honors WILLIAM ANDRJ~W HUFF.B.S.. Indiana .. University, 1967 JAMES PHILLIP JOHNSON, B.S., Uni- versitv of Colorado. 1967 RUSSELLSNOWDEN JONES 111, B.A., Denison University, 1967 THOMAS HALEJONES,B.A., Southern Illinois University, 1967 ALANROBERTKASSIN,A.B., 1966 LEROYCARLHAROLD CEMT, B.A., St. Olaf College, 1967 THOMAS LEWIS KNIGHT, A.B., MacMurray College, 1967 ALFRED KUIKEN, A.B., 1967 RICHARD MANNYMARKLAPIDOS, A.B., 1967 DANIELCHARLES LOONEY,B.B.A., Uni- versity of Notre Dame, 1967 JIM DORSETTLUCIE, B.S., Western Illinois University, 1965 ROBERTWILLIAM MAGGS,JR., B.A., Claremont Men’s College, 1967 LEGRAND LYNNMALANY, B.S., 1964 ARTHURLEWISMANN,B.S., 1967 STEPHEN JOSEPH MATTSON, A.B., 1965; Honors DENISANTHONYMCGRADY, JR., B.S., 1967 CARLCARSTEN MEIER,B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1966 ALANLEROYMETZ,A.B., 1%3; Honors BRUCEDENEENMEYER,A.B., 1967; Honors BARRYRIXMANNMILLER,B.S., 1967; Honors RICHARD ALANMILLICAN, A.B., 1963 FRED BENJAMIN MOORE,B.A., Eastern Illinois University, 1967 JOHN JORDAN MOORE, B.A., St. Louis University, 1966 A.B., 1967 WILLIAMALBERTMOORMAN, CHRISTOPHER DAVIDMURTAUGH, A.B., 1W7 FREDERICK JOHN NAFFZIGER, A.B., 1967 JAXESMICHAELNORTON, B.S., 1967 DANIEL CLARE O’MEARA, B.S.B.A., Marquette University, 1967 CAROLEANN PAYNE,B.A., Denison University, 1967 JOHNHOWARD PERCY,B.A., Claremont Men’s College, 1967 1065 FREDERICK PETERS,JR., B.A., DONALD University of Notre Dame, 1967 WILLIAMCARLPOSTERNACK, A.B., 1967 ROBERT LYNNPOTTS,B.S., 1967 ALLENLEQNARD RAY,A.B., 1967 GEORGE RIPPLINGER, RAYMOND JR.,AB., 1967 WAYNEBARRYROBERTSON, B.A., St. Ambrose College, 1967 RYBICKI, B.A., St. MICHAEL JAMIF, Procopius College, 1967 JEFFREY PAUL SAMUELS, A.B., Western Reserve University, 1967 DENNISMICHAELSARSANY, B.S., 1968 SCHIFFRIN, B.S., Uni- DAVIDWHARRY versity of Pittsburgh, 1%7 PAULGERALD SCHOEN,B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1967 DAVIDJOHNSCOTT,A.B., MacMurray College, 1967 A.B., 1967 DAVIDMORRISSMITH, ROBERTDENTONSMITH, A.B., Mon- mouth College (Illinois), 1967 CHARLESWILLIS SNYDER, B.A., M.A., Bradley University, 1967, 1969 STEPHEN OTTO SONDERBY, B.A., Lake Forest College, 1967 JUDITHANNSTEWART, A.B., 1967 CURTISLEE STINE,B.A., Miami Uni- versity, 1966; Honors PAUL LEESTONE, B.S., 1967 RICHARDLYNN STUMM,B.S., 1963; Honors JOHN SYGULLA, B.S.A., BentRICHARD ley College of Accounting and Finance, 1%7 TIMOTHY RAYMOND THOMAS, B.S., 1967 DAVIDLEE THOMPSON, B.A., St. Louis University, 1967 ALANCLOYCE TORGERSON, B.A., North- em Illinois University, 1967 TUNGATE, A.B., 1967 DAVIDERNEST STANLEY WATERSWILCOX,JR., A.B., 1967 OWEN RHYS WILLIAMS,A.B., Olivet College, 1966 DAVIDJ. WITHEFT,B.A., Northern Illi- nois Universitv. 1967 DANIELTHOMAS WWDRUFF, A.B., 1967 HAROLD ODFLLWRIGHT,JR., A.B., 1967 ROBERT FRANKLIN WROBEL,B.S., 1967 ALLANLEEYUSIM,B.S., 1967 MARTINZOPP, JR., B.S., Loyola GERALD University (Illinois), 1967 COLLEGE O F EDUCATION Degree of Bachelor of Science 1% i k Edwation of the Deaf PENNY ANNPORTER CYNTHIA MARYA BRENNA SUSAN L. RICHMOND CONSTANCE RENACHILDS DIANTHA Honors ZIBMAN, SHARON LEE KILKENNY 1066 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 In the Edscretion of Mentdly Handuupped Ckildren MAKWA JANE BAILEY,Honors ANITAHELENE SACKLEE KATHERINE SUSAN BEAUMONT PAULETTE HELEN STANEK, Honors PAMELLA JANE BITTLE, Honors BONNIELYNN SUGAR ALICE MARIEBOURNE JULIABUT^ THOMAS, Honors AWDREY SUZANNE GAMM,High Honors AMYKAYWILLIAMS, Honors BARBARA MARGABEI: EMMA KACR,High Honors LYNNWILSON SANDRA KAY MCWETEY DIANEWIMMER, BARBARA Honors NANCYLEE NYSTROM, High Honors RENEEA. ZELAC PAMELA ANNEPTASZYNSKI, Honors I n Elementary Edilcativn VIVIANA c m s CAROL HOFBAUER HELD, Highest VELVIGIGLIOADEN Honors TRUDY SUSANADES, Honors SHERRY CREININHELFER MARTHA J o AIELS SUSAN ELAINEHELMAN LINDASUSAN AKERS JUDITH ANNHIGHLEY MARILYNN KAYHINNERICHS LYNNADELEANDERSON SUSAN AVRUM ELOISE N ORMA HOUSTON ADRIENNE JOYCE BARBAKOFF, High JACQUELINE ROOKH ~ F E R Honors MARYELLENHURLIMAN NITA SIMON BARSHEFSKY ROBERTA LYNNJAEGER, Honors BARBARA JUDITH SCOTT BXLYEU, High Honors Jo JERDEN h’IARCIA BIRNEY HELEN RUTHJOHNSON ADRIENNE JANICELYNNJOHNSON, High Honors JOYCE EVELYN BREWE SARAH CRAYBRIELER LINDAHOHMANN JOHNSON, Honors MARGARET LOUISEBRIGGS, Honors JUDITHDEBORAH K AHN,Honors CONSTANCE MARIEROESLER KELLY JEAN BROOKS MARLENE K. KIRINCICH JUDITH LYNNBWFEN,Honors BARBARA Jo BWGHARDT, Honors PAMELA ROGASKOLMAN PATRICIA LYNNKONIG CAROL MARIECADEK,Honors CATHYLYNNCAMPBELL PENELOPE ANNKOPP CHRISTINE AGNESKOPPITZ EVELYN MARCRET COLOSKY SANDRA KAYCOOK High Honors ANITAMARYKOTARBA, MARYFRANCES GEORGIA ANNKOUROUPAS CORRIGAN KARENMARYKRAUSE,Honors DIANEMARGARET Cox KATHLEEN RAE Cox JILLLESLIEKULWIN JOLENE BERNICE CYGAN, Honors RONNAM. KURTZ ANNEWHITNEY LACE CAROLMCCALLISTER DAFFERNER BONITALAWDALY,Highest Honors HELEN V I ~ O R ILAWRENCE, A Honors LINDAFERN KATHARINE LEIGH &HEN LAWRENCE KATHLEEN ELLEN DEPKE,Honors WILLIAMS BARBARA LEDUC LINDAHASKELL SHARON MAEDISHKIN LEVICK, Honors ALVAIRISLIBERT NANCYGEORGIADRUMMOND EPSTEIN, JUDITHMARILYN Honors NANCY CAROL LINSKY LESLIEFAITH BARIJOYCE FEINGOLD LIPSCHULTZ, High Honors MARILYN PEARL FELDMAN KATHLEEN ALYCELYNCH MAHACHEK, Honors DIANESCHEPPNER JANET SUEFISHMAN CAROLYN JOYCE FRIEND CATHYBUCHBINDER MANDLER RENALIBBYGAYNOR SUE MANUS MAUREEN NANCYROSEMARTIN JANE MARIAN GILCHRIST ARLETTE MARJORIE LYNN GOLD,High Honors FLORINE MAYER ELSIEBARTLETT MCGILL LYNNKARON GOLDMAN, Honors JWDITH ANNMELVIN ANNGOOD MARYLINDAMILLER ANNGORDON, Honors MARCXA MARGARET SICHTA MISEK MARYJANE GRAHAM BARBARA LANEGRAVES SUSAN MOLINE MICHELE CATHYJo GREENWALD GLORIA DARLEEN MOORE High Honors MARYLou MUNNO,High Honors NANCYRITTERHANOVER, IRLD HARBOUR, JR. EVA KATELEEN MURPHY ROSALIE MARIEHARTWEGER, Honors ROXANNE KAYNOREM, High Honors BARBARA ANNNOVAK, Honors JUDITH FISCHER HAYDEL ROBERTA DIANNESOPEM H.EDRIW JOYCE PACKER, Honors 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1067 RUTHELIZABFTH PARAS BEXEIZY BEITTONSILKWOOD, Honors KATHLEEN E. PETRYSHYN TERI ELLENSIL-AN CAMILLA ANNSMITH SHAIWN RUTHPODOISKY KATHLYN KLINGSMITE JUDITH KATRRYN POMEPWKE,Honors JOLENE MYERS SPANO MARYELIZABETH PORTER CHERYL L YNNPXATHER DONNA MARIESTANISH ELIZABETH LINDASTAROSTA IRENE GORDON PRITZKEB, Honors MARCYBERYL RAGINS, Highest Honors MICHELEMARIE STOLARIK MRIGNA~NI N. ZAITOON RAHIM SUSANMARIESTBOMBERG, Honors ROSEMARY ANNREAY SYLVIA JEAN STURM TERESANANRUNKLE, Highest Honors BARBARA ANNSZOT CAROLANNR ~ S E L LHonors , VALERIEANN TREADMAN Highest DIANEMARIESAFARCYX KAYLOUISEVANGILDER, JEANNE ELAINE SAPORA,High Honors Honors KATHYRAUSER VOGET, High Honors HELENE SUSANSAVAGE MARY ELIZABETH VOLAND JENNIFER ANNSCHAEFFER, Honors LYNNGAILWASSEL GAILJOYCE SCHLAPP, High Honors BARBARA WEIGEL,High MEREDITH ELIZABETH JUNESCHOOLEY, Honors Honors REBECCAREGINA SECEMSKY JANANNE RAE WESSEL DOROTHY VICKERS SHELLEY CAROLYN LEESHERE BARBARA ANNWESSELS MARLOANNYELLEN VIVIANADELE SHERMAN, Honors LINDA FAYE S IEGEL SANDRA KAPPMEYER ZANDER SHERRY Jo SIFGEL In Indwtrial Education GARYCHARLES DRONE CARLMARTINHAY,Honors FREDERICK ERNEST FANDLER PHILLIP WAYNE HINCHEE TILDEN LAVERE FLEENER FRANK HUNTER DAVID WILLIAM HAGEN, Honors In Secondary Education MYRTLEUNDERWOOD KNIGHT, Honors SUSAN ELIZABETH AHNCER MARYKATHERINE KYRIAZIS SUSAN h'fIRKAM ATLAS LAIRD DEANLAWLYES MARYKAYEBASS High Honors BERKENSTADT, High Honors JOANLESMEISTER, GAILJ E A N NANCYLYNNLUST CHERYL L YNNBIERZYCHUDEK MARTHAMARIEMADDOX JANETLOUISEBLOOM, High Honors ELIZABETH FISCHER MAHONEY JUDY LANIEBURROUGHS BARBARA MCDANIEL, High Honors GARYREGINALD CADWELL GEORGE EDWARD MILKOWSKI EUGENE LEONARD CARLSON FRANCES MAINMOORE, High Honors MARYEVELYN CLEVENGER BARBARA FRANCES OLIC ROBERTCLYDE CUMMIXGS SHARON AILEEN PAMPE KATYANNCUNNINGHAM YVONNE CECILIAQUIRIN,High Honors ANNEDAUGHERITY DENISE CASEY SCOTT RZECKULA ELMER DALEFERRELL KATHLEEN RINKENBERGER SUTTER, BARBARA RIEKERGRANDT CAROLDIANEHANSEN Honors POOLE THELIN VIRGINIA CAROL J EAN HELM,Honors WILLIAM BERAN VOKAC JOY KAYHOLLINGSWORTH, Honors BARBARA RUTHWERNER MARIGENE RUMBAUCEI HUTTON CHRISTINEDIANEKESLER COLLEGE OF COMMERCE A N D BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Degree of Bachelor of Science In Accountancy Ross MYRONBLACKBURN, High Honors JONSTEPHENACORD BLANCHARD, Honors JOHNRXCHARD GARY WARREN AGRFST TERRY LEEBOLLMAN, Honors JAMES WILSON ANDERSON PETER LYNNBOWER SANDRA KAY ANDREWS WILLIAM BRENNE IIARILYN JOYCE BARNES, High Honors GORDON RAYMON Honors MICHAELBROWN, LINDAMARETRECKER 1068 BOARD OF TRUSTEES RUTH ANN RICHARDSON BU~KYBILE THOMAS EDGAR BURNS LINDAFAITH BURRUSS ROYNICHOLAS BURTON JOSEPH DENNISCAREY I11 BARNEY RAYCARGILE,High Honors JAMES MARTINCONLON FRANK EUGENE COZART RANDY ALLEN CUNDALL Cmrc ADAM DABROSKI JOHN JOSEPH DELUCA JOSEPH JOHNDEMPSEY MARSHALYNNE DEXTER LEOALBERT DIETER RICCARDO MICHAEL DIVITO STANLEY HERBERT FINGERHUT FORBER PATRICK JAMES NORMAN RAY FRANTZ JAYHERBERT FYIE,High Honors SIDNEY GARDNER DANIEL HAROLD CREED GILLEY, JR. MARKCHANDLER GOLDENBERG RONALD WADEGUSTASON, High Honors ROBERT GUTSHALL,High ARTHUR Honors RICHARDJAMES HAAS EUGENE LOUISHAMEISTER ANTHONY HARMON FRANK MARCRICHARD HELLER ARNOLD HENNING DAVID EDWARD HILQUIST AUSTIN Lours HIRSCH, High Honors MARYANNHOAGLAND ROGER HAMLIN HURST ROBERTJOHNIVANAUSKAS JAMES JOSEPH JIAMBALVO RICHARDPAUL JOHNSON, High Honors JAMES BARRY KAHAN MARSHALL J AY KATZ FRANCIS DOUGLAS KELCH MARKKOCH DAVID PAUL ANDREW KOURIS,JR., Honors JOHNCHAPMAN LANHAM, JR. BRUCE COBURN LAYER LEDERER LESLIETHEODORE IRWINHOWARD LERMAN, Honors Highest MARKALANLUSCOMBE, Honors CHARLESCHANLEEMA JAMES JOSEPH MACKEY DOUGLAS DEANMANNERINC, High Honors SUZANNE MASKEY,Honors REBECCA ROLLA CLARK MASONBRINK MCCONNELL DAVID WILLIAM GARY DOUGLAS MEYER STEPHEN TAYLOR MEYER RICHARDANMICHI,Highest Honors RICHARDJOSEPH MITSDARFER, High Honors JAMES PATRICK MURPHY, High Honors KENNETHMICHAEL MURPHY, Honors [June 17 STEVENEUGENE MUSGROVE DOUGLAS WILLARD NELSON JOHN ALAN NEWHOUSE GILBERT BROWNING NORMAN RICHARD ALANNUNEMAKER LAWRENCE KENNETH Oms STEPHEN ROBERT OLINCY BRIAN JAMES O’MULLEN WILLIAM RICHARDS ORNER TERRY ANN PARKS DAVID BRUCE PATTON AUGUST ANTHONY PERRY MARTINPETERSON JAMES JOHN ERNEST PFAU LAWRENCE JOHN PIANO, Highest Honors MICI~AEL RICHARD REDEMSKE JOANNREINHARDT ROBERT ROTXRENFREW FLOYD RE”= ROBERT KENNETH DALEREUTTER FANNY AD- REYLER,Honors RONALD ANTHONY RINDONE ROBERT JOHNROGOWSKI ABRAM ROSEN MICHAEL JOHNDAVID Ross, High Honors KENNETH EUGENE ROY GILBERTHAVEN SAIKLEY, High Honors C ARYSANDS SCOTT PERRY BRUCESCHECHTMAN, Honors HERBERT L. SCHMIDT JULIAN LUISSEVILLANO DANALLEN SHANER, Honors NEALGLENN SHOCER WILLIAM JOHNSHOWTIS M. SIEC~. BRENT MARCSTEVEN SIMON DAVID ELWIN SOUTHARD THEODORE ROBERT SPENN, Honors PATRICK STASIAK DENNIS MICHAEL ST. GERMAIN SUNKEL MORRIS ARTHUR RAYFLETCHER SWANSON DANIEL THOMAS TALLANT ELLYNRESSER TANENBERG, Honors TIMOTHY LYNTHEESFELD JEANELLENTROMPETER, High Honors LEROYLEWISVANANTWERP MICHAELTHOMAS VOEGTLE FRANCISMICHAEL WAGNER CHARLES ROBERT WALLACE ROBERT LAWRENCE WARD VICI-OR LYNNWEATHERS GLENN CHARLES WEBER JOHNROBERT WEIDNER STANLEY HOWARD WEINSTEIN ROBERT WEISMAN AVERY GEORGE LEONARD WESTENBERGER 111 DOUGLAS LEEWHITMAN GREGORY STUART WILSON STEPHEN CARLWYFFELS THOMAS EDWARD YAXLEY THOMAS ALLEN ZABEL 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1069 I n Commercial Teaching ELIJAHALANB ~ ~ ~ , H o n o r s EDITH ROBINSON TERWILLIGER, Highest ORASUECHENAULT, High Honors Honors PAMELA JOYCE NIZIOLEK In Economics JOHN STUART ADLER ELLIOT SCHWARTZ JOHN EDWARD CODD, Honors SHMIKLER DAVID JOEL EVELYN L6pEZ DfAz JOSEPH EDWARD STANTON ALBERT LEETHOMAS JAMES BENNETT HAGERBAWMER LAWRENCE RICHARDTHOMPSON JEROME EDWIN LEE BRUCE W AYNE WETTMAN KEVINPATRICK MORRISON DAVID JAMES NESLER In Finance DAVID JOHNLEWIS,Honors DENNIS CHARLES ANDERSON MICHAELDAYLINDSEY MICHAFL PETER ARAMOVICH CAE LUND ROBERT OWENTHEODORE AUTRY VERNON GAYLE MARTENS Lours PHILIP BARON JOSEPH MCNICHOLS, MICHAEL High BONETTI JOHNFRANK Honors ARNOLDALFRED BUEHLER CARLTON ERNEST MEYER ROBERT E ARLBUSCH I1 CATHLEEN MARYMICK-IAELS MICHAELCANNON STEPHEN THOMAS WAYNE Moss RICHARDALANCRANE, High Honors WILLIAM JOHNNOLTE FRANKLIN ELDRIDGE WILLIAM DAVID GILBERT O'LEARY JOHN WILLIAM EYLER ALANOLSON MICHEALRAY FAYHEE, Highest Honors GARRY RAYMOND FRANCIS PODJASEK MARCELDON FUCHS, Honors STUART WALTER PYHRR ALBERTJOSEPH GARDNER WARREN ARTHUR RhYBoULD HARRY WILLIAM GLASSMAN PAUL H OWARD RUFF GRANDONE EUGENE S a m STEPHEN EUGENE THOMAS MICHAEL GUNKELMAN HERBERT JACQUEMIN SLIGER, JR. GEORGEROBERT HARRISON ROBERT STANLEY SMOLEN THOMAS WILLIAM HARWIG, Honors STEVE ALANSOLDWEDEL JOSEPH MAYERHAZAN DAVID BURTON STUMPF SVEN OLAFHEGSTAD, Highest Honors MICHAELSUDDER RICHARD ALLENDOUGLAS JONASSEN HENRY CARLSZESNY, JR. MICHAELKELLY ROBERT DANIEL ALFRED THOMAS RONALD CLAUDE KOK-ALBLAS DALEROYTURNER SCOTT ANDREW KRACEN MITCHELLALANWnss DANWARREN KRCHAK THOMAS ALLEN WINTER DAVIDCHARLES LEONARD PH~LLIP LEONARD LEWICIU In Industrial Admikstratwn MICHAELIRWINROCKOFF JEFFREY EARLABLIN,High Honors DAVID ROBERT SCH~ER JR. JOHNJAMES BARBER, JAMES LEOSCHULTE WILLIAM JAMES BRINKMANN CARLEUGENE SIMPKINS JAMES ALBERT CHASE H. RONALD STOFFEL, Honors HOWARD ANTHONY HAYES EUGENE W. STOKVIS JOHN ROLAND HILBERT WILLIAM LAWRENCE TARNEY WILLIAM BRUCE J ARRETT LANA CARLEEN JOHNSON THOMAS JANTHOMAS DONALB ALANLEGEL JEROME RUDOLPH TIKALSKY TIMOTHY ROBE~T TUGCLE ANTHONYNICHOLAS Luamw GARYROBERT MARTIN PHILIPROGER VOSE CHARLES LANDON PARVIN, High Honor*s GARY LEEWEIMER JOHNMICHAEL Wmai ERNEST WARREN RAYBUTIN MARSHALL DENNISWHITE REX ALLENRENFREW ALENEANSTIN BARBARA In Managemmt HILAIRE JOSEW LAVIGNE, JR. 1070 [June 17 BOARD OF TRUSTEES In Mwketiw RQBERT L n ANGLES,High Honors AM& JOSEPH BEJROWSSU AMES RUSSELL BIELLE~ DENNISMICHAELBLAKE DENNISVARNER BROWN JAY BURTON BRUCE DAvm CARLBUsm THOMAS JOSEPHCALZA ROBERT J OHN FELDMAN JAMES EUGENE FIEGU DAVIDJAMES HAHNENSTEIN RICHARD BRIAN HALLY STEVEN MERRILLHARSCH JOHN WESLEYKOZYAK, Honors RALPHHENRY LOEWENSTEIN, Honors f MICIUELJAW LYTLE CHARLES & A N MARSHALL FRED MEYER ROGER LUKEJOSEPH MORETTI GARYLYNPOLESKEY LEOMICHAEL QUICK WILLIAMFAIRBANKS RICHARDSON RICHARD HENRY SCHINDEL MARILYN ANNSCBWARZ FRIEDMAR FRANZ SMULIA DENNISJOSEPHSTEPHENSON THOMAS POWELL VISKNISKKI JAMES PATRICK WAGNER, Honors SUSAN CAROL WAYHAM DOUGLAS AMORWILLIAMS COLLEGE O F COMMUNICATIONS Degree of Bachelor of Science In Communications GAIL LESLEYADERHOLD, Honors MARGARET ROSEFERROLI LINDAFERNE FINKEL AMYLOUISEALTMIX STUART ALANFox PAUL CHARLES ANZINE CECELIAMARYBANACH JANE FRANK NANCY DOROTHY LEEBARBER, Honors DAVIDALLENFRENCH,Honors BARBARA SHERRI FROST JAYNE WEEKSBARNARD, Honors MICHAEL ALANGADSBY ROBERT EARL BATES MARCIA ELAINE BAUMSTEN ANNEGORMAN BARBARA STANLEY MARKBmows JEFFREY GEORGE HALPIN CHARLES WILLIAMHANCOCK, JEAN CAROL BERG,Honors JR. RONALD KEITHBISPLINGHOFF LINDAPICONE HANSEN,Honors BRUCEGENTRYBLAIR MARCIAMENGHARMS WILLIAMDAVIDBLANKENSHIP ROBERT ROYHARSHBARGER RONALD ANTHONY HECHT JOHN GEORGE BLUCK BARRY R. BLUE STEVEN MICHAEL HECK LEEBRACKEN RICHARDBRIANHETKE MICHAEL MARYLYN BRADLEY PATTON MICHAELBRUCEHILFRINK JACQUELYN ANNBRETT JEFFREY ALANHOPPER ROBERT TODD BRINKMAN JAMES ALLAN HOPWOOD CATHYANNHURLEY, Honors BRENTABRAHAM BROTINE,High Honors JACKSON, Honors LINDASUSAN BRUCECARLTON JOHNSON, Honors MICHAEL GORDON BROWN KAY MARIE JOHNSON, Honors COLLEEN MARGARET BUCKLEY WILLIAMMICHAEL JONES SAMUEL WHITNAHCAMPBELL PAULA RAEKAHN,H onors JOHN MICHAEL CARMEN NANCY CYNTHIA KAPLOVSKY, Honors ELISE BARBARA CASSEL KATHLEEN JANETKELLY FRANK CHAZIN MICHAEL KING CHARLES ROBERT GEOFFREY CHEADLE, JR. LINDALEE COHEN LOISJEAN KOCH,Honors VIRGINIA BLANCHE Honors KOPECKY, JULIE STOUT CONNER L A U RRAUSCHENBERGER ~ KRACEN CORNER, Honors BELINDAFRUCHTL BARTON MARSHALL LAMB,Honors FRED STACER Cox THOMAS EDWARD LAUE JOHN THORNTON DAVIS PATRICK J OHN LESTON LEEALLENDEFOREST FRED DYBA PAMELA ANNLIPSCHULTZ DAVIDKANTERLFREDERXCK GEORGE EATON JAMES RICHARD LUNDGREN, Honors ALANH. EISENSTEIN JEANNE CELESTE MARIANI JOSEPH PETER ENNENBA~ CHARLESGORDON MATTHEWS PATRICIA MARIEEPPL.IN BARBARA SUZANNE EPSKY,Honors LESLIEELLENMAYORWITZ ROBERTH u m M ~ A R R OJR., N , Honors PHYLLIS INET FAVUS DONNAIRWINFERGUSON, Honors MARYANNMCCORMICK 1970J UNIVEBSITY OF ILLINOIS MARCLANE MCMANAWAY NORMAN JEFFREY MEDOFF TONIMARIEMILLXGAH LINDAsvg MITCEELL PHYLLIS ANNMITCHELL ALANDANIELMUTTER, High Honors DENISLEENAYLOR JANET ANNNELSOR JILLVIVIANN~ELSEN THOMAS CARTER NORTON KATHRYN EVENosm EDWARD E. NOVAK DONALD ADAMNYMAN MARTHAANN PADM~K KATHLEEN CARROLL PALMER, Honors FROST PATTON RICHARD MARJORIE ANN PINC,Honors GARYJAMESPINI KENTEUGENE POLITSCH PRATER JOHNWILLIAM LINDA LEA PROCI'OR ANNERADOSAVLYEV, Honors LINDA JOSEPHINE RALSTON PERRY WILLISREED RANDALL SCOTT RENSCH DAWNRICCHIO DANLEORICHARDS GAILKAREN ROLAND, Honors A NN RONALD NANCY BONNIEMARIERuss IRWINJAYSALTZ GAILLINDASCHALLER 1071 GENEROGERS C H R O ~ E R STEVEN FREDRICK SIESR MADONNAMARGAWSILES THOMAS JAMES %CliX?M KATHERINE MICHELLE SNYDBR DAVID THOMAS SODEN, Honors ATHINASPASKOS VIVIENDACMAR SPIERS GARYMELVINSTAMM CAMERON LANESTAUTH PHILLIP DOUGLAS STONE SHEILA GAYSTOOPS,Honors ELAINE C. STUNGIS EDWARD STEVEN SU-N WILLIAM THOMAS TABOR IRATEINOWITZ SANDRA LEIGH TILLROCK GREGORY THOMAS TOWLES, Honors FRANCES ANNURBAN VALIQUET LINDASUSAN ROBERT HUGHVANHOESEN ROBERT WILLIAM VANWINKLE DONALD LESLIEVARYU FRANK JOHN VITEK RUTHELLEN WALKER STEPHEN MONROE WHEELER LEEWILLARD GORDON MARYVERONICA WINTERS ANDREAJOY WOLLOCK DEANNA LOUISEYURIECI BARBARA Jo ZAIDEMAN, High Honors COLLEGE OF FINE A N D APPLIED ARTS Degree of Bachelor of Architecture AUBREYURIEL GRANT, JR. MARCASRENAZI MICHAELBRUCE ATKINSON THOMAS WILLIAM GRAVES PALTIEL J OSEPH B A ~ ERNEST CARROLL HART WILLIAMWALTON HAWKINSON RANDOLPH CHARLES BAHR HUMBERTO ENRIQUE BARONA PAUL ALANHEDSTROM E DWARD HEITZMAN, High FRANK DAVID MICHAELBERMAN FRANK J. BERNSTEIN Honors HENRY BOYCE PATRICKD. HILL PETER DAVID BRANNEN WILLIAM GARYHOOK, Honors RICHARDEDWARD BROWN,JR., High DENNISJEROME HORBINSKI Honors J A M ESTEVEN S HULSE BRUCEDAVID BULLMAN, Highest THOMAS ELDEN IVERSON Honors ROBERT WAYNE JOHNSON JOHNDAVIDCAIN, High Honors Highest RONALD BERTJOHNSON, CLAYTON CAMMETT COLE,JR., Honors Honors JEFFREY JOHNCONROY RICHARDCHARLLSKASTEN TtOBERT JOHNDAHL JAMES LEEKOLESZAR BRUCEWARREN DAVIS, Honors FRANCIS JR. EDMIJND KOWALEWSKI, DAVIDJOHNKUFFNER DAVID JOHNDULANEY WILLIAMHENRY EDWARDS, Honors DENNISWARREN LANGLEY WILLIAM KEITHh N JAMES EBERHART LAVIGNE ALANLEEEVINR~DE ALANJ-ITCHFIELD ROBERT MICHAEL DAVIDFEJES, Honors ROBERT WILLIAMMCCAULEY, Honors LAWRENCE PAUL FILIPPI THOMAS EDWARD McCm &us CALLAWAY MELOTTE, Honors RONALD WAYNE FRINK JAMES EDWARD GILGENBACH, Honors RUSSELLWILLIAMMEYERS FREDERICK WILHGLMS GLEAVE FREDRIC ALANMORITZ, Honors DONALD WALTER GRAHAM, JR. JOHNCHRISTOWER MUFF 1072 BOARD OF TRUSTEES HERMAN LOWELL Mvam GOFXION EDWIN MYERS I1 JAMES ALANNELSON, High Honors JOHNCLAUDE PAMPETTI FLOYD WARREN PARKS RICHARD ALANPASS JOHN JOSEPHPASTORE [June 17 IRARocon HARVEY MARKDOUGLAS ROHDE GREGORY ALLANROSE DONALD CLIFFORD RUSSELL, Honors WILLIAM LEESHAFER, High Honors JOSEP STAG DAVID RAYSWEENEY, Honors THEODORE LEATANNER, JR. ALANROBERT THEIS,Honors MICHAELJOHNTHEISS ALBERT GERBEN THEWIS, JR. KEITHJOHN WEITNER CHARLESRICHARD WILLIAMS TERRY LEEWILLIAMS, Honors CRAIG WILLIAM WRIGHT MARKT. ZACHMAN, High Honors WILLIAMFRANK PHILLIPS FREDDEANPOLITO FRED ALLENPOWERS JAMES BERNARD PRITCHETT, High Honors JOHNEDWARD RAGONA DENNISCLYDE REEDER,Honors JAMES GAYLAND REUL KENNETH J AYRIHA JAMES ALLENROECKER Degree of Bachelor of Arts In Dance KRISTINE JANEZEBRAUSRAS, Honors SUZANNE TERRELL Degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts In Art Education SUSAN AUENEMATTHEWS, High SUSAN LINDABOB, Hi h Honors JUDITH KAEBUCHA, I-fonors Honors Honors LINDAANNMELDGIN, KATHY-LEE CHICHESTER CAROLYN CARTER PANN LINDASUECOHN,Honors EILEEN COHNREAD, Honors REBECCAJANEDAESCHNER SAUER, KATHLEENE Honors JEANNE MARIE DUBOIS EDITHSHARON WALKER, Honors LORRAINE RUETER HERM,Honors ANNETTE RUTHWEISBERG, Honors DOROTHY FRENCH HOLMQUIST JANISANNYOUNG, Honors ROSALIE KOTWAS HRVOL, High Honors TERRY LYNZIMMERMAN NANCY ANNHUTCHINS,Honors SANDRA ALENELEVIN,High Honors In Crafts RAULALVAR ROGER S I ~ N SUEANNCAHILL PATRICIA JOSEPHINE MCGARRY JOANMARY SLATTERY, Honors JOHN PAUL ROLLAND, High Honors PAULA JOANSTERN, Highest Honors I n Graphic Design ALANLESLIEBLAIR LEEGARRET BLAIR,Honors JACQUELINE LEE BOWLING CHOWJUNC CHAN C ~UGHLAN MARYELLEN MELISSAA” CIUTTON RUSSELL DOOLEY HORKHEIMER ECKERT JUDITH LENORE RUTHFINK RICHARD S c o n HAEGER CLAIREMASAKO HANAMOTO, Honors LAURIE DAVIESHERM,High Honors BRIANMICHAELHYTOFF JANET MAYKASKO STEPHEN LYNN KELLY KARYN LYNNKOZAR KENNETH J ANLFDNARD BARBARA ANNMALINA JOHNCHRISTOPHER MCCARTY JANET L YNNPAITL MADELINEP ~ Z K EHonors R, JOANRoss ROBIE DEBORAH ANNRUBIN SAIKLEY JOANNE DENISEEITZEN&IN, Honors DAVID LYNNSUNDAHL LINDALOUISE TEAL THEODORE WILLIAMTIMRECK, JR., Honors ANTHONY ROBERT VOREL MAUREEN KATHLEEN WADAS MARY JANEWEBER ANN MARGARET ZIMMERMAN I n tlre History of Art ANDRESSV CARLETON WILKS,Honors JWNNANCY BURGHART, Honors PHYLLIS ROBERTA FOHRMAN I9701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1073 In Industrid Design BARBARA ELLEN KOELLING WXLBURN OTTOBONNELL 111, Honors MACHACEK,Honors ROBERT WILLIAM DEWITTARTHUR DILLENBECX MUELLER NELSON DAVID CARLGEOXIXGARANT ARNOLD LE~NARD SEPKE MONTECRAIGGILLESPIE,High Honors RESAMARGARET WATSON DAVID FORD INNES DAVID HARVEY WELLMAN PAULDENNIS KERVIN In Painting ROGER RALPHSCHULT, Honors PATRICIAANN JAMES GAELZENDERSTACK, Honors MARCIA KAYLARSEN, High Honors MILLERMARZEN KATHERINESTEXHEN, High MARY ROBERT BLAIRMCMILLIN Honors LINDASCHEU VETTER MARSHALL PARK ROBERT TINAWOLFER, Highest Honors ANNLESLIE ROPP SCHUETTE, LYNN VIRGINIA High Honors In Sculpture MARYANNHICKMAN Honors MORRISDAVID APPLEBAUM, ROGER ALANPAINTER MARYJUNEEATON CHRISTSIOURIS FULLER,Highest Honors ARTHUR STUART JAMES DORISMARKSHAZARD Degree of Bachelor of Landscape Architecture KEITHEDWARD HOAGLUND HOWARD LEWISCARREN WILLIAM RUSSELL JOHNSTON JERROLD STEVENCORUSH GARYGLENN PIEPER GERMAN TAD HE^ CRUZ RANDALL GRANT RAIMAN, High Honors GARYROBERT DUNLOP TERRY ALLEN RIES JAMES LAWRENCE FULCEN~ RONALD CURTISSTANKE DAVID MICHAELGENNARO LAURENCE STEPHEN QNIA Degree of Bachelor of Music CARLA MARIELEHMANN, High Honors PAULA HASEMAN BERGHORN, High JOHNRUSSELL LINDSEY Honors YOKOHIRASAWA MUNAKATA, High ALICEFRANCES BRIN, Honors Honors LEEALANDUCKLES ROBERT E DWARD NOVOTA LINDA MARIEGREEN GLADYS LEEPHILLIPS MICHAELHARRY HABERKORN, Honors JOSEPH JOHNPINZARRONE, JR.,Honors STEPHEN HUSARIK, JR.,Honors WILLIAMWARREN WESTODTT, Highest JANEBAKKEN KLAVITER, Honors Honors ARTHUR JAMES JSLIMA, JR. Degree of Bachelor of Science In Music Education JOHNFRANKLIN GLOVER, High Honors MARILYNEVAANDERSON LARRY HERBERT GROSSMAN PAMELA LYNNANDREWS, Highest Honors KAYGUSTIE KARLA LINDAPAULEY HAEGER, High Honors ROSILLABARRA m JANICE BROOKS Loms OLLMAN HALL JEAN HARRIS, High Honors BONNIE &THY MARY BUONATJRO, Honors NANCY K RUMM HULTING, High Honors ELLEN KATHRINE BURKHART, Honors SHEILA CRUMP JOHNSON, Honors BRADLEY GENECOLE GAILELLEN KALVER, Highest Honors JAMES LEECRONE, High Honors SUZANNE ELIZABETH KELLY, Honors STEVEN ROYDENNY, High Honors KAREN SUEKENNICUTT, High Honors RONALD JAMES ELLISTON, Honors MONICALEELAUDERDALE THOMAS JOSEPH FIALA CAROLANNLESH,Honors DIANNETECKENBR~CK FITZPATRICK CHRISTINEFRANCES LEVORA, High ROBERT WALTER FORD, High Honors JOANHURNFREY Honors LOY DEANSTANTON MARILYNSUEGALLIVAN, Honors DANIEL LEELUNT STEVEN RANDOLPH GEIBEL,Honors 1074 BOAXD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 BONNIEANNROSENBAUM, Honors DAVIDALLENMABRONE, Honors MARSHA MARIEMATTEONI, High MARSHABRONER ROSENBLUM RICHARD WALTER ROUSH Honors VIRGINIA ANNSALMO BETTY Sm. MATTHEIS RONALDDUANEMCWILLIAMS,High PAMELA JEANN SANOSIU, E High Honors Honors DONNA LYNNSEZGLE BONNIE FREDIN PFEIFER, High Honors LOUISESMITH,Honors NANCY STEPHEN STAUFFENBERG, FRANZ Honors JAMES CHARLES Highest PLONDKE, TASA, Highest Honors DAVIDWAYNE Honors DIANEKATHERINE WHITE,High LINDALAMBERT ROAKS DEIDREANNROESCH, Honors Honors ELLENROSEN,Highest Honors EILEENFOOTE WHITE,High Honors MANDELROSEN,Honors INEZ ZUTLIN ROBERT OREEN In the Teachittg of Dame CHRISTINE BENNETT, Honors JAKICE SUEKOVAR, Honors Degree of Bachelor JONWALDEN ANDERSON TIMOTHY CHARLES COUNIHAN Honors GEORGEEDWARDS, MICHAEL MARYIRISHOLLAND, High Honors LARRY JOHNHOMLITH COLLEGE of Urban Planning ROBERTJENSEN CURTIS WILLIAM JONES MAURICE M I C H A E L TERRANCE LAMBERT PAULDANIEL LEINBERGER, High Honors O F PHYSICAL EDUCATION Degree of Bachelor of Science In Health Education BARBARA LEDDER CHRISTINE JANICE LOUISEUNRUH, Honors ULIS,Honors CHARLES PAULWOLFF DAVID BERNARD In Physical Education BETTY CHRISTIANBAER ANNMILLER KENNITH R AYBARW PRESTON JAMES PEARSON JUWE SYLVIA BECVAR, Honors CONNIEJEANPETERSON, Honors L A ~ J RELLEN E N PORGES ROBERTLOUISBIESZCZAD KAREN SWE BONNSTETTER, Honors LINDA WHEELER PRAY KENNETH RUSSELLBRAUER MICHAELTHOMAS PRICE MICHAELEDWARD BROWN EDWARD AWBREY RAYMOND, JR. PEGGY JEANBURMEISTER, Honors RACHELANN REGNIER JERRY ROSE,High Honors THOMAS BROCK TAYLOR BUTTS BEVERLY ANNRUDOLPHI JANEPFLEDERER BUTTS PAUL WESLEY CRAWFORD LYNDA K AYSCRANTON GEORGE L AWRENCE DUFFEY MARCIAJEAN SEATON, Honors MELISSA HAROLD 30 DUNNAN, Highest Honors RAYMOND SHERRY ALANLLOYD EFFLANDT KENNETH LOWELL SHULTZ, High BECKY Lou GILLFSPIE, Honors Honors MARYP GONIS,Honors SANDRA KAYSTONE, High Honors MARCIAJEANSULLIVAN JOYCE GREEN CAROL EDWIN JOSEPH HALIK,JR. BONNIE J EANTYKVART SHIRLEY MARIEHOLLIDAY ELIZABETH FRANCES WHITNEY,High CLAWVINCENT JINKS Honors CHERYL ANNEWITTLER, Honors HERBERT SCOTTJOHNSTON BARRY ANTHONY YURTIS JAMES HENRY JOST SUSANNE HARRIET KETCHAM, Honors MARYKELLER ZIMMERMAN, High MARGARET LQVAAS ANDREA Honors JUDITHANNMARCHESI, Honors In Recreation GLENLEONARD ALLIE KATHRYN HOPEBRILL, Honors LINDAANNANDREONI MARGUERITE ELLIOTT, Honors A NN BERGMAN ROBYN KAREN BAYSHAGAN GEORGIA ANNEBOHLEN KATHERINE TRUE HANNELL RONALD REBECCA A” BRENNER NEALLAPAGE 19701 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS CHALMERS NEUBAUEX REKER WILLIAMFRANCIS LINDASUSAN SPRAGUE IRENE 1075 LINDAKARENWATERS JUDITH ANN WEBB,Highest Honors ROBERT ALLANZVCKERMAN C O L L E G E OF VETERINARY MEDICINE Degree of Bachelor of Science In Veterinary Medicine STEVE LEELOYET ROBERT A RTHUR ALDRICH DAVIDRoss MANNING JAMES HOWARD BLOCK DUDLEY LEROYMCCAW CHARLENE ADELLE BOEING GARYELVERT MCKIBBEN TERRY LEEBOLTON MOORE KENTONPHILIP THOMAS GREGORY BROOKS ROBERT A LANMOSKAL PHILIP ASA BUSHBY,Honors MONTERODELLMUSGROVE CLAYARNOLD CALVERT, High Honors ALANHOWARD NATHANSON JOSEPH MICHAEL CABRILU) MICHAEL J OSEPH NUZZI JOHN SEVIER CAVE TERENCE ALANOSBORN CLAIR WILLIAMPATRICK DIANXEEDITHPANKOW JEFFREY ALANDAVIS WILLIAMJOEL PASCO FREDRICK HOWARD DRAZNER MICHAELPAULPASSARELLA, Honors JOHN ALLENEBREY DIANAKORNBLUTH PHILLIPS RONNIEGENEELMORE ROXALD GENEPIERCE,Honors CHARLES DAVIDEMIG ROGER M ERLEPRAY DENNISRICHARD GEISER,Honors ROKALD ALLENPRICE JEROME OLIVERGENGE JOHNDAVIDREED MICHAEL GOLDFARB STANLEY JOHNWILLIAMREED HENRYFREDERICK GRASKE,JR. ROBERT ELLISREICH,Honors DOUGLAS ANDREW GREGG,Honors GORDON KEITHRHINE ANDREW GUTTER ELLIOTT THOMAS WILLIAMRIEBOLD DENNISROBERT HAGCERTY ROHDE,Honors DENNISELMER KENNETH JOSEPHHALBACH ROBERT RICHARD ROTHE ROBERT GERALD HALLSTROM RICHARD GRAHAM RUSHTON WILLIAMALBERT H ERATH, JR. GREGORY LYNNSCHROEDER EDWARD LANEHOEDEBECKE RICHARD LOUTSSEFCIK RICHARD ALBERT JOHNSON, JR., Honors DALEFREDERICK SIEFERT JOHNALBERTKOEHM,Honors ROBERT FRANCIS TECLAW WILLIAMAUGUSTKRUMREY, Honors WILLIAMALANTHOMPSON BRUNO KASTYTIS LATOZA MICHAELALLENTURNER DANIELCHARLES LAUGHLIN HARRY LEEWHITLOCK TERRY R AYLEPPER EDWARD MICHAELLEWIS Degree of Doctor of SAMMY KAYEALLEN,Honors THOMAS AMLUNG, JR. ALBERT JAMES LOUISAMMIRATI JOHNLEONARD BAUMANN TERRY LEE BECKER RANDALL HUGHBORRI BOURN JOHNEDWARD RONALD CHARLES BOWEN JOHNWESLEYBYRD KENNETHDEE CAREY FRANKLIN ANDREW COBLE CHARLES ALLENCOHEN JOSEPH DUNN,J R. THOMAS ROGER FRANK HAGENBERG TIMOTHY JAMES HARRIS PATRICK JOHNHEITZMAN PAULWAYNEH ~ s s JAYNE E HOOKS JEANE H ~ K S JAMES AMBROSE HORAN BRUCEEDWARD ILGES Veterinary Medicine MICHAEL DENNISKASTELLO JOHN KELLY MICHAEL RONALD MURRAY KIPNIS JAMESDANIELKOLLER KRAGNESS CRAIGPAUL JAMES EDWARD KURZYDLO JOHNMILTONLANCLOSS CLIFFORD BRUCELOUDERBACK CAROLE MICHELELUCIA PAUL ALBERTMARTIN RONALD LEE MARTIN hfAVES GARYGEORGE JAMES DANIELMCKEAN SUZANNE ELIZABETH MELTON THOMAS ANDREW MILOS TIMOTHY VANMINNICK RONALD ALANMRAZ JEROLD LEWISNEEDELMAN TIMOTHY ALANOHMAN PETERSON MICHAELROBERT BRATISLAV MILANRADIVOJEVIC 1076 BOARD O F TRUSTEES [June 17 GLENRICHARD REDROSENTHAL GARYLEESTAMP CHARLES VERNON TRAYSER ANTHONY CHARLES SAUL JOHN PARISH TEIMBLE MICHAELSCHAER,Honors ERIC JOHN TROTTER, Honors DENNIS JOSEPH SCHWARZENTRAU~ ROBERT CHARLES TRUCKSA RANDALWILLIAM SEBRLNG PAULCHARLES TUCEK LEWISSEIDENBERC JANE MARIETURREL DORICE SHUMWAY DWIGHT PAULMARTINVARNOLD MARTINANTHONY SIMR SAMUEL GEORGEWALTON JAMES IVANSIECRIST BRUCE THOMAS WILLIAMS &CHARD LAWRENCE SOPXARZ JOHNNIE WILSON WISEMAN JAMES JAY SECRETARY'S R E P O R T The Secretary presented for record appointments to the faculty made by the President ; declinations, resignations, and terminations; cancellation, declinations, and resignations of summer quarter and declinations and resignations of summer session appointments ; leaves of absence ; and retirements. A copy of the report is filed with the Secretary. COMMUNICATIONS REQUESTS FOR APPEARANCES BEFORE THE BOARD Mr. Hughes announced that he had approved on an emergency basis a request from Mr. Will B. Betchart, General Chairman of the Civil Engineering Graduate Student Association, to speak to the Board on the subject of Communications Among the University Constituencies. Subsequently, Mr. Betchart asked that his appearance be deferred. Accordingly, the presentation will be made before the Committee on General Policy at its July 22 meeting. ANNOUNCEMENTS FUTURE MEETINGS Mr. Hughes announced the schedule for the next three meetings of the Board: July 22, Urbana-Champaign; August 12, Urbana-Champaign ; September 16, Chicago Circle. RECESS Mr. Hughes announced that the regular meeting would be recessed for a meeting of the Committee on Buildings and Grounds. H e also stated that the Committee on General Policy would meet after lunch to hear a presentation from a representative of the Student Government at Chicago Circle on the subject of University investments and to discuss a report from the Ad Hoc Committee of Student Observers. It was also announced that an executive session had been requested and would be convened after the meeting of the Committee on Buildings and Grounds to consider reports and recommendations relating to patentable discoveries and acquisition of property. EXECUTIVE SESSION When the Board reconvened in executive session, the same members of the Board, officers of the Board, and officers of the University as recorded at the beginning of these minutes were present. RECOMMENDATION O F THE UNIVERSITY PATENT COMMITTEE (43) The University Patent Committee, with the concurrence of the Chairman of the University Research Board, submits the following recommendations relating to patentable inventions by members of the staff. 19701 1077 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1. Rotary electrostatic precipitator - Shao Lee Soo, Professor of Nuclear Engineering and of Mechanical Engineering, Urbana, inventor. This device consists of electrodes and collector plates mounted in a drum on a rotating wheel. The passages of dusty gas to be cleaned and the passages for the cleaning of the collector plates are separated by seals over the drum. The collector passages alternately pass between these sectors to collect dust and to be cleaned. T h e Committee recommends that a 20 per cent distribution of net income be made to the inventor. (The Board of Trustees approved assignment of the rights in this invention to the University of Illinois Foundation on January 12, 1967.) 2. Transmitter and receiver for the transmission of computer (digital) data over standard commercial television channels - John E. Stifle, Senior Research Engineer at the Coordinated Science Laboratory and Computer-based Education Research Laboratory, Urbana; Donald L. Bitzer, Professor of Electrical Engineering, Research Professor at the Coordinated Science Laboratory, and Director of the Computer-based Education Research Laboratory; and Michael Johnson, Electronics Technician at the Coordinated Science Laboratory, Urbana, inventors; developed under the sponsorship of the Joint Services Electronics Program. Because digital information is binary in nature, only two voltage levels are needed to represent a hit of digital information. I n the system described here one voltage level is chosen as the black (blanking) level and the other as the white level. Each horizontal scanning line in the television field is divided into 100 time bins of .01H seconds each (H = 1/15750 seconds). The first 16 bins of each line are used for horizontal synchronization and blanking purposes. The remaining 84 bins along a line each contain one bit of digital information. Field tests indicate that better than 7225 fields are transmitted correctly for every field with errors. The number of bits in error in a bad field is generally less than 250. The Committee recommends that the rights of the University in this invention be assigned to the L'niversity of Illinois Foundation for study and possible patent application, subject to the rights of the sponsor. I concur. On motion of Mr. Clement, this recommendation was approved. EMPLOYMENT O F SPECIAL COUNSEL (ESTATE OF EUGENE S. BOERNER) (44) At the time of his death in 1966, Eugene S. Boerner held title to certain stock in Jackson and Perkins Company subject t o an executed contract of sale. In his will hlr. Boerner directed that this stock, or the proceeds from the sale thereof, be distributed as follows: 80 per cent to Cornell University and 20 per cent to the University of Illinois. The Lincoln Rochester Trust Company has filed its proposed final report as Executor of the Estate of Eugene S. Boerner, and is seeking the approval of that report and its discharge as Executor of the estate. Certain transactions during the administration of the estate,with respect to the sales agreement require full exposition and it is in order for the University to file formal objections in the New York court with reference t o the proposed final report. The Vice President and Comptroller and the University Counsel recommend that the University Counsel be authorized to take such steps as are necessary or appropriate, including the employment of special counsel, to protect the University's interests in the estate. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this recommendation was approved. On motion of Mr. Clement, the Board adjourned. EARLW. PORTER Secretal'y EARLhl. HUGHES Presidmt LUNCHEON GUESTS Some thirty-five members of the faculty and student body from the Urbana-Champaign campus were guests of the Board at lunch. '