ALC Annesbrook LeAdership CoLLege


ALC Annesbrook LeAdership CoLLege
twenty fifteen
from our Principals College
Principals and Senior Pastors of
Annesbrook Church Ps Brent & Viv Liebezeit
NZQA Course Fees
Message from our Deans College Deans Robin & Cheryll Davis
Discipleship Courses (Non NZQA)
College Staff & Governance PgPg 67 ALC
Board of Reference
Testimonial with Year Two Student Thomas Bate
Timetable & Calendar
Key Personnel
Pg 8 Professional Staff Assistance
Pg 9 Advisory Group
Pg 9 Guest Lecturers
Testimonial with Year Two Student Elise Hubbard
Course Options PgPg 1014 Certificate
Details (NZQA)
Diploma Details (NZQA)
NMIT Enrolment Procedures
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Word from
our Principals
We have never before felt such
urgency as we do today in regard to
the training of Christian leaders forchurches, ministries and business.
Annesbrook Leadership College provides training that embraces practical
equipping and personal development
partnered with Christian theology
taught from the word of God.
The very heart of ALC is to practically
equip, raise and release leaders into
all nations with a Christ centred foundation carrying an anointing that will
sustain them in every area of their life
and ministry.
We are very privileged to be part
of what God is doing in the lives of
those whom God has brought to our
Leadership College.
One of the greatest miracles we see
is lives permanently transformed to
reflect the amazing character of God.
We pray that as you read the contents of this prospectus you will also
prayerfully consider joining us on this
incredible journey for 2015.
Ps Brent & Viv Liebezeit
Annesbrook Leadership College Principals
Senior Pastors Annesbrook Church
message from
our deans
Annesbrook Leadership College plays
a vital and a nationally important role
in equipping and preparing people
to lead. Our passion is for balanced
and Biblically grounded leaders to
be released from ALC into all levels
of society and Church life, with the
express purpose of bringing the integrity and ethics of Christian leadership
to those places.
We believe, and are empowered
by, the understanding that values of
truth, justice, compassion, kindness,
wisdom, humility and integrity are vital
leadership attributes and are found in
the personal relational knowledge of
Jesus. This belief is foundational to
our preparation of our students for
life. We see opportunity and we move
in high expectation firmly believing
that, if there are things wrong with our
world, we must be part of the solution. Already ALC graduates have filtered into many aspects of leadership
in both Church and community or into
pathways of higher learning where
they continue to learn and prepare for
a life God has called them to.
touch. Leadership happens in homes,
schools, communities, Churches,
the nation; in fact leadership occurs
wherever people are present and
something needs to be done. We are
intentional about preparing leaders to
be a blessing to others in the name of
Jesus. It’s that simple.
There is an academic side to the course
and a practical side to the course. Both
emphases work together to equip and
At ALC we have a passion to equip
people for leadership in a Christian
context and to excite them to head
into their futures with a powerful
conviction of truth, courage, confidence and determination to positively
affect every life and environment they
To prepare minds to
learn, seek, research,
reason and achieve
in the love and grace
of God is our greatest
privilege and highest
to train. Our greatest desire, however,
is not to teach students what to think,
but to teach them how to think. To
prepare minds to learn, seek, research,
reason and achieve in the love and
grace of God is our greatest privilege
and highest priority. We look forward
to welcoming you into the experience
and environment that is Annesbrook
Leadership College.
Robin & Cheryll Davis
Deans of Annesbrook Leadership College
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leadership college
staff & governance
Professional Staff Assistance
Because there are many topics of specialist interest within the curriculum, guest lecturers are called upon regularly. Among
the most frequent guest lecturers are professional staff members from Annesbrook Church, with whom we share the
campus. Many of these professionals are also Internship Placement Managers. The most regular of these are:
Graham Heslop is the Associate Pastor
at Annesbrook and a highly skilled
Graham brings a wealth of experience and
enthusiasm to the classroom. He is genuine and transparent and is able to marry
the academic with the experiential in a
completely real fashion.
Besides the Principals and Deans, ALC has valued and skilful staff members who lecture and are also involved in
special areas of service within the College.
ALC Staff
Simon Terrill
It is a great privilege for me to be working for ALC. I would never have imagined what God
had in store for me when I left a banking career to study theology. After graduating with a
BTh degree from Bishopdale Theological College (BTC) in 2012, I joined the ALC staff in a
part-time capacity. As the college has grown my position has developed into the full-time
role I currently hold as Assistant Dean. This involves lecturing, overseeing curriculum development and delivery and other administrative responsibilities. I also work part-time as a
musician and tutoring for BTC.
Having grown up as a Pastor’s kid and being involved in various areas of church life, my
passion is to see people grow into maturity and wisdom by providing Biblical inspiration for
Christ-like transformation.
Carla Pollock
I joined the excellent ALC staff as Intern Manager upon graduating from the Diploma in
Christian Ministry Internship course in 2012. My previous ‘hats’ include management roles in
the financial, health and retail sectors. Currently I assume the privileged role of Mum to two
beautiful girls and I am also a qualified Living Wisdom presenter. All of these skill sets are
extremely valuable in my role as Intern Manager and I use them to support the students and
their Placement Managers to achieve their goals.
My desire is to see every person I work with embrace and realise as much of their God given
potential as possible. I am honoured and privileged to continually see God moving with
grace and power through the ALC internship platform.
Governance board
Currently ALC is in the process of applying for Private Training Establishment status. Documents for application
have been prepared and are being assessed by NZQA. It is our desire to have the PTE status confirmed early in
2015. Part of the process will be the establishment of a new Governance Board. Membership on this Governance
Board will be representative of the wider sSenior Leadership of Annesbrook Church, which will be recognised as
the “Owners” of the PTE. As at this printing, the makeup of the Board membership has not been concluded. The
Board will, however, be led by the College Principals and Annesbrook Senior Leaders Viv and Brent Liebezeit.
David King (B.Com NMIT, Certificate in
Artistic Communication NZQA Level 5
City Lights Academy, Tauranga) is a highly
qualified and motivated man with excellence the only option in what he does.
ALC is fortunate to have David involved
in the business management and the marketing aspects of the operation.
He is a man of integrity, whose only goal is
to see every operation under his oversight
work to its absolute potential and with
complete credibility.
Hannah Flatt is a passionate teacher.
Her work within Annesbrook includes a
Pastoral role ensuring that people are connected, taught and cared for as part of the
overall Annesbrook operation.
Hannah holds an ALC Leadership Certificate
and a Certificate in Management (NZIM).
Shannon Johnston is an ALC graduate
with distinction. Shannon is the Childrens’
Pastor at Annesbrook. Shannon is a man
who is able to think outside the square and
is a leader of integrity.
He is passionate about seeing others
engage their minds and develop the tools
to search. Shannon is growing in reputation as a communicator with youth and
children and is an eagerly sought after key
note speaker.
Josiah Burton is a passionate and energetic Pastor for Youth with a National
reputation for energy, ability and communication skills. He directs the youth programme at Annesbrook and coordinates a
youth mentoring initiative in schools and
directs young adult work.
Josiah is also a former ALC student and
his lectures are animated and arise out
of constant experience in his area of
specialty. He is ably supported by his
wife Kristen and his team of interns in
dealing with a challenging group of teenagers often numbering over 200 on a
weekly basis.
Julie Clements is a highly experienced
health professional having had a long
career in Nursing (I.C.U.) and now as a
long-serving professional counsellor contracted within the Annesbrook structure.
Her credentials include the Diploma
Psychotherapeutic Studies (NMIT 2000).
Julie’s lectures ooze empathy and understanding and are a real challenge to
the students.
Nicky Van de Geest is a registered State
School Chaplain. In addition to those qualifications she has undertaken other qualifying papers in her growth as an effective
communicator and empathetic counsellor
particularly with children.
Among her many tasks, Nicky heads the
‘Shine’ programme dedicated to meeting
the needs of “at risk” school girls as young
as intermediate age.
Paul Burton is a tireless servant and
supporter of ALC. Paul is also a lecturer,
fulfilling lecture time every week of the
Academic year. Paul has a BBS (Massey
University), a Diploma in Biblical Studies
(Australian Nazarene Theological College,
Queensland) and a BA.Th (New Covenant
International Bible College, Auckland).
Paul is currently serving as Senior Pastor at
Unite Church in Nelson.
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Advisory group
Our valued partnership with Nelson Marlborough Institute of technology (NMIT) requires us to have an Advisory
representing our ‘industry group’ along with members of NMIT to whom we are accountable and with whom we
are associated. There is a second Advisory Group to be formed as part of the PTE process mentioned earlier.
Again, as above, this Advisory is in the process of being constituted, so cannot be identified as yet.
NMIT personnel include Dale Bennett (Programme Area Leader for Health) and Chris Hubbard (Group Manager).
There is at least one other NMIT person who attends the Advisory Group meetings in an administrative capacity.
Those representing ALC on the Advisory Group are:
David King, General Manager Annesbrook, BCom NMIT 2012 (Current chairperson)
Robin Davis, ALC Dean
Paul Burton, ALC lecturer, Board member, Pastor
Kate Dugdale, former ALC student, B.Th., Post-grad diploma in Theology, part time lecturer BTC and ALC
and PhD student, Otago university
Nicky Van de Geest, Registered State School Chaplain, Internship Placement Manager
Corrine Coombe, former ALC student, Administrator Dementia NZ, extensive administrative experience in
the health and education sectors
Thomas Bate, Student Representative (Diploma)
Dallas Bowden, Student Representative (Certificate)
guest lecturers
ALC is privileged to be assisted by a number of other guest lecturers. Among these are:
Shane Murray (Alive Church of Christ Motueka)
Ralph Bradley (Pastor, Military and industrial chaplain B.Th. M.Th.)
Kate Dugdale (B.Th., Post-grad diploma in Theology, PhD student Otago University)
Rowan Dron (Businessman)
Tony Barnett (Hospice Chaplain)
Richard Drury (MA Theological Studies, Advanced Diploma in Ministerial Training, PGCE Post Graduate
Certificate in Education, BD (2.1) Bachelor of Divinity, Diploma Theological Studies (Distinction))
Kathy King (Diploma in Teaching (Distinction), Advanced Certificate in Therapy Studies and Behavioural
Science, Professional Member of NZCCA, CAIRA: Supervision training-trainee, Over 12 years professional
counseling experience, 10 years experience as a teacher)
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The decision to temporarily give up my
career, pack up and move to Nelson to
complete a Diploma in Christian Ministry
Internship was a bold one but the best
decision I could have made! It was important to me that I knew what I believed and
that God was at the centre of my life.
At ALC I found the right environment to
learn about my faith and focus on my
relationship with God. Not only does the
course present intriguing content within
the subjects of Theology and History but
lecturers are also focused on Spiritual
Growth and transferable Leadership
skills. The leadership skills discussed
in class, and through discussions with
supportive supervisors in the practical
internship, are applicable to both life
inside and outside of Church ministry.
My internship areas were matched to
my particular skill sets but also provided opportunities to extend and
refine my abilities.
In all honesty, I was not sure what
this year would entail but ALC
has been a fun, supportive and
thought provoking environment
that has helped me further
connect with God; the best
decision I could’ve made.
Elise Hubbard
ALC Student Year Two
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The Aims will be Achieved Through:
Course Options
Promoting scholarship through active engagement in reading, research and critical thinking essential for
developing independent judgement and self directed learning
Developing in students an ability to apply their understanding of the ethical, philosophical and spiritual contexts of supporting New Zealand society
Preparing students for progression to more advanced study and a variety of careers
Annesbrook Leadership College is constantly innovating and growing. ALC has developed a partnership with
Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology (NMIT) for the provision of NZQA qualifications.
This relationship has allowed us to provide NZQA qualifications for 34 students in Nelson and Wellington in 2014.
The courses delivered are Certificate in Christian Ministries (Internship) Level 4 and Diploma in Christian Ministry
Internship Level 5. Besides the NZQA courses, there are other options not attracting NZQA credits but often sharing, in a limited way, the same course content.
nzqa Courses
Certificate in
Christian Ministries
The Certificate in Christian Ministries (Internship) is a one year programme seeking to provide students with the
opportunity to build a core set of values through a range of ministry subjects while undertaking practical Internship
experience in a Church or not-for-profit organisation.
It is designed with an emphasis on personal development, practical skills and ethical understanding. The programme will provide a pool of skilled people, staff and volunteers who will become involved in Church and/or
community initiatives, thereby providing support to the community. The programme combines academic study with
practical application for increased understanding and the development of applicable personal skills for employment or entry into further tertiary study.
Aim of the Programme
The aim of the programme is to provide an initial pathway of formal study for working in Christian related ministries
or charitable work either in New Zealand or abroad.
It is intended that the programme lays a foundation for the Level 5 Diploma in Christian Ministry Internship and so
provide the necessary transferrable skills to be a volunteer/career worker in a range of employment environments
and across the spectrum of Christian churches, not-for-profit organisations and initiatives and/or pathway into further related tertiary education.
Leadership Foundations
Personal Spiritual Foundations
Comparative World Views
Biblical Narrative (Theology)
Practical Internship
The Certificate in Christian Ministries (Internship) is a 120 credit qualification NZQF Level 4.
There are no pre-requisites for entry into the Certificate in Christian Ministries (Internship) programme.
Expected Outcomes
On successful completion of the Certificate in Christian Ministries (Internship), graduates will be able to:
Combine academic study with practical application for understanding and development of applicable personal and professional skills
Seek employment in a variety of areas utilising basic skills in Christian ministry and a variety of transferable
skills gained on the programme
Take a number of ‘next steps’ in the pathway to a career in Christian ministry or seek further study in areas such
as Counselling, Social Work or Theology.
Academic Requirements
There are no minimum academic requirements for entry to the Certificate in Christian Ministries (Internship)
English Language Requirements
All applicants must have a standard of English sufficient to be able to study at the level at which they enter the
Those students whose first language is not English will have:
An International English Language Testing System (IELTS) overall Academic score of at least 5.5 (with at least
5 in each band), issued within the last two years; or an equivalent qualification.
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Other Requirements
Applicants must be a minimum of 17 years of age
All applicants need to supply a testimonial by someone in a leadership or mentoring role in their lives, such
as a Church leader or youth leader and a second testimonial written by a person well acquainted with the
applicant and who can, with authority, answer personal questions about them. The testimonials must not be
submitted by a family member.
Applicants will select a person of integrity and wisdom within their lives to act as a mentor to them for the
academic year
Mentors will be approved by ALC
Mentors will receive training from ALC prior to entry into the role of Mentor
Mentors will meet regularly with the student, as required by the mentoring system, and reports will be submitted to ALC after each mentoring session
Reports will acknowledge the meeting but will not divulge any confidences which may have been shared
Mentors will not be of the opposite gender to the applicants
Applicants must submit to a pre-enrollment interview. The purpose of the interview is:
- For the applicant to find out more about the programme and their suitability for it.
- For the ALC Programme Coordinator or delegates to determine whether the applicant meets the programme entry requirements and their study plans are suitable.
- To aid in developing rapport, establishing background and provide information regarding the programme structure, teaching methods and assessment procedures.
Applicants will complete a signed consent form to allow for a Ministry of Justice Criminal Conviction check.
Due to the nature of the Christian Ministry Internship programme, it is considered necessary to establish a student’s record of criminal convictions, if any. Possession of a criminal record is not automatic grounds for declining enrolment. Consideration is given to currency, nature, severity of conviction(s) and associated factors.
The NMIT Programme Area Leader for Health, in consultation with the ALC Programme Coordinator, may
decline an application for enrolment on the grounds of criminal conviction(s). Students who wish to appeal
this decision may apply in writing to the Academic Committee. All records obtained will be kept as private
and confidential. Where a student has a history of criminal conviction(s) or incurs a conviction while enrolled,
this record will be made available to internship placement, with student consultation, to ensure informed
agreement to student placement.
Once enrolled, students are required to inform the ALC Dean/Programme Coordinator of any criminal charges
that may be laid during the year.
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Summarised Entry Requirements for Certificate in
Christian Ministries (Internship)
No minimum academic requirements
IELTS 5.5 for applicants with English as a 2nd language
Mentor selected and approved
Interview - applicants need to have the ability to achieve the qualification
Signed Criminal Convictions check form
Course Summary
1. Leadership Foundations: Leadership Development involves developing a variety of essential leadership
skills and attitudes, including communication skills.
a. Leadership development includes such essentials as ethics, time management, personal integrity, goal
setting and others.
b. Communication includes developing skills in both written and oral communications and includes practical
2. Personal Spiritual Foundations: This course investigates the disciplines that are adopted in the process of
developing a personal relationship with God. These disciplines include meditation, prayer, study, simplicity,
solitude and others. There is also a strong initial emphasis on the discovery of personal Spiritual gifts.
3. Comparative World Views: This course is a journey of discovery of varying world views, their development
in the contemporary age, the tensions they may create and concluding how a Biblical world view will direct
the choices and direction of Christians. There is a Church History (first 500 years) component in this course.
4. Biblical Narrative (Theology): This course is a summary of the Biblical Story recognising it as God’s story of
creation, fall, redemption and restoration. The course in general regards the Biblical narrative passages to
follow the direction of the metanarrative and identifies other narratives contributing to that.
5. Practical Internship: This part of the course comprises the major part and requires a commitment of 25 hours
per week. This practical element involves a placement determined, in part, by the results of the initial interview. Wherever possible, our Internship Manager (ALCIM) will arrange the Internship Placement to suit the
interests and already present skills of the student.
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diploma in
Christian Ministries
Academic Requirements
Applicants under 20 years of age:
A minimum of 42 credits at Level 3 or higher on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework including a
minimum of 14 credits at Level 3 or higher in each of two subjects from an approved subject list with a further 14 credits at level 3 or higher taken from no more than two additional domains on the New Zealand
Qualifications Framework or approved subjects
The Diploma in Christian Ministry Internship is a one year programme designed to build on the Certificate in
Christian Ministries (Internship) and seeks to provide students with the opportunity to study and apply a core of
ministry subjects while undertaking practical work experience in a Church or not-for-profit organisation.
It is designed with an emphasis on leadership development, practical skills and ethical understanding. The programme will provide a pool of skilled people, staff and volunteers, who will predominantly become involved
in Church and/or community initiatives, thereby providing support and leadership to the community. The
programme combines academic study with practical application for increased understanding and the development of applicable personal and professional skills for employment or entry into further tertiary study.
Aim of the Programme
The aim of the programme is to provide a pathway of formal study for working in Christian related ministries or
charitable work either in New Zealand or abroad. It is intended that the programme compliments the Certificate
in Christian Ministries (Internship) programme by providing greater depth of understanding and leadership skills,
flowing together to provide the necessary skills to be a professional or volunteer worker and take more of a leadership role in a range of employment areas and across the spectrum of Christian churches, not-for-profit organisations and initiatives and/or to pathway into further related tertiary education.
The Aims will be Achieved Through:
Promoting scholarship through active engagement in reading, research and critical thinking essential for
developing independent judgement and self directed learning
Developing in students an ability to apply their understanding of the ethical, philosophical and spiritual contexts of supporting New Zealand society
Preparing students for progression to more advanced study and a variety of careers
A minimum of 14 credits at Level 1 or higher in Mathematics or Pangarau on the New Zealand Qualifications
A minimum of eight (8) credits at Level 2 or higher in English or Te Reo Māori; four (4) credits must be in
Reading and four (4) credits must be in Writing. The literacy credits will be selected from a schedule of
approved achievement standards and unit standards
Successful completion of the Certificate in Christian Ministries (Internship) or equivalent qualification (New
Zealand or overseas) recognised by NZQA
Expected Outcomes
On successful completion of the Diploma in Christian Ministry Internship graduates will be able to:
Combine academic study with practical application for understanding and development of applicable professional and leadership skills
Seek employment in a variety of areas utilising skills in Christian ministry, leadership and a variety of transferable skills gained on the programme
Take a number of ‘next steps’ in the pathway to a career in a variety of areas such as Counselling, Social Work
or Theology
English Language Requirements
Leadership Development
All applicants must have a standard of English sufficient to be able to study at the level at which they enter the
programme. Those students whose first language is not English will have:
Discipleship Studies
Introduction to Textual Interpretation
Introduction to Theology
Ministry Internship Practical
The Diploma in Christian Ministry Internship is a 120 credit qualification NZQF Level 5.
An International English Language Testing System (IELTS) overall Academic score of at least 5.5 (with at least
5 in each band), issued within the last two years; or an equivalent qualification
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Other Requirements
Applicants must be a minimum of 18 years of age
All applicants need to supply a testimonial by someone in a leadership or mentoring role in their lives, such
as a Church leader or youth leader and a second testimonial written by a person well acquainted with the
applicant and who can, with authority, answer personal questions about them. The testimonials must not be
submitted by a family member.
Applicants will select a person of integrity and wisdom within their lives to act as a mentor to them for the
academic year
Mentors will be approved by ALC
Mentors will receive training from ALC prior to entry into the role of Mentor
Mentors will meet regularly with the student, as required by the mentoring system, and reports will be submitted to ALC after each mentoring session
Reports will acknowledge the meeting but will not divulge any confidences which may have been shared
Mentors will not be of the opposite gender to the applicants
Applicants must submit to a pre-enrollment interview. The purpose of the interview is:
- For the applicant to find out more about the programme and their suitability for it.
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Summarised Entry Requirements for Diploma in
Christian Ministries
Academic Requirements as stated on page 15
IELTS 5.5 for applicants with English as a 2nd language
Mentor selected and approved
Interview - applicants need to have the ability to achieve the qualification
Signed Criminal Convictions check form
The Christian Ministry Internship Courses are awarded by NMIT in conjunction with ALC. The qualifications will be
dual badged with both NMIT and ALC logos.
Course Summary
1. Leadership Development: This course develops leadership skills, ethics and attitudes at a more demanding
level than the Certificate course. The course has similar topics to the Certificate (L4) course but at a higher
level of understanding.
a. Leadership includes staff management, labour law, integrity, credibility
b. Communication raises skill levels with more practical elements and special forms relating to specialist groups such as the mentally ill, bereaved, geriatric and those in palliative care
- For the ALC Programme Coordinator or delegates to determine whether the applicant meets the programme entry requirements and their study plans are suitable.
2. Discipleship Studies: The course investigates further those disciplines taught in the Certificate level but with
deeper insights and applications
- To aid in developing rapport, establishing background and provide information regarding the pro
gramme structure, teaching methods and assessment procedures.
3. Introduction to Textual Interpretation: This course investigates the principles of literary exegesis and hermeneutics to acquaint the student with the tools to further their Biblical study skills and understanding.
Applicants will complete a signed consent form to allow for a Ministry of Justice Criminal Conviction
check. Due to the nature of the Christian Ministry Internship programme, it is considered necessary to
establish a student’s record of criminal convictions, if any. Possession of a criminal record is not automatic
grounds for declining enrolment. Consideration is given to currency, nature, severity of conviction(s) and
associated factors.
4. Introduction to Theology: This course is a voyage of discovery through the essential theology of the Bible and
its application to us today focusing primarily on the Theology developed in the NT letter to the Roman Church.
It investigates the place of a theological understanding in the experience of the contemporary Christian and
the purpose of theology in a contemporary worldview. There is also a component investigating how movements of a theological nature in history have impacted current Christian expression and world views.
The NMIT Programme Area Leader for Health, in consultation with the ALC Programme Coordinator, may
decline an application for enrolment on the grounds of criminal conviction(s). Students who wish to appeal
this decision may apply in writing to the Academic Committee. All records obtained will be kept as private
and confidential. Where a student has a history of criminal conviction(s) or incurs a conviction while enrolled
this record will be made available to internship placement, with student consultation, to ensure informed
agreement to student placement.
5. Practical Internship: The practical element of the Diploma comprises 22.5 hours a week and, as with the
Certificate, is a placement in a practical situation commensurate with the abilities and strengths learned about
the student regarding interests and already present skills in the initial interview.
Once enrolled, students are required to inform the ALC Dean/Programme Coordinator of any criminal charges
that may be laid during the year.
NZQA courses are able to be funded through a Study Link application for student loans and allowances.
Documents required for the NZQA courses
• NMIT Application Forms
• Pastoral Reference Form
• Personal Reference Form
• Criminal Conviction and MoJ Forms
These forms are able to be accessed through links on the ALC Website (
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NMIT Enrolment
NZQA Course Fees
Kia Ora! Welcome to the Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology (NMIT)
Application/Enrolment Form
This application/enrolment form is for all enrolments except where the re-enrolment and short course forms apply. Information supplied on this form is required to complete an enrolment at NMIT
and for Ministry of Education statistics. Please note that your name, date of birth and residency as entered on this enrolment will be included in the National Student Index, and will be used in an
Authorised Information Matching programme with the New Zealand Birth Register. For further information please see
Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology reserves the right to cancel this programme subject to numbers, with a full or partial refund ( as may be appropriate ) of any fees paid for this programme.
The requested programme may be subject to further entry criteria which does not necessarily guarantee a programme place.
To enrol with ALC and NMIT is a simple procedure. Please note the requirements for NMIT on the final page of
the application form.
NMIT Forms Required for Enrolment:
First Names
Preferred Name
Date of Birth Day
Previous Name
(If different)
Home addressproof of NZ Citizenship or permanent
Term address residency (verified by a Justice of the Peace, NZ Police Officer,
(Results will be sent
(If different from
to your home
home address)
Kaumatua or Notary Public – see
final page of the application form)
otherwise advised)
Signed Convictions Declaration
Phone Number Day
Phone Number
It is important to include the information
below regarding the programme selection.
National Student
Ora! Welcome to the Nelson Marlborough
Institute of Technology (NMIT)
NMIT Student ID
Identity (NSI) or NZQA No.
NMIT runs multiple programmes
so the examples below
Formare vital to a correctly completed application.
This application/enrolment form is for all enrolments except where the re-enrolment and short course forms apply. Information supplied on this form is required to complete an enrolment at NMIT
for Ministry
Please noteapplying
that your name,
date of
and residency as entered on this enrolment will be included in the National Student Index, and will be used in an
If you
have aofstudent
or anticipate
for one
with the New Zealand Birth Register. For further information
please see
please fillInformation
in your Inland
I RD Number
Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology reserves the right to cancel this programme subject to numbers, with a full or partial refund ( as may be appropriate ) of any fees paid for this programme.
The requested programme may be subject to further entry criteria which does not necessarily guarantee a programme place.
Application for the Level 4 (first year) Certificate in Christian Ministries (Internship) will look like this in the
This information
will be forwarded to the Ministry of Education, who will then provide it, along with your full-time or part-time study status to the
Inland Revenue Department. They will use this information to assess your eligibility and action your student loan interest write-off.
Names Name
Certificate in Christian Ministries (Internship)Gender
Start DateName
February 4, 2015
Date of Birth Day
Please ONLY
complete this section if you know which courses you are taking for your programme.
you have been forwarded a selection sheet please complete and attach it to this form.)
e.g. COM 140
Communications Foundations
Personal Spiritual Foundations
Comparative WorldPostcode
Biblical Narrative (Theology)
Practical Internship
(Results will be sent
to your home
address, unless
otherwise advised)
Phone Number
Term address
(If different from
home address)
Phone Number Day
National Student
Identity (NSI) or NZQA No.
This qualification is delivered in collaboration
NMIT Student ID
with Annesbrook Leadership College
ph: 03 547 7371 Email:
If you have a student loan or anticipate applying for one this year,
5 (second year)
please fill in your
I RD NumberDiploma in Christian Ministry Internship will look like this in the
This information
will be forwarded to the Ministry of Education, who will then provide it, along with your full-time or part-time study status to the
Inland Revenue Department. They will use this information to assess your eligibility and action your student loan interest write-off.
Programme Name
Diploma in Christian Ministries Internship
Start Date
February 4, 2015
Please ONLY complete this section if you know which courses you are taking for your programme.
(If you have been forwarded a selection sheet please complete and attach it to this form.)
e.g. COM 140
Communications Development
Discipleship Studies
Intro to Textual Interpretation
Introduction to Theology
Practical Internship
NB: Please ensure the accuracy of the information provided. Please ensure everything required is forwarded to
the ALC address in hard copy originals. Do NOT enroll online at either the ALC website or NMIT website.
This qualification is delivered in collaboration
with Annesbrook Leadership College
ph: 03 547 7371 Email:
Fees are set currently at $4,499.00. This figure may be subject to change. We encourage students to indicate
interest to before actually applying. In this manner we are able to inform you immediately
of any change in fees or any other pertinent information prior to enrolment.
NZQA students are eligible for assistance via Studylink with student loans and allowances. Students will contact
Studylink directly for both information and funds applications.
Postal Address for all Documents:
Annesbrook Leadership College
PO Box 2184
ALC 2015 | 20
Discipleship Courses
ALC 2015 | 21
Discipleship Course Options
For those who cannot find the time to complete either the NZQA or Advanced Discipleship Certificate and Diploma
courses, we are happy to announce there are two other options:
Discipleship Course
Choose a leadership course and a Bible course (See Campus Schedule)
ALC wants to offer courses to as many as are able to benefit from them and we have three separate options available. All three options take advantage of exactly the same curriculum as the above NZQA courses but with varying
degrees of limitation. We call them Discipleship and Advanced Discipleship courses.
You can choose the courses being conducted on the same day or separate days
You can choose from Certificate or Diploma courses or a mix of both
Remember the course content, aims, descriptions and course summaries should be referred to for an understanding
of what the Discipleship courses include.
The Discipleship course is a one year commitment
There will be one simple assignment per course due at year’s end
You will be regarded as a student of ALC with all the privileges and responsibilities that status indicates
You will not be required to complete any Internship hours, although you may do so voluntarily by making either the
Dean or the ALCIM aware of your desire
Your total hours for the year will be 64 (in a normal course of 32 weeks)
A certificate will be awarded
You will be required to submit a Pastoral reference (form available on line or on request)
ALC Advanced Discipleship (Year One) or
(Year Two) Courses
These courses are conducted in the same format as the NZQA courses but with fewer hours
They are comprised of class time (six hours) on Mondays only and eight (8) hours a week in Internship placements
They carry no NZQA credits and they do not attract Studylink loans or allowances
Advanced Discipleship (Year One) is a Certificate in Church Leadership and Ministry
Advanced Discipleship (Year Two) is a Diploma in Church Leadership and Ministry
For details on course content refer to the section covering NZQA courses (Monday subjects only)
Advanced Discipleship Certificate and
Diploma Fees
Certificate in Church Leadership and Ministry: $2288
Diploma in Church Leadership and Ministry: $2288
Fees for the ALC Discipleship courses are required to be paid in advance and may be paid directly to Annesbrook
at Reception. Fees include GST.
If for any reason the fees cannot be paid in full in advance but there is a desire to complete the course, please
contact us at to discuss your issues. Regardless, ALC will not accept payments by monthly
direct credit. Fees may be paid by EFTPOS, Credit Card, or direct credit. A bank account number and other payment details are supplied on the Application Form.
Forms Required for Advanced Discipleship
Certificate and Diploma Courses:
ALC Application (either Certificate or Diploma)
Pastoral Reference
Personal Reference
Mentoring Forms
Convictions Declaration and MoJ Documents
These forms can be accessed through links on the ALC website (
Email to register your interest
Audit Courses
Select a course subject from the Campus Schedule (details of courses earlier in this prospectus)
Your commitment will be on a term by term basis
You will not be required to complete assignments or internship hours and no certificate will be awarded
You will be regarded as a student of ALC with all the privileges and responsibilities that status indicates
No references or other documentation is required
Email to register your interest
Costs for Discipleship and Audit Courses
Discipleship Course: $850 (Paid in advance)
Audit Courses: $100 per term (Paid in advance)
If it is difficult for you to pay in advance please talk to us. We may be able to come to a better arrangement for you.
Weekly or monthly part payments will not be acceptable however.
ALC 2015 | 22
ALC 2015 | 23
It’s easy to think that
what you do defines who
you are. However, I’ve
come to learn that it’s not
the things you do that
define you. It’s what
you take in that adds to
the foundation of who
you are.
I think this quote would sum up the past year at ALC quite
accurately: “The more you know, the more you know you
don’t know”.
I’m Thomas and this is my second year doing ALC. I’ve grown
up in a Christian background. It was easy to think that I knew it
all or at least enough to be a great Christian.
ALC has turned that way of thinking COMPLETELY around.
I like to look at it like this; the things we do in life are the
building blocks people see. E.g. leading at a youth group or
in a Church ministry would be a building block. Being in a
relationship or married would be another block. In the worship team or playing music another block. A high social status
- block. Have a great job/career – block etc.
It’s easy to think that what you do defines who you are.
However, I’ve come to learn that it’s not the things you do that
define you. It’s what you take in that adds to the foundation of
who you are.
ALC for me has not been about the building blocks that people
see but about building the foundation that holds them up. It’s
the foundation that defines who you are and how you react
when things fall apart. You can fake how you act but you can’t
fake how you react. When a relationship gets messy or someone close dies or life is not going the way you wanted it to or
even when you’re just having a bad day, it’s the foundation that
will hold you up. Building a firm healthy Christian foundation
in my life is possibly the greatest investment I have ever made.
When I tell people I go to a bible college, the response I get
is often, “oh cool so do you, like, want to be a priest then?”
I always get a shocked look when I tell them, “no I want to
be a cop”.
I emphasise the ‘leadership’ part of this course because it’s
exactly that; leadership training in a Christian setting with God
morals. Everyone needs leadership training because everyone
leads in some way or another.
So it doesn’t matter what path I take in life, be it a police
officer or skydive instructor, youth pastor or chef. Annesbrook
Leadership College has been ‘foundation building’ for my
entire life.
Thomas Bate
ALC Student Year Two
ALC 2015 | 24
ALC 2015 | 25
Campus Schedule
NZQA and Discipleship
Certificate and Diploma Courses
NZQA and Advanced
Discipleship Certificate
NZQA and Advanced
Discipleship Diploma
Leadership Foundations
Leadership Foundations
Biblical Narrative
(Theology) OT
11:10-12 noon
11:10-12 noon
Intro to Textual Interpretation
Comparative World Views
Intro to Theology
Personal Spiritual Foundations
Discipleship Studies
Clean Up
Clean Up
2015 calendar
Semester One
Orientation Retreat
February 4 & 5
Term One Dates
February 4 - April 2
Term Two Dates
April 20 - July 3
Semester Two
Term Three Dates
July 20 - September 25
Term Four Dates
October 12 - December 8
Assignment Dates
Advised in Student Manuals
Advised in Student Manuals
Ministry / Internship Reports
Final week of each term
Final week of each term
Ministry / Internship Final Report
November 24
Mentor Final Report
November 27
Application Dates (all students)
January 16, 2015 for full year
December 18, 2015 for 2016 year
Sunday December 13, 2015
NZQA Students
NZQA Students
Please Note:
ALC has operated in 2014 in both Nelson and Upper Hutt serving Churches there. The course is residential in
Nelson but Block Courses are provided each month in the regional locations. Full Internship Management continues to be overseen from Nelson but with local Placement Managers for the regional operations.
Intro to Theology / Romans
Leadership Development NT
11:10-12 noon
Self Directed Learning
12:00 noon
Clean Up
Biblical Narrative
(Theology) OT
Comparative World View /
Church History
11:10-12 noon
Self Directed Learning
12:00 noon
Clean Up
Some detail for 2015 has yet to be determined but ALC is absolutely committed to continuing with both regional
and residential schools.
ALC 2015 | 26
key personnel
Principals Pastors Brent and Viv Liebezeit
ALC Deans Robin & Cheryll Davis
Leadership College
ALC Programme Coordinator Robin Davis
ALC Intern Manager (ALCIM) Carla Pollock
Assistant Dean Simon Terrill
NMIT Director Chris Hubbard
NMIT Programme Manager Dale Bennett
Contact Us
40 Saxton Road, Stoke, Nelson 7011
Po Box 2184, Stoke, Nelson 7041
+64 (0)3 547 7371 or +64 (0)274 493 297
Leadership College
40 Saxton Road, Stoke, Nelson | +64 (0)3 547 7371 |