Franz Lake/Ridgefield multi
Franz Lake/Ridgefield multi
Results of Multi-Year Coordinated Fish, Fish Prey, Habitat and Water Quality Data Collection under the Ecosystem Monitoring Project Lyndal Johnson1, Kate Macneale1, Amy Borde2, Jennifer Morace3, Catherine A. Corbett4, Sean Sol1, David Teel1 and O. Paul Olson1 1NOAA Fisheries Northwest Fisheries Science Center, Seattle, WA, USA 2 Coastal Assessment and Restoration Group, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Sequim, WA, USA 3USGS Oregon Water Science Center 4Lower Columbia River Estuary Partnership, Portland, OR, USA Columbia River Estuary Conference Astoria, OR May 25 and 26, 2010 Ecosystem Monitoring Project Objectives: • Characterize tidal freshwater salmon habitats in the Lower Columbia River and Estuary, and salmon and salmon prey occurrence in those habitats • Provide long term data to assess the status and trends of aquatic habitats, including those used by endangered salmon populations • Apply these data, as appropriate, for estuary habitat restoration. Fisheries) Ecosystem Monitoring Project Coordinated Habitat, Fish, and Prey Monitoring at ~4-6 sites annually: Vegetation monitoring (% cover along transects, species list, elevation) - 4-6 sites Sediment grain size along transects - 4-6 sites Water quality (data loggers) - 2 sites Fish sampling (species richness, abundance, CPUE, stock id, length, weight, stomach contents, otoliths for growth rates, marked/unmarked, condition, contaminants) - 5 sites Fish prey (taxonomy, abundance, biomass, terrestrial vs aquatic origin) - 5 sites Primary production/food web – 1 site Results Online on at Estuary Partnership website: EMP Focus—Undisturbed emergent and forested wetlands • Undisturbed Emergent Wetlands – Dominated by erect, rooted, herbaceous “water loving” plants for most of the growing season • Undisturbed Forested Wetlands • Productive habitats that support fish and wildlife and are likely important rearing and nursery habitats for salmon Reach C Reach E Reach F Reach H Portland Ecosystem Monitoring Multi-year Sampling Sites Multiyear Sampling Sites Campbell Slough (Reach F) – Ridgefield Wildlife Refuge, WA Franz Lake (Reach H) –near Beacon Rock State Park, WA Ecosystem Monitoring Program Results Multi-year Sites Water Quality (USGS) Vegetation Monitoring (PNNL) Invertebrate prey (NOAA Fisheries) Fish (NOAA Fisheries) Temp. (° 30 20 10 Estuary Partnership’s Ecosystem Monitoring Program Major Program components: Water Quality (USGS) Vegetation Monitoring (PNNL) Invertebrate prey (NOAA Fisheries) Fish (NOAA Fisheries) Dominant plant species at Campbell Slough and Franz Lake Wapato ( ) Common spikerush ( Canary reed grass ( ) ) Estuary Partnership’s Ecosystem Monitoring Program Major Program components: Water Quality (USGS) Vegetation Monitoring (PNNL) Invertebrate prey (NOAA Fisheries) Fish (NOAA Fisheries) Prey Availability – Emergent Vegetation Tows 100% Other 90% Trombidiformes 80% Poecilostomatoida 70% Ostracoda 60% Oligochaeta Odonata 50% Nematoda 40% Hemiptera 30% Diptera Cyclopoida 20% Coleoptera Cladocera 10% Basommatophora 0% EV April 2008 Franz Lake EV May 2008 Franz Lake EV May 2009 Franz Lake EV May 2008 Campbell Slough EV May 2009 Campbell Slough EV June 2009 Campbell Slough Amphipoda Dominant Species are Dipterans (Chironomids), Cladocerans, and Cyclopoid copepods Juvenile Chinook Salmon Diets 100% Trombidiformes 90% Trichoptera 80% Thysanoptera 70% Other 60% Insect Egg Hymenoptera 50% Hemptera 40% Ephemeroptera 30% Diptera 20% Collembola Coleoptera 10% Cladocera 0% Franz Lake Franz Lake Franz Lake Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell April 2008 May 2008 May 2009 Slough April Slough May Slough May Slough June 2008 2008 2009 2009 Araneae Amphipods Juvenile Chinook from both sites show a strong preference for Dipterans open water emergent vegetation Dipterans 7x more abundant in tows through emergent vegetation Juvenile Chinook Diets – Mainstem/Disturbed Sites 100% 80% Terrestrial 60% Other Aquatic Cladocera 40% Diptera 20% 0% Dipterans also consumed at these sites, but high proportions of Cladocerans and more terrestrial species in diet – preferred food may not be available. Estuary Partnership’s Ecosystem Monitoring Program Major Program components: Water Quality (USGS) Vegetation Monitoring (PNNL) Invertebrate prey (NOAA Fisheries) Fish (NOAA Fisheries) Fish Community Characteristics Fish Species Composition 100% other sucker 90% shad 80% sculpin sp. 70% pumpkinseed peamouth 60% pikeminnow 50% killifish 40% crappie chub 30% bullhead sp. smallmouth bass 20% yellow perch 10% chiselmouth 0% stickleback Franz Lake 2008 (n=1128) Franz Lake 2009 (n=1781) Campbell Campbell Campbell Slough 2007 Slough 2008 Slough 2009 (n=981) (n=1755) (n=1881) carp sp. salmonid sp. Fish Species Diversity and Species Richness 8 Species Richness 7 Shannon-Weiner Diversity 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Franz Lake 2008 Franz Lake 2009 Campbell Slough 2007 Campbell Slough 2008 Campbell Slough 2009 Per cent Native Species 70 60 Per cent 50 40 30 20 10 0 Franz Lake 2008 Franz Lake 2009 Campbell Slough 2007 Campbell Slough 2008 Campbell Slough 2009 Juvenile Salmon Occurrence and Characteristics Salmon species 100% 90% 80% 70% steelhead trout 60% cutthroat trout 50% hatchery chinook 40% wild chinook hatchery coho 30% wild coho 20% wild chum 10% 0% Campbell Slough 2007 Campbell Slough 2008 Campbell Sloiugh 2009 Franz Lake 2008 Franz Lake 2009 Chinook Stocks 100% 90% 80% 70% Deschutes Fall 60% West Cascades Spr 50% Willamette 40% Snake Fall 30% Upper Columbia SuF 20% Spring Creek Fall West Cascades Fall 10% 0% Franz Lake 2008 (n=33) Franz Lake 2009 (n=8) Campbell Slough 2007 (n=62) Campbell Slough 2008 (n=38) Campbell Slough 2009 (n=59) Seasonal trends in Juvenile Chinook catch CPUE (Per 1000 sq m) 80 Franz Lake 4% 70 60 2008 50 2009 40 30 20 100% 58% 31% 10 NS 0 April May June July Aug CPUE (per 1000 sq m) 140 Campbell Slough <50% 120 2007 100 2008 80 <50% 60 40 20 2009 0% 50% 0% 84% 100% 0 April May June July Aug Factors affecting length, weight, and condition • Hatchery vs. Wild – Hatchery fish larger and heavier than wild fish. – Condition factor not significantly different • Month of Capture – Fish length, weight, and condition tend to increase from April to June • Year of Capture – Fish length, weight, and condition tend to be lower in 2009 than in 2008 • Site of Capture – NO significant difference in length, weight, or condition Chemical Contaminants in Juvenile Chinook Salmon 300 POPs (ng/g lipid) 250 PBDEs 200 150 DDTs PCBs 100 50 0 * * Summary: Many Similarities Between Sites Water Conditions: Temperature and DO profiles similar Conditions unsuitable for salmon after June at both sites Vegetation: Dominant species: reed canary grass, spike rush and wapato Boundaries between plant communities comparable at both sites Prey: A wide range of prey availability; common species Dipterans, Cladocerans, and Cyclopoid copepods; Preferred prey in diet were Dipterans Most abundant in samples collected nearshore and associated with emergent vegetation Fish: Salmon using both sites from April through May/June Although wild salmon were present at both sites, hatchery salmonids made up substantial proportions of the fish Fish community characteristics (number of species, species richness and diversity) were similar between sites Summary: Intersite Differences • Landscape at two sites is different (Campbell Slough further removed from mainstem) • Water conditions: Inundation periods probably different • Fish: » The Franz Lake site had a greater diversity of salmonids; » Percentage of non-native species tended to be higher at Campbell Slough; » Contaminant concentrations tended to be higher in juvenile Chinook salmon from Campbell Slough; Differences in fish occurrence patterns could be related to site location (reach) in river, proximity to human disturbance; conditions ESUs using sites experienced before accessing sites (no measurement of residency of fish at sites) Acknowledgement to our Funders and Cooperators and Staff NOAA Fisheries Bernadita Anulacion David Baldwin Jennie Bolton Paul Chittaro Dan Lomax Tiffany Linbo Jennifer King Mark Myers Tony Ramirez Catherine Sloan Julann Spromberg Carla Stehr Maryjean Willis Gladys Yanagida Phyllis Yang USGS Greg Fuhrer Curt Hughes Kevin Knutson Elena Nilsen Mike Sarantou LCREP Keith Marcoe Debrah Marriott BPA Tracey Yerxa Contacts for More Information: Catherine Corbett (503) 226-1565 ext 240, Amy Borde (360) 681-3663, Lyndal Johnson (206) 860-3345, Jennifer Morace (503) 251-3229,