Summer 2011 - Authentic Leadership Center


Summer 2011 - Authentic Leadership Center
Vol. 10, No. 2
Summer 2011
Your Essence In Action
Summer Fun at ALC
ALC’s August 27th Summer Fest was a wonderful
success! From the beginning – the bringing together
of friends to create a fun and exciting evening full of
laughter and surprises - through to the event itself, it
was a perfect demonstration of what happens when
many hearts, bodies, minds and spirits all work together!
With the ALC center decorated in the black and white
theme of the evening,
things were happening as
soon as you walked through
the door! Raffle and auction
prizes included hand-made
items of jewelry, art, and
home décor; services, including such things as automotive
services, counseling, personal
training, massage, salsa and
horseback riding lessons; to specialty items such as Alaskan
salmon and halibut (thanks Deb!) and gift certificates to Home
Depot, local restaurants . . . the list goes on!
Tracy Stephens and Bill
Veerkamp fed us a yummy
salad and spaghetti dinner
(with fresh organic beef donated by Chris Cockburn).
Erin Leebolt and John Huff
arrived just in time to cool us
down with their Shaved Ice
treats too. (continued page 3)
Quick Notes
NEW - Power Process Day is
Dec. 3rd.
ALC Movie Night - Oct. 1st.
Leading from the Center - The Fall
session of our life-changing workshop is
Oct. 21 - 23 and Nov. 2 - 6.
Coach Training - Nov. 12th
Communication Practice - Nov. 14.
New ALC Website Comming!
What’s Inside...
• NEW - Power Process Day....... 2
• Communication Practice......... 2
• ALC Season Celebration......... 2
• Tips for Living........................... 3
• Coaches’ Corner....................... 3
• Summer Fest Donor List.......... 4
• Master Calendar........................ 4
Visit for more information
ALC Workshops/Events
Power Process Day - December 3rd
Life gives us so many opportunities to learn about ourselves! If you’re facing one of those now
and looking for a chance to process, this is for you. The ALC Leadership Team is offering a oneday processing workshop, Saturday, December 3rd, beginning at 9 am. Each participant will be
coached by an LT member. For additional details, call any LT member. Space is limited. Cost:
$299. Register now! ALC grads only.
Register on-line by going to our website and clicking on the “Register here” link under Power Process Day in
“What’s New.”
ALC Movie Night - Saturday, Oct. 1, 6 - 10 pm
Join us for a fun night at the movies. We will be watching two movies, picked by YOU! Here’s how it works:
Bring two movies – your favorites, or perhaps ones you’ve been wanting to see. The group will play the
“movie elimination game” to determine which two movies we’ll watch. Plan to relax, laugh, cry, and eat lots
of popcorn. The evening is free. Bring a friend!
Communication Practice Group - Saturday, Nov. 12, 1 - 4 pm
Join with others in deepening your understanding and sharpening your skills with the ALC or NVC communication models to improve your relationships. Participants will learn from working with exercises or their life
situations in a facilitated group setting. Bring your challenges from workplace, relationships, parenting, etc.
Graduates of Leading from the Center or Compassionate Communication workshops are welcome to attend.
Graduates may bring a guest who has not been through one of these two trainings.
Facilitated by Lou Zweier, ALC Coach and Compassionate Communication Workshop Leader
Tuition: $15 per person, $25 per couple. If you plan to attend, please RSVP to Lou at
ALC Season Celebration
Thursday, December 15th 6:30 - 9 pm
Share the end of the year celebration with us – a time to reflect and
bring closure to 2011 and welcome in 2012. Light food and beverages
(feel free to bring some to share!). Every­one is welcome!
The Authentic News is a quarterly
publication produced by The Authentic
Leadership Center, LLC. If you have any
questions or wish to submit content for
possible publication in the newsletter,
please contact us by mail or email:
11344 Coloma Road, Suite 435
Gold River CA 95670-4457
Page 2
Visit for more information
Random Acts of Kindness (in case you need some ideas)
TIPS for Authentic Living
1. Start Small. It could be as simple as talking to the person
in line next to you or smiling at the person you pass in the mall.
Make someone else’s day.
Coaches’ Corner
It’s been a little while since we
have all been together for a training and I find myself missing all of
you. It’s looking like the Fall training will come together and we can
once again get together and do our
magic. As I sit here thinking about
it what I come up with is just how
special all the coaches are. You
all bring your own piece of the magic.
From the time you walk in the room until
the celebration of the 5 Day you give so
much. Your light, I’m sure, can be seen
from the far reaches of the galaxy.
Many of you have heard me say that
I want to change the world. That is
exactly what we do with every training
and each one of you is an irreplaceable
force in that process. The way you give
from your heart is an inspiration. Your
smiles are contagious and what fun we
have when we laugh and play.
If you can’t coach with us this next
time then rest assured you will be in
our hearts. Please come join us for the
celebrations and make the light shine
By Phil Star
We laughed to the great
family humor of Dominic
Fournier – a veteran comedian in the Sacramento
area. The evening wrapped
up with a live auction that
included a weekend at a
cabin in Tahoe, a fishing
trip (with fish cleaned and
shipped to you!), a year of
unlimited yoga, and the MC/ DJ services of the event’s MC, Larry
Thank you to the fundraising committee: Serena Posner, Larry
Burow, Tracy Stephens, Bill Veerkamp, Rene Leclerc and Alicia
Stammer. Thank you also to the all of the donors to the raffle and
auction (see complete list on back page). It is the contributions
of so many that made the
evening fun and successful
– and continues to make the
work we do at ALC possible!
With deep gratitude to all of
you, we look forward to the
fall Leading from the Center
training and a full and inspiring 2012.
2. Choose an activity you enjoy. Think about what you
like to do in your free time and then volunteer doing that. Take what you love and share it with others.
3. Be specific. Instead of saying, “I want to help children,” reframe it and say “I want to read to kids once a
week.” You will be able to narrow down exactly how you
want to spread kindness.
Leading from the Center
4. Buddy up. Call a friend and share
the kindness.
Monday, Dec. 5th
7 – 9 pm
5. Put it on your calendar. Like any
kind of event, if you put it on your calendar, it is more likely to happen.
Join us, and bring a friend for an
informal evening and the chance
to explore who we are and what
we do. Graduates, please join us
and share your experience!
by Maril Cardwell
Visit for more information
Page 3
If you wish to be removed
from the ALC mailing list, send
a message to:
11344 Coloma Road, Ste 435, Gold River, CA 95670
Thank you to our
ALC Summer Fest Donors!
Amy Nicole
Amy Warner
Autotronics - Serena and Rod Posner
Authentic Promotions – Maril Cardwell & Peter
Avalon Hearing Aids – Betty Vosters Kemp
Boneafied Art – Sara Taylor
Burney’s Hot Dogs – Bill Veerkamp & Tracy Stephens
Ed & Linda Buttwinick
Chris Cockburn
Chris Mathe, Ph.D.
Daphne Stammer
Deborah Kane
Deb & Jack Oudiz
Denise Johnson
Extreme Productions - Larry Burow & Dominic Fournier
Geri Sullivan
Jade Bryson, CMT
Jen Mathe - Custom Purses
KB Travel
Kendra Burow
Kona Creations Shaved Ice – Erin Leebolt & John Huff
Lisa Burow Photography
Mary Kay Cosmetics - Angela Honoroff
Mike Del Campo
One Ten Performance and Nutrition – Josh and Jen
Peggy Hunter
Teresa Emmet, CMT
Teri Shaules
Sandy Follett
Sue McPherson
Wells Fargo Bank
Dave Whitehead
Yoga Shala - Tyler Langdale
Master Calendar of Events
Living Authentically (Thursdays, 6:30 - 8:30 pm $15/person, $25/couple)
Sept. 8 & 29
Oct. 13 & 27
Nov. 17
Dec. 1
Jan. 5 & 19
Feb. 2 & 23
Mar. 8 & 22
Apr. 19
Seminars and Workshops
Dec. 3
Power Process Day
Nov. 12 Coach Training
Celebrations 5:30 pm on Sunday of each session
Session 1
Oct. 21 to 23
Jan. 13 to 15
Maril Cardwell................ 916-838-1321
Chris Mathe.................... 916-709-1170
Leading From the Center (two session, 8-Day training)
Fall ‘11
Winter ‘12
The Management Team
Session 2
Nov 2 to 6
Jan. 25 to 29
Events and Gatherings - check the website for details
Men’s Group - 1st & 3rd Tuesday nights each month - 7:00 - 9:00 pm
Communications Practice Group - Nov. 12th, Saturday - 1:00 - 4:00 pm
Movie Night - Saturday evening, Oct. 1st, 6 - 10 pm
Info Night - Dec. 5th, 7 - 9 pm
ALC Season Celebration, Thursday, Dec. 15th, 6:30 - 9 pm
Gayle Mathe................... 916-709-9233
Debbie Oudiz.................. 916-804-6647
Phil Stahr........................ 916-812-3726
Lou Zweier...................... 707-364-7907
Visit for more information